ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 08/14 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 343 - Oktober 2014 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, Rückschau des 10. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestivals hat liebe Filmfreunde! leider noch nicht gereicht. Aber vielleicht nimmt sich ja unsere Kolumnistin Anna in einer ihrer nächsten Kolumnen dieser Es war nicht nur die anstrengendste, sondern gleich- Thematik an. In der vorliegenden Ausgabe jedoch pausiert die zeitig auch die schönste Zeit des Jahres. Erst zwölf Journalistin, um sich beruflich neu zu orientieren. Wir drücken Tage lang Fantasy Filmfest satt, kurze Zeit danach ihr sämtliche Daumen, dass es klappt! Und damit wünschen 70mm satt! Und damit der Erschöpfungszustand auch wir viel Spaß mit unserer 100 Seiten starken Ausgabe des wirklich ein Maximum erreicht, versorgten uns die Film- Newsletters. verleiher die ganze Zeit über noch zusätzlich mit einer ganzen Armada an Pressevorführungen. Das waren Ihr Laser Hotline Team dann wirklich ein paar knallharte Wochen. Zusammengefasst: Film satt – let’s do it again! Natür- lich haben wir von unseren Ausflügen auch Einiges mitgebracht. So lesen Sie ab Seite 3, was uns in den Pressevorführungen vorgesetzt wurde. Und ab Seite 18 erfahren Sie, welche Filme sich unser Film-Blogger Wolfram Hannemann während des Fantasy Filmfests in Stuttgart zu Gemüte führte. Passend zum Fantasy Film- fest gibt es auf unserem Youtube-Kanal zwei neue Vi- deos. Das erste ist bereits online und stellt die beiden Filmemacher Stuart Ortiz und Colin Minihan vor, die besser bekannt sind unter dem Namen “The Vicious Brothers”. Die beiden kamen extra nach Stutgart, um ihren Sci-Fi-Thriller EXTRATERRESTRIAL auf dem Fantasy Filmfest vorzustellen. Das zweite Video zum Fantasy Filmfest befindet sich noch in Arbeit. Hierfür stand uns der deutsche Regisseur Daniel Stamm Rede und Antwort. Daniel wurde bekannt durch seinen Film THE LAST EXORCISM und stellte seinen neuen Film Daniel Stamm 13 SINS in Stuttgart vor. Also: stay tuned! Zu einer

Colin Minihan und Stuart Ortiz - „The Vicious Brothers“ beim Interview in Stuttgart

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 02. September 2014 Kleid der Prinzessin und man ahnt (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Wikinger, Deutschland und der kleine schon früh, dass diese Lady nicht nur OT: Les Vacances Du Petit Nicolas Nick mit der Armbrust hervorragend umzu- Verleih: Wild Bunch (Central) Die neue Pressewoche wurde gleich mit gehen weiß, sondern sich auch noch Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2014 einem Dreierpack eingeläutet zum Anführer der Wikinger hingezogen Regie: Laurent Tirard fühlt. Fehlt noch etwas? Richtig: ein Darsteller: Mathéo Boisselier, Valérie NORTHMEN – A VIKING SAGA asiatischem Kampfsport frönender Lemercier, Kad Merad (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Mönch! Freilich – Claudio Fähs Film Kinostart: 02.10.2014 OT: Northmen – A Viking Saga möchte sich nicht als Geschichtsstun- Verleih: Ascot Elite (Paramount) de verstanden wissen, sondern einfach Ferienzeit – Urlaubszeit! Der kleine Land/Jahr: Schweiz, Deutschland, Süd- nur den Abenteurerinstinkt im Zu- Nick darf zusammen mit seinen Eltern afrika 2014 schauer bedienen. Bei weniger an- sowie der Großmutter im Auto ans Regie: Claudio Fäh spruchsvollen Zuschauern wird ihm Meer fahren und lernt neue Spielkame- Darsteller: Tom Hopper, Ryan Kwanten, das auch vortrefflich gelingen. raden kennen – und verliebt sich in ein Charlie Murphy, Ken Duken Mädchen! Vor genau vier Jahren durf- Kinostart: 23.10.2014 PLANET DEUTSCHLAND – 300 MIL- ten deutsche Kinozuschauer die ver- LIONEN JAHRE (1:1.85, 5.1) gnüglichen Schulabenteuer des kleinen Eine kleine Gruppe in Ungnade gefalle- Verleih: Polyband (24 Bilder) Nicks zum ersten Mal erleben. Die von ner Wikinger erleidet Schiffbruch an Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Rene Goscinny und Jean-Jacques der schottischen Küste und nehmen Regie: Stefan Schneider Sempe ersonnen Geschichten, angesie- die Tochter des schottischen Königs Kinostart: 02.10.2014 delt in den sechziger Jahren in Frank- zur Geisel. Mit dem Lösegeld wollen sie reich, begeisterten aufgrund ihres un- sich aus ihrer Verbannung freizukau- Nachdem Deutschland inzwischen hin- widerstehlichen Charmes, dem perfek- fen. Doch König Dunchaid hetzt sein länglich von oben betrachtet wurde, ten Zeitkolorit sowie der hervorragen- “Wolfsrudel”, ein äußerst brutales beschreitet das Team um Regisseur den Besetzung. Kein Wunder also, Söldnerheer, auf die Wikinger. Für die Stefan Schneider neue Wege und be- dass die Erwartungen an die Fortset- Nordmänner beginnt ein Kampf auf trachtet Deutschland auf der Zeit- zung des KLEINEN NICK entspre- Leben und Tod... Wenn man sich achse. Mit allerlei Computertricks und chend hoch waren – vermutlich viel zu Claudio Fähs Film anschaut, wird man pseudodokumentarischen Spielszenen hoch. Der von Laurent Tirard inszenier- einfach nicht das Gefühl los, dass hier wird damit der Zeitraum von 300 Millio- te Fortsetzungsfilm ist dabei eigentlich die bösen Orks Frodo und seine Ge- nen Jahren in 93 Minuten Kinozeit gar kein richtiger Fortsetzungsfilm, fährten jagt. In Wirklichkeit ist es na- gepresst. Viel von dem für diese Zwek- sondern vielmehr eine weitere Episode türlich das königliche Söldnerheer, das ke verwendeten, teilweise recht impo- aus dem Leben des kleinen Schülers. hinter einer Gruppe von Wikingern her- santen Bildmaterial stammt aus Archi- Auch dieses Mal stimmen wieder die jagt. Dass man dies gerne verwechselt, ven und wurde nicht speziell für diesen Dekors und auch die Besetzung. Wie- kommt nicht von ungefähr. Denn die Film produziert. Die Auswahl erscheint der verzaubert ein gelungener Titelvor- Art und Weise der Inszenierung ist dabei mehrt zufällig denn dramatur- spann, der Urlaubspostkarten in herrli- ganz offensichtlich von Peter Jacksons gisch sinnvoll. So gibt es beispielswei- chen Farben präsentiert. Alles ist wirk- HERR DER RINGE Verfilmung inspi- se immer wieder Einschübe, in der ge- lich liebevoll gemacht, dennoch will der riert worden. Da fliegt die Kamera genwärtige Tierarten in ihrer freien Film einfach nicht richtig zünden. Das schwerelos über die zerklüftete, steini- Wildbahn beobachtet werden, die aber dürfte an den vielen kleinen Geschich- ge Landschaft und hinweg über die zu keinen Bezug zur Evolution haben. Das ten in der Geschichte liegen, die ein- Fuß fliehenden Wikinger, während das wirkt dann fast so, als wäre man im fal- fach ziemlich lieblos fallengelassen aus den Karpaten stammende Söldner- schen Film. Es gibt auch ein paar wirk- werden, um Platz für neue Episödchen heer hoch zu Ross und von einem bru- lich grauenvolle visuelle Effekte (z.B. zu machen. So wirkt der Running Gag talen Sounddesign begleitet die Jagd die gezeigten Dinosaurier), die man mit Schulhausmeister “Hühnerbrüh” im aufnimmt. Die Ähnlichkeiten dürften besser nicht in den Film hätte integrie- Endeffekt unvollendet, ebenso wie der auch nicht sonderlich bewanderten ren sollen. Zu guter Letzt soll die sinfo- begonnene Urlaubsflirt des Vaters mit Kinogängern sofort auffallen. Wann nische Filmmusik von Markus Lehn- einer Schweizerin (diese Nationalität immer es zu Kämpfen zwischen den mann-Horn die vielen Zeitsprünge zu- hat die Dame zumindest in der deut- Gruppen kommt, sorgt der flotte sammenhalten und erweist sich damit schen Synchronfassung). Der Urlaubs- Schnitt für einen gewissen Adrenalin- mehr als Klangteppich denn als drama- flirt von Frau Mama hingegen wird so schub und die Kamera hält genüsslich turgisches Mittel. PLANET DEUTSCH- breit ausgetreten, dass er schon wieder auf die inzwischen genre-üblichen Bru- LAND ist mehr Sonntagabend-TV-Kost zu langweilen beginnt. Am Ende sind talitäten. Hier regiert das Schwert! Der denn Kinoerlebnis. es die vielen unvollendeten einzige Farbtupfer in dem sonst Geschichtchen, die DER KLEINE NICK farbreduzierten Ambiente ist das rote DER KLEINE NICK MACHT FERIEN MACHT FERIEN zu einer kleinen Ent-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog täuschung werden lassen. Zumindest auch schon wieder vergessen. Nicht von Haneke für die Kenner des ersten Kinofilms. vergessen hingegen hat man dann das Gefühl, recht kurzweilig unterhalten BORGMAN (1:2.35, 5.1) Donnerstag, 04. September 2014 worden zu sein. OT: Borgman Ein geschiedenes Paar und Verleih: Pandastorm (Neue Visionen) hemmungsloser Sex SCHOßGEBETE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Land/Jahr: Niederlande, Belgien, Däne- Eine französische Komödie mit briti- Verleih: Constantin mark 2013 scher Besetzung und eine neue Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Regie: Alex van Warmerdam Skandalverfilmung bildeten das heutige Regie: Sönke Wortmann Darsteller: Jan Bijvoet, Hadewych Double Feature Darsteller: Lavinia Wilson, Jürgen Vo- Minis, Jeroen Perceval gel, Juliane Köhler Kinostart: 02.10.2014 WIE IN ALTEN ZEITEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Kinostart: 18.09.2014 OT: Love Punch Ohne das Wissen ihres Mannes ge- Verleih: SquareOne/Universum Seit dem tödlichen Unfall fast ihrer währt Marina dem Landstreicher Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 ganzen Familie ist Elisabeth schwer Borgman Unterschlupf in der Villa ihrer Regie: Joel Hopkins traumatisiert und hat mehr Spleens ent- Familie. Der Unbekannte gewinnt im Darsteller: , Emma wickelt, als andere Frauen Schuhe ha- Laufe der Zeit immer größeren Einfluss Thompson, Timothy Spall ben. Zwar ist sie mit Georg glücklich auf die Frau und auch auf ihre drei Kin- Kinostart: 16.10.2014 verheiratet, der gemeinsam mit ihr ihre der. Kurze Zeit darauf verschwindet der uneheliche Tochter erzieht, doch sie Gärtner auf mysteriöse Weise und Eigentlich wollte der glücklich geschie- muss täglich auf die Therapiecouch, Borgman nimmt eine neue Identität an, dene Richard endlich seinen wohlver- auf der sie ihrer Therapeutin ihr gesam- um sich als neuer Gärtner voll in die dienten Ruhestand beginnen. Doch tes Intimleben offenbart. Nur eines Familie zu integrieren. Das allerdings sein Boss hat aufgrund eines Betrugs macht Elisabeth noch richtig Freude: ist erst der Anfang seines höchst perfi- Pleite gemacht und so ist die Rente für hemmungsloser Sex... Nach FEUCHT- den Plans... Gleich zu Beginn des Films sich und seine Ex-Frau Kate verloren. GEBIETE jetzt also die nächste Verfil- sehen wir, wie sich drei Männer offen- Damit sie wieder an ihr Geld herankom- mung eines Bestsellers von Charlotte sichtlich auf die Jagd vorbereiten. Dass men, müssen sich die geschiedenen Roche. Die Zutaten sind dabei wieder einer von ihnen ein Priester ist, der Eheleute wohl oder übel wieder zusam- dieselben: Sex, Sex und Sex. Da darf sich dann auch noch ganz entschlos- menraufen. Gemeinsam machen sie sich sich dann das sensationslüsterne Herz sen mit einem Gewehr bewaffnet, macht auf den Weg nach Cannes, wo sie dem des Zuschauers an einem flotten Dreier stutzig. Gemeinsam marschieren sie Betrüger auf den Leib rücken wollen... oder beim Dildokauf im Sex-Shop (für wortlos in den Wald und suchen nach Es ist schon erstaunlich, aber Pierce Ihn, nicht für Sie!) erfreuen. Dazwi- einem Erdloch. Darin haust ein Brosnan hat bis heute nicht seinen schen gibt es dann noch jeden Menge Mensch, der jedoch in letzter Sekunde James-Bond-Charme verlernt. Das liegt Möglichkeiten, sehr Intimes bei der wohl daran, dass sich der Gute er- Psychologin auszuplaudern. Und wem staunlich gut gehalten hat, auch wenn die offenherzigen Monologe der Prot- er in diesem Film einen Kerl mimt, dem agonistin einfach zu wenig sind, für das Alter zunehmend zu schaffen den gibt’s dann sozusagen als Gratis- macht. Gleiches gilt natürlich auch für zugabe noch ein Rudel Würmer, die Emma Thompson, der hier leider in der mittels Klebeband vom Anus gezogen deutschen Fassung eine recht unglück- werden. Das ist alles dann irgendwie liche Synchronstimme gegönnt wurde. ekelig und peinlich, auch wenn es an Zusammen geben die beiden Briten auf der Inszenierung nichts zu meckern jeden Fall ein sehr ansehnliches Paar gibt. Es ist dann allerdings auch ir- ab und man merkt richtig, dass den gendwie langweilig. Darstellerisch be- beiden der Dreh offensichtlich viel eindruckt vor allem Jürgen Vogel, da er Spaß gemacht hat. Was den Film selbst entgegen seinen sonstigen, oft zwie- angeht, so hat man schon weitaus bes- lichtigen und aggressiven Rollen ex- sere Komödien gesehen. Wenn es um trem zurückhaltend und bescheiden Diamantenklau an der französischen agiert. Riviera geht, fällt einem sofort DER ROSAROTE PANTHER dazu ein. Des- Freitag, 05. September 2014 sen Qualitäten erreicht Joel Hopkins Das Böse ist alltäglich Film natürlich bei Weitem nicht. Ganz Der Holländer Alex von Warmerdam im Gegenteil: ist WIE IN ALTEN ZEI- wandelte in der letzten Pressevor- TEN zu Ende, hat man ihn vermutlich führung der Woche auf den Spuren

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog fliehen kann. Auf seiner Flucht warnt er entkommen. Als er Jahre später erfährt, Verbündete, die ebenfalls in Erdlöchern dass seine Zwillingstöchter noch am hausen. Später erfahren wir, dass es Leben sind, beginnt er mit großer Be- genau diese Menschen sind, die immer sessenheit nach ihnen zu suchen... Bis größeren Einfluss auf die van Schendel heute wird der Völkermord der Armeni- Familie hat. Der Schluss liegt nahe, er durch die Türken von der Türkei dass wir es hier nicht mit Menschen, dementiert. Jetzt hat sich Regisseur sondern vielmehr mit Zauberern und Fatih Akin des Themas angenommen Hexen in Menschengestalt zu tun ha- und es in einen epischen Spielfilm ver- ben. Regisseur und Drehbuchautor arbeitet. Er zeigt die Odyssee des arme- Alex van Warmerdam, bekannt für ziem- nischen Schmieds Nazaret, dessen Su- lich skurrile und schwarzhumorige Fil- che nach seinen beiden Töchtern ihn me, will uns hiermit zeigen, dass das am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts um die Böse etwas ganz Alltägliches ist, das in ganze Welt reisen lässt. Dabei schert ganz normalen Männern und Frauen sein Drehbuch nicht etwa alle Personen verkörpert ist, die ihren Aufgaben mit über einen Kamm, sondern zeigt deut- Stolz und Vergnügen sowie einer skru- lich, dass es auf beiden Seiten, also pellosen Gründlichkeit nachgehen. Sein den Türken und den Armeniern, sowohl Film ist dabei dieses Mal alles andere gute wie auch schlechte Menschen als lustig. Skurril ja, aber nicht lustig. gibt. Kameramann Rainer Klausmann Er erinnert in seiner liefert teilweise beeindruckende Kompromisslosigkeit am ehesten an die Landschaftspanoramen, die jedoch nie Filme des Österreichers Michael an die Qualitäten eines Freddie Young Haneke. Und er lässt seien Zuschauer und dessen Arbeiten für Lean zen Komödie THE GUARD entpuppt schon sehr früh ahnen, dass das alles heranreichen. Tahar Rahim in der Rolle sich AM SONNTAG BIST DU TOT als kein gutes Ende nehmen wird. Durch des überwiegend stummen Nazaret ein bitterböses Drama, das Massiv den fast vollkommenen Verzicht auf wirkt etwas unterfordert, wodurch man Front macht gegen die katholische Kir- Filmmusik erreicht van Warmerdam eine als Zuschauer sein Schicksal nur aus che, insbesondere jene in Irland. sehr authentische, dokumentarische der Distanz wahrnehmen kann. Brendan Gleeson spielt den unorthodo- Grundstimmung. Da stören allerdings xen Todeskandidaten sehr souverän, die zwei oder drei Szenen, in denen es Dienstag, 09. September 2014 einen Priester mit Vergangenheit, der ganz kurz auch Filmmusik gibt. Deren Von Priestern und Erinnerungshütern eine Tochter hat, Menschen Waffen Dramaturgie erschließt sich leider nicht Filme im Doppelpack – Business as besorgt und auch sonst alles andere wirklich. usual. als erzkatholisch ist. Auch die anderen Figuren in diesem perfiden Spiel sind Montag, 08. September 2014 AM SONNTAG BIST DU TOT (1:2.35, äußerst sorgfältig ausgewählt und er- Eine Odyssee DD 5.1) wecken durch die Überzeichnungen Zum Auftakt der Pressewoche gab es OT: Calvary ihrer Charaktere oft den Eindruck einer einen Film, dessen Thema auch Teil Verleih: Ascot Elite (24 Bilder) schwarzen Komödie. Doch die Lacher meiner Familienchronik ist Land/Jahr: Irland 2014 bleiben einem meist im Halse stecken. Regie: John Michael McDonagh McDonagh hat seinen Film vor gran- THE CUT (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1) dioser irischer Kulisse inszeniert, die Verleih: Pandora Darsteller: Brendan Gleeson, Chris hin und wieder Erinnerungen an David Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Frankreich, O’Dowd, Kelly Reilly Leans RYANS TOCHTER aufkommen Polen 2014 Kinostart: 23.10.2014 lassen. Regie: Fatih Akin Darsteller: Tahar Rahim, Simon Ein irischer Dorfpriester erhält im HÜTER DER ERINNERUNG – THE Abkarian, Makram Khoury Beichtstuhl eine Morddrohung: stell- GIVER (1:2.35, 5.1) Kinostart: 16.10.2014 vertretend für alles, was die katholi- OT: The Giver sche Kirche dem Beichtenden angetan Verleih: Studiocanal Im Jahre 1915 wird der armenische hat, soll James Lavelle am nächsten Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Schmied Nazaret von seiner Familie Sonntag sterben. Dem Priester bleibt Regie: getrennt und zusammen mit den ande- noch eine Woche, um sein Haus in Ord- Darsteller: Jeff Bridges, , ren armenischen Männern seines Dor- nung zu bringen... Wieder sind Regis- Brenton Thwaites, Alexander fes von der türkischen Gendarmerie seur John Michael McDonagh und Skarsgård, Katie Holmes, Odeya Rush, zusammengetrieben und versklavt. Nur Hauptdarsteller Brendan Gleeson ver- Taylor Swift knapp kann Nazaret dem Völkermord eint. Doch im Gegensatz zu der schwar- Kinostart: 02.10.2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Ein Film liegt im Koma Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Großbritanni- Eigentlich ist die Welt, in der der 16jäh- Nicht jeder Film kann ein Meisterwerk en 2014 rige Jonas lebt, eine ideale Welt: Kriege sein... Regie: Christian Ditter und Gewalt gibt es nicht und alle sind Darsteller: Lily Collins, Sam Claflin, gleich. Die Kehrseite dieser Gesell- WENN ICH BLEIBE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Jaime Winstone schaftsform: es gibt keine Liebe. Kin- OT: If I Stay Kinostart: 30.10.2014 der werden künstlich erzeugt, Berufe Verleih: Warner werden staatlich zugewiesen. Jonas Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Rosie und Alex sind Freunde fürs Le- wird vom Ältestenrat zum neuen “Hüter Regie: R. J. Cutler ben von Kindesbeinen an. Und sie sind der Erinnerungen” ernannt. Fortan Darsteller: Chloe Grace Moretz, Mireille eigentlich füreinander bestimmt. Ge- lehrt ihm der amtierende Hüter das ge- Enos, Joshua Leonard meinsam wollen sie in Boston studie- samte Wissen der Menschheit. Dies Kinostart: 18.09.2014 ren. Doch das Schicksal meint es an- soll ihn dazu ermächtigen, den Älte- ders mit den beiden: Rosie wird unfrei- stenrat vor Fehlentscheidungen zu Ihre Liebe zur Musik verbindet sie: willig schwanger, was sie Alex ver- bewahren. Doch je mehr Jonas von der Mia, talentierte Cellistin, und Alan, schweigt. Der muss nun alleine nach wirklichen Welt kennenlernt, desto kla- Leadsänger einer lokalen Rockband, Boston gehen, ihre Wege trennen sich. rer wird ihm, dass die Gesellschafts- stehen erst am Anfang ihrer großen Vorerst jedenfalls... Der nach einem form, in der er lebt, ein Gefängnis ist Liebe. Erste Wolken ziehen am Horizont Roman von Juliette Towhidi inszenierte und sie auf Lügen und Verbrechen ba- auf, als sich Mia zwischen Alan und Film erweist sich als perfektes Date siert. Und noch niemandem ist es bis- einem Musikstudium an der Juilliard Movie. Dass diese Romanze zwischen her gelungen, dieses Gefängnis zu ver- School entscheiden soll. Und dann zwei besten Freunden funktioniert, lassen... FLUCHT INS 23. JAHRHUN- schlägt das Schicksal mit aller Härte zu: liegt vor allem an den sympathischen DERT lässt schön grüßen! Wer den nach einem Unfall liegt Mias Körper im Hauptdarstellern. Lily Collins als Rosie Film von Michael Anderson aus den Koma, ihre Seele wandelt unsichtbar und Sam Claflin als Alex lassen den 1970er Jahren kennt, der wird sich bei durch das Krankenhaus. Während Zuschauer teilhaben an dem Auf und Phillip Noyces THE GIVER ziemlich Mias Körper ums Überleben kämpft, Ab ihrer Freundschaft, die zur Liebe langweilen. Doch alternative Gesell- reflektiert ihre Seele ihr bisheriges Le- wird. Dass es ein Happy End gibt steht schaftsformen haben seit DIE TRIBU- ben... Genau wie Mia so liegt leider dabei außer Frage. Wie es dazu kommt, TE VON PANEM wieder Hochkonjunk- auch der gesamte Film im Koma. Eine hat Regisseur Christian Ditter mit viel tur im Kino und so ist es kein Wunder, äußerst zähe Inszenierung suggeriert, Witz und Gefühl inszeniert. dass jetzt auch Lois Lowrys Roman für dass es sich hier um die Verfilmung die Leinwand umgesetzt wurde. Eine einer in die Länge gezogenen Kurzge- DAS SALZ DER ERDE (1:1.85, 5.1) durch staatlich verordnete Drogen- schichte handeln könnte. Den Darstel- OT: The Salt Of The Earth einnahme nicht mehr zur Selbst- lern gelingt es nicht, eine Verbindung Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) reflexion fähige Gesellschaft ist freilich mit dem Publikum aufzubauen – man Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Brasilien 2014 ein interessantes Thema, dessen Um- leidet weder mit den beiden Musikern Regie: Wim Wenders, Juliano Ribeiro setzung in einen Film durchaus span- noch freut man sich mit ihnen. Als letz- Salgado nend sein könnte. Doch spannend ist tes Mittel drückt Regisseur R.J. Cutler Darsteller: Sebastião Salgado hier eigentlich gar nichts. Zudem fehlt im letzten Drittel des Films noch kräftig Kinostart: 30.10.2014 es den Charakteren an Tiefe, sie wirken auf die Tränendrüse, um wenigstens wie Comicfiguren. Alleine Jeff Bridges noch ein paar Emotionen beim Publi- Schon immer war Deutschlands großer in der Rolle des Hüters der Erinnerung kum, das er zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits Filmemacher Wim Wenders begeisterter hat noch so etwas wie Charisma zu verloren haben dürfte, zu generieren. Fan der Schwarzweiß-Fotografien des bieten. Gelungen indes ist die Zudem lässt die Tonspur des Films Brasilianers Sebastião Salgado. Im Mit- Farbdramaturgie des Films. Bei dem in zumindest in der Originalfassung zu telpunkt seiner Bilder stehen immer Schwarzweiß gehaltenen Film gibt es wünschen übrig: den Musikaufnahmen Menschen, das “Salz der Erde”. Jetzt Farbe nur dann, wenn die enge, künst- fehlt die Dynamik. hat Wenders eine Dokumentation über liche Umgebung verlassen wird und den berühmten brasilianischen Foto- Jonas die wirkliche Welt kennenlernt. Donnerstag, 11. September 2014 grafen realisiert und konnte für sein Übrigens ist THE GIVER nach Luc Romanze und Fotografien Projekt dessen Sohn Juliano Ribeiro als Bessons LUCY der bereits zweite Film, Erst ein schöner Liebesfilm, danach Co-Regisseur gewinnen. Eindrucksvoll der auf Bildmaterial aus BARAKA und traurige Realität. werden die besonders prägenden Le- SAMSARA zurückgreift. bensabschnitte Sebastião Salgados LOVE, ROSIE – FÜR IMMER VIEL- anhand der Fotografien aus seinen Mittwoch, 10. September 2014 LEICHT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Bildbänden präsentiert und der OT: Love, Rosie Meisterfotograf selbst kommentiert die Verleih: Constantin Bilder. Alle Krisenherde dieser Welt hat

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Salgado in Bildern festgehalten. Bilder, Montag, 15. September 2014 Land/Jahr: USA 2014 die oft das grausame Schicksal von Zwei Sängerinnen und ein Grantler Regie: Rob Reiner Menschen in erschütternder Weise Die neue Pressewoche begann mal wie- Darsteller: Michael Douglas, Diane zeigen, Bilder, die unter die Haut ge- der mit einem Wechselbad der Gefühle Keaton, Sterling Jerins hen. Auch die Geschichten, die Kinostart: 06.11.2014 Salgado zu den Bildern zu erzählen AUF DAS LEBEN! (1:1.85, 5.1) weiß, sind tief bewegend. Verleih: Camino Der verwittwete Immobilienmakler Oren Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Little versteht es aufs Vorzüglichste, Freitag, 12. September 2014 Regie: Uwe Janson sich jedermann zum Feind zu machen. Fäkalhumor satt Darsteller: Hannelore Elsner, Sharon Als er jedoch über nacht plötzlich zum Kein besonders appetitanregender Brauner, Max Riemelt Opa wird, weil er die ihm bis dahin voll- Ausklang der Pressewoche Kinostart: 27.11.2014 kommen unbekannte 10jährige Tochter seines Sohnes in Obhut nehmen muss, SEX ON THE BEACH 2 (1:2.35, 5.1) Der vor Problemen geflohene und in beginnt seine rauhe Schale zu schmel- OT: The Inbetweeners Movie 2 als Umzugshelfer jobbende zen. Mehr noch: seine Nachbarin Leah, Verleih: SquareOne/Universum (Walt Jonas rettet den einstigen Gesangsstar eine Sängerin und ebenfalls verwittwet, Disney) Ruth Weintraub in letzter Sekunde vor bringt seine Hormone in Wallung... Es Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2014 dem Selbstmord. Während sie sich in ist nicht weiter verwunderlich, dass Regie: Damon Beesley, Iain Morris einer Klinik einer Gruppentherapie un- Rob Reiners neuer Film Erinnerungen terzieht, findet er in ihrer Wohnung alte an BESSER GEHT’S NICHT mit Jack Darsteller: Simon Bird, James Buckley, Filmrollen und einen Projektor. Durch Nicholson hervorruft: beide Drehbü- Blake Harrison die Filme erfährt Jonas von Ruths gro- cher stammen vom selben Autor, Mark Kinostart: 30.10.2014 ßer Liebe zu Victor, einem Film- Andrus. Jetzt ist es Michael Douglas, studenten, der 1972 ein Filmporträt von der den “Grumpy Old Man” spielt und Eigentlich sollten es Will, Simon und ihr anfertigt und Jonas auf verblüffen- der erst im Laufe des Films seinen wei- Neil besser wissen, doch die schlüpfri- de Weise ähnlich sieht. Er beschließt, chen Kern offenbart. Die vollkommen gen Geschichten von Aufschneider Jay, Ruth zu helfen... Dass die Chemie zwi- unspektakuläre Geschichte wird extrem der ein Auslandsjahr in Australien ver- schen Hannelore Elsner und Max ruhig erzählt und verlässt sich dabei bringt, klingen einfach zu geil als dass Riemelt einfach nicht stimmt, könnte voll und ganz auf seine Protagonisten, sie nicht wahr sein könnten. “Also man durchaus noch verschmerzen. Man wodurch sie sich wohltuend vom hek- nichts wie hin!” denkt sich das kann hier einfach nicht nachvollziehen, tisch erzählten Hollywood-Kino ab- Studentenrudel – und schon ist die was der junge Mann an der alten Dame hebt. Dass es aber nach wie vor Holly- Clique “Down Under” auf der Suche findet. Was den Film dann aber völlig wood-Kino ist, beweist der Film mit nach dem “Ersten Mal”. Und tappt von ruiniert, das sind die vielen kleinen seinem Happy End, das bis zum Exzess einem Fettnäpfchen ins nächste. Der Drehbuchausrutscher, etwa wenn vorgeführt wird, anstatt es schon zu vom Regiegespann Damon Beesley und Jonas die suizidgefährdete Ruth heim- einem früheren Zeitpunkt mit einem Iain Morris inszenierte Film ist bereits lich aus der geschlossenen Anstalt durchaus versöhnlichen, aber dennoch der zweite Kinofilm, der auf der erfolg- holt. Oder wenn später dann der Psy- offenen Ende abzuschließen. reichen britischen TV-Serie THE chologe selbst an Ruths Tür klopft und INBETWEENERS basiert. Auch jetzt sie zu einem Anstaltskonzert einlädt, Dienstag, 16. September 2014 geht es wieder um die vier Jungs, die bei dem sie der Star ist. Oh Gott – was Belgien sehen und sterben unermüdlich versuchen, ihre Pubertät ist das nur für ein Psychologe! Fernab Das erste Screening heute hat es be- endlich an den Nagel zu hängen – und jeglicher Realität wird hier eine Story wiesen: es gibt sie noch, die guten das im fortgeschrittenen Alter. Das konstruiert, die dem Publikum als deutschen Filme. Studentenquartett lässt dabei selbst- glaubwürdig verkauft werden soll. verständlich keine Möglichkeit aus, Wenn sich Jonas dann am Ende sogar HIN UND WEG (1:2.35, 5.1) sich in Anzüglichkeiten jeglicher Art als von Multipler Sklerose befallener Verleih: Majestic (Fox) sowie Fäkalhumor bis zur Kotzgrenze Patient entpuppt, der vor lauter Mitleid Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 zu verirren. Echter Humor blitzt hier für seine Verlobte diese verlassen hat, Regie: Christian Zübert leider nur ganz punktuell auf und fällt um ihr sein Leid zu ersparen, dann fällt Darsteller: Florian David Fitz, Julia damit nicht ins Gewicht. Somit emp- einem nichts mehr dazu ein. Fazit: TV- Koschitz, Jürgen Vogel fiehlt sich SEX ON THE BEACH 2 ein- Unterhaltung auf dem Tiefpunkt. Kinostart: 23.10.2014 mal mehr nur für infantile Menschen, die meinen, dass man selbst noch aus DAS GRENZT AN LIEBE (1:2.35, DD Einmal im Jahr bricht die Clique um einem Stuhlgang einen Gag zaubern 5.1) Hannes und Kiki zu einer ausgedehn- kann. Unterhaltung geht anders. OT: And So It Goes ten Fahrradtour auf. Ihr neues Ziel lau- Verleih: Senator tet Belgien. Doch dieses Mal ist etwas

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Verleih: Concorde Regie: Giulio Ricciarelli Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Darsteller: Alexander Fehling, André Regie: John Turturro Szymanski, Friederike Becht Darsteller: John Turturro, Woody Al- Kinostart: 06.11.2014 len, Vanessa Paradis, Sharon Stone Kinostart: 06.11.2014 1958. Der äußerst korrekte Johann Radmann darf sich als Staats- Um endlich die Geldsorgen zu überwin- anwalt bislang nur um Verkehrsdelikte den, schlägt der alte Murray seinem kümmern. Als ihm jedoch von dem Freund Fioravante vor, sich als Gigolo Journalist Thomas Gnielka die Informa- zu versuchen. Als dessen anfängliche tion zugespielt wird, dass an einer örtli- Ressentiments überwunden sind, arran- chen Schule ein ehemaliger SS-Offizier giert Murray einen ersten Termin: Fio als Lehrer arbeitet, wird er hellhörig soll Murrays Hautärztin Dr. Parker be- und beginnt mit Recherchen. Bald glücken, sozusagen als Vorgeschmack schon merkt er, dass er erst ganz am auf eine Menage-a-Trois, die Parker Anfang eines Geflechts aus Lügen, gerne einfädeln möchte. Schon bald ist Verleugnung und Verklärung steht und Fio ein gefragter Mann und Murray selbst seine direkten Vorgesetzten mau- kassiert kräftig ab. Doch in der jüdisch- ern. Nur Generalstaatsanwalt Fritz Bau- orthodoxen Umgebung in er unterstützt den jungen Radmann und betrachtet man die seltsamen Aktivitä- überträgt ihm sogar die Leitung der ten mit Besorgnis... Wüsste man es Ermittlungen, innerhalb derer Radmann nicht besser, so könnte man glatt auf mit dem dunkelsten Kapitel der deut- anders: erst während der Tour eröffnet die Idee kommen, dass es sich bei schen Geschichte konfrontiert wird: Hannes seiner Clique, dass er an ALS PLÖTZLICH GIGOLO um einen Auschwitz. - Basierend auf tatsächli- leidet und sich für Sterbehilfe in Film handelt. Sowohl die chen Ereignissen inszenierte Giulio Oostende entschlossen hat. Hin- und Bild- als auch Tongestaltung (hier ins- Ricciarelli diesen äußerst spannend hergerissen zwischen ihren Gefühlen besondere die Musikauswahl) sind erzählten Polit-Thriller. Mit viel Liebe wird die Radtour für alle Beteiligten zu ganz offensichtlich durch Woodys Fil- zum Detail lässt er die Jahre des deut- einer großen Bewährungsprobe... Für me inspiriert, so dass John Turturros schen Wirtschaftswunders Ende der seinen Road-Trip auf dem Fahrrad hat Film durchaus als eine Hommage an 1950er-Jahre perfekt auferstehen. Ko- Regisseur Christian Zübert ein hand- den großen Filmemacher verstanden stüme, Dekorationen, Ausstattung – verlesenes Ensemble zusammengestellt. werden darf. Sozusagen als Sahne- hier passt alles. Martin Langer und Ob Florian David Fitz als Todeskandi- häubchen hat Turturro die Rolle des Roman Osin schaffen im Farbton redu- dat, Julia Koschitz als dessen Freundin jüdischen Zuhälters Murray seinem zierte CinemaScope-Bilder, die fesseln. Kiki, Jürgen Vogel als Frauenheld Mi- Kollegen Woody Allen auf den Leib Fesselnd auch die Darsteller. Ob Alex- chael oder Victoria Mayer und Johan- geschrieben und der hat großen Spaß ander Fehling als der Grünschnabel nes Allmayer als Paar mit Sex-Proble- dabei, diesen nach Herzenslust in sei- unter den Staatsanwälten oder Gert men – sie alle liefern fabelhafte ner unvergleichlichen Art und Weise zu Voss als Generalstaatsanwalt Fritz Bau- Performances jenseits von Kitsch und spielen. Leider gerät diese Komödie er – die Gesichter sind sorgfältig aus- Klischee ab. Denn die von ihnen darge- spätestens dann in Schieflage, wenn gewählt, was sich bis in die kleinsten stellten Charaktere sind durchweg sich Gigolo Fioravante in die von Nebenrollen fortsetzt. Bemerkenswert glaubwürdig. Das Drehbuch hält die Vanessa Paradis gespielte Avigal ver- auch die Filmmusik von Niki Reiser und perfekte Balance zwischen Komödie liebt und der Film plötzlich einen rela- Sebastian Pille, die sich oft ganz heim- und Drama und läuft nie Gefahr in ame- tiv ernsten Charakter erhält. Immerhin lich in die Tonspur einschleicht und rikanischen Kitsch abzurutschen. Ka- stimmt das offene Ende dann wieder damit eine bedrohliche Grundstimmung meramann Ngo The Chau taucht die versöhnlich. erzeugt. Ricciarellis Langfilmdebüt ist teils idyllischen Bilder in weiches, dif- ein beeindruckendes Porträt der deut- fuses Licht, die Zübert mit ausgewähl- Mittwoch, 17. September 2014 schen Nachkriegsgesellschaft, die am ten Songs stimmungsvoll unterlegt. Das Kratzen an der Oberfläche liebsten alles Geschehene vergessen HIN UND WEG ist emotional aufwüh- Beeindruckendes deutsches Kino heu- möchte, einer Gesellschaft, in der es lendes, sehr intensives Kino, für das te in der Pressevorführung wesentlich mehr Täter gab als vermutet man sich mit ausreichend Taschentü- wurde und die nur durch Seilschaften chern bewaffnen sollte. IM DES SCHWEIGENS sowie die politischen Umstände bis (1:2.35, 5.1) dorthin unentdeckt blieben. PLÖTZLICH GIGOLO (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Verleih: Universal OT: Fading Gigolo Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 SIN CITY 2 – A DAME TO KILL FOR

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1) durchbohrt, von Schwertern fein zer- Filmmusik und die mit natürlichem OT: Sin City: A Dame To Kill For teilt, mit Fäusten bearbeitet und Augen Licht aufgenommenen Bilder sorgen Verleih: Splendid aus ihrer Verankerung gerissen. Zart dafür, dass der Film extrem authentisch Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Besaitete mögen sich daran stören, wirkt. Regie: Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez doch es ist fester Bestandteil des künstlerischen Konzepts und hochgra- SIEBEN VERDAMMT LANGE TAGE Darsteller: Mickey Rourke, Jessica dig ästhetisch dazu. Als kleines Bon- (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Alba, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Powers bon gibt es einen amüsanten Kurzauf- OT: This Is Where I Leave You Boothe, Josh Brolin, Eva Green, Dennis tritt von Christopher Lloyd, der als Verleih: Warner Haysbert, Rosario Dawson, Jamie abgehalfterter Doc lieber sich selbst Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Chung, Jaime King, Christopher als seinem Patienten die Beruhigungs- Regie: Shawn Levy Meloni, Jeremy Piven, Stacy Keach, spritze gibt. Darsteller: , Tina Fey, Bruce Willis, Jane Fonda Kinostart: 18.09.2014 Kinostart: 25.09.2014 Donnerstag, 18. September 2014 Wenn es einen gottverlasseneren Ort Noch nie war ein Job so wertvoll wie heute Vier erwachsene Geschwister sollen auf auf Erden gibt, dann dürfte es Sin City Heute gab es volles Programm: Sozial- Wunsch ihres verstorbenen Vaters eine sein. 2005 holte uns Robert Rodriguez drama, Dramödie und Animationsfilm. siebentägige Trauerfeier im Haus der erstmals in diesen Schmelztiegel aus Mutter abhalten. Die sehr unterschied- Sex & Crime, dem Schauplatz von Frank ZWEI TAGE, EINE NACHT (1:1.85, DD lichen Charaktere samt ihrer komplizier- Millers Graphic Novel. Hier geben sich 5.1) ten Beziehungsproblemen prallen jetzt seine vernarbten Antihelden die Klinke OT: Deux Jours, Une Nuit nach langer Zeit wieder aufeinander in die Hand, schwingen schöne Frauen Verleih: Alamode (Wild Bunch) und kein Stein bleibt auf dem anderen... Peitschen und Pistolen. Fast zehn Jah- Land/Jahr: Belgien, Frankreich, Italien Shawn Levys dramatische Komödie, re danach hat sich nichts verändert. 2014 inszeniert nach einem Roman von Nahtlos nehmen Rodriguez und sein Regie: Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Jonathan Tropper, läuft generalstabs- Co-Regisseur Frank Miller wieder den Dardenne mäßig ab. So als gelte es, einen Punkte- Faden an der Stelle auf, an der sie ihn Darsteller: Marion Cotillard, Fabrizio katalog abzuarbeiten. Da nützt dann damals haben fallen lassen. Vier inein- Rongione, Pili Groyne auch das gesamte Ensemble nichts. ander verwobene und in Blut getränkte Kinostart: 30.10.2014 Wie so eine Totenfeier mit Leben erfüllt Geschichten nehmen jetzt ihren Lauf. werden kann, bewies erst jüngst John Der junge Johnny besiegt einen Sena- Der Arbeitgeber lässt die Belegschaft Wells mit seiner Verfilmung von IM tor beim Pokerspiel und muss hart da- abstimmen: entweder behält Sandra AUGUST IN OSAGE COUNTY. für bezahlen. Der kantige Dwight soll ihren Job oder alle Anderen erhalten für seine ehemalige Geliebte Ava mor- eine Prämie. Die Kollegen entscheiden DER KLEINE MEDICUS – den. Stripperin Nancy will den toten sich für die Prämie. Weil die Abstim- BODYNAUTEN AUF GEHEIMER MIS- Polizisten John Hartigan rächen. Der mung jedoch nicht ganz korrekt zustan- SION IM KÖRPER (1:2.35, 3D, 5.1) entstellte Marv beschützt nicht nur de kam, soll nach dem Wochenende Verleih: Senator Nancy, sondern rettet auch Obdachlose nochmals abgestimmt werden. Mit Hilfe Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 vor einer brutalen Jugendgang und ihres Mannes will Sandra alle ihre Kol- Regie: Peter Claridge hilft auch seinem Kumpel Dwight. Die legen am Wochenende aufsuchen und Kinostart: 30.10.2014 revolutionäre Digitaltechnik, mit der sie davon überzeugen, für sie zu stim- Rodriguez dabei seine Vision von Sin men. Für die labile junge Frau und Zwei Teens lassen sich auf Miniatur- City umsetzt, ist die gleiche geblieben. Mutter beginnt die härteste Zeit ihres größe schrumpfen, um in einem Mini-U- Schwarzweiß dominiert, rote, gelbe Lebens... Mit ZWEI TAGE, EINE Boot den Körper des Großvaters zu oder gar blaue Farbkleckse schleichen NACHT haben die Dardenne-Brüder durchqueren und einen ihm von einem sich ins Bild. Ungewöhnliche Perspek- ein sehr intensives Sozialdrama abge- bösen Wissenschaftler eingespritzten tiven, das Arbeiten mit Tiefenschärfe – liefert, das vor allem dank der großarti- Mini-Roboter unschädlich zu machen. Elemente, die direkt aus der Comic- gen Marion Cotillard unter die Haut Der computeranimierte Film nach einem Vorlage entsprungen sind – sorgen für geht. Als Zuschauer ist man verdammt Buch von Prof. Dietrich Grönemeyer ist faszinierende Bilder, die oft mit kerni- nah dran an Sandra und hofft gemein- eine Teenager-Variante des Hollywood- gen Sprüchen aus dem Off unterlegt sam mit ihr, dass es ihr gelingt, ihren Klassikers DIE PHANTASTISCHE REI- sind. Wie schon im ersten Teil, so las- Job zu retten. Ob es ihr gelingt oder SE. Was in der Buchvorlage vielleicht sen die Herren Rodriguez und Miller nicht, das soll hier natürlich nicht ver- noch als eine Art Aufklärung über den auch dieses Mal wieder nicht nur nack- raten werden. Nur soviel: Sandra wird menschlichen Körper angedacht war, te Haut, sondern auch nackte Gewalt am Ende gestärkt aus der ganzen Situa- verkommt in der Kinoversion zu einem regieren. Da werden Körper mit Pfeilen tion hervorgehen. Der Verzicht auf relativ holprig inszenierten Actionfilm,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog mit dem sich vermutlich selbst die Ziel- die für das Genre typisch sind. Stören Regie: Philippe Claudel gruppe langweilen dürfte. tun diese allerdings nur dann, wenn Darsteller: Daniel Auteuil, Kristin Scott man sich darauf konzentriert. Fazit: Thomas, Leïla Bekhti Freitag, 19. September 2014 passable Krimikost. Kinostart: 13.11.2014 Der gefallene Cop Zum Abschluss einer vollen Presse- Montag, 22. September 2014 Paul ist ein erfolgreicher Hirnchirurg woche gab es einen Krimi Französisches Doppel und seit mehr als 30 Jahren glücklich Zu Beginn der neuen Filmwoche gab es mit Lucie verheiratet. Der gemeinsame RUHET IN FRIEDEN – A WALK gleich zwei französische Dramen zu Sohn hat längst selbst eine eigene Fa- AMONG THE TOMBSTONES (1:2.35, begutachten milie. Eines Tages lernt Paul zufällig die DD 5.1) attraktive Lou kennen, eine Kunststu- OT: A Walk Among The Tombstones DIE SPRACHE DES HERZENS (1:1.85, dentin, deren geheimnisvolles Wesen Verleih: Universum Film () DD 5.1) ihn magisch anzieht und die bald schon Land/Jahr: USA 2014 OT: Marie Heurtin sein Leben aus den eingespielten Bah- Regie: Scott Frank Verleih: Concorde nen geraten lässt... Bevor der Winter Darsteller: Liam Neeson, Ruth Wilson, Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2014 kommt – der Titel bezieht sich auf das Regie: Jean-Pierre Améris Aufleben, das Paul erfährt, als er eine Kinostart: 13.11.2014 Darsteller: Isabelle Carré, Ariana Auszeit nehmen muss und Lou kennen- Rivoire, Brigitte Catillon lernt und sich auch sonst einiges in Seit einem tragischen Unfall hat Matt Kinostart: 01.01.2015 seinem Leben ändert. Er beginnt sein Scubber den Polizeidienst quittiert und gesamtes bisheriges Leben zu hinter- arbeitet als Privatdetektiv. Eines Tages Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung fragen. Die Masken der bürgerlichen wird er von einem erfolgreichen gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Idylle fallen ganz allmählich, Geheim- Drogendealer angeheuert, die Mörder erst ab 12.11.2014 an dieser Stelle nisse kommen ans Tageslicht. Mit Da- seiner Frau aufzuspüren. Diese wurde niel Auteuil und Kristin Scott Thomas entführt und trotz gezahltem Lösegeld Sie zappelt wie ein wildes Tier, als die ist der Film in den Hauptrollen promi- in Einzelteilen zurückgeschickt. Im Lau- blinde und taube Marie als junges nent besetzt. Leider gibt das Drehbuch fe seiner Ermittlungen wird Scubber Mädchen in die Obhut von Schwester ein paar Rätsel auf, die nicht zur vollen schon bald klar, dass die Frau nicht das Marguerite, einer auf Gebärdensprache Zufriedenheit gelöst werden. erste Opfer der eiskalten Killer war. spezialisierten Nonne gegeben wird. Während er langsam auf die Fährte der Erst nach vielen Monaten gelingt es ihr Dienstag, 23. September 2014 Mörder kommt, haben die sich schon mit viel Liebe und Geduld, eine Bezie- Maler und Läufer ihr nächstes Opfer ausgesucht... Wenn hung zu Marie aufzubauen und sie zu Erst visuell betörend, danach inhaltlich ein Schauspieler den abgehalfterten unterrichten. Doch Marguerites Ge- verstörend – mein heutiges Double Cop, der als Privatdetektiv über die sundheit verlangt ein großes Opfer... Feature. Runden zu kommen versucht, spielen Nach einer wahren Begebenheit erzählt kann, dann ist es Liam Neeson. Für die Jean-Pierre Améris‘ Film die Geschichte MR. TURNER – MEISTER DES Rolle des dem Alkohol abgeschwore- der Marie Heurtin, die Ende des 19. LICHTS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) nen Ex-Cop Matt Scudder erweist sich Jahrhunderts als blindes und taubes OT: Mr. Turner Neeson als exzellente Wahl. Regisseur Mädchen geboren wurde und erst Verleih: Prokino (Fox) und Drehbuchautor Scott Frank erspart durch den unermüdlichen Einsatz einer Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2014 dem Mimen die Peinlichkeiten, die ihm Nonne aus ihrem inneren Gefängnis ins Regie: Mike Leigh in den TAKEN-Filmen aufgezwungen Leben fand. Ohne viel Pathos, dafür Darsteller: Timothy Spall, Paul Jesson, wurden. Weder muss er sich an hals- aber mit zwei grandiosen Darstellerin- Dorothy Atkinson brecherischer Action versuchen noch nen sowie wundervollen Bildern schil- Kinostart: 06.11.2014 eine Großstadt in Schutt und Asche dert das Drama auf eindringliche Weise legen. Dafür liegt eine Vergangenheit etwas kaum Vorstellbares, das fast ei- In seinem neuesten Film zeichnet Re- hinter Matt Scudder, auf die er alles nem Wunder gleichkommt: Marie er- gisseur Mike Leigh einige der Statio- andere als stolz ist. Lawrence Block hat lernt die Gebärdensprache ohne je das nen des britischen Malers William Tur- die Figur der traurigen Gestalt entwor- Licht der Welt gesehen zu haben und ner, der im 18. Jahrhundert lebte und fen und sie zur Hauptfigur von minde- ohne je einen Laut gehört zu haben. insbesondere die Spielarten des Lichts stens 20 Romanen gemacht. Einen die- in seinen Bildern zum Ausdruck brach- ser Romane hat nun Scott Frank für die BEVOR DER WINTER KOMMT te. Der Film mutet wie ein Potpourri aus Kinoleinwand umgesetzt und damit (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Turners Leben an, Momentaufnahmen, einen relativ spannenden Thriller abge- OT: Avant L’Hiver die ihn als Exzentriker und liefert. Langeweile gibt es hier nicht, Verleih: Polyband (24 Bilder) kompromisslosen Künstler zeigen, der dafür aber ein paar Unstimmigkeiten, Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Luxemburg 2013 gerne falsche Identitäten annimmt, sei-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ne Frau und Kinder verleugnet und mas das Labyrinth betritt und sich ei- Zärtlichkeit, müssen sich aber zumeist Affären hat. Leighs Film hat zwei Stars nen Zweikampf mit einem der Griever mit Einsamkeit quälen. Speziell am zu bieten: Timothy Spall in der Titelrol- genannten spinnenähnlichen Weihnachtsabend wird diese Einsam- le und Dick Popes hervorragende biomechnischen Monster liefert (was keit unerträglich. In den atmosphärisch Kameraarbeit, die dank der visuellen wiederum Erinnerungen an die Bugs beeindruckenden Bildern von Kamera- Effekte das Universum des William Tur- aus STARSHIP TROOPERS hervor- frau Judith Kaufmann (zurecht für den ner zum Greifen nah vermittelt. ruft). Dennoch liefert MAZE RUNNER Deutschen Kamerapreis 2014 nominiert) zumindest zeitweise recht spannende manifestiert sich diese Einsamkeit, dem MAZE RUNNER – DIE AUSERWÄHL- und visuell gut umgesetzte Unterhal- Zuschauer wird das deprimierende Ge- TEN IM LABYRINTH (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + tung, die allerdings durch das völlig fühl hautnah vermittelt. Da sieht man 7.1 + Atmos) unbefriedigende Ende wieder zunichte beispielsweise den geschiedenen ganz OT: The Maze Runner gemacht wird. Ein Ende, das dem Zu- links im Bild auf einer Rolltreppe ste- Verleih: Fox schauer klar macht, nur die Spitze des hend, die ich nach unten bringt. Weit Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Eisbergs gesehen zu haben. Im Hin- und breit gibt es in dem neonfarbenen, Regie: Wes Ball blick auf die Darsteller überzeugt ins- kalten CinemaScope-Bild keine weite- Darsteller: Dylan O’Brien, Kaya besondere Will Poulter als der streit- ren Menschen. Hier wird die Einsamkeit Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, süchtige Gally. auf den Punkt gebracht, noch verstärkt Will Poulter durch die melancholische Filmmusik. Kinostart: 16.10.2014 Donnerstag, 25. September 2014 Das Darstellerensemble überzeugt bis Quatsch ohne Soße in die kleinsten Nebenrollen, sie alle Als Frischling bezeichnen die anderen Der heutige Kinotag hielt ein interes- wirken sehr authentisch. Petra Volpes Jungen den mittels einer Art von Fahr- santes Triple für mich bereit Debütfilm erweist sich als intensive, stuhl in die hermetisch abgeriegelte harte Milieustudie, die nichts beschö- Waldlichtung geworfenen Neuankömm- TRAUMLAND (1:2.35, 5.1) nigt, auch wenn noch so viele ling. Wie alle anderen zuvor kann auch Verleih: farbfilm Weihnachtsdekorationen ins Bild ge- er sich an gar nichts mehr erinnern. Land/Jahr: Schweiz, Deutschland 2013 rückt werden. Schnell erkennt er, dass er in einem Regie: Petra Volpe riesigen Gefängnis sitzt, umgeben von Darsteller: Luna Mijovic, André Jung, QUATSCH UND DIE NASENBÄR- einer riesigen Steinwand, die sich als Bettina Stucky, Devid Striesow BANDE (1:1.85, 5.1) ständig veränderndes Labyrinth her- Kinostart: 20.11.2014 Verleih: farbfilm ausstellt. Seit drei Jahren sind die an- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 deren Jungen bereits hier und haben Zürich an Heiligabend. Ausnahmezu- Regie: Veit Helmer eigene Regeln für ihr Zusammenleben stand für Einsame: der geschiedene Darsteller: Nora Börner, Justin Wilke, aufgestellt und die Gruppe in verschie- Rolf, der um die Gunst seiner Tochter Florentine Morawe, Samuel Finzi, Fritzi dene Aufgabenbereich eingeteilt. Eine kämpft und sich mit seinem Vater im Haberlandt, Benno Fürmann dieser Gruppen sind die Läufer, die Heim zankt; die verwitwete Maria, die Kinostart: 06.11.2014 immer morgens, wenn sich das Laby- sich endlich ein Herz fasst und einen rinth öffnet, dort hineingeschickt wer- Freund einlädt; die schwangere Lena, Das kleine Bollersdorf ist der Nabel der den, um einen Ausgang zu finden. die entdeckt, dass ihr Mann zu Prosti- Welt und wird von der Gesellschaft für Doch im Labyrinth lauern tödliche Ge- tuierten geht; die Sozialarbeiterin Ju- Konsumforschung als das durch- fahren... Der Haufen Jungen unter- dith, die fremdgeht und deshalb von schnittlichste Dorf der Welt ermittelt. schiedlichen Alters, die in ihrer Wald- ihrem Mann verlassen wird; und die Ab jetzt dürfen die Bollersdorfer als lichtung gefangen scheinen, erinnert junge Prostituierte Mia, die zu ihrer Erste neue Produkte kaufen und aus- sofort an die Ausgangssituation von kleinen Tochter nach Bulgarien möchte. probieren, wie etwa grüne Cornflakes HERR DER FLIEGEN. Tatsächlich Ihre Schicksale kreuzen sich in dieser oder absurde Haartrockner. Und damit scheint sich Wes Balls Film auch zu- Nacht, die nicht für alle ein gutes Ende das Dorf auch immer Durchschnitt nächst in diese Richtung zu entwik- haben wird... Während die Einen am bleibt, werden alle Opas und Omas in keln. Was passiert mit einer Zufalls- Weihnachtsabend ihre Geschenke öff- ein Altenheim verfrachtet, damit sie mit gemeinschaft, die nicht entrinnen kann, nen, öffnen sich Andere die Pulsadern. ihren Enkelkindern keinen Unfug ma- wie ist die Psychologie in der Gruppe, Das könnte zumindest der Stimmung chen können. Den Enkelkindern passt wie verhält es sich mit der Gruppendy- nach der Leitsatz von Petra Volpes das aber gar nicht und so schmieden namik? Die Rivalität zwischen Thomas Anti-Weihnachtsfilm TRAUMLAND sie zusammen mit ihrem Maskottchen, und Gally ruft hier Erinnerungen wach. gewesen sein. In ihrem Film konzen- dem Nasenbär Quatsch, einen Plan, um Um zu Überleben, muss man die selbst triert sie sich ganz bewusst auf die Bollersdorf überdurchschnittlich zu auferlegten Regeln brechen. Doch es Kehrseite der Medaille. Ihre Protagoni- machen... Wer die Filme von Veit kommt dann doch alles ganz anders. sten sind alles andere als glücklich. Sie Helmer kennt, der weiß, dass hier oft Spätestens dann nämlich, wenn Tho- sehnen sich nach Geborgenheit und recht Skurriles auf einen zukommen

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog kann. Das trifft auch auf QUATSCH Eroll, Lars und Helmut haben die mit diesem Männerclub, für den man am UND DIE NASENBÄRBANDE zu, ei- Schnauze voll. Im zentralen Heizungs- besten die Erwartungen herunter- nem Kinderfilm des Regisseurs. Will keller ihrer Neubausiedlung haben sie schraubt – bis unter die Gürtellinie. heissen: ein Film mit Kindern für Kin- sich heimlich eine frauenfreie Zone der und für alle Erwachsenen, die sich eingerichtet, um dem ständigen Ge- Freitag, 26. September 2014 ihr kindliches Gemüt bewahrt haben. schwätz, dem Sex, dem Kaufrausch ih- Killer in der Sinnkrise QUATSCH mutet an wie eine zeitge- rer besseren Hälften für ein paar Stun- Genrekino aus Deutschland ist eher nössische Version der KLEINEN den am Tag entfliehen zu können. Hier unüblich. Umso mehr war das heutige STROLCHE. Denn die Kinder in die- in ihrem Männerhort könne sie tun und Screening willkommen sem Film sind alle noch im lassen was sei wollen: Fußball gucken, Kindergartenalter. “Freiheit oder Tanz- Bier trinken, Abhängen. Als jedoch der DIE EINSAMKEIT DES KILLERS VOR kreis?” lautet ihre Devise, als sie über übereifrige Hausmeister türkischer Ab- DEM SCHUSS (1:2.35, 5.1) den Holzzaun ihres Kindergartens tür- stammung das geheime Lager entdeckt, Verleih: Camino men, um sinnvollere Dinge zu tun. Wie ist Schluss mit lustig. Binnen zwei Ta- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 beispielsweise ihre Omas und Opas aus gen sollen sie ihren Wohlfühlort räu- Regie: Florian Mischa Böder dem Altenheim befreien, in welchem die men. Was tun? Die drei Jungs schmie- Darsteller: Benno Fürmann, Mavie verrückten Alten mittels Medikamenten den einen Plan... Franziska Meyer Hörbiger, Wolf Roth ruhig gestellt werden. Dass dabei dann Prices Film erweist sich als Paradebei- Kinostart: 13.11.2014 fast das gesamte Dorf in Schutt und spiel für jenes junge deutsche Kino, Asche gelegt wird ist eines der Risiken das sich lieber mit oft anzüglichen Vor acht Jahren ließ sich Koralnik vom und Nebenwirkungen, wenn man sich One-Linern Zuspruch erkaufen will Geheimdienst anwerben und zu einem von einem Nasenbär anführen lässt. denn mit richtigen Dialogen. Alles an- Elite-Killer ausbilden. Seither wartet er Doch das Zuschauen bei derlei Unfug dere würde vermutlich auch die Ziel- auf seinen ersten Auftrag. Doch nichts macht richtig Spaß! Immerhin dient die gruppe intellektuell überfordern. Da passiert. Nicht einmal seinen Nach- ganze Aktion ja einem guten Zweck konzentriert man sich doch lieber auf barn, der ihm mit der Eigentümer- und soll letztendlich die bösen Männer Kraftausdrücke (“Tourette-Fotze”), versammlung ziemlich auf die Nerven von der Gesellschaft für Marktfor- bringt eine Plastikvagina ins Spiel geht, darf er eliminieren. Der Zufall will schung aus Bollersdorf vertreiben. (“Die ist ja retro – mit Haaren!”) und es, dass er ausgerechnet während ei- Denn es gibt nichts Langweiligeres als überlässt einem Staubsauger das “Bla- nes Dates mit einer unbekannten Blon- durchschnittlich zu sein. Es ist dieses sen”! Letzteres Unglück passiert natür- dine, die einen Kratzer in sein Auto Quentchen als Zeit- und Gesellschafts- lich dem übersexten Lars alias Chri- gefahren hat, seinen ersten Auftrag kritik, das aufgeschlossene Erwachse- stoph Maria Herbst, ein “Stromberg” erhält: er soll eine Zielperson in Belgi- ne für sich mit nach Hause nehmen ohne Bart, aber mit Haaren. Immerhin en eliminieren... Ein Killer in der Sinn- können. Und wenn man sich als Kind sind seine One-Liner die krise. Das war die Intention von Regis- oder gar als Erwachsener manchmal scharfzüngigsten und sarkastischten seur Florian Mischa Böder, der damit währen des Films fragt, wie denn die im ganzen Film. Wenn es im Film mal ganz bewusst einen Kontrapunkt zu kleinen Darsteller so problemlos auf ganz wenig zu sagen gibt, wird die den sonst genreüblichen Darstellungen einen Kran steigen oder ein Müllauto Tonspur mit Filmmusik zugeknallt, als des eiskalte, obercoolen Killers setzen fahren können, dann hält der Abspann gelte es, die Schweigeminute mit einem wollte. Ein Killer also, der vor allem hierfür die Auflösung bereit. Inszena- akustischen Frontalangriff zu kaschie- durch seine Schwächen menschlich torisch wartet Helmers Film mit einer ren. Das nervt nach einer gewissen erscheint. Und genau das ist ihm mit ganzen Reihe von netten Ideen auf. Da Zeit leider gehörig. In der Rolle des der Figur des Koralnik gelungen, die er gibt es nicht nur Gesangs- und Tanz- arbeitslosen Helmut beweist Detlev mit Benno Fürmann wunderbar besetzt einlagen, sondern auch eine ganze Buck, dass er genau eines nicht kann: hat. Auch wenn sich die schwarze Ko- Menge an mechanischen Wundern zu nämlich einen schwulen Piloten spie- mödie des Öfteren mit einer recht zähen bestaunen. Und last but not least: die len. Oft steht der blonde Riese einfach Inszenierung herumschlagen muss, Tonspur, auf der die Kinder oft zu nur so als Dekoration im Raum herum gebührt dem Regisseur ein Lob dafür, fetzigen Liedern anstimmen, rockt! oder beschwert die Couch. Etwas mehr dass er überhaupt ein solches Thema Emotionen hätten nicht geschadet. Für angegangen ist. Mit ein paar Kürzun- MÄNNERHORT (1:2.35, 5.1) die Girlies im Publikum gibt es dann gen würde hier ganz bestimmt das Tem- Verleih: Constantin natürlich Elyas M’Barek als Software- po dieses in der Bildgestaltung über- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 entwickler Eroll, der von seiner Freun- zeugenden Killerfilms stimmen. Die vie- Regie: Franziska Meyer Price din ständig sexuell bedrängt wird. Der len schwarzhumorigen Ansätze zumin- Darsteller: Elyas M’Barek, Christoph Ärmste! Die Girlies werden dahin- dest machen Laune. Maria Herbst, Detlev Buck schmelzen – dem nackten Oberkörper Kinostart: 02.10.2014 sei Dank. Wem eindeutig zweideutiges Montag, 29. September 2014 Kino gefällt, wird durchaus Spaß haben

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Überlänge im Doppelpack Darsteller: Anne Dorval, Antoine- seine Unberechenbarkeit erschreckt. Erst 150 Minuten, dann 139 Minuten – Olivier Pilon, Suzanne Clément Und Suzanne Clément schließlich spielt ein richtig langer Wochenauftakt Kinostart: 13.11.2014 die etwas schüchterne und stotternde Nachbarin, die nicht weiß, worauf sie GONE GIRL – DAS PERFEKTE OPFER Der 15jährige Steve ist ein Problem- sich einlässt. MOMMY ist intensives (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1) kind. Mit seinen Gewaltausbrüchen Drama, das durchaus unter die Haut OT: Gone Girl kommt selbst die Anstalt nicht zurecht, gehen kann, wäre es nur nicht so lang. Verleih: Fox in deren Obhut ihn seine Mutter gege- Land/Jahr: USA 2014 ben hat. Als es darum geht, ihn in eine Dienstag, 30. September 2014 Regie: geschlossene Anstalt einzuliefern, holt Ein Riss geht durch eine Familie Darsteller: Ben Affleck, Rosamund ihn die Mutter wieder zu sich nach Die verschneite Bergwelt der französi- Pike, , Tyler Perry Hause. Und das obgleich sogar sie schen Alpen und die Dünen bei Kinostart: 02.10.2014 Angst hat vor seinen Wutausbrüchen. Timbuktu waren die Schauplätze der Doch er ist ihr Sohn und sie liebt ihn Dienstags-Filme “Was werden wir uns noch alles an- über alles, seit sie ihren Mann verloren tun?” – Diese fast schon rhetorische hat. Allerdings überfordert sie die Si- HÖHERE GEWALT (1:2.35, 5.1) Frage könnte man durchaus als Leitmo- tuation jetzt erst recht, da sie schon OT: Turist tiv des von David Fincher gekonnt mit ihrem eigenen Leben nicht klar- Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) souverän inszenierten Thrillers nach kommt. Da kommt unverhofft Hilfe von Land/Jahr: Schweden, Dänemark, dem Bestseller von Gillian Flynn ver- ihrer Nachbarin, einer Lehrerin in Aus- Frankreich 2014 stehen. Da gerät die scheinbar glückli- zeit, die sich um Steves Schulausbil- Regie: Ruben Östlund che Beziehung eines Ehepaares in tota- dung kümmert. Alles scheint sich ir- Darsteller: Johannes Kuhnke, Lisa le Schieflage, als die Gattin spurlos gendwie zu finden – bis die Konse- Loven Kongsli, Clara Wettergren verschwindet. Und das ausgerechnet quenzen aus Steves letztem Gewaltaus- am fünften Hochzeitstag. Spuren eines bruch sich Bahn brechen... Kanadas Kinostart: 13.11.2014 Kampfes sowie Blutflecke im Haus deu- Regie-Wunderkind ist für seine eigen- ten auf ein Gewaltverbrechen hin. Es willige Bildgestaltung bekannt, eine Eine junge Familie aus Schweden ver- gibt jedoch keine Leiche. Die fortwäh- Tatsache, der er mit seinem neuesten bringt ihren Ski-Urlaub in den französi- renden Ermittlungen der Polizei haben Werk MOMMY neue Nahrung gibt. schen Alpen. Auf der Terrasse eines bald schon einen Verdächtigen: den Denn sein Film ist fast über die gesam- Restaurants werden die vier Zeuge ei- Ehemann Nick. Eine Hetzkampagne te Laufzeit von 139 Miunten im quadra- nes kontrollierten Lawinenabgangs. wird entfesselt. Nick aber beteuert sei- tischen Bildformat, also einem Seiten- Doch schnell wird klar, dass die Situati- ne Unschuld. Da nimmt der Fall plötz- verhältnis von 1:1. Auf der Leinwand on aus dem Ruder läuft und sich die lich eine vollkommen überraschende gibt es dafür links und rechts vom Bild riesige Schneemasse direkt auf die Ter- Wendung... Finchers Film ist zweifels- fette schwarze Balken. Doch das ist rasse zubewegt. Panik bricht aus. Die frei einer der besten Beziehungsthriller nicht immer so. In zwei Sequenzen geht Mutter nimmt ihre beiden Kinder an die der letzten Zeit. Spannend bis zum das Bild in die Breite und füllt die ge- Hand, während sich der Vater in Sicher- Schluss und mit ausgezeichneten Dar- samte Bildwand aus. Bei beiden Se- heit bringt. Nichts passiert, doch stellern blickt er hinter die Fassade quenzen handelt es sich um sehr opti- nichts ist mehr so wie es war... Ein gro- einer nach außen heilen Welt und mistische Szenen, die so etwas wie ßer Riss geht mitten durch eine Familie. taucht mittels Rückblenden immer tiefer Aufbruchsstimmung innehaben. Sie Ruben Östlunds Drama ist das scharf ein in die Beziehung eines Paares und reflektieren den Gemütszustand der beobachtete Psychogramm einer Fami- zeigt deren Entwicklung im Laufe von Protagonisten: Steve geht es ausneh- lie im Ausnahmezustand. Ausgerechnet fünf Jahren. Stilistisch geschieht das mend gut, seine Mutter freut sich für im Urlaubsidyll werden Kernprobleme wie immer bei Fincher auf höchstem ihn, ein neues Leben beginnt. Doch des Zusammenlebens entlarvt. Ein- Niveau: Kameraarbeit, Musikeinsatz alsbald schrumpft das Bild wieder, die drucksvoll gelingt es dem Film, die im- und Sound Design überzeugen. Und Situation kippt, wird beengend wie eh mer schneller werdende Spirale des last but not least gibt uns Fincher eine und je. Dolans eigenwilliger Stil funk- vermeintlichen Niedergangs aufzuzei- der schaurigsten Szenen, die das tioniert dramaturgisch ausgezeichnet. gen. Eine Spirale, die auch Menschen Mainstream-Kino seit langem gesehen Ebenso ausgezeichnet sind seine drei außerhalb der Familie tangiert. Die oft hat. Mit einem Wort: anschauen! Hauptdarsteller: die etwas flippige statischen Bilder von Kameramann Mutter, die ihren Sohn über alles liebt Fredrik Wenzel sind beängstigend und MOMMY (1:1.00 & 1:1.85, 5.1) und dafür sogar seine Gewaltausbrüche hypnotisierend zugleich und werden OT: Mommy toleriert, wird wunderbar verkörpert von einem sehr präzisen Sounddesign Verleih: Weltkino von Anne Dorval. Steve selbst wird in ihrer Wirkung unterstützt. Leider Land/Jahr: Kanada, Frankreich 2014 von Antoine-Olivier Pilon in einer Po- entlässt der Film den Zuschauer am Regie: Xavier Dolan wer-Performance zum Leben erweckt, Ende nicht ins Ungewisse, was sicher-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog lich der bessere Schluss gewesen wäre, te? richtig durch: mit neu erstandener sondern entscheidet sich für eine Videoausrüstung will er als freier Ka- “Balkonlösung”, die Hoffnung macht. BOCKSPRÜNGE (1:1.78, 5.1) meramann für Nachrichtensender tätig Besonders lobenswert sind die hervor- Verleih: Movienet (24 Bilder) werden. Um sein Ziel in die Tat umzu- ragenden visuellen Effekte, die die sich Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 setzen, ist ihm jedes Mittel recht. Je anbahnende Lawinenkatastrophe un- Regie: Eckhard Preuß blutiger die Aufnahmen, umso besser. heimlich realistisch in Szene setzen. Darsteller: Eckhard Preuß, Jule Nachrichtenchefin Nina ist eine dank- Hollywood hätte das nicht so perfekt Ronstedt, Julia Koschitz, Friedrich bare Abnehmerin für Lous hinbekommen! Mücke Videofootage. Doch sie ahnt nicht, Kinostart: 20.11.2014 wozu Lou fähig ist, um seinen Erfolg zu TIMBUKTU (1:2.35, 5.1) forcieren... So hat man Jake Gyllenhaal OT: Timbuktu Udo und Maya werden inflagranti von wohl noch nicht gesehen: abgemagert, Verleih: Arsenal Udos Frau Doris erwischt. Die plaudert mit fettigen dunklen Haaren und abso- Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Mauretanien, dummerweise auch noch aus, dass Ma- lut eiskalt. In Dan Gilroys sarkasti- Mali 2014 yas Freund ein Verhältnis mit der jun- schem Blick auf die Sensationsgier Regie: Abderrahmane Sissako gen Valerie hat und diese von ihm amerikanischer Nachrichtensender ver- Darsteller: Pino Desperado, Toulou schwanger sei. Das Chaos im Gefühls- körpert er Lou Bloom, den Dieb, der Kiki, Abel Jafry leben der Freunde und Freundinnen ist über sich selbst hinauswächst und zum Kinostart: 27.11.2014 perfekt... Oh je, was ist da nur passiert! skrupellosen Geschäftsmann und Regisseur, Drehbuchautor und Haupt- Nachrichtenjäger wird. Robert Elswits Kidane lebt friedlich zusammen mit darsteller Eckhard Preuß sollte ganz faszinierende Bilder vom nächtlichen Frau und Tochter in den Dünen unweit dringend Nachhilfestunden in Sachen unterstreichen die Ge- von Timbuktu. Dort haben Filmschnitt nehmen. Denn wenn an fühlskälte, mit der Bloom an sein Werk Dschihadisten das Sagen. Musik, Tanz diesem Film etwas ganz aus dem Ruder geht. Der sich zwischen Drama und und sogar Fußball sind verboten, Frau- gelaufen ist, dann ist es die zähe und Mediensatire bewegende Film lohnt en werden zur Verschleierung gezwun- verwirrende Aneinanderreihung der den Gang ins Kino. gen. Verstöße gegen die Regeln werden Szenen, die er für seinen Film aufge- mit brachialer Gewalt bestraft. Als nommen hat. Da wirkt so manche Szene Donnerstag, 02. Oktober 2014 Kidane aus Versehen einen Fischer komplett zusammenhangslos in den Alleine und gemeinsam tötet, werden auch er und seine Familie Raum gestellt. Zu allem Überfluss wur- Die letzte Pressevorführung der Woche mit den neuen Gesetzen konfrontiert... de dann wohl noch Filmmusik in rauher – und jetzt rasch zum 70mm-Festival Mit unglaublich klaren Bildern schil- Menge bestellt: die nicht enden wol- nach Karlsruhe! dert Abderrahmane Sissako in seinem lende Soundtracksoße geht schon nach Film das Treiben in dem von kurzer Zeit ziemlich auf die Nerven. DAS VERSCHWINDEN DER Dschihadisten regierten Dorf. Seine Weniger ist manchmal mehr. Was an ELEANOR RIGBY (1:2.35, 5.1) Bilder stehen damit zwar in totalem Technik in diesem Film schiefläuft kann OT: The Disappearance Of Eleanor Gegensatz zu der Gewalt, die von dem das Drehbuch am Ende leider auch Rigby: Them Terrorregime im Dorf ausgeht, doch nicht mehr retten. Der Komödie fehlt es Verleih: Prokino (Fox) heben sie diese dadurch erst recht her- an Biss und Witz, auch wenn sich die Land/Jahr: USA 2013 vor. Der Regisseur zeigt, wie sich Darsteller noch so sehr bemühen. Fazit: Regie: Ned Benson friedliebende, gottesfürchtige Men- ein Film auf den man gerne verzichten Darsteller: Jessica Chastain, James schen fast ohnmächtig den regierenden kann. McAvoy, Nina Arianda, Isabelle Dschihadisten unterwerfen und sogar Huppert, William Hurt den Tod akzeptieren. Das ist harte Kost NIGHTCRAWLER – JEDE NACHT Kinostart: 27.11.2014 für den Zuschauer, den vermutlich die HAT IHREN PREIS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) nackte Wut packen wird angesichts der OT: Nightcrawler Ein schwerer Schicksalsschlag hat Tatsache, dass er den Betroffenen Verleih: Concorde Conor und Eleanor getroffen und sie nicht helfen kann. Abderrahmane Land/Jahr: USA 2014 entzweit. Während sie versucht, sich Sissakos Film ist eine Anklage gegen Regie: Dan Gilroy das Leben zu nehmen, versucht er sein religiöse Fundamentalisten, die genau- Darsteller: Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene bisheriges Leben weiterzuleben. Erst so sanft wie brachial ist. Russo, Bill Paxton ganz allmählich beginnen beide ge- Kinostart: 13.11.2014 meinsam mit der Aufarbeitung ihrer Mittwoch, 01. Oktober 2014 Liebe zueinander... Im Herbst 2013 hat- Mit der Videokamera auf der Pirsch Bisher hat sich Lou mit Diebstählen ten Ned Bensons Filme HIM und HER Nicht jeder Film kann ein Meisterwerk mehr schlecht als recht über Wasser ihre Uraufführung beim Toronto Filmfe- sein. Aber muss er deshalb gleich so gehalten. Jetzt aber startet der junge stival. Beide Filme enthielten dieselbe schlecht sein wie unser erster Film heu- Mann mit schneller Auffassungsgabe Geschichte, die aus zwei verschiedenen

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Blickwinkeln erzählt wurde. Jetzt hat CONJURING – DIE HEIMSUCHUNG durch, dass jeder der vier Blutsauger der Regisseur beide Teile zu einem ein- war er noch Kameramann, jetzt hat sich aus einem komplett anderen Zeitalter zigen Film, dem “Director’s Cut” John R. Leonetti in den Regiestuhl ge- stammt... Was denn – schon wieder zusammengefasst, der den Untertitel setzt, um die Vorgeschichte zu dem eine Fake-Doku? Hatten wir davon THEM trägt. Er vereint jetzt die beiden Gruselstreifen aus 2013 zu inszenieren. nicht schon genug in den letzten Jah- unterschiedlichen Blickwinkel. Aber Wie bereits in dem von James Wan in- ren? Eigentlich schon. Aber – und jetzt vielleicht war es doch zuviel des Guten, szenierten Film setzen die Filmemacher kommt es - eine solche Fake-Doku, wie denn DAS VERSCHWINDEN DER auch jetzt wieder auf Atmosphäre und sie Jemaine Clement und Taika Waititi ELEANOR RIGBY ist mit seinen 123 Schauerstimmung und nicht etwa auf hier vorlegen, gab es definitiv noch Minuten leider etwas über das Ziel hin- billigen Splatter-Zunder. Zu ihrem nicht! Hier wird das Zwerchfell gefor- ausgeschossen: der Film beginnt ir- Horrorwaffenarsenal gehören unter dert. Alleine schon die vier unter- gendwann auf der Stelle zu treten. Bis anderem eine von Geisterhand betrie- schiedlichen Vampirtypen sind zum dahin allerdings gelingt Benson ein bene mechanische Nähmaschine, ein Brüllen komisch. Ganz zu schweigen packendes Drama über eine Liebe im knarrender Schaukelstuhl, eine Menge von den absurden Situationen, mit de- Ausnahmezustand. Mit vorzüglichen zufallende Türen und natürlich auch nen diese Charaktere im Film konfron- Darstellern schildert er die unter- jene riesige Puppe, die als Auslöser tiert werden. Einfach herrlich, wenn der schiedliche Art und Weise von Conor des ganzen Spuks gilt. Alleine schon penible Viago fein säuberlich Zeitungs- (James McAvoy) und Eleanor (Jessica ihr Äußeres ist derart beängstigend papier unter den Füßen seines Dates Castain), einem jungen Ehepaar, die eingefangen (Kamera: James Kniest), auslegt und beim Biss ausgerechnet von einem schweren Schicksalsschlag dass man selber so eine Puppe nie ins auf die Halsschlagader seines Opfers getroffen wurden und damit fertig wer- Regal stellen würde. Auch wenn die trifft. Da hilft Zeitungspapier nicht den müssen. Auch mit renommierten Handlung nach bewährten Grusel- wirklich – das gibt eine echte Sauerei! Altstars wie Isabelle Huppert und muster abläuft, so gelingt es Leonetti Wer die Möglichkeit hat, den Film im William Hurt ist die Besetzung bis in und seinem Kameramann, eine ganze englischen Original anzuschauen, dem die Nebenrollen gelungen. Handvoll an Schockmomenten zu insze- sei dringend dazu geraten (Anmerkung nieren. Und zwar so perfekt, dass es zur deutschen Synchronfassung: diese Montag, 06. Oktober 2014 bestimmt den einen oder anderen Zu- darf durchaus als gelungen betrachtet Wenn eine Puppe böse wird schauer aus dem Kinosessel heben werden, zumindest dann, wenn man das Halloween naht. Kein Wunder gab es wird. Großen Anteil daran haben das Original nicht kennt). Denn die ver- zum Auftakt der Pressewoche gleich Sounddesign und die Filmmusik. Jo- schiedenen Dialekte, die die Protagoni- doppelte Horrorkost – einmal ernst, seph Bisharas vorwiegend atonale Mu- sten sprechen, lassen sich nicht Ein- einmal lustig sik trumpft mit großer Dynamik auf und deutschen. Und wer glaubt, dass verleiht vielen Szenen eine psychische Softwareentwickler oder IT-Fuzzies in ANNABELLE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Brutalität, der man nicht entrinnen diesem Film gut wegkommen, der irrt – OT: Annabelle kann. Damit der Film jedoch auch tat- und der Irrtum wird mit schallendem Verleih: Warner sächlich schlaflose Nächte bereitet, Gelächter belohnt werden. WHAT WE Land/Jahr: USA 2014 bedarf es bei der Vorführung eines ton- DO IN THE SHADOWS ist schwarzer Regie: John R. Leonetti technisch auf hohem Niveau arbeiten- Humor vom Feinsten. Unbedingt anse- Darsteller: Annabelle Wallis, Ward des Kino. In einem “normalen” Kino hen! Horton, Tony Amendola wird der Film seine Wirkung gänzlich Kinostart: 09.10.2014 verlieren. Dienstag, 07. Oktober 2014 Urlaub? Schottland! Mitten in der Nacht werden John und 5 ZIMMER, KÜCHE, SARG (1:1.85, 5.1) Nach einer deutschen Komödie mit Mia durch einen Schrei aus dem Schlaf OT: What We Do In The Shadows Schauplatz Frankfurt ging es anschlie- gerissen: ihre Nachbarn werden umge- Verleih: Weltkino ßend mit einer britischen Komödie in bracht, sie selber entkommen nur ganz Land/Jahr: Neuseeland, USA 2014 die schottischen Highlands knapp dem Tode. Die Angreifer, Mit- Regie: Taika Waititi, Jemaine Clement glieder eines satanischen Kults, wer- ALLES IST LIEBE (1:2.35, 5.1) den getötet. Doch der Geist von Anna- Darsteller: Taika Waititi, Jemaine Verleih: Universal belle, eine der Satanisten, nistet sich in Clement, Jonathan Brugh Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 jener riesigen Puppe im Vintage-Stil Kinostart: 30.10.2014 Regie: Markus Goller ein, die John seiner schwangeren Frau Darsteller: Nora Tschirner, Tom Beck, schenkte. Ab jetzt geschehen unheimli- Einem Filmteam wurde es gestattet, Heike Makatsch, Wotan Wilke che, unerklärliche Dinge im Haus des eine WG bestehend aus vier Vampiren Möhring, Christian Ulmen, Fahri Paares. Fast scheint es so, als ob es über mehrere Monate zu begleiten und Yardim, Friedrich Mücke, Katharina ein Dämon auf das noch ungeborene ihre Alltagsprobleme zu dokumentieren. Schüttler, Elmar Wepper, Inez Bjørg Kind abgesehen hat... Bei Die ergeben sich schon alleine da- David, Cordula Stratmann, Nina

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Eichinger, Bernd Herzsprung, Dunja William Fichtner Rajter EIN SCHOTTE MACHT NOCH KEI- Kinostart: 16.10.2014 Kinostart: 04.12.2014 NEN SOMMER (1:1.85, 5.1) OT: What We Did In Our Holiday Eine New Yorker TV-Reporterin kommt Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung Verleih: Tobis dem “Foot Clan” auf die Schliche, einer gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2014 skrupellosen Verbrecherbande, ange- erst ab 24.11.2014 an dieser Stelle Regie: Andy Hamilton, Guy Jenkin führt von Bad Guy “Shredder”. Dabei macht sie zu ihrem Erstaunen Bekannt- Frankfurt, Deutschland. Es sind noch Darsteller: David Tennant, Rosamund schaft mit einem überlebensgroßen drei Tage bis Weihnachten, dem großen Pike, Billy Connolly Schildkröten-Quartett, das nicht nur Fest der Liebe. Und genau damit haben Kinostart: 20.11.2014 vorzüglich Englisch spricht, sondern fünf unterschiedliche Paare zu kämp- auch hervorragend mit dem Schwert fen. Kiki trifft ihre große Liebe wieder; Abi, Doug und ihre drei Kinder sind umzugehen versteht! Ausgebildet von Klaus weiß nicht, ob er seinen Viktor ein Paradebeispiel für eine einer vermenschlichten Riesenratte heiraten soll; Kerem versucht verzwei- dysfunktionale Familie. Seit seiner Af- haben die Turtles Shredder den Kampf felt, seine Familie vor dem finanziellen färe lebt Doug getrennt vom Rest. angesagt. Lasst die Party beginnen! - Ruin zu bewahren; Hannes und Clara Doch jetzt heisst es lieb Kind machen, Kaum zu glauben, dass die Turtles ein leben getrennt, können aber nicht ohne denn Opa feiert seinen 75. Geburtstag Reboot bekommen haben! Was in den den Anderen; und Martin sucht die in seinem Heim in Schottland. Und da 1990er-Jahren zum ersten Mal den Weg Frau, die er vor 30 Jahren hat sitzen Opa nicht mehr lange zu leben hat, soll ins Kino fand, soll jetzt die nachwach- lassen... Wenn bei Markus Gollers Film er mit der deprimierenden Wahrheit sende Generation von Kinogängern ein anderer Film Pate gestanden hat, nicht konfrontiert werden. Doch Opa aus den Wohnstuben in die Plexe lok- dann kann es sich nur um ist alles andere als auf den Kopf gefal- ken. Wer überlautes, schrilles, von vi- TATSÄCHLICH...LIEBE aus dem Jahre len und durchschaut das scheinheilige suellen Effekten dominiertes Kino mag, 2003 handeln. Die Ähnlichkeiten im Spiel sofort. Und gewieft wie er ist, der wird sich an den Schildkröten so- Aufbau sind leider unübersehbar. So dreht er den Spieß um und erteilt allen wie Megan Fox ergötzen. Wer etwas wundert es denn auch nicht weiter, Anwesenden eine Lektion in Sachen mehr Tiefe in der Geschichte verlangt, dass hier alles nur wie eine Kopie mit Leben... Jede Wette: wer diesen Film der ist hier fehl am Platz. Tiefe gibt es Variationen des Originals aussieht und gesehen hat, will sofort Urlaub in nämlich nur in technischer Hinsicht – eingefleischte Filmfans daher ziemlich Schottland machen! Kameramann Mar- 3D sei Dank. Immerhin imponiert zumin- enttäuschen dürfte. Irgendwie passt tin Hawkins fängt die schottischen dest jene Sequenz, in der die Turtles der in Gollers Film aufgezogene Weih- Highlands derart grandios ein, dass mit Kind und Kegel einen schneebe- nachtsrummel eigentlich ganz und gar kein Zweifel daran besteht, dass es das deckten Abhang hinabgleiten. Diese nicht nach Deutschland. Sein Film ist schönste Fleckchen Erde auf der Welt Sequenz ist wirklich atemberaubend zwar in Frankfurt angesiedelt, doch die ist. Hinzu kommt die ebenso rührende choreographiert und lohnt das Wach- Weihnachtshysterie erinnert an engli- wie schwarzhumorige Geschichte, die bleiben in einem Film, der seine flache sche oder amerikanische Verhältnisse, eine Ode an das Leben selbst darstellt. Story durch ein optisch und akusti- fühlt sich aber in Frankfurt an wie ein Mit typisch britischem Witz und gran- sches Bombardement zu kaschieren Fremdkörper. Einige der im Film entwik- diosen Darstellern (inklusive der Kin- versucht. Wer sich trotz dieser Rezen- kelten Episoden werden nicht weiterge- der!) sowie einer faszinierenden Film- sion den Film unbedingt anschauen führt, wodurch die Erwartungen der musik aus der Feder von Alex Heffes will, dem sei der Besuch eines IMAX- Zuschauer leider enttäuscht werden. macht der Film richtig Spaß und regt Kinos ans Herzen gelegt. Denn für ge- Ebenso gehen manche Schnitte schief, darüber hinaus auch noch dazu an nau solche Spielstätten ist das Spekta- etwa wenn das kleine Mädchen ins nachzudenken, was es heisst zu leben. kel konzipiert. Wasser springt und vom Weihnachts- Fazit: ein Geheimtipp! mann gerettet wird. Diese Sequenz wird Donnerstag, 09. Oktober 2014 einfach unterbrochen und erst später Mittwoch, 08. Oktober 2014 Scheidung auf israelisch weitergeführt, wodurch natürlich die Neues von den Turtletäubchen Lessons learned today: Andere Länder, Dramatik verlorengeht. Leider wurde Hirn aus, Film ab – mein Mittwoch! andere (Un)Sitten. uns der Film in einer nicht fertiggestell- ten Version gezeigt, die neben anderen TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES GET – DER PROZESS DER VIVIANE Unzulänglichkeiten mit Musik aus der (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) AMSALEM (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Konserve unterlegt war und nicht mit OT: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles OT: GETT - Le Procès De Viviane der Originalmusik, die Annette Focks Verleih: Paramount Amsalem für den Film komponierte. Eine finale Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Verleih: Salzgeber Beurteilung des Films ist dadurch lei- Regie: Jonathan Liebesman Land/Jahr: Israel, Frankreich, Deutsch- der nicht möglich. Darsteller: Megan Fox, Will Arnett, land 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 16 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Regie: Ronit Elkabetz, Shlomi Elkabetz rabenschwarzen Komödie, die richtig EINER NACH DEM ANDEREN (1:2.35, Spaß macht Darsteller: Ronit Elkabetz, Menashe 5.1) Noy, Simon Abkarian OT: Kraftidioten DER RICHTER – RECHT ODER EHRE Kinostart: 15.01.2015 Verleih: Neue Visionen (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Land/Jahr: Norwegen, Schweden, Dä- OT: The Judge Viviane und Elisha leben schon lange nemark 2014 Verleih: Warner getrennt, Viviane will die Scheidung Regie: Hans Petter Moland Land/Jahr: USA 2014 haben. Doch Elisha verweigert ihr den Darsteller: Stellan Skarsgård, Bruno Regie: David Dobkin “GET”, den Scheidungsbrief. Ohne den Ganz, Pål Sverre Valheim Hagen Darsteller: Robert Downey Jr., Robert aber läuft sie Gefahr, zur sozialen Au- Kinostart: 20.11.2014 Duvall, Leighton Meester, Billy Bob ßenseiterin in der Gesellschaft zu wer- Thornton den. Was folgt ist ein sich über fünf Mit seinem Schneepflug räumt Nils Tag Kinostart: 16.10.2014 Jahre erstreckender Prozess vor einem für Tag die verschneiten Straßen eines jüdisch-orthodoxen Rabbinatsgericht, dünn besiedelten Landstrichs irgendwo Ein New Yorker Staranwalt kehrt in sei- der alles von ihr abverlangt... Die staat- in Norwegen, was ihn jüngst zum “Bür- ne alte Heimat zurück, um seinen Vater, liche Ehe in Israel ist bis zum heutigen ger des Jahres” ausgezeichnet hat. einen angesehenen Richter, in einem Tag nicht existent. An ihre Stelle rückt Doch als sein Sohn unverschuldet er- Mordprozess zu verteidigen. Mit DER religiöses Recht. Was das insbesonde- mordet wird und die Polizei nichts un- RICHTER präsentiert Regisseur David re für Frauen bedeutet, schildern Ronit ternimmt, mutiert er zum eiskalten Dobkin vorzügliches Schauspielerkino. und Shlomi Elkabetz in ihrem Film auf Racheengel... Die Leiche ist an ein Ver- Robert Downey Jr. und Robert Duvall sehr eindringliche Weise. Inszeniert kehrsschild gebunden, das gerade überzeugen als Vater-Sohn-Duo, das haben die beiden ihren Film als Thea- noch so aus dem tiefen Schnee heraus- seine zerbrochene Beziehung neu über- terstück. Es gibt nur zwei Räume (den ragt. Verblüfft stehen die beiden denken muss. Allerdings lässt das Gerichtssaal und das Vorzimmer), Groß- Kleinstadtpolizisten davor. Sagt der Drehbuch dabei keine Klischees aus: aufnahmen und Halbtotale dominieren. Eine: “So war das hier doch noch nie”. die zerrüttete Ehe, die kleine Tochter, Schon gleich zu Beginn des Films Erwidert der Andere: “Jetzt ist es aber die alte Liebe, der Patriarch – alle diese macht der Schnitt klar, dass in der or- so.” Nur einer von vielen komischen Ingredienzien kennt man aus vielen thodoxen israelischen Gesellschaft die Momenten, mit denen Regisseur Hans anderen Filmen bereits. So trägt am Frau nichts zählt: es dauert eine ganze Petter Moland seine schwarze Komödie Ende alleine der Vater-Sohn-Konflikt Zeit, bis die Kamera endlich auch den ausstaffiert. Da gibt es dann nicht nur den Film. Der ist zwar mit 140 Minuten Blick freigibt auf die Protagonistin. den “Grafen”, einen ganz bösen Psy- überlang, doch – und das muss man Was folgt ist ein vollkommen absurder chopathen, der sich neben seinem der Inszenierung anrechnen – es kommt und grotesker Prozess vor dem jüdisch- schwierigen Job als Drogenhändler keine Langeweile auf. orthodoxen Rabbinatsgericht, der zu- auch noch um das Wohlergehen seines dem kafkaeske Züge trägt. Vieles von kleinen Sohnes kümmern muss (was dem was hier abläuft ist zwar urko- ihm den letzten Nerv raubt), sondern misch, doch das Lachen bleibt einem auch den “Chinesen”, der eigentlich eigentlich im Halse stecken. Co-Regis- ein Japaner ist, der in Dänemark gebo- seurin Ronit Elkabetz, ein Star in ihrer ren wurde. Nicht zu vergessen die Hel- Heimat und auch hierzulande durch fershelfer, die sich mit ganz alltäglichen Filme wie DIE BAND VON NEBENAN, Dingen herumschlagen müssen wie hat selbst die Hauptrolle übernommen. beispielsweise Zahnschmerzen. Und es Sie glänzt in der Rolle der Viviane, ei- wird gestorben was das Zeug hält! Als ner Frau, die bis zur letzten Minute um Running Gag versorgt uns der Regis- ihre Rechte kämpft. Sehenswertes Art- seur immer wieder mit Sterbetafeln, die haus-Kino. anzeigen, wer in der jeweiligen Szene denn nun tatsächlich umgekommen ist. Freitag, 10. Oktober 2014 Was sich am Anfang noch als knallhar- Blutiger Schnee ter Rachekrimi anfühlt, entwickelt sich Das letzte Doppel in dieser Woche hat- im Laufe des Films (wenn auch recht te viel im Gepäck: Schnee, Blut, Lei- schleppend) zu einer gut besetzten, chen, Anwälte und einen Richter.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 18 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014

WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS (1:1.85, 5.1) Neuseeland/USA 2014 / 86 min / eng- lische OV REGIE: Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi DARSTELLER: Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi, Jonny Brugh, Cori Gonzales-Macuer, Stu Rutherford DREHBUCH: Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi PRODUZENT: Emanuel Michael, Taika Waititi, Chelsea Winstanley VERLEIH: Weltkino Filmverleih DEUTSCHER KINOSTART: 30.10.2014

Einem Filmteam wurde es gestattet, eine WG bestehend aus vier Vampiren über mehrere Monate zu begleiten und ihre Alltagsprobleme zu dokumentie- ren. Die ergeben sich schon alleine dadurch, dass jeder der vier Blutsau- ger aus einem komplett anderen Zeit- alter stammt... Was denn – schon wie- der eine Fake-Doku? Hatten wir davon nicht schon genug in den letzten Jah- lohnt werden. WHAT WE DO IN THE gen sollte, nach Litauen umgeleitet ren? Eigentlich schon. Aber – und jetzt SHADOWS ist schwarzer Humor vom wird... Mit REDIRECTED beweist Re- kommt es - eine solche Fake-Doku, Feinsten, Unbedingt ansehen! gisseur Emilis Velyvis, dass unterhalt- wie sie Jemaine Clement und Taika same Genre-Filme durchaus auch aus Waititi hier vorlegen, gab es definitiv REDIRECTED (1:2.35, 5.1) einem Land wie Litauen stammen noch nicht! Hier wird das Zwerchfell OT: Uz Lietuva! können! Mit viel Gespür für Situations- gefordert. Alleine schon die vier unter- Grossbritannien/Litauen 2014 / 115 komik manövriert er hier seine Anti- schiedlichen Vampirtypen sind zum min / englisch/litauische OmeU Helden von einer brenzligen Lage in Brüllen komisch. Ganz zu schweigen REGIE: Emilis Velyvis die nächste und lässt darüber hinaus von den absurden Situationen, mit DARSTELLER: Vinnie Jones, Scot keine Gelegenheit aus, Ostblockland- denen diese Charaktere im Film kon- Williams, Gil Darnell, Oliver Jackson, klischees zu integrieren. Extrem flott frontiert werden. Einfach herrlich, Anthony Strachan, Artur Smolyaninov inszeniert und mit reichlich (augen- wenn der penible Viago fein säuber- DREHBUCH: Jonas Banys, Emilis zwinkernder) Brutalität gewürzt, erin- lich Zeitungspapier unter den Füßen Velyvis nert diese Action-Komödie an CAT seines Dates auslegt und beim Biss PRODUZENT: Daiva Jovaisiene, Asta RUN, der seinerzeit auch auf dem ausgerechnet auf die Halsschlagader Liukaityte, Andrius Paulavicius Fantasy Filmfest zu sehen war. Gran- seines Opfers trifft. Da hilft Zeitungs- VERLEIH: FilmConfekt dios wie immer: Vinnie Jones, der papier nicht wirklich – das gibt eine dieses Mal den Obergangster mimen echte Sauerei! Wer die Möglichkeit Eigentlich freut sich Michael auf ein darf. Auch wenn der Film zum Ende hat, den Film im englischen Original heisses Date mit seiner Freundin. hin etwas in die Länge gezogen wirkt, anzuschauen, dem sei dringend dazu Stattdessen jedoch findet er sich mit- bietet er perfekte Unterhaltung für geraten. Denn die verschiedenen Dia- ten im ersten großen Coup seiner Genre-Fans. lekte, die die Protagonisten sprechen, Kumpels wieder. Zu dumm, dass die lassen sich nicht Eindeutschen. Und ausgerechnet einen ziemlich nachtra- WRONG COPS (1:2.35, 5.1) wer glaubt, dass Softwareentwickler genden Gangster ausrauben. Dumm USA/Frankreich/Russland 2013 / 83 oder IT-Fuzzies in diesem Film gut auch, dass der Flieger, der das Quar- min / englische OV wegkommen, der irrt – und der Irrtum tett an den Strand von Malaysia brin- REGIE: Quentin Dupieux wird mit schallendem Gelächter be-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 19 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014

DARSTELLER: Mark Burnham, Steve Pavlina Hatoupis, Sebastien PRODUZENT: Liz Kearney Little, Eric Wareheim, Ray Wise, Arden Lemercier VERLEIH: Weltkino Filmverleih Myrin, Eric Roberts, Marilyn Manson WORLD SALES: Wild Bunch DREHBUCH: Quentin Dupieux Nur noch wenige Stunden trennen die PRODUZENT: Gregory Bernard, Diane Im Herbst des Jahres 1988 verschwin- Menschheit vom endgültigen Unter- Jassem, Josef Lieck det Kats Mutter spurlos. Die Ermittlun- gang: die Naturkatastrophe nimmt VERLEIH: Tiberius FILM gen der Polizei laufen ins Leere. Für ihren Lauf. Um dem sicheren Tod zu- die 17jährige Kat ist das alles weniger vorzukommen, entscheiden sich viele Polizisten in LA sind alle pervers und ein Schock als ein Neubeginn. Denn Menschen für den Suizid, andere las- korrupt. Wenn sie nicht gerade mit die Mutter unterdrückte schon jahre- sen nochmal so richtig die Sau raus. Drogen dealen, belästigen sie harm- lang den Vater und machte auch ihr Zu Letzteren gehört James, der unter- lose Autobesitzerinnen sexuell oder großen Stress. Nachdem sich ihr wegs ist zur großen Weltuntergangs- erschießen aus Versehen Unschuldi- Freund zurückzieht, beginnt Kat eine party. Als er zufällig beobachtet, wie ge. Einen dieser Unschuldigen liegt Affäre mit dem wesentlich älteren Er- zwei üble Typen die kleine Rose in ihr jetzt im Kofferraum der Polizei- mittler. Ihre bizarren Träume versucht Haus zerren, kann er nicht anders, als limousine und soll möglichst unauffäl- sie bei einer Therapie zu deuten. ihr zu helfen. Er nimmt sich des klei- lig entsorgt werden. Doch zur Überra- Noch weiß sie nicht, dass sie einem nen Mädchens an, das ihren Vater schung aller Beteiligten lebt der Typ großen Geheimnis auf der Spur ist... sucht, um mit ihm gemeinsam den noch und fährt voll auf Techno ab... Je Die durch seine Bilder (Kamera: San- Weltuntergang zu erleben. James ver- länger Quentin Dupieuxs Film dauert, dra Valde-Hansen) und die verwende- spricht ihr zu helfen. Ein Versprechen, desto mehr hat man das Gefühl, einen ten 80er-Jahre-Songs erzeugte Stim- das seine letzten Stunden für immer Amateurfilm anzuschauen. Das äußert mung des Films erinnert an Peter verändern wird... Bereits in den ersten sich insbesondere an dem vollkom- Jacksons grandiosen IN MEINEM HIM- fünf Minuten seines Films gelingt es men beliebigen Einsatz der Filmmusik MEL, ohne natürlich je dessen Span- Zak Hilditch auf eindrucksvolle Weise (die angeblich aus der Feder des Re- nung zu erreichen, und das zu demonstrieren, was es bedeutet, gisseurs selbst stammt, wodurch vie- Schauspielerensemble sowie die In- wenn man genau weiß, dass man nur les erklärbar wird) sowie an den sich nendekorationen rufen Erinnerungen noch ein paar wenige Stunden leben ständig wiederholenden Pointen. Im- an Chan-wook Parks STOKER wach. wird. Jeder versucht ganz schnell merhin tun die Darsteller wirklich ihr Damit ist Gregg Arakis Film leider noch das zu tun, was er sein ganzes Bestes, um das Schiff nicht ganz un- nichts ungewöhnlich Neues und ent- Leben lang schon machen wollte. So tergehen zu lassen. Aber das genügt täuscht damit in gewisser Weise. hetzt hier der Held der Geschichte zur halt nicht,. Und ein paar skurrile Cha- Nicht enttäuschend hingegen sind die größten Weltuntergangsparty aller Zei- raktere ein paar noch skurrileren Si- darstellerischen Leistungen in die- ten, auf der er seine Freundin treffen tuationen auszusetzen macht noch sem Familiendrama: Eva Green als will. Erst die Begegnung mit der klei- lange keinen Film. Vielleicht sollte sexuell frustrierte Ehefrau und Mutter, nen Rose lässt James erkennen, was Quentin Dupieux Nachhilfe bei seinem die ihren Gatten hemmungslos unter- wirklich zählt in diesen letzten Stun- Namensvetter Quentin Tarantino neh- drückt, und Shailene Woodley als ihre den, die ihm noch bleiben. Hilditch hat men. Dass es dieser Film tatsächlich Teenager-Tochter. Letztere glänzte seinen Film so beeindruckend in Sze- ins Fantasy Filmfest geschafft hat, ist bereits vor Kurzem in DAS SCHICKSAL ne gesetzt, dass es ihm gelingt, die äußerst rätselhaft. IST EIN MIESER VERRÄTER und dürfte Gefühle seiner Protagonisten auf den eine große Hollywood-Karriere vor ich Zuschauer zu übertragen. Leider ver- WHITE BIRD IN A BLIZZARD (1:2.35, haben. liert der Film irgendwo in der Mitte DD 5.1) zeitweise seine Intensität und man USA 2014 / 90 min / englische OV THESE FINAL HOURS (1:2.35, 5.1) hätte sich ein anderes (nämlich offe- REGIE: Gregg Araki Australien 2014 / 87 min / englische nes) Ende der Geschichte gewünscht. DARSTELLER: Shailene Woodley, Eva OV Insgesamt aber hinterlässt dieser Green, Christopher Meloni, Shiloh REGIE: Zak Hilditch Endzeitthriller einen sehr positiven Fernandez, , Thomas DARSTELLER: Angourie Rice, Nathan Eindruck. Jane, Dale Dickey, Mark Indelicato, Phillips, Daniel Henshall, David Field, Sheryl Lee, Angela Bassett David Partridge, Jessica De Gouw, 13 SINS (1:2.35, 5.1) DREHBUCH: Gregg Araki, Laura Kathryn Beck, Korum Ellis, Lynette USA 2014 / 88 min / englische OV Kasischke (Buchvorlage) Curran REGIE: Daniel Stamm PRODUZENT: Pascal Caucheteux, DREHBUCH: Zak Hilditch DARSTELLER: Mark Webber, Ron

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Perlman, , Rutina Leben und Tod... Mit ihrem Film INSIDE Masek, Jeff Fahey, Joey Kern, Kelly Wesley, Devon Graye, Tom Bower haben Alexandre Bustillo und Julien Noonan, Kurt Caceres, Mark L. Young, DREHBUCH: Daniel Stamm, David Maury einen der blutigsten Filme aller Rene Rivera Birke Zeiten geschaffen. Und einen durch- DREHBUCH: Patrick Doody, Chris PRODUZENT: Brian Kavanaugh- aus spannenden Psycho-Thriller dazu. Valenziano Jones, Kiki Miyake, Steven Squillante Mit ihrem neuen Film jedoch enttäu- PRODUZENT: Nick Phillips, Kelly Wag- VERLEIH: Koch Media schen die Franzosen auf der ganzen ner Strecke. Was als eine Art STAND BY VERLEIH: Meteor Film Gerade eben hat Elliot seinen Job ME Variante mit einem von John verloren und sieht sich bereits auf Williams inspirierten Score beginnt, An seinem letzten Arbeitstag wird ein dem sozialen Abstieg, als ihm ein my- entwickelt sich bald schon zu einem Minenarbeiter von seiner erwachse- steriöser Anrufer viel Geld in Aussicht Horrorfilm der konfusen Art. Da hat nen Tochter zu seinem Arbeitsplatz tief stellt. Das Einzige was Elliot dafür tun das Drehbuch dann doch irgendwie unter der Erde begleitet. Es kommt zu muss: er soll 13 Aufgaben erfüllen. zuviel gewollt und ergeht sich in Kli- einem Unfall und der Bergarbeiter- Was mit dem Essen einer getöteten schees, die inzwischen derart abge- trupp muss Zuflucht in der Über- Stubenfliege noch relativ harmlos be- droschen sind, dass man ziemlich lebenskammer suchen. Während die ginnt, nimmt mit jeder Aufgabe perfi- schnell Langeweile verspürt. Gruppe auf Hilfe wartet, ereignen sich dere Züge an... Deutschlands Holly- seltsame Dinge... Nach IN DARKNESS wood-Export Daniel Stamm (THE LAST THE BABADOOK (1:2.35, 5.1) WE FALL war BENEATH der zweite EXORCISM) hat mit 13 SINS einen Australien 2014 / 92 min / englische Höhlenfilm beim Fantasy Filmfest thailändischen Thriller neu inszeniert. OV 2014. Aber auch hier mag eine richtig Und das gelingt dem gebürtigen Ham- REGIE: Jennifer Kent klaustrophobische Stimmung nicht burger sehr souverän. In Bild- und DARSTELLER: , Noah aufkommen, zumal die Figuren wie so Tongestaltung lässt der Film nichts zu Wiseman, Daniel Henshall oft in ihren Handlungsweisen nicht wünschen übrig und hat mit Mark DREHBUCH: Jennifer Kent ganz glaubwürdig erscheinen. Da hilft Webber als Elliot sowie Ron Perlman PRODUZENT: Kristina Ceyton, Kristian auch der Hinweis am Anfang, dass als Detective zudem die Idealbeset- Moliere alles von wahren Ereignissen inspi- zung gefunden. VERLEIH: Wild Bunch riert wurde, recht wenig.

AMONG THE LIVING (1:2.35, 5.1) Eine alleinerziehende Mutter findet im CANNIBAL (1:2.35, 5.1) OT: Aux Yeux Des Vivants Zimmer ihres kleinen Sohnes ein Bil- OT: Caníbal Frankreich 2014 / 90 min / französi- derbuch, das von einem Monster han- Spanien/Rumänien/Russland/ Frank- sche OmeU delt, dem “Babadook” und liest ihm reich 2013 / 116 min / spanisch rumä- REGIE: Alexandre Bustillo, Julien daraus vor. Alsbald ereignen sich selt- nische OmeU Maury same Dinge im Haus, die immer be- REGIE: Manuel Martín Cuenca DARSTELLER: Anne Marivin, Béatrice drohlichere Züge annehmen. Gibt es DARSTELLER: Antonio de la Torre, Dalle, Chloé Coulloud, Damien den Babadook tatsächlich? - Regis- María Alfonsa Rosso, Olimpia Melinte Ferdel, Fabien Jegoudez, Francis seurin Jennifer Kent hat mit diesem DREHBUCH: Alejandro Hernández, Renaud, Nicolas Giraud, Sidwell We- Film eine abendfüllende Version ihres Rafael de la Uz, Humberto Arenal ber, Théo Fernandez, Zacharie Kurzfilms MONSTER realisiert. Sehr (Buchvorlage) Chasseriaud atmosphärisch und mit einem Gespür PRODUZENT: Fernando Bovaira, DREHBUCH: Alexandre Bustillo, Julien für wirklich gruselige Momente hat sie Rafael de la Uz, Simón de Santiago Maury den Stoff neu umgesetzt. Leider aber WORLD SALES: Film Factory PRODUZENT: Fabrice Lambot, Caroli- merkt man dem Film an, dass er auf ne Piras, Jean-Pierre Putters einer Kurzgeschichte basiert, er wirkt Ein als Schneider arbeitender, sehr VERLEIH: Tiberius Film ab der Mitte etwa in die Länge gezo- zurückgezogener Mann geht einem gen. seltsamen Hobby nach: er tötet Frau- Als drei Schüler auf einem verlasse- en und verspeist sie. Als eines Tages nen Studiogelände abhängen, beob- BENEATH (1:2.35, 5.1) die Schwester von einem seiner Opfer achten sie wie eine junge Frau ent- USA 2013 / 89 min / englische OV bei ihm auftaucht, entwickelt sich zwi- führt wird. Sie beschließen ihr zu hel- REGIE: Ben Ketai schen den beiden eine Liebesbezie- fen. Damit aber beginnt für die drei DARSTELLER: Brent Briscoe, David hung... Manuel Martín Cuencas Drama Jungs und deren Eltern ein Kampf auf Shackelford, Eric Etebari, Jason beeindruckt durch seine extrem ruhi-

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gen Bilder, die sich aktuellen Seh- DREHBUCH: Jim Mickle, Nick Damici, PRODUZENT: Shawn Angelski, Martin gewohnheiten entziehen. Auch verzich- Joe R. Lansdale (Buchvorlage) Fisher tet Cuencas auf eine Filmmusik, was PRODUZENT: Rene Bastian, Adam VERLEIH: Tiberius Film den Film sehr authentisch erscheinen Folk, Linda Moran lässt, und er braucht auch keine VERLEIH: Universal Pictures Germany Bei einem Ausflug zu einer Waldhütte Splatterszenen, um sein Psycho- beobachtet eine Clique junger Men- gramm eines Kannibalen zu erzählen. Als ein Familienvater bei Nacht einen schen den Absturz einer fliegenden Ein beeindruckendes Werk. Eindringling erschießt, zieht er damit Untertasse und werden von Außerirdi- den Zorn von dessen gerade auf Be- schen drangsaliert. Die mit dem Hor- COHERENCE (1:2.35, 5.1) währung freigekommenen Vater auf ror-Hit GRAVE ENCOUNTERS bekannt USA 2013 / 89 min / englische OV sich. Der will postwendend Rache gewordenen Vicious Brothers versu- REGIE: James Ward Byrkit nehmen... Wer glaubt, dass damit al- chen sich am Science-Fiction-Genre. DARSTELLER: Hugo Armstrong, les bereits gesagt ist, für den hält die- Das gelingt leider nur recht einge- Nicholas Brendon, Emily Foxler, ser Thriller ein paar Überraschungen schränkt, da sich die beiden zu sehr Elizabeth Gracen, Lauren Maher, Alex parat, die sich gewaschen haben! um das Einhalten altbewährter Kli- Manugian, Lorene Scafaria, Maury COLD IN JULY war eines der Festival- schees bemüht sind. In den visuellen Sterling highlights in diesem Sommer. Michael Effekten durchaus gelungen. DREHBUCH: James Ward Byrkit, Alex C. Hall als Familienvater, Sam Manugian Shepard als undurchsichtiger Rächer FAULTS (1:2.35, 5.1) PRODUZENT: Lene Bausager und Don Johnson als etwas durch- USA 2014 / 93 min / englische OV WORLD SALES: Independent Films geknallter texanischer Ermittler sind REGIE: Riley Stearns der perfekte Cast in diesem Krimi der DARSTELLER: Leland Orser, Mary Das gemeinsame Abendessen einer harten Gangart. Unbedingt sehens- Elizabeth Winstead, Chris Ellis, Lance Freundesclique nimmt einen ernsten wert! Reddick, Jon Gries, Leonard Earl Charakter an, als sie feststellen müs- Howze, Beth sen, dass es in ihrer Nachbarschaft THE DIVINE MOVE (1:2.35, 5.1) DREHBUCH: Riley Stearns offenbar genau dieselbe Clique noch OT: God’s One Move PRODUZENT: Keith Calder, Jess einmal gibt. Könnte der momentan in Südkorea 2014 / 118 min / koreani- Calder, Mary Elizabeth Winstead einer Erdumlaufbahn befindliche Ko- sche OmeU WORLD SALES: Hanway Films met die Ursache für parallele Existen- REGIE: Beom-gu Cho zen sein? - Die Idee mit mehreren DARSTELLER: Kil-Kang Ahn, Sung- Ansel Roth ist ein richtig armes Würst- Inkarnationen derselben Person, die kee Ahn, Jin-Hyeok Choi, Woo-sung chen. Der Sektenexperte hat große miteinander agieren, ist nicht neu. In Jung Geldprobleme. Da kommt der Auftrag CUBE 2 wurde sie bereits thematisiert. DREHBUCH: Seong-hyeob Yoo zweier Eltern ganz recht, die Ansel Dennoch verblüfft die Story, die James PRODUZENT: Mae-Hee Park, Jung- darum bitten, ihre Tochter Claire aus Ward Byrkit darauf aufbaut. Der be- Hoon Yoo den Händen einer Sekte zu befreien. grenzte Raum, in dem sie spielt, lässt WORLD SALES: Showbox Gegen Bares natürlich. Ansel lässt auf das geringe Budget der Produktion Claire entführen und unterzieht sie in schließen, tut aber der Spannung kei- Um den brutalen Mord an seinem Bru- einem Hotelzimmer einer nen Abbruch. Das Einzige, was bei der zu rächen, mischt sich Tae-seok “Entsektifizierung”. Glaubt der Gute dieser “Wer ist wer?”-Geschichte et- unter die Go-Szene und räumt ordent- zumindest. Leland Orser als der sich was stört, ist die tiefschürfende Logik, lich auf. THE DIVINE MOVE ist solide in Geldnöten befindende Ansel trägt die sich die kleine Gesellschaft trotz inszeniertes koreanisches Rachekino diese wunderbare kleine Dramödie, der feucht-fröhlichen Feier noch zu- mit den üblichen Gewaltspitzen. die nicht viel Aufhebens um ihre Ge- sammenreimen kann. schichte macht, dafür aber umso mehr fasziniert. COLD IN JULY (1:2.35, 5.1) EXTRATERRESTRIAL (1:2.35, 5.1) USA/Frankreich 2014 / 109 min / engli- USA 2014 / 106 min / englische OV GO GOA GONE (1:2.35, 5.1) sche OV REGIE: Colin Minihan Indien 2013 / 108 min / hindi/engli- REGIE: Jim Mickle DARSTELLER: Brittany Allen, Freddie sche OmeU DARSTELLER: Michael C. Hall, Don Stroma, Melanie Papalia, Gil Bellows, REGIE: Krishna DK, Raj Nidimoru Johnson, Sam Shepard, Vinessa Michael Ironside, Jesse Moss DARSTELLER: Saif Ali Khan, Kunal Shaw, Nick Damici, Wyatt Russell DREHBUCH: The Vicious Brothers Khemu, Vir Das, Anand Tiwari, Puja

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Gupta be setzenden britischen Film gibt es über einen Videochat eine Verbindung DREHBUCH: Krishna DK, Raj hier leider furchtbare Wackelkamera, ein... Der überlange Thriller der Mo Nidimoru, Sita Menon völlig unlogisch handelnde Figuren Brothers dürfte zu den blutigsten Fil- PRODUZENT: Saif Ali Khan, Sunil A und ziemlich aufgesetzt wirkende men des Fantasy Filmfest 2014 gehö- Lulla, Dinesh Vijan Splatterszenen. Gottseidank endet das ren. Die in ihm gezeigte WORLD SALES: Eros International ganze Drama bereits nach 80 Minuten. kompromisslose Gewalt wird sicher- lich in deutschen Landen nicht unge- Weil sie von Frauen und Job die Nase JAMIE MARKS IS DEAD (1:2.35, 5.1) schoren davonkommen und empfiehlt voll haben, reisen zwei Freunde ins USA 2014 / 100 min / englische OV sich zart besaiteten Gemütern auf kei- Ferienparadies Goa, nur um dort auf REGIE: Carter Smith nen Fall. Der drastische Film wartet ein ganzes Heer von Zombies zu sto- DARSTELLER: Cameron Monaghan, mit einer ungewöhnlichen, extrem dy- ßen und mit Boris von der Russen- Noah Silver, Morgan Saylor, Madisen namischen Tonspur auf. Mafia Bekanntschaft zu schließen... Beaty, Judy Greer, Liv Tyler Darauf hat die Welt gewartet: DREHBUCH: Carter Smith, Christo- LIFE AFTER BETH (1:1.85, 5.1) Bollywood goes Zombies! Wer bislang pher Barzak (Buchvorlage) USA 2014 / 91 min / englische OV dachte, dass es in Indien nur Film- PRODUZENT: Hunter Gray, Jacob REGIE: Jeff Baena romanzen mit jeder Menge an Song & Jaffke, Alex Orlovsky DARSTELLER: Aubrey Plaza, Dane Dance Einlagen gibt, der wird hier WORLD SALES: Celluloid Dreams / DeHaan, John C. Reilly, Molly eines Besseren belehrt. Der von Re- Nightmares Shannon, Cheryl Hines, Paul Reiser gie-Duo Krishna DK und Raj Nidimoru DREHBUCH: Jeff Baena inszenierte Spaß ist genauso blutig Als der durch seine Mitschüler ständig PRODUZENT: Liz Destro, Michael und lustig wie Zombie-Parodien aus gemobbte Jamie eines Tages tot auf- Zakin der westlichen Welt. Die witzige Ge- gefunden wird, beginnt für den sensi- VERLEIH: Universal Pictures Germany schichte (Zombies sind das direkte blen Adam und seine Mitschülerin Resultat der Globalisierung!), die gu- Lucy eine seltsame Zeit: den beiden ten Darsteller (Saif Ali Khan ist der erscheint Jamies Geist... Der beste Beth ist tot und ihr Freund Zach trau- geborene Boris!) und der wirklich sat- Geisterfilm seit langer Zeit? Wer sol- ert. Aber was wäre wenn Beth einfach te 5.1-Sound sind ein Garant für gute chen Unsinn verbreitet, der hat keine wieder aus dem Grab gestiegen wäre Laune bei herrlichem Gemetzel. Ahnung. Carter Smiths Film ist mehr und gar nicht mehr wüsste, dass sie ein Schwulendrama denn ein Geister- schon tot war? Zach hat plötzlich arge IN DARKNESS WE FALL (1:1.85, 5.1) film und erinnert dank Jamies Äuße- Probleme... Regisseur und Drehbuch- OT: La Cueva rem stets an Harry Potter. Warum aus- autor Jeff Baena macht es genau rich- Spanien 2014 / 80 min / spanische gerechnet Liv Tyler für die Nebenrolle tig: das Zombie-Genre ist tot, es lebe OmeU der im Rollstuhl sitzenden Mutter von das Zombie-Genre! Allerdings nicht REGIE: Alfredo Montero Adam gecastet wurde bleibt rätselhaft. mehr in der Grusel-Variante, sondern DARSTELLER: Eva García-Vacas, nur noch als Komödie. Mit richtig witzi- Jorge Páez, Marcos Ortiz, Marta KILLERS (1:2.35, 5.1) gen Einfällen und einem tollen Cast Castellote, Xoel Fernández OT: Killers demonstriert er, welcher Humor so DREHBUCH: Alfredo Montero, Javier Indonesien/ 2014 / 137 min / einer Zombie-Geschichte tatsächlich Gullón japanische OmeU innewohnt. Zum Schmunzeln! PRODUZENT Juan Gordon, Alfredo REGIE: The Mo Brothers Montero, Marcos Ortiz DARSTELLER: Kazuki Kitamura, Oka MAN ON HIGH HEELS (1:2.35, 5.1) VERLEIH: Ascot Elite Antara, Rin Takanashi, Luna Maya, OT: Hai-Hil Ray Sahetapy Südkorea 2014 / 125 min / koreani- Eine Gruppe junger Leute entscheidet DREHBUCH: Timo Tjahjanto, Takuji sche OmeU sich zu einem Spontanurlaub auf einer Ushiyama REGIE: Jin Jang Insel. Sie entdecken eine Höhle und PRODUZENT: Yoshinori Chiba, Kimo DARSTELLER: Seung-won Cha, verirren sich darin. Dann geht ihr Was- Stamboel, Shinjiro Nishimura Jeong-se Oh, Esom, Kil-kang Ahn ser zur Neige... Gerade als man dach- VERLEIH: Tiberius Film DREHBUCH: Jin Jang te, dass die “Found Footage”-Idee PRODUZENT: Jin Jang, Eun-ha Lee endgültig ausgedient habe, liefert Ein Serienkiller aus Japan und ein WORLD SALES: Lotte Entertainment Alfredo Montero seine Version von THE Fotoreporter, der erst vor Kurzem sei- DESCENT. Gegenüber diesem Maßstä- ne dunkle Seite entdeckt hat, gehen Ein extrem tougher Cop legt sich

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dienstlich mit einer Verbrecher- fast um den Verstand bringt. THE ON THE EDGE (1:2.35, 5.1) organisation an, während er sich im MULE ist australisches Genre-Kino at OT: Lev Staekt Privatleben einer Geschlechtsum- its best. Dänemark/Schweden 2014 / 86 min / wandlung unterziehen will. Es ist dänische OmeU schon höchst erstaunlich, wie offen NOVEMBER MAN (1:2.35, 5.1) REGIE: Christian E. Christiansen Jin Jangs Thriller mit einem Tabu- USA 2014 / 108 min / englische OV DARSTELLER: Cyron Melville, Jakob thema wie der Transexualität umgeht. REGIE: Roger Donaldson Oftebro, Danica Curcic, Joakim Das wird auf ganz natürliche Art und DARSTELLER: Pierce Brosnan, Luke Ingversen Weise zwischen harte und wie immer Bracey, Olga Kurylenko, Eliza Taylor, DREHBUCH: Christian E. Christian- extrem blutige Szenen gepackt, so als Will Patton, Patrick Kennedy sen, Morten Dragsted ob es das Normalste von der ganzen DREHBUCH: Michael Finch, Karl PRODUZENT: Louise Vesth, Senia Welt wäre. Dass bei alledem auch der Gajdusek, Bill Granger (Buchvorlage) Dremstrup, Jakob Balslev Humor nicht zu kurz kommt, ist ein PRODUZENT: Sriram Das, Beau St. WORLD SALES: Trustnordisk weiterer Pluspunkt des Drehbuchs. Clair VERLEIH: Wild Bunch Germany / Uni- Die Freundschaft zweier Männer gerät THE MULE (1:2.35, 5.1) versum Film in eine Schieflage, als es bei einem Australien 2014 / 103 min / englische illegalen Autorennen zu einem tödliche OV Ein reaktivierter Ex-CIA-Agent will den Unfall kommt. Durchschnittliches Ac- REGIE: Angus Sampson, Tony Mahony Tod seiner Kollegin rächen und die tion-Drama, das kaum Spannung, da- DARSTELLER: , Angus Hintermänner stellen. Von Roger für aber rasante Autorennen zu bieten Sampson, Leigh Whannell, Ewen Donaldson souverän und sehr solide hat. Leslie, , Georgina Haig, inszenierter Action-Thriller, bei dem , John Noble Alt-Bond Pierce Brosnan genau der OPEN WINDOWS (1:1.85, 5.1) DREHBUCH: Angus Sampson, Leigh richtige Kerl für den Job ist. Frankreich/Spanien/USA 2014 / 100 Whannell min / englische OV PRODUZENT: Jane Liscombe, Angus OCULUS (1:2.35, 5.1) REGIE: Nacho Vigalondo Sampson USA 2014 / 104 min / englische OV DARSTELLER: Elijah Wood, Sasha VERLEIH: MFA+ Filmdistribution REGIE: Mike Flanagan Grey, Neil Maskell, Adam Quintero DARSTELLER: Karen Gillan, Brenton DREHBUCH: Daniel Mas, Nacho Widerwillig lässt sich ein gutmütiger Thwaites, Katee Sackhoff, James Vigalondo Radio- und Fernsehtechniker darauf Lafferty, Annalise Basso, Courtney PRODUZENT: Enrique Lopez Lavigne, ein, in 20 Kondome verpacktes Kokain Bell, Garrett Ryan, Justin Gordon Belen Atienza, Mercedes Gamero in seinem Magen auf der Rückreise DREHBUCH: Mike Flanagan, Jeff VERLEIH: Wild Bunch Germany von Thailand durch den Zoll zu Howard, Jeff Seidman schmuggeln. Zu dumm dass er von PRODUZENT: Marc D. Evans, Trevor Nick, großer Fan von Schauspielerin seinem Recht Gebrauch macht, nicht Macy Jill, wird von einem Unbekannten dazu geröntgt zu werden. Denn jetzt darf die VERLEIH: Universum Film / erpresst, mit der Schönen per Polizei den hochgradig Verdächtigen SquareOne Entertainment Videochat Sex zu haben... Auch wenn sieben Tag lang in einem Hotelzimmer in diesem Internet-Thriller Plausibilität festhalten. Doch der Typ weigert sich Ein Geschwisterpaar will mittels eines und Logik manchmal auf der Strecke hartnäckig aufs Klo zu gehen... Angus geheimnisvollen Spiegels beweisen, bleiben, so ist er dennoch konsequent Sampson und Tony Mahony dürfen dass es nicht der Bruder war, der die spannend und handwerklich solide Stolz darauf sein, die wohl ekeligste Eltern umgebracht hat. In Mike inszeniert und mit Elijah Wood sowie Szene der Filmgeschichte inszeniert Flanagans Haunted-House-Thriller dem Ex-Porno-Star Sasha Grey gut zu haben! Auch wenn man dafür unbe- macht alleine schon der Anblick des besetzt. Die 5.1-Tonspur macht gro- dingt einen richtig abgehärteten Ma- riesigen Spiegels Angst – ein Teil, das ßen Spaß. gen braucht – der auf einer wahren man nicht selber in der Wohnung ha- Begebenheit beruhende Film macht ben will. Auch sonst wartet die Horror- PATCH TOWN (1:1.78, 5.1) großen Spaß! Angus Sampson brilliert mär mit einigen gruseligen Einfällen Kanada 2014 / 85 min / englische OV in der Rolle des naiven Drogenkuriers, auf, vermag aber nicht grenzenlos zu REGIE: Craig Goodwill der im abgeschotteten Hotelzimmer fesseln, da die Gruseleinlagen oft DARSTELLER: Rob Ramsay, Zoie über sich selbst hinauswächst und wiederholt werden. Palmer, Julian Richings, Suresh John, seinen Widersacher (Hugo Weaving) Scott Thompson, Ken Hall

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DREHBUCH: Christiopher Bond, Kanada 2013 / 109 min / englische OV bild- und tontechnischer Hinsicht ex- Trevor Martin REGIE: Dave Schultz zellente Arbeit angeliefert haben. Lei- PRODUZENT: David Sparkes, Craig DARSTELLER: Rory J. Saper, Merritt der wird der Stil dabei zum reinen Goodwill Patterson, Richard Harmon, Kim Selbstzweck und langweilt ab der Mitte WORLD SALES: Reel Suspects Coates, Kelly Rowan, Tom Carey, Nan- des Films eigentlich nur noch. Unter- cy Sorel legt ist der Film mit Giallo-Scores aus Wenn Kinder in Kohlköpfen zur Welt DREHBUCH: Dave Schultz den 1960er und 1970er-Jahren von kommen und in riesigen Fabrikhallen PRODUZENT: Bruce Harvey, Anand Ennio Morricone und Kollegen. zu Spielpuppen umfunktioniert wer- Ramayya, Dave Schultz den, dann befindet man sich in Patch WORLD SALES: Breakthrough SUBURBAN GOTHIC (1:1.85, 5.1) Town. Einzig der sanftmütige Jon be- Entertainment USA 2014 / 90 min / englische OV ginnt zu grübeln – und alles ändert REGIE: Richard Bates Jr. sich. Der wohl skurrilste Film auf dem Eines Tages taucht Rufus, äußerlich DARSTELLER: Matthew Gray Gubler, diesjährigen Fantasy Filmfest ent- ein Teenager, in einem kanadischen Kat Dennings, John Waters, Jeffrey puppte sich als Musical! Allerdings – Provinzkaff auf. Der Sheriff nimmt ihn Combs, Barbara Niven, Muse Watson, und das ist sehr schade – beschränk- bei sich auf, die Nachbarstochter Ray Wise te sich die Musikalität auf ein paar freundet sich mit ihm an. Doch wo DREHBUCH: Mark Linehan Bruner, ganz wenige Songs. Die surreale Um- immer auch Rufus auftaucht, gesche- Richard Bates, Jr. gebung und die überzeichneten Figu- hen seltsame Dinge... Ist er nun ein PRODUZENT: Dylan Hale Lewis ren erinnern entfernt an ERASERHEAD. Vampir oder nicht? Rufus, der “Freak WORLD SALES: New Normal Films of Nature”, gibt in Dave Schultzs Film R100 (1:1.85, 5.1) jedenfalls eine Menge Rätsel auf und Tagträumer Raymond und Gothic-Girl OT: R100 so plätschert der Film ruhig vor sich Becca nehmen es mit einem Dämon Japan 2013 / 100 min / japanische hin und hinterlässt keinen besonde- auf, der sich in Raymonds Familie OmeU ren Eindruck. Gesehen – vergessen. niederlassen will. Eine in herrlich sat- REGIE: Hitoshi Matsumoto ten Farben und mit vielen Songein- DARSTELLER: Mao Daichi, Nao THE STRANGE COLOR OF YOUR lagen inszenierte Komödie, die vor Ômori, Shinobu Terajima, Naomi BODY’S TEARS (1:2.35, 5.1) allem durch das ausgezeichnete En- Watanabe, Hairi Katagiri, Ai Tominaga, OT: L’Etrange Couleur Des Larmes De semble begeistert. YOU, Eriko Sato Ton Corps DREHBUCH: Hitoshi Matsumoto Belgien/Frankreich/Luxemburg 2013 / SUPREMACY (1:2.35, 5.1) PRODUZENT: Akihiko Okamoto 100 min / französische OmeU USA 2014 / 97 min / englische OV WORLD SALES: Free Stone REGIE: Hélène Cattet, Bruno Forzani REGIE: Deon Taylor Productions DARSTELLER: Klaus Tange, Jean- DARSTELLER: Danny Glover, Julie Michel Vovk, Sylvia Camarda, Sam Benz, Joe Anderson, , Ein Wittwer tritt einem geheimnisvol- Louwyck, Anna D’Annunzio Anson Mount, Dawn Olivieri, len S&M-Club bei, dessen Mitglieder DREHBUCH: Hélène Cattet, Bruno Mahershala Ali zu jeder Tages- und Nachzeit von Forzani DREHBUCH: Eric J. Adams Dominas heimgesucht werden... Die PRODUZENT: François Cognard, Eve PRODUZENT: Roxanne Avent, Vince Vermutung liegt nahe, dass Regisseur Commenge Cirrincione Hitoshi Matsumoto mit diesem Film VERLEIH: Koch Media VERLEIH: Capelight Pictures seinen Zuschauern nur einen Streich spielen wollte. Denn viel Sinn ergibt Als ein Mann von einer Dienstreise in Auf der Flucht vor der Polizei ver- das alles nicht, was er uns hier prä- seine Wohnung zurückkehrt, ist seine schanzt sich ein rassistischer sentiert. Aber vermutlich muss man Frau spurlos verschwunden. Er be- Polizistenmörder zusammen mit sei- 100 Jahre alt sein, um den Film zu ginnt in dem riesigen Wohnhaus nach ner Komplizin im Haus einer farbigen verstehen – genauso wie es im Film ihr zu suchen... Mit AMER hat das Re- Familie. Auch wenn der Film auf dem selbst gesagt wird. Denn auch dort gie-Duo Hélène Cattet und Bruno Fantasy Filmfest leider nur in einer wundern sich ein paar Zuschauer ob Forzani vor ein paar Jahren bereits Kompromisskopie vorgeführt wurde der Absurdität des im Film gezeigten dem Giallo-Film gehuldigt. Auch ihr (falsches Bild- und Tonformat!), er- Films. neuer Film tut dies wieder. “Style over wies er sich dennoch als ein Höhe- Substance” ist das erklärte Ziel der punkt des Festivals. Insbesondere die RUFUS (1:2.35, 5.1) beiden Franzosen, die wieder eine in sorgfältig eingesetzte Filmmusik

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konnte hier begeistern. ihn in höchste Gefahr... Der nach einer seiner Katze auch noch verbal unter- Romanvorlage von Mo Hayder souve- stützt. Als er sich an die hübsche TIME LAPSE (1:1.78, 5.1) rän inszenierte Thriller könnte glatt als Fiona ranmacht, endet das Date etwas USA 2014 / 104 min / englische OV “Schwedenkrimi aus Holland” durch- unkonventionell... Die Idee ist zwar REGIE: Bradley King gehen. Mit guten Darstellern ausge- nicht sonderlich originell, ihre Umset- DARSTELLER: Danielle Panabaker, stattet bleibt der düstere Krimi bis zur zung dafür schon. Denn die zu ihm Matt O’Leary, George Finn, Amin Jo- letzten Minute konsequent spannend. sprechenden Haustiere, ein Hund und seph, Jason Spisak, Sharon Maughan, eine Katze, sind das direkte Resultat David Figlioli UNDER THE SKIN (1:1.85, 5.1) von Jerrys Medikamenten- DREHBUCH: Bradley King, B.P. Grossbritannien 2013 / 108 min / eng- verweigerung. Das Interessante da- Cooper lische OV bei: Hauptdarsteller Ryan Reynolds PRODUZENT: B.P. Cooper, Rick REGIE: Jonathan Glazer spricht auch die beiden Vierbeiner in Montgomery DARSTELLER: Johansson, dieser bitterbösen schwarzen Komö- WORLD SALES: Devilworks Krystof Hádek, Paul Brannigan, Scott die, in der eine ganze Palette von Dymond, Michael Moreland, Jeremy Tupperware benötigt wird, um die Durch Zufall entdecken die drei Mit- McWilliams Überreste von Jerrys Opfer zu verstau- glieder einer Wohngemeinschaft ei- DREHBUCH: Walter Campbell, en. Besonders schöner Gag am nen skurrilen Fotoapparat, der von der Jonathan Glazer, Michel Faber (Buch- Schluss: während der Endtitel führt gegenüberliegenden Wohnung jeden vorlage) der gesamte Cast eine hübsche Song Tag ein Foto ihrer WG anfertigt. Der PRODUZENT: Nick Wechsler, James & Dance Nummer auf. Clou dabei: das Foto ist eine Moment- Wilson aufnahme des jeweils nächsten Tags! VERLEIH: Senator Film A HARD DAY (1:2.35, 5.1) Als sie anfangen diese Eigenschaft in OT: Kkeut-kka-ji-gan-da bare Münze umzuwandeln, lassen sie Ein Alien in Frauengestalt lockt in Südkorea 2014 / 111 min / koreani- sich damit auf ein tödliches Spiel ein... Schottland Männer in ihr Haus. Was sche OmeU Filme mit Zeitreiseideen gehörten dort mit den Herren geschieht, bleibt REGIE: Seong-hoon Kim schon immer zu jener Art von Filmen, ziemlich rätselhaft und damit der DARSTELLER: Seon-gyun Lee, Jin- bei denen man mitdenken sollte. Nicht Phantasie des Zuschauers überlas- woong Jo, Jeong-geun Sin, Man-shik anders auch in diesem Fall, der mit sen. Jonathan Glazers Film wirkt über Jeong, Dong-mi Shin einer frischen Idee und der ebenso weite Strecken improvisiert und dürfte DREHBUCH: Seong-hoon Kim, Hae- frischen Umsetzung zu Punkten ver- die Erwartungen der meisten Zu- jun Lee (Buchvorlage) steht. Wem bereits der spanische schauer, Scarlett Johansson einmal in PRODUZENT: Dong-yoon Lee Thriller TIMECRIMES gefallen hat, der einem Sci-Fi-Thriller zu erleben, herb WORLD SALES: Showbox wird auch mit Bradley Kings Film sei- enttäuschen. nen Spaß haben. Es ist nicht gerade Geon-soos bester THE VOICES (1:2.35, 5.1) Tag. Auf dem Weg zur Beerdigung sei- THE TREATMENT (1:2.35, 5.1) USA/Deutschland 2013 / 107 min / ner Mutter überfährt der Polizist dum- OT: De Behandeling englische OV merweise einen Fußgänger. Weil ihm Belgien 2014 / 125 min / niederländi- REGIE: Marjane Satrapi das hochgradig unangenehm ist, hat sche OmeU DARSTELLER: Ryan Reynolds, er eine brillante Idee: der Tote kommt REGIE: Hans Herbots Gemma Arterton, Anna Kendrick, Jacki einfach mit in Mamas Sarg! Gesagt – DARSTELLER: Geert van Rampelberg, Weaver getan. Doch dann fängt plötzlich das Ina Geerts, Johan van Assche, Laura DREHBUCH: Michael R. Perry Handy im Sarg zu klingeln an... Diese Verlinden, Ingrid De Vos, Patrizia Berti PRODUZENT: Roy Lee, Matthew rabenschwarze Komödie aus Korea DREHBUCH: Carl Joos, Mo Hayder Rhodes, Adi Shankar hat es wahrhaftig in sich: hier darf (Buchvorlage) VERLEIH: Ascot Elite nach Herzenslust gelacht werden! Das PRODUZENT: Peter Bouckaert Drehbuch enthält genügend Fallstrik- VERLEIH: Vero Film Lagerarbeiter Jerry hat psychische ke, um jedweder Langeweile vorzu- Probleme, die er eigentlich mit Medi- beugen. Klare Sache: Koreas Antwort Die Jagd auf einen extrem perversen kamenten und einer wöchentliche auf IMMER ÄRGER MIT HARRY emp- Kinderschänder weckt beim ermitteln- Therapiestunde kurieren sollte. Doch fiehlt sich als Geheimtipp! den Kripomann Erinnerungen an sei- der junge Mann sieht das ganz anders ne eigene Vergangenheit und bringt und wird dabei von seinem Hund und

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 27 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment - Bloody Fate Germany 20.11.2014 Animation Beyonetta: Buraddi Feito 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061907 Dir. Fuminori Kizaki 6 Mini-Movies Collection Trickfilm 2013 86min. Dora - Weihnachtsbox (3 Discs) Universum Film Home Dora The Explorer Trickfilm/Komödie 2014 25min. Entertainment(Universum ) Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 28.11.2014 Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong 16.10.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061753 Bonus-Episode 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062432 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 236min. Paramount Home Ab durch den Dschungel Bayonetta - Bloody Fate (Blu-ray) Beyonetta: Buraddi Feito Entertainment() 06.11.2014 Jungle Shuffle Dir. Fuminori Kizaki 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062004 Dir. Taedong Park, Mauricio De la Orta Trickfilm 2013 90min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2014 79min. Universum Film Home Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht Splendid Film 12.12.2014 Entertainment(Universum Anime) 1&2 (2 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062511 28.11.2014 How To Train Your Dragon / How To Train Ab durch den Dschungel (Blu-ray 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061762 Your Dragon 2 Dir. Dean Deblois, Christopher Sanders 3D) (Blu-ray) Best of Cartoon Classics Trickfilm/Fantasy 2010-2014 min. Jungle Shuffle Best Of Cartoon Classics Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dir. Taedong Park, Mauricio De la Orta Trickfilm 300min. Germany 21.11.2014 Trickfilm/Komödie 2014 82min. ZYX Music 31.10.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061864 Splendid Film 12.12.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062420 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062515 Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht Bubble Guppies - Ab in den Ab durch den Dschungel (Blu-ray) 1&2 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Schnee How To Train Your Dragon / How To Train Jungle Shuffle Bubble Guppies Your Dragon 2 Dir. Taedong Park, Mauricio De la Orta Bonus Episoden Dir. Dean Deblois, Christopher Sanders Trickfilm/Komödie 2014 82min. Trickfilm 69min. Trickfilm/Fantasy 2010-2014 min. Splendid Film 12.12.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062514 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062003 Germany 21.11.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062112 Batman - Die komplette Serie (13 Casper und seine Freunde Discs) Casper And His 1 Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht Batman Dir. Isadore Sparber, David Tendlar, 1&2 (Blu-ray 3D, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Dir. Kevin Altieri, Boyd Kirkland, Frank Paur, Seymour Kneitel How To Train Your Dragon / How To Train Dan Riba Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1950-1963 60min. Your Dragon 2 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1992-1995 min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.10.2014 Dir. Dean Deblois, Christopher Sanders Warner Home Video Germany 20.11.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061871 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2010-2014 min. 129,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062359 Coco, der neugierige Affe feiert Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Batman - Die komplette Serie (18 Germany 21.11.2014 Weihnachten 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062113 Discs) Curious George Batman Trickfilm/Abenteuer 56min. Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht 2 Dir. Kevin Altieri, Boyd Kirkland, Frank Paur, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) How To Train Your Dragon 2 Dan Riba 20.11.2014 Dir. Dean Deblois Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1992-1995 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062297 Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Kurzfilme Warner Home Video Germany 20.11.2014 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2014 99min. 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062358 Devil Survivor 2 - Vol. 4 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Devil Survivor 2: Tha Animation Germany(DreamWorks) 21.11.2014 Batman: Assault on Arkham Dir. Seiji Kishi 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061863 Batman: Assault On Arkham Trickfilm/Fantasy 75min. Kriminalfilm/Zeichentrick 2014 min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 31.10.2014 Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht 2 Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061780 (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D) (Blu- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062244 Devil Survivor 2 - Vol. 4 (Blu-ray) ray) How To Train Your Dragon 2 Batman: Assault on Arkham (Blu- Devil Survivor 2: Tha Animation Dir. Dean Deblois ray) Dir. Seiji Kishi Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Kurzfilme Batman: Assault On Arkham Trickfilm/Fantasy 79min. Trickfilm/Fantasy 2014 103min. Kriminalfilm/Zeichentrick 2014 min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 31.10.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062046 Germany(DreamWorks) 21.11.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062282 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062111 Die Dinos - Die komplette Serie Batman: Son of Batman Dinosaurs Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht 2 Batman: Son Of Batman Dir. , Jeff McCracken, Tom (Blu-ray) Trbovich, William Dear, Brian Henson Kriminalfilm/Zeichentrick 2014 min. How To Train Your Dragon 2 Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Easter Egg Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1991-1994 1430min. Dir. Dean Deblois 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062253 capelight pictures 01.12.2014 Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Kurzfilme Trickfilm/Fantasy 2014 103min. tba BestellNr.: 20062319 Batman: Son of Batman (Blu-ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Batman: Son Of Batman Dino-Zug - Weihnachtswunsch Germany(DreamWorks) 21.11.2014 Kriminalfilm/Zeichentrick 2014 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062110 Dinosaur Train Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 Wendecover 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062284 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 87min. Dragons - Die Wächter von Berk,

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Vol. 4 Vol. 2 (2 Discs) Dragons: Riders Of Berk Hagane No Renkinjutsushi Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich / Dir. Anthony Bell, John Sanford, John Eng, Booklet, Episodenguide Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich 2 Louie del Carmen, Joe Sichta Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009 188min. (Limited Edition, 2 Discs) KSM GmbH(KSM Anime) 01.12.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 105min. / 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062369 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dir. Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud Germany(DreamWorks) 21.11.2014 Weiihnachtsbaumanhänger, Kurzfilme, Featurettes, Games- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061794 Brotherhood, Vorschau, Audiokommentar Vol. 2 (Blu-ray) Trickfilm/Komödie 2010-2013 185min. Emily Erdbeer - Neues aus Hagane No Renkinjutsushi Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Bitzibeerchenhausen, Box 2 (2 Booklet, Episodenguide 04.12.2014 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009 196min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062496 Discs) KSM GmbH(KSM Anime) 01.12.2014 Strawberry Shortcake 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062391 Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich / Trickfilm 1981-2010 160min. Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich 2 justbridge entertainment GmbH(FM Kids) Go, Diego! Go! - Diegos arkti- (Limited Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu- 14.11.2014 sches Abenteuer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062452 ray) Go, Diego! Go! Despicable Me / Despicable Me 2 Dir. Katie McWane, Allan Jacobsen Familie Feuerstein - Die komplet- Dir. Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 91min. te fünfte Staffel (5 DVDs) Weihnachtsbaumanhänger, Kurzfilme, Featurettes, Games- Paramount Home Vorschau, iPhone App , BD-Live, Entfallene Szenen, Making The Flintstones Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 06.11.2014 of, Audiokommentar Dir. William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062006 Trickfilm/Komödie 2010-2013 193min. Charles Nichols Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dokumentationen, Trailer Der Grüffelo / Das Grüffelokind (2 04.12.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1960-1966 min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062503 Warner Home Video Germany 17.10.2014 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062510 The Gruffalo / The Gruffalo’s Child Invader Zim - Die komplette Serie Dir. Jakob Schuh, Max Lang Familie Feuerstein - Die komplet- Making ofs, Skizzen und Designs, Trailer (Limitierte Deluxe Edition, 8 Trickfilm/Komödie 2009-2011 93min. te vierte Staffel (Collector’s Editi- Discs) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Invader Zim on, 5 DVDs) 06.11.2014 Dir. Steve Ressel The Flintstones 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061730 Interviews, Unveröffentlichtes Audio-Material, -Folge, Dir. William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, Storyboards, Audio-CD Charles Nichols Der Grüffelo / Das Grüffelokind (2 Trickfilm/ 2001-2002 Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Trailer Discs) (Blu-ray) 1320min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1960-1966 633min. Turbine Media Group 17.10.2014 The Gruffalo / The Gruffalo’s Child Warner Home Video Germany 17.10.2014 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062439 Dir. Jakob Schuh, Max Lang 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062509 Making ofs, Skizzen und Designs, Trailer Trickfilm/Komödie 2009-2011 54min. Jack und das Kuckucksuhrherz Feuerwehrmann Sam - Box 5 (2 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Jack Et La Mécanique Du Coeur Discs) 06.11.2014 Dir. Mathias Malzieu, Stéphane Berla Fireman Sam - The New Series 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062102 Making Of, Featurettes Trickfilm/Musical 2013 89min. Dir. Jerry Hibbert Universum Film Home Entertainment Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007-2009 110min. Hänsel & Gretel 07.11.2014 justbridge entertainment GmbH(FM kids) Dir. Richard Slapzynski 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061747 14.11.2014 Bonusfilm 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062453 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1996 50min. Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Jack und das Kuckucksuhrherz Flöckchen - Die großen Abenteu- 05.11.2014 (Blu-ray) er des kleinen weißen Gorillas! 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062224 Jack Et La Mécanique Du Coeur Dir. Mathias Malzieu, Stéphane Berla Floquet De Neu Haruka und der Zauberspiegel Making Of, Featurettes Pere Ponce, Elsa Pataky, Claudia Abate, (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Trickfilm/Musical 2013 93min. Joan Sullà - Dir. Andres Schaer Universum Film Home Entertainment Hottarake No Shima - Haruka To Maho No Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 90min. 07.11.2014 Kagami polyband Medien GmbH 28.11.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061760 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061932 Dir. Shinsuke Sato Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009 99min. JoNaLu - 1. Staffel, Komplettbox KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, (4 Discs) Vol. 1 (2 Discs) 16.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062304 Dir. Nina Wels, Konrad Weise, Anja Hans- Hagane No Renkinjutsushi mann Booklet, Episodenguide Hexe Lilli - Lilli und das Wild- Sing Along Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009 188min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2010 327min. KSM GmbH(KSM Anime) 10.11.2014 pferd und 3 weitere Abenteuer Universum Film Home 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062374 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2014 92min. Entertainment(Universum Kids) 14.11.2014 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061751 Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, 06.11.2014 Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062034 Kill la Kill - Box 2 (2 Discs) Hagane No Renkinjutsushi Kill La Kill Booklet, Episodenguide Hexe Lilli - Lilli wird Prinzessin Dir. Hiroyuki Imaishi Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009 196min. und 3 weitere Abenteuer Action/Zeichentrick 150min. KSM GmbH(KSM Anime) 10.11.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2014 92min. AV Visionen(Peppermint) 31.10.2014 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062394 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061777 06.11.2014 Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062033 Kill la Kill - Box 2 (Blu-ray)

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Kill La Kill Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. Universum Film Home Dir. Hiroyuki Imaishi Universum Film Home Entertainment(Universum Anime) Action/Zeichentrick 156min. Entertainment(Universum Kids) 12.12.2014 12.12.2014 AV Visionen(Peppermint) 31.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062377 239,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062517 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062043 Madagascar / Madagascar 2 / My Little Pony - Einhörnchen und Die Kinderbibel - Das Alte und Madagascar 3: Flucht durch Euro- der Regenbogen Neue Testament in 5-Minuten- pa (3 Discs) My Little Pony Geschichten (2 Discs) Madagascar / Madagascar: Escape 2 Dir. Jay Bacal Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 88min. Africa / Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Bonusepisode Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1987 66min. ZYX Music 31.10.2014 Wanted justbridge entertainment GmbH 14.11.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062421 Dir. Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062451 Trickfilm/Komödie 2005-2012 min. Kinderfilme die wir lieben (2 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Naruto Shippuden - Die komplet- Germany(DreamWorks) 28.11.2014 Discs) te Staffel 4 (Blu-ray) Gullivers Reisen / Ico - Das kleine Wild- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061865 Naruto: Shippûden pferd / Jonas und der verschwundene Madagascar / Madagascar 2 / Dir. Hayato Date Schatz / Kalle Stropp und sein Freund Boll Storyboard, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Mini-Clips, Settings, / Scamper / Wuk - Der Fuchs Madagascar 3: Flucht durch Euro- Naruto Karten Booster Deck Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 730min. pa (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Trickfilm/Fantasy 374min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 18.09.2014 Madagascar / Madagascar: Escape 2 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 01.12.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061868 Africa / Madagascar 3: Europe’S Most tba BestellNr.: 20062393 Wanted King of Thorn / Gyo - Der Tod aus Dir. Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath Niko - Ein Rentier hebt ab / Niko dem Meer (2 Discs) Trickfilm/Komödie 2005-2012 min. 2 - Kleines Rentier, großer Held Ibara No O / Gyo Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment The Way To The Stars / Niko - Family Dir. Kazuyoshi Katayama, Takayuki Hirao Germany(DreamWorks) 28.11.2014 Affairs Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2009-2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062114 Dir. Michael Hegner, Kari Juusonen, Jørgen 175min. Lerdam Splendid Film(I-On Animaze) 28.11.2014 Mascha und der Bär, Vol. 3 - Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2008-2012 147min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062258 Holiday on Ice Universum Film Home Masha I Medved Entertainment(Europool / Telepool) King of Thorn / Gyo - Der Tod aus Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2008-2012 min. 14.11.2014 dem Meer (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Sony Music Strategic Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061837 Ibara No O / Gyo Division(Europa) 26.09.2014 Dir. Kazuyoshi Katayama, Takayuki Hirao 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061790 Peter Hase, DVD 3 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2009-2012 Peter Rabbit 175min. Mia and Me - Box 1.1 (3 Discs) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 98min. Splendid Film(I-On Animaze) 28.11.2014 Mia And Me Universum Film Home 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062285 Rosabell Laurenti Sellers, Adrian Moore, Entertainment(Universum Kids) 12.12.2014 Saphia Stoney, Josephine Benini - Dir. Ger- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062425 Lego Friends 2 hard Hahn, Bill Speers, Anthony Power Lego Friends Stricker Phineas und Ferb - Schnabeltier Musikvideos Fantasy/Trickfilm 50min. in Geschenkpapier / Akte X: Trickfilm 2012 66min. Edel Germany(Panini) 24.10.2014 Perry in geheimer Mission Universum Film Home 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061870 Dir. Dan Povenmire Entertainment(Universum Kids) 05.12.2014 Trickfilm 2007 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062427 Mike, der Ritter - Die Reise zum (Germany) Drachenberg Lego: Legends of Chima - DVD 8 20.11.2014 Mike The Knight 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062023 Lego: Legends Of Chima Dir. Neil Affleck Dir. Peder Pedersen Trickfilm/Abenteuer 60min. Phineas und Ferb - Musikvideos, Outtakes Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Trickfilm 110min. Dir. Dan Povenmire Division(Europa) 24.10.2014 Universum Film Home Trickfilm 2007 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062419 Entertainment(Universum Kids) 05.12.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062428 20.11.2014 Collection 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062022 Lenas Ranch, Vol. 4 - Achtung (Limited Edition, 11 Discs) Abenteuer! Dir. Hayao Miyazaki Pittiplatsch im Koboldland, Vol. 1 Pressekonferenz (2 Discs) Le Ranch Trickfilm 1089min. Dir. Monica Maaten Kurzfilm Universum Film Home Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1972-1977 79min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 110min. Entertainment(Universum Anime) Sony Music Strategic Entertainment justbridge entertainment GmbH(FM Kids) 12.12.2014 Division(rbb) 31.10.2014 14.11.2014 149,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062512 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062417 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062455 Hayao Miyazaki Collection Pittiplatsch im Koboldland, Vol. 2 Leo Lausemaus - DVD 1 (Limited Edition, 11 Discs) (Blu- Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. (2 Discs) Universum Film Home ray) Kurzfilm Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1972-1977 61min. Entertainment(Universum Kids) 12.12.2014 Hayao Miyazaki Collection (Limited Editi- Sony Music Strategic Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062376 on, 11 Discs) (Blu-ray) Dir. Hayao Miyazaki Division(rbb) 31.10.2014 Leo Lausemaus - DVD 2 Diverse 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062418 Trickfilm 1135min.

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Rockos modernes Leben - Die AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.09.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061776 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061778 komplette Serie (8 Discs, Samm- Thunderbirds Are Go / ler-Edition) - Vol. 2 (Blu-ray) Thunderbird 6 (Collector’s Editi- Rocko’s Modern Life Space Dandy on, 2 DVDs) Mr. Lawrence - Dir. Joe Murray, Stephen Dir. Shinichirô Wantanabe Hillenburg, Jeff ‘Swampy’ Marsh, Timothy Clear Opening & Ending Thunderbirds Collection Björklund, Mr. Lawrence Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 2014 79min. Dir. David Lane Bonus-Folge, Making of, Audiokommentar, Featurette AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.09.2014 Making of, Trailer Science Fiction 1966-1968 176min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1993-1996 min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062044 Turbine Media Group 24.10.2014 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062348 Space Dandy - Vol. 3 Home Edition) 06.11.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061854 Space Dandy Rockos modernes Leben - Höhen- Dir. Shinichirô Wantanabe Thunderbirds Are Go / flug Bildergalerie, Booklet Rocko’s Modern Life Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 2014 75min. Thunderbird 6 (Collector’s Editi- Mr. Lawrence - Dir. Joe Murray, Stephen AV Visionen(Kazé) 31.10.2014 on, 2 DVDs) (Blu-ray) Hillenburg, Jeff ‘Swampy’ Marsh, Timothy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061779 Dir. David Lane Björklund, Mr. Lawrence Making of, Trailer Making of, Featurette Space Dandy - Vol. 3 (Blu-ray) Science Fiction 1966-1968 176min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1993-1996 168min. Space Dandy Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Turbine Media Group 31.10.2014 Dir. Shinichirô Wantanabe Home Edition) 06.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062460 Bildergalerie, Booklet 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062104 Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 2014 79min. Ruthe - Shit Happens, Vol. 2 AV Visionen(Kazé) 31.10.2014 Tom & Jerry als Weihnachts- Ruthe - Shit Happens 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062045 wichtel Trickfilm/Humor 144min. SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Es Tom And Jerry - Santa’s Little Helpers Universal Music Family Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. Entertainment(Family Entertainment) kam aus der Goo Lagoon Warner Home Video Germany 23.10.2014 31.10.2014 Spongebob Squarepants 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062254 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062497 Trickfilm/Komödie 1999-2006 92min. Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 Unser Sandmännchen und seine Samurai Girls - Die komplette er- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062016 Freunde - Klassiker 2 ste Staffel (3 Discs) SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Dir. Gerhard Behrendt Hyakka Ryoran: Samurai Girls Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1958 57min. Dir. Kobun Weihnachtsbox (3 Discs) ICESTORM Entertainment 26.09.2014 Trickfilm/Action 2010 320min. Spongebob Squarepants tba BestellNr.: 20062248 FilmConfect Home Entertainment Trickfilm/Komödie 1999-2006 303min. 03.10.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 Unser Sandmännchen und seine 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061805 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062017 Freunde - Klassiker 3 Samurai Girls - Die komplette er- Super Sonico - The Animation, Dir. Gerhard Behrendt Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1958 40min. ste Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Vol. 3 ICESTORM Entertainment 26.09.2014 Hyakka Ryoran: Samurai Girls Soniani: Super Sonico The Animation tba BestellNr.: 20062251 Dir. Kobun Dir. Kenichi Kawamura Trickfilm/Action 2010 333min. Postkarte, Schlüsselanhänger Unser Sandmännchen und seine Komödie/Zeichentrick 96min. FilmConfect Home Entertainment Freunde Nr.1 03.10.2014 FilmConfect Home Entertainment Dir. Gerhard Behrendt 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062058 17.10.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062438 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1958 57min. Schneewittchen und die sieben ICESTORM Entertainment 26.09.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20062225 Zwerge (Diamond Edition, 2 Super Sonico - The Animation, Discs) (Blu-ray) Vol. 3 (Blu-ray) Wickie und die starken Männer - Soniani: Super Sonico The Animation Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs Dir. Kenichi Kawamura DVD 5 Dir. Walt Disney, David D. Hand Postkarte, Schlüsselanhänger Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 84min. Trickfilm/Fantasy 1937 83min. Komödie/Zeichentrick 100min. Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) FilmConfect Home Entertainment 07.11.2014 20.11.2014 17.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061749 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062193 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062462 Wickie und die starken Männer - Shaun das Schaf - Der falsche Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - DVD 6 Hund Alte Freunde, neue Feinde Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 72min. Shaun The Sheep Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Old Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) John Sparkes, Justin Fletcher, Kate Friends, New Enemies 07.11.2014 Harbour, Richard Webber, Jo Allen Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 152min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061750 Trickfilm/Komödie 49min. Paramount Home Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 06.11.2014 Winx Club - Staffel 1, Box 3 (2 06.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062020 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061729 The Winx Club - The Winx Club Tenkai Knights - Vol. 4 Space Dandy - Vol. 2 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2004-2008 200min. Tenkai Knights justbridge entertainment GmbH(FM Kids) Space Dandy Dir. Mitsuru Hongo 14.11.2014 Dir. Shinichirô Wantanabe Trickfilm/Action 100min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062454 Clear Opening & Ending AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.09.2014 Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 2014 75min.

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Yu-Gi-Oh - Staffel 1.1 (5 Discs) David Chiang, Ti Lung, Wang Chung, Ku 55 Tage in Peking Yu-Gi-Oh! Feng, Lily Li - Dir. Cheh Chang 55 Days At Peking Bildergalerie, Trailer Trailer, Bildergalerie Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner, David Action/Eastern 1970 125min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1998-2004 491min. Niven, Flora Robson, John Ireland, Harry Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) KSM GmbH(KSM Anime) 01.12.2014 Andrews - Dir. Nicholas Ray 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062372 21.11.2014 Original Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biografien 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062143 Kriegsfilm 1962 155min. Zeo, Teil 3 - Zeo entdeckt die Spirit Media 23.10.2014 Welt 160 Jahre fliegende Fäuste - Bud 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061940 Zou Spencer und Terence Hill Jubilä- Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 55min. ums-Collection (Limited Edition, 55 Tage in Peking (Blu-ray) WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 28.11.2014 20 Discs) 55 Days At Peking Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner, David 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061876 Anche gli angeli mangiano fagioli / Banana Niven, Flora Robson, John Ireland, Harry Joe / Der Bomber / Bud, der Ganoven- Andrews - Dir. Nicholas Ray schreck / Der Große mit seinem außerir- Original Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biografien dischen Kleinen / Das Krokodil und sein Kriegsfilm 1962 158min. Film Nilpferd / Die Miami Cops / Oggi a me... Spirit Media 23.10.2014 domani a te / Die rechte und die linke 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062155 Hand des Teufels / Der Supercop / Vier [Rec] Evolution (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Fäuste für ein Hallelujah / Vier Fäuste Abenteuer Pferde-Box (3 Discs) (k.J.) gegen Rio / Wenn man vom Teufel spricht Abenteuer 248min. [Rec] / [Rec]4: Apocalipsis / [Rec]² / / Zwei Asse trumpfen auf / Zwei außer Black Hill Pictures 17.10.2014 [Rec]³ Génesis Rand und Band / Zwei bärenstarke Typen / 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061986 Manuela Velasco, Ferran Terraza, Jorge Zwei Himmelhunde auf dem Weg zur Hölle Yamam, Jonathan Mellor, Óscar Zafra, / Zwei sind nicht zu bremsen / Zwei wie Agent Hamilton Box (2 Discs) Leticia Dolera, Javier Botet (Niña Pech und Schwefel (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Medeiros), Diego Martín, Paco Manzanedo, Bud Spencer, Terence Hill - Dir. E. B. Dir. Kathrine Windfeld, Tobias Falk Héctor Colomé - Dir. Jaume Balagueró, Clucher, Bruno Corbucci Action/Thriller 2012 199min. Paco Plaza Booklet, Trailer, Bildergalerien Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.10.2014 Horror 2007-2014 min. Action/Komödie 2000min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062189 Universum Film Home Entertainment 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.10.2014 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062422 19.12.2014 Agent Hamilton Box (2 Discs) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062516 22 Jump Street (k.J.) [Rec] Evolution (4 Discs) (k.J.) 22 Jump Street Dir. Kathrine Windfeld, Tobias Falk [Rec] / [Rec]4: Apocalipsis / [Rec]² / Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Peter Stormare, Action/Thriller 2012 191min. [Rec]³ Génesis Ice Cube, Wyatt Russell, Amber Stevens, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.10.2014 Manuela Velasco, Ferran Terraza, Jorge Jillian Bell, The Lucas Brothers (Keith & 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061985 Yamam, Jonathan Mellor, Óscar Zafra, Kenny Yang) - Dir. Phil Lord, Chris Miller Leticia Dolera, Javier Botet, Diego Martín, Action/Komödie 2014 107min. Akte Ex (1. Staffel, 8 Folgen) (4 Paco Manzanedo, Héctor Colomé - Dir. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Discs) Jaume Balagueró, Paco Plaza 04.12.2014 Isabell Gerschke, Oliver Franck, Rita Feld- Horror 2007-2014 329min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061845 meier, Anna Krajci, Sarah Alles, Michael Universum Film Home Entertainment Greiling, Tobias Schenke - Dir. Christoph 19.12.2014 22 Jump Street (Blu-ray) Klünker, Jorgo Papavassiliou tba BestellNr.: 20062430 22 Jump Street Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2012 768min. Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Peter Stormare, KNM Home Entertainment(M & M Lizenz) [Rec]4: Apocalypse (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Ice Cube, Wyatt Russell, Amber Stevens, 16.10.2014 [Rec]4: Apocalipsis Jillian Bell, The Lucas Brothers (Keith & 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062235 Manuela Velasco (Ángela Vidal), Paco Kenny Yang) - Dir. Phil Lord, Chris Miller Manzanedo, Héctor Colomé, Ismael Fritschi, Action/Komödie 2014 112min. Als Dinosaurier die Welt be- Crispulo Cabezas, Paco Obregon, Mariano Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) herrschten (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 04.12.2014 Venancio, Maria Alfonsa Rosso, Cristian Jurassic Predator / 100 Million BC 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062097 Aquino, Javier Laorden - Dir. Jaume Jurassic Shark / The Land that Time Balagueró 300 & 300: Rise of an Empire (Blu- Forgot / / Princess of Horror 2014 96min. Mars Universum Film Home Entertainment ray) (k.J.) Abenteuer/Action 537min. 19.12.2014 300 & 300: Rise Of An Empire Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) tba BestellNr.: 20062433 Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, Dominic West, 01.09.2014 Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Green - Dir. Zack 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061741 [Rec]4: Apocalypse (k.J.) Snyder, Noam Murro [Rec]4: Apocalipsis Action/Abenteuer 2007-2014 min. Als Dinosaurier die Welt be- Manuela Velasco, Paco Manzanedo, Héctor Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2014 herrschten (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Colomé, Ismael Fritschi, Crispulo Cabezas, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062382 Jurassic Predator / 100 Million BC Paco Obregon, Mariano Venancio, Maria Jurassic Shark / The Land that Time Alfonsa Rosso, Cristian Aquino, Javier 300 & 300: Rise of an Empire Forgot / Vergessene Welten Jurazeit Laorden - Dir. Jaume Balagueró (k.J.) Dinos / Auf der Spur der Dinosaurier / Horror 2014 92min. 300 & 300: Rise Of An Empire Phantastische Dinosaurier Universum Film Home Entertainment Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, Dominic West, Abenteuer/Action 557min. 19.12.2014 Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Green - Dir. Zack Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) tba BestellNr.: 20062429 Snyder, Noam Murro 01.09.2014 Action/Abenteuer 2007-2014 min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061742 Die 13 Söhne des gelben Dra- Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2014 chen (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062354 Der alte Sünder Shi San Tai Bao

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Paul Hörbiger, Maria Andergast - Dir. Franz 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061855 Leslie Easterbrook, Kane Hodder, J. D. Antel Hart, Michele Grey, Katie Holland, Daniel Booklet, Trailer Anger Management - Die kom- Jones, Cody Allen, Anthony Garner, Tammy Komödie 1951 102min. plette 3. Staffel (Blu-ray) Trull, Matthew M. Anderson, Constance AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Anger Management Collins, Anthony Osment, Ron Stafford - AG(Filmjuwelen) 31.10.2014 Outtakes, Wendecover Dir. Jason Stoddard 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062426 Komödie 2013-2014 521min. Wendecover Concorde Home Entertainment 13.11.2014 Drama/Thriller 2010 80min. The American Hangover Poop 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062105 KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Movie / Schnepfenalarm 16.10.2014 The Connecticut Poop Movie / Heber The Angriest Man in Brooklyn 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062241 Holiday The Angriest Man in Brooklyn Torrey Devitto, K.C. Clyde, Erin Chambers, Robin Williams, Mila Kunis, Peter Dinklage, Apocalypto (OmU) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Ross Kidder, Amelia Morck, Elizabeth , James Earl Jones, Sutton Apocalypto Wright Shapiro - Dir. McKay Daines, Joe Foster, Hamish Linklater, Richard Kind - Dir. Rudy Youngblood, Dalia Hernández, Kingsley Phil Alden Robinson Jonathan Brewer, Morris Bird, Raoul Wendecover, Trailer Drama/Komödie 2013 80min. Trujillo, Gerardo Taracena, Rodolfo Komödie 2006-2007 186min. Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Palacios, Ariel Galvan, Bernardo Ruiz da music(Laser Paradise) 02.10.2014 Bunch Germany) 12.12.2014 Juarez, Ricardo Diaz Mendoza, Fernando 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062364 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061956 Hernandez Perez, Maria Isidra Hoil - Dir. Mel Gibson American Horror Story - Die kom- The Angriest Man in Brooklyn Making of, Audiokommentar plette erste Season (3 Discs) (Blu- Action/Drama 2006 139min. (Blu-ray) Black Hill Pictures 13.11.2014 ray) The Angriest Man in Brooklyn 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062161 American Horror Story Robin Williams, Mila Kunis, Peter Dinklage, , Evan Peters, Connie Melissa Leo, James Earl Jones, Sutton Apocalypto (OmU) (k.J.) Britton, Dylan McDermott, Taissa Farmiga, Foster, Hamish Linklater, Richard Kind - Dir. Apocalypto Denis O’Hare, Frances Conroy, Kate Mara, Phil Alden Robinson Rudy Youngblood, Dalia Hernández, Lily Rabe, Jamie Brewer, Alexandra Drama/Komödie 2013 83min. Jonathan Brewer, Morris Bird, Raoul Breckenridge, Matt Ross, Morris Chestnut, Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Trujillo, Gerardo Taracena, Rodolfo Michael Graziadei, , Teddy Bunch Germany) 12.12.2014 Palacios, Ariel Galvan, Bernardo Ruiz Sears, Eve Gordon, Azura Skye, Kyle Da- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062166 Juarez, Ricardo Diaz Mendoza, Fernando vis, Sarah Paulson, David Anthony Higgins, Hernandez Perez, Maria Isidra Hoil - Dir. Rebecca Wisocky, Shelby Young, Charles Angst essen Seele auf (Blu-ray) Mel Gibson S. Dutton, Brando Eaton, Mena Suvari - Dir. Brigitte Mira, El Hedi Ben Salem, Barbara Making of, Audiokommentar , Bradley Buecker, Alfonso Valentin, Marquard Bohm, Irm Hermann, Action/Drama 2006 133min. Gomez-Rejon, David Semel Peter Gauhe, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Black Hill Pictures 13.11.2014 Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Making of, Featurette Walter Sedlmayr - Dir. Rainer Werner 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061949 Horror/Drama 2011 min. Fassbinder Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Featurettes, Liedvortrag, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover L’ Auberge Espagnole - Barcelo- Germany 14.11.2014 Drama 1974 93min. na für ein Jahr / Wiedersehen in 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062109 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 20.11.2014 St. Petersburg (2 Discs) American Horror Story: Asylum (3 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062131 L’ Auberge Espagnole / Les Poupées Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Russes Dir. Cédric Klapisch American Horror Story Anna (2 Discs) Komödie 2002-2005 242min. Jessica Lange, James Cromwell, Evan Silvia Seidel, Patrick Bach, Joao Ramos, Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Peters, Sarah Paulson, Zachary Quinto, Ilse Neubauer, Eberhard Feik, Ronnie Janot, 14.11.2014 Lily Rabe, Joseph Fiennes, Chloë Sevigny, Jon Peterson, Milena Vukotic, Eleonore Hirt, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061852 Adam Levine, Franka Potente - Dir. Bradley Yvonne Eggert, Despina Pajanou, Werner Schumacher, Dieter Schidor, Anton Diffring, Buecker, Jeremy Podeswa, Michael Auf dem Highway ist wieder die Uppendahl, David Semel, Michael Rymer, Philipp Seiser, Max Strecker, Volker Michael Lehmann, Alfonso Gomez-Rejon, Prechtel, Caroline Mouflette - Dir. Frank Hölle los (Blu-ray) Craig Zisk Strecker The Cannonball Run II Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Interviews , Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Horror/Drama 2012 min. Drama 1987 312min. jr., Marilu Henner, Shirley MacLaine, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Studio Enterprises(ZDF Video) Ricardo Montalban, Telly Savalas, Dom Germany 14.11.2014 07.11.2014 DeLuise - Dir. Hal Needham 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062064 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061919 Trailer Action/Komödie 1983 108min. Angels Sing Another American Crime (Blu-ray) Winkler Film 21.11.2014 Angels Sing The Afflicted 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062071 Harry Connick jr., Connie Britton - Dir. Tim Leslie Easterbrook, Kane Hodder, J. D. McCanlies Hart, Michele Grey, Katie Holland, Daniel Die Auserwählten Komödie/Familie 2013 124min. Jones, Cody Allen, Anthony Garner, Tammy Ulrich Tukur, , Leon Seidel, Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 Trull, Matthew M. Anderson, Constance Rainer Bock, Lena Stolze, Patrick Joswig, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062000 Collins, Anthony Osment, Ron Stafford - Johanna Gastdorf, Anna Blomeier, Christian Dir. Jason Stoddard Friedel, Nico Kleemann, Gerti Drassl, Adam Anger Management - Die kom- Wendecover Bousdoukos, Helen Woigk, Béla Gabor Drama/Thriller 2010 83min. plette 3. Staffel Lenz, Benjamin Grüter, Julien Wolff, Paul KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Falk, Arne Gottschling - Dir. Christoph Röhl Anger Management 16.10.2014 Drama 2014 90min. Outtakes, Wendecover 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062272 Komödie 2013-2014 500min. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 03.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061867 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Another American Crime (k.J.) Home Edition) 13.11.2014 The Afflicted Automatic

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Automatic Universum Film Home tba BestellNr.: 20062256 Olivier Gruner, Daphne Ashbrook, John Entertainment(Intermedia Allright/ Glover - Dir. John Murlowski EuropaCorp) 14.11.2014 Battle Tanker Science Fiction/Action 1994 87min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061833 Super Tanker Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Ben Cross, Callum Blue, David Schofield, Productions) 26.09.2014 Basic / From with Love Velizar Binev, Sarah Brown, Jon Mack, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061842 (Blu-ray) Mike Straub, Jesse Steele, Atanas Srebrev Basic / From Paris With Love - Dir. Jeffery Scott Lando The Axe Is Back - Die Rache der John Travolta, Connie Nielsen, Samuel L. Trailer Action/Science Fiction 2011 83min. Lizzie Borden (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Jackson, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Kasia Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 24.10.2014 Lizzie Borden’s Revenge Smutniak - Dir. John McTiernan, Pierre 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061883 Jenny Allford, Mindy Robinson, Veronica Morel Ricci, Michael Beardsley, Brinke Stevens, Thriller 2003-2010 min. Beethoven und der Piratenschatz Krystal Ellsworth, Kelly Erin Decker, Ginny Universum Film Home Beethoven’s Treasure Tail You, Tiffany Mualem - Dir. Dennis Devine Entertainment(Intermedia Allright/ Jonathan Silverman, Brett Manley, Kristy Trailer EuropaCorp) 14.11.2014 Swanson, Morgan Fairchild, Udo Kier, Brian Horror 2013 83min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062091 Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Downey, Patrick Kwok-Choon, J. Thomas 26.09.2014 Basket Case (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Scott - Dir. Ron Oliver Komödie/Familie 2014 85min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062099 Basket Case Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Kevin van Hentenryck, Terri Susan Smith, 04.12.2014 Bad Boys from Ghetto City Beverly Bonner, Robert Vogel - Dir. Frank 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062479 Asalto Al Cine Henenlotter Gabino Rodriguez, Juan Pablo de Santiago, Trailer, Videodokumentation, Radio-Interviews, Ángel Sosa, Paulina Avalos, Dolores Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie Belle & Sebastian Heredia (Señora), Susana Salazar, Maria Horror 1982 89min. Belle Et Sébastien Gelia, Gabriela Reynoso, Juan Manuel Edel Germany(New Vision) 10.10.2014 Felix Bossuet, Tchéky Karyo, Margaux Bernal, Roberto de Loera, Carlos Valencia, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062125 Chatelier, Dimitri Storoge, Andreas Luis Javier Becceril - Dir. Iria Gómez Pietschmann, Urbain Cancelier, Mehdi - Dir. Concheiro Basket Case (k.J.) Nicolas Vanier Trailer Basket Case Drama/Abenteuer 2013 95min. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2011 112min. Kevin van Hentenryck, Terri Susan Smith, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 04.11.2014 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Beverly Bonner, Robert Vogel - Dir. Frank 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062293 01.09.2014 Henenlotter 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061722 Horror 1982 85min. Belle & Sebastian (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(New Vision) 10.10.2014 Belle Et Sébastien Bad Boys from Ghetto City (Blu- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061889 Felix Bossuet, Tchéky Karyo, Margaux ray) Chatelier, Dimitri Storoge, Andreas Asalto Al Cine Battle B-Boy - Tanz um Dein Le- Pietschmann, Urbain Cancelier, Mehdi - Dir. Gabino Rodriguez, Juan Pablo de Santiago, ben Nicolas Vanier Ángel Sosa, Paulina Avalos, Dolores Battle B-Boy Drama/Abenteuer 2013 99min. Heredia (Señora), Susana Salazar, Maria Ricky Cole, Jonathan „Jae“ Phan, Ingel Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 04.11.2014 Gelia, Gabriela Reynoso, Juan Manuel Catindig, Alison Dahlstrom, Richard „Richie“ 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062307 Bernal, Roberto de Loera, Carlos Valencia, Greenfield, Megan Le, Shauna Baker, Luis Javier Becceril - Dir. Iria Gómez Shannon Baker, Karen Jin Beck - Dir. Frank Beneath the Dark - Tödliche Be- Concheiro Lin stimmung Drama/Kriminalfilm 2011 116min. Wendecover Beneath The Dark Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Action 2014 89min. , Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Chris 01.09.2014 Maritim Pictures 28.11.2014 Browning, Angela Featherstone, Afemo 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061744 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062196 Omilami, Trevor Morgan, Christopher Gessner, Robert Maxhimer, Jeannetta Die Bartholomäusnacht (Limited Battle B-Boy - Tanz um Dein Le- Arnette - Dir. Chad Feehan Collector’s Edition, 4 Discs) (Blu- ben (Blu-ray) Thriller/Mystery 2010 94min. ray) Battle B-Boy Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 21.11.2014 Ricky Cole, Jonathan „Jae“ Phan, Ingel 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061979 La Reine Margot Catindig, Alison Dahlstrom, Richard „Richie“ , Daniel Auteuil, Jean-Hugues Greenfield, Megan Le, Shauna Baker, Beneath the Dark - Tödliche Be- Anglade, Vincent Perez, Virna Lisi, Shannon Baker, Karen Jin Beck - Dir. Frank Dominique Blanc, Pascal Greggory, Claudio stimmung (Blu-ray) Lin Amendola, Miguel Bosé, Asia Argento, Tho- Beneath The Dark Wendecover Josh Stewart, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Chris mas Kretschmann, Jean-Claude Brialy - Dir. Action 2014 94min. Browning, Angela Featherstone, Afemo Patrice Chéreau Maritim Pictures 28.11.2014 Omilami, Trevor Morgan, Christopher Booklet, Making of, Featurette, Dokumentation, Storyboard- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062228 Film-Vergleich, Entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerie, Trailer Gessner, Robert Maxhimer, Jeannetta Drama/Historienfilm 1994 168min. Battle of Empires - Fetih 1453 Arnette - Dir. Chad Feehan capelight pictures Gerlach Selms Thriller/Mystery 2010 97min. Fetih 1453 21.11.2014 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 21.11.2014 Devrim Evin, Ibrahim Celikkol, Dilek Serbest, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062485 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062186 Cengiz Coskun, Erden Alkan, Recep Aktug, Basic / From Paris with Love Raif Hikmet Cam, Erdogan Aydemir, Naci Besessen 2 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Adigüzel, Sedat Mert, Mustafa Atilla Kunt, Basic / From Paris with Love The Violent Kind Ozcan Aliser, Yilman Babaturk, Faik Aksoy, John Travolta, Connie Nielsen, Samuel L. Cory Knauf, Taylor Cole, Bret Roberts, Murat Sezal, Namik Kemal Yigittürk - Dir. Jackson, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Kasia Christina Grace, Tiffany Shepis, Nick Faruk Aksoy Smutniak - Dir. John McTiernan, Pierre Tagas, Joe Egender, Joseph McKelheer, Morel Trailer, Trailershow Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2012 156min. Samuel Child, Mackenzie Firgens, Ilea Thriller 2003-2010 min. ICESTORM Entertainment 26.09.2014 Matthews, Terry Wayne - Dir. The Butcher

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Brothers, Mitchell Altieri, Phil Flores VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.09.2014 Not Safe For Work Audiokommentar, Featurette, Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061781 Max Minghella, Eloise Mumford, JJ Feild, Horror/Action 2010 84min. Molly Hagan, Christian Clemenson, Michael Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Black Eagle (Blu-ray) Gladis, Marina Black, Frankie J. Allison - 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062038 Black Eagle Dir. Joe Johnston Sho Kosugi, Jean-Claude van Damme, Thriller 2014 72min. Besessen 2 (k.J.) Vladimir Skomarovsky, Doran Clark - Dir. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) The Violent Kind Eric Karson 11.12.2014 Cory Knauf, Taylor Cole, Bret Roberts, Action 1987 94min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062481 Christina Grace, Tiffany Shepis, Nick VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.09.2014 Tagas, Joe Egender, Joseph McKelheer, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062047 Blutiger Auftrag - Es gibt kein Samuel Child, Mackenzie Firgens, Ilea Entkommen (Blu-ray) Matthews, Terry Wayne - Dir. The Butcher Black Sails - Season 1 (3 Discs) Not Safe For Work Brothers, Mitchell Altieri, Phil Flores Black Sails Audiokommentar, Featurette, Trailer Max Minghella, Eloise Mumford, JJ Feild, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes Molly Hagan, Christian Clemenson, Michael Horror/Action 2010 81min. Abenteuer 2014 min. Gladis, Marina Black, Frankie J. Allison - Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dir. Joe Johnston 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061769 Germany 14.11.2014 Thriller 2014 74min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061862 Best of Heinz Rühmann Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dreizehn Stühle / Er kann’s nicht lassen / Blaulicht - Box 5 (2 Discs) 11.12.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062491 Der Florentiner Hut / Heimkehr ins Glück / Bruno Carstens, Alexander Papendiek, Kleider machen Leute / Horst Torka, Werner Senftleben, Fritz Mohr, Die Blutsbrüder des gelben Dra- Lumpacivagabundus / Der Mann, der sei- Gustav Stähnisch, Peter Dommisch, Hans nen Mörder sucht / Das schwarze Schaf Fiebrandt - Dir. Hans-Joachim Hildebrandt, chen Heinz Rühmann Otto Holub, Manfred Mosblech, Helmut Krät- Chi Ma Komödie 1930-1974 827min. zig Ching Li, David Chiang, Ti Lung, Chen Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- Kriminalfilm 1959-1968 360min. Kuan-tai - Dir. Cheh Chang dia) 18.11.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Artworkgalerie Action/Eastern 1972 116min. 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062405 28.11.2014 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062204 Beste Chance 01.09.2014 Anna Maria Sturm, Rosalie Thomass, Volker Blindes Vertrauen - Proof 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061725 Bruch, Ferdinand Schmidt-Modrow, Florian Proof Bollywood Box (3 Discs) Brückner, Heinz-Josef Braun, Bettina Red- Hugo Weaving, Geneviève Picot, Russell Lass Dein Glück nicht ziehen / Die Schö- lich, Andreas Giebel, Johanna Bittenbinder, Crowe, Heather Mitchell, Jeffrey Walker, ne und der Geist / Nur dir zuliebe Martin Schick, Anna Drexler, Karolina Frank Gallacher - Dir. Jocelyn Moorhouse Horster, Maria Peschek, Roland Trailer, Bildergalerie, Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Aditya Schreglmann, Lisa Wagner - Dir. Marcus H. Drama 1991 89min. Roy Kapoor, , Rani Mukerji, Rosenmüller Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.10.2014 Anupam Kher, Kareena Kapoor, Imran Komödie 2014 96min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061906 Khan, Shraddha Kapoor - Dir. Ayan Majestic Filmverleih 05.12.2014 Mukherjee, Amol Palekar, Punit Malhotra tba BestellNr.: 20062326 Bloody Splatter Collection (k.J.) Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Komödie/Lovestory 2005-2013 428min. Fired / Mimesis / Mask Maker / Theater Rapid Eye Movies HE 28.11.2014 Beste Chance (Blu-ray) Bizarre / Perkins 14 / Nite Tales 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062028 Beste Chance (Blu-ray) Horror 530min. Anna Maria Sturm, Rosalie Thomass, Volker SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 23.10.2014 - Season Eight (6 Discs) Bruch, Ferdinand Schmidt-Modrow, Florian 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062473 Bones Brückner, Heinz-Josef Braun, Bettina Red- Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Michaela lich, Andreas Giebel, Johanna Bittenbinder, Blue Bloods - Die dritte Season (6 Conlin, Eric Millegan, T. J. Thyne, Jonathan Martin Schick, Anna Drexler, Karolina Discs) Adams, Tamara Taylor, John M. Jackson, Horster, Maria Peschek, Roland Blue Bloods Adam Lieberman - Dir. , Allan Schreglmann, Lisa Wagner - Dir. Marcus H. Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Outtakes Kroeker, Jesús Salvador Treviño, Patrick Rosenmüller Kriminalfilm/Drama 2012 935min. Norris, Sanford Bookstaver, David Hugh Komödie 2014 100min. Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 Jones, Dwight H. Little, Majestic Filmverleih 05.12.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062002 Jr., Tawnia McKiernan, Tony Wharmby, Joe tba BestellNr.: 20062340 Blue Bloods - Die zweite Season Napolitano, Donna Deitch, Bryan Spicer, Bethlehem (OmU) Steven DePaul, Kate Woods (6 Discs) Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Featurette, Bethlehem Blue Bloods Outtakes Sahdi Marei, Tsahi Halevy, Haitham Omari, Tom Selleck, Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Kriminalfilm/Komödie min. Tarik Kopty, Michal Shtamler, Hisham Moynahan, Will Estes, Len Cariou, Amy Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Suliman, George Iskander, Yossi Eini, Efrat Carlson, Sami Gayle, Abigail Hawk - Dir. Germany 14.11.2014 Shnap, Karem Shakur, Ibrahim Saqallah, Michael Pressman, John Polson, Ralph 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062250 Tsar Halevi, Dudu Niv - Dir. Yuval Adler Hemecker, Alex Zakrzewski, Alex Chapple, Interviews Félix Enríquez Alcalá, Steve Gomer, Robert Bornholmer Straße Thriller 2013 96min. Harmon, Nick Gomez, David Barrett, Martha Charly Hübner, Milan Peschel, Rainer Bock, good!movies(RealFiction) 26.09.2014 Mitchell, Jim McKay, Christine Moore, James Max Hopp, Ludwig Trepte, Jasna Fritzi 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061713 Whitmore Jr. Bauer, Frederick Lau, Ulrich Matthes, Ro- Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Entfallenes Szenen bert Gallinowski, Margit Bendokat, Hans- Black Eagle Kriminalfilm/Drama 2011-2012 891min. Uwe Bauer, Ursula Werner, Thorsten Black Eagle Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 Merten - Dir. Christian Schwochow Sho Kosugi, Jean-Claude van Damme, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062001 Drama/Tragikomödie 2014 min. Vladimir Skomarovsky, Doran Clark - Dir. Universum Film Home Eric Karson Blutiger Auftrag - Es gibt kein Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 07.11.2014 Action 1987 90min. Entkommen 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061754

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on) (Blu-ray) Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Wendecover Drama/Musikfilm 2013 104min. Bornholmer Straße (Blu-ray) Brick Mansions STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Charly Hübner, Milan Peschel, Rainer Bock, Paul Walker, David Belle, RZA, Gouchy Germany 29.12.2014 Max Hopp, Ludwig Trepte, Jasna Fritzi Boy, Catalina Denis, Robert Maillet, Sal 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062506 Bauer, Frederick Lau, Ulrich Matthes, Ro- Longobardo, Carlo Rota, Bruce Ramsay - bert Gallinowski, Margit Bendokat, Hans- Dir. Camille Delamarre Cannibals / City of the Dead (2 Uwe Bauer, Ursula Werner, Thorsten Action/Thriller 2014 91min. Merten - Dir. Christian Schwochow Universum Film Home Entertainment Discs) (k.J.) Drama/Tragikomödie 2014 min. 21.11.2014 Welcome To The Jungle / Last Rites Universum Film Home 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061738 Horror 169min. Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 07.11.2014 FilmConfect Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061763 Brown Mountain - Alien 03.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061803 Boss - The Complete Seasons 1 + Abduction Alien Abduction Carmen (OmU) 2 (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Katherine Sigismund, Corey Eid, Riley Pol- Carmen Boss anski, Jillian Clare, Jeff Bowser, Peter Hol- Julia Migenes, Plácido Domingo, Ruggero Kelsey Grammer, Connie Nielsen, Hannah den, Walter Phelan, Kelley Hinman, Ben Raimondi, Faith Esham (Micaëla), Julien Ware, Jeff Hephner, Kathleen Robertson, Sharples - Dir. Matty Beckerman Guiomar, François Le Roux, Lillian Watson, Martin Donovan, Troy Garity, Sandy Horror/Science Fiction 2014 85min. Jean-Philippe Lafont - Dir. Francesco Rosi Gulliver - Dir. Mario van Peebles, Jean de Falcom Investment AG 02.12.2014 Musikfilm 1983 149min. Segonzac, Jim McKay tba BestellNr.: 20061961 Audiokommentare, Featurettes EuroVideo Medien 05.11.2014 Drama 2011 972min. Brown Mountain - Alien 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062208 FilmConfect Home Entertainment 17.10.2014 Abduction (Blu-ray) Carmen (OmU) (Blu-ray) 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062396 Alien Abduction Carmen Katherine Sigismund, Corey Eid, Riley Pol- Julia Migenes, Plácido Domingo, Ruggero Boyhood anski, Jillian Clare, Jeff Bowser, Peter Hol- Raimondi, Faith Esham (Micaëla), Julien Boyhood den, Walter Phelan, Kelley Hinman, Ben Guiomar, François Le Roux, Lillian Watson, Ethan Hawke, Patricia Arquette, Ellar Sharples - Dir. Matty Beckerman Jean-Philippe Lafont - Dir. Francesco Rosi Salmon, Lorelei Linklater, Tamara Jolaine, Horror/Science Fiction 2014 89min. Musikfilm 1983 155min. Nick Krause, Jordan Howard, Shane Falcom Investment AG 02.12.2014 EuroVideo Medien 05.11.2014 Graham, Evie Thompson, Sam Dillon, tba BestellNr.: 20062169 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062230 Cambell Westmoreland, Lauren Lee - Dir. Richard Linklater Brüderchen Nr. 2 kommt an Cartoonito Märchenstunde - Die Drama 2014 159min. Hahó, A Tenger! komplette Serie in einer Krisztián Kovács, Anna Muszte, Lajos Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Märchenbox (2 Discs) 06.11.2014 Balázsovits, Hilda Gobbi, Ila Schütz Kinderfilm 143min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061813 (Tanitónéni), László György, László Csákányi, Alfonzo (Gépkocsivezeõ), Kati justbridge entertainment GmbH 14.11.2014 Boyhood (Blu-ray) Markos (Évi) - Dir. György Palásthy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062456 Boyhood Trailer Komödie 1972 66min. Casshern (Special Edition) Ethan Hawke, Patricia Arquette, Ellar ICESTORM Entertainment 06.10.2014 Casshern Salmon, Lorelei Linklater, Tamara Jolaine, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062221 Yusuke Iseya, Kumiko Aso, , Nick Krause, Jordan Howard, Shane Kanako Higuchi, Fumiyo Kohinata, Hiroyuki Graham, Evie Thompson, Sam Dillon, Burning Blue - Bekenne dich Miyasako - Dir. Kazuaki Kiriya Cambell Westmoreland, Lauren Lee - Dir. Science Fiction 2004 142min. Richard Linklater (OmU) Behind the Scenes Burning Blue KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Drama 2014 166min. Trent Ford, Morgan Spector, Rob Mayes, 18.09.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) William Lee Scott, Tammy Blanchard, Mi- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061746 06.11.2014 chael Sirow, Tracy Weiler, Gwynneth 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062065 Bensen, Mark Doherty - Dir. D.M.W. Greer Castle - Die komplette sechste Drama 2013 95min. Staffel (6 Discs) Branded to Kill (OmU) (Blu-ray) PRO-FUN MEDIA 26.09.2014 Castle Koroshi No Rakuin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061971 Kriminalfilm min. Joe Shishido - Dir. Seijun Suzuki The Walt Disney Company (Germany)(ABC Interviews, Bildergalerie, Kinotrailer Can a Song Save Your Life? Studios) 20.11.2014 Thriller 1967 94min. Begin Again 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061969 Rapid Eye Movies HE 07.11.2014 Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo, Hailee Stein- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062184 feld, Adam Levine, James Corden, Mos Def, Castle Freak (Blu-ray) (k.J.) CeeLo Green, Catherine Keener - Dir. John Castle Freak Brick Mansions (Extended Editi- Carney Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, on) Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Wendecover Jonathan Fuller, Jessica Dollarhide - Dir. Brick Mansions Drama/Musikfilm 2013 100min. Stuart Gordon Paul Walker, David Belle, RZA, Gouchy STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Trailer, Behind the Scenes Boy, Catalina Denis, Robert Maillet, Sal Germany 29.12.2014 Horror 1995 91min. Longobardo, Carlo Rota, Bruce Ramsay - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062500 cmv-Laservision 10.10.2014 Dir. Camille Delamarre 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062126 Action/Thriller 2014 87min. Can a Song Save Your Life? (Blu- Universum Film Home Entertainment ray) Castle Freak (k.J.) 21.11.2014 Begin Again Castle Freak 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061717 Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo, Hailee Stein- Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, feld, Adam Levine, James Corden, Mos Def, Jonathan Fuller, Jessica Dollarhide - Dir. Brick Mansions (Extended Editi- CeeLo Green, Catherine Keener - Dir. John Stuart Gordon Carney Trailer, Behind the Scenes

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Horror 1995 87min. , Alf Kjellin, Anton Leader, 20.11.2014 Edel Germany(New Vision) 10.10.2014 Leslie H. Martinson, Russell Mayberry, Don 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062289 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061891 McDougall, James Neilson, Christian I. Nyby II, Leo Penn, , Allen Reisner, A Christmas Love Story (Blu-ray) Charlie Chaplin - The Legend David Lowell Rich, Boris Sagal, Jimmy Love At The Christmas Table Sir Charles Chaplin - Dir. Sir Charles Chap- Sangster, Robert Scheerer, Ralph Danica McKellar, Dustin Milligan, Lea lin Senensky, Barry Shear, James Sheldon, Thompson, Alexandra Paul, Scott Komödie 300min. Jeannot Szwarc, Don Weis Patterson, Brian Huskey, Cameron da music(SJ Entertainment) 02.10.2014 Kriminalfilm 1967-1975 55min. Goodman, Viva Bianca - Dir. Rachel 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062362 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Goldenberg 01.09.2014 Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Charlie Chan und der Fluch der 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061723 Komödie/Lovestory 2012 89min. Drachenkönigin Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) 20.11.2014 Charlie Chan And The Curse Of The Fire - Staffel zwei (5 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062288 Dragon Queen Discs) (Blu-ray) Sir Peter Ustinov, Lee Grant, Angie Chicago Fire Copper - Justice Is Brutal. Staffel Dickinson, Richard Hatch, Brian Keith, Drama/Action 968min. Roddy McDowall, Rachel Roberts, Michelle Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Zwei (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Pfeiffer - Dir. Clive Donner 20.11.2014 Copper Bonusfilm „Charlie Chan in “, Bildergalerie, Trailer 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062067 Tom Weston-Jones, Kyle Schmid, Anasta- Kriminalfilm 1980 92min. sia Griffith - Dir. Larysa Kondracki Koch Media 09.10.2014 Chicago Fire - Staffel zwei (6 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 585min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061942 Discs) polyband Medien GmbH 28.11.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062286 Charlie Chan und der Fluch der Chicago Fire Drama/Action 924min. Copper - Justice Is Brutal. Staffel Drachenkönigin (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Charlie Chan And The Curse Of The 20.11.2014 Zwei (4 Discs) (k.J.) Dragon Queen 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061816 Copper Sir Peter Ustinov, Lee Grant, Angie Tom Weston-Jones, Kyle Schmid, Anasta- Dickinson, Richard Hatch, Brian Keith, Child of God - Murder Is His sia Griffith - Dir. Larysa Kondracki Roddy McDowall, Rachel Roberts, Michelle Salvation Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 585min. Pfeiffer - Dir. Clive Donner polyband Medien GmbH 28.11.2014 Child Of God Bonusfilm „Charlie Chan in London“, Bildergalerie, Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062260 Kriminalfilm 1980 95min. Scott Haze, James Franco, Tim Blake Nel- Koch Media 09.10.2014 son, Ciera Danielle, Fallon Goodson, Vince The Cottage in the Dark 2 (Blu- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062157 Jolivette, Brian Lally, Jeremy Ambler - Dir. James Franco ray) (k.J.) Che - Teil 1+2 (2 Discs) Drama/Thriller 2013 110min. American Weapon Amin Joseph, Maria-Elena Laas, Benjamin Che Lighthouse Home Entertainment 21.11.2014 Mouton, Nika Williams, Adam T. Brooks, Matt Benicio Del Toro, Demián Bichir, Franka 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061926 Vasko - Dir. Cliff Vasko Potente, Ramón Fernández, Catalina Child of God - Murder Is His Trailer Sandino Moreno, Jordi Mollà, Armando Thriller/Horror 2013 100min. Riesco, Rodrigo Santoro, , Salvation (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.10.2014 Joaquim De Almeida), Lou Diamond Phillips, Child Of God 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062117 Marc-André Grondin, Matt Damon - Dir. Scott Haze, James Franco, Tim Blake Nel- son, Ciera Danielle, Fallon Goodson, Vince The Cottage in the Dark Forest 2 Drama/Biographie 2008 min. Jolivette, Brian Lally, Jeremy Ambler - Dir. (k.J.) Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild James Franco American Weapon Bunch Germany) 14.11.2014 Drama/Thriller 2013 115min. Amin Joseph, Maria-Elena Laas, Benjamin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061828 Lighthouse Home Entertainment 21.11.2014 Mouton, Nika Williams, Adam T. Brooks, Matt tba BestellNr.: 20062146 Che - Teil 1+2 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Vasko - Dir. Cliff Vasko Trailer Che A Christmas Love Story Thriller/Horror 2013 96min. Benicio Del Toro, Demián Bichir, Franka Love At The Christmas Table Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.10.2014 Potente, Ramón Fernández, Catalina Danica McKellar, Dustin Milligan, Lea 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061874 Sandino Moreno, Jordi Mollà, Armando Thompson, Alexandra Paul, Scott Riesco, Rodrigo Santoro, Julia Ormond, Patterson, Brian Huskey, Cameron Eine Couch in New York / 2 Joaquim De Almeida), Lou Diamond Phillips, Goodman, Viva Bianca - Dir. Rachel Romeos für Julia (2 Discs) Marc-André Grondin, Matt Damon - Dir. Goldenberg Un Divan A New York / A Previous Engage- Steven Soderbergh Outtakes, Making of, Trailer ment Drama/Biographie 2008 min. Komödie/Lovestory 2012 85min. Komödie 228min. Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) FilmConfect Home Entertainment Bunch Germany) 14.11.2014 20.11.2014 17.10.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062086 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062270 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062435 Der Chef - Ein beinahe tödlicher A Christmas Love Story (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Crossing Lines - Staffel 2 (2 Discs) Fall (Blu-ray) Ironside Love At The Christmas Table Crossing Lines , Don Galloway, Don Mitchell, Danica McKellar, Dustin Milligan, Lea William Fichtner, Marc Lavoine, Gabriella Gene Lyons, Barbara Anderson, Elizabeth Thompson, Alexandra Paul, Scott Pession, Tom Wlaschiha, Richard Flood, Baur, Johnny Seven, Joan Pringle - Dir. Patterson, Brian Huskey, Cameron Donald Sutherland, Lara Rossi, Elsa Mol- Abner Biberman, , Michael Goodman, Viva Bianca - Dir. Rachel lien, Carrie-Anne Moss, Ray Stevenson - Caffey, Richard A. Colla, John Florea, Da- Goldenberg Dir. Michael Wenning, Xavier Gens, Eric vid Friedkin, William A. Graham, Daniel Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Komödie/Lovestory 2012 89min. Valette, Ben Bolt, Philip John, Diarmuid Haller, Leonard Horn, Jerry Jameson, Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Lawrence, Stephen Woolfenden, Bill Eagles

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Interviews, Wendecover Germany 06.11.2014 Splendid Film 28.11.2014 Kriminalfilm/Action 2014 552min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061903 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062151 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 06.11.2014 Cuban Fury - Echte Männer tan- Dead Zone / Halloween II (2 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062060 zen (Blu-ray) Discs) Crossing Lines 2.1 (2 Discs) Cuban Fury Dead Zone / Halloween II Nick Frost, Rashida Jones, Chris O’Dowd, Thriller/Horror 186min. Crossing Lines , Kayvan Novak, Rory FilmConfect Home Entertainment William Fichtner, Marc Lavoine, Gabriella Kinnear, Alexandra Roach, Ian McShane, 03.10.2014 Pession, Tom Wlaschiha, Richard Flood, Tim Plester, Ben Radcliffe, Isabella 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061804 Donald Sutherland, Lara Rossi, Elsa Mol- Steinbarth - Dir. James Griffiths lien, Carrie-Anne Moss, Ray Stevenson - Entfallene Szene, Outtakes, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer, Deadly Crossing - Tödliche Gren- Dir. Michael Wenning, Xavier Gens, Eric Wendecover Valette, Ben Bolt, Philip John, Diarmuid Komödie 2014 98min. zen Lawrence, Stephen Woolfenden, Bill Eagles STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment True Justice 1.1: Deadly Crossing Interviews, Wendecover Germany 06.11.2014 Steven Seagal, Meghan Ory, Warren Kriminalfilm/Action 2014 276min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062130 Christie, William Stewart, Sarah Lind, Adri- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment an Hough, Elizabeth Thai, Kyle Cassie, Germany 09.10.2014 Da Vinci’s Demons - Die komplet- Sarah-Jane Redmond, Gil Bellows, Anna 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061808 te 2. Staffel (4 Discs) Van Hooft, Ben Cotton, Diana Pavlovská, John Tench, Alex Mallari Jr., J. Anthony Crossing Lines 2.2 (2 Discs) Da Vinci’s Demons Wendecover Pena - Dir. Keoni Waxman Crossing Lines Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2014 524min. Action/Thriller 2011 87min. William Fichtner, Marc Lavoine, Gabriella Concorde Home Entertainment 13.11.2014 Splendid Film 26.08.2011 Pession, Tom Wlaschiha, Richard Flood, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062035 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062507 Donald Sutherland, Lara Rossi, Elsa Mol- lien, Carrie-Anne Moss, Ray Stevenson - Da Vinci’s Demons - Die komplet- Deadly Crossing - Tödliche Gren- Dir. Michael Wenning, Xavier Gens, Eric te 2. Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) zen (Blu-ray) Valette, Ben Bolt, Philip John, Diarmuid Da Vinci’s Demons True Justice 1.1: Deadly Crossing Lawrence, Stephen Woolfenden, Bill Eagles Wendecover Steven Seagal, Meghan Ory, Warren Interviews, Wendecover Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2014 524min. Christie, William Stewart, Sarah Lind, Adri- Kriminalfilm/Action 2014 276min. Concorde Home Entertainment 13.11.2014 an Hough, Elizabeth Thai, Kyle Cassie, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062195 Sarah-Jane Redmond, Gil Bellows, Anna Germany 20.11.2014 Van Hooft, Ben Cotton, Diana Pavlovská, tba BestellNr.: 20061809 Daughters of Darkness John Tench, Alex Mallari Jr., J. Anthony Crossing Lines 2.2 (2 Discs) (Blu- Daughter Of Darkness Pena - Dir. Keoni Waxman Anthony Perkins, Mia Sara, Robert Action/Thriller 2011 91min. ray) Reynolds, Jack Coleman - Dir. Stuart Gor- Splendid Film 26.08.2011 Crossing Lines don 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062508 William Fichtner, Marc Lavoine, Gabriella Wendecover Pession, Tom Wlaschiha, Richard Flood, Horror 1989 89min. Deadly Weekend (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Donald Sutherland, Lara Rossi, Elsa Mol- Maritim Pictures 28.11.2014 Deadly Weekend lien, Carrie-Anne Moss, Ray Stevenson - 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062197 Sara Jean Underwood, Bruster Phoenix Dir. Michael Wenning, Xavier Gens, Eric Sampson, Kevin J. O’Neill, Patricia Rosales, Valette, Ben Bolt, Philip John, Diarmuid Dead Snow - Red vs. Dead (Blu- Amani Atkinson, Haley Boyle, Chelsea Lee, Lawrence, Stephen Woolfenden, Bill Eagles ray) (k.J.) Samantha Ubeda - Dir. Jason Sutton Interviews, Wendecover Død Snø 2 Trailer Kriminalfilm/Action 2014 276min. Vegar Hoel, Stig Frode Henriksen, Martin Thriller/Horror 2013 80min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Starr, Ørjan Gamst, Ingrid Haas, Jocelyn Tiberius Film 04.12.2014 Germany 20.11.2014 DeBoer, Amrita Acharia, Christian Rubeck, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062179 tba BestellNr.: 20062061 Carl-Magnus Adner - Dir. Tommy Wirkola Deadly Weekend (k.J.) The Crow - Die komplette Serie Horror/Komödie 2014 101min. Splendid Film 28.11.2014 Deadly Weekend (6 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062148 Sara Jean Underwood, Bruster Phoenix The Crow: Stairway To Heaven Sampson, Kevin J. O’Neill, Patricia Rosales, Mark Dacascos, Marc Gomes, Sabine Dead Snow - Red vs. Dead (k.J.) Amani Atkinson, Haley Boyle, Chelsea Lee, Karsenti, Katie Stuart, Lynda Boyd, Jon Død Snø 2 Samantha Ubeda - Dir. Jason Sutton Cuthbert, John Pyper-Ferguson, Christina Vegar Hoel, Stig Frode Henriksen, Martin Trailer Thriller/Horror 2013 76min. Cox, Julie Dreyfus - Dir. Kari Skogland Starr, Ørjan Gamst, Ingrid Haas, Jocelyn Tiberius Film 04.12.2014 Audiokommentare, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene DeBoer, Amrita Acharia, Christian Rubeck, Szenen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061973 Action/Fantasy 1998 997min. Carl-Magnus Adner - Dir. Tommy Wirkola Koch Media 13.11.2014 Horror/Komödie 2014 97min. Dein Wille geschehe - Staffel 2 (2 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061952 Splendid Film 28.11.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061929 Discs) Cuban Fury - Echte Männer tan- Ainsi Soient-Ils Jean-Luc Bideau, David Baiot, Samuel zen Dead Snow - Red vs. Dead (Limited Edition, Steelbook) (Blu- Jouy, Julien Bouanich, Clément Manuel, Cuban Fury Clément Roussier (Raphaël Chanseaulme), Nick Frost, Rashida Jones, Chris O’Dowd, ray) (k.J.) Thierry Gimenez, Michel Duchaussoy, Olivia Colman, Kayvan Novak, Rory Død Snø 2 Céline Cuignet, Gauthier Baillot, Franck Kinnear, Alexandra Roach, Ian McShane, Vegar Hoel, Stig Frode Henriksen, Martin Beckmann, Frans Boyer, David Chenaud, Tim Plester, Ben Radcliffe, Isabella Starr, Ørjan Gamst, Ingrid Haas, Jocelyn Guy Denize, Jacques Develay, Nicolas Steinbarth - Dir. James Griffiths DeBoer, Amrita Acharia, Christian Rubeck, Beaucaire, Jeanne Bournaud, François- Entfallene Szene, Outtakes, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer, Carl-Magnus Adner - Dir. Tommy Wirkola Wendecover Regis Marchasson, Nathalie Roussel, Comic, Postkarte Xavier Gallais, Guillaume Denaiffe, Sarah- Komödie 2014 94min. Horror/Komödie 2014 101min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Jane Sauvegrain, Enrico Di Giovanni, Gaby

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Fragnaud, Christiane Millet, Christophe Antonio de la Vega, Maya Zapata - Dir. Box (2 Discs) Grégoire, Arnaud Carbonnier, Daniel Alfonso Pineda Ulloa Der Kleine Lord / A Christmas Carol / Delabesse, Jean-Yves Gautier, Maximilien Horror 2013 92min. Scrooge - Der Weihnachtsfilm Muller, Maxime Tshibangu, Lou Sirchis, EuroVideo Medien 04.12.2014 Drama min. Xavier Boiffier, Bertrand Constant, Fran- tba BestellNr.: 20062160 da music(SJ Entertainment) 19.09.2014 çois Lalande, Anthony Bastié, Carlo Brandt, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062024 Yannick Choirat, Emmanuel Courcol, Detour - Gefährliche Umleitung Nathalie Eno, Cécile Rebboah, Serpentine Detour Dies Bildnis ist zum Morden Teyssier - Dir. Rodolphe Tissot, Elizabeth Neil Hopkins, Brea Grant, Ptolemy Slocum, schön Marre, Olivier Pont John Forest, Deb Snyder - Dir. William Gila von Weitershausen, Nicolas Brieger, Drama 381min. Dickerson Dieter Schidor, Eva Maria Meineke, Hans Tiberius Film 04.12.2014 Thriller/Drama 2013 83min. Caninenberg, Stefan Wigger, Peer 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062294 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Augustinski - Dir. Günter Gräwert View Film) 12.12.2014 Kriminalfilm 1987 101min. Dein Wille geschehe - Staffel 2 (2 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062476 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Discs) (Blu-ray) Detour - Gefährliche Umleitung 21.11.2014 Ainsi Soie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062202 Jean-Luc Bideau, David Baiot, Samuel (Blu-ray) Jouy, Julien Bouanich, Clément Manuel, Detour Dirk van Haveskerke - Kampf um Clément Roussier (Raphaël Chanseaulme), Neil Hopkins, Brea Grant, Ptolemy Slocum, Flandern (2 Discs) Thierry Gimenez, Michel Duchaussoy, John Forest, Deb Snyder - Dir. William Dirk Van Haveskerke Céline Cuignet, Gauthier Baillot, Franck Dickerson Luc Springuel, Rik van Uffelen, Dora van Beckmann, Frans Boyer, David Chenaud, Thriller/Drama 2013 86min. der Groen - Dir. Paul Cammermans, Guy Denize, Jacques Develay, Nicolas AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Theresa van Marcke Beaucaire, Jeanne Bournaud, François- View Film) 12.12.2014 Abenteuer/Historienfilm 1978 277min. Regis Marchasson, Nathalie Roussel, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062487 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 10.10.2014 Xavier Gallais, Guillaume Denaiffe, Sarah- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061792 Jane Sauvegrain, Enrico Di Giovanni, Gaby Devil’s Knot - Im Schatten der Fragnaud, Christiane Millet, Christophe Wahrheit Do Not Disturb (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Grégoire, Arnaud Carbonnier, Daniel Devil’s Knot Do Not Disturb Delabesse, Jean-Yves Gautier, Maximilien Colin Firth, Reese Witherspoon, Dane Stephen Geoffreys, Tiffany Shepis, Corey Muller, Maxime Tshibangu, Lou Sirchis, DeHaan, Mireille Enos, Kevin Durand, Elias Haim, Ezra Buzzington, James Grabowski, Xavier Boiffier, Bertrand Constant, Fran- Koteas, Stephen Moyer, Amy Ryan - Dir. Robert DiDonato, Anthony Colliano, Laura çois Lalande, Anthony Bastié, Carlo Brandt, Atom Egoyan Leigh - Dir. BC Furtney Yannick Choirat, Emmanuel Courcol, Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 109min. Trailer Nathalie Eno, Cécile Rebboah, Serpentine Senator Home Entertainment 12.12.2014 Thriller/Horror 2013 83min. Teyssier - Dir. Rodolphe Tissot, Elizabeth 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061953 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.10.2014 Marre, Olivier Pont 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062118 Drama 381min. Devil’s Knot - Im Schatten der Tiberius Film 04.12.2014 Wahrheit (Blu-ray) Do Not Disturb (k.J.) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062308 Devil’s Knot Do Not Disturb Stephen Geoffreys, Tiffany Shepis, Corey Dekalog (6 DVDs) Colin Firth, Reese Witherspoon, Dane DeHaan, Mireille Enos, Kevin Durand, Elias Haim, Ezra Buzzington, James Grabowski, Dekalog Koteas, Stephen Moyer, Amy Ryan - Dir. Robert DiDonato, Anthony Colliano, Laura Dokumentation über Kieslowski, 100 Fragen an Kieslowski Leigh - Dir. BC Furtney Drama 1988 600min. Atom Egoyan Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 114min. Trailer absolut MEDIEN(arte Edition) 05.12.2014 Thriller/Horror 2013 83min. Senator Home Entertainment 12.12.2014 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062493 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.10.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062164 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061875 Dementia 13 Dementia 13 The Devil’s Rock (Blu-ray) (k.J.) - Siebter Doktor, The Devil’s Rock William Campbell, Luana Anders, Bart Pat- Volume 1 (4 Discs) ton, Mary Mitchel, , Eithne Craig Hall, Matthew Sunderland, Gina Doctor Who Dunne - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola Varela, Karlos Drinkwater, Luke Hawker, Sylvester McCoy Horror 1963 75min. Jessica Grace Smith, Nick Dunbar, Jonathan King, Haydn Green - Dir. Paul Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Audiokommentar Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1987 350min. Campion 26.09.2014 Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061843 Trailer, Bildergalerie Horror 2011 80min. 28.11.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062266 Demon Inside Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 01.09.2014 Espectro 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061743 Dr. Crippen an Bord Paz Vega, Alfonso Herrera, Johanna Rudolf Fernau, René Deltgen, Anja Elkoff, Murillo, Gala Montes, Arnulfo Reyes The Devil’s Rock (k.J.) Gertrud Meyen, Rolf Weih - Dir. Erich En- Sanchez, Marco Trevio, Marco Treviño, The Devil’s Rock gels Antonio de la Vega, Maya Zapata - Dir. Craig Hall, Matthew Sunderland, Gina Booklet Alfonso Pineda Ulloa Kriminalfilm 1942 86min. Varela, Karlos Drinkwater, Luke Hawker, Horror 2013 88min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 10.10.2014 Jessica Grace Smith, Nick Dunbar, EuroVideo Medien 04.12.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061793 Jonathan King, Haydn Green - Dir. Paul tba BestellNr.: 20061947 Campion Dr. Monroe - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) Trailer, Bildergalerie Demon Inside (Blu-ray) Horror 2011 77min. Monroe Espectro Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) James Nesbitt, Tom Riley, Sarah Parish, Neil Paz Vega, Alfonso Herrera, Johanna 01.09.2014 Pearson, Manjinder Virk, Luke Allen-Gale, Murillo, Gala Montes, Arnulfo Reyes 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061720 Michelle Asante, Christina Chong - Dir. Paul Sanchez, Marco Trevio, Marco Treviño, McGuigan

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Drama 2011 270min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Mediawith) KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) justbridge entertainment GmbH 14.11.2014 02.12.2014 16.10.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062458 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062175 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062273 Doktor Schiwago (Special Editi- Draft Day Dream Home (k.J.) on, 2 Discs) Draft Day Wai Dor Lei Ah Yut Ho Doctor Zhivago Kevin Costner, Jennifer Garner, Chris Josie Ho, Anthony Wong, Eason Chan, Hans Matheson, Keira Knightley, Alexandra Berman, Dave Donaldson, Patrick St. Esprit, Michelle Ye, Norman Chu, Lawrence Chou, Maria Lara, Sam Neill, Kris Marshall, Chi McBride, Chadwick Boseman, Terry Paw Hee-ching, Tsang Kwok-Cheung, Subi Daniele Liotti, Bill Paterson, Celia Imrie, Crews - Dir. Ivan Reitman Liang, Conroy Chan Chi-Chung - Dir. Pang Anne-Marie Duff, , Maryam Drama/Sport 2014 min. Ho-cheung D’Abo - Dir. Giacomo Campiotti Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Thriller/Horror 2009 89min. Bildergalerie Home Edition) 04.12.2014 KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Drama 2002 225min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061858 16.10.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062242 Germany 06.11.2014 Draft Day (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061884 Draft Day Die drei ??? - Phonophobia-Sin- Kevin Costner, Jennifer Garner, Chris fonie der Angst Doogie Howser - Die komplette Berman, Dave Donaldson, Patrick St. Esprit, Kinderfilm 2014 min. Serie (16 Discs) Chi McBride, Chadwick Boseman, Terry Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Doogie Howser, M.D. Crews - Dir. Ivan Reitman Division(Europa) 10.10.2014 Neil Patrick Harris, Max Casella, Belinda Drama/Sport 2014 min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062318 Montgomery, Lawrence Pressman, Mitchell Concorde Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 Anderson, Kathryn Layng, James B. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062108 Die drei ??? - Phonophobia-Sin- Sikking, Lisa Dean Ryan, Sandy Smolan - Dragon Knight fonie der Angst (Blu-ray) Dir. , Win Phelps, Joan Die drei ??? - Phonophobia-Sinfonie der Rencontre Avec Le Dragon Darling, Brad Silberling, Ed Sherin, Matia Angst (Blu-ray) Daniel Auteuil, Nicolas Nollet, Sergi Lopez, Karrell, David Carson, Joan Tewkesbury, Kinderfilm 2014 min. Emmanuelle Devos, Titoff, Gilbert Melki, Victoria Hochberg, Stephen Cragg, Scott D. Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Maurice Garel, Claude Perron, Fred Proust, Goldstein, , Bill D’Elia, Division(Europa) 10.10.2014 Jean-François Gallotte - Dir. Hélène Angel Gabrielle Beaumont, Kristoffer Tabori, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062332 , Steven Robman Making of Abenteuer 2003 105min. Booklet Die drei Hundketiere retten Weih- Komödie 1990 2600min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 31.10.2014 Mammut Home Entertainment 23.10.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061882 nachten tba BestellNr.: 20061946 The Three Dogateers Save Christmas Dragon Knight (Blu-ray) Dir. Jesse Baget Das doppelte Lottchen (Blu-ray) Rencontre Avec Le Dragon Kinotrailer Abenteuer/Familie 2014 87min. Jutta Günther, Peter Mosbacher, Isa Gün- Daniel Auteuil, Nicolas Nollet, Sergi Lopez, Koch Media 13.11.2014 ther, Liesl Karlstadt, Antje Weisgerber, Emmanuelle Devos, Titoff, Gilbert Melki, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061951 Auguste Pünkösdy, Senta Weingraf, Maria Maurice Garel, Claude Perron, Fred Proust, Jean-François Gallotte - Dir. Hélène Angel Krahn, Ernst Waldow - Dir. Josef von Báky Die drei Hundketiere retten Weih- Komödie 1950 105min. Abenteuer 2003 110min. Universum Film Home Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 31.10.2014 nachten (Blu-ray) Entertainment(Universum Kids) 07.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062123 The Three Dogateers Save Christmas 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062100 Dir. Jesse Baget The Dragons of Camelot Kinotrailer Dornröschen Dragons Of Camelot Abenteuer/Familie 2014 90min. Koch Media 13.11.2014 Sleeping Beauty / The Legend of Sleeping Mark Griffin, James Nitti, Alexandra Evans, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062163 Beauty, Teil 2 / Grimm’s Snow White Selina Giles, Sandra Darnell, Andrew Jarvis, Craig Ryder, Nick Cornwall - Dir. Casper Van Dien, Olivia D’Abo, Catherine Die Drei Musketiere - Kampf um Oxenberg, Eliza Bennett, Jane March, Mark L. Lester Jamie Thomas King - Dir. Casper Van Dien, Behind the Scenes Frankreichs Krone / Die komplet- Fantasy/Action 2014 87min. Rachel Goldenberg te Serie (3 Discs) Splendid Film 28.11.2014 Fantasy/Abenteuer 2012-2014 min. Tri Mushketera 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061927 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.10.2014 Rinal Mukhametow, Yuri Chursin, Aleksei 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062401 The Dragons of Camelot (Blu-ray) Makarov, Pawel Barschak, Wassili Lanowoi, Anna Starschenbaum, Jekaterina Dragons Of Camelot Downing Street Down Wilkowa, Konstantin Lawronenko, Maria Mark Griffin, James Nitti, Alexandra Evans, He Who Dares: Downing Street Siege Mironowa - Dir. Sergei Zhigunow Selina Giles, Sandra Darnell, Andrew Tom Benedict Knight, Simon Phillips, Christi- Trailer, Bildergalerie Jarvis, Craig Ryder, Nick Cornwall - Dir. na Bellavia, Russell Kilmister, Merissa Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2013 500min. Mark L. Lester Porter, Ryan Winsley - Dir. Paul Tanter Spirit Media 28.10.2014 Behind the Scenes 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061989 Trailer Fantasy/Action 2014 90min. Action/Thriller 2014 85min. Splendid Film 28.11.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Mediawith) Der dritte Mann (Reclam Edition) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062147 02.12.2014 The Third Man 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061966 Dream Home (Blu-ray) Joseph Cotten, Orson Welles, Alida Valli, Trevor Howard, Ernst Deutsch, Erich Wai Dor Lei Ah Yut Ho Downing Street Down (Blu-ray) Ponto, Siegfried Breuer, Paul Hörbiger, Josie Ho, Anthony Wong, Eason Chan, He Who Dares: Downing Street Siege Hedwig Bleibtreu, Bernard Lee, Wilfrid Michelle Ye, Norman Chu, Lawrence Chou, Tom Benedict Knight, Simon Phillips, Christi- Hyde-White - Dir. Sir Carol Reed Paw Hee-ching, Tsang Kwok-Cheung, Subi na Bellavia, Russell Kilmister, Merissa Alternativer Anfang, Biografien, Bildergalerie, Trailer Liang, Conroy Chan Chi-Chung - Dir. Pang Porter, Ryan Winsley - Dir. Paul Tanter Kriminalfilm 1949 104min. Trailer Ho-cheung STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Action/Thriller 2014 89min. Thriller/Horror 2009 92min. Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014

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15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061810 26.09.2014 Joseph Scarpinito, Kalle Ylitalo, Armi 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061847 Toivanen - Dir. Taneli Mustonen Drive Hard Drama 2012 81min. Drive Hard Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi good!movies(Schwarz-Weiss) 10.10.2014 John Cusack, Thomas Jane, Zoe Ventoura, O. E. Hasse, Johanna von Koczian, Martin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061712 , Christopher Morris, Jesse Held, Hansjörg Felmy, Charles Régnier, Karl Spence, Andrew Buchanan, Sam Cotton, Lieffen, Max Haufler - Dir. Kurt Hoffmann Enter the Hitman (k.J.) Brooke Melling - Dir. Brian Trenchard-Smith Booklet Logan’s War: Bound By Honor Action/Thriller 2014 92min. Komödie 1961 95min. Chuck Norris, Eddie Cibrian, , Senator Home Entertainment 22.11.2014 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 31.10.2014 Jeff Kober, R.D. Call, Brendon Ryan 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061714 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062450 Barrett, James Gammon, Vinny Curto, De- von Michael - Dir. Michael Preece Drive Hard (Blu-ray) Eichholz & Söhne (2 Discs) Action 1998 87min. Drive Hard Werner Hinz, Knut Hinz, Michael Hinz, Bri- VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.09.2014 John Cusack, Thomas Jane, Zoe Ventoura, gitte Horney, Karla Chadimová - Dir. Dr. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061783 Damien Garvey, Christopher Morris, Jesse Michael Braun Spence, Andrew Buchanan, Sam Cotton, Drama/Familie 1977 325min. Episoden vom Glück Brooke Melling - Dir. Brian Trenchard-Smith Pidax film media(Pidax film) 14.11.2014 Dieter Wien, Jürgen Frohriep, Christel Action/Thriller 2014 96min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062459 Bodenstein, Fritz Diez, Henny Müller - Dir. Senator Home Entertainment 22.11.2014 Helmut Krätzig 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061735 Einer spielt falsch Drama 1965 217min. Trunk To Cairo Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR TV-Ar- Du wirst schon noch sehen, wozu Audie Murphy, Marianne Koch, George chiv) 14.11.2014 es gut ist Sanders, Hans von Borsody, Gila Almagor - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062200 Dir. Menahem Golan Someday This Pain Will Be Useful To You Drama 1966 94min. Toby Regbo, Marcia Gay Harden, Ellen Er Moretto - Von Liebe leben Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Pidax) Burstyn, Peter Gallagher, Lucy Liu, Stephen (OmU) 28.10.2014 Lang, Deborah Ann Woll, Aubrey Plaza, Er Moretto 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061991 Jonny Weston, Siobhan Fallon - Dir. Alevino di Silvio, Franco Mazzieri, Vinicio Roberto Faenza Einmal Hans mit scharfer Soße Diamanti, Ciro Cascina, Rosa di Brigida, Wendecover Renato Faillaci - Dir. Simon Bischoff Drama/Komödie 2011 104min. Idil Üner, Adnan Maral, Siir Eloglu, Sesede Featurette AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Terziyan, Demet Gül, Julia Dietze, Max von Drama 1984 86min. View Film) 19.12.2014 Thun, Janek Rieke, Steffen Groth, Hüseyin good!movies(GMfilms) 12.09.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062477 Ekici, Nizam Namidar, Sebastian Saavedra, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062036 Lilay Huser, Luk Piyes, Mirko Reseg, Tho- Du wirst schon noch sehen, wozu mas Sinclair Spencer, Julian Sengelmann - Erben des Fluchs - Die 2. Season es gut ist (Blu-ray) Dir. Buket Alakus (6 Discs) Interviews, Featurettes, Trailer Someday This Pain Will Be Useful To You Komödie/Lovestory 2013 92min. Friday The 13th Toby Regbo, Marcia Gay Harden, Ellen EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 20.11.2014 Horror 1190min. Burstyn, Peter Gallagher, Lucy Liu, Stephen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061943 Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 Lang, Deborah Ann Woll, Aubrey Plaza, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062005 Jonny Weston, Siobhan Fallon - Dir. Einmal Hans mit scharfer Soße Roberto Faenza (Blu-ray) Heinz Erhardt - Kult-Klassiker (3 Wendecover Discs) Drama/Komödie 2011 108min. Idil Üner, Adnan Maral, Siir Eloglu, Sesede Ohne Krimi geht die Mimi nie ins Bett / AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Terziyan, Demet Gül, Julia Dietze, Max von Otto ist auf Frauen scharf / Warum hab’ View Film) 12.12.2014 Thun, Janek Rieke, Steffen Groth, Hüseyin ich bloß 2x ja gesagt? 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062488 Ekici, Nizam Namidar, Sebastian Saavedra, Lilay Huser, Luk Piyes, Mirko Reseg, Tho- Heinz Erhardt Earth to Echo mas Sinclair Spencer, Julian Sengelmann - Komödie 1962-1969 min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Earth To Echo Dir. Buket Alakus 26.09.2014 Teo Halm, Astro, Reese Hartwig, Ella Interviews, Featurettes, Trailer Komödie/Lovestory 2013 96min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061827 Wahlestedt, Jason Gray-Stanford, Cassius EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 20.11.2014 Willis - Dir. Dave Green 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062158 Es war einmal in Amerika (Exten- Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2014 88min. ded Director’s Cut, 2 Discs) (Blu- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 Die Elenden tba BestellNr.: 20061967 ray) Les Misérables Once Upon A Time In America Fredric March, Charles Laughton, Sir Earth to Echo (Blu-ray) , James Woods, Larry Rapp, Cedric Hardwicke, Rochelle Hudson, Earth To Echo William Forsythe, Elizabeth McGovern, Joe Frances Drake, John Beal, Jessie Ralph, Teo Halm, Astro, Reese Hartwig, Ella Pesci, Treat Williams, Burt Young, Tuesday Florence Eldridge - Dir. Richard Wahlestedt, Jason Gray-Stanford, Cassius Weld, Danny Aiello, Jennifer Connelly - Dir. Boleslawski Willis - Dir. Dave Green Sergio Leone Drama 1935 105min. Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2014 92min. Drama 1982-1984 min. Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 23.10.2014 26.09.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20062176 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062278 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061846 Easy Racer Ella und das große Rennen Evil Knights The Wild Ride Blood Angel II Ella Ja Kaverit Jack Nicholson, Georgianna Carter, Robert Boris Rosenberger, Akasha Jones, Andrew Freja Teijonsalo, Aura Mikkonen, Emilia Bean, Carol Bigby, John Bologni, Gary „Machine“ Clay, Robin Ebneth, Ingo Paasonen, Artturi Auvinen, Aki Laiho, Jyry Espinosa - Dir. Harvey Berman Trendelbernd, Akki McCoy, Mirko Mecke, Kortelainen, Eetu Julin, Eero Milonoff, Action 1960 88min. Ingo Lee - Dir. Ingo Trendelbernd Eerika Patrakka, Oliver Kivi, Kari Ketonen, Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Thriller/Horror 2003 70min. Artturi Auvinen, Pamela Tola, Ville Virtanen,

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Edel Germany(Paragon Movie) 05.12.2014 Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kellan Lutz, ture, Terry Crews, Mel Gibson, Harrison 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061886 Ronda Rousey, Glen Powell, Victor Ortiz, Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kellan Lutz, Robert Davi - Dir. Patrick Hughes Ronda Rousey, Glen Powell, Victor Ortiz, The Exes - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) Action 2014 127min. Robert Davi - Dir. Patrick Hughes The Exes Splendid Film 22.12.2014 Action 2014 122min. Donald Faison, Wayne Knight, David Alan 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062327 Splendid Film 22.12.2014 Basche, Kelly Stables, Kristen Johnston, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062317 Diedrich Bader, Judith Light, James The Expendables 3 - A Man’s Job Morrison, Erin Matthews - Dir. Andy Cadiff, (Extended Director’s Cut, Limited The Expendables 3 - A Man’s Job Andrew D. Weyman Edition, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) (Ungeschnittene Kinofassung) Komödie 250min. The Expendables 3 (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 17.10.2014 Sylvester Stallone, , Antonio The Expendables 3 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061904 Banderas, Jet Li, Wesley Snipes, Dolph Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Antonio Exit / Headhunter (2 Discs) Lundgren, Kelsey Grammer, Randy Cou- Banderas, Jet Li, Wesley Snipes, Dolph ture, Terry Crews, Mel Gibson, Harrison Lundgren, Kelsey Grammer, Randy Cou- Exit / Headhunter Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kellan Lutz, ture, Terry Crews, Mel Gibson, Harrison Thriller 200min. Ronda Rousey, Glen Powell, Victor Ortiz, Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kellan Lutz, FilmConfect Home Entertainment Robert Davi - Dir. Patrick Hughes Ronda Rousey, Glen Powell, Victor Ortiz, 17.10.2014 Action 2014 132min. Robert Davi - Dir. Patrick Hughes 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062436 Splendid Film 22.12.2014 Action 2014 127min. Der Exorzist - Complete 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062344 Splendid Film 22.12.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062331 Collection (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) The Expendables 3 - A Man’s Job Der Exorzist - Die neue Fassung / Exor- (Extended Director’s Cut, Limited The Expendables Selection (6 zist - Der Anfang / Dominion: Exorzist - Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Der Anfang des Bösen / Der Exorzist II - Edition, Steelbook) (k.J.) Derailed / / Inside the Beast / Red Der Ketzer / Der Exorzist III The Expendables 3 Scorpion / The Last Warrior / Undisputed Horror 1973-2004 min. Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Antonio Jean-Claude van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 Banderas, Jet Li, Wesley Snipes, Dolph Steven Seagal, Wesley Snipes 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062274 Lundgren, Kelsey Grammer, Randy Cou- ture, Terry Crews, Mel Gibson, Harrison Behind the Scenes, Trailer Action 1988-2003 550min. Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kellan Lutz, Der Exorzist II - Der Ketzer (Blu- Splendid Film 31.10.2014 Ronda Rousey, Glen Powell, Victor Ortiz, ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062050 Robert Davi - Dir. Patrick Hughes Exorcist II: The Heretic Action 2014 127min. Linda Blair, Richard Burton, Louise Der Fall X 701 Splendid Film 22.12.2014 Fletcher, Max von Sydow, Kitty Winn, Paul Frozen Alive 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062329 Henreid, James Earl Jones, Ned Beatty - Mark Stevens, Marianne Koch, Delphi Dir. John Boorman The Expendables 3 - A Man’s Job Lawrence, Walter Rilla, Joachim Hansen, Horror 1977 min. Wolfgang Lukschy - Dir. Bernard Knowles Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 (Extended Director’s Cut, Limited Science Fiction 1966 81min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062275 Hero Pack) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 24.10.2014 The Expendables 3 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061850 Der Exorzist III (Blu-ray) Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Antonio The Exorcist III Banderas, Jet Li, Wesley Snipes, Dolph Fallen Angel George C. Scott, , Brad Dourif, Lundgren, Kelsey Grammer, Randy Cou- Ángel Caído Jason Miller, Nicol Williamson, Scott Wilson, ture, Terry Crews, Mel Gibson, Harrison Emiliano Zurita, Sebastián Zurita, Humberto George DiCenzo, Nancy Fish, Don Gordon - Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kellan Lutz, Zurita - Dir. Arturo Anaya Dir. William Peter Blatty Ronda Rousey, Glen Powell, Victor Ortiz, Fantasy/Mystery 2010 90min. Horror 1990 min. Robert Davi - Dir. Patrick Hughes Maritim Pictures 04.11.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 Action 2014 132min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061962 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062276 Splendid Film 22.12.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062343 Fallen Angel (Blu-ray) The Expendables 3 - A Man’s Job Ángel Caído (Extended Director’s Cut) (Blu- The Expendables 3 - A Man’s Job Emiliano Zurita, Sebastián Zurita, Humberto ray) (k.J.) (Extended Director’s Cut, Limited Zurita - Dir. Arturo Anaya Fantasy/Mystery 2010 95min. The Expendables 3 Hero Pack) (k.J.) Maritim Pictures 04.11.2014 Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Antonio The Expendables 3 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062170 Banderas, Jet Li, Wesley Snipes, Dolph Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Antonio Lundgren, Kelsey Grammer, Randy Cou- Banderas, Jet Li, Wesley Snipes, Dolph Falling Skies - Die komplette drit- ture, Terry Crews, Mel Gibson, Harrison Lundgren, Kelsey Grammer, Randy Cou- Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kellan Lutz, ture, Terry Crews, Mel Gibson, Harrison te Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Ronda Rousey, Glen Powell, Victor Ortiz, Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kellan Lutz, Falling Skies Robert Davi - Dir. Patrick Hughes Ronda Rousey, Glen Powell, Victor Ortiz, Science Fiction 2011-2012 min. Action 2014 132min. Robert Davi - Dir. Patrick Hughes Warner Home Video Germany 23.10.2014 Splendid Film 22.12.2014 Action 2014 127min. 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062283 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062342 Splendid Film 22.12.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062328 Falling Skies - Die komplette drit- The Expendables 3 - A Man’s Job te Staffel (3 Discs) (Extended Director’s Cut) (k.J.) The Expendables 3 - A Man’s Job Falling Skies The Expendables 3 (Ungeschnittene Kinofassung) Science Fiction 2011-2012 min. Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Antonio The Expendables 3 Warner Home Video Germany 23.10.2014 Banderas, Jet Li, Wesley Snipes, Dolph Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Antonio 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062245 Lundgren, Kelsey Grammer, Randy Cou- Banderas, Jet Li, Wesley Snipes, Dolph ture, Terry Crews, Mel Gibson, Harrison Lundgren, Kelsey Grammer, Randy Cou- Die Familie Semmeling - Die

LASER HOTLINE Seite 42 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD komplette Reihe (7 Discs) Francesca Cecil, James Marshall, Louis Micaela Kreißler, Petra Strowjasiewicz, Fritz Lichtenhahn, Antje Hagen, Stefan Kurt Mandylor, Josie Davis, Tom Wright, Holt Jürgen Trott - Dir. Eberhard Schäfer - Dir. Dr. Dieter Wedel Boggs, Irish Ann Burch, Christie Lynn Smith Trailer, DDR-TV-Archiv Komödie 1983 76min. Drama/Satire 1972-2001 1050min. - Dir. Joel Bender ICESTORM Entertainment 06.10.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises 05.12.2014 Horror 2010 88min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062216 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061922 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.10.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062119 Der Fan (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Der Führerschein Witta Pohl, Klaus Herm, Dieter Kirchlechner Désirée Nosbusch, Bodo Steiger, Simone The Fog Returns - Nebel der - Dir. Thomas Engel Brahmann, Joachim Fuchsberger, Jonas Furcht (k.J.) Drama 1978 75min. Vischer, Helga Tölle, Klaus Münster, Ian The Cursed Pidax film media(Pidax film) 07.11.2014 Moorse, Thomas Fuchsberger - Dir. Eckhart Costas Mandylor, Brad Thornton, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062447 Schmidt Francesca Cecil, James Marshall, Louis Trailer, Drehbuchauszüge, Bildergalerien Mandylor, Josie Davis, Tom Wright, Holt Für eine Handvoll Dollar / Für ein Action/Thriller 1981 94min. Boggs, Irish Ann Burch, Christie Lynn Smith cmv-Laservision 07.11.2014 - Dir. Joel Bender paar Dollar mehr 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062227 Horror 2010 85min. Per Un Pugno Di Dollari / Per Qualche Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.10.2014 Dollaro In Più Feuerwerk am helllichten Tage 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061879 - Dir. Sergio Leone Bai Ri Yan Huo 1964-1965 min. Fan Liao, Lunmei Kwai, Wang Xuebing, Michael J. Fox Collection (4 Universum Film Home Entertainment(Tobis) Jingchun Wang, Ai Lei Yu, Jingyang Ni - Dir. Discs) 14.11.2014 Yi’nan Diao 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061834 Berlinale-Pressekonferenz, Trailer, Wendecover Das Geheimnis meines Erfolges / Ein Drama 2014 105min. Concierge zum Verlieben / Auf die harte Für eine Handvoll Dollar / Für ein Tour / Greedy STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment paar Dollar mehr (Blu-ray) Germany(Weltkino) 06.11.2014 Michael J. Fox Per Un Pugno Di Dollari / Per Qualche 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061885 Komödie 1987-1994 408min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dollaro In Più Feuerwerk am helllichten Tage 02.10.2014 Clint Eastwood - Dir. Sergio Leone 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061728 Western 1964-1965 min. (Blu-ray) Universum Film Home Entertainment(Tobis) Bai Ri Yan Huo Die Frau in Weiß / Der rote Schal 14.11.2014 Fan Liao, Lunmei Kwai, Wang Xuebing, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062092 Jingchun Wang, Ai Lei Yu, Jingyang Ni - Dir. (4 Discs) Yi’nan Diao Dir. Wilhelm Semmelroth Gallows Hill Kriminalfilm 1971-1972 572min. Berlinale-Pressekonferenz, Trailer, Wendecover Gallows Hill Drama 2014 109min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(Straßenfeger- Peter Facinelli, Sophia Myles, Nathalia STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Edition) 28.11.2014 Ramos, Carolina Guerra, Sebastian Germany(Weltkino) 06.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062424 Martínez, Gustavo Angarita, Juan Pablo 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062124 Eine Frau von Ehre - Staffel 1 (3 Gamboa, Julieta Salazar, Tatiana Renteria - Das fliegende Klassenzimmer Dir. Victor Garcia Discs) Making of, Interviews, Trailer (Blu-ray) Vendetta: Secrets Of A Mafia Bride Horror 2013 84min. Joachim Fuchsberger, Heinz Reincke, Diana Eric Roberts, Burt Young, Tobin Bell, Carol Tiberius Film 04.12.2014 Körner, Bernd Herzsprung, Walter Richter, Alt, Serena Grandi, Nick Mancuso, Max 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061974 Daniel Mueller, Thomas Ecker, Thomas Martini, , Victor Argo, Billy Barty Eggart, Robert Jarczyk, Alois Mittermaier, - Dir. Stuart Margolin Gallows Hill (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Hans Putz - Dir. Werner Jacobs Booklet Gallows Hill Kinderfilm 1973 92min. Drama 1991 485min. Peter Facinelli, Sophia Myles, Nathalia Universum Film Home AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Ramos, Carolina Guerra, Sebastian Entertainment(Universum Kids) 07.11.2014 AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 28.11.2014 Martínez, Gustavo Angarita, Juan Pablo 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062101 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062502 Gamboa, Julieta Salazar, Tatiana Renteria - Dir. Victor Garcia Flöckchen - Die großen Abenteu- French Kiss Making of, Interviews, Trailer er des kleinen weißen Gorillas! French Kiss Horror 2013 87min. Meg Ryan, , Timothy Hutton, Tiberius Film 04.12.2014 (Blu-ray) Jean Reno, François Cluzet, Suzan Anbeh - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062181 Floquet De Neu Dir. Lawrence Kasdan Pere Ponce, Elsa Pataky, Claudia Abate, Trailer, Interviews Gallows Hill (Blu-ray) Joan Sullà - Dir. Andres Schaer Komödie 1995 107min. Gallows Hill Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 93min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Peter Facinelli, Sophia Myles, Nathalia polyband Medien GmbH 28.11.2014 Home Edition) 06.11.2014 Ramos, Carolina Guerra, Sebastian 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062152 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061853 Martínez, Gustavo Angarita, Juan Pablo Gamboa, Julieta Salazar, Tatiana Renteria - Flucht nach Berlin French Kiss (Blu-ray) Dir. Victor Garcia Christian Doermer, Susanne Korda, Narziß French Kiss Making of, Interviews, Trailer Sokatscheff, Gerda Blisse - Dir. Will Meg Ryan, Kevin Kline, Timothy Hutton, Horror 2013 87min. Tremper Jean Reno, François Cluzet, Suzan Anbeh - Tiberius Film 04.12.2014 Drama 1960 103min. Dir. Lawrence Kasdan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062180 daredo media(Darling Berlin) 31.10.2014 Trailer, Interviews tba BestellNr.: 20061896 Komödie 1995 111min. Eine ganz ruhige Kugel Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Les Invincibles The Fog Returns - Nebel der Home Edition) 06.11.2014 Gérard Depardieu, Atmen Kelif, Virginie Furcht (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062103 Efira, Daniel Prévost, Edouard Baer, Bruno Lochet, Carole Franck, Michel Galabru, The Cursed Frühstück im Bett Costas Mandylor, Brad Thornton, Tassadit Mandi, Simon Abkarian, Pascal

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Elbé - Dir. Frédéric Berthe Ghost Box (k.J.) Dela Paz, Leon Miguel, Ella Guevara, Marife Komödie 2013 95min. Ghosts / Ghosts 2 / Ghost Horror House Necesito, Patricia Gayod, Archie Adamos, Universum Film Home Entertainment Horror 256min. Angeli Bayani - Dir. Ron Morales 07.11.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.10.2014 Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende, Making of, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061718 Audiokommentar, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061873 Thriller/Drama 2012 84min. Eine ganz ruhige Kugel (Blu-ray) OFDb Filmworks 18.11.2014 Gingerclown (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062174 Les Invincibles ray) (k.J.) Gérard Depardieu, Atmen Kelif, Virginie Gingerclown Grand Hotel - Die komplette dritte Efira, Daniel Prévost, Edouard Baer, Bruno Ashley Lloyd, Erin Hayes, Tim Curry, Lance Lochet, Carole Franck, Michel Galabru, Staffel (4 Discs) Henriksen, Michael Winslow, Brad Dourif, Tassadit Mandi, Simon Abkarian, Pascal Gran Hotel Sean Young, Michael Cannell-Griffiths - Dir. Elbé - Dir. Frédéric Berthe Drama/Kostümfilm 2013 630min. Balázs Hatvani Komödie 2013 99min. polyband Medien GmbH 28.11.2014 Horror/Komödie 2013 93min. Universum Film Home Entertainment 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062298 Maritim Pictures 18.11.2014 07.11.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062172 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061739 The Green Mile - 15th Gingerclown (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Anniversary (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Der Gegenschlag The Green Mile Gingerclown Viktor Pavlov, Mikhail Ulyanov - Dir. Wladi- Tom Hanks, Michael Clarke Duncan, David Ashley Lloyd, Erin Hayes, Tim Curry, Lance mir Schewtschenko Morse, Bonnie Hunt, James Cromwell, Mi- Henriksen, Michael Winslow, Brad Dourif, Trailer chael Jeter, Graham Greene, Doug Sean Young, Michael Cannell-Griffiths - Dir. Action/Kriegsfilm 1985 79min. Hutchison, Sam Rockwell, Barry Pepper, Balázs Hatvani ICESTORM Entertainment 06.10.2014 Jeffrey DeMunn, Patricia Clarkson, Harry Horror/Komödie 2013 93min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062213 Dean Stanton, Dabbs Greer, Eve Brent, Maritim Pictures 18.11.2014 William Sadler, - Dir. Frank 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062171 Geld oder Leben Darabont La Bourse Et La Vie Gingerclown (k.J.) Drama/Thriller 1999 188min. Fernandel, Heinz Rühmann, Marilù Tolo, Warner Home Video Germany(Warner Gingerclown Jean Poiret, Michel Galabru, Max Montavon Castlerock) 23.10.2014 Ashley Lloyd, Erin Hayes, Tim Curry, Lance - Dir. Jean-Pierre Mocky 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062280 Booklet Henriksen, Michael Winslow, Brad Dourif, Komödie 1966 91min. Sean Young, Michael Cannell-Griffiths - Dir. Gremlins 1 & 2 (2 Discs) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 31.10.2014 Balázs Hatvani Gremlins / Gremlins 2: The New Batch 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061791 Horror/Komödie 2013 88min. Zachary Galligan, Phoebe Cates, John Maritim Pictures 18.11.2014 Glover, Robert Prosky, Christopher Lee, Das Gesetz sind wir (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061963 Dick Miller, Hoyt Axton, Frances Lee Vigilante Force McCain, Polly Holliday - Dir. Joe Dante Kris Kristofferson, Michael Vincent, - Season 4.1 (3 Horror/Komödie 1984-1990 212min. Victoria Principal, Bernadette Peters, Brad Discs) Warner Home Video Germany 23.10.2014 Dexter, Judson Pratt - Dir. George Armitage The Good Wife 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062243 Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Komödie 2012 460min. Action 1976 86min. Paramount Home Entertainment 20.11.2014 Explosive Media 17.10.2014 Grimm - Staffel drei (5 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062008 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062347 (Blu-ray) The Good Wife - Season 4.2 (3 Grimm Gestehen Sie, Dr. Corda! Fantasy/Mystery 944min. Hardy Krüger, Elisabeth Müller, Lucie Mann- Discs) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) heim, Hans Nielsen, Fritz Tillmann, Eva The Good Wife 27.11.2014 Pflug - Dir. Josef von Báky Drama/Komödie 2012 460min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062068 Kriminalfilm 1958 88min. Paramount Home Entertainment 20.11.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Pidax) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062009 Grimm - Staffel drei (6 Discs) 14.10.2014 Grimm 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061935 Grace - Besessen Fantasy/Mystery 905min. Grace: The Possession Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Ghettogangz 1+2 (2 Discs) Alexia Fast, Lin Shaye, Alan Dale - Dir. Jeff 27.11.2014 Banlieue 13 / Banlieue 13 - Ultimatum Chan 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061817 David Belle, Cyril Raffaelli, Tony D’Amario, Horror 2014 84min. Philippe Torreton - Dir. Pierre Morel, Patrick Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Die große Hercules Edition (2 Alessandrin 27.11.2014 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061800 Action/Thriller 2004-2009 min. Kingdom of Gladiators / Konthai / Little Universum Film Home Graceland Hercules / Sinbad and the Minotaur / Thor Entertainment(Telepool) 14.11.2014 il conquistatore / Wiedzmin Graceland 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061835 Abenteuer/Action 586min. Arnold Reyes, Menggie Cobarrubias, Dido KSM GmbH 15.09.2014 Dela Paz, Leon Miguel, Ella Guevara, Marife Ghettogangz 1+2 (2 Discs) (Blu- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061711 ray) Necesito, Patricia Gayod, Archie Adamos, Angeli Bayani - Dir. Ron Morales Große Jungs Banlieue 13 / Banlieue 13 - Ultimatum Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende, Making of, David Belle, Cyril Raffaelli, Tony D’Amario, Audiokommentar, Trailer Les Gamins Philippe Torreton - Dir. Pierre Morel, Patrick Thriller/Drama 2012 80min. Alain Chabat, Max Boublil, Sandrine Alessandrin OFDb Filmworks 18.11.2014 Kiberlain, Mélanie Bernier, Arié Elmaleh, Action/Thriller 2004-2009 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061965 Elisa Sednaoui, Alban Lenoir, Francois Universum Film Home Dunoyer, Nicolas Briançon, Mélusine Entertainment(Telepool) 14.11.2014 Graceland (Blu-ray) Mayance, Kheiron, Darius Kehtari, Jean- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062093 Graceland Philippe Puymartin, Grégoire Bonnet - Dir. Arnold Reyes, Menggie Cobarrubias, Dido Anthony Marciano

