A REVISION OF THE POISON-ARROW FROGS OF THE GENUS PHYLLOBATES BIBRON IN SAGRA (FAMILY DENDROBATIDAE) By PHILIP A. SILVERSTOi'E NATURAL HISTORY M US EU ~ l OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY SCIEl'CE BULLETI!" ~ 7 • :-,:ovEMBER 25. 197b A REVISIO:\, OF THE POISO:\'-ARRO\\' FROGS OF THE GE:\'US PHYUOBATES BIBRO:-': IS SAGRA ( FA ~ lI lY DE:-':DROBATIDAE) A REVISION OF THE POISON-ARROW FROGS OF THE GENUS PHYLLOBATES BIBRON IN SAGRA (FAMILY DENDROBATIDAE) By PHILIP A. SILVERSTONE :-<ATU RAL HISTORY :\1U SElJ~ l OF LOS AV iELES COUI\TY SCIE!\CE BULLETl I\ 17 • :-;OVBlB ER ~5. 1976 T AB LE OF CON TE NTS AC,,"OWLEDGMESTS ~h T U I " LS ""D ~l ET HOOS ~ u-e um abbrevialion$ 3 PNlUJJA< 1a BIB_ ,.,S..u...1841 J Ddinilion J D i a ~ nos i s J Descripelon J Conten t , Tad poles , Specie, group' 7 Life history 7 Food , Summary of distribution 9 Key 10 the genera of Dendrobatidac 9 Key 10 the species of Ph.l'lIoh/ll'-f 9 8 K."OW ~ (ilt 0\Jl' 20 Phylloha tt!_, ,pec ies 20 PhylloM tt!s aurorut!nio 21 Phyllooott!Sbiro /or 2J Phylloha lt!S lugubris 24 Phy/foha tt!s ,';IlOlll.S zs F EMoifAUS (iltOliP 27 PhylJoM u s a'llltwly'; 27 Ph)·fJobou s bol'lt!ngt!ri •• aa Phy/Jobatu t!spino so; 29 Phy/Jobatt!Sjt!mo ralis 50 Phyllobau s tricohv J2 Ph,.llobau s zapar o JJ P O f!S (; 10l/P' as Phyllobatt!s bolMu lllU Phyllooolt!S ingt!r; " Phyllohult' J pan'ulus "J6 Phyllobalt!S peters! J7 Phyllohules plctu s aa Phvltobates pulrhripeclu .f 4J PhyIJob/lles ,marulld;nus 44 T~ lVm A I /JS (; IO\; P Phyllobalt!s bault! ri " Ph.l'lIobalt!s triviuOl,.s " " U TElt U l,IRE CnED 50 FRONTI,PII:n: II. Left side. lOp10 bonom: Pilyll"b<i'e," ,pe.:ie, . km I ~<) . mad bclwc<:n Tingo :l4atia and Pucallpa. Cordillera A1.UI. Peru; Emerald Poison·arrow Frog IP. .<n",ra~di"ujJ. ho lOl~pe. Pan de Azuear. Peru; Peruvi"" Poi,on .armw FrogiP. ~ lerj;l. holo· type. Sanla lsa"" l, Peru. Righi . ide. 101'10 bon<>m : Phanla,mal PoiSl>n·arrow P,,'g {P , /rico;"rl. Rio :l4ina•. 20 km W Sama habel. Ecuador, Brillianl-lhigbed Poi,on·",row Fmg fP .f~m(lra l i'l. SaUlTonue. French Guiana; Beauliful.brea'led Poison·armw Frog IP pulchri~.., ,, .,,/ . hololype. Scrra do J\avio . Brasil. 1'01 to ",.Ie. Painling by J. K lkanishi. staff an i' t. LACM A REVISlOS OF THE POISOS .ARROW FROGS OF THE GE:-iUS PHYUOBATES BIBRON IX SAGRA C FA~ lI L Y DESDROBATlDAE)' By PHILIP A. SILVERSTOl"Ef A. ST__~ : TIle 20 dumw. ~~illl. 1nO>lI)' focnl:~ellin, 'J'C"io of lhe anuran l:"nus P• .•1Iobu,... oecur from Casu Rica 108...-.;1; half of the sP'""ie~ inhabilthe A""""", d...u.a"e. TIle di. linction bel.. eu Colo.,..'.... (dor",m d ull~' rolorcd and .....in lO~in. prc_umably ab.cnl' and PII.d'obu,<'J(dorsum bri,h ll) rolorcd and ..lein lO~irl, I'f",,,mabl}' P"'''''''' .. maintained. Fing.... Ic n ~'1h and finj:C1" di'k size ~ 1I>Cd hc~ in 10di...in,"i"" ~lIJrob<l,... (fiN finlCT <hnft.... than 'ottOI>d. ""d fin' ....di.h I'dal;"ely larj:C) from PII) /Iob<1 l<" Cfir>! finl!tt equal lOor IonI'C'" lhan >«und . and finrcr 4i<J;s n:1", r.d~ ......11) in'lead of lhe uadilionalchanc ier. absence lD..nJ,obu,<'J\ or pn:".' ~ /.P."II,>b.I,... )of 1<'Clh. allhough lhe IooCh charac1C1" i, ill u",f"l. U,in, finger knglh and finger di..... 'ize a' a dcfinilion. fl\'e , pecic' (b<Jul..ri . ;"1("';. fJ<I",.. IIU, pic, and ";vi fl"''' ,') I r an ~fc ' from D..nJ,obu,<'J10 PIr,·lIobul... P. ) lIohal<" include' four , pecic, gr<>l1l"': (1) bi,'mo, group (Ph.•H,,,,,, ,... , pecic, It<> be oJe ".;ribed b) C. W. My'cn andJ, Dalyl. P. " w",'um i". P, biml,,,. P. /wJ(wbri" P. vi"",w,):(2)!, ,.,,,,,,li. gfOll p (/'. "",hm•.•'i. P. " "wlm g..,i. P. r,pilloo<li. P.!, m'''"Ii.•. P . I, ico/" ,. P . "Uf'tl'o ); (3) pi"/I' .' group ir. b<J/i,'i"","" P. i"x r , i. P, f'tl"""I ,,.<. P. 1'<'I<',.<i. P, pi"'",. P. p"l<-h, il'<'('/"". P . ""' '' '''I(di" "s); (4) r,i";II<lI" .' group (/'. I><I.../rri . P, l,i,'ill"tuS ). Four new Soulh AmCl' ican ' I"-"Cic' are <kscrihed herein: I'h)'II<>I",, <'5 Il<'le,,1. P. f'"lch,i{'<'clU.'. P.."""'''Xdi"".,. and 1'. Z<'p""'. The life hi,tory of I'I" -/I,, l>ul ~ ,' (in",fa' '"' il ;, known) "''''' mhlr, Ihal of iI' relatiws Dend","'" " , and CoIOlI<'ln"s . Phyll" l>aln u,ually ""ip<"il' Cal lea'l in """ 'pecic•• and I'l'ohahly in all ,pecic' . WilhoUi amplc:1lud on lea"e,. Aflel'the ladp<' le, halch, a parenl , ,,,ric, IMm 'lIl il. had and rel, a"', lhem in waleI'. whc~ Ihc ladpole, compkle thei, ,je"elnpment. In al lea... .........e , pecic" ,ilher the mak 1"''''11'1 01'lhe km alc parenl may carry lhe ladpole, . Tl>cmain food of Ph l/obm... i' 111>1, . Ame,indians e ~ ltac t blo....gun poi"'" from al ka" 1"'0 'P'""ic. (P. "" "'I",n;,, and P. mcolo,). I S 1 RO[)l",'C1IOS Th u, Ih i ~ revi,ion of Ph\'l/ol>a,..s include. those specie - h avi n ~ a oombil'liltion of three chariICten.: ( I) A, p""viou,l y di-.:u....-.ed (Silver'>lone 1975). lkrldru· ,mall fln~e r dish: (2) the fiN fin~"""C(juar to or lon~e r batjd 1Cnera are difficult to define. The ~ enu , Ph).·//t>· than the ...,;ond; (3) the dor, um partly or entirely previou slj- ..."" d ia~ n"""d by tbe prese nce of "'u... brighlly co lored in life. In my op inion. the ~'(: n u~ Ihu\ bright oo l"1>;ll colorat ion and the pre-e nce of maxillary de fined is mere natural than il ·...