Iew1 York Israeli Terrorism Era
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DECEMBER 26, 1975 25 CENTS VOLUME 39/NUMBER 48 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WOR'KING PEOPLE -PAGE 3 IEW1 YORK CRISIS SOCIALIST CANDIDATE EXPLAINS WHY LABOR NEEDS ITS OWN PARTY. PAGE 9. ISRAELI TERRORISM ZIONISTS TALK OF PEACE BUT STEP UP ATTACKS ON ARAB MASSES. PAGE 19. ERA ACTION CAMPAIGN UNDER WAY FOR EQUAL RIGHTS. PAGE 7. MilitanVIra Satinover Strip mmmg: giant scoop shovel gouges coal from earth. Energy corporations' drive for profits threatens permanent destruction of FBI Great Plains ecology. Page 13. 'REFORMS' WOULD LEGALIZE COINTELPRO. PAGE 15. PSP PUERTO RICAN SOCIALIST PARTY MEETS. PAGE 18. THIS WEEK'S In Brief MILITANT COLEMAN RETREATS ON WHITE-FLIGHT THE VICTORY IN N.Y. NURSING"'HOME STRIKE: An eight-week strike by 110 nursing-home employees in New 3 Angola: the ORY: Sociologist James Coleman is beginning to ~Iter his theory that busing for school desegregation causes massive Rochelle, New York, ended in victory late last month. The next Vietnam? white flight.from the cities. strike by members of District 1199, National Union of 4 Probusing whites back This prominent busing opponent has recently been re Hospital and Health Care Employees, began over Woodland court action on 'Southie' checking his facts and has found some fundamental flaws Nursing Home management's refusal to grant a 1.5 percent in his calculations. Now he admits that in many of the cities increase in benefits. 5 20 years ago: bus from which he gathered his data.· to prove large-scale white It turned into a test of strength as Woodland's owners boycott in Montgomery flight, there has not been any busing for desegregation. tried to break the union by bringing scabs in daily under - 7 Plans under way to Also, white flight from the cities, he now concedes, has been police protection and by physical assaults on pickets. Two mobilize ERA support a trend since the early 1900s. Coleman recently confessed to union officers were hospitalj.zed as a result of goon attacks the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that it is not possible, on picket lines. 9 Reid: N.Y. crisis shows after all, from his research to detennine "whether desegre By the fifth week of the strike, union officials decided that labor needs own party gation itself'' or other factors lead many whites to move only street demonstrations big enough to disrupt "business from cities to suburbs. as usual" in New Rochelle could force a settlement. Union 13 Energy profiteers members from New York City joined the strikers three threaten Great Plains CALIFORNIA CIVIL SERVICE CHARGED WITH Saturdays in a row for pickets and demonstrations of up to 14 Setting record straight SEX DISCRIMINATION: Catherine McAndrew, an 1,200. The show of force had the desired effect. on CLUW convention attorney for the California Department of Motor Vehicles The 1.5 pel-cent originally in dispute was given in wages (DMV), has filed a suit against the state charging. sex rather than in benefits, bringing wages up to a $181 weekly 15 Levi proposes 'legal' discrimination against her and 42,449 other female state minimum. Management was also forced to rehire thirty Cointelpro employees. The suit asks for $233 million in back pay and three workers it had singled out as "undesirable" because of 17 With Mexican farm workers retroactive promotions for women who. have been passed their role in leading the strike. The greatest victory of all, over in favor of men. McAndrew charged that the male the union's right to exist, was won not at the bargaining at 'el _hoyo' dominated civil service reserved all the best jobs for men table but rather by the determination of the strikers and the 18 PSP concludes second and relegated women to the lowest-paid positions. support given them by their brothers and sisters in New national convention The state personnel board has found that the average York City at a time when it was most urgently needed. women in state government earns $367 a month less than 23 No gains in safety the average man. PROPOSED RESTRICTION ON FREE SPEECH for coke-oven workers DROPPED IN MILWAUKEE: The Milwaukee Common 24 Why. Kennedys wanted SOCIALIST BLASTS L.A. RED SQUAD SECRET Council has "indefinitely" postponed hearings on a city Castro killed FILES: On December 4, Omari Musa, Socialist Workers ordinance that would have outlawed literature that "ex candidate for U.S. Senate from California, testified at a Los poses the citizens of .any race, color, creed or religion to 28 D.C. 