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All the News

of All the Pointes • Every Thursday Morning rosse ews ~._-~~-~------,-- Complete News Coverage of All tlJ,ePointes Home Of the News

-- ---._~ __ r._~ _ . __ ~_ --- ~_._~-- --~-- ~_.- ---_.- - --._--~~~--~-----_.~---~~

------~------_ .._--~ --- --~ _.- UEADLINI~S Rotary Club Names Citizen of Year of lh. iAll Residents ',' . ~ ';; , , ~:'~ 1.r? "<,:":;!, Scheduled March I WEEK i Requeste(1 to As Compited h}, tbe ;Calls for Revietv Grosse POInte News i Displa y Flags , .... ------~ I ~Many Factions Join in Ef. Thursday. June 20 I ..Of Recent Events : fort to Insure Peace When PRESIDENT KENNEDY ask-I , I ~,~_ eel Congress Wednesday to e:1- Negroes Visit Pointe a("1.nE'W civil rights legislation, , ; Scree~ing Under Poi~t Srstem. ~tarted Legal Battle' Saturday and appealed to the Negro ~~om- . I Which Brought Natlona PublicIty; Demonstration munity to halt right.s demon- A' d t H • P Five hundred demonstra- strations that might lead to .1 l;lle a 'OUSIn9 __~~~tices tor~ are expected in Grosse riolencE', In what Was regarded . A scheduled demonstration this Saturdny by an ex- POInte Saturda:v at noon to as the most sweeping civil rights proposal since the Civil I pected 500 marchers protesting alleged discrimination in ' conduct a parade and rally. War Reconstruetion, Kennedy housing in the Pointes, prompted the NEWS to revievv' sponsored by the De t r 0 i t asked that the Federal Govcni- some of the events in the short but eventful history of bra,nc~l of the National As~ l11l'nt be allowed to enforee the controversy over real estate policies in the Pointe, sOclatlOn for the Advance~ lolal desegregation in all levt'!s I It all began when John A, I . ment of Colored P~opl(', of Amcrican sotiety. The appeal I Maxwell, a former Algonac! Cl. Thl' !\AACP announced Tu"'s- met with immediate opposition manufacturer, started t~ (O~- i 0m mlttees .day afternoon thilt the parade f!"Om Southern Democrats and I str~ct a ~ous~ on Wmdmill I \\'ouJrl form at noon at Cadieux parI ial OPPOsition frem some I Pomte drIve !n ~959,. Wh~n : A · ted I'n and Kercheval road in the Vil- Republicans in Congre"s. l\:ax~e!l met with fl,nanclal dIf-1 PPOll1 lage. and the group would * .;c. "- fl.cultIes, he determmed to sell, 'march nor than Kercheval RUSSIANS CELEBRATED. hiS half-completed house. When: GP SI " 'through Grosse Point~ and into the slJ(TPssful landing Wednes. i he ~ound tha.t the value he was' 110reS tl,(' Farms as far as Muir road. da~' of their his and her space' ! askmg for Ius house could not F'ram thert' the\' would go back (":lpsules, and hailed the flight: . be m.et by bld~ers, he chal~ged OK Rd' B two block- to '~lJe playfield of of a woman eosmonette as a' \ c~l'taJn groups m Gr,o~se Pomte ecommen atJons y the High School, the spot they r('\'o!ution in "the role oC the; with. allegedly consplrlng to de- President Jack Williams ,have selected for a meeting, \H'ak£'r sex in modC'rn society." i . ,preclate property values and t M d M f Valentina Tereshkava, 26. carne: " . 'pointed his finger at the Grosse a on ay ee Ing S~hedl!led ,speakers f~r the down deep in Siberia anN tom- I ;t~~:~e ~w:e~~:~~~~i~ The Shores council on ~~~t~,~~~ t~~~Si~a~~ta~~ pleting 48 orbits and covering i ;':;C:~:E'::I; I~~f~~~~ 1l~C:l~I~~~;: more than 1.240,000 miles. Her: ; in hi>,charge was an indictment Monday, June 24, on recom- 11](, Detl'Oit '\AACP <:h'Jpter: counterpart. Lt. Co!. Valery By. : I of an alleged Point System used mendatior: of Pl'esid en t :\r~hur 1.. ,Johnson, the chap- kovsky. 28, landed a fEW hours; : to screen prospective buyers in Jack Williams. approved ler s exe('utlH' secretary: and I regard to racial traits and other appointments of a village' Abraha,m. Ulmer. chapter Hous. lat('l- in the Kazakhstan Repub- i JOHN E. FINCH, chairman of the Music Depart- -['Icture by Milton Volkens Iic, after 81 orbits, branch of the national service organization. DR. characteristics, preside,at pro t'~m and' mg Chall man, ment of GrossE' Pointe High School, receives the 1963 .. .. . RALPH M. BURKE, club president, adds his con~ Adams Starts Probe members of various work-, Want Pasto~ to Talk TlH~ HAPLESS T I G E R S award from BRUCE K. BOCKSTANZ, left, chairman gratulations. , ,'. . The gl"OUP saId thev were blew their sceond straight game: of the Citizen of the Year Committee of the Pointe S~ortly after Maxwell s swt mg commIttees, 'also making efforts Tuesda\" to lindeI' their new manager. Char- , agam~t .the Property Own,ers Namen president pro t('m, I:ave a membfT of the Gl:osse ASSOCiatIon and other part.les, was John Huetteman, Jr" who, Pointe derg\' speak at the gath- Jie Dressen, 9-2 to Boston Wed- :D.. .. PI nesda~' night. ThE' Tigers' llInth lSClI,SS the state Attorney G~n~ral, P?ul was re-elected village trustee I pring. and 'thl."~' had extended an .Summer Sessions Include Adams, announced hIS mtentlOn on Mav 21 " ,t t' . t tI . f t.h straight [05S placrd them 13' ~ _ • I'Jolln Finclt to investigate the "s-::reel;ing" .. , I?_\1 a IOns ? 1f' ma~ ors () .... f Id b b .. Lt' Also reele(.ted tl'llstee was' (il~' and }Grosse Pointe cffort is ",' The driver training program are in English, mathematics, of the Grosse Pointe High responded with a demand to be. both, thc o;ccond of a series of dem- " ,'" • "'f' r! Forestry for vVayne ~ounty~ is just part of an ext\:'nsive sum-, reading improvement, science, School Music Department informed of any law which they Public' Work,;: .Jerome thail'- on,.;lrations by tht' XAACP I HE CUBAN' RE\ OLU • 10N- : met WIth a commIttee 01 mer school program that will Latin, French, and typing. I ::RY COUNCIL ,in Miami said' the Grosse Pointe Garden accomodate 2,003 students at , . , , was named Citizen of the had violated. "Unless this is; man, and Bemon Fon!. {"/l.:;Jtel' to prote,:t "discrimina- Year I'n Grosse POI'nte for done," the group said. "if will' R 't t' D "ff tion" in \"arious Detroit sub- I hl.lrsdav that It has lan(\('d, C b C 'I W fOUl' Pointe schools this sum- 1he HIgh School s program b t I . 'b'I't f egIs ra IOn: r, C.i ord b 'fl' I d 1 commando units in Cuba to: iu O'.lnCl at the ar h dl 903 11 t t h e an ac ua Impossi 1 1 Y or L "I I k h' ur s. 1C first was lei ast spearhead a new Cuban Revo-: ' M emona ' I F nay,'d J une 21 , mer. Some are re-taking courses I. ang Enghshes . enromath men~,at ea~-hi 1963. At a recent Grosse these corporations to decide orange~ (~'lJ age c el "), c a11'- S'turda\' in Dearborn, and wa!i lution. but refused to say how' to discuss a master plan for that gave them trouble during n '. ' em. ICS, s- Pointe Rotary Club meet- what 'actions they should take man.. an erollle. mct b~~ unfortunate heckling the school year, and others are tory, econom~cs, ~merIcan ~ov- ing, the award was pre- in further consideration of the Fll1ance; Schroedl"', chair- and jeering from Dearborn many men w£'re involved. They the r e ant i n g of Lake learning to play musical instru- ern~ent, typmg, Notehand (a p I sented to Mr. Finch on be- threats of the Attorney Gen- man, and Jerome. resident~, said that the units had re- Shore Drive. ments, paint, or type. rap!d shorthar,td sy~tem for note

