LAKE BOGA: MCH Nurse Natalie Clohesy was thrilled to have Tonya and daughter Bonnie back at the Lake Boga centre. MCH CENTRES REOPENING GREAT news for parents in the Lake Boga grateful for the patience and understand- Maternal and Child Health is a free pri- and areas – your local Maternal and ing our community has shown,” she said. mary health service available to all fami- Child Health (MCH) Centres will re-open “We’re thrilled to be able to offer our ser- lies with children aged from birth to school next month. vices to Nyah and Lake Boga again and age. In October last year, state-wide nurse know that parents are too. The service provides information and shortages saw the temporary closure of “I also want to highlight the incredible ef- support to new parents and babies, and the centres, with resources only allowing fort from our MCH nurses, who went above child health and development checks. It is Swan Hill and to continue op- and beyond during the staff shortage to staffed by Maternal and Child Health Nurs- erating. make sure we could continue to offer this es, who are registered general nurses with Council’s MCH Team Leader Robyn essential service to our community.” qualifi cations in midwifery and maternal Burns said the decision to close the Lake The Nyah MCH Centre will re-open on and child health. Boga and Nyah centres was a tough one Tuesday, 7 August and will operate every To make an appointment, or for more in- to make. Tuesday morning. formation, call 5032 0300. “We know how important convenience The Lake Boga MCH Centre will re-open is for parents and it was a decision that on Friday, 24 August and will operate every See page 5 for information : Nor and daughter Dhia attending the centre at wasn’t made lightly. We are extremely Friday morning. on the new MCH app. the Nyah West preschool. 2 SWAN HILL RURAL CITY COUNCIL NEWS | WINTER 2018 A MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR WE are proud to be part of the Mur- You can see a video produced as major funding application to the Fed- deliver these within the State Gov- ray River Group of Councils’ (MRGC) part of the MRGC research, and read eral Government for projects right ernment mandated rate cap, with the recent research project, looking at all the details, at Council’s website. along our local rivers. rate increase for 2018/19 being 2.05 the personal cost and impacts of the The group includes the Swan Hill, Once again, pooling our resources per cent. Murray Darling Basin Plan. Mildura, Gannawarra, Loddon, Ca- and efforts will allow us to take part I encourage you to go online or It involved interviewing people from mapspe and Moira councils – an area in this grant scheme, but acting solo call into a Council offi ce to complete across northern , from places ranging along the river from Mildura would not. our Communication and Engagement like Swan Hill, Mildura, Kerang and to Yarrawonga. It was originally set And just a few quick plugs for some survey. It will help shape the ways we Cohuna. up to lobby governments on water of the items you will read more about communicate Council and other local It included irrigators, water brokers, issues and continues to play an im- in this newsletter. information with you, and shape how business operators, rural fi nancial portant advocacy role today. Our 2018/19 budget has just we get local people involved in local counsellors and family support ser- The team approach of the Murray been adopted. Through this budget, decision-making. vices. River group is a good demonstration we will deliver more than 100 core And I draw your attention to a CR LES MCPHEE It is just one tool that the group has of how councils working together can Council services across the munici- story about the housing situation in used to lobby ministers and the Mur- have a much greater impact than go- pality, as well as $17.6 million in ma- Robinvale. Council has been work- Mayor ray Darling Basin Authority to listen ing it alone. jor capital projects, including $5.4 ing hard following up on reports of 0427 319 394 to our communities as they make de- Similarly, we are working with six million to improve our vital sealed potentially illegal rooming houses in [email protected] cisions about the future of the Plan. neighbouring councils to submit a and unsealed road network. We will the Robinvale area. A WORD FROM YOUR COUNCILLORS I’VE been in the role of Councillor and Deputy Mayor for just over a year and half and I am continuing to enjoy the experience as well as learning a lot about this region and our community. Recently it’s been really pleasing and positive to see a number of initiatives moving forward through unifi ed approaches. Collaborating and working together at all levels is vital to growth and stability for our region. Central Ward This has been especially apparent in the developments around farming, manufacturing, tourism and new Deputy Mayor planning applications. Some great examples include the riverfront and hospital precinct developments and working closely with the agribusiness committee to raise awareness of the issues currently affecting this CR ANN YOUNG industry. 0409 503 711 Finally, I would like to thank Council and the community for their help and assistance in recent diffi cult [email protected] times.

2018 - what a great year it has been so far. Right across our municipality our primary industries have had a great boost from both local and export markets. And the only thing that’s missing is some good rain for our dry country. The celebrations of the end of the Great War saw Robinvale come to life with the construction of a new memorial along Bromley Road and the commemorations that followed as part of ANZAC Day. Robinvale Ward The community groups that co-ordinated this should be congratulated, as this will go down in CR JOHN KATIS Robinvale’s history, and never to be forgotten. It really does just go to show what a community can achieve when working together towards 0459 077 532 a common goal, and I’m proud of the contribution that Council made throughout the two day [email protected] commemorations.

OUR municipality is growing. There have been big movements in the retail sector, with new businesses on the way in and current businesses expanding and re-branding. Solar farms are either producing power or are very close to this stage - and there is more news in this area on the horizon. Horticulture is also booming, especially in the Murray Mallee and Robinvale wards. And Central Ward there’s new housing going up at Lake Boga’s Haven Lake and in Swan Hill at Ironbark and Tower Hill. This hive of activity is a fantastic show of support from local business and our community, highlighting CR CHRIS JEFFERY that they believe in our region and the direction it’s taking. And with all this development going on, I’m now looking forward to seeing work start at the South West 0429 447 802 Development Precinct in Swan Hill. Because a growth in industry means a growth in population - and we [email protected] need to keep up.

AT the time of writing, I am attending the National General Assembly for Local Government in Canberra with Deputy Mayor Ann Young. There have been some fabulous examples, case studies and research presented to us over the past few days by experts in their fi elds. Just some of the topics covered have been reducing the risk of gambling harm and how to implement policies Central Ward for councils to support their communities, cross border collaboration (two towns/one community), gender diversity in local government and skills initiatives and programs for unemployed youth. CR LEA JOHNSON This trip has been extremely worthwhile. We’ve met with leaders, gained some invaluable insights and 0487 770 456 advocated for our Council and I am looking forward to sharing some of our learnings with our community when [email protected] we return.

