I. ^ PAGE PORTY-POUR liattrlfTHtpr lEiiTnbtQ %ralii JDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 19M " Manchester Grange will meet A bout Toi^nn tonight at 8 at Orange Hall. The Freedmail Wins Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock First and Second degrees will Tile Kntered Apprentice de- Si. Mary^s Curate Speaker be exemplified on candidates. *t*e will be conferred at a In Springfield 'Refreshments will be served af­ tiny^easures * | meeting of Friendship £odge of ter the meeting. For World Community Day AVMBge Daily Net Preas Ron Masons In the Masonic Temple PWllp' E. Freedman of '62 at 7:86 tomorrow night. Harold Grant Rd., fi. Democrat and a Miniatutes Shop ■ fbv Iba WeeK M a«' Manchester Jaycee Wives will The Rev. Russell Allen, curate ty Baptist 'Church; and Mrs. The Weather ‘ Leggett, junior warden, whi former Manchester town direc­ meet tonight at 7 :30 at the Swiss of St. Mary's Eplsc<^>al Church, FranK Kos, St. Bridget Church. October 4. 1888 preside. Officer dress is tuxedo. 'VoB Horn I Gloiidy with periods of rain Colony Shop at the Manchester tor, got some happy news last will be guest si>eaKer for World Ushers will be Mrs. FranK Refreshments, will be served af*- Community Day, Friday, at 8* Utfough Friday. Lows tonight 88 Shopping ParKade for a talk on night— his brother, Springfield Williams o f St. Mary’s Church 192 Hertford Rd. I l f clw f t r ■ to 40. High tomorrow In low 40a. te^ the meeting. p.m. in Meihorlal Hall at Cbnter 15,790 cheese and cheese • hors (Mass.) Mayor FranK H. EVeed- and Mrs. Ralph FranK o f Cen­ (Acraos from Fabric Oqp^iMHd) ^ Saturday’a outlooK mora of the d’oeuVTM. Later, the group will Congregational Church, spon­ ter Congregational Church. Waddell SchodI will hold Its man, a Republican, won\re-elec- Honrs: Monday then Haliinl'ay ■ aame. have a 'business meeting at the sored by Church Women Unit­ Hostesses for the evening wuT Manchester— 4 City of VUlate Charm ■annual open bouse-tonight from tlon by a 4 to 1 margin., M AJLtoePJI. home of Mrs. John Tanl, 175 ed. This year’s community «My be women of (Onter Congrega­ V | W ,. LXXa i x , NQ: 32 7 to 8:30. PTA memberships FranK Freedman was elected ------Phone M O - ^ ........... Main St. Those wishing tranl- theme U "Christians In Inter­ tional Church, under the direc­ (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) " MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1969 will be aviallable. Refreshments to his first term in 1067 by a ea Pago M ) PRICE TEN CBNTK portation may contact Mrs. national Development.” tion of Mrs. Robert Coe. will ibe served In the cafeteria. margin of 6,000 votes. His mar­ J*ohn Bates, 223 Green Rd. gin yesterday was by about 24,- Sister Mary Jane Sidwards, teikeher of muelc and edeBee at Manchester High School, Class 000 votes. Springfield- has ap­ LaKota Council, Degree of proximately 4<),000 voters. of 1960 reunion committee will Pocahontas, will meet tonight Ov meet tonight at « at the Brit- . Although Mayor Freedman te Not ffis Turn, BUT... at 7:30 at Odd Fellows Hall. a Republican, election in Ish-Aimerican Club. Members of There will be a social time Mdth Ffear 36 Lost HONCMUUL'U (AP) — If Vice President Spiro T. Agnew the dess are reminded to at­ Springfield Is on a non-partisan IIO U 5 E refreshments after the meeting. basis. He was the top vote-get­ BOSTON (AP) - BattUng Keeps tg> hls crl^clnn of antiwar demonaRratom “ toe irray find tend. Members will be notified If the Initially they tolij^t a driving L o i i g e ^ W a ter in September, In a primary himself being boomed for president before K ’e oven liis turn ” meeting is 'canceled. Dinner Guest Special Purchase! ““****aln«M seas and i^iay- rain, 20-30-foot seas and winds for six candidates. The top two Sen. Barry Goldwater said today. Olbbons Assembly, Catholic Miloa winds, a flotilla of rescue of as high CUB 70 miles por hour. ran yesterday. \ Ih Wa iMepared Keynote address to (he Western States Re- Ladies of Colum<bus, eind 3t. Members of"toI Cosmopolitan Andover •Edpa continued a mammoth Conditions—though still pom*— pubUoan (tonfeirence, the unsucceesful 1964 GOP preeidenUal Maigaret Circle, Daughters of Club wishing to bring guests to Resources of the •earcii off the coast of soL'th- were reported slightly Improved Isabella, will have a Communion hear Miss A'riyne Garrity pres- Saturday after a ern New Engl'and today tor 36 today. candidate said Agnew’s strong attacKs on (he peace move­ supper tonight at 7 at the KofC WOMENS WARM LINED men feared lost in the breaK-vp ment leaders express “ (he