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Making of, Trailer Levine, Tia Carrere, Fiona Dourif - Dir. Hannibal - Die komplette 2. Staf- Komödie 2013 95min. Justin Steele fel (4 Discs) (k.J.) EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 04.12.2014 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 88min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061945 Hannibal Maritim Pictures 18.11.2014 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061964 Outtakes, Trailer, Wendecover Große Jungs (Blu-ray) Thriller 2014 412min. Les Gamins Gutshot Straight - Gnadenloses STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Alain Chabat, Max Boublil, Sandrine Spiel (Blu-ray) Germany 04.12.2014 Kiberlain, Mélanie Bernier, Arié Elmaleh, Gutshot Straight 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062032 Elisa Sednaoui, Alban Lenoir, Francois George Eads, AnnaLynne McCord, Stephen Dunoyer, Nicolas Briançon, Mélusine Lang, Steven Seagal, Vinnie Jones, Ted Happy Christmas Mayance, Kheiron, Darius Kehtari, Jean- Levine, Tia Carrere, Fiona Dourif - Dir. Happy Christmas Philippe Puymartin, Grégoire Bonnet - Dir. Justin Steele Anna Kendrick, Melanie Lynskey, Lena Anthony Marciano Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 93min. Dunham, Mark Webber, Joe Swanberg - Dir. Komödie 2013 98min. Maritim Pictures 18.11.2014 Joe Swanberg EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 04.12.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062173 Komödie/Drama 2014 79min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062159 Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062010 Die große Versuchung - Lügen bis Hallo, Brüderchen Krisztián Kovács, Manyi Kiss - Dir. György der Arzt kommt Palásthy Happy Weekend The Grand Seduction Trailer Kai Fischer, Petra Drechsler, Herbert Fux, Brendan Gleeson, Taylor Kitsch, Gordon Kinderfilm 1971 80min. Alfons Haider, Ingrid Richter, Erich Pinsent, Mark Critch, Matt Watts, Pete ICESTORM Entertainment 06.10.2014 Götzinger - Dir. Murray Jordan Soucy, Margaret Killingbeck, Mary Walsh, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062219 Musikvideo, Artworks, Bildergalerie Sarah Tilly, Cathy Jones, Liane Balaban, Komödie/Erotik 1983 82min. Rhonda Rodgers, Carly Boone, Steve Halloween II (Director’s Cut) (Blu- da music(Laser Paradise) 02.10.2014 O’Connell - Dir. Don McKellar ray) (k.J.) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062365 Komödie 2013 108min. Halloween II (Director’s Cut) Harms Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Scout Taylor-Compton, Tyler Mane, Malcolm Heiner Lauterbach, Friedrich von Thun, Bunch Germany) 28.11.2014 McDowell, Brad Dourif, Sheri Moon Zombie, Axel Prahl, Martin Brambach, Blerim 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061757 Danielle Harris, Caroline Williams, Howard Destani, André Hennicke, Benedikt Hesseman - Dir. Rob Zombie Die große Versuchung - Lügen bis Audiokommentar, Entfallene und alternative Szenen, Outtakes, Blaskovic, Valentina Sauca, Helmut Lohner, der Arzt kommt (Blu-ray) Casting, Musikvideo Christine Sommer - Dir. Nikolai Müllerschön Thriller/Horror 2009 116min. Trailer, Behind the Scenes The Grand Seduction Tiberius Film 02.10.2014 Thriller/Drama 2012 102min. Brendan Gleeson, Taylor Kitsch, Gordon 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062041 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Pinsent, Mark Critch, Matt Watts, Pete AG(Kinostar) 28.11.2014 Soucy, Margaret Killingbeck, Mary Walsh, Halloween II (Director’s Cut) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062440 Sarah Tilly, Cathy Jones, Liane Balaban, Halloween II (Director’s Cut) Rhonda Rodgers, Carly Boone, Steve Scout Taylor-Compton, Tyler Mane, Malcolm Harry Potter Hogwarts Collection O’Connell - Dir. Don McKellar McDowell, Brad Dourif, Sheri Moon Zombie, (31 Discs) (Blu-ray) Komödie 2013 113min. Danielle Harris, Caroline Williams, Howard Harry Potter 1-7 Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Hesseman - Dir. Rob Zombie Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Bunch Germany) 28.11.2014 Audiokommentar, Entfallene und alternative Szenen, Outtakes, Grint - Dir. Chris Columbus, Alfonso 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061766 Casting, Musikvideo Cuarón, Mike Newell, David Yates Thriller/Horror 2009 111min. Fantasy/Abenteuer 2001-2011 min. Die größten Geschichten aller Tiberius Film 02.10.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061774 Zeiten (8 Discs) 189,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062386 Jesus von Nazareth / Arche Noah / Am Anfang Halloween Massaker (k.J.) Hatufim - In der Hand des Fein- Halloween Night Robert Powell, Anne Bancroft, Ernest des, Staffel 2 (4 Discs) Borgnine, Jon Voight, Mary Steenburgen, F. Derek Osedach, Rebekah Kochan, Scott Hatufim Murray Abraham, Martin Landau, Nery, Sean Durrie, Alicia Klein, Erica Roby - Drama/Thriller 725min. Jacqueline Bisset, Geraldine Chaplin - Dir. Dir. Mark Atkins Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Franco Zeffirelli, John Irvin, Kevin Connor Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Making ofs, Bildergalerien, Trailer Horror/Thriller 2006 80min. 06.11.2014 Drama/Historienfilm 1977-2000 710min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.10.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061815 Koch Media 13.11.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061877 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061958 Hauptstadtrevier (2. Staffel, 16 Das Halstuch / Die Schlüssel (4 Folgen) (4 Discs) Grüsse vom Weihnachtsmann Discs) Friederike Kempter, Matthias Klimsa, Kir- Christmas Every Day Kriminalfilm 1961-1964 458min. sten Block, Torsten Michaelis, Oliver Robert Hays, Erik von Detten, Bess Studio Hamburg Enterprises(Straßenfeger- Bender, Julia Becker, Floriane Daniel, Han- Armstrong, Yvonne Zima, Robert Curtis Edition) 28.11.2014 nes Wegener, Pauline Böttcher, Nina Gnä- Brown, Robin Riker, Julia Whelan - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062423 dig - Dir. Michael Wenning, Bodo Schwarz, Larry Peerce Ulrike Hamacher Komödie 1996 89min. Hannibal - Die komplette 2. Staf- Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2013-2014 770min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 17.10.2014 fel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(WDR 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061899 Hannibal mediagroup) 14.10.2014 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061936 Gutshot Straight - Gnadenloses Outtakes, Trailer, Wendecover Spiel Thriller 2014 429min. Das Haus am Eaton Place - STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Gutshot Straight Komplettbox (13 Discs) Germany 04.12.2014 George Eads, AnnaLynne McCord, Stephen Upstairs, Downstairs 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062194 Lang, Steven Seagal, Vinnie Jones, Ted , David Langton, Jean

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Marsh, Angela Baddeley, Christopher Trailer, Bildergalerie The Hobbit: The Desolation of Drama/Historienfilm 1989 137min. Beeny, Jenny Tomasin, Simon Williams, Smaug (Extended Version) (5 Jacqueline Tong, Rachel Gurney, Lesley- Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Anne Down, Meg Wynn Owen, Joan 21.11.2014 Discs) Benham, Raymond Huntley, Pauline Collins, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062144 The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Nicola Pagett, Patsy Smart, Hannah Gor- Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard don, Gareth Hunt, John Alderton, Karen Heroes - Gesamtbox (Limited Edi- Armitage, Benedict Cumberbatch, Dotrice, Ian Ogilvy, Evin Crowley, George tion, 17 Discs) (Blu-ray) Evangeline Lilly, , Luke Evans, Innes, John Quayle, Celia Bannerman - Dir. Heroes Stephen Fry, Ken Stott, James Nesbitt, Raymond Menmuir, Derek Bennett, , Sendhil Ramamurthy, Masi Oka, Hayden Orlando Bloom, Mikael Persbrandt, Sylve- Christopher Hodson Panettiere, James Kyson Lee, Jack ster McCoy, Aidan Turner, Graham Drama 1971-1975 2264min. Coleman, , Adrian Pasdar, McTavish, Adam R. Brown, Peter AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Greg Grunberg, Ali Larter, Zachary Quinto Hambleton, John Callen, Mark Hadlow, Jed AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 31.10.2014 Diverse Brophy, William Kircher, John Bell, Manu 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062025 Science Fiction/Drama 2006-2010 Bennett, Lawrence Makoare, Ryan Gage, 3280min. Stephen Hunter, Dean O’Gorman, Cate Das Haus am Eaton Place - Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Blanchett, Elijah Wood, Christopher Lee, Komplettbox (Extended Version, 06.11.2014 Hugo Weaving - Dir. Peter Jackson 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062063 Fantasy 2013 min. 21 Discs) Warner Home Video Germany 13.11.2014 Upstairs, Downstairs Herzensbrecher - Vater von vier 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062355 Gordon Jackson, David Langton, Jean Söhnen, Staffel 2 (3 Discs) Marsh, Angela Baddeley, Christopher Simon Böer, Annika Ernst, Gerrit Klein, Lu- The Hobbit: The Desolation of Beeny, Jenny Tomasin, Simon Williams, kas Karlsch, Tom Hoßbach, Maurizio Smaug (Extended Version) (Blu- Jacqueline Tong, Rachel Gurney, Lesley- Magno, Tamara Rohloff, Annette Strasser, Anne Down, Meg Wynn Owen, Joan ray 3D, 5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Wilfried Dziallas, Jochen Kolenda, Julia- Benham, Raymond Huntley, Pauline Collins, The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Maria Köhler, Lee Rychter - Dir. Michael Nicola Pagett, Patsy Smart, Hannah Gor- Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Kreindl, Sabine Bernardi, Enno Reese, Nina don, Gareth Hunt, John Alderton, Karen Armitage, Benedict Cumberbatch, Wolfrum, Peter Stauch Dotrice, Ian Ogilvy, Evin Crowley, George Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace, Luke Evans, Drama/Komödie 2014 540min. Innes, John Quayle, Celia Bannerman - Dir. Stephen Fry, Ken Stott, James Nesbitt, Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Raymond Menmuir, Derek Bennett, Bill Bain, Orlando Bloom, Mikael Persbrandt, Sylve- 19.12.2014 Christopher Hodson ster McCoy, Aidan Turner, Graham Booklet 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062205 McTavish, Adam R. Brown, Peter Drama 1971-1975 3944min. Hambleton, John Callen, Mark Hadlow, Jed AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Hidden Moon - Liebe auf Abwe- Brophy, William Kircher, John Bell, Manu AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 31.10.2014 gen Bennett, Lawrence Makoare, Ryan Gage, 139,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062026 Hidden Moon Stephen Hunter, Dean O’Gorman, Cate , Ana Serradilla, Osvaldo de Blanchett, Elijah Wood, Christopher Lee, Das Haus in der Via Roma León - Dir. José Pepe Bojórquez Hugo Weaving - Dir. Peter Jackson La Viaccia Trailer Fantasy 2013 min. Jean-Paul Belmondo, Claudia Cardinale, Drama/Lovestory 2012 114min. Warner Home Video Germany 13.11.2014 Pietro Germi, Paul Frankeur, Romolo Valli - Bubblegum Movie AG 21.11.2014 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062384 Dir. Mauro Bolognini 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062321 Drama 1960 90min. The Hobbit: The Desolation of POLAR Film + Medien 23.10.2014 Hidden Moon - Liebe auf Abwe- Smaug (Extended Version) (Blu- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062475 gen (Blu-ray) ray 3D, Collector’s Edition, 5 Hidden Moon Heisser Hafen Hongkong Wes Bentley, Ana Serradilla, Osvaldo de Discs) (Blu-ray) Marianne Koch, Klausjürgen Wussow, León - Dir. José Pepe Bojórquez The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Horst Frank, Brad Harris, Dorothee Parker, Trailer Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Dominique Boschero, Carlo Tamberlani - Dir. Drama/Lovestory 2012 118min. Armitage, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jürgen Roland Bubblegum Movie AG 21.11.2014 Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace, Luke Evans, Booklet, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062334 Stephen Fry, Ken Stott, James Nesbitt, Kriminalfilm 1962 95min. Orlando Bloom, Mikael Persbrandt, Sylve- AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing The Hobbit: The Desolation of ster McCoy, Aidan Turner, Graham AG(Filmjuwelen) 10.01.2014 Smaug (Extended Version) (3 McTavish, Adam R. Brown, Peter 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062415 Discs) (Blu-ray) Hambleton, John Callen, Mark Hadlow, Jed Brophy, William Kircher, John Bell, Manu The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Henry V. Bennett, Lawrence Makoare, Ryan Gage, Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Henry V. Stephen Hunter, Dean O’Gorman, Cate Armitage, Benedict Cumberbatch, Sir Kenneth Branagh, , Sir Ian Blanchett, Elijah Wood, Christopher Lee, Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace, Luke Evans, Holm, Paul Scofield, Robbie Coltrane, Alec Hugo Weaving - Dir. Peter Jackson Stephen Fry, Ken Stott, James Nesbitt, McCowen, Brian Blessed, Emma Thompson, Fantasy 2013 min. Orlando Bloom, Mikael Persbrandt, Sylve- Richard Briers - Dir. Sir Kenneth Branagh Warner Home Video Germany 13.11.2014 ster McCoy, Aidan Turner, Graham Trailer, Bildergalerie 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062385 Drama/Historienfilm 1989 132min. McTavish, Adam R. Brown, Peter Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Hambleton, John Callen, Mark Hadlow, Jed Eine Hochzeit zu Weihnachten Brophy, William Kircher, John Bell, Manu 21.11.2014 Snow Bride Bennett, Lawrence Makoare, Ryan Gage, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061924 Miranda Richardson - Dir. Bert Kish Stephen Hunter, Dean O’Gorman, Cate Komödie 2014 87min. Blanchett, Elijah Wood, Christopher Lee, Henry V. (Blu-ray) Koch Media 13.11.2014 Hugo Weaving - Dir. Peter Jackson Henry V. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061950 Sir Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi, Sir Ian Fantasy 2013 min. Holm, Paul Scofield, Robbie Coltrane, Alec Warner Home Video Germany 13.11.2014 Eine Hochzeit zu Weihnachten 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062383 McCowen, Brian Blessed, Emma Thompson, (Blu-ray) Richard Briers - Dir. Sir Kenneth Branagh

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Snow Bride ray) (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061772 Miranda Richardson - Dir. Bert Kish House Rules For Bad Girls Komödie 2014 90min. Marcienne Dwyer, Ami Dolenz, Ashley Ich begehre Dich! Koch Media 13.11.2014 Barron - Dir. Danny LeGare Playing House 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062162 Trailer, HD-Bonusfilm Shelley Calene-Black, Craig Welzbacher, Thriller 2009 85min. Mayra Leal - Dir. Tom Vaughan Die Hollywood-WG Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Thriller 2010 81min. Freeloaders 05.11.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.10.2014 Josh Lawson, Clifton Collins Jr., Kevin 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062233 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061878 Sussman, Nat Faxon, Zoe Boyle, Olivia Munn, Jane Seymour, Brit Morgan, House Rules for Bad Girls (k.J.) Ida (OmU) Courtney Peldon, Jay Chandrasekhar, Da- House Rules For Bad Girls Ida vid Foley - Dir. Dan Rosen Marcienne Dwyer, Ami Dolenz, Ashley Agata Kulesza, Agata Trzebuchowska, Trailer Barron - Dir. Danny LeGare Dawid Ogrodnik, Jerzy Trela, Adam Komödie 2012 77min. Thriller 2009 81min. Szyszkowski, Halina Skoczyñska, Joanna Tiberius Film 04.12.2014 Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Kulig, Dorota Kuduk, Natalia Lagiewczyk, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061975 05.11.2014 Afrodyta Weselak, Mariusz Jakus, Izabella 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062226 Dabrowska, Artur Janusiak, Anna Die Hollywood-WG (Blu-ray) Grzeszczak, Jan Wojciech - Dir. Pawel Freeloaders - Die Pawlikowski Josh Lawson, Clifton Collins Jr., Kevin neunte und legendäre finale Drama 2013 80min. Sussman, Nat Faxon, Zoe Boyle, Olivia Season (3 Discs) good!movies(Arsenal) 10.10.2014 Munn, Jane Seymour, Brit Morgan, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061981 Courtney Peldon, Jay Chandrasekhar, Da- How I Met Your Mother vid Foley - Dir. Dan Rosen Josh Radnor, Alyson Hannigan, Jason Se- Im Wendekreis der Liebe gel, Neil Patrick Harris, Cobie Smulders, Trailer Dil Aashna Hai Komödie 2012 80min. Cristin Milioti - Dir. Pamela Fryman , , , Tiberius Film 04.12.2014 Komödie 2014 min. Shah Rukh Khan, Kabir Bedi, Jeetendra - 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062182 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dir. Germany 14.11.2014 Bildergalerie, Musik-Clips Horror Box, Vol. 1 (3 Discs) (k.J.) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061773 Komödie 1992 150min. Silent House / Graystone / Frozen Blood Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.10.2014 Elizabeth Olsen, Adam Trese, Julia Taylor How I Met Your Mother - Seasons 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061995 Ross, Sean Stone, Alexander Wraith, Pete 1-9 (27 Discs) Antico, Steve Warren, Gary Fischer, Chris How I Met Your Mother Immer wieder Weihnachten Warrilow - Dir. Chris Kentis, Sean Stone, Josh Radnor, Jason Segel, Alyson Pete’s Christmas Jesse T. Cook, John Geddes Hannigan, Neil Patrick Harris, Cobie Zachary Gordon, Bruce Dern - Dir. Nisha Trailer, Alternative Szenen, Audiokommentar Smulders - Dir. Pamela Fryman Ganatra Horror 2008-2012 251min. Diverse Komödie/Familie 2013 86min. Bubblegum Movie AG 24.10.2014 Komödie 2005-2014 min. Universum Film Home 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062027 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 28.11.2014 Germany 14.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061869 House of Last Things 139,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061859 House Of Last Things In der Stunde des Luchses Lindsey Haun, Blake Berris, RJ Mitte, Hundstage - Die Geschichte eines I Lossens Time Randy Schulman, Diane Dalton, Micah Nel- Bankraubs Sofie Gråbøl, Signe Egholm Olsen, Frederik son, Michele Mariana - Dir. Michael Bartlett Wendecover Shattered Day Christian Johansen, Søren Malling, Börje Thriller/Mystery 2012 110min. Matt Baron, Lisa Cater, Michael Ahlstedt, Pelle Falk Krusbæk, Jens Jørn AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Rubenstone, Stacey Scheller, Melina Spottag (Overlægen), Henrik Birch, Lia View Film) 28.11.2014 Madsen, Rebecca Meyer, George Williams, Boysen - Dir. Søren Kragh-Jacobsen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062322 Jermaine Hatley - Dir. Serge Rodnunsky Drama 2013 93min. Bildergalerie, Trailer Studio Hamburg Enterprises 07.11.2014 House of Last Things (Blu-ray) Action/Thriller 2005 89min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062199 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.10.2014 House of Last Things (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061881 Lindsey Haun, Blake Berris, RJ Mitte, The Independent The Independent Randy Schulman, Diane Dalton, Micah Nel- Hunter - Staffel 5.1 (3 Discs) son, Michele Mariana - Dir. Michael Bartlett Jerry Stiller, Janeane Garofalo, Max Wendecover Hunter Perlich, Ginger Lynn Allen, Billy Burke, Thriller/Mystery 2012 114min. Fred Dryer, Stepfanie Kramer, Charles Andy Dick, Fred Dryer, Ethan Embry, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Hallahan, Perry Cook, Garrett Morris, Jonathan Katz, John Lydon, Anne Meara, View Film) 28.11.2014 James Whitmore, Bruce Davison, Darlanne Ben Stiller, Fred Williamson, Karen Black, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062335 Fluegel - Dir. James Whitmore Jr., Michael Peter Bogdanovich, Nick Cassavetes, Ro- Preece, Tony Mordente ger Corman, Ted Demme, - Dir. House Rules for Bad Girls (Blu- Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1991 450min. Stephen Kessler ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Komödie 2000 93min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061771 House Rules For Bad Girls Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(epiX Media) 18.11.2014 Marcienne Dwyer, Ami Dolenz, Ashley Hunter - Staffel 5.2 (3 Discs) Barron - Dir. Danny LeGare 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062408 Trailer, Real 3D-Bonusfilm Hunter Thriller 2009 85min. Fred Dryer, Stepfanie Kramer, Charles Inkubus (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Hallahan, Perry Cook, Garrett Morris, Inkubus 05.11.2014 James Whitmore, Bruce Davison, Darlanne Robert Englund, William Forsythe, Joey 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062234 Fluegel - Dir. James Whitmore Jr., Michael Fatone, Jonathan Silverman, Michelle Ray Preece, Tony Mordente Smith, Dyan Kane, Tom Paolino, Tom House Rules for Bad Girls (Blu- Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1991 450min. DeNucci - Dir. Glenn Ciano Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Horror 2011 86min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 47 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD justbridge entertainment media(justbridge Giulio Cesare Il Conquistadore Delle Barnett, Charles McGraw, William Conrad - movies) 27.01.2015 Gallie Dir. Robert Siodmak tba BestellNr.: 20062062 Cameron Mitchell, Rik Battaglia, Dominique Radioadaption von 1949, Bildergalerie, Trailer Wilms, Raffaella Carrà, Ivo Payer, Nerio Kriminalfilm 1947 98min. Inkubus (k.J.) Bernardi, Bruno Tocci - Dir. Amerigo Anton Koch Media 04.12.2014 Inkubus Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 1962 97min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062446 Robert Englund, William Forsythe, Joey Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.10.2014 Fatone, Jonathan Silverman, Michelle Ray 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061990 Die Killer (Blu-ray) Smith, Dyan Kane, Tom Paolino, Tom The Killers DeNucci - Dir. Glenn Ciano Justified - Die komplette vierte Burt Lancaster, Ava Gardner, Edmond Horror 2011 82min. Season (3 Discs) O’Brien, Albert Dekker, Sam Levene, Vince Barnett, Charles McGraw, William Conrad - justbridge entertainment media(justbridge Justified Dir. Robert Siodmak movies) 27.01.2015 Action/Kriminalfilm 536min. tba BestellNr.: 20061812 Radioadaption von 1949, Bildergalerie, Trailer Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Kriminalfilm 1947 102min. 27.11.2014 Interview mit einem Vampir - Koch Media 04.12.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061801 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062466 20th Anniversary (Blu-ray) Interview With The Vampire Karate Tiger 7 Kinderspass Box - Die größten Brad Pitt, , Christian Slater, An- To Be The Best Abenteuer tonio Banderas, Stephen Rea, Kirsten Martin Kove, Michael Worth, Brittney Pinocchio / Au Schwarte / Alice im Dunst, Domiziana Giordano, Thandie New- Powell, Alex Cord - Dir. Joseph Merhi Wunderland ton, Indra Ové, Laure Marsac - Dir. Neil Action 1992 95min. Kinderfilm 240min. Jordan Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Shamrock Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- Horror 1994 123min. Medien) 14.10.2014 dia) 14.10.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061983 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061933 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062279 Boris Karloff - Dr. Maniac Kingdom Come - Zwischen Leben Invasion von der Wega (6 Discs) The Man Who Changed His Mind Boris Karloff, John Loder, Anna Lee, Frank und Tod Roy Thinnes - Dir. Paul Wendkos, William Cellier, Donald Calthrop, Lyn Harding, Cecil Kingdom Come Hale, Joseph Sargent, Robert Butler, Jesse Parker - Dir. Robert Stevenson Ryan Barrett, Camille Hollett-French, Jason Hibbs, Don Medford Wendecover Martorino, Ellie O’Brien, William Foley, Interview, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Booklet Horror/Science Fiction 1936 62min. Soroush Saeidi, Jo Jo Karume, Katie Science Fiction 1967-1968 1000min. da music(Laser Paradise) 02.10.2014 Uhlmann - Dir. Greg A. Sager Studio Hamburg Enterprises 07.11.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062363 Horror/Mystery 2014 98min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061921 justbridge entertainment media(justbridge Die Karte meiner Träume movies) 14.11.2014 Ironclad 1 / Ironclad 2 The Young And Prodigious T. S. Spivet tba BestellNr.: 20061915 Ironclad / Ironclad: Battle For Blood , , Callum James Purefoy, Brian Cox, Kate Mara, Tom Keith Rennie, Niamh Wilson, Kyle Catlett, Kingdom Come - Zwischen Leben Austen, Tom Rhys Harries, Roxanne McKee Jakob Davies, Dominique Pinon, Julian und Tod (Blu-ray) - Dir. Jonathan English Richings, Richard Jutras, Robert Maillet - Kingdom Come Abenteuer/Action 2011-2014 min. Dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet Ryan Barrett, Camille Hollett-French, Jason Universum Film Home Drama/Abenteuer 2013 101min. Martorino, Ellie O’Brien, William Foley, Entertainment(SquareOne) 14.11.2014 DCM 28.11.2014 Soroush Saeidi, Jo Jo Karume, Katie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061836 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061758 Uhlmann - Dir. Greg A. Sager Horror/Mystery 2014 102min. Ironclad 1 / Ironclad 2 (Blu-ray) Die Karte meiner Träume (Blu-ray justbridge entertainment media(justbridge Ironclad / Ironclad: Battle For Blood 3D, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) movies) 14.11.2014 James Purefoy, Brian Cox, Kate Mara, Tom The Young And Prodigious T. S. Spivet tba BestellNr.: 20062140 Austen, Tom Rhys Harries, Roxanne McKee Helena Bonham Carter, Judy Davis, Callum - Dir. Jonathan English Keith Rennie, Niamh Wilson, Kyle Catlett, Klassiker zur Weihnachtszeit Abenteuer/Action 2011-2014 min. Jakob Davies, Dominique Pinon, Julian Der Kleine Lord / Scrooge / Serenade für Universum Film Home Richings, Richard Jutras, Robert Maillet - das Christkind / Ein Geschenk des Him- Entertainment(SquareOne) 14.11.2014 Dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet mels - Vater der Braut 2 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062094 Drama/Abenteuer 2013 105min. Freddie Bartholomew, Mickey Rooney, Do- DCM 28.11.2014 lores Costello Barrymore, Fredric March, Ein Jahr voll Musik 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061768 Basil Rathbone, Christopher Cook, Irene Heidrun Polack, Rolf Herricht, Gerd E. Dunne, Cary Grant, Beulah Bondi, Spencer Schäfer - Dir. Ulrich Rulf Die Karte meiner Träume (Blu- Tracy, Joan Bennett, Dame Trailer, Booklet, DDR-TV-Archiv - Dir. , Ralph Levy, George Musikfilm 1970 63min. ray) Stevens, Vincente Minnelli ICESTORM Entertainment 06.10.2014 The Young And Prodigious T. S. Spivet Komödie 1936-1954 350min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062218 Helena Bonham Carter, Judy Davis, Callum Keith Rennie, Niamh Wilson, Kyle Catlett, MIG Film 20.11.2014 Jeder stirbt für sich allein Jakob Davies, Dominique Pinon, Julian 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062271 Richings, Richard Jutras, Robert Maillet - Erwin Geschonneck - Dir. Hans-Joachim Kleine Helden, große Wildnis Kasprzik Dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet Against The Wild Drama 1970 310min. Drama/Abenteuer 2013 105min. CJ Adams, Erin Pitt, Natasha Henstridge - Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-TV-Ar- DCM 28.11.2014 Dir. Richard Boddington chiv) 05.12.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061767 Abenteuer/Familie 2014 88min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062352 Die Killer Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Julius Caesar, der Tyrann von The Killers 07.11.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20061917 Rom Burt Lancaster, Ava Gardner, Edmond O’Brien, Albert Dekker, Sam Levene, Vince

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Kleine Helden, große Wildnis 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062211 Die Laubenpieper (2 Discs) Reinhold Bernt, Emmy Burg, Horst Janson, (Blu-ray) Die Kreuzritter 2 - Soldaten Got- Against The Wild Astrid Frank, Carl Brückel - Dir. Otto Meyer CJ Adams, Erin Pitt, Natasha Henstridge - tes Komödie 1963 150min. Dir. Richard Boddington Soldier Of God Pidax film media(Pidax film) 14.11.2014 Abenteuer/Familie 2014 92min. Tim Abell, William Mendieta, Mapi Galán, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062467 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Nicholas Kadi, Scott Cleverdon, Michael 07.11.2014 Desante, Morgan Sheppard, Patrick Laura und Luis (2 Discs) tba BestellNr.: 20062141 Bauchau, Antonio Moncada - Dir. William Jan Andres, Coco Winkelmann, Patrick David Hogan Bach, Vanessa Gravina, Damien Lechevrel, Der kleine Lord (Special Edition) Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2005 90min. Carla Monti, Claude-Oliver Rudolph, Roger Mario Adorf, Marianne Sägebrecht, Anton- Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Dumas, Dietrich Mattausch, Macha Méril - ella Ponziani, Francesco de Pasquale, Productions) 26.09.2014 Dir. Frank Strecker Edoardo Velo, Giovanni Mauriello, Vincenzo 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061840 Abenteuer 1989 312min. Bellanich - Dir. Gianfranco Albano Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Biografien Kriegsbox - Kaiten / Kamikaze / 07.11.2014 Kinderfilm 1994 min. Okinawa (3 Discs) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061920 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Deguchi No Nai Umi / Ore Wa, Kimi No Germany 06.11.2014 Tame Ni Koso Shini Ni Iku / Manatsu No Laurel & Hardy - Frühe Kunstwer- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061887 Orion ke Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Dokumentation Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy Die Kluftinger Krimis (3 Discs) Kriegsfilm 2006-2009 375min. Komödie 101min. Kriminalfilm 270min. KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.10.2014 KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) 18.09.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061996 16.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061745 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062239 Left Behind - Staffel 1 bis 5 (4 Discs) Left Behind Kommissar Winter (4 Discs) Kriminalfilm 765min. Nicolas Cage, Chad Michael Murray, Cassi Kommissarie Winter Studio Hamburg Enterprises 05.12.2014 Thomson, Nicky Whelan, Jordin Sparks, Lea Magnus Krepper, Peter Andersson, Amanda 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062350 Thompson, Quinton Aaron, Laura Ooms, Sharon Dyall, Jens Hultén, Dellie Cayouette, Martin Klebba - Dir. Vic Kamijo, Tilde Kamijo, Victor Trägårdh, Stig - Staffel 6 bis 9 (4 Discs) Armstrong Engström, Sanna Krepper, Anki Lidén, Ste- Kriminalfilm 765min. Trailer, Bildergalerie fan Gödicke, Kardo Razzazi, Evin Ahmad, Studio Hamburg Enterprises 05.12.2014 Thriller/Mystery 2014 105min. Maria Kulle, Daniel Larsson, Michael 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062351 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 01.12.2014 Segerström, Mats Blomgren, Anna Åström, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061970 Kim Bodnia, Malin Crépin, Jonatan Kundo - Pakt der Gesetzlosen Rodriguez, Dag Malmberg - Dir. Emiliano Yongseobadji Mothan Ja Left Behind (Blu-ray) Goessens, Trygve Allister Diesen, Molly Ha Jung-woo, Seo Yang-won, Yun Jong- Left Behind Hartleb bin - Dir. Yun Jong-bin Nicolas Cage, Chad Michael Murray, Cassi Kriminalfilm 2010 463min. Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2005 135min. Thomson, Nicky Whelan, Jordin Sparks, Lea Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 21.11.2014 Splendid Film(Amazia) 28.11.2014 Thompson, Quinton Aaron, Laura 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062499 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062299 Cayouette, Martin Klebba - Dir. Vic Armstrong Königlich Bayerisches Amtsge- Kundo - Pakt der Gesetzlosen Trailer, Bildergalerie richt Folgen 45-48 (Blu-ray) Thriller/Mystery 2014 110min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 01.12.2014 Hans Baur, Peter Brand, Franz Loskarn, Yongseobadji Mothan Ja tba BestellNr.: 20062178 Georg Blädel, Erni Singerl, Gustl Ha Jung-woo, Seo Yang-won, Yun Jong- Bayrhammer, Maxl Graf, Karl Obermayr, bin - Dir. Yun Jong-bin Die Legende von Beowulf (Blu- Max Grießer, Fritz Straßner, Margot Mahler, Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2005 139min. Ludwig Schmid-Wildy, Hannes Keppler, Splendid Film(Amazia) 28.11.2014 ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Hans Stadtmüller, Thomas Reiner, Peter 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062312 Beowulf Dornseif, Fritz Pauli - Dir. Ernst Schmucker, Ray Winstone, Sir Anthony Hopkins, John Paul May Das Lächeln der Frauen Malkovich, Robin Wright, Brendan Gleeson, Komödie 1968-1970 100min. Melika Foroutan, Benjamin Sadler, Armin Crispin Glover, Alison Lohman, Angelina Bogner Records Vertriebs GmbH & Co. Rohde, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Julia Richter, Jolie, Chris Coppola, Sebastian Roché, KG(Papageno) 22.09.2014 Roeland Wiesnekker, Teresa Harder, Muriel Charlotte Salt, Greg Ellis, Dominic Keating, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061851 Wimmer, Christoph Letkowski - Dir. Gregor Tyler Steelman, Rik Young, Leslie Zemeckis, Schnitzler Sharisse Baker-Bernard - Dir. Robert Kostja und der Funker Komödie/Lovestory 89min. Zemeckis Frank Kürschner, Rainer Büttner - Dir. Fred Universum Film Home Entertainment(ZDF Trickfilm/Fantasy 2007 min. Noczynski Video) 28.11.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061752 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062277 Drama 1975 62min. ICESTORM Entertainment 06.10.2014 Last Ride Die letzte Front - Defenders of 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062223 Last Ride Riga Michael Allen, Hugo Weaving, Tom Russell, Rigas Sargi Die Kreuzritter Anita Hegh, John Brumpton, Mick Janis Reinis, Elita Klavina, Girts Krumins, Krzyzacy Coulthard, Rachel Francis, Sonya Suares - Romualds Ancans, Andris Keiss, Vilis Andrzej Szalawski, Henryk Borowski, Dir. Glendyn Ivin Daudzins, Arturs Skrastins, Kestutis Mieczyslaw Kalenik, Emil Karwicz, Tadeusz Drama/Kriminalfilm 2009 81min. Jakstas - Dir. Aigars Grauba Kosudorski - Dir. Aleksander Ford Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Trailer Trailer 26.09.2014 Drama/Kriegsfilm 2007 119min. Drama/Historienfilm 1960 166min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061848 ICESTORM Entertainment 26.09.2014 ICESTORM Entertainment 06.10.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20062257

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West - Dir. Valeria Sarmiento Love Steaks Der letzte Mentsch Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer Lana Cooper, Franz Rogowski - Dir. Jakob Mario Adorf, Katharina Derr, Hannelore Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 180min. Lass Elsner, Herbert Leiser, Roland Bonjour, KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 01.12.2014 Komödie/Drama 2013 89min. Margot Gödrös, Markus Klauk - Dir. Pierre- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062370 daredo media(Darling Berlin) 24.10.2014 Henri Salfati 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061893 Drama 2013 89min. Lines of Wellington - Sturm über Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) Portugal (Die komplette Mini-Se- Luther - Staffel 3 21.11.2014 rie) (Blu-ray) Luther tba BestellNr.: 20061916 As Linhas De Torres Vedras Kriminalfilm 2013 200min. John Malkovich, Nuno Lopes, Soraia polyband Medien GmbH 28.11.2014 Die Letzten der 2. Schwadron - Chaves, Marisa Paredes, Carloto Cotta, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062300 Fort Massacre Victória Guerra, Marcello Urgeghe, Jemima Fort Massacre West - Dir. Valeria Sarmiento Luther - Staffel 3 (Blu-ray) Joel McCrea, Forrest Tucker, Susan Cabot, Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer Luther John Russell, George N. Neise, Anthony Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 187min. Kriminalfilm 2013 200min. Caruso, Robert Osterloh, Denver Pyle - Dir. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 01.12.2014 polyband Medien GmbH 28.11.2014 Joseph Newman 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062392 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062313 Booklet, Trailer, Bildergalerie Western 1958 77min. Lolita (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Mach ein Kreuz und fahr zur Höl- Explosive Media 14.11.2014 Lolita le - Fighting Mad 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062214 Jeremy Irons, Melanie Griffith, Frank Lang- Fighting Mad ella, Dominique Swain, Suzanne Shepherd, Peter Fonda - Dir. Jonathan Demme Die Letzten der 2. Schwadron - Keith Reddin, Erin J. Dean, John Franklyn- Booklet, Trailer, Bildergalerie Fort Massacre (Blu-ray) Robbins, Kathryn Peterson, Muse Watson - Drama/Action 1976 86min. Fort Massacre Dir. Adrian Lyne Explosive Media 07.11.2014 Audiokommentar, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062029 Joel McCrea, Forrest Tucker, Susan Cabot, Szenen John Russell, George N. Neise, Anthony Drama 1997 138min. Mad Dogs - Staffel 4: Das Finale Caruso, Robert Osterloh, Denver Pyle - Dir. capelight pictures 14.11.2014 Mad Dogs Joseph Newman 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062434 Booklet, Trailer, Bildergalerie John Simm, Marc Warren, Philip Glenister, Western 1958 80min. Lolita (k.J.) Max Beesley, María Botto, Eloise Joseph, Explosive Media 14.11.2014 Tim Woodward - Dir. Adrian Shergold Lolita 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062232 Drama 2013 90min. Jeremy Irons, Melanie Griffith, Frank Lang- justbridge entertainment GmbH 14.11.2014 ella, Dominique Swain, Suzanne Shepherd, Die Leute von der Shiloh Ranch - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062457 Keith Reddin, Erin J. Dean, John Franklyn- Dritte Staffel (5 Discs) Robbins, Kathryn Peterson, Muse Watson - Mad Men - Season 7.1 The Virginian Dir. Adrian Lyne James Drury, Doug McClure, Lee J. Cobb, Audiokommentar, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Mad Men Sarah Lane, Clu Gulager, Randy Boone, Szenen Drama min. John McIntire, Gary Clarke - Dir. Don Drama 1997 132min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) McDougall (42 Folgen), Abner Biberman (25 capelight pictures 14.11.2014 27.11.2014 Folgen), Anton Leader (14 Folgen) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062431 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061818 Western 1962-1971 1140min. Mammut Home Entertainment 05.11.2014 Lone Wolf & Cub (OmU, Special Madame Mallory und der Duft 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062264 Edition, 3 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) von Curry Kozure Ôkami 1-6 The Hundred-Foot Journey Liebe unterm Weihnachtsbaum Tomisaburo Wakayama, Akihiro Tomikawa, Helen Mirren, Om Puri, Manish Dayal, Char- Café / Borrowed Hearts / Rentier Buddy Minoru Ohki - Dir. Kenji Misumi, Buichi Saito, lotte Le Bon, Farzana Dua Elahe, Amit rettet Weihnachten / Wer ist hier der Yoshiyuki Kuroda Shah, Aria Pandya, Dillon Mitra, Michel Weihnachtsmann? Trailer, Booklet Blanc, Rohan Chand - Dir. Lasse Hallström Komödie 351min. Action/Eastern 1972-1974 527min. Komödie 2014 min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 17.10.2014 Rapid Eye Movies HE 05.12.2014 Highlight Communications 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062007 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062187 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 05.02.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061914 The Lighthorsemen - Blutiger Girl - Die komplette vierte Sturm Season (3 Discs) Madame Mallory und der Duft The Lighthorsemen Lost Girl von Curry (Blu-ray) Peter Phelps, Jon Blake, Gary Sweet, John Fantasy/Mystery 549min. The Hundred-Foot Journey Walton, Tim McKenzie, Bill Kerr, Sigrid Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Helen Mirren, Om Puri, Manish Dayal, Char- Thornton, Shane Briant, Tony Bonner, 06.11.2014 lotte Le Bon, Farzana Dua Elahe, Amit Anthony Hawkins - Dir. Simon Wincer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061798 Shah, Aria Pandya, Dillon Mitra, Michel Entfallene Szenen, Hintergrundinfos, Produktionsnotizen, Blanc, Rohan Chand - Dir. Lasse Hallström Trailer The Lost World Komödie 2014 min. Action/Abenteuer 1987 112min. The Lost World Highlight Communications ICESTORM Entertainment 26.09.2014 Wallace Beery, Bessie Love, Lloyd Hughes, (Deutschland)(Constantin) 05.02.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20062262 Lewis Stone, Arthur Hoyt, Finch Smiles, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062139 Alma Bennett, Margaret McWade - Dir. Har- Lines of Wellington - Sturm über ry Hoyt Mädelsabend - Nüchtern zu Portugal (Die komplette Mini-Se- Vier verschiedene Tonfassungen, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Bildergalerie schüchtern! rie) (2 Discs) Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1925 61min. Walk Of Shame As Linhas De Torres Vedras Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.10.2014 Elizabeth Banks, James Marsden, Kevin John Malkovich, Nuno Lopes, Soraia 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061988 Nealon, Gillian Jacobs, Sarah Wright, Ethan Chaves, Marisa Paredes, Carloto Cotta, Suplee, Bill Burr, Lawrence Gilliard Jr., Victória Guerra, Marcello Urgeghe, Jemima Love Steaks Alphonso McAuley, Da’Vone McDonald,

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Willie Garson, Oliver Hudson, Ken Davitian Melika Foroutan, Proschat Madani, Julie Merantau (k.J.) - Dir. Steven Brill Engelbrecht, Max Herbrechter, Tedros Merantau Interviews, Featurettes Teclebrhan, Monika Gruber - Dir. Ali Samadi Iko Uwais, Sisca Jessica, Christine Hakim, Komödie 2014 91min. Ahadi Mads Koudal, Yusuf Aulia, Alex Abbad, Universum Film Home Entertainment Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2014 96min. Yayan Ruhian, Laurent Buson - Dir. Gareth 21.11.2014 Senator Home Entertainment 12.12.2014 Evans 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061719 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061736 Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer Action 2009 107min. Mädelsabend - Nüchtern zu Männerwirtschaft - Die zweite Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 schüchtern! (Blu-ray) Season (3 Discs) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061770 Walk Of Shame The Odd Couple Elizabeth Banks, James Marsden, Kevin Tony Randall, Jack Klugman, Al Molinaro, Merlin - Die komplette Serie (4 Nealon, Gillian Jacobs, Sarah Wright, Ethan Penny Marshall, Janis Hansen, Garry Wal- Discs) Suplee, Bill Burr, Lawrence Gilliard Jr., berg, Joan Hotchkis, Larry Gelman - Dir. Merlin / Merlin’s Apprentice Alphonso McAuley, Da’Vone McDonald, , Jack Donohue, Hal Cooper, Mel Sam Neill, Helena Bonham Carter, Rutger Willie Garson, Oliver Hudson, Ken Davitian Ferber Hauer, John Reardon, Miranda Richardson - - Dir. Steven Brill Komödie 1971-1972 562min. Dir. Steve Barron, David Wu Interviews, Featurettes Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 Fantasy/Abenteuer 1998-2006 351min. Komödie 2014 95min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062011 Koch Media 13.11.2014 Universum Film Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061955 21.11.2014 Mary - Queen of Scots 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061740 Mary Queen Of Scots Metalhead Magic Silver: Das Geheimnis des Camille Rutherford, Sean Biggerstaff, Málmhaus Aneurin Barnard, Edward Hogg, Mehdi Thorbjörg Helga Thorgilsdóttir, Ingvar E. magischen Silbers / Die Suche Dehbi, Roxane Duran, Joana Preiss, Bruno Sigurdsson, Halldóra Geirhardsdottir, nach dem magischen Horn (2 Todeschini - Dir. Thomas Imbach Sveinn Ólafur Gunnarsson, Thröstur Leo Discs) Drama/Historienfilm 2013 120min. Gunnarsson, Magnus Olafsson, Petur Julenatt I Blåfjell / Blåfjell 2 - Jakten På Lighthouse Home Entertainment 07.11.2014 Einarsson, Sigrún Edda Björnsdóttir, Han- Det Magiske Horn 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061931 nes Óli Ágústsson (Knútur) - Dir. Ragnar Ane Viola Semb, Finn Schau, Johan Tinus Bragason Lindgren, Toralv Maurstad - Dir. Katarina Mary - Queen of Scots (Blu-ray) Drama/Komödie 2013 94min. Launing, Roar Uthaug, Arne Lindtner Næss Mary Queen Of Scots Meteor Film 28.11.2014 Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2009-2012 184min. Camille Rutherford, Sean Biggerstaff, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061820 EuroVideo Medien 05.11.2014 Aneurin Barnard, Edward Hogg, Mehdi 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062206 Dehbi, Roxane Duran, Joana Preiss, Bruno Metalhead (Blu-ray) Todeschini - Dir. Thomas Imbach Málmhaus Major Crimes - Die komplette Drama/Historienfilm 2013 125min. Thorbjörg Helga Thorgilsdóttir, Ingvar E. zweite Staffel (4 Discs) Lighthouse Home Entertainment 07.11.2014 Sigurdsson, Halldóra Geirhardsdottir, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062150 Sveinn Ólafur Gunnarsson, Thröstur Leo Major Crimes Gunnarsson, Magnus Olafsson, Petur Kriminalfilm 2013 min. Karl May Klassiker-Edition (16 Einarsson, Sigrún Edda Björnsdóttir, Han- Warner Home Video Germany 23.10.2014 nes Óli Ágústsson (Knútur) - Dir. Ragnar 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062246 Discs) Abenteuer/Western min. Bragason Malcolm mittendrin - Die kom- Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Drama/Komödie 2013 97min. Meteor Film 28.11.2014 plette Staffel 1 (3 Discs) 07.11.2014 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061755 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062072 , Justin Berfield, Erik Per Karl May Klassiker-Edition (16 Metalhead (Limited Mediabook, + Sullivan DVD) (Blu-ray) Komödie 2000-2006 360min. Discs) (Blu-ray) Málmhaus Turbine Media Group 24.10.2014 Abenteuer/Western min. Thorbjörg Helga Thorgilsdóttir, Ingvar E. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061807 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 07.11.2014 Sigurdsson, Halldóra Geirhardsdottir, Malcolm mittendrin - Staffel 1-3 149,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061764 Sveinn Ólafur Gunnarsson, Thröstur Leo Gunnarsson, Magnus Olafsson, Petur (9 Discs, Collector’s Box) Die Melchiors - Die komplette 2. Einarsson, Sigrún Edda Björnsdóttir, Han- Malcolm In The Middle Staffel (2 Discs) nes Óli Ágústsson (Knútur) - Dir. Ragnar Bryan Cranston, Justin Berfield, Erik Per Bragason Hans Putz, Evelyn Balser, Stephan Stroux, Sullivan Drama/Komödie 2013 97min. Hansi Jochmann, Wolfgang Schneider, An- Komödie 2000-2006 1400min. Meteor Film 28.11.2014 dreas Poliza, Thomas Stroux, Ulrike Blume, Turbine Media Group 24.10.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062073 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061806 Friedhelm Ptok - Dir. Hermann Leitner Drama/Historienfilm 1972 325min. Metamorphosis - Das Monster in Pidax film media(Pidax film) 21.11.2014 Die Mamba - Gefährlich lustig! dir (k.J.) Michael Niavarani, Christoph Maria Herbst, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062498 Henge Melika Foroutan, Proschat Madani, Julie Aki Morita, Kazunari Aizawa, Teruhiko Engelbrecht, Max Herbrechter, Tedros Merantau (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Nobukuni - Dir. Hajime Ohata Teclebrhan, Monika Gruber - Dir. Ali Samadi Merantau Iko Uwais, Sisca Jessica, Christine Hakim, Wendecover Ahadi Horror/Drama 2011 54min. Mads Koudal, Yusuf Aulia, Alex Abbad, Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2014 92min. KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Yayan Ruhian, Laurent Buson - Dir. Gareth Senator Home Entertainment 12.12.2014 16.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061715 Evans Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062290 Die Mamba - Gefährlich lustig! Action 2009 112min. Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Mindscape (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062039 Mindscape Michael Niavarani, Christoph Maria Herbst, Mark Strong, Taissa Farmiga, Saskia

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Reeves, Richard Dillane, Indira Varma, Abenteuer 1942 108min. Nina Axelrod, Wolfman Jack - Dir. Kevin Noah Taylor, Alberto Ammann, Brian Cox - SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 23.10.2014 Connor Dir. Jorge Dorado 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062469 Trailer, Bildergalerie Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Interview, Trailer, TV-Spots, Horror 1980 97min. Wendecover Mogli - Das Dschungelbuch (Blu- Edel Germany(New Vision) 10.10.2014 Thriller/Mystery 2013 98min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061892 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment ray) Germany 20.11.2014 Jungle Book Moving Target (Uncut & HD 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062069 Sabu, Joseph Calleia, John Qualen, Frank Puglia, Rosemary DeCamp, Patricia Remastered) Ministerium der Angst O’Rourke, Ralph Byrd, John Mather, Faith Moving Target Michael Dudikoff, Michelle Johnson, Billy Ministry Of Fear Brook, Noble Johnson - Dir. Zoltán Korda Dee Williams, Tom Harvey - Dir. Damian Lee Ray Milland, Marjorie Reynolds, Carl Trailer, Bildergalerie, Bonusfilm „Das Schungelbuch“ von Roman Davydov Action/Thriller 1996 85min. Esmond, Hillary Brooke, Dan Duryea, Percy Abenteuer 1942 112min. VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.09.2014 Waram, Alan Napier - Dir. Fritz Lang SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 23.10.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061782 Bildergalerie, Booklet, Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062483 Thriller 1945 83min. Moving Target (Uncut & HD Koch Media 04.12.2014 Monday Mornings - Staffel 1 (3 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062445 Remastered) (Blu-ray) Discs) Moving Target Miranda - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) Monday Mornings Michael Dudikoff, Michelle Johnson, Billy Miranda Ving Rhames, Jamie Bamber, Jennifer Dee Williams, Tom Harvey - Dir. Damian Lee Miranda Hart, Sarah Hadland, Patricia Finnigan Action/Thriller 1996 89min. Hodge, Tom Ellis, Sally Phillips, James Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Wendecover VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.09.2014 Drama 2013 407min. Holmes, Bohdan Poraj, Katy Wix, Adrian 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062048 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Scarborough, Naomi Bentley, John Germany 20.11.2014 Finnemore, Adam Rayner, Neil Edmond, Die Mumie Trilogie (3 Discs) (Blu- 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061909 Luke Pasqualino - Dir. Juliet May ray) Komödie 2009-2013 180min. Monsters The Mummy / The Mummy Returns / Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 07.11.2014 Monsters Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062494 Whitney Able, Scoot McNairy, Kevon Kane - Brendan Fraser, John Hannah, Rachel Weisz, Maria Bello, Jet Li - Dir. Stephen Miss Sixty Dir. Gareth Edwards Trailer, Wendecover Sommers, Rob Cohen Iris Berben, Edgar Selge, Carmen-Maja Science Fiction/Drama 2010 89min. Making of, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, BD-Live, Entfallene Antoni, Björn von der Wellen, Jördis Rich- capelight pictures 26.09.2014 und erweiterte Szenen Horror/Abenteuer 1998-2008 364min. ter, Götz Schubert, Kirsten Block, Michael 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062320 Gwisdek, Christoph Franken, Jonathan Neo Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Völk, Liliane Amuat, Max Wolter, Stephan Monsters (Blu-ray) 06.11.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062505 Grossmann, Anja Karmanski - Dir. Sigrid Monsters (Blu-ray) Hoerner Whitney Able, Scoot McNairy, Kevon Kane - NAM - Dienst in Vietnam - Die Outtakes, Making of Dir. Gareth Edwards Komödie 2014 94min. Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Featurettes, Kurzfilm, komplette Serie (24 Discs) Senator Home Entertainment 07.11.2014 Interview, Wendecover Tour Of Duty - Nam 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061716 Science Fiction/Drama 2010 93min. Terence Knox, Stephen Caffrey, Joshua capelight pictures 26.09.2014 Maurer, Kevin Conroy - Dir. William L. Miss Sixty (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062333 Norton Iris Berben, Edgar Selge, Carmen-Maja Action/Kriegsfilm 1987-1991 2494min. Antoni, Björn von der Wellen, Jördis Rich- Mord mit Aussicht - Die dritte Koch Media(Mammut Home Entertainment) ter, Götz Schubert, Kirsten Block, Michael Staffel, Episoden 1-6 (2 Discs) 23.10.2014 Gwisdek, Christoph Franken, Jonathan Neo Caroline Peters, Bjarne Mädel, Meike tba BestellNr.: 20061944 Völk, Liliane Amuat, Max Wolter, Stephan Droste, Petra Kleinert, Michael Hanemann, Grossmann, Anja Karmanski - Dir. Sigrid Arnd Klawitter, Johann von Bülow, Car- Napoleon 1812 - Krieg, Liebe, Hoerner men-Maja Antoni, Hans-Peter Hallwachs, Verrat Outtakes, Making of Karina Krawczyk - Dir. Christoph Schnee, Komödie 2014 98min. Vasilisa Kaspar Heidelbach, Lars Jessen Senator Home Entertainment 07.11.2014 Svetlana Khodchenkova, Jérôme Cusin Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2014 270min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061737 Kriegsfilm 2014 104min. WDR mediagroup(RC Release Company) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Mr. Smith geht nach 15.10.2014 Pictures) 16.12.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061823 (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061993 Mr. Smith Goes To Washington Mord mit Aussicht - Die dritte Napoleon 1812 - Krieg, Liebe, Jean Arthur, , Claude Rains, Staffel, Episoden 1-6 (Blu-ray) Edward Arnold, Guy Kibbee, Thomas Verrat (Blu-ray) Caroline Peters, Bjarne Mädel, Meike Michell, Eugene Pallette, Beulah Bondi - Dir. Vasilisa Droste, Petra Kleinert, Michael Hanemann, Frank Capra Svetlana Khodchenkova, Jérôme Cusin Arnd Klawitter, Johann von Bülow, Car- Komödie 1939 min. Kriegsfilm 2014 109min. men-Maja Antoni, Hans-Peter Hallwachs, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Karina Krawczyk - Dir. Christoph Schnee, 04.12.2014 Pictures) 16.12.2014 Kaspar Heidelbach, Lars Jessen tba BestellNr.: 20062098 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062191 Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2014 281min. Mogli - Das Dschungelbuch WDR mediagroup(RC Release Company) Narx (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 15.10.2014 Jungle Book Narx 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062077 Sabu, Joseph Calleia, John Qualen, Frank Fat Joe, Chris Mulkey, Rocky A. Passafaro, Alex Maisonette - Dir. Alex Maisonette Puglia, Rosemary DeCamp, Patricia Motel Hell - Hotel zur Hölle (k.J.) O’Rourke, Ralph Byrd, John Mather, Faith Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 92min. Motel Hell Brook, Noble Johnson - Dir. Zoltán Korda Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.10.2014 Trailer, Bildergalerie Rory Calhoun, Paul Linke, Nancy Parsons, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062132

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nen, Outtakes Oscar Dyekjær Giese, Dulfi Al-Jabouri, Narx (k.J.) Komödie min. Gustav Dyekjær Giese, Roland Møller, Narx Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Nicholas Westwood-Kidd, Lene Maria Fat Joe, Chris Mulkey, Rocky A. Passafaro, Germany 05.12.2014 Christensen, Sandra El-Hussein, Ali Abdul Alex Maisonette - Dir. Alex Maisonette 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061866 Amir Najei, Marina Vorobyeva, Clement Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 88min. Black Petersen - Dir. Michael Noer Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.10.2014 New Girl - Die komplette Season Action/Drama 2013 91min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061908 3 (3 Discs) Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) New Girl 28.11.2014 NCIS: Los Angeles - Season 4.1 (3 Zooey Deschanel, Jake M. Johnson, Max 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062229 Discs) Greenfield, Lamorne Morris, Hannah Simo- NCIS: Los Angeles ne, Justin Long, Damon Wayans Jr. - Dir. Now Or Never Chris O’Donnell, , LL Cool J, Jake Kasdan, Peyton Reed, Jason Winer Everything’s Gone Green , Barrett Foa, Linda Featurettes, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes Paulo Costanzo, Steph Song, JR Bourne, Komödie min. Hunt, Renée Felice Smith - Dir. Terrence Auden Devine, Susan Hogan, Tom Butler, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment O’Hara, James Whitmore Jr., John Peter Peter Kelamis - Dir. Paul Fox Germany 14.11.2014 Kousakis, Tony Wharmby, Dennis Smith, Drama/Komödie 2006 95min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061860 Karen Gaviola, Paul A. Kaufman, Kate Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 01.09.2014 Woods, Jonathan Frakes, Steven DePaul, The Newsroom - Die komplette Larry Teng, Diana Valentine, Chris 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061726 O’Donnell, Eric Laneuville, Eric A. Pot, Ro- zweite Staffel (3 Discs) bert Florio The Newsroom Nymphomaniac - Vergiss die Lie- Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 495min. Drama 2013-2014 min. be Vol. I & II (Director’s Cut) (Blu- Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 23.10.2014 ray) (k.J.) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062252 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062012 Nymphomaniac 1+2 Night Terrors / The Roost (k.J.) , Stellan Skarsgård, NCIS: Los Angeles - Season 4.2 (3 Stacy Martin - Dir. Lars von Trier, Anders Night Terrors / The Roost Discs) Refn (zusätzliche Regie) Horror 178min. NCIS: Los Angeles Interviews, Trailer Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Chris O’Donnell, Daniela Ruah, LL Cool J, Drama/Erotik 2013-2014 min. Productions) 26.09.2014 Eric Christian Olsen, Barrett Foa, Linda Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061841 Hunt, Renée Felice Smith - Dir. Terrence Home Edition) 20.11.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062074 O’Hara, James Whitmore Jr., John Peter Nightbreakers - The Undead (Blu- Kousakis, Tony Wharmby, Dennis Smith, Karen Gaviola, Paul A. Kaufman, Kate ray) (k.J.) Nymphomaniac - Vergiss die Lie- Woods, Jonathan Frakes, Steven DePaul, Undead be Vol. I & II (Director’s Cut, 2 Larry Teng, Diana Valentine, Chris Felicity Mason, Mungo McKay, Rob Jenkins, Discs) (k.J.) Lisa Cunningham, Dirk Hunter, Emma Rand- O’Donnell, Eric Laneuville, Eric A. Pot, Ro- Nymphomaniac 1+2 all, Steve Greig, Noel Sheridan, Gaynor bert Florio Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stellan Skarsgård, Wensley, Eleanor Stillman - Dir. Michael Featurettes, Audiokommentar Stacy Martin - Dir. Lars von Trier, Anders Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 494min. Spierig, Peter Spierig Audiokommentar, Interview, Making of, Featurettes, Vergleich Refn (zusätzliche Regie) Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 Interviews, Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062013 Animation zum Film, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Horror/Science Fiction 2003 104min. Drama/Erotik 2013-2014 min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Der Nebel / Zimmer 1408 (2 Discs) KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) 16.10.2014 Home Edition) 20.11.2014 The Mist / 1408 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062305 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061821 Thomas Jane, Marcia Gay Harden, Laurie Holden, John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson, Nightbreakers - The Undead (k.J.) Oculus Mary McCormack - Dir. Frank Darabont, Undead Oculus Mikael Håfström Felicity Mason, Mungo McKay, Rob Jenkins, Katee Sackhoff, Karen Gillan, Brenton Horror 2007 min. Lisa Cunningham, Dirk Hunter, Emma Rand- Thwaites, Rory Cochrane, Annalise Basso, Universum Film Home all, Steve Greig, Noel Sheridan, Gaynor Garrett Ryan, James Lafferty, Miguel Sand- Entertainment(Senator) 14.11.2014 Wensley, Eleanor Stillman - Dir. Michael oval, Kate Siegel, Katie Parker - Dir. Mike 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061830 Spierig, Peter Spierig Flanagan Audiokommentar, Interview, Trailer Kurzfilm, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Audiokommentar Der Nebel / Zimmer 1408 (2 Discs) Horror/Science Fiction 2003 100min. Horror 2013 100min. (Blu-ray) KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Universum Film Home The Mist / 1408 16.10.2014 Entertainment(SquareOne) 05.12.2014 Thomas Jane, Marcia Gay Harden, Laurie 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062291 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061954 Holden, John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson, Mary McCormack - Dir. Frank Darabont, Nordvest Oculus (Blu-ray) Mikael Håfström Nordvest Oculus Horror 2007 min. Oscar Dyekjær Giese, Dulfi Al-Jabouri, Katee Sackhoff, Karen Gillan, Brenton Universum Film Home Gustav Dyekjær Giese, Roland Møller, Thwaites, Rory Cochrane, Annalise Basso, Entertainment(Senator) 14.11.2014 Nicholas Westwood-Kidd, Lene Maria Garrett Ryan, James Lafferty, Miguel Sand- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062088 Christensen, Sandra El-Hussein, Ali Abdul oval, Kate Siegel, Katie Parker - Dir. Mike Amir Najei, Marina Vorobyeva, Clement Flanagan New Girl - Die komplette Season Black Petersen - Dir. Michael Noer Kurzfilm, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Audiokommentar Horror 2013 104min. Action/Drama 2013 91min. 2 (3 Discs) Universum Film Home Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) New Girl Entertainment(SquareOne) 05.12.2014 28.11.2014 Zooey Deschanel, Jake M. Johnson, Max 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062165 Greenfield, Lamorne Morris, Hannah Simo- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062203 ne, Justin Long, Damon Wayans Jr. - Dir. Nordvest (Blu-ray) Ein offener Käfig Jake Kasdan, Peyton Reed, Jason Winer Oliver Mommsen, Martin Feifel, Anna Audiokommentar, Featurette, Entfallene und erweiterte Sze- Nordvest

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Schudt, Nicole Mercedes Müller, Ole Puppe, (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Peaky Blinders: Gangs of Bir- Catherine Flemming, Nele Guderian, Rainer P-51 Dragon Fighter mingham - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) (Blu- Piwek, Steffen Gräbner, Holger Kunkel, Scott Martin, Stephanie Beran, Clint Glenn ray) Max Valentin Wilczek, Moritz Michel, Ferdi- Hummel, Ross Brooks, Osman Soykut, Ro- Peaky Blinders nand Grözinger - Dir. Johannes Grieser bert Pike Daniel, Thom Rachford, Trey Cillian Murphy, Sam Neill, Paul Anderson, Drama 2014 89min. McCurley - Dir. Mark Atkins Sophie Rundle, Helen McCrory, Annabelle Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Pidax) Action/Fantasy 2014 84min. Wallis, Joe Cole, Iddo Goldberg, Alfie 18.11.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.10.2014 Evans-Meese, Tony Pitts, Ned Dennehy, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062407 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062116 Kevin Metcalfe, Jack Hartley, Jeffrey Once a Thief - Die Unfassbaren (6 P-51 Dragon Fighter (Blu-ray) Postlethwaite, Matthew Postlethwaite, Neil Discs) Bell, Ian Peck, Charlie Creed-Miles, Lobo (k.J.) Chan, Packy Lee, Benjamin Zephaniah, John Woo’s Once A Thief P-51 Dragon Fighter Samuel Edward-Cook, Aimee-Ffion Ed- Ivan Sergei, Sandrine Holt, Nicholas Lea - Scott Martin, Stephanie Beran, Clint Glenn wards, Andy Nyman, David Dawson, John Dir. John Woo Hummel, Ross Brooks, Osman Soykut, Ro- Paul Hurley, Karl Shiels, Nick Holder, Action 1996 1020min. bert Pike Daniel, Thom Rachford, Trey Natasha O’Keeffe - Dir. Otto Bathurst, Tom Turbine Media Group 17.10.2014 McCurley - Dir. Mark Atkins Harper 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062441 Action/Fantasy 2014 84min. Making of Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.10.2014 Drama 2013 359min. Order of Chaos - Der Wolf im 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062115 Koch Media 27.11.2014 Schafspelz 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062154 Order Of Chaos P-51 Dragon Fighter (k.J.) Rhys Coiro, Milo Ventimiglia, Samantha P-51 Dragon Fighter Peaky Blinders: Gangs of Bir- Mathis, Mimi Rogers, Susan Ward, Chip Scott Martin, Stephanie Beran, Clint Glenn mingham - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) Joslin, Anna Campbell, Maggie Kiley - Dir. Hummel, Ross Brooks, Osman Soykut, Ro- Peaky Blinders Vince Vieluf bert Pike Daniel, Thom Rachford, Trey Cillian Murphy, Sam Neill, Paul Anderson, Trailer McCurley - Dir. Mark Atkins Sophie Rundle, Helen McCrory, Annabelle Thriller 2010 84min. Action/Fantasy 2014 81min. Wallis, Joe Cole, Iddo Goldberg, Alfie Bubblegum Movie AG 12.12.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.10.2014 Evans-Meese, Tony Pitts, Ned Dennehy, tba BestellNr.: 20062378 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061872 Kevin Metcalfe, Jack Hartley, Jeffrey Order of Chaos - Der Wolf im Postlethwaite, Matthew Postlethwaite, Neil Pakt des Bösen 1&2 - Die Box Bell, Ian Peck, Charlie Creed-Miles, Lobo Schafspelz (Blu-ray) Zapiski Ekspeditora Taynoy Kantselyarii Chan, Packy Lee, Benjamin Zephaniah, Order Of Chaos 1+2 Samuel Edward-Cook, Aimee-Ffion Ed- Rhys Coiro, Milo Ventimiglia, Samantha Dir. Oleg Ryaskow wards, Andy Nyman, David Dawson, John Mathis, Mimi Rogers, Susan Ward, Chip Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2010-2011 280min. Paul Hurley, Karl Shiels, Nick Holder, Joslin, Anna Campbell, Maggie Kiley - Dir. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Natasha O’Keeffe - Dir. Otto Bathurst, Tom Vince Vieluf Pictures) 14.10.2014 Harper Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061984 Making of Thriller 2010 88min. Drama 2013 344min. Bubblegum Movie AG 12.12.2014 Pakt des Bösen 1&2 - Die Box Koch Media 27.11.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20062397 (Blu-ray) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061939 Ottos Geheimnis Zapiski Ekspeditora Taynoy Kantselyarii 1+2 Person of Interest - Die komplette Esio Trot Dir. Oleg Ryaskow dritte Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Dame , Dustin Hoffman - Dir. Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2010-2011 288min. Person Of Interest Dearbhla Walsh Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 min. Komödie 2014 min. Pictures) 14.10.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 16.12.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062188 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062389 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062198 Out of Rosenheim (Blu-ray) Pans Labyrinth / Das Waisenhaus Person of Interest - Die komplette Marianne Sägebrecht, Jack Palance, CCH (2 Discs) dritte Staffel (6 Discs) Pounder, Christine Kaufmann, Monica El Laberinto Del Fauno / El Orfanato Person Of Interest Calhoun, Derron Flagg, George Aquilar, G. Sergi Lopez, Maribel Verdú, Ivana Baquero, Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 min. Smokey Campbell, Hans Stadlbauer, Alan S. Belen Rueda, Fernando Cayo, Roger Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2014 Craig - Dir. Percy Adlon Príncep (Simón) - Dir. Guillermo Del Toro, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062360 Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Juan Antonio Bayona Komödie 1987 108min. Thriller 2006-2007 min. Der Pirat von Shantung (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Universum Film Home (k.J.) Germany(Arthaus) 20.11.2014 Entertainment(Senator) 14.11.2014 Ma Yong Zhen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062133 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061829 David Chiang, Wang Chung, Chen Kuan-tai, Ching Li, Mario Milano, Ching Tien, Nan Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay! (OmU) Pans Labyrinth / Das Waisenhaus Chiang - Dir. Cheh Chang Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay! (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Trailer, Bildergalerie, Featurette Lainie Kazan, Saul Rubinek, Vincent Pas- El Laberinto Del Fauno / El Orfanato Action/Eastern 1972 125min. tore, Carmen Electra, Tom Fridley, Bruce Sergi Lopez, Maribel Verdú, Ivana Baquero, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Vilanch, John Lloyd Young, Alexandra Belen Rueda, Fernando Cayo, Roger 07.11.2014 Mamaliger - Dir. Evgeny Afineevsky Príncep (Simón) - Dir. Guillermo Del Toro, tba BestellNr.: 20062142 Trailer Juan Antonio Bayona Komödie 2009 87min. Thriller 2006-2007 min. Planet der Affen: PRevolution / PRO-FUN MEDIA 26.09.2014 Universum Film Home Planet der Affen: Revolution (2 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061972 Entertainment(Senator) 14.11.2014 Discs) P-51 Dragon Fighter (Blu-ray 3D) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062087 Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes / Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes

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James Franco, Freida Pinto, , Thriller/Horror 2005 103min. Entertainment(Senator) 14.11.2014 Andy Serkis, Jason Clarke, Gary Oldman - Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061838 Dir. Rupert Wyatt, Matt Reeves 01.09.2014 Science Fiction 2011-2014 min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061721 Public Enemy No. 1 Double Fea- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment ture (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Germany 05.12.2014 Plötzlich und unerwartet Mesrine: L’Instinct De Mort / L’Ennemi 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062324 Michael Degen, Kerstin de Ahna, Mikhael Public N° 1 Speidel, Monika Peitsch, Udo Vioff, Christi- Vincent Cassel, Cécile de France, Gérard Planet der Affen: PRevolution / na Moheden, Franz Rudnick, Tommi Pieper, Depardieu, Roy Dupuis, Gilles Lellouche, Planet der Affen: Revolution (2 Jan Groth - Dir. Thomas Engel Elena Anaya, Michel Duchaussoy, Myriam Discs) (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 1985 106min. Boyer, Florence Thomassin, Ludivine Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes / Dawn Of Sagnier, Mathieu Amalric, Gérard Lanvin, 21.11.2014 The Planet Of The Apes Samuel Le Bihan, Olivier Gourmet, Anne 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062201 James Franco, Freida Pinto, John Lithgow, Consigny, Georges Wilson - Dir. Jean-Fran- çois Richet Andy Serkis, Jason Clarke, Gary Oldman - Polizeiinspektion 1 - Die komplet- Dir. Rupert Wyatt, Matt Reeves Making of, Interview, Trailer, Teaser OV Kriminalfilm 2008 min. Science Fiction 2011-2014 min. te Serie (30 Discs) Universum Film Home Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Walter Sedlmayr, Elmar Wepper, Max Entertainment(Senator) 14.11.2014 Germany 05.12.2014 Grießer, Bruni Löbel, Uschi Glas, Dieter 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062095 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062338 Eppler, Philipp Seiser, Rosl Mayr - Dir. Dr. Michael Braun, Zbynek Brynych Planet der Affen: Revolution Original Polizeiinspektion 1-Bierglas The Purge: Anarchy Kriminalfilm/Drama 1977-1988 3211min. The Purge - Anarchy Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Koch Media 27.11.2014 Frank Grillo, Carmen Ejogo, Zach Gilford, Andy Serkis, Jason Clarke, Gary Oldman, 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061957 Kiele Sanchez, Michael K. Williams, Zoë Keri Russell, Toby Kebbell, Kodi Smit- Soul, Edwin Hodge, Nicholas Gonzalez, McPhee, Judy Greer, , Kirk Polizeiruf 110 - MDR-Box 1 (3 Amy Paffrath - Dir. James DeMonaco Acevedo, Enrique Murciano jr. - Dir. Matt Thriller 2014 99min. Reeves Discs) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Science Fiction 2014 126min. Günter Naumann, Michael Kind, Dagmar 11.12.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sitte, Andreas Schmidt-Schaller, Gottfried 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062480 Germany 05.12.2014 John, Gunter Schoß, André Hennicke, Flori- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062323 an Martens, Til Schweiger, Gerd Preusche - Dir. Thomas Jacob, Michael Knof, Hans- The Purge: Anarchy (Blu-ray) Planet der Affen: Revolution (Blu- Werner Honert, Bernd Böhlich, Jan The Purge - Anarchy Frank Grillo, Carmen Ejogo, Zach Gilford, ray 3D, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Ruzicka, Petra Haffter Kriminalfilm 1993-1995 509min. Kiele Sanchez, Michael K. Williams, Zoë Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes EuroVideo Medien(ARD Video) 20.11.2014 Soul, Edwin Hodge, Nicholas Gonzalez, Andy Serkis, Jason Clarke, Gary Oldman, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062267 Amy Paffrath - Dir. James DeMonaco Keri Russell, Toby Kebbell, Kodi Smit- Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes McPhee, Judy Greer, Kevin Rankin, Kirk The Prank - Der Streich Thriller 2014 103min. Acevedo, Enrique Murciano jr. - Dir. Matt Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Prank Reeves 11.12.2014 Nick Renaud, Henry Monfries, Gemmenne Science Fiction 2014 131min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062489 De La Pena, Alastair Ferrie, Hannah Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kasulka, Rene Cadet, Rachel Duhame, Germany 05.12.2014 The Purge: Anarchy (Steelbook) Vanja Scholls - Dir. Yiuwing Lam 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062337 Trailer (Blu-ray) Thriller/Horror 2013 79min. The Purge - Anarchy Planet der Affen: Revolution (Blu- Tiberius Film 04.12.2014 Frank Grillo, Carmen Ejogo, Zach Gilford, ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061976 Kiele Sanchez, Michael K. Williams, Zoë Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Soul, Edwin Hodge, Nicholas Gonzalez, Andy Serkis, Jason Clarke, Gary Oldman, The Prank - Der Streich (Blu-ray) Amy Paffrath - Dir. James DeMonaco Keri Russell, Toby Kebbell, Kodi Smit- Prank Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes McPhee, Judy Greer, Kevin Rankin, Kirk Nick Renaud, Henry Monfries, Gemmenne Thriller 2014 103min. Acevedo, Enrique Murciano jr. - Dir. Matt De La Pena, Alastair Ferrie, Hannah Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Reeves Kasulka, Rene Cadet, Rachel Duhame, 11.12.2014 Science Fiction 2014 131min. Vanja Scholls - Dir. Yiuwing Lam 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062490 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trailer Germany 05.12.2014 Thriller/Horror 2013 82min. Die purpurnen Flüsse 1+2 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062336 Tiberius Film 04.12.2014 Les Rivières Pourpres 1 + 2 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062183 Jean Reno, Vincent Cassel, Nadia Farès, Plantagenstraße 19 Benoît Magimel, Christopher Lee - Dir. Erwin Geschonneck, Annekathrin Bürger, Public Enemy No. 1 Double Fea- Mathieu Kassovitz, Olivier Dahan Horst Drinda, Barbara Dittus, Peter Reusse ture (2 Discs) Thriller 2000-2004 min. - Dir. Helmut Krätzig Mesrine: L’Instinct De Mort / L’Ennemi Universum Film Home Entertainment(Tobis) Drama 1978-1979 100min. Public N° 1 14.11.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDr-TV-Ar- Vincent Cassel, Cécile de France, Gérard 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061831 chiv) 05.12.2014 Depardieu, Roy Dupuis, Gilles Lellouche, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062353 Elena Anaya, Michel Duchaussoy, Myriam Die purpurnen Flüsse 1+2 (Blu- Boyer, Florence Thomassin, Ludivine ray) Playing With a Nightmare (k.J.) Sagnier, Mathieu Amalric, Gérard Lanvin, Les Rivières Pourpres 1 + 2 Nightmare Samuel Le Bihan, Olivier Gourmet, Anne Jean Reno, Vincent Cassel, Nadia Farès, Jason Scott Campbell, Nicole Roderick, J. Consigny, Georges Wilson - Dir. Jean-Fran- Benoît Magimel, Christopher Lee - Dir. Bloomrosen, Jolan Boockvor, Amin Joseph, çois Richet Mathieu Kassovitz, Olivier Dahan Noah Weisberg, Jennifer Carta - Dir. Dylan Making of, Interview, Trailer, Teaser OV Thriller 2000-2004 min. Bank Kriminalfilm 2008 min. Universum Film Home Entertainment(Tobis) Universum Film Home

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14.11.2014 Folgen: Kitty Russell), Ken Curtis (245 Fol- Fristoe, Hal Holbrook - Dir. Bill Gierhart, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062089 gen: Deputy Festus Haggen), Dennis Keith Gordon, , Jim McKay, Weaver (211 Folgen: Deputy Chester B. Ray McKinnon, Romeo Tirone Goode), Buck Taylor (115 Folgen: Newly Drama/Thriller 261min. Reinas O’Brian), Glenn Strange (204 Folgen: Sam Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 17.10.2014 Verónica Forqué, Carmen Maura, Marisa Noonan), Burt Reynolds, Jack Elam, Claude 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062513 Paredes, Mercedes Sampietro, Betiana Akins, Harry Dean Stanton, George Kenne- Blum, Gustavo Salmerón, Unax Ugalde, dy, Leonard Nimoy, James Whitmore, Ri- The Red Tent Hugo Silva, Daniel Hendler (Óscar), Paco chard Jaeckel, Jodie Foster, Jon Voight, The Red Tent Léon, Raúl Jiménez, Ginés Garcia Millan, Charles Bronson, , John Drew Sir Sean Connery, Claudia Cardinale, Hardy Jorge Perugorría, Lluís Homar, Títo Barrymore, Robert Vaughn, Harrison Ford, Krüger, Peter Finch - Dir. Mikhail Kalatozov Valverde, José Luis García Pérez - Dir. William Conrad - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen, Abenteuer/Drama 1969 116min. Manuel Gómez Pereira , Ted Post, Bernard McEveety, KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Bildergalerie, Trailer Vincent McEveety 16.10.2014 Komödie 2005 106min. Western 1955-1975 1330min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062237 Edel Germany(New Vision) 24.10.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061905 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062015 Reich und Schön - Box 8: Wie R.E.D. - Älter. Härter. Besser. / alles begann (5 Discs) Rawhide - Tausend Meilen Staub, Fashion Affairs R.E.D. 2 - Noch älter. Härter. Bes- Best of, Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Making ofs ser. (Collector’s Edition, 2 Discs) Rawhide Drama/Komödie 1987 630min. Red / Red 2 Clint Eastwood, Eric Fleming, Sheb Wooley, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Paul Brinegar, Steve Raines, Rocky Shahan AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 28.11.2014 Malkovich, Mary-Louise Parker - Dir. Robert - Dir. Jus Addiss, Jack Arnold, László 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062471 Schwentke, Dean Parisot Benedek Making of, Featurettes, Trivia Track, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Bildergalerien Reich und Schön - Box 9: Wie Outtakes, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer Drama 1959-1965 200min. alles begann (5 Discs) Action/Komödie 2010-2013 218min. Explosive Media 28.11.2014 Fashion Affairs Concorde Home Entertainment 13.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062463 Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Making ofs 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062296 Drama/Komödie 1987 630min. Reality XL AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing R.E.D. - Älter. Härter. Besser. / Reality XL AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 28.11.2014 R.E.D. 2 - Noch älter. Härter. Bes- Heiner Lauterbach, Max Tidof, Godehard 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062472 ser. (Collector’s Edition, 2 Discs) Giese, Annika Blendl - Dir. Thomas Bohn (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Die reichen Leichen. Ein Thriller/Mystery 2011 78min. Starnbergkrimi Red / Red 2 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Rexfilm) Andreas Giebel, Annina Hellenthal, Florian Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John 18.09.2014 Stetter, Martin Feifel, Hannes Jaenicke, Malkovich, Mary-Louise Parker - Dir. Robert 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061775 Schwentke, Dean Parisot Ulrike C. Tscharre, Alicia von Rittberg, Eisi Making of, Featurettes, Trivia Track, Audiokommentar, Reality XL (Blu-ray) Gulp, Beatrice Richter, Saskia Vester, Outtakes, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer Klaus Stiglmeier, Lilly Forgách, Franz Reality XL Action/Komödie 2010-2013 227min. Pätzold, Gerhard Wittmann, Lena Baader - Heiner Lauterbach, Max Tidof, Godehard Concorde Home Entertainment 13.11.2014 Dir. Dominik Graf 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062311 Giese, Annika Blendl - Dir. Thomas Bohn Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Kriminalfilm/Heimatfilm 2014 90min. KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Rauchende Colts - Die erste Thriller/Mystery 2011 81min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Rexfilm) 20.10.2014 Season, Vol. 1 (7 Discs) 18.09.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062238 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062042 James Arness (616 Folgen: Marshal Matt Reiga - The Monster from the Dillon), Milburn Stone (424 Folgen: Dr. - Staffel 1 Deep Sea Galen „Doc“ Adams), Amanda Blake (390 Rectify The Deep Sea Monster Reiga Folgen: Kitty Russell), Ken Curtis (245 Fol- , J. Smith-Cameron, Clayne Yukijiro Hotaru, Miyu Oriyama, Mao Urata, gen: Deputy Festus Haggen), Dennis Crawford, Luke Kirby, Jake Austin Walker, Manami Enosawa, Mai Nanami, Kyûzô Weaver (211 Folgen: Deputy Chester B. Abigail Spencer, Adelaide Clemens, Johnny Hayashiya, Shimpo Hayashiya, Goode), Buck Taylor (115 Folgen: Newly Ray Gill, Jayson Warner Smith, Bruce Tamanosuke Gomeirô, Kazuo Egumi - Dir. O’Brian), Glenn Strange (204 Folgen: Sam McKinnon, Michael O’Neill, Kim Wall, Sean Shinpei Hayashiya Noonan), Burt Reynolds, Jack Elam, Claude Bridgers, Robin Mullins, Michael Traynor, Trailer, Bildergalerie Akins, Harry Dean Stanton, George Kenne- J.D. Evermore, Linds Edwards, Adam Fantasy/Action 2009 79min. dy, Leonard Nimoy, James Whitmore, Ri- Fristoe, Hal Holbrook - Dir. Bill Gierhart, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) chard Jaeckel, Jodie Foster, Jon Voight, Keith Gordon, Nicole Kassell, Jim McKay, 18.11.2014 Charles Bronson, Kurt Russell, John Drew Ray McKinnon, Romeo Tirone 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062409 Barrymore, Robert Vaughn, Harrison Ford, Drama/Thriller 360min. William Conrad - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen, Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 17.10.2014 Reiga - The Monster from the Harry Harris, Ted Post, Bernard McEveety, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061902 Deep Sea (Steelbook) Vincent McEveety The Deep Sea Monster Reiga Western 1955-1975 1260min. Rectify - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) (Blu- Yukijiro Hotaru, Miyu Oriyama, Mao Urata, Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 ray) Manami Enosawa, Mai Nanami, Kyûzô 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062014 Rectify Hayashiya, Shimpo Hayashiya, Tamanosuke Gomeirô, Kazuo Egumi - Dir. Rauchende Colts - Die erste Aden Young, J. Smith-Cameron, Clayne Crawford, Luke Kirby, Jake Austin Walker, Shinpei Hayashiya Season, Vol. 2 (7 Discs) Abigail Spencer, Adelaide Clemens, Johnny Trailer, Bildergalerie Fantasy/Action 2009 79min. Gunsmoke Ray Gill, Jayson Warner Smith, Bruce Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) James Arness (616 Folgen: Marshal Matt McKinnon, Michael O’Neill, Kim Wall, Sean 18.11.2014 Dillon), Milburn Stone (424 Folgen: Dr. Bridgers, Robin Mullins, Michael Traynor, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062410 Galen „Doc“ Adams), Amanda Blake (390 J.D. Evermore, Linds Edwards, Adam

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Sabrina - Total verhext! - Die Reigo Vs Yamato Rico, Oskar und die Tiefer- komplette Staffel 1 (5 Discs) Shinkaijû Reigô schatten Sabrina, The Teenage Witch Yukijiro Hotaru, Miyu Oriyama, Mao Urata, Anton Petzold, Juri Winkler, Karoline Melissa Joan Hart Taiyô Sugiura, Susumu Kurobe, Mickey Herfurth, Ronald Zehrfeld, Ursela Monn, Bildergalerie, Trailer Curtis, Mai Nanami, Yoji Tanaka - Dir. David Kross, Axel Prahl, Milan Peschel, Komödie/Fantasy 1996-2003 527min. Shinpei Hayashiya Katharina Thalbach, Anke Engelke, Can KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 10.11.2014 Trailer, Bildergalerie Mansuroglu - Dir. Neele Leana Vollmar 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062373 Fantasy/Action 2008 87min. Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2014 92min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sabrina - Total verhext! - Die 18.11.2014 Germany 05.12.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062411 komplette Staffel 2 (5 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062325 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch Melissa Joan Hart Reigo Vs Yamato (Steelbook) Rico, Oskar und die Tiefer- Shinkaijû Reigô Bildergalerie, Trailer Komödie/Fantasy 1996-2003 574min. Yukijiro Hotaru, Miyu Oriyama, Mao Urata, schatten (Blu-ray) KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 01.12.2014 Taiyô Sugiura, Susumu Kurobe, Mickey Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten (Blu- 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062371 Curtis, Mai Nanami, Yoji Tanaka - Dir. ray) Anton Petzold, Juri Winkler, Karoline Shinpei Hayashiya Eine Scheidung zum Verlieben Trailer, Bildergalerie Herfurth, Ronald Zehrfeld, Ursela Monn, Fantasy/Action 2008 87min. David Kross, Axel Prahl, Milan Peschel, Divorce Invitation Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Katharina Thalbach, Anke Engelke, Can Jonathan Bennett, Nadia Bjorlin, Jamie- 18.11.2014 Mansuroglu - Dir. Neele Leana Vollmar Lynn Sigler - Dir. S.V. Krishna Reddy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062412 Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2014 96min. Komödie/Lovestory 2012 110min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Lighthouse Home Entertainment 21.11.2014 Renegade (Blu-ray) Germany 05.12.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061930 Renegade 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062339 Terence Hill, Robert Vaughn, Ross Hill, Eine Scheidung zum Verlieben Norman Bowler - Dir. E. B. Clucher The Ripper (k.J.) (Blu-ray) Action/Komödie 1987 93min. The Ripper Divorce Invitation Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Tom Savini, Tom Schreier, Wade Tower, Jonathan Bennett, Nadia Bjorlin, Jamie- 14.11.2014 Mona van Pernis, Andrea Adams, Randall Lynn Sigler - Dir. S.V. Krishna Reddy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061761 White - Dir. Christopher Lewis Komödie/Lovestory 2012 115min. Bildergalerie, Featurette, Trailer Lighthouse Home Entertainment 21.11.2014 Repentance - Tag der Reue Thriller/Horror 1986 100min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062149 Repentance Edel Germany(New Vision) 10.10.2014 Forest Whitaker, Anthony Mackie, Sanaa 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061897 Schiffsmeldungen (Blu-ray) Lathan, , Ariana Neal, Denise Shipping News Milfort, Nicole Parker, Brett Baker, Betsy Ritterfürst Jaroslaw - Angriff der , , Dame Judi Clark, Adella Gautier, Avery Edward Barbaren Dench, , Pete Postlethwaite, Landry, Ken Massey, Jessica Medina - Dir. Yaroslav. Tysyachu Let Nazad Scott Glenn, Rhys Ifans, Gordon Pinsent, Philippe Caland Aleksander Iwaschkewich, Swetlana Jason Behr, Larry Pine, Jeanetta Arnette, Thriller 2013 91min. Chuikina, Alexei Krawtschenko, Valeriy Robert Joy, Alyssa Gainer, Kaitlyn Gainer, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Zolotukhin, Vladimir Antonik, Kirill Boltaew, Lauren Gainer, John Dunsworth, Will 27.11.2014 Pawel Khrulew, Roman Kurtsyn - Dir. Dmitri McAllister, Marc Lawrence, Nancy Beatty - 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061799 Korobkin Dir. Lasse Hallström Hintergrundinfo, Making of, Trailer Featurette, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Trailer The Return of Joe Rich - Das Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2010 100min. Drama 2001 111min. neue Gesetz der Mafia (Blu-ray) ICESTORM Entertainment 26.09.2014 Concorde Home Entertainment 13.11.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20062259 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062310 The Return Of Joe Rich Sam Witwer, Talia Shire, Armand Assante, Der Ruhm meines Vaters / Das Schlacht in den Wolken Tim Kazurinsky, Joe Minoso, Vanessa Aces High Vander-Pluym, Rich Komenich - Dir. Sam Schloss meiner Mutter (Special Malcolm McDowell, Christopher Plummer, Auster Edition, 2 Discs) Simon Ward - Dir. Jack Gold Trailer La Gloire De Mon Père / Le Château De Drama/Kriminalfilm 2011 95min. Interviews, Featurettes, Wendecover Ma Mère Kriegsfilm/Drama 1976 109min. Tiberius Film 04.09.2014 Philippe Caubère, Nathalie Roussel, Didier STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061759 Pain, Thérèse Liotard, Julien Ciamaca - Dir. Germany 20.11.2014 Yves Robert tba BestellNr.: 20061910 The Returned - Die komplette 1. Trailer, Wendecover Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Drama 1990 199min. Schlacht in den Wolken (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Les Revenants Aces High Germany 06.11.2014 Featurettes, Interviews, Wendecover Malcolm McDowell, Christopher Plummer, Drama/Mystery 2012 417min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061888 Simon Ward - Dir. Jack Gold STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Interviews, Featurettes, Wendecover Germany 04.12.2014 Heinz Rühmanns schönste Klassi- Kriegsfilm/Drama 1976 114min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062231 ker (4 Discs) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ich vertraue dir meine Frau an / Heimkehr Germany 20.11.2014 The Returned - Die komplette 1. ins Glück / Einbrecher / Die Umwege des tba BestellNr.: 20062134 Staffel (3 Discs) schönen Karl Les Revenants Heinz Rühmann Der Schützengraben Featurettes, Interviews, Wendecover Hintergrundinformationen, Bio- und Filmografien The Trench Drama/Mystery 2012 417min. Komödie 1930-1943 358min. Paul Nicholls, Daniel Craig, Julian Rhind- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Black Hill Pictures 23.10.2014 Tutt, Danny Dyer, James D’Arcy, Tam Germany 04.12.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061948 Williams, Anthony Strachan, Ciarán 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062210 McMenamin - Dir. William Boyd

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Drama/Kriegsfilm 1999 95min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061997 Stawka Wieksza Niz Zycie / Hans Kloss. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- Stawka Wieksza Niz Smierc dia) 14.10.2014 Scrooge Box (Blu-ray) Stanislaw Mikulski, Emil Karewicz, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061934 Scrooge / Scrooge - A Christmas Carol / Bronislaw Pawlik, Tomasz Kot, Marta Scrooge - A Christmas Carol Zmuda Trzebiatowska, Piotr Adamczyk - Schwermetall Chronicles - Die Drama/Fantasy 234min. Dir. Andrzej Konic, Janusz Morgenstern, komplette 2. Staffel Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.10.2014 Patryk Vega Metal Hurlant Chronicles 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062192 Begleitheft, Fan-Postkarten Drama/Kriegsfilm 1967-2012 1121min. Science Fiction min. ICESTORM Entertainment 06.10.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sechs Schwedinnen auf der Alm tba BestellNr.: 20062209 06.11.2014 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061824 Anita Amsler, Marianne Aubert, Alban Die Sendung mit dem Elefanten, Ceray, Uli Falk, Brigitte Hawas, Michaela Schwermetall Chronicles - Die Kloess, Mike Lederer, Petra Schrott, Evelyn DVD 1 - Meine erste Party komplette 2. Staffel (Blu-ray) Valade - Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich, Paul Grau Kinderfilm 2014 75min. Universum Film Home Metal Hurlant Chronicles Erotik 1983 82min. Entertainment(Universum Kids) 14.11.2014 Science Fiction min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061811 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062190 06.11.2014 September Dawn 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062078 Sechs Schwedinnen auf der Alm (k.J.) September Dawn Jon Voight, Trent Ford, Tamara Hope, Jon Science Fiction Klassiker-Edition Anita Amsler, Marianne Aubert, Alban Gries, Taylor Handley, Huntley Ritter, Shaun Ceray, Uli Falk, Brigitte Hawas, Michaela (13 Discs) Johnston, Lolita Davidovich, Dean Cain, Kloess, Mike Lederer, Petra Schrott, Evelyn Doroga k zvezdam / Begegnung im All / Terence Stamp - Dir. Christopher Cain Valade - Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich, Paul Grau Eolomea / Krieg der Planeten / Moskwa- Drama 2006 111min. Erotik 1983 82min. Kassiopeya / Nebo sowjot / Otroki vo SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 23.10.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.10.2014 vselennoy / Planet der Stürme / Raum- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062470 schiff Venus antwortet nicht / Signale - Ein 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061987 Weltraumabenteuer / Solaris / Stalker / Sein Mädchen für besondere Fäl- September Dawn (Blu-ray) Tschelowek amfibija September Dawn Wladimir Korenew, Anastasia Wertinskaja, le Jon Voight, Trent Ford, Tamara Hope, Jon Michail Kosakow, Larisa Gordeitschik, A. His Girl Friday Gries, Taylor Handley, Huntley Ritter, Shaun Genessin, Otar Koberidze, Jana Brejchová, Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Johnston, Lolita Davidovich, Dean Cain, Alfred Struwe, Ekkehard Schall, Wladimir Bellamy, Gene Lockhart, Porter Hall, Ernest Terence Stamp - Dir. Christopher Cain Jemeljanow, Georgi Schonow, Gennadi Truex, Cliff Edwards, Clarence Kolb, Drama 2006 115min. Wernow, Yoko Tani, Oldrich Lukes, Ignacy Roscoe Karns, Frank Jenks, Regis Toomey, SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 23.10.2014 Machowski, Innokenti Smoktunowski, Abner Biberman, Frank Orth, Helen Mack, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062484 Wassili Merkurjew, Mischa Jerschow, Sa- John Qualen, Alma Kruger, Billy Gilbert, Pat scha Grigorjew, Wladimir Basow jr., Iwan West, Edwin Maxwell - Dir. Howard Hawks Sex Mission Perewersew, Alexander Schworin, Kon- Komödie 1940 92min. Seksmisja stantin Bartaschewitsch, Cox Habbema, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.10.2014 Olgierd Lukaszewicz, Jerzy Stuhr, Bozena Iwan Andonow, Wsewolod Sanajew, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061994 Stryjkowna, Boguslawa Pawelec, Hanna Donatas Banionis, Natalija Bondartschuk, Stankowa, Beata Tyszkiewicz - Dir. Juliusz Jüri Järvet, Alexander Kaidanowski, Alissa Sein Wechselgeld ist Blei Machulski Freindlich, Nikolai Grinko, Piotr Pawlowski, I Giorni Della Violenza Trailer Jewgeni Scharikow, Gojko Mitic - Dir. Peter Lee Lawrence, Beba Loncar, Science Fiction/Komödie 1983 115min. Gennadi Kasanski, Wladimir Tschebotarjow, Rosalba Neri, Luigi Vannucchi, Nello ICESTORM Entertainment 06.10.2014 M. Karjukow, Otar Koberidze, Gottfried Pazzafini, Andrea Bosic, Lucio Rosato, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062215 Kolditz, Pawel Klushantzew, Kurt Maetzig, Harold Bradley, Romano Puppo - Dir. Al Richard Wiktorow, Alexander Kosyr, Herr- Bradley Die Sex-Abenteuer der drei Mus- mann Zschoche, Andrej Tarkowski, Pawel Trailer, Bildergalerie ketiere Western 1967 100min. Kluschanzew Ingrid Steeger, Nadia Pilar, Li Huber, Rico Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Science-Fiction 1957-1979 1174min. Peter, Alfred Codona - Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich 21.11.2014 ICESTORM Entertainment 06.10.2014 Erotik 1971 76min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061925 tba BestellNr.: 20062269 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.11.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062404 Sci-Fi Box (3 Discs) Sein Wechselgeld ist Blei (Blu- Cargo - Da draussen bist du allein / ray) Die Sex-Abenteuer der drei Mus- Gagarin - Wettlauf ins All / Europa Report I Giorni Della Violenza ketiere (Blu-ray) Science Fiction 306min. Peter Lee Lawrence, Beba Loncar, Ingrid Steeger, Nadia Pilar, Li Huber, Rico Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.11.2014 Rosalba Neri, Luigi Vannucchi, Nello Peter, Alfred Codona - Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062402 Pazzafini, Andrea Bosic, Lucio Rosato, Erotik 1971 76min. Harold Bradley, Romano Puppo - Dir. Al Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.11.2014 Sci-Fi Box (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Bradley 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062414 Cargo - Da draussen bist du allein / Trailer, Bildergalerie Western 1967 104min. Gagarin - Wettlauf ins All / Europa Report Sexy Christmas Collection Science Fiction 315min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Meine Nächte sind schöner als Deine Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.11.2014 21.11.2014 Tage / Geliebte Sena / Erste Klasse Sex / tba BestellNr.: 20062413 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062145 Beach Girls Scrooge Box Sekunden entscheiden / Hans Sophie Marceau, Jacques Dutronc, Valérie Lagrange, Tony Musante, Ornella Muti, Scrooge / Scrooge - A Christmas Carol / Kloss - Spion zwischen den Fron- Monica Guerritore, Sylvia Kristel, Enrico Scrooge - A Christmas Carol ten (Ultimate Edition, 2 Discs, Montesano, Lorenzo Aiello, Debra Blee, Val Drama/Fantasy 227min. Steelbook) Kline, Jeana Tomasina - Dir. Andrzej Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.10.2014

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Zulawski, Enrico Maria Salerno, Salvatore 05.11.2014 AG(Filmjuwelen) 07.11.2014 Samperi, Pat Townsend 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062212 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062031 Erotik 1978-1990 366min. MIG Film 05.11.2014 Sharknado 2: The Second One - Silent Night (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062207 Shark Happens! Silent Night Sharknado 2: The Second One - Shark Malcolm McDowell, Jaime King, Brendan Shakespeare Collection (Limited Happens! Fehr, Donal Logue, Ellen Wong, Lisa Marie, Edition, 12 Discs) Tara Reid, Ian Ziering, Vivica A. Fox, Mark Courtney-Jane White, Cortney Palm, John Richard II / All’s Well That Ends Well / As McGrath, Kari Wuhrer, Courtney Baxter, B. Lowe, Rick Skene - Dir. Steven C. Miller You Like It / Love’s Labour’s Lost / Mac- Dante Palminteri, D.C. Douglas, Tiffany Trailer Thriller/Horror 2012 97min. beth / Measure for Measure / The Shepis - Dir. Anthony C. Ferrante Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 05.12.2014 Merchant of Venice / A Midsummer Night’s Outtakes, Making of, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062400 Dream / Romeo and Juliet / The Second Horror/Komödie 2014 87min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.11.2014 Part of Henry the Sixth / Troilus & Silent Night (k.J.) Cressida / Winter’s Tale tba BestellNr.: 20062379 Silent Night Drama/Komödie 1978-1983 1800min. Malcolm McDowell, Jaime King, Brendan justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Sharknado 2: The Second One - Fehr, Donal Logue, Ellen Wong, Lisa Marie, 10.10.2014 Shark Happens! (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Courtney-Jane White, Cortney Palm, John 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061789 ray) B. Lowe, Rick Skene - Dir. Steven C. Miller Sharknado 2: The Second One - Shark Trailer Shark Night 3D / Bait 3D Happens! Thriller/Horror 2012 94min. Shark Night 3D / Bait 3D Tara Reid, Ian Ziering, Vivica A. Fox, Mark Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 05.12.2014 Sara Paxton, Dustin Milligan, Chris McGrath, Kari Wuhrer, Courtney Baxter, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062380 Carmack, Phoebe Tonkin, Alex Russell, Dante Palminteri, D.C. Douglas, Tiffany Julian McMahon - Dir. David R. Ellis, Kimble Shepis - Dir. Anthony C. Ferrante Silent Night, Zombie Night (Blu- Rendall Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm ray) (k.J.) Horror/Action 2011-2012 min. Horror/Komödie 2014 91min. Silent Night, Zombie Night Universum Film Home Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.11.2014 Vernon Wells, Felissa Rose, Lew Temple, Entertainment(Telepool/SquareOne) tba BestellNr.: 20062399 Jack Forcinito, Nadine Stenovitch, Andy 14.11.2014 Hopper, Timothy Muskatell, Jimmy Williams - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061826 Sharknado 2: The Second One - Dir. Sean Cain Shark Happens! (Blu-ray) Shark Night 3D / Bait 3D (Blu-ray) Horror 2009 83min. Sharknado 2: The Second One - Shark MIG Film 04.12.2014 Shark Night 3D / Bait 3D Happens! tba BestellNr.: 20062156 Sara Paxton, Dustin Milligan, Chris Tara Reid, Ian Ziering, Vivica A. Fox, Mark Carmack, Phoebe Tonkin, Alex Russell, McGrath, Kari Wuhrer, Courtney Baxter, Silent Night, Zombie Night (k.J.) Julian McMahon - Dir. David R. Ellis, Kimble Dante Palminteri, D.C. Douglas, Tiffany Silent Night, Zombie Night Rendall Shepis - Dir. Anthony C. Ferrante Vernon Wells, Felissa Rose, Lew Temple, Horror/Action 2011-2012 min. Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Jack Forcinito, Nadine Stenovitch, Andy Universum Film Home Horror/Komödie 2014 91min. Hopper, Timothy Muskatell, Jimmy Williams - Entertainment(Telepool/SquareOne) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.11.2014 Dir. Sean Cain 14.11.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20062398 Horror 2009 79min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062085 Shergar - Das Rennpferd MIG Film 04.12.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20061941 Shark Triple Feature Box (3 Shergar Discs) (k.J.) Sir , David Warner, Mickey Rourke, Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For Lara Murphy, Tom Walsh - Dir. Denis Sand Sharks / Shark Attack / Snow Sharks (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Corin Nemec, Gina Holden, Brooke Hogan, Lewiston Sin City: A Dame To Kill For Peta Wilson, Chelan Simmons, Remi Broad- Drama 1999 88min. Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Joseph Gor- way, Alexander Mendeluk, Kate Nauta, KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) don-Levitt, Powers Boothe, Josh Brolin, Benjamin Easterday - Dir. Mark Atkins, Da- 16.10.2014 Eva Green, Dennis Haysbert, Rosario vid Lister, Scott Wheeler 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062236 Dawson, Jamie Chung, Jaime King, Christo- Horror 2009-2013 262min. pher Meloni, Jeremy Piven, Stacy Keach, Splendid Film 28.11.2014 Sherlock Holmes - Der Hund von Bruce Willis, Ray Liotta - Dir. Frank Miller, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062302 Baskerville Robert Rodriguez The Hound Of The Baskervilles Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 102min. Sharkbox XXL (3 Discs) Ian Richardson, Donald Churchill, Denholm Splendid Film 30.01.2015 Shark Divers / 2-Headed Shark Attack / Elliott, Glynis Barber, Brian Blessed, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062316 Great White / Jurassic Shark / Mega Eleanor Bron, Edward Judd, Ronald Lacey Shark vs. Shark / Megalodon / - Dir. Douglas Hickox Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For Ghost Shark / Sharknado Bildergalerie Tara Reid, Ian Ziering, John Heard, Kriminalfilm 1983 96min. (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Mackenzie Rosman, Dave Randolph- Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Sin City: A Dame To Kill For Mayhem Davis, Richard Moll, Brooke 01.09.2014 Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Joseph Gor- Hogan, Charlie O’Connell, Carmen Electra, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061724 don-Levitt, Powers Boothe, Josh Brolin, Emanuelle Carriere, Celine Filion, Christine Eva Green, Dennis Haysbert, Rosario Emes, Richard Keats, Terry Arrowsmith, RJ Sieben Tage Frist Dawson, Jamie Chung, Jaime King, Christo- Collins, Leighanne Littrell, Robin Sachs, Al Joachim Fuchsberger, Konrad Georg, Horst pher Meloni, Jeremy Piven, Stacy Keach, Sapienza, Christopher Judge, Elisabeth Tappert, Karin Hübner, Petra Schürmann, Bruce Willis, Ray Liotta - Dir. Frank Miller, Röhm, Deborah Gibson, Danny Mauro - Dir. Hilde Brand, Bruno Dallansky, Paul Albert Robert Rodriguez Anthony C. Ferrante, Griff Furst, Christo- Krumm, Robert Meyn, Joachim Rake, Otto Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 102min. pher Ray, Brett Kelly, Zac Reeder, Pat Stern, Wolfgang Stumpf Splendid Film 30.01.2015 Corbitt, Emile Edwin Smith, Danny Mauro Booklet 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062346 Horror 1969 100min. Horror 1991-2014 769min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Great Movies GmbH(Magic Movie) Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For

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(Blu-ray 3D, Limited Edition, 2 Degischer, Erich Nikowitz, Prof. Peter Carroll, Lilli Palmer, Robert Young, Michael Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Weck, Josef Meinrad - Dir. Ernst Marischka Redgrave - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Featurette, Dokumentaition, Interview, Making of, Trailer Thriller 1936 83min. Sin City: A Dame To Kill For Drama/Heimatfilm 1955-1957 307min. Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Joseph Gor- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 26.09.2014 don-Levitt, Powers Boothe, Josh Brolin, Germany 06.11.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061844 Eva Green, Dennis Haysbert, Rosario 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061890 Dawson, Jamie Chung, Jaime King, Christo- Stage Fright pher Meloni, Jeremy Piven, Stacy Keach, Slayer - Sie müssen töten, um zu Stage Fright Bruce Willis, Ray Liotta - Dir. Frank Miller, überleben! (k.J.) Allie MacDonald, Meat Loaf, Minnie Driver, Robert Rodriguez Scout’s Honor Douglas Smith, Kent Nolan, Brandon Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 102min. Corey Feldman, Meredith Salenger, Scott Uranowitz, Ephraim Ellis, Melanie Leishman Splendid Film 30.01.2015 Reeves - Dir. Michael Spence - Dir. Jerome Sable 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062341 Action/Thriller 1990 88min. Audiokommentar, Sing Alongs, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.09.2014 Interviews, Featurettes, Trailer Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For Horror/Musical 2014 89min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061784 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) capelight pictures 24.10.2014 Sin City: A Dame To Kill For The Sleeping Car (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061708 Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Joseph Gor- The Sleeping Car Stage Fright (Blu-ray) don-Levitt, Powers Boothe, Josh Brolin, David Naughton, Judie Aronson, Kevin Stage Fright Eva Green, Dennis Haysbert, Rosario McCarthy, Jeff Conaway, Dani Minnick, Allie MacDonald, Meat Loaf, Minnie Driver, Dawson, Jamie Chung, Jaime King, Christo- John Carl Buechler - Dir. Douglas Curtis pher Meloni, Jeremy Piven, Stacy Keach, Trailer, Wendecover Douglas Smith, Kent Nolan, Brandon Bruce Willis, Ray Liotta - Dir. Frank Miller, Horror 1989 73min. Uranowitz, Ephraim Ellis, Melanie Leishman Robert Rodriguez da music(Laser Paradise) 02.10.2014 - Dir. Jerome Sable Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Interviews, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 102min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062366 Featurettes, Trailer Splendid Film 30.01.2015 Horror/Musical 2014 93min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062315 Smiley Face - Was für ein Trip...! capelight pictures 24.10.2014 Smiley Face 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061731 Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For Anna Faris, Adam Brody, John Cho, Michael (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Hitchcock, John Krasinski, , Stalingrad Sin City: A Dame To Kill For Danny Masterson, Marion Ross, Danny Stalingrad Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Joseph Gor- Trejo - Dir. Gregg Araki Thomas Kretschmann, Yanina Studilina, don-Levitt, Powers Boothe, Josh Brolin, Trailer, Making of Andrej Smoljakow, Pjotr Fjodorow, Philippe Komödie 2007 81min. Eva Green, Dennis Haysbert, Rosario Reinhardt, Marija Smolnikowa, Heiner Koch Media 04.12.2014 Dawson, Jamie Chung, Jaime King, Christo- Lauterbach, Giorgi Dewdariani, Aleksei 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062442 pher Meloni, Jeremy Piven, Stacy Keach, Barabash - Dir. Fedor Bondarchuk Bruce Willis, Ray Liotta - Dir. Frank Miller, Smiley Face - Was für ein Trip...! Action/Kriegsfilm 2013 125min. Robert Rodriguez Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 102min. (Blu-ray) 27.11.2014 Splendid Film 30.01.2015 Smiley Face 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061802 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062345 Anna Faris, Adam Brody, John Cho, Michael Hitchcock, John Krasinski, Jane Lynch, Stalingrad (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For Danny Masterson, Marion Ross, Danny 2D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Trejo - Dir. Gregg Araki Trailer, Making of Stalingrad Sin City: A Dame To Kill For Komödie 2007 84min. Thomas Kretschmann, Yanina Studilina, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Joseph Gor- Koch Media 04.12.2014 Andrej Smoljakow, Pjotr Fjodorow, Philippe don-Levitt, Powers Boothe, Josh Brolin, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062464 Reinhardt, Marija Smolnikowa, Heiner Eva Green, Dennis Haysbert, Rosario Lauterbach, Giorgi Dewdariani, Aleksei Dawson, Jamie Chung, Jaime King, Christo- So ein Bienchen Barabash - Dir. Fedor Bondarchuk pher Meloni, Jeremy Piven, Stacy Keach, Sabine Merten, Holger Richter, Dietmar Action/Kriegsfilm 2013 131min. Bruce Willis, Ray Liotta - Dir. Frank Miller, Richter-Reinick - Dir. Klaus Gendries Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Robert Rodriguez Trailer 27.11.2014 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 99min. Kinderfilm 1976 75min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062057 Splendid Film 30.01.2015 ICESTORM Entertainment 06.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062303 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062222 Stalingrad (Blu-ray) Stalingrad Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Bud Thomas Kretschmann, Yanina Studilina, (k.J.) & Terence hoch 10 (10 Discs) (Blu- Andrej Smoljakow, Pjotr Fjodorow, Philippe Sin City: A Dame To Kill For ray) Reinhardt, Marija Smolnikowa, Heiner Lauterbach, Giorgi Dewdariani, Aleksei Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Joseph Gor- Der Bomber / Bud, der Ganovenschreck / Barabash - Dir. Fedor Bondarchuk don-Levitt, Powers Boothe, Josh Brolin, Der Große mit seinem außerirdischen Action/Kriegsfilm 2013 131min. Eva Green, Dennis Haysbert, Rosario Kleinen / Die Miami Cops / Der Supercop / Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Dawson, Jamie Chung, Jaime King, Christo- Vier Fäuste gegen Rio / Zwei außer Rand 27.11.2014 pher Meloni, Jeremy Piven, Stacy Keach, und Band / Zwei bärenstarke Typen / Zwei 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062056 Bruce Willis, Ray Liotta - Dir. Frank Miller, sind nicht zu bremsen / Zwei wie Pech und Robert Rodriguez Schwefel Stand Up, Strip Down - In the Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 99min. Bud Spencer, Terence Hill Splendid Film 30.01.2015 Komödie/Action 1000min. Club (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062330 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.10.2014 Stand Up Strip Down 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062504 Dani Woodward, Jamie Sweet, Scott Sissi - Trilogie (3 Discs, Digital Risner - Dir. Adam Doench Remastered) Der Spion Trailer Thriller/Erotik 2014 85min. Romy Schneider, Karlheinz Böhm, Gustav The Secret Agent Bubblegum Movie AG 28.11.2014 Knuth, Magda Schneider, Uta Franz, Vilma Sir , Peter Lorre, Madeleine

LASER HOTLINE Seite 60 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD tba BestellNr.: 20062395 Stereo 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062128 Jürgen Vogel, Moritz Bleibtreu, Petra Stand Up, Strip Down - In the Schmidt-Schaller, Georg Friedrich, Rainer Supernatural - Die komplette Club (k.J.) Bock, Mark Zak, Helena Schönfelder, Fabi- achte Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Stand Up Strip Down an Hinrichs, Valery Tscheplanowa, Jürgen Supernatural Dani Woodward, Jamie Sweet, Scott Holtz, Paul Faßnacht, Adrian Can, Julian Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jeffrey Risner - Dir. Adam Doench Schmieder, Gerdy Zint - Dir. Maximilian Dean Morgan, Jim Beaver, Samantha Ferris, Trailer Erlenwein Samantha Smith, Alona Tal, Katie Cassidy, Thriller/Erotik 2014 81min. Thriller 2014 90min. Chad Lindberg, Nicki Aycox, Fredric Lehne Bubblegum Movie AG 28.11.2014 EuroVideo Medien 20.11.2014 - Dir. , Robert Singer, Philip tba BestellNr.: 20062375 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061911 Sgriccia, Michael Rohl, Charles Beeson, Peter Ellis, Jason Statham - Die Action Box Stereo (Blu-ray) Horror/Fantasy 2005-2014 923min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Jürgen Vogel, Moritz Bleibtreu, Petra Warner Home Video Germany 20.11.2014 Safe - Todsicher / The Italian Job / Killer Schmidt-Schaller, Georg Friedrich, Rainer 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062390 Elite Bock, Mark Zak, Helena Schönfelder, Fabi- Jason Statham an Hinrichs, Valery Tscheplanowa, Jürgen Supernatural - Die komplette Action 2003-2012 321min. Holtz, Paul Faßnacht, Adrian Can, Julian achte Staffel (6 Discs) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Schmieder, Gerdy Zint - Dir. Maximilian Supernatural Home Edition) 06.11.2014 Erlenwein Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jeffrey 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062107 Thriller 2014 94min. Dean Morgan, Jim Beaver, Samantha Ferris, EuroVideo Medien 20.11.2014 Samantha Smith, Alona Tal, Katie Cassidy, Jason Statham - Die Action Box 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062135 Chad Lindberg, Nicki Aycox, Fredric Lehne (k.J.) - Dir. Kim Manners, Robert Singer, Philip Safe - Todsicher / The Italian Job / Killer Stiller Sommer Sgriccia, Michael Rohl, Charles Beeson, Elite Dagmar Manzel, Ernst Stötzner, Victoria Peter Ellis, David Nutter Jason Statham Trauttmansdorff, Marie Tietjen, Arthur Horror/Fantasy 2005-2014 min. Action 2003-2012 309min. Igual, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Sylvie Warner Home Video Germany 20.11.2014 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Granotier, Rainer Ewerrien, Jef Bayonne, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062361 Home Edition) 06.11.2014 Rainer Galke - Dir. Nana Neul 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061857 Trailer, Audiokommentar Symphony of Death (k.J.) Drama 2013 88min. Chello Hongmijoo Ilga Salinsagan good!movies(Zorro) 10.10.2014 Step Up: All In Jeong Ho-bin, Jeong Yu-mi, Park Da-an, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061980 Step Up All In Seong Hyeon-a - Dir. Lee Woo-cheol Ryan Guzman, Briana Evigan, Misha Gabri- A Stranger in Town - Ein Dollar Making of, Trailer, Wendecover el, Stephen Boss, Izabella Miko, Alyson Horror 2005 92min. Stoner, Adam Sevani, Mari Koda, David zwischen den Zähnen da music(Laser Paradise) 02.10.2014 Shreibman, Chadd Smith, Facundo Lom- Un Dollaro Tra I Denti 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062367 bard, Martin Lombard, Luis Rosado, Chri- Tony Anthony, Frank Wolff, Jolanda Modio, stopher Scott, Parris Goebbel, Cyrus Gia Sandri, Raf Baldassarre, Aldo Berti, Tage der Freiheit - Schlacht um Spencer - Dir. Trish Sie Enrico Capoleoni - Dir. Vance Lewis Mexiko Drama/Musikfilm 2014 min. Western 1966 83min. Cinco De Mayo: La Batalla Highlight Communications VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.09.2014 Christian Vasquez, Liz Gallardo, William (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.01.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061786 Miller, Javier Oliván, Jose Carlos Montes, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061912 Ginés Garcia Millan, Angelica Aragon (Doña Die Suche nach der Quelle des Soledad), Mario Zaragoza, Kuno Becker, Step Up: All In (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Nils (2 Discs) Noé Hernández, Antonio Merlano - Dir. ray) The Search For The Nile Rafael Lara Step Up All In Kenneth Haigh, John Quentin, Barbara Trailer, Making of, Musikvideo Drama/Kriegsfilm 2013 122min. Ryan Guzman, Briana Evigan, Misha Gabri- Leigh-Hunt ICESTORM Entertainment 26.09.2014 el, Stephen Boss, Izabella Miko, Alyson Abenteuer 1971 347min. tba BestellNr.: 20062261 Stoner, Adam Sevani, Mari Koda, David Pidax film media(Pidax film) 24.10.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061849 Shreibman, Chadd Smith, Facundo Lom- Tarzan und die verlorene Stadt bard, Martin Lombard, Luis Rosado, Chri- Tarzan And The Lost City stopher Scott, Parris Goebbel, Cyrus Super Dogs Summer House Casper Van Dien, Jane March, Steven Spencer - Dir. Trish Sie Santa’s Summer House Waddington, Winston Ntshona, Rapulana Drama/Musikfilm 2014 min. Gary Daniels, , Christo- Seiphemo, Ian Roberts - Dir. Carl Schenkel Highlight Communications pher Mitchum, Daniel Bernhardt, Kathy Long, Jessica Morris, Yung Woo Hwang - Making of, interviews, Trailer (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.01.2015 Abenteuer 1998 98min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062137 Dir. David DeCoteau Trailer Koch Media 04.12.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062448 Step Up: All In (Blu-ray) Komödie/Familie 2012 86min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.10.2014 Step Up All In 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061900 Der Tatortreiniger 3 (Blu-ray) Ryan Guzman, Briana Evigan, Misha Gabri- Bjarne Mädel, Karin Hanczewski, Fritzi el, Stephen Boss, Izabella Miko, Alyson Super Dogs Summer House (Blu- Haberlandt, André Jung, Matthias Bund- Stoner, Adam Sevani, Mari Koda, David ray) schuh, Kathleen Gallego Zapata, Bastian Shreibman, Chadd Smith, Facundo Lom- Reiber, Peer Martiny, Jörg Pose, Hilke Santa’s Summer House bard, Martin Lombard, Luis Rosado, Chri- Altefrohne, Ronald Kukulies, Lisa Wagner - Gary Daniels, Cynthia Rothrock, Christo- stopher Scott, Parris Goebbel, Cyrus Dir. Arne Feldhusen Spencer - Dir. Trish Sie pher Mitchum, Daniel Bernhardt, Kathy Sticker, 2 Folgen mit englischer oder französischer Synchro- Drama/Musikfilm 2014 min. Long, Jessica Morris, Yung Woo Hwang - nisation Highlight Communications Dir. David DeCoteau Komödie/Drama 2014 104min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.01.2015 Trailer Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Komödie/Familie 2012 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062136 10.10.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.10.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062083

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Grammer, Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor, ger Games / Die Tribute von Taxi - Die erste Season (4 Discs) Bingbing Li, T.J. Miller, Sophia Myles, Panem - Catching Fire (2 Discs) Taxi Abigail Klein - Dir. Michael Bay Judd Hirsch, Jeff Conaway, Danny DeVito, Action/Science Fiction 2014 165min. (Blu-ray) Marilu Henner, Tony Danza, Andy Kaufman Paramount Home Entertainment 27.11.2014 The Hunger Games / The Hunger Games: - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061880 Catching Fire Komödie 1978-1979 520min. Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 Transformers: Ära des Untergangs Hemsworth - Dir. Gary Ross, Francis 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062018 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Lawrence Featurettes, Biografien, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Transformers: Age Of Extinction Trailer, Wendecover Taxi - Die fünfte Season (3 Discs) Mark Wahlberg, , Kelsey Action/Science Fiction 2012-2013 289min. Taxi Grammer, Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Komödie 1982 573min. Bingbing Li, T.J. Miller, Sophia Myles, Germany 06.11.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 Abigail Klein - Dir. Michael Bay 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062127 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062019 Action/Science Fiction 2014 172min. Paramount Home Entertainment 27.11.2014 Tropa de Elite / Elite Squad Tiger der Todesarena (Dragon 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062120 Tropa De Elite / Tropa De Elite 2 - O Edition) Inimigo Agora é Outro Feng Yu Shuang Liu Xing Transformers: Ära des Untergangs Wagner Moura, André Ramiro, Caio Jackie Chan, Jimmy Wang Yu, Cho Feng, (Blu-ray 3D, 3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Junqueira, Irandhir Santos - Dir. José Phillip Ko - Dir. Wei Lo Transformers: Age Of Extinction Padilha Action/Eastern 1976 100min. Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci, Kelsey Thriller/Action 2007-2010 min. Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 28.11.2014 Grammer, Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor, Universum Film Home 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062301 Bingbing Li, T.J. Miller, Sophia Myles, Entertainment(SquareOne) 14.11.2014 Abigail Klein - Dir. Michael Bay 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061832 Tiger der Todesarena (Dragon Action/Science Fiction 2014 172min. Edition) (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 27.11.2014 Tropa de Elite / Elite Squad (Blu- Feng Yu Shuang Liu Xing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062121 ray) Jackie Chan, Jimmy Wang Yu, Cho Feng, Tropa De Elite / Tropa De Elite 2 - O Phillip Ko - Dir. Wei Lo Trapped - Kein Entkommen (Blu- Inimigo Agora é Outro Action/Eastern 1976 104min. ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Wagner Moura, André Ramiro, Caio Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 28.11.2014 Trapped Junqueira, Irandhir Santos - Dir. José 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062314 Aryanne Padilha, Theo Crisell, Kiri Stevens Padilha - Dir. Drew Stewart Thriller/Action 2007-2010 min. Tödliche Versprechen / Das Impe- Thriller/Horror 2012 77min. Universum Film Home rium der Wölfe (2 Discs) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Zenith Entertainment(SquareOne) 14.11.2014 L’ Empire Des Loups / Eastern Promises Pictures) 18.11.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062090 Viggo Mortensen, Naomi Watts, Vincent tba BestellNr.: 20061734 Cassel, Jean Reno, Arly Jover, Jocelyn Turn Me On! Quivrin - Dir. David Cronenberg, Chris Trapped - Kein Entkommen (Blu- Fa Meg Pa, For Faen Nahon ray) (k.J.) Helene Bergsholm, Matias Myren, Malin Bjørhovde, Beate Støfring, Lars Nordtveit Thriller 2005-2007 min. Trapped Listau, Henriette Steenstrup, Jon Devik Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Aryanne Padilha, Theo Crisell, Kiri Stevens (Sebjørn), Julia Bache-Wiig, Julia Elise 14.11.2014 - Dir. Drew Stewart Schacht, Arthur Berning, Hildegunn 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061839 Thriller/Horror 2012 77min. Ommedal, Ole Johan Skjelbred-Knudsen, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Zenith Finn Tokvam, Ronny Brede Aase, Per Tödliche Versprechen / Das Impe- Pictures) 18.11.2014 Kjerstad, Olaug Nilssen (Sebjørns Frau), rium der Wölfe (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061733 Thomas Veastad Opheim, Arve Guggedal L’ Empire Des Loups / Eastern Promises (Børre), Inger Elisabeth Mingen, Merete Rød Viggo Mortensen, Naomi Watts, Vincent Trapped - Kein Entkommen (k.J.) - Dir. Jannicke Systad Jacobsen Cassel, Jean Reno, Arly Jover, Jocelyn Trapped Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Teaser, Trailer Quivrin - Dir. David Cronenberg, Chris Aryanne Padilha, Theo Crisell, Kiri Stevens Komödie 2011 73min. Nahon - Dir. Drew Stewart capelight pictures 07.11.2014 Thriller 2005-2007 min. Thriller/Horror 2012 74min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061709 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Zenith 14.11.2014 Pictures) 18.11.2014 Turn Me On! (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062096 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061710 Fa Meg Pa, For Faen Helene Bergsholm, Matias Myren, Malin Das total versaute Cheerleader Die Tribute von Panem - The Hun- Bjørhovde, Beate Støfring, Lars Nordtveit Camp ger Games / Die Tribute von Listau, Henriette Steenstrup, Jon Devik #1 Cheerleader Camp Panem - Catching Fire (2 Discs) (Sebjørn), Julia Bache-Wiig, Julia Elise Seth Cassell, Jay Gillespie, Erica Duke, The Hunger Games / The Hunger Games: Schacht, Arthur Berning, Hildegunn Charlene Tilton, Diane Jay Gonzalez, Maura Catching Fire Ommedal, Ole Johan Skjelbred-Knudsen, Murphy, Harmony Blossom, Brian Schulze - Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Finn Tokvam, Ronny Brede Aase, Per Dir. Mark Quod Hemsworth - Dir. Gary Ross, Francis Kjerstad, Olaug Nilssen (Sebjørns Frau), Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Lawrence Thomas Veastad Opheim, Arve Guggedal Komödie 2010 82min. Featurettes, Biografien, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, (Børre), Inger Elisabeth Mingen, Merete Rød Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Trailer, Wendecover - Dir. Jannicke Systad Jacobsen 01.09.2014 Action/Science Fiction 2012-2013 277min. Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061727 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Komödie 2011 76min. Germany 06.11.2014 capelight pictures 07.11.2014 Transformers: Ära des Untergangs 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061894 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061732 Transformers: Age Of Extinction Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci, Kelsey Die Tribute von Panem - The Hun- Turning Tide - Zwischen den Wel-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 62 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD len Thriller/Mystery 2013 520min. Claxton, Alf Kjellin, Victor French En Solitaire Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2014 Abenteuer/Familie 1974-1983 9708min. François Cluzet, Samy Seghir, Virginie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062021 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Efira, Guillaume Canet, Karine Vanasse, 20.11.2014 Arly Jover, Dana Prigent, José Coronado - Undercover - Staffel 1 (4 Discs) 129,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061748 Dir. Christophe Offenstein Pod Prikritie 1 Making of Dir. Dimitar Mitovski Unter Beobachtung Drama 2013 97min. Kriminalfilm/Action 2011 720min. Closed Circuit Senator Home Entertainment 12.12.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises 28.11.2014 Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Ciarán Hinds, Jim 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062437 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062349 Broadbent, Anne-Marie Duff, Julia Stiles, Kenneth Cranham, Doug Allen, Isaac Turning Tide - Zwischen den Wel- Undercover - Staffel 1 (4 Discs) Hempstead Wright, Barbora Bobulova, len (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Denis Moschitto, Pinar Ögün, David Sibley, En Solitaire Pod Prikritie 1 Riz Ahmed, Jemma Powell, Neil D’Souza, François Cluzet, Samy Seghir, Virginie Dir. Dimitar Mitovski Angus Wright - Dir. John Crowley Efira, Guillaume Canet, Karine Vanasse, Kriminalfilm/Action 2011 720min. Thriller 2012 92min. Arly Jover, Dana Prigent, José Coronado - Studio Hamburg Enterprises 28.11.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Christophe Offenstein 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062381 18.12.2014 Making of 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062482 Drama 2013 101min. Underworld / Underworld: Evolu- Senator Home Entertainment 12.12.2014 tion / Underworld: Aufstand der Unter Beobachtung (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062461 Closed Circuit Lykaner / Underworld: Awaken (4 Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Ciarán Hinds, Jim The Twilight Zone - Die gesamte Discs, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Broadbent, Anne-Marie Duff, Julia Stiles, dritte Staffel (6 Discs) Underworld / Underworld: Evolution / Kenneth Cranham, Doug Allen, Isaac The Twilight Zone Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans / Hempstead Wright, Barbora Bobulova, Audiokommentare, Isolierte Musikspuren, Hörspielfassungen, Underworld: Awakeni Denis Moschitto, Pinar Ögün, David Sibley, Interviews, Featurettes, Bildergalerie Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman, Michael Riz Ahmed, Jemma Powell, Neil D’Souza, Science Fiction/Mystery 1959-1964 Sheen, Tony Curran, Rhona Mitra, Bill Angus Wright - Dir. John Crowley 911min. Nighy, Stephen Rea, Michael Ealy - Dir. Len Thriller 2012 96min. Koch Media 27.11.2014 Wiseman, Patrick Tatopoulos, Måns Mårlind, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061959 Björn Stein 18.12.2014 Fantasy/Action 2003-2012 419min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062492 The Twilight Zone - Die gesamte Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) dritte Staffel (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) 06.11.2014 Unter Verdacht (Collector’s Editi- The Twilight Zone 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062059 on, 12 Discs) Audiokommentare, Isolierte Musikspuren, Hörspielfassungen, Senta Berger, Rudolf Krause, Gerd Anthoff Interviews, Featurettes, Bildergalerie Unforgettable - Die komplette 2. Science Fiction/Mystery 1959-1964 - Dir. Friedemann Fromm, Ed Herzog, An- 950min. Staffel dreas Herzog Koch Media 27.11.2014 Unforgettable Trailer Kriminalfilm 1780min. 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062167 Kriminalfilm 2013 537min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Pandastorm Pictures(Pandavision) Die Unbesiegbaren der Shaolin Germany 29.12.2014 28.10.2014 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061977 (Dragon Edition) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062501 Arts Of The Snake & Crane Das unheimliche Auge (k.J.) Der Urlaub Jackie Chan, Lee Yin-Kuo, Kim Chin-Lan, Delirium Witta Pohl, Klaus Herm, Dieter Kirchlechner Hsin Yi Chen, Ching Lan Chin, Chun Cho, Serena Grandi, Sabrina Salerno, Daria - Dir. Thomas Engel Han Chang Hu - Dir. Chen Chi-Hwa Nicolodi - Dir. Lamberto Bava Drama 1980 89min. Action/Eastern 1977 97min. Thriller 1986 90min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 07.11.2014 Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 28.11.2014 Edel Germany(New Vision) 10.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062449 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062265 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061895 Urlaub mit Hindernissen - The Die Unbesiegbaren der Shaolin United Best Man Holiday (Dragon Edition) (Blu-ray) United The Best Man Holiday Arts Of The Snake & Crane David Tennant, Dougray Scott, Neil Morris Chestnut, Taye Diggs, Regina Hall, Jackie Chan, Lee Yin-Kuo, Kim Chin-Lan, Dudgeon, Sam Claflin, Dean Andrews, Kate , Sanaa Lathan, Nia Long, Hsin Yi Chen, Ching Lan Chin, Chun Cho, Ashfield, Jack O’Connell, David Calder, Harold Perrineau Jr., Melissa De Sousa - Han Chang Hu - Dir. Chen Chi-Hwa Werner Daehn, Bill Fellows, Tim Healy, Me- Dir. Malcolm D. Lee Action/Eastern 1977 101min. lanie Hill, , Daniel Hill - Dir. Komödie 2013 118min. Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 28.11.2014 James Strong Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062287 Drama 2011 120min. 06.11.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises 12.12.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061814 Under the Dome - Season 1 (4 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061923 Discs) Urlaub mit Hindernissen - The Under The Dome Unsere kleine Farm - Die kom- Best Man Holiday (Blu-ray) Mike Vogel, Rachelle Lefevre, Natalie plette Serie (Limited 40th The Best Man Holiday Martinez, Britt Robertson, Alexander Koch, Anniversary Edition, 58 Discs) Morris Chestnut, Taye Diggs, Regina Hall, Colin Ford, Nicholas Strong, , Little House On The Prairie Terrence Howard, Sanaa Lathan, Nia Long, Aisha Hinds, Eddie Cahill, Karla Crome - Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Harold Perrineau Jr., Melissa De Sousa - Dir. Niels Arden Oplev, Jack Bender, Kari Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay Dir. Malcolm D. Lee Skogland, Paul A. Edwards, Miguel Greenbush, Sidney Greenbush, Scottie Komödie 2013 123min. Sapochnik, Roxann Dawson, Sergio MacGregor, Richard Bull, Jonathan Gilbert, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Mimica-Gezzan, David Barrett, Peter Leto 06.11.2014 Making of, Featurettes, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen Alison Arngrim, Kevin Hagen, Matthew Laborteaux - Dir. Michael Landon, William F. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062066

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Horror/Drama 2013-2014 662min. Varg Veum (3 Discs) Villa Captive (Blu-ray) (k.J.) WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Varg Veum Villa Captive 03.11.2014 Trond Espen Seim, Bjørn Floberg, Kathrine Liza Del Sierra, Dario Lado, Shalim Ortiz, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061795 Fagerland - Dir. Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen, Erik David Perez-Ribada, Derek Evans, John Richter Strand, Morten Tyldum, Alexander Corby, Ashley Price, Patricia Rosales, The Wanderers (Director’s Cut) Eik Xavier Tchili - Dir. Emmanuel Silvestre The Wanderers Making of Thriller 2011 83min. Ken Wahl, John Friedrich, Karen Allen, Toni Kriminalfilm 2007-2012 527min. KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Kalem, Alan Rosenberg, Tony Ganios - Dir. Edel Germany(ZDF Video) 31.10.2014 16.10.2014 Philip Kaufman tba BestellNr.: 20062403 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062306 Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer Action 1979 113min. - Die komplette zweite Staf- Villa Captive (k.J.) Black Hill Pictures 13.11.2014 fel (2 Discs) Villa Captive 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061960 Veep Liza Del Sierra, Dario Lado, Shalim Ortiz, Komödie/Satire 2013 min. David Perez-Ribada, Derek Evans, John The Wanderers (Director’s Cut) Warner Home Video Germany 23.10.2014 Corby, Ashley Price, Patricia Rosales, (Blu-ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062255 Xavier Tchili - Dir. Emmanuel Silvestre The Wanderers Thriller 2011 79min. Ken Wahl, John Friedrich, Karen Allen, Toni Vendetta (Blu-ray) (k.J.) KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Kalem, Alan Rosenberg, Tony Ganios - Dir. Vendetta 16.10.2014 Philip Kaufman Danny Dyer, Vincent Regan, Roxanne 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062292 Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer McKee, Nick Nevern, Ricci Harnett, Bruce Action 1979 117min. Payne, Josef Altin, Emma Samms, Alistair Vom Winde verweht - 75th Black Hill Pictures 13.11.2014 Petrie - Dir. Stephen Reynolds Anniversary (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062168 Behind the Scenes Gone With The Wind Action/Thriller 2013 94min. War DVD Box Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Olivia de Universum Film Home Entertainment Kriegsfilm 314min. Havilland, Leslie Howard, Thomas Mitchell, 14.11.2014 KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Hattie McDaniel, Barbara O’Neil, Laura H. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062052 16.10.2014 Crews, Jane Darwell, Carroll Nye, Butterfly 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062240 Vendetta (k.J.) McQueen, Ona Munson, Zack Williams, Oscar Polk, Everett Brown, Alicia Rhett, Vendetta Wara No Tate - Die Gejagten Evelyn Keyes, Fred Crane, Ann Rutherford, Danny Dyer, Vincent Regan, Roxanne Wara No Tate Mary Anderson - Dir. Victor Fleming, McKee, Nick Nevern, Ricci Harnett, Bruce Nanako Matsushima, Tatsuya Fujiwara, , Sam Wood, Charles Payne, Josef Altin, Emma Samms, Alistair Takao Osawa, , Masatô MacArthur Petrie - Dir. Stephen Reynolds Ibu, Goro Kishitani, Kento Nagayama - Dir. Drama 1939 224min. Behind the Scenes Takashi Miike Warner Home Video Germany 23.10.2014 Action/Thriller 2013 90min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 112min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062281 Universum Film Home Entertainment Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2014 14.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062356 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061788 The Walking Dead - Die komplet- te vierte Staffel (Limited Edition, Wara No Tate - Die Gejagten Verführung am Meer Steelbook, Uncut & Extended, 5 (Blu-ray) Ostrva Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Wara No Tate Peter van Eyck, Elke Sommer, Blazenka The Walking Dead Nanako Matsushima, Tatsuya Fujiwara, Katalinic, Tori Jankovic, Edith Schulze- Andrew Lincoln, Chandler Riggs, Norman Takao Osawa, Tsutomu Yamazaki, Masatô Westrum - Dir. Jovan Zivanovic Booklet Reedus - Dir. Gregory Nicotero Ibu, Goro Kishitani, Kento Nagayama - Dir. Drama 1963 76min. 8in 2 Folgen länger als im TV; Audiokommentare, Entfallene Takashi Miike Szenen, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 117min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 04.11.2014 Horror/Drama 2013-2014 698min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062468 WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062387 03.11.2014 Viel Lärm um Nichts 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062054 Much Ado About Nothing John Wayne Collection (6 Discs) Amy Acker, Alexis Denisof, Nathan Fillion, The Walking Dead - Die komplet- (Blu-ray) Clark Gregg, Reed Diamond, Fran Kranz, te vierte Staffel (Uncut & Exten- Comancheros / Land der tausend Abenteu- Jillian Morgese, Sean Maher, Spencer Treat er / Die Unbesiegten / Der längste Tag / Clark, Riki Lindhome, Ashley Johnson, ded, 5 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Der letzte Befehl / Red River Emma Bates, Tom Lenk, Nick Kocher - Dir. The Walking Dead John Wayne Joss Whedon Andrew Lincoln, Chandler Riggs, Norman Western 1959-1962 min. Komödie/Lovestory 2012 105min. Reedus - Dir. Gregory Nicotero Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 8in 2 Folgen länger als im TV; Audiokommentare, Entfallene Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 28.11.2014 Szenen, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes Germany 28.11.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061978 Horror/Drama 2013-2014 698min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062037 WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Viel Lärm um Nichts (Blu-ray) 03.11.2014 Weihnachten der Tiere (2 Discs) Much Ado About Nothing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062053 Angel Dog / Lassies Kinder / Das verwun- Amy Acker, Alexis Denisof, Nathan Fillion, schene Pony / Ein weihnachtliches Aben- Clark Gregg, Reed Diamond, Fran Kranz, The Walking Dead - Die komplet- teuer Jillian Morgese, Sean Maher, Spencer Treat te vierte Staffel (Uncut, 5 Discs) Jon Michael Davis, Farah White, Richard Clark, Riki Lindhome, Ashley Johnson, Dillard, Skip Homeier, Michael James Emma Bates, Tom Lenk, Nick Kocher - Dir. (k.J.) Wixted, Jack Bannon, Olivier Gruner, Joss Whedon The Walking Dead Warwick Davis, Carly Anderson, John Komödie/Lovestory 2012 109min. Andrew Lincoln, Chandler Riggs, Norman Lithgow, Melinda Dillon, Don Ameche - Dir. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 28.11.2014 Reedus - Dir. Gregory Nicotero Robin Nations, Jack B. Hively, Dick Moder, Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Behind the 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062185 Scenes, Featurettes Brian Kelly, William Dear

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Abenteuer/Komödie 1970-2011 470min. Koch Media 04.12.2014 Hawkins, Deanna Russo, John Ventimiglia, MIG Film 05.11.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062443 Kirk Acevedo, Stephen Singer - Dir. John T. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062220 Kretchmer, Michael Smith, Dennie Gordon, Wenn die Ketten brechen (Blu- Kevin Bray, Paul Holahan, Sanford Weihnachts Spielfilm Box ray) Bookstaver, Tricia Brock, David Straiton, Das zauberhafte Eichhörnchen / Captain Lightfoot Russell Lee Fine Marcelino / Eine total verrückte Besche- Rock Hudson, Barbara Rush, Jeff Morrow, Audiokommentar, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Kriminalfilm 2009 min. rung Kathleen Ryan, Finlay Currie, Denis O’Dea, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama/Komödie 261min. Geoffrey Toone, Shay Gorman, Robert Germany 17.10.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.10.2014 Bernal - Dir. Douglas Sirk 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061998 Einführung, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Booklet 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062247 Abenteuer 1954 92min. Ein Weihnachtsbaum Wunder Koch Media 04.12.2014 White Collar - Die komplette A Christmas Tree Miracle 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062465 zweite Season (4 Discs) Kevin Sizemore, Claudia Esposito, Terry White Collar Kiser - Dir. J.W. Myers Wettlauf zum Pol (2 Discs) Matt Bomer, Tim DeKay, Willie Garson, Drama/Komödie 2013 103min. The Glories Of The Race Sharif Atkins, Tiffani Thiessen, Marsha justbridge entertainment GmbH 14.11.2014 Martin Shaw, Hugh Grant - Dir. Ferdinand Thomason, Hilarie Burton - Dir. Tim 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062478 Fairfax Matheson, Sanford Bookstaver, Paul Abenteuer/Drama 1985 171min. Holahan, Michael Smith, David Straiton, Die Weihnachtshochzeits- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Pidax) Tricia Brock, Vincent Misiano, Rosemary geschichte 18.11.2014 Rodriguez, Kevin Bray, John T. Kretchmer, A Christmas Wedding Tail 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062406 Russell Lee Fine, Jeff King Jay Mohr, Jennie Garth - Dir. Michael Feifer Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurettes, Audiokommentar Kriminalfilm 2010-2011 min. Komödie/Familie 2011 85min. Whale Rider Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment polyband Medien GmbH 28.11.2014 Whale Rider Germany 17.10.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062263 Keisha Castle-Hughes, Rawiri Paratene, Vicky Haughton, Cliff Curtis, Grant Roa, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062249 Mana Taumaunu, Tyronne White, Taupuru Ein Weihnachtsmann für Mia The White Queen - Season 1 (4 Hats Off To Christmas! Whakataka-Brightwell, Tenia McClutchie- Haylie Duff, Antonio Cupo - Dir. Terry Mita, Rachel House, Taungaroa Emile, Discs) Ingram Tammy Davis, Mabel Wharekawa-Burt, The White Queen Drama/Lovestory 2013 85min. Rawinia Clarke, Tahei Simpson, Aomouri Rebecca Ferguson, Max Irons, James polyband Medien GmbH 28.11.2014 Parata-Haua, Roimata Taimana, Elizabeth Frain, Amanda Hale, Faye Marsay, Janet 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062268 Skeen, Peter Patuwai, Rutene Spooner, McTeer, David Oakes, Aneurin Barnard, Riccardo Davis, Apiata Whangapirita- Ben Lamb, Rupert Graves, Michael Weihnachtswunder Edition (2 Apanui - Dir. Niki Caro Maloney, Tom McKay, Eleanor Tomlinson, Discs) Audiokommentar, Featurette, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Juliet Aubrey, Caroline Goodall - Dir. James Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Kent, Jamie Payne, Colin Teague The Christmas Bunny / Weihnachtsurlaub Drama 2002 97min. Diverse / Home for Christmas / The Kid Who Loved Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Drama/Kostümfilm 2013 min. Christmas 05.12.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama 550min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062474 Germany 28.11.2014 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 24.10.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061861 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061999 Whale Rider (Blu-ray) Whale Rider White Reindeer Weißblaue Wintergeschichten 2 Keisha Castle-Hughes, Rawiri Paratene, White Reindeer (2 Discs) Vicky Haughton, Cliff Curtis, Grant Roa, Anna Margaret Hollyman, Laura Lemar- Gustl Bayrhammer, Toni Berger, Joseph Mana Taumaunu, Tyronne White, Taupuru Goldsborough, Lydia Hyslop-Johnson, Joe Hannesschläger, Michaela May, Anja Kruse Whakataka-Brightwell, Tenia McClutchie- Swanberg, Chris Doubek, Yvonne - Dir. Ralf Gregan, Bettina Braun, Karsten Mita, Rachel House, Taungaroa Emile, Erickson, Leo Erickson, Marissa Molnar - Wichniarz Tammy Davis, Mabel Wharekawa-Burt, Dir. Zach Clark Komödie 1987-2014 148min. Rawinia Clarke, Tahei Simpson, Aomouri Trailer EuroVideo Medien(ZDF Video) 05.11.2014 Parata-Haua, Roimata Taimana, Elizabeth Drama/Komödie 2013 82min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062217 Skeen, Peter Patuwai, Rutene Spooner, Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 31.10.2014 Riccardo Davis, Apiata Whangapirita- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061785 Weisse Fracht für Hongkong Apanui - Dir. Niki Caro Le Mystere De La Jonque Rouge Audiokommentar, Featurette, Making of, Behind the Scenes, White Reindeer (Blu-ray) Entfallene Szenen, Trailer White Reindeer Horst Frank, Maria Perschy, Dietmar Drama 2002 101min. Anna Margaret Hollyman, Laura Lemar- Schönherr, Brad Harris, Dorothee Parker, Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Goldsborough, Lydia Hyslop-Johnson, Joe Lili Mantovani, Philippe Lemaire - Dir. 05.12.2014 Swanberg, Chris Doubek, Yvonne Helmuth Ashley 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062486 Booklet, Trailer Erickson, Leo Erickson, Marissa Molnar - Kriminalfilm/Abenteuer 1964 89min. White Collar - Die komplette er- Dir. Zach Clark AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Trailer AG(Filmjuwelen) 10.01.2014 ste Season (4 Discs) Drama/Komödie 2013 85min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062416 White Collar Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 31.10.2014 Matt Bomer, Tim DeKay, Willie Garson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062049 Wenn die Ketten brechen Tiffani Thiessen, Sharif Atkins, Marsha Captain Lightfoot Thomason, Hilarie Burton, Diahann Carroll, The Who - Amazing Journey: The Rock Hudson, Barbara Rush, Jeff Morrow, Natalie Morales, James Rebhorn, Gloria Story of The Who / Quadrophenia Kathleen Ryan, Finlay Currie, Denis O’Dea, Votsis, Alexandra Daddario, Ross McCall, (Limited Fan Edtion, 3 Discs) Noah Emmerich, Jayce Bartok, Joseph R. Geoffrey Toone, Shay Gorman, Robert The Who - Amazing Journey: The Story of Gannascoli, Paul Blackthorne, Anna Bernal - Dir. Douglas Sirk The Who / Quadrophenia Chlumsky, Andrew McCarthy, Kevin Kilner, Einführung, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Booklet The Who Abenteuer 1954 88min. Joseph Sikora, Billy Dee Williams, Ira Musikfilm 1979-2007 324min.

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Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) John Wayne, Tully Marshall, Conway Erotik 93min. 04.12.2014 Tearle, Shirley Grey, Edmund Breese, Lloyd AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Busch 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062495 Whitlock, Al Bridge, Matthew Betz, Joseph Media Group) 10.10.2014 Girard, James Burtis, Ernie Adams, Charles 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061787 Wie herrlich, eine Frau zu sein King, J. Farrell MacDonald, Al Ferguson, La Fortuna Di Essere Donna Glenn Strange, Yakima Canutt - Dir. J.P. Young Ones Sophia Loren, Charles Boyer, Marcello McGowan, Armand Schaefer Young Ones Mastroianni, Nino Besozzi, Titina de Filippo Abenteuer 1932 182min. , Nicholas Hoult, Elle - Dir. Alessandro Blasetti Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.10.2014 Fanning, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Aimee Mullins, Zwei deutsche Synchronfassungen, Bildergalerie, Booklet 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061992 Andy McPhee, Alex McGregor, Robert Komödie 1956 92min. Hobbs - Dir. Jake Paltrow Koch Media 04.12.2014 Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort (Blu- Drama/Science Fiction 2014 100min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062444 ray) (k.J.) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061968 Bruce Willis Collection (6 Discs) Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort Sadie Katz - Dir. Valeri Milev 12 Monkeys / Alpha Dog / The Cold Light Thriller/Horror 2014 min. Young Ones (Blu-ray) of Day / Inside Hollywood / Looper / Der Highlight Communications Young Ones Schakal (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.01.2015 Michael Shannon, Nicholas Hoult, Elle Bruce Willis 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062138 Fanning, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Aimee Mullins, Making-of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews Andy McPhee, Alex McGregor, Robert Science Fiction/Thriller 1995-2012 660min. Hobbs - Dir. Jake Paltrow Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort (k.J.) Drama/Science Fiction 2014 104min. Home Edition) 06.11.2014 Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.11.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061856 Sadie Katz - Dir. Valeri Milev Thriller/Horror 2014 min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062177 Highlight Communications Bruce Willis Collection (6 Discs) Das Zeugenhaus (Blu-ray) (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.01.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061913 Iris Berben, Matthias Brandt, Edgar Selge, 12 Monkeys / Alpha Dog / The Cold Light Samuel Finzi, Johanna Gastdorf, Tobias of Day / Inside Hollywood / Looper / Der Xanadu - Sex ist unsere Leiden- Moretti, Vicky Krieps, Britta Hammelstein, Schakal schaft (2 Discs) Matthias Matschke, Udo Samel, Gisela Bruce Willis Schneeberger, Rosalie Thomass - Dir. Matti Xanadu Making-of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews Geschonneck Science Fiction/Thriller 1995-2012 660min. Jean-Baptiste Malartre, Julien Boisselier, Drama min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Nora Arnezeder, Nathalie Blanc, Swann Universum Film Home Home Edition) 06.11.2014 Arlaud, Judith Henry, Jean-Louis Foulquier, Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 21.11.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062106 Vanessa Demouy, Phil Hollyday, Gaïa 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061756 Amaral, Mathilde Bisson, Pénélope Winter’s Tale Lévêque, Audrey Bastien, Axel Kiener, Das Zeugenhaus (Blu-ray) Winter’s Tale Jeffrey Barbeau, Solène Rigot, Odile Iris Berben, Matthias Brandt, Edgar Selge, , , Vuillemin, Martine Demaret - Dir. Jean- Samuel Finzi, Johanna Gastdorf, Tobias Jennifer Connelly, William Hurt, Eva Marie Philippe Amar, Daniel Grou (als „Podz“) Moretti, Vicky Krieps, Britta Hammelstein, Saint, , Mckayla Twiggs, Drama 2010 384min. Matthias Matschke, Udo Samel, Gisela Ripley Sobo, Will Smith, Kevin Durand, Lucy Tiberius Film 04.12.2014 Schneeberger, Rosalie Thomass - Dir. Matti Griffiths, Matt Bomer, Graham Greene - Dir. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062295 Geschonneck Drama min. Fantasy/Lovestory 2013 113min. Xanadu - Sex ist unsere Leiden- Universum Film Home Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2014 schaft (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 21.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062357 Xanadu 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061765 Jean-Baptiste Malartre, Julien Boisselier, Winter’s Tale (Blu-ray) Nora Arnezeder, Nathalie Blanc, Swann Zicke Zacke Ziegenkacke Winter’s Tale Arlaud, Judith Henry, Jean-Louis Foulquier, Goats Colin Farrell, Jessica Brown Findlay, Vanessa Demouy, Phil Hollyday, Gaïa Vera Farmiga, David Duchovny, Keri Jennifer Connelly, William Hurt, Eva Marie Amaral, Mathilde Bisson, Pénélope Russell, Dakota Johnson, , Justin Saint, Russell Crowe, Mckayla Twiggs, Lévêque, Audrey Bastien, Axel Kiener, Kirk, Graham Phillips, Justin Wheelon, Ade- Ripley Sobo, Will Smith, Kevin Durand, Lucy Jeffrey Barbeau, Solène Rigot, Odile laide Kane, Evan Boymel, Timothy Gibbs, Griffiths, Matt Bomer, Graham Greene - Dir. Vuillemin, Martine Demaret - Dir. Jean- Olga Segura - Dir. Christopher Neil Akiva Goldsman Philippe Amar, Daniel Grou (als „Podz“) Komödie/Drama 2012 94min. Fantasy/Lovestory 2013 118min. Drama 2010 400min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment 21.11.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2014 Tiberius Film 04.12.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20061938 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062388 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062309 Zicke Zacke Ziegenkacke (Blu- Wir machen durch bis morgen XConfessions by You & Erika Lust früh ray) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Goats Fahri Yardim, Heike Makatsch, Armin XConfessions by You & Erika Lust Vera Farmiga, David Duchovny, Keri Rohde, Matthias Koeberlin, Christina Hecke, Dir. Erika Lust Russell, Dakota Johnson, Ty Burrell, Justin Katja Danowski, Maximilian Simonischek, Trailer, Wendecover Kirk, Graham Phillips, Justin Wheelon, Ade- Nicholas Ofczarek, Tristan Seith, Peter Erotik 96min. laide Kane, Evan Boymel, Timothy Gibbs, Heinrich Brix, Milton Welsh, Catrin AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Busch Olga Segura - Dir. Christopher Neil Striebeck, Victoria Fleer - Dir. Lars Becker Media Group) 10.10.2014 Komödie/Drama 2012 97min. Komödie 2014 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062051 Lighthouse Home Entertainment 21.11.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) tba BestellNr.: 20062153 31.10.2014 XConfessions by You & Erika Lust 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061918 (k.J.) Der Zigeunerbaron XConfessions by You & Erika Lust The Wrecker Carlos Thompson, Heidi Brühl, Willy Dir. Erika Lust Millowitsch, Danièle Gaubert, Félix Marten, The Hurricane Express Trailer, Wendecover

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Peer Schmidt, Ida Ehre, Pierre Parel, Mau- Doc of the Dead (OmU) (Blu-ray) good!movies(Neue Visionen) 10.10.2014 rice Teynac, Stanislav Ledinek, Walter Doc Of The Dead 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062055 Gross - Dir. Kurt Wilhelm Dir. Alexandre O. Philippe Booklet Dokumentation/Film 2014 81min. Das radikal Böse Musical/Komödie 1962 103min. WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Dir. Stefan Ruzowitzky AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 28.11.2014 Trailer, Interview AG(Filmjuwelen) 07.11.2014 Dokumentarfilm 2013 93min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062070 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062030 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(W-Film) I Am Ali 24.10.2014 Zoff und Zärtlichkeit Folgen 1-6 (2 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061928 I Am Ali Discs) Muhammad Ali - Dir. Clare Lewins Schnee von gestern Christina Plate, Helmut Zierl Dokumentarfilm 2014 106min. Dir. Yael Reuveny Komödie 1995 540min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dokumentarfilm 2013 96min. in-akustik(Das Erste) 26.09.2014 06.11.2014 good!movies(Schwarz-Weiss) 10.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061797 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061822 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061982 Zombie Brigade (k.J.) I Am Ali (Blu-ray) Soundbreaker (OmU) Zombie Brigade I Am Ali Soundbreaker John Moore, Khym Cam, Geoff Gibbs, Adam Muhammad Ali - Dir. Clare Lewins Kimmo Pohjonen, Samuli Kosminen, Kronos A. Wong, Maggie Wilde West, Bob Dokumentarfilm 2014 111min. Quartet - Dir. Kimmo Koskela Faggetter - Dir. Carmelo Musca, Barrie Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Pattison Trailer 06.11.2014 Porträt/Biographie/Musik 2012 86min. Horror 1986 92min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062075 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(W-Film) Edel Germany(New Vision) 10.10.2014 07.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061898 I Am Ali (Special Edition, 2 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061937 Zombie Graveyard (k.J.) (Blu-ray) I Am Ali Verführt und verlassen (OmU) Della Morte, Dell’ Amore Muhammad Ali - Dir. Clare Lewins Seduced And Abandoned Rupert Everett, Anna Falchi, François Dokumentarfilm 2014 111min. Alec Baldwin, , Francis Hadji-Lazaro, Stefano Masciarelli, Mickey Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Ford Coppola, Roman Polanski - Dir. James Knox, Clive Riche, Fabiana Formica, Anton 06.11.2014 Toback Alexander - Dir. Michele Soavi 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062076 Trailer, Wendecover Wendecover, Trailer Dokumentarfilm 2013 94min. Horror/Komödie 1993 99min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment da music(Laser Paradise) 02.10.2014 Mistaken for Strangers (OmU) Germany(Weltkino) 06.11.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062368 Mistaken For Strangers Matt Berninger, Tom Berninger, Aaron 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061901 Dessner, Bryce Dessner, Bryan Devendorf, Scott Devendorf - Dir. Tom Berninger Verführt und verlassen (OmU) Special Interest Dokumentarfilm 2013 72min. (Blu-ray) good!movies(Neue Visionen) 10.10.2014 Seduced And Abandoned 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061796 Alec Baldwin, Martin Scorsese, Francis Doc of the Dead (OmU) Ford Coppola, Roman Polanski - Dir. James Doc Of The Dead Mistaken for Strangers (OmU) Toback Dir. Alexandre O. Philippe (Blu-ray) Trailer, Wendecover Dokumentarfilm 2013 98min. Dokumentation/Film 2014 81min. Mistaken For Strangers STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Matt Berninger, Tom Berninger, Aaron Germany(Weltkino) 06.11.2014 28.11.2014 Dessner, Bryce Dessner, Bryan Devendorf, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062129 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061819 Scott Devendorf - Dir. Tom Berninger Dokumentarfilm 2013 75min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 67 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 68 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Anniversary Deluxe Edition Animated Feature Films, Animation, Christmastime is here. Happiness and cheer. And for Peanuts Children’s, Comedy, Computer Animation, Animation fans everywhere, it just wouldn’t be Christmas without this Family, Movies, Science Fiction, Special classic holiday delight. Christmas lights may be twinkling red and green, but Charlie Brown has the Yuletide blues. To get in Editions 2010 95min. Animated Holiday Giftset the holiday spirit, he takes Lucy’s advice and directs the Universal Studios 04.11.2014 Lynn Redgrave, Harry Connick Jr., Tim Christmas play. And what’s a Christmas play without a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124556 Christmas tree? But everyone makes fun of the short, spindly Curry evergreen Charlie Brown brings back - until the real meaning Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, of Christmas works its magic once again in this Remastered Despicable Me 2 - Limited Edition Children’s, Christmas, Collections, Family, Deluxe Edition with Improved Picture and Audio. Holiday Blu-ray Gift Set (Blu-ray) Fantasy, Friendships, Holidays, Magic, Animation, Based On A Comic Strip, Elsie Fisher, Benjamin Bratt, Moises Arias, Royalty 328min. Children’s, Christmas, Classics, Comedy, Russell Brand, Kristen Wiig, Miranda Starz / Anchor Bay 04.11.2014 Family, Friendships, Holidays, Special Cosgrove, Ken Jeong, Steve Carell, Steve 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124550 Editions min. Warner Bros. 02.12.2014 Coogan - Dir. Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124741 Gru, his adorable girls, and the mischievous Minions are B Gata H Kei: Complete Series back with a cast of unforgettable new characters in the blockbuster sequel to the worldwide phenomenon. Just as Gru (Blu-ray) Chuggington: Snow Rescue has given up being super-bad to be a super-dad, the Anti- Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Villain League recruits him to track down a new criminal In this action-packed collection - featuring new character mastermind and save the world. Partnered with secret agent Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, montages, the complete Snow Rescue Special and more - the Lucy Wilde, Gru, along with the wildly unpredictable Minions, Japanese, Television min. trainees work together for big winter fun and adventure! It’s must figure out how to keep his cover while also keeping up Funimation 04.11.2014 winter time in Chuggington and the Chuggers make special with his duties as a father. Assemble the Minions for laugh- preparations for the magical Winter Parade, outfitting out-loud comedy in „one of the funniest, most enjoyable movies 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124847 themselves in glowing colored lights for a special nighttime ever!“ (MovieGuide) processional through town. But when freezing fog traps Koko and a snowy avalanche derails Fletch, Wilson and the Chug Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Anima- Bayonetta: Bloody Fate (Blu-ray + Patrol must set out on a wild winter rescue! Your own little tion, Blu-ray, Children’s, Comedy, Computer DVD) (Blu-ray) Chugger will discover important lessons about safety, Animation, Family, Movies, Science Fiction, responsibility, and teamwork in this and four other special Action, Animation, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, episodes showcasing the latest adventures in Chuggington! Special Editions 2013 98min. Japanese 90min. Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Universal Studios 04.11.2014 Funimation 21.10.2014 Friendships, Television 2014 64min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124581 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124773 Starz / Anchor Bay 09.12.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124981 Despicable Me 2 - Limited Edition Black Butler: Complete Season Holiday DVD Gift Set Two (Classic) (Blu-ray) Death Note: The Complete Series Elsie Fisher, Benjamin Bratt, Moises Arias, Animation, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Inter- Animation, Anime, Foreign, International, Russell Brand, Kristen Wiig, Miranda national TV, Japanese, Television 450min. International TV, Japanese 850min. Cosgrove, Ken Jeong, Steve Carell, Steve Funimation 14.10.2014 Viz Entertainment 18.11.2014 Coogan - Dir. Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124969 Gru, his adorable girls, and the mischievous Minions are 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124726 back with a cast of unforgettable new characters in the blockbuster sequel to the worldwide phenomenon. Just as Gru Bleach: Box set 23 Despicable Me - Limited Edition has given up being super-bad to be a super-dad, the Anti- Villain League recruits him to track down a new criminal With Aizen’s defeat, peace has returned to the both the Soul Holiday Blu-Ray Gift Set (Blu-ray) mastermind and save the world. Partnered with secret agent Society and the World of the Living. But soon reports begin to Russell Brand, Danny McBride, Kristen Lucy Wilde, Gru, along with the wildly unpredictable Minions, surface of Soul Reapers going missing in the Precipice must figure out how to keep his cover while also keeping up World, and Ichigo is a prime suspect. He and Rukia go on the Wiig, Jack McBrayer, Miranda Cosgrove, with his duties as a father. Assemble the Minions for laugh- run from the 13 Court Guard Squads, while in the World of the Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Will Arnett - Dir. out-loud comedy in „one of the funniest, most enjoyable movies Living, Kon finds an unconscious girl lying in the street. ever!“ (MovieGuide) When Ichigo and Rukia find out more about the girl, Nozomi, Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud they realize their world, as well as the Soul Society, is in Get ready for a minion laughs in the funniest blockbuster hit of Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Anima- danger, and the Soul Reapers pursuing them and Nozomi are the year! Vying for the title of „World’s Greatest Villain“, Gru tion, Children’s, Comedy, Computer Animati- actually imposters known as Reigai, who have switched (voiced by Steve Carell) - along with his hilarious crew of mischievous minions - plots to pull off the craziest crime of on, Family, Movies, Science Fiction, Special places with the missing Soul Reapers! Editions 2013 98min. Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, the century: steal the moon! But when Gru enlists the help of three little girls, they see something in him nobody else has Universal Studios 04.11.2014 Based On Comic Book, Fantasy, Foreign, ever seen: the perfect dad. From executive producer Chris 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124557 Friendships, International TV, Japanese, Meledandri (Horton Hears a Who, Ice Age 3), and featuring Supernatural & Paranormal, Swordfighting, the voices of an all-star comedic cast, including Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Miranda Cosgrove and Julie Andrews, Disney Mickey Mouse: Season Swords & Sworcery, Television, Thrillers Despicable Me is „rousingly funny, heartfelt and imaginative“ min. (Pete Hammond, Boxoffice Magazine). One Viz Entertainment 16.12.2014 Animated Feature Films, Animation, Blu-ray, Disney proudly presents the award-winning first season of Children’s, Comedy, Computer Animation, Disney Mickey Mouse. The whole family will adore these 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124761 wonderful new cartoons, complete with an exciting „Making Family, Movies, Science Fiction, Special Of“ bonus feature. Join Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Minnie, Daisy CatDog: The Complete Series Editions 2010 95min. and Pluto in a spectacular collection of hilarious animated Universal Studios 04.11.2014 adventures. Your favorite Disney pals find laughter, Animated Animals, Animation, Comedy, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124580 adventure and a little mischief as they team up for a whole lot Family, Friendships, Nickelodeon, Television of fun. Bring the family together and create a magical world of min. entertainment with nineteen unforgettable cartoons on Disney Despicable Me - Limited Editon DVD! Shout Factory 09.12.2014 Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Disney, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124913 Holiday DVD Gift Set Family, Friendships 74min. Russell Brand, Danny McBride, Kristen Disney / Buena Vista 02.12.2014 A Certain Magical Index: Wiig, Jack McBrayer, Miranda Cosgrove, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125027 Complete Season 1 (Blu-ray + Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Will Arnett - Dir. Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud Frozen: Sing Along Edition (DVD DVD) (Blu-ray) Get ready for a minion laughs in the funniest blockbuster hit of Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- the year! Vying for the title of „World’s Greatest Villain“, Gru + UltraViolet) (voiced by Steve Carell) - along with his hilarious crew of tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, mischievous minions - plots to pull off the craziest crime of Josh Gad, Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell - Dir. Supernatural & Paranormal, Swords & the century: steal the moon! But when Gru enlists the help of Chris Buck Sworcery, Television 275min. three little girls, they see something in him nobody else has Fearless optimist Anna sets off on an epic journey-teaming up ever seen: the perfect dad. From executive producer Chris with rugged mountain man Kristoff and his loyal reindeer Sven Funimation 18.11.2014 Meledandri (Horton Hears a Who, Ice Age 3), and featuring - to find her sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125008 the voices of an all-star comedic cast, including Jason Segel, kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. Encountering Everest- Russell Brand, Miranda Cosgrove and Julie Andrews, like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Despicable Me is „rousingly funny, heartfelt and imaginative“ Olaf, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save A Charlie Brown Christmas - 50th (Pete Hammond, Boxoffice Magazine). the kingdom.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 69 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

2014 Oscar Winners, Academy Award Funimation 18.11.2014 Television 95min. Winners, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125009 Lionsgate 02.12.2014 Computer Animation, Disney, Family, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124880 Fantasy, Movies, Musical, Sing-A-Long How To Train Your Dragon 2 2013 102min. Kristen Wiig, Jonah Hill, Gideon Emery, Lalaloopsy Girls: Welcome To Disney / Buena Vista 18.11.2014 America Ferrera, Jay Baruchel, Gerard L.A.L.A. Prep School (DVD + 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124944 Butler, Andrew Ableson, Craig Ferguson, UltraViolet) Cate Blanchett, Djimon Hounsou, T.J. Miller, The Lalaloopsy girls are all grown up - and headed for the Gargantia: Complete Series Kit Harington - Dir. Dean Deblois Lalaloopsy Academy for Learning Arts! The friends discover Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Dra- From the Academy Award nominated film How to Train Your their new school is super cool - and sew much fun! It’s a Dragon comes the next chapter in the epic trilogy. When semester full of laughs and excitement as the girls take ma, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Hiccup and Toothless discover a secret ice cave filled with creative classes like Glitter 101 and Cloud Sculpting, join Science Fiction, Television 330min. hundreds of wild dragons and a mysterious Dragon Rider, the silly clubs, make new friends, and cheer on Jewel Sparkles Viz Entertainment 07.10.2014 two friends find themselves at the center of an epic battle to as she runs for student body president! 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124678 save the future of men and dragons! Animation, Children’s, Family, Friendships, Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, High School, Television min. Animated Feature Films, Animation, Gargantia: Complete Series (Blu- Lionsgate 02.12.2014 Children’s, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124881 ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) Movies, Vikings 2014 102min. Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- 20th Century Fox 11.11.2014 The Legend Of Korra: Book Three ray, Drama, Foreign, International TV, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124643 Japanese, Science Fiction, Television - Change It’s the return of the Airbenders! Korra discovers that new 330min. How To Train Your Dragon 2 (Blu- Airbenders are popping up all over the Earth Kingdom. While Viz Entertainment 07.10.2014 ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) she tries to find these Airbenders and rebuild the Air Nation, 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124714 a group of dangerous criminals embark on a mission of their Kristen Wiig, Jonah Hill, Gideon Emery, own. America Ferrera, Jay Baruchel, Gerard Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, : 25th Butler, Andrew Ableson, Craig Ferguson, Drama, Fantasy, Nickelodeon, Television Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) Cate Blanchett, Djimon Hounsou, T.J. Miller, 294min. Iemasa Kayumi, Atsuko Tanaka, Akio Kit Harington - Dir. Dean Deblois Nickelodeon 02.12.2014 Otsuka - Dir. Mamoru Oshii From the Academy Award nominated film How to Train Your 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124638 2029 - A female cybernetic government agent, Major Motoko Dragon comes the next chapter in the epic trilogy. When Kusanagi, and the Internal Bureau of Investigations are hot on Hiccup and Toothless discover a secret ice cave filled with the trail of „The Puppet Master“, a mysterious and threatening hundreds of wild dragons and a mysterious Dragon Rider, the The Legend Of Korra: Book Three computer virus capable of infiltrating human hosts. Together, two friends find themselves at the center of an epic battle to - Change (Blu-ray) with her fellow agents from Section 9, they embark on a high- save the future of men and dragons! Also includes the all new tech race against time to capture the omnipresent entity. Ghost adventure How to Train Your Dragon: Dawn of the Dragon It’s the return of the Airbenders! Korra discovers that new in the Shell took the world by storm, exhibiting a new Racers! Airbenders are popping up all over the Earth Kingdom. While dimension of anime with unprecedented, mesmerizing Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, she tries to find these Airbenders and rebuild the Air Nation, cinematic expression. Seamlessly merging traditional cel Animated Feature Films, Animation, Blu-ray, a group of dangerous criminals embark on a mission of their animation with the latest computer graphic imagery, this own. stunning sci-fi spectacle challenged the boundaries of Children’s, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, mainstream animation with detailed artistic expression and a Movies, Vikings 2014 102min. Children’s, Drama, Fantasy, Nickelodeon, uniquely intelligent story line. Veteran director Mamoru Oshii 20th Century Fox 11.11.2014 skillfully creates the ultimate anime experience in this Television 294min. futuristic masterpiece based on the groundbreaking comic 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124651 Nickelodeon 02.12.2014 book by Masamune Shirow. A movie that questions human 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124650 existence in the fast-paced world of the information age, this How To Train Your Dragon 2 (Blu- award-winning, cyber-tech thriller has established itself as one of the leading Japanese animation films of all time. I ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + LEGO: Ninjago And Friends Action, Animation, Anime, Based On Comic UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Book, Blu-ray, Computer Animation, Cult Kristen Wiig, Jonah Hill, Gideon Emery, Computer Animation, Family, Ninjas, Film / TV, Foreign, Hackers, In The America Ferrera, Jay Baruchel, Gerard Science Fiction, Television min. Future..., Japanese, Movies, Mystery, Butler, Andrew Ableson, Craig Ferguson, Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Special Cate Blanchett, Djimon Hounsou, T.J. Miller, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124674 Editions, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers Kit Harington - Dir. Dean Deblois 1995 82min. From the Academy Award nominated film How to Train Your A Letter To Momo Starz / Anchor Bay 23.09.2014 Dragon comes the next chapter in the epic trilogy. When Karen Miyama, Daizaburo Arakawa, Yuka - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124801 Hiccup and Toothless discover a secret ice cave filled with hundreds of wild dragons and a mysterious Dragon Rider, the Dir. two friends find themselves at the center of an epic battle to Clinging to an unfinished letter written by her recently Ghost In The Shell: Arise - save the future of men and dragons! Also includes the all new deceased father, young Momo moves with her mother from adventure How to Train Your Dragon: Dawn of the Dragon bustling Tokyo to the remote Japanese island of Shio. Upon Borders 1 & 2 (Blu-ray) Racers! their arrival, she begins to explore her new habitat, meeting Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, local children and learning their routines and customs. However, it’s not long before several bizarre occurrences International TV, Japanese, Science Animated Feature Films, Animation, Blu-ray, crop up around the previously tranquil island. Orchards are Fiction, Television 114min. Blu-ray 3D, Children’s, Comedy, Family, found ransacked, prized trinkets start disappearing and, Funimation 21.10.2014 Fantasy, Movies, Vikings 2014 102min. worst of all, each morning after her mother leaves for work, Momo hears strange mumblings coming from the attic of their 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124776 20th Century Fox 11.11.2014 home. Annoyed by these creepy goings-on and her mother’s 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124652 refusal to believe them, Momo embarks on a strange and Guess How Much I Love You: supernatural adventure to discover the source of the mischief, which leads her to a trio of troublesome imps: the flatulent Autumn’s Here Julius Jr.: Snow Monkey lizard Kawa, the childlike Mame and their hulking ogre leader Adventures (DVD + UltraViolet) Iwa. Momo also learns that her visit to the island is in some Animated Animals, Animation, Book-To-Film, way connected to her father’s mysterious letter. Children’s, Family min. Enter the miraculous world of Julius Jr., and join this clever monkey and his pals Worry Bear, Sheree, Clancy, and Ping, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Drama, E1 Entertainment 23.09.2014 as they unlock young imaginations with inventive episodes Family, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124615 and toe-tapping music videos. Based on the Paul Frank family Monsters, Mystery, Supernatural & of characters, this new series takes preschoolers on exciting adventures into a magical box playhouse and through the Paranormal, Television 2011 120min. High School DxD New: The Wondrous Hall of Doors to discover the importance of Bandai Entertainment 21.10.2014 Series (Blu-ray) cooperation and creativity. Whether trying something new or 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124571 helping a cloud make snow, fun is just a door away! Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Children’s, Children’s / Educational, A Letter To Momo (Blu-ray + DVD Japanese, Television 321min. Fantasy, Friendships, Magic, Preschool, Combo) (Blu-ray)

