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I V C R A U OF OR FOSSILS? L S Here is what you need to know about collecting in Namibia

Famous for its exceptional variety in precious and semi-precious stones, Namibia hosts such world-renowned localities as Spitzkoppe,

Erongo and Brandberg, amongst others, which Azurite (left) and malachite are being visited by many professional and hobby (below) from Tsumeb Mine collectors each year. But while we are proud to share this heritage with those who appreciate it, there are certain rules and regulations to be fol-

Vanadinite, Otavi Mountains lowed, when exporting minerals.

Elbaite (, right), Dioptase, Otjua Mine, near Karibib Omaue Mine, Kaokoland

Smithsonite, Tsumeb

Fluorite, Okorusu Mine Claims for semi-precious stones Jeremejevite are reserved for Namibian nationals, many of whom make a living by dig- ging for , amongst which Beryl, var. Aquamarine tourmaline, topaz, aquamarine, gar- from the Erongo Mountains net and amethyst are the most com- mon, and selling them in roadside stalls. Collectors’ specimens are also Fluorite sold by a number of formal stores in Windhoek and Swakopmund.

Monazite, Eureka Carbonatite Private mineral collectors and researchers need a permit from the Mandarine garnet, Kaokoveld Ministry of Mines and Energy for all material collected or purchased,

while the export of mineral speci- Andradite, var. Demantoid, Erongo mens for commercial purposes in crystal with tourmaline needles, Gamsberg (above) addition requires a permit from the Amethyst, Brandberg Ministry of Trade and Industry (it is “rose”, advisable to allow two working Namib Desert days for the issuing of the permit). The collecting and export of any fos- sils, including fossilized wood, and meteorites is prohibited by law and regarded as theft. Fe-oxide stained quartz, Orange River For more information contact: Backbone of Ministry of Mines and Energy Mesosaurus tenuidens The Mining Commissioner 1 Aviation Road , Windhoek Polished meteorite from the Gibeon Meteorite Swarm (opposite Safari Hotel) Opening hours:

Petrified wood Monday to Friday 800h - 1300h and 1400h - 1700 h Tel. (061) 284-8111