Insight Team Everybody Is Informed Well in Advance) Are Insight: What Did You Base the Underly- Made
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb November 24 . 2004* *Volume VII Issue III Students’ Gymkhana IIT Bombay • Chairperson: Dean of Student Affairs his meetings in slot is equivalent to asking A: The Minimum 70 percent vote criterion he Institute Students Activities Re- T (Faculty Member) a General Secretary or a hostel secy. to do is only for “Team leader Based election”. A forms Committee (ISARC) has handed in • President (Faculty Member) work demanded from him only in the al- detailed description shall be provided soon its final recommendations to the Dean of • General Secretary (Student Rep.) lotted slots, this is obviously not intended under “Electoral Reforms”. As for the spe- Student Affairs. The report is comprehen- • Chief Festival Organizer (Student Rep.) and is not a purpose of the proposed slot cific query: sive and has in most ways preserved the • Club Secretaries, Hostel and Department system. Also only activities proposed be- ‘Team Leader Elections’ are based on pref- essential features of our extra-curricular Representatives (Student Reps.) forehand for the specified slot may utilize erential voting. A candidate has to secure scene. There are, however questions that The day-to-day running of the societies it. Societies may not arbitrarily exchange 70% ‘Primary + Secondary’ votes. In ab- shall arise time and again with regards to shall be looked into by the SEC (Society slots within themselves. Institute venues sence of a clear winner, the candidature of the implementation of the ISARC’s recom- Executive Committee) consisting of stu- will not be made available for activities not all but the candidates with the most ‘Pri- mendations. As we pack our bags and head dent representatives. The faculty members under their time slot. mary Votes’ will be cancelled and re-elec- home, it is essential that we do so with the shall retain their advisory role. With re- tions will be held. knowledge that things are changing fast at gard to the organization of activities a slot InsIghT: Is it realistic for, say a festival to Despite seeming complicated we believe IIT Bombay. The only way that something system has been proposed (See Interview). plan all its activities and meetings for the the scheme can be applied because of fol- concrete can emerge from this initiative is The committee has also put in place a cor- whole semester in 15 days? Are there any lowing reasons: if the student community adopts a more rective mechanism; something that has guidelines governing the vacation period 1. These elections will have very small Elec- proactive role at this juncture. been sought for a long time now. The struc- when most of the work is done? toral College (40-50 ppl) 2. Because of small Electoral College better A Brief Overview interaction between Candidates and elec- All institute activities (non academic) have torate is possible. 0 been categorized under five subgroups. ISARC:Through the Looking Glass 1 • Technological and Entrepreneurial The final recommendations of the ISARC have been submitted. InsIghT: What is the relevance of SAB • Sports and Adventure Harsh Roy and Akshay Saxena raise a few pertinent questions. (Student Advisory Board)? Don’t you • Cultural ture proposed is in the form of a “House of A: Meetings, which do not fall under the think that the discussions at the team lev- • Welfare Commons” and “General Body Meetings”. category of Mass meetings like “House of el, Society level, reviewed by the journal- • Journalism A formal election procedure has been Commons”, will not be and should not be ist board and finally referred to the DoSA These activities have been organized under defined with three separate electoral pro- included in these schedules. As far as ac- suffices a final decision or a firm view- the following four societies cesses: tivities like workshops, lectures, events and point? Kindly enumerate specific even if • Sports and Adventure Society • Institute Elections: The electorate consists competitions are concerned we do not see hypothetical scenarios when SAB will be • Cultural Society of the entire populace of IIT Bombay any problem in planning and developing called upon for its services? • Technological & Entrepreneurial Society • Team Leader Based Elections: A selected a schedule of all activities for the coming A: SAB is as a forum is not meant to be • Welfare Society electorate of outgoing team members and four months in the first fifteen days. After called upon for its services for mundane Journalism shall be treated as an indepen- other elected members of the Society. all, important aspects of the work of any executive issues. The discussions at all the dent activity. Each society shall consist of • Representative Based Elections: The elec- secretary or festival organizer are to plan forums mentioned in the question are per- clubs and festivals. Techfest, Mood I, Av- torate consists of elected representatives and