85 bus time schedule & line map

85 - Fontwell - Chichester View In Website Mode

The 85 bus line (Arundel - Fontwell - Chichester) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Arundel: 9:05 AM - 2:42 PM (2) Chichester: 6:55 AM - 3:55 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 85 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 85 bus arriving.

Direction: Arundel 85 bus Time Schedule 39 stops Arundel Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:05 AM - 2:42 PM Bishop Luffa School, Chichester Westgate, Chichester Tuesday 9:05 AM - 2:42 PM

Sherborne Road, Chichester Wednesday 9:05 AM - 2:42 PM

Parklands Road, Chichester Thursday 9:05 AM - 2:42 PM Westgate, Chichester Friday 9:05 AM - 2:42 PM

Cathedral, Chichester Saturday Not Operational 31-32 Chapel Street, Chichester

South Street, Chichester 50 South Street, Chichester 85 bus Info Market Avenue, Chichester Direction: Arundel Stops: 39 Market, Chichester Trip Duration: 51 min Eastgate Square, Chichester Line Summary: Bishop Luffa School, Chichester, Sherborne Road, Chichester, Parklands Road, Litten Terrace, Chichester Chichester, Cathedral, Chichester, South Street, New Park Road, Chichester Chichester, Market Avenue, Chichester, Market, Chichester, Litten Terrace, Chichester, St Richard's St Richard's Hospital Entrance, Chichester Hospital Entrance, Chichester, Harvester Close, Chichester, Westhampnett Road, Chichester, Harvester Close, Chichester Sainsbury'S, Chichester, Test Centre, Shopwyke, Harvester Close, Chichester Shopwyke Hall, Shopwyke, Wscc Depot, Drayton, St Andrew's Close, Oving, Crossroads, , Westhampnett Road, Chichester The Island, Nyton, Barnett Close, Westergate, Collins Close, , Level Mare Lane, Fontwell, Sainsbury'S, Chichester Fontwell Roundabout, Fontwell, Fontwell Village, Sainsbury's Chichester Cycle Path, Chichester Fontwell, Barneld Cottages, Fontwell, The Green, , Tye Lane, Walberton, The Holly Tree, Test Centre, Shopwyke Walberton, Post Oce, Walberton, The Street, Walberton, Manser Road, Walberton, Oak Cottage, Shopwyke Hall, Shopwyke Walberton, Havenwood Park, Binsted, Jarvis Road, Arundel, Pearson Road, Arundel, Selden House, Wscc Depot, Drayton Arundel, Baptist Church, Arundel, Maltravers Street, Arundel, Norfolk Arms, Arundel, Riverbank, Arundel St Andrew's Close, Oving Crossroads, Aldingbourne

The Island, Nyton

Barnett Close, Westergate Barnett Close, Aldingbourne Civil Parish

Collins Close, Eastergate Fontwell Avenue, Aldingbourne Civil Parish

Level Mare Lane, Fontwell

Fontwell Roundabout, Fontwell

Fontwell Village, Fontwell Fontwell Close, Walberton Civil Parish

Barneld Cottages, Fontwell

The Green, Walberton

Tye Lane, Walberton The Street, Walberton Civil Parish

The Holly Tree, Walberton

Post Oce, Walberton Maple Road, Walberton Civil Parish

The Street, Walberton

Manser Road, Walberton Manser Road, Walberton Civil Parish

Oak Cottage, Walberton

Havenwood Park, Binsted

Jarvis Road, Arundel

Pearson Road, Arundel

Selden House, Arundel

Baptist Church, Arundel A27, Arundel Civil Parish

Maltravers Street, Arundel Maltravers Street, Arundel Civil Parish

Norfolk Arms, Arundel High Street, Arundel Civil Parish

Riverbank, Arundel Direction: Chichester 85 bus Time Schedule 31 stops Chichester Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:55 AM - 3:55 PM Riverbank, Arundel Tuesday 6:55 AM - 3:55 PM Maltravers Street, Arundel Maltravers Street, Arundel Civil Parish Wednesday 6:55 AM - 3:55 PM

Pearson Road, Arundel Thursday 6:55 AM - 3:55 PM Friday 6:55 AM - 3:55 PM Jarvis Road, Arundel Jarvis Road, Arundel Civil Parish Saturday Not Operational

Havenwood Park, Binsted

Oak Cottage, Walberton Lane, Walberton Civil Parish 85 bus Info Direction: Chichester Manser Road, Walberton Stops: 31 Trip Duration: 43 min The Street, Walberton Line Summary: Riverbank, Arundel, Maltravers Street, Arundel, Pearson Road, Arundel, Jarvis Road, Old Vicarage, Walberton Arundel, Havenwood Park, Binsted, Oak Cottage, Walberton, Manser Road, Walberton, The Street, The Holly Tree, Walberton Walberton, Old Vicarage, Walberton, The Holly Tree, Walberton, Dairy Lane, Walberton, The Green, The William Booker Yard, Walberton Civil Parish Walberton, Barneld Cottages, Fontwell, Fontwell Dairy Lane, Walberton Village, Fontwell, Level Mare Lane, Fontwell, Collins Close, Eastergate, School, Westergate, The Island, The Street, Walberton Civil Parish Nyton, Crossroads, Aldingbourne, St Andrew's Close, The Green, Walberton Oving, Wscc Depot, Drayton, Shopwyke Hall, Shopwyke, Test Centre, Shopwyke, Sainsbury'S, Burch Grove, Walberton Civil Parish Chichester, Westhampnett Road, Chichester, St Barneld Cottages, Fontwell Richards Hospital Entrance, Chichester, Orchard Avenue, Chichester, Cathedral, Chichester, South Fontwell Village, Fontwell Street, Chichester, Market Avenue, Chichester, Market, Chichester Level Mare Lane, Fontwell

Collins Close, Eastergate Fontwell Avenue, Aldingbourne Civil Parish

School, Westergate Lime Avenue, Aldingbourne Civil Parish

The Island, Nyton Tudor Drive, Aldingbourne Civil Parish

Crossroads, Aldingbourne

St Andrew's Close, Oving

Wscc Depot, Drayton

Shopwyke Hall, Shopwyke Test Centre, Shopwyke

Sainsbury'S, Chichester Sainsbury's Chichester Cycle Path, Chichester Civil Parish

Westhampnett Road, Chichester

St Richards Hospital Entrance, Chichester

Orchard Avenue, Chichester North Walls, Chichester

Cathedral, Chichester 31-32 Chapel Street, Chichester

South Street, Chichester 50 South Street, Chichester

Market Avenue, Chichester

Market, Chichester Eastgate Square, Chichester 85 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved