Local History of Ethiopia : Aabida
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Local History of Ethiopia Aabida - Alyume © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) JDP11 Aabida (volcano), see Adwa aada (O) custom, tradition, culture HFF24 Aadi Noia, see Adi Noya, under Atsbi JEA77 Aadu (area) 668 m 11/40 [WO] KB... Aare, temporary resettlement shelter 04/45 [x] -- Aari language (Aarai), see Ari HED80 Aarta (church) 11/37 [WO] aatuar b..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entranc HER18 Aatuar Ber (area) 12/37 [WO] ab (Geez) father; (A) elder, forefather; the Father as first person of the Trinity; ala (O) outer? ?? Ab Ala wereda (in the 1990s), cf Abala ../.. [n] HET65 Ab Azba (short for Abraha Atsbeha?), see Ageszba HDT57 Ab Lada kebele 10/39 [Ad] Aba .., cf Abba .. aba (T) 1. father; 2. kinds of shrub or small tree, Phyllogeiton (Berchemia) discolor, Grewia bicolor HC... Aba (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/37 [Ad] HDC81 Aba (small village) 08/36 [Gu] JEH69 Aba (area) 12/41 [WO] HDB25 Aba Abdella, see Abdela HEF40 Aba Ali 1116'/3924' 2523 m 11/39 [Gz] HEM20 Aba Biruk 1159'/3921' 3144 m, near code HEL29 11/39 [Gz] HDU56 Aba Boker (mountain) 1026'/3954' 2409 m 10/39 [Gz] /same as Buker?/ aba bona: bona, boonaa (O) carefree and proud /man/; (A,O) dry season HEF56 Aba Bona 1120'/3957' 1345 m 11/39 [Gz] aba bora ..: bora, boraa (O) snout, muzzle. upstanding front part of saddle /and several other meanings/; ager (agär) (A) country, nation, region; Ababora is a male personal name HDF60 Aba Bora Ager (Abbavoragher) 08/39 [Gz WO] 0846'/3924' 1838 m HDF80c Aba Borakuje kebele (.. Boraqujä ..) 08/39 [Ad] aba boru: boru, booruu (O) muddy /liquid/; borru (O) east; morning; booruu (O) sun, early morning; boru (A) ox having a blaze HEE28 Aba Boru 1103'/3911' 3109 m 11/39 [Gz] HDT39 Aba Boru kebele, see Ababoru .. aba ..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain HEE38 Aba Boru Meda kebele 11/39 [Ad] ?? Aba Buker Ali (Abba Bukr Alli), on map of 1814, 10/42 [+ 18] on the caravan route from Zeyla to Harar aba buko: buko, bukoo, boko (A,O) yeast, fermented dough; buko (Kefa) pumpkin, gourd; buko (Som) become sick HDU90 Aba Buko 1050'/3924' 3114 m 10/39 [Gz] aba bula: bula (A) dust raised in walking HEE38 Aba Bula 1109'/3914' 3106 m 11/39 [Gz] HDN08c Aba Bulcho, village in Wellega 10/35 [x] A little south of the Abay river about 15 km west of the confluence of the Didessa. Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 1 of 92 Local History of Ethiopia Aabida - Alyume © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) ?? Aba Bulcho (Gumuz village) ../.. [n] Among the 66 houshold heads of Aba Bulcho in 1975, a majority claimed to be of the Dukunzilla people. [Wendy James] aba ch..: chara (O) tip top, very good? chaaraa, one of a cycle of 27 Oromo day names HE... Aba Chara 12/37 [Ch] ?? Aba Chereko (visiting postman under Jimma district) ../.. [Po] HDE89 Aba Chorga (Aba Ch'orga) 0852'/3919' 2178 m 08/39 [Gz] HDH51 Aba Ciotte, see Abba Chotte GDU26 Aba Dula, see Abadula HEC89 Aba Garima (Abba Garima) (small island), 11/37 [Ch Gu] cf Abba Gerima, one of the 'Nine Saints' aba gen..: genda (gända) (A) trough from the trunk of a tree, for animals to drink from ganda (O) village, district; aba genda, village leader HCU93 Aba Genda 0803'/3937' 2627 m 08/39 [Gz] HED80 Aba Gerima 1140'/3730' 2089 m 11/37 [Gz] HFM16 Aba Gerima 14/38 [n] mountain Aba Gerima Terara at 1410'/3857' HFE65 Aba Gerima, see Abba Gerima aba gobe, dance leader? gobe (O) song, dance, especially at Meskel Day; Gobe, a Somali female name HBM14 Aba Gobe (Abagobi) (area) 0344'/3944' 914 m 03/39 [WO Gz] aba gol..: golja, goljaa (O) warthog, Phacochoerus aethiopicus aeliani HEJ84 Aba Golja 1231'/3702' 2143 m 12/37 [Gz] aba gol..: ager (agär) (A) land, region, country HEF15 Aba Golja Ager (Abagolja A.) 1102'/3949' 1948 m 11/39 [Gz] HEF25 Aba Golja Ager 1106'/3950' 2055 m 11/39 [Gz] HDM34 Aba Gordo kebele 09/39 [Ad] aba gu..: guba, gubaa (O) 1. fever; 2. branding iron; 3. strong /tobacco/; 4. cloudy HET37 Aba Guba (Amba Abba Gubba) 1415 m 13/39 [WO Gu] aba guy.: guyo, guio (O) prohibition, hatred, detestation; guuyo (Som) 1. small antelope, dikdik; 2. dwarf, small person; 3. wealth, property, livestock; ana (O) patrikin, relatives on father's side HBU82 Aba Guyo Ana 0519'/3932' 1436 m 05/39 [Gz] HEF26 Aba Halme kebele (.. Halmé ..) 11/39 [Ad] aba hate: hate (O) 1. forest, jungle; 2. smart JEB28 Aba Hate (area) 11/41 [WO] HEF13 Aba Jela kebele (.. Jäla ..) 11/39 [Ad] aba kibe: qibe (A) butter HEF02 Aba Kibe 1054'/3932' 3319 m 10/39 [Gz] HDS81 Aba Kidan Bota (locality) 1046'/3740' 10/37 [Gz] aba ko..: kolba (O) horn, hilt made of horn HEF34 Aba Kolba kebele 11/39 [Ad] HDP20 Aba Kumyur (Aba Cumiur) (area) 10/35 [+ WO] HDT68 Aba Kundi (A. K'undi, A. Qundi) 10/39 [Gz q] 1035'/3912' 2361 m HDS.. Aba Libanos (Abba L.) 10/37 [Ad] (centre in 1964 of Tseshigem sub-district) HEJ68 Aba Libanos 1221'/3721' 1812 m 12/37 [Gz WO] or (Iancaru, Yankaru) 1222'/3721' 1816 m HEM11 Aba Libanos Ch'aka (forest) 1155'/3929' 11/39 [Gz] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 2 of 92 Local History of Ethiopia Aabida - Alyume © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) HEH55 Aba Maryam (A. Mariam) 12/36 [+ WO] HFF52 Aba Mekereyta 1406'/3936' 2647 m 14/39 [Gz] aba mela: mela (mäla) (A) forecast, opinion; (T) tact, policy, device, method, science; (Wellega) Acacia sp.; mella (A) whole, be full; mela (O) 1. crippled, disabled; grudge HEE49 Aba Mela kebele (.. Mäla ..) 11/39 [Ad] aba mes.: mesk (mäsk) (A) meadow, field HEL39 Aba Mesk 1204'/3917' 3601 m 12/39 [Gz] HDU92 Aba Milik 1049'/3934' 2448 m 10/39 [Gz] aba moti: moti (O) large needle; mooti (Som) cause to cross, make pass through; moti, mootii (O) regional chief, local king, military leader GDM74 Aba Moti, see Bambesi HCG19 Aba Saimal (A. Simal) 0631'/3541' 1217 m 06/35 [WO Gz] ?? Aba Salama (Abba S.), cf Aba Selama 13/39 [+ It] HDE63 Aba Samuel (Abba S.) (church) 08/38 [Gz WO] 0845'/3843' 2000 m HDE63 Aba Samuel Gedam (monastery) 0845'/3843' 08/38 [Gz] HDE73 Aba Samuel (Abba S.) (power station) 0847'/3842' 08/38 [Gz WO] aba selam: selam (sälam) (A) peace, tranquility HEE09 Aba Selam 1057'/3918' 3342 m 10/39 [Gz] Aba Selama, Frumentius, founder of the Ethiopian Christianity in 326 A.D. HEU92 Aba Selama (Enda Abba Scelema) (village) 13/39 [Gz Po Gu] 1331'/3935' 2264/2390 m, see also Abba Salama (visiting postman under Dessie district) HEF52 Aba Selama kebele 11/39 [Ad] in north-eastern Kuta Ber wereda, 5 km north-west of Kuta Ber settlement; area 3,367 hectares. [CSA 1994] aba si..: sina (A) kind of shrub or tree, Teclea nobilis HDB93 Aba Sina (Abba Sena) 0902'/3558' 1538 m 09/35 [Gz] HDH03 Aba Sina HDD39 Aba Tekle 0829'/3824' 3081 m 08/38 [Gz] ?? Aba Wagame (visiting postman under Jimma district ../.. [Po] HDU61 Aba Wani 1034'/3930' 1999 m 10/39 [Gz] HEE37 Aba Wasu kebele 11/38 [Ad] rather far to the east in central Mekdela wereda, area 1,849 hectares [CSA 1994] HEE79 Aba Wat (A, Wat', Baba) 1130'/3919' 2362 m 11/39 [Gz] (with church Iyesus) HEF70 Aba Wat (A. Wat') 1131'/3922' 2875 m 11/39 [Gz] aba wi..: ager (agär) (A) land, region, country HDM64 Aba Wibe Ager (Kundi, Cundi, Gandhi Ghior) 09/39 [Gz Wa] 0940'/3943' 3360 m, cf Gundi HES79 Aba Yared (mountain), see Abba Yared HEL96 Aba Yohanis (Abba Johannes) (church), 12/38 [LM WO] see under Sekota JDK51 Aba Yonis 0933'/4236' 2090 m 09/42 [Gz] ?? Ababa wereda (in Bale), cf Abebe sub-district ../.. [x] HDK35 Ababe, see Abebe ?? Ababeich (Ababeic), locality 07/35 [20] ababo (Kefa O) kinds of shrub or small tree, Protea gaguedi; (O) flower; Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 3 of 92 Local History of Ethiopia Aabida - Alyume © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) Ababo, Abebo, a male personal name GCU61 Ababo (Abebo, Abobo) (village) c490 m 07/34 [MS Br Ad WO] GCU61 Ababo wereda (Abebo..) (centre in 1964 = Ababo) 07/34 [+ Ad] Ababora, a Muslim personal name; bora, boraa (O) snout, muzzle, upstanding front part of saddle /and several other meanings/ ?? Ababora (centre in 1964 of Halielu sub-district) ../.. [Ad] H.... Ababora Bet sub-district (.. Biet ..) 10/39 [+ Ad] (centre in 1964 = Solie) ababoru: boru, booruu (A) muddy /liquid/; borru (O) east, morning; booruu (O) sun, early morning HDT39 Ababoru kebele 10/39 [Ad] in the middle of southern Jema wereda, 15 km south of Degolo, area 5,923 hectares [CSA 1994] ababu (O) great-grandmother, great-grandchild; ababul (T) kind of slender shrub, Cadaba longifolia HED14 Ababulu, see under Mota 10/37 [WO] abacha..: chacha (ch'ach'a) (A) stop growing, become stunted HDM43 Abachacha kebele (Abach'ach'a ..) 09/39 [Ad] in north-easternmost Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda, 20 km east-northeast of Koremash; area 1,014 hectares. [CSA 1994] HCN32 Abachalti (Abbacialti) 880 m 07/35 [MS LM WO] GDL38 Abachi, see Abaki abada..: dabu (O) to plant, set up, fasten, place, arrange, break down, put into fire, straighten, etc. HDG59 Abadabu (Abadadu), see Kebni Abadir abadib.: dibo, diboo (O) thicket, thick growth of bushes; (Kefa) kinds of shrub or small tree, Rothmannia spp; dibo (T) plug, stopper HCL.