Silverstone, 1976

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Silverstone, 1976 A REVISION OF THE POISON-ARROW FROGS OF THE GENUS PHYLLOBATES BIBRON IN SAGRA (FAMILY DENDROBATIDAE) By PHILIP A. SILVERSTOi'E NATURAL HISTORY M US EU ~ l OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY SCIEl'CE BULLETI!" ~ 7 • :-,:ovEMBER 25. 197b A REVISIO:\, OF THE POISO:\'-ARRO\\' FROGS OF THE GE:\'US PHYUOBATES BIBRO:-': IS SAGRA ( FA ~ lI lY DE:-':DROBATIDAE) A REVISION OF THE POISON-ARROW FROGS OF THE GENUS PHYLLOBATES BIBRON IN SAGRA (FAMILY DENDROBATIDAE) By PHILIP A. SILVERSTONE :-<ATU RAL HISTORY :\1U SElJ~ l OF LOS AV iELES COUI\TY SCIE!\CE BULLETl I\ 17 • :-;OVBlB ER ~5. 1976 T AB LE OF CON TE NTS AC,,"OWLEDGMESTS ~h T U I " LS ""D ~l ET HOOS ~ u-e um abbrevialion$ 3 PNlUJJA< 1a BIB_ ,.,S..u...1841 J Ddinilion J D i a ~ nos i s J Descripelon J Conten t , Tad poles , Specie, group' 7 Life history 7 Food , Summary of distribution 9 Key 10 the genera of Dendrobatidac 9 Key 10 the species of Ph.l'lIoh/ll'-f 9 8 K."OW ~ (ilt 0\Jl' 20 Phylloha tt!_, ,pec ies 20 PhylloM tt!s aurorut!nio 21 Phyllooott!Sbiro /or 2J Phylloha lt!S lugubris 24 Phy/foha tt!s ,';IlOlll.S zs F EMoifAUS (iltOliP 27 PhylJoM u s a'llltwly'; 27 Ph)·fJobou s bol'lt!ngt!ri •• aa Phy/Jobatu t!spino so; 29 Phy/Jobatt!Sjt!mo ralis 50 Phyllobau s tricohv J2 Ph,.llobau s zapar o JJ P O f!S (; 10l/P' as Phyllobatt!s bolMu lllU Phyllooolt!S ingt!r; " Phyllohult' J pan'ulus "J6 Phyllobalt!S peters! J7 Phyllohules plctu s aa Phvltobates pulrhripeclu .f 4J PhyIJob/lles ,marulld;nus 44 T~ lVm A I /JS (; IO\; P Phyllobalt!s bault! ri " Ph.l'lIobalt!s triviuOl,.s " " U TElt U l,IRE CnED 50 FRONTI,PII:n: II. Left side. lOp10 bonom: Pilyll"b<i'e," ,pe.:ie, . km I ~<) . mad bclwc<:n Tingo :l4atia and Pucallpa. Cordillera A1.UI. Peru; Emerald Poison·arrow Frog IP. .<n",ra~di"ujJ. ho lOl~pe. Pan de Azuear. Peru; Peruvi"" Poi,on .armw FrogiP. ~ lerj;l. holo· type. Sanla lsa"" l, Peru. Righi . ide. 101'10 bon<>m : Phanla,mal PoiSl>n·arrow P,,'g {P , /rico;"rl. Rio :l4ina•. 20 km W Sama habel. Ecuador, Brillianl-lhigbed Poi,on·",row Fmg fP .f~m(lra l i'l. SaUlTonue. French Guiana; Beauliful.brea'led Poison·armw Frog IP pulchri~.., ,, .,,/ . hololype. Scrra do J\avio . Brasil. 1'01 to ",.Ie. Painling by J. K lkanishi. staff an i' t. LACM A REVISlOS OF THE POISOS .ARROW FROGS OF THE GE:-iUS PHYUOBATES BIBRON IX SAGRA C FA~ lI L Y DESDROBATlDAE)' By PHILIP A. SILVERSTOl"Ef A. ST__~ : TIle 20 dumw. ~~illl. 1nO>lI)' focnl:~ellin, 'J'C"io of lhe anuran l:"nus P• .•1Iobu,... oecur from Casu Rica 108...-.;1; half of the sP'""ie~ inhabilthe A""""", d...u.a"e. TIle di. linction bel.. eu Colo.,..'.... (dor",m d ull~' rolorcd and lO~in. prc_umably ab.cnl' and PII.d'obu,<'J(dorsum bri,h ll) rolorcd and ..lein lO~irl, I'f",,,mabl}' P"'''''''' .. maintained. Fing.... Ic n ~'1h and finj:C1" di'k size ~ 1I>Cd hc~ in,"i"" ~lIJrob<l,... (fiN finlCT <hnft.... than 'ottOI>d. ""d fin' ....di.h I'dal;"ely larj:C) from PII) /Iob<1 l<" Cfir>! finl!tt equal lOor IonI'C'" lhan >«und . and finrcr 4i<J;s n:1", r.d~ ......11) in'lead of lhe uadilionalchanc ier. absence lD..nJ,obu,<'J\ or pn:".' ~ /.P."II,>b.I,... )of 1<'Clh. allhough lhe IooCh charac1C1" i, ill u",f"l. U,in, finger knglh and finger di..... 'ize a' a dcfinilion. fl\'e , pecic' (b<Jul..ri . ;"1("';. fJ<I",.. IIU, pic, and ";vi fl"''' ,') I r an ~fc ' from D..nJ,obu,<'J10 PIr,·lIobul... P. ) lIohal<" include' four , pecic, gr<>l1l"': (1) bi,'mo, group (Ph.•H,,,,,, ,... , pecic, It<> be oJe ".;ribed b) C. W. My'cn andJ, Dalyl. P. " w",'um i". P, biml,,,. P. /wJ(wbri" P. vi"",w,):(2)!, ,.,,,,,,li. gfOll p (/'. "",hm•.•'i. P. " "wlm g..,i. P. r,pilloo<li. P.!, m'''"Ii.•. P . I, ico/" ,. P . "Uf'tl'o ); (3) pi"/I' .' group ir. b<J/i,'i"","" P. i"x r , i. P, f'tl"""I ,,.<. P. 1'<'I<',.<i. P, pi"'",. P. p"l<-h, il'<'('/"". P . ""' '' '''I(di" "s); (4) r,i";II<lI" .' group (/'. I><I.../rri . P, l,i,'ill"tuS ). Four new Soulh AmCl' ican ' I"-"Cic' are <kscrihed herein: I'h)'II<>I",, <'5 Il<'le,,1. P. f'"lch,i{'<'clU.'. P.."""'''Xdi"".,. and 1'. Z<'p""'. The life hi,tory of I'I" -/I,, l>ul ~ ,' (in",fa' '"' il ;, known) "''''' mhlr, Ihal of iI' relatiws Dend","'" " , and CoIOlI<'ln"s . Phyll" l>aln u,ually ""ip<"il' Cal lea'l in """ 'pecic•• and I'l'ohahly in all ,pecic' . WilhoUi amplc:1lud on lea"e,. Aflel'the ladp<' le, halch, a parenl , ,,,ric, IMm 'lIl il. had and rel, a"', lhem in waleI'. whc~ Ihc ladpole, compkle thei, ,je"elnpment. In al lea... .........e , pecic" ,ilher the mak 1"''''11'1 01'lhe km alc parenl may carry lhe ladpole, . Tl>cmain food of Ph l/obm... i' 111>1, . Ame,indians e ~ ltac t blo....gun poi"'" from al ka" 1"'0 'P'""ic. (P. "" "'I",n;,, and P. mcolo,). I S 1 RO[)l",'C1IOS Th u, Ih i ~ revi,ion of Ph\'l/ol>a,..s include. those specie - h avi n ~ a oombil'liltion of three chariICten.: ( I) A, p""viou,l y di-.:u....-.ed (Silver'>lone 1975). lkrldru· ,mall fln~e r dish: (2) the fiN fin~"""C(juar to or lon~e r batjd 1Cnera are difficult to define. The ~ enu , Ph).·//t>· than the ...,;ond; (3) the dor, um partly or entirely previou slj- ..."" d ia~ n"""d by tbe prese nce of "'u... brighlly co lored in life. In my op inion. the ~'(: n u~ Ihu\ bright oo l"1>;ll colorat ion and the pre-e nce of maxillary de fined is mere natural than il ·...·a' under the pre v iuu ~ and prema xillary teet h (Savage 1%8). Because the definition. However . delineat ion "f convi ncingly prese nce of teeth "aries with ill one 'pecic, (pi ,'/iu) munu phy lc lic genera of dc ndrob atid s will req uire a, well a' betw een 'evera l oth erwi se >'cry , imilar con, idera hly more dala. 'I',:e ie, (h,,f ;I·i<lllus·pel ,,, s'·pl<lch"I'''·II<.I: l" IU/" " ·I';· 1'111,,' 1<,,), I have redefined the genu' nil the h'lSi. of A (" Kro;OWI ,EI)(; MENTS finger dis k size and the relative length of the first and lthank the followi ng for <litJ or the 10<111' of specimen s: >C ~" lIl d fingers. These finger characte rs val')' ,""K"' · J .W . Wright , R,L. Bel )' . F. Trux<l l, D . Whi,cler, daruly with teet h in all hut four species (/.,,/il'imw.'. R.R. Snelling (LACM); J. M. Savage. P.H. Slarreu p iC/u.•. 1'" IC"h,ipt" cl"". and Ir;l·iIlU'U I . ....hich u, uall)' ICRE): A,H, Brame . Jr . II. McCu rd)' Xature Ce nter: lack teeth) , ....hich here are co nside red Phy//" rnll" s rathe r than D.."drvbales, I have transferred t Selver­ " one 1975) thre-e addit ional spece-, (bun/rri. i" x.., i. ' EoI10 10 U CO Mll rTTH FO. IHIS B ULU TI" and /'<In ',,lu.l. ...·hich have teeth) 10 P.~-Jlobul..S on the R OIlH T L. B.... y N , i, of both teeth and finger charac ten.. I ha.....con­ W. RO" " I D Hn u Roy W. ~ k Ol "" " lD ,idc red a' CoIosI..,hus aU dully colored toothed _pecic,. WOl-'U S . PoL!». although , i, species (the [.._ ".ali. grnup) ...ith "right JoH" W , W . I" HI co loration and basal toe lI'ebbing. included he~ in ' RC'C~h Auoc tolCin Ht'l"'l<Jlogy. :O>alutal HiSl<X) "'\/>Cum Ph...//oI><I ,..s. rna)' be <If> do~l y retated to CoI<lsl..,hws of l.oo An",1n Counly. 900 E ~ poJoi l ion 8 1vd .. ~ Angeln-. "" the)' a ~ to the Ol:her ..peo:ics of Ph,-lfobtJ' ..J . Calif<>t1'l;a 9(0)1 . 2 BULLETINOF THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY No. 17 J.P. Bogart (lNHC);C. F. Walker. A.G . Kluge from lhe :-.ralional Institules of Heallh to the Universily CUMM Z); R.G.Z..-eitel. C.W. M yers ( A.M:" H ); J.E. of Southem California ( 1969) . and try lhe Los An~le , BOblkc. E. V. Mal",.\( (AS SP); A.E. Leviton (CAS); CoulMy ~ u se: um of r\at u...1Hislory Foundation ( 191 1). l .A. PC'lers, W,R. Heyer, G. R. Zug . R.G. Tuck. R. Crom bie . S. CamJXIen-Ma in (USNM); w.e. Shcr­ M II Tf ~l lI t .s liND Mf.THOUS b....lke. R.W. McDiarmid. Univcr.;;I)' of South flori da: All nlCil-surement, are 10 the nearest one·half mil­ E.E . W ill i a m ~ . B. Shreve ( MeL); \\' .E. DI.IC'Jl man . limelCr. S.R. Echurds. 1.T. Collins (KU); C.l . McCoy. Jr.• TlOdpole lIlagesarc those of Gosncr (1960). S . Richmond (eM); J.D. l ynch. University of Nc· O' ioolo!!- ical , pecimen, were cleared wilh glycerin bravka; A,C.
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    TERMS OF USE This pdf is provided by Magnolia Press for private/research use. Commercial sale or deposition in a public library or website is prohibited. Zootaxa 3083: 1–120 (2011) ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) Monograph ZOOTAXA Copyright © 2011 · Magnolia Press ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition) ZOOTAXA 3083 A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical poison frog genus Ranitomeya (Amphibia: Dendrobatidae) 1 2 3 4 JASON L. BROWN *, EVAN TWOMEY , ADOLFO AMÉZQUITA , MOISÉS BARBOSA DE SOUZA , JANA- LEE P. CALDWELL5, STEFAN LÖTTERS6, RUDOLF VON MAY7, PAULO ROBERTO MELO-SAMPAIO4, DANIEL MEJÍA-VARGAS8, PEDRO PEREZ-PEÑA9, MARK PEPPER10, ERIK H. POELMAN11, MANUEL SANCHEZ-RODRIGUEZ12 & KYLE SUMMERS2 1. Biology Department, Duke University, Durham NC 27701, USA 2. Biology Department, East Carolina University, Greenville NC 27858, USA 3. Universidad de los Andes, Department of Biological Sciences, Bogotá, Colombia 4. Universidade Federal do Acre, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Natureza, BR 364 km 04 Distrito Industrial, CEP 69.915-900 Rio Branco AC, Brazil 5. Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History and Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73072, USA 6. Biogeography Department, Trier University, 54286 Trier, Germany 7. Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, Miami FL 33199, USA 8. Associate Researcher, Department of Biological Sciences, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia 9. Wildlife Conservation Society, Malecón Tarapaca 332, Iquitos Perú. 10. Understory Enterprises Inc., Charing Cross, Ontario Canada, N0P 1G0 11. Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 8031, 6700 EH Wageningen, the Netherlands 12. Understory Enterprises Inc., Iquitos, Peru *[email protected] Magnolia Press Auckland, New Zealand Accepted by M.
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