Yatton & Villages NPT


May 2020

INSIDE THIS ISSUE  Meet the Team We welcome you to the first newsletter from & Villages Neighbourhood Policing Team.

 Keeping you up to date What has been happening in your town and villages?

 Can you get involved?

We always welcome new

volunteers to help us with community engagement.

Meet the Team

This is the first monthly newsletter from Yatton and Villages Neighbourhood Policing Team. We will be posting this to you monthly via email with news from around the area to keep you up to date with what is happening within the beat. Your beat team are:

PCSO 7308 Rachel Sellars – [email protected]

A former police communications operator, Rachel has been a PCSO for nine years.

PCSO 8826 Rebecca Budd – [email protected]

Becca has been a PCSO for more than a year now and is the full time officer for Yatton and Villages.

PC 2974 Jen Clark – [email protected]

Jen has been a for 21 years, spending 13 years as a neighbourhood beat manager for Portishead, and now Yatton.

PS 3494 Pete Rooke – [email protected]

Pete is the neighbourhood sergeant for Portishead, Clevedon and Yatton & Villages team. Meet the new Inspector

Inspector Mark Nicholson ‘Having been in the same role in Mendip for the past 10 years, I am delighted to come back to North , which was where my career began some 27 years ago! I am lucky in that have inherited an extremely dedicated and experienced team and will look forward to an opportunity of coming to introduce myself more formally in the future.’

Contacting the Police If you are subject to, or have witnessed, a crime or anti-social behaviour please report this on the 101 number (or 999 in an emergency). You can also contact us on-line via www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/contact , alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Contacting the Police to report Covid-19 breaches Since restrictions began, and Somerset Police have issued over 250 fixed penalty notices, for a population over 1.8 million residents. A small amount have been issued in . Officers are being directed to follow the strategy of engage, explain and encourage with enforcement as a last resort. We are having a large number of breaches to the lockdown being reported. Please see below for recommendations on reporting: Joint message from Chief Constable Andy Marsh and PCC Sue Mountstevens: Our message to the public is that our preference is that people report any breaches through the online form, and not 101, as we need to ensure we maximise our resources and have call handlers available to respond to ongoing requests for policing services at this critical time.

In the News Report a breach here

At this moment we are facing an unprecedented situation with COVID-19. This has brought with it different challenges for us as a policing team but we have also noticed generally a lot of support from a majority of the public about the procedures that we now need to enforce which has been very positive. We are working on a basis of engagement and education before any enforceable actions which is as a general rule is working very well.

In Yatton & the villages we have thankfully not had many reports of COVID breaches which is great and a testament to the public for taking this situation seriously.

We have been enjoying getting out and about in Yatton and the villages, whether it be on foot or bike. We did a 9 mile foot patrol last week. It was great chatting to so many walkers and cyclists, hearing what you’ve been up to and admiring many rainbows in the windows. We have loved seeing videos of the community engaging in their Thursday evening ‘clap for carers’ which is very heart warming and showing great community spirit.

At the moment we are being asked to stay home to keep ourselves and others safe, but we know that for some people home isn’t necessarily a safe place to be. Remember, Domestic abuse comes in many forms. It can involve physical violence, but it can also be psychological – something which is referred to as coercive and controlling behaviour – This type of abuse leaves no marks or scars but can cause victims to experience fear, loss of freedom, on a daily basis. We urge anyone who is dealing with domestic abuse, or anyone who is concerned that someone they know could be dealing with domestic abuse, to come forward and ask for help. If you are concerned for your safety, or worried about someone you know then please let us know. You can report on 101 or online, and in an emergency always call 999. If it’s not safe to speak, then dial 55 and the operator will put you straight through to the police.

For further advice see below links:

National advice and support: www.gov.uk/domestic-abuse National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247 Mankind: 01823 334244 In , South Glos and North Somerset: Next Link: Call 0800 4700 280 (10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday) You can also access a live chat service at: www.nextlinkhousing.co.uk (10-4pm, Monday to Friday)

As the extent and reach of the Covid-19 Coronavirus continues to impact upon the lives of every citizen in the UK, please watch our latest video to help you stay safe in the face of the wave of frauds and scams that are targeting the elderly and vulnerable. Fraud Prevention Video

We have thoroughly enjoyed patrolling, and seeing all of the wonderful rainbows in the windows. (We did have permission to photograph these!) GetWe ha Involved

One of the issues we have reported to us on a regular basis at beat surgeries are concerns over the speed of vehicles in and around Yatton.

We would like to invite you to help us tackle this problem and by inviting you to join the Community Speedwatch. It won’t take up a lot of time you can volunteer as often as you like.

Community SpeedWatch gives local people the ability to actively be involved in road safety.

 A Community SpeedWatch can be set up in any village, small town, or urban area, governed by either a 20, 30 or 40 miles per hour speed limit.

 Community SpeedWatch is a partnership between the community, the police and local authorities.

 A Speedwatch consists of local residents, who are willing to volunteer a small amount of time each week to monitor speeds with speed detection equipment.

 Vehicles observed speeding, will be sent a warning letter along with advice to help change their driving behaviour. Further action will be taken by the police against persistent and high end speed offenders as well as targeting individual locations.

