Pollen Ontogeny in Victoria (Nymphaeales)
Int. J. Plant Sci. 174(9):1259–1276. 2013. ᭧ 2013 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 1058-5893/2013/17409-0006$15.00 DOI: 10.1086/673246 POLLEN ONTOGENY IN VICTORIA (NYMPHAEALES) Mackenzie L. Taylor,1,* Patrick J. Hudson,2,† Jolene M. Rigg,† Julie N. Strandquist,† Julie Schwartz Green,3,† Tara C. Thiemann,4,† and Jeffrey M. Osborn‡ *Department of Biology, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska 68178, USA; †Department of Biology, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri 63501, USA; and ‡School of Science, College of New Jersey, Ewing, New Jersey 08628, USA Editor: William E. Friedman Premise of research. Water lilies (Nymphaeales) make up one of the oldest independent lineages of an- giosperms. The giant water lily, Victoria, exhibits pollination and floral traits that are derived within Nym- phaeales. Specialization in pollination and floral biology is often reflected in pollen traits, and in Victoria,this is evidenced by the production of permanent tetrads. Compound pollen has evolved many times across the angiosperm phylogeny, but compound pollen development has been investigated in only a few taxa, and the degree of developmental variation in microspore cohesion is unknown. This article comprehensively charac- terizes the pollen ontogenetic sequence in Victoria for the first time. Methodology. Floral buds of Victoria amazonica, Victoria cruziana, and Longwood hybrid were field collected. Anthers at the sporogenous, microspore mother cell, tetrad, “free” microspore, and mature pollen grain stages were studied using combined LM/SEM/TEM. Pivotal results. Microspore cohesion in Victoria differs from that exhibited by the few compound pollen- producing taxa that have been studied. In Victoria, the calymmate tetrads fuse via crosswall cohesion, but cytoplasmic connections are transient and do not serve as a template for wall bridge formation.
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