And Are to Be Sold at the Mitre Within Temple-Bar, M. DC. LXXDC

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And Are to Be Sold at the Mitre Within Temple-Bar, M. DC. LXXDC P RORQGUED to the 26‘th of January, 1 6 7 9. [Note, That thofe that have this Mark * after them> were not Members of the lafl Parliament^ Borough of Borowh o/'TBtbttfS?. The LOR D S. William LoYd Pagett. 2 hiltgtOlt. Borough of CcckermowrJ). Borough of Lempftet. Borough of Cfflacftnckdjicc i’/rjohn Stonehoufe Bar. • BotfSampton p* alias S^eBona. Sz‘r John Hdtham Bar. Charles Lord North-Grey of Sir Richard Grahme Bar. John Dutton Colt EG; John Pax-Iihurft Efy; Sir Edward Boughton Bar.. TAMES ■•Duke of York and Sir Robert Dillington Bar. Michael Warton Ejq} Rollefton. Orelando Gee Ejq-, . Thomas Coningesby Efq-, * Miles Fleetwood Efq-, * Robert Burdett Efq-, 4| Albany. 'Bucks i Borough of GSXlbltV* John Leigh Ejq-, * James Lord Chandos. city of Peterborough* cm- of Eobnury. B0,0 Ugh of J(90?tb*3P[lOtB8* Thomas Wharton Efq-, * Derby 4* Borough of gtOCkbfl'BgC. , Rupert Duke o/Cumberland. Robert Lord Hunfdon. William Lord Cavendifh John Birch Efq- Francis St. John Efq-, Richard Hopkins EG; Sir.Gilber t Gerard Bar. John Hampden Efq-, Oliver St.John £^; 7 by one In- James Lord Norreys. John Booth Efq-, * Charles Orme Efq-, * John Stratford£/y; * Sir Henry Calverly Kt. Town of TBnc&tngljattt. William Sacheverell Ejq-, Will Strode Efq-, 3 denture. Keneage FinchS^row of Davon- Chriftopher Lord Tenham. Town if SDert)#. Town of Pojt&ampfoit. ^Borough of SilacBJtck* Sir Richard Temple Kt. of the ipmfojtifljfre 6, Oliver St.JohnEjf; ? by another Borough of Pontefract. -try L. Chancellor of England. Fulke Lord Grevill. Anchitel Gray Efq-, Ralph Montague Ejq-, Thomas Lncy.Efq-, Bath and Bar. * Sir Jonathan Keat Bar. * Hen. WhiteheadEf Indenture. Sir Jdhn Dawney Kt. Arth ur Eqrf of Angldey Lord Edward Lord Mountague of George Vernon Ejq-, Sir William Langham Kt. * 3 Richard Booth ,E/^;* Edward Lord Latimer Sir Charles Csefar /ff. Borough of IBOUJtOlOn. Sir Patience Ward Kt. Privy-SeaT Boughtnn. Borough of Chipping (DHtccomh. Borough of St. SlbattO. Town of Brack!ey. DebonUjtce 264 Richai’d Wenman Efq * Sir John Holmes Kt. Ford Lord Grey of Wark. SzVJohn Borlale Bar. Sir Wrlliam Courtenay Bar. Thomas Pope Blount Efq-, iraieffmajlana 4- Henry Duke of Nor £aXk. Sir William Eger ton Kt.of the Lemuel Kingdon Efq-, Alan Bellingham , George Duke of Buckingham. John Lord Lovelace. Thomas Lewes Ejq-, Samuel Rolle Ejq-, Samuel GvimfkonEfq-* Borough of Eh? HI E&UtCb? Borough of gpltoburp. Borough- of Bath * Chriftopher Phillipfbn Efq-, * Chriftopher Duke of Albemarl. John Lord Paulet. City of Cpeter. Sir Thomas Clarges Kt. borough of ^pll b»?» Sir Thomas Lee Bar. Sir Thomas Bide Iff. Borough of $tgbam jfmergr. B A R O NS James Duke of Monmouth. William Lord Maynard. William Clyde Efq-, George Fulford Ejq-,* Anthony Low ther Ejq-, Sir Richard Jngoldesby Kt. of Sz> William Cooper Bar. * <Sz> Rice Rudd Bar. Henry Duke of Newcaftle. George Lord Coventry. Malachy Pine Efq-, Borough of ©Bbttctjutch. Richard Tufton Ejq-, Of the William L. Howard of Efcrick. the Bath. Borough 0/IECtttfcSfi Ji^tfjumberlanti 8* Henry Wallop E/y; ggmonaefljam. Sir Edward Seymour Bitr. ©untmgtonnjtre 4. Sir John Fenwick Bar. CINCLUE PORTS, Charles LordMarquefs of Win- Henry L-. Herbert 0/Cherbury. Sir Thomas Proby Bar. * Richard AyliffeEJ^; Sz> Roger Hill Kt. ?byoneIn- Edward Seymour EG; Sir Ralph Delavall Bar. Borough ej LtmmmgtOB. OLTtltflNce 34- , chefter. Thomas Lord Leigh. Silus Titus Efq-, sir Walter St. John Bzzr.