Takoma Academy Sets New Record in 1961 Ingathering
ALLEIHEN • CNESh Y EAlIE • EAST neon VAN, ,, • n.L.ti IP.EET. • IMIC, Vol. 66 Washington, D. C., April 13, 1961 No. 15 Total of $6,165.85 in Five Nights Takoma Academy Sets New Record in 1961 Ingathering COLD March weather failed to By Richard Lee Fenn Failure to Make Will freeze the spirit of enthusiastic stu- Coordinator, Public Relations, Deprives Church of Means dents of Takoma Academy last Takoma Academy month as they set a new world record WHEN former Vice-President Al- for Ingathering by raising $6,165.85 for individual amounts raised. Judy ben W. Barkley died, his estate was in a five-night drive. brought in approximately $127.50 totaled at $634,801, but his heirs re- Thi world-record announcement a n d Larry netted approximately ceived only $155,000. He neglected came from Elder Watson M. Buck- $120. to make a will. man, outgoing Home Missionary Sec- Takomen were given no goals to Recently one of our elderly mem- cretary of the Potomac Conference. attain. Dr. Laurence asked only that bers died. He, too, neglected to make Elder Buckman was present at the at least 90 per cent of the student a will. Under Maryland law his es- closing rally at the Academy on Fri- body participate. This was easily ac- tate of thousands of dollars goes to day, March 24. complished, and the Principal his only living brother, who has no All that week the weather in promptly added March 31 and April sympathy for Adventists. This means Washington was bad. Rain, sleet, 4 to the school's spring vacation.
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