Kerosene Hale's Housewares SHAG RUGS

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Kerosene Hale's Housewares SHAG RUGS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY *1,1MB Average Dally Cirenlgtion Manchester Evening Herald For the Montli of Jaanary, 1948 TlisWaBther ------------------------:------- ------------------------- Foreeaat of f . s: Weather BareaM The Mothers Circle of St. Oemrd A recent arrival at the Naval Lieut. Col. Jar>ea H. McVeigh 9.06.3/ will meet this evening with Mrs. Repair Base, New Orleans, La., who la with Headquarters, Army A ir forces Weatem Flying Train­ Member of the Aailt , Fair and ^ntinued enid toalght About Town John Boyle ol 661 • East Middle John J. Lupacchino, 18, Seaman Beauiifuly Luxurious Tu;-npike. Second Class, is awaiting assign­ ing Oomnoandl at Santa A n*. Hareaa ef OlroolalloBe and Friday; dimlalahlag wlade. ment to further duty at one of the Calif., writes The Herald that he 1 T h « DxecvUv* coimiiiitcp of the .Naval stations in the Eighth Naval has met Herbert McCormick, Mancheiter— A City of Village Charm Jor Luther Longue, at its meet- ^ The SccordlCongiegntional tVo- Hale’s Housewares DIstricL IsipacchlRo entered the form er Manchester resident, now Charm -Tred Ihtt ntfht made plans for • men’S/League will meet tomorroV suternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. sNavy in October, 1944. and had living in San Marino, Caiif. He T O L. L X I Y - NO. lOS (ClaulSed Adveiilttaig ea Pago 10) ^Veipe>’ iervltt at Emanuel Lu- gave Mr. McCormick, well kno\yn MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1945 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CEI heran chuixh, Sunday, Eeb. 4 at Ralph Rockwell of 32 Starkweath­ ms recruit training at Sampson, er street. .New York. He Is the son of Mr. to his friends here as "Blondie." o’clock. Present at the mcctln* ' ! S > - CT« c i r l R ’ inier, Etvor Ander- and Mrs. Anthony Lupacchino, 76 a number of copies of The Herald m, Edith Jonnsoi, Norma John- The Manch'-stor Pipe Band will Florence street. One brother ic in and encloses a letter In which Mr. McCormick expresses his appre­ Where 16 Babies Died in Fire ,11 and Ruth KJellson. Carl Rei- render Scottish selections at the the Army in England. Prior to en­ SHAG RUGS er will be in charge of the ,?c«-v- 186th annlvirsary of the birth of tering the sei-vlce Lupacchino was ciation at receiving news of his Japs Fail to Fight Eir’or Andoraon, the devotions, Robert Burns to be celebrated Fri­ a student at Manchester High former home town. ' Pre-Shrunk — Washable Reds Smash to Oder^/ eand Hcrmati Johnson the topic. A day evening hv Clan Gordon No. school. \ • ' . z' 18, O.S.C., of Hartford, with n con­ j^#ociaI time »'<th refreshments \^ill Mary C. Keeney Tent. Daugh­ * cert and dance pt the Hartford H follow the 3"r\’lce. ters of Veterans of the Civil War, To Hold Subic Bay Club. A number of local Scottish .Mrs. Kllyn ChrLstensen who I'h will meet tomorrow evening at The midweek service of the residents pUn to attend. makes her home in Port Washing­ S. Covenant-Congregational church ton.Ls>ng Island N. Y. has reutrned the Y. M. C. A. Banks Near Kui^ti^in; p^-fiila evening at 7:30 will bo held Merlbah Leach of the word that her son CpL. Howard And Olongapo Base t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roh­ Newington Home for Crippled C.hristen.sen has been aw’Srded the Delta Chapter, Royal Arch Ma­ n ert Wldham, 32 Benton street. Children, will be the guest .speak­ Sliver Star and Cited for gallantry sons, has changed Its meeting er at the meeting of the High­ in action, when he wiped out a night from the first and third land Park School Parent Teiichei German machine sun neat on bee. Wednesdays of the month to the Unblunted Yank Spear-1 Association in the school a.s.aeni- 4. Cpl. Christen.sen entered the first and third Thursday evenings, Rangers Free Reach Edge of City bty hall this evening. Miss Leach Arm y at Manchester on Dec. 8, for the dursClon of the winter. A t heads Roll Clear of | 1942 and left for activ' duty in conducts a speech clinic here in the meeting tomorrow night In Dangerous Bottleneck! LECLERC town each week and will have « France where he is serving with the Masonic Temple the past mas­ 513 Prisoners FUNERAL HOME mes-sage of interest fo# the par­ the 7th Army. He was married ter degree will bis conferred on a Passage Only 28 Miles | Reach Point 39^Mll«ror ' ents. A social period with re- shortly before leaving for over­ class of candidates. 