eeivcd a "cheerful welcome" I The Garden Council. made up . ' ,takIng), readmg Improvement, half of the Citizens of the eral." Parks and RecreatIon: Wil- Seek Peaceful ParadE' fro~n Cuban peasants, Mean- i of 11 garden clubs in the Grosse A staf~ of mne teach~rs WIll and a new non,.credit course in Pointe. This is the fourth No Arrests Made sun, c~airman., and Ford., Pointe religious and ci\'ir.: of- willIe. Rep, Paul G, Rogers. a Pointes, has started a fund to teach drIver e d.u.c a t 10 n <:It drawing and painting. year stich an award has been Thus, in spite of considerable Fubhc RelatIOns: Ford, chaJr- : ficiais are making e\"ery effort FlOrida D"moerat. announced plant t h dl Brownell. The drIVIng program rees eac \"E~al'accor ng '. made. The previous recipients publicity in both the local man, and Huetteman. : possible to assure a peaceful that he had been told that the t th t 1" lid b has been at the HIgh School III o e mas er p an ceve ope y b t d t Many Different Reasons were Norbert Neff, W. George press,. .radio,I and television.. d andh chaI'rmBuilding dPermit.s:F h Jerome. and oroerly parade. gUl':rrilias numb{'red over 3,000, th" C t 1 d . h't t past years, 1.1 was move 0 Elworthv, and Mrs. Huth Flom. In natIOna magazmes an ot er ~n, an IIC s. The Re\'. !\-1avnard has invit- nd that. the:-' \""re heavI'I'" oun;or an scape alc I ec, make room for wor~men build. a ,~, .':Max R. HIlton. I, , Many s t u den t s elected to h'h R d media, no arrests werc ever hP.UbhC Safet~:, Hlletteman, ed those memb~rs of "ESCRU;' armed. The U,S, State Depart-' '" , lug the new $240,000 Bert WICk- spend six weeks of the summer T. OUf, , 0. t a I' y ~a e the made. c aIrman. and F?I d, Ihe Episcopal Society for Cul- ment dedined comment. ; I hIS year eaeh club donated ing Library in the High School in school in order to explore a presentatIOn, th~ receiver may Since then, charges against Advance Plannll~g; SchroedeI': tllral and Racial Unity. taking '" ... '" I the money for two Kwanzan parking lot, personal interest such as art or ,~ot ,be a RO,tarlan. He must alleged discrimination in the and, F~chs. ,co-chalnnen. : part in the march to meet at PRIME MINISTER lIar 0 1d i Cher:y trees but the planting Hold Three Sessions music or to develop skills in J~ve m, the POinte and th.e s~lec- Pointe have subsided. Any ac- ,WIllIams mformed the co~n-: Christ Church at 11:30, from , .: was held up because the master reading or typing. Resident stu- tlOn IS based. on no~matlOns tual written material that may 01 th~tt the. Ad,'an~e Pla.Jl1Ing' whence t hey will go to join the :\Iacmlllan" won an Important'h ,p Ian was no t comp Ietc, Driving is taught. in three I vlctOl'y rhursday when tel sessions, each holdIng 202 stu- dents paid a fee of $10 per from anyone III the fIve com- have outlined the criteria for Commi tee IS a ne\\ commltt,ee., group, Re\'. Maynard said that Conservatives' inIil.lential 1922 i An,lOng those presen~ at the dents. Students were picked on course in high school :md $7 at munities a~d s?ould outl~ne his the alleged Point System was form.e~ be~ause of, changing! Pointe EpiscopaIs and all other Committee. composed of the; me~tmg wer~ Mrs. Pierre V. an age preference basis from the elementary level. Music stu- total contrIbutIOn to SOCIety. abandoned before. during, or conditlOns, 111 thE' VIllage. and: Pointers were invited to join Part(s back-bench members of i l~eftler. presJde.nt of the co~n-II applicants, mostly in ninth and dents paid $10 plus fees for . Mr, Finch has be,en a teacher shortly after that investigation, the counCIl must luok ;lhead, . t!'is group, Parliament, met for wh~t was: cd; Mrs, DaVId Lowe, MISS tenth grades. Those who could rental of instruments when III the Grosse Powte Schools local real estate agents point The council will digest and! ., ('xpec~ed to be a s~owdo\:n t'f- i Christine Edwards. Mrs, Emil I not be accepted wlll take the needed. for the past 39 years. A gradu- out. act on recommendations made: ~t has b~en ~ugg(,sl.e~ that all Th fnr!. oy the Party s antl-,'\'Ia('-, Leidich, Mrs. Forest Manker, I course during the school year e w. taI enr 011m~n t f'Igure ate of Michigan". State Normal At this time '-. brokers st.ate b.y the committee. th.> yilJage'_, ~ollltefl reSidents, gfly thell'fortes\"Amer- millan f:letions. The n}embers! Mrs, Haf'ley Higbie, Mrs. Allan I or next summer, I and the UnIversIty (}f MICh- there is absolutely no such sys- president said, Ican ag~ as a S1 n 0 cu .. of 2003 exceeds the number en- igan with a Bachelor uf Music, tem. They also point out that He ennounced other appoint. A c1wck wit h local cide of- heard .o~e spee~~ warnmg that I Shelden and Mrs. Clarence Ma- I Summer school on the ele- unseattn.", Mac~ulan coul,d lead: guire, 'mental' 1eve 1, g r a des one rolled, because some of the in 1937 he received his Master's neither the Grosse Pointe Prop~ ments, also approved by the ficials re\'(~aled that every effort to the dIssolutIon of ParlIament. ! y . . . 1 f more ambitious student~ are Degree in Ed u ca t ion from erty Owners Association nor council. Thev are: v;a~~being maa'e to m