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 70 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Karen Miyama, Daizaburo Arakawa, Yuka - Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Musical, Televisi- Television min. Dir. Hiroyuki Okiura on 2014 75min. Viz Entertainment 28.10.2014 Clinging to an unfinished letter written by her recently Shout Factory 28.10.2014 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124821 deceased father, young Momo moves with her mother from bustling Tokyo to the remote Japanese island of Shio. Upon 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124594 their arrival, she begins to explore her new habitat, meeting Pokemon: Indigo League, local children and learning their routines and customs. My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - However, it’s not long before several bizarre occurrences Volume Three (Repackage) crop up around the previously tranquil island. Orchards are Rainbow Rocks (Blu-ray) Enjoy the Pokemon story from the beginning! Meet our hero, found ransacked, prized trinkets start disappearing and, Ash, in his hometown of Pallet Town where boys and girls are worst of all, each morning after her mother leaves for work, Animated Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, encouraged to begin their Pokemon journeys! Join the Indigo Momo hears strange mumblings coming from the attic of their Children’s, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Musi- League in these 26 episodes from Season 1 of Pokemon! home. Annoyed by these creepy goings-on and her mother’s cal, Television 2014 75min. Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- refusal to believe them, Momo embarks on a strange and supernatural adventure to discover the source of the mischief, Shout Factory 28.10.2014 mation, Anime, Children’s, Fantasy, Foreign, which leads her to a trio of troublesome imps: the flatulent 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124617 Friendships, International TV, Japanese, lizard Kawa, the childlike Mame and their hulking ogre leader Monsters, Television 648min. Iwa. Momo also learns that her visit to the island is in some way connected to her father’s mysterious letter. Napoleon Dynamite: Complete Viz Entertainment 28.10.2014 Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Dra- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124784 ma, Family, Foreign, International TV, Tara Strong, Tina Majorino, Efren Ramirez, Japanese, Monsters, Mystery, Supernatural Aaron Ruell, Jon Heder, Haylie Duff, Jon Pokemon: Indigo League, & Paranormal, Television 2011 120min. Gries, Diedrich Bader Volume Two Bandai Entertainment 21.10.2014 Animation, Based On Feature Film, Comedy, Join friends Ash, Brock and Misty on their continuing quest to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124588 collect Pokemon, make friends, and battle their way to the Television 2012 min. Indigo League! Olive Films 04.11.2014 Adventure, Animation, Based On Video Looney Tunes: Back In Action 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124832 Game, Children’s, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, (Blu-ray) Foreign, Friendships, International TV, Jeff Gordon, Bill Goldberg, Jenna Elfman, One Piece: Season Six - First Japanese, Monsters, Television 624min. Timothy Dalton, Roger Corman, Joan Voyage Viz Entertainment 28.10.2014 Cusack, Heather Locklear, Brendan Fraser, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Foreign, In- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124735 Steve Martin - Dir. Joe Dante ternational TV, Japanese, Television Yikes! The fate of the human race is in the hands of Bugs Princess Jellyfish: The Complete Bunny and Daffy Duck, teaming to wreak hilarious comic 320min. mayhem in a fast-paced family adventure combining live-action Funimation 18.11.2014 Series (starring Brendan Fraser, Jenna Elfman, Steve Martin and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124993 This heartwarming release from the slice-of-life anime series more) with animation (a hilarious cavalcade of Looney Tunes Princess Jellyfish includes episodes 1-11 of the show, greats). Join the Tunesters as they try to obtain the powerful following the story of Tsukimi, an unemployed illustrator who Blue Monkey gem and stop Acme Corp.’s grab for weirdwide One Piece: Season Six - Second lives with a group of tight-knit misfits who are just as quirky worldwide domination. Connect with your inner Daffy for Voyage and complicated as herself. harebrained wit and mystery most fowl. For pratfalls and Animation, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, Inter- movie in-jokes. For Acme anvils. For more fun than you can Adventure, Animation, Anime, Foreign, In- national TV, Japanese, Romance, Television catch in just one viewing. The Looneytics are running the ternational TV, Japanese, Television asylum. Welcome to their world. 2012 275min. 320min. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Funimation 14.10.2014 Funimation 18.11.2014 Feature Films, Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124703 Family, Fantasy, Kidnapping, Movies, Spies 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124994 & Secret Agents 2003 91min. The Penguins Of Madagascar: Red VS Blue: Season 12 Warner Bros. 02.12.2014 Caboose, Grif, Simmons, and Tucker are miraculously saved 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124767 Operation Special Delivery by the New Republic of Chorus. They are told that their friends; Agent Washington, Sarge, Donut, and Lopez have Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, been captured by the Federal Army, but things are not like Looney Tunes: Platinum Children’s, Comedy, Computer Animation, they seem. Collection - Volume 3 Family, Musical min. Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Science What Collectors have been asking for...Looney Tunes DreamWorks Home Ent. 04.11.2014 Fiction, Television min. Platinum Collection Volume 3 is the 3rd release in this quint- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124949 Cinedigm 30.12.2014 essential collection of fan favored shorts - all digitally remastered. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124975 Animated Animals, Animation, Classics, Planes: Fire & Rescue Comedy, Family, Television min. World-famous air racer Dusty joins forces with a dynamic Red VS Blue: Season 12 (Blu-ray crew of elite firefighting aircraft in a comedy adventure. Warner Bros. 04.11.2014 Together, the fearless team battles a wildfire at Piston Peak + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124828 National Park, and Dusty learns what it takes to become a Caboose, Grif, Simmons, and Tucker are miraculously saved true hero. by the New Republic of Chorus. They are told that their Marvel Knights: The Wolverine Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, friends; Agent Washington, Sarge, Donut, and Lopez have Disney, Family, Television 60min. been captured by the Federal Army, but things are not like Collection they seem. Disney / Buena Vista 04.11.2014 Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124785 Science Fiction, Television min. Comic Book, Science Fiction, Superheroes Cinedigm 30.12.2014 min. Planes: Fire & Rescue (Blu-ray + 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124999 Shout Factory 14.10.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124572 DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) World-famous air racer Dusty joins forces with a dynamic Regular Show And Friends crew of elite firefighting aircraft in a comedy adventure. Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Television Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Together, the fearless team battles a wildfire at Piston Peak National Park, and Dusty learns what it takes to become a min. Minnie’s Winter Bow Show true hero. Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124673 Disney, Friendships, Holidays, Preschool, Comedy, Disney, Family, Television 60min. Television 90min. Disney / Buena Vista 04.11.2014 Rio 2 Sing-Along Disney / Buena Vista 18.11.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124791 Jemaine Clement, Jesse Eisenberg, Anne 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124856 Hathaway, Kristin Chenoweth, Miguel Pokemon: Indigo League - The Ferrer, Jamie Foxx, Andy Garcia - Dir. Car- My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Complete Season One Collection los Saldanha Rainbow Rocks Animation, Anime, Based On , The cast of the animated hit comedy Rio returns in Rio 2 - and now you can sing along to the amazing beats with 10 songs Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Children’s, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, performed by your favorites including Billboard’s Rising Star

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Award Winner Janelle Monae, Tony Award Winner Kristin DreamWorks Home Ent. 04.11.2014 Families, Fox, Television 484min. Chenoweth, Oscar Winner , Grammy Award Winners Bruno Mars and Jamie Foxx and more! The party 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124959 20th Century Fox 02.12.2014 continues when Blu (Jesse Eisenberg), Jewel (Hathaway) 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125022 and their three kids take a walk on the wild side and embark RWBY: Volume 2 on a colorful, comical, music-filled journey through the . As Blu tries to fit into his new surroundings, he goes Action, Adventure, Animation, Fantasy, girl Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: beak-to-beak with the villainous Nigel, and meets the most power, Magic, Monsters, Supernatural & In Dimension X fearsome adversary of all: his father-in-law! Whether you choose to groove with the all-new sing-along feature or not, Paranormal, Television, War min. It’s non-stop action as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Rio 2 is really something to squawk about! Cinedigm 09.12.2014 battle against Shredder’s new assassin, a new Kraang plot, a new mutant enemy, and a master thief! Plus, Leo defies Splint- Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124918 er, April is kidnapped, the Turtles enter a bizarre new realm Animals, Animated Feature Films, Animati- and more. on, Children’s, Comedy, Family, Jungle, RWBY: Volume 2 (Blu-ray + DVD Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- Movies, Music, Musical 2014 102min. Combo) mation, Children’s, Martial Arts, Monsters, 20th Century Fox 04.11.2014 Nickelodeon, Television 315min. Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124850 Nickelodeon 02.12.2014 Fantasy, girl power, Magic, Monsters, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124642 Supernatural & Paranormal, Television, War Rio 2 Sing-Along (Blu-ray + DVD min. + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Cinedigm 09.12.2014 Thomas & Friends: Signals Jemaine Clement, Jesse Eisenberg, Anne 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124926 Crossed Hathaway, Kristin Chenoweth, Miguel Rumbling rails! Signals get crossed on the Island of Sodor! Thomas digs Marion out of a deep hole while Timothy helps Ferrer, Jamie Foxx, Andy Garcia - Dir. Car- : The Complete Bill and Ben with coal trouble. Toby gets his signals confused los Saldanha Seventeenth Season at Knapford Junction as Duncan blows steam dealing with a The cast of the animated hit comedy Rio returns in Rio 2 - and grumpy passenger. Thomas, Annie and Clarabel put on the now you can sing along to the amazing beats with 10 songs Pamela Hayden, Yeardley Smith, Nancy brakes when a passenger causes confusion and delay. Join performed by your favorites including Billboard’s Rising Star Cartwright, Harry Shearer, Dan Thomas and his friends as they send out signals for fun and Award Winner Janelle Monae, Tony Award Winner Kristin Castellaneta, , Julie Kavner adventure! Chenoweth, Oscar Winner Anne Hathaway, Grammy Award Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Winners Bruno Mars and Jamie Foxx and more! The party When we were 17 it was a very good year - a year for continues when Blu (Jesse Eisenberg), Jewel (Hathaway) Homer’s new dad, MacGyver gets mad, Sideshow Bob’s not Friendships, Television min. and their three kids take a walk on the wild side and embark so bad... Another comical compilation of The Simpsons - the Universal Studios 02.12.2014 on a colorful, comical, music-filled journey through the longest-running scripted show in television history - has 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124853 Amazon. As Blu tries to fit into his new surroundings, he goes arrived. Season 17 contains all 22 outrageous episodes, a beak-to-beak with the villainous Nigel, and meets the most vast repertoire of Springfieldian special features, plus a mind- fearsome adversary of all: his father-in-law! Whether you blowing list of celebrity guest voices, including Alec Baldwin, Uncle Grandpa: Tiger Trails Larry Hagman, William H. Macy, Frances McDormand, Rob choose to groove with the all-new sing-along feature or not, Good Mornin! For the first time ever on DVD, It’s Uncle Rio 2 is really something to squawk about! Reiner, Susan Sarandon and , just to name a few, with additional guest voices also providing commentary Grandpa! Everybody knows Uncle Grandpa because he’s Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated including Richard Dean Anderson, Ricky Gervais, Michael everybody’s favorite Uncle and Grandpa! Uncle Grandpa and Animals, Animated Feature Films, Animati- York and Kelsey Grammer. Phew! his friends (Pizza Steve, Mr. Gus, Belly Bag & Giant Realistic Flying Tiger) bring magic and happiness on, Blu-ray, Children’s, Comedy, Family, Animation, Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, everywhere they pop up... and you never know when or where Jungle, Movies, Music, Musical 2014 Fox, Television 484min. that may be. Get ready for Uncle Grandpa and his wacky 102min. 20th Century Fox 02.12.2014 adventures with Uncle Grandpa Tiger Trails on DVD! 20th Century Fox 04.11.2014 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125014 Animation, , Children’s, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124854 Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Television The Simpsons: The Complete 132min. Robot Chicken: Christmas Warner Bros. 16.12.2014 Seventeenth Season - Molded 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124687 Specials Head Matthew Senreich, Seth Green Pamela Hayden, Yeardley Smith, Nancy Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic: The Complete ’s Emmy Award-winning stop-motion animated Cartwright, Harry Shearer, Dan series Robot Chicken returns on DVD this holiday season Series with Robot Chicken Christmas Specials! This DVD release Castellaneta, Hank Azaria, Julie Kavner features six Christmas special episodes from Robot Chickens When we were 17 it was a very good year - a year for Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, hilariously outrageous 6 seasons, plus comes loaded with Homer’s new dad, MacGyver gets mad, Sideshow Bob’s not Collections, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, Inter- holiday themed bonus content like deleted scenes, deleted so bad... Another comical compilation of The Simpsons - the national TV, Japanese, Television min. animatics, commentary, and more! This [adult swim] holiday longest-running scripted show in television history - has release is available at a great value, and will be an instant arrived. Season 17 contains all 22 outrageous episodes, a Gaiam Americas 14.10.2014 holiday classic for fans and collectors. vast repertoire of Springfieldian special features, plus a mind- 339,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124564 Adult Swim, Animation, Christmas, Comedy, blowing list of celebrity guest voices, including Alec Baldwin, Larry Hagman, William H. Macy, Frances McDormand, Rob Holidays, Sketch Comedy, Television min. Reiner, Susan Sarandon and Lily Tomlin, just to name a few, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Season 1 Warner Bros. 18.11.2014 with additional guest voices also providing commentary Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124746 including Richard Dean Anderson, Ricky Gervais, Michael York and Kelsey Grammer. Phew! Children’s, International TV, Japanese, Animation, Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Television min. Rudolph The Red Nosed Fox, Television 484min. Cinedigm 14.10.2014 Reindeer: 50th Anniversary 20th Century Fox 02.12.2014 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124566 Collection 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125015 Rudolph becomes a hero when he guides Santa through the storm and enables him to deliver Christmas presents to the The Simpsons: The Complete world. Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Classics, Seventeenth Season (Blu-ray) Film Family, Holidays, Television 1964 min. Pamela Hayden, Yeardley Smith, Nancy DreamWorks Home Ent. 04.11.2014 Cartwright, Harry Shearer, Dan 22 Jump Street (Blu-ray + DVD + 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124950 Castellaneta, Hank Azaria, Julie Kavner UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) When we were 17 it was a very good year - a year for Homer’s new dad, MacGyver gets mad, Sideshow Bob’s not Wyatt Russell, Jonah Hill, Amber Stevens, Rudolph The Red Nosed so bad... Another comical compilation of The Simpsons - the Channing Tatum, Ice Cube, Nick Offerman, Reindeer: 50th Anniversary longest-running scripted show in television history - has , Craig Roberts, Peter arrived. Season 17 contains all 22 outrageous episodes, a Stormare - Dir. Christopher Miller, Phil Lord Collection (Blu-ray) vast repertoire of Springfieldian special features, plus a mind- After making their way through high school (twice), big Rudolph becomes a hero when he guides Santa through the blowing list of celebrity guest voices, including Alec Baldwin, Larry Hagman, William H. Macy, Frances McDormand, Rob changes are in store for officers Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and storm and enables him to deliver Christmas presents to the Jenko (Channing Tatum) when they go deep undercover at a world. Reiner, Susan Sarandon and Lily Tomlin, just to name a few, with additional guest voices also providing commentary local college. But when Jenko meets a kindred spirit on the Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Christmas, including Richard Dean Anderson, Ricky Gervais, Michael football team, and Schmidt infiltrates the bohemian art major Classics, Family, Holidays, Television 1964 York and Kelsey Grammer. Phew! scene, they begin to question their partnership. Now they don’t have to just crack the case - they have to figure out if min. Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Dysfunctional they can have a mature relationship.

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Action, Blu-ray, College Life, Comedy, In a future where Earth’s ecosystem verges on collapse and man-made robots roam the city, one man (Antonio Banderas) Cops, Crime, Drugs & Dealers, Friendships, After Dark Originals: Sanatorium must evaluate and eliminate the profound consequences of Movies 2014 112min. (DVD + UltraViolet) artificial intelligence on human existence. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment In The Future..., Movies, Robots / Androids, Don Fanelli, Ben Rodgers, Kate Wood Riley 18.11.2014 Science Fiction, Thrillers 2014 112min. - Dir. Brant Sersen 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124802 On New Year’s Eve in 1955, Richard Howell, a patient at the First Look 18.11.2014 Hillcrest Sanatorium, went on a bloody rampage, killing three 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124879 22 Jump Street (DVD + children before he hanged himself. Fifty-six years later, a team of ghost hunters - from the popular TV series „Ghost UltraViolet) Trackers“ - prepares to spend the night at the sanatorium. Automata (Blu-ray) They hope to capture paranormal activity for the entertainment Robert Forester, Melanie Griffith, Dylan Wyatt Russell, Jonah Hill, Amber Stevens, of their show’s fans. Instead, they unleash a horrifying force Channing Tatum, Ice Cube, Nick Offerman, of evil... hell-bent on their destruction. McDermott, Antonio Banderas - Dir. Gabe Caroline Aaron, Craig Roberts, Peter Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Ibanez In a future where Earth’s ecosystem verges on collapse and Stormare - Dir. Christopher Miller, Phil Lord Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers 2013 man-made robots roam the city, one man (Antonio Banderas) After making their way through high school (twice), big 89min. must evaluate and eliminate the profound consequences of changes are in store for officers Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and artificial intelligence on human existence. Jenko (Channing Tatum) when they go deep undercover at a Lionsgate 23.12.2014 local college. But when Jenko meets a kindred spirit on the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124931 In The Future..., Movies, Robots / Androids, football team, and Schmidt infiltrates the bohemian art major Science Fiction, Thrillers 2014 112min. scene, they begin to question their partnership. Now they And So It Goes First Look 18.11.2014 don’t have to just crack the case - they have to figure out if 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124888 they can have a mature relationship. Sterling Jerins, Austin Lysy, Annie Parisse, Action, College Life, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Diane Keaton, Michael Douglas - Dir. Rob Drugs & Dealers, Friendships, Movies 2014 Reiner Autumn Blood 112min. Oscar Winners Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton give Sophie Lowe , Peter Stormare - Dir. Markus Sony Pictures Home Entertainment captivating performances in acclaimed director Rob Reiner’s Blunder 18.11.2014 smart, sexy comedy about life, love and second chances. Two young orphans in the Tirolian Mountains come under When his estranged son leaves his daughter for him to raise, siege by a vicious band of hunters in this nail-biter from first- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124800 obnoxious realtor Oren Little (Douglas) recruits his sweet time writer/director Marcus Blunder. Frightened of being neighbor Leah (Keaton) to help out. In the process, he separated by child services following the death of their 36 Saints realizes it may not be too late to begin appreciating the people mother, a self-sufficient 16-year-old girl (Sophie Lowe) and in his life - and even allowing a few new ones into it! her 10-year-old brother (Maximilian Harnisch) - who hasn’t Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Serial Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, spoken a word since seeing his father killed by the mayor Killers, Thrillers 2013 90min. Movies, Romance 2014 94min. (Peter Stormare) - strive to live off the land in peace. Their innocence is shattered, however, when a group of hunters led Screen Media Films 11.11.2014 20th Century Fox 18.11.2014 by the mayor’s son brutalizes and rapes the free-spirited girl. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124971 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124885 Later, when a well-meaning social services worker arrives too late to protect the terrorized siblings, the girl and her brother prepare to take a stand against their ruthless About Alex And So It Goes (Blu-ray + attackers. Jane Levy, Aubrey Plaza, Nate Parker, Max UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Action, Adventure, Drama, Thrillers 2011 Greenfield, Max Minghella, Jason Ritter, Sterling Jerins, Austin Lysy, Annie Parisse, 100min. Maggie Grace Diane Keaton, Michael Douglas - Dir. Rob Anderson Merchandisers 21.10.2014 About Alex is the story of seven college friends who reunite 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124804 over a three-day weekend-after one of them attempts suicide. Reiner Reminiscent of Lawrence Kasdan’s generation-defining The Oscar Winners Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton give Big Chill, the film explores a a group of friends’ attempt to captivating performances in acclaimed director Rob Reiner’s Avenging The Throne grapple with questions of intimacy, identity, and friendship, smart, sexy comedy about life, love and second chances. while simultaneously updating their Facebook profiles. When When his estranged son leaves his daughter for him to raise, Drama, Movies 90min. the friends get together to keep an eye on Alex, the weekend obnoxious realtor Oren Little (Douglas) recruits his sweet First Look 28.10.2014 that ensues will renew old crushes and resentments, shine neighbor Leah (Keaton) to help out. In the process, he 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124751 light on bad decisions, and ultimately push friendships and realizes it may not be too late to begin appreciating the people relationships to the brink as the group tries to speculate when in his life - and even allowing a few new ones into it! the simple life of their college years turned so muddy and Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Babette’s Feast: The Criterion complex. Sometimes irreverent, sometimes poetic, and always Movies, Romance 2014 94min. Collection moving-About Alex is a searingly honest look at the changing 20th Century Fox 18.11.2014 nature of adult friendship in the Facebook/ generation. Ghita Norby, Bendt Rothe, Preben Lerdorff 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124891 Drama, Friendships, Movies 2014 96min. Rye, Lisbeth Movin, Ebbe Rode, Jarl Kulle, Screen Media Films 04.11.2014 Bodil Kjer, Birgitte Federspiel, Bibi 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124946 Annie Oakley: The Complete TV Andersson, Stephane Audran - Dir. Gabriel Series Axel Ace Ventura: Pet Detective / Ace Jimmy Hawkins, Gail Davis, Bob At once a rousing paean to artistic creation, a delicate evocation of divine grace, and the ultimate film about food, the Ventura: When Nature Calls (Blu- Woodward, Brad Johnson Oscar-winning Babette’s Feast is a deeply beloved treasure ray) Classics, Outlaw Country, Television, We- of cinema. Directed by Gabriel Axel and adapted from a story stern min. by Isak Dinesen, it is the lovingly layered tale of a French Tone Loc, Tommy Davidson, Simon Callow, VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 21.10.2014 housekeeper with a mysterious past who brings quiet Maynard Eziashi, Ian McNeice, Dan Marino, revolution in the form of one exquisite meal to a circle of 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124567 starkly pious villagers in late nineteenth-century . Courteney Cox, Jim Carrey, Sean Young - Babette’s Feast combines earthiness and reverence in an Dir. Tom Shadyac, Steve Oedekerk indescribably moving depiction of sensual pleasure that goes Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Comedy, Cops, As The Light Goes Out to your head like fine champagne. Crooked Cops, Detectives, Double Fea- Action, Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Movies Criterion Collection, Danish, Drama, Family, tures, Football, Kidnapping, Movies, 2014 115min. Foreign, Movies, Music, Religion/Spirituality Mystery, NFL, Sports min. Well Go USA 18.11.2014 1987 104min. Warner Bros. 14.10.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124968 Criterion 04.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124762 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124558 As The Light Goes Out (Blu-ray) Acting Like Adults Action, Blu-ray, Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Barney Miller: The Complete Leslie Murphy, Mo McRae, Mark Famiglietti, Movies 2014 115min. Sixth Season Elizabeth Bogush - Dir. Kyle Laursen, Eric Well Go USA 18.11.2014 Ron Glass, Hal Linden, Barbara Barrie, Francis Martin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124996 Steve Landesberg, Abe Vigoda, Jack Soo, A young couple join a Los Angeles scavenger hunt in an effort Max Gail, Ron Carey to win the grand prize - a diamond engagement ring. Automata Classics, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Movies, Romance 2012 75min. Melanie Griffith, Robert Forster, Dylan Drama, Television min. Osiris Entertainment 11.11.2014 McDermott, Antonio Banderas - Dir. Gabe Shout Factory 09.12.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124797 Ibanez 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124911

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reckless and penniless lawyer-to-be -enters Jane’s life, he Movies 2014 86min. offends the emerging writer’s sense and sensibility. Soon Batman: 25th Aniversary Dia- their clashing egos set off sparks that ignite a passionate Asylum Home Entertainment 09.09.2014 mond Luxe Edition (Blu-ray) romance and fuel Jane’s dream of doing the unthinkable - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124621 marrying for love. ~~Becoming Jane, also starring the Jerry Hall, Billy Dee Williams, Jack Palance, acclaimed , James Cromwell and Julie Walters, Robert Wuhl, Kim Basinger, Jack Nicholson, is an enchanting and imaginative film you’ll fall head over Berserkers: A Viking Saga Michael Keaton - Dir. heels for. Anthony Baines, Simon Armstrong, Sol After witnessing his parents brutal murder as a child, Biography, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Heras - Dir. Antony Smith millionaire-philanthropist Bruce Wayne pledges his life to Movies, Romance 2007 120min. In Dark Ages Britain, a group of young Saxons are captured fighting crime disguised as Batman. His long-time nemesis, Lionsgate 25.11.2014 by a clan of fearsome Viking warriors and used as prey in a The Joker, has sinister plans for the citizens of Gotham City. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124873 ritualistic manhunt. His greed is matched by his obsession with photojournalist Action, Dark Ages, , Kidnapping, Vicki Vale. But Batman is there to counter the Joker’s every Movies, Thrillers, Vikings 92min. move. With the fate of Gotham and Vicki in the balance, will Behaving Badly good or evil prevail? First Look 20.01.2015 Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Elisabeth Shue, Dylan McDermott, Nat 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124904 Blu-ray, Classics, Crime, Drama, Movies, Wolff, Selena Gomez, Heather Graham - Revenge, Romance, Special Editions, Dir. Tim Garrick The Big Valley: The Final Season Virginal teen Rick (Nat Wolff) contends with a ravenous Superheroes 1989 126min. MILF, a drug-addicted boss, a taciturn priest, a sexy patron , Richard Long, Peter Breck Warner Bros. 11.11.2014 saint, mobsters, and his own suicidal mother in his quest to CBS, Classics, Crime, Drama, Outlaw 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124788 win the heart of the most beautiful student in school (Selena Gomez). Country, Television, Western min. Comedy, Movies, Sexy Comedies 2014 min. Shout Factory 28.10.2014 Batman: The Complete First Anderson Merchandisers 28.10.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124592 Season 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124822 Greeting Citizens! With perfectly pitched scripts and the Bill / Bill-On His Own (Double iconic high-camp cleverness of „Pow!,“ „Thwack!“ and „Zap!“ graphics, Batman leapt off the pages of the comics and into A Belle For Christmas Feature) our living rooms to become one of the biggest hits in television Haylie Duff, Dean Cain, Kristy Swanson Largo Woodruff, Anna Maria Horsford, Edie history. The entire first season, complete with cliffhangers, Dean Cain of Lois & Clark and The Dog Who Saved McClurg, Dennis Quaid, Mickey Rooney, Bat-gadgets and alter egos, is captured here, including an Christmas stars as Glenn Barrows, a recent widower doing episode guide to all the pop culture and adventure. Witness his best to raise his young kids Elliot (Jet Jurgensmeyer) and Helen Hunt - Dir. Anthony Page the debut of diabolical foes, from the raucous Riddler to the Phoebe (Meyrick Murphy) who really miss their mom. When Biography, Drama, Television, TV Movies persuasive Penguin to the calculating Catwoman, as they the Barrows adopt an adorable puppy named Belle during the 195min. attempt to confound our Caped Crusaders, Batman (Adam holiday season, it seems that their healing may have begun. West) and Robin (Burt Ward). Now completely re-mastered, But will Glen’s dog-hating, gold-digging new girlfriend (Kristy Hen’s Tooth 25.11.2014 all of the originality, crime fighting action, and arch-villainy of Swanson of Big Daddy and A Christmas Wish) spoil their 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124896 the premiere season are perfectly pixilated on DVD like never newfound happiness, or can Elliott and Phoebe pull off a before - for those who were there, and a new generation of daring Christmas Eve rescue of their beloved new pet? Haylie Bat-fans! Duff (7th Heaven) co-stars in this heartwarming comedy about Billion Dollar Brain Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, family, friendship, and a four-legged holiday miracle. , Michael Caine, Karl Malden - Dir. Comedy, Science Fiction, Superheroes, Christmas, Comedy, Drama, Family, Ken Russell Television min. Friendships, Holidays, Movies 91min. Noted British TV director Ken Russell oversees this third Warner Bros. 11.11.2014 Starz / Anchor Bay 04.11.2014 installment of the Harry Palmer series. No longer working for the British Secret Service, Palmer (Michael Caine, Hannah 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124951 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124549 And Her Sisters) has become a private investigator, and has been hired to travel to Latvia to visit an unknown doctor. Batman: The Complete Television Beneath There, he meets none other than his old friend Leo Newbigen (Karl Malden, Patton), who introduces Palmer to his new line Series Kelly Noonan, Joey Kern, Eric Etebari, of work. Palmer, of course, senses something amiss, and TV’s iconic Dynamic Duo has been captured, along with a Brent Briscoe, Molly Hagan, Jeff Fahey - wastes no time tracking it down. He soon finds himself legion of abominable archenemies in a POW-erful collection. embroiled in the plans of a megalomaniac Texas billionaire, Dir. Ben Ketai General Midwinter (Ed Begley, Hang ‘Em High), to take over Featuring ALL 120 original broadcast episodes, ever popular Jeff Fahey (TV’s Under the Dome). A crew of coal miners guest stars like Julie Newmar and Cesar Romero, complete the world with a computer the size of a football field—the becomes trapped 600 feet below ground after a disastrous ‘brain’ of the title. Quickly acquiring a camp feel that episode guide - and exploding with over 3 hours of all new collapse. As the air grows more toxic and time runs out, they extras - you can bring home all the crime fighting action that encourages comparisons to films, this witty spy slowly descend into madness and begin to turn on one movie is fast-paced and fun, with Caine and Begley turning in won generations of fans! another. Inspired by true events. Based on a true story! Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, particularly fine performances. Horror, Movies 89min. Drama, Movies, Spies & Secret Agents, Comedy, Science Fiction, Superheroes, MPI 28.10.2014 Thrillers 1967 111min. Television 3019min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124813 Kino Video 07.10.2014 Warner Bros. 11.11.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124683 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124952 Bermuda Tentacles Trevor Donovan, Robert Blanche, Jeff Batman: The Complete Television Billion Dollar Brain (Blu-ray) Rector, Ricco Ross, John Savage, Jamie Ed Begley, Michael Caine, Karl Malden - Dir. Series (Blu-ray) Kennedy, Linda Hamilton - Dir. Nick Lyon Ken Russel TV’s iconic Dynamic Duo has been captured, along with a After Air Force One goes down during a storm over the Noted British TV director Ken Russell oversees this third legion of abominable archenemies in a POW-erful collection. Bermuda Triangle, the Navy is dispatched to installment of the Harry Palmer series. No longer working for Featuring ALL 120 original broadcast episodes, ever popular find the escape pod holding the President. A giant monster the British Secret Service, Palmer (Michael Caine, Hannah guest stars like Julie Newmar and Cesar Romero, complete beneath the ocean awakens and attacks the fleet. And Her Sisters) has become a private investigator, and has episode guide - and exploding with over 3 hours of all new Action, Giant Monsters!, High Seas, Horror, been hired to travel to Latvia to visit an unknown doctor. extras - you can bring home all the crime fighting action that Monsters, Movies, Navy, Science Fiction, There, he meets none other than his old friend Leo Newbigen won generations of fans! (Karl Malden, Patton), who introduces Palmer to his new line Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Television, Thrillers, TV Movies 2014 of work. Palmer, of course, senses something amiss, and Comedy, Science Fiction, Superheroes, 86min. wastes no time tracking it down. He soon finds himself Asylum Home Entertainment 09.09.2014 embroiled in the plans of a megalomaniac Texas billionaire, Television 3019min. General Midwinter (Ed Begley, Hang ‘Em High), to take over Warner Bros. 11.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124598 the world with a computer the size of a football field—the 398,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124962 ‘brain’ of the title. Quickly acquiring a camp feel that Bermuda Tentacles (Blu-ray) encourages comparisons to James Bond films, this witty spy movie is fast-paced and fun, with Caine and Begley turning in Becoming Jane (DVD + Trevor Donovan, Robert Blanche, Jeff particularly fine performances. UltraViolet) Rector, Ricco Ross, John Savage, Jamie Book-To-Film, Drama, Movies, Spies & Kennedy, Linda Hamilton - Dir. Nick Lyon Secret Agents, Thrillers 1967 111min. James McAvoy, Anne Hathaway, Julie Wal- After Air Force One goes down during a storm over the Kino Video 07.10.2014 ters, James Cromwell - Dir. Julian Jarrold Bermuda Triangle, the United States Navy is dispatched to Anne Hathaway (The Devil Wears Prada, The Princess find the escape pod holding the President. A giant monster 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124718 Diaries) gives a radiant performance as a young, love-struck beneath the ocean awakens and attacks the fleet. Jane Austen in the witty and engaging romantic comedy Action, Blu-ray, Giant Monsters!, High Blood First Becoming Jane. It’s the untold romance that inspired the novels of one of the world’s most celebrated authors. When Seas, Horror, Monsters, Movies, Navy, Action, Crime, Drama, Movies 2013 min. the dashing Tom Lefroy (James McAvoy, Atonement) - a Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers, TV

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E1 Entertainment 11.11.2014 Crime, Drama, Mobsters & The Mafia, save his failing career. Alexandre Lagarde (Jean Reno) is the king of the kitchen at Cargo Lagarde. But his position at the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124833 Movies, Thrillers 109min. top is threatened when scheming CEO Stanislas Matter First Look 20.01.2015 (Julien Boisselier) plots to have the restaurant’s rating Blood First (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124923 lowered in order to make room for an ambitious young chef with more modern sensibilities. Meanwhile, things go from bad Crime, Drama, Movies 2013 min. to worse for the old pro when he runs out of new ideas as E1 Entertainment 11.11.2014 Cagney & Lacey: Complete Matter begins trimming his kitchen staff. Just when it seems that all hope is lost, however, Legarde meets Jacky Bonnot 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124848 Series Collection (Michal Youn), a young cook whose creativity in the kitchen Sharon Gless, Tyne Daly makes up for his lack of formal training. Together with his Brazilian Western (Blu-ray + DVD) A groundbreaking show that re-defined its genre, Cagney & talented new assistant Bonnot, Legarde prepares to whip up Lacey was something entirely new: a cop show featuring two an exciting menu just in time to impress the discerning critics (Blu-ray) strong and intelligent female detectives, with real lives and from the Guide, and save his sinking career. A gripping tale of love, revenge and violence, the hit crime real problems - ordinary women doing extraordinary jobs. Comedy, Friendships, Movies 2012 84min. drama Brazilian Western arrives on Blu-ray and DVD from Now recognized as a true classic, this remarkable show E1 Entertainment 21.10.2014 Shout! Factory. Joao de Santo Cristo is a young man who tackles poignant social issues and explores the human side of leaves his impoverished home behind in search of a better hard-boiled detective work. Starring Tyne Daly and Sharon 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124733 life. Arriving in Brasilia, he soon falls for the beautiful Maria Gless as one of the most compelling detective duos of all time, Lucia, the daughter of a senator. But as their relationship this Emmy Award-winning drama is landmark television at its Child Of God flourishes, Joao’s involvement in drug trafficking causes him finest. to slide deeper and deeper through a downward spiral of Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, Televi- Scott Haze, Fallon Goodson, Jim Parrack, crime and violence. The stakes become even greater as Joao Tim Blake Nelson, James Franco, Wade finds himself on a collision with playboy drug dealer sion 1982 5610min. Jeremias, his rival in business - and for the heart of Maria First Look 11.11.2014 Williams - Dir. James Franco Lucia. Brazilian Western has been hailed by critics and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124947 Based on the novel by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Cormac audiences alike for its passionate storytelling, melding the McCarthy, this piece of Southern Gothic filmmaking from stylistic approach of classic genre films with a distinct and director James Franco tells the harrowing story of Lester original vision from one of Latin America’s up-and-coming Carnal Haven / Her Last Fling Ballard (Scott Haze), a rural Tennessee man whose steadfast determination to shun society in the early 1960s results in his directors, Rene Sampaio. Annette Haven, John Leslie Crime, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 transformation into an animalistic cave-dweller driven by Adventure, Classics, Double Features, criminal instinct and self-preservation. 108min. Erotica, Marriage Woes, Movies, Romance Action, Adventure, Drama, Movies, Thrillers Cinedigm 18.11.2014 152min. 2013 104min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124958 CAV 07.10.2014 Well Go USA 28.10.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124868 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124811 British Cinema Collection 8-Film Cate Blanchett, Judi Dench, Colin Firth, Cauldron Of Blood Child Of God (Blu-ray) Vanessa Redgrave, Willem Dafoe, Hugh Boris Karloff, - Dir. Ed- Scott Haze, Fallon Goodson, Jim Parrack, Grant ward Mann Tim Blake Nelson, James Franco, Wade Boxed Sets, British, Collections, Comedy, A blind sculptor uses the bodies of people his wife murdered Williams - Dir. James Franco Drama, Foreign, History & Events, Movies, as the frames for his works. His gruesome secret is Based on the novel by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Cormac Politics, Revenge, Romance, Royalty eventually uncovered by a magazine writer. McCarthy, this piece of Southern Gothic filmmaking from Cult Film / TV, Horror, Martial Arts, Movies director James Franco tells the harrowing story of Lester 810min. Ballard (Scott Haze), a rural Tennessee man whose steadfast Lionsgate 25.11.2014 1967 99min. determination to shun society in the early 1960s results in his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124930 Olive Films 14.10.2014 transformation into an animalistic cave-dweller driven by 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124693 criminal instinct and self-preservation. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Thrillers Broad City: Season 1 Cauldron Of Blood (Blu-ray) 2013 104min. Abbi Jacobson, Ilana Glazer, Hannibal Well Go USA 28.10.2014 Boris Karloff, Viveca Lindfors - Dir. Ed- Buress 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124839 Making quick bank by „returning“ office supplies from your ward Mann temp job? Check. Identifying the suspicious stains on the A blind sculptor uses the bodies of people his wife murdered rental apartment wall? Done. From the collective minds of as the frames for his works. His gruesome secret is Chinese Puzzle Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Grazer, and Executive Produced by eventually uncovered by a magazine writer. Kelly Reilly, Romain Duris, Sandrine Holt, , Broad City follows the adventures of two best Cult Film / TV, Horror, Martial Arts, Movies friends working the big city. No matter how bad it gets, these Audrey Tautou - Dir. Cedric Klapisch broads are always down with whatever hits them. 1967 99min. Director Cdric Klapisch’s long-running trilogy draws to a Comedy, Comedy Central, Television Olive Films 14.10.2014 close in this drama that finds Parisian novelist and 40-year- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124727 old father of two Xavier (Romain Duris) moving to New York 220min. City in order to be closer to his two beloved children. Xavier Comedy Central 02.12.2014 is in the midst of finishing his new novel centering on the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124633 Le Chef struggles of immigration when his wife Wendy (Kelly Reilly) announces that she is taking their children to live in Manhat- Salome Stevenin, Julien Boisselier, Jean tan. His sense of adventure still well intact, Xavier decides to By The Gun Reno - Dir. Daniel Cohen follow suit. Meanwhile, as Xavier adjusts to live in the A famous chef finds his position at a renowned restaurant bustling new metropolis, his dear friends Isabelle (Ccile de Kenny Wormald, Ben Barnes, Toby Jones, threatened by a young hotshot who specializes in chemically France) and Martine (Audrey Tautou) are never far away. Ritchie Coster, Leighton Meester, Harvey enhanced cuisine, and partners with a self-taught gourmet to Drama, Foreign, French, Movies 117min. Keitel - Dir. James Mottern save his failing career. Alexandre Lagarde (Jean Reno) is the E1 Entertainment 14.10.2014 Nick Tortano is a smooth-talking, ambitious criminal from the king of the kitchen at Cargo Lagarde. But his position at the streets of Boston. After years spent working for and idolizing top is threatened when scheming CEO Stanislas Matter 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124672 the Italian gangsters he finally proves himself to the boss and (Julien Boisselier) plots to have the restaurant’s rating becomes a made man. However, once inside, Nick conflicts lowered in order to make room for an ambitious young chef Chinese Puzzle (Blu-ray) with a moneymaker for the Mafia and begins to drive a wedge with more modern sensibilities. Meanwhile, things go from bad between him and Boss. to worse for the old pro when he runs out of new ideas as Kelly Reilly, Romain Duris, Sandrine Holt, Matter begins trimming his kitchen staff. Just when it seems Crime, Drama, Mobsters & The Mafia, that all hope is lost, however, Legarde meets Jacky Bonnot Audrey Tautou - Dir. Cedric Klapisch Movies, Thrillers 109min. (Michal Youn), a young cook whose creativity in the kitchen Director Cdric Klapisch’s long-running trilogy draws to a First Look 20.01.2015 makes up for his lack of formal training. Together with his close in this drama that finds Parisian novelist and 40-year- talented new assistant Bonnot, Legarde prepares to whip up old father of two Xavier (Romain Duris) moving to New York 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124903 an exciting menu just in time to impress the discerning critics City in order to be closer to his two beloved children. Xavier from the Guide, and save his sinking career. is in the midst of finishing his new novel centering on the struggles of immigration when his wife Wendy (Kelly Reilly) By The Gun Comedy, Friendships, Movies 2012 84min. announces that she is taking their children to live in Manhat- Kenny Wormald, Ben Barnes, Toby Jones, E1 Entertainment 21.10.2014 tan. His sense of adventure still well intact, Xavier decides to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124705 follow suit. Meanwhile, as Xavier adjusts to live in the Ritchie Coster, Leighton Meester, Harvey bustling new metropolis, his dear friends Isabelle (Ccile de Keitel - Dir. James Mottern France) and Martine (Audrey Tautou) are never far away. Nick Tortano is a smooth-talking, ambitious criminal from the Le Chef (Blu-ray) Drama, Foreign, French, Movies 117min. streets of Boston. After years spent working for and idolizing the Italian gangsters he finally proves himself to the boss and Salome Stevenin, Julien Boisselier, Jean E1 Entertainment 14.10.2014 becomes a made man. However, once inside, Nick conflicts Reno - Dir. Daniel Cohen 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124712 with a moneymaker for the Mafia and begins to drive a wedge A famous chef finds his position at a renowned restaurant between him and Boss. threatened by a young hotshot who specializes in chemically enhanced cuisine, and partners with a self-taught gourmet to Agatha Christie’s Poirot:

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Complete Cases Collection business trip to a strange town in Colorado. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124707 Christmas, Drama, Holidays, Movies 1986 Hugh Fraser, Philip Jackson, David Suchet 94min. British, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, The Congress Paramount 04.11.2014 Foreign, International TV, Murder Sami Gayle, Jon Hamm, Robin Wright Penn, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124819 Mysteries, Mystery, Television, Thrillers Danny Huston, Paul Giamatti, Harvey Keitel min. - Dir. Acorn Media 04.11.2014 Christmas In Connecticut (Blu- An aging, out-of-work actress accepts one last job, though the ray) consequences of her decision affect her in ways she didn’t 513,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124613 consider. S.Z. Sakall, Dennis Morgan, Robert Animation, Book-To-Film, Drama, In The Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Shayne, Reginald Gardiner, Sydney Future..., Movies, Science Fiction 122min. Complete Cases Collection (Blu- Greenstreet, Barbara Stanwyck - Dir. Peter Cinedigm 02.12.2014 Godfrey 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124906 ray) The publisher of a women’s magazine has his best columnist Hugh Fraser, Philip Jackson, David Suchet play holiday host to a Navy hero. British, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Christmas, Classics, Comedy, Holidays, The Congress Foreign, International TV, Murder Movies, Romance 102min. Sami Gayle, Jon Hamm, Robin Wright Penn, Mysteries, Mystery, Television, Thrillers Warner Bros. 11.11.2014 Danny Huston, Paul Giamatti, Harvey Keitel min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124961 - Dir. Ari Folman An aging, out-of-work actress accepts one last job, though the Acorn Media 04.11.2014 consequences of her decision affect her in ways she didn’t 587,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124626 A Coffee In Berlin consider. Jan Ole Gerster’s comedy-drama A Coffee In Berlin stars Tom Animation, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, In Schilling as Niko, a twentysomething slacker whose aimless Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Series life comes to a sudden halt when, in quick succession, his The Future..., Movies, Science Fiction 13 girlfriend dumps him and his father cuts off his only financial 122min. support. Soon, he encounters an old classmate who he used to Cinedigm 02.12.2014 Hugh Fraser, Philip Jackson, David Suchet torment, and this turns out to be a pivotal new relationship in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124925 British, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, his life. International TV, Murder Mysteries, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, German 2012 Mystery, Television, Thrillers min. 88min. Continuum: Season Three Acorn Media 04.11.2014 Music Box Films 07.10.2014 Richard Harmon, Stephen Lobo, Erik 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124612 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124670 Knudsen, Rachel Nichols, Victor Webster, Lexa Doig, Brian Markinson The Color Of Rain Kiera (Rachel Nichols) faces the immediate consequences of Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Series Alex’s (Erik Knudsen) betrayal at the end of Season 2, when 13 (Blu-ray) Warren Christie, Lacey Chabert, Lisa he disappeared in a flash of light with the time travel device Durupt, Alex Zahara, Gwynyth Walsh, Kiera hoped might send her home. Alec’s impulsive decision Hugh Fraser, Philip Jackson, David Suchet Susan Hogan - Dir. Anne Wheeler sets in motion a chain of events which pushes Kiera into a British, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, shocking alliance with a former enemy. But, she must also Gina Kell (Lacey Chabert, TV’s Party of Five) loses her contend with a newly strategic Liber8, and a growing International TV, Murder Mysteries, husband on Christmas day, but she soon finds a kindred spirit darkness in her police partner Carlos (Victor Webster). Mystery, Television, Thrillers min. in Michael Spehn (Warren Christie, Apollo 18), a recently- Ultimately, all roads lead to young Alec, whose genius has widowed parent at her kids’ school. As they help each other never been more tested. Acorn Media 04.11.2014 and their children though grief, they grow closer and fall in 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124625 love. However, family and friends cause them to question Action, Cops, Crime, Detectives, In The whether being together is a good idea. They are forced to ask Future..., Science Fiction, Television, Thril- Agatha Christie’s Poirot: The Fi- themselves if their new-found love is strong enough to lers, Time Travel 452min. overcome the grief surrounding both families, or if it is simply Universal Studios 23.12.2014 nal Cases Collection too soon for either of them to think about moving on. Comedy, Drama, Family, Movies 2014 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125029 Hugh Fraser, Philip Jackson, David Suchet 87min. British, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Cinedigm 30.09.2014 Continuum: Season Three (Blu- Foreign, International TV, Murder 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124865 Mysteries, Mystery, Television, Thrillers ray) min. Richard Harmon, Stephen Lobo, Erik Acorn Media 04.11.2014 Come Back To The 5 & Dime Knudsen, Rachel Nichols, Victor Webster, 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124611 Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean Lexa Doig, Brian Markinson Members of a Texas James Dean fan club reunite 20 years Kiera (Rachel Nichols) faces the immediate consequences of after his death. Directed by . Alex’s (Erik Knudsen) betrayal at the end of Season 2, when Agatha Christie’s Poirot: The Fi- he disappeared in a flash of light with the time travel device Comedy, Drama, Movies 1982 110min. Kiera hoped might send her home. Alec’s impulsive decision nal Cases Collection (Blu-ray) Olive Films 18.11.2014 sets in motion a chain of events which pushes Kiera into a Hugh Fraser, Philip Jackson, David Suchet 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124978 shocking alliance with a former enemy. But, she must also contend with a newly strategic Liber8, and a growing British, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, darkness in her police partner Carlos (Victor Webster). Foreign, International TV, Murder Come Back To The 5 & Dime Ultimately, all roads lead to young Alec, whose genius has Mysteries, Mystery, Television, Thrillers Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean (Blu- never been more tested. min. Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Detectives, In Acorn Media 04.11.2014 ray) The Future..., Science Fiction, Television, 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124624 Members of a Texas James Dean fan club reunite 20 years Thrillers, Time Travel 452min. after his death. Directed by Robert Altman. Universal Studios 23.12.2014 Comedy, Drama, Movies 1982 110min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125034 Christmas Carol (Blu-ray) Olive Films 18.11.2014 Dickens’ London miser Ebenezer Scrooge meets the ghosts of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125001 Christmases past, present and yet to come. Dark Half (Blu-ray) Charles Dickens, Christmas, Classics, Companeros (Blu-ray) Robert Joy, Beth Grant, Julie Harris, Family, Fantasy, Holidays, Movies, National Rutanya Alda, Amy Madigan, Timothy Hut- Tomas Milian, Franco Nero, Jack Palance - Film Registry 69min. ton, Michael Rooker - Dir. George A. Warner Bros. 11.11.2014 Dir. Sergio Corbucci Arms dealer Yolaf Peterson aims to make a sale to guerilla Romero 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124960 Mongo, but the money is locked in a bank safe, the A Maine professor’s hidden bad side comes alive under his combination known only to Professor Xantos, a prisoner of the notorious but successful pen name. The Christmas Gift Americans. Yolaf agrees to free Xantos, accompanied by Horror, Movies, Mystery 1993 113min. reluctant guerilla Basco, but a former business partner of Cinedigm 18.11.2014 Pat Corley, Gennie James, Jane Yolaf’s- John ‘The Wooden Hand’, has other ideas. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124957 Kaczmarek, John Denver, Kurtwood Smith, Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Foreign, Mary Wickes - Dir. Michael Pressman Movies, Spanish, Western 1970 118min. In this holiday drama, a widowed architect tries to mix E1 Entertainment 28.10.2014 Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes business with pleasure when he takes his daughter on a Terry Notary, Jason Clarke, Toby Kebbell,

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Enrique Murciano, Andy Serkis, Kirk Sarchie. Image Ent. 07.10.2014 Acevedo, Keri Russell, Lee Ross, Judy Action, Based-On-A-True-Story, Blu-ray, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124684 Greer, Gary Oldman, Nick Thurston - Dir. Book-To-Film, Cops, Cops On The Edge, Matt Reeves Crime, Detectives, Devils And Demons, The Devil’s Business (Blu-ray + Gary Oldman, Andy Serkis, Jason Clarke and Keri Russell Movies, Mystery, Possession, Religion/ star in this thrilling next chapter of The Planet of the Apes. It Spirituality, Thrillers 2014 118min. DVD) (Blu-ray) is 2026, and humanity has been pushed to near extinction by a British, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Thrillers deadly virus. When a group of survivors desperate to find a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment new source of power travel into the woods near San Francis- 28.10.2014 2011 75min. co, they discover a highly evolved community of intelligent 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124578 CAV 14.10.2014 apes led by Caesar (Andy Serkis). The two species form a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124771 fragile peace but dissention grows and the groups find themselves hurtling toward all-out war. Deliver Us From Evil (DVD + Action, Apocalyptic Future, Drama, End Of UltraViolet) The Show: The The World, In The Future..., Killer Viruses, Mike , Chris Coy, Olivia Munn, Joel Complete Series Planet Of The Apes, Science, Science McHale, Dorian Missick, Edgar Ramirez, Rose Marie, Larry Mathews, Richard Fiction, Thrillers, War 2014 130min. Sean Harris, Eric Bana - Dir. Scott Deacon, Morey Amsterdam, Mary Tyler 20th Century Fox 02.12.2014 Derrickson Moore, Dick Van Dyke 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125013 Deliver Us From Evil tells the story of a New York police CBS, Classics, Comedy, Family, Television officer (Eric Bana) and unconventional priest Mendoza min. Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (Edgar Ramirez) who join forces to investigate a series of disturbing & inexplicable crimes. Together they must combat Image Ent. 04.11.2014 (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) the possessions that are terrorizing their city before it’s too 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124601 late. Filled with action and thrilling suspense, the film is Terry Notary, Jason Clarke, Toby Kebbell, inspired by the actual accounts of NYPD Sergeant Ralph Enrique Murciano, Andy Serkis, Kirk Sarchie. Doctor Who: Deep Breath Acevedo, Keri Russell, Lee Ross, Judy Action, Based-On-A-True-Story, Book-To- Jenna Coleman, Peter Capaldi Greer, Gary Oldman, Nick Thurston - Dir. Film, Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, This fall, Doctor Who returns with a new Doctor, Peter Capaldi (In the Loop, World War Z), at the helm of the Matt Reeves Detectives, Devils And Demons, Movies, TARDIS for more thrilling adventures across time and space. Gary Oldman, Andy Serkis, Jason Clarke and Keri Russell Mystery, Possession, Religion/Spirituality, Joining the Doctor is his companion Clara (Jenna Coleman, star in this thrilling next chapter of The Planet of the Apes. It Captain America: The First Avenger) in what promises to be is 2026, and humanity has been pushed to near extinction by a Thrillers 2014 118min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment the most exciting Doctor Who adventure yet! deadly virus. When a group of survivors desperate to find a Action, Adventure, Aliens, British, Comedy, new source of power travel into the woods near San Francis- 28.10.2014 Drama, Foreign, International TV, Monsters, co, they discover a highly evolved community of intelligent 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124554 apes led by Caesar (Andy Serkis). The two species form a Science Fiction, Television, Time Travel fragile peace but dissention grows and the groups find min. themselves hurtling toward all-out war. Desperately Seeking Susan Action, Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, Drama, Warner Bros. 09.09.2014 Robert Joy, Rosanna Arquette, Madonna, End Of The World, In The Future..., Killer tba BestellNr.: 40124689 Aidan Quinn - Dir. Susan Seidelman Viruses, Planet Of The Apes, Science, Rosanna Arquette is Roberta Glass, a bored New Jersey Science Fiction, Thrillers, War 2014 yuppie housewife who finds escapism from her mundane life in Doctor Who: Deep Breath (Blu- 130min. the New York personal ad exploits of a flighty bohemian ray) named Susan (Madonna). When Roberta travels to the city to 20th Century Fox 02.12.2014 witness an ad-inspired meeting between Susan and her lover Jenna Coleman, Peter Capaldi 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125020 Jimmy, she bumps her head, loses her memory, and for all This fall, Doctor Who returns with a new Doctor, Peter intents and purposes, becomes Susan, thanks to a case of Capaldi (In the Loop, World War Z), at the helm of the mistaken identity. As a result, she is pursued by crooks and TARDIS for more thrilling adventures across time and space. Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes other shady characters through the funky East Village of the Joining the Doctor is his companion Clara (Jenna Coleman, (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + early ‘80’s. Quinn is the confused film protectionist who Captain America: The First Avenger) in what promises to be stumbles into the role of Roberta/Susan’s protector. Madonna, the most exciting Doctor Who adventure yet! UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) not quite a superstar when this was filmed, uses this small Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, British, role to show the sort of charisma she would soon shower Terry Notary, Jason Clarke, Toby Kebbell, upon the world in larger doses. Steven Wright, Giancarlo Comedy, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Enrique Murciano, Andy Serkis, Kirk Esposito, Richard Hell, Ann Magnuson, John Lurie, and Arto Monsters, Science Fiction, Television, Time Acevedo, Keri Russell, Lee Ross, Judy Lindsay also turn up in small roles in this screwball ‘80’s love Travel min. Greer, Gary Oldman, Nick Thurston - Dir. letter to the downtown scene. Warner Bros. 09.09.2014 Comedy, Movies 1985 105min. Matt Reeves tba BestellNr.: 40124763 Gary Oldman, Andy Serkis, Jason Clarke and Keri Russell Kino Video 14.10.2014 star in this thrilling next chapter of The Planet of the Apes. It 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124756 is 2026, and humanity has been pushed to near extinction by a Doctor Who: The Complete Matt deadly virus. When a group of survivors desperate to find a Smith Years (Blu-ray) new source of power travel into the woods near San Francis- Desperately Seeking Susan (Blu- co, they discover a highly evolved community of intelligent ray) Matt Smith apes led by Caesar (Andy Serkis). The two species form a This special release comes in a collectible lay-flat book and fragile peace but dissention grows and the groups find Robert Joy, Rosanna Arquette, Madonna, features the Complete Matt Smith episodes, including series themselves hurtling toward all-out war. Aidan Quinn - Dir. Susan Seidelman five through seven, all of Matt Smith’s Christmas Specials Action, Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, Blu-ray Rosanna Arquette is Roberta Glass, a bored New Jersey including The Time of the Doctor, his last Christmas Special, 3D, Drama, End Of The World, In The yuppie housewife who finds escapism from her mundane life in plus the 50th Anniversary Special The Day of the Doctor in the New York personal ad exploits of a flighty bohemian 3D and 2D, and An Adventure in Space and Time all at full Future..., Killer Viruses, Planet Of The named Susan (Madonna). When Roberta travels to the city to 1080p resolution. New bonus features include the 2013 Apes, Science, Science Fiction, Thrillers, witness an ad-inspired meeting between Susan and her lover Doctor Who Proms Concert, Matt Smith’s two Sarah Jane War 2014 130min. Jimmy, she bumps her head, loses her memory, and for all Adventures episodes, the Five(ish) Doctors Reboot, and intents and purposes, becomes Susan, thanks to a case of more! A perfect gift and highly collectible item for the Doctor 20th Century Fox 02.12.2014 mistaken identity. As a result, she is pursued by crooks and Who and Matt Smith fan! 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125021 other shady characters through the funky East Village of the Adventure, Aliens, BBC, Blu-ray, British, early ‘80’s. Quinn is the confused film protectionist who Collections, Comedy, Drama, Family, stumbles into the role of Roberta/Susan’s protector. Madonna, Deliver Us From Evil (Blu-ray + not quite a superstar when this was filmed, uses this small Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Mon- UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) role to show the sort of charisma she would soon shower sters, Science Fiction, Television, Time upon the world in larger doses. Steven Wright, Giancarlo Travel 2355min. Mike Houston, Chris Coy, Olivia Munn, Joel Esposito, Richard Hell, Ann Magnuson, John Lurie, and Arto Warner Bros. 04.11.2014 McHale, Dorian Missick, Edgar Ramirez, Lindsay also turn up in small roles in this screwball ‘80’s love 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124719 Sean Harris, Eric Bana - Dir. Scott letter to the downtown scene. Comedy, Movies 1985 105min. Derrickson Deliver Us From Evil tells the story of a New York police Kino Video 14.10.2014 Dog-Gone Holiday Fun Giftset officer (Eric Bana) and unconventional priest Mendoza 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124778 Nikki Cox, Jennie Garth, Gary Valentine, (Edgar Ramirez) who join forces to investigate a series of disturbing & inexplicable crimes. Together they must combat Mario Lopez, C. Thomas Howell, Shelley the possessions that are terrorizing their city before it’s too The Devil Incarnate Long, Dean Cain, Joey Lawrence, Brad late. Filled with action and thrilling suspense, the film is Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Movies 2013 Rowe, Tom Arnold, Jay Mohr, Michael inspired by the actual accounts of NYPD Sergeant Ralph 76min. Gross

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Animals & Nature, Children’s, Christmas, Romance, Thrillers, Vampires 1979 170min. Collections, Crime, Family, Holidays, Movies CAV 07.10.2014 Drum (Blu-ray) 436min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124869 Isela Vega, Ken Norton, Pam Grier, Warren Starz / Anchor Bay 04.11.2014 Oates - Dir. Steve Carver 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124551 Dragonfly Squadron A slaver buys Drum, a bordello queen’s son, in 1860s New Jess Barker, John Hodiak, Gerald Mohr, Orleans. Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies 1976 Dominion: Season One Barbara Britton, Bruce Bennett - Dir. Lesley 110min. Roxanne McKee, Christopher Egan, David Selander Kino Video 11.11.2014 Dennis, Kim Engelbrecht, Tom Wisdom, Dragonfly Squadron is set in 1950 in the months before the beginning of the . John Hodiak stars as Major 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125006 Rosalind Halstead, Langley Kirkwood, Alan Mathew Brady, assigned to the base at Kongju to train South Dale, Anthony Head Korean troops for possible combat. These troops are to be It’s been 25 years since the angels waged war against used to protect civilians in the event of an evacuation, thus Dry Bones humanity and the Archangel Michael turned against his Brady is obliged to run them ragged in order to transform them Kathy Murphy, Debbie Rochon - Dir. Greg brother Gabriel and fought alongside man. Now the survivors into a lean, mean fighting machine. Despite the gravity of his await a prophesied savior to deliver them from darkness. But job, Brady manages to find time to romance Donna Cottrell Lamberson when a rebellious young soldier (Christopher Egan) (Barbara Britton), the wife of an American doctor (Bruce Drew returns home after 35 years to discover that the discovers he’s the Chosen One, the war between Heaven and Bennett). The Casablanca aspects of this triangle are the only creature he imagined living under his bed as a child is real - Hell reignites with a fury. forgettable aspects of this taut and timely adventure yarn. and it’s a succubus. Action, Based On Feature Film, Drama, Action, Adventure, Affairs & Love Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Fantasy, Horror, Religion/Spirituality, Triangles, Movies, Romance 83min. Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers 2013 Science Fiction, Television, War 2014 Olive Films 14.10.2014 90min. 382min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124695 E1 Entertainment 14.10.2014 Universal Studios 23.12.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124645 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125030 Dragonfly Squadron (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Dying To Be Heard min. Dominion: Season One (Blu-ray + Jess Barker, John Hodiak, Gerald Mohr, Bridgestone Media 14.10.2014 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Barbara Britton, Bruce Bennett - Dir. Lesley 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124646 Roxanne McKee, Christopher Egan, David Selander Dennis, Kim Engelbrecht, Tom Wisdom, Dragonfly Squadron is set in 1950 in the months before the beginning of the Korean War. John Hodiak stars as Major Edge Of Tomorrow (Blu-ray + DVD Rosalind Halstead, Langley Kirkwood, Alan Mathew Brady, assigned to the base at Kongju to train South Dale, Anthony Head Korean troops for possible combat. These troops are to be + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) It’s been 25 years since the angels waged war against used to protect civilians in the event of an evacuation, thus Emily Blunt, Brendan Gleeson, Tom Cruise, humanity and the Archangel Michael turned against his Brady is obliged to run them ragged in order to transform them brother Gabriel and fought alongside man. Now the survivors into a lean, mean fighting machine. Despite the gravity of his Bill Paxton - Dir. Doug Liman await a prophesied savior to deliver them from darkness. But job, Brady manages to find time to romance Donna Cottrell An alien race, undefeatable by any existing military unit, has when a rebellious young soldier (Christopher Egan) (Barbara Britton), the wife of an American doctor (Bruce launched a relentless attack on Earth, and Major William discovers he’s the Chosen One, the war between Heaven and Bennett). The Casablanca aspects of this triangle are the only Cage (Tom Cruise) finds himself dropped into a suicide Hell reignites with a fury. forgettable aspects of this taut and timely adventure yarn. mission. Killed within minutes, Cage is thrown into a time loop, forced to live out the same brutal combat over and over, Action, Based On Feature Film, Blu-ray, Action, Adventure, Affairs & Love fighting and dying again and again. Training alongside warrior Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Religion/Spirituality, Triangles, Blu-ray, Movies, Romance 83min. Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt), his skills slowly evolve, and Science Fiction, Television, War 2014 Olive Films 14.10.2014 each battle moves them one step closer to defeating the enemy 382min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124728 in this fun action thriller. Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Movies, Universal Studios 23.12.2014 Science Fiction, Time Travel 2013 113min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125035 Drive Hard Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 Damien Garvey, Jerome Ehlers, John 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124943 Don’t Be A Menace To South Cusack, Thomas Jane Central While You’re Drinking A former race car driver turned driver’s training instructor (Jane) is abducted by a mysterious thief (Cusack) and forced Elvira’s Movie Macabre: The Your Juice In The Hood (DVD + to be the wheel-man for a crime that puts both in the sights of Coffin Collection the cops and the mob and leads them all on a chase across UltraViolet) ’s Gold Coast. Cassandra Peterson Marlon Wayans, Suli McCullough, Chris Action, Cars & Motorcycles, Comedy, Cops, Classics, Collections, Comedy, Horror, Spencer, Shawn Wayans - Dir. Paris Crime, Kidnapping, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies min. Barclay Movies 2014 92min. E1 Entertainment 23.09.2014 From the creators of TV’s In Living Color, this outrageous Image Ent. 11.11.2014 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124614 comedy hit had critics and audiences roaring with laughter! From block parties and beepers to high tops and high- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124603 powered weapons, it’s everything that’s funny about growing The Equation Of Life up in the ‘hood... the Wayans Brothers’ neighborhood, that is! Drive Hard (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu- Marlon and Shawn (both from TV’s The Wayans Brothers) Zachary Haven, Jenna Jordan, Willow Hale and Keenen Ivory Wayans (TV’s In Living Color) get together ray) - Dir. Gerry Orz and deliver a good time, because there are plenty of laughs in 7-year old Nathan is a lively and sweet child who wants this ‘hood! Damien Garvey, Jerome Ehlers, John nothing else but to please his mother, but getting constantly Classics, Comedy, Crime, Movies, Parody, Cusack, Thomas Jane emotionally abused at home 5 years later, 10-years old Adam A former race car driver turned driver’s training instructor moves to a new city where he meets older Nathan who Revenge 1996 89min. (Jane) is abducted by a mysterious thief (Cusack) and forced becomes a violent bully and abuser himself due to the torment Lionsgate 25.11.2014 to be the wheel-man for a crime that puts both in the sights of he continues to experience at home. Adam’s sister, Miranda, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124877 the cops and the mob and leads them all on a chase across encourages Adam to ask for help but fails to convince him... Australia’s Gold Coast. after 111 days of suffering Adam makes a mistake and takes Action, Blu-ray, Cars & Motorcycles, matters in his own hands. The tragedy that follows will Dracula Sucks captivate viewers hearts, show how one act of kindness could Comedy, Cops, Crime, Kidnapping, change the lives of many people and impact future generations Kay Parker, John Holmes, Seka Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies 2014 92min. to come and educate our youth on proper safety measures at At an exclusive sanitarium, strange things are happening: schools and homes. patients are acting differently and are being found with Image Ent. 11.11.2014 mysterious bite marks in their necks. Visiting professor, Van 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124995 Biography, Drama, Family, Movies, Special Helsing (Reggie Nalder) believes it to be the work of Interest 2014 min. vampires. With the arrival of Count Dracula (Jamie Gillis), Drum E1 Entertainment 14.10.2014 things get even stranger and more violent, as the diabolical 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124654 count sets his sights on the beautiful Mina (Annette Haven). Isela Vega, Ken Norton, Pam Grier, Warren Acclaimed as the most star studded X rated film ever made, Oates - Dir. Steve Carver featuring supporting performances from Seka, Serena, Kay The Expendables 3 (DVD + Parker, John Leslie, Paul Thomas, Mike Ranger and Bill A slaver buys Drum, a bordello queen’s son, in 1860s New Margold, Dracula Sucks has finally been restored to its Orleans. UltraViolet) Action, Drama, Movies 1976 110min. original directors cut and is coming to DVD for the very first Randy Couture, Kelsey Grammer, Jason time! Kino Video 11.11.2014 Statham, Sylvester Stallone, Jet Li, Dolph Classics, Dracula, Erotica, Horror, Movies, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124988 Lundgren, Wesley Snipes, Mel Gibson,

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Antonio Banderas, Harrison Ford, Arnold Jose Ferrer, Frances Sternhagen, William have a baby on her own - or rather, with the help of her best friend Amy as birth partner and her gay friend Eric as sperm Schwarzenegger, Terry Crews, Victor Holden - Dir. Billy Wilder donor. We see how the process of baby-making affects each Ortiz, Kellan Lutz, Ronda Rousey, Glen Billy Wilder’s knowing, deliberately old-fashioned homage to of their lives profoundly and in surprising ways. The film taps Powell - Dir. Patrick Hughes a bygone age of filmmaking, it stars William Holden as into the zeitgeist topic of how the is being producer Barry Detweiler. In flashbacks, the producer recalls reimagined. In The Expendables 3, Barney (Stallone) faces off with an old his efforts to coax aging movie queen Fedora (Marthe Keller) enemy and must fight old blood with new blood, bringing in a out of retirement, while attending her funeral. Not long before, Documentary, Gay / Lesbian Interest, HBO, new era of Expendables who are younger and faster. The he had tried to penetrate the phalanx of functionaries who Special Interest, Television 2013 103min. latest mission becomes a clash of classic old-school style protected the star at the Greek island villa of her friend, the Passion River 16.12.2014 versus high-tech expertise in The Expendables’ most Countess Sobryanski (Hildegard Knef) without success. personal battle yet. When Barry accidentally bumped into the actress in town, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125011 Action, Adventure, Movies, Revenge, looking amazingly well, she claimed that she was at the Terrorism, Thrillers 2014 110min. of her caretakers, but asked him to send her his script. The First Power Following a series of frustratingly mixed signals from Fedora, Lionsgate 25.11.2014 she arrives one night at Barry’s hotel in desperation, but is Tracy Griffith, David Gale, Jeff Kober, Lou 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125017 quickly seized and conjured away by her plastic surgeon Dr. Diamond Phillips - Dir. Robert Resnikoff Vandos (Jose Ferrer), and her chauffeur Kritos (Gottfried Homicide Detective Logan chases Patrick Channing, a serial Extant: The Complete First John). The next day, the producer returns to the villa, and is killer, through the city, following the clues that an anonymous knocked unconscious by the chauffeur. Although his woman, claiming to be psychic, leaves over the phone. With Season penultimate film, this is truly the director’s farewell to the last clue, he catches Channing, but against the psychic’s moviemaking, an absorbing meditation on age, be wishes, puts him in the gas chamber. This act releases a , Goran Visnjic, Camryn Drama, Movies, Romance, Thrillers 1978 force impossible to defeat. Manheim, 116min. Crime, Horror, Movies, Supernatural & Academy Award winning producer launches a sci-fi thriller that explores the realms of family, evolution Olive Films 28.10.2014 Paranormal, Thrillers 1990 98min. and, ultimately, the survival of the human race. Academy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124816 Kino Video 07.10.2014 Award winner Halle Berry plays Molly Woods, an astronaut 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124685 trying to readjust to life on earth after a 13-month space mission. But slipping back into her role as wife and mother Fedora (Blu-ray) gets complicated when her doctor (Golden Globe winner Marthe Keller, Hildegard Knef, Mario Adorf, The First Power (Blu-ray) Camryn Manheim) discovers that after a year-long solo mission, Molly is inexplicably pregnant. Adding to her stress, Jose Ferrer, Frances Sternhagen, William Tracy Griffith, David Gale, Jeff Kober, Lou Molly struggles to reconnect with her „son“ - a humanoid Holden - Dir. Billy Wilder Diamond Phillips - Dir. Robert Resnikoff robot created by her engineer husband (Goran Visnijic), both Billy Wilder’s knowing, deliberately old-fashioned homage to Homicide Detective Logan chases Patrick Channing, a serial as a response to their infertility and as a scientific pet a bygone age of filmmaking, it stars William Holden as killer, through the city, following the clues that an anonymous project. From the creation of life to the mysteries of space to producer Barry Detweiler. In flashbacks, the producer recalls woman, claiming to be psychic, leaves over the phone. With the future of humanity, the world will never be the same. And his efforts to coax aging movie queen Fedora (Marthe Keller) the last clue, he catches Channing, but against the psychic’s neither will Molly Woods. out of retirement, while attending her funeral. Not long before, wishes, puts him in the gas chamber. This act releases a Drama, In The Future..., Science Fiction, he had tried to penetrate the phalanx of functionaries who force impossible to defeat. protected the star at the Greek island villa of her friend, the Crime, Horror, Movies, Supernatural & Space, Television, Thrillers 2014 540min. Countess Sobryanski (Hildegard Knef) without success. Paramount Pictures 16.12.2014 When Barry accidentally bumped into the actress in town, Paranormal, Thrillers 1990 98min. 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124938 looking amazingly well, she claimed that she was at the mercy Kino Video 07.10.2014 of her caretakers, but asked him to send her his script. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124720 Following a series of frustratingly mixed signals from Fedora, Extant: The Complete First she arrives one night at Barry’s hotel in desperation, but is quickly seized and conjured away by her plastic surgeon Dr. The Following: The Complete Se- Season (Blu-ray) Vandos (Jose Ferrer), and her chauffeur Kritos (Gottfried Hiroyuki Sanada, Goran Visnjic, Camryn John). The next day, the producer returns to the villa, and is cond Season knocked unconscious by the chauffeur. Although his Natalie Zea, Annie Parisse, James Purefoy, Manheim, Halle Berry penultimate film, this is truly the director’s farewell to Academy Award winning producer Steven Spielberg launches moviemaking, an absorbing meditation on age, be Kevin Bacon a sci-fi thriller that explores the realms of family, evolution Crime, Drama, Fox, Mystery, Serial Killers, and, ultimately, the survival of the human race. Academy Drama, Movies, Romance, Thrillers 1978 Award winner Halle Berry plays Molly Woods, an astronaut 116min. Television, Thrillers 2014 min. trying to readjust to life on earth after a 13-month space Olive Films 28.10.2014 Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 mission. But slipping back into her role as wife and mother 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124677 gets complicated when her doctor (Golden Globe winner 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124840 Camryn Manheim) discovers that after a year-long solo mission, Molly is inexplicably pregnant. Adding to her stress, Felony The Following: The Complete Se- Molly struggles to reconnect with her „son“ - a humanoid robot created by her engineer husband (Goran Visnijic), both Jai Courtney, Joel Edgerton, Melissa cond Season (Blu-ray + DVD + as a response to their infertility and as a scientific pet George, - Dir. Matthew UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) project. From the creation of life to the mysteries of space to the future of humanity, the world will never be the same. And Saville Natalie Zea, Annie Parisse, James Purefoy, neither will Molly Woods. Three male detectives become embroiled in a tense struggle after a tragic accident that leaves a child in a coma. One is Kevin Bacon Paramount Pictures, Drama, In The guilty of a crime, one will try to cover it up, and the other Crime, Drama, Fox, Mystery, Serial Killers, Future..., Science Fiction, Space, Televisi- attempts to expose it. How far will these men go to both Television, Thrillers 2014 min. on, Thrillers 2014 540min. disguise and unravel the truth? Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 Cops, Crime, Crooked Cops, Detectives, Paramount Pictures 16.12.2014 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124713 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124941 Drama, Movies, Thrillers 116min. Millennium Entertainment 27.01.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124905 For Such A Time Fairy Tail: Part Thirteen (Blu-ray Based on the compelling Biblical story of Queen Esther, the + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) young Jewish woman who God raised up to become Queen of Felony Persia, the only one who could save her people from Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Jai Courtney, Joel Edgerton, Melissa annihilation. Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- History & Events, Movies, Religion/ George, Tom Wilkinson - Dir. Matthew sion 275min. Spirituality, Royalty 75min. Saville Funimation 28.10.2014 Three male detectives become embroiled in a tense struggle Bridgestone Media 14.10.2014 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124842 after a tragic accident that leaves a child in a coma. One is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124656 guilty of a crime, one will try to cover it up, and the other attempts to expose it. How far will these men go to both Fairy Tail: Part Twelve (Blu-ray + disguise and unravel the truth? Forbidden Films From The Age DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Cops, Crime, Crooked Cops, Detectives, Of Beauty: Anthology Of Erotic Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 116min. Cinema - The 1900s Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- Millennium Entertainment 27.01.2015 The beginning of the 19th century brought a time that’s known sion 275min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124924 as „The Age Of Beauty“ (La Belle Epoque), which was the time when cinema was first invented. Naturally, erotica was Funimation 28.10.2014 one of this time’s period’s first explorations. Contained within 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124841 First Comes Love are some of cinema’s earliest film adventures that feature Nina Davenport - Dir. Nina Davenport straights, trios, bisexuality, and sadomasochistic acts, which Fedora First Comes Love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in were produced internationally. Wild fantasies range from and the baby carriage. For Nina Davenport, the nursery rhyme include vacuum cleaners, family life, nuns, priests, satanic Marthe Keller, Hildegard Knef, Mario Adorf, didn’t go as planned. Single at age forty-one, she decides to rituals and school teachers, just to name a few.

