Property Values

Tree Level Long Description Short Description Value Budget Only Unspecified_Property Unspecified Unspcfd 0000 All_Buildings 284 East Ave 284EastAve 0001 All_Buildings Agri Engineering AgriEnginr 0004 All_Buildings James M Jeffords Hall JJeffHall 0005 All_Buildings Allen House AllenHouse 0010 All_Buildings IraAllnCpl 0012 All_Buildings Billings ‐ Ira Allen Lect Hall BilIraHll 0013 All_Buildings Pierce Spaulding House PierceSpHs 0016 All_Buildings 439 College St 439College 0017 All_Buildings Visitor Ticket Booth VistTixBth 0018 All_Buildings 109 S Propsect Annex 109SPrsAnx 0020 All_Buildings Quonset Storage Bldg QuonsetStg 0024 All_Buildings Outing Club Main Campus OutgClMain 0028 All_Buildings Torrey Hall TorreyHall 0032 All_Buildings Dudley H Davis Center Complex DavisCtrCp 0033 All_Buildings Dudley H Davis Center DavisCtr 0034 All_Buildings Dudley H Davis Center Theater DavisCtrTh 0035 All_Buildings Howe Memorial Library HoweMemLib 0036 All_Buildings Billings Ira Allen Complex BilIraCpx 0038 All_Buildings Billings Addition BillngsAdd 0039 All_Buildings Billings Library BillngsLib 0040 All_Buildings Blundell House BlundelHse 0041 All_Buildings 86 S Williams St 86SWillmSt 0042 All_Buildings 86 S Williams Garage 86SWilmGrg 0043 All_Buildings Carr Dairy Science CarDairSci 0044 All_Buildings Johnson House 617Main 0048 All_Buildings Englesby House EnglsbHse 0052 All_Buildings Englesby Shed EnglsbShed 0055 All_Buildings Englesby Garage EnglsbGrg 0056 All_Buildings Ped U Cplx PedUCplx 0058 All_Buildings Ped U Bldg PedUBldg 0059 All_Buildings Ped U Elevator PedUElev 0060 All_Buildings Ped U Elevator Equip PedUElevEq 0061 All_Buildings Fleming Museum FlemgMusm 0064 All_Buildings Fireston Med Rsrch Building Firestone 0065 All_Buildings The Courtyard at Given GivenCrtYd 0067 All_Buildings Given Complex GivenCmplx 0068 All_Buildings Given B Given B 0070 All_Buildings Given C Given C 0071 All_Buildings Given D Given D 0072 All_Buildings Given E Given E 0073 All_Buildings Rowell Hall RwlHall 0074 All_Buildings Health Science Rsch Facility HSRF 0075 All_Buildings Health Science Rsch Fac Shed HSRFShed 0076 All_Buildings 32 N Prospect St 32NProspSt 0077 All_Buildings 479 Main St 479MainSt 0078 All_Buildings Alumni House AlumniHs 0079 All_Buildings GrasseMnt 0080 All_Buildings Jack & Shirley Silver Pavilion SilverPav 0081 All_Buildings Hills Agri Science HillsAgrSc 0082 All_Buildings Stafford Greenhouse StfrdGrnhs 0083 All_Buildings Stafford ET StfrdET 0084 All_Buildings Stafford Head House StrfdHdHs 0085 All_Buildings Marsh Life Science MrshLifSci 0086 All_Buildings Aiken Center AikenCtr 0088 All_Buildings Mansfield House MansfldHs 0090 All_Buildings Nicholson Bldg Nicholson 0094 All_Buildings 622 Main St 622MainSt 0098 All_Buildings Royall Tyler Complex RyalTylCpx 0101 All_Buildings Royall Tyler Theatre RyalTylThr 0102 All_Buildings Central Plant CntrHtgPlt 0103 All_Buildings Chilled Water Plant ChldWtrPlt 0104 All_Buildings Morrill Hall MorrlHall 0106 All_Buildings 34 S Williams St 34SWilmSt 0108 All_Buildings 34 S Williams St Garage 34SWmStGr 0109 Property Values

All_Buildings 70 S Williams St 70SWilmSt 0110 All_Buildings Arts & Sciences Complex A&SCmplx 0112 All_Buildings Old Mill Annex OldMillAnx 0113 All_Buildings Old Mill OldMill 0114 All_Buildings Lafayette Hall FafyetHall 0115 All_Buildings Post Storage PostStrg 0116 All_Buildings PFG Complex PFGCmplx 0117 All_Buildings ‐Multi Purp‐Gymnstc PatGym 0118 All_Buildings Gutterson Field House GuttFldHs 0119 All_Buildings Patrick Gymnastics PtkGymnstc 0120 All_Buildings Patrick Multipurpose PtkMultipr 0121 All_Buildings Perkins Building PerknsBldg 0122 All_Buildings Recreation & Fitness Ctr RecFitCtr 0123 All_Buildings Gutterson Parking Garage GuttPkgGar 0124 All_Buildings Cook Complex CookCmplx 0125 All_Buildings Cook Phys Sci A CookPhyScA 0126 All_Buildings Angell Lecture Ctr AnglLecCtr 0127 All_Buildings Chem Stor Bunker ChemStBnkr 0128 All_Buildings Moulton‐Winder Field Bldg MWFldBldg 0129 All_Buildings Pomeroy Hall PomryHall 0130 All_Buildings Pomeroy Barn PomryBrn 0131 All_Buildings Pomeroy Garage PomryGrg 0132 All_Buildings Dewey Hall DeweyHall 0134 All_Buildings Moulton‐Winder Bleachers MltnWnrdBl 0133 All_Buildings Dewey Garage DeweyGar 0135 All_Buildings Nolin House NolinHse 0136 All_Buildings Virtue Field Support Building VirtueFldB 0137 All_Buildings Adams Building AdamsBldg 0138 All_Buildings Track & Field Building TrkFldBldg 0139 All_Buildings Virtue Field Bleachers VirtBleach 0140 All_Buildings Virtue Field Press Box VirtPrsBox 0141 All_Buildings Redstone Lodge RedstnLdg 0142 All_Buildings Southwick Complex SthwckCmpx 0143 All_Buildings Southwick Hall SthwckHall 0144 All_Buildings Music Building MusicBldg 0145 All_Buildings Tarrent Event Center TarrantEC 0146 All_Buildings Music Building Addition MusicBldg 0147 All_Buildings Terrill Bldg TerrilBldg 0148 All_Buildings Track & Field Bleachers TrkFldBlch 0149 All_Buildings STEM Complex StemCmplx 0150 All_Buildings Discovery Hall DiscHall 0151 All_Buildings UVM Bookstore UVMBkstr 0152 All_Buildings Innovation Hall InnovHall 0153 All_Buildings Kalkin‐Ifshin Complex KalkIfshin 0155 All_Buildings Votey Building VoteyBldg 0156 All_Buildings Kalkin Building KalkinBldg 0157 All_Buildings Ifshin Hall IfshinHall 0158 All_Buildings Waterman Building WtrmnBldg 0160 All_Buildings Lattie F Coor House CoorHouse 0161 All_Buildings 440 College St 440CollgSt 0162 All_Buildings 438 College St Garage 438ColStGr 0163 All_Buildings Wheeler House WheelerHs 0164 All_Buildings Wheeler House Barn WhlrHsBrn 0165 All_Buildings Williams Hall WillmsHall 0168 All_Buildings Pearl House PearlHse 0172 All_Buildings Henry Lord House HLordHse 0174 All_Buildings Benedict House 31SProsSt 0176 All_Buildings Jacobs House JacobsHse 0180 All_Buildings Bittersweet Bttrswt 0184 All_Buildings Bittersweet Garage BttrswtGar 0185 All_Buildings 172 S Prospect St 172SProsSt 0187 All_Buildings Wadhams House WadhamHse 0188 All_Buildings 178 S Prospect St Garage 178SPrsSGr 0189 All_Buildings Clement House ClementHse 0192 All_Buildings Admissions Visitor Center AdmisVstCt 0193 All_Buildings UVM Rescue Facility UVMRescue 0197 Property Values

All_Buildings 280 East Ave 280EastAve 0198 All_Buildings Library Res Annex LibrResAnx 0199 All_Buildings DeanBldg 0200 Leon W Dean Building All_Buildings 308 S Prospect St Garage 308SPrsSGr 0201 All_Buildings 322 S Prospect St 322SProsSt 0202 All_Buildings 322 S Prospect St Garage 322SPrsSGr 0203 All_Buildings 448 S Prospect St 448SProsSt 0210 All_Buildings 460 S Prospect St 460SProsSt 0211 All_Buildings 466 S Prospect St 466SProsSt 0212 All_Buildings 466 S Prospect St Barn 466SPrsSBr 0213 All_Buildings 474 S Prospect St 474SProsSt 0214 All_Buildings 481 Main St 481MainSt 0218 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Campus Complex UVMMCCmpsC 0219 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Mary Fletcher UVMMCMFlch 0220 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr McClure Wing UVMMCMcClr 0221 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Burgess Hall UVMMCBurgs 0222 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Brown Pavilion UVMMCBrown 0223 All_Buildings FAHC Meadow Ln Milton VT FAHCMdowLn 0224 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Medical Records UVMMCMedR 0225 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Adams Residence UVMMCAdms 0226

All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Engineering UVMMCEngin 0227 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Shepardson North UVMMCShpdN 0228 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Shepardson South UVMMCShpdS 0229 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr NVC Medicine UVMMCNVC 0230 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Stem UVMMCStem 0231 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Baird UVMMCBaird 0232 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Patrick UVMMCPtrck 0233 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Smith UVMMCSmith 0234 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr MRI BUILDING UVMMCMRI 0235 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Guard Booth West UVMMCGBthW 0236 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Guard Booth East UVMMCGBthE 0237 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr‐Main Pavilion UVMMCMainP 0238 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr East Pavilion UVMMCEastP 0239 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr 1 S Prospect Cmplx UVMMCCmplx 0240 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr 1 S Prospect Old H UVMMCOld 0241 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr 1 S Prospect St Jo UVMMCStJs 0242 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr 1 S Prospect Rehab UVMMCRehb 0243 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr 1 S Prospect Arnld UVMMCArnld 0244 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr 1 S Prospect Clnic UVMMCClinc 0245 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr 1 S Prospect Boilr UVMMCBoilr 0246 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr 1 S Prospect Guard UVMMCGBth 0247 All_Buildings Medical Education Pavilion MedEdPav 0250 All_Buildings Larner Learning Commons LarnerComm 0251 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr West Pavilion UVMMCWPavl 0252 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Miller Bldg UVMMILLER 0253 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr ‐ Central Plant UVMMCCtrlP 0254 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr ‐ East Parking Gar UVMMCEPkG 0255 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr ‐ North Parkng Gar UVMMCNPkG 0256 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Education Ctr UVMMCEdC 0257 All_Buildings UVM Med Ctr Centre Dr Milton UVMMCMiltn 0277

All_Buildings Interfaith Center CrstChrPrs 0297 All_Buildings The Catholic Center CathlcCtr 0299 All_Buildings Central Campus Res Hall Cmplx FrstRHCplx 0300 All_Buildings Central Campus Res Hall East CC_RHEast 0301 All_Buildings Central Campus Res Hall West CC_RHWest 0302 All_Buildings Central Campus Bicycle Storage CC_Bike 0303 All_Buildings B C W Complex BCWCmplx 0312 All_Buildings Buckham Hall BuckhmHall 0313 All_Buildings Chittenden Hall ChittnHall 0314 All_Buildings Wills Hall WillsHall 0315 All_Buildings C P W Complex CPWCmplx 0320 All_Buildings Christie Hall ChrsteHall 0321 Property Values

All_Buildings Patterson Hall PatrsnHall 0322 All_Buildings Wright Hall WrightHall 0323 All_Buildings Converse Hall CnvrseHall 0328 All_Buildings Coolidge Hall CoolgeHall 0332 All_Buildings Jeanne Mance Hall JnMnceHall 0342 All_Buildings M A T Complex MATCmplx 0344 All_Buildings Marsh Hall MarshHall 0345 All_Buildings Tupper Hall TupperHall 0346 All_Buildings Austin Hall AustinHall 0347 All_Buildings M S H Complex MSHCmplx 0352 All_Buildings Mason Hall MasonHall 0353 All_Buildings Simpson Hall SmpsnHall 0354 All_Buildings Hamilton Hall HamltnHall 0355 All_Buildings Redstone Hall RedstnHall 0360 All_Buildings Robinson Hall RobnsnHall 0364 All_Buildings Slade Hall SladeHall 0368 All_Buildings Slade Greenhouse SladeGreen 0369 All_Buildings W D W Complex WDWCmplx 0372 All_Buildings Wing Hall WingHall 0373 All_Buildings Davis Hall DavisHall 0374 All_Buildings Wilks Hall WilksHall 0375 All_Buildings H M Complex HMCmplx 0376 All_Buildings Millis Hall MillisHall 0377 All_Buildings H M Commons HMComns 0378 All_Buildings Harris Hall HarrisHall 0379 All_Buildings L L Complex LLCmplx 0384 All_Buildings L L Commons LLComns 0385 All_Buildings Living Learning A LivLrnA 0386 All_Buildings Living Learning B LivLrnB 0387 All_Buildings Living Learning C LivLrnC 0388 All_Buildings Living Learning D LivLrnD 0389 All_Buildings Living Learning E LivLrnE 0390 All_Buildings University Heights North 1 UHeightsN1 0391 All_Buildings University Heights North 2 & 3 UHeightsN2 0392 All_Buildings University Heights South 2 & 3 UHeightsS2 0393 All_Buildings University Heights South 1 UHeightsS1 0394 All_Buildings Univ Hgts Res Learn Complx UHRLrCplx 0395 All_Buildings Redstone Lofts Complex RedStnLfts 0397 All_Buildings Mann Hall MannHall 0401 All_Buildings Delehanty Hall DelntyHall 0402 All_Buildings Ira Allen School IraAlnSchl 0403 All_Buildings Farrell Hall FarrellHal 0404 All_Buildings St Josephs Villa StJoesVila 0405 All_Buildings Trinity Boiler House BoilrHouse 0406 All_Buildings Mcauley Hall McalyHall 0407 All_Buildings Mercy Hall MercyHall 0408 All_Buildings McCann Hall McCanHall 0409 All_Buildings Richardson Hall RichdsnHal 0410 All_Buildings Hunt Hall HuntHall 0411 All_Buildings Sichel Hall SichelHall 0412 All_Buildings Ready Hall ReadyHall 0413 All_Buildings 252 Colchester Ave 252ColchAv 0414 All_Buildings 254 Colchester Ave 254ColchAv 0415 All_Buildings 256 Colchester Ave 256ColchAv 0416 All_Buildings 258 Colchester Ave 258ColchAv 0417 All_Buildings 50 Fletcher Pl 50FletchPl 0418 All_Buildings 23 Mansfield Ave 23Mansfld 0419 All_Buildings Redstone Apartment Complex RdstnAptC 0425 All_Buildings Centennial Court Apt Complex CentCtAptC 0450 All_Buildings Cohen Hall CohenHall 0500 All_Buildings 46 Church St 46ChrchSt 0502 All_Buildings 9760 Crane Creek Rd CrnCrk 0503 All_Buildings Gables Montecito Apt 4‐107 Gbls4107 0504 All_Buildings Gables Montecito Apt 5‐203 Gbls5203 0505 All_Buildings Gables Montecito Apt 6‐208 Gbls6208 0506 All_Buildings Towne Brooke Cmns CT TwBkCmCT 0507 Property Values

All_Buildings VT Dept of Health ‐ Colchester VTDHColch 0508 All_Buildings 400 Avenue D Williston 400DWill 0509 All_Buildings 112 Colchester Ave 112ColchAv 0510 All_Buildings Lawrence Barnes School LBarnesSch 0511 All_Buildings Essex Elementary School EssexSch 0512 All_Buildings Quarry Hill Apartments QryHillApt 0514 All_Buildings 75 San Remo Dr SanRemoDr 0515 All_Buildings Avalon Norwalk Apartments Avalon 0516 All_Buildings Sheraton Hotel&Conf Ctr Sheraton 0517 All_Buildings 301 Ave D Suite 20 ‐ Williston 301AveD 0518 All_Buildings 140 Kennedy Dr 140Kennedy 0519 All_Buildings VT Dept of Health ‐ Burlington VTDHBurl 0520 All_Buildings 80 Colchester Ave 80ColchAv 0521 All_Buildings Chittenden Emrgcy Food Shelf ChtERFdSlf 0522 All_Buildings Spinner Place SpinnerPl 0523 All_Buildings 60 Normand St 60NrmndSt 0524 All_Buildings 106 Highpoint 106Highpnt 0525 All_Buildings Howard Dean Educ Ctr DeanEducCt 0526 All_Buildings 250 Main St 250MainSt 0527 All_Buildings Library Storage Facility LibrStrgFc 0528 All_Buildings UVM Computer Tech Park UVMTchPrk 0529 All_Buildings 56 Twin Oaks Terr Suite 4 56TwnOkSt4 0530 All_Buildings 51 Church St 51ChurchSt 0532 All_Buildings 215 Pioneer Drive 215PionrDr 0533 All_Buildings 128 Lakeside Ave 128LaksdDr 0534 All_Buildings 362 Main St 362MainSt 0537 All_Buildings 101 Cherry St 101CherySt 0538 All_Buildings 19 Roosevelt Highway 19RsvltHwy 0539 All_Buildings 7 Kilburn St 7KilbrnSt 0540 All_Buildings 145 Pine Haven Shores Rd 145PineHvn 0541 All_Buildings 54 Twin Oaks Terr Suite 14 54TwnOkS14 0542 All_Buildings 208 Flynn Avenue 208FlynnA 0543 All_Buildings Colchester Research Facility ColchRschF 0545 All_Buildings 245 S Park Dr 245SParkDr 0547 All_Buildings Student Family Housing StdFamlHsg 0549 All_Buildings Windsor Com Center WindsCmCtr 0550 All_Buildings Windham House WindhmHse 0551 All_Buildings Washington House WshngtHse 0552 All_Buildings Rutland House RutlandHse 0553 All_Buildings Orleans House OrleansHse 0554 All_Buildings Orange House OrangeHse 0555 All_Buildings Lamoille House LamoileHse 0556 All_Buildings Franklin House FranklnHse 0557 All_Buildings Essex House EssexHse 0558 All_Buildings Caledonia House CalednaHse 0559 All_Buildings Bennington House BenngtnHse 0560 All_Buildings Addison House AddsonHse 0561 All_Buildings 384 West Milton Road 384WMilton 0563 All_Buildings Broad Strt Commons Plattsburgh BroadStrt 0564 All_Buildings Castleton Stafford Academc Ctr CsltnStfrd 0565 All_Buildings 14 Hudson Ave Glens Falls 14Hudson 0566 All_Buildings 401 Water Tower Circle 401WaterTo 0567 All_Buildings 223 Ave D Suite 20 Williston 223AveWill 0568 All_Buildings 104 University Heights 104UnvHgts 0575 All_Buildings 112 University Heights 112UnvHgts 0576 All_Buildings 120 University Heights 120UnvHgts 0577 All_Buildings 505 Lake St, Burlington 505LakeBTV 0584 All_Buildings 170 Boyer Circle Williston 170BoyerW 0585 All_Buildings Hotel St George HotelStGrg 0586 All_Buildings 446 Ave D Suite 30 Williston 446AveWill 0591 All_Buildings 44 Miller Ln S 10 Williston 44MillerWl 0596 All_Buildings 24 New England Dr 20 Essex 24NE20Essx 0597 All_Buildings E A Building 1002 EABldg1002 0612 All_Buildings E A Building 1004 EABldg1004 0614 All_Buildings E A Building 1005 EABldg1005 0615 All_Buildings E A Building 1006 EABldg1006 0616 Property Values

All_Buildings E A Building 1007 EABldg1007 0617 All_Buildings E A Building 1110 EABldg1110 0620 All_Buildings E A Building 1111 EABldg1111 0621 All_Buildings E A Building 1112 EABldg1112 0622 All_Buildings E A Building 1113 EABldg1113 0623 All_Buildings E A Building 1114 EABldg1114 0624 All_Buildings E A Building 1115 EABldg1115 0625 All_Buildings E A Building 310 EABldg310 0650 All_Buildings E A Building 311 EABldg311 0651 All_Buildings E A Building 312 EABldg312 0652 All_Buildings E A Building 1003 EABldg1003 0653 All_Buildings E A Building 321 EABldg321 0661 All_Buildings E A Building 1104 EABldg1104 0664 All_Buildings E A Building 1105 EABldg1105 0665 All_Buildings E A Building 330 EABldg330 0670 All_Buildings E A Building 331 EABldg331 0671 All_Buildings E A Building 340 EABldg340 0681 All_Buildings E A Building 709 EABldg709 0689 All_Buildings E A Building 350 EABldg350 0690 All_Buildings Hort Research Complex HrtRschCpx 0700 All_Buildings HRC Blasberg Lab HRCBlsbgLb 0701 All_Buildings HRC Storage Building HRCStorgBl 0702 All_Buildings HRC Fert Pest St HRCFrPstSt 0703 All_Buildings HRS Greenhouse 3 HRCGreen3 0704 All_Buildings HRC Trickle Pump HRCTrclPmp 0705 All_Buildings HRC Electric Pump 2 HRCElePmp2 0707 All_Buildings HRC Electric Pump HRCElePmp 0708 All_Buildings HRC Apple Storage HRCApplStr 0709 All_Buildings HRC Pole Barn HRCPoleBrn 0710 All_Buildings HRC Greenhouse West HRCGrnhsW 0711 All_Buildings HRC Greenhouse East HRCGrnhsE 0712 All_Buildings Wolcott Field Office WlctFldOfc 0716 All_Buildings BRC Greenhouse 2 BRCGrenhs2 0717 All_Buildings BRC Greenhouse 3 BRCGrenhs3 0718 All_Buildings BRC Trailer BRCTrailer 0719 All_Buildings Bio Research Complex BioRschCpx 0720 All_Buildings BRC 663 Spear St BRC663Spr 0721 All_Buildings BRC 659 Spear St BRC659Spr 0722 All_Buildings BRC Entom Research BRCEntmRsc 0723 All_Buildings BRC BioResearch Lab BRCBioRsLb 0724 All_Buildings BRC 657 Spear St BRC657Spr 0725 All_Buildings BRC Ento Shed BRCEntShed 0726 All_Buildings BRC 665 Spear St BRC665Spr 0727 All_Buildings BRC Env Safety Facility BRCEnvSftF 0728 All_Buildings BRC Greenhouse BRCGrenhse 0729 All_Buildings JER Research FOR Complex JERRschCpx 0730 All_Buildings JRC Lab Shop JRCLabShop 0731 All_Buildings JRC Residence JRCResdnce 0732 All_Buildings JRC Pesticide Storage JRCPstStor 0733 All_Buildings JRC Storage Building JRCStorBld 0734 All_Buildings JRC Forrest E Orr Conserv Ctr JRCOrrCnsv 0735 All_Buildings JRC Fire Hose Storage JRCFireHSt 0736 All_Buildings JRC Open Storage JRCOpenStg 0737 All_Buildings JRC Pole Treat F JRCPlTrtF 0738 All_Buildings JRC CMT Char Barn JRCCMTChBn 0740 All_Buildings JRC Water Reserve JRCWtrRsve 0741 All_Buildings JRC Cement Bl In JRCCemtBl 0743 All_Buildings Proctor Research Complex PrctRscCpx 0750 All_Buildings PRC Research Lab PRCRschLab 0751 All_Buildings PRC Maple Prodctn Rsch Fac PRCMapProd 0752 All_Buildings PRC Old Sugar House PRCOldSHse 0753 All_Buildings PRC Instr Shelter PRCInstShl 0754 All_Buildings PRC Storage Building PRCStorBld 0756 All_Buildings PRC Red Shed/Original Lab PRCRedShed 0757 All_Buildings PRC Sugar House PRCSugrHse 0758 All_Buildings PRC Tank Shed PRCTnkShed 0760 Property Values