·a' under the pre v iuu ~ and prema xillary teet h (Savage 1%8). Because the definition. However . delineat ion "f convi ncingly prese nce of teeth "aries with ill one 'pecic, (pi ,'/iu) munu phy lc lic genera of dc ndrob atid s will req uire a, well a' betw een 'evera l oth erwi se >'cry , imilar con, idera hly more dala. 'I',:e ie, (h,,f ;I·i<lllus·pel ,,, s'·pl<lch"I'''·II<.I: l" IU/" " ·I';· 1'111,,' 1<,,), I have redefined the genu' nil the h'lSi. of A (" Kro;OWI ,EI)(; MENTS finger dis k size and the relative length of the first and lthank the followi ng for <litJ or the 10<111' of specimen s: >C ~" lIl d fingers. These finger characte rs val')' ,""K"' · J .W . Wright , R,L. Bel )' . F. Trux<l l, D . Whi,cler, daruly with teet h in all hut four species (/.,,/il'imw.'. R.R. Snelling (LACM); J. M. Savage. P.H. Slarreu p iC/u.•. 1'" IC"h,ipt" cl"". and Ir;l·iIlU'U I . ....hich u, uall)' ICRE): A,H, Brame . Jr . II. McCu rd)' Xature Ce nter: lack teeth) , ....hich here are co nside red Phy//" rnll" s rathe r than D.."drvbales, I have transferred t Selver­ " one 1975) thre-e addit ional spece-, (bun/rri. i" x.., i. ' EoI10 10 U CO Mll rTTH FO. IHIS B ULU TI" and /'<In ',,lu.l. ...·hich have teeth) 10 P.~-Jlobul..S on the R OIlH T L. B.... y N , i, of both teeth and finger charac ten.. I ha.....con­ W. RO" " I D Hn u Roy W. ~ k Ol "" " lD ,idc red a' CoIosI..,hus aU dully colored toothed _pecic,. WOl-'U S . PoL!». although , i, species (the [.._ ".ali. grnup) ...ith "right JoH" W , W . I" HI co loration and basal toe lI'ebbing. included he~ in ' RC'C~h Auoc tolCin Ht'l"'l<Jlogy. :O>alutal HiSl<X) "'\/>Cum Ph...//oI><I ,..s. rna)' be <If> do~l y retated to CoI<lsl..,hws of l.oo An",1n Counly. 900 E ~ poJoi l ion 8 1vd .. ~ Angeln-. "" the)' a ~ to the Ol:her ..peo:ics of Ph,-lfobtJ' ..J . Calif<>t1'l;a 9(0)1 . 2 BULLETINOF THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY No. 17 J.P. Bogart (lNHC);C. F. Walker. A.G . Kluge from lhe :-.ralional Institules of Heallh to the Universily CUMM Z); R.G.Z..-eitel. C.W. M yers ( A.M:" H ); J.E. of Southem California ( 1969) . and try lhe Los An~le , BOblkc. E. V. Mal",.\( (AS SP); A.E. Leviton (CAS); CoulMy ~ u se: um of r\at u...1Hislory Foundation ( 191 1). l .A. PC'lers, W,R. Heyer, G. R. Zug . R.G. Tuck. R. Crom bie . S. CamJXIen-Ma in (USNM); w.e. Shcr­ M II Tf ~l lI t .s liND Mf.THOUS b....lke. R.W. McDiarmid. Univcr.;;I)' of South flori da: All nlCil-surement, are 10 the nearest one·half mil­ E.E . W ill i a m ~ . B. Shreve ( MeL); \\' .E. DI.IC'Jl man . limelCr. S.R. Echurds. 1.T. Collins (KU); C.l . McCoy. Jr.• TlOdpole lIlagesarc those of Gosncr (1960). S . Richmond (eM); J.D. l ynch. University of Nc· O' ioolo!!- ical , pecimen, were cleared wilh glycerin bravka; A,C.
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