IT’S certainly been a busy few months. As a Council we prepared and adopted the 2018/19 Budget, attended briefi ngs to learn more about the direction of aged care and the National Disability Insurance Scheme Reforms and continued to tour our smaller communities and witnessed fi rsthand their passion and resilience. Last month I also attended the Loddon Mallee Organics Recovery Series. I’m passionate about resource recovery, Central Ward and organics is defi nitely our next big challenge. As our population continues to grow, it means waste volumes could nearly double over the next 30 years. So we need to get on the front foot now. CR BILL MOAR Overall, it’s going to need a combined effort from all levels of government, but right now you can help too. Taking 0429 496 194 small steps like reducing food waste or having a compost bin at home can make a big difference over a lifetime and [email protected] stop more organics from going to landfi ll.

UPCOMING CONTACT WWW.SWANHILL.VIC.GOV.AU [email protected] COUNCIL MEETINGS COUNCIL PO BOX 488, SWAN HILL VIC 3585 17 JULY, SWAN HILL TOWN HALL 4PM 21 AUGUST, SWAN HILL TOWN HALL 4PM Swan Hill Business Centre Robinvale Resource Centre 18 SEPTEMBER, ROBINVALE COMMUNITY CENTRE 4PM 45 Splatt Street 68-72 Herbert Street Swan Hill VIC 3585 Robinvale VIC 3549 16 OCTOBER, SWAN HILL TOWN HALL 6PM Phone 5036 2333, Fax 5036 2340 Phone 5051 8000, Fax 5051 8010 All members of the public are welcome to attend Council meetings. Agendas are available at in the days leading up to the meeting. Both offi ces are open Monday to Friday 8.30am until 5pm. Swan Hill Rural City Council and/or its employees do not guarantee that this publication is without fl aw or is wholly *Special Council meetings will also be held from time to time. appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any loss or other consequences which Visit for details or check local media. may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. SWAN HILL RURAL CITY COUNCIL NEWS | WINTER 2018 3 GEM CONSERVED WORK to conserve and maintain public “Paddlesteamers played such a vital access to the Pioneer Settlement’s PS role in our history, and we’re thrilled that Gem is now complete. we can continue to tell their story and An assessment identifi ed that urgent the vital link to pioneers in the Mallee,” work was needed on the hull, timber Cr McPhee said. fl oor and walls of the iconic paddle- “We’re extremely grateful that Heritage steamer, and Heritage Victoria allocated Victoria felt the same way and provided $500,000 to carry out the following re- us with the funding we needed to keep pairs: our Gem afl oat.” • Stabilising the middle deck Cr McPhee thanked shipwright Bruce • Replacing doors and Hobson and his team who carried out fl oorboards the work. • Caulking the main deck “She doesn’t even look like she’s been • Reinstalling portholes repaired. And when you can’t tell the • Protective paint coating new work from the old, that’s a clear sign • Restoring the winch and jack of a job well done.” staff. The PS Gem took its maiden voyage in Mayor Les McPhee said the repairs 1876 and was the largest paddlesteamer ensured that residents and visitors to on the . Used to carry a va- our region could continue to enjoy and riety of cargo and even passengers later DRY DOCKED: The pond the PS Gem calls home was drained to carry out the urgent works appreciate the Gem for many years to in life, it is one of the few remaining ac- needed on her hull. come. cessible paddlesteamers in Victoria.

NEWS IN BRIEF SURVEYOR SAYS SEE YA LATER MOBILE LIBRARY AFTER 36 years of surveying Swan Hill and sur- TIMETABLE CHANGE rounds, Graham ‘Moosh’ Jarvie is retiring. AS of 1 July 2018, there Moosh started with the Shire of Swan Hill in July have been some changes to 1982. Not surprisingly, the biggest change during the Swan Hill Mobile Library that time has been technology. Service timetable. “Back in 1982, everything was done manually,” After a review of the service, he said. consultation with schools and “These days you set your machine down, laser discussions with Murray River pair it to the portable marker, walk to your vari- Council, the new timetable was ous points, push a button and walk to the next put in place. spot. Then you plug it in to the computer and To fi nd out when and where your map is drawn. the Mobile Library Service will “When I fi rst started, the theodolite we used to next visit, head to the Swan survey was designed in about 1912. You set it Hill Regional Library website at down, made sure it was level using spirit levels, and carefully lined your marker up with a small MALLEE ALMOND BLOSSOM telescope that had an inverted image. FESTIVAL “You handwrote each angle and distance and plotted these to create a map when you got back THE 11th Mallee Almond to the offi ce. All maps were drawn by hand, using Blossom Festival is on next rulers, protractors and ink — and if you made a month. mistake, you had to carefully scratch the ink off Starting at 10am on Sunday, the plastic and try again.” 19 August, this year the festival When asked about his most memorable mo- will be held the grounds of the ments, Moosh has a few that spring to mind. Robinvale Community Centre “One would have to be surveying the Ouyen- overlooking the beautiful Road, now known as the Mallee High- Murray River. CONTRAST: Moosh standing between the theodolite he started out with 36 years ago and the Head along for a family way,” he said. one used today. “It was about 1986/87 and it was the fi rst time friendly and relaxing day, sample and purchase local we spent $1 million upgrading a road – which “It was in the late 90s and I was out doing a site busy schedule once he retires, including trips to produce such as almonds, was huge back then. check. I pulled up to a construction site during visit family in Queensland and Western olives, fl avoured olive oils and “Using the old theodolite and a 100 metre steel smoko break. As the workers were getting back and doing some home renovations at his place salad dressings, avocados, measuring band, it took us two months to survey to it I didn’t see the front-end loader driver get and for his niece. sultanas, fresh garden produce, 13 kilometres of road. It then took another three back into his machine and start reversing – right Moosh’s knowledge and experience over the local honey, and enjoy live months to draw up the plans, plus another two into the space where I had parked my ute. past 36 years has been invaluable to Council. He entertainment. months to construct it. To compare, if we were “By the time he realised, he was up on the has contributed to the design and construction using today’s technology, that project would take bonnet and the wheel arches were touching the of a huge portion of our municipality and always COMMERCIAL AND six weeks to complete.” ground. But after he drove off the ute still started! with a joke and a smile. INDUSTRIAL ZONES REVIEW They built things tougher back then.” Thanks Moosh, good luck and