Essex County Museum and Historical Society Bulletin Volume 65 Special Edition July 2018 THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION IN ESSEX COUNTY 1765-1774 The Stamp Act • The Ritchie Affair • The Leedstown Resolutions Growing British & Colonial Tensions: Parliamentary Provocations & Colonial Responses, Including Essex County’s July 9, 1774 Resolutions Before Virginia’s 1774 Revolutionary Convention by Wright H Andrews, Jr Essex County Museum and Historical Society 218 Water Lane, Tappahannock, Virginia 22560 804 443-4690 $500 THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION IN ESSEX COUNTY: 1765-1774 The Stamp Act • The Ritchie Affair • • The Leedstown Resolutions • Growing British & Colonial Tensions: Parliamentary Provocations & Colonial Responses, Including Essex County’s July 9, 1774 Resolutions Before Virginia’s 1774 Revolutionary Convention by Wright H. Andrews, Jr. The Road to Revolution in Essex County series highlights how our county forefathers were actively engaged in Virginia’s patriotic mainstream as the colonies moved forward on the lengthy, winding road to political revolution, war and ultimately independence and adoption of our U.S. Constitution. The Bulletin is published by the Essex County Museum and Historical Society, 218 Water Lane, PO Box 404, Tappahannock, Virginia 22560. Layout & design by Suzi Maggard, Publications
[email protected] The Essex History Museum is located at 218 Water Lane. Please visit for more information and upcoming events. Essex County Museum and Historical Society Bulletin VOLUME 64 TAPPAHANNOCK, VIRGINIA AUGUST 2017 THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION IN ESSEX COUNTY: Essex History Museum Bulletin, Vol 65 Special Edition July 2018 1765 -1766 InThe 1763, Stampthe Seven Act,Years War,the whichLeedstown involved most Resolutions of the major and the Ritchie Affair European powers, ended with the Treaty of Paris.