senttment of the vast, overwhelm­ ent "The King and I" on Fri- P;"*' o t the Couple Rockville The come storm also disabled ing majority of the American people.” Hbme after a 6:30 Mass at day are reminded to contact> J** Community Baptist WATERPROOF of a tanKer during a roaiimr- a 41-foot luxury yacht Wednes­ Bartholomew’s Church. II lA L E Noptheaster. Goldwater said (he vice president was “accuiate end pen­ U.S. Policy Is Firm Mrs. E.L. CooK of 862 E. Middle Hospital Notes* day, but the seven men aboard H ie tanker, the 620-toot S.8. etrating’’ In calling the anUwar demonotration leaders “Im- Tpke. Instead of "Mrs. Aaroir' ^- Ooodler Is responsible for off- It were rescued today by the pudeiYt motiB** and ehould be ps^sed, not vttifted. Full Gospel Christian Fel­ CtooK as reported In yesterday’s ehore surveys and explorations Visiting hours are. U:S6 to 8 Keo, sput In half Wethieaday tanKer ’Iliomas H . and were The vice president’s crime. It seems, was to describe en lowship, Interdenom^ratlbnal, Herald. TTie event will be held laboatorles of the Arthur D. Llt- p.m. In all areas except nm- and the (toast Guard said that being taKen to Bostem. PARIS <AP)—The Unit­ will hold a prayer service to­ temlty where they are 8 to 4 BOOTS at laat report, moat of the crew­ e ff^ corps of Impudent oKibe as ’an effete corpe of impudent ed States told Hanoi and Frlday at 2 p.m. in Woodruff tie Inc. of Cambridge, Mass., The yacht, the Morgan sloop snobs,’. ” Goldwater said. morrow at 7:30 p.m. at Orange Hall of Center Congregational a consulting an^l physical re- and 8:80 to 8 p.m. man were thought to have toKen Whisper, was en route from the Viet Cong today the “ liberal maKes any kind of outiandteh <*arge Hall. Church. search firm. Formerly with the tafuge on the ship’s stem. Marion, Mass., to Bermuda A* . ag^nst hls nation or Ws President It Is taKen as a proper ex- U.S. position in Paris will ----- research laboratories of United Admitted Monday: Randy Tfte bow of the ruptiued ves­ when it began breaKing up In not crumble ' “ because of The Mountain Laurel Chapter HicKton, Green Rd., RocKville; sel was tound Weibiesday night speech and a legitimate expraeaion Royal BlacK Prcceptory will Aircraft Corp., he Is the author the storm. of pcAitlcal dissent,” he said. ^ the words or actions of a chorus of Sweet Adelines will meet Friday at 8 p.m. at of many publications related to HenrletXa .Nedeau, Union St., Famous Name— You'll Know On by the British ship Border The Thomas M. said all seven ‘=®*“ ®^®*lve or a supporter of (he Nixon vocal minority of the mbet tomorrow, at the Rusalan- Orange JIall. the study of the ocean floor. RocKville; Louella Seymour, Sight! la ir d It was partially oub- were safe, though two were Amerlcan National (Center, BerKley Dr., Vernon; Bonnie actolnhtratlon vigprou^y attacKs an acWvtty which is imder- American public.!’ 211 „ ... , The meeting la. open to the metged, and awash with oR. “ slightly Injured.” Wethersfield Ave„ Hartford. CommHteee from the four vol- couples of the church and their Brown, West Shore Rd., EUlng- Keo, of Liberian registry, They were not identified. ®»*«Patically becomes Ambassador Henry Cabot Women interested In singing iton; Joseph HIpsky, West Wll- »n (he view of (he Irtttot me- unteer companies of the Town friends,. St. Bridget School, wlU be solo­ Every Pair Waterproof oarrled 210,000 barrels of No. 6 The (toast Guard gave the Lodge also delar^; "You four-parit barbershop-style har­ llngton; Miriam Smith, Wind- Fire Department will meet to- - ' ist. She sings at folK Masses at fuel oQ, and the Ctoadt Guard names of those abocud as must not rely on our maKing mony may attend any rehear­ sorvllle Rd., Ellington; Michael I Goldwater si»Ke of an Agnqw for President boom In the morrow at 7:80 p .m at Center ----- ^ v -------------------------r - St. Bridget Church. ■aid her breaKup posed a seri­ James Ferris^ 40, the owner, concession after conceaalon un- sal. For further information, Szemreylo, Grant Hill Rd., Tol­ 14 or 16 Inches High— last paragraph of a speech In wMoh he oahed for RepuWlcans Hose Co 2. P la n ^ o r the an- Members of the Chairilnade . Dessert and coffee wlU be ous pcShition threat. Donald Sterte, 43, and Phil to unite behind Preerident Nixon. 'V'w* tU you get everything you call Mrs. Truman Crandall of land; Barbara Darcey, Hart­ nual Ladles Nigh# to be held Musical Club chorus are re­ served at 7:30 p.m. in Fellow­ Just Right "E xcept for ttie how, they ha­ Sears, 26, aH of Dover, Mass.; want.” 88 White St.
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