music on troubled soils IMPRINT EDITOR EDITING European Music Council Simone Dudt, Rebekka Leibbrand, Isabelle Métrope Haus der Kultur Weberstr. 59a PROOF READING 53113 Bonn Anne Thomas Germany |
[email protected] LAYOUT Tel.: +49-228-96699664 | Fax.: +49-228-96699665 Simone Dudt CHAIRMAN PRINTING Timo Klemettinen Leppelt Grafik & Druck VICE-CHAIR Cover picture by EMC Christian Höppner Photographers as credited TREASURER Stef Coninx The European Music Council is supported by BOARD MEMBERS Erling Aksdal, Harald Huber, Petra Mohorcic, Ugis Praulins, Daphne Wassink SECRETARY GENERAL (Policy and Communication) © 2009 European Music Council. All rights reserved. Simone Dudt The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not SECRETARY GENERAL (Development and Finances) necessarily of the publisher or editor. No part of this publication may be Ruth Jakobi reproduced in any format without permission of the European Music Council. PROJECT ASSISTANT This communication reflects the views of the EMC only and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use made of the information Isabelle Métrope contained therein. Editorial In October 2008, the European Music A most popular Israeli song refers to Jerusalem, as “The lonely city with walls Council was invited by IMC Israel to take inside its heart”. The walls which during the past, served as safe havens or shelters, part in a conference on intercultural have become our current symbols of separation, distrust, hostility and lack of dialogue and on the power of music communication. to promote social empowerment Jerusalem was thus, a natural choice of location for a convention aimed at and conflict resolution.