Paola Marrati — Professor of Humanities & Philosophy The Humanities Center and The Department of Philosophy The Johns Hopkins University — Office: Humanities Center Johns Hopkins University, Gilman 220, 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore MD 21218-2690 — Phone : 410 516 0542 — Fax : 410 516 48 97 — [email protected]


1995: Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of , France. Title: “La genèse et la trace. Derrida lecteur de Husserl et Heidegger.” Ph.D. Director: Prof. Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe. Jury: R. Bernet, J.- F. Courtine, G. Granel, Ph. Lacoue-Labarthe, J.L. Nancy. Public defence with the highest distinction (Mention très honorable avec les félicitations du jury à l’unanimité).

1989: D.E.A. (Diplôme d’études approfondies) in Philosophy at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Title: “Sogleich immer auch. Les apories du langage originaire chez Heidegger.” D.E.A. Director: Prof. J. Derrida.

1988: MA in Philosophy at the Univeristà degli Studi di Pisa, Italy. Title: “Temporalità, linguaggio e scrittura nell’opera di J. Derrida.” Director: Prof. A.G. Gargani. Public defence with the highest distinction (summa cum laude).


• Professor of Humanities & Philosophy, The Humanities Center and 2003 - Present The Philosophy Department, The Johns Hopkins University.

• Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Paris 1- La Sorbonne. 2014 • Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Bologna, 2012 Italy. • Regular Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, University 2008-2011 Jules Verne-Picardie, Amiens, France. • Director of Research Program, Collège International de Philosophie, 2001-2007 Paris.

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• Professor of Philosophy, Chair of the Section of Philosophy of Art and 2002 Culture, Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. • NWO Advanced Research Position, Faculty of Philosophy, University 1999-2001 of Tilburg, The Netherlands. Visiting professor, Ecole des Arts Décoratifs, Paris. • 1998-2000 • Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.


Books Gilles Deleuze. Philosophy and Cinema. Enlarged Edition, Paperback edition, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012

Introduction to G. Canguilhem, The Knowledge of Life, translated by S. Geroulanos and D. Ginsburg, New York: Fordham University Press, 2008.

Gilles Deleuze. Philosophy and Cinema. Enlarged Edition, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press (translation), 2008

Genesis and Trace. Derrida Reading Husserl and Heidegger, Stanford: Stanford University Press (translation), 2005.

Gilles Deleuze. Cine y Filosofia, Buenos Aires: Paperback, Nueva Vision (translation), 2004.

Gilles Deleuze. Philosophie et cinéma, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2003. La genèse et la trace. Derrida lecteur de Husserl et Heidegger, Dordrecht, Boston, London: series Phaenomenologica, Kluwer, 1998. (Reviewed in: Husserl Studies, 16, 1999; Iride, 26, 1999; Teoria, XII/99, 2, 1999; Philosophie, 60, 1998).

Forthcoming: Bergson et la question du contemporain, Paola Marrati and François Sebbah (Paris: Belles Lettres).

Cavell and Modernism, Paola Marrati ed. (London: Bloomsbury Press).

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In Progress:

The Event and the Ordinary. On the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Stanley Cavell (the manuscript is in the final stage of revisions)

ArtiArticles and Book Chapters:

— “The Fragility of Words, the Vulnerabily of Life” in Modern Language Notes, vol. 130, n.4, 2016. — “The Difficulty of Experience,” in Modern Language Notes, forthcoming. — “Deleuze et la méthode de dramatision,” in Acta Fabula , forthcoming.

— “Animals, Ghosts, and the Husserlian Legacy,” in The Oxford Literary Review, volume 36, n.1, 2014.

— “Entre espoir et mélancolie. La promesse démocratique du cinéma chez Cavell,” in L’écran de nos pensées, E. Domenach ed., Paris: Editions de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, 2013.

— “True Blood, Louisiana 2008-2012. Philosophy and American New TV Series,” in Modern Language Notes, vol. 127, n. 5, 2012.

— “Bergson and the Politics of Time,” in Bergson, Politics and Religion, A. Lefebvre & M. White eds., Durham: Duke University Press, 2012.

— “The Ordinary Life of Democracy,” in Contemporary Political Theory, volume 11, issue 4, 2012.

— “Childhood and Philosophy. Honoring Stanley Cavell” in Modern Languages Notes, volume 126, number 5, 2011.

— “James, Bergson et un univers en devenir,” in James et Bergson. Cent ans après, S. Madelrieux ed., Paris: Presses Universitaies de France, 2011.

— “Political Emotions. Stanley Cavell on Democracy,” Revue Internationale de Philosophie, n. 256, Brussels, 2011.

— “The Natural Cyborg: The Stakes of Bergson’s Philosophy of Evolution,” in Southern Journal of Philosophy, 2011.

— “The Novelty of Life,” in Constellations. An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, Blackwell Publisher, 2010.

— “L’importance du désaccord. Stanley Cavell et la philosophie du langage

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ordinaire,” in La voix et la vertu, variétés du perfectionnisme moral, S. Laugier ed., Paris: PUF, 2010.

— “On the Significance of Disagreement. Stanley Cavell and Ordinary Language Philosophy,” in How the West Was Won. Essays on Literary Imagination, the Canon, and the Christian Middle Ages, W. Otten, A. Vanderjagt & H. de Vries eds., Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010 (translation).

— “Political Emotions. Cavell on Democracy,” in Happy Days: Lebenwissen nach Cavell, K. Truestedt and K. Thiele eds., Stuttgart: Wilhelm Fink Press, 2009.

— “La vie et le normes,” in Sexualités, genres et mélancholie. S’entretenir avec Judith Butler, M. David-Ménard ed., Paris : Campagne Première, 2009.

— “Life and Event,” in The Future of the Humanities, E. Ziarek, T. Dean, J. Bono eds., New York: Fordham University Press, 2009.

— co-editor with E. Grossman of the special issue of Rue Descartes, Gille Deleuze. L’intempestif, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2008.

— “La nouveauté de la vie,” Rue Descartes, Gille Deleuze. L’intempestif, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2008.

— “Image and Skepticism: on the Link between Cinema and Reality in Stanley Cavell’s work,” in Educaçâo & Realidade, v. 33 n. 1, Porto Alegre, 2008.

— “Le nouveau en train de se faire. Sur le bergsonisme de Deleuze,” in Revue International de Philosophie, volume 61, n. 241, 2007.

— « Des sortes des choses », in Regards lointains. Jean-Luc Lagarce, Paris: Solitaires Intempestifs, 2007.

— « Uma teoria do conhecimento é inseparável de uma teoria da vida : o antikantismo de Bergson,» Interview, Revista do Instituto Humanitas Unisinos, n. 237, 2007.

— “Time and Affects. Deleuze on Gender and Sexual Difference,” in Australian Feminist Studies, n. 51, 2006.

—co-editor with F. Roussel of a special issue of Rue Descartes, A quoi pense le cinema?, n. 53, 2006.

—“Une Image Mouvante du Scepticisme. Cavell et le Cinéma,” in Rue Descartes, n. 53, 2006.

— “Mysticism and the Foundation of the Open Society: Bergsonian Politics,” in Political Theologies, H. de Vries ed., Fordham University Press, 2006.

— “Time, Life, Concepts: The Newness of Bergson” in Modern Language Notes, n. 120, 2006.

— “Writing and Historicity,” in Emmanuel Levinas. 1005-2005, J. Bloechl and J. Kosky eds, Duquesne University Press, 2006.

—“Deleuze et Sartre,” in Aux Sources de Deleuze, S. Lequerc ed., Paris: Sils Maria &

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Vrin, 2006.

— “ Deleuze et Hollywood,” in Revue d’Esthétique, Paris, n. 45, 2004.

— “Concepts of Life,” in Economie en filosofie in bewegung, F. van Peperstraaten ed., Amsterdam: Damo-Budel, 2005.

— “Une autre pensée de la vie. Ou de la démocratie à venir au-delà de l’amitié,” in Le Cahiers de l’Herne. Jacques Derrida, M.-L. Mallet ed., Paris: Ed. de l’Herne, 2004.

