Carment's Directory for Dalkeith And

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Carment's Directory for Dalkeith And ti i^^mtmi^ki ^1 o m h . PUBLICATION. § FIFTEENTH YEAR OF §\ \ .1 ^^^ l.^j GARMENT'S DIRECTORY hx §alkit| anb district, AND YEAR BOOK FOR •^ 1S9Q. *^ S'R.ICE-THIK.ElEI'lLllTCE. ,^9^^^^^^^:, DALKEITH. Founded 1805, The Oldest Scottish Insurance Office. GALEDONIAK INSURANCE COMPANY. INCOME, £628,674. FUNDS, £2,042,554, CLAIMS PAID EXCEED £5,500,000. LIFE ASSUEANCES AEE GRANTED WITH AND WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION ON VERY LIBERAL TERMS. Bonuses may le applied to make a whole-cf-life policy pay able diiriiig lifetime. Intermediate Bonuses are allowed. Perfect Non-forfeitable System. Policies in most cases unrestricted as regards Occupation and Foreign Residence or Travel. Claims payable 10 days after proof of death and title. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Security of the Highest Order. Moderate Premiums. Losses Promptly Settled. Surveys made J^ree of Charge. Head Office : 19 aEORGB STREET, EDINBURGH. Agents- IN Dalkeith— GEORGE JACK, S.S.C, Fairfield Place. JOHN GARMENT, 67 High Street. COLIN COCHRANE, Painter, 16 South Street. GEORGE PORTEOUS, 70 High Street ADVERTISEMENTS The Largest and Finest Selection of Music and Musical Instruments in the Kingdom. IMPORTANT. CHEAP AND GOOD PIANOS. THOROUGHLY GUARANTEED. An impression having got abroad that Paterson & Sons only deal in the Higher Class Pianos, they respectfully inform the Public that they keep always in Stock the Largest Selection in Town of the Cheaper Class of Good Sound Cottage Pianos, both New and Second H.and^ and their extensive deahngs with t^^e! • Che^^er Makers of the Best Class, eiiS^lgj;hg,isi|v^b, meet the Require- ments of all Mt^nding Bu^Vrs. These instruments may be purchased by Monthly Payments on the Hire System. Sole Agents for the PIANOFORTES of Bechstein, Steinway, Doerner, B. Squire & Son, Brooklyn Piano Co., and the Famous Estey Organs, All these Makers' Instruments can be compared side by side with those of Broadwood, Collard, Kirkman, Erard, Brinsmead, and Challen. PATERSON Sc SONS, Musicsellers to the Queen, 27 George Street, Edinburgh; And at Glasgow, Perth, Dundee, Ayr, Dumfries, Paisley, Kilmarnock, London, and New York. ADVERTISEMENTS EDINBURGH and :©ALKEITH ©TARRIER, Address—18 HIGH STREET, f^ QUARTERS-nTTATj-rcDC / 7 Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh. /( |„ South Street, Dalkeith. ' 1 CRANSTON & ALLAN PRACTICAL BOOTMAKERS, 60 High Street, DALKEITH (Successors to RICHARD ALLAN) Have always on hand a LARGE ASSORTiMENT of Ladios' and Gent/s BOOTS & SHOES from the Best Makers. Boots and Shoes made to Measure from best material— ^ Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. A Speciality in Shepherds' Boots. Repairs Neatly and Promptly Executed. DRESSMAKER, ISLAY COTTAGE, ESKBANK. ADVERTISEMENTS Seedsmen, Fruiterers & Florists, BUGGLEUGH PLAGE, DALKEITH. (Opposite Railway Station.) Cut Flowers, Hand and Table Bouquets, Table Plants Wreaths and Crosses made to order. Experienced Gardeners sent out. Nurseries adjoining West Parish Church. David Grieve, C3- IR O O E I^, Tea and Provision Merchant, BU€€LEUGE PLACE, (Nearly Opposite Railway Station) DALKEITH. ADVFT^TISEMENTS JAMES ^^UNRO, DALKEITH STATION. Orders promptly delivered from the Local Coliieries. House Address — Amos' Court, Eskdaill Street. ESTABLISHED 1839. OFFICE, - - 55 BACK STREET. E. HANDYSIDE, Actuary. Open onTHUESDAY, - from 11 till 3 cclock - SATUEDAY, „ 1 ., 4 „ An on SATURDAY EVENING, „ (i , 8 Total Deposits, £70,000. ! This Bank receives Sums of Is and upwards. The Int<*est allowed is at the rate of £2 10s per cent. Pass Books Free. for KEMP'S SAMPLE BOOKS of (i) Ball Pro- r;rammes, (2) Menu Cards, (3) Wedding Cards SEND and Fancy Cards. 100 High St., Ijalkeith. (4) TJiCse can be completed icith the Printioig required, in Gold and Silver in an howr» ADVERTISEMENTS GEORGE MCDOUGAL, iClothier an5 Outfitter, 31 HIGH STREET, Invites attention to his large and carefully selected Stock of Scotch and West of England Cloths in the latest Styles, Makes and Colourings, all of the best quality. Evening- Dress. Dress Suits, Fashionable Material', Satin Lined, an J with Rich Silk Facings, Superior Finish and Workmanship Novelties in Dress Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloves, for Evening Wear. French Regatta, Oxford and Wool Shirts of all kinds in Stock, and made to order. Underclothing of the best Scotch Manufacture in weights to suit all Seasons. Christy's London Hats. Choice collection of Umbrellas, Paragon Frames, and covered with Silk, Guaranteed to Wear. Dent's Gloves. Ties, Scarfs and Neckwear ; the latest London Novelties. Waterproofs. The Newest Shapes and most approved Materials in Stock and made to measure. Warranted thoroughly Waterproof, ADVERTISEMENTS Butcher and Poulterer, Baeon & Ham Curer, Licensed Grame Dealer AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SAUSAGE MAKER. Cambridge Sausages Fresh Daily. Always on hand a large supply of CORNED BEEF AND SALT TONGUES. ^9 HZIO-H: ST. (Late Edinburgh Road) ! jyiEtiEi^^miJ^T^i::^^^^. MISS V T E R V E T 25ESK PLACE, DALKEITH, Returns thanks for the liberal patronage she has received since commencing business, and hopes by strict attention to Orders and Moderate Charges, to continue to merit a share of public support. Miss Tervet goes out by the Day as required. ADVERTISEMENTS GEORGE SINCLAIR, Manufaeturipg Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER, 122 High Street, Dalkeith. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of every description either in Stock or made to orde •. Having erected Wood Working Machinery in our Work- shops, we are enabled to supply all varieties of Furniture on the best possible tenns. UPHOLSTERY WORK of all kin^ls tastefuUy carried out. Dining and Drawing llooni Suites recovered in Morocco, Tapestry, Velvets, Moquettea and other material at moderate prices. Estimates furnished. BEDS AND BEDDING.— Iron and Brass Beds in all the newest patterns, from ]7/6 U;>vvaids. Bedding of every description. Hair Mattresses cleaned and re-made in Linen Cases, 16/6, Wool Mattresses cleaned and re- made in New Cases, from 9/6. These are cleaned by special Machinery. CARPETS a speciality. Tapestry Squares, from 18/-; Brussel Squares, £2 a-d upwards— a splendid assortment always on hand. Stiir Carpets from 6d yer yd. Ij nge assortment of Rugs and Door Mats at lowest prices. See our special line of Linoeum at 1/3 per sq. yd. ; also our new inlaid Linoleum at 4/-; good patterns. This quality never wears off. WINDOW BLINDS of all kinds fitted up on the shortest notice. Venetian Blinds re-painted and repaired. An assortment of Blind Hollands always in stock. CARPET BEATING by MACHINERY.—A perfect Job made of any size of Carpet. Carpets sent for and returned on receipt of post card, and men to lift and re-lay them if required. REMOVALS.—Household Furniture of every description carefully packed by experienced men and removed to any distance byroad or rail. Estimates given when requested. Furniture ttored by the Week, Month, or Year, at moderate rates. HOUSE JOBBING, ALTERATIONS, &c.—Houses Decwated for Parties, Dances, etc. Halls decorated for Concerts, Entertainments, Balls, Bazaars, etc. Ball Cloths supplied. Try our Dancing Floor Polish, simply to sprinkle on Floor from Tins. It is pertect. Workshops and Saleroom—HUNT'S CLOSE. (Opposite Corn Exchange.) House ;— The Loau, foot of Back Street. ADVERTISEMENTS GEORGE A. BAIRD, CLOTHIER, HATTER, and OUTFITTER, FOR GENTLEMEN'S, YOUTHS', and BOYS' STYLISH CLOTHING. 66 and 68 HIGH STREET, BALKEITH PFT^ER BUNGLE, ROPEj TWINE, Aii. SHEEP I^^^-T MANUFACTURER, m AND DEALER IN ^ Corn & Potato Bags, Cocoa Matting, Door M&ts, &c. I ELMFIELD PLACE DALKEITH WALTER DEAS, Wholesale and Retail Fish and Egg March , 50 EIGE STREET, DALKEITH. , ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN COPLAND, Wholesale and Retail Tin-Plate Worker, l@fSIMI Stlllf :©ALKE1TH. House— Tliorburn's Buildings. Ii3i msm mm^ mmm -.^g House Painter and Decorator, 16 SOUTH STREET, DALKEITH. Branch Establishment at Gorebridge. Oils Colour?, and Brushes: Glass Cut to Order. Papei hangings in Great Variety Agent for the Plate Glass Insm^ance Office. Established 1850. House—16 Abbey Road. BREAD. CAKES. BISCUITS. Fancy Tea Cakes in Great Variety. 108 High Street, Dalkeith, ADVERTISEMENTS GEORGE DOUGLAS & SON, IRON AND SEED MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL MANURES, OIL CAKES AND OTHER FEEDING STUFFS- 21 South Street, Dalkeith. Tars, Oils, Paints and Sheeping Dips, etc. Agents for the Insurance Company of Scotland. Leith Office— S Bernard Street. THOMAS BBVBRIDGB, Plumber, Gasiitter, and Zinc Worker, WHITE iiiT STEIET, MiiEITIi (House—72 High Street.) All kinds of Plumber and Gas- Fitting Work executed on the best and most economical principles. House Drains, Soil Pipes and Waste Pipes Tested by Smoke Machine, and all Repairs and Alterations Punctually and Carefully x\ttended to—Hot and Cold Water Pipes of every Def^cription —Baths, Wash-Hand Basins, Closets, Hot and Cold Tanks of every descriptioti fitted up on newest principles. All kinds of Gas-Fittings, Gas Fires, Gas Stoves and Ranges fitted up to be freefrom smell. Sole Agent for the WELSBACH INCANDESCEiNT GAS BURNERS, For Bonnyrigg, Gorebridge, and Dalkeith. All Orders receive prompt attention and personal supervision. Estimates Furnished. JAMES FORSYTH, ^-^^ BUTCHER, /.^^ Blmfield Place, Dalkeith ADVERTISEMENTS JioFses, Cattle and Carriages INSURED BY %\jt prrrse, Carriage, mh §mtxd ^mrnma Cog. S'tb. This Office is honoured with the patronage of Her Majesty the Queen. Chief Office: 17 QUEEN VICTORIA ST., LONDON, E.C. T/ie Oldest Office of its kind i7i the United Kingdom. DIRECTORS— Lieut-Col. G. A. Elliot, J.P.. DullaUir, Camberley, Surrey. Arthur Kimber, Esq., 3 Eoland Gardens, S.W. The Hon Randolph H. Stewart, Eccleston Square, S.W A. Waters, Esq., Coopersale Lodge, Epping. BANKERS— The London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., Lothbury, London. The Commercial Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh. Managing Director— A. Waters. Secretary—R. Riddell Wilson. Stallions for the Year or Season. In-Foal Mares and Foals. Colts against Castration Risks, And all Classes of Farm Live Stock. Hunters for the Year or Season. Claims Paid exceed ;£200,ooo. DISTRICT MANAGER— J. PEARSON GALLUIV!, C.A. 25 Dublin St, Edinburgh Telegrams— <*Callum, Edinburgh." TELEPHONE No.
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    Midlothian Council Tuesday 11 February 2020 Item No 8.12 Council House Building Programme Progress Update February 2020 Report by Kevin Anderson, Executive Director, Place 1 Purpose of Report To update the Council on the status of the overall housing programme on approved sites and proposed new sites for the Council building programme and other initiatives for the target delivery. 2 Housing Building Programme and Planned Works 2.1 Council Housing Programme – Phase 1 & 2 Sites The first phase provided 864 additional houses within Midlothian over a period of 7 years with a total budget of £108,700,000 and is now complete. Phase 2 targeted providing a further 412 additional homes within Midlothian with a budget of £77,121,000 funded from the Housing Revenue Capital Account and Scottish Government grant funding. A total of 289 units (167 homes not included in 1,000 home target) have been constructed to date. 2.3 Council Housing Programme - Phase 3 & 4 Sites Phase 3 & 4 is targeting a further 789 additional homes within Midlothian with a budget of £171,374,000 which comprises the balance from Phases 1 & 2 of £34,116,000 and the balance funded from the Housing Revenue Capital Account and Scottish Government grant funding. The following Phase 3 & 4 sites have commenced on site; • Site 47 Kirkhill, Penicuik delivering 21 homes, completion August 2020 • Site 53 Morris Road delivering 79 units – enabling works altering utility supplies commenced – main works planned to follow on June 2020 • Site 110 Clerk Street, Loanhead delivering 28 homes, completion September 2020 • Site 115 Castlelaw Terrace, Bilston delivering 10 homes, completion March 2020.
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