enjoy Moosh also fondly recalled the time his work ute A review of the commercial Not one to keep still long, Moosh already has a retirement. was nearly squashed fl at by a front-end loader. and industrial zones for Swan Hill and Robinvale has been undertaken and a draft report is now out for public comment. Focusing primarily on the THIRTY ROBINVALE HOUSES INSPECTED existing or partially developed industrial and commercial SWAN Hill Rural City Council has Other property owners are still un- their short-term needs and the afford- a plan to improve housing for all kinds estates, and the respective acted on 30 complaints about alleged dertaking action to meet the planning, ability of rooming houses,” she said. of workers and residents in the Rob- CBD areas of Swan Hill and illegal rooming houses in Robinvale in building and health requirements to “Following up on public reports, our invale area in the long-term.” Robinvale, the review examines the past nine months. register as rooming houses or to re- building and health offi cers conduct Council reminds residents to contin- current commercial and Council started a campaign in Oc- duce their number of tenants, and are inspections every week in Robinvale. ue reporting potentially illegal room- industrial development and tober 2017 to bring rooming houses doing so under strict timeframes. They check newly-identifi ed proper- ing houses in their neighbourhood. identifi es a planning framework in the Robinvale region up to stand- Eleven property owners also con- ties, follow up on previous orders and Please provide as much information to accommodate future ard, to protect the health and safety tacted Council to discuss becoming notices, and monitor other known as possible, including the property development. of their tenants. a registered rooming house. properties. Once we inspect a prop- address and, if known, the number of View the report and have Since then, Council has been noti- Council’s Director Development erty, it remains on our monitoring list. residents, number of rooms for rent, your say via Council’s website fi ed of and inspected 30 properties, and Planning Heather Green said “When they inspect a property, and details of outbuildings, sheds or at and as a result: unregistered rooming houses, both offi cers will consider a number of caravans being used for accommo- yoursay. Comments close • three orders have been issued in town and on rural properties, were things, including overcrowding, dis- dation. Monday, 16 July. for illegal building work to be a concern for local residents and for ease control, maintenance, fi re safety All complaints are anonymous and demolished; Council. and water supply.” followed up by Council staff. ROBINVALE ON BACK ROADS • three notices have been issued “We want to thank the commu- Ms Green said policing unregistered Call 5036 2951, fi ll out a form at IN February this year a fi lm to remove excess caravans or to nity for responding to our campaign, rooming houses was just one part of Council’s website, email health@ crew from ABC’s Back Roads clean up; for being our eyes and ears on the the solution to housing shortages in or visit Council visited Robinvale to speak • seven orders have been issued ground and reporting potentially il- Robinvale. offi ces in Robinvale or Swan Hill. to and showcase the area’s for property owners to undertake legal rooming houses that might be “Right now, we are in discussion Rooming houses are houses that colourful characters. work to make a property putting occupiers at risk,” Ms Green with a number of farmers and private are sub-let to four or more people. The episode is going to air on habitable or to vacate buildings; said. developers about them creating on- They must be registered with Council 16 July at 8pm on ABC 1. and “Unregistered rooming houses are farm and in-town accommodation for and comply with health, building and Don’t forget to tune in and • seven property owners have troubling because many vulnerable workers, which is really positive,” she planning rules to ensure the safety of learn more about one of our reduced the number of tenants people turn to them. In Robinvale, it is said. their tenants. To fi nd out more, visit incredibly diverse and resilient in their properties, and had most often seasonal workers who live “And we are working with State communities. rental agreements signed. in this type of accommodation due to Government and private industry on house. 4 SWAN HILL RURAL CITY COUNCIL NEWS | WINTER 2018 BUDGET ADOPTED, 2.05 PER CENT RATE RISE

COMMUNITY HIGHLIGHTS BEVERFORD Community Plan implementation $11,000 BOUNDARY BEND Community Plan implementation $58,000 LAKE BOGA Plan and build the Lake Boga education hub $420,000* Lake Boga Recreation Reserve playground $54,000 Community Plan implementation $20,000 Community Plan implementation $27,000 NYAH DISTRICT ROBINVALE: A new playground will be installed at the Robinvale Recreation Reserve. Resurface Nyah netball court $63,000 Nyah West Senior Citizens Total revenue: $52.25 million kitchen renewal $25,000 Revenue raised from rates: $23.89 million Scope and design performance Capital works and assets expenditure: $17.59 million stage and public toilets in SWAN Hill Rural City Council’s 2018/19 budget includes a Nyah West $20,000 low 2.05 per cent average rate rise. Community Plan implementation $15,000 While the average rate rise is 2.05 per cent, the actual ULTIMA change for individual property owners will vary and will depend on the property’s new valuation, which is based Community Plan implementation $10,000 on a property’s value on 1 January 2018. Dryland farmers will also fi nd that a higher discount has WOORINEN been applied to their rates this year, to counteract high Spoon drain work at Palmer and increases in property values and in a bid to distribute rate Monday streets, Woorinen South increases more equitably across property types. (Roads to Recovery) $28,000 Under the budget, which was adopted in June, core Council services will be maintained, along with the delivery Community Plan implementation $10,000 of a wide range of new capital projects. ROBINVALE Features include: • $17.6 million in capital works, with additional funding for Beautify Bromley Road $805,000* road and building maintenance across the municipality. Design and construct the • Additional funding allocated for local communities to Robinvale town levee $600,000* deliver projects from their Community Plans. Robinvale Community Centre Mayor Les McPhee said the 2018/19 budget was pre- building refurbishment $102,000 pared to support the key result areas in the Council Plan 2017-21, as well as other community goals identifi ed Robinvale Recreation Reserve through a range of forums and consultations. playground $58,000 “Councillors and staff worked hard to get the balance Community Plan implementation $34,000 right in this budget,” Cr McPhee said. “And while the rate cap poses challenges as we formu- SWAN HILL late and deliver each annual budget, we were