* (16.) Algera.Sidney Efq-, y denture. Bonwgfc 0/pipnipulb. Town of j!3eaj*caHie upon CittS* John Button £/^; Chriftopher Lord Hatton. Borough Of DunttngtOlT. Henry Lord Marquefs of Wor- Sir Roger Hill Kt. 7 by another SzVJohn Maynard Kt. Hjs Maje- Sir William Blackett Bar. Thomas Thynne Ejq-, Richard Lord Byron. Sidney Wortley, alias Mon- John Burrard Ejq-, cefter. Sir Will.Dx-akeKt. $ Indenture. fty’s Serjeant at Law. Sir Ralph Carr Kt. * Town of anDober- d city of J5eiu Saturn. Ton of ©afttrtg^f. Richard Lord Vaughan. tague Ejq-,. Sir Thomas Mompeflon Kt. Henry Lord Marquefs of Dor- Borough of (DHtnOOPCt, John Spark Ejq-, Borough of SporpCtb* Sir Robert Henley if?. * Sir Robert Parker B^r. chefter. Francis Lord Carrington. Lionel Walden Efq-* Alexander Thiftlethwaite Ejq} Richard Hampden Efq-, Town of SD&ebampton. Sir George Downing Kt. £>ar. Francis Powlett EG; John Aflxburnham Efq-y William Lord Widdrington. Sir Arthur Hands Bar. Borough of fflitlton. Edward Backwel Efq-, Daniel Collingwood Ejq-, * Thomas Herbert Ejq} Robert Earl of Lindfey Lord Edward Lord Ward. Borough of Great Jofias CalmadyE/^; iftent 10. Town of Be rrot'ck «?<>«. 'COJECB. ^taffo^Mjtre 10, Town of Sz> Vere Fane Kt. of the Bath Sir John Nicholas Kt. of the Great Chamberlain. Thomas Lord Culepeper. John Borlace Efq-, Borough of Ralph Grey Efq-, Sir Walter Bagott Bar. Crefwel Draper EG; Edward Dering Efq-, Bath* James Earl of Brecon Lord Jacob Lord Aftley. Sir Humphry Wynch Bar. John Baflet Efq-, John RnfliworthE/y; Sir John Bowyei* Bar. Thomas Auftin Ejq-, city of Canterbury. Borough of Charles Lord Lucas. City op LttCbfiSlB. ©ouutton. Steward of the Houjhold. Arthur Ackland Efq-, * Sir Tho. Hardx*els Kt. His Ma- l^ottingbam 8, Sir JoIephAfh Bar. Town of Kye- Edward Lord Rockingham. Borowh of pil?roptojt. Daniel Finch Efq-, * Henry Earl of Arlington Lord Cam^tsge 6. jejly’s Serjeant at Law * Sir Scroop How Kt. Maurice Bockland Efq-, Sir John Dorrell A?. Charles Henry Lord Wootton.. Sir Levinus Bennet Bar.* George Treby Ejq-, Michael BiddulphE/^; Chamberlain of the Houfhold. Edwai*d Hales Ejq-, John White Efy; Borough of IptnDutl. Thomas Frewen Ejq-, Marmaduke Lord Langdale. John Polexfen Merchant * Borough of StaffO?B. Aubrey Earl of Oxford. «Sz> Robert Cotton Kt. * City of Koc&etfer. Town of Pottinghw. Sir Richard Grobham How Borough of Horn ton. Sir Thomas WilbrahamBzrr. * Tort of New Kltntlief. Anthony Earl of Kent. Denzill Lord Holies. „ Vniverfity of Camhjiagf. Szrjohn Banlxs Bar. Robert Pierrepoint E/y; Kt. Bar. Sir Thomas Exton Kt. Sir Walter Young Bar. Sir Thomas Armftrong Kt. — Sir Charles Sedley B^r. .William Richard George Earl Charles Lord Cornwallis. Francis Barrel! Serf, at Law. * Richard Slater £/y; Richard How Ejq-, Sir William Temple Bar. * Sir Thomas Putt Bar. Borough of jJ5eUJ;Cafll? under Paul Barrett Efq-, .of Derby. George Lord Delamere. Borough of SEJatBlfon. Borough of caifretforB. Borough of Mieftbury* Town of Camb^iage. Borough of CftbiltOtk. Line. John Earl of Rutland. Horatio Lord Townefend. Sz> John Tufton Kt. and Bar. Sz> William Hickman Bar. Sir Thomas Bellot Bzzr. Richard Lewis