John Russell Smith Bibliotheca Cantiana
John Russell Smith Bibliotheca Cantiana: a bibliographical account of what has been published on the history, topography, antiquities, customs, and family history, of the county of Kent London 1837 <i> A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF KENTISH TOPOGRAPHY. <ii> “Ex his omnibus longe sunt humanissimi, qui Cantium incolunt.” Jul. Cæsar, Comment. Lib. V. “Kent, in the Commentaries Cæsar writ. Is term’d the civil’st plaoe of all this isle; Sweet is the country, because full of riches, The people liberal, valiant, active, worthy.” Shakspeare, K. Hen. VI. part ii. — Act 4, sc. 7. ––– ”O famous Kent, ––– What country hath this isle, that can compare with thee, Which hast within thyselfe as much as thou canst wish, Thy conyes, venson, fruit, thy sorts of fowle and fish, As what with strength comports, thy hay, thy come, thy wood, Nor any thing doth want, that any where is good.” Drayton, Poly-Olbion, 18th Song. <plate> Autographs of Eminent Kentish Writers. (Pl. 1.) <iii> Bibiotheca Cantiana: A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF WHAT HAS BEEN PUBLISHED ON THE HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, ANTIQUITIES, CUSTOMS, AND FAMILY HISTORY, OF THE County of Kent. BY JOHN RUSSELL SMITH. <vignette> LONDON: JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 4, OLD COMPTON STREET, SOHO. WARD, CANTERBURY; VIDION, ROCHESTER; BATCHELLER, DOVER; ELLIOT, ASHFORD; BURRILL, CHATHAM; J. BROWN, WEEK STREET, MAIDSTONE; C. BROWN, HIGH STREET, MAIDSTONE; DUNKIN, BROMLEY AND DARTFORD; RICHARDSON, GREENWICH; AND H. GEORGE, WESTERHAM. M.DCCC.XXXVII. <iv> <blank> <v> PREFACE. AN impression that such a work has long been required, has led to the compilation of the present volume, which, it is hoped, will not be considered inaptly called “Bibliotheca Cantiana.” A long acquaintance with both old and new books, especially those on English Topography, joined to an ardent love for the subject, and an acquaintance with many gentlemen interested in every thing that relates to the County of Kent, has enabled the compiler to give a complete catalogue of all the works relating to that county from the folio down to the pamphlet and broadside.
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