— “The Catholicism of Cinema: Gilles Deleuze on Image and Belief,” in H. de Vries and S. Weber eds., Religion and Media, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001.

— “Against the Doxa: Politics of Immanence and Becoming-Minoritarian,” in P. Pisters ed., Micropolitics of Media Culture, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2001.

— “Idéalité et différence. Derrida et l’autre Husserl,” in Alter, n. 8, 2000.

— “Thinking Movement,” in Transeuropéennes, n. 19, 2000.

— “Le corps du sujet,” in Transeuropéennes, n. 18, 2000.

— “Gilles Deleuze: la letteratura minore e la vita,” in S. Petrosino ed, Il potere delle parole. Sulla compagnia tra filosofia e letteratura, Roma, Bulzoni, 2000.

— “L’animal qui sait fuir. G. Deleuze: politique du devenir, ontologie de l’immanence,” in M.-L. Mallet ed., L’animal autobiographique. Colloque de Cerisy autour du travail de J. Derrida, Paris: Galilée, 1999.

—“Derrida et Lévinas: éthique, écriture et historicité,” Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg, n. 6, 1997.

— Editor of a special issue of Teoria on French Contemporary Philosophy, no. XVII/1, 1977. Contributors: E. Balibar, J-L. Nancy, J. Rancière, P. Marrati, V. Sainati.

—“Derrida e Lévinas fra etica e storicità,” Teoria, n. XVII/1, 1997 [translation].

— Editor of a special issue of Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg on Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis, n. 4, 1996. Contributors: B. Baas, F. Fischer, G. Maffei, Ch. Maillard, P. Marrati, Ph. Van Haute.

—“Pensée de l’être et maladie psychique: les Zollikoner Seminare de Heidegger,” Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg, n. 4, 1996.

— Editor of a special issue of Teoria on French Contemporary Philosophy, n. XV/1, 1995. Contributors: A. Badiou, J. Derrida, Ph. Lacoue-Labarthe, G. Scibilia, M. Bianchin, P. Marrati.

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— “Ermeneutica come atto poetico di scrittura. Colloquio con J. Derrida,” Teoria, n. XV/1, 1995.

— “Der Traum und die Gefahr. Wo sich die sexuelle Differenz verliert ” in Ethik der Gabe. Denken nach J. Derrida, J-M. Rabaté and M. Wetzel eds., Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1993 [translation].

—“Le rêve et le danger: où se perd la différence sexuelle? ” in L’éthique du don. Jacques Derrida et la pensée du don, J.-M. Rabaté and M. Wetzel eds., Paris, Métailié, 1992.

—“Note sulle recenti traduzioni di Essere et tempo in Francia,” Teoria, n. X/1, 1990.


—E. Balibar, Nous, citoyens d’Europe? Les frontières, l’Etat, le Peuple, Transeuropéennes, n° 18, 2003, pp. 81-85.

—Ph. Lacoue-Labarthe, Musica ficta, figures de Wagner, in Teoria, XIII / 1993 / 2, pp.133-135.

—J.-L. Marion, Réduction et donation, in Teoria, XII/ 1992 / 2, pp. 126-128.

—J. Derrida, Donner le temps, I. La fausse monnaie, in Teoria, XII / 1992 / 2, pp. 128- 131.

—M. Zarader, La dette impensée, Heidegger et l'héritage hébraïque, in Teoria, XII / 1992 / 1, pp. 175-178.

—M. Iofrida, Forma e materia. Saggio sullo storicismo antimetafisico di J. Derrida, in Iride. Filosofia e discussione pubblica, 1989, n° 2, pp. 135-139.


— Ernesto Laclau “La démocratie et la question du pouvoir,” translated from English, Transeuropéennes, n° 17, pp. 79-92.

— M. Carbone, “La Nature: variations sur le thème. A propos des inédits de M. Merleau-Ponty,” translated from Italian, Chiasmi Intarnational, n°2, Vrin, Paris.

— J. Rancière, “Undici tesi sulla politica,” translated from French, Teoria, n° XVII/1, 1977, pp. 37-55.