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Classics, Erotica, Movies, Short Film gain her independence. As determined as she is, Gabrielle orientation. Disgruntled Dr. Jenna James (Laurie Metcalf), must still confront other people’s prejudices as well as her appointed director of the ward thanks to a meltdown at the Collections 60min. own limitations in the hope of experiencing a love far from the hospital proper, continues her above-it-all temper tantrums CAV 11.11.2014 „ordinary“. despite being given a fresh start. Dr. James and Patsy butt 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124965 Canadian, Drama, Foreign, French, Illness heads along the way, particularly when Patsy’s surveys reveal that the whole lot of them are underperforming in this & Disease, Movies, Music, Romance 2013 rundown, red-tape-filled hospital off-shoot. The Forgotten Kingdom 104min. Based On TV Show, Comedy, Doctors & Drama, Foreign, Movies, South African E1 Entertainment 21.10.2014 Medicine, HBO, Nurses & Doctors, On The 2013 97min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124666 Job, Television 2013 180min. Kino Video 28.10.2014 HBO Home Video 11.11.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124825 : The Complete 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124744 Fourth Season Fort Bliss Sibel Kekilli, Jerome Flynn, John Bradley, Getting On: The Complete First Gbenga Akinnagbe, Manolo Cardona, Pablo Peter Dinklage, Aidan Gillen, Rory McCann, Season (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Schreiber, Michelle Monaghan, Emmanuelle Stephen Dillane, Lena Headey, , (Blu-ray) Chriqui, , John Savage, Ron Julian Glover, , Michelle Brandon Fobbs, , Mel Livingston - Dir. Claudia Myers Fairley, Ian McElhinney, Ben Crompton, Na- Rodriguez, Ann Morgan Guilbert, Niecy Michelle Monaghan (Source Code), Ron Livingston (TV’s talie Dormer, Alfie Allen, Conleth Hill, Kit ), Emmanuelle Chiriqui (TVs Entourage). An Nash, Laurie Metcalf army medic returning from a tour of Afghanistan struggles to Harington, Emilia Clarke, Maisie Williams, Set in a women’s extended-care unit of a Long Beach, CA rekindle her relationship with her 4 year old son while trying Jack Gleeson, Sophie Turner, Rose Leslie, hospital, Getting On follows the daily lives of a ragtag staff to hold onto her military career. A moving drama that gives a Gwendoline Christie assigned to care for elderly patients who are, well, getting on. larger appreciation for the sacrifices made by our armed Nurse DiDi (Niecy Nash) is the no-nonsense newbie who services veterans. Adventure, Book-To-Film, Drama, Fantasy, spends her first day on the job being reprimanded for cleaning Drama, Movies, War 2014 min. HBO, Medieval Times, Royalty, Swords & up unidentified feces left in the lounge. Unit veteran Nurse Sworcery, Television 561min. Dawn (Alex Borstein) is tasked with training DiDi, but winds Peace Arch Entertainment 14.10.2014 up obsessing over a budding relationship with male 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124694 HBO Home Video 17.02.2015 Supervising Nurse Patsy (Mel Rodriguez) - a new hire who 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124757 tries to implement a Disney-inspired, customer centric work culture, while fending off questions about his sexual Fox Searchlight Pictures 20th orientation. Disgruntled Dr. Jenna James (Laurie Metcalf), Anniversary Collection (Blu-ray) Game Of Thrones: The Complete appointed director of the ward thanks to a meltdown at the Fourth Season (Blu-ray + hospital proper, continues her above-it-all temper tantrums Celebrating two decades of cinematic innovation and despite being given a fresh start. Dr. James and Patsy butt excellence, this 20th Anniversary Fox Searchlight Collection UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) heads along the way, particularly when Patsy’s surveys features powerful performances and direction by Hollywood’s reveal that the whole lot of them are underperforming in this most beloved actors and filmmakers. From sidesplitting Sibel Kekilli, Jerome Flynn, John Bradley, rundown, red-tape-filled hospital off-shoot. comedies and riveting thrillers to unforgettable dramas, Peter Dinklage, Aidan Gillen, Rory McCann, including Best Picture Academy Award Winners Slumdog Based On TV Show, Blu-ray, Comedy, Millionaire (2008) and 12 Years a Slave (2013), these Stephen Dillane, Lena Headey, Iain Glen, Doctors & Medicine, HBO, Nurses & critically acclaimed movies have captured the hearts and Julian Glover, Charles Dance, Michelle Doctors, On The Job, Television 2013 imaginations of audiences around the world. Fairley, Ian McElhinney, Ben Crompton, Na- 180min. Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, talie Dormer, Alfie Allen, Conleth Hill, Kit HBO Home Video 11.11.2014 Collections, Movies min. Harington, Emilia Clarke, Maisie Williams, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124769 20th Century Fox 09.12.2014 Jack Gleeson, Sophie Turner, Rose Leslie, 439,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124892 Gwendoline Christie Gift Of Love: A Christmas Story Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, Polly Holliday, Lee Remick, Angela Friended To Death Fantasy, HBO, Medieval Times, Royalty, Lansbury - Dir. Delbert Mann Sarah Smick, James Immekus, Zach Swords & Sworcery, Television 561min. With her world in turmoil, Janet (Lee Remick) feels she is McGowan, Ryan Hansen - Dir. Sarah Smick HBO Home Video 17.02.2015 losing so much that’s important to her: her beloved mother After being fired from his dream job and ditched by his best 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124716 (Angela Lansbury), the family business, and maybe even her friend (Zach McGowen), obnoxious parking enforcement husband. Janet dreams of simpler times, of Christmas in the officer Michael (Ryan Hansen) fakes his death on Facebook idyllic Vermont of her younger days, and of taking her to find out how many of so so-called ‘friends’ will show up to Gator children back to the family home where her parents and his funeral. A tongue-in-cheek commentary on friendship in spinster aunt (Polly Holliday) would be waiting for them. And today’s hyper-connected world of social media, Friended To Burt Reynolds - Dir. Burt Reynolds they are, in the warmth of the holiday. But only when one of Death is a hilarious bro-mantic comedy that charts the extre- A federal agent forces a paroled moonshiner called Gator to her children is in jeopardy, does Janet search for that ‘secret mes to which a desperate Facebook junkie will go in order to go undercover in a corrupt county. place’ where we all may find what really matters. figure out who his true friends are. Action, Crime, Drama, Movies 1976 112min. Christmas, Classics, Drama, Family, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Friendships, Movies Kino Video 11.11.2014 Holidays, Movies, TV Movies 1983 100min. 2014 93min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124980 Passion River 30.09.2014 Passion River 02.12.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124576 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124894 Gator (Blu-ray) Burt Reynolds - Dir. Burt Reynolds The Girl Hunter Frontera A federal agent forces a paroled moonshiner called Gator to Michael Brennan, Charles Farrell, James Daniel Zacapa, Eva Longoria, Michael go undercover in a corrupt county. Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies 1976 Dyrenforth, Mickey Spillane, Lloyd Nolan, Pena, Aden Young, Amy Madigan, Ed Harris Shirley Eaton - Dir. Roy Rowland Frontera follows the events that take place after a former 112min. Arizona sheriff’s wife (Amy Madigan) is killed while riding on Kino Video 11.11.2014 Action, Adventure, British, Detectives, Film their ranch. It appears a Mexican man (Michael Pena) cros- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125002 Noir, Foreign, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers sing in to the US illegally is at fault. As former Sheriff (Ed 1963 98min. Harris) and current Sheriff (Aden Young) search for answers, Kino Video 21.10.2014 lives are changed forever. Getting On: The Complete First 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124805 Drama, Movies, Western 2014 103min. Season Magnolia Home Entertainment 04.11.2014 Brandon Fobbs, Alex Borstein, Mel 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124945 Good People Rodriguez, Ann Morgan Guilbert, Niecy Omar Sy, James Franco, Anna Friel, Kate Nash, Laurie Metcalf Gabrielle Set in a women’s extended-care unit of a Long Beach, CA Hudson, Tom Wilkinson - Dir. Henrik Ruben Alexandre Landry - Dir. Louise hospital, Getting On follows the daily lives of a ragtag staff Genz assigned to care for elderly patients who are, well, getting on. A debt-ridden couple believe that all of their financial Archambault Nurse DiDi (Niecy Nash) is the no-nonsense newbie who problems are solved when they discover a stash of cash in Gabrielle is a young woman with Williams syndrome who has spends her first day on the job being reprimanded for cleaning their dead tenant’s apartment, but realize their lives are in a contagious joie de vivre and an exceptional musical gift. up unidentified feces left in the lounge. Unit veteran Nurse danger from the thief who will kill to get it back. Since she met her boyfriend Martin, at the recreation centre Dawn (Alex Borstein) is tasked with training DiDi, but winds Action, Adventure, Movies, Thrillers 91min. where they are choir members, they have been inseparable. up obsessing over a budding relationship with male However, because they are „different,“ their loved ones are Supervising Nurse Patsy (Mel Rodriguez) - a new hire who First Look 28.10.2014 fearful of their relationship. As the choir prepares for an tries to implement a Disney-inspired, customer centric work 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124750 important music festival, Gabrielle does everything she can to culture, while fending off questions about his sexual

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Good People (Blu-ray) Action, Indonesian, Movies 2014 92min. stealing a mysterious orb coveted by Ronan, a powerful villain with ambitions that threaten the entire universe. to Omar Sy, James Franco, Anna Friel, Kate First Look 21.10.2014 evade the ever-persistent Ronan, Quill is forced into an Hudson, Tom Wilkinson - Dir. Henrik Ruben 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124704 uneasy truce with a quartet of disparate misfits - Rocket, a gun-toting raccoon; Groot, a tree-like humanoid; the deadly Genz and enigmatic Gamora; and the revenge-driven Drax the A debt-ridden couple believe that all of their financial Guardians Of The Galaxy Destroyer. But when Quill discovers the true power of the orb problems are solved when they discover a stash of cash in Chris Pratt, Lee Pace, Bradley Cooper, Zoe and the menace it poses to the cosmos, he must do his best to their dead tenant’s apartment, but realize their lives are in rally his ragtag rivals for a last desperate stand - with the danger from the thief who will kill to get it back. Saldana, Vin Diesel, John C. Reilly, Djimon galaxy’s fate in the balance. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Thril- Hounsou, Sean Gunn, Michael Rooker, Action, Adventure, Aliens, Assassins & lers 91min. , Benicio Del Toro, Peter Hitmen, Blu-ray, Bounty Hunters, Comedy, First Look 28.10.2014 Serafinowicz, Karen Gillan, Laura Disney, In The Future..., Monsters, Movies, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124775 Haddock, Dave Bautista - Dir. Science Fiction, Space, Superheroes 2014 From Marvel, the studio that brought you the global blockbuster franchises of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America 120min. Gore, Quebec and The Avengers, comes a new team - the Guardians Of The Disney / Buena Vista 09.12.2014 Blake Mawson, Myrthin Stagg, Kate Elyse Galaxy. An action-packed, epic space adventure, Marvel’s 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125032 Guardian Of The Galaxy expands the Marvel Cinematic Forrest - Dir. Jean Benoit Lauzon Universe into the cosmos, where brash adventurer Peter Quill Gore, Quebec tells the story of two acquaintances who are finds himself the object of an unrelenting bounty hunt aver Guilty Of Romance set up by their mutual friends on a cottage weekend in Que- stealing a mysterious orb coveted by Ronan, a powerful bec. What was supposed to be an exciting and fun weekend, villain with ambitions that threaten the entire universe. to Miki Mizuno, Makoto Togashi - Dir. Shion quickly turns into the blind date from hell, as the Couple evade the ever-persistent Ronan, Quill is forced into an Sono discover that the cottage is not safe, and that their friends are uneasy truce with a quartet of disparate misfits - Rocket, a An abused housewife works as a nude model in order to already dead. The film begins in a home movie found-footage gun-toting raccoon; Groot, a tree-like humanoid; the deadly satisfy her desires. Under the influence of a depraved English style, but quickly shifts into a more cinematic style once and enigmatic Gamora; and the revenge-driven Drax the professor, she eventually turns to prostitution. Elsewhere, a things start unraveling. With a serial killer terrorizing them, Destroyer. But when Quill discovers the true power of the orb female cop investigates a grisly murder in which the victim’s the Couple have to either protect one another to survive, or and the menace it poses to the cosmos, he must do his best to body was mutilated and adorned with doll parts. try to escape separately. Do you protect your fellow man, or rally his ragtag rivals for a last desperate stand - with the is survival a solitary journey? Drama, Foreign, Horror, Japanese, Movies galaxy’s fate in the balance. 2011 min. Canadian, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Serial Action, Adventure, Aliens, Assassins & Olive Films 14.10.2014 Killers, Slasher, Thrillers 2014 73min. Hitmen, Bounty Hunters, Comedy, Disney, In 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124697 E1 Entertainment 14.10.2014 The Future..., Monsters, Movies, Science 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124657 Fiction, Space, Superheroes 2014 120min. Disney / Buena Vista 09.12.2014 Guilty Of Romance (Blu-ray) Gorky Park 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125025 Miki Mizuno, Makoto Togashi - Dir. Shion Richard Griffiths, Michael Elphick, Ian Ban- Sono An abused housewife works as a nude model in order to nen, Joanna Pacula, Lee Marvin, Brian Guardians Of The Galaxy (Blu-ray satisfy her desires. Under the influence of a depraved English Dennehy, William Hurt - Dir. 3D + Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- professor, she eventually turns to prostitution. Elsewhere, a When three faceless corpses are discovered in Moscow’s female cop investigates a grisly murder in which the victim’s Gorky Park, the Moscow militia’s top investigator, Arkady ray) body was mutilated and adorned with doll parts. Renko (William Hurt), is assigned to the case. An honest Drama, Foreign, Horror, Japanese, Movies Soviet official, Renko uncovers a murky and dangerous plot Chris Pratt, Lee Pace, Bradley Cooper, Zoe involving sinister KGB agents, the corrupt Soviet government, Saldana, Vin Diesel, John C. Reilly, Djimon 2011 min. and a powerful American businessman. Although many of the Hounsou, Sean Gunn, Michael Rooker, Olive Films 14.10.2014 Russians in the film speak with an English accent (all the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124729 dialogue is in English), Gorky Park proves to be a Glenn Close, Benicio Del Toro, Peter provocative, fast-paced thriller that captures all of the Serafinowicz, Karen Gillan, Laura intrigue and suspense in Martin Cruz Smith’s best-selling Haddock, Dave Bautista - Dir. James Gunn Gunsmoke: The Eleventh Season novel of the same name. Director Michael Apted handled the From Marvel, the studio that brought you the global - Volume One thriller genre before in Squeeze and Agatha, and the blockbuster franchises of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America experience shows in Gorky Park; there are so many twists and The Avengers, comes a new team - the Guardians Of The Amanda Blake, Milburn Stone, Ken Curtis, and turns in the plot, viewers are constantly kept off balance. Galaxy. An action-packed, epic space adventure, Marvel’s A supporting cast of Lee Marvin, Brian Dennehy, and Joanna James Arness Guardian Of The Galaxy expands the Marvel Cinematic Three-time Emmy Award nominee James Arness saddles up Pacula (in her first starring role) back up Hurt with solid Universe into the cosmos, where brash adventurer Peter Quill performances. for all new adventure in Gunsmoke: The Eleventh Season - finds himself the object of an unrelenting bounty hunt aver Volume One. In this four-disc, 16-episode collection, United Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1983 stealing a mysterious orb coveted by Ronan, a powerful States Marshal Matt Dillon and the good citizens of Dodge 128min. villain with ambitions that threaten the entire universe. to City breathe new life into the Old West. From train-robbing Kino Video 21.10.2014 evade the ever-persistent Ronan, Quill is forced into an outlaws and claim jumpers to cattle rustlers and bounty uneasy truce with a quartet of disparate misfits - Rocket, a hunters, disorder was the order of the day. But it was 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124807 gun-toting raccoon; Groot, a tree-like humanoid; the deadly business as usual for the Marshal and his loyal crew, and enigmatic Gamora; and the revenge-driven Drax the including Doc Adams (Emmy winner Milburn Stone), saloon Gorky Park (Blu-ray) Destroyer. But when Quill discovers the true power of the orb keeper Miss Kitty (Emmy-nominated Amanda Blake) and and the menace it poses to the cosmos, he must do his best to steadfast deputy Festus Haggen (Ken Curtis). Together, they Richard Griffiths, Michael Elphick, Ian Ban- rally his ragtag rivals for a last desperate stand - with the showed American audiences how the West was run, and how nen, Joanna Pacula, Lee Marvin, Brian galaxy’s fate in the balance. justice was served. Action, Adventure, Aliens, Assassins & Dennehy, William Hurt - Dir. Michael Apted Action, Adventure, CBS, Classics, Televisi- When three faceless corpses are discovered in Moscow’s Hitmen, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Bounty on, Western 809min. Gorky Park, the Moscow militia’s top investigator, Arkady Hunters, Comedy, Disney, In The Future..., Paramount Pictures 02.12.2014 Renko (William Hurt), is assigned to the case. An honest Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction, Space, Soviet official, Renko uncovers a murky and dangerous plot 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124634 involving sinister KGB agents, the corrupt Soviet government, Superheroes 2014 120min. and a powerful American businessman. Although many of the Disney / Buena Vista 09.12.2014 Gunsmoke: The Eleventh Season Russians in the film speak with an English accent (all the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125031 dialogue is in English), Gorky Park proves to be a - Volume Two provocative, fast-paced thriller that captures all of the Amanda Blake, Milburn Stone, Ken Curtis, intrigue and suspense in Martin Cruz Smith’s best-selling Guardians Of The Galaxy (Blu- novel of the same name. Director Michael Apted handled the James Arness thriller genre before in Squeeze and Agatha, and the ray) Gunsmoke: The Eleventh Season - Volume Two sends experience shows in Gorky Park; there are so many twists Chris Pratt, Lee Pace, Bradley Cooper, Zoe legendary Marshal Matt Dillon (three-time Emmy Award and turns in the plot, viewers are constantly kept off balance. nominee James Arness) on the hunt for a new crop of outlaws, A supporting cast of Lee Marvin, Brian Dennehy, and Joanna Saldana, Vin Diesel, John C. Reilly, Djimon including a ruthless gang of bank robbers, a notorious Pacula (in her first starring role) back up Hurt with solid Hounsou, Sean Gunn, Michael Rooker, sharpshooter and a murderous musician. Fighting alongside performances. Glenn Close, Benicio Del Toro, Peter this frontier gunslinger are medicine man Doc Adams (Emmy Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1983 winner Milburn Stone), the Long Branch Saloon’s Miss Kitty Serafinowicz, Karen Gillan, Laura (Emmy-nominated Amanda Blake) and loyal deputy Festus 128min. Haddock, Dave Bautista - Dir. James Gunn Haggen (Ken Curtis). When it comes to heroes, the best in Kino Video 21.10.2014 From Marvel, the studio that brought you the global the west all hail from Dodge City. On four discs featuring 16 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124835 blockbuster franchises of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America shoot-from-the-hip episodes, this landmark western continues and The Avengers, comes a new team - the Guardians Of The to stand tall and proud as one of television’s best-loved and Galaxy. An action-packed, epic space adventure, Marvel’s longest-running series. Guardian Guardian Of The Galaxy expands the Marvel Cinematic Action, Adventure, CBS, Classics, Televisi- Universe into the cosmos, where brash adventurer Peter Quill Sarah Carter finds himself the object of an unrelenting bounty hunt aver on, Western 809min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 81 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Paramount Pictures 02.12.2014 Hercules ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124635 Peter Mullan, Ian McShane, Joseph Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Fiennes, Rufus Sewell, John Hurt - Dir. Stephen Fry, Ken Stott, Ian McKellen - Dir. Gutshot Straight (DVD + Peter Jackson UltraViolet) Dwayne Johnson delivers an unforgettable performance as The adventure continues as Bilbo Baggins, the Wizard the mighty Hercules! When a terrifying new enemy threatens Gandalf and 13 Dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield, journey Annalynne McCord, George Eads, Vinnie the innocent, Hercules and his fearless team of warriors must to reclaim the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor. As they head East, Jones, Stephen Lang, Ted Levine, Tia lead their army in a battle against overwhelming odds. It will they encounter the skin-changer Beorn and giant spiders in take the strength of a god for Hercules to overcome his past the treacherous forest, Mirkwood. Escaping capture by Carrere, Steven Seagal - Dir. Justin Steele and conquer his foes in the epic adventure that critics are Wood-elves, they travel to Lake-town and finally the Lonely When a gambler named Jack is down on his luck, he makes a calling „fast-paced and packed with eye-popping action!“ Mountain, where they face their greatest danger - a terrifying deal with a slick-talking, wealthy man in Las Vegas to make (Elizabeth Weitzman, New York Daily News) creature that will test their courage, their friendship and the some quick money in order to repay his debts. When the deal wisdom of the journey itself - the Dragon Smaug. turns deadly, Jack must learn to play smarter in order to get Action, Adventure, Drama, Movies, Myths & ahead of the game. Legends, Swordfighting, War 2014 98min. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Action, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2014 Paramount Pictures 04.11.2014 Drama, Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, Magic, 89min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124884 Monsters, Movies, Myths & Legends, Lionsgate 02.12.2014 Special Editions, Swordfighting, Swords & 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124859 Hercules: Extended Cut (Blu-ray + Sworcery 2013 161min. New Line Home Entertainment 04.11.2014 DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124766 Happy Christmas Peter Mullan, Ian McShane, Joseph Marc Webber, Lena Dunham, Anna Fiennes, Rufus Sewell, John Hurt - Dir. The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Kendrick, Melanie Lynskey Brett Ratner From the Director of Drinking Buddies comes a comedy about Dwayne Johnson delivers an unforgettable performance as Smaug - Extended Edition (Blu- an irresponsible 20-something, Jenny (Anna Kendrick) who the mighty Hercules! When a terrifying new enemy threatens ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + arrives in Chicago to live with her older brother Jeff (Joe the innocent, Hercules and his fearless team of warriors must Swanberg) and his novelist wife, Kelly (Melanie Lynskey) lead their army in a battle against overwhelming odds. It will UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) after a break-up. Jenny’s arrival shakes up their quiet take the strength of a god for Hercules to overcome his past domesticity as she and her friend Carson (Lena Dunham) and conquer his foes in the epic adventure that critics are Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, instigate an evolution in Kelly’s life and career. calling „fast-paced and packed with eye-popping action!“ Stephen Fry, Ken Stott, Ian McKellen - Dir. Christmas, Comedy, Drama, Holidays, (Elizabeth Weitzman, New York Daily News) Peter Jackson Movies, Romance 2014 82min. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, The adventure continues as Bilbo Baggins, the Wizard Paramount Pictures 11.11.2014 Myths & Legends, Swordfighting, War Gandalf and 13 Dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield, journey to reclaim the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor. As they head East, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124782 2014 98min. they encounter the skin-changer Beorn and giant spiders in Paramount Pictures 04.11.2014 the treacherous forest, Mirkwood. Escaping capture by Happy Days: The Complete 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124890 Wood-elves, they travel to Lake-town and finally the Lonely Mountain, where they face their greatest danger - a terrifying Seasons 1 - 6 creature that will test their courage, their friendship and the Anson Williams, Erin Moran, Donny Most, Himizu wisdom of the journey itself - the Dragon Smaug. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, , Marion Ross, Henry Winkler, Sion Sono (Suicide Club, Cold Fish), adapts Minoru Furuya’s popular to tell the confrontational tale of a troubled Book-To-Film, Drama, Fantasy, Giant Mon- Ron Howard adolescent boy whose dreams of an ordinary life are slowly The nostalgic comedy set in Milwaukee, Wisconsin focused eroded in the aftermath of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. sters!, Magic, Monsters, Movies, Myths & on the Cunninghams and their two kids, Richie and Joanie and Fifteen-year-old Sumida (Shta Sometani) and his mother run a Legends, Special Editions, Swordfighting, their relationship with Fonzie, a motorcycle-riding Casanova small boat-rental business on the outskirts of the city. They Swords & Sworcery 2013 161min. who became a pop-culture phenomenon. don’t get many customers, but the presence of some local New Line Home Entertainment 04.11.2014 Classics, Comedy, Family, Friendships, homeless people on their property ensures that there’s rarely a dull moment around the shop. Meanwhile, at school, 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124764 Television min. Sumida’s classmate Keiko (Fumi Nikaid) makes no secret of Paramount Pictures 02.12.2014 her massive crush on him. When Sumida’s mother decides to 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124636 abandon both the business and her son, Keiko and the other Holiday Comedy 4-Pack locals team up in an attempt to spruce up the boat house, and , , Monica lure in some new clientele. But when Sumida’s drunken, Keena, Luis Guzman, Paul Rudd, Freddy Happy Days: The Sixth Season physically abusive father repeatedly shows up to berate the Rodriguez, Paul Giamatti, Dave Foley, John Anson Williams, Erin Moran, Donny Most, beleaguered teen, and a vicious crime boss appears seeking to collect on a lingering debt, the volatile situation quickly Leguizamo, Alfred Molina Tom Bosley, Marion Ross, Henry Winkler, begins to boil over. Christmas, Collections, Comedy, Crime, Ron Howard Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Movies 2011 Drama, Family, Holidays, Latin, Movies, TV CBS, Classics, Comedy, Family, 130min. Movies 391min. Friendships, Television min. Olive Films 14.10.2014 Starz / Anchor Bay 04.11.2014 Paramount Pictures 02.12.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124698 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124552 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124637 Himizu (Blu-ray) Holiday Evening By The Fire Hart To Hart: The Complete Third Sion Sono (Suicide Club, Cold Fish), adapts Minoru Furuya’s popular manga to tell the confrontational tale of a troubled Drama, Family, Holidays, Movies min. Season adolescent boy whose dreams of an ordinary life are slowly E1 Entertainment 28.10.2014 Stefanie Powers, Lionel Stander, Robert eroded in the aftermath of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Fifteen-year-old Sumida (Shta Sometani) and his mother run a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124667 Wagner small boat-rental business on the outskirts of the city. They Action, Adventure, Classics, Crime, don’t get many customers, but the presence of some local Homeland: Season Three (Blu- Detectives, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, homeless people on their property ensures that there’s rarely a dull moment around the shop. Meanwhile, at school, ray) Romance, Television min. Sumida’s classmate Keiko (Fumi Nikaid) makes no secret of Shout Factory 09.12.2014 her massive crush on him. When Sumida’s mother decides to , Claire Danes, Damian 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124914 abandon both the business and her son, Keiko and the other Lewis, Morgan Saylor, Jackson Pace, locals team up in an attempt to spruce up the boat house, and Rupert Friend, Diego Klattenhoff, Navid lure in some new clientele. But when Sumida’s drunken, Negahban, Morena Baccarin, David Hell And Mr. Fudge physically abusive father repeatedly shows up to berate the beleaguered teen, and a vicious crime boss appears seeking Marciano Sean McGowan, Gary Grubbs, John to collect on a lingering debt, the volatile situation quickly As Carrie (Emmy winner Claire Danes) and Saul (Emmy Wesley Shipp, Keri Lynn Pratt, Eileen begins to boil over. winner Mandy Patinkin) search for the truth behind the Davidson, Mackenzie Astin - Dir. Jeff Wood Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Movies 2011 bombing of CIA headquarters, lines are blurred between In 1970’s , a young preacher struggles with his faith, 130min. friend and foe and no one can be trusted. While hiding a and attacks from his church, after being hired to prove stunning secret of her own, Carrie helps recruit Brody (Emmy whether or not Hell exists. Olive Films 14.10.2014 winner Damian Lewis) for a dangerous mission that could 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124730 offer him a chance at redemption. But when the plan unravels Drama, Movies, Religion/Spirituality 2012 and Brody is targeted deep inside Iran, he must put his life in min. Carrie’s hands, leading to one of the most suspenseful and Bridgestone Media 23.09.2014 The Hobbit: The Desolation Of shocking season finales in TV history. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124616 Smaug - Extended Edition (Blu- Detectives, Drama, Marines, Military, Mystery, Showtime, Television, Terrorism,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 82 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Thrillers 2013 616min. 2014 105min. label, Iguana features an unsettling blend of actio 20th Century Fox 09.09.2014 Well Go USA 11.11.2014 Cult Film / TV, Horror, Movies 1988 88min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124647 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124953 Kino Video 07.10.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124686 : Extended Edition Iceman (Blu-ray) Kristen Connolly, Adrien Brody, Evan Jones A Ming Dynasty - wrongly accused of a murder Iguana (Blu-ray) Adrien Brody, Kristen Connolly (TV’s House of Cards). Epic - is being hunted by his three sworn brothers and all four get Fabio Testi, Joseph Culp, Everett McGill, mini-series that follows the world-renowned master of accidentally and kept frozen in time during a battle. 400 years later, they are defrosted and continue the battle while Michael Madsen - Dir. Monte Hellman escape’s transformation from immigrant into the world’s first Cult director Monte Hellman (Two-lane Blacktop, The superstar. All-star cast! adjusting to modern day life. A Ming Dynasty palace guard - wrongly accused of a murder - is hunted by three sworn Shooting) returns to the screen after a 9-year lapse with this Biography, Drama, Magic, Mini-Series, Tele- brothers bent on revenge. All four are accidentally buried, incredibly strange picture which was shot in the heart of vision min. frozen in time at the height of battle. 400 years later, they are Spain. Based on the novel by Alberto Vazquez Figueroa Lionsgate 07.10.2014 defrosted and resume their mortal struggle...while also (whose other books inspired the films Desert Warrior, Oro adjusting to modern-day life. Rojo, and Oceano), Iguana features another cult favorite, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124680 Everett McGill (Big Ed of Twin Peaks’’ Big Ed’s Gas Farm), Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Chinese, in the lead role. McGill is Oberlus, a 19th Century sailor who Comedy, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, is cursed with a grotesque facial deformity and as a result is Houdini: Extended Edition (Blu- Movies 2014 105min. taunted with the nickname Iguana. After he is relentlessly ray) abused and tortured by his callous shipmates, he finds himself Well Go USA 11.11.2014 stranded on a deserted island. Unfortunately for a group of Kristen Connolly, Adrien Brody, Evan Jones 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124963 shipwrecked sailors, they seek refuge on Oberlus’ land at a Adrien Brody, Kristen Connolly (TV’s House of Cards). Epic time when he’s finally become fed up with the entire human mini-series that follows the world-renowned master of race. It isn’t long before he begins to wreak havoc on them, escape’s transformation from immigrant into the world’s first If I Stay forcing two of the shipwrecked sailors, Sebastien (Michael superstar. All-star cast! Jamie Blackley, Jakob Davies, Mireille Enos, Madsen) and Gamboa (Fabio Testi), to stand up for their Drama, Magic, Mini-Series, Television min. Liana Liberato, Aisha Hinds, Chloe Grace crew, saving the lives of everyone in the process. Difficult to Lionsgate 07.10.2014 label, Iguana features an unsettling blend of actio Moretz, Gabrielle Rose, Joshua Leonard, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Movies 1988 88min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124715 Stacy Keach - Dir. R.J. Cutler Kino Video 07.10.2014 Chloe Grace Moretz and Jamie Blackley shine“ (Michael 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124721 The Hundred Foot Journey Phillips, Chicago Tribune) in this romantic film based on Gayle Forman’s best-selling novel. Seventeen-year-old Mia Manish Dayal, Amit Shah, Juhi Chawla, (Moretz) is a gifted musician with a bright future and an In The Flesh: Season Two Vincent Elbaz, Clement Sibony, Om Puri, adoring boyfriend, Adam (Blackley). But when unexpected Harriet Cains, Marie Critchley, Luke Michel Blanc, Helen Mirren - Dir. Lasse tragedy hits, everything changes for Mia in the blink of an eye and she finds herself caught between life and death. Over one Newberry, Steve Evets, Steve Cooper, Hallstrom fateful day, Mia must make a final heart-wrenching decision Starring Academy Award(R) winner Helen Mirren (Best that will determine her future: let go and move on to whatever Ricky Tomlinson - Dir. Jonny Campbell Actress, The Queen, 2006), produced by Steven Speilberg, comes next... or stay with the love of her life. Join Mia’s BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Horror, Tele- Oprah Winfrey and Julia Blake, and directed by Lasse Hall- emotionally powerful journey as she makes the ultimate vision, Zombies min. strom (Chocolat), this uplifting story bursts with flavor, choice. BBC Home Video 07.10.2014 passion and heart. When the chill chef proprietress of a Drama, Movies, Music, Romance 2014 Michelin-starred French restaurant in southern France 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124675 (Mirren) gets wind of a culinary immigrant opening an Indian 106min. restaurant just 100 feet from her own, her icy protests MGM / UA 18.11.2014 escalate to all-out war between the two establishments. It’s a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124886 Into The Storm (Blu-ray + DVD + of triumph over exile as these two worlds collide Digital HD + Ultra Violet) (Blu-ray) and one young man tries to find the comfort of home in every pot - wherever he may be. If I Stay (Blu-ray + DVD + In the span of a single day, the town of Silverton is ravaged by Disney, Drama, Food & Cooking, Movies an unprecedented onslaught of tornadoes. The entire town is UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) at the mercy of the erratic and deadly cyclones, even as storm 2014 122min. Jamie Blackley, Jakob Davies, Mireille Enos, trackers predict the worst is yet to come. Most people seek Disney / Buena Vista 02.12.2014 shelter, while others run towards the vortex, testing how far a Liana Liberato, Aisha Hinds, Chloe Grace 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125026 storm chaser will go for that once-in-a-lifetime shot. Told Moretz, Gabrielle Rose, Joshua Leonard, through the eyes and lenses of professional storm chasers, Stacy Keach - Dir. R.J. Cutler thrill-seeking amateurs, and courageous townspeople, „Into The Hundred Foot Journey (Blu- the Storm“ throws you directly into the eye of the storm to Chloe Grace Moretz and Jamie Blackley shine“ (Michael experience Mother Nature at her most extreme. ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Phillips, Chicago Tribune) in this romantic film based on Gayle Forman’s best-selling novel. Seventeen-year-old Mia Action, Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Manish Dayal, Amit Shah, Juhi Chawla, (Moretz) is a gifted musician with a bright future and an Disasters, Movies, Thrillers 2014 89min. Vincent Elbaz, Clement Sibony, Om Puri, adoring boyfriend, Adam (Blackley). But when unexpected Warner Bros. 18.11.2014 tragedy hits, everything changes for Mia in the blink of an eye Michel Blanc, Helen Mirren - Dir. Lasse and she finds herself caught between life and death. Over one 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124997 Hallstrom fateful day, Mia must make a final heart-wrenching decision Starring Academy Award(R) winner Helen Mirren (Best that will determine her future: let go and move on to whatever Into The Storm (DVD + Ultra Actress, The Queen, 2006), produced by Steven Speilberg, comes next... or stay with the love of her life. Join Mia’s Oprah Winfrey and Julia Blake, and directed by Lasse Hall- emotionally powerful journey as she makes the ultimate Violet) strom (Chocolat), this uplifting story bursts with flavor, choice. In the span of a single day, the town of Silverton is ravaged by passion and heart. When the chill chef proprietress of a Book-To-Film, Drama, Movies, Music, an unprecedented onslaught of tornadoes. The entire town is Michelin-starred French restaurant in southern France Romance 2014 106min. at the mercy of the erratic and deadly cyclones, even as storm (Mirren) gets wind of a culinary immigrant opening an Indian trackers predict the worst is yet to come. Most people seek restaurant just 100 feet from her own, her icy protests MGM / UA 18.11.2014 shelter, while others run towards the vortex, testing how far a escalate to all-out war between the two establishments. It’s a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124893 storm chaser will go for that once-in-a-lifetime shot. Told celebration of triumph over exile as these two worlds collide through the eyes and lenses of professional storm chasers, and one young man tries to find the comfort of home in every thrill-seeking amateurs, and courageous townspeople, „Into pot - wherever he may be. Iguana the Storm“ throws you directly into the eye of the storm to Book-To-Film, Disney, Drama, Food & Fabio Testi, Joseph Culp, Everett McGill, experience Mother Nature at her most extreme. Cooking, Movies 2014 122min. Michael Madsen - Dir. Monte Hellman Action, Animals & Nature, Disasters, Disney / Buena Vista 02.12.2014 Cult director Monte Hellman (Two-lane Blacktop, The Movies, Thrillers 2014 89min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125033 Shooting) returns to the screen after a 9-year lapse with this Warner Bros. 18.11.2014 incredibly strange picture which was shot in the heart of Spain. Based on the novel by Alberto Vazquez Figueroa 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124970 Iceman (whose other books inspired the films Desert Warrior, Oro A Ming Dynasty palace guard - wrongly accused of a murder Rojo, and Oceano), Iguana features another cult favorite, It Happened One Night: The - is being hunted by his three sworn brothers and all four get Everett McGill (Big Ed of Twin Peaks’’ Big Ed’s Gas Farm), accidentally buried and kept frozen in time during a battle. 400 in the lead role. McGill is Oberlus, a 19th Century sailor who Criterion Colleciton years later, they are defrosted and continue the battle while is cursed with a grotesque facial deformity and as a result is Claudette Colbert, Clark Gable - Dir. Frank adjusting to modern day life. A Ming Dynasty palace guard - taunted with the nickname Iguana. After he is relentlessly wrongly accused of a murder - is hunted by three sworn abused and tortured by his callous shipmates, he finds himself Capra brothers bent on revenge. All four are accidentally buried, stranded on a deserted island. Unfortunately for a group of Opposites attract with magnetic force in this romantic road- frozen in time at the height of battle. 400 years later, they are shipwrecked sailors, they seek refuge on Oberlus’ land at a trip delight from Frank Capra, about a spoiled runaway defrosted and resume their mortal struggle...while also time when he’s finally become fed up with the entire human socialite (Claudette Colbert) and a roguish man-of-the-people adjusting to modern-day life. race. It isn’t long before he begins to wreak havoc on them, reporter (Clark Gable) who is determined to get the scoop on forcing two of the shipwrecked sailors, Sebastien (Michael her scandalous disappearance. The first film to accomplish Action, Adventure, Chinese, Comedy, Madsen) and Gamboa (Fabio Testi), to stand up for their the very rare feat of sweeping all five major Oscar categories Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Movies crew, saving the lives of everyone in the process. Difficult to (best picture, best actor, best actress, best director, and best

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 83 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA screenplay), It Happened One Night is among the most Bert Convy, Lisa Pelikan, Nina Foch, John Of Nazareth, the film made its PAX debut on April 29, 2001, gracefully constructed and edited films of the early sound era, just after the network’s presentation of Jeremiah and not long packed with clever situations and gags that have entered the Gavin before the telecast of Mary Magdalene. Hollywood comedy pantheon. Featuring two actors at the top ‘Carrie clone about a shy schoolgirl who is tormented by her Drama, Foreign, History & Events, Interna- of their game, sparking with a chemistry that has never been cruel classmates. Among other things, Jennifer has the ability bettered, this is the birth of the screwball comedy. to attack people she particularly dislikes with snakes she tional TV, Italian, Religion/Spirituality, Academy Award Winners, Classics, creates with her mind. Special Interest, Television, TV Movies Horror, Movies, Supernatural & Paranormal, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Movies, 90min. Thrillers 1978 90min. Romance 1934 105min. Gaiam Americas 28.10.2014 Kino Video 14.10.2014 Criterion 18.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124593 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124754 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124560 Killer Fish It Happened One Night: The Jennifer (Blu-ray) James Franciscus, Lee Majors, Margaux Bert Convy, Lisa Pelikan, Nina Foch, John Criterion Colleciton (Blu-ray) Hemingway, Karen Black - Dir. Anthony M. Gavin Dawson Claudette Colbert, Clark Gable - Dir. Frank ‘Carrie clone about a shy schoolgirl who is tormented by her A group of daring adventurers attempt to bring to the surface a Capra cruel classmates. Among other things, Jennifer has the ability fortune in gems which lie sunken in a reservoir stocked with Opposites attract with magnetic force in this romantic road- to attack people she particularly dislikes with snakes she deadly piranha. trip delight from Frank Capra, about a spoiled runaway creates with her mind. Action, Adventure, Killer Animals, Movies, Horror, Movies, Supernatural & Paranormal, socialite (Claudette Colbert) and a roguish man-of-the-people Thrillers 1979 101min. reporter (Clark Gable) who is determined to get the scoop on Thrillers 1978 90min. Kino Video 30.09.2014 her scandalous disappearance. The first film to accomplish Kino Video 14.10.2014 the very rare feat of sweeping all five major Oscar categories 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124668 (best picture, best actor, best actress, best director, and best 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124777 screenplay), It Happened One Night is among the most gracefully constructed and edited films of the early sound era, Jersey Boys (Blu-ray + DVD + Killer Fish (Blu-ray) packed with clever situations and gags that have entered the James Franciscus, Lee Majors, Margaux Hollywood comedy pantheon. Featuring two actors at the top UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) of their game, sparking with a chemistry that has never been Hemingway, Karen Black - Dir. Anthony M. bettered, this is the birth of the screwball comedy. John Lloyd Young, , Christo- Dawson Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, pher Walken - Dir. Clint Eastwood A group of daring adventurers attempt to bring to the surface a Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Jersey Boys is a musical biography of the Four Seasons - the fortune in gems which lie sunken in a reservoir stocked with Movies, Romance, Special Editions 1934 rise, the tough times and personal clashes, and the ultimate deadly piranha. triumph of a group of friends whose music became symbolic of Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Killer Animals, 105min. a generation. Far from a mere tribute concert (though it does Movies, Thrillers 1979 101min. Criterion 18.11.2014 include numbers from the popular Four Seasons songbook), Kino Video 30.09.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124584 Jersey Boys gets to the heart of the relationships at the center of the group-with a special focus on frontman Frankie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124709 Valli, the small kid with the big falsetto. In addition to Jamie Marks Is Dead following the quartet’s coming of age as performers, the core of the show is how an allegiance to a code of honor learned in King’s Faith A high school track star receives strange insight into the the streets of their native New Jersey got them through a afterlife when he is repeatedly visited by the ghost of an multitude of challenges: gambling debts, Mafia threats and Kayla Compton, Crawford Wilson, James unpopular classmate who perished under mysterious family disasters. Jersey Boys is a glimpse at the people McDaniel, Lynn Whitfield - Dir. Nicholas circumstances. Based on author Christopher Barzak’s novel behind a sound that has managed to endure for over four One For Sorrow, Jamie Marks Is Dead opens to find upstate DiBella decades in the hearts of the public Drama, Gangs, Movies, Religion/Spirituality New York teen Gracie (Morgan Saylor) scavenging for rocks Biography, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Music, when she happens across the corpse of classmate Jamie 2013 min. Play-To-Film min. Marks (Noah Silver), who led a lonely life on the bottom Sony Music Video 21.10.2014 rungs of the social ladder. As local police launch their Warner Bros. 11.11.2014 investigation into Jamie’s death, popular runner Adam 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124806 (Cameron Monaghan) experiences pangs of guilt over his own 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124768 inaction upon seeing his late classmate bullied by their fellow students. Shortly after appearing to Grace in spectral form, Jersey Boys (DVD + UltraViolet) Kite Jamie also begins to haunt Adam, whose lingering guilt Callan McAuliffe, India Eisley, Samuel L. prompts him to begin communicating with the troubled John Lloyd Young, Vincent Piazza, Christo- apparition. Later, his relationship with Gracie intensifying as Jackson - Dir. Ralph Ziman pher Walken - Dir. Clint Eastwood Never Underestimate a Girl with Nothing to Lose. Based on his relationship with his paralyzed single-mother (Liv Tyler) Jersey Boys is a musical biography of the Four Seasons - the turns sour, Adam follows Jamie’s advice and flees to an the groundbreaking, cult classic anime, Kite tells the story of rise, the tough times and personal clashes, and the ultimate Sawa (India Eisley,The Secret Life of the American Teenager, abandoned farmhouse, where he has a terrifying encounter triumph of a group of friends whose music became symbolic of with a malevolent spirit Underworld: Awakening), a young woman living in a corrupt a generation. Far from a mere tribute concert (though it does society where crime and gangs terrorize the streets. When Drama, Ghosts, Movies 81min. include numbers from the popular Four Seasons songbook), Sawa’s mother and policeman father are found victims of a First Look 28.10.2014 Jersey Boys gets to the heart of the relationships at the grisly double homicide, she begins a ruthless pursuit for the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124752 center of the group-with a special focus on frontman Frankie man who murdered them. With the help of her father’s ex- Valli, the small kid with the big falsetto. In addition to partner, Karl Aker (Samuel L. Jackson, Captain America: The following the quartet’s coming of age as performers, the core Winter Soldier, The Avengers, Django Unchained), and a Jeeves & Wooster: The Complete of the show is how an allegiance to a code of honor learned in mysterious friend from her past (Callan McAuliffe, The Great the streets of their native New Jersey got them through a Gatsby, I Am Number Four), she becomes a merciless Collection multitude of challenges: gambling debts, Mafia threats and assassin, blasting her way through the dark world of human family disasters. Jersey Boys is a glimpse at the people trafficking only to uncover a devastating truth. Robert Daws, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie behind a sound that has managed to endure for over four This series chronicles the misadventures (romantic and decades in the hearts of the public Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Based On TV otherwise) of the impeccably dressed Bertie Wooster and his Show, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, trusty and sagacious valet, Jeeves. Peppered with sporting Biography, Drama, Movies, Music, Play-To- dialogue and memorable, dim-witted and eccentric characters. Film min. Gangs, girl power, Movies, Murder British, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Warner Bros. 11.11.2014 Mysteries, Mystery 2014 89min. Television min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124760 Starz / Anchor Bay 02.12.2014 Acorn Media 25.11.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124990 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124610 Joseph: Close To Jesus Francesco Dominedo, Tobias Moretti, Fran- Kite (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) The Jeffersons: The Complete co Interlenghi, Ennio Fantastichini - Dir. (Blu-ray) Series Raffaele Mertes Callan McAuliffe, India Eisley, Samuel L. Franklin Cover, Roxie Roker, Marla Gibbs, In keeping with its ongoing policy of dramatizing the lives of Jackson - Dir. Ralph Ziman Biblical figures heretofore bypassed in ‘traditional’ filmed Never Underestimate a Girl with Nothing to Lose. Based on Isabel Sanford, Sherman Hemsley, Paul biographies, America’s PAX TV network served up a newly the groundbreaking, cult classic anime, Kite tells the story of Benedict dubbed and re-edited version of the 1999 Italian TV movie Sawa (India Eisley,The Secret Life of the American Teenager, African Americans, Boxed Sets, Classics, Giuseppe Di Nazareth. The focus is on Joseph (Tobias Underworld: Awakening), a young woman living in a corrupt Moretti), the carpenter husband of the Virgin Mary (Stefania society where crime and gangs terrorize the streets. When Comedy, Family, Television min. Rivi). Having already accepted the notion that his wife has Sawa’s mother and policeman father are found victims of a Shout Factory 09.12.2014 given birth to the Son of God, Joseph continues to cope with grisly double homicide, she begins a ruthless pursuit for the 339,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124915 events beyond his control as 11-year-old Jesus (Jurij man who murdered them. With the help of her father’s ex- Gasparini) becomes aware of His purpose in life. Joseph is partner, Karl Aker (Samuel L. Jackson, Captain America: The also shown struggling to survive under the harsh Winter Soldier, The Avengers, Django Unchained), and a Jennifer administration of King Herod (Ennio Fantastichini), who of mysterious friend from her past (Callan McAuliffe, The Great course is no friend to the Nazarenes. Under the title Joseph Gatsby, I Am Number Four), she becomes a merciless

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 84 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA assassin, blasting her way through the dark world of human TV, Television 319min. Collection (Blu-ray) trafficking only to uncover a devastating truth. Warner Bros. 11.11.2014 Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Based On TV Rina Morelli, Alain Delon, Serge Reggiani, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124759 Show, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Leslie French, Lucilla Morlacchi, Mario Drama, Gangs, girl power, Movies, Murder Girotti, Paolo Stoppa, Pierre Clementi, Mysteries, Mystery 2014 89min. The Last Showing Romolo Valli, Claudia Cardinale, Burt Lan- Starz / Anchor Bay 02.12.2014 Chris Geere, Robert Englund, Keith Allen - caster - Dir. Luchino Visconti Dir. Phil Hawkins Making its long-awaited U.S. home video debut, Luchino 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125007 Visconti’s The Leopard (Il Gattopardo) is an epic on the Action, Adventure, Movies, Thrillers 2014 grandest possible scale. The film recreates, with nostalgia, Kundo: Age Of The Rampant 90min. drama, and opulence, the tumultuous years of ’s Screen Media 28.10.2014 Risorgimento - when the aristocracy lost its grip and the In the waning days of the Joseon Dynasty, a gang of bandits middle classes rose and formed a unified, democratic Italy. known as Kundo rise up against their aristocratic oppressors, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124815 Burt Lancaster stars as the aging prince watching his culture and fight for the poor. For impoverished butcher Dolmuchi, it and fortune wane in the face of a new generation, represented means the chance to seek revenge against the greedy noblem- L’avventura: The Criterion by his upstart nephew (Alain Delon) and his beautiful fiancee an who murdered his family. (Claudia Cardinale). Awarded the Palme d’Or at the 1963 Action, Foreign, Horror, Korean, Movies, Collection Cannes Film Festival, The Leopard translates Giuseppe Thrillers 2014 93min. Tomasi di Lampedusa’s novel, and the history it recounts, into Esmeralda Ruspoli, Giovanni Petrucci, Lelio a truly cinematic masterpiece. The Criterion Collection is Well Go USA 21.10.2014 Luttazzi, Dorothy De Poliolo, James proud to present the film in two distinct versions: Visconti’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124749 Addams, Renzo Ricci, Dominique Blanchar, original Italian version, and the alternate English-language version released in America in a newly restored special Lea Massari, Gabriele Ferzetti, Monica Vitti edition. Kundo: Age Of The Rampant (Blu- - Dir. Michelangelo Antonioni Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, ray) Michelangelo Antonioni invented a new film grammar with this masterwork. An iconic piece of challenging 1960s cinema and Foreign, History & Events, Italian, Movies, In the waning days of the Joseon Dynasty, a gang of bandits a gripping narrative in its own right, L’avventura concerns the Royalty, Special Editions 1963 185min. known as Kundo rise up against their aristocratic oppressors, enigmatic disappearance of a young woman during a yachting Criterion 04.11.2014 and fight for the poor. For impoverished butcher Dolmuchi, it trip off the coast of Sicily, and the search taken up by her means the chance to seek revenge against the greedy noblem- disaffected lover (Gabriele Ferzetti) and best friend (Monica 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124582 an who murdered his family. Vitti, in her breakout role). Antonioni’s controversial interna- Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Horror, Korean, tional sensation is a gorgeously shot tale of modern ennui and Les Blank: Always For Pleasure: Movies, Thrillers 2014 93min. spiritual isolation. Well Go USA 21.10.2014 Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Foreign, Friendships, Italian, Movies, An uncompromisingly independent filmmaker, Les Blank made 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124774 documentaries for nearly fifty years, elegantly disappearing Mystery, Romance 1960 143min. with his camera into cultural spots rarely seen on-screen - Kung Fu Girl / Whiplash (Double Criterion 25.11.2014 mostly on the peripheries of the United States, but also 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124561 occasionally abroad. Seemingly off-the-cuff yet poetically Feature) constructed, these films are humane, sometimes wry, always Hao Chen, Ching Te Chen, Tsai Wang Ai, engaging tributes to musicians, food, and all sorts of L’avventura: The Criterion regionally specific delights. This collector’s set provides a Wei Ou, James Tien - Dir. Wei Lo diverse survey of Les Blank’s vast output, including the Action, Chinese, Classics, Double Fea- Collection (Blu-ray) warmly funny The Blues Accordin’ to Lightnin’ Hopkins, about Esmeralda Ruspoli, Giovanni Petrucci, Lelio the legendary Texas musician; Always for Pleasure, which tures, Foreign, Martial Arts, Movies min. captures the vivacious spirit of New Orleans; Garlic Is as Shout Factory 02.12.2014 Luttazzi, Dorothy De Poliolo, James Good as Ten Mothers, a hilarious celebration of the pungent, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124907 Addams, Renzo Ricci, Dominique Blanchar, flavorful „stinking rose“ of the title; and eleven other Lea Massari, Gabriele Ferzetti, Monica Vitti unexpected features, plus eight of Blank’s short films. Classics, Collections, Criterion Collection, Land Ho! (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) - Dir. Michelangelo Antonioni Michelangelo Antonioni invented a new film grammar with this Documentary, Movies, Short Film (Blu-ray) masterwork. An iconic piece of challenging 1960s cinema and Collections, Special Editions, Special a gripping narrative in its own right, L’avventura concerns the Alice Clarke, Elizabeth McKee, Karrie enigmatic disappearance of a young woman during a yachting Interest 569min. Crouse, Earl Nelson, Paul Eenhoorn - Dir. trip off the coast of Sicily, and the search taken up by her Criterion 25.11.2014 Aaron Katz, Martha Stephens disaffected lover (Gabriele Ferzetti) and best friend (Monica 186,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124586 Mitch, a bawdy former surgeon, convinces mild-mannered Vitti, in her breakout role). Antonioni’s controversial interna- Colin, his ex-brother-in-law, to embark on an unplanned trip tional sensation is a gorgeously shot tale of modern ennui and to Iceland with him. In an effort to get their grooves back, the spiritual isolation. Let’s Be Cops odd couple set off on a road trip that takes them through Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Joshua Ormond, Jake Johnson, Jonathan trendy Reykjavik to the rugged outback. Mitch and Colin’s Foreign, Friendships, Italian, Movies, picaresque adventures through Iceland evolve into a candid Lajoie, Damon Wayans Jr., Nina Dobrev, exploration of aging, loneliness and friendship. Mystery, Romance, Special Editions 1960 Nelson Bonilla, Rob Riggle, L. Warren Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Friendships, 143min. Young, Andy Garcia - Dir. Luke Greenfield Movies, Road Trips 2014 95min. Criterion 25.11.2014 It’s the ultimate buddy cop movie except for one thing: they’re 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124585 not cops. Two slackers hatch an outrageous plan to Sony Pictures Home Entertainment impersonate police officers. Before long, the pair are 04.11.2014 confiscating chronic, scoring hot babes and recklessly racing 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124863 Legacy Of Rage through the streets in a squad car they found online. But when they get tangled up with actual mobsters, these fake cops find Michael Wong, Regina Kent, - themselves in hot pursuit of real trouble. Damon Wayans Jr. Last Embrace Dir. and Jake Johnson lead a stellar cast, including Andy Garcia, Brandon Lee plays Brandon Ma, a regular working Joe who Nina Dobrev and Keegan-Michael Key, in a comedy so funny, Sam Levene, , Charles Napier, holds down two jobs, so he can support his girlfriend May it’s criminal. Janet Margolin, Roy Scheider, Christopher and his dream of owning a motorcycle. Brandon’s best friend Comedy, Cops, Crooked Cops, Friendships, Walken - Dir. Jonathan Demme is Michael (played by Michael Wong), an ambitious and Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies 2014 When his wife is killed in a restaurant shoot-out, intelligence murderous dope peddler. How Brandon and Michael ever man Harry Hannan (Roy Scheider) has a breakdown and became friends is the biggest mystery in the film. In any case, 104min. finds that his department doesn’t want him back. Someone’s Michael covets May and so he comes up with a plan that will 20th Century Fox 11.11.2014 trying to kill him and it could be them, though a cryptic Jewish win her for him, and solves a problem he’s been having. It 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124857 death-threat suggests there’s something else going on. His seems that an undercover cop named Sharky has been using only ally seems to be mousy Ellie Fabian (Janet Margolin) his police connections to dominate the local cocaine trade, so who has managed to move into his New York apartment. Michael has him killed and uses Brandon as the fall guy. Let’s Be Cops (Blu-ray + Action, Classics, Drama, Mental Illness, Brandon goes to jail, though he thinks that he will be released soon thanks to the efforts of his good buddy Michael. Eight UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Movies, Murder Mysteries, Spies & Secret years later Brandon finally gets out of jail. Joshua Ormond, Jake Johnson, Jonathan Agents 1979 102min. Action, Classics, Cops, Crooked Cops, Lajoie, Damon Wayans Jr., Nina Dobrev, Kino Video 14.10.2014 Drugs & Dealers, Martial Arts, Movies, Nelson Bonilla, Rob Riggle, L. Warren 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124755 Prison, Revenge 1986 87min. Young, Andy Garcia - Dir. Luke Greenfield Shout Factory 02.12.2014 It’s the ultimate buddy cop movie except for one thing: they’re Last Of The Summer Wine: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124908 not cops. Two slackers hatch an outrageous plan to impersonate police officers. Before long, the pair are Vintage 2002 confiscating chronic, scoring hot babes and recklessly racing BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International The Leopard: The Criterion through the streets in a squad car they found online. But when they get tangled up with actual mobsters, these fake cops find

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 85 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA themselves in hot pursuit of real trouble. Damon Wayans Jr. Susan Boyle, Sylvester McCoy, James Frank deMarco. When Frank is killed, Angela takes the and Jake Johnson lead a stellar cast, including Andy Garcia, opportunity to break free of the Mafia world entirely and start Nina Dobrev and Keegan-Michael Key, in a comedy so funny, Cosmo, Barbara Flynn, Lesley Manville, a new life. But Frank’s boss, Tony Russo, begins to court the it’s criminal. John Hannah, Hans Matheson - Dir. John unresponsive Angela. The FBI begins surveillance on her, Comedy, Cops, Crooked Cops, Friendships, Stephenson thinking her to be his new mistress. FBI agent Mike Downey goes undercover as Angela’s neighbor, but soon finds himself Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies 2014 Christmas, Holidays, Movies 2013 min. attracted to Angela himself. 104min. EchoLight 04.11.2014 Classics, Comedy, Crime, FBI, Mobsters & 20th Century Fox 11.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124786 The Mafia, Movies, Romance 1988 104min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124861 Kino Video 14.10.2014 Max Lucado’s: The Christmas 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124747 LFO Candle (Blu-ray) Drama, Foreign, Movies, Science Fiction, Susan Boyle, Sylvester McCoy, James Mercenaries Swedish 2013 94min. Cosmo, Barbara Flynn, Lesley Manville, Morgan Benoit , Gerald Webb, Zoe Bell, MPI 28.10.2014 John Hannah, Hans Matheson - Dir. John , Edward Deruiter, Kevin 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124814 Stephenson Fry, Nicole Bilderback, Tim Abell, Cynthia Christmas, Holidays, Movies 2013 min. Rothrock, Vivica A. Fox, Brigitte Nielsen Life Of Crime (Blu-ray + EchoLight 04.11.2014 A diplomatic official is captured and imprisoned while touring a war zone, so a team of elite female commandos is assembled UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124792 to infiltrate a women’s prison for a daring rescue. Will Forte, Isla Fisher, Mos Def, John Action, Adventure, girl power, Kidnapping, Hawkes, Tim Robbins, Jennifer Aniston - A Magic Christmas Military, Movies, Prison, Special Forces, Dir. Daniel Schechter Lisa Sheridan, Maeve Quinlan, Jonathan Torture 2014 89min. Stoic socialite (Aniston) becomes the target of an ill-planned Silverman, Burt Reynolds Asylum Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 kidnapping plot by two fumbling ex-cons looking for a get- rich-quick scheme. However, things quickly become Christmas, Drama, Family, Holidays, Movies 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124599 complicated for the duo when they find out her wealthy 2014 min. husband (Robbins) refuses to pay the ransom... as he was on Anderson Merchandisers 28.10.2014 Mercenaries (Blu-ray) the cusp of filing for divorce to make way for his younger mistress (Fisher). The two have to figure out how to quickly 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124823 Morgan Benoit , Gerald Webb, Zoe Bell, turn the tables around on their predicament before their time Kristanna Loken, Edward Deruiter, Kevin runs out. The Man Show: The Complete Fry, Nicole Bilderback, Tim Abell, Cynthia Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Book-To- First Season Rothrock, Vivica A. Fox, Brigitte Nielsen Film, Comedy, Crime, Kidnapping, Marriage A diplomatic official is captured and imprisoned while touring Woes, Movies 2013 111min. Adam Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel a war zone, so a team of elite female commandos is assembled Lionsgate 28.10.2014 Comedy, Sketch Comedy, Talk Shows, Tele- to infiltrate a women’s prison for a daring rescue. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124799 vision 1999 min. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, girl power, E1 Entertainment 14.10.2014 Kidnapping, Military, Movies, Prison, Special Life Of Crime (DVD + UltraViolet) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124658 Forces, Torture 2014 89min. Asylum Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 Will Forte, Isla Fisher, Mos Def, John 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124622 Hawkes, Tim Robbins, Jennifer Aniston - The Man Show: The Complete Dir. Daniel Schechter Fourth Season Stoic socialite (Aniston) becomes the target of an ill-planned Adam Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel Merlin: The Complete Series kidnapping plot by two fumbling ex-cons looking for a get- Angel Coulby, Katie McGrath, Colin Morgan, rich-quick scheme. However, things quickly become Comedy, Sketch Comedy, Talk Shows, Tele- complicated for the duo when they find out her wealthy vision min. , Bradley James, Anthony husband (Robbins) refuses to pay the ransom... as he was on E1 Entertainment 14.10.2014 Head, Richard Wilson, John Hurt the cusp of filing for divorce to make way for his younger Young Merlin is a teenager, discovering and then learning to mistress (Fisher). The two have to figure out how to quickly 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124661 master his magical gift. Magister Gaius, King Uther turn the tables around on their predicament before their time Pendragon’s learned court physician to whom he’s assigned runs out. The Man Show: The Complete as humble page, teaches him medicine, coaches his magical Affairs & Love Triangles, Book-To-Film, self-study, and warns him of Uther’s strong aversion to magic. Comedy, Crime, Kidnapping, Marriage Second Season Merlin becomes squire to the noble but imprudent crown Adam Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel prince, Arthur, whose fate is linked with Merlin. Woes, Movies 2013 111min. Adventure, BBC, British, Drama, Family, Comedy, Sketch Comedy, Talk Shows, Tele- Lionsgate 28.10.2014 Fantasy, Foreign, Friendships, International vision min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124796 TV, Magic, Medieval Times, Royalty, E1 Entertainment 14.10.2014 Swordfighting, Swords & Sworcery, Tele- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124659 Lord Of Illusions: Collectors Editi- vision, Witches & Warlocks 2829min. on (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- Warner Bros. 04.11.2014 The Man Show: The Complete 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124783 ray) Third Season Wayne Grace, Johnny Venocur, Mikey Adam Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel Lebeau, Barbara Patrick, Daniel Von Bar- Merlin: The Complete Series Comedy, Sketch Comedy, Talk Shows, Tele- gen, J. Trevor Edmond, Sheila Tousey, (Blu-ray) vision min. Susan Traylor, Scott Bakula - Dir. Clive Angel Coulby, Katie McGrath, Colin Morgan, E1 Entertainment 14.10.2014 Barker Eoin Macken, Bradley James, Anthony 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124660 During a routine case in L.A., NY private investigator Harry Head, Richard Wilson, John Hurt D’ stumbles over members of a fanatic cult, who are Young Merlin is a teenager, discovering and then learning to waiting for the resurrection of their leader Nix. 13 years ago, The Many Loves Of Dobie Gillis: master his magical gift. Magister Gaius, King Uther Nix was calmed down by his best trainee Swann. In the Pendragon’s learned court physician to whom he’s assigned meantime Swann is advanced to a popular illusionist like The Final Season as humble page, teaches him medicine, coaches his magical David Copperfield and is married to the charming Dorothea. Florida Friebus, Bob Denver, Dwayne self-study, and warns him of Uther’s strong aversion to magic. She hires D’Amour to protect Swann against the evil cult Merlin becomes squire to the noble but imprudent crown members. A short time later Swann is killed by one of his own Hickman, Frank Faylen prince, Arthur, whose fate is linked with Merlin. tricks and the occurrences are turning over, and it crackles Classics, Comedy, Family, Romance, Televi- Adventure, BBC, Blu-ray, British, Drama, between Dorothea and D’Amour. sion min. Classics, Clive Barker, Cult Film / TV, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, Friendships, In- Shout Factory 16.12.2014 Detectives, Horror, Magic, Movies, Mystery, ternational TV, Magic, Medieval Times, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124927 Special Editions, Thrillers 1995 109min. Royalty, Swordfighting, Swords & Shout Factory 16.12.2014 Sworcery, Television, Witches & Warlocks 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124928 Married To The Mob 2829min. Captain Haggerty, , Alan Warner Bros. 04.11.2014 Max Lucado’s: The Christmas Baldwin, Charles Napier, Joan Cusack, 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124789 Mercedes Ruehl - Dir. Jonathan Demme Candle Angela deMarco is unhappily married to high Mafia member Mister Ed: The Complete Series

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Connie Hines, Larry Keating, Allan Lane, Idle into action in this atmospheric thriller. Unconcerned with protocol, this group of tough cops makes up their own rules, Alan Young Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Movies but when one of them is implicated in the murder they may be Animals & Nature, Classics, Comedy, 2014 min. faced with more than they can handle. Family, Fantasy, Horses, Television min. E1 Entertainment 11.11.2014 Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Crooked Shout Factory 09.12.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124849 Cops, Detectives, Drama, Historical / Period 207,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124916 Piece, Movies 1996 107min. Moontrap: Anniversary Edition Kino Video 07.10.2014 Mr. Pip (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124688 Drama, Movies, War 2012 115min. Space-shuttle astronauts are lured to the moon by alien robots Anderson Merchandisers 11.11.2014 needing human parts. Mulholland Falls (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124979 Aliens, Blu-ray, Horror, Movies, Robots / Andrew McCarthy, Melanie Griffith, Androids, Science Fiction, Space 1989 Jennifer Connelly, Nick Nolte, Treat Moebius 92min. Williams, John Malkovich, Michael Madsen, An embittered wife sets her family down the path of tragedy in Olive Films 18.11.2014 Chris Penn, Chazz Palminteri - Dir. Lee this grim drama from acclaimed South Korean filmmaker Kim 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124998 Tamahori Ki-duk (Arirang, Pieta). Enraged at the discovery of her The murder of a well-connected seductress swings the true- husband’s infidelity, a woman unsuccessfully attempts to More Dead Than Alive life maverick 1950’s L.A. police unit known as the ‘Hat Squad’ castrate him before turning the blade on her own son. In the into action in this atmospheric thriller. Unconcerned with bloody aftermath of her unthinkable transgression, she Clint Walker, Vincent Price, Anne Francis - protocol, this group of tough cops makes up their own rules, vanishes . Meanwhile, overcome with grief Dir. Robert Sparr but when one of them is implicated in the murder they may be after rushing his son to a local hospital, the repentant father faced with more than they can handle. severs his own manhood in an excruciating act of solidarity Outlaws track down an ex-convict gunslinger working as a with his suffering son. Later, physically disfigured and sharpshooter for a Wild West show. Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Crooked mentally scarred, the son finds a strange sense of solace in Movies, Romance, Western 1969 110min. Cops, Detectives, Drama, Historical / Period the company of his father’s mistress. The father, too, having Kino Video 11.11.2014 Piece, Movies 1996 107min. fallen into a deep despair in his failed attempts to bring his son some amount of pleasure, realizes that his struggle has 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124985 Kino Video 07.10.2014 only just begin when his wife reappears, and an even blacker 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124722 cycle of darkness begins. More Dead Than Alive (Blu-ray) Drama, Foreign, Korean, Movies 2013 Clint Walker, Vincent Price, Anne Francis - My Last Day Without You 89min. Dir. Robert Sparr Nicole Beharie, , Ken Film Movement 28.10.2014 Outlaws track down an ex-convict gunslinger working as a Duken , Reg E. Cathey - Dir. Stefan C. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124817 sharpshooter for a Wild West show. Schaefer Movies, Romance, Western 1969 110min. When a young German business executive is sent to New Moebius (Blu-ray) Kino Video 11.11.2014 York to shut down a division of his firm, his life is turned An embittered wife sets her family down the path of tragedy in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125005 upside-down in a single day. He meets and falls for a beautiful this grim drama from acclaimed South Korean filmmaker Kim secretary and aspiring singer from Brooklyn. The only Ki-duk (Arirang, Pieta). Enraged at the discovery of her problem: she’s one of the people he just fired. My Last Day husband’s infidelity, a woman unsuccessfully attempts to A Most Wanted Man (Blu-ray + Without You mines the humor and conflict that arises when castrate him before turning the blade on her own son. In the UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) two distinct individuals are thrown together by a love they bloody aftermath of her unthinkable transgression, she can fight but ultimately cannot control. vanishes without a trace. Meanwhile, overcome with grief Daniel Bruhl, Rachel McAdams, Robin Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2011 after rushing his son to a local hospital, the repentant father Wright Penn, Philip Seymour Hoffman, 92min. severs his own manhood in an excruciating act of solidarity with his suffering son. Later, physically disfigured and Willem Dafoe - Dir. Anton Corbijn Passion River 18.11.2014 mentally scarred, the son finds a strange sense of solace in German intelligence agent Gunther Bachmann (Philip Seymour 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124734 the company of his father’s mistress. The father, too, having Hoffman, in his final starring role) must race against time to fallen into a deep despair in his failed attempts to bring his solve a perilous mystery: Is the half-Chechen, half-Russian son some amount of pleasure, realizes that his struggle has Muslim who’s surfaced in Hamburg a victim seeking refuge... My Man Is A Loser only just begin when his wife reappears, and an even blacker or a terrorist seeking revenge? Hoffman’s mesmerizing turn as Bachmann will glue you to your seat until the final, Bryan Callen, John Stamos, Michael cycle of darkness begins. Rapaport, Tika Sumpter, Wass Stevens, Drama, Foreign, Korean, Movies 2013 shattering conclusion of this John le Carre thriller. Book-To-Film, Movies, Mystery, Politics, Sean Young - Dir. Mike Young 89min. Revenge, Spies & Secret Agents, When it comes to women, playboy Mike (John Stamos( has all Film Movement 28.10.2014 Terrorism, Thrillers, Torture, War 2014 the right moves. So when Mike’s buddies (Michael Rapaport 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124843 and Bryan Callen) ask for advice on how to reconnect with 121min. their wives, Mike figures he’ll share some secrets and help Lionsgate 04.11.2014 the guys regain their marriage mojo. But when Mike’s lessons Monkey Shines (Blu-ray) start backfiring with hilarious results, it takes a beautiful, no- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124648 nonsense friend (Tika Sumpter) to show Mike he still has a Stephen Root, Christine Forrest, Kate thing or two to learn about relationships. McNeil, Jason Beghe, John Pankow - Dir. A Most Wanted Man (DVD + Comedy, Marriage Woes, Movies, Romance George A. Romero UltraViolet) 2014 95min. A paralyzed young man receives a smart monkey from a mad- Lionsgate 09.09.2014 scientist friend. Daniel Bruhl, Rachel McAdams, Robin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124565 Horror, Killer Animals, Movies 1988 113min. Wright Penn, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Cinedigm 18.11.2014 Willem Dafoe - Dir. Anton Corbijn 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124956 German intelligence agent Gunther Bachmann (Philip Seymour Mystery Road Hoffman, in his final starring role) must race against time to Aaron Pedersen, Ryan Kwanten, Robert solve a perilous mystery: Is the half-Chechen, half-Russian Live (Mostly): One Muslim who’s surfaced in Hamburg a victim seeking refuge... Mammone, , Tony Barry, Da- Down And Five To Go or a terrorist seeking revenge? Hoffman’s mesmerizing turn vid Field, Hugo Weaving, , as Bachmann will glue you to your seat until the final, Bruce Spence - Dir. Ivan Sen Carol Cleveland, John Du Prez, Terry shattering conclusion of this John le Carre thriller. Hugh Jackman (Wolverine), Jack Thompson (The Great Jones, Terry Gilliam, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Movies, Mystery, Politics, Revenge, Spies & Gatsby), Ryan Kwanten (TV’s True Blood), Aaron Pedersen Michael Palin, Graham Chapman - Dir. Eric Secret Agents, Terrorism, Thrillers, Torture, (Dead Heart). An indigenous detective investigates the murder of a teenage girl in a small town in outback Australia. Idle War 2014 121min. Don’t miss this mesmerising thriller with an all-star Australian British, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Lionsgate 04.11.2014 cast! Movies 2014 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124628 Crime, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 E1 Entertainment 11.11.2014 121min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124834 Mulholland Falls Well Go USA 14.10.2014 Andrew McCarthy, Melanie Griffith, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124701 Monty Python Live (Mostly): One Jennifer Connelly, Nick Nolte, Treat Down And Five To Go (Blu-ray) Williams, John Malkovich, Michael Madsen, Mystery Road (Blu-ray) Carol Cleveland, John Du Prez, Terry Chris Penn, Chazz Palminteri - Dir. Lee Aaron Pedersen, Ryan Kwanten, Robert Jones, Terry Gilliam, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Tamahori Mammone, Tasma Walton, Tony Barry, Da- The murder of a well-connected seductress swings the true- vid Field, Hugo Weaving, Jack Thompson, Michael Palin, Graham Chapman - Dir. Eric life maverick 1950’s L.A. police unit known as the ‘Hat Squad’

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Bruce Spence - Dir. Ivan Sen Mortimer), their newsroom staff (John Gallagher, Jr., Alison heiress of a Swiss chocolate factory Marie-Claire „Mika“ Hugh Jackman (Wolverine), Jack Thompson (The Great Pill, Thomas Sadoski, Olivia Munn, and others) and Muller and they live in Lausanne with Andre’s son Guillaume Gatsby), Ryan Kwanten (TV’s True Blood), Aaron Pedersen their news-division boss (Sam Waterston). Overcoming a Polonski. Out of the blue, Jeanne visits Andre and he offers to (Dead Heart). An indigenous detective investigates the tumultuous first day together - climaxing in a newsflash that a give piano classes to help her in her examination. Jeanne murder of a teenage girl in a small town in outback Australia. BP oil rig has just exploded in the Gulf of Mexico - the team becomes closer to Andre and sooner she discovers that Mika Don’t miss this mesmerising thriller with an all-star Australian sets out on a patriotic if quixotic mission to „do the news well“ might be drugging her stepson with Rohypnol. Further, she cast! in the face of corporate and commercial obstacles, and their might have killed his second wife Lisbeth. Crime, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 own personal entanglements. Classics, Crime, Drama, Foreign, French, Drama, HBO, On The Job, Television min. 121min. Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thril- HBO Home Video 04.11.2014 Well Go USA 14.10.2014 lers 2000 99min. 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124779 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124731 E1 Entertainment 30.09.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124653 The Naked Face Nightbreed: The Directors Cut Anne Archer, Rod Steiger, Roger Moore, (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) The Ninth Configuration (Blu-ray Elliott Gould, Art Carney - Dir. Bryan Forbes Hugh Ross, Simon Bamford, Malcolm Smith, + DVD) (Blu-ray) For some inexplicable reason, a Chicago psychiatrist is the Hugh Quarshie, Anne Bobby, Craig Sheffer, Scott Wilson, Jason Miller, Stacy Keach, target of a gang of sinister killers. As his assailants move in Doug Bradley, Charles Haid, David for the kill, the doctor finds that he must face his adversaries Neville Brand, George DiCenzo, Ed alone in a deadly final showdown. Cronenberg - Dir. Clive Barker Flanders, Robert Loggia, Moses Gunn - Dir. A community of mutant outcasts of varying types and abilities Action, Adventure, Movies, Mystery, Thril- attempts to escape the attention of a psychotic serial killer William Peter Blatty lers 1984 103min. and redneck vigilantes with the help of a brooding young man It’s the final days of the and the Department of Kino Video 21.10.2014 who discovers them. Based on the novel „Cabal“ by Clive Defense has set up a mental hospital for soldiers in a remote Barker. castle. To all appearances, the patients are running the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124808 asylum. But nothing here is quite what it seems. A new Action, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Classics, psychiatrist (Stacy Keach) arrives, assigned to determine if Clive Barker, Fantasy, Horror, Monsters, any of the vets are faking mental illness. Of particular interest The Naked Face (Blu-ray) Movies, Serial Killers 1990 102min. to him is a distraught NASA astronaut (Scott Wilson) who Anne Archer, Rod Steiger, Roger Moore, aborted his mission during the final countdown. Mixing dark Shout Factory 28.10.2014 humor with drama, writer-director William Peter Blatty tackles Elliott Gould, Art Carney - Dir. Bryan Forbes 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124619 some intriguing metaphysical issues. What is insanity in a For some inexplicable reason, a Chicago psychiatrist is the world gone mad? Is man capable of self-sacrifice? Is there a target of a gang of sinister killers. As his assailants move in God or an afterlife? The result is a film that is by turns for the kill, the doctor finds that he must face his adversaries Nightbreed: The Directors Cut hilarious yet suspenseful and moving. alone in a deadly final showdown. Comedy, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1980 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, (Limited Edition) (Blu-ray) 118min. Mystery, Thrillers 1984 103min. Hugh Ross, Simon Bamford, Malcolm Smith, Hen’s Tooth 04.11.2014 Kino Video 21.10.2014 Hugh Quarshie, Anne Bobby, Craig Sheffer, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124794 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124836 Doug Bradley, Charles Haid, David Cronenberg - Dir. Clive Barker The Name of The Game: Season A community of mutant outcasts of varying types and abilities The Nostril Picker attempts to escape the attention of a psychotic serial killer Clyde Surrell, Ann Flood, Bob Bingham, Carl 1 and redneck vigilantes with the help of a brooding young man who discovers them. Based on the novel „Cabal“ by Clive Zschering - Dir. Mark Nowicki Susan Saint James, Robert Stack, Gene Barker. Joe is an ugly loser, incapable of picking up women. But when Barry, Anthony Franciosa Action, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Classics, he’s taught a magical power, capable of transforming him into anyone he pleases and then back to his normal self, he Adventure, Classics, Science Fiction, Tele- Clive Barker, Fantasy, Horror, Monsters, decides to use it to live out his perverse fantasies. Initially vision min. Movies, Serial Killers, Special Editions 1990 content just watching them shower, Joe soon tires of mindless Shout Factory 28.10.2014 102min. nudity and gears up to take his ultimate revenge against womankind: luring them to his shabby apartment, violently 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124595 Shout Factory 28.10.2014 killing, and even eating them! This Michigan-lensed thriller, 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124618 originally released as The Changer, combines gory violence, The Newsroom: The Complete moments of sly humor, and a shocking twist ending. Massacre Video is proud to present The Nostril Picker on DVD in the Second Season Nightcap (Merci Pour Le US for the very first time, and under its original title. Thomas Sadoski, Olivia Munn, Dev Patel, Chocolat) Cannibalism, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Hor- Alison Pill, Emily Mortimer, Sam Waterston, Mathieu Simonet, Anna Mouglalis, Rodolphe ror, Magic, Movies, Revenge, Serial Killers Jeff Daniels Pauly, Michel Robin, Jacques Dutronc, Bri- 1988 77min. HBO presents a series from the fertile mind of Aaron Sorkin gitte Catillon, Isabelle Huppert - Dir. Claude CAV 14.10.2014 (The Social Network) and executive produced by Sorkin, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124627 Scott Rudin and Alan Poul. Smart, topical, humorous and Chabrol highly entertaining, The Newsroom takes a behind-the-scenes In Lausanne, the aspirant pianist Jeanne Pollet has lunch with look at a high-rated cable-news program at the fictional ACN her mother Louise Pollet, her boyfriend Axel and his mother. The November Man Network, focusing on the on-and off-camera lives of its Lenna leans that when she was born, a nurse had mistakenly acerbic anchor (Jeff Daniels), new executive producer (Emily told to the prominent pianist Andre Polonski that she would be Eliza Taylor, Olga Kurylenko, Caterina Mortimer), their newsroom staff (John Gallagher, Jr., Alison his daughter. Andr has just remarried his first wife, the Scorsone, Milos Timotijevic, Patrick Kenne- Pill, Thomas Sadoski, Olivia Munn, Dev Patel and others) and heiress of a Swiss chocolate factory Marie-Claire „Mika“ dy, Lazar Ristovski, Will Patton, Bill their news-division boss (Sam Waterston). Overcoming a Muller and they live in Lausanne with Andre’s son Guillaume tumultuous first day together - climaxing in a newsflash that a Polonski. Out of the blue, Jeanne visits Andre and he offers to Smitrovich, Pierce Brosnan - Dir. Roger BP oil rig has just exploded in the Gulf of Mexico - the team give piano classes to help her in her examination. Jeanne Donaldson sets out on a patriotic if quixotic mission to „do the news well“ becomes closer to Andre and sooner she discovers that Mika Pierce Brosnan stars in this action-packed spy thriller set in in the face of corporate and commercial obstacles, and their might be drugging her stepson with Rohypnol. Further, she the ruthless world of international espionage. Code named own personal entanglements. might have killed his second wife Lisbeth. „The November Man,“ Peter Devereaux (Brosnan) is a lethal Drama, HBO, On The Job, Television min. Classics, Crime, Drama, Foreign, French, and highly trained ex-CIA agent, who has been living in Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thril- . When Devereaux is lured out of retirement to HBO Home Video 04.11.2014 safeguard a beautiful witness targeted for assassination, he’s 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124742 lers 2000 99min. drawn into a deadly game of cat and mouse with his former E1 Entertainment 30.09.2014 protege David Mason. With no on to trust, Peter must survive 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124644 Mason’s relentless assault, and root out a suspected CIA The Newsroom: The Complete mole who may pose the greatest threat of all. Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Book-To-Film, Second Season (Blu-ray + Nightcap (Merci Pour Le UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Crime, Movies, Revenge, Spies & Secret Chocolat) (Blu-ray) Agents, Thrillers 2014 108min. Thomas Sadoski, Olivia Munn, Dev Patel, Mathieu Simonet, Anna Mouglalis, Rodolphe 20th Century Fox 25.11.2014 Alison Pill, Emily Mortimer, Sam Waterston, Pauly, Michel Robin, Jacques Dutronc, Bri- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124929 Jeff Daniels HBO presents a series from the fertile mind of Aaron Sorkin gitte Catillon, Isabelle Huppert - Dir. Claude (The Social Network) and executive produced by Sorkin, Chabrol The November Man (Blu-ray + Scott Rudin and Alan Poul. Smart, topical, humorous and In Lausanne, the aspirant pianist Jeanne Pollet has lunch with highly entertaining, The Newsroom takes a behind-the-scenes her mother Louise Pollet, her boyfriend Axel and his mother. DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) look at a high-rated cable-news program at the fictional ACN Lenna leans that when she was born, a nurse had mistakenly Eliza Taylor, Olga Kurylenko, Caterina Network, focusing on the on-and off-camera lives of its told to the prominent pianist Andre Polonski that she would be acerbic anchor (Jeff Daniels), new executive producer (Emily his daughter. Andr has just remarried his first wife, the Scorsone, Milos Timotijevic, Patrick Kenne-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 88 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA dy, Lazar Ristovski, Will Patton, Bill George McGrath, John Paragon, William African Americans, Christmas, Comedy, Smitrovich, Pierce Brosnan - Dir. Roger Marshall, Paul Reubens, Phil Hartman Drama, Family, Holidays, Movies 2013 Donaldson Children’s, Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / 100min. Pierce Brosnan stars in this action-packed spy thriller set in TV, Family, Friendships, Musical, Television Lionsgate 25.11.2014 the ruthless world of international espionage. Code named „The November Man,“ Peter Devereaux (Brosnan) is a lethal min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124630 and highly trained ex-CIA agent, who has been living in Shout Factory 21.10.2014 Switzerland. When Devereaux is lured out of retirement to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124793 Tyler Perry’s Hell Hath No Fury safeguard a beautiful witness targeted for assassination, he’s drawn into a deadly game of cat and mouse with his former Like A Woman Scorned - The protege David Mason. With no on to trust, Peter must survive Penance Play (DVD + UltraViolet) Mason’s relentless assault, and root out a suspected CIA Foreign, International TV, Japanese, mole who may pose the greatest threat of all. Muhammed Ayers, Cheryl Riley, Patrice Mystery, Television min. Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Book- Lovely - Dir. Tyler Perry To-Film, Crime, Movies, Revenge, Spies & Music Box Films 14.10.2014 A successful, single woman has it all - a great job, a loving Secret Agents, Thrillers 2014 108min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124702 family, and the ability to pay for her baby sister’s wedding. According to her best friend, however, there’s only one thing 20th Century Fox 25.11.2014 missing... the love of a good man. At her friend’s insistence, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124939 Perry Mason: The Case Of The she meets the seemingly perfect man online and all seems Fatal Framing / The Case Of The well, until he convinces her to get married in Las Vegas and her life quickly spirals out of control. Can she regain the Oh Christmas Tree! Reckless Romeo upper hand, or will the tides turn for the worse? Colin Mochrie, Sarah Lancaster, Eric William Moses, Barbara Hale, Raymond African Americans, Drama, girl power, Johnson Burr Independent Women, Marriage Woes, Elise is no fan of Christmas - growing up on a tree farm meant Movies, Plays On Stage, Romance 117min. every holiday was spent working. But when she loses her job, CBS, Classics, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Elise reluctantly agrees to run the family business one last Legal Issues, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Lionsgate 25.11.2014 time. With some nudging by charming repeat customer Darren, Television 185min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124631 she begins to feel the spirit of the season. Unfortunately, a big finance company is trying to get rid of the tree lot and Paramount Pictures 02.12.2014 convinces the city to shut it down. Elise must find a way to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124639 Persecuted save the lot in time for the holidays. Bruce Davison, Fred Dalton Thompson, Christmas, Family, Holidays, Movies, Perry Mason: The Case Of The Raoul Trujillo, Dean Stockwell, James Romance 2014 89min. Glass Coffin / The Case Of The Remar - Dir. Daniel Lusko Monarch Home Video 18.11.2014 America’s most respected religious leader John Luther (James 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124866 Fatal Fashion Remar) is the last obstacle to the passage of legislation that would require all religious leaders to give other faith equal William Moses, Barbara Hale, Raymond time. When Luther refuses to support this bill. sinister The Paradise: Season Two Burr political forces frame him for the murder of an innocent girl to CBS, Classics, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / get him out of their way. As evangelist turned fugitive, Luther Sonya Cassidy, Emun Elliott, Joanna must stay alive long enough to prove his innocence, seek Vanderham, Matthew McNulty, Stephen Legal Issues, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, vengeance against the girl’s murderers and expose corruption Wight, Sarah Lancashire, Peter Wight, Da- Television 187min. at the highest levels of politics and religion. It’s a mission that Paramount Pictures 02.12.2014 brings him face-to-face with the coming storm of persecution vid Hayman, Elaine Cassidy that will threaten entire Christian community in America. Following the smart, ambitious and big-hearted Denise Lovett, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124640 this series begins a year after the dramatic events that saw Action, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Religion/ Moray declare his love for Denise and lose The Paradise Spirituality 2014 91min. after breaking off his engagement to Katherine Glendenning. Perry Mason: The Case Of The First Look 14.10.2014 The spurned Katherine has since married Tom Weston - a Heartbroken Bride / The Case Of mysterious, brooding ex-military man with a troubled history. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124600 Although she seems to be starting her life anew, her passion The Skin-Deep Scandal for Moray threatens to draw her back into a love triangle, Persecuted (Blu-ray) competing with Denise. Meanwhile, Moray and Denise, still at William Moses, Barbara Hale, Raymond the forefront of fashion and innovation, are plotting to regain Burr Bruce Davison, Fred Dalton Thompson, The Paradise from Katherine and her husband - at whatever CBS, Classics, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Raoul Trujillo, Dean Stockwell, James cost. Legal Issues, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Remar - Dir. Daniel Lusko BBC, British, Drama, Fashion, Foreign, Television 185min. America’s most respected religious leader John Luther (James Historical / Period Piece, International TV, Paramount Pictures 02.12.2014 Remar) is the last obstacle to the passage of legislation that On The Job, Television 464min. would require all religious leaders to give other faith equal 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124641 time. When Luther refuses to support this bill. sinister Warner Bros. 18.11.2014 political forces frame him for the murder of an innocent girl to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124758 get him out of their way. As evangelist turned fugitive, Luther Tyler Perry’s A Madea Christmas must stay alive long enough to prove his innocence, seek (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) vengeance against the girl’s murderers and expose corruption The Paradise: Season Two (Blu- at the highest levels of politics and religion. It’s a mission that ray) Tika Sumpter, Eric Lively, Tyler Perry, Anna brings him face-to-face with the coming storm of persecution Maria Horsford, Chad Michael Murray, Alicia that will threaten entire Christian community in America. Sonya Cassidy, Emun Elliott, Joanna Witt, Caroline Kennedy, Larry The Cable Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Vanderham, Matthew McNulty, Stephen Guy, Kathy Najimy, Lisa Whelchel - Dir. Religion/Spirituality 2014 91min. Wight, Sarah Lancashire, Peter Wight, Da- Tyler Perry First Look 14.10.2014 vid Hayman, Elaine Cassidy Madea serves up her own brand of Christmas spirit when she 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124623 Following the smart, ambitious and big-hearted Denise Lovett, gets coaxed into joining a friend and her family for the this series begins a year after the dramatic events that saw holidays. Moray declare his love for Denise and lose The Paradise Live after breaking off his engagement to Katherine Glendenning. African Americans, Blu-ray, Christmas, The spurned Katherine has since married Tom Weston - a Comedy, Drama, Family, Holidays, Movies Christian Borle, Allison Williams, Chris mysterious, brooding ex-military man with a troubled history. 2013 100min. Sullivan, Christopher Walken Although she seems to be starting her life anew, her passion This musical masterpiece tells the beloved story of Peter Pan, for Moray threatens to draw her back into a love triangle, Lionsgate 25.11.2014 the mischievous little boy who ran away to Neverland. This competing with Denise. Meanwhile, Moray and Denise, still at 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124649 live production features show-stopping stars, stunning the forefront of fashion and innovation, are plotting to regain costumes, extravagant sets and delightful music! The Paradise from Katherine and her husband - at whatever Tyler Perry’s A Madea Christmas Adventure, Book-To-Film, Family, Fantasy, cost. Musical, Musicals On Stage, Pirates, Televi- BBC, Blu-ray, British, Drama, Fashion, (DVD + UltraViolet) sion, TV Movies 2014 min. Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Interna- Tika Sumpter, Eric Lively, Tyler Perry, Anna Universal Studios 16.12.2014 tional TV, On The Job, Television 464min. Maria Horsford, Chad Michael Murray, Alicia 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125028 Warner Bros. 18.11.2014 Witt, Caroline Kennedy, Larry The Cable 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124781 Guy, Kathy Najimy, Lisa Whelchel - Dir. Phobia Tyler Perry Peter Gregus, Sarah Schoofs, Emma Pee-Wee’s Playhouse: Seasons 1 Madea serves up her own brand of Christmas spirit when she gets coaxed into joining a friend and her family for the Dubery, Michael Jefferson - Dir. Rory & 2 holidays. Douglas Abel

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Jonathan MacKinlay is a man trapped inside his home by his 1965 86min. (Series), Revenge, Slasher, Thrillers, own mind. Suffering from agoraphobia, caused by a car accident that took his wife’s life; his existence has been Kino Video 28.10.2014 Witches & Warlocks 1993 88min. reduced to a monotonous repetition of identical days. As his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124845 Shout Factory 21.10.2014 dread and self-loathing escalate, an onslaught of gruesome 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124589 visions and twisted, waking nightmares begins to gnaw away at his last shred of sanity. Are these ghastly visions Plastic imaginary, private demons... or is he being victimized by a Will Poulter, Alfie Allen, - Dir. The Purge: Anarchy very real entity of infinite terror and unspeakable evil? Julian Gilbey Zach Gilford, Frank Grillo, Carmen Ejogo - Devils And Demons, Horror, Mental Illness, Action, Comedy, Crime, Movies 2014 Dir. James DeMonaco Movies, Mystery, Possession, Supernatural 102min. The New Founders of America invite you to celebrate your & Paranormal, Thrillers 2014 84min. Anderson Merchandisers 28.10.2014 annual right to Purge. The Purge: Anarchy takes it to the Image Ent. 25.11.2014 streets for the country’s yearly 12 hours of anarchy, when all 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124824 crime is legal. This new story follows an unlikely group of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124605 five strangers over the course of the night. As they fight to survive a night fraught with impossible decisions, these Planet Of The Apes: Caesar’s Por Siempre Mi Amor strangers will find out just how far they will go to protect Ana Martin, Hector Suarez Gomiz, Guy themselves and, ultimately, each other. Warrior Collection (Blu-ray 3D + Ecker, Gabriela Platas, Alejandro Ruiz, Action, Horror, Horror Series, Movies, Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- Dominika Paleta, Humberto Elizondo Revenge, Thrillers 2014 104min. ray) Drama, Foreign, International TV, Mexican, Universal Studios 21.10.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124555 Jamie Harris, Andy Serkis, Kirk Acevedo, Romance, Television min. James Franco, Richard Ridings, Keri Cinedigm 09.12.2014 Russell, Lee Ross, Judy Greer, Brian Cox, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124917 The Purge: Anarchy (Blu-ray + John Lithgow, Gary Oldman, David DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Oyelowo, Tyler Labine, Enrique Murciano, Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Zach Gilford, Frank Grillo, Carmen Ejogo - Toby Kebbell, Jason Clarke, Freida Pinto, Earth Fights Back (DVD + Dir. James DeMonaco Tom Felton, Terry Notary, Nick Thurston - The New Founders of America invite you to celebrate your UltraViolet) annual right to Purge. The Purge: Anarchy takes it to the Dir. Matt Reeves, Rupert Wyatt With the help of their powerful special Morphers and streets for the country’s yearly 12 hours of anarchy, when all Witness the battle for world domination between ape and man Legendary Keys, Troy, Noah, Emma, Gia and Jake transform crime is legal. This new story follows an unlikely group of with Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes on Blu-ray, DVD and into the Super Megaforce! And there is no time to lose, as five strangers over the course of the night. As they fight to Digital HD and Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes on 3D Blu- they must save the city from Cybax’s impending missile survive a night fraught with impossible decisions, these ray, Blu-ray and Digital HD in Caesar’s Warrior Collection. launch, battle Skatana’s Octoblade attack, and defeat the X- strangers will find out just how far they will go to protect This limited-edition set is enclosed in a fiercely lifelike Borg assault. But how long can the Rangers hold off this new themselves and, ultimately, each other. replica bust of Caesar wearing his tribal war paint, designed threat before Earth belongs to wicked Prince Vekar and his by WETA, the special effects masters responsible for bringing Action, Blu-ray, Horror, Horror Series, minions forever? Movies, Revenge, Thrillers 2014 104min. Caesar to life on film. This must-own collection also includes Action, Adventure, Children’s, Fantasy, an all-new 32-page booklet „Planet of the Apes: Building an Universal Studios 21.10.2014 Giant Monsters!, Monsters, Science Fiction, Icon“ that explores WETA’s creation of the Caesar replica, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124579 four battle-ready ape collectible character cards and hours of Television 92min. special features. Lionsgate 09.12.2014 Action, Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124932 Que Pobres Tan Ricos (Poor Rich 3D, Boxed Sets, Collections, Drama, End Of Family) The World, In The Future..., Killer Viruses, Agustin Arana, Mark Tacher, Zuria Vega, Movies, Planet Of The Apes, Science, Premature Zaide Silvia Gutierrez, Jaime Camil, Manuel Science Fiction, Thrillers, War min. Katie Findlay, Carlson Young, Alan Tudyk, Ibanez, Ingrid Martz, Arturo Peniche, Tiare 20th Century Fox 02.12.2014 Craig Roberts - Dir. Daniel Beers A horny high-school student facing a crucial college interview Scanda 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125019 is forced to relive the most stressful day of his life over and When Miguel Angel Ruizpalacios is unjustly accused of fraud over again in this imaginative, endearingly raunchy comedy. by his cousin, Alejo, his family loses their entire fortune, Planet Of The Vampires When Rob Crabbe (John Karna) wakes up on the morning of leaving them on the streets and Miguel Angel on the run from his college-entrance interview, all he knows is that this is a the police. Their only option is to reside in a middle-class Stelio Candelli, Evi Marandi, Angel Aranda, day that could change his life. Not only will he find out neighborhood called the Nopalera, in a home inhabited by the Norma Bengell, Barry Sullivan - Dir. Mario whether or not he’s been accepted into Georgetown Menchaca family. These two very different families must learn University, but he might also lose his virginity to his smoking- to live with each other until Miguel Angel recovers his fortune Bava hot classmate. From the moment he arrives at school and and clears his name. Mario Bava, (Blood And Black Lace, Bay Of Blood) master of becomes the target of the volleyball team’s wrath, however, Comedy, Crime, Family, International TV, the Italian suspense film, tries his hand at science fiction with the entire day spirals into disaster. When all is said and done this stylishly mod twist on the vampire legend. Two Rob falls asleep, and awakens to find the entire nightmarish Mexican, Television min. spacecrafts on the same mission land on a strange, misty day beginning all over again. Uncertain if he may be Cinedigm 30.12.2014 planet. The crew members each find themselves overcome by experiencing a psychotic episode, Rob attempts to play it cool 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124974 a hostile alien force which causes homicidal impulses in each until realizing that he needs to find a way out. Although his of them. As the astronauts are killed one by one, the dead good pals Stanley and Gabrielle do their best to provide won’t stay dead, which complicates things greatly for the emotional support, it’s brilliant 12-year-old grade-skipper The Red Skeleton Show: The remaining living crew who are attempting for unravel the Arthur who may actually hold the secret to breaking the cycle. mystery of the strange forces at hand. Great set design, In the process, Rob may finally get the opp Early Years 1951-1955 pleasingly garish colors, and a genuine sense of dread have made this a cult favorite. Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, High School, Comedy, NBC, Spoken Comedy, Talk Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Vampires Movies, Science Fiction, Time Travel 2014 Shows, Television min. 1965 86min. 93min. Shout Factory 21.10.2014 Kino Video 28.10.2014 MPI 04.11.2014 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124574 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124826 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124829 Reign: The Complete First Planet Of The Vampires (Blu-ray) Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings Season Stelio Candelli, Evi Marandi, Angel Aranda, (Blu-ray) Caitlin Stasey, Adelaide Kane, Toby Regbo, Norma Bengell, Barry Sullivan - Dir. Mario Joe Unger, Roger Clinton, J. Trevor Torrance Coombs, Rossif Sutherland, Bava Edmond, Steve Kanaly, John Gatins, Gloria Megan Follows, Alan Van Sprang, Anna Mario Bava, (Blood And Black Lace, Bay Of Blood) master of Hendry, Hill Harper, Ami Dolenz, Andrew Popplewell the Italian suspense film, tries his hand at science fiction with Robinson, Caren Kaye, Soleil Moon Frye, Between politics and passion, duty and desire, loyalty and this stylishly mod twist on the vampire legend. Two love, lies the destiny of a queen. Ever since Mary Stuart, spacecrafts on the same mission land on a strange, misty Lilyan Chauvin, Alexander Polinsky, J.P. Queen of Scotland, was a little girl, the English have wanted planet. The crew members each find themselves overcome by Manoux - Dir. Jeff Burr her country and her crown. As a teenager, Mary is sent to a hostile alien force which causes homicidal impulses in each After a group of teenagers indirectly cause an old witch to be France to wed its next king to save herself and her people. of them. As the astronauts are killed one by one, the dead burned, they accidently revive Pumpkinhead. This time Waiting at the French Court is the gorgeous Prince Francis, won’t stay dead, which complicates things greatly for the Pumpkinhead is inhabited by the soul of a deformed orphan his illegitimate half-brother Sebastian (Bash), a king on the remaining living crew who are attempting for unravel the killed 30 years before. He goes on a bloody rampage after his brink of madness, a scheming queen and seer Nostradamus mystery of the strange forces at hand. Great set design, tormentors and the teenagers. Meanwhile, a local sheriff tries with a devastating prophecy. While royal conspiracies, pleasingly garish colors, and a genuine sense of dread have to solve the mystery and stop the murders. sexual intrigue and mysterious dark forces lurk around every made this a cult favorite. Devils And Demons, Horror, Horror Series, castle corner, Mary struggles to rule her heart’s conflicting Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Vampires Monsters, Movies, Mystery, Pumpkinhead passions and make the right decisions as she prepares to

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 90 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA become queen. Politics, passion and duty make for thrilling The Scribbler (Blu-ray) maker’s adeptness at brilliantly deconstructing genre. As shot drama in all 22 royally scandalous episodes of the powerful back-to-back for famed producer Roger Corman, they feature new series, Reign! Sasha Grey overlapping casts and crews, including Jack Nicholson in two Drama, Fantasy, Historical / Period Piece, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Thril- of his meatiest early roles. The films -The Shooting, about a motley assortment of loners following a mysterious wanted Television, The CW 2013 913min. lers 2014 90min. man through a desolate frontier, and Ride in the Whirlwind, Warner Bros. 23.09.2014 Anderson Merchandisers 21.10.2014 about a group of cowhands pursued by vigilantes for crimes 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124864 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124838 they did not commit - are rigorous, artful, and wholly unconventional journeys into the American West. Classics, Crime, Criterion Collection, Doub- Run Like Hell Secret Agent (AKA Danger Man): le Features, Movies, Outlaw Country, Robyn Buck, Dave Finn, Canyon Prince - The Complete Series Revenge, Western min. Dir. James Thomas Earl Cameron, Peter Madden, Patrick Criterion 11.11.2014 When four friends end up stranded in the small town of Spaulding, one local family offers help. The family’s real McGoohan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124559 motives become terrifyingly obvious, as the couples find Action, Adventure, Boxed Sets, British, themselves fighting for their lives. Crime, Foreign, International TV, Mystery, The Shooting / Ride In The Action, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 96min. Spies & Secret Agents, Television, Thrillers Whirlwind: The Criterion First Look 13.01.2015 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124902 Shout Factory 09.12.2014 Collection (Blu-ray) 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124919 Tom Filer, John Hackett, George Mitchell, Sam Whiskey Katherine Squire, Neil Summers, Cameron , Burt Reynolds - Dir. Ar- Seed: Season 1 Mitchell, Will Hutchins, Harry Dean Stanton, Millie Perkins, Warren Oates, Jack nold Laven Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Televisi- Nicholson, Peter Cannon, Rupert Crosse, A frontier widow pays a trio to salvage gold her husband stole on 286min. and return it to the U.S. mint. Brandon Carroll - Dir. Monte Hellman Comedy, Movies, Western 1969 110min. E1 Entertainment 21.10.2014 In the mid-sixties, the maverick American director Monte Kino Video 11.11.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124706 Hellman conceived of two westerns at the same time. Dreamlike and gritty by turns, the two films would prove their 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124984 maker’s adeptness at brilliantly deconstructing genre. As shot Sesame Street: Elmo’s Super back-to-back for famed producer Roger Corman, they feature Sam Whiskey (Blu-ray) Numbers overlapping casts and crews, including Jack Nicholson in two of his meatiest early roles. The films -The Shooting, about a Angie Dickinson, Burt Reynolds - Dir. Ar- Elmo loves using his super number math skills! Join him at the motley assortment of loners following a mysterious wanted biggest number lovers’ convention of the year, Numeric Con, man through a desolate frontier, and Ride in the Whirlwind, nold Laven taking place on Sesame Street. Elmo and Leela, who are A frontier widow pays a trio to salvage gold her husband stole about a group of cowhands pursued by vigilantes for crimes excited fans who have dressed up as The Dark and they did not commit - are rigorous, artful, and wholly and return it to the U.S. mint. Princess Three-ah have a plan to take in all the sights. When Comedy, Movies, Western 1969 110min. unconventional journeys into the American West. numerical problems arise at the con, watch Elmo as he Classics, Crime, Criterion Collection, Doub- Kino Video 11.11.2014 harnesses the powers of math to solve them, save the day and le Features, Movies, Outlaw Country, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125004 show everyone that numbers are super! Join Elmo and his „super friends“ in this heroic number adventure full of fandom Revenge, Special Editions, Western min. spoofs, tons of number segments, and full-length extra catalog Criterion 11.11.2014 Samantha: An American Girl video title, Elmo’s Shape Adventure. Adventure, Children’s, Children’s / 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124583 Holiday - 10th Anniversary Educational, Family, Preschool, Sesame Deluxe Edition Street, Television 120min. The Phil Silvers Show: The Olivia Ballantyne, AnnaSophia Robb, Mia Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 Complete Series Farrow - Dir. Nadia Tass 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124743 Billy Sands, Maurice Gosfield, Herbie Faye, A live-action movie based on American Girl’s most popular character, Samantha! Every little girl will want to share Allan Melvin, Terry Carter, Phil Silvers, Samantha’s adventures in the bustling of 1904. Shogun Assassin (Blu-ray + DVD Harvey Lembeck, Paul Ford Adventure, Children’s, Drama, Family, Combo) (Blu-ray) Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Family, Friendships, Movies, Special Editions, TV Minoru Oki, Kayo Matsuo, Tomisaburo Military, Television min. Movies 2004 86min. Wakayama - Dir. Robert Houston Shout Factory 04.11.2014 Warner Bros. 04.11.2014 Long ago there was a great samurai warrior who served his 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124787 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124736 Shogun honorably. The Shogun however grew paranoid as he became more and more senile. The Shogun sought to destroy all those who might stand to oppose his rule, and so he sent Claire Sinclair Show Samson his ninja spies to the samurai’s home. The ninjas failed to kill Claire Sinclair, Bunny Yeager - Dir. Nico B. When Uncle Jeffrey arrives from a long flight, his nephew the samurai, but did kill his beloved wife. From then on, the The Erotica Channel presents the Claire Sinclair Show Vincent coaxes him into telling a bedtime story from samurai swore on his honor to seek out the Shogun and hosted by Playboy’s Playmate of the Year, Bettie Page about the strongest man who ever lived. Revealed by an angel avenge the death of his love. The samurai roams the clothing spokes model, and the Star of the Las Vegas show of the Lord as the one who will deliver the Israelites from the countryside with his toddler son taking on mercenary work for Pin Up. The first Two episodes features „Claire On Claire“, rule of the Philistines, Samson is granted supernatural money until the final battle with the Shogun’s three Masters of everything you wanted to know about Claire and Bunny strength that allows him to do heroic feats, including killing a Death. Yeager’s „Last Sitting“ in which Claire interviews and is lion with his own hands and defeating an army of a thousand Action, Adventure, Assassins & Hitmen, being photographed by the original Bettie Page photographer men with the jawbone of a donkey. However, through the Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Classics, Bunny Yeager, in her last shoot and on camera interview. frailties of his humanity, he is seduced by the beautiful Erotica, Talk Shows, Television 2014 75min. Philistine Delilah into telling the secret of his great strength. Feudal Japan, Foreign, Japanese, Martial Starring Jeffrey Scallon as Samson and Alyse Nicole as Arts, Movies, Ninjas, Revenge, Samurai, CAV 09.12.2014 Delilah, Samson accurately follows the story as told in the Spies & Secret Agents, Swordfighting 1980 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125010 book of Judges and uniquely depicts the rise, fall, and ultimate victory of the Old Testament judge who points to the Messiah, 85min. the eternal Savior of the whole world. E1 Entertainment 28.10.2014 Sliders: The Complete Series Educational, History & Events, Movies, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124708 Sabrina Lloyd, Cleavant Derricks, Kari Religion/Spirituality, Romance, Supernatural Wuhrer & Paranormal 2012 min. The Shooting / Ride In The Journey to parallel Earths with the iconic sci-fi adventure Bridgestone Media 14.10.2014 series that have thrilled fans for five gripping seasons. Jerry Whirlwind: The Criterion O’Connell, John Rhys-Davies, Sabrina Lloyd, Cleavant 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124664 Derricks are Sliders - an unlikely group of travelers who Collection encounter alternate versions of everything and everyone they The Scribbler Tom Filer, John Hackett, George Mitchell, once knew and loved as they attempt to make the one slide Katherine Squire, Neil Summers, Cameron that will take them home. Packed with every incredible Sasha Grey episode, this complete series is sure to take viewers on the Mitchell, Will Hutchins, Harry Dean Stanton, Action, Adventure, Movies, Thrillers 2014 ultimate trip beyond the boundaries of imagination. Millie Perkins, Warren Oates, Jack Action, Adventure, Alien Invasions, Aliens, 90min. Nicholson, Peter Cannon, Rupert Crosse, Classics, Fantasy, Fox, Monsters, Science Anderson Merchandisers 21.10.2014 Brandon Carroll - Dir. Monte Hellman Fiction, Television min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124810 In the mid-sixties, the maverick American director Monte Universal Studios 02.12.2014 Hellman conceived of two westerns at the same time. Dreamlike and gritty by turns, the two films would prove their 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124895

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 91 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

20th Century Fox 11.11.2014 Spartacus: Gods of the Arena will explore its deadly history before the arrival of Spartacus, and the death he carried with A Snow Globe Christmas 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124852 him. Spartacus: Vengeance continues to follow Spartacus as Trevor Donovan, Francia Raisa, Brody he is faced with a choice to either satisfy his personal need Sons Of Anarchy: The Collector’s for vengeance, or make the sacrifices necessary to keep his Hutzler, Alicia Witt, Christina Milano, Art growing army from breaking apart at the seams. Finally, in LaFleur, Donald Faison Set (Blu-ray) Spartacus: War of the Damned, Spartacus will carve his name Christmas, Drama, Family, Holidays, Theo Rossi, Ryan Hurst, Charlie Hunnam, into history as he plots to avenge his wife’s death and leads Movies, Television, TV Movies 2013 89min. Batiatus’ slaves in a bloody uprising. Katey Sagal, Dayton Callie, Tommy Action, Adventure, Ancient / , Asylum Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 Flanagan, Kim Coates, William Lucking, Biography, Blu-ray, Boxed Sets, Drama, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124597 Michael Ornstein, Mark Boone Junior, Ron Friendships, History & Events, Revenge, Perlman, Winter Ave Zoli, Maggie Siff Special Editions, Swordfighting, Television, The Snowman From creator Kurt Sutter comes the complete box set of Sons of Anarchy, the iconic, adrenaline-charged initiation into the War 2173min. min. gritty underworld of outlaw motorcycle gangs. Hounded by Starz / Anchor Bay 16.12.2014 NCircle Entertainment 04.11.2014 law enforcement and targeted by ruthless rivals, the Sons of 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125018 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124830 Anarchy face an uncertain and increasingly lawless future. Meanwhile, Jax Teller is torn between loyalty to his brother bikers and the idealistic vision of his father as he faces Speak No Evil (DVD + UltraViolet) Son Of God: Christmas Edition O- bloodshed, treachery, and betrayal at every turn. As Jax struggles to protect his family and escape the deadly legacy Elisabeth Cavender, Annalise Cavender, Ring of the past, alliances are forged, secrets are revealed, and Greg Bronson, Cesar Garcia - Dir. Roze Amber Rose Revah, Sebastian Knapp, the bonds of brotherhood are put to the ultimate test. When all the children in a small religious town disappear, Cars & Motorcycles, Crime, Drama, Drugs & panic spreads quickly. But when the children finally return, Diogo Morgado, William Houston, they begin attacking , and it becomes clear that Stevens, Nonso Anozie, Greg Hicks, Dealers, FX, Gangs, Mobsters & The Mafia, they are possessed by a demon. The town is forced into a Langley Kirkwood, - Dir. Chri- Television, Thrillers min. desperate and violent campaign to eliminate the possessed 20th Century Fox 11.11.2014 children, but one mother refuses to believe that her daughter stopher Spencer is lost to the devil and will do whatever it takes to keep her From producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey comes Son 439,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124855 alive, and save her from the demon inside. of God - the most important chapter of the Greatest Story Ever Told for a whole new generation of families to enjoy. Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Pos- Acclaimed Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado delivers a : The Complete session, Religion/Spirituality, Thrillers 2013 spectacular portrayal of Jesus as this powerful and Series (Blu-ray) 74min. inspirational feature film depicts the life of Christ, from His humble birth through His teachings, crucifixion and ultimate , , Edie Lionsgate 02.12.2014 resurrection. Falco, , Jerry Adler, Dan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124883 Drama, Historical / Period Piece, History & Grimaldi, , James Events, Movies, Religion/Spirituality, Special Gandolfini, , , The Squad Editions, Torture 2014 138min. , , , Foreign, Horror, Latin, Movies, Thrillers 20th Century Fox 04.11.2014 John Ventimiglia, , Drea 2011 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124858 De Matteo, Federico Castelluccio, Jamie Shout Factory 21.10.2014 Lynn Discala, Sharon Angela, Vincent 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124577 Son Of God: Christmas Edition O- Curatola, Ring (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) Action, Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, The Squad (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Crime, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Foreign, Horror, Latin, Movies, Thrillers Family, FBI, HBO, Mobsters & The Mafia, Amber Rose Revah, Sebastian Knapp, 2011 min. Revenge, Television min. Diogo Morgado, William Houston, Conan Shout Factory 21.10.2014 HBO Home Video 04.11.2014 Stevens, Nonso Anozie, Greg Hicks, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124590 411,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124770 Langley Kirkwood, David Rintoul - Dir. Chri- stopher Spencer Squirm: Collector’s Edition (Blu- From producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey comes Son Sordid Lives (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu- ray) of God - the most important chapter of the Greatest Story Ever ray) Told for a whole new generation of families to enjoy. Peter MacLean, Jean Sullivan, R.A. Dow, Acclaimed Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado delivers a Ann Walker, Earl H. Bullock, Delta Burke, Don Scardino, Patricia Pearcy, William spectacular portrayal of Jesus as this powerful and Beth Grant, Bonnie Bedelia, Beau Bridges - inspirational feature film depicts the life of Christ, from His Newman, Barbara Quinn - Dir. Jeff humble birth through His teachings, crucifixion and ultimate Dir. Del Shores Lieberman resurrection. Tripping over her lover’s wooden legs, Grandma Peggy has At the beginning of the film, we learn from one of the Book-To-Film, Drama, Historical / Period met her maker and now her Texan family is showing up for the characters that earthworms can be called to the surface with funeral. With a raucous cast of characters ranging from electricity, but somehow it turns them into vicious flesh- Piece, History & Events, Movies, Religion/ feuding big-haired sisters to the cross-dressing Brother Boy, eaters. Sure enough, a storm that night causes some power Spirituality, Special Editions, Torture 2014 Sordid Lives skewers Texan white trash culture. The film lines to break and touch the ground, drawing millions of man- marks the directorial debut of Del Shores, the writer-producer eating worms out of the earth, and into town where they 138min. of the television program Touched By An Angel. 20th Century Fox 04.11.2014 quickly start munching on the locals. Comedy, Movies 2001 111min. Classics, Horror, Killer Animals, Movies, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124862 Wolfe Video 30.09.2014 Special Editions, Thrillers 1976 92min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124710 Shout Factory 28.10.2014 Sons Of Anarchy: The Collector’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124620 Set The Soul Man: The Complete Se- Theo Rossi, Ryan Hurst, Charlie Hunnam, cond Season Starsky & Hutch: The Complete Katey Sagal, Dayton Callie, Tommy Wesley Jonathan, Niecy Nash, Cedric The Series Flanagan, Kim Coates, William Lucking, Entertainer David Soul, Paul Michael Glaser, Antonio Michael Ornstein, Mark Boone Junior, Ron Comedy, Family, Music, Religion/Spirituality, Fargas Perlman, Winter Ave Zoli, Maggie Siff Television min. From creator Kurt Sutter comes the complete box set of Sons Action, Classics, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / of Anarchy, the iconic, adrenaline-charged initiation into the Shout Factory 21.10.2014 TV, Detectives, Drama, Television 1976 min. gritty underworld of outlaw motorcycle gangs. Hounded by 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124575 Mill Creek Entertainment 11.11.2014 law enforcement and targeted by ruthless rivals, the Sons of Anarchy face an uncertain and increasingly lawless future. 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124989 Meanwhile, Jax Teller is torn between loyalty to his brother Spartacus: The Complete Series - bikers and the idealistic vision of his father as he faces Limited Edition (Blu-ray) Step Up: All In (Blu-ray + bloodshed, treachery, and betrayal at every turn. As Jax struggles to protect his family and escape the deadly legacy Dan Feuerriegel, Katrina Law, Liam UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) of the past, alliances are forged, secrets are revealed, and McIntyre, , Viva Bianca, Peter Ryan Guzman, Adam Sevani, Alyson the bonds of brotherhood are put to the ultimate test. Mensah, Andy Whitfield, Manu Bennett, Cars & Motorcycles, Crime, Drama, Drugs & Stoner, Briana Evigan, Izabella Miko - Dir. John Hannah, Lucy Lawless Dealers, FX, Gangs, Mobsters & The Mafia, Trish Sie The classic tale of Spartacus, the Republic’s most infamous In the next exciting chapter of the international phenomenon Television, Thrillers min. rebel comes alive in Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Then, Step Up, all-stars from previous installments come together in

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 92 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA glittering Las Vegas, battling for a victory that could define Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, decide to keep their date in order to share a once-in-a-lifetime their dreams and their careers. International TV, Japanese, Television, meal together. Dancing, Drama, Movies, Music, Rhythm & Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 85min. Thrillers 2014 143min. Dancing, Romance 2014 101min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 07.10.2014 Funimation 28.10.2014 Lionsgate 04.11.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124723 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124844 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124876 TCM Greatest Classic Legends Step Up: All In (DVD + Strike Back: The Complete First Season (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Film Collection: Bogie & Bacall UltraViolet) Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart Ryan Guzman, Adam Sevani, Alyson (Blu-ray) Classics, Collections, Detectives, Film Noir, A high-octane, globe-spanning thriller with storylines ripped Stoner, Briana Evigan, Izabella Miko - Dir. from today’s headlines, Strike Back is a one-hour drama Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Murder Trish Sie series that focuses on two members of a top-secret anti- Mysteries, Prison, Romance, Thrillers, War In the next exciting chapter of the international phenomenon terrorist organization known as Section 20: Michael 421min. Step Up, all-stars from previous installments come together in Stonebridge, a British sergeant in the ultra secret Section 20 glittering Las Vegas, battling for a victory that could define anti-terrorist team, and Damien Scott, a Delta Forces operati- Warner Bros. 02.12.2014 their dreams and their careers. ve who was disgraced and discharged on the eve of the U.S. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124679 Dancing, Drama, Movies, Music, Rhythm & invasion of Iraq. The 10-episode season follows Stonebridge (Philip Winchester) and Scott (Sullivan Stapleton) as they Dancing, Romance 2014 101min. criss-cross the globe on the trail of a deadly international TCM Greatest Classic Legends Lionsgate 04.11.2014 terrorist named Latif, who is planning a major attack involving Film Collection: Cary Grant, Vol. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124872 a cache of WMD that could have global repercussions. Within the season-long arc involving the search for Latif 2 (code-named „Project Dawn“), five separate adventures will John Garfield, Victor McLaglen, Cary The Strain be presented, each played out over two episodes. Sexy, Grant, Katharine Hepburn - Dir. George Natalie Brown, Mia Maestro, Corey Stoll, suspenseful and action-packed, the series is set in exotic locations and has an abundance of twists and turns, as the Stevens, Frank Capra, Delmer Daves Robin Atkin Downes, Anne Betancourt, two protagonists venture into New Delhi, Cape Town, Darfur Classics, Collections, Comedy, Crime, Dra- Richard Sammel, Kevin Durand, Daniel and beyond to thwart the bad intentions of terrorists intent on ma, Military, Movies, Romance, War min. Kash, David Bradley, Jonathan Hyde, Sean b Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Military, Warner Bros. 02.12.2014 Astin, Robert Maillet, Ruta Gedmintas Experience the first season of TV’s hottest, most blood- Special Forces, Television, Terrorism, Thril- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124682 curdling sci-fi series - from Executive Producers - Writers lers min. Guillermo del Toro, Carlton Cuse and Chuck Hogan - along HBO Home Video 23.09.2014 TCM Greatest Classic Legends with behind-the-scenes special features that explore the 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124765 story’s journey from best-selling novel to hit show. When a Film Collection: Taylor & Burton freak virus kills all but four passengers on an airplane at Eva Marie Saint, Richard Burton, Elizabeth JFK, Ephraim Goodweather (Corey Stoll), head of the Center Tammy (Blu-ray + DVD + for Disease Control’s „Canary Team“, is immediately called to Taylor - Dir. , Vincente Minnelli the scene. With help from a mysterious survivor UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Affairs & Love Triangles, Classics, (David Bradley), „Eph“ and his colleague (Mia Maestro) uncover the outbreak’s ties to vampirism. Now, the only way Nat Faxon, Mark Duplass, Melissa Collections, Drama, Movies, Romance to stop the terrifying disease from wiping out mankind is to McCarthy, Sandra Oh, , Allison 518min. face its source - a sinister supernatural creature known as Janney, , Kathy Bates, Dan Warner Bros. 02.12.2014 „The Master“ - whose evil intent seems more powerful than any other force on Earth! Aykroyd, Susan Sarandon - Dir. Ben 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124745 Drama, FX, Horror, Killer Viruses, Televisi- Falcone After losing her job and learning that her husband has been To All A Goodnight on, Thrillers, Vampires 2014 622min. unfaithful, a woman hits the road with her profane, hard- 20th Century Fox 02.12.2014 drinking grandmother. Jennifer Runyon - Dir. David Hess 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125016 Adventure, Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu- Five young girls at an exclusive boarding school drug their housemother and smuggle in their boyfriends for the night. A ray, Comedy, Family, Movies, Road Trips, deranged Santa Claus soon appears to check on who’s The Strain (Blu-ray) Special Editions 2014 97min. naughty — and then kill them. Natalie Brown, Mia Maestro, Corey Stoll, Warner Bros. 11.11.2014 Christmas, Horror, Movies, Mystery 1980 Robin Atkin Downes, Anne Betancourt, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124790 90min. Richard Sammel, Kevin Durand, Daniel Kino Video 21.10.2014 Kash, David Bradley, Jonathan Hyde, Sean Tammy (DVD + UltraViolet) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124809 Astin, Robert Maillet, Ruta Gedmintas Nat Faxon, Mark Duplass, Melissa Experience the first season of TV’s hottest, most blood- McCarthy, Sandra Oh, Toni Collette, Allison To All A Goodnight (Blu-ray) curdling sci-fi series - from Executive Producers - Writers Guillermo del Toro, Carlton Cuse and Chuck Hogan - along Janney, Gary Cole, Kathy Bates, Dan Jennifer Runyon - Dir. David Hess with behind-the-scenes special features that explore the Aykroyd, Susan Sarandon - Dir. Ben Five young girls at an exclusive boarding school drug their story’s journey from best-selling novel to hit show. When a Falcone housemother and smuggle in their boyfriends for the night. A freak virus kills all but four passengers on an airplane at deranged Santa Claus soon appears to check on who’s After losing her job and learning that her husband has been naughty — and then kill them. JFK, Ephraim Goodweather (Corey Stoll), head of the Center unfaithful, a woman hits the road with her profane, hard- for Disease Control’s „Canary Team“, is immediately called to drinking grandmother. Christmas, Horror, Movies, Mystery 1980 the scene. With help from a mysterious Holocaust survivor 90min. (David Bradley), „Eph“ and his colleague (Mia Maestro) Adventure, Affairs & Love Triangles, uncover the outbreak’s ties to vampirism. Now, the only way Comedy, Family, Movies, Road Trips 2014 Kino Video 21.10.2014 to stop the terrifying disease from wiping out mankind is to 97min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124837 face its source - a sinister supernatural creature known as „The Master“ - whose evil intent seems more powerful than Warner Bros. 11.11.2014 any other force on Earth! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124669 Tootsie: The Criterion Collection 20th Century Fox, Drama, FX, Horror, Killer , , Charles Viruses, Television, Thrillers, Vampires Tasting Menu Durning, George Gaynes, Jessica Lange, 2014 622min. Claudia Bassols, Fionnula Flanagan Teri Garr, Bill Murray, Dustin Hoffman - Dir. 20th Century Fox 02.12.2014 Estranged couple Marc (Jan Cornet) and Rachel (Claudia Sydney Pollack 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125023 Bassols) realize that their reservation at the world’s most- In Tootsie, the character Michael Dorsey lands the role of a acclaimed restaurant is scheduled for its closing night, and lifetime - as does the actor playing him, Dustin Hoffman. This decide to keep their date in order to share a once-in-a-lifetime multilayered comedy from director Sydney Pollack follows the Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist meal together. increasingly elaborate deception of a down-on-his-luck New Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 85min. York actor who disguises himself as a woman to get a coveted Action, Adventure, Drama, Foreign, Interna- soap opera gig; while his female persona skyrockets to fame, tional TV, Japanese, Television, Thrillers Magnolia Home Entertainment 07.10.2014 he finds himself learning to be a better man. Hoffman’s ball- 2014 143min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124690 busting yet disarmingly sweet Dorothy Michaels is a sensational comic creation, given support by a stellar cast Funimation 28.10.2014 including Dabney Coleman, , Teri Garr, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124820 Tasting Menu (Blu-ray) George Gaynes, Bill Murray, and, in her first Oscar-winning Claudia Bassols, Fionnula Flanagan role, Jessica Lange. Imbued with poignant drama, Tootsie is a Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Estranged couple Marc (Jan Cornet) and Rachel (Claudia funny and cutting film from an American moment defined by Bassols) realize that their reservation at the world’s most- shifting social and sexual identities. (Blu-ray) acclaimed restaurant is scheduled for its closing night, and Academy Award Winners, Classics,

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Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124724 Movies, Romance 1982 116min. True Confessions Criterion 25.11.2014 Touch: The Complete Second Robert De Niro, Kenneth McMillan, Ed 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124562 Season Flanders, Robert Duvall, Charles Durning - Drama, Mystery, Television 2013 min. Dir. Ulu Grosbard Tootsie: The Criterion Collection A powerful drama in which two brothers whose chosen Olive Films 04.11.2014 lifestyles and careers are opposed to each other. One is a (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124831 gangster and the other is a priest. They come into sharp Sydney Pollack, Dabney Coleman, Charles conflict after a murder is committed. Durning, George Gaynes, Jessica Lange, True Blood: The Complete Series Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1981 108min. Teri Garr, Bill Murray, Dustin Hoffman - Dir. (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Sydney Pollack Kino Video 07.10.2014 In Tootsie, the character Michael Dorsey lands the role of a Nelsan Ellis, Joe Manganiello, Rutina 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124692 lifetime - as does the actor playing him, Dustin Hoffman. This Wesley, Alexander Skarsgard, Michael multilayered comedy from director Sydney Pollack follows the McMillian, Carrie Preston, Ryan Kwanten, True Confessions (Blu-ray) increasingly elaborate deception of a down-on-his-luck New Sam Trammell, Stephen Moyer, Chris Bauer, York actor who disguises himself as a woman to get a coveted Robert De Niro, Kenneth McMillan, Ed Anna Paquin, Jim Parrack, Deborah Ann soap opera gig; while his female persona skyrockets to fame, Flanders, Robert Duvall, Charles Durning - he finds himself learning to be a better man. Hoffman’s ball- Woll, Lauren Bowles, Todd Lowe busting yet disarmingly sweet Dorothy Michaels is a Dir. Ulu Grosbard sensational comic creation, given support by a stellar cast Dark Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Friendships, A powerful drama in which two brothers whose chosen including Dabney Coleman, Charles Durning, Teri Garr, HBO, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Myths & lifestyles and careers are opposed to each other. One is a George Gaynes, Bill Murray, and, in her first Oscar-winning Legends, Romance, Supernatural & gangster and the other is a priest. They come into sharp role, Jessica Lange. Imbued with poignant drama, Tootsie is a Paranormal, Television, Thrillers, Vampires, conflict after a murder is committed. funny and cutting film from an American moment defined by Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1981 Werewolves min. shifting social and sexual identities. 108min. Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, HBO Home Video 11.11.2014 Kino Video 07.10.2014 Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, 439,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124737 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124725 Drama, Movies, Romance, Special Editions 1982 116min. True Blood: The Complete Twilight Zone: The 5th Dimension Criterion 25.11.2014 Seventh Season 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124587 Adventure, Boxed Sets, Cult Film / TV, Dra- Nelsan Ellis, Joe Manganiello, Rutina ma, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Science Wesley, Alexander Skarsgard, Michael Topkapi Fiction, Supernatural & Paranormal, Televi- McMillian, Carrie Preston, Ryan Kwanten, sion, Thrillers min. Maximilian Schell, Jess Hahn, Melina Sam Trammell, Stephen Moyer, Chris Bauer, Image Ent. 11.11.2014 Mercouri, Robert Morley, Peter Ustinov - Anna Paquin, Jim Parrack, Deborah Ann 513,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124604 Dir. Jules Dassin Woll, Lauren Bowles, Todd Lowe Five years after directing the heist classic Rififi, Jules True Blood is the sexy, scary, wildly entertaining series from Dassin returns to robbery with Topkapi. Again there is a long Oscar and Emmy winner (Six Feet Under) and : The and daring break-in, as his heroes attempt to steal the based on the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris. Complete Eleventh Season priceless Emerald Dagger from the Topkapi Palace Museum in In this final season, an initial battle between raging Hep- Istanbul, but in contrast to the bleak Rififi, the mood in Vamps and their Bon Temps prey sets the stage for a season- Angus T. Jones, , Ashton Topkapi is one of comedy. Dassin focuses on the bumbling long series of -raising denouements for Sookie, Bill, Eric, Kutcher, Jon Cryer, Holland Taylor Arthur Simpson (Peter Ustinov), who barely makes a living Jason, Sam, Alcide, Tara and their human/vampire allies and conning tourists. Arthur thinks he’s struck it rich when adversaries. In the end, some of True Blood’s most beloved CBS, Comedy, Television 2013 min. Elizabeth Lipp (Melina Mercouri) and her lover Walter figures will meet cruel fates, while others will cheat death Warner Bros. 14.10.2014 (Maximilian Schell) respond to his —not realizing they (true and otherwise) to forge happily-ever-after relationships 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124696 picked him. They persuade Arthur to drive across the Greek- that will leave fans surprised and, ultimately, satisfied. What Turkish border. When the Turkish police find arms in the car, will happen to your favorite True Blood character? they believe they have uncovered a terrorist plot. They only Upstairs, Downstairs: The release Arthur after he agrees to spy for them. Elizabeth and Dark Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Friendships, Walter plan their robbery, while Arthur is drawn ever further HBO, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Myths & Complete Series out of his depth, as he looks for evidence of terrorism. Legends, Romance, Television, Thrillers, Mercouri and Schell handle the planning; Ustinov, Robert Jenny Tomasin, Christopher Beeny, Simon Morley as the eccentric Cedric, and Akim Tamiroff as a Vampires, Werewolves min. Williams, Angela Baddeley, David Langton, dipsomaniac cook, handle the comedy; the Turkish scenery is HBO Home Video 11.11.2014 Jacqueline Tong, Gordon Jackson, Jean bea 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124676 Marsh Action, Adventure, Crime, Movies, Thrillers The series follows the lives of both the family and the 1964 120min. True Blood: The Complete servants in the London townhouse at 165 Eaton Place. Ri- Kino Video 07.10.2014 chard Bellamy, the head of the household, is a member of Seventh Season (Blu-ray + Parliament, and his wife a member of the titled aristocracy. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124691 Below stairs, Hudson, the Scottish butler directs and guides UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) the other servants about their tasks and (sometimes) their Topkapi (Blu-ray) Nelsan Ellis, Joe Manganiello, Rutina proper place. Real-life events from 1903-1930 are Wesley, Alexander Skarsgard, Michael incorporated into the stories of the Bellamy household. Maximilian Schell, Jess Hahn, Melina BBC, British, Drama, Family, Foreign, Inter- McMillian, Carrie Preston, Ryan Kwanten, Mercouri, Robert Morley, Peter Ustinov - national TV, Television min. Sam Trammell, Stephen Moyer, Chris Bauer, Dir. Jules Dassin Acorn Media 25.11.2014 Anna Paquin, Jim Parrack, Deborah Ann Five years after directing the heist classic Rififi, Jules 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124609 Dassin returns to robbery with Topkapi. Again there is a long Woll, Lauren Bowles, Todd Lowe and daring break-in, as his heroes attempt to steal the True Blood is the sexy, scary, wildly entertaining series from priceless Emerald Dagger from the Topkapi Palace Museum in Oscar and Emmy winner Alan Ball (Six Feet Under) and Venus In Fur Istanbul, but in contrast to the bleak Rififi, the mood in based on the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris. Topkapi is one of comedy. Dassin focuses on the bumbling In this final season, an initial battle between raging Hep- Mathieu Amalric, Emmanuelle Seigner - Dir. Arthur Simpson (Peter Ustinov), who barely makes a living Vamps and their Bon Temps prey sets the stage for a season- Roman Polanski conning tourists. Arthur thinks he’s struck it rich when long series of hair-raising denouements for Sookie, Bill, Eric, Roman Polanski adapts David Ives Tony Award-winning Elizabeth Lipp (Melina Mercouri) and her lover Walter Jason, Sam, Alcide, Tara and their human/vampire allies and Broadway play about a frustrated theater director whose (Maximilian Schell) respond to his pitch—not realizing they adversaries. In the end, some of True Blood’s most beloved growing obsession with a volatile actress signals the start of picked him. They persuade Arthur to drive across the Greek- figures will meet cruel fates, while others will cheat death an unexpected power shift. Exhausted after a day of Turkish border. When the Turkish police find arms in the car, (true and otherwise) to forge happily-ever-after relationships unsuccessful auditions for the female lead in his play they believe they have uncovered a terrorist plot. They only that will leave fans surprised and, ultimately, satisfied. What exploring the volatile relationship between a domineering release Arthur after he agrees to spy for them. Elizabeth and will happen to your favorite True Blood character? mistress and her willing male subject, writer/director Thomas Walter plan their robbery, while Arthur is drawn ever further Dark Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Friendships, (Mathieu Amalric) broods over his lack of success when out of his depth, as he looks for evidence of terrorism. tempestuous actress Vanda (Emmanuelle Seigner) blows into Mercouri and Schell handle the planning; Ustinov, Robert HBO, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Myths & the theater like a sweltering summer storm. Though at first Morley as the eccentric Cedric, and Akim Tamiroff as a Legends, Romance, Supernatural & reluctant to give the overly-assertive and questionably- dipsomaniac cook, handle the comedy; the Turkish scenery is Paranormal, Television, Thrillers, Vampires, talented actress an audition, Thomas eventually relents. bea Subsequently captivated by her intense erotic energy, he Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, Werewolves min. gradually begins to realize she was more prepared than initial Thrillers 1964 120min. HBO Home Video 11.11.2014 appearances suggested, and that she’s perfect for the role. 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124780 Yet in his spellbound state, Michael fails to notice that Vanda Kino Video 07.10.2014 - who even shares the same name as her fictional counterpart

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- has slyly managed to turn the tables on him and before long life on hold. It is then that he meets Chantry (Zoe Kazan) an 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125003 their relationship begins to strike an eerie parallel with those animator who lives with her longtime boyfriend Ben (Rafe of h Spall). Wallace and Chantry form an instant connection, Drama, Foreign, French, Movies 2013 striking up a close friendship. Still, there is no denying the Wings: The Complete Series chemistry between them, leading the pair to wonder, what if 96min. the love of your life is actually your best friend? The Rebecca Schull, Tim Daly, David Schramm, MPI 14.10.2014 ensemble romantic comedy costars Megan Park and Oona Crystal Bernard, , Steven 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124699 Chaplin. Weber, Thomas Haden Church, Amy Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Movies, Yasbeck A Very Merry Mix-Up Romance 2014 98min. Comedy, NBC, Television 1992 min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Russell Yuen, Mimi Kuzyk, Richard Mill Creek Entertainment 11.11.2014 25.11.2014 Fitzpatrick, Alicia Witt, Lawrence Dane, 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124991 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125036 Judah Katz, Susan Hogan - Dir. Jonathan Wright Witching And Bitching Shop owner Alice Chapman is nervous to meet her future in- White Christmas: Diamond Carolina Bang, Hugo Silva, Terele Pavez, laws at Christmas, especially because she is arriving ahead Anniversary Edition of her new fiance, Will Mitchum. Alice’s trip becomes more Carmen Maura - Dir. Alex De La Iglesia stressful when her luggage is lost and her phone is damaged, Rosemary Clooney, Dean Jagger, Danny Spanish theives attempt to elude the authorities by leaving her no way to find Will’s family! disappearing into the Basque countryside, only to fall under Kaye, Bing Crosby - Dir. Michael Curtiz the spell of witches making preparations for an arcane ritual Christmas, Family, Holidays, Movies, From the early 1960s to the mid-1970s, Bing Crosby’s annual in this outrageous horror comedy from lex de la Iglesia Romance, TV Movies 2013 min. Christmas special provided plenty of holiday cheer with (Common Wealth, Ferpect Crime). It was supposed to be a Hallmark Entertainment 14.10.2014 Crosby’s renditions of beloved Christmas songs and guest simple gold heist, but when the bullets start to , Jos (Hugo appearances by notable stars. This collection of highlights, Silva) and Tony (Mario Casas) hail a taxi, and speed off into 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124563 hosted by Gene Kelly and Kathryn Crosby, includes Bing the mountains. Further complicating matters is the fact that the singing with David Bowie, Carol Burnett, Twiggy, Melba robbery has taken place on one of the rare days that divorced Wanda Whips Wall Street Moore, Connie Stevens, Roy Clark, Jacky Gleason, and Jos has custody of his young son Sergio, who is about to take more! the ride of his life. Later, just when Jos and Tony think Ron Jeremy Chanukah, Christmas, Classics, Holidays, they’ve made a clean getaway, they stop off at a rustic tavern Larry Revene, one of the best adult film cinematographers of Movies, Music, Musical 120min. in Basque country. Although at first the locals seem merely all time, took to the director’s chair for this wild and eccentric, it’s soon revealed that in these mountains dwells a wonderful tale of sexual intrigue and economic espionage. Paramount 14.10.2014 coven of witches, and the time has come to carry out an Legendary superstar Veronica Hart gives one of her funniest 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124681 ancient rite. Meanwhile, with a pair of bumbling cops and hottest performances as the scheming small town financial gradually closing in, the terrified thieves encounter a sexy wizard who treks to New York to work her magic at one of the witch gone rogue — but even she may be no match for Jos’s top investment firms in the city. Teaming with her girl Friday White Christmas: Diamond insufferable ex-wife. Janie (Tish Ambrose), Wanda sleeps her way through the Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray + Comedy, Horror, Movies, Supernatural & company’s stock holders,using blackmail to absorb their Paranormal, Witches & Warlocks 2013 shares. Corporate Investigator Lou Perrini (Jamie Gillis) and DVD) (Blu-ray) his assistant Ed (Ron Jeremy) set out to uncover the culprits From the early 1960s to the mid-1970s, Bing Crosby’s annual 114min. behind this corporate crime spree. Featuring appearances by Christmas special provided plenty of holiday cheer with MPI 14.10.2014 adult film legends Samantha Fox, George Payne, Sharon Crosby’s renditions of beloved Christmas songs and guest 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124700 Mitchell, Ron Hudd, and cult favorite Sondra Hillman, this is appearances by notable stars. This collection of highlights, sophisticated sex comedy at its finest. Scanned in 2k hosted by Gene Kelly and Kathryn Crosby, includes Bing resolution from a theatrical print and presented in it’s original singing with David Bowie, Carol Burnett, Twiggy, Melba Wolfblood: Season Two aspect ratio for the first time on DVD. Moore, Connie Stevens, Roy Clark, Jacky Gleason, and Classics, Comedy, Crime, Erotica, Movies, more! Kedar Williams, Bobby Lockwood, Aimee On The Job 1982 82min. Chanukah, Christmas, Classics, Holidays, Kelly CAV 11.11.2014 Movies, Music, Musical 120min. British, Fantasy, High School, Science 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124977 Paramount 14.10.2014 Fiction, Television, Werewolves 2013 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124717 Cinedigm 18.11.2014 War Story 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124948 Hafsia Herzi, , White Collar: The Complete Fifth Catherine Keener, Ben Kingsley Season You Can’t Kill Stephen King Polly Humphreys, Justin Brown, Kate A battle-scarred photojournalist (Catherine Keener) risks her Sharif Atkins, Matt Bomer, Marsha life to rescue a young refugee in this gripping, ripped-from- Costello, Kayle Blogna, Crystal Arnette, Thomason, Tim DeKay, Willie Garson, the-headlines thriller. Monroe Mann, Ronnie Khalil - Dir. Ronnie Drama, Movies, War 2014 99min. Tiffani Thiessen Khalil, Monroe Mann IFC 25.11.2014 Catch up with television’s smartest, sexiest con-man-turned- crime-fighter before the final season! In White Collar’s One summer, a group of friends make a and ill-fated 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124972 sizzling Season 5, $1.8 million in gold coins is missing, an decision to visit the lake where horror author Stephen King elusive precious diamond is about to be found, and Neal lives. Upon arrival, they are greeted by unfriendly towns Werewolf Woman Caffrey (Matt Bomer) has a new handler - and a new love people who hate noise and tom-foolery almost as much as they interest. But all is fair in love and crime, and the closer Neal hate uninvited guests and questions about their most famous Tino Carraro, Annik Borel, Howard Ross, gets to the mysterious Rebecca Lowe, the greater the danger resident. As dead bodies begin to mount, one thing becomes Dagmar Lassander - Dir. Rino Di Silvestro for everyone in his life. Go behind the scenes of the clear: the friends must piece together the clues and save electrifying show that also stars Tim DeKay, Tiffani Thiessen themselves before their own Stephen King nightmare is Foreign, Horror, Italian, Movies, Thrillers, and Willie Garson with deleted scenes, commentary and other written. Werewolves 1976 min. features only available on DVD! Adventure, Horror, Movies, Murder Kino Video 28.10.2014 Comedy, Crime, Drama, FBI, Mystery, Tele- Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers 2012 86min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124827 vision, USA Network 572min. CAV 09.12.2014 20th Century Fox 04.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124966 Werewolf Woman (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124851 Tino Carraro, Annik Borel, Howard Ross, Zane Grey Theatre: The Dagmar Lassander - Dir. Rino Di Silvestro White Lightning Complete Third Season Foreign, Italian, Movies, Thrillers, Burt Reynolds - Dir. Joseph Sargent Walter Sande, Denver Pyle, Dick Powell Werewolves 1976 min. A Florida moonshiner called Gator turns informer to catch the Classics, Television, Western min. Kino Video 28.10.2014 sheriff who killed his brother. Action, Crime, Drama, Movies 1973 112min. Shout Factory 02.12.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124846 Kino Video 11.11.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124909 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124982 What If (Blu-ray) The Zigzag Kid Mackenzie Davis, Adam Driver, Oona Chap- White Lightning (Blu-ray) Jessica Zeylmaker, Thomas Simon, Isabella lin, Zoe Kazan, Rafe Spall, Megan Park, Burt Reynolds - Dir. Joseph Sargent Rossellini - Dir. Vincent Bal Daniel Radcliffe - Dir. Michael Dowse A Florida moonshiner called Gator turns informer to catch the Starring Isabella Rossellini (Blue Velvet, Enemy), The Zigzag What If is the story of medical school dropout Wallace (Dani- sheriff who killed his brother. Kid is a witty, spirited and action packed adventure about el Radcliffe), who’s been repeatedly burned by bad Nono, a young boy who longs to be a detective like his father, relationships. So while everyone around him, including his Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies 1973 but whose wild nature constantly gets him into trouble. Before roommate Allan (Adam Driver) seems to be finding the perfect 112min. his bar mitzvah, he runs off to the French Rivera with a partner (Mackenzie Davis), Wallace decides to put his love Kino Video 11.11.2014 charming international thief, entering a world of disguises and

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 95 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA crazy pursuits, and crossing paths with a mysterious woman Sanders, Howard Hesseman, Gary Sandy, Americana, Blu-ray, Documentary, whose secrets will forever change Nono’s life. Based on the beloved novel by David Grossman, The Zigzag Kid uses wit Tim Reid, Educational, Historical / Period Piece, and humor to explore questions of good and evil and to speak Arthur „Big Guy“ Carlson tries to run a failing Cincinnati History & Events, Special Interest 103min. directly to adults and teenagers. radio station owned by his „tough as nails“ mother. His own incompetence is overshadowed by the strange employees that Lionsgate 28.10.2014 Adventure, Drama, Dutch (Netherlands), work at the station. From wild Disc Jockeys: Dr. Johnny 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124798 Family, Foreign, Movies 2012 95min. Fever and Venus Flytrap to the geeky news director, Les Passion River 04.11.2014 Nessman and obnoxious advertising sales manager, Herb America: Imagine The World 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124548 Tarlek. With the help of saner employees such as ; the rather shy journalism major; Jennifer Marlowe, Without Her (DVD + UltraViolet) the beautiful receptionist who is the very opposite of a 88 stereotypical „Dumb Blonde“ and ; the studly Dir. John Sullivan program director, Carlson tries gimmick after crazy gimmick to What would the world look like if America never existed? Michael Xavier, April Mullen, Lynne Griffin, bring money into the station and make it a success. Dinesh D’Souza, best-selling author and creator of 2016: Kyle Schmid, John White, Katharine Isabel- Classics, Comedy, Music, Television min. Obama’s America, explores this fascinating question in this stirring, thought-provoking documentary. Through le, Jesse McCartney, Alan C. Peterson, Asylum Home Entertainment 28.10.2014 reenactments of landmark events in America’s history and John Tench, Christopher Lloyd, Michael 207,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124596 insightful interviews with leading historians, D’Souza brings Ironside - Dir. April Mullen us face-to-face with the brave heroes who built a great nation A young woman comes to in a roadside diner with no idea - and offers a powerful defense against critics intent upon „the where she is or how she got there. Split between two shaming of America.“ With America, D’Souza asserts his timelines, she gets taken on a violent journey as she seeks unwavering belief in the country he loves, and his faith in a out the person responsible for her lover’s death. Special Interest hopeful future forged from its incomparable past. Action, Adventure, Movies, Murder Americana, Documentary, Educational, Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers 88min. Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, First Look 06.01.2015 2014 World Series Collector’s Special Interest 103min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124899 Editon Lionsgate 28.10.2014 Every inning, play, and heart-stopping moment of the 2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124795 World Series on high-clarity Blu-ray and DVD! Each definiti- 88 ve 2014 World Series game is presented in its entirety, Michael Xavier, April Mullen, Lynne Griffin, preserving the complete, unedited footage of every Fall America’s Cutest: Season 2 Kyle Schmid, John White, Katharine Isabel- Classic game and key Postseason games. Animals & Nature, Family, Reality, Television Action, Baseball, Major League Baseball, le, Jesse McCartney, Alan C. Peterson, min. Special Interest, Sports, Television John Tench, Christopher Lloyd, Michael Discovery Channel 09.12.2014 1070min. Ironside - Dir. April Mullen 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124910 A young woman comes to in a roadside diner with no idea Lionsgate 02.12.2014 where she is or how she got there. Split between two 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124878 Ancient Aliens: The Complete timelines, she gets taken on a violent journey as she seeks out the person responsible for her lover’s death. 2014 World Series Collector’s Seasons 1 - 6 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Murder History takes you on a mind-bending journey into our deep Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers 2015 88min. Editon (Blu-ray) past with the monumental gift set, Ancient Aliens: The First Look 06.01.2015 Every inning, play, and heart-stopping moment of the 2014 Complete Seasons 1-6. From 75 million years of the most World Series on high-clarity Blu-ray and DVD! Each definiti- credible evidence unearthed, we’ll explore the ancient and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124922 ve 2014 World Series game is presented in its entirety, mysterious, from sacred relics, artifacts, and wall carvings to preserving the complete, unedited footage of every Fall technologies, places, and lore, all in a search for the Classic game and key Postseason games. humankind’s origins and even the secrets of the universe. New interpretations of ancient texts reveal new historical Action, Baseball, Blu-ray, Major League possibilities: Were ancient gods really aliens? Was Satan Baseball, Special Interest, Sports, Televisi- really humanity’s ally in the Bible? This groundbreaking Music on 1070min. History series also uncovers the alien dimension within secret codes, deadly cults, mega-disasters, and plagues; Lionsgate 02.12.2014 alien connections to dinosaurs, NASA, and even the Third A Coffee In Berlin (Blu-ray) 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124887 Reich; and considers time travel, underwater UFO activity, Jan Ole Gerster’s comedy-drama A Coffee In Berlin stars Tom ancient Martian civilizations, the possibility that some Schilling as Niko, a twentysomething slacker whose aimless children have alien DNA - and if you can believe it, much life comes to a sudden halt when, in quick succession, his 2014 World Series Film more. Experience the trip of a lifetime (or many) in this mother girlfriend dumps him and his father cuts off his only financial Don’t miss the greatest moments of the 2014 World Series of all gift sets. support. Soon, he encounters an old classmate who he used to with the official 2014 World Series Film. Catch the highlights Aliens, Boxed Sets, Educational, History & torment, and this turns out to be a pivotal new relationship in of all of the games, interviews, and classic moments from his life. baseball’s biggest stage. Events, History Channel, Mystery, Science Comedy, Drama, Foreign, German 2012 Baseball, Major League Baseball, Special Fiction, Special Interest, Television min. 88min. Interest, Sports, Television 111min. A&E 11.11.2014 Music Box Films 07.10.2014 A&E 25.11.2014 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124738 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124711 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124937 Ancient Secrets Of The Bible: Penance (Blu-ray) 2014 World Series Film (Blu-ray) The Christmas Miracle International TV, Japanese, Mystery, Televi- Don’t miss the greatest moments of the 2014 World Series Christmas, Educational, Holidays, Religion/ with the official 2014 World Series Film. Catch the highlights sion min. of all of the games, interviews, and classic moments from Spirituality, Special Interest min. Music Box Films 14.10.2014 baseball’s biggest stage. Image Ent. 04.11.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124732 Baseball, Blu-ray, Major League Baseball, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124606 Special Interest, Sports, Television 111min. Rockin’ The Wall A&E 25.11.2014 Befit In 30 Extreme Documentary, History & Events, Music, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124940 Susan Becraft, Scott Herman - Dir. Cal Special Interest 2010 84min. Pozo E1 Entertainment 04.11.2014 America: Imagine The World Designed to transform your body with high-intensity, metabolic conditioning, Befit In 30 Extreme focuses on power, agility, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124803 Without Her (Blu-ray + and strength to burn fat and build lean, toned muscle. Expert UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) trainers Scott Herman and Susan Becraft will guide you The Spirit Of Christmas through all three full- body workouts for an incredible 30-day Dir. John Sullivan challenge. With everything from supercharged cardio and Christmas, Family, Holidays, Music, Televi- What would the world look like if America never existed? power sculpting, to callisthenic circuits and core sion min. Dinesh D’Souza, best-selling author and creator of 2016: conditioning, this complete system has everything needed to Obama’s America, explores this fascinating question in this keep your body challenged - and with challenge comes Image Ent. 04.11.2014 stirring, thought-provoking documentary. Through change, so begin your transformation today! [You will need a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124602 reenactments of landmark events in America’s history and sturdy chair and set of light to medium dumbbells.] Workout insightful interviews with leading historians, D’Souza brings Breakdown Descriptions: Legs, Thighs and Butt Workout (20 us face-to-face with the brave heroes who built a great nation min.): Spark your metabolism with a burst of cardio and rock WKRP In Cincinnati: The - and offers a powerful defense against critics intent upon „the out rows, dead lifts, lunges, and more to firm and reshape the Complete Series shaming of America.“ With America, D’Souza asserts his glutes and legs and carve a sculpted back. Total-Body Weight unwavering belief in the country he loves, and his faith in a Loss Workout (20 min.): Mobilize fat and scorch calories with Gordon Jump, Frank Bonner, Richard hopeful future forged from its incomparable past. intense circuits of calisthenics like burpees and Heismans

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 96 Newsletter 08/14 (Nr. 343) Oktober 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA that challenge the entire body to enhance endurance and shed 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124632 Godfather, but which really address Italian issues like the pounds. Fat-Burning and Abs Workout (20 min.): Fan Sicilian Mafia and red terrorism. Perhaps even more Fitness, Health, Special Interest 60min. interesting than the films themselves were the rushed methods Element: 5 Day Yoga of production (stars performing their own stunts, stealing Lionsgate 02.12.2014 shots, no live sound) and the bleed-over between real-life 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125024 Ashley Turner crime and movie crime. Filmed in a lush garden overlooking the Pacific Ocean, this comprehensive series offers five different 15-minute yoga Action, Crime, Documentary, Foreign, The Best Of The Incredible Dr. sessions. The Strength & Stamina practice focuses on toning History & Events, Italian, Mobsters & The Pol the lower body with a strong series of standing poses. Energy Mafia, Movies, Special Interest, Terrorism & Flexibility is an uplifting session designed to increase 2012 137min. Animals & Nature, Doctors & Medicine, flexibility, release physical tension and leave you feeling E1 Entertainment 14.10.2014 Documentary, Educational, National energized. The Core Power sequence focuses on toning and strengthening the abdominals as well as conditioning the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124655 Geographic, Reality, Science, Television cardiovascular system. The Stretch & Restore session min. systematically releases tension commonly held in the upper National Geographic 09.12.2014 back, neck and shoulders to help improve posture and leave Exodus: The Real Story you feeling revitalized. The Stress Relief & Meditation History unlocks the truths and myths behind the world of epic 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124912 segment is a perfect combination of standing and seated poses heroes and villains in Exodus: The Real Story. Examine the to flush out stress followed by a simple, potent breath complex soul of the prophet Moses who defeated the Pharaoh Bound By Flesh meditation for calm clarity. Choose one practice each day or and the Egyptian army, and lead his people out of . See link several together to create a custom yoga program that can how Joshua’s army infiltrated and destroyed Jericho from the Timothy Stack, Blake Boyd, Lea Thompson, help you look and feel better than ever. About the Instructor: inside out. Discover the stories of King Ramses II and such Ashley Turner ( is one of the premiere ancient marvels as the temple at Karnak and the rock temple at Nancy Allen - Dir. Leslie Zemeckis yoga teachers in Los Angeles. She holds a Master’s in C Leslie Zemeckis’ documentary Bound By Flesh details the Abu Simbel. Hear the many theories surrounding the Ark of history of Daisy and Violet Hilton, conjoined twins who Fitness, Health, Special Interest, Yoga 2014 the Covenant, which has never ceased to fuel our belief in its became international celebrities after toiling for years as 94min. significance although it disappeared 3 ,000 years ago. freaks in various carnivals. Although they eventually Starz / Anchor Bay 02.12.2014 Educational, History & Events, History appeared alongside such superstars as Charlie Chaplin and Channel, Religion/Spirituality, Special Bob Hope, the duo were managed by selfish individuals who 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124983 used the duo primarily to line their own pockets. Interest, Television 270min. Documentary, Educational, Science, Special Element: Belly Dance A&E 09.12.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124934 Interest 2012 90min. Jacqui Lalita MPI 28.10.2014 Filmed in a lush garden overlooking the Pacific Ocean, these 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124812 three programs are designed to help women of all ages build Explore The World strength, deepen flexibility and uncover their inner and outer glow. The Belly Dance Foundations segment is a good Boxed Sets, Educational, Special Interest James Cameron’s Deepsea starting point that teaches fundamental moves using easy-to- min. follow technique. The Slow & Sensual Belly Dance Toning Image Ent. 25.11.2014 Challenge segment firms muscles and awakens sensuality with simple As a boy, filmmaker James Cameron dreamed of a journey to yet powerful moves like circles, undulations and figure 8s. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124608 the deepest part of the ocean. This film is the dramatic The Belly Dance Burn segment helps build strength and fulfillment of that dream. It chronicles Cameron’s solo dive to stamina with energetic bursts and is a great way to recharge Ghost Hunters: Season 9 - Part 2 the depths of the Mariana Trench - nearly seven miles your energy as you decompress from the stress of daily life. beneath the ocean’s surface - piloting a submersible he Belly dance is often hailed as the dance of longevity because Jason Hawes designed himself. The risks were astounding. The footage is it bestows so many benefits. Enjoy this truly empowering Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Myths & breathtaking. James Cameron’s Deepsea Challenge is a practice that has helped women around the globe build celebration of science, courage, and extraordinary human confidence and move through life with more joy and grace. Legends, Reality, Supernatural & aspiration. About the Instructor: For over 12 years, Jacqui Lalita Paranormal, Television 572min. Animals & Nature, Documentary, National ( has devoted herself to teaching the Image Ent. 21.10.2014 ancient art form of belly dance. She began her study of Geographic, Special Interest 2014 91min. Oriental Dance at the Mid Eastern Dance Exchange in Miami 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124753 First Look 11.11.2014 and later contin 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124882 Bellydance, Fitness, Health, Instructional Girls Gone Wild: After Hours Dance, Special Interest 2014 63min. Ever wonder what goes down in bars after they close for the James Cameron’s Deepsea Starz / Anchor Bay 02.12.2014 night? Well, luckily for us, our GGW cameraman was invited 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124986 to hang out with four sexy bartenders after everyone else left! Challenge 3D (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- These girls worked hard all night, so the first thing they want to do is blow off some steam. Blonde hotties Claire and ray) Element: Daily Yoga Kayleigh show off their pole-dancing skills before stripping As a boy, filmmaker James Cameron dreamed of a journey to down for some girl-on-girl fun. Camila joins, and soon the the deepest part of the ocean. This film is the dramatic Mia Togo threesome has moved to the pool table. When Hannah comes fulfillment of that dream. It chronicles Cameron’s solo dive to Filmed in a serene garden overlooking the Pacific Ocean, across the girls, she’s upset she missed out and orders the the depths of the Mariana Trench - nearly seven miles these two very special programs can help you strengthen and girls to the bar for a foursome! These girls are so into each beneath the ocean’s surface - piloting a submersible he tone your body, reduce stress, boost energy levels and create other and switch partners so much that we can’t tell who’s designed himself. The risks were astounding. The footage is a feeling of balance in your life. The morning sequence starts pleasuring who! We knew bartenders were wild, but we never breathtaking. James Cameron’s Deepsea Challenge is a with an energizing flow to stimulate circulation, build muscle knew they were THIS wild! Check out all the action that goes celebration of science, courage, and extraordinary human tone and awaken your body, mind and spirit. It progresses to down after last-call, only on Girls Gone Wild: After Hours. aspiration. an invigorating stretch and ends with a grounding savasana to Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Documentary, cultivate clarity and focus. As you build both physical and mental strength, this practice will help you greet your day GGW 07.10.2014 National Geographic, Special Interest 2014 with more confidence and vitality. The evening sequence is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124942 91min. designed to release the stress and tension that can accrue First Look 11.11.2014 throughout the day. It will restore your energy with a Girls Gone Wild: All Star Booty 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124889 combination of gentle exercises to relieve tension in your neck and shoulders, detoxifying twists to help revitalize your Call spine and deep stretches to release tight muscles and let your Days That Changed The World life force flow freely. This sequence will help create peace of See sexy college coeds craving non-stop action - and letting mind to prepare you for a restful night’s sleep. About the our cameras capture all the naughty moves they pull on each Boxed Sets, Educational, Special Interest Instructor: Teaching yoga for over 10 years, Mia Togo is a other. Girl-on-girl action has never looked finer. First we’re certified yoga instructor, holds introduced to a gorgeous, sex-starved 19-year-old red head min. named Jessica, who allows us to watch as she gets all hot Image Ent. 25.11.2014 Fitness, Health, Special Interest, Yoga 2014 and bothered after asking her 24-year-old friend Maria to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124607 85min. swing by after work. Jessica just can’t wait any longer - and Starz / Anchor Bay 02.12.2014 starts undressing and playing with herself on the couch 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124987 (getting all nice and worked up by the time that Maria arrives : Season 1 & 2 and joins in!) Then we meet 22-year-old pleasure addict Derek Waters Lindsey, who allows us to catch her in the act of sexting Eurocrime! The Italian Cop And pictures of herself in tight jean shorts to her friend Leah, 20, Drunk History presents historical reenactments from A-list while getting off with her favorite toy. Leah hops on the band talent as told by inebriated storytellers. Based on the award- Gangster Films That Ruled The wagon and heads over to Lindsey’s house to get a piece of the winning and wildly popular web series, Drunk History follows action! These sexy college girls will do anything they can to the drunken and often incoherent narration of historical ’70s get what they want. Check out all their steamy hook ups only moments. Viewers explore rich culture and history on a tour of John Saxon, Henry Silva, Franco Nero - Dir. on Girls Gone Wild: All Star Booty Call. cities across America, with a twist... of lime. Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Comedy, Comedy Central, History & Events, Mike Malloy GGW 04.11.2014 Television 156min. A documentary concerning the violent Italian ‘poliziotteschi’ cinematic movement of the 1970s which, at first glance, seem 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124898 Comedy Central 25.11.2014 to be rip-offs of American crime films like Dirty Harry or The

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Girls Gone Wild: Bedrooms Of Hi! Fly Guy... And Other Animal Warner Bros. 04.11.2014 90210 Volume 2 Antics 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124739 Beverly Hills is home to the most beautiful women in the Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, world! Our camera operator wastes no time catching innocent Let There Be Light: John Hustons Lana, 19, as she’s stepping out of the shower and into her Preschool, Television min. bedroom. This shy girl quickly proves she’s got a wild side as Scholastic 21.10.2014 Wartime Documentaries she slips out of her towel and starts fooling around. Next we 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124570 Documentary, Special Interest, War 116min. meet Gina, 19, who shows off her smoking body while getting ready to go out. She loves touching herself and watching in Olive Films 25.11.2014 the mirror. Meanwhile, Brooke, 21, gets all hot and bothered History Presents: The Definitive 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124976 writing about her sex fantasies in her journal. Our camera girl gets in on the action and helps Brooke strip down to her WWI And WWII Collection panties. Brooke is so turned on she uses a toy to finish the History marks the advent of modern warfare in the 20th Let There Be Light: John Hustons job. Last, but certainly not least, we sneak up on Kayleigh, 21, century with this epic DVD collection. Discover how the First Wartime Documentaries (Blu-ray) who loves teasing the camera and starts playing with herself. World War changed the face of battle forever, from hand-to- She turns up the heat when she whips out her favorite toy and hand combat to high-tech warfare, in History Of WWI: The Documentary, Special Interest, War 116min. starts to scream. These are some of the horniest girls we’ve First Modern War. Experience the acrobatic encounters of Olive Films 25.11.2014 ever seen! Find out what goes on behind closed doors in flying aces high above the battlefield in Dogfights. Watch the Girls Gone Wild: Bedrooms of 90210 Volume 2. Normandy assault in spectacular high definition in D-Day In 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125000 Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. HD, and learn soldiers’ personal stories in WWII In HD and The Color Of War. Learn which inventions decided the war in Max Lucado: God Came Near GGW 02.12.2014 Ultimate WWII Weapons, and get a dramatic view of U.S. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124900 General George Patton’s brilliant strategy in Patton 360. And, In the midst of the gloom of winter, the darkest and coldest of witness the whole devastating three decades of war through seasons, Christians still wait with great anticipation for the the eyes of the men forged in the trenches of WWI before happiest season of all, Advent. Travel back in time and relive Girls Gone Wild: Hot Naked Yoga commanding the world in WWII - Franklin Roosevelt, Adolf the coming of Christ to Earth, as He gives up His throne next Girls Gone Wild, Softcore 2014 min. Hitler, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and others - in the to God the Father to enter this world as a baby born in a Emmy- nominated miniseries The World Wars. Truly an manger. Filmed at ’s beautiful Blockley Church, God GGW 24.09.2014 unforgettable collection. Came Near is narrated by renowned author and pastor Max 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124867 Lucado, who brings his best-selling book to life. Featuring six Boxed Sets, Educational, Historical / Period DVDs, this complete set explores the topics of Simeon, the Piece, History & Events, History Channel, man who waited for the birth of the Messiah, as well as the Girls Gone Wild: Summer Sexfest Special Interest, Television, War, World War stories of Joseph and Mary, the true history of Saint What better place to pick up some sexy girls than at a wild I, World War II 2646min. Nicholas, the hectic holiday season, Christmas traditions, and summer music festival? After catching a couple bands rock more. Above all, however, Lucado encourages viewers to be out, our cameraman finds sexy Sarah, 18, looking to cool Lionsgate 25.11.2014 like the wise men of the Christmas story and start seeking the down. He brings her back to the tour bus, where this shy girl- 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124860 Lord each day of our lives. next-door shows off her tight body before pulling out a toy and Documentary, History & Events, Religion/ playing with herself. When her girlfriend Megan, 20, shows Impractical Jokers: The Complete Spirituality, Special Interest min. up hoping to help, how could we say no? Megan shows off her Bridgestone Media 14.10.2014 voluptuous curves and Sarah goes down on her, making Second Season Megan forget all about the rock concert going on outside. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124662 Later, two wild partygoers show up looking to have some fun. Sal Vulcano, Brian Quinn, Joe Gatto, James Rilynn, 20, and Kaylee, 18, can’t keep their clothes on. They Murray Macho Man: The Randy Savage take turns pleasuring each other when things get really hot. If laughter is contagious, these guys should be quarantined! They scissor on the couch before Rilynn gets Kaylee to Now long time best friends - Q, Sal, Joe and Murr - are back Story climax twice! These girls prove anything can happen at a rock on DVD with Impractical Jokers: The Complete Second concert, so check out Girls Gone Wild: Summer Sex Fest Season and are challenging each other to the most outrageous Biography, Special Interest, Sports, Sports today! dares and uproarious stunts ever to be caught on hidden Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. camera! This 3 disc set comes packed with all 26 episodes min. GGW 02.12.2014 from the hit series second season plus hilarious bonus content. Watch for hours as the jokers entertain each other, WWE Home Video 18.11.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124901 and you, with the most hilarious practical jokes they can 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124955 imagine! Girls Gone Wild: Wet, Hot Sum- Comedy, Reality, Television min. Macho Man: The Randy Savage Warner Bros. 04.11.2014 mer Story - Collectors Edition The sun is out, the pool is open, and Girls Gone Wild is ready 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124671 for some wet, hot summer fun! Naughty 19-year-old Allison Biography, Special Interest, Sports, Sports invites her girlfriends over for a crazy pool party... and lets In Search Of Aliens: Season One Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE our camera’s catch all the action! Allison is so incredibly min. turned on, she can hardly wait for her sexy friends to show Season One of In Search Of Aliens follows Ancient Astronaut up. They may only be 19 but these girls are one of the theorist Giorgio A. Tsoukalos as he explores the world’s most WWE Home Video 18.11.2014 horniest groups we’ve ever filmed! Although there’s a pool ancient mysteries. Highlights from Giorgio’s journeys include: 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124954 nearby, Allison and Nicole quickly find themselves soaking „The Hunt for Atlantis,“ where investigators attempt to locate wet - before they’ve even had the chance to take a dip. Nicole the city that Plato described and wonder whether it was home strips down showing Allison her gorgeous toned body and the to an advanced civilization that created the human race; and Macho Man: The Randy Savage two can’t resist the urge to get it on poolside. They aren’t the „The Mystery of Loch Ness“, where Giorgio travels from Story (Blu-ray) only one’s giving into temptation either! Camila and Audrey Scotland’s Loch Ness to Vermont’s Lake Champlain looking head back to the bedroom to indulge in a hot make out session, for connections between the geology of the two locations and Biography, Blu-ray, Special Interest, Sports, which leads to some steamy solo pleasure. It might be fun to the world-famous yet elusive lake monsters, Nessie and Sports Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, play on your own but it’s twice as fun to play together! The Champ. two take turns pleasuring each other and leaving one other Adventure, Aliens, Educational, History & WWE min. soaked and satisfied. These girls sure know how to party on Events, History Channel, Monsters, WWE Home Video 18.11.2014 Girls Gone Wild: Wet, Hot Summer. Mystery, Science, Science Fiction, Special 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124964 Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Interest, Television 450min. GGW 04.11.2014 A&E 09.12.2014 Mobilize 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124897 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124933 Mobilize is an investigative documentary that explores the potential long-term health effects from cell phone radiation, Gold Rush: Season Three including cancer and infertility. The film examines the most Last Heroes Of D-Day recent scientific research, follows national legislative efforts, Discovery Channel, Reality, Television min. On June 6th 1944, just after midnight, the first paratroopers and illuminates the influence that technology companies have Discovery Channel 16.12.2014 landed on the Cherbourg Peninsula in Normandy. It marked the on public health. Mobilize features interviews with numerous 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124921 beginning of D-Day, the largest and most complex military doctors, politicians, cancer patients, and technology experts. operation in history. In this groundbreaking two-part series, Documentary, Educational, Health, History Dan Snow (Battlefield Britain) examines how two years of & Events, Mystery, Science, Special Goodnight, Goodnight, meticulous planning, espionage and the analysis of millions of three dimensional aerial reconnaissance photographs shaped Interest, Thrillers 2014 90min. Construction Site... And More that day. D-Day is also a powerful and compelling story of E1 Entertainment 14.10.2014 Stories About Work heroism, self-sacrifice and determination - this is perhaps the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124663 last chance to hear the extraordinary first hand testimonies of Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, those who risked their lives to save the world from Nazi Preschool, Television min. tyranny. National Geographic: Best Of Scholastic 21.10.2014 BBC, British, Educational, History & Events, Nature Collection (Blu-ray) International TV, Special Interest, Televisi- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124569 Animals & Nature, Educational, National on, War, World War II 100min.

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Geographic, Special Interest, Television The Unauthorized Saved By The Special Interest, Television, War, World War min. Bell Story (DVD + UltraViolet) I 423min. National Geographic 28.10.2014 Warner Bros. 04.11.2014 Tiera Skovbye, Sam Kindseth, Dylan 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124591 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124740 Everett - Dir. Jason Lapeyre A nostalgic look back at America’s favorite teens from the National Geographic: Egypt ’90s TV show that changed the landscape of Saturday WWE Fit Series: Stephanie mornings. The Unauthorized Saved By The Bell Story follows Unwrapped six young, unknown actors thrust into the Hollywood spotlight McMahon Ancient Egypt, Educational, History & and exposed to the challenges of growing up under public Stephanie McMahon - Dir. Cal Pozo Events, National Geographic, Television scrutiny. The movie goes behind the scenes to portray their Wish you had a ripped, sexy body like the extraordinary struggle to maintain the squeaky-clean image of their popular women of the WWE? Well, now you can! With the help of min. characters both on- and off-screen. WWE mogul and mother of 3 Stephanie McMahon you can National Geographic 21.10.2014 Based On TV Show, Comedy, Documentary, achieve a lean, sculpted physique worthy of the main event. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124568 Special Interest, Television, TV Movies Crafted by world-renowned strength and conditioning coach Joe DeFranco, this system, complete with a 4-week calendar, 2014 90min. transforms and strengthens the upper and lower body, chisels Running From Crazy Lionsgate 04.11.2014 the abs, sheds fat with powerful cardio, and creates long, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124629 flexible muscle. Strong is the new sexy, so become queen of Margaux Hemingway, - the ring and build your best body ever! [You will need sets of Dir. dumbbells that range from light to heavy.] Workout Biography, Documentary, Drama, Family, Unsupersize Me Descriptions: Each workout includes a quick and effective Special Interest 2013 min. Unsupersize Me documents the inspiring story of fitness warm-up and cool down. Upper Body (14 min): Strut your stuff expert Juan-Carlos Asse and his quest to prove that a whole with this powerful strength circuit that uses bodyweight, Virgil Films And Entertainment 28.10.2014 foods, plant-based diet coupled with intensive exercise is dumbbells, and progressive reps to sculpt sexy arms, defined 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124818 capable of remarkably and rapidly improving the health of any shoulders, and a gorgeous back. Lower Body (15 min): Tone, and every individual. Asse teams up with Tracey Ryan, who tighten, and turn heads with butt-blasting rounds of a super has struggled with obesity throughout her life, and guides her circuit that tackles your trouble zones while increasing Leslie Sansone: Walk Off Fat Fast from poor health to a new life. Watch as Ryan loses 200 muscular strength and endurance. Abs/Core (12 min): Get Leslie Sansone pounds in a single year, transforming her from a 345 lb. tough and get What speed do you need to burn fat? Leslie will tell you inactive woman to a healthy marathon runner living and loving Fitness, Health, Special Interest, Sports, within minutes... and what a surprise that it’s not an extreme life to its fullest! Sports Entertainment, WWE 65min. pace! You’ll be challenged by these workouts, but you’ll feel Documentary, Fitness, Food & Cooking, WWE Home Video 02.12.2014 so good walking to the brisk beat! These are workouts that Health, Special Interest, Sports 76min. energize... not exhaust! Each starts with a Warm Up Walk 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124935 and gradually builds up to Fat Burning Speed! This isn’t just a Passion River 11.11.2014 stroll around the block. This is total body conditioning that’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124547 WWE Power Series: Triple H designed to burn fat. These walks use arm and core muscles to increase muscle activity and calorie burn! Follow Leslie Triple H - Dir. Cal Pozo and the beautiful group of walkers in 3 full workouts that are Vikings: Stories Of The Norse If you’re looking for a workout system to obliterate fat, combat fun and easy to follow: 1. The 20 Minute Easy Burn! Start Raiders aches and pains, and build ripped, rock-hard muscle then here with the classic moves that build to a Fat Burning Speed! you’ve met your match! Enter center ring and join WWE 2. The 30 Minute Big Burn! Extend your fat burning segment Documentary, Educational, History & champion and Superstar legend Triple H for a total-body for a bigger burn! 3. The 40 Minute Super Burn! Add more Events, Special Interest, Vikings min. challenge that will change your life. Created by world- slimming and toning moves to work your arms, core, rear-end renowned strength coach Joe DeFranco, this powerful system and legs for the ultimate burn! Start with the 20 minute E1 Entertainment 14.10.2014 includes upper-body, lower-body, cardio, and mobility workout and before you know it you’ll be walking faster and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124665 workouts, as well as a 4-week calendar, to maximize farther than ever! Walking this way burns calories and tones strength, endurance, flexibility, and function with raw, no- muscle to help flatten your belly, fi nonsense exercises. Rumble with the best and build a Fitness, Health, Special Interest 2014 Whitey: United States Of America chiseled body fit for the fight. Workout Breakdown V. James J. Bulger Descriptions: Warm-up (6 min): Power up and prepare to 95min. sweat in the elite WWE Performance Center with moves like Starz / Anchor Bay 02.12.2014 Award-winning documentarian Joe Berlinger takes a look at seal jacks and Cossack stretches to prevent injury and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124992 Whitey Bulger, one of the most infamous criminals in American improve performance. Upper Body 1 (16 min): Pound out history in Whitey: United States Of America V. James J. power circuits of serious strength moves like dumbbell rows Bulger, which follows the gangster’s headline-making trial and Zot curls that use progressive reps to shed inches and Spark: A Burning Man Story and examines how he managed to stay free for decades even lay down Superstar muscle. Upper Body 2 (18 min): Develop though he was associated with many murders. Each year, 60,000 people from around the globe gather in the muscle endurance with functional bodyweight and dumbbell Nevada desert for the week-long Burning Man festival, where Documentary, Educational, Gangs, exercises like high-tension planks and shoulder they party and collaborate on large-scale art before burning a Lawyers / Legal Issues, Mobsters & The Fitness, Health, Special Interest, Sports, giant effigy in a ritual frenzy. Rooted in self-expression, self- Mafia, Special Interest 107min. Sports Entertainment, WWE 100min. reliance and community effort, Burning Man has grown famous for stirring ordinary people to shed their nine-to-five Magnolia Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 WWE Home Video 02.12.2014 existence and act on their dreams. Spark takes us behind the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124748 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124936 curtain with Burning Man organizers and participants, revealing a year of unprecedented challenges and growth. Art & Architecture, Documentary, Special Whitey: United States Of America WWE Presents True Giants Interest 2013 90min. V. James J. Bulger (Blu-ray) Drama, Sports, Sports Entertainment, Tele- Passion River 16.12.2014 Award-winning documentarian Joe Berlinger takes a look at vision, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE min. Whitey Bulger, one of the most infamous criminals in American WWE Home Video 09.12.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125012 history in Whitey: United States Of America V. James J. Bulger, which follows the gangster’s headline-making trial 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124920 UFC 175: Weidman VS Machida and examines how he managed to stay free for decades even though he was associated with many murders. WWE: Hell In A Cell 2014 Ronda Rousey, Chris Weidman, Chris Documentary, Educational, Gangs, Special Interest, Sports, Sports Camozzi, Urijah Faber, Lyoto Machida Malawian, Mobsters & The Mafia, Special Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE JULY 5, 2014 - Las Vegas, NV hosts a headliner for the ages Interest 107min. over Fourth of July weekend when UFC middleweight min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 champion Chris Weidman defends his crown against former WWE Home Video 25.11.2014 light heavyweight champion Lyoto „The Dragon“ Machida. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124772 Also at UFC 175, UFC women’s bantamweight champion 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124967 Ronda Rousey will attempt to successfully defend her title for the third time when she faces top contender Alexis Davis in The World War One Collection WWE: Night Of Champions 2014 the co-main event. Plus, former WEC featherweight champion In commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of World War Urijah Faber faces The Ultimate Fighter standout Alex One, BBC Home Entertainment is proud to present Britain’s Drama, Special Interest, Sports, Sports Caceres, aka „Bruce Leeroy.“ It’s two epic title fights and Great War, a collection of our most riveting World War One Entertainment, Television, Wrestling & more on one unforgettable night. programming. Included in this very special set are 37 Days, Extreme Sports, Fighting, Mixed Martial which details the weeks leading up to the start of war, Royal Fighting, WWE 2014 min. Arts, Special Interest, Sports, Sports Cousins at War - an eye-opening documentary which details WWE Home Video 21.10.2014 the dynamics within Europe’s royal families contributing to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124573 Entertainment, Television, UFC, Wrestling & WWI, Churchill’s First World War which shows Churchill’s Fighting 2014 261min. redemption in WW1 following a prior disastrous military Starz / Anchor Bay 04.11.2014 campaign , and Walter’s War - a heroic story of perseverance 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124553 in the face of adversity. BBC, British, Collections, Educational, Foreign, History & Events, International TV,

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