Takoma Academy Sets New Record in 1961 Ingathering
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ALLEIHEN • CNESh Y EAlIE • EAST neon VAN, ,, • n.L.ti IP.EET. • IMIC, Vol. 66 Washington, D. C., April 13, 1961 No. 15 Total of $6,165.85 in Five Nights Takoma Academy Sets New Record in 1961 Ingathering COLD March weather failed to By Richard Lee Fenn Failure to Make Will freeze the spirit of enthusiastic stu- Coordinator, Public Relations, Deprives Church of Means dents of Takoma Academy last Takoma Academy month as they set a new world record WHEN former Vice-President Al- for Ingathering by raising $6,165.85 for individual amounts raised. Judy ben W. Barkley died, his estate was in a five-night drive. brought in approximately $127.50 totaled at $634,801, but his heirs re- Thi world-record announcement a n d Larry netted approximately ceived only $155,000. He neglected came from Elder Watson M. Buck- $120. to make a will. man, outgoing Home Missionary Sec- Takomen were given no goals to Recently one of our elderly mem- cretary of the Potomac Conference. attain. Dr. Laurence asked only that bers died. He, too, neglected to make Elder Buckman was present at the at least 90 per cent of the student a will. Under Maryland law his es- closing rally at the Academy on Fri- body participate. This was easily ac- tate of thousands of dollars goes to day, March 24. complished, and the Principal his only living brother, who has no All that week the weather in promptly added March 31 and April sympathy for Adventists. This means Washington was bad. Rain, sleet, 4 to the school's spring vacation. could have been used in the cause of and a little snow pelted the area— Elder Buckman praised the acad- God to save many souls. but students, teachers, and parents emy's accomplishment. Sometimes the making of a will is turned out in droves every evening put off too long. That was the case to visit the homes and shopping cen- with an elderly Adventist w h o "and God, bless those who give" ters of the National Capital's bur- waited until his last illness to change geoning suburbs. Much of the terri- his will. tory had been covered during the Under the provisions of his pre- fall and winter campaigns of the vious will, made before he became local churches. an Adventist, his considerable es- Thus Principal J. Paul Laurence's tate would go to distant relatives announcement of the final totals was who were not Adventists. He now issued with real emotion. T.A.'s jun- wanted most of it to go to the cause ior academy division—the seventh of God. and eighth grades—set the pace for The laws of his state require that the entire school by raising a total of a will of this type must be written $1,753.53. The freshman class was 30 days before decease of the testa- close behind with $1,738.11. T.J.A.'s tor. He died before the expiration of winning margin was provided by a that period. Tens of thousands of $20 donation from class trip funds— dollars will fall into the hands of money the students had raised by others. selling doughnuts at lunch period. Recognizing the importance of Ironically, freshmen had purchased these matters, the Ohio Conference many of these doughnuts. has assigned Elder Richard Farley to The sophomore class brought in counsel with members regarding the $1,254.30 to finish third. The junior Out of her darkness, little blind Yung Sook disposition of their means, and the class was fourth with $964.'75. The Kim sings praise and thanks for her bowl of Potomac Conference has assigned only class to boast 100-per-cent par- dry rice at an Adventist orphanage in Korea. Elder Clinton Coon to the same work. ticipation was the senior class of Her thanks extend to you who give that such Your conference officers will freely as she may live. 1961, but this group still finished last give counsel and the writer is avail- with $455.16. DISASTER AND FAMINE RELIEF able as the Financial Counselor of Judy Nelson, a junior, and Larry OFFERING—MAY 13 the Columbia Union Conference. Ojala, a freshman, set high marks W. C. MOFFETT "Shotgun" Evangelism Dead, Says Writer TN frontier days of old, and some- times even today, outlaws have used sawed-off shotguns to scatter their shot. It was used as a defense device to put fear and trembling into a group and, strange as it may seem, even in the Seventh-day Adventist scriptions for their colored friends people should be encouraged to pat- Church much of our evangelistic ef- and leaders in education, business, ronize school libraries. Dig into your fort could be classified as "shotgun" and professional fields. It