2 May 2017 No 10 ISSN 1664-7963 Current Concerns PO Box CH-8044 Zurich Current Concerns Switzerland The international journal for independent thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, Phone: +41 44 350 65 50 Fax: +41 44 350 65 51 and for the promotion and respect of public international law, human rights and humanitarian law E-Mail:
[email protected] Website: www.currentconcerns.ch English Edition of Zeit-Fragen Colonial, postcolonial, neocolonial? Germany’s economic and educational strategy for Africa by Armin Hofmann At the end of the 19th century, Germany was late entering the scramble for Africa “States lead not only military wars […] they also lead cultural wars in competition with France, Great Britain, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Belgium. With- and educational wars to achieve their economic and power policy in just two decades almost all areas of the goals. The influence with the means of foreign cultural, linguistic and African continent had been occupied by European powers. The governments sent educational policy belongs to the so-called ‘soft power’.” missionaries, explorers and adventurers, the ones in order to christianise the Af- rican tribes and peoples – whereby their ethos often had a mitigating effect –, the The German Development Minister has the past. The Europeans should in the first others to explore the remaining “white now presented his new strategy for Africa. place listen to what Africans wanted. spots” on the map. Ever new areas were With his so-called “Marshall Plan for Af- The measures taken by the German captured, in order to exploit raw materials rica”, which, at short notice, he renamed government to gain access to the African and “human resources”, to expand trade or “Marshall Plan with Africa” he wants to continent include state funding, private in- to make use of strategically favourable ge- eliminate trade barriers and promote in- vestment and measures of “foreign cultur- ographic locations.