C hina Fostering business and culturalI harmonynsight between and the U.S.


Chinese Heritage Foundation

celebrates 10th anniversary By Greg Hugh The Chinese Heritage Foundation Then the formal part of the program CHF Friends and in collaboration with (CHF) held their 10th annual open began. CHF board member Margaret the San Francisco Opera Company - the Ifake, page 3 house this past October. While many Wong welcomed the gathering and commissioning of an English-language Minnesotans were soaking in an excep- provided a brief history and background opera based on the classic Chinese tionally spectacular fall day pursuing on the founding of the foundation (by novel, the “.” other interests, loyal supporters of CHF Ming Tchou in 2004). Much of this Music will be by world-renowned Chi- filled the Party Room at the Gramercy background was reported in the October nese-American composer Bright Sheng, in Richfield to celebrate this memorable issue of China Insight. Wong was fol- who also will be a co-librettist with Tony milestone. lowed by another board member, Ken Award-winning Chinese-American As is the custom at most CHF so- Lau, who commented on “A Passage playwright David Henry Hwang. Ber- cial events, first on the agenda was for to China,” that has become a signature gad also announced that Stan Lai (cel- Mao and the mango, page 5 the gathering to enjoy the camaraderie event for CHF Friends, and introduced ebrated -based along with some appropriate snacks, representatives of several organizations playwright and director) has joined the which is the domain of CHF board creative team as stage director. Lai was who have been part of the event since member, Yin Simpson. In addition to recognized by the BBC as “The best its inception in 2008: Joan Brzezinski, planning and arranging the food, Simp- Chinese language playwright and direc- director of the China Center at the Uni- son also coordinated the decorations so tor in the world, and pretty prolific too.” versity at Minnesota; Sophia Liu from as to set a festive mood for the gathering This San Francisco Opera production is Minhua Chorus and Melody Zhou from scheduled to have its world premiere in CIAC Travel. Each spoke of their Pas- the fall of 2016. sage participation over the years. While the seeds for Dream were Thanksgiving in China, page 7 Next on the program was Lauren planted back in 2011, it wasn’t until the Moy, who performed a piece on the San Francisco Opera Company agreed guzheng. She has performed at Pas- to undertake the opera in 2013 when sage over the years either as a solo Ming Tchou donated $100,000 to get performer or with other organizations the project rolling, which resulted in such as CAAM. Sheng and Hwang getting on board. After their comments, Lau then in- Recently, CHFF has also received a troduced Pearl Bergad, CHF executive $50,000 pledge from Ben and Helen Ming Tchou (r), founder of CHF with director, who spoke about the most am- 4th plenary, page 12 young volunteer Summer Ahern. bitious project yet to be undertaken by Continues on page 4 Chinese Business Forum promotes Minnesota-China economic

China champions, page 15 development By Greg Hugh In This Issue networking Session. It took place at the novation, Trade: Minnesota’s Spotlight University of Minnesota Carlson School On China” followed by Professor Art of Business, where the University’s Hill, Carlson School of Management, Pronouncements...2 China 100 story was also on display who introduced Mark Ritchie, Minne- Business...... 3 in the atrium. The networking session sota Secretary of State, who addressed, ended as the gathering was ushered into “Looking Ahead - Minnesota-China History...... 4-5 the auditorium when the forum began. Business Connections In The Coming Education....6-7,15 Eric Gong, president of CABAM, Decade.” and Rodney Hiel, president of UCBC, After a short break, the forum contin- Food...... 8 welcomed the group as they provided ued as Joan Brzezinski, executive direc- Community...... 9 background information on their respec- tor, China Center, introduced Luomei Books...... 10 Mark Ritchie, Minnesota Secretary of State tive organizations and the agenda for Shu, commercial counselor from The the forum. They also stated that there Consulate General of the People’s Re- Government...... 12 On Nov. 1, the Chinese American would be no questions taken during the public of China in Chicago, who spoke People...... 13 Business Association of Minnesota information-packed individual presenta- on “China’s Reform And Economy (CABAM) along with the U.S.-China tions, but questions could be texted for Benefit Our Business Cooperation With Politics...... 14-15 Business Connections (UCBC) and follow-up and responses later on during the U.S. And Minnesota.” Travel...... 16 sponsored by the China Center at the the forum. Following this presentation was a University of Minnesota and the Min- Gong then introduced Kathleen Mot- panel discussion on public and private nesota Trade Office kicked off the zenbecker, director of the Minnesota Chinese Business Forum, with a busy Trade Office, who spoke on “Talent, In- Continues on page 10 PAGE 2 > NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 pronouncements www.chinainsight.info Publisher’s ChinaInsight Publisher/Editor: Pronouncements Gregory J. Hugh [email protected] Greetings: her Fellowship with Teach for China. you wish to publicize. However, be- As we transition to the holiday Manager of Operations/ season, all of us at China Insight wish Her first articles appear on pg. 7 about cause of the holidays, we would need Circulation: to convey our best wishes for a great her experiences in China. these by Dec. 15, 2014. Richard He Thanksgiving holiday as we prepare The Confucius Institutes have re- As always, thank you for your con- [email protected] for the most challenging of seasons for cently encountered some controversy tinued support of China Insight. Please all of us residing in Minnesota…winter. as to concerns that they may threaten feel free to let us know if there are any Staff Writers: In addition to Thanksgiving occur- academic freedom. We have presented topics you would like us to cover or if Greg Hugh ring in November in the U.S., we also a commentary about this on page 6. there are any other ways we can better [email protected] celebrate Veterans Day, which occurs For those interested in doing busi- serve the community. Elaine Dunn every November 11. In other parts of ness in China, there is a special mem- [email protected] the world, it may be celebrated as Ar- bership offer from U.S.-China Business Sincerely, mistice or Remembrance Day. This is Connections on pg. 9. Contributors: the day we honor our military veterans Please note that this edition of China Madeline Christensen and let them know their service to our Insight is a combined issue for Novem- [email protected] country is deeply appreciated; so be sure ber-December and that there will not be Raymond Lum to let our folks in the military know that a separate edition published for Decem- Gregory J. Hugh [email protected] we appreciate the sacrifices they make ber 2014. Thus, in addition to our best Publisher-CEO to keep our country free. wishes for a great Thanksgiving, we Chang Wang We also are pleased to announce that also wish you a joyous, prosperous and [email protected] Madeline Christensen has joined our healthy holiday season. Patrick Welsh staff as our China correspondent and We will resume our publishing [email protected] will be contributing articles periodically schedule in January and invite you to about her experiences as she completes submit any events or announcements Webmaster: Will Ahern [email protected]

Honorary: Jennifer Nordin, Editor Emeritus [email protected]

About ChinaInsight ChinaInsight is a monthly English language newspaper fostering business and cultural harmony between China and the U.S.

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City/State/Zip______A subscription costs a mere $24 and brings a full Phone______year (10 issues) of new Email______understanding about today’s Company______China, from language to business opportunities. Copyright 2014 ChinaInsight, Inc. Title______All Rights Reserved. business www.chinainsight.info NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 > PAGE 3 China’s top 10 business China Briefs elites under 40 The Chinese edition of the Septem- Selected newsworthy items ber Fortune magazine named the top 10 recently published in the business elites in China who are under Chinese press age 40. Most of them launched their company’s initial public offering in the U.S. in the first half of this year. Meet No. 5 Fu Sheng No ants in pants for Chinese the movers and shakers: Age: 36 Never underestimate the discomfort CEO of Cheetah Mobile Inc,, a Chinese will endure in trying to make a quick buck. When the iPhone 6 -based Internet and mobile launched in the U.S. in September, Chi- phone security application maker. It nese customs caught a smuggler with raised $168 million in a listing on the eight devices taped under three layers New York Stock Exchange. At present, of underpants! And a Canadian Chinese No. 10 Tang Yan the company’s market value breaks out wearing sweatpants was caught with 51 Age: 35 $3 billion. live turtles taped to his legs at the Detroit Founder and CEO of Momo, one border. The turtles were destined for of the most popular location-based China at $1800 apiece! social apps in the Chinese mainland, # which was launched in 2011. Number # 1 Another U.S. hotel owned by Chi- of active users in July climbed to 50 # 6 nese million. About 500 million one-on-one 3 8 The highest price ever paid for an ex- conversations or group chats are gener- No. 4 Yang Yifu, Li Xinhe and Zhang isting hotel in the U.S. was snapped up ated daily. Shishi # by Beijing’s Anbang Insurance Group Age: 29-30 By# the4 numbers Co. for $1.95 billion in early October. Co-founders of RenRenYouXin 10 # # 2 The 1,232-roomed Waldorf Astoria, Group Co Ltd. The company provides 7 Manhattan’s Art Deco landmark, is the financial service via the Internet, includ- costliest U.S. structure paid for by a ing peer-to-peer (P2P) lending. In Janu- Hong Kong wealth gap Chinese buyer to date. The new owner ary of this year, the group raised $130 Hong Kong has one of the world’s already has plans for converting some No. 9 Yu Dunde million from a group of investors led by highest real estate prices and the of the higher floors to condos, no doubt Age: 33 biggest wealth gap, creating deep with rich mainlanders waiting in the CEO of Tuniu, a Chinese online lei- TBP Capital, marking the single larg- frustration within the working wings to buy! sure travel company founded in 2006. est investment within the P2P lending class. It certainly did not help when Online and mobile platforms offer a industry. That number was higher than C.Y. Leung, its Beijing-appointed New meaning to stuffing your bra wide array of travel-related services Google Inc. and Foundation Capital’s chief executive said universal suf- The border police of Lincang city, Yun- and packaged tours. The company’s $125 million investment in Lending frage would mean the majority of nan Province, was kept busy during products cover more than 70 countries, Club last May. voters would be “poor and from the working class.” Where’s the Golden Week (Oct. 1-7), busting 13 including many popular tourist destina- Chinese PC police? drug smugglers for 39+ kg of narcotics. tions in China. In May, it launched an One smuggler wore a bra fully stuffed IPO on Nasdaq. 41 with heroin. HK billionaires has a combined wealth valued at USD$203.9 bil- Ka-ching! No. 3 Yao Jinbo lions, making HK one of the most Singles Day, Nov. 11, is one of the big- Age: 37 unequal places in terms of wealth gest online shopping days in China. It’s Chairman and CEO of 58.com, distribution. the day young singles celebrate their No. 8 Wang Xing China’s online classifieds website serv- unattached status with parties, eating out ing about 380 cities. It began trading on 74.4 and treating themselves at online retail Age: 35 Percent of HK’s economic output the New York Stock Exchange last year. sites! Courier services have hired on CEO of Chinese group-buying site is represented by wealth held by its In the first half of 2014, the company 250,000 temp delivery workers. Retail- Meituan. In the past six months, the 41 billionaires reported $13.5 million in net profit and ers are increasing 1.85 million square site’s transactions generated more than meters in warehouse space and buying 16 billion yuan (almost $2.6 billion). operating revenue of $112.8 million. 31.4 or leasing more than 12,000 extra trucks. Billion in USD is the 2014 net Online sales is expected to generate worth of Li Ka-shing, one of the richest tycoons in Hong Kong and more than US$5.7 billion. Asia. He comes in 20th on Forbes’ list. Unisex public toilets hit No. 2 Wang Xiaochuan Intended for parents with children or No. 7 Li Mingyuan Age: 36 5 adults accompanying disabled indi- Age: 30 Family-owned HK companies ac- CEO of Sogou Inc., a subsidiary of viduals, unisex toilets (they come with Vice-president of Baidu, a Chinese count for 70 percent of HK’s resi- Chinese portal Sohu.com Inc., which changing tables, urinals and regular Internet search provider, and in charge dential real estate market. operates search engine, Chinese commodes; but no hole-in-the-ground of its mobile sector. In the first quarter input method and other apps in mobile variety!) are being piloted on Shanghai of 2014, revenues from the mobile busi- 1,800 streets. Residents seem unsure of what and online. USD is the median monthly income ness contributed more than 25 percent to make of them though most were re- for the HK population. of the total revenue of Baidu. ceptive to the concept. 30 What can you (not) find in the Percent of HK households has less counterfeit market? than USD$10,313 in assets. It goes without saying that fake Gucci, 1 Prada and Louis Vuitton bags are hot Percent increase in average annual No. 6 Chen Ou items in China. But what other coun- No. 1 Liu Qiangdong starting salary for HK university Age: 31 terfeit items are there? Try cigarettes, Age: 39 students for the past 17 years. condoms, luxury watches, “antiques,” CEO of Jumei.com Inc., a Chinese Founder and CEO of JD.com Inc., milk powder, iPhones and, the latest ad- online cosmetics retailer. Chen is the the second-largest e-commerce platform 25,522 dition, baby diapers! I guess what lives youngest CEO to list his company on USD is the average annual starting in China, and completed its IPO on melamine-laced milk powder take away, the New York Stock Exchange in May salary for HK university graduates. Nasdaq this year. u leaky condoms will replenish? 2014. PAGE 4 > NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 history www.chinainsight.info

The causes and outbreak of the Taiping Rebellion By Pat Welsh, contributor from the Hakkas that Hong found his most ardent followers. There existed many conflicts between the two groups. At this time, bandit activities were nu- merous and each village trained a local militia to deal with the problem. The local native villagers frequently used these militias under various pretenses to involve the Hakkas in troubles. As a reaction to this, Hong and Feng also or- ganized the Society for Protecting Good People and Attacking Bandits. The struggle between these two anti-bandit organizations would later play a role in the outbreak of the Taiping Rebellion. In 1850, a junior official sent a bat- talion of troops to arrest a notorious thief Hong Xiuquan (洪秀全), in Guangxi Province. Upon completing The Taiping Rebellion broke out in should not be reported to the throne demons and save all mankind -- con- this task, the battalion tried to coerce 1850, but at that time it was one of a se- because such news would cause His sidered to be his brothers and sisters. charcoal workers into giving them ries of rebellions and disorders that had Majesty anxiety. Moreover, in Guangxi In this dream, he also met a tall scholar contributions. Most of the charcoal occurred every year since the end of the Province, the various governors did not who claimed to be his elder brother workers were members of Hong’s God- Opium War in 1842. These outbreaks like to be bothered by administrative and who promised to help Hong in this Worshippers Society. They gathered had several causes in common. work. The activities of secret societies task. After this dream, Hong went about and successfully resisted this extortion. At the heart of one cause was China’s were increasingly ignored. One of them, advising people that they could avoid Warned that a greater force of govern- dependence upon an economy that was Zhen Zuchen merely prayed to Buddha misfortune by believing in God, and that ment troops were to return to deal with primarily agricultural. Over the past daily that catastrophes be dispelled. if they did not, they would be eaten by them, Feng summoned the charcoal centuries, when the population was While he was doing this, the Taiping snails and tigers. workers to Jintian Village where they small enough to be supported by the Rebellion broke out in his province. With schoolmate Feng Yünshan, were incited to revolt. This incident agricultural output, the realm lived in A fourth factor that fomented rebel- Hong went to Guangxi in 1844 where marked the beginning of the Taiping relative peace. This was not the case in lions was an ever-growing anti-Qing they formed a Society of God-Worship- Rebellion and the rise of the Heavenly 太平天國 the 1842-1850 period. Then sharp dis- nationalist feeling that began to pervade pers. In 1847, he went to Hong Kong to Kingdom of Great Peace ( ). tinctions between the rich and the poor the population. Aside from the fact receive instruction in Christianity from Next month, I plan to write about this Heavenly Kingdom itself. u arose as vast areas of arable lands could that the Qing dynasty was a Manchu a well-known American missionary, no longer support a growing population, dynasty, not a Chinese one, the Qing Issachar J. Roberts. Hong stayed with About Pat Welsh and a growing number of farmers were dynasty began to lose the respect of the Roberts two months and then returned to In 2009 while teaching English forced to incur debts and sell part or all population. Those Chinese who still Guangxi without being baptized. Upon at Sichuan University, Welsh was of their lands to affluent merchants and considered themselves as subjects of the his return, he was pleased to learn that asked to give a speech where he was other rich men. In China, there were not defunct Ming Dynasty began spreading his society’s membership had grown to introduced to the audience as a “pio- the numbers of factories that existed in the old slogan, “Rebel against the Qing more than 200,000 members. Most of neer of Chinese American relations” Europe and America that could absorb and restore the Ming.” To counter the the converts were poor peasants while as a result of his cooperative work in the surplus laborers. anti-Qing sentiment, the Qing emperors the majority of Confucian scholars did international banking during the Deng promoted Confucianism because this not accept Christianity. Xiaoping era. For more than 65 years, philosophy included the idea that every Where Hong taught his religious Welsh has been learning Chinese and person has his place in society and that principles, there existed a distinction be- has used this knowledge both profes- if the emperor and all officials treated tween the “guest settlers” (Hakka speak- sionally and personally to enhance his those below them properly, all would ers) who had migrated from and the local people ( and understanding of Chinese and Asian be at peace under Heaven. affairs. A fifth factor promoting rebellion Southwest Mandarin speakers). It was was the conduct of so many of the im- perial troops, the local militias and the Another cause of discontent was patriotic volunteers during the Opium Chinese Heritage Foundation the devaluation of copper coins that War. Their lawlessness and abuses of caused a great deal of discontent with the local populations caused the popular Continued from page 1 the government. The land tax paid by sentiments to shift from hating the west- Liu, $25,000 in donation and $25,000 mation on the Dream story, followed the farmers was fixed on the basis of ern foreigners to despising the Manchus. in the form of a matching challenge by Karen Himle who discussed the silver, which now required more copper The initial instigator of the Taiping grant. CHFF has now commenced fundraising goals. coins for payment. In effect, the farmers Rebellion was Hong Xiuquan (洪秀全), its fundraising efforts and invites the The program came to a close with the were paying ever-higher rates of taxes. a Hakka-speaking native of Huaxian community to participate in the com- CHF Board making themselves avail- A third factor leading up to the emer- in Guangdong Province. Born on Jan. missioning of the opera by making a able for questions regarding the “Dream gence of the Taiping Rebellion was the 1, 1814, although not wealthy, he had donation to help CHF meet its mission of the Red Chamber” opera. deterioration of the political system. enough means and education to take For more information about the objective in preserving and promoting Aside from corruption, in 1834, under and fail the imperial examination twice Chinese Heritage Foundation and how Chinese heritage, culture and history the reign of the Daoguang emperor, the in 1836 and 1837. In 1843 Hong was to get involved or make donations, visit while encouraging innovation in the local and provincial officials were loath influenced both by a book given to him www.chineseheritagefoundation.org. u to risk the disapproval of the imperial arts. In carrying out this mission, CHF by a Chinese Christian, Liang Afa in Photos by Will Ahern. court by reporting disturbances in areas 1836, “Good Works to Exalt the Age” hopes to improve mutual understanding under their jurisdiction. The chief min- and a dream in 1837 in which Hong was between the Chinese community and the world community at large. isters, the 80-year-old Cao Zhenyong in a huge mansion. There he spoke with Read the paper online at and the incompetent 52-year-old Mu Marcus Young, St. Paul Artist-In- a venerable old man wearing a golden www.chinainsight.info Zhanga, had advised their lower officials beard and black robes who ordered Residence, was then introduced. He that flood, drought and bandit activities him to go into the world and stamp out provided additional background infor- www.chinainsight.info history NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 > PAGE 5

Mao and the mango By Elaine Dunn

The Chinese love fruits, fresh fruits. to regift the mangoes to the surviving The common tropical mango had It is no surprise, then, that many fruits peacekeeping workers. The mangoes now achieved deity stature. Different are charged with symbolism, each spe- went to those workers still stationed at approaches to preserve it for posterity cifically representing longevity, wealth, Tsinghua University who, by then, were were carried out with varying degrees prosperity, fertility, etc. Of the ones known as The Worker-Peasant Mao of success, or not at all. One factory that have achieved iconic stature are Zedong Thought Propaganda Teams. immersed their mango in formaldehyde. peaches, oranges, pomegranates and The Tsinghua workers then sent one Another encased theirs in wax. Some grapes. And then, there’s the mighty mango each to the seven factories where put theirs inside glass vitrines for work- mango. Mao’s mango. the other peacekeeping workers were ers to file pass and view it. All were Mango-items became an integral During the Cultural Revolution in recruited. revered. Supposedly, when the one part of popular culture. Plastic and wax the 1960s, idealistic middle school, high The mango is not a native fruit of encased in wax started to turn black and mangoes in vitrines were distributed to school and university students through- northern China. Back in the 1960s, the rot, it was gently peeled and boiled in a many factory workers to bring home as out the country learned the sayings of country was in the throes of famine, giant pot of water, and each worker got a reminder of Mao’s regard and love for Chairman by heart. They thanks to Mao’s Great Leap Forward ini- a sip of the broth! Eeewe. the working class. Wax mangoes toured adored Mao and carried his red-cover tiative of the 1950s to modernize China. the country and were to be observed book of sayings - the famous little red Food was scarce. Fresh fruit even scarc- with utmost reverence. It was said that book - with them everywhere and called er. Most mainland Chinese had never an unimpressed dentist from a village themselves Red Guards. Their mis- heard of, let alone seen, a mango. So was put to death because, upon seeing sion was to defend Chairman Mao’s when the mangoes appeared on campus, the wax replica, he commented that the thoughts. Mao completely encouraged it created quite a buzz. It was an even mango was nothing spectacular. their fervor. bigger deal since they were a gift from And as unexpected and sudden as Not only did these Red Guards rel- their supreme leader, Chairman Mao! its rapid rise to cult status, the mango’s ish in destroying everything that linked Little did they know about the casual iconic symbolism was short-lived. By or belonged to the past, they harbored regift! The workers interpreted the gift fall 1969, people’s obsession with it had animosity against other groups in their as Mao’s “sacrifice (in not eating them all but faded away. zest to demonstrate their supreme sup- himself) for the benefit of the workers.” In the spring of 2013, Switzerland’s port of Mao. To give the event added importance, the Museum Reitberg in Zurich held an In the spring of 1968, the rivalry mangoes also arrived with a message exhibit titled “Mao’s Golden Mangoes between two particular units of Red from Mao telling the workers they were and the Cultural Revolution.” On dis- Guards based at Tsinghua University - now “permanent managers” of the na- Mango mania took a strong hold. play were some 60-plus mango items the Jinggangshan Corps and the Fours tion’s education system! All sorts of mango memorabilia were that were donated to the museum by - came to a head. In vying for Mao’s mass-produced, from buttons to posters Alfreda Murck, a scholar at Beijing’s “blessing,” they threw stones, spears to mugs to plastic and wax mangoes Palace Museum who currently lives in and acid at each other, attempting to enshrined in clear vitrines. The vitrines New York, curated the exhibit. prove their group was more loyal to Mao had inscriptions of Mao quotations and This exhibit, with additional mango and his teachings. This was known as expressions of respect and esteem for tchotchkes on loan by private collectors, the Hundred Day War. him. Even everyday items such as van- is now at the China Institute Gallery By late July, however, even Mao ity mirrors, washbasins, trays, pencil in New York City and will be there had had enough of the bickering and boxes, material for quilts all incorporat- until April 26, 2015. There are photo- turmoil created by these two groups. ed this new political symbol. On Oct. 1 graphs, posters, and magazines of the Their skirmishes had caused more than 1968, the National Day parade included period as well as reliquaries with wax half the university’s students to stay a float that resembled a huge basket of or plastic mangoes; and objects such as away. On July 27, Mao sent 30,000 mangoes, which spawned many posters enamelware, quilt covers, mirrors and workers from eight Beijing factories to with Mao looking upon the marching candy wrappers. A clip from the 1976 The workers at Tsinghua University propaganda film, “Song of the Mango” the Tsinghua campus to restore order placed a sign that read, “Respectfully workers with the saying, “Forging ahead and keep peace. Unfortunately, several courageously while following the great (with subtitles) and a film produced wishing Chairman Mao eternal life” for the exhibition, “Mao’s Mango – A workers were killed and approximately amidst the blessed mangoes. Holding leader Chairman Mao!” 700 were injured. The following day, Propaganda Symbol of the Cultural up their little red books, they posed for Revolution,” also will be on view in Mao ordered the Red Guards disbanded a photo to commemorate the occasion. immediately the Gallery. And with that, the mango became the The China Institute has organized OK, so how does the mango figure icon du jour of the working class! The into all this? related programs such as art lectures symbolic shift of Cultural Revolution and a series of documentaries and films power from the intelligentsia (student about the Cultural Revolution during the Red Guards) to the working class was exhibit. Details about these programs a done deal. By the end of the year, the are available at www.chinainstitute.org/ ex-Red Guards were sent to the coun- gallery/exhibition-related-programs. tryside to undergo “reeducation” by the This is the first time the exhibit is on poor and lower-middle class peasants display in the U.S. Willow Weilan Hai, in the “Up to the mountains, down to director, China Institute Gallery, noted the villages” campaign. Talk about a that the exhibit documents the unusual reversal of fortune! moment during one of the most tragic times in Chinese history. “These events cannot be forgotten and hopefully each review of them will ensure that history does not repeat itself, she said.”

