January 25, 2019 Daily

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January 25, 2019 Daily More die on opiods than in car accidents Kids need better preparation in school Toys For Tots event to be held Kid’sKid’s Corner Corner Toys For Tots event to be held SPORTS MENU TIPS The Friendsopioid epidemicof Zack Reed is hitting will sponsor closer toits home 22nd The New Friends research of suggests Zack Reed Ohio willcould sponsor be doing its a better22nd thanAnnual some 2018 Ohioans Toys formight Tots realize. Holiday According Party & to Celebrity the Na- Jude Alexander McHale: Annualjob of preparing 2018 Toysits children for Tots for theHoliday future. TheParty annual & Celebrity “Chance- tionalFashion Safety Show Council, with the the goal odds to collectof dying 1,000 from toys an foropioid the Jude wasis almost born on 14 May months 17. Heold. is Heal- Fashionfor-Success” Show index with released the goal by toEducation collect 1,000Week gradestoys for states the Cavs Lose To Celtics overdose are, for the first time, greater than the odds of based on 13 distinct factors that affect a person’s opportunities Flavorful Stirfry needy children of Northeast Ohio. Beverages will be pro- needy children of Northeast Ohio. Beverages will be pro- dying in a car accident. The odds of dying from an opioid mostloves 4 watching months old. his He big loves sister watch and- from cradle to career. Ohio was given a grade of B-minus over- 123-103 vided with admission. Celebrities invited include: Alec vided with admission. Celebrities invited include: Alec Cooking overdose are 1-in-96, compared with 1-in-103 for motor ingtrying his tobig run. sister He and giggles trying at to puppets crawl. all, with high school graduation rates, post-secondary participa- Blackmon, Andrea Vecchio, Tiffany Tarpley, and Vanessa Blackmon, Andrea Vecchio, Tiffany Tarpley, and Vanessa vehicle deaths. Manager of Statistics for the council, Ken Heand gigglesMickey atMouse. puppets He andalso Mickeylikes to tion and eighth-grade math scores among the areas of strength. Kolosh,Whiting, said Esq. while Doors more open people at 6pm. are Admissionaware of the is $10opioid at However,Whiting, SterlingEsq. Doors Lloyd, open assistant at 6pm. director Admission of the Research is $10 Cen at- See Page 4 See Page 5 epidemic,the door with most a don’tnew, unopenedconsider it toy to befor a donationproblem (orthat $20 af- Mouse.go on afternoon He also likeswalks to with go onMom af- terthe at door Education with Week,a new, notes unopened there are toy areas for of donation weakness, (or such $20 as fectswithout them a toy). personally. McHale ternoonand Dad. walks with Mom and Dad. withoutranking 32nd a toy). for preschool enrollment. VOL. 40 No.5 Tuesday, January 22, 2019- Friday, January 25, 2019 Daily FREEEASTSIDE NEWSFREE ISSUED FRIDAY READ ON - WRITE ON SERVING: LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, MT. PLEASANT, READ ON - WRITE ON LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGES OF NORTH RANDALL, HIGHLAND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND “COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW” CPL holds MLK Day event The Martin Luther attendees. King, Jr. Branch of the Cleve- Rev. D. Anthony Ever- land Public Library (CPL), ett from University Circle Unit- 1962 Stokes Boulevard, held ed Methodist Church gave the its 34th annual commemorative in vocation. program honoring ‘Drum Ma- The opening song, jors For Change’ last Monday. “Stand By Me” was sung by Harmony accompanied by Josh- The event is named Don’t Forget To Turn after Dr. King’s famous quota- ua Stone, pianist. Distinuished Your Clock Forward tion: Gentlemen of the Spoken Word, “Yes, if you want to directed by Honey-Bell-Bey, say that I was a drum major, presentedan oratorical perfor- say that I was a drum major for mance. justice. Say that I was a drum Dr. Yvonne Pointer major for peace. I was a drum was the keynote speaker for the major of righteousness. And all event. of the other shallow things will Dr. Yvonne Pointer, not matter...” former Cleveland mayor Mi- The All-City Arts chael White, and Rev. Dr. Otis Drum Line opened the pro- Moss, Jr. were honored with the gram followed by introductions Drum Major Award. by Harriette Parks, director of Tony Dunlap, Sr., presi- Branch Libraries and Shenise dent of Alpha Phi Alpha frater- Johnson Thomas, Ed.D., chief nity, Delta Alpha Lambda chap- of external relations and devel- ter, gave the closong remarks opment. for the event. CPL director and CEO Audience members Felton Thomas, Jr.talked about were asked to join in the singing the Drum Major event and its of :Happy Birthday” by Stevie history. Wonder. Maritza Rodriguez and A community reception Chris Ronayne welcomed the followed. Gasoline prices fall below $2.00 Dr. Yvonne Pointer, former Cleveland Mayor Michael White (Alan Gas prices in $2.25 with Missouri