'Post' declares Angeles Police Commission hearing on proposed guidelines contempt, derision or obloquy." The ordinance, proposed by war against unions for intelligence gathering by the Public Disorder Intelli City Attorney James Brennan, was ostensibly aimed at the gence Division, commonly referred to as the "red squad." National Socialist White People's party (Nazis). However, 2 In Brief Musa told the panel of five commissioners, plus Police supporters of civil liberties have opposed the ordinance as a Chief Ed~ard Davis and representatives of the city restriction on freedom of speech that would pose a threat to 10 In Our Opinion attorney's office, "The secret files should be abolished everyone's civil liberties. Letters altogether.... I believe that the real purpose of the secret, Explaining his opposition to the ordinance, Bernie Senter, 11 National Picket Line undercover activities of the PDID is not limited to the the Socialist Workers party candidate for mayor, said: "Any Their Government collection of dossiers on groups or individuals, even though curtailment of civil liberties has beeh used in the past, and that alone· is reason enough to demand their termination. will again be used by the government, primarily against 12 Great Society The aim of the LAPD [Los Angeles Police Department] fighters of racism, not racists like the Nazis." La Lucha Puertorriquefla secret-police operations is to infiltrate, disrupt, and if Senter added, "If Brennan were really serious about By Any Means Necessary possible destroy political groups which the police disap fighting the Nazis, he would drop the charges against prove of. Citizens of L.A. have the right to hold any Michael Murphy." Murphy, a Black member of the Young WORLD OUTLOOK political view they choose without threat of harassment or Socialist Alliance, will be tried on January 7 for defending. 19 Israeli terrror raids intimidation from the police." himself against a physical assault by a Nazi. Twenty others testified against the witch-hunt nature of belie talk of peace -Ginny Hildebrand the secret files, including representatives of the American 20 Democratic rights Civil Liberties Union, NAACP, Women For, the gay under attack in Britain community, and city council member David Cunningham. 21 World News Notes 20,000 AT CARTER-ARTIS BENEFIT: A standing 22 150,000 march in Mexico room-only crowd of 20,000 jammed into Madison Square for union democracy Garden on December 8 to participate in a benefit concert for Hurricane Carter and John Artis, who were convicted on frame-up murder charges in 1967 in New Jersey. Bob Dylan and his "Rolling Thunder Review," Joan Baez, Roberta THE MILITANT Flack, and J oni Mitchell performed on behalf of the victims. Coretta Scott King, U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), VOLUME 39/NUMBER 48 and other prominent government officials, sports figures, DECEMBER 26, 1975 and performers were introduced and spoke in support of CLOSING NEWS DATE-DEC.17 Carter and Artis. Muhamm~d Ali told the crowd, "Every Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS thing shows that these two men are innocent, and they Managing Editor: LARRY SEIGLE deserve a retrial. This is a little Watergate." The crowd Business Manager: ROSE OGDEN replied with thunderous applause when Ali asked how Southwest Bureau: HARRY RING Washington Bureau: CINDY JAQUITH many supported a retrial. Through a phone hookup Carter, once a leading contender Published weekly by .The Militant Publishing for the middleweight boxing championship, was able to Ass'n., 14 Charles Lane, New York. N.Y. 10014. speak to the rally from his jail cell. "You all came to my Telephone: Editorial Office (212) 243-6392; Busi rescue tonight,, and I love you all," he told them. ·Special Offer ness Office (212) 929-3486. Southwest Bureau: 710 S. Westlake Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90057. Pressure is mounting on the courts to grant a new trial Telephone: (213) 483-2798. Washington Bureau: and on New Jersey Gov. Brendan By-rne to release the men 1345 E. St. N.W., Fourth Floor, Washington, D.C. on executive bail. A similar benefit concert is planned for For New Readers 20004. Telephone: (202) 638-4081. Correspondence concerning subscriptions or the New Orleans Superdome soon. JOBS: While Congress debates bills that would set up more changes of address should be addressed to The committees to study unemployment, more than ten million Mililani Business Office, 14 Charles Lane, New BLANCO CASE BROUGHT TO CHICANOS IN SAN Americans go jobless. Every week the Militant carries news York, N.Y. 10014. - ANTONIO: Claudio Tavarez, a national coordinator of the Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. from around the country of the fight for jobs and offers a Subscriptions: domestic, $7.50 a ye~; foreign, U.S. Committee for Justice to Latin American Political strategy to win. Subscribe now. $11.00. By first-class mail: domestic, Canada, and Prisoners (USLA), recently toured San Antonio to win Mexico, $32; all other countries, $53. By airmail: support for Hugo Blanco's right to a visa. Blanco, an ::lomestic, Canada, and Mexico, $42. By air printed The Militant-! Months/51 matter: Central America and Caribbean, $40; internationally known leader of the Peruvian peasant movement, is being prevented from car-rYing out a speaking Mediterranean Africa, Europe, and South America.