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Grants, fellowships and honors

• Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, University Paris 1- Sorbonne 2014 • Erasmus Mundus EuroPhilosophie Fellowship, Department of Philosophy 2012 University of Bologna. • Teaching Innovation Technology Grant, Johns Hopkins University 2005 • Qualification in Philosophy, French National Council for the Universities 1999 • Qualification in Aesthetics, French National Council for the Universities 1998 • Research Fellowship, NOW (Dutch National Scientific Council) 1998-2001 • Post Doctoral Fellowship, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nijmegen, Netherlands 1995-1998 Ph.D. Fellowship, Department of Research and Education, Italy • 1990-1995

Invited Lectures and Presentations

2015: Ce que la philosophie désavoue de l’enfance, invited speaker at the international symposium Si j’avais su. Hommage à Stanley Cavell, University of Paris 1 Sorbonne.

2015: Une autre philosophie morale, invited speaker at the international workshop Manières d’être humain, University of Paris 1 Sorbonne.

2015: Perfectionism and the Limits of Agreement, invited speaker at the international symposium Forms of Life and Ways of Living, Department of Philosophy, University La Sapienza, Rome.

2015: organizer and speaker of the international workshop Practices of the Ordinary, Humanities Center, Johns Hopkins University.

2015: co-organizer international workshop Bergson et les traces de l’humain, Department of Philosophy, University of Nanterre Paris 12.

2015: invited speaker at the conference Cinematic Thinking, School of the Arts and Media, University of New South Wales, Sydney.

2014: The Fragility of Words, the Vulnerability of Life, invited speaker at the Conference Language, Normativity and Forms of Life, Max Planck Institute, Berlin.

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2014: Corps, âme et esprit dans Dollhouse, invited speaker at the conference Philosopher avec les series télé, University of Paris 1 Sorbonne.

2014: penal at Death and Dying Workshop, Johns Hopkins University.

2014: Nul ne sait ce que peut un corps. Rencontres Philosophiques, Théâtre National de Chaillot, Paris.

2013: Gilles Deleuze. Thinking in Time, invited lecture, Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University.

2012: Terra Critica. Re-visioning the Critical Task of the Humanities in a Globalized World, international workshop, guest speaker, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.

2012: What is There to See? Bergson, Deleuze and The Wire, invited lecture and seminar, Pembroke Center, Brown University.

2012: Animals, Ghosts, and the Husserlian Legacy, Derrida International Conference, Goethe University, Frankfurt.

2012: Le contemporain, conference, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris

2012: The Ordinary Life of Democracy. Cavell on Emerson and Pragmatism, Hamilton College.

2012: Humans, Animals, and Ghosts. Derrida on Democracy, Symposium Phenomenology and Its Critics, The Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University.

2011: Une voix philosophique, International Cavell Symposium, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.

2011: Les limites du pragmatisme, International Conference Scepticisme en pratique, University of Paris-1 Sorbonne.

2011: Deleuze and Psychoanalysis, International Symposium on Phenomenology, Perugia, Italy.

2011: Les devenirs des animaux et des machines. Quelques remarques sur le philosophie de la nature de Haraway, workshop on Donna Haraway, University of Paris 13.

2011: Immanence and Skepticism, invited lecture and graduate students seminar, Northwestern University.

2011: True Blood. Lousiana 2008-2010, International Symposium Philosophy and New American TV Series,

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Humanities Center, Johns Hopkins University.

2011: Philosophy and Childhood, Symposium on Stanley Cavell, Humanities Center, Johns Hopkins University.

2010: Politics and Time, Annual Meeting Western Political Science association, San Francisco.

2010: Cinema as Laboratory of Political Modernity, conference Deleuze and Visual Culture, University of Cardiff, UK.

2010: Immanence and Skepticism, invited lecture and workshop, University of Erfurt, Germany.

2010: Ce que le cinéma sait de la démocratie : Cavell, Hollywood et Rawls, conference Hommage à Stanley Cavell. L’écran de nos pensées, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France.

2009: Keynote Address, 2009 Spindel Conference The Sexes of Evolution: Continental Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, and Evolutionary Theory, University of Memphis.

2009: presentation English edition of Canguilhem’s Knowledge of Life, Public Culture Bookstore, New York.

2009: Believing in the World: Cavell and Deleuze on Cinema and Modernity, invited lecture, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany.

2009: L’importance du désaccord: Stanley Cavell et la philosophie du langage ordinaire, conference Dire et vouloir dire, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.

2009: La vie ordinaire de Buffy, conference Buffy tueuse de vampires, Cité Universitaire Internationale, Paris.

2009: Donna Haraway et Octavia Butler: l’importance de survivre, conference Technologie et féminisme, Imi-Utc, Paris.

2009 : Les enjeux éthiques de l’écriture et du langage chez Derrida et Cavell, conference Les Actes du langage, University of Jules Verne, Amiens, France.

2008: Believing in the World: Cavell and Deleuze on Cinema and Modernity, invited lecture at Cultural Politics Seminar, Harvard University.

2008: Un univers en devenir, conference James et Bergson, Centre d’Etudes du Vivant, Paris VII.

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2007: Transience, invited lecture at the conference “In Imagination and Logos”: Desire, Intertext, and Fragmentation in C. P. Cavafy, Department of Classics, Harvard University.

2007: L’importance politique du perfectionnisme moral chez Cavell, invited lecture, Ciepfc, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.

2007: La pensée des images, invited lecture, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Geneva.

2007: Political Emotions: Cavell on Democracy, invited lecture at the conference Happy Days: Cavell and Philosophy, University of Postdam.

2007: Des sortes des choses, invited lecture at the conference Regards Lointains. Jean-Luc Lagarce, Université La Sorbonne Paris-4, Paris.

2007: The Novelty of Life, invited lecture at the conference What’s Left of Life?, University of California Berkeley. 2007: A Lost Everyday, University of Helsinki, Invited Lecture. 2006: Life and Event, Northwestern University, Invited Lecture. 2006: A Lost Everyday, University of Chicago, Invited Lecture. 2006: Life and Time, Conference Life Biological versus Ordinary, New York University. 2006: Entre mythe et expérience, Université Paris 4 Sorbonne and Collège International de Philosophie, Paris. 2006: La vérité du scepticisme. Stanley Cavell sur Wittgenstein et Shakespeare, Invited Lecture at the Collège International de Philosophie, Paris. 2005: Time and Affects: Deleuze on Sexual Difference, conference Gender & Temporality, Department of Gender Studies and The School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry, University of Sydney. 2005: L’Evénement et l’ordinaire, Research Seminar at the Collège International de Philosophie. 2005: Trouble dans le genre. Lectures de Judith Butler, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris. 2005: Pragmatism and Desire, invited lecture at the international conference Thinking in Time, University of California Berkeley, April 2005. 2005: Table Ronde sur la philosophie de G. Deleuze, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris. 2004: Concepts de vie, series of Research Seminars at the Collège International de Philosophie, Paris. 2004: Democracy without Brotherhood: Derrida and the Politics of Kinship, invited lecture, The Program for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality, Johns Hopkins University.