Photos and images for this article are provided by: • The collection of the Museum Riet- berg Zürich, courtesy China Institute Gallery, New York, and In August 1968, a Pakistani del- • Part of the International Institute egation headed by its foreign minister of Social History (IISH) or Stefan R. Landsberger collection plus http://chi- visited Mao. The delegation presented neseposters.net. u Mao with a basket of mangoes. Mao does not like fruits. In addition, he con- sidered mangoes messy. So he decided PAGE 6 > NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 education www.chinainsight.info

follows all U of M policies, including Joan B: The CIUMN has brought to- the Regents Policy on Academic Free- gether the language and culture learning The debate over dom and Responsibility. resources of the U of M to support the China Insight: Who selects and hires K-12 Chinese language community, the CIUMN staff? which has seen great increases in the Joan B: Confucius Institute staff, Confucius Institutes number of students studying Chinese. including teachers of the non-credit The number of students in public By Greg Hugh language courses offered to the general schools has doubled from about 5,500 to The American Association of Uni- In the United States, pushback public, are selected and hired by the more than 11,000 over the last six years. versity Professors (AAUP) has joined against CIs has recently intensified amid University of Minnesota, with the ex- The CIUMN is the only testing center a growing chorus* of voices calling concerns they might threaten academic ception of the Chinese director who is in the region offering the major Chinese selected by our partner Capital Normal on North American universities to re- freedom, conduct surveillance of Chi- language proficiency tests, the HSK. University and has a three-year term in think their relationship with Confucius nese students abroad, and promote the Furthermore, the CIUMN has provided a visiting faculty position. Institutes (CI), the international chain political aims of China’s ruling Commu- additional scholarship opportunities for China Insight: How is the CIUMN of [Chinese] state-sponsored Chinese- nist Party. On Sept. 25, the University U of M students, additional funding and Board selected? language programs embedded in partner of Chicago announced its refusal to resources for K-12 language programs, Joan B: The original board was selected schools abroad, whose policies critics renew its five-year contract with its CI, and additional funding to support Uni- by the U of M and Capital Normal say are anathema to academic freedom. making it the first major U.S. research versity faculty and research staff in their University in 2008, with representa- In a statement issued by the AAUP, it institution to cut ties with the program. research in language acquisition and the tives from both sides. All subsequent development of teacher training. As you asserts “North American universities Just days later, on Oct. 1, as China was boards, including the current one, have permit Confucius Institutes to advance celebrating its National Day, Pennsylva- can see, the CIUMN has had a great been selected through nominations from impact on the ability of students across a state agenda in the recruitment and nia State University followed suit, an- current members and the desire to have control of academic staff, in the choice nouncing it would close its on-campus the state of Minnesota to learn Chinese, K12, Minnesota Department of Educa- which will be a valuable skill as they of curriculum, and in the restriction of CI because of an apparent disagreement tion and University faculty represented. debate.” over Chinese government controls. enter the global workplace. I hope that China Insight: Who sets the curricu- positive outcomes, like these, are also Evidently there is also some doubt China Insight wanted to get a lo- lum for Chinese language teaching? within China as to whether or not fund- cal reaction to the controversy that the considered in future discussions about Joan B: Curriculum for the CIUMN’s the role of Confucius Institutes. ing for the Confucius Institutes can Confucius Institutes are facing. We non-credit Chinese language courses Evidently the CIUMN’s affilia- be better spent at home educating its invited Joan Brzezinski, director of the for the public is decided by the staff of tion with the Confucius Institutes has own rural citizens. Recently, Chinese Confucius Institute at the University of the CIUMN. Curriculum and pedagogy generally been a positive experience as Vice Premier Liu Yandong read aloud Minnesota, to discuss this matter. decisions related to K-12 Chinese lan- conveyed in Brzezinski’s responses. We a letter written by President Xi Jinping China Insight: How long has the Con- guage teaching are made at the school wish to express our thanks to her for her at a ceremony in Beijing celebrating fucius Institute been at the University and district level with no input from the the 10th anniversary of the Confucius of Minnesota and what is its mission? Confucius Institute. The curriculum of participation. Institute (CI) program. The letter was Joan B: The Confucius Institute at the the Chinese language courses at the U Even though the situation is positive celebratory, lauding the CIs “unremit- University of Minnesota (CIUMN) of M are the sole decision of the faculty locally, Confucius Institutes face suspi- ting efforts for world peace and inter- was created in 2008 to promote the and instructors in the Asian Languages cion, even hostility, in significant parts national cooperation.” The effort is study of Chinese language and culture and Literatures Department. The Han- of the world as they start their second certainly there: the reach of CIs, which throughout Minnesota. It is a collabora- ban Confucius Institute headquarters decade. And yet, it is undeniable that teach Chinese language and culture, has tive initiative between the U of M, the provides a library of books and teaching Chinese money makes it possible for grown immensely. In the program’s 10 Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquar- materials that local schools are free to some institutions to offer courses in years of existence, the Hanban - a Chi- ters and Capital Normal University in use if they wish. Chinese language and culture ― and nese government agency affiliated with Beijing. CIUMN provides language- China Insight: Has the CIUMN re- for students to benefit ― that would be the Ministry of Education and respon- and culture-learning opportunities for stricted debate on controversial issues? impossible otherwise. Thus, universi- sible for managing the program - has Minnesota K-12 students, business Joan B: The CIUMN has not received ties considering such a move have to ask established 457 CIs and 707 Confucius professionals and the local community; any requests to support programs on themselves whether they have more to Classrooms (a related program designed and professional development and net- controversial or political topics, and the gain or lose by hosting a Confucius In- for primary and secondary schools) working opportunities for educators. CIUMN has never been pressured or stitute. Universities must be vigilant and around the globe. By the end of 2013, China Insight: Has the U of M re- asked to object to any programming on completely transparent and vocal about CIs had attracted 850,000 registered ceived complaints about restrictions to campus. As an example, the Dalai Lama the Institutes’ funding agreements and students since China first established a academic integrity or independence? has visited the U of M and the Twin be clear about how to handle any pres- CI in South Korea in 2004. But despite Joan B: While we understand AAUP Cities three times since the CIUMN has sures, subtle or overt, in unknowingly eye-catching numbers, the CIs have and other institutions’ concerns about opened, and no objections or complaints providing a vehicle for the spread of any been anything but an unqualified suc- maintaining academic freedom and in- were received by CIUMN. In addition, possible soft-power agenda by China. cess. Not only have American partners tegrity, the University of Minnesota has the CIUMN contract with the Hanban *To read the ongoing discussion of begun fighting back against what they not faced these issues given the unique makes no concessions to the Chinese concerns over Confucius Institutes, view as threats to academic freedom, mission of our Confucius Institute to government regarding forbidden topics. keyword search “Confucius Institute many Chinese also view the soft-power work with the K-12 community and China Insight: What has been the concerns” and “Confucius Institute initiative as a waste of money. members of the public. The CIUMN impact of the CIUMN? defense” online. u 12th Minnesota Confucius Classroom established in Edina By Greg Hugh ulty and guests arrived to partake in studying Chinese, which is available to fan dance. the Confucius Classroom ceremony. any student attending the EPS system. Joan Brzezinkski, director of the Unlike Confucius Institutes, which To celebrate becoming a Confucius Confucius Institute at the University of are established in university settings, Classroom, the EPS really wanted Minnesota, then presented a plaque of- Confucius Classrooms are found in to show off what they have learned ficially recognizing EPS as a Confucius K-12 public and private schools. Edina about Chinese language and culture. Classroom to Dr. Bruce Locklear, EHS Public Schools (EPS) became the 12th The afternoon program began with a Principal. Locklear reciprocated by affiliated Classroom recognized by the little pageantry - students entering the presenting Brzezinkski an apple that he University of Minnesota’s Confucius auditorium waving banners/pendants stated signified the knowledge that they Institute, which provides these schools accompanied by Chinese drums playing. will share. support in teaching Chinese language Chloe Lu, event coordinator and Chi- The program continued with ad- and culture via innovative and flexible nese language teacher, then introduced ditional vocal and instrument perfor- teaching programs. These programs Dr. Ric Dressen, EPS superintendent mance, dance and reading of Chinese Joan Brzezinski, director of CIUMN pres- are structured and adapted to suit local who spoke briefly about how being ents plaque to Dr. Bruce Locklear, EHS poetry that the gathering was invited to conditions and to meet the curriculum designated a Confucius Classroom will read along with. principal. developed by the school district. provide EPS with access to a vast array Dr. Locklear then concluded the The process to become a Confucius of teaching aids and other tools to teach The auditorium at Edina High Classroom began over a year ago. EPS Chinese language and culture. After his program and invited guests to attend a School took on a decidedly oriental now has more than 60 high school and remarks, the program continued with a reception across the hall and view a brief theme on Oct. 31 when students, fac- 200 middle level students enrolled in voice ensemble, lion dance, acrobat and video presentation. u www.chinainsight.info education NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 > PAGE 7

Tengchong is known for its idyl- the weekends, as students go home to lic scenery, and the area surrounding parents, grandparents, and relatives; and Teaching in Yunnan Qiaotou is an excellent example. On teachers return to their families, often one side of town are rolling green hills two hours away. Few young adults are By Madeline Christensen, dotted with villages and farms; on the permanent residents of Qiaotou or the My elementary school students can Teach For China sends Fellows to other, the rocky Gaoligong mountain surrounding villages - if they aren’t read, write and draw. They also can rural and under-resourced elementary range rises up in the distance. As the continuing their studies, they’ve found catch grasshoppers in a field to put in and middle schools for two years. Fel- year progresses, the rice paddies turn jobs in a city For the younger genera- plastic water bottles. They can pick lows from China and the U.S. teach core from green to gold, then in midwin- tion, success seems measured in part by mushrooms from the hill behind the subjects such as English, math, and Chi- ter, the canola plants bloom in seas of how far away you can get. A student’s school. And despite their young years, nese, as well as electives such as gym, highlighter-yellow flowers. admission to the Number One High many can cook for themselves and their music and art. Most TFC Fellows are Amongst this rural setting, where School in Tengchong city is a point of siblings. placed in Yunnan, but the organization work is governed by the course of the pride for families. Going to college in My students live with one foot in also places Fellows at schools in Guang- crops and the duties of the day, Qiaotou Kunming is very good. Getting into a two worlds. At school, they learn how dong Province on the southeastern coast. Elementary School seems like an island top university in Beijing would be like to read and write and take math tests. So far Teach For China has placed more where songs and bells from the loud- winning the lottery. At home, they learn how to navigate than 600 Fellows in 128 schools in these speaker regiment the meals and classes. I often reflect on how different growing up in rural China today, a place two provinces. The wake-up call - in the form of a cheer- Qiaotou Elementary is from my school where farming traditions live on even Thus began my life at Qiaotou El- ful Chinese tune - comes on at 6:50 a.m. back in Minnesota, which I now think as family members migrate to China’s ementary School. Qiaotou is a small Fifteen minutes later, all 700 students are back to as a palace of carpeted reading big cities. town in the Tengchong area, quite close jogging in a circle around the courtyard. corners. But having learned French as I grew up in Minnetonka, Minn., to the Burmese border in Yunnan. A Then comes morning reading, when the a kid, I now delight in sharing a new though I went to school in Edina through geologically active region, Tengchong is air fills with the sounds of small children language with young, curious students. the French Immersion program. Excited famous for its hot springs and dormant chanting in pinyin, Mandarin Chinese I wander the rice fields and mountains about learning a language that would be volcanoes. syllables - “Bo ah, bo ah BAH! Moh with my students, just as we wandered very different from French or English, On first impression, Qiaotou imme- ee, moh ee ME!” After a breakfast of the woods back in Minnesota. And I signed up for Mandarin Chinese my diately reminded me of a small town in noodles, the students sit through four despite my cravings for cheese, at least freshman year of college at Tufts Uni- northern Minnesota, the kind with one morning classes, interspersed with for now, there’s no place I’d rather be. versity near Boston. main road scattered with convenience chores and morning exercises, a type of For more information on Teach Finally, during my junior year in the stores and hardware shops. Market choreographed dance. After lunch comes For China Fellowship, please visit the spring of 2011, I made it to China for Day – jiezi tian – is every five days, naptime, then three more classes, then website: www.tfchina.org. u a semester abroad in Yunnan Province when people from the surrounding dinner at 4:30 p.m. The first of three in the southwest. Part of me was terri- villages come to Qiaotou and visit the evening study periods begins at six, and fied before the trip, owing in part to the chaotic jumble of tents and stands - baby then at nine, the students return to their program’s extensive list of necessary chickens jostling to escape wire baskets, dorm rooms for lights-out. and recommended vaccines. But I loved heaps of fruit piled under orange tarps, In fact, more than 90 percent of the Yunnan. It is an incredibly diverse prov- blankets lined with eggplant and cau- students live at the school, having to ince, home to 24 of China’s officially liflower, nuts, honey, hats, flashlights, travel from the nearby villages and farms recognized national minorities. The sandals, jewelry, blankets, clothing, to get to school each week. The wealthier region is also a trove of biodiversity, and more. families might run a shop or small res- hosting an amazing array of plant and On any other day, however, life taurant in town. But about a third of the animal species. The warm hospitality of in Qiaotou moves at a leisurely pace. students have at least one parent who our hosts and new friends, the moderate Drivers snooze in passenger vans with is working (da gong) in another region Madeline Christensen is a Teach climate, the beauty of the mountains, bare feet hanging out the car window. or province of China. Some students for China Fellow in Yunnan, China, and the intersection of cultures of this A woman with a broad smile serves hot haven’t seen one or both parents in years; where she teaches English at a rural border province made me promise my- bowls of noodles on a plastic picnic still others only see their parents for the elementary school. She grew up self I would find a way back. table. Everyone was excited to browse New Year holiday. in Minnetonka, MN, and majored Three years later, I accepted a two- the new two-level store with everything From the little town of Qiaotou, year Fellowship with Teach For China in International Relations at Tufts from tea to slippers to cheap, sugary one can feel an entire country on the University. (TFC). wine. move. Even the school empties out on

“Richard.” Now that Richard had a restaurant owners politely insisted that name, it would be that much harder to the bird be left outside. Thanksgiving in China kill him. In addition, Aubrey, who is Andrew had bonded with Rich- By Madeline Christensen, contributor vegan, told Andrew that he would be- ard during their journey together to come friends with the turkey and keep Tengchong, and he was already feeling house was filled with turkey decoys. it as a pet instead. bad about killing his new feathered So when Andrew found turkeys in Despite the challenges, Andrew and friend. It didn’t help that I kept compar- his rural Chinese placement town, he friends came up with a course of ac- ing the turkey to Andrew’s baby. “It’s knew he had to nab one for our Thanks- tion. Andrew was to buy the turkey the moving,” he would say, holding the giving meal. What he did not foresee day before our conference in Baoshan box. “It kicked,” I would reply. was the tragic friendship he would share city. Andrew would take the turkey Richard encountered no problems at with the bird. on the hour-long minivan ride from his the bus station security, where Andrew We had discussed how we would town, then on the two-and-a-half-hour walked straight past the baggage x-ray buy, cook, and eat Richard for weeks by bus ride from Tengchong to Baoshan. machine and through the token bus the time Thanksgiving finally arrived. Meanwhile, our friend Shaina would station metal detector while carrying Early discussions included the possi- find a restaurant that would agree to kill Richard’s box. Turkeys are everywhere on Thanks- bility of finding a way to cook Richard Richard and have him ready for eating The bus driver insisted that Richard giving. Fat, neatly packaged birds line ourselves, perhaps in a rice cooker, or by the next night. ride in the bottom of the bus with the the freezers of all the grocery stores. on a spit. All of the spit-roasting how-to Andrew did not get to select the tur- rest of the luggage. Andrew worried Terrified cartoon turkeys hold up signs videos Andrew found on YouTube either key that would be Richard. The turkey about whether Richard would be com- saying, “Eat more chicken!” But rarely showed motor-operated, top-of-the-line owners simply brought the bird from fortable, but he had to acquiesce. does the average American have the spit roasters, or the instructions to turn out back, tied up its legs, put it in a box We all felt a little uncomfortable as chance- or the challenge- of getting to the spit for 23 hours, and always end- with some holes, and tied an IV drip tube we got in the taxi in Baoshan to take Richard to his final resting place, a nice know the bird that would soon be grac- ing with the useless advice that if the around the box. little restaurant Shaina had heard about ing the Thanksgiving table. bird isn’t done by dinnertime, you can Andrew fretted about the welfare from a local. Andrew Wortham is a friendly young always finish it in the oven. Andrew of the bird for the entire ride down to Shaina and others were waiting Texan who also is teaching at a rural emailed Lynne Rosetto Kasper to see Tengchong. Was the bird comfortable for us at the restaurant. Shaina had elementary school in Tengchong, Yun- if she had any tips on how to roast a in the box? Could Richard breathe all nan, through Teach for China. Andrew’s already ordered the dishes for the next turkey in rural China with no oven, but right? night’s Thanksgiving meal. Now all father was the president of the San An- for whatever reason he never got a reply. I first met Richard when Andrew we needed to do was drop off Richard, tonio chapter of the National Wild Tur- The guilt began to grow even before brought him to the restaurant next to and the cooks would kill him the next key Federation. Back in Texas, young we had found a viable cooking method, the bus station, where we were eating Andrew attended turkey camp, and his when our friend Wai named the turkey lunch before our bus to Baoshan. The Continues on page 15 PAGE 8 > NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 food www.chinainsight.info Peking duck…China’s alternative to the

traditional roast turkey By Greg Hugh

feasts. One of the reasons that the dish and more pungent alternative to hoisin is so popular at such events has to do sauce. Furthermore, Peking duck is with the presentation of the duck. Not often served with numerous (side) veg- only is Peking duck delicious, but there etable dishes. It is common for diners is a certain art to the way that the dish to add some vegetables, particularly is presented and served to the diners in julienned carrots and cucumbers, to the China. duck meat and scallions before adding Once the duck has been thoroughly sauce to the pancakes. cooked, it is brought from the kitchen Although the skin and meat courses and presented to the diners tableside. of Peking duck are the most delectable Then, guests are invited to look on as parts, many diners choose to take the the chef deftly slices off the crispy skin bones and scraps home with them rather for the first course right there in the than have the restaurant prepare the dining room. At the more elite (read soup. These leftovers will be used to expensive) restaurants, a server actually make an aromatic broth for soup and prepares the duck skin pancake for each noodle dishes at home. individual guest. At the more plebeian Now that you’ve learned about Pe- establishments, it’s “fend for yourself!” king duck, be sure to try it the next time And as the guests eat the first dish, the you want to dine on something special. chef remains at the side of the table carv- But be sure you check with your fa- As North Americans prepare to second course consists of the meat of ing the meat off the duck. In addition to vorite Chinese restaurant to see if they celebrate our traditional Thanksgiving the duck, which is sliced and stir-fried watching a chef expertly carve beautiful will prepare this dish for you, and how feast with family and friends with a with vegetables. The third dish is a soup portions of skin and meat from the bird, much advance notice they need unless large roasted turkey as the centerpiece made from the duck’s carcass and celery diners also get to enjoy the lovely aroma you’re in Beijing, where it is always on of the meal, it should be noted that this is cabbage. Because of the complicated during this process. When all the meat the menu at Quanjude. u not a holiday typically observed within preparation, Peking duck is primarily China. The obvious reason is the origins restaurant fare and usually has to be of Thanksgiving when, in the autumn ordered at least a day in advance. of 1621, English colonists in America Although duck has been roasted in whom we call Pilgrims, celebrated days China through the centuries, it wasn’t of thanksgiving for their first success- until 1330 when it first appeared in a ful harvest. Also, another reason could manual for the imperial kitchens. It was be attributed to the fact that the typical popularized in 1864 when it became kitchen in China does not have an oven, commercially available in a Peking let alone one large enough to roast an restaurant. average 18-lb. turkey! According to Wikipedia, by the mid- In lieu of what Benjamin Franklin 20th century, Peking duck had become had lobbied to be the national bird of a national symbol of China, favored by the U.S.A., China has its own famous tourists and diplomats alike. For exam- fowl, the Peking duck. It is one of the ple, during his first visit to China, U.S. most famous dishes of Beijing cuisine. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger met It was originally prepared for the impe- Premier Zhou Enlai in the Great Hall rial families of China, with a history of the People on July 10. After a round is off the bird, the chef carts the meat of more than 400 years. In its classic of inconclusive talks in the morning, and carcass back to the kitchen for the form, the dish calls for a specific breed the delegation was served Peking duck subsequent two courses. of duck, the Imperial Peking, that is for lunch, which became Kissinger’s Once a Peking duck has been carved, force-fed and housed in a small cage so favourite. The Americans and Chinese the skin, as mentioned previously, is that inactivity will ensure tender meat. issued a joint statement the following dressed with a sweet garlicky sauce. The neck and head are left intact as the day, inviting President Richard Nixon The skin is generally eaten wrapped in bird is killed (at about six weeks old) to visit China in 1972. Peking duck thin, steamed pancakes with scallions and dressed, and after the entrails are was hence considered one of the factors and hoisin sauce. Some connoisseurs removed, the lower opening is sewn behind the rapprochement of the United prefer sweet noodle sauce, a thicker shut. Air is forced between the skin and States to China in the 1970s. Following flesh to puff out the skin so that the fat Zhou’s death in 1976, Kissinger paid will be rendered out during roasting and another visit to Beijing to savor Peking the skin, the choicest part of the dish, duck at the Quanjude, a Beijing restau- will be very crisp. The inflated bird is rant known for its trademark Quanjude coated with a sweet solution, hung up Peking Roast Duck. The Peking duck is to dry, then suspended and roasted in a also a favorite dish for various political traditional cylindrical clay oven. leaders ranging from Cuban revolu- The traditional Peking duck dish tionary Fidel Castro to former German consists of three courses. The first: chancellor Helmut Kohl. crispy skin is served with hoisin sauce Although Peking duck has evolved (a commercially prepared, reddish to become a dish that the masses can brown, sweet and spicy sauce), scallions enjoy throughout China, it actually artistically cut to resemble brushes, all remains a favorite dish for special oc- wrapped in thin wheat-flour pancakes or casions, and is commonly ordered at steamed wheat-flour “lotus buns.” The banquets and other celebrations and www.chinainsight.info community NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 > PAGE 9


Yunnan By Deng Yeechien


Gory hanging decoration crated by staff. BECOME A of the World,” given the remoteness of Yunnan as a western province and how Yuxi was a non-destination when the café opened. Mandarin-studying MEMBER foreign students and their local cohorts worked with CFM’s management to Limited Time Discounted celebrate Halloween with a party. They donned costumes, carved pumpkins and Membership Offer 30% off decorated the café with scary, handmade www.ucbcgroup.org for more information or to sign decorations. A few gave away candy to the kids, thereby started the Western up today. Use Promo Code: ChinaInsight2014 tradition of giving away free candy to Although HYuxi is a city approxi- kids on Halloween in Yuxi. The novelty mately 60 miles southwest of Kunming (and free candies) drew quite a crowd in Yunnan Province with a population of of locals at that first Halloween event. more than 2 million. Its climate matches It did not matter the locals had no idea that of the Bay Area in California and what was going on. But they came. is near to Fuxian Lake, China’s second- Some gawked from outside the entrance deepest freshwater lake. Because of its of the café; some “braver” ones ventured pleasant climate, flowers, mushrooms in to enjoy the music and looked at the and tobacco leaves are mainstay crops. decorations. In the intervening years, It’s also home to a variety of light in- the number of locals inside the café Costumed party-goers enjoying the live band inside. dustries. Thus, quite a prosperous place. became larger than the gawkers outside. or the Church’s “All Hallows’ Eve,” complete charge of all the decorations, Awareness of Halloween is definitely and popularized and fully commercial- from hangings (see photo) to hanging growing. Recent years have seen large, ized by the U.S. candy manufacturers themed window clings. national advertisers of fashion-con- in the 1950s! The initial activities of the evening scious products hop on the Halloween And it is this latter American version catered to well-to-do mothers with bandwagon, using this fun Western with which the young locals are most young (5-10 years) kids in tow. By 8 event to attract the attention of the young familiar. p.m., activities transitioned to accom- affluent consumers. Also, Halloween I asked a few middle-school students modate the teens, and by midnight, decorations have gradually increased at the CFM Halloween party what they time for everyone to head home. The with the years and are now available for thought Halloween was all about. They evening’s program included a wide, purchase at numerous small local shops. paraphrased as follows, “scary, about crazy assortment of activates. Some of And there are now a few more “western” ghosts, children asking for and receiv- the most well liked were: cafés in Yuxi, and some do decorate for ing candy, everyone dress up and have • professional emcee and popular live- Halloween in an attempt to pry open fun!” Pretty much sums it up, I’d say. band the purse strings of the young affluent A few also mentioned that it is a little • Chinese belly dancer (Go figure!) residents. However, none comes close bit like the Chinese Ghost Festival (in • prize drawings (A huge hit!) to the scale of CFM. Actually, none held July), just because of the ghost imagery. • free candy any Halloween parties nor had costumed There is no similarity in the way they’re • free face painting for kids staff or customers. celebrated, though. As in past years, Café Fin du Monde At CFM, the most enthusiastic CFM’s 2014 Halloween party started still draws a crowd of locals who just Costumed customers outside Café Fin du partiers are from ages 12-30. They at 7 p.m. with all the staff decked out in stay outside watching the costumed par- Monde waiting for the Halloween party (or their parents) learn of Halloween an assortment of costumes. Actually, tygoers come and go. Everyone exudes to start. through English study articles, foreign the staff have as much fun leading up an innocent excitement that’s not seen teachers and posters at CFM. However, to the evening’s events as the customers in the U.S.! All good clean, orderly fun The first western café in town, the their knowledge is rather vague, with do on the night of the event. The staff to be had by all. Kind of reminiscent of Café Fin du Monde (CFM), held the no understanding of the true origins of have totally embraced Halloween. This how things were back in the “good, old first Yuxi Halloween party in 2003. The the festival – from early Celtic harvest creative lot starts carving pumpkins days” of the late ‘50s and early ‘60s in café’s French name translates into “End celebrations to its Gaelic pagan roots, days before the party! They also take the Midwest when I was growing up! u PAGE 10 > NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 book review www.chinainsight.info

Coming “Home” Crazy: Chinese Version* By Chang Wang, contributor

a banned political book during an eve- nesota Supreme Court’s old state-capitol [Editor’s note: this article is the preface to “New Tales of the Twin Cit- ning blizzard. Mentally and physically, courtroom ies: The History, Law, and Culture of Minnesota,” the first Chinese-language I don’t need to be in the city of Beijing • Browsing the Asian Art Collection at book about Minnesota, authored by Chang Wang, and published by Thomson to feel close to home, thanks to ultra the Minneapolis Institute of Arts in November 2014. For more information about the book, contact high-speed broadband and the free flow • Listening to Minnesota Public Radio of information in the Land of the Free. • Browsing used-book stores in Uptown [email protected].] People on the East Coast or the West • Walking around Lake Harriet and Lake Coast may not distinguish Minnesota of the Isles the I-20 form that the University of Min- from the rest of the Midwest, but Min- • Taking a cruise on the Mississippi nesota International Office had issued, nesota does deserve special attention. River the visa officer looked up at me rather This is the place that produced some • Enjoying a weekend concert by the sympathetically and said: “Minnesota, of the finest authors in the country: Minnesota Orchestra eh? It’s… cold.” Before I could even Sinclair Lewis, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gar- • Watching a play at the Guthrie Theatre respond, he had stamped my application rison Keillor, Jon Hassler, Bill Holm, • Checking out special exhibitions at the – “Approved,” as if he were worried that Jonathan Franzen and Vince Flynn. The Minnesota Science Museum I might change my mind. Twin Cities also is the home of several • Shopping at the Mall of America The most difficult part of Minne- top-notch orchestras, museums, theatres Eleven years ago, I came to Minne- sota’s winter is neither the cold, nor and thousands of artists and performers, apolis with two suitcases and a used car. the snow, nor even the wind chill – it’s not to mention the sports teams. This Today, I call the Twin Cities home. On the gray sky. In this regard, the first is the land where thousands of Soma- Oct. 16, 2014, I received a China 100 character 明 (bright and clear) of the lis, Hmongs and Tibetans sought and Distinguished Chinese Alumni Award Chinese translation is scandalously received protection and comfort; and from the President of the University of misleading. Cold is refreshing, wind this is the land that borders one of the Minnesota. It would be quite unnatural clears the mind, and blizzards harden the largest clean-water lakes in the world. if I were not moved by the recognition will; but gloomy skies add nothing but Of course, Minnesota is also the state of Minnesotans. depression and sorrow to never-ending where the 1862 Mankato Massacre hap- As I re-entered the U.S. at Minneap- Contracts lectures in the windowless pened; the state from which a number olis-St. Paul International Airport after classrooms of Mondale Hall ¬ and to of controversial political figures have my last trip to China, the Immigration sleepless nights in the law library. You emerged, and the State whose govern- officer looked at my documents and begin to think hard, soul-searching deep ment shut down for 20 days recently. asked: “How long have you been out It was summer, 2003, when I paid a thoughts. During a Minnesota winter, But at the end of the day, if you add of the country?” campus visit to the University of Min- it seems, it is much easier to relate to up all of Minnesota’s positives, they I replied “Two weeks.” nesota Law School. The sky was high, Henrik Ibsen, Søren Kierkegaard, and undeniably outnumber the negatives. He inquired “What did you do?” and the lakes were glassy. Minnesotans Igmar Bergman, than to Benjamin Car- Finally, I’d like to share with you my I responded “Giving lectures over- were out hiking, biking, kayaking and dozo, Oliver Wendell Holmes, or Sandra Twin Cities Top Ten List, my top-ten seas.” walking dogs. If summer were a song, Day O’Connor. Minnesota pleasures: He stamped my passport and handed the song sang itself. The Chinese trans- Years later, when I heard Lewis • Listening to oral arguments in the Min- it back to me: “Welcome back home.” u lation of “Minnesota” (明尼苏达) made Black’s sarcastic comments that, “In Minnesota’s winter, you want to be a perfect sense to me in the summer. The moose, because then you will have fur; first Chinese character means bright and you want to be a bear, so you can hiber- clear, the third character means wake or Chinese business forum nate.” I responded with a forced smile. recover, and the last character means Nevertheless, spring and summer re- eminent, distinguished, or thorough. Continued from page 1 visit after six months, the melody plays The translation appears to be faithful, again, and your heart melts. You forget industries, which was moderated by What skills and experience, specialized expressive, and elegant, I said to myself. all the “cries and whispers” and all your Winston Zheng, president of Unique knowledge, niche products and services, Professor David Bryden, criminal winter doubts. The simple truth is that, Wood Floors and Seymour Mansfield, and state infrastructure and intergovern- law professor at the Law School, gra- if we had no winter, spring and summer partner at Foley & Mansfield, PLLP. mental relationships optimize Minne- ciously showed me around campus, would not feel so pleasant! The panelists included Brant Schulz, Downtown Minneapolis, and Uptown. I have spent the last 11 years in finance director, Control Products; Joab He and his wife Rebecca convinced me Minnesota. That’s the longest time I’ve Meyer, operations program manager, that the University of Minnesota Law spent in one place during my adulthood School would be the best choice for my Cisco Systems; Su Ye, chief economist, ¬– even more time than I’ve spent in my MN Department of Agriculture; Lixiao legal education. hometown of Beijing. I’ve always won- With “bright and “clear” in mind, dered whether my choice of Minnesota Wang, serial medical device scientist, I agreed. Three months later, I came was one of pure serendipity, was influ- inventor and entrepreneur. back to Minneapolis as a 1L – and as enced by subconscious forces, or was The forum ended with Gong and Hiel the only Chinese student in the U of M simply a matter of destiny. Do I resonate providing closing remarks followed by Law School Class of 2006. with the songs and rhythm of Sioux and a networking reception. Business forum attendees networking What I hadn’t realized was that, in the Ojibwe at Powwow? Do I share the According to the organizers, the goal sota businesses in turning opportunities Minnesota, summer was a loan that same longing for natural beauty and of the 2014 Minnesota China Business into thriving China commerce. must be repaid in winter. When I again spiritual seclusion that motivated earlier Forum was to engage the Minnesota The organizers made sure there was strolled around Lake Harriet during Scandinavian and German settlers? Do business, professional and educational sufficient networking time at the begin- final-exam week in December, the lake I embrace Minnesota’s cultural diversity communities to promote Minnesota – ning and end of the forum to ensure had changed its face dramatically: It and pluralism as enthusiastically as do was now quiet and bleak. The only progressive Minnesotans? And do I China economic development through opportunities for attendees to make songs I could hear were the elegy in really understand the hidden message collaboration and education. Thus the valuable new connections since the my heart, a curse directed at the person of “Minnesota Nice”? program provided a picture of where we gathering was comprised of individuals who had translated Minnesota as 明尼 It has been said that Minnesota is a are now and projected trends in bilateral from different segments of the commu- 苏达, and an Edward Munch-style good place to live if you can get out of Minnesota-China business over the next nity, especially college students anxious “scream” inside. here when you need to. The phenom- eight-to-nine years in anticipation of to learn more about doing business with I spent my first winter break in Bei- enon of “snowbirds” (retired individu- the Twin Cities hosting the 2023 World China and sought to make connections jing, which is notorious for its Mongo- als who head south each winter for six Expo Fair. that would help them towards this goal. lian wind. Compared to Minnesota’s months) might weaken the argument As noted in the topics and panel To learn more about doing business wind chill, however, Northern China’s that winter is an indispensable part of winter blow is a nuisance at best. I re- Minnesota experience. But as a “lineal discussion, the Forum focused on such with China, feel free to contact any of member being at the U.S. Embassy in descendant” of Chinese literati, I salute timely topics as challenges and oppor- the organizations mentioned above. Beijing, applying for a student visa to Jin Shentan (金圣叹), a 17th Century tunities for building Minnesota-China UCBC has announced a special mem- re-enter the U.S., in order to continue Chinese writer, who wisely concluded business, evaluating historical business bership drive that is noted on pg. 9 of my legal education. After examining that it is the ultimate enjoyment to read models, and envisioning the future: the paper. u www.chinainsight.info NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 > PAGE 11


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The Rule of Law deserves high priority in China By Qin Xiaoying, China-U.S. Focus, Oct. 16 Barring exceptional circumstances, ily. This longstanding “rule by virtue” Qishan, the Politburo Standing Com- that Chinese society will remain orderly the Central Committee of the Com- tradition has been quite effective un- mittee member winning kudos for the in the midst of the profound changes munist Party of China (CPC) will con- til the waning years of the Mao era, suite of measures he has taken against and attendant throes – and as important, vene its fourth plenum in late October. before the introduction of the market this menace, has admitted that the fight remain optimistic and creative. Why is there so much attention on it? economy. However, today’s China is a against corruption remains a long and Given the enormous tragedy of the Because, according to official media very different place, where commerce uphill battle. decade-long Cultural Revolution – in reports, the plenum will endeavor to has blossomed in a few short decades. There is also commercial fraud and which not even the President of China advance the rule of law in China. Some It is now ineffective, even quixotic, to deceit. It may not be fair to say that was able to protect himself – and the may wonder, of course why the rule of try to regulate human relationships and everyone is haunted by constant fears, many pressing problems plaguing China law is an enormously important issue, market activities through this heavily but it is no exaggeration to describe the today, the CPC doesn’t need to look far but is it necessary to bring hundreds of moral approach. situation as a festering cancer. Com- to see that deepening the rule of law is senior officials to Beijing for a special After Xi ascended to the presidency, mercial fraud has, in no small degree, the only recipe for tightening the fabric discussion? Those who ask this ques- he has repeatedly made the pertinent disrupted market order and made life of Chinese society and soothing its tion obviously do not know China so point that “our work must be oriented more difficult for the average Chinese. many anxieties. Both history and reality well. It may be useful to remind us that toward addressing problems and diffi- Environmental degradation – from dictate that we see the rule of law as a the upcoming Party conclave is going cult issues.” The rule of law is certainly the air to the soil to water sources – is vital ingredient of a modern state and a to be the first one that specifically ad- a central challenge facing contemporary another fact of life that Chinese people contributing factor to lasting peace and dresses the “rule of law” issue in the era China. It is being made the focus of a grapple with. This has already alerted stability in China. of reform and opening. key Party plenum demonstrates that Xi the authorities. Premier Li Keqiang has Of course, the renewed focus on the Different from his predecessors, Xi is a thoughtful and courageous leader, a noted publicly that the first thing that rule of law does not mean that China is Jinping and his team understand the politician who understands his country’s many Chinese do every morning is to a lawless country. The problem is that urgency of establishing the rule of law priorities. check the air quality. the laws are not followed and enforced. and accord it high priority in their policy People are familiar with the range of Besides all these, people are also Furthermore, there is a disconnect be- agenda. They see deepening the rule of problems facing Chinese leaders today. worried about law and order, food safe- tween the enactment, application and law as a primary goal in their vision of They include official corruption, com- ty, workplace safety, traffic accidents, enforcement of law. In this connec- China and part and parcel of a modern mercial fraud, environmental degrada- construction standards, etc. The long tion, the revelation of the corruption governance system. This is a very tion and moral decline, to name just a list of terrible accidents in recent years scandal involving Zhou Yongkang, significant development in the history few. Failure to get to grips with these are both shocking and sobering. until recently the top official in charge of the CPC. problems, a symptom of government Xi Jinping observed recently that of public security in China, highlights It is no secret that traditional Chi- inaction, has aroused public and media the CPC faces more problems, risks and the urgency of judicial reform, which nese society values order and believes discontent about and disappointment challenges than ever before. If China many hope the fourth plenum will take that “just as ministers must obey their with the government bureaucracy across is to navigate these uncharted waters, on rather than dodge. u monarch, the son must obey his father.” the country. it must harness the power of the “rule Moral teachings such as “Benevolence The ongoing campaign against cor- of law.” This is essential to reconciling Qin Xiaoying is a research schol- is to love your kind” have had a deep ruption has made important headway, divergent interests, regulating human ar with the China Foundation for impact on the Chinese approach to but China is still far from establishing relationships and standardizing citizen International and Strategic Studies. running the state as well as the fam- proper institutional checks. Even Wang behavior. It is the best way to make sure www.chinainsight.info people NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 > PAGE 13

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China Insight contributor Sarena Lin named president of wins China 100 Distinguished Cargill’s global compound feed Chinese Alumni Awards business Chang An Oct. 6 news release from Cargill Lin joined Cargill in 2011 after 13 Wang, chief announced the appointment of Sarena years at McKinsey & Company, where research and Lin to the post of president of the com- she held roles as co-leader of McKin- academic pany’s global compound feed business sey’s China Sourcing Center and manag- officer at unit. Lin was formerly corporate vice ing partner of the Taipei Office. Earlier Thomson president and head of Strategy and in her career, she worked as a sales Reuters and a regular contributor to Business Development at Cargill. The representative at Proctor & Gamble. China Insight, was the recipient of the post was held by Joe Stone, who served Born in Taiwan, she, her siblings University of Minnesota’s (UM) China Chang Wang and wife (second and third and mother moved to Hawaii when 100 Distinguished Chinese Alumni from the left, back row) with President and as president of the compound feed Award. His wife Meng Tang, a media Mrs. Kaler and other award winners. business unit for the last six years, and she was 13 “so the children could get artist and a lecturer in the Department who will become a leader of the Cargill a well-rounded American education.” of Art at the University of Minnesota, the award attended the event. Each Animal Nutrition platform. Besides being fluent in Mandarin, Lin was also a winner of the award. received China 100 Distinguished Chi- In addition to Lin’s global back- mastered English (which she did not 2014 marks the 100th anniversary nese Alumni Award plaque from Kaler. ground and multicultural perspective, speak until arriving in Hawaii!) and of the first group of Chinese students Wang is a practicing attorney in Min- her experience in high-growth and went on to earn an M.B.A. in Strategy who enrolled at the university in 1914. nesota and holds associate and adjunct emerging-market environments, and her and an M.A. in International Relations To celebrate the long and sustainable professorships at six universities in the proven abilities in mergers and acquisi- from Yale University. She also received engagement between the UM and US, China and Europe. He has pub- tions, strategy and execution made her a B.A. in Computer Science from Har- China, the university just ended its lished three books* on law and China. the ideal candidate for the post, said vard University. u yearlong celebration of its engagement Stone. with China. UM selects and recognizes On receiving the award, Wang said, 100 Distinguished Chinese alumni who “It would be quite unnatural if we were came from the Greater China area as not deeply touched by this recognition. international students, graduated from China and the United States are two the university, and have contributed parallel universes. It has been a long to the local, national and international journey for us to travel from east to the Read the paper online at community during the past century. West.” (“West” here also refers to West On Oct. 16, Dr. Eric Kaler, president Publishing, a traditional Minnesota of the University of Minnesota, and Joan www.chinainsight.info company and now a part of Thomson Brzezinski, executive director of the China Center, hosted a reception and Reuters.) award ceremony. Eight Chinese alumni *See page 10 on Wang’s latest book. from the Twin Cities area who received PAGE 14 > NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 politics www.chinainsight.info Find Electoral Reform That Works

for Hong Kong and Beijing By Muhammad Cohen, China-US Focus, Oct. 16 As a native New Yorker, I don’t NPC ruling. Let’s hope he’s right. Elec- executive, which would become the will facilitate that process tremendously, have much respect for most other places toral reform requires comprehensive nominating committee under the NPC advancing both our city and the nation. that call themselves cities. I lived for public input and negotiation, it can’t be Standing Committee proposal, is sup- It’s ludicrous to think Hong Kong can’t too many years in Washington, DC, a take it or leave it proposition. posed to be “broadly representative” of be trusted to choose a leader who reflects a second rate town at best, and went The next stage in the reform process Hong Kong, but it is not. It is “broadly our views while recognizing the ultimate to school near San Francisco, a pretty will play out in Hong Kong’s Legisla- representative” of the interests of authority of Beijing, through an electoral place with an overblown sense of its tive Council. Hong Kong voices need Beijing and of Hong Kong’s tycoons system free from the guiding hand of own importance. to be heard clearly there, not just on the who have benefited disproportionately outsiders. When I moved to Hong Kong in streets. Hong Kong people need to talk from their privileged position. These In most countries, it’s commonplace 1995, I quickly realized I’d landed in to our legislative representatives and the tycoons, whether Western, Chinese for local leaders to have political affili- a city worthy of the term. I intended government at large about alternatives to or something else, have for decades ations different from the national ruling to leave after six months, but I stayed, the NPC Standing Committee proposals stood in the way of real representative party. Despite those differences they became a permanent resident and even and put them on the table. We should government in Hong Kong. Universal manage to work together for the greater wrote a novel, “Hong Kong On Air,” focus on getting an election bill that suffrage cannot produce representative good of both local constituents and the that I consider a love letter to my ad- meets our aspirations for leadership that government without candidates on the nation as a whole, local leadership rec- opted hometown. represents us and protects what makes ballot representative of all of Hong ognizing the primacy of national law The current debate over the elec- Hong Kong special. “Hong Kong peo- Kong’s 7.2 million people, not just an and working within the political space toral system for Hong Kong’s chief ple ruling Hong Kong” was the promise elite slice. granted to them under it. Surely that can executive is part of a broader political of the 1997 handover, and that’s what all Only real representative govern- happen between a representative chief contest brewing even before the 1997 we want. Otherwise, there will be no ment can respond to the problems executive of Hong Kong and the Central handover, frequently characterized by end to political conflict in Hong Kong. facing Hong Kong. People have to Government. missteps and mistrust on all sides. I The issue at the core of the dem- believe that the chief executive stands In fact, we have a special name for hope an injection of trust and good faith onstrations and the issue matters to up for our concerns and us. To be this brand cooperation between Hong can help resolve this impasse in the best Hong Kong people not on the streets, effective, the chief executive must Kong and China, a term created by Deng interests of Hong Kong and the Central who continue to go their offices, open have a mandate from the people of Xiaoping – “one country, two systems.” Government in Beijing and find a way their shops, play the stock market and Hong Kong, be accountable to us and Now it’s up to all of us, in a spirit of mu- forward toward the future they share. strive for better lives for their families, represent our interests, not just those tual respect and trust, to demonstrate the As the debate has heated up, I be- is that the current system produces a of billionaires and Beijing. That sort wisdom of Deng’s inspiration and make lieve that rather than Occupy Central, chief executive that does not represent of leadership may be what the Cen- Hong Kong a shining example of the Hong Kong’s advocates for greater them. Hong Kong’s GDP has grown 50 tral Government is afraid of, but it principle in practice. For Hong Kong to democracy should Occupy the Process. percent in the last decade while median shouldn’t be. be the kind of place that won me over two They should work within the system incomes have risen only 10 percent. There is no inherent conflict with decades ago for decades to come, there is to get the best deal possible for Hong Most economic benefits have accrued Hong Kong’s chief executive being ac- no alternative. u Kong. The Standing Committee of the to the very top of the pyramid in a town countable to the people of Hong Kong National People’s Congress has de- with world’s highest proportion of bil- and to Beijing. Both sides essentially clared nominations for chief executive lionaires. Many ordinary people feel want the same thing, a prosperous, Muhammad Cohen, editor at large at should be determined by a nominating the system is rigged against them, with safe and secure Hong Kong as part Inside Asian Gaming, blogs for Forbes committee that Beijing’s interests domi- the current electoral system a glaring of a thriving China. Even before the and wrote “Hong Kong On Air,” a novel nate, but Hong Kong’s Chief Executive example of it. handover, people in Hong Kong have set during the 1997 handover about TV Leung Chun-ying insists that isn’t the The proposed reforms will not solve been committed to working coopera- news, love, betrayal, high finance and final word. “There is still room for dis- the problem of unrepresentative govern- tively with Beijing toward that end. cheap lingerie. cussion in regards to the issue in Hong ment but perpetuate it. The 1,200-mem- A chief executive with genuine le- Kong legislation,” he said following the ber election committee for the chief gitimacy between both constituencies The Umbrella Revolution: a timeline of HK’s struggle for democracy By Elaine Dunn Tens of thousands of protesters, democracy” in last month’s issue at calling for universal suffrage by 2017. government headquarters and camped many high school and university stu- chinainsight.info. They staged a sit-in in Central district, out on the grounds. Pepper spray and dents, blocked the streets of Hong Kong Following is a list of the key dates closing off two main thoroughfares, tear gas were used by the police in the the last weekend of September 2014 to leading up to and a timeline of what had resulting in 500 arrests. process of breaking up the protest. Stu- fight for democracy. What began as a transpired since end-September. Aug. 31: Beijing publicly announced dents employed their umbrellas to protect peaceful protest turned violent when June 4: Thousands of HK residents that candidates for the 2017 election themselves. The civil disobedience cam- Hong Kong’s chief executive ordered gathered to remember the 25th anniver- for HK’s leader will be vetted by a paign was in full swing. the police in to disperse the protesters sary of the Tiananmen Square massacre nominating committee appointed by Sept. 29: Beijing reportedly ordered In- with batons and pepper spray. As a in Beijing. the Chinese government. stagram blocked with further directives that websites delete any mention of the result, protester sympathizers joined in, June 10: In retaliation, Beijing pub- Sept. 6: British government dealt a HK democracy protests. resulting in one of the biggest protests lished a “White Paper” indicating Hong blow to protesters by issuing a state- Oct. 1: Communist China’s National Hong Kong had ever experienced. Kongers’ freedom could be revoked at ment that “it welcomed an act of Day was a public holiday marked by The creative protesters quickly any time. China’s legislature that set strict limits more protests throughout Hong Kong improvised in terms of protective gear June 30: Occupy Central, one of the on how Hong Kong is allowed to select and Kowloon. Protesters demanded cur- -- shielding themselves from tear gas main pro-democracy groups, disclosed its next leader.” rent (Beijing appointee) chief Executive and pepper spray with surgical masks, the results of an unofficial referendum Sept. 22: Students began a weeklong C.Y. Leung’s resignation based on his goggles and umbrellas. Thus was born of 800,000 Hong Kong voters in favor boycott of classes to protest Beijing’s “non-response to the people’s demands the Umbrella Revolution. of greater freedom for Hong Kong. unyielding control of the 2017 elec- has driven Hong Kong into a crisis of To find out what led up to the pro- July 1: Hundreds of thousands of pro- tion. tests, read “Hong Kong’s struggle for testers marched through Hong Kong Sept. 26-28: Protesters stormed the Continues on next page politics, education www.chinainsight.info NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 > PAGE 15 The Umbrella Revolution U of M welcomes Chinese Olym- Continued from page 14 pic athletes to Twin Cities as part disorder.” affairs.” Oct. 2: Leung (possibly under China’s Oct. 24: As the CCP’s 4th Plenum of CHINA CHAMPIONS program direction) rejects the idea of his resig- ended, it seemed unlikely Beijing will By Greg Hugh nation, but concede to start talks with budge on its restrictive framework for students via his deputy. HK’s 2017 election. To foster an exchange of culture, acclimated with the Twin Cities area, as Oct. 3: Triad (HK gang) members at- Oct. 25: A group of angry, masked anti- education and sport, the University of well as take tours of University and lo- Minnesota (UM) is hosting 10 Chinese cal professional sports team’s stadiums, tack protesters in Mong Kok, a busy Occupy Central men stormed the Mong Olympic and world champion athletes arenas and training facilities. Kok pro-democracy camp, removing shopping district in a working-class and one Olympic-level coach as part University partners with the School neighborhood on Kowloon Peninsula. barricades and attacked Occupy sup- of the CHINA CHAMPIONS program of Kinesiology include the University Police stood by and did nothing to pro- porters. Meanwhile, a 74’ x 18’ pro- (CCP). This contingent recently arrived of Minnesota China Center, the Global tect the protesters. democracy banner was removed from and will be staying here until August, Programs and Strategy Alliance (GPS Oct. 4: The protesters called off talks Lion Rock, a famous HK landmark, by 2015. Alliance), and the College of Education citing lack of police protection. Tens firefighters on the grounds of “public and Human Development (CEHD). “Globalization and internationaliza- of thousands respond to assaults of safety.” Oct. 26: Occupy leaders prepared to tion are an important part of CEHD’s previous day with mass demonstration mission of applying principles and poll supporters on “next steps” while in Central– HK’s prime business and practices of multiculturalism to advance financial district. anti-Occupy activists began a signature teaching and learning,” said CEHD Oct. 8: Media reported Leung failed campaign to end the protests and back Dean Jean Quam. “CCP provides a new to declare payments of approx US$6.5 the police. Chief Executive Leung and exciting way for two-way discovery million from an Australian engineering Chun-ying tried to explain his com- between our students, faculty, staff and company after his appointment as HK’s ments last week on the electoral rights Chinese athletes being welcomed at the community and elite Chinese athletes.” airport. Local business and government Chief Executive. of the poor. The UK delegation planning to visit HK leaders will also meet with the athletes Oct. 9: Democracy talks scheduled for Led by the U’s School of Kinesiol- to give them a behind-the-scenes look in November to conduct a “parliamen- Oct. 10 canceled by the HK government. ogy, in collaboration with Beijing Sport into international corporations, govern- Oct. 10: Protesters raised volume on tary inquiry” says both HK and Chinese University and supported by the China ment and the American culture. All call for Leung to resign amidst specula- government had declined to meet with Scholarship Council, CCP is a unique, the Chinese participants are continuing tion of corruption. Protesters stepped them. global collaboration that provides mu- their education as part of a master’s up sit-ins in HK’s financial district in Oct. 29: China’s top parliamentary tual benefits for Chinese athletes and level graduate program through Beijing UM faculty, staff and students. Sport University, the top sport university response to canceled talks. advisory body punished James Tien, a “This partnership offers the chance in China. Oct. 11: Chinese officials planting HK lawmaker (and leader of HK’s pro- business Liberal Party), by removing for visiting athletes and many at the “The CHINA CHAMPIONS pro- rumours that Western governments, him from the Chinese People’s Politi- University to engage, teach and enhance gram is a wonderful example of the namely the U.S., are behind and funding learning from each other,” said Li Li University’s expanding global connec- cal Consultative Conference for asking pro-democracy protests. Ji, Ph.D., director of the School of Ki- tions,” said Associate Vice President chief Executive C.Y. Leung to step Oct. 14: HK police again move in to nesiology and founder of the CHINA and Dean of International Programs down because of the poor way Leung remove barricades in Central district. CHAMPIONS program. “Our goal is Meredith McQuaid. “It is another way handled the student protesters. Protesters started erecting bamboo to ensure all involved gain insight and for the University to build on our long Oct. 30: Jasper Tsang, the Legislative appreciation for the cultures in each and strategic partnerships with people scaffolding to strengthen the metal bar- Council president and pro-establishment country and harness that knowledge to and institutions throughout China.” ricades. lawmaker disputed allegations from the benefit our world.” Oct. 16: HK police videotaped beating city’s leaders and Beijing that foreign During the next year, participants About the School of Kinesiology a handcuffed protester, fueling mount- will attend specially designed courses The mission of the School of Ki- forces were behind Hong Kong’s pro- ing tensions between government and in the School of Kinesiology, includ- nesiology is to enrich the quality of democracy protests. Will he be the next protesters. ing academic seminars, workshops and human life by expanding, applying and forced to resign? Oct. 18: Skirmish in Mong Kok dis- English as a Learned Language classes. disseminating the body of knowledge Oct. 31: Halloween was not lost on the Beyond the classroom, athletes will germane to physical activity, recreation, trict resulted in 26 people arrested and protesters. Many incorporated the yel- visit Minnesota cultural sites, become sport and their applied systems. u 15 police officers injured. Two pro- low ribbon (protest symbol) in their cos- democracy lawmakers showed up to tumes, hopping around the protest zone diffuse the situation, calming protesters like Chinese zombies. Some dressed up Thanksgiving in China and requesting police to back off. as ETs, calling themselves the “external Oct. 20: Foot-in-mouth moment for force” Beijing claimed were influencing Continued from page 7 Leung, who commented that universal and funding the protesters. suffrage in HK meant the majority of morning and serve him up in a soup the was delicious: green beans, mashed po- No further talks have been sched- following night. tato, preserved egg and onion, eggplant, voters will be the poor and working uled. However, it’s apparent Beijing Andrew wanted to say goodbye to fried buns with condensed milk. And, class, which rankled many, especially entertains no dissent when it comes to Richard, and we all wanted to see him. of course, Richard soup. the protesters, who already see Hong CCP rule. That’s unfortunate. Hong So we opened the box. Eating Richard was awkward. I felt like we needed to eat him to make his Kong’s huge wealth gap and the cur- Kong thrived under British laissez-faire Richard, as it turned out, was tiny. rent system of government are stacked He seemed barely a teenager - his loss worthwhile, but I also felt bad eat- and rule of law. It would be a real shame ing him. In the end, I only ate a ladle against ordinary, non-rich citizens. scrawniness prompted one of the cooks if China’s insistence on stepping up of the soup. Richard, like most turkeys, Oct. 21: A “polite” debate between pro- to remark that the soup would be heavy control over the former British colony on the broth. Though he had been quiet was a bit dry. testers and HK government leaders were is allowed to ruin a good thing. How for the whole way up to Baoshan, now During our dinner, we all said what streamed live. Carrie Lam, Leung’s far will China go? Richard was barking in fear- and he we were thankful for. Many of us talked deputy, said it was “a good opportunity As the world looks on from the side- sounded exactly like a scared puppy. about our family of Teach For China fel- and a meaningful dialogue.” Students Poor Richard was probably scared be- lows in the Baoshan region, and having lines, having been warned off by China people to be with during the holidays. told to “hold out hope for 2022.” that this is strictly an “internal affair,” cause he was no longer at his farm in Mingguang, but in a concrete courtyard Andrew raised a toast to Richard. Oct. 22: Saxophonist Kenny G, a su- it looks like the struggle to maintain a We may never know exactly if eating perstar in China, appeared at one of the somewhere else. modicum of freedom (of speech and It was with heavy hearts that we left Richard was the right thing to do, but the little turkey helped bring us together demonstration sites and tweeted about press) and democracy rests on the shoul- Richard to his fate. for a memorable adventure and a great it. Chinese government immediately ders of those steadfast students. How The next night, we returned to the holiday meal. Thank you, Richard! u seized this opportunity to accuse “for- long can they resist before being routed restaurant. Some 40 or so fellows eign influences meddling in China’s into “part of China?” u turned up to feast together. The food PAGE 16 > NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 travel www.chinainsight.info