determined Deliver projects identifi ed from the to minimise fi nancial pressure on the community, while Swan Hill Riverfront Masterplan $1.87M maintaining, and in some cases enhancing, community services.” Upgrade facilities at the Swan Hill Cr McPhee also thanked the community for taking the Regional Livestock Exchange $1.15M time to get involved. Build Ken Harrison Reserve “We received two submissions to the budget this year, Soccer Pavilion $520,000* and I would like to thank those members of our commu- Group fi tness room at Swan Hill nity for taking the time to read the document and provide Leisure Centre $400,000* feedback. “I’m confi dent that what we have developed is both prac- Design for Swan Hill Regional tical and delivers for our communities, and I look forward Art Gallery redevelopment $300,000* to working with Councillors, staff and the community to Swan Hill Aerodrome lighting deliver the projects listed.” upgrade $230,000 Copies of the budget are available from Upgrades to the Pioneer and Council offi ces in Swan Hill ACCESS FOR ALL: Footpaths around the municipality will have new and Robinvale. tactile surfacing installed to assist the visually impaired. Settlement day product $150,000 Swan Hill CBD drainage upgrade stage 3, from Splatt to Beveridge $147,000 Milloo Street boat ramp YOUR RATES NOTICE extensions and upgrades $120,000 Swan Hill Indoor Sports Centre refurbishment $60,000 RESIDENTS will have recently received their fi rst rates notice for the easier access to your notices. To register visit www.swanhill.formsport. 2018/19 fi nancial year. and follow the prompts. INSTALMENTS HAS YOUR VALUATION CHANGED? OTHER HIGHLIGHTS DUE dates for instalments are: AS of 1 January 2018, all properties in Victoria had new valuations Sealed road reconstruction, resealing • First instalment – 30 September 2018 assigned by Council valuers. and shoulders (includes some • Second instalment – 30 November 2018 The valuers analyse property sales and rental data trends, and con- Roads to Recovery projects) $3.12M • Third instalment – 28 February 2019 sider other factors such as the highest and best use of the land, house Unsealed road resheets • Fourth instalment – 31 May 2019 value and other site improvements, land size, location and soil type. The new values will be fi rst used from 1 July 2018. From 2019 valua- (includes some Roads to LUMP SUM PAYMENT tions will be updated annually. Recovery funded projects) $978,000 COUNCIL also offers a one per cent discount on rates and charges The rates and charges for your property might have increased or de- Footpaths major repairs and if all four instalments (the total rates charge) are paid in full by 30 creased by more or less than the average rise for the following reasons: renewal $170,000 September 2018. • The valuation of your property relative to the valuation of other properties in the municipal district. Disabled kerb crossings, CONCESSIONS Swan Hill and Robinvale $31,000 • The application of any differential rate by Council. IF you receive a pension, you might be eligible for a rebate on rates, • The inclusion of other rates and charges not covered by the  Bicycle paths construction $31,000* charges and the Fire Service Levy. Victorian Government’s rates cap or the Fire Services Levy. New bus shelters $51,000* The appropriate pension card (Health Care Cards are not eligible) • Changes to the property such as demolition, erecting new Library collection purchases $130,000 must be produced when submitting an application for a concession structures or alterations. L2P Learner Driver Program at Council offi ces. Concession applications must be made by 30 June Valuation alterations can also occur if a portion of the property is Swan Hill and Robinvale $69,000* 2019. sold, is subdivided, a consolidation of property takes place or a re- zoning is applied. This is called a supplementary valuation. Playground equipment renewal RATES VIA EMAIL Ratepayers have the right to object to a new valuation, either from and fencing $105,000 YOU can register to receive your rates notices via email instead of supplementary or general revaluation, within two months of the as- *INDICATES TOTAL PROJECT COST IS CONDITIONAL post. Receiving your rates notice via email will not only help cut down sociated rate notice being issued. Forms are available from Council ON EXTERNAL FUNDING on paper and reduce your carbon footprint but also give you faster and offi ces or on Council’s website. SWAN HILL RURAL CITY COUNCIL NEWS | WINTER 2018 5 NEW MCH APP A NEW smartphone app has been de- “On this app, parents can access this veloped for Maternal and Child Health. information anytime anywhere. It has “Sometimes is can be hard to keep essential and trusted information, useful track of all the booklets, brochures and contacts and can even remind parents of information we give to parents about upcoming appointments.” their child’s health, learning and de- To download the app just search MCH velopment,” MCH Team Leader Robyn in your app store, and it’s at the top of Burns said. the list.

STARS COMING TO SWAN HILL! ELVIS, THE EAGLES, CAROL KING, incredible vocal ability, authentic OH MY! A STAR STUDDED LINE UP costuming and backing by an amazing band brings Elvis back to life through IS COMING TO SWAN HILL TOWN Mark’s performance. This will defi nitely HALL PACC THIS JULY AND AUGUST. be a performance you won’t want to ON Friday, 27 July Nikki Nicholls and miss! Kings Rule will be performing their The Eagles Story is playing on ‘You’ve Got a Friend’, with a touch of Saturday, 25 August with their James Taylor tour. This performance recreation of the amazing music of The is set to be an unforgettable evening of Eagles. This story delivers scintillating Carole King’s songs and story, covering harmonies, memorable melody lines her amazing life and musical career. The and the incredible guitar duels in a show will also include songs that Carole commitment to replicate the true King wrote for other artists including west coast vibe of the original Eagles James Taylor, The Beatles, Blood Sweat sound. The Eagles Story continues to and Tears, The Drifters and more. take it to the limit, more than one more Friday, 10 August will bring Mark time – and you will not want to miss Anthony and his internationally this opportunity to relive the musical renowned Elvis tribute to town in his memories of the Eagles. brand new production ELVIS – The To purchase tickets to any of these King in Concert. This Elvis experience performances you can book online at will recreate the electrifying magic of the, visit the Madison Square Gardens and On Tour Swan Hill Region Information Centre or performances. The stage presence, call (03) 5032 3033. FRESH: New backboards and a coat of paint on basketball rings have them looking brand new. YAMAGATA GARDEN TO commemorate the 40th anniver- ements include water, earth and wood JAYCEE PARK FIRST STEPS sary of our sister city relationship with and will be represented by: Yamagata, Council is