is part of own libraries and bring out some evangelism. We scatter our shot ev- your mission field. of the fine books published by Sev- erywhere without careful, concerted These Times is $2 a year; Message enth-day Adventists. aim, without a regular follow-up magazine, $1.50 a year. Order Everyone can take time to read— program, and without the encourag- through your Book and Bible House to discover the challenge, refresh- ing results that we ought to receive. or your church missionary secretary. ment, and enduring values of the It was with this thought in mind R. J. CHRISTIAN written word. that the editors and the circulation Circulation- Manager, "Message" D. A. ROTH department personnel of the South- and "These Times" ern Publishing Association met to- gether and conceived the idea of placing in These Times and Message National Library Week to Urges Vacation magazines, our two great evangelistic journals, the new type of evange- Be Observed April 16-22 Bible Schools listic approach to be found, begin- NATIONAL Library Week will be MILLIONS of boys and girls, lost and ning January 1, 1961. This is the observed April 16-22. We wish to unsought for! Millions beginning a direct antithesis of "shotgun" evan- draw the attention of our members life of crime, many of whom will live gelism, for in each issue of the jour- in the Columbia Union Conference lives of debauchery. Yes, many of nals there appears a center spread of to this special week devoted to read- these millions are living t o d a y four pages dealing with just one of ing. around and not far distant frorti good our cardinal doctrines each month. Particular emphasis can be placed Seventh-d a y Ad- This program will continue for over on this special week because it fits ventist churches. two years and then be repeated. Each nicely into the Spirit of Prophecy They know nothing article, covering one of the great Year-1961. of God's love; they truths of our church, is being freshly A representative of the National have never seen a written, freshly edited, and freshly Committee for the Observance of Bible, and prayer is illustrated. National Library Week visited my as foreign to them So with great courage we can say office recently and told me that the as a heathen's plea "shotgun" evangelism is dead, for purpose of the week is to encourage for salvation. These Times and Message lifetime reading habits and the use magazines W. J. Harris Is it possible, with are now concentrating with deer- and support of libraries of all kinds this great mission rifle accuracy at human hearts and by everybody. The goal is: "A bet- field at our very finger tips, that we lives. This adds new emphasis to ter-read, better-informed America." could sit in calm complacency and your missionary subscriptions, and The theme is: "For a richer, fuller close the doors of our Sabbath school it puts new force and purpose be- life, READ!" against this great need? The vaca- hind our endeavors to win the lost Reading materials are fundamen- tion Bible school opens a new door of to Christ. While "shotgun" evange- tal tools in religious education. To vast opportunity for Sabbath school lism may be all right with some for help raise the religious literacy of leaders and members to reach out to certain purposes, we serve notice that your church emphasize the use of these unsaved multitudes of boys our journals will be more highly books and libraries during Library and girls. evangelistic and more closely aimed Week this month. Children are susceptible to the toward the finishing of the work. We Churches are encouraged to have Word of God, just as they are like- are not satisfied with just good ar- members take books out of the wise susceptible to the scheming de- ticles in good journals. Carefully ar- church library this month. Young vices of the evil one. Possessing the ranged in proper sequence, these ar- truths of salvation and the means to ticles will be aimed toward definite save multitudes of these little ones, objectives in this crucial hour. The Passover we cannot be irresponsible for their This gives us great courage to come The Exodus eternal destiny. God has given to us to our people and urge a tremen- of that we might give to others the dously increased subscription list for precious water of life eternal. If we both of these journals. My brethren Ancient Israel withhold our light, our lamps will and sisters, if you have loved ones, if Gripping Stories go out and we ourselves will be left you have friends, if you have busi- Which Began on Sunday, March 26 in darkness. This must never be.