U.S. Policy Is Firm Mrs
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I. ^ PAGE PORTY-POUR liattrlfTHtpr lEiiTnbtQ %ralii JDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 19M " Manchester Grange will meet A bout Toi^nn tonight at 8 at Orange Hall. The Freedmail Wins Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock First and Second degrees will Tile Kntered Apprentice de- Si. Mary^s Curate Speaker be exemplified on candidates. *t*e will be conferred at a In Springfield 'Refreshments will be served af tiny^easures * | meeting of Friendship £odge of ter the meeting. For World Community Day AVMBge Daily Net Preas Ron Masons In the Masonic Temple PWllp' E. Freedman of '62 at 7:86 tomorrow night. Harold Grant Rd., fi. Democrat and a Miniatutes Shop ■ fbv Iba WeeK M a«' Manchester Jaycee Wives will The Rev. Russell Allen, curate ty Baptist 'Church; and Mrs. The Weather ‘ Leggett, junior warden, whi former Manchester town direc meet tonight at 7 :30 at the Swiss of St. Mary's Eplsc<^>al Church, FranK Kos, St. Bridget Church. October 4. 1888 preside. Officer dress is tuxedo. 'VoB Horn I Gloiidy with periods of rain Colony Shop at the Manchester tor, got some happy news last will be guest si>eaKer for World Ushers will be Mrs. FranK Refreshments, will be served af*- Community Day, Friday, at 8* Utfough Friday. Lows tonight 88 Shopping ParKade for a talk on night— his brother, Springfield Williams o f St. Mary’s Church 192 Hertford Rd. I l f clw f t r ■ to 40. High tomorrow In low 40a. te^ the meeting. p.m. in Meihorlal Hall at Cbnter 15,790 cheese and cheese • hors (Mass.) Mayor FranK H. EVeed- and Mrs. Ralph FranK o f Cen (Acraos from Fabric Oqp^iMHd) ^ Saturday’a outlooK mora of the d’oeuVTM. Later, the group will Congregational Church, spon ter Congregational Church. Waddell SchodI will hold Its man, a Republican, won\re-elec- Honrs: Monday then Haliinl'ay ■ aame. have a 'business meeting at the sored by Church Women Unit Hostesses for the evening wuT Manchester— 4 City of VUlate Charm ■annual open bouse-tonight from tlon by a 4 to 1 margin., M AJLtoePJI. home of Mrs. John Tanl, 175 ed. This year’s community «My be women of (Onter Congrega V | W ,. LXXa i x , NQ: 32 7 to 8:30. PTA memberships FranK Freedman was elected ------Phone M O - ^ ........... Main St. Those wishing tranl- theme U "Christians In Inter tional Church, under the direc (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) " MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1969 will be aviallable. Refreshments to his first term in 1067 by a ea Pago M ) PRICE TEN CBNTK portation may contact Mrs. national Development.” tion of Mrs. Robert Coe. will ibe served In the cafeteria. margin of 6,000 votes. His mar J*ohn Bates, 223 Green Rd. gin yesterday was by about 24,- Sister Mary Jane Sidwards, teikeher of muelc and edeBee at Manchester High School, Class 000 votes. Springfield- has ap LaKota Council, Degree of proximately 4<),000 voters. of 1960 reunion committee will Pocahontas, will meet tonight Ov meet tonight at « at the Brit- . Although Mayor Freedman te Not ffis Turn, BUT... at 7:30 at Odd Fellows Hall. a Republican, election in Ish-Aimerican Club. Members of There will be a social time Mdth Ffear 36 Lost HONCMUUL'U (AP) — If Vice President Spiro T. Agnew the dess are reminded to at Springfield Is on a non-partisan IIO U 5 E refreshments after the meeting. basis. He was the top vote-get BOSTON (AP) - BattUng Keeps tg> hls crl^clnn of antiwar demonaRratom “ toe irray find tend. Members will be notified If the Initially they tolij^t a driving L o i i g e ^ W a ter in September, In a primary himself being boomed for president before K ’e oven liis turn ” meeting is 'canceled. Dinner Guest Special Purchase! ““****aln«M seas and i^iay- rain, 20-30-foot seas and winds for six candidates. The top two Sen. Barry Goldwater said today. Olbbons Assembly, Catholic Miloa winds, a flotilla of rescue of as high CUB 70 miles por hour. ran yesterday. \ Ih Wa iMepared Keynote address to (he Western States Re- Ladies of Colum<bus, eind 3t. Members of"toI Cosmopolitan Andover •Edpa continued a mammoth Conditions—though still pom*— pubUoan (tonfeirence, the unsucceesful 1964 GOP preeidenUal Maigaret Circle, Daughters of Club wishing to bring guests to Resources of the •earcii off the coast of soL'th- were reported slightly Improved Isabella, will have a Communion hear Miss A'riyne Garrity pres- Saturday after a ern New Engl'and today tor 36 today. candidate said Agnew’s strong attacKs on (he peace move supper tonight at 7 at the KofC WOMENS WARM