designing and • A waterfall, streams and pond MINOR work has started to upgrade Jaycee Park “They drew pictures on concrete, made clay developing an authentic and traditional • Dry garden landscape with gravel after community consultation in March this year. models and spoke about what improvements they Japanese garden within the Swan Hill raked into patterns Upgrades to the picnic shelter have made the would like to see happen in the park and what Riverfront precinct. • Granitite stones, rocks, stepping area safer and stronger, the basketball rings have would make them visit the park more. To be opened in 2020, the garden will stones and bamboo brand new backboards and are sporting a fresh “A path around the park, bike racks, painting the highlight and reinforce the commitment, • Almond tree, pear and pine trees, coat of paint, as have the football goal posts. play equipment, gaga ball and a fl ying fox were growth of understanding and friendship Benibana-Saffl ower Council’s Community Planning Offi cer Felicity popular ideas, but are ideas that rely on us get- that has evolved between Swan Hill and • Stone lantern O’Rourke said these smaller works were just the ting funding. Yamagata since its conceptual sister- A draft version of these designs will start. “So for now, we’ve made a couple of smaller city relationships began in 1980. be available in the coming weeks, with “Back in March we had a great consultation ses- upgrades, just to get the ball moving, and hope The garden’s design will incorporate works on site expected to begin in late sion at Jaycee Park, speaking to kids from nearby in 2018/19 we’re successful in grant funding signifi cant elements that are typical of 2018. primary schools as well as residents from nearby and can start implementing some of the bigger the Yamagata region, while taking into Construction of the garden will be co- and we got lots of great ideas. changes.” consideration the contrasting environ- ordinated over an 18 month period, with ment of the Swan Hill region. These el- the completion date set for April 2020. ROBINVALE NAIDOC WEEK EVENTS

Monday 9 July Tuesday 10 July Wednesday 11 July Thursday 12 July Friday 13 July Sunday 15 July MVAC Flag Raising and Morning Tea, Robinvale Robinvale Police NAIDOC Barbecue Aboriginal Art RDHS Luncheon MVAC Family Robinvale Welcome 10.30am 12pm Competition/Display 12pm Basketball and Disco Baby To Country 12pm 11am-3pm 12pm, MVAC Hall MDAS Flag Raising, March and Barbecue An Aboriginal History of Robinvale 10am 11am-12pm, Community Centre SWAN HILL NAIDOC WEEK EVENTS BECAUSE OF Monday 9 July Tuesday 10 July Wednesday 11 July Thursday 12 July NAIDOC March Youth Basketball Day Tiny Tots Ball Kerang Community and Flag Raising 10am-3pm 11am, ages 0-5 Barbecue HER, WE CAN! Commence at Swan Hill 12noon Swan Hill Basketball THIS year, NAIDOC Week is celebrat- up cultural workshops will be held Memorial / Clock Tower Youth Neon Dance Parties Stadium Barbecue lunch at the ing the invaluable contributions that throughout the week at 260 Camp- 4pm-6pm, Ages 6-11 9.30am ending at MDAS Barbecue lunch, Kerang Police Station Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander bell Street, Swan Hill and a Swan Hill for morning tea and fl ag Basketball Clinic, 7pm-9pm, Ages 12-17 women have made, and continue to Dream Time Ball will be held in Oc- raising. competitions, prizes and Swan Hill Ibis Resort Friday 13 July make, to our communities, our fami- tober, with more details closer to the youth match against 403-415 Campbell Street MDAS Family Fun Day lies, our rich history and to our nation. date. ELDERS Afternoon Tea VicPol and Justice Swan Hill Hospital 10am-3pm Council is proud to support and join For further details on Swan Hill 12 other organisations to host a range events contact Nicola Perry on 0429 3pm SuniTAFE Workers. Our Community in Pictures MDAS, 70 Nyah Road of community events, and encourages 866 880 or Vicki Clark on 0418 374 2pm-3.30pm, Hospital Cafeteria residents to attend and get involved. 306 and for Robinvale events contact In addition to these events pop Thelma Chilly on 0437 684 763. 6 SWAN HILL RURAL CITY COUNCIL NEWS | WINTER 2018 SUPERIOR CENOTAPH THE Swan Hill Cenotaph has been up- graded and beautifi ed thanks to a joint Swan Hill RSL and Council project. Layout changes have brought the cen- otaph in line with national protocols, and the entire area has been made more ac- cessible. In the coming weeks, two new memorials will also be installed to recog- nise ex servicewomen and servicemen from the region, Swan Hill RSL Senior Vice President Peter Ritchie said the club was thrilled with the upgrades. “The area now looks much simpler, cleaner and is easier to access.” Council Mayor Les McPhee said the cenotaph was fi rst erected in 1919 and then remodelled in the 1950s. “It had been almost 70 years since the area had been upgraded and we felt these works were necessary to not only meet national protocols, but to make sure we can continue to honour our sol- diers and the sacrifi ces they made for our country,” Cr McPhee said. Work included relocating the two black pillars to the rear garden of the cenotaph, creating a level surface at the front of the cenotaph to make sure the area is easily accessible for all members of our com- munity and minor landscaping works. This project was made possible thanks to funding from the State Government’s Restoring Community War Memorials Grant, the Swan Hill RSL and Council. THRILLED: Mayor Les McPhee and the Swan Hill RSL’s Barry Townley, Frank Ballam and Peter Ritchie. McCALLUM STREET WHAT’S BEEN IN THE WORKS? > The Swan Hill Showgrounds oval was over-sown with > The Woorinen Recreation Reserve playground is SAFETY UPGRADE rye grass, working towards the Central Murray football complete and new shade sails installed. grand fi nal, Swan Hill and District cricket grand fi nal and > Equipment has arrived for the Robinvale Recreation THE $2.5 million VicRoads pro- ing through-access at the Splatt Swan Hill Show weekend for 2018 and 2019. Reserve playground ject to improve safety and traffi c Street intersection,” Ms Petkova , which will be installed in July. > A new entrance to Chisholm Reserve was built, with a fl ow along McCallum Street in said. > Equipment has also arrived for the Lake Boga Recreation left hand turning lane installed and the entrance sealed Swan Hill is expected to begin in “Through-access will be re- Reserve playground, and this will be installed later in the to the ticket box. This was a joint project of Council and year. February 2019. moved by joining the centre VicRoads. Thanks to Blackspot funding, median car parks on either side the section of McCallum Street of the Splatt Street intersection, > A drainage project at Chisholm Reserve is almost between High and Splatt streets creating one large car park with complete. New drainage pits, pipes and other earthwork will be reconfi gured to address more parking spaces. Access has been completed between the drag strip and the the high number of accidents that from Splatt Street into McCallum dam near the sporting car club. Earth from this work was have occurred there over the past Street will be via left turns only.” transported to the Swan Hill Landfi ll for cell capping – a fi ve years. Ms Petkova added that while time and cost saving for Council and ratepayers. The Council’s Director Infrastructure the design included some fairly eastern side of the drag strip’s concrete wall has also been Svetla Petkova said there would substantial changes that could sealed to prevent water penetrating under the track. be signifi cant changes and im- impact motorists, Council fully The fi rst 200m has been completed, and the rest will be provements to the road layout supported the design. completed in the new fi nancial year. and traffi c fl ow in the area. “The priority was to make this > A new deck has been installed at the Swan Hill “The new design includes nar- section of road safer for our com- Regional Art Gallery, along with new pathways and new rowing the section of McCallum munity - and that’s what this de- lawn, creating a welcoming, functional space that can also Street between High and Splatt sign does,” she said. be used for events. The new features were installed as part streets to single lane, install- It is anticipated work will take of the Swan Hill riverfront development and funded ing a roundabout at the High approximately six months to through Regional Development Victoria. Footpaths along George Street (60m) and Anniversary Street intersection, and remov- complete. > Reconstructed a 200m section of Frederick Street, Nyah Drive (270m) in Robinvale have been built, and four West, with that section now 6.2m wide and sealed. pedestrian crossings on Latje Road upgraded. > Fully reconstructed a section of Karinie Street, Swan Hill, from Murlong Street to Richards Road. > About 300m of Church Street, Piangil was resheeted, with drainage pipes installed across the road > A contractor re-sealed 180,000 square metres of roads and at each driveway. throughout the municipality as part of our annual sealing PROJECT SET contract. > Road re-sheeting took place on McPherson Road, Goschen (4.6km), Williams Road, Goschen (1.7km), > The intersection of David and Moore streets, Robinvale, Hucker Road, Goschen (1.2km); Sutton Lane, was asphalted. Manangatang (2.4km); Pioneer Street, Manangatang > Fifteen trees in Douglas Avenue, Swan Hill, were removed (400m); Woorinen-Goschen Road, Goschen, from Devine TO RAMP UP and will be replaced with 19 Capital trees and 13 red Road to Hucker Road (2.2km). THE Milloo Street boat ramp ex- bogged down with red tape too fl owering Crepe Myrtles. tension project is progressing, sometimes! > Just over 30km of linemarking has been completed in with Council waiting on a fi nal “But we’ve been working hard Swan Hill, Piangil, Tresco, Chinkapook and Lake Boga. permit from New South Wales on getting all the approvals we Work included repainting centre lines and edge lines as before work can begin. need, because we know how needed. Once approved it will be full much this project means to our > The Nyrraby and Chinkapook-Nyah West roads steam ahead with the installation community. intersection has been realigned. The intersection was of new public toilets, car and long “And once we get started, we dangerous and needed to be squared up to the vehicle parking, and an extension aim to have the entire project Chinkapook-Nyah West Road for safety reasons. of the boat ramp from one lane to complete within a month. two lanes. “We’ll continue to keep the > Robinvale artist Rhonda Avery created a red gum bollard Council’s Economic and Com- community updated, and as representing Captain King, which Council staff installed munity Development Manager soon as we have the green light, near the PS Gem. The bollard replaces the previous painted bollard, which had sustained bad termite damage. Fiona Gormann said Council was will advise of a construction start still keeping its fi ngers crossed date.” > The area in front of The Stadium in Swan Hill received a that the upgrades will be com- This project has been made makeover, with new footpath and pram crossings installed, Shoulder resheeting took place on Quambatook Road, plete in time for cod season. possible thanks to funding from garden beds tidied and new lawn laid on the nature strip. Swan Hill (2km); Karinie Street, Swan Hill (650m), Back “We’ve come up against a few Better Fishing Funds Project, > The entrance to the Swan Hill Outdoor Pool was refreshed Boga Road (pictured) between Werril Street and Don- road blocks throughout this pro- Boating Safety and Facilities Pro- with a new Murray Cod bike stand, new plants and mulch. ald-Swan Hill Road, Swan Hill (4.2km). ject, and believe it or not, we get gram and Council. SWAN HILL RURAL CITY COUNCIL NEWS | WINTER 2018 7

ON DUTY: Lesley Maher is one of nine JPs volunteering at the Library. JPs AT THE LIBRARY ADDING to their already stellar list of services, the Swan Hill Regional Library now offers a Jus- tice of the Peace signing service. The new Document Signing Station will be open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1pm to 4pm and will be staffed by a dedi- cated team of local Justices of the Peace (JP) who can assist with the following: • Attesting to the execution of documents • Witnessing Statutory Declarations • Witnessing Affi davits • Witnessing Power of Attorney documents • Certifying identity • Certifying document copies Council’s Cultural Development and Libraries Manager Camille Cullinan said the idea came HANDS ON: After School Care Educator Jaimee Kiel helps students make afternoon tea. about after library staff were regularly asked where JP services could be accessed. “We then approached John Van Heumen, one of our regular users and a registered JP, and asked him for some assistance. John took on the project, contacted local JPs in the area and AFTER SCHOOL CARE FUN co-ordinated a roster. DID you know that Council offers after team, who recognise the importance of for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) when at- “So we’d like to say a big thank you to John school care for primary school aged chil- building relationships with children, fami- tending the service. and to the local JPs who have committed to do- dren in Swan Hill? lies and the community. Enrolment forms can be collected from nating their time each week. With some even Operating from the Swan Hill Primary “Our program focuses on multi-skilled Council offi ces or at the After School Pro- travelling in from Nyah, Ultima and Chinkapook, School, the After School Care Program activities with positive learning outcomes gram, which operates from the Swan Hill we’re really grateful for their generosity and pro- runs from the time school fi nishes to 6pm through creative, fun, recreational play ex- Primary School Art Room. viding another great service to our community.” every school day. periences and we encourage children and Council’s After School Program is always The on duty JP will be based at a desk in the They even offer a bus pick up service their families to be involved in the pro- on the lookout for people who are either library. Library staff can direct customers to the from Swan Hill North Primary, St Mary’s gram’s planning with educators. studying or have completed their Certifi - signing area and also assist with photocopying Primary, Son Centre Christian College, “We also provide wholesome snacks that cate 3 in Children’s Services, Diploma in and printing of documents if required. Swan Hill Specialist School and Woorinen the children help us to select, and we en- Children’s Service or Bachelor of Teaching No charges apply for the services of the JP, Primary. courage them to jump into the kitchen and at university to join our team as a casual however standard charges apply for any photo- Children’s Services Team Leader Rebec- help us to prepare them. educator. copying or printing of documents using library ca Carmichael said the program provided “There’s also lots of craft, social play and If you are interested in either enrolling equipment. an affordable and fl exible childcare option outdoor physical activities.” your children at the program or working If the JP on duty cannot fulfi ll a request, they to families in the Swan Hill region. Children can attend the program daily, as an educator, please contact Rebecca will direct residents to a centre that can. “We offer qualifi ed care with a fantastic weekly or casually and families are eligible Carmichael 0418 558 994. SURVEY: HOW SHOULD WE ENGAGE, REGIONAL FAMILY DAY COMMUNICATE? CARE EDUCATORS NEEDED • DO YOU LIKE TO STAY UP TO DATE WITH NEWS LOOKING for a career change? Want AND INFORMATION FROM COUNCIL? to run your own business from home? Love kids and fl exible working hours? • DO YOU LIKE TO HAVE A SAY ON DECISIONS Then read on. THAT AFFECT YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY? Council is looking for more people to • DO YOU LIKE TO KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING become Family Day Educators in Robin- AROUND OUR REGION? vale and our smaller townships. At the moment, there is little or no YOU can help improve the way we communicate and how childcare available in Robinvale, Nyah, you can get involved in local decisions by completing Nyah West, Manangatang, Piangil, our Communication and Engagement Survey. Boundary Bend, Ultima, Woorinen, We- The survey asks how you fi nd out about Council news men and Tresco. and information, what communication channels you use, To meet demand and continue to offer and what interaction you have with Council and Council quality childcare to residents in all areas decision-making. of our municipality, Council is keen to It’s anonymous and confi dential. talk to individuals interested in becom- And there’s a bonus for you - everyone who fi lls in ing educators. the survey can go into the draw to win $200 Swan Council’s Family, Youth and Children’s Hill shopping dollars. That’s $200 to spend in any Services Manager Jan McEwan high- participating store in Swan Hill. lighted the importance of providing af- Importantly, feedback will help us communicate with fordable, quality early childhood educa- local residents in the best way possible, will improve tion and care services. how we work and, ultimately, help get better outcomes “It’s widely recognised that these ser- for you and your community. vices have such a positive impact on the We will also use the results to create Council’s new health, learning, development and well- Communication and Engagement Strategy. being of children,” Ms McEwan said. The survey is open until 31 July. AT PLAY: Lachlan, Sam and Family Day Care Educator Maryann Gardner. Find the survey at “But what’s also important to remem- Or collect a hard copy from Council offi ces in Swan Hill ber is the impact on parents. Because return to work. within your community, we would love and Robinvale, the Swan Hill Library and the Swan Hill not having access to formal childcare “So, if you’ve ever considered a ca- to hear from you.” Region Information Centre. can have some fairly serious conse- reer in childcare, or you’re a member of For further information please contact We look forward to getting your thoughts. quences, like an increased fi nancial a local community group that is willing Jan McEwan on 5036 2381 or email jm- pressure on families and the inability to to support the recruitment of educators [email protected]. 8 SWAN HILL RURAL CITY COUNCIL NEWS | WINTER 2018

BIRDS OF A FEATHER: New acquisition ‘Mallee Blue’ and artwork from this year’s Biggest Print community art project fl owing seamlessy. CELEBRATING ALL THAT FLIES AND MOVES CAR and plane lovers - take a break collectors and artists from afar, all with stunning outdoor sculpture by artist from tinkering in your shed and pay a an interest in the notion of movement,” Judy Holding. We will also celebrate visit to Swan Hill Regional Art Gallery Mr Tully said. Swan Hill’s Biggest Print - the new this winter. “Some of the pieces in this exhibi- public artwork on the Gallery’s west- Locals are lending some unique tion show traditional art forms, like Tim ern wall, which comprises hundreds objects to the Gallery for the new Purtill’s painted car doors, and New- of birds, hand drawn and printed by Flight/Motion exhibition, like a 1940s ton Williams’ hummingbird. Others are locals,” he said. BSA motorbike, model aeroplanes unique objects that focus on fl ight and “So please come along, be among and beautifully painted car parts, as motion. the fi rst to see these unique exhibi- well as Newton Williams’ fascinating, “From a feather fl oating, to a human tions, celebrate local art and good handcrafted hummingbird. powered vehicle - this is a really di- conversation. We’ll have a barbecue A 1960s Australian-made Goggomo- verse exhibition for our Gallery, one and hot and cold drinks available on bil Dart will also be parked inside the that I hope appeals to a wide range the day, with all proceeds going to the Gallery. Artist Robert Clinch spent of local people and visitors,” Mr Tully local Cystic Fibrosis Group.” more than six months painting the car said. The launch will be held on Sunday, with dozens of paper darts. It has been Mr Tully added that Flight/Motion 22 July at the Gallery from 12pm. The travelling to galleries over the past and Objet d’Art would be opened as exhibition will be on at the Gallery until year, as Objet d’Art. part of a huge Gallery celebration on 26 August for Goggomobil Objet d’Art Gallery Director Ian Tully and former Sunday, 22 July. and 14 October for Flight/Motion. Director Helen Kaptein are co-curating “We’ll launch these two exhibitions For more information, visit the Gal- the exhibition. at the same time as celebrating Swan lery’s website and social media chan- “Flight/Motion brings together local Hill’s latest acquisition, Mallee Blue, a nels, or call 5036 2430. G-O-G-G-O!: There’s no problems with this Goggomobil.