set targets for his people and con- taining to a specific entity and its function- enues and the like will be classified as fes- with similar executive responsibilities. tinuously inspire them to achieve them. ing. SAB on the other hand is envisioned to tivals. The development of activities such ‘General Secretary’s (GS’s)’, ‘Club Secre- However provisions can be made for slight possess a “holistic view” about any matter as dance, music, fine arts and debating will taries’ and ‘Institute Secretaries’ will be changes in schedule. referred to it. Thus SAB’s role is in “philos- occur through clubs. Their work shall be chosen on the basis of Institute elections. ophizing” all the activities, keeping a track presided over by the following: The ‘Chief Festival Organizers’ and the InsIghT: Given that the attendance in In- of the direction of all the activities and il- ‘Chief Editors’ of the student papers will stitute GBMs and election soapboxes is luminating the masses on various issues. SHOUTBACK face ‘Team Leader Based Elections’ and the negligible, how do you propose in practi- Specific examples of questions which can ‘Club Secretary Representatives’ and the cal terms for GBMs and “House of Com- be posed to the SAB are: We NEED Feedback. Help us im- ‘Hostel and Department Representatives’ mons” to be an effective tool? 1. Is the 10:00 pm deadline for opposite sex prove, the way you want us to. to the SECs will be elected through Repre- A: The inertia of the old system will take entry in the hostels justifiable? Email - [email protected] sentative based Elections. its time to go, however the sanctity of these 2. What is the gravity of the drinking and Newsgroup - iitb.insight InsIght interviewed ISARC member Sau- forums will increase if conscious efforts its associated problems? rabh Pagaria with regards to some impor- by various bodies like journalism (bring- 3. Are the extra-curriculars at IIT hamper- Website - htttp:// tant issues concerning the recommenda- ing out an issue dedicated to forthcoming ing the academic growth of the students? tions. Here is an excerpt. For the complete GBM) and authorities (by ensuring that These may be just a few reflective ques- transcript visit GBM(S) are conducted on fixed date and tions… InsIghT team everybody is informed well in advance) are InsIghT: What did you base the underly- made. InsIghT: Why is the CPI criterion for eli- Executive Editor ing philosophies governing student ac- gibility to SAB fixed at 8? Is it based on Aditya Mittal tivities on? InsIghT: What is the incentive for a Chief the inherent assumption that people with A: The philosophy is based on certain Festival Organizer to discuss or debate an lower CPI cannot give valuable contribu- Chief Editor qualities (Integrity, ability to innovate, de- issue in the SEC when the same can be tions? Akshay Saxena sire for quality work, quest for excellence) sorted out within his/her own team? A: There is no inherent assumption what- THE EDITORIAL BOARD when imbibed in an IITian, shall enable A: There are two principal conditions in soever. SAB is envisioned to be a body of Anand Mathur, Ankur Kulkarni, Arvind him to be looked upon as a role model, a which a CFO will discuss issue in SEC: people who have achieved excellence in a Shastry, S Ram, Sneha Srikrishnan and class apart individual in our society. 1. If the Dean has asked for SEC’s opinion field, people who are respected in student William Robinson. on the issue. community and people who can be looked InsIghT: Does the slot system imply that 2. When any member of SEC raises a de- upon as unbiased and wise. However, they THE EXECUTION PANEL a marketing manager cannot schedule his bate on it. should be the people who apart from ex- Amrita Mahale, Anasua Chatterjee, Ankur meetings out of the slot time? We do not foresee SEC of a society discuss- celling in their field of interest do equal Gupta, Anuj Pradhan, Anup Mudbidri, A: The slot system is not meant to govern ing petty organizational issues and debat- justice to the primary motive for which Arunabh Sinha, Dhruv Arora, Gaurav Sultania, activities of an individual(s) but of a so- ing on them, as that is the work of organiz- they are in IIT i.e. academic, and grades Geetesh Gadkari, Koustubh Vachhani, Krishna Ramkumar, Kush Meshram, Md. Abdul Qavi, ciety, the idea is to ensure that the extra- ing team. in form of CPI become a good reflector of Mohit Garg, Mohit Soni, Nishant Patni, P curricular activities are constrained in the their commitment towards it. Prashant Pawan, Prashant P, Prateek Agarwal, specified time domain, giving an average InsIghT: What is the “minimum 70% votes Harsh Roy and Akshay Saxena are fifth year Raghav Goel, Robin Sharma, Sangram Kadam, enthusiastic IITian ample time and op- to win” an election based on? Is it feasible and fourth year dual degree students of the Sarmistha Pal, Shamiroh Tikoo, Shouri K, Shweta Shah, Siddharth Dixit, Sriram Emani, portunity to participate in extra-curricular if there are more than two candidates Dept.