tout- Seifullah (left) accepted the award on White’s behalf), and Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, Northeast Ohio are nearly ing the cheapest at $1.83. Jr. were honored with the Drum Major Award during the 34th annual Commem- 11 cents cheaper this week Hawaii ($3.34) carries the orative program honoring ‘Drum Majors for Change’(and the MLK Library. at $1.90 per gallon. most expensive average. (ESDN Photo by Omar Quadir) During the past The end of 2018 10 days, gas prices have drove West Texas Interme- Dr. Yvonne Pointer was the key note speaker and the recipient of the Drum Major Award during the 34th annual Commemorative program honoring dropped by at least a dime diate crude oil prices to as ‘Drum Majors for Change’ held on Monday at the Martin Luthr King, Jr. Branch in four Great Lakes and low as $44/bbl, which is a of the Cleveland Public Library.(ESDN Photo by Omar Quadir) Central states (Ohio, -14 steep $31 drop from the cents). The Buckeye State’s high of $77/bbl seen dur- average is now $1.93 – one ing June. of the lowest in the coun- Oil prices mostly try. fell last week, as market As gas prices decline, gas- observers continue to be- oline inventories in the lieve that the global crude Midwest region jumped market is over-supplied. for the fifth straight week, With OPEC production according to the Energy cuts slated to take effect Information Administra- this week, analysts will Gasolinetion (EIA). prices increaseclosely be watchingin area the Total stocks for the price of oil. week ending on December Significant move- 21 total 53 million barrels, ment toward higher mar- Distinuished Gentlemen of the Spoken Word, directed by Honey-Bell- Bey, presentedan oratorical performance during the 34th annual Commemo- the highest level of stocks ket prices would mean rative program honoring ‘Drum Majors for Change.’(ESDN Photo by Omar for the region since early cheaper gas prices could Quadir) September. be in the rearview mirror. U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown and students fron the City Year Program At $2.25, the na- However, AAA ex- Women’s health rights under attack celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day at the 19th annual Dr. Martin Lu- tional gas average is the ther King, Jr. Holiday Breakfast Celebration and participated in a community pects to see minimal vola- Governor Mike DeWine, Hewitt. “And they’ll make that service event at Alfred A. Benesch School, 5393 Quincy Ave., which is a K-8 cheapest it’s been at the the state is poised to enact what tility at the start of the car- decision.” school. beginning of the New Year would be the strictest abortion ban Kasich, a Republican in the past three years. tel’s production cuts. in the country. Former Gov. John who served for two terms but Brown visits Cleveland on MLK Day Motorists can find Kasich vetoed last month. The pro- stepped aside because of Ohio’s Moreover, gasoline U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown an honorary co-chairman for the posal would make abortions illegal term-limit laws, had called the current gas prices na- (D-OH) celebrated Dr. Martin Lu- is below $2/gallon in nine once a fetal heartbeat can be detect- bill unconstitutional and hoped event and spoke about Dr. King’s ther King, Jr. Day by participat- states. 29 state gas price tionwide, statewide, and ed. to avoid costly litigation that legacy of fighting for workers and ing in community events honoring averages are at or below countywide at GasPrices. DeWine, a Republican who would have most certainly re- echoed King’s message of dignity Dr. King’s legacy in Cleveland. the national average of AAA.com. took office last week after his elec- sulted from its passing. and justice for all workers. tion victory in November, told con- Brown delivered opening remarks “Dr. King understood the Statehouse Republi- at the 19th annual Dr. Martin Lu- servative radio host Hugh Hewitt importance of uniting all working AAA Fuel Gauge Gasoline Price Survey cans came up one vote shy of ther King, Jr. Holiday Breakfast people – black and white, middle- Northeast Ohio Average for Self-Service Gasoline on his show that he recognizes the reversing Kasich’s veto, while Celebration and participated in a challenges the bill will face from the House passed the override class and working-class, urban Regular community service event at a local groups such as Planned Parenthood measure.Meanwhile, a judge and rural. We are all created equal, This Week (01-25-19) $1.91 Cleveland school. once it is signed into law. on Tuesday struck down a simi- and all workers deserve to share Last Week (01-18-19) $2.01 The theme of the annual lar law in Iowa, declaring the in the great wealth and prosperity Last Year (01-18-18) $2.66 “But ultimately, this will breakfast was “Celebrating the life, they create for this country.
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