The Wentworth Letter
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BYU Studies Quarterly Volume 9 Issue 3 Article 5 7-1-1969 The Wentworth Letter Joseph Smith Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Smith, Joseph (1969) "The Wentworth Letter," BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 9 : Iss. 3 , Article 5. Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in BYU Studies Quarterly by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Smith: The Wentworth Letter THE WENTWORTH LETTER joseph smiths letter to mr john wentworth was published in the march 1 1842 issue of the times and seasons in nauvoo illinois although the whole letter runs about three full pages the rendition of the first vision events is only one half page long the prophet him- self called it a sketch a brief history the conclusion of the letter is joseph smiths statement of belief which has come to be known as the articles of faith ed Published by BYU ScholarsArchive, 1969 1 BYU Studies Quarterly, Vol. 9, Iss. 3 [1969], Art. 5 vision and saw two glorious Zgloraglor3 he b glnginin called on the lord devoutly because we heavenly ZD 1 0 who resembled each in th it b0 v r had already come into the land of this personagest1ta exactly 0 conicconie 223 great na idolatrous nation other in features and likeness surround- ed with a brilliant light which eclipsed the gelgei0 ineasure I1 511 sun at noondaynoon day they told me that all my ng0 ttl na CHURCH HISTORFHISTORY sinhsing rereligiouslicious denominations were believincrbelieving in TI 0 unto the of mr john tilem eirair liandsfiands at request wentworth incorrectinco rrectarrect doctrines and that none of them chicwhic editor and proprietor ofor the chicago ledgA god his plate ind priest was acknowacknowledged0 of as church democrat I1 have written the following kinc dorn I1 was expressly com- cliesciles biessbless thern and kingdomzlal and sketch of the rise progress persecution 11ro 2 at the mon my as re- manded to 0go not after them and faith of the latter day saints of that the ving i after thy same time receiving a promise Z which I1 have the honor under god of be- falnessfulness of the gospel should atot some future thy seed T ining the founder mr wentworth says be Kknownu unto me 3 as unto jr time mmadelaoaueaco that he wishes to furnish mr bastow a thern that oilon the eveningv n n 0of thet e 221stt 0of W 717100 friend of hisb is who ici ivwr izaringizgrgr the history ber A D 18233 whileh I1 lat curse iz child of new hampshire with this document unto godod andn endearendeave nd e great I1 in th y mr tot thet thernthein As bastow has taken the proper faithfalthinZtheth prpreciouse 0 prp r ed thaithat steps to obtain correct information all on a suddendd n a lialithialitii t nto thee a 1 infan that I1 shall ask at his hands is that he u alid gatheringga he of ontinuecontinue in of a ffarr purerpurenp re r and aqnq publish the account entire ungarnishedyedpedy onionlon off ihethe ten who ungarnishungarnished1 ance andnd brigb rig that is to t and without misrepresentation indiaedd the f willw be builtbulitb 1 t ulupon can ed of the 1 z hatt christh t willw it 7nan detexvetex the earth I1 was born in the town of sharon housee xv r6ra n thet earthrth uddundn thatt t t he try nos the windsor co vermont on the 23d of de- appe 0 of renewede n v d anda n d receive itsi t p nv110 of salvasaiva cember A D 1805 when ten years th pal- old my parents removed to palmyra ory c1calaimtalmclaim the priviprivilegelerro ofor worshippingworshipping vithdrawnwithdrawnvithdrawn new york where we resided about four el r r igltyightylighty god nccordinuaccording to the dictatedictates his years and from thence we removed to 11 drawn our conscience and allowaloaio eilelinilpit nienmen the beartheart thy the town of manchester sainesame privilegez let thernthemworship how 1 my a and 1 ly now father vaswas farmer taught where or wbwhatat they may lendbend thine me the art of husbandry when about lvevvewenae believe in being subject to kings ods fourteen of age I1 began to reflect c 1 of el years age presidents rulers and magistrates in rkenaken unto upon the importance of beingpreparedbeing prepared 1 obeyingza honoring and sustaininvsustaining the law arvant rise future and z1 g rvant for a state upon enquiring we believebellevein being lionesthonestdionestlionest true I1 abram the plan of salvation found that there cilclichasteaste benevolent virtuous and in doindolndoing religious sentiment unto me was a great clash in good to all men indeed we masmay sayeay that 1 1 was six if I went to one society they referred me we follow the admonition of paulpauI & 6 we parted out to one plan and another to another each believe all things we hope all thingthino we whom I1 0 one pointing to his own particular creed have endured many things and hope to in chat- as the summum bonum of perfection 0 sumdum be able to endure alallailt things if there is i and allail considering that all could not be right r1 any thing virtuous lovely or of good re- cered god iered and and that could not be the author of port or praise worthy we seek after these I1 to inves- aran and so much confusion determined things Respectfulrespectfullyfy 4 c aldaiddid of ca tigate the subject more fully believing jOSEPHjosephsmithjosephsimithJOSEPSIMITHHSMITH came on that if god had a church it would not be s our coveov split up into factions and that if he vation as taught one society to worship one way TIMES AND SHUNS ie way of and administer in one set of ordinances lidiidluuis alaananaan he would not teach another principles CITY OF NANAUVOOUITOO n altar in which were diametrically opposed be- TUESDAY alMARCH 15 1842 ii ofteringoefteringofTering lieving the word of god I1 had confidence archNRCH the fam of james anyan man in the declaration if TO subscribers rn my fa lack wisdom let him ask of god whowhogivdivgiv paper commences my editorial ca- ot perish eth to all men liberally and upbraidupbraidetheth 0iothis0ai this 1 reer I1 alonenionestand responsible for it and a throu 11 not and it shall be given him I retired all having my signatureS atureacture hem to a secret place in a grove and began to shall do for papers ign 1 am responsiblerc for the orehbrehan call upon the lord while fervently en- henceforward not sponsible atlon rement of the former pa- ardcordcordeordes s 0 gaged in supplication mymv mind was taken publicpublication or arranarrangement I1 ofrcrd away from the objects with which I1 was per the inatterinettermatter did not come under my super- JOSEPH SMITILITH orch an lawaysurrounded and I1 was wrappedenwrappedunwrappeden in a vision SI 2.