All_Buildings PRC Inst Trlr PRCInstTrl 0761 All_Buildings PRC Barrel Shed PRCBarlShd 0762 All_Buildings PRC Three Bay Shed PRC3BayShd 0763 All_Buildings PRC Red Series Shed PRCRedShd 0764 All_Buildings Miller Research & Educatnl Ctr MREC 0770 All_Buildings MREC Livestock Holding MRECLivstHl 0771 All_Buildings MREC Fitzsimmons Arena MRECFtzAren 0772 All_Buildings MREC Classroom MRECClssrm 0773 All_Buildings MREC Stanchion Arena MRECStnchAR 0774 All_Buildings MREC Milking Parlor MRECMlkgPar 0775 All_Buildings MREC Free Stall MRECFreeStl 0776 All_Buildings MREC Animal Care Facility MRECAnCare 0777 All_Buildings MRC Hay Storage Barn MRCHayStBn 0778 All_Buildings MREC Storage MRECStor 0779 All_Buildings MREC Hay & Commodities MRECHayCom 0780 All_Buildings MREC Nutrition Research Bldg MRECNutrRsc 0782 All_Buildings MREC North Farm House MRECNrthFH 0784 All_Buildings MREC South Farm House MRECSthFH 0785 All_Buildings Wheelock Barn WhelckBarn 0787 All_Buildings MREC Dry Cow Facility MRECDryCow 0788 All_Buildings MRC Heifer Quons MRCHeifQuo 0789 All_Buildings MREC Hardacre Equine Center MRECHrdEqCt 0790 All_Buildings MREC Maternity Barn MRECMatBarn 0791 All_Buildings MREC Youngstock Facility MRECYngstk 0792 All_Buildings MREC Cream/Equine Sawdust Shed MRECCEShed 0793 All_Buildings MREC Constructed Wetlands Shed MRECWetShd 0794 All_Buildings MREC Milking Parlor&Cream Barn MRECMkCrmP 0795 All_Buildings MREC Research Barn MRECRschBn 0796 All_Buildings Outing Club Cabin OutgClCab 0798 All_Buildings Morgan Horse Complex MrgnHrsCpx 0800 All_Buildings MHF Blacksmith Shop MHFBlckShp 0820 All_Buildings MHF Shed MHFShed 0822 All_Buildings MHF Open Shed MHFOpnShed 0823 All_Buildings MHF Main House Garage MHFMHseGrg 0824 All_Buildings MHF House 1 MHFHouse1 0825 All_Buildings MHF Main Barn MHFMnBarn 0826 All_Buildings MHF Main House & Office MHFMHseOfc 0827 All_Buildings MHF Pump House MHFPumpHse 0829 All_Buildings MHF Remount Barn MHFRmntBrn 0831 All_Buildings MHF House 2 MHFHouse2 0832 All_Buildings MHF Brood Mares MHFBrdMare 0833 All_Buildings MHF Training Hll MHFTrngHll 0834 All_Buildings MHF Colt Barn MHFColtBrn 0836 All_Buildings MHF Sawdust Shed MHFSawdShd 0837 All_Buildings MHF Storage & Repair MHFStrgRpr 0838 All_Buildings 61 Oakwood Blvd Poughkeepsie 61Oakwood 0850 All_Buildings Rubenstein Ecosystem Lab RbstnEcoLb 0861 All_Buildings GD Aiken Frstry Rsch Sci Lab AknFRScLb 0862 All_Buildings GD Aiken Frstry Rsch HdhsGrnhs AknFRHdGr 0863 All_Buildings GD Aiken Frstry Rsch Garage AknFRGrge 0864 All_Buildings GD Aiken Frstry Rsch Strge Shd AknFRStrSh 0865 All_Buildings Forestry Research Complex ForestComp 0866 All_Buildings EXT Rutland 271 North Main St EXTRtnd271 0922 All_Buildings EXT Orleans County EXTOrlnCty 0923 All_Buildings EXT Addison Cty 23PondLn EXTAds23Pd 0924 All_Buildings EXT Addison County EXTAdsnCty 0925 All_Buildings EXT Bennington County EXTBngtCty 0926 All_Buildings EXT Caledonia County EXTCldnCty 0927 All_Buildings EXT Caledonia Cty 374EmrsnFlRd EXTCldnCty 0928 All_Buildings EXT Essex County EXTEssxCty 0929 All_Buildings EXT Franklin County EXTFrnkCty 0930 All_Buildings EXT Lamiolle County EXTLamlCty 0932 All_Buildings EXT Orange County EXTOrngCty 0933 All_Buildings EXT Orleans County EXTOrlnCty 0934 All_Buildings EXT Rutland County EXTRtndCty 0935 All_Buildings EXT Washington County EXTWashCty 0936 Property Values

All_Buildings EXT Windham County EXTWdhmCty 0937 All_Buildings EXT Windsor County EXTWdsrCty 0938 All_Buildings EXT Alburgh VT EXTAlburgh 0939 All_Buildings EXT Windham County EXTWindham 0940 All_Buildings EXT WA Cty 327 Rte 302 Berlin EXTWC327Bn 0941 All_Buildings EXT Engineering Brandon EXTBrandon 0942 All_Buildings Complex CentFldCpx 0949 All_Buildings CFC Grounds Repair CFCGrdsRpr 0950 All_Buildings CFC Grounds Cust Storage CFCGrdCStr 0951 All_Buildings CFC Sand Storage Shed CFCSndShed 0952 All_Buildings CFC Salt Shed #1 CFCSalt1 0953 All_Buildings CFC Salt Shed #2 CFCSalt2 0954 All_Buildings CFC Salt Shed #3 CFCSalt3 0955 All_Buildings CFC Lapointe Field House CFCLapntFH 0956 All_Buildings CFC HVAC & Elec Shop CFCHVACElc 0957 All_Buildings CFC Grounds Garage Pmp CFCGrdGrPm 0960 All_Buildings CFC Grounds Garage CFCGrdsGrg 0961 All_Buildings CFC Grounds Building CFCGrdsBld 0962 All_Buildings CFC Maintenance Facility CFCMainFcl 0963 All_Buildings CFC Maintenance Barn CFCMainBrn 0971 All_Buildings CFC Baseball Concession CFCBsblCon 0972 All_Buildings CFC Baseball Stand CFCBsblStd 0973 All_Buildings CFC Ticket Storage CFCTickStr 0975 All_Buildings CFC Storage A CFCStorgeA 0977 All_Buildings CFC Storage CFCStorge 0978 All_Buildings CFC Soccer Stands CFCSocrStd 0979 All_Buildings CFC Visitor Field House CFCVstFldH 0980 All_Buildings Field House ChampFldHs 0981 All_Buildings CFC Soccer Press CFCSocrPrs 0982 All_Buildings CFC Ticket Booth 1 CFCTicBth1 0983 All_Buildings CFC Ticket Booth 3 CFCTicBth3 0984 All_Buildings CFC Ticket Booth 2 CFCTicBth2 0985 All_Buildings CFC Bleacher Storage Facility CFCBStrFac 0986 All_Buildings CFC Ground Trailer CFCGrndTrl 0988 All_Buildings CRC Recy Trailer CFCRecyTrl 0989 All_Land Livak Track & Field Track Only LivakTrack 3500 All_Land Intramural Field 1 Intrmrl1 3501 All_Land Moulton‐Winder Field MltnWnrd 3502 All_Land Soccer Practice Field ScrPrctFld 3503 All_Land Virtue‐Moulton‐Livak Perimeter VMLPerimet 3504 All_Land Intramural Field 5 Intrmrl5 3505 All_Land Intramural Field 6 Intrmrl6 3506 All_Land CFC Baseball Field CFCBsBlFld 3507 All_Land CFC Soccer Field CFCSccrFld 3508 All_Land Mercy Grounds MercyGr 3509 All_Land Farrell Grounds FarrellGr 3510 All_Land Trinity Heating Plant Grounds TrinHtPlGr 3511 All_Land Mcauley Grounds McauleyGr 3512 All_Land 256 Colchester Ave Grounds 256ColchGr 3513 All_Land 252 Colchester Ave Grounds 252ColchGr 3514 All_Land 254 Colchester Ave Grounds 254ColchGr 3516 All_Land 258 Colchester Ave Grounds 258ColchGr 3517 All_Land Ira Allen School NE Grounds IraAlnNEGr 3518 All_Land Delehanty Grounds DelntyGr 3519 All_Land Mann Grounds MannGr 3520 All_Land St Josephs Villa Grounds StJoesVGr 3521 All_Land Ira Allen School E Grounds IraSchEGr 3522 All_Land Mann South Grounds MannSGr 3523 All_Land Patchen Road Parcel PatchenLd 3524 All_Land CFC Soccer Bleacher Grounds CFCSocrBGr 3525 All_Land CFC HVAC & Elec Shop Grounds CFCHVShpGr 3526 All_Land CFC Soccer Field East Grounds CFCSocrEGr 3527 All_Land Grove St Parcel GroveStrt 3528 All_Land CFC Recycling North Grounds CFCRecyNGr 3529 All_Land CFC Recycling South Grounds CFCRecySGr 3531 All_Land CFC Pond CFCPond 3532 Property Values

All_Land CFC Repair Shop Grounds CFCRprShGr 3533 All_Land CFC Grounds Bldg SE Grnds CFCGrSEGr 3534 All_Land CFC Grounds Bldg SW Grnds CFCGrSWGr 3535 All_Land CFC Grounds Bldg Grounds CFCGrBldGr 3536 All_Land CFC Maintenance Fac Grounds CFCMntGr 3537 All_Land CFC University Rd Grounds CFCUnivRGr 3538 All_Land Jeanne Mance Grounds JnMnceGr 3539 All_Land Outing Club Grounds OutgClGr 3540 All_Land Dewey Grounds DeweyGr 3541 All_Land 16 Colchester Ave Grounds 16ColchGr 3542 All_Land 34 S Williams St Grounds 34SWilmGr 3543 All_Land 31 S Prospect St Grounds 31SProsGr 3544 All_Land Davis Ctr Green Roof DavisRoof 3545 All_Land 41 43 S Prospect St Grounds 4143SPrsGr 3546 All_Land 70 S Williams St Grounds 70SWilmGr 3547 All_Land 86 S Williams St Grounds 86SWilmGr 3548 All_Land 440 College St Grounds 440CollgGr 3549 All_Land 438 College St Grounds 438CollgGr 3550 All_Land Waterman Grounds WtrmnGr 3551 All_Land Englesby House Grounds EnglsbGr 3552 All_Land 146 S Williams St Grounds 146SWilmGr 3553 All_Land Wheeler House Grounds WheelerGr 3554 All_Land Peirce Spaulding Grounds PeirSpldGr 3555 All_Land UVM Historic Green UVMGreen 3556 All_Land Ira Allen Green IraAlnGrn 3557 All_Land Ira Allen North Plaza IraAlnNPGr 3558 All_Land Ira Allen South Plaza IraAlnSPGr 3559 All_Land 23 Mansfield Grounds 23MsfldGr 3560 All_Land Ira Allen East Grounds IraAlnEGr 3561 All_Land Billings Ira Allen Grounds BillgIraGr 3562 All_Land Mansfield House Grounds MnsfldGr 3563 All_Land Torrey Grounds TorreyGr 3564 All_Land Perkins Grounds PerkinsGr 3565 All_Land Fleming Museum Grounds FlmgMusGr 3566 All_Land Billings West Grounds BillgWGr 3567 All_Land Davis Ctr Amphitheatre DavisAmphi 3568 All_Land Billings South Grounds BillgSGr 3569 All_Land Votey Grounds VoteyGr 3570 All_Land Kalkin Grounds KalkinGr 3571 All_Land Fleming Museum Patio FlmgMPatio 3572 All_Land B C W Green BCWGreen 3573 All_Land B C W Grounds BCWGr 3574 All_Land Andrew Harris Commons HarrisComm 3575 All_Land Converse Grounds ConverseGr 3576 All_Land Williams Grounds WilliamsGr 3577 All_Land Angell Grounds AngellGr 3578 All_Land Cook Grounds CookGr 3579 All_Land Old Mill Grounds OldMillGr 3580 All_Land Old Mill Annex Grounds OldMAnxGr 3581 All_Land Lafayette Grounds LafyteGr 3582 All_Land Howe Grounds HoweGrnds 3583 All_Land Royall Tyler Theatre Grounds RTThtrGr 3584 All_Land Central Heating Plant Grounds CHPGr 3585 All_Land Morrill Hall Grounds MorrillGr 3586 All_Land Bailey Howe Grounds BHoweGr 3587 All_Land Davis Center Green DavisGreen 3588 All_Land Davis Center Oval Grounds DavisOvlGr 3589 All_Land Terrill Grounds TerrillGr 3590 All_Land Rowell Grounds RowellGr 3591 All_Land Given Grounds GivenGr 3592 All_Land Marsh Life Science Grounds MrshLfScGr 3593 All_Land Hills Grounds HillsGr 3594 All_Land Benedict Grounds BenedictGr 3595 All_Land Carrigan Wing Grounds CarriganGr 3596 All_Land Stafford Grounds StaffordGr 3597 All_Land Health Science Rsch Fc Grounds HSRFGr 3598 Property Values

All_Land Water Tower Grounds WtrTwrGr 3599 All_Land Aiken Green Roof AikenRoof 3600 All_Land Aiken Grounds AikenGr 3601 All_Land Stafford Greenhouse Grounds StfdGrhsGr 3602 All_Land Jeffords Grounds JeffordsGr 3603 All_Land Main Street West Grounds MainStWGr 3604 All_Land Wind Turbine Grounds WindTurbGr 3605 All_Land 284 East Ave Grounds 284EastAGr 3606 All_Land Library Res Annex Grounds LibRsAnxGr 3607 All_Land Rugby Field RugbyField 3608 All_Land Rugby Field East Grounds RugbyEGr 3609 All_Land UVM Rescue Facility Grounds ResFacGrds 3610 All_Land Jug Handle JugHandle 3611 All_Land Grasse Mount Grounds GrsseMntGr 3612 All_Land 151 S Prospect St Grounds 151SProsGr 3613 All_Land Allen House Grounds AllenHsGr 3614 All_Land 475 479 Main St Grounds 475479MnGr 3615 All_Land 481 Main St Grounds 481MainGr 3616 All_Land Pomeroy Grounds PomeroyGr 3617 All_Land Admissions East Grounds AdmsnEGr 3618 All_Land 172 S Prospect St Grounds 172SProsGr 3619 All_Land Wadhams House Grounds WadhamsGr 3620 All_Land Admissions Visitor Ctr Grounds AdmsnCtrGr 3621 All_Land Clement House Grounds ClementGr 3622 All_Land Univ Heights South Green Roof UnvHgtSRf 3623 All_Land Nolin House Grounds NolinGr 3624 All_Land Univ Heights North Green Roof UnvHgtNRf 3625 All_Land Redstone Walkway Green RdStnWlkGr 3626 All_Land Adams Building Grounds AdamsGr 3627 All_Land Johnson House Grounds JohnsonGr 3628 All_Land Living Learning Grounds LivLrnGr 3629 All_Land M A T Grounds MATGr 3630 All_Land M A T East Grass 1 MATEGrass1 3631 All_Land M A T East Grass 2 MATEGrass2 3632 All_Land M A T Green MATGreen 3633 All_Land Univ Heights North Grounds UnvHgtsNGr 3634 All_Land Living Learning D So Grass LivLrnSGra 3635 All_Land Univ Heights South Grounds UnvHgtsSGr 3636 All_Land Univ Heights Oval UnvHgtOval 3637 All_Land Univ Heights Ampitheatre UnvHgtAmpi 3638 All_Land Harris Millis Grounds HMGr 3639 All_Land Harris Millis SE Grass HMSEGrass 3640 All_Land PFG Circle PFGCircle 3641 All_Land Patrick Gyn Grounds PtkGymGr 3642 All_Land Intramural Field 6 Grounds Intrmrl6Gr 3643 All_Land Univ Heights Basketball Court UnvHgtBB 3644 All_Land Athletic Fields Grounds AthFldGr 3645 All_Land Uheights Grass Strip 1 UHghtGS1 3646 All_Land Uheights Grass Strip 2 UHghtGS2 3647 All_Land Uheights Grass Strip 3 UHghtGS3 3648 All_Land 0 Main/0 University Terrace Gr 0Main0Univ 3650 All_Land Redstone Lofts South RedstnLft 3652 All_Land SW Stormwater Facility SWSWtrFc 3653 All_Land W D W Grounds WDWGr 3654 All_Land 474 S Prospect St Grounds 474SProsGr 3655 All_Land 466 S Prospect St Grounds 466SProsGr 3656 All_Land 460 S Prospect St Grounds 460SProsGr 3657 All_Land 448 S Prospect St Grounds 448SProsGr 3658 All_Land C P W Grounds CPWGrounds 3659 All_Land C P W Green CPWGreen 3661 All_Land M S H Grounds MSHGr 3662 All_Land Catamount West Grounds CatmntWGr 3663 All_Land Slade Grounds SladeGr 3664 All_Land Robinson Grounds RobinsonGr 3665 All_Land Coolidge Grounds CoolidgeGr 3666 All_Land Southwick Grounds SouthwckGr 3667 Property Values

All_Land Music Building Grounds MusicBldGr 3668 All_Land Redstone Hall Grounds RedstnHlGr 3669 All_Land Redstone Green RedstnGren 3670 All_Land Redstone Water Tower RedstnWTwr 3671 All_Land Redstone Woods RedstnWds 3672 All_Land Redstone Lodge Grounds RedstnLdGr 3673 All_Land Blundell House Grounds BlundellGr 3674 All_Land 322 S Prospect St Grounds 322SProsGr 3675 All_Land 308 S Prospect St Grounds 308SProsGr 3676 All_Land Christ Church Presbyt Grounds CChurchPGr 3677 All_Land Catholic Ctr Grounds CathlCtrGr 3678 All_Land Ready Grounds ReadyGr 3679 All_Land Sichel Grounds SichelGr 3680 All_Land Hunt Grounds HuntGr 3681 All_Land Richardson Grounds RichrdsnGr 3682 All_Land McCann Grounds McCannGr 3683 All_Land Trinity Northeast Grounds TrinNEGr 3684 All_Land Trinity Northwest Grounds TrinNWGr 3685 All_Land Trinity East Grounds TrinEGr 3686 All_Land Alumni House Grounds AlumHsGr 3687 All_Land Tango Green Grounds TangoGrn 3688 All_Land Colchester Ave Wtrshd ColcAvWS 3700 All_Land Trinity Campus Wtrshd TrinityWS 3701 All_Land North Campus Wtrshd NCmpWS 3702 All_Land North Campus Strmwtr Trmt Fcty NCmpSWTF 3703 All_Land Colchester Rsch Fcty Wtrshd ColcRscWS 3704 All_Land East Campus Wtrshd ECmpWS 3705 All_Land East Campus Strmwtr Trmt Fcty ECmpSWTF 3706 All_Land West Wtrshd WestWS 3707 All_Land SW Campus Wtrshd 1 SWCmpWS1 3708 All_Land SW Campus Strmwtr Trmt Fcty 1 SWCmpSWTF1 3709 All_Land SW Campus Wtrshd 2 SWCmpWS2 3710 All_Land SW Campus Strmwtr Trmt Fcty 2 SWCmpSWTF2 3711 All_Land Main St East Wtrshd MainStEWS 3712 All_Land Main St East Strmwtr Trmt Fcty MainStSWTF 3713 All_Land Game Operations Wtrshd GameOpWS 3714 All_Land Sheraton/UVM Wtrshd SheUVMWS 3715 All_Land Sheraton/UVM Strmwtr Trmt Fcty SheUVMSWTF 3716 All_Land Lake Monsters Pavl Wtrshd LkMstPvWS 3717 All_Land MS4 Stormwater MS4Strmwtr 3718 All_Land Hort Rsch Farm Stormwater Pond HrtRsStmPd 3719 All_Land Jeanne Mance Parking Lot JMancePkLt 4000 All_Land UVMMC 1 S Prospect Parking Lot 1SProsPkLt 4001 All_Land UVMMC 1 S Prospect N Pkg Lot 1SProsNPLt 4002 All_Land Dewey Parking Lot DeweyPkLt 4005 All_Land 12&16 Colchester Ave Pkg Lot 1216CPkgLt 4006 All_Land 23 Mansfield Parking Lot 23MsfldPLt 4007 All_Land 48‐50 Colchester Ave Prkg Lot 4850ColPkg 4008 All_Land 34 S Williams St Parking Lot 34SWilmPkL 4010 All_Land 31 S Prospect St Parking Lot 31SProsPkL 4011 All_Land Cohen Hall CohenHall 4012 All_Land Votey Parking Lot VoteyPkLt 4015 All_Land Billings Parking Lot BillgsPkLt 4016 All_Land Fleming Museum Parking Lot FlmMusPkLt 4020 All_Land Perkins Parking Lot PerkinsPLt 4021 All_Land 70 S Williams Parking Lot 70SWilmPkL 4025 All_Land 86 S Williams St Parking Lot 86SWilmPkL 4026 All_Land Waterman Parking Lot WtrmnPkLt 4030 All_Land 438 College St Parking Lot 438CollPkL 4031 All_Land B C W Parking Lot BCWPkLt 4035 All_Land Jacobs House Parking Lot JacobsPkLt 4040 All_Land College St Visitor Parking Lot CollVstPkL 4045 All_Land Wheeler Parking Lot WhlrPkLt 4046 All_Land Lafayette Parking Lot LafayPkLt 4047 All_Land Chilled Water Plnt Parking Lot CH2OPkLt 4048 All_Land Cook Parking Lot CookPkLt 4049 Property Values

All_Land Bailey Howe North Parking Lot BHoweNPkL 4050 All_Land Bailey Howe South Parking Lot BHoweSPkL 4051 All_Land Cage Heating Parking Lot CageHtPkLt 4052 All_Land Hills Parking Lot HillsPkLt 4053 All_Land Marsh Life Science Parking Lot MarshLSPkL 4054 All_Land Given Parking Lot GivenPkLt 4055 All_Land Lafayette Old Mill Parking Lot LfyOldMPkL 4056 All_Land Stafford Roadway Parking Lot StfdRdPkLt 4057 All_Land CHP South Parking Lot CHPPkLt 4058 All_Land Beaumont Parking Lot BeaumntPkl 4059 All_Land Grasse Mount Parking Lot GrsseMPkLt 4060 All_Land Grasse Mounte South Parking Lot GrsseMSPkL 4061 All_Land Allen House Parking Lot AllenPkLt 4070 All_Land Admissions Parking Lot AdmnsPkLt 4071 All_Land Wadhams House Parking Lot WadhmPkLt 4072 All_Land Bittersweet Parking Lot BitswtPkLt 4073 All_Land Alumni House S Parking Lot AlumnSPkLt 4074 All_Land Alumni House N Parking Lot AlumnNPkLt 4075 All_Land Fort EA Admin Parking Lot FortEAPkLt 4080 All_Land Aiken Parking Lot AikenPkLt 4094 All_Land Morrill Parking Lot MorrilPkLt 4095 All_Land Davis Center Oval Parkg Lot DavisPkgLt 4097 All_Land Jeffords East Parking Lot JefrdEPkLt 4098 All_Land Jeffords Parking Lot JefrdPkLt 4099 All_Land 322 S Prospect St Parking Lot 322SPrsPkL 4100 All_Land Blundell East Parking Lot BlndlEPkLt 4101 All_Land Blundell West Parking Lot BlndlWPkLt 4102 All_Land CRF Parking Lot CRFParkLt 4105 All_Land VT Depat of Health Parking Lot VDHParkLt 4106 All_Land Jeffords Meter Parking Lot JefrdMPkLt 4110 All_Land Jeffords Visitor Parking Lot JefrdVisLt 4111 All_Land Music Building Parking Lot MusicPkLt 4120 All_Land Slade Parking Lot SladePkLt 4130 All_Land Robinson Parking Lot RobnsnPkLt 4140 All_Land Southwick Parking Lot SthwckPkLt 4151 All_Land Coolidge Parking Lot CooldgPkLt 4152 All_Land Redstone Lofts North Parking Lot RedStnNPLt 4153 All_Land Wright Patterson Parking Lot WrtPatPkLt 4160 All_Land 460 S Prospect St Parking Lot 460SPrsPkL 4164 All_Land 466 S Prospect St Parking Lot 466SPrsPkL 4167 All_Land 474 S Prospect Parking Lot 474SPrsPkL 4168 All_Land Christie Parking Lot ChrstiePkL 4170 All_Land Simpson Parking Lot SimpsnPkLt 4180 All_Land Mason Parking Lot MasonPkLt 4181 All_Land Simpson Fac Staff Parking Lot SimpFSPkLt 4182 All_Land Simpson East Parking Lot SimpEPkLt 4183 All_Land Wing Parking Lot WingPkLt 4190 All_Land Davis Road Pocket Parking 2 DvsPctPkL2 4196 All_Land Davis Road Pocket Parking 1 DvsPctPkL1 4197 All_Land Redstone Apts Parking Lot RedStnPkLt 4198 All_Land Davis Hall Parking Lot DvsHlPkLt 4199 All_Land Adams Parking Lot AdamsPkLt 4200 All_Land Univ Heights N Parking Lot UnvHNPkLt 4207 All_Land Univ Heights St N Parking Lot UnvHStNPkL 4208 All_Land Univ Heights S Parking Lot UnvHSPkLt 4209 All_Land Univ Heights N2 Parking Lot UnvHN2PkLt 4210 All_Land Univ Heights St S Parking Lot UnvHStSPkL 4214 All_Land Living Learng Fac Stf Pkg Lot LivLrFSPkL 4221 All_Land MAT Parking Lot S Burl MATSBPkLt 4228 All_Land MAT Parking Lot Burl MATBPkLt 4229 All_Land Univ Heights Street Parking 3 UnvHPkLt3 4235 All_Land Catholic Ctr Parking Lot CathlCtrPL 4242 All_Land Christ Church Parking Lot ChrstChPL 4244 All_Land Southwick S Parking Lot SwickSPkLt 4246 All_Land Redstone N Pocket Parking RdStnNPLt 4247 All_Land Gutterson Practice Fld Pocket Pkng GutPracFld 4248 Property Values