Efq-, Tort of WilliamAoTv/ Allington Edward Ruflell Ejq-, Theophilus E. of Huntingdon. John Lord Crew. Thomas fane Ejq-, * Sir Edward Nevile Kt. Bar. Henry Bertie Ejq} * Sir Edward Dering Bar. Sir Thomas Chicheley Kt. Sir Franci's Drake Bar. William Levifton Gower Efq-, John Lord Frefcheville. Borough of SDutnboiougl^ . Town of jftetvavk upon sErent. borough c/ipeesUWy* Edward Hales Ejq} * ’William Earl of Bedford. Borough c/SLfljbUttOtt, Borough of Eammojth* Sir Robert Markham Kt. William Aflx Efq-, Philip Earl of Pembroke and Richard Lord Arundel of Tre- 4 Thomas Reynell Ejq-, James Herbert Efq-, Thomas Thynne Ejq-, Ton of 2>ober. Cljeflec . Sir Edward Hales Bar. <SzV Richard Rothwell * Edward Aftx Efq-, . Mountgomery. rife. Richard Duke Junior Efq-, * Sir Andrew Hackett Kt. * William Stokes Efy-, Henry Booth Efq-, Borough of EalUC. Edward Earl of Lincoln. Thomas Lord Butler of Moor- Borough of Clifton, Datcmoufb ©ran 9. Sir Robert Cotton Kt.Bar.* iancaffei: 14, ©UffOlk 16. Sir George Hungerford Kt. Thomas Papillon Efq-, ■ Charles JS/w/ of Nottingham. Park. City of ChHitP. and ii?avimeo. SzVJohn Cope Bar. Charles Lord Brandon Sir William.Spring B^r.* Lionel Ducket Efq}* James Earl of Suffolk. Richard Ld. Butler of’Wefton. William Williams Efq-, John Upton Ejq-, Thomas Hoard Efq-, * Tort of c©anBhHClj. Sir Charles Houghton * Borough of tho DthW#- John Lord Manners o/Haddon. Edward Yard Efq-, * Vniverjity of flDrOU. Sir Samuel Barnardifton Bar. John Thurban Efq-, Charles Earl of Dorfet and Sir Thomas Grofvenor Bar. Borough of Lancaftcr. Borough ot Tpftmcb* Sir Giles Hungerford Kt. * Borough of 'BetalftOJU Sir Leoline Jenkins** Sir James Oxenden Kt. Bari Middlelex. Richard Kirkby Efq-, Gilbert Lindfield Ejq-, JohnEyles EJq-* ArchbiiTiops and Bifhops. 44> SzVJohn Trevor Kt. Dr. Perrott * James Earl of Salisbury. William Spencer Ejq-, * borough of Eh p nham. Ton of ^eafo?B. Dr. William Sancroft Lord Francis Robarts Efq-, Sir William Baftard Kt. City of ©rOU* . John Wright Ef^; John Earl of Exeter.' Borough or Town of pjeflOU Borough of DimbJtCh* Sir Edward Hungerfoi*d Kt. of Sir William Thomas B^r. Mrchbifhop o f Cantex-bury. Sir Richard Edgcomb Kt. of Borough of CtOtrtOlJ* Broom Whorwood Efq-, John Earl of Bridgewater. in ^moimbernef#. Sir Robert Kemp B^r. * the Bath . Herbert Staple/ Efq} Dr. Richard Stern Lord Arch- thz Bath. Samuel Foot Efq-, Alderman William Wright , Philip Earl of Leicefter. SzVJohn Otway Kt. Sir Philip Skippon Kt. Samuel Afh Efq-, * bifop of York. Borough of SDunhlhia, Sir Henry Ford Kt. Edward Rigby Serjeant at Law Borough of 0eUr?213JCOOliftocfc. Borough of SD?fb?0* Borough op James Earl of Northampton. alias itancefton, Sir Littleton Osbaldefton Bar. Dr. Henry Compton Lord Bi- Borough Of Be JJ to to in William Earl of Devonfhire. Sz> John Coryton Bar. Do^fctfljfre 20* Sir John Duke Bar. Sir William Efcourt Bar. fop of London. Thomas Strangeways £G; John Chicheley Kt. Nicholas Baynton Ejq-, William Earl of Denbigh. Borowh of BanDbuty. Henry Parker Efq^ * Sir James Long Bar. Dr. Nathaniel Crew Lord Bi- Sir Hugh Pyper Kt. * Thomas Freke Ejq.- Andrew Fountain Ejq-, John Earl of Briftol. borough of Ltfeaca. John Holman Bar. Borough of aibO?aUgh' Borough of Enckiaor- Jhop of Dm-ham. Town of Po)u - Borough of ffiHtgojn. WALES Gilbert Earl of Clare.
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