LINED men feared lost in the breaK-vp ment leaders express “ (he senttment of the vast, overwhelm ent "The King and I" on Fri- P;"*' o t the Couple Rockville The come storm also disabled ing majority of the American people.” Hbme after a 6:30 Mass at day are reminded to contact> J** Community Baptist WATERPROOF of a tanKer during a roaiimr- a 41-foot luxury yacht Wednes Bartholomew’s Church. II lA L E Noptheaster. Goldwater said (he vice president was “accuiate end pen U.S. Policy Is Firm Mrs. E.L. CooK of 862 E. Middle Hospital Notes* day, but the seven men aboard H ie tanker, the 620-toot S.8. etrating’’ In calling the anUwar demonotration leaders “Im- Tpke. Instead of "Mrs. Aaroir' ^- Ooodler Is responsible for off- It were rescued today by the pudeiYt motiB** and ehould be ps^sed, not vttifted. Full Gospel Christian Fel CtooK as reported In yesterday’s ehore surveys and explorations Visiting hours are. U:S6 to 8 Keo, sput In half Wethieaday tanKer ’Iliomas H . and were The vice president’s crime. It seems, was to describe en lowship, Interdenom^ratlbnal, Herald. TTie event will be held laboatorles of the Arthur D. Llt- p.m. In all areas except nm- and the (toast Guard said that being taKen to Bostem. PARIS <AP)—The Unit will hold a prayer service to temlty where they are 8 to 4 BOOTS at laat report, moat of the crew e ff^ corps of Impudent oKibe as ’an effete corpe of impudent ed States told Hanoi and Frlday at 2 p.m. in Woodruff tie Inc. of Cambridge, Mass., The yacht, the Morgan sloop snobs,’. ” Goldwater said. morrow at 7:30 p.m. at Orange Hall of Center Congregational a consulting an^l physical re- and 8:80 to 8 p.m. man were thought to have toKen Whisper, was en route from the Viet Cong today the “ liberal maKes any kind of outiandteh <*arge Hall. Church. search firm. Formerly with the tafuge on the ship’s stem. Marion, Mass., to Bermuda A* . ag^nst hls nation or Ws President It Is taKen as a proper ex- U.S. position in Paris will ----- research laboratories of United Admitted Monday: Randy Tfte bow of the ruptiued ves when it began breaKing up In not crumble ' “ because of The Mountain Laurel Chapter HicKton, Green Rd., RocKville; sel was tound Weibiesday night speech and a legitimate expraeaion Royal BlacK Prcceptory will Aircraft Corp., he Is the author the storm. of pcAitlcal dissent,” he said. ^ the words or actions of a chorus of Sweet Adelines will meet Friday at 8 p.m. at of many publications related to HenrletXa .Nedeau, Union St., Famous Name— You'll Know On by the British ship Border The Thomas M. said all seven ‘=®*“ ®^®*lve or a supporter of (he Nixon vocal minority of the mbet tomorrow, at the Rusalan- Orange JIall. the study of the ocean floor. RocKville; Louella Seymour, Sight! la ir d It was partially oub- were safe, though two were Amerlcan National (Center, BerKley Dr., Vernon; Bonnie actolnhtratlon vigprou^y attacKs an acWvtty which is imder- American public.!’ 211 „ ... , The meeting la. open to the metged, and awash with oR. “ slightly Injured.” Wethersfield Ave„ Hartford. CommHteee from the four vol- couples of the church and their Brown, West Shore Rd., EUlng- Keo, of Liberian registry, They were not identified. ®»*«Patically becomes Ambassador Henry Cabot Women interested In singing iton; Joseph HIpsky, West Wll- »n (he view of (he Irtttot me- unteer companies of the Town friends,. St. Bridget School, wlU be solo Every Pair Waterproof oarrled 210,000 barrels of No. 6 The (toast Guard gave the Lodge also delar^; "You four-parit barbershop-style har llngton; Miriam Smith, Wind- Fire Department will meet to- - ' ist. She sings at folK Masses at fuel oQ, and the Ctoadt Guard names of those abocud as must not rely on our maKing mony may attend any rehear sorvllle Rd., Ellington; Michael I Goldwater si»Ke of an Agnqw for President boom In the morrow at 7:80 p .m at Center ----- ^ v -------------------------r - St. Bridget Church. ■aid her breaKup posed a seri James Ferris^ 40, the owner, concession after conceaalon un- sal. For further information, Szemreylo, Grant Hill Rd., Tol 14 or 16 Inches High— last paragraph of a speech In wMoh he oahed for RepuWlcans Hose Co 2. P la n ^ o r the an- Members of the Chairilnade . Dessert and coffee wlU be ous pcShition threat. Donald Sterte, 43, and Phil to unite behind Preerident Nixon. 'V'w* tU you get everything you call Mrs. Truman Crandall of land; Barbara Darcey, Hart nual Ladles Nigh# to be held Musical Club chorus are re served at 7:30 p.m. in Fellow Just Right "E xcept for ttie how, they ha Sears, 26, aH of Dover, Mass.; want.” 88 White St.