All_Land Univ Heights S3 Parking Lot UnvHS3PkLt 4249 All_Land PFG Circle Parking Lot PFGCirPkLt 4251 All_Land Harris Millis Parking Lot HMPkLt 4256 All_Land Harris West Parking Lot HarrisWPkL 4257 All_Land Gutterson Practice Fld Pocket Pkng GutPracFld 4258 All_Land Gucciardi West Parking Lot Gucciardi 4260 All_Land Gutterson Zamboni Parking Lot GuttZamPkL 4261 All_Land Gutterson Fac Stf Parking Lot GuttFSPkLt 4263 All_Land Gutterson Upper Sf Parking Lot GuttUpSPkL 4264 All_Land Gutterson Meter Parking Lot GuttMtPkLt 4265 All_Land Gutterson S Upper Parking Lot GuttSPkLt 4266 All_Land Gutterson Upper Garage GuttUpGarg 4270 All_Land Gutterson Middle Garage GuttMdGarg 4271 All_Land Gutterson Lower Garage GuttLwGarg 4272 All_Land Gutterson Mid Surface S Burl GuttMdSurf 4273 All_Land Gutterson Mid Surface Burl GuttMdSurB 4274 All_Land Forest Service Parking Lot ForSvcPkLt 4280 All_Land Gutterson Bottom Surface GuttBtSurf 4299 All_Land CFC Compound N Parking Lot CFCCmpNPLt 4300 All_Land CFC Compound S Parking Lot CFCCmpSPLt 4301 All_Land Centennial Parking Lot CntFldPkLt 4322 All_Land 284 East Ave N Parking Lot 284EAvNPkL 4335 All_Land 284 East Ave S Parking Lot 284EAvSPkL 4336 All_Land UVM Rescue Street Parking UVMResStrt 4337 All_Land Double Tree Parking Lot DblTreeLot 4340 All_Land 280 East Ave Parking Lot 289EAvPkLt 4350 All_Land Catamount West Parking Lot CatmnWPkLt 4380 All_Land Catamnt W Fac Stf Parking Lot CatmnWFSPk 4381 All_Land Catamount East Parking Lot CatmnEPkLt 4382 All_Land Centennial Court Parking Lot CenCtPkLt 4383 All_Land UVM MC Colchester Ave Pk Lot UVMMCColPL 4384 All_Land UVM MC Emergency Parking Lot UVMMCEmerg 4385 All_Land 195 Colchester Ave Parking Lot 195ColcPkL 4390 All_Land Hunt Parking Lot HuntPkLt 4400 All_Land Mercy Parking Lot MercyPkLt 4410 All_Land Fletcher Place Parking Lot FltchPPkLt 4420 All_Land 50 Fletcher Place Parking Lot 50FlPcPkLt 4425 All_Land Delehanty North Parking Lot DelhtyNPkL 4430 All_Land Trinity Upper Parking Lot TrinUpPkLt 4440 All_Land Mann North Parking Lot MannNPkLt 4450 All_Land Delehanty South Parking Lot DelhtySPkL 4455 All_Land Mann South Parking Lot MannSPkLt 4460 All_Land Villa Parking Lot VillaPkLt 4470 All_Land Mcauley Parking Lot McalyPkLt 4480 All_Land Cottages Parking Lot CottgPkLt 4490 All_Land CFC HVAC Elec Shop Parking Lot CFCHEPkLt 4491 All_Land 439 College St Parking Lot 439ColPkLt 4492 All_Land BRC Parking Lot BRCPkLt 4493 All_Land East Ave Centennl Ct Dirt Lot EAveCenDrt 4495 All_Land MREC Loop & Parking MRECLpPrkg 4496 All_Land Given Loading Dock Parking GivenLoad 4497 All_Land 145 Pine St Parking Lot 145PineSt 4498 All_Land 438 College St Driveway 438ColDrv 4501 All_Land Mercy Hunt Connector Road MercyHntRd 4502 All_Land Mcauley Access Road McalyAcRd 4503 All_Land Delehanty Access Road DelhtyAcRd 4504 All_Land Mann North Road MannNRoad 4505 All_Land University Road UnivRoad 4506 All_Land Jeanne Mance Access Road JManceAcRd 4551 All_Land Dewey Access Road DeweyAcRd 4552 All_Land 34 S Williams Access Road 34SWilAcRd 4553 All_Land 70 S Williams Access Road 70SWilAcRd 4554 All_Land 86 S Williams Access Road 86SWilAcRd 4555 All_Land Englesby Access Road EnglsbAcRd 4556 All_Land Perkins Access Road PerknsAcRd 4557 All_Land Fleming Access Road FlemngAcRd 4558 Property Values

All_Land Carrigan Drive Road CarignDrRd 4559 All_Land Fleming Parking Access Road FlemngPARd 4560 All_Land Converse Circle ConvrseCir 4561 All_Land Williams Old Mill Access Road WilOldMARd 4562 All_Land Chilled Water Plant Access Rd ChWtPAcRd 4563 All_Land Davis Center Loading Dock DvsCLdgDck 4564 All_Land Beaumont Ave Road BeaumntAve 4565 All_Land Given Access Road GivenAcRd 4566 All_Land HeliPad Access Road HeliPdAcRd 4567 All_Land Helicopter Landing Pad HeliLndPad 4568 All_Land Wadhams House Access Road WadhmAcRd 4570 All_Land Univ Heights Road UnvHgtsRd 4571 All_Land 466 S Prospect St Access Road 466SPrsARd 4573 All_Land PFG Road PFGRoad 4575 All_Land Harris Millis Access Road HarMilAcRd 4576 All_Land Harris Millis Access Road Burl HarMilBAcR 4577 All_Land Univ Heights N Loading Dock UHghtNDck 4578 All_Land Gutterson West Driveway GuttWDrv 4579 All_Land 172 S Prospect Driveway 172SProDrv 4580 All_Land 308 S Prospect Driveway 308SProDrv 4581 All_Land 322 S Prospect Driveway 322SProDrv 4582 All_Land Davis Hall Loop DvsHalLoop 4590 All_Land Davis Hall Driveway DvsHallDrv 4591 All_Land Davis Road DavisRoad 4600 All_Land Catamount Drive Burl CatDrvBurl 4720 All_Land Catamount Drive S Burl CatDrvSBur 4721 All_Land CCRH Loading Dock CCRHLdDk 4735 All_Land Nasson Tract NassonTrct 5000 All_Land Von Turkovitch Tract VnTurkTrct 5001 All_Land South Park Drive SoParkDrv 5002 All_Land Colchester Bog ColchBog 5003 All_Land Achilles Natrual Area AchNtArea 5004 All_Land Pew Tract PewTrct 5005 All_Land O'Brien Track OBrienTrct 5006 All_Land Spear Street SpearSt 5007 All_Land Lessor's Quarry LessorQry 5008 All_Land Carrigan Ave&Beaumont Dr Prcl CrgAvBeuDr 5009 All_Land Main Street MainSt 5010 All_Land University Terrace UnivTerr 5011 All_Land Cochran's Ski Area ChchrnSki 5012 All_Land Redstone Apt Ground Lease RdstnGrnLs 5013 All_Land US Forest Service Exp Station USFSExpSt 5014 All_Land Turner Conservation Parcel TurnerCnsv 5015 All_Land Sheraton Land SheratonLd 5016 All_Land Luther‐Martin Property LthrMtnPrp 5017 All_Land Water Tower Parcel WtrTwrPrcl 5018 All_Land Brattleboro Ext Land Lease BrtlExLnLs 5019 All_Land Still Lot ‐ Pease Mountain StillPease 5020 All_Land Lot 74 ‐ Pease Mountain Lot74Pease 5021 All_Land Redstone Quarry RedQuarry 5022 All_Land 109 South Prospect Street 109SthPros 5023 All_Land 151 South Prospect Street 151SthPros 5024 All_Land 394 Pearl Street 394PearlSt 5025 All_Land 61 Summit Street 61Summitt 5026 All_Land 172 South Prospect Street 172SthPros 5027 All_Land Admissions/Pomeroy Block AdmPmry 5028 All_Land Athletic District AthleticDi 5029 All_Land Bolton Outing Club OutingClub 5031 All_Land Centennial Court Apartments CennCtApts 5032 All_Land Centennial Woods Natural Area CenWoodsNt 5033 All_Land Centennial Woods Not Nat Area CenWoods 5034 All_Land Centennial Woods Land Transfer CenWdsLnTr 5035 All_Land Colchester Business Park Lot 4 ColcBPkLt4 5036 All_Land Concord Woods Lot 3 Range 4 ConcordWds 5037 All_Land Deslauriers Tract 1963 Deslrs1963 5038 All_Land Deslauriers Tract 1980 Deslrs1980 5039 Property Values

All_Land 2 & 16 Colchester Avenue 216ColAve 5040 All_Land Centennial Athletic Dsitrict CenAthDist 5041 All_Land East Woods Natural Area EastWoods 5042 All_Land Edlund Tract South Edlund 5043 All_Land Fort Colchester FortColch 5050 All_Land Fort Ethan Allen Essex Resid FortEssxRe 5051 All_Land Fort Ethan Allen Essex Admin FortEssxAd 5052 All_Land Grassemount Grassemnt 5054 All_Land Achilles Auclair N Shelburne AuclairShl 5055 All_Land Auclair South Tract AuclairSo 5056 All_Land Achilles Ewing Gentry Shel AuclairShl 5057 All_Land Gentry Tract GntryTrct 5058 All_Land Guillmette Tract Guillmette 5059 All_Land Hubbard Tract Hubbard 5060 All_Land Lafleur Tract Lafleur 5061 All_Land Leduc Tract LaducTract 5062 All_Land Maille Tract MailleTrct 5063 All_Land Mallette Tract MalletTrct 5064 All_Land Pillsbury Marsh Tract PllsbryMrs 5065 All_Land Pillsbury House Tract PllsbryHse 5066 All_Land Pillsbury Woods Tract PllsbryWds 5067 All_Land Samuelson & Wilson Tract SmlsnWlsn 5068 All_Land Sutton Woods Lot SuttonWds 5069 All_Land Webb Tract WebbTract 5070 All_Land Hoag Tract East of Spear St HoagEast 5071 All_Land Hoag Tract West Spear S Burl HoagWsBurl 5072 All_Land Hoag Tract West Spear Burl HoagWBurl 5073 All_Land Blasburg Horticulture Farm BlasburgFm 5074 All_Land Jericho Forestry Research JrchoFrst 5075 All_Land Jericho Forestry Obrien 2000 JrcOb2000 5076 All_Land Jericho Forestry Obrien 2001 JrcOb2001 5077 All_Land Jug Handle North of Main St JugNMain 5078 All_Land Jug Handle South of Main St 1 JugSMain1 5079 All_Land Jug Handle South of Main St 2 JugSMain2 5080 All_Land Martin Tract South Burlington MartinSBur 5082 All_Land Molly Bog MollyBog 5084 All_Land Morgan Horse Farm MorganHrs 5085 All_Land Mt Mansfield Stowe MnsfldStwe 5086 All_Land Mt Mansfield Underhill MnsfldUnd 5087 All_Land Main Street Row MainStRow 5088 All_Land Ho Ho Kus HoHoKus 5089 All_Land Proctor Maple Research 1 PMR1 5091 All_Land Proctor Maple Research 2 PMR2 5092 All_Land Redstone District RedstonDi 5093 All_Land South of Main Street Section 3 SthMain3 5094 All_Land Talcott Tract TalcottTrc 5096 All_Land Town Of Washington L7 R3 D1 WashL7R3D1 5097 All_Land Wolcott Lot 93 Div 3 Wlctt93D3 5098 All_Land University Green UnivGreen 5099 All_Land Trinity District TrinityDis 5100 All_Land 34 South Williams 34SWilliam 5105 All_Land 438 & 440 College Street 438440Coll 5106 All_Land Degoesbriand Parking Lot DuPkngLt 5107 All_Land 34 S Williams & 438 College St 34SWm438Co 5108 All_Land Wheelock Tract Wheelock 5109 All_Land Whittlesey Tract Whittlesey 5110 All_Land Wolcott Lot 25 Div 1 WlctL25D1 5111 All_Land VT Dept of Health ‐ PKG VTDHPkg 5112 All_Land Luther‐Martin Underhill LuthMtUnde 5112 All_Land Echo Center Parking EchoPkg 5113 All_Land Crew Club Boat Launch CCBoatLnch 5114 All_Land Alburgh Extension Land AlburghLnd 5115 All_Land 23 Mansfield Parcel 23MansParc 5116 All_Land Colchester Business Park Lot 3 ColcBPkLt3 5117 All_Land Spear Meadows 1340 Spear St SpMead1340 5118 All_Land Carse Property 2014 Carse2014 5119 Property Values

All_Land 439 College St Parcel 439ColPar 5120 All_Land 48 50 Colchester Ave Parking 4850ColPkg 5121 All_Land Maeck Property Charlotte MaeckChar 5122 All_Land Catholic Center Ground Lease CathlicCtr 5123 All_Land Redstone Lofts Ground Lease RedstoneLf 5124 All_Land CFC Ground Lease Lake Monstrs CFCLakeMns 5125 All_Land Spinner Place Ground Lease SpinnerPlc 5126 All_Land Hoag Tract W of Spear St HoagTract 5127 All_Land Farrell Park Ground Lease FarrellPrk 5128 All_Land Rubenstein Lab SubGround Lease RubLabGrnd 5129 All_Land Taft School Parcel TaftParcel 5132 All_Land Colchester Bog Parcel B ColBogParB 5133 All_Land Achilles Ewing Gentry S Burl AchSBurl 5134 All_Land Achilles Auclair N Williston AchWill 5135 All_Land Ewing‐Lee Tract So Burl EwingSB 5136 All_Land Ewing‐Lee Tract Shelburne EwingShelb 5137 All_Land Carse Property 2019 Carse2019 5138 All_Land Town Of Washington 378 Roberts 378Roberts 5139 All_Land 315 Colchester Ave GroundLease 315Colchst 5140 All_Land 1016 Maquam Shore Rd 1016Maquam 5141 All_Land Cigarette Butt Receptacles CigButtRec 5142 All_Land UVM Solar Facility SolarFac 5143

All_Land PFG 5K Running Loop PFG5KRunLp 6500

All_Buildings CESS‐Franklin NW CESSFrnNW 9001 All_Buildings CESS‐Franklin NW CESSFrnNW 9001 All_Buildings Technology Park TechPark 9002 All_Buildings Technology Park TechPark 9002 Not in Property Tree Pos Term ‐ 1 Month PosTm1Mth B001 Y Not in Property Tree Pos Term ‐ 2 Month PosTm2Mth B002 Y Not in Property Tree Pos Term ‐ 3 Month PosTm3Mth B003 Y Not in Property Tree Pos Term ‐ 4 Month PosTm4Mth B004 Y Not in Property Tree Pos Term ‐ 5 Month PosTm5Mth B005 Y Not in Property Tree Pos Term ‐ 6 Month PosTm6Mth B006 Y Not in Property Tree Pos Term ‐ 7 Month PosTm7Mth B007 Y Not in Property Tree Pos Term ‐ 8 Month PosTm8Mth B008 Y Not in Property Tree Pos Term ‐ 9 Month PosTm9Mth B009 Y Not in Property Tree Pos Term ‐10 Month PosTm10Mth B010 Y Not in Property Tree Pos Term ‐11 Month PosTm11Mth B011 Y Not in Property Tree Pos Term ‐12 Month PosTm12Mth B012 Y