f I I I I ! i Page Two G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Thursday, June 27, 1963 Thursd3Y, June 2'. -----'------_._------'--_._---_._------~-~------~--._._------,-_._----_._._._------~-~-~- ---.- _ ... --~~~~~-~_._-- I Noted Anglican : I Only "even year1; IIftf!r t h~ FRIENDLINESS I Scheduled March/$411 463 B d tAd M · F t. I P d D.. E ! Wnght Htothers' fir'sf f1il{hl, i Make cheerfulness a To Spea,k .Here i IConlln •• d ',om P ••• 1) , u ge pprove on ers rlv"ng rrors ;~1~'I~r';~:alF:~:::aJ"~~d~:~o~~2!).a~~~.~ the chronic crank soon St::~~J:;yli~ . to a turning point in his I residents with. homes on the Irt Shores e Keep Tax Rate (Continued fNm PaR'e 1) and a re('()mml'ndatioll spnt to 1"oni in1roduc('r:\ the Tri-Motor. I market have 11'\ the past not' - During the chase. }<'Ish('r jg-IOw SC'c'r('tary of St ...\(.... Offic'c tht' first SUN'CilSfu.J a))-m('taJ Dr. Philip E. Hughes. onr of. i .,;old to Negl'o('S out of consider------~ C 1 nored at least 10 stop street Illhat . flJl'Owr ad ion he takf'n," 1.r;wsP(wt plane in the Uniteo I England's leading Anglican the-: alion for their l1ei~hbQl'1>of the At a special meeting held on Gr'osse Pointe wlll be abolished, (I)ntinued from Page) si~ms, in his efforts to gC'l away t.he Jud~e added Sl(1t('s. ologian~, will he the speaker at! ('Heet it might have on values Mond~y, .June 24, the Shores and that r;nonies. pl'esentJy pro- Debussy, Glinka, Kachaturian, from police. the chicf saiel. I .__.__~ ~.. ,_~ ('_ f 11 meeting to be held in the i[ of ad il\(:('nt homes. 'I'h!' fact that councl! appl'oved its 1963-64 vlded ?Y It to fmance part of I Bach and Beethoven. Fisher was stopped on a De- :f. e , LAM Pari."h Auditorium of St. MI~h. I !'t,,~r~es do not livE' In Grosse fiscal budget, totall~~ $411,~63, tht' VIllage sel'vices, will no: ., .. tmit residential s t r e e t and I ~ ~ Bel's Episcopal Church. Sun-I Pointe, he said, stems from lhe land voted to retain Ils t.a.x late ~onger ~e available, and li.CCO:d-I' 1h,e c~m.pal~~ to sIgn ~~ sea-, taken into custody by Park. ~ ~ TROUBL nin.':daie drive. on Thursday,! ('conomic faets ol I1f(' of the I at $1~.2~ per $1,000 assessed Jng~y Will h,ave to be consldel ed son SU~SCl'lbels, who. gUBI antee authorities, but not hefol'e he: I ~ ,Iun(' 27. ill R p.m. : situation. The al1('ged "discl'imi- valuation. in futul'e VJlI~g~ budgets. t~C' sert';'s by purchas.mg season was given a rcckless dl'iving! k- l' . , , I nation" against ('\ hnie ~roups At the meeting, it was sug- The follOWIng is a summal'Y I tlckets In advance, IS already ticket by Detroit police. The; I Bring it to u Dr. Hughes. who (.dl.'.S ."Ihc:shown by Pointers is not gpsted that the tax rate be cut of th~ 1963-64 fiscal budget as moving under the direction of youth has a I'ecord of eight: ~ A 11 ~ I i r II n Quart('l'ly. I~ I.'n rromptpd by !wm(' kind of dpcp- to $18.25 pel' $1,000 assessed I sub~ltted by .Schroeder: commitlee chairman Mrs. Foley 'tl'8ffic violations, it was said. i ~fO routf' to Montl'eal 10 servE' as: seated pre j u d i (' P. h~ said. valuation, but It was pointed' . AdministratIOn7$47,272; Pub- Katzenrneyer and s c c I' eta I' y Judge Belanger said he iii I j WE CAN 'he per~(,~al repr~sent8tlve of I Rathpr, h(' felt, Nl'gl'oes do not out that the higher rate should 11J~ Safety - $170.099~ ~ublic Mrs. Francis E. Brossy III. Sea- deeply e~ncerned about these. • REPLACE the ArcClIJlShop 01 Canterbury live in t.h(' Pointe because of be kept to raise necessary funds W~rks - $80,391: SanltatlOn- son tickets at $6.01) for the' types of offense. which en- I ~ PARTS ~t the comil1~ Faith and Order purely economic considerlltil)ns to constl'uct a seawall at the I $2I,O?4; Municipal Bulldlng~- three concerts can be obtained danger not only property, but' ~ • REWIRE ~onferen('e of the Wol'1d Coun- by those offering houses for northside of the municipal park.' $59,01)6; P~rks ~nd RecreatIOn from lhem or from the War the lives of innocent people. in- I P dl P )0 Roise or 'uwer ('II of Chllr("h('<;. sale. Most of the village resid'ents -$73,58J (mcludmg cost of sea-, Memorial. 32 Lakeshore road. eluding the lives of police offi-: tOu y resents the base. Whilf' 11\ th(' DetrOIt Clr('a, Dr. I This. then, is summarily the favored keepl~g the old rate, it walll; ~Nater -:- $~1,550: Total! Other m('mbers of the com. eel's who have to participate in HlI~h('s will also lo':i\'~' thl.' 11 history of ('harges and counter- was said. Operatrng-$~67,963. I mittel' who have tickets avail- such chases. : IF IT'S A iI.m'. ~ermon at St. Paul's Cat he- ; ('harges over radal disel'imina- Trustee G era I d Schroeder,. De~t Serv~ce--:$58.3?5: ~otal, able are: Mrs. Wayne Donald- "In t'ach and every such I dral on SlIndav . .Tune 30. ; lion in the Pointe, the same al- rhairman of the Finance Com. Budgd--$546,338, less Mlscel- son, Mrs. John W, Nelson, Mrs. case that i~ brough't before' , LAIJJP Jr/E . ; le~ed dls('rimlnalion that will mittel', which prepared the Ilane~)us Revebnude - $135.875, I Robert Suczek, Miss Ann Vai-I me," the judge said, "there will . Phil Skillman Trio f, The puhlie is ('orctial1y in-; he- proteste-d by a demonstra- budget for council approval, eavrng a net u get ~f $411,463'jtickaitiS' Mrs. A. A. Widman, Ibe no question regarding the' ( l' \'ited 10 hear Dr. Hu~h",s at the i lion in the Pointe by marchers disclosed in a report to the I ------Mrs. It-'rank ",Verneken, MflS. W. revocation of drivin~ privileges" Can Fix It For Your Darlcing and Listening ~t St. iVllchael's meeting. i. this Saturday.' villllge bOdy, that for the past 1 C e . David Kludt, Mrs. Robert I if the person is proven guilty, I '--.---- -,,-- .. ~ , -, '-'- - -- -. ~--. I seven years the tax rate has I Tobin, Mrs. GOI'don Staples, "Motorists convicted in my I J ommlttees Plea~ure f I' OIIig J) 0 0 0 0 11111111 0 II been the same, I : Mrs. Leonard Rosenfeld, Mrs.! COUlt of reckless driving. or: i S By not cutting the tax rate, (C ti---d-f----P~ I John Sheoris. Mrs. Forman lather sP.rious tJ'affic offenses, i f . on nue rom aKe 1) , h '11 h . I' , the village will collect approXI- f h h' Jo r.ston. Mrs. A, D. Stentz, WI ave theIr ]Censef r£>voked , Electric Sho . . . request 0 t e c aIrman. I . _,__, _ '"_ _ __ , I matel" $21 000 'which IS needed H 'd th t h h f d Rusty Donovan, H. DWIght Wi!- 17222 E. WARREN /J to pay. fO!'-. the" mhn,; ~radlIlg.. th te sal, Itt a e kas hountt son an d Gera ld Meadows. THE ,OWSHOWn N ' , ' ' 11 a comm ees wor e er I ~ Th t de t h t . b- :Jpp. E. Warren Bowling ,.. and constructIon of ~he sea~a when there are only two mem-! e sun w 0 JUs got y 15301 E. Jefferson area, at th(' northSIde, which bel'S because more can be ac- I in studies has alread~' found VA 2.4118 TU 1-1977 h b rchased from the. I I~OSES WR!STWATCH out he couldn't ~et by the board. as een pu comphshed. The only excep- i Mrs. Allen Beach of 161! ~' ~ ,__ ' __ ~ _ i State, . tiC'ns are the Assessors and Tax i Moran Road reported to Farm, i . The new budget also .mcludes Review Committees. which by I police on .June 17 that she had i a 2.77 percent wage adjustment Village Charter requires three I lost a woman's white and gold! inCl'ease to some village em- members serving on each. I wristwatch, valued at $200. The ployes, from the village man- As fal as the council is con-; wakh had a black cord strap agel', down, becoming effective cern ed, Williams said, all mt'm-; and a square face with thre~

on July 1. I bel'S have equal vote. He can-: diamonds on each side. It had, I The Shores' fiscal year begins not vote on any matter, except been missing for two weeks, i

: on Apl'il 1 and ends on March in case of tie voting, he added. I she told police. i 131. it. wa!; disclosed. -- .. ~~- ----~'-~---_~ ,_~ ~ __~ : However, Schroeder stated in' 'his report. because the lax: bills cannot. bt' mailed out until ,July 1 of ear-h year, the cash i ANT rpquirement to finance April,: SHIRTMAKERS Ma.\' and June excess of expen- dit~lre over miscellaneous re-' MICHIGAN'S celpts is estimated as follows: Cash disbursements for the

I three months, $76,590, less esti- I . mated receipts of $30,275, which . Seersucker Jumper i makes lhe minimum net cash LEADING [required, $46,315. The recommended minimum ,working capital cash to be on CAR : hand Mal'ch 31 of each year Is I $50,000, Schroeder stated'. "An analysis of Our financial I ('ondition at March 31. 196~, per. INSURANCE : the audit report, discloses that : our working capital has finally : reached $48,700, an increase of A record of proven leadership has established i $14,000 over March 31 of 1962." the Exchange at the Auto Club as Michigan's he stated in his report. most popular car insurance organization. , . He said that this means that insuring far more Michigan cars than any the village wili not be required other company. Exchange insurance is the I Suits, to be delinquent in the payment best money can buy with select coverages that of invoices, to make any shori- I term borrowing, or to ask any assure you of relaxed, confident driving. i taxpayer to pay his taxes In ad- Insure your car and your driving with the vance. Exchange at the Auto Club where you receive all the advantages, privileges and protection ; The Village, Schroeder sa.id. I that only Michigan's leading motoring organi- Seersucker, favored fabric of our fathers, make8 a tria . owns over $200,000 worth of I ~equipment An amount of $13,- ~ zations can offer. Stop in to see us today! You umphant return. Crisp, ne&t ... indestruetible on hotten This superb : 650 is ir.cllJd'ed in the current: too wiUlead the way with AAA, days, seersucker is as cooling to sport af; it is to look at. maximum iJ, budget to begin the accumu~a-; Our short gleeved classic has the neatly liared collar an4 : tion of cash to replace any' expert cut you exped, mate in luxu . equipment a" it wears out. I warm ciays a~ , I D~troit Automobile f;lue. Gray. Tan The budget provides for an: Inter-Insurance Exehange d1.'4ilable i,l i additional man to the Public I i Safety Depratment, who will! at Automobile Club of Miehlgall' i serve as a combin!ltion police-' !man and fireman. to insure that Our Own Tailot' rm P,'emises at All Times tW'1 men will be working to. HOURS: 9 to 6 gether in each patro! car at EXCLVS critical hours during each day George Measel, Manager and night. 15415 E. Jefferson Schroeder stated that the P!eal!d~71opt071 I trustees should remember that PHONE 821.800 :uno'el' the new Michi~an State 92 k~rtRV4L--- On-tMlIiU Constitution, which will become I GROSSE POI NTE DIVISION effective s~on,~he _T~wn~h~~ _~f I -.- ---, -.. - - I • S.. Arst pege of IoCtll phOnti Hoks for oMeN 1ft ott-ar dtI.. Woodward ------~ - - - - - To Ring Bells -~------~------~~_._-----~------~---_. __ .._--~----,---~ ---~--_._------~~~~--~- :On July Fourth

Winthrop Governor George Romney has . Invited t.he Hi.Y Clubs of the W'ardrobe Co-ordinates State of Michigan to be the : coordinators for the Michigan : State participation in the 4th ; of July "Let Freedom Ring!" Icelebration, NOW I It will be the responsibility i of Hi- Y youth throughout the I Slate to see that every possible i hell in their respective ('om-I ! rnunities is rung at 1 p.m, on TWO I July 4. : DllVid Dekker of G ran d I Rnpids is the ~tate chairman, i with Elizabeth Davies of Alma IN Nt i as vice-('halrman, John Cope- land. program d'irector on the metropolitan Staff of the De- troit "Y," is coordinator of the Detroit area observance. Roger we Blood, associate state YMCA t'xecutivf", and George Trum- i bull, assistant press secretary tn Governor Romney, are ad- IN AD visors. Gene Powers, member of the Edsel Ford Hi-Y Club of Dearborn, in youth chairman I of the metropolitan Detroit ANE I I al'l'il, : "Let Freedom Ring!" is a "OLD PI .'" '= . ; program whereby emphasis will Bold and brawny is the rich new brown i be placed. on July 4, on Amer- Winthrop suggests in this and other ! ica's freedom and not observed ! totally as a d'ay of hOliday luxury looking styles for you both jeatllri I pieasure. It is expected that all to wear t~is season. The brown state1\ in the Union will observe Ithe bell-ringing. tone fills an important niche in your wardrobe Jeff Broderick, chairman of which h~ ' : the GrossE' Pointe High School : Hi-Y, is the chairman for the Pointe area, Dave Coombs and "'1 '-~-----~---_._-, ~- A matter of minutes will confirm its fame. Revelations come fast once you take the . . as WI: ,rF~E''''~N~~C:~E~S'~J.;ll wheel of a 1963Cadillac. For it is a one-of-a-kind motor car ... with response, control, comfort :1 i -and value-that have made it the best selling fine car of all time. Stop ilr.l for the keys. ~ • Chain Link {: I ( VISIT YOUR "LOCAL AUTHORIZED ~~ DEALER , ! [I : ::~~:od I I ; ; :~ Greenway ; . ,; ( Hidd ... Volley Shops OPEN'TIL 9 P.M. MON. and THURS. II landscape Seivice I O/LEARY CADilLAC, INC. ! Geylord, Michigo" J 7012 Kercheval at Notre D.,me ~ 14517 E. 8 Mile Rd. ~ ~ PR 6.9098 PR 6-2416 ~ 17153 E. JEFFERSON AVENUE GROSSE POINTE 30, MICH. I I . .... , . . . ~ I I ., .\. .. - " '~.:-

ThunddY, June 2", 1963 _T~h~~~~_y,_J~_~_~2_7,__19_b_3 . ---. G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S Page Three

FRIENDLINESS ------~------.------,------.~ ..-~ 4~~_ ------,------.. ------Ort h' ,,('\'pn ~'Nl r" 11ft F.'r t hf' Wright Broth!'l',;' rtrst fI;~ht, Make l'Ileerfuln«.>ss a hablt- Italian Artist's Man Accused In Assault Case Motor(~ycli.~tllurt in Crash IIrl1l'~ !"orrl unelprt ook ?ero- tt1(' ('hronie crank l'loon comcs F;ve'"_ Teenagers Arr,e'sted nauti('(tt rr:"f'(tr('h In 192~, !\'lr. to a turning point in his C'aff~er, Work at Center ------.-----"--..---~.- ~---~-~--~-._-.._..------. Aft B t l · W d George Mucutza, 47, of 11761 the argument and pushed him. A minor aceident orcur('d on I struck by a ('ar driven by Lynn to Forn Introriuero lhf' Tri-Mntor. Eight palnUngs of I<'rancesco 00 Gray, Detroit, entered a plea of Mucutza then struck the older .June 20 when Gregon' B. TiS-I Taylor Usher, 19, of 1129 Yoru.- In' the fin:t sueelc-~s.flll al\'llletal er ate In ,S D'Ascola will be exhibited An not guilty to a charge of aggra-: man, knocking him to the dale, driving a moforcvrle w("st, shire. n" tr:lr, ...port planf' in thf' Unitl'ct gallery "P" on the second floor Five teenage youths were ar- Questioned in the investiga- vated assault, at a hearing held ground and then continued to .0_11 .~.e.I_'c.h.e~l _~t_ S~ _C:I"a_ir,_~_'a_'~ Usher reportC'd that he was Sf ates. I LAMP of Alger II0 use during the rested by Woods police and held Lion )Vere: Barney Ledford, 18, before Park Judge C, Joseph beat him. ---- - ~ - .-. . - - - It pt' I f1 tUl n for investl'gatlon r f 10 . of' 2442" Berry, Warren', MII'.haei Belanger on Tupsday. June 4. A warrant charging aggravat- ,.,. .. I a (!.m mg a. e, '" onto St. month of July. They are re- O' e mous \0 did d b l'HE SQlIEE,ZE Cialr and "dldn't see the mo- markably beautiful landscapes, assault, resulting from a fight P. AJiotta, 19, ()f 16110 East .Judge Belanger set examina- e assau t wac; recommen e y 'th' " I TROUBLE The critics in Milan have re- on Sunday, June 23, in which Stale Fair, Detroit; Willi,am tion date [or We,dnesday, .June the Prosecutor's Office and, The paramount Issue at Ii> II torcyc e. ferr('ci to l)'Ascola's as au artist a 16-year-old Woods boy was Sands. 18, of 15151 Stevens. 12, and released Mucutza on a signed by Judge Belanger on time of the year seems to center Tisdale was 1aken to Bon stabbed in the chest with a East Detroit; Robert Farmer, bond of $1,000, May 22. around the annual vacation and, Secours Hospital for treatment Bring it to us! oi pel'feet technique and' strong knife. 19, of 16201 East State Fair; Mucutza, a bartender, is ac- On the examination date, it the fa~iIy budget. ~for a pOlil'ible broken ankl('. tempel'am('nt. Thf' subjects of Th bb I J and James .Savageau, 18, of cused of severely beating Fred was determined that Judge Bet- --.-- .. -----~ . _.... --- ..------.~ ...... - his landscapes are his native e stn ing vlct m, ames WE CAN DeYonker of 1582 Bournemouth, 14674 Springgarden, De t I' 0 it., Ihme, 62, of 19126 Omira, De~ anger had jurisdiction in the Sicily, . . St J h H 't I d' who is on leave from the Army. troit, also a bartender, on May matter, and, the examination • REPLACE In D'A I' k IS m ,on OSPl a • an at PARTS sco a s .w~r one sees the last report was said to be in Police said 11hatSavageau was 6, outside a Park bar, following was waived. ~11l'beauty of hiS Island h01:ne- crItical condition, injured ~uring the fight when an argument. No trial date "Ias been set be- ' • REWIRE I I=lnd made up of mounta1Os, , he climbed a chain fence and As a result of the beating, cause Ihme, who had a 1urn !