JULY holidays and public holidays 12.30pm. Contact 0456 531 606. >> LOOKING FOR SOMETHING MORE? 10.30am and 2.30pm) and the HEARTBEAT OF THE MURRAY 2nd Sat of the month NYAH Sat 14 – Sun 15 Jul This is just a taste of the events happening across the Swan Hill and Robinvale regions from FESTA DELLA MADONNA DEL LASER LIGHT SHOW (every LIONS CLUB MARKET, Nyah the start of July to October. There are other regular community events listed at visitswanhill. night) at the Pioneer Settlement. MONTE CARMELO. Saturday, including euchre, bingo, community group meetings and more. Recreation Reserve (28km north 6.30pm - Italian meal, music - $50 Call 5036 2410 for details. of Swan Hill), 9am to 1pm. per adult, $20 per child (under >> GET A FREE EVENT LISTING Contact 5030 2519. And don’t forget STORYTIMES 14 years). Sunday, 10.30am Anyone can have their event uploaded to the site FREE! Holy Mass at St Mary’s Catholic each week at the Swan Hill 2nd Sat of the month ROBINVALE Simply email your event details to [email protected] and your event details will be Regional Library for the kids. Church, 11.30am procession uploaded to the website for locals and visitors to see. COMMUNITY MARKET, Caix with the statue of La Madonna, Wednesdays Move and Groove Square, Robinvale, 8.30am to 10.30am, Fridays Baby Rhyme 12.30pm pasta lunch at Swan 12.30pm. Contact 5026 3095. Hill Italian Social Club, barbecue, All past and present players/ Thur 11 – Sun 14 Oct time 10.30am and Saturdays SEPTEMBER Story Time 10.30am. Call 5036 music, and dancing, face painting members welcome. Email SWAN HILL COUNTRY MUSIC 3rd Sat of the month ANGLICAN 2480 for details. and jumping castle. To book for [email protected] for Sat 8 Sep CLUB WALK UPS FESTIVAL, BOOT SALE MARKET, Anglican the dinner dance, please call Paul Tooleybuc. Winery tour and more info. SWAN HILL BOWLS CLUB MARKETS Function Centre, Splatt Street, 0427 122 147 or John 0408 058 BOWLING ARM CLASSIC. Any tastings, poets breakfast and Swan Hill, 9am to 12pm. Contact 049. Sun 29 Jul combination triples. Contact Bill gospel show, campfire jam 5032 2506. session, walk ups and lots more. 1st Sat of the month MURRABIT ANGLICAN CHURCH OP SHOP on 0428 324 083 for more details. MARKET (about 45km south east Sun 15 Jul FASHION PARADE. Save the Free camping, showers and 3rd Sun of the month ROTARY Sun 16 Sep of Swan Hill), 8.30am to 1pm. NYAH PONY CLUB - HORSE date – more details to come. toilets. Contact Neil on 0428 246 CLUB OF SWAN HILL MARKET, TRIALS. The Nyah Pony Club ROBINVALE/EUSTON 455 for more details. Contact 5457 2205. railway car park, Curlewis Street, would like to welcome all AGRICULTURAL SHOW, AUGUST 1st Sun of the month SWAN HILL Swan Hill, 8.30am to 12pm. Entry community members to visit Robinvale Trotting Track. Sat 13 Oct FARMERS MARKET, Riverside by gold coin donation. Contact and see their members in action. MANANGATANG CUP 2018. Wed 1 – Thur 2 Aug Park Swan Hill. 8.30am to 0417 372 652. Rallies are held on the fi rst and Thurs 20 – Sun 29 Sep MALLEE MACHINERY FIELD TOOLEYBUC COUNTRY MUSIC third Sunday of the month at DAYS 2018. Located 2kms Sat 13 Oct the Vinifera Recreation Reserve FESTIVAL. Save the date – more EUSTON SALAMI FESTIVAL, south of Speed on the Sunraysia details to come. Grounds. New members aged Highway. For more information Euston Club Resort. five years to adult riders are email [email protected]. always welcome. OCTOBER Fri 19 – Sat 20 Oct SWAN HILL RELAY FOR LIFE Sun 19 Aug Thurs 4 Oct Fri 20 – Sun 22 Jul 2018. Starting Friday at 4.30pm EMAIL OPTION MALLEE ALMOND BLOSSOM DISLOCATE 3 SPEED CRUNCH SAPPHIRE RALLY 2018 SWAN at Riverside Park to 10.30am FESTIVAL. The festival is held on BOX REBOOTED. This children’s HILL VEHICLE CLUB. Meet show introduces kids to the Saturday. For more details email and greet Friday evening at the the third Sunday in August at the swanhillrfl Robinvale Community Centre, artistic process of creating a Swan Hill Club. Saturday touring slap stick, acrobatic show. Child Robinvale on the picturesque from Swan Hill to Mooloomoon, 2 - 14 years $12 - adults free Sat 27 Oct banks of the Murray River. back to Tooleybuc and returning when accompanying a child SWAN HILL ANNUAL MARKET to Swan Hill for an evening (one adult per child, babes in DAY. This day is famous for Fri 24 to Sat 25 Aug celebration dinner at the Anglican arms free). Tickets from www. bringing businesses right across Church Hall. Sunday travel to VARIETY BASH 2018. Cars 30 or in the Swan Hill region together in Catalina Museum, returning to years and older will start arriving person at the Swan Hill Region the heart of the CBD, offering an the Paragon Cafe Swan Hill for in Swan Hill on Friday before Information Centre. array of products and services farewell lunch. For more details leaving on Saturday for Broken you cannot get any other time and to enter contact shvcvc@ Hill. Australia’s largest and Fri 5 to Sat 6 Oct of the year. High quality family Would you like to receive a copy of our longest running charity motoring SWAN HILL AGRICULTURAL entertainment and activities. newsletter delivered straight to your inbox? event. AND PASTORAL SOCIETY Sat 11 Jul SHOW, Swan Hill Showgrounds. WHAT ELSE? Just send an email with ‘newsletter’ 65 YEARS OF NETBALL LAKE Sat 25 – Sun 26 Aug For more information contact BOGA. First game at 10am, Lake SPEEWA HERITAGE WEEKEND. [email protected] There are also regular PYAP written in the subject line to Boga Netball Courts. Formalities Save the date – more details to or visit the Swan Hill Show CRUISES (weekdays 2.30pm; [email protected]. commence at 4pm onwards. come. Facebook page. weekends, Victorian school