2007. It is “packed with a warren of , aka rooms hiding seasoned gamblers.” Some of the newer Las Vegas-styled casinos include Wynn Macau, Sands Oriental Macau, Venetian Macau, Galaxy Rio and the City of Dreams Macau. All of- fer extravagance, style and atmosphere Las Vegas Senodo Square similar to what one expects to find in This urban square is the most popular Las Vegas. By Elaine Dunn venue for public events and celebra- Vasco da Gama Monument The rest tions. It is located close to the former Standing in a small park in front Not the gambling kind? Not to wor- If not for the Chinese characters on Senate building the old Chinese Bazaar, of the Royal Hotel, a heroic bust com- ry. There are plenty Macau has to offer: the neon signs, any visitor stepping out and serves as a clear reminder of the memorates the Portuguese explorer who Every fall for the past 60 years, at night in Macau can mistakenly think multicultural dimension of the Macau. discovered the sea route from Europe Formula car rubber hits the Macau they were in Las Vegas instead. The pastel-coloured neoclassical build- to India. Guia street circuit. In 2005, Macau Macau is a tiny city (11.6 square ings surrounding the square create a also started hosting the final round of miles and growing – by way of re- Mediterranean feel. Does the wavy the World Touring Car Championship. claimed landfills) located approximate- pattern remind you of another square In 2013, The Macau Grand Prix has ly 36 miles west of Hong Kong on the in Lisbon? become one of the highest profile F3 southeast coast of China along the Pearl races in the world, attracting a starting River delta. It is made up of a peninsula, list of 30 from more than a dozen coun- the city hub, and two outlying islands, tries. Big name drivers such as John Taipa and Coloane. MacDonald, Alan Jones, Ayrton Senna It has a population of 566,375 have all raced there. (2013), where 90-95 percent is eth- Since attending the actual 2014 race nic Chinese and the rest, Portuguese, is out of the question (it took place in Mount Fortress Filipinos and other westerners. Chinese Built from 1617 to 1626, this was October!), you can plan a visit to the fishermen from Fujian and farmers the city’s principal military defense Grand Prix Museum. On exhibit are from Guangdong were the first known Ruins of St. Paul structure. It was equipped with cannons, more than 20 formula cars, motorcycles, settlers in Macau, known then as Oh The facade is all that’s left of the military barracks, wells and an arsenal photos, awards, memorabilia and a Moon (trading gate). In the 1500s, the Church of Mater Dei built in 1602-1640 that held sufficient ammunition and slideshow providing behind-the-racing- Portuguese merchant explorers arrived. and destroyed by fire in 1835. Close supplies to endure a siege lasting up to scene experience! A Portuguese colony since 1557, the by are the archaeological remains of two years. The fortress covers an area The Macau Maritime Museum is British East India Company and other the old College of St. Paul, the first of 10,000 square meters in the shape for those interested in maritime history European trading houses set up shop western-style university in the Far East. of a trapezoid. The four corners of the or ancient Chinese ship construction there as Europe’s trade with China The facade now functions as a symbolic fortress protrude to form bulwarks. methods and overseas exploration. grew. It became a special administra- altar to the city, and is one of the most Exhibits include aspects of Portuguese tive region of the People’s Republic of recognizable landmarks of Macau. and Chinese maritime history during the China in December 1999 when it was 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries; models of officially returned to the Chinese. fishing vessels; demonstration of fishing About an hour’s hydrofoil ride from techniques; and nautical instruments Hong Kong, Macau lays claim to the used during the 18th, 19th, and 20th title of “oldest European settlement” in centuries. There is also a tea cafe and a the Far East. Its tourism is based largely library with books and journals on site. on gambling, with approximately 35 Buddhist temples. Three well- casinos and hotel casinos in operation, known ones are the Barra (aka Tianhou) thereby earning it the nicknames of Temple, a popular destination for both “Oriental Las Vegas” and “Monte Carlo The casinos tourists and locals; the Kun Lam (aka of the Orient.” It also is one of the top Old city walls In the south are the New Reclaimed Puji) Temple, which is about 400 years 20 travel destinations in the world. This surviving segment was built Area and the Outer Harbor Area. This old; and the Lian Fong (aka Guanzha) This former Portuguese colony around 1569. It’s a good example of newly developed region is where many Temple, built in 1592 and used as a offers a rich blend of Chinese and Eu- early Portuguese construction incorpo- luxurious hotels and casinos are located. business office by the Chinese in Macau. ropean architecture and culture, with rating local techniques and materials: a Gambling in Macau was legalized All have multiple halls and courtyards more than 20 landmarks on the pen- mixture of clay, soil, sand, rice straw, by the Portuguese in the 1850s, and bearing the classic Chinese architectural insula designated as UNESCO World crushed rocks and oyster shells com- generates at least 50 percent of the city’s style. Heritage sites. It is a beautiful city with pacted in successive layers. revenues. In the early days, only Chi- Macao Wine Museum opened on clean streets, gardens, picturesque hilly nese games (fan tan) were played. By Christmas Day 1995. It is set up in three landscapes and all sorts of delicious the 1960s, Macau and Hong Kong busi- sections: history of wine production, food that contribute to its charm. nessmen introduced western games to wine collection and wine exhibition. On Because of its small size, sightsee- the gambling houses, bringing millions exhibit are 1,100 brands of wine (includ- ing is very manageable on foot, though, of Hong Kong visitors annually. Ever ing many produced in the mainland), with its Portuguese heritage, many since the government ended a gambling and of which 700 are for sale. The oldest streets are still covered with cobble- monopoly in 2002, allowing foreign bottle is Boertu of 1815. Wine tasting stone. You will be transported into a players from Las Vegas to operate in is also available. blend of Old World charm, antiques, Macau, its gaming industry developed Macau Giant Panda Pavilion in modern-day consumerism as well as rapidly. Much like its -desert Coloane, away from the hustle and tranquility and glitz. One travel blogger siblings, many larger casinos offer free, bustle of the casinos and resorts, is a said Macau can be divided into three direct shuttle bus service (to and from 3000 square meter state-of-the-art facil- parts: the Portuguese, the casinos and St. Anthony’s Church border crossings); they also feature ity that’s home to two rare giant pandas. the rest! One of three oldest churches in Ma- international cuisine restaurants, recre- The pandas were China’s gift to Macau cau. First built of bamboo and wood ational facilities and top-flight family on the 10th anniversary on its return to The Portuguese part before 1560, it had been rebuilt in stone entertainment. Chinese rule. Most of the UNESCO World Heri- several times and is located where the In 2013, Macau made USD$45 bil- Shopping for name-brand clothes, tage sites are located within the Portu- Jesuits set up their earliest headquarters lion from gambling (seven times that of cosmetics, jewelry, watches, cameras, guese part. in the city. The present much-expanded Las Vegas, according to analyst Grant electronics and wine is a no brainer as structure dates back to 1930. Govertsen of Union Gaming Research). Macau is duty-free port! From shopping However, ever since the Chinese gov- centers to curio shops to side-street ma- ernment initiated its anti-corruption and-pa type stores, you’ll find all sorts campaign, the number of junkets and of items on which to spend your money. high rollers from the mainland had de- Eating is not to be overlooked, of clined drastically. Reuters reported that course! From high-end restaurants at September 2014 casino revenues were the casinos to street snack stalls, you down 11.7 percent from a year earlier, can enjoy international cuisines such as to USD$2.9 billion. Chinese dim sum to Portuguese pastéis One of the oldest casinos is the de nata (egg custard pastry) and caldo historical Hotel (not verde (kale and potato soup). The Moorish barracks to be confused with the newer Grand The most comfortable time to visit is Built in 1874 to accommodate an In- Casa Garden Built in 1770, the house was origi- Lisboa, a 12-storey complex built in mid-October through December. There dian regiment from Goa sent to reinforce 2006). It is low in glitz and glam, and nally the residence of a wealthy Portu- are 97 hotels with a total of 23,423 hotel Macau’s police force. Now it serves as one reviewer said, “Those looking for rooms and U.S. citizens can enter Macau as the headquarters of the Marine and guese merchant, Manuel Pereira. Later, the Las Vegas experience should look visa-free for up to a 30-day stay. So … Water Bureau. Its distinctly neoclassical it was rented out to the British East India elsewhere.” The original three-storey there’s still time to get there this year if style integrates architectural elements of Company. It is now the headquarters of complex was built in the 1960s. The you’re looking for a place to visit! Moghul influence. the Oriental Foundation. current complex was last renovated in Images are courtesy of macautourism.gov.