Raise or lower 'I b('J, and patches of trees. Vii-I Steven Lu~ley. 17, of 1141 Ih h' I f h d . d the base. I ' Wayhurn. a fnend 'If DeYonker, gashed his hand and leg. He was me was osplta ized for sev- or t (" worse, was rea mltte I "y Presents I .ages and ('ount.ry houses nestle wa~ slashed on the back, :Ind treated at Saratoga Hospital eral weeks with severe facial in- to the hospital. ! Do You Have , In th(' panoramIC stretches. Col- was treated at the hospital ~r,d where three stitches were re- juries, internal injuries and a Judge Belanger said that ihe : IF IT"S A : OI'S are subtle and changeable, reI "'ased according to Woods quired to close eaoh wound, broken right leg. trial date is indefini~e, pending: : breaking down into thousands P01~ce. ' The initial radio oall to the Ac~ording to Psrk Police Ihme's ability to appeal' in Everything You L,jltl P TVE : of gradations \vhiclJ alter ('vpry '1'1 fi th l' d L trouble spot, at Mack and Fleet- Chief Artbur Louwe~s. Mucui7:a court to testify. Ilman Trio i houl' of the daY, The artist'~' . Ie ve you' s ques lOne. ~y wood, was answered by Patrol-" and Ihme be~~me mvolved In " . , Need for Your ' h' h 1 d pollee, were released to their an argum nt n th b d Edt ,eenk I 0 v e 0 f IS ome an ts d' g a f rmal stat _ men Thomas Kane and Martin e lear, an xperlence IS one commo I y , Can Fix It , b' '. , ,;, . , . paren. pen 10 0 P when M ,...,.t nt t'd th tIll b b t lcing and Listening rml-'(s a ,YI.C qualI1) to each ment to he made before' Assist- Trombley, when the dispatcher u....u za we ou. Sl e'l a a ways se ,s.a ove par, u , VACATION? ! painting. ant Prosecutor Dale Devlin on sent them to investigate "boys Ihme fol1ow_~__~~~ __c~ntm~=-~ seldo~~~~~ _d~v~~e~ds. : 'Ieasure Ollig . Ind('('d, D'As('ola's paintings Wednesday, June 26. throwing bottles," RELY ON US for your furnishin9s , refle('t his own life and in tl\em 1- ~ ~." ...-... ------The officers said they arrived and apparel . . . attractive, com- Electric Shop ! he tells thl' story of what he S T ff. to find a group of boys at the PLUMBING LA 1-9600 fortable, correct and reasonably i has seen and \~hat all this t hores ra Ie looation, and one boy lying on I priced. ~(")r 17222 E. WARREN AVE. I beauty has meant to him This II V. I p t.he ground, with a knife wound and PHONE US EARLY IN THE Rf';'f'r"at'M~ opp. E. Warren Bowling Alleys I beauty is now available fur all . 10 ators ay in the chest, and another with n DAY and we'll deliver re- VA 2-4118 : PointerI' to see and appreciate. __ blood down his back. • HEAliNG J.0ur TU 1-1977 I Gal1('ry hours are 9 a.m. to 9 K err y L. Lewandowski of Kane and Trombley said they. quirements by the next ay! I p.m. daily and 12 to 5 Sundays. 24900 Wilmot, East Detroit, was talked to the wounded boys. De- DIV. lrm7i"ll"llOlSlSlSlSlS llinscsoihl IS~ ~----.--- ~-.~..-._.~---~-.---- -_ .._.- ..- ....._ ...-..--_._- ..-- .. -.-. convicted of reckless driving Yonker and Lumley, at the hos- pital, and the boys told them following a hea=-ing held in that they were in the car of Ed- Shores court on Monday, June ward Harrison, 17, of 1107 Bea. 17. consfield; with Michael Brady. Judge John Gillis found the 18, of 232 Kerby; Pierre Zara- motorist guilty as charged and nek, 17. of 1686 Antia; and John fined him $35, and placed him Henke, 17. of 20919 Hawthorne, RHEEM on threc months probation with Harper Woods. 40 gal. gas hot .water 520 WOODWARD 7 MILE near LIVERNOIS the stipulation that Lewandow- They said they were riding heater, glass lined. ~ ski attend traffic safety school east on Eight Mile road and they 10 yr. warranty_ ~;o ~ at his own expense, passed a drive-in restaurant in $119.95 installed ~ "O'''A~':;:'T~~' FIS:~R 'BU~~;:::" ~ Willie C. Boynton of 9425 Har'per Woods, when Harrison 9941 HAYES (Normal installation I c." thought he saw a youth that he .~ TR 1-11440 ~..~ ~ Quincy, Detroit, pled guilty to knew and blew his car horn as I Co ISII II II II II II II II II 0 0 . ..' , '-J.KERS "'U ~ improper lane usage while he passed. ~ driving on Lake Shore. The At this point. the boys told \ \ ~ charge was reduced from reck- the officers, a group of boys in ~ less dl'iving. He paid a fine another car, chased them. ~ of $35. The second group of boys at- ~ ~ John D, Thompson of 4544 tempted to force Harrison to ** * ** Jumper ~ I13UChanan, Detroit, paid a fine tile curb at Vernier and Har- * Units Available Now for Immediate Occupancy! ~~ \ ~'. of $4, aft~r he was lound per. Harrison ran a red light * guilty of ignoring ,a rl'd traf. at t he intersection in an effort I fie light at the intersel tion of to get. away. I * * ~ Lake Shore and Vel'niel roads. Harrison was forced to a stop * * Adam J. KawaI of 4851 Cope, at Mack and Fleetwood. and the I ;,c ~~ Detroit; and James M. Comins youths got out of their respec- : ~?~~:~";:';O:~ * * ~ of 1713 Anita, appeared before tive cars and the melee started. Shores Judge Victor DeBaeke. DeYonker said that he could '. :"! i ~ KawaI was found guilty of identify the driver of the other : .. . ~. .! ~ ~ not having his car under con- ca". but not the youlhs who' ~ ~ trol and causing an accident. were with him. r'::I. on Lake Shore. and paid a fine A witness who saw part of the 'f. C" and court costs of ~l07.50: fight, took down the license . \ ~ ~ Comins was found guilty of number of the car of the sec- I .\ ~ ~ driving 40 r,1iles an 'hour on ond group as they sped away ~ Suits of 100% Silk I~~~Lake Shore, a 35-mile zone. before police came, He gave .;..,. ~ The charge was reduced from the numb~r to police. ~ I bl t 'I d f reckless driving. He paid a LedJord was taken to the ~ ::-~.~;k;"';;;m;~US q, flne of $75 . ~!~;:;;::~~:~~d:~t~:r:; ~ J ,,11 » .d' ~ BIKE STRIPPED and the other youths were taken ~ A passing motorist found the into custody by police of their , mak68 a trt. This superlative fahric combines the ~ f,r~me section of a bicycle on respective cities and t urn e d ble on h"ttest ~ Sunday, June 23, at Harper and over to Woods authorities t is to look at. maximum in comfort with the ulti- I . d 1 f 't t th " Vernier, an e t 1 a e The case was turned over to red collar an. ~ ma~e in luxury and appearance for the ~ Sh~res. police station. Shores 1 Del. Sgt. Walter O'Dell and Oct. ~ warm days ahead. ~ police 10 turn rele~s~d the frame Leroy Tobian, who said that all r'::I. to Woods authOrities. Thieves boys involved in the fight will A.l'ftilable ill Bi'lCk, Nt/try ~md BrOW11 . ~~ apparently stripped the two- i bc' questioned and asked to ~ wheeler .and thr~w the rema~ns I make statements to Devlin_ I ~ at the mtersection. Tlte bIke 'I 1'} . t. t" ' ,."" h d b t d t 1 lJ 1e mves 19a IOn IS cootlnu ~~ a een repor e s 0 en 'y, t"d 1 4./1 Times ~~ 'cfli~h6\l"