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2004: The turn in Experience, The concept of the Living, and The Eternity of Novelty, series of three invited lectures at State University at Buffalo. 2004: Discussant at A Workshop on Ethics in Organizations and Markets: A Comparative Approach, Johns Hopkins University. 2004: Organization of an international conference on Life, Concepts and Institutions at the Collège International de Philosophie, Paris. Title of my lecture: Le concept du vivant. Bergson et son heritage. 2004: The Concept of the Living, invited lecture at The New School University, New York. 2004: Concepts de vie, Research Seminar at the Collège International de Philosophie, Paris. 2004: The Mystical Foundation of the Open Society. Bergsonian Politics, invited lecture at the international conference Political Theologies, Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis, University of Amsterdam. 2003: Bergson: Life and Immanence, Series of three invited lectures at The Collegium Phaenomenologicum, Città di Castello, Italy. 2003: Organization and panel contribution, Historicité du transcendental: Kant et Rousseau, Collège International de Philosophie, Paris. 2003: Radio Interview with Judith Butler Sex, genre, queer, France Culture. 2002: Kinship to Come, Conference Politics and Filiations, Stony Brook in Manhattan, New York. 2002: Radio Interview with Jacques Derrida, Politics of Friendship, France Culture. 2002: Aesthetics as a Logic of Sensation, Department of Comparative Literature, University at Suny Buffalo. 2002: Bergson: Images and Immanence, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam. 2001: La letteratura minore e la vita, Conference Il potere delle parole. Sulla compagnia fra filosofia e letteratura, Università Cattolica di Milano, Milano, 2001. 2001: Roundtable with Jean-Luc Nancy on La déconstruction du christianisme, Conference Political Theologies, University of Amsterdam. 2001: Singularities and subjectivations, Conference Singularity, Subjectivity, The Other, Phenomenological Symposium, Perugia, Italy. 2001: Vie, pouvoir, norme: Foucault et Canguilhem, Conference La fabrication de l'humain, University of Paris-VII, Paris. 2001: Gilles Deleuze on Cinema and Modernity, Stockholm South College, Stockholm. 2000: Immanence versus Representation. Gilles Deleuze’s Politics of Life, Centre for Theoretical Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Essex, 2000. 2000: Politiques de la vie, Conference Penser le mouvement, organised by Marc Bloch University, Institut für

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Soziale Forschung of Hamburg and Transeuropéennes, Strasbourg 2000: L'intellectuel sans opinions, Conference Engagements, organised by Centre Culturel de Rencontre Château de Voltaire, Ferney-Voltaire, France. 2000: Universel sans figure, Conference Hypothèses sur l’Europe, organised by Centre Culturel de Rencontre Château de Voltaire, Ferney-Voltaire, France. 1999: Frontières, migrations, langages, Salon de la Revue, Paris. 1988: Architecture de l’accueil, Ecole d’Architecture de Clermont-Ferrand, France. 1988: La notion de critique de Kant à Nietzsche, Department of Philosophy, University of Nantes, France. 1988: Le concept d’égalité, Le Nouveau Fusier-Voltaire aujourd’hui, Ferney-Voltaire, France. 1988: Décolonisation, multiculturalisme et universalité, Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg. 1988: Between Past and Future: Politics and Legacy in H. Arendt’s Thought, conference Generations, Transmission, Truth, organised by Transeuropéennes, Sarajevo. 1988: Time, Image and Belief, Conference Religion and Media, organised by UCLA- Paris Program in Critical Theory and the Philosophy Department of University of Amsterdam, Château de la Breteche, France. 1988: Remarques sur la mimesis, Symposium International de Phénoménologie, Urbino, Italy. 1988: panel, Second Symposium on Anthropology, Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry, Faculty of Psychology and the Institut of Philosophy of Leuven, Belgium. 1997: La question du devenir-minoritaire, Conference Les sciences humaines face à la question des minorité et des diasporas en Europe, organised by Transeuropéennes, Marc Bloch University and the European Council for Human Rights, Strasbourg. 1977: Lévinas et Derrida: éthique et historicité, Symposium International de Phénoménologie, Urbino, Italy. 1977: L’animal qui sait fuir. Ecriture et devenir selon G. Deleuze, Conference at Cérisy-la Salle L’animal autobiographique. Autour du travail de Jacques Derrida, France. 1997: Political Consequences of the Heideggerian Notion of Friendship, Symposium Derrida on Politics of friendship, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands. 1997: Ecriture et mémoire, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Lyon, France. 1997: Derrida et l’herméneutique, Laennec-Necker, Paris. 1996: L’enjeu politique de l’art. A partir de Ph. Lacoue-Labarthe, Symposium Poétique et politique. Autour de Ph. Lacoue-Labarthe, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 1996: La notion derridienne d’écriture et son héritage husserlien, Department of Philosophy, University of Paris-XII.

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1996: Violences de l’interprétation, Faculty of Philosophy, University Lyon III, France. 1996: La notion de dialogisme dans la théorie du roman de M. Bakhtine, Department of Philosophy, Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg. 1995: Temporalité ekstatique et historialité dans Sein und Zeit, Department of Philosophy, Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg. 1995: The Zollikoner Seminare: Heidegger’s confrontation with Freud and Binswanger, Department of Philosophy, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 1995: Phénoménologie, psychanalyse et psychiatrie: l’enjeu d’une confrontation, Department of Philosophy, Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg. 1994: Pensée de l'être et maladie psychique: les séminaires de Heidegger à Zollikon, Department of Philosophy, Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg. 1992: J. Derrida: oubli et mémoire de l'idéalité, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Pisa, Italy. 1992: La nécessité du récit, Department of Philosophy, Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg. 1992: Conférence d’intoduction au séminaire Phénoménologie et psychanalyse, Department of Philosophy, Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg. 1991: Jugement réfléchissant et jugement déterminant chez Kant. Téléologie ou intransitivité de la raison, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. 1990: Pensée et politique : le débat italien sur l'affaire Heidegger, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. 1990: Le rêve et le danger, invited lecture at the conference L’éthique du don. J. Derrida et la pensée du don, Royaumont, France.

Conference Organization

2016: Organizer with N. Lawtoo of the International Conference Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe. Politics and Poetics, Johns Hopkins.

2015: Organizer of the International Conference Practices of the Ordinary, Johns Hopkins University.

2011: Organizer of the International Symposium Philosophy and New American TV Series, Humanities Center, Johns Hopkins.

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2006: Organizer with J. Bennett and T. Meyers of the International Conference Concepts of Life, Johns Hopkins.

2006: Organizer of the International Conference Déconstructions Mimétiques. Autour de la pensée de Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Collège International de Philosophie and University of Paris IV-Sorbonne.

2004: Organizer of the International Conference Vie, Concepts, Institutions, Collège International de Philosophie, Paris.

2000-2002: Scientific coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Research Program Penser le mouvement, co- organized by Transeuropéennes, International Journal for Critical Theory, The Marc Bloch , and the Institut für Soziale Forschung of Hamburg.

2000: Organizer of the Conference Hypothèses sur l'Europe at the Centre Culturel de Rencontre, Château de Voltaire, Ferney-Voltaire.

2000: Organizer of the Conference Engagements at the Centre Culturel de Rencontre, Château de Voltaire, Ferney-Voltaire.

1997: Organizer with E. Berns of the Conference Derrida and the Politics of Friendship, Department of Philosophy, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands.

1996: Organizer of the Conference Poetics and Politics. Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Department of Philosophy, University of Nijmegen, The nEtherlands.

1996: Organizer of the Conference Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis, Department of Philosophy, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

1992-96: Organizer Research Seminar on Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis at the Department of Philosophy, Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg.


Undergraduate courses and seminars (selection):

Cinema and Philosophy; Critical Thinking and Its History; Humans, Animals, Ghosts; Who or What exactly is the Other?; Introduction to Feminist and Queer Theory; Organism and Machine; Moral Perfectionism; Philosophies of Ecology; Philosophy, Film, and TV Series; What Counts as Human?

Undergraduate Independent Studies (selection):

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Feminist Cinema; French Political Thought; Introduction to Heidegger and Arendt.

Graduate Seminars (selection):

Animality, Sovereignty, Death Penalty: Derrida’s Later Seminars; Deleuze and Philosophy; Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time; Violence and Metaphysics; The Human and the Inhuman; Stanley Cavell and the Problem of Moral Perfectionism; History and Event; Stanley Cavell’s The Claim of Reason; Difference and Repetition and Its Sources; The Problem of Novelty. On Bergson’s Philosophy; Immanence and Transcendence: Adorno’s Negative Dialectics and Deleuze’s Difference and Repetition; Concepts of Life; French and American Pragmatism; The Event and the Ordinary; The Politics and Morality of Skepticism.

Graduate Students Supervision and Advising: Luce Wahner (GRLL); Sara El Amin (Humanities Center); Jeroen Gerrits (Humanities Center); Alexander Lefebvre (Humanities Center); Martin Shuster (Humanities Center); Larry McGrath (Humanities Center); Nils Schott (Humanities Center); Samantha Fenno (Humanities Center); Andrew Brandel (Anthropology); Matthew Scherer (Political Science); Mabel Wong (Political Science); Nobutaka Otobe (Political Science); Bhrigupati Singh (Anthropology); Aaron Goodfellow (Anthropology); Todd Meyers (Anthropology).

Service on Promotion Committees (selection): Helen Littman (English); Danielle Follet (Humanities Center); Smita A. Rahman (Political Science); Alexandre Lefebvre (Humanities Center); Jie Guo (Humanities Center); Jeroen Gerrits (Humanities Center); David Jones (Philosophy); Gülru Cakmak (Humanities Center); Jean-Christophe Raymond (GRLL); Martin Shuster (Philosophy); Mabel Wong (Political Science); Nils Schott (Humanities Center); John Duda (Humanities Center); Claire Javis (English); Matthew Holtzman (Philosophy); Mélanie Giraud (GRLL); Todd Meyers (Anthropology); Jeremy Arnold (Political Science); Stefanos Geroulanos (Humanities Center); Daniel McCall Stout (English Department); James Kuzner (English Department); Nabutaka Otobe (Political Science); Rodney Sappington (Anthropology); Marta Heikkila (University of Helsinki); Cecilia Sijholm (University of Nijmegen); Leslie Kavenaugh (Amsterdam); Pascal Duval (University Paris 1 Sorbonne); Sophie Djigo (University of Paris 1 Sorbonne); Flore Garcin-Marrou (University of Paris 4 Sorbonne); Ismael Jude (University of Paris 4 Sorbonne).

Service to the University

2013- present: Director Graduate Studies

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2012-2013: Acting Chair, The Humanities Center 2012-2014: member of the Advisory Board of Program for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality. 2012- present: member of the Dean’s Film & Media Study Working Group. 2012-2014: member of the Dean’s Islamic Studies Working Group. 2005-2011: Director Steering Committee, Program for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality. 2005-2011: Director of Graduate Studies, The Humanities Center 2004-2007: member of the Advisory Board of The Film and Media Program. 2007-2008: member of the Academic Council. 2007-2008: Dean’s Teaching Fellowship selection committee. 2006-2007: Dean’s Teaching Fellowship selection committee. 2004- 2005: member of the Academic Council. 2003-2005: member of the Advisory Board of Program for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality. Additional service on multiple advisory and ad hoc committees.

Service to the Profession

2014-present: Scientific Coordinator, scientific international network for the study of “Ordinary Philosophy and Ordinary Conceptions in the Social Sciences,” (participants: CNRS, Paris 1 La Sorbonne University, La Sapienza University of Rome, Tuft University, Johns Hopkins University).

2012-present: Scientific Co-coordinator, international research project “Technologies and Human Traces,” (University of Compiègne, University of Paris Nanterres).

2011-present: member, international research project “Terra Critica. Re-visioning the Critical Task of the Humanities in a Globalized World” (Participants: University of Utrecht, University of Amsterdam, PennState University, University of Hong Kong).

2009-present: Member Scientific Board, Collège International de Philosophie, Paris.

2008-present: Member Scientific Board, International Center for the Study of Contemporary French Philosophy, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.

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2011: ACLS, selection committee.

2009-2010: Member of AERES (Research and Higher Education National Evaluation Agency), France.

2012-present: Member International Editorial Board, Syrakousai series, Roma: Bulzoni Press.

2008-present: Member Editorial Board, Cultural Politics, Socioaesthetics, Beginnings, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

2004-present: member International Editorial Board, Dianoia, Bologna: University of Bologna Press.

2003-present: member Editorial Board, Modern Language Notes, Johns Hopkins University Press.

2001-2010-: member Editorial Board, Rue Descartes, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

1999-2003: member of the Editorial Board of Transeuropéennes, Revue Culturelle Internationale, Paris.

1990-1996: correspondent for French Theory of Teoria, (Rivista di Filosofia diretta da A. Fabbri e R. Raggiunti), ETS, Pisa, Italy.

Member of several ad hoc committees for tenure and promotion.


Italian, French, English, German, Latin, Greek