CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E405 HON
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April 4, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E405 coaches. It is with great pride that I congratu- factors are identified that affect employee mo- celebrate Amy Dickinson and her extraor- late them on their winning season. Go Blue rale comprised of representatives and individ- dinary career. Knights. uals throughout the department and labor or- f f ganizations representing the DHS employees and involvement and solutions sought to KAREN COWLING BOB AND JACKIE HUNT’S 70TH counter-act those problems. ANNIVERSARY This process enhances employee morale as HON. ED PERLMUTTER it requires a Department wide Engagement OF COLORADO HON. DANIEL WEBSTER Action Plan to be implemented which comes IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF FLORIDA through the input from the Steering committee. Thursday, April 4, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The bill directs that employees be recog- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise Thursday, April 4, 2019 nized for their efforts over the year by estab- today to recognize and applaud Karen Cowl- lishing an Employee Award Program which ing for receiving the Arvada Chamber of Com- Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Madam Speaker, help with the goals of the department. I am honored to congratulate Bob and Jackie merce’s Image Award. This bill greatly helps DHS move in a posi- Karen Cowling has been an active partici- Hunt of Leesburg, Florida on their 70th anni- tive direction when it comes to addressing its pant in the Arvada community for many years. versary of marriage. longstanding problems of the morale concerns She works with Dental at Your Door and Ben- Bob and Jackie are lifelong residents of of employees. efits in Action and is receiving this award for Lake County Florida. Bob served in the Navy I strongly support this bill and urge all my her commitment to the Arvada community and during World War II. After the war, Bob re- colleagues to join me in voting for its passage. the positive image she displays for the city. turned to Florida and joined the Citrus indus- f The involvement and generosity dem- try. Jackie was a Licensed Practical Nurse onstrated by Karen Cowling is exemplary of (LPN) and working together, they raised and CELEBRATING THE CAREER OF AMY DICKINSON AND FOR RE- the type of positive image that can be dis- put their three children through college. played for the City of Arvada. She provides Marriage and strong families are indispen- CEIVING THE HORATIO ALGER AWARD dental care to the Arvada homeless and as- sable contributors to the prosperity of our na- sists people in need with court hearings, hos- tion. Bob and Jackie, I am honored to recog- pital visits and mental health services. nize your loyalty and faithfulness to one an- HON. TOM REED I extend my congratulations to Karen Cowl- other and your family. I offer my sincerest con- OF NEW YORK ing for this well-deserved recognition by the gratulations for 70 years of marriage. May IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Arvada Chamber of Commerce and deepest God continue to bless them and their family in Thursday, April 4, 2019 appreciation for her contributions to our com- the years to come. munity. f Mr. REED. Madam Speaker, I rise today to celebrate the career of Amy Dickinson and for f DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SE- receiving the Horatio Alger Award. COMMEMORATING THE 150TH ANNI- CURITY MORALE, RECOGNITION, Amy exemplifies perseverance in the face of VERSARY OF THE GREENVIEW LEARNING AND ENGAGEMENT adversity and provides an example of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH ACT OF 2019 strength which can come from that adversity. Overcoming the challenges of growing up with SPEECH OF HON. DARIN LaHOOD a single parent, she received a scholarship OF ILLINOIS HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE and worked her way through college to earn a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES diploma from Georgetown University. Fol- OF TEXAS Thursday, April 4, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lowing her graduation in 1981, Amy worked as a producer for NBC and then as a successful Mr. LAHOOD. Madam Speaker, I would like Monday, April 1, 2019 writer. Her career represents her ability to to recognize the Greenview Christian Church Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in overcome the unexpected challenges of life of Greenview, Illinois, for celebrating their strong support of H.R. 1433 the ‘‘DHS MO- and to grow because of them. Amy has found 150th anniversary. RALE Act’’, which would help improve morale great success despite the challenges she has In 1869, the Greenview Christian Church among the 240,00 employees of the Depart- faced from a young age and should serve as was officially opened as a place of worship for ment by creating and cataloguing leadership a reminder of the importance of hard work and the residents of the city. Since then, the development opportunities, identifying and ad- dedication. church has grown immensely; it now provides dressing factors that impact employee en- For nearly forty years, Amy’s work has ap- the community with far more than a place to gagement, and recognizing employee con- peared in some of our nation’s leading publi- pray. This is where the residents of Greenview tributions through the many plans it offers cations, including the New York Times, the come to make strides towards improving their such as the employee effort recognition award Washington Post, and Time magazine. Since local area, as well as to help those less fortu- plan which recognizes employees for their ef- 2003, she has written the ‘‘Ask Amy’’ column nate than themselves abroad, through their forts over the year and through the DHS Rota- for the Chicago Tribune which is syndicated partner missionary program, Faith Promise tion Program to create opportunities for em- throughout North America and reaches an es- Rally. ployees. timated twenty million viewers a day. Her first The Greenview Community Church is As a senior member of the Committee and memoir reached the New York Times best known throughout the area for the services a former chair and ranking member of the seller list within two weeks of publication. Her that it has provided for the community over the Homeland Security Committee and Transpor- work has consistently highlighted her compas- last 150 years. Today, we celebrate the tation Security Subcommittee, I understand sion and wisdom. church for their dedication to serving how important this bill will be in enhancing Amy has dedicated her time to several char- Greenview. I extend my sincere congratula- employee engagement. itable organizations and initiatives. She has tions to the Greenview Christian Church for a H.R. 1433 addresses and is responsible to worked tirelessly for library fundraising and lit- successful 150 years, and I wish them even the needs of DHS employees by developing eracy projects throughout the nation and has more success going forward. frameworks to create leadership opportunities created her own initiative, A Book on Every f and by assessing the needs of the employees Bed which encourages family to gift books TRIBUTE TO ZYGMUND in supervisory as well as non-supervisory during the holiday season. She is involved in KOWALEWSKI roles. community organizations such as the State The DHS Rotation Program is one of the Theatre in Ithaca and has raised money to HON. DON YOUNG many programs that this bill has helped steer help children from backgrounds similar to OF ALASKA employees towards by having the Chief hers. Amy should serve as an inspiration not IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Human Capital Officer maintain a catalogue of only to the Horatio Alger scholars, but to all development opportunities. Americans. Thursday, April 4, 2019 The bill also establishes an Employee En- Given the above, I ask that this Legislative Mr. YOUNG. Madam Speaker, today I’d like gagement Steering Committee—through which Body pause in its deliberations and join me to to congratulate Zygmund Kowalewski on the VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:50 Apr 05, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04AP8.004 E04APPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS.