Meeting of the Planning Committee, 11th March 2020


Minutes of the Planning Committee held on 11th March 2020 Held at the Civic Centre, King Street, Enderby (Commencing at the conclusion of the Council Meeting)

Present: W. Hetherington (Chairman), Councillors: Mrs. C. Adcock, Mrs. P. Beeson, Mrs. V. Ellis, R. F. Geisler, Ms. T. Green, N. Grundy, N. Holt, R. W. Hunt, J. Jones, P. McNeil, J. O’Sullivan.

The Clerk to the Council, Ms. S. Hansford, Deputy Clerk, Mrs. S. Stearn and 1 parishioner were also present.

P/178/19 Attendance and Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D. Castleman, Mrs. S. Conway, Mrs. J. Hall and F. O’Rorke.

P/179/19 Minutes of the last meeting held on 26th February 2020

RESOLVED: The Minutes of the last meeting held on the 26th February 2020 were approved and signed as a correct record.

P/180/19 Declarations of Interest by Members

The following declarations of interest were made: -

Name Description Type Cllr. N. Grundy Agenda Item 5 Non-pecuniary Member of the District Council, Development Control Committee.

P/181/19 To Receive and Approve Requests for Dispensations from Members on matters in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest

No requests for Dispensations were received.

P/182/19 To Consider Planning Applications

RESOLVED: That the planning applications as detailed in the Schedule attached to, and forming part of these Minutes, be dealt with in accordance with the comments made by Members at the meeting.

P/183/19 To Receive Planning Decisions

RESOLVED: That the planning decisions of Council on applications determined since the date of the last meeting be noted.

P/184/19 To Consider Highway Issues – Enderby Village (Updates if any)

a) Response to Proposal to Ease Traffic Congestion in the Bantlam Lane/Mill Lane Area

A telephone call was received from the Strategic Director, Blaby District Council, who confirmed that although a scheme of the nature proposed will not be prioritised at this time by County Council, Blaby District Council is currently working with Leicestershire County Council to assess traffic congestion at Mill Lane/Bantlam Lane due to its financial investment in the Leisure Centre and its concerns over wellbeing.

The proposals made will therefore be fed into some consultancy work being undertaken by Blaby District Council to support development of a scheme. The District Council recognises congestion is a key issue which has been highlighted since the refurbishment of the Leisure Centre and it is keen to fund this consultancy work to find a solution.

There will be further modelling work undertaken, to fill gaps in the modelling work undertaken by Leicestershire County Council in recent years. This work will include Traffic Cameras and Traffic Counts etc. to record the flow of traffic on Bantlam Lane/Mill Lane. This work will be undertaken quite quickly as it is noted the busiest time for the Leisure Centre is typically end of January to mid- April and so this is the optimum time to carry out modelling work.

The District Council will therefore engage a consultancy firm and a data management team.

There are also to be stakeholders appointed from Leicestershire County Council, Blaby District Council and Enderby Parish Council (District Council led).


Meeting of the Planning Committee, 11th March 2020

Members congratulated Cllr R. F. Geisler on his work on the initial proposal and agreed that this was a satisfactory response and that the Council await the results of the modelling work.

It was noted that a Tweet from Blaby District Council has confirmed there have been almost 1000 new members and more than 36,000 extra visits to the Enderby Leisure Centre since the refurbishments last year.

RESOLVED: That this item be noted.

b) Leicestershire County Council Star Walkers Scheme

This scheme is now called Park and Stride. Confirmation is awaited regarding whether a Park and Stride scheme has been agreed between Danemill Primary School and Enderby Leisure Centre. A stakeholder meeting is being planned which the Parish Council may wish to be involved in. Cllr. J. Hall had expressed an interest in being involved in this.

RESOLVED: That this item be noted.

P/185/19 Correspondence: -

a) Blaby District Council:

i) Postal Addressing: Fosse Park New Development, Fosse Park Avenue / Grove Way, Enderby

Addresses have been formalised for Fosse Park West and the Food Central development at Fosse Park. Addresses will be as follows:-

Unit [no.] Fosse Park West, Grove Way, Enderby, Leicester. Unit [no.] Food Central, Fosse Park Avenue, Enderby, Leicester etc.

RESOLVED: That this item be noted.

ii) Street Trading: Eric’s Ice Cream An application for Street Trading Consent has been received by Blaby District Council from Eric’s Ice Cream. This is to run from April 2020, 7 days a week from 2pm – 7pm at various locations across the District including, , Croft, Narborough, Littlethorpe, Red Hill and Enderby.

RESOLVED: That this item be noted.

iii) Litter Bin, Cross Street

Correspondence had been received from Blaby District Council advising that the Litter Bin re-installed on Cross Street was being misused again with several instances over the past few weeks of it being full of household rubbish, including children’s toys. The usage of the bin will be monitored but it may need to be removed again if it continues to be misused. Members appreciated the concerns of the District Council but felt strongly that removing the bin was not the correct course of action and this would punish the majority for the actions of the minority. Cllr. J. Jones had spoken to the District Council and discussed alternative actions that could be taken to resolve the problem. It had been agreed that, on request by the Parish Council, the District Council could write to residents in the immediate vicinity of the bin requesting appropriate use of the bin to prevent its removal.

RESOLVED: That the Clerk write to Blaby District Council’s District Cleansing Department to request a letter be sent to properties adjacent to the bin to request appropriate use of the bin or there is potential risk for its removal.

iv) Movement of Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Blaby District Council are preparing to move 2 monitoring stations to other locations in the District as follows:  Blaby 1 from Packhorse Drive, Enderby to Broughton Road, Stoney Stanton  Blaby 3 from outside VISTA, Hinckley Road, LFE to Stamford Street, Glenfield

This will take place on Saturday 14th March.

Leicestershire County Street Lighting are undertaking the movements and the associated electrical work and any works to prepare or reinstate those locations will also be undertaken.

RESOLVED: That this item be noted.


Meeting of the Planning Committee, 11th March 2020

b) Leicestershire County Council: Consultation: Traffic Calming: Forest Road.

The following correspondence was received which has been issued to residents of Stewart Avenue and Forest Road: -

“As you may be aware the speed cushions located on Stewart Avenue and Forest Road, Narborough were temporarily removed last year in order for the County Council to complete essential carriageway maintenance works.

During this time, a number of representations were received requesting the council to not reinstate the speed cushions. In light of these representations the reinstatement of the speed cushions has been put on hold in order for the council to consider their permanent removal and to undertake further speed surveys.

Further speed surveys have now been undertaken and these have shown an increase in speeds since the removal of the speed cushions as shown in the attached table. As part of the review process we would also like to give residents the opportunity to have their say on whether they would like to see the speed cushions reinstated or whether they support their permanent removal. The speed cushion locations are shown on the plans enclosed. I would therefore be pleased if you could complete the vote form at the bottom of this letter and return it in the enclosed pre-paid envelope by 20th March 2020.

The council will then consider the votes and feedback received before making a final decision on whether to permanently remove or reinstate these speed cushions. It should be noted that without a conclusive opinion from local residents then the council’s position would be to reinstate the speed cushions as they are considered to be a valuable measure in reducing vehicle speeds and improving safety in this area. I hope that this letter adequately explains the situation regarding these cushions, but should you require any further details then please do not hesitate to contact the council on the above email address or telephone number.”

RESOLVED: That the vote form be completed indicting the Parish Council’s support for the permanent removal of the speed cushions.

P/186/19 Correspondence Received After Issue of Agenda (For Information Only)


MEETING CLOSED: 8:32 PM ……...... CHAIRMAN, 25th March 2020


Meeting of the Planning Committee, 11th March 2020


Planning Applications requiring Council observations: -

Planning Applications may be viewed by following the hyperlinks associated with the Plan No. below: -

Plan No From Details EPC Comments

20/0091/FUL ORE Operations, Change of use from residential No Objections Dallington House, institution (Use Class C2) to form an 228 Leicester Road, Assisted Living Home (Sui Generis). Enderby, Physical works to include the erection Leicestershire, of a single and two storey rear LE19 2BF. extension, together with associated parking and landscaping. 20/0228/FUL Miss. Helen Beresford, Creation of 3 temporary turning heads No Objections Land Adjacent Parcel R9(1), on land adjacent to parcel R9 (1) Tweed Street, (Phase 3). Lubbesthorpe, Enderby, Leicestershire

Planning Decisions issued by Blaby D.C./Leicestershire County Council since the date of the last Meeting: -

Plan No. Address Details Decision 19/0980/ADV The Co-operative Food, Various internal and external illuminated APPROVED 19 Cross Street, and non-illuminated signs. 09.01.20 Enderby, Leicestershire, (8 Conditions) LE19 4NJ. 19/1509/VAR Mr. D. Hicks, Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) APPROVED Enderby Leisure Centre, imposed on planning permission 13.01.20 Mill Lane, 19/0089/FUL to allow revised plant details. (4 Conditions) Enderby, Leicestershire, LE19 4LX. 19/1467/FUL Tremco Illbruck Ltd, Erection of loading bay canopy. APPROVED Unit 2, Dorsey Way, 13.01.20 Enderby, Leicestershire, (5 Conditions) LE19 4DB. 19/1543/ADV Marks & Spencer, Vinyl advertisements to trolley bays APPROVED Unit 9, Fosse Park 20.01.20 Avenue, (7 Conditions) Enderby, Leicestershire, LE19 1HQ. 19/1588/HH Mrs. Tonya Johnstone, Single storey rear extension. APPROVED 23 Blaby Road, 29.01.20 Enderby, Leicester, (3 Conditions) LE19 4AP. 19/1602/ADV Carphone Warehouse, Display of 1 internally illuminated fascia APPROVED Unit 3B, sign, 1 internally illuminated letterings, 3 04.02.20 Fosse Park Avenue, vinyls, 4 door graphics and 1 window (8 Conditions) Enderby, Leicester, manifestation dots LE19 1HX. 19/1188/FUL Mr. Mac, Change of use of residential garden to APPROVED 69 St Johns, storage of storage containers. 17-02-20 Enderby, Leicestershire, (7 Conditions) LE19 2BS. 20/0056/CLE Mr. Wigfull, Application for certificate of lawful use APPROVED First Hangings, (existing) in order to confirm the use of the 28.02.20 Blaby Road, existing house as a residential dwelling Enderby, Leicestershire, (Use Class C3). LE19 4AQ. 20/0101/HH Mr. Mee, First floor rear extension to No. 13 and APPROVED 13 and 14 Stewart single storey front, side and rear extensions 03.03.20 Avenue, Enderby, at No. 14 (Joint Neighbour Planning (3 Conditions) Leicestershire, Application). LE19 4LN.