23 Main Street 24” X 48” Size Closer to Berlin as' fre.shnients by Mrs. D. M. Cald­ seas His wife resides at 821 Main From Manila; Devel­ In Daring Raid First Army Drives street. Phone 5269 well and her committee will fol­ The midweek prayer and praise oping Naval Base. Zhukov Masses In­ low. .and it Is hoped a, large num­ meeting of the Church of the IM— ■ ,M I fantry and Tanks to ber of the residents of the com­ The meeting of iJie W om an’! . Nazarene will take place this eve­ SpBciul— Just Received Assisted by Filipino munity will be present. Missionary Sisiiety of Emanuel 34” X 54” Size ..... General MacArthur’s Head-| Within Plain Sight j ning at 7:30 at the church, with Make Quick Smash at Lutheran church will be held to- | quarters, Luzon, Feb. 1.— (/P) j Guerrillas in Emptying the pastor, Rev. Jamee A . Toung A Shipment of 30*4Pieee Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klein- morrow aftenujon at 2 o'clock at , in charge. — Subic bay and its Naval j Camp 25 Miles Be­ Greatest Defenses o f .achmidt have received word from the church. Friday evening at 8 ' For Bedrooms — Living Rooms and Bathrooms repair base of Olongapo, dot­ MacDill F'ield that their son A r­ o'clock the .iofie.y will hold a Val- , hind Japanese Lines. Of Siegfried Line Reich Capital; Nazis We Sell nold M. Klelnschmldt has been pro­ P I tine tea which will be open to Luray Pastel Dishes Extra heavy weight, luxurious shag rugs that will ted with pillboxes but inex­ moted to corporal. Young Klein- all in the congrrgation and friends. plicably abandoned by the Throwing in Reserves. The speaker will b- Stanley Swan- j Oil Burners wear for years and years. Soft pastel colors in blue, General MacArthur'a Headquar­ ,^chmidt Is known to the “Pep Japanese, were back in son of the Kennedy School of Mis- ! maise, green, rose, ecni and peach. Indications Grow Ger­ Boys” at iJ. H. S. as “rke” . He is and American hands today as un­ ters, Luzon, Jan. 31.— (Delayed) Bulletin! training with his crew’ as a turret sions, H anfiird. Mrs. Hilding i Service for 4 — (JP)—Men of Bataan, Corregldor Quick Shift Bolin heads the rofreshment com- blunted Yank spearheads to mans Have Withdrawn London, Feb. I.— gunner for combat duty. Texaco miitee. Furnaces $ 3 * 9 8 the east rolled clear of a danger­ and Singapore—513 of them— seph Stalin announced tff- were snatched froi.i under the Farther Back; Village - $ A Few Still Available. These are sold as sets, we will have open stock Luray ous bottleneck passage only 28 flaming muzzles of Japanese guns - Of American niffht the capture of the Po­ The Public Utilities Oommission later. road miles from Manila. After Village Seizetl. RACKLIFFE OIL CO. last night in an exploit of un­ lish fortress of Torun. • has granted the Silver Lane Bua Taken Without OpposlUon matched daring. Tel. Hartford 9-8191 A REMINDER! Line Company the right to operate Well-fortified Grande island, the Some 400 picked men of the Troops Plan 898 Maple AvewM — Hartford Paris, Feb. 1.— (/P)—The London, Feb. 1.— (IS) — The Crystalite buses in the transportation of “little Corregldor” guarding the Sixth Ranger battalion and Fili­ Russians with their fast- When You Need More school children under bus markers (MONEY! entrance to Subic bay, was taken pino guerrlllaa made a commando American First Army ad­ instead of school markers. The SAVE] tUELI USE Metal without opposition Tuesday by raid 25 milea behind Japanese vanced within plain sight of Annies Will Leave Bulk paced tanks and infantry company transports children under f HiAT! Eighjth Arm y troops. Units of the lines to empty a prison camp and Here are the gutted ruins of a baby boarding homo at Auburn, Me., where 16 babies and one the strangely silent Siegfried have smashed to the banks of - INSURANCE U . S. Seventh fleet then steamed O f Equipment in Eu­ a contract with the local Board of partially fulfill one of the Philip­ woman were burned or suffocated to death. (AP wlrepholo). line on a broad front toda.v the Oder northwest of Kus- Fire • Theft • Aatontobile Education, to Hollister street, Wmdow Into Subic ‘ bay. pines objectives closest to Gen. Other elements of Lieut. Gen. amid growing indications rope When Transfer trin at a point about 39 miles or Furniture Buckland and Manchester Green Douglas Mac Arthur’s heart. schools. The request was made BROWN'S Ventflators Robert Elchelberger's Eighth Take Guards by Surprise that the German's had with­ Made to Paei^c Area. or closer from Berlin, th o Kerosene merely as a matter of convenience Army moved by road along the They took Japanese guards by drawn farther back. Over­ German high command an­ CALL 2 SIZES inner rim of Subic bay to capture and In the Interests of time saving. InstefiHy rewevee seel frem New! Fine Quality surprise and rescued 486 Ameri­ Fight on Labor Relations Law night advances generally nounced today.
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