we are pleased to announce - ONE 'AND TWO BEDROOM E"'JOY THESE COMPLETE FACILITIES Come in today while AlL YE/1R ROUND .. , No Extt'a Charge IN ADDITION TO OliR HIDDEN JIALI~EY UNITS NOW AVAilABLE the supply lasts. with one and one and one.half baths -dockage u'ells ,toU' at'ai/able SHOP AT GAYLORD That's right, 'we have the new • YACHT HARBOR Polaroid Land Color Film. It works TWO AND THREE BEDROOM A NEW ON;:;; -, AT LELAND - IN THE :n most existing Land Cameras. • SWIMMING POOl-lo be installed Just snap the shutter' and in 50 2 BATH UNITS-ar'ailable SOOl1.' "OLD PRINT SHOP" - 104 RIVER STREET seconds you have a full, color • FISHING • ICE BOATING" • ICE FISHING picture right out of the back of adults only the camera. These are the most exciting pictures you have ever both featuring the same distinctit'e sports and casual wear for seen - and now you can take Completely Equipped With L~ulies and Gentlemen them for yourself. Don't miss out Located at' East Jefferson and Nine Mile • Some Polaroid Cameros re- Open Road.. S'. Clair Shol'es, Michigan , . . ttJhich has plea:ed man,}' of YOII at our Delray Beach Shop quire adapting for color. adjoining Grosse Pointe. The Shore Bring your camera in when Dai!y Club apartments bring to Detroit and purchasing first roll, • ~ .I •• II :00 a.m. suburban areas a new dimension in ,";"-", ..... ,:p~~..~....:..~.t"",;"....;..:f~~~~ Da1Je Coombs and Martha Coombs Baxte'f' -will be happy to see you at Leland- pleasant and gracious living. • Air Conditioner • Refrigerator to as will the Tiemeys and Hurds at Hidden Valle)' .. 7:00 p.m. e you take the • Dishwasher 0 Garbage Disposal Retltals from 01l.e Hundred Sixty Dollars Heated • Electric Range including ~ontr~, comfort and Completely Air Conditioned • Kitchen Cabinets by "Nevamar" Sunday rl tor the keys. nIL HURD & Co. THE CAMERA CENTER WM. resident manager HUden Valley Shop. Old Print Shop McELWAIN, I'll _ Summer TIt'UI _ 17114 Kercheval Ave. APARTMENTS - YACHT HARBOR a J PR 8-6650 "In the Village" Gilmore and Gurv'6 Building Compan)' TU 1.4096 l!:::====ca.=y=IO='=d'=M=jC=h=lg=a"====W=in=~e=r=T=jm='=D='=1ra=Y=B='=Cl=Ch=,=F=IO=,=ld=.====L=I'=G=,,'d=,=M=iC=hi=9 ="== Open Until 9 P.M. Thursday Eve. ning. Only During Summer Month. 23600 EAST JEFFERSON, at Nil1e Mile Road, St. Oai,' Shores


t md nnt _ tr __ ...... _ ...... _ e __ - d« • zt st _ < d .« c. r« rc" r psd = at « -ssrc.rd. rnfrl d .... mtcrtrf d .ad p' r r 0 '# • =" Cd M ... - - -- -~----~~----~-~....------~--.-_-4--...__=_...Q_._._.,..._._._._....----.-.--.-._<...._.lIII ... C__ 4.. Q..... ,.._- .... c...c,.._._~_...... $... _ .. .a...... ~_ ...... _ .. _ .._..¥__ ¥ .. -----.--..

, .

Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 27, 1963 Thursd~y, June 27, IqbJ ,-- --~_._--- BEST POLICY , ---O~h'-- !l;;\'~n y('ar~ after thf' Honor Retiring Arthur Brisson - S hul L - - P - construction and admjnistra~ C" b Be on the square in your d~l- M I tion of surveys and oplnion- La Wngh1 Rn1thrl'< r;I',,1 flight. er In c tz eavIng oInte \ Outing Enjoyed By Lions in~-truth ('an he bottled UP. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Bris------aireB, and the development of _ !Irnn Foro und£'l-took apro. guest.s ('f honor at a surprise but eventually it pops the cork. son. of Unlvendty place, were Merlin W. Schultz, teat'her he ~ssumed the d!Jties of COUh-1 a group guidaQce program. Gril8se Pointe Lions Club i rected by the retiring president, nil H ti'('al rr~('ar('h. In 192~. Mr. parl.(y on Saturday, June b, ------~ ._--.-..~_ ..... __ ~ ~.~ _. •• ~ A_ and counselor at Grosse Pointe selor. Mr. Schultz has also been ae. . t 11 t' f I t to Foni intrnotll'{'o th{' Tri-Motor. honoring Mr. Brisson, who re-- High S~hool since 1946, has D I h h tlve in the MetropolItan Guld- held its annual InS a a 10n 0 i Ralph Martin. 'fll'{, thE' first Sl1('('{'ssful all-metal tired as a Lieutenant with the i ur ng t e years e was on officers. and spent a pleasant "'"ew officers who take OVM res gned to accept a position the local high school faculty ance Association of Detroit, the dav at the Romeo Golf and H pn," franspm't platH' in thE' Unit~.ct Grosse Pointe City Fire De- Investigate the Advantages NOWI partment April 30. as Coordinator of Guidance he was also actively engaged in Reserve OffJcers Association, ~untry Club la:-t Thursday. d;rection of the club 'o~the Stat('~. Services at the Maine Town~ work with the: Ready Naval Re- the American Federation of Some 50 members were on ensuing year are: preslden.t, Mr. Brisson, des(:ended from ship High Schools encompass- serve presently h old j n g the Teache".8, Phi Delta Kappa, pioneer Canadian-]i'rench sett- ing the area of Park Ridge ~ank of Commander. His duties The Democratic Club of Gross~ hllnd as the guesls of Vie Lorne G. AyUng; vice.-presl- lers. belongs ~0 a f/lmHy w1th a and Des Plaines in Northwest in this area Included Command. Pointe, and was 'recently ap- DeBaeke, owner of the popular der.Ls, Albert Couvreur, Ralph long record of service in poilce Chlacgo. ." in,r{ Officer, Executive Officer, pointed as a member of the l8-hole course and its up~to. Mac1:llert, C h a r i es Defever. 'and fire departments through- He is at present, for the Training 0 f f Ie e r, Recruiting National River and Harbor dat.e clubhouse. A goodly num- Wilson' and secretary- , : out the area. When he joined summer, ~mployed as a profes- Officer, Classification Officer Con g res s by Congressman bel' played golf. Charles, : the City fil'e-figh1ing force as ~or at the Counseling and Guld- and Administrative Officer of Harold Ryan. The proceedings were di-l treasurer, Jerome_ Bu~~ert. _ a pipeman In 1929, his uncle, ,Joseph T. Brisson, was Grosse f~:~n I~~~i:~ t~'Oll~:~~r:: E~:~: ~a:~~~ A~~~h,. at the Brodhead I""HlliiiiilUlliiilllllllllllfllllllllllllllllHlIllIlIllIlIlIlllllIlll!lItllllllllllllllllllll""""ilili"lilii",iiilllliiiitl~'liiillllllilllllllllillllllllillilltlIlnllnnlllilllllllimu"mllllllllinillllllllllllflPlItIllJllIIUlIllllllltnllllll!li Pointe C1ty Fire Chief. burg, Wash. Among the published ar-; I Jose-ph T. Brissnn's son, Dr. Mr. Schultz first came to tides he has written was the E Store Hours: 9:30.5:30 Dai y Joseph T. Bris<;on, of Lakeere~t Grosse Pointe in 1946 after research done for the Ed.S. de- ;i U .1 9 00 P M lane, was among the guests at having served five years as a gree conferred by the Univer- I Open Thusday Eveniflgs nt!. : -.. clly Presents the Lieutenant's retirement naval officer in communica- sity or Michigan in February ~ Check Us For A Plan Tailored To Your Needs party, held at the Grosse Pointe dons work overseas and then of 1962. This article appeared I~ Metropolitan Club. Hosts and as an administrator of Navy in the professional magazine I hostesses included the Brissons' officer training programs at Personnel and GuidallCti Jour-.\ ~ ANY MAKE OR MODEL OAR daughters and sons-in-law. Mr. Bethany College, W. Va,; Mon- nal on April 1963 entitled "Stu- ~ illman Trio • • and Mrs. John Van Slembrouck mouth College, IlL, and The dent Opinions of a High SchQOl I~ YOUR INSURANCE OR OURS (Armeline Brisson), of Harper Rice Institute in Houston. Tex. Guidance Program," which was ~ During the first six years at based on Grosse Pointe High Incing and listening Woons, and Mr. and Mrs. i Samuel Candela (Irene Brisson). the HIgh School, In addition to School students. ~ Pleasure Mr. Candela is a fireman with teaching Arne r i can Govern- His new position will entail ~ the Farms department. ment and E con 0 m i c s he the supervision of 40 guidance I ~ Others werE: Mr. Brisson's coached the tennis team and workers in two high schools I~ brother and sister-in.law. the had an unbeaten record of 59 with a total student population I~ Victor B. Brisllons. of East De- comccutive victories until de. of 7,000. Another high school E troit, his sister and brother-in~ feated in the last match he wlll be opened a year from g law, the George Lewises (Mr. coached. now. Responsibilities will in- ~ VA 2.4118 Lewis is Dearborn Police and In 1951 he was recalled to dude research related to the ~ KOTCHER CADILLAC Co. I }<'ire Commissioner), bis wife's active military service and, evaluation of guidance services, :3 fij 0 n 1\ 0 151500 II 1515ffl un ~ parents, Mr. and Mrs, John g i v f' n the command of the the administration of group ~ BOn Grone Pointe Drive Yourself' L.ewis, of Dearborn, and many Naval Reserve Training Center testing programs, the coordina- ii11 . -J, . 15554 E. Warren AVe. TU 1-66PO I uther relatives, descendants of at Stuebenvillc. Ohio. Upon his tion of the work of LOunse-Iors, ~ French-Canadian families, in~ return t.o Grosse Pointe in 1954 I social workers, and nurses, the ~ -.~_..-~--_..-..-.-.-.-..---- 5 eluding the Bedards. Denommes, JaeObSOI1S' 3 y • Brissons, Etues, Harritys' and ;:= ~ Geor!'1e O. Ames. Also present were Mt. Bris- ViII----1 Quaker maid son's sister, Kathleen, and her IIe husband. Ma'yor John Teal, of ;e= }<'ort Erie, Ont.. and three of i the Bl'issons' eight grandchiJ. := Qual.ity Kit~hens clren, Larry and Karen Candela, ~ :: and Joanne Van Slembrouck. I a A ~ THIELE CUSTOM BUILT KITCHEN is of the finest Former Lt. Brisson's rela-I cfuality home equipment you can buy. Designed to your ' tives. personal friends and asso- II needs, color and the ultimate in convenience. 1= . c:iates in the Pointe presented 15,= : him with a rider lawn mower i . as a retirement gift. He plans to i :! Sii COSTS NO MORE ,use the mower both in the' ~ ~Jumpel' 1 Pointe and at his summer home I ;;: Features of This Quaker ,in Bayfieid, Ont. 5 I~ MOld Kitchen Include: . 1 I 1= The Brlssons' present pans I l~ TRAY STORAGE rail for an extended vacation in ! 5 Further RetluctiDns! 5 : Canada. followed by a possibie, e ~"----:/I . RANGE DRAWER trip to California to visit rela-! ~ ! lives. Mr. Brisson then Intends: ~~~~! I I At: ~ co GIRLS' and BOYS' DRESS and PLAY SHOES A.DJUSTABLE SHELVES : to go into private business. co= I -Forme!' Chief 'Lect:ger Chau- i! ~~ .. ~ ..._----- :;; 20 NATURAL WOOD ! vin considered the Lieutenant FINISHES 'one of his best firefighters. His ~ I retirement this Spring brings ~= $3 54 55 'j" ! to an end 34 consecutive years I~ 'on the City Fire Force. Pro- KODAK CAMERA - Orig. 6.98 l- ~35F OrICJ. 5.98 - OriCJ. 7.98 - 10.50 I~ , . I moted to Sergeant a decade IE ./ . . ago, he was made Lieutenant ~ ! last year. This New Multi-Storage QIIo His fellow members of the Here~~~=_:~.~:nn~:::;~~::::.=:;:;~I Ouak~r Maid Cabinet Police and Fire Association plan doors, the electric eye sets-exposure automatically-assures ~ Outstanding' children's shoe :;tyles from Edwards, Ameri.can Junior The NEW multi-Storage Quaker a formal retireme:~t party for a good shot, every shot. Indoors, handy built-in flash pops up )I Maid cabinet has beautiful full him in the near future. at a flick of your finger, and the lens adjusts automatically for a and Beau-ties ... patent leather, smooth calf, brushed leather and length panel doors, unfolds at th., flash shots as you focus. Fast f/2.8 lens, single-stroke film I ~_~=~ advance, dOI,l.ble.exposure prevention, easy slip-in loading. = canvas ... oxfords, strap pumps, sandals, and slip-ons~ Not all styles 'S, make8 a tn. touch of the hand to transform. tible on hottest them into spacious shelves of in every size or color. Child's sizes: small 5 to 12. Misses sizes: 12lh to it is to look at. every Jhape and size for dll your Oro~se The CAMERA CENTER II lared collar an4 package goods. 4. Growing girls' sizes: 4 to 9. Boys' sizes: 8lh to 3. Open Weekdays 8 'til 6 n~jnt~ N~ws i~ lul'. Gn~y. Tan _ Youth Center - Sec.ond Floor Call for EvenlnQ or ~~I"'ed e..... Tbu"d., b, 171 14 Ii Sunday Appointments Anteebo Publishers, Inc. Kercheval ~ Come In and See Our Large DISPLAY OF COMPLETE KITCHENS I Grosse99 KerchevalPointe 36,AvenueMichigan "In the Village" ~_==__======. All TimeJ Free Estimotes--Up to 5 Years to Pay Phone TU 2-6900 We Specialize in All Types of Home Modernization: I . Three Trunk Lines TU I 3econd Class Postagll paid at De- I I~4096 =: Additions, Family Room, Attics, Etc. ; trolt, Michigan. i I ~ . I Subscription Rates $4.00 Per Year I I 5 : by Mall ($5.00 () u t sid e Wayne i .\E I C'ountYl All News and Advel'tlsmg' ~ THIELE CABINET and SUPPLY CO. COpy Must Be In The News Office i ~__ SALE! by Tuesday Noon to Insure [nser- --"....,------.::==- , 5 24155 Little Mock-Between 9 Qnd 10 Mile PR 5-2325 ~~~'ress 811 Mall (Subscnptlons. OPEN UNTIL 9 P,M, THURSDAY EVENINGS I~ Change of Address Forms 3579) to ONLY DURING SUMMER MONTHS . i EI_ .J 99 Kercheval Avenue, Grosse I _ POlntp 3&, Mlchlgan. _ .______\ ~ our entire stock

riHiililllllll"iiilli(lillitlllllllllllllllllliilllllliilllWllliiiUlUlliiiiliilillliimllllllII 11111I111"lmul"1111111111 11111111 11111111111 1I111111111111111111J1I1I1II1I1II1II1II1I1II1I1I11II1 11111111111111II111111111t111111111i:;:n1ll1l1l1l1l"1I111111~ ~ of girls and preteens if the ROSE i M1-\N offers ~ ,= • SU/AMER DRESSES i$-- to barbequB ,S S ..".~./.'~'-"~-"'~'."'.~",, ~?v:, ,= ., ,5 , ~ the steaks ••• i~ ignore him! 'i $3 $11 ~ c regularly ~_98to l4.98

I~ g ~ Spend a shopwhappy time sprucing up the gjrf's wardrobes with great fashion ••• he means well, but a culinary artist be isn't. i BUT SUPPOSING this summer' you'd ~eally values on dressy dresses, shirt- like to enjoy loafing around the house Without coming face-to-face with a couple of .pesty waists, casuals and fun-time ants every timE'you wander Gutto the kitchen for a cool drink. , dresses. Cottons, Dacron OR SUPPOSING you've finally lost faith in those mysterious, do-it.yourself pes( powd~rs pc::>lyesterIcotton and (often highly toxic). Y~u're fed. up, With playing hide and seek With damaging Insect I textured fabrics in solids, I pests who seem a lot smar!er tha nyou. After BOLD BLOCK PLAID, A VIVID SPLASH OF COLOR aiL they're fighting for their very lives. prints or plaids. Choose THEN ••• it's time to call the Rose r'/lanfor by Georges Briard __ 0 summer entertaining at its liveliest ROSE HOME SERVICE.-time to get 100%, several for summer now. _ . carefree freedom from ants, moths, roaches Match these for carefree informal partying, indoors or out ••• wipe- and other expensive, unsightly guest.pe.sts ••• 365 days a year. Complete peaceof mm,d clean vinyl-coated fabric serving accessories set a genial mood with transitional styles for their pest control on a regularly scheduled baSIS II dashing color and design. From a collection, we show: for pennies a day! back~to~school wardrobel A. Roomy ice bucket, 8" high, with brass cover. Holds two trays Gf Ice Hit and miss methods won't do it,.. but the II I~ cubes. 7.50 Rose Man will! Why? Because he has many Girls' sizes 3-6x, 7-14 months of intensive training and field work B. Set of four wood coasters, 4/1 square, with recessed plaid .. nter ce you take the In.. '..~teen o::-.~ ~ , ~ behind him, He takes pride in his worK as a set. 3.95 controt, comfort professional pest control expert, and he has scientific equipment and matenals to work c:. Vinyl-coated gallery tray, 14" In diameter, with color-Iued metal to for the keys. with. And, he's backed by the 100~year~o!d rim. 7.50 I Rose Exterminator CO.-the oldest name In D. Set of four foam.backed place mats, 18"x 12", and .4 cotton napkIn., pest control. I rail the Rose Ma.n toaay ... and be sure! / Home Decorative Shop Jacobsons Youm Center-Second Floor

TWO HOURS FREE PARKING-Tickets Validated When You Mak~ a Purchase

.. , J • -'--~~~~_"_4_;-"-',7-. -=;O •• _-- -~----.-.-, -_--""-- .. --....------. ""'_ , - ., , , - - ,••.... , ,"'p.-. !"Iff ,. , . _;;:'!O"'. "..-., ..e;a" ''''II, JP,P "!"' ' "',S <~"~' _ ':"".-.. ~•• ~- ••"':' A-~'''l''i "" -,..~."71'"'~.:"". -:=-: :'".f.1'"F --,-- -"!"'. ..,.,.~~----:--. .

hursday, June 27. 1963 _ Thursday, June 27, 1963 Page Five ------~------~-~----~---~------_.~------_._------GROSSE POINTE NEWS By Lions Club 5 Ca..~esHeard Speeder Caught Driver, Woman Hurt in Accident I Sneeze Blamed In LS Accident Two Cars Tangle On Lakeghore rectPdbv thp rptirlng president. In Clt)' COUT't In Wild Cho,se Two persons escaped serious Secours Hospital where the wo- I Mrs. Annie W. Blessed, 43, She said the sneeze caused Mrs. Eleanor J. McCabe of drive'l,'ay at 276 Lakeshore. Ralph Martin. . - I -- injuries Wednesday morning. man was treated for numerous of 114 Moran, suffered facial per to lose control of her ca.r 188 Morose road wa:, tp.ken to Hilary H. M.ieou, Jr., of 81 ;'\('W offict'fs who takf' o\'er CIty Judge Douglas L. pater-, After a wild {'hase down June 19. when their car over- cuts and contusions, and Gore, injuries Tuesday evening, June and it leaped the right curb. \ Cottage Hospital on Saturday Moran was he a din g east on . direction o~ the dub for the son 0 I' de red Thomas Mack M!I!"Os!';road on June 18 Farms turned on Lake Shore road for sprained leg and arm 18, when she lost control of crashing into an Edison pole at . 'Lake&hore when he stopped to ensuing year aTe: PI'f'~Hrl('nt, Smith, 29358 Ethel, Detroit, to polic(' finally caught ~p with after hitting a utility pole. ac- muscles. and' released. I her automobile while driving the Lochmoor boulevard Inter- .June 22. following an aCCIdent turn into the' driveway. The pay a fine of $100. and placed a car driven by Chllrl('s Alex- cording to Shores police. The accident victims were on Lake Shore road, and crash- section. . which occurred I_n.~l~O~~.~r __t.~_e rear of his car was struck by Lorne G. ~ linp:: vicf'oopI'P"i- I him on six months' probation ander Murphy, of 5221 Lannoo, Patrolmen Chester Painter returned to the station, where ed Into a utility pole. There was extensIve damage -- ~- --"-"--- Mrs. McCabe. resulting in $150 . dt'nts. Albert COU\TPUr. Ralph with no pleasure driving for 60 Detroit. and Harry Hamilton, who were they told police that they were Mrs. Blessed told S h 0 res to the front end of !'the car, 11 her injuries were trealed and total damage. :l\taehlert. C h a r! t' s DE'fe\,pr. days and no drinking during The {'hast' ('nded when Mu1'- dispat.ched to the scene at 1:29 traveling north on Lake Shore, Patrolman Will i a m Marshall which had lo be towed to a hId f th b tl . th t h d ' . . I s e was re ease Mrs. McCabe was ticketed or : Charles Wilson; and 5t'crptary. e pro a on period. phy I'ttempterl a left turr. onto a.m .• said they arrived to find when Gore. the driver, lost a s e was ravmg south on servIce garage. -' I • L k ....h an automobl'l'" on l'tS left side control of the car and it leaped Lake Shore when she sudden-I Mrs. Blessed was. conveyed No ,.,jolation ,tiCkets were j~-: driving wHh her car not under : treasurer, Jt'rome Bu:,>-daert. Smith appeared before Judge a e ;:, ore and went over the \.0 I Paterson in Grosse Pointe City south ('urb. Murphy drove int.o and two persons in it, still the curb at Willison and crash Iy sneezed. \ tQ Bon Secours Hosp-ltal where I sued, It was saId. ! control. n1UIIIIUiulllllllllllllllilllll!ll1l1l1l1l1li11l11ll1llillllllllllOlllHlIIl1II11I1\ .Justice Court Tuesday evening, a thornbE'rry bush and came to. conscious. ed inftlo. and Edison POI.e . ~dhe ~lIl11l1l11l1iiiiiiiltlllllllilllltllmrmi"tiWiilliiiiiii"_ilmlllilllllllll~lIIl1l1l11l11l1ll1llnlmlll1lllllllli'llIIilimmlUlllllilllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlIIlIUlIlIUII1II1lIIllIllilliilii,ilm"liiJliiliiii,iiiiiIlIlIlHlililiiiiiiiiiWillllllliiUI!lIlImlllllllfllnlllllllllll;:lllllllllllllllli!1 June 11. Charged with violating a sudden stop at the corner of Hamilton entered the car and aut 0 Ippe over on 1 st SI e. ~ . . the Drunk Motor Law, he stood Moross and Lake Shore. assisted Clair George Gore, 41, Police said that damage to ~ mute. and the charge was re- .1/1 the car with the drlvPf was of 23012 Gary lane. St. Clair the car was extensive and it ~ Store Hours: 9:30-5:30 Daily J P.M. duced, on motion of his attor- hiS mothcr. Mrs. William Mur-, Shores, and Miss Genevieve R. had to be towed away. There ~ ney. to the lesser offense of phy. Murphy received a ticket. Kearby, 35, of 7132 Huber, De. were no witnesses and no viola- ~ Open Thursday Evenings Until 9:00 P,M. reckless driving. Judge Pater. for speeding In e~ce~s of 90 I tr.oit. out of the vehicle. tion tickets were issued. ,_-- son found Smith guilty on the m.p.~. reckles~ d 1'1 V 1 n g and A caU for assistance brought reduced charge. causang an aCCIdent. I Woods Pat r 0 1 rn e n Everett GOES FOR BROKE , • ~ i ; Plumb and Adrian Meerhaeghe. The com p u 1s i v e gambler rhe Judge collected a $2;) Faith eosts not! ing at all. but I Hamilton and Plumb took often finds t:'at his financial fine fro~ .John Allan ~ustcr.: the person without it is lost. Gore and Miss Kearby to Bon goose is cooked in a jackpot. ~ 1239 WhIther. found gUIlty ot '_. _ _ __... __ . ~~". __. ._.... g rec klesl; dri ving a nct c xressi ve ! ?:)}11111111111111111111111111i1lIIIIII11111111III111JIIIJII1111111111111111111111I11l11l11l1l1l11illlllllll 1I1111111111111111l1t11l11t11II1I1HllllllllllllltlllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlltllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlmrlll1l1llilltlllllll'"1i"lliili'"liillllliJ? speed. Huster was placed on 30 ; ~ days probaticn with no pleasure : ~ driving. