
Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX (2008) 1816.pdf

CALCIUM HYDRATION, STABILITY AND TRANSFORMATION ON . D. T. Vaniman1, D. L. Bish2, and S. J. Chipera3, 1Group EES-6, MS D462, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 ([email protected]), 2Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University, 1001 E 10th St., Blooming- ton, IN 47405, 3Chesapeake Energy Corp., 6100 N. Western Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73118.

Introduction: Hydration states of the sul- picture of how the CaSO4·nH2O system may vary on fate have been studied extensively because of Mars. their critical applications in , manufac- Methods: Samples of natural gypsum were ob- turing, slip-casting molds, medical, dental and other tained from Bingham, NM (veins of coarse uses. The common forms of CaSO4·nH2O on Earth are ), and from , NM (gypsum ). gypsum (n=2) and (n=0), with rarer occur- Additional studies have been done with gypsum from rences of (n≅0.5). This apparent simplicity the Todilto Formation near Echo Amphithea- belies a complex hydration system that is still poorly ter, NM, and with synthetic gypsum (<10 μm diameter understood despite much study. Gypsum (monoclinic) and several hundred μm long) grown from saturated has a layer structure with perfect parallel to solutions of reagent CaSO4 in deionized water. Dehy- (010), the plane in which H2O molecules are coordi- dration was examined in a vacuum oven at 297 K and nated between sheets of SO4 tetrahedra. Bassanite, in 323 K with pH2O at ~0.7 Pa. Rehydration was exam- contrast, is generally found to be trigonal or pseudo- ined with pH2O controlled by vapor over H2O ice at trigonal/monoclinic and has chains of SO4 tetrahedra temperatures of 271 K, 243 K, and 223 K. arrayed around channels of ~4 Å diameter that contain Results: Figure 1 shows dehydration data for the H2O molecules. By careful dehydration of bassanite White Sands gypsum at 297 K and 323 K. Further data the H2O can be removed almost entirely, producing a are being collected at lower temperature but are not yet hexagonal phase described in many studies as “soluble available. Terminal H2O content in both cases is anhydrite” (AII or γ-CaSO4) [1]. More aggressive and n~0.06. A 25 K decrease in temperature resulted in an complete dehydration produces thermodynamically order of magnitude increase in the time required to stable AIII “insoluble” anhydrite with Ca-SO4-Ca reach terminal H2O content. The dehydration curves in chains in an orthorhombic structure. Figure 1 illustrate the effect of grain size observed The description above is based on extensive re- with most samples. Loss of H2O is more rapid in finer search that focused on studies at elevated temperatures size fractions, but this effect is more pronounced at relevant to commercial processing methods. Relevance lower than at higher temperatures. to cold, low-pH2O transformations that may occur 0 near-surface on Mars is less evident. Exposure of gyp- 75-180 um sum to very low pH2O (~0.7 Pa) at room temperature unsieved at 297 K

m at 323 K can result in >90% dehydration and formation of a u


p -5 water-poor bassanite with n~0.06 [2]. These conditions y

g <45 um

o are similar to those that could occur on dark surfaces at t at 297 K



i the martian equator on an exceptionally warm summer t 45-75 um

a l -10 45-75 um e at 323 K day. Experiments at such conditions are not common r

t at 297 K



i in the literature because they have little relevance to f



industrial processing of gypsum to produce reduced r


t -15 with practical applications. Similarly, for a



studies of rehydration from desiccated forms, most of t




the literature focuses on hydration kinetics in solution e -20

w because that is the method of setting plasters or ce- n=0 ments (there is some interest in hydration from water pH2O ~0.7 Pa for all runs vapor because the commercial dehydrated forms will -25 deteriorate on exposure to high humidity, but this 0.1 1 10 100 103 time (hours) process has not been characterized as well). In our earlier studies of hydration from a desiccated bassanite Figure 1: Dehydration of White Sands gypsum at we found that hydration from n=0.06 was rapid at va- 323 K (unsieved and 45-75 μm fraction – solid curves) por saturation over H2O ice at 271 K. In this abstract and 297 K (three grain sizes – dashed curves). Dashed we expand on these results to provide a more complete horizontal line represents full dehydration (n=0). Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX (2008) 1816.pdf

Figure 2 shows rehydration curves for several dif- tures might be reached near dark basaltic boulders at ferent gypsum samples at three different temperatures high summer conditions but will not persist for more over H2O ice (271 K, 243 K, and 223 K). Experiments than a few hours. For these reasons we still consider it at the two lower temperatures are ongoing and have unlikely that surface-exposed gypsum would be desic- not yet attained full rehydration to gypsum. At the two cated to bassanite forms by such a mechanism. How- higher temperatures there is a pronounced inflection in ever, there are other ways to derive bassanite from hydration rate at a value near n~0.8; at 243 K (black gypsum. Possible pathways include dehydration from curves) the hydrating samples remain near this value gypsum under other heat sources (volcanic, impact, or of n for about 1500 hours before hydrating to higher burial), direct precipitation in fumaroles that distribute values of n. At the lowest temperature (red curves) species from volcanic or impact thermal sys- accurate results and reproducibility were difficult be- tems, and, particularly relevant to Mars, reaction of cause frost accumulation on sample containers was primary with . The lat- problematic, even when container blanks were used to ter process has been invoked to explain occurrence of track and correct for this problem. Thus the results bassanite zones in the Lyme Regis area of [3]. shown here for hydration at 223 K are preliminary. In Given multiple potential origins and the prevalence of general, as with dehydration at low temperature, the both acidic conditions and low pH2O on Mars, it is finer size fractions change hydration state more rapidly possible that bassanite may be common on Mars along than coarser size fractions. However, this is not true in with both gypsum and, as a product of higher heating, all cases and there are some systematic differences anhydrite. between samples from different sources (e.g., for a Figure 2 indicates relatively aggressive first-stage given size fraction Bingham samples dehydrate and rehydration of dehydrated bassanite forms, even at rehydrate more rapidly than White Sands samples). temperatures as low as 223 K if in vapor communica- tion with H2O ice. If bassanite is common on Mars, 0 n=2 White Sands gypsum hydration at various latitudes and at various or 45-75 um 271 K, pH2O~518Pa outcrop depths could to highly variable water


u Bingham and White Sands gypsum 180-425 um s -5 p 243 K, pH2O~38Pa content of CaSO4-bearing occurrences. Also from fig-

y g <45 um


t White Sands gypsum ure 2, the common decrease of hydration rate at n~0.8

e 223 K, pH O~4Pa

v 2

i t may indicate formation of a transitional phase unlike


l -10

e n=1



i the commonly assumed bassanite composition of

c i n=0.8



d n=0.5. Computer simulations show that binding energy

r -15

e t n=0.5 a for H2O in bassanite is maximized at n=0.5 [4], but



t there is some support in the research literature for a 75-180 um


g i -20 e distinct bassanite hydration phase with n=0.8 [5]. Our w n=0 observations may lend support to the validity of such a

-25 distinct form, but further work is needed. 0.1 1 10 100 103 104 105 time (hours) Detection of bassanite on Mars may have implica- tions for exobiology, for it occurs in microbial com- Figure 2: Rehydration of bassanite samples gener- munities [6] and as a structural biomineral in deep sea ated from White Sands and Bingham gypsum by des- medusae [7]. However, the potentially most significant iccation at 297 K with pH2O at ~0.7 Pa. Curves show occurrence of CaSO4 subhydrate on Mars may be as hydration at 271 K (blue curves), 243 K (black an acid sulfate alteration product [3], marking whether curves), and 223 K (red curves) in vapor communica- and where calcium carbonate deposits once existed on tion with H2O ice. Dashed horizontal lines mark full the planet and providing insight into the environmental dehydration (n=0) and various other values of n below shifts that may have destroyed such deposits. full gypsum hydration (n=2). References: [1] Freyer D. and Voigt W. (2003) Monatshefte für Chemie 134, 693-719. [2] Vaniman D. Discussion: In earlier work [2] we suggested that and Chipera S. (2006) Am. Min. 91, 1628-1642. [3] gypsum exposed on the surface of Mars may resist Worku T. and Parker A. Min. Mag. 56, 258-260. [4] desiccation even at equatorial summer conditions. Fig- Adam C. D. (2003) J. Solid State Chem. 174, 141-151. ure 1 shows that at Mars-like pH2O, a very warm sur- [5] Abriel W. (1983) Acta Cryst. C39, 956-958. [6] face (24 C) will require several hours to initiate desic- Douglas. S. (2004) Planet. Space Sci. 52, 223-227. [7] cation and well over 100 hours to reach terminal low Tiemann H. et al. (2002) J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., H2O content in a bassanite form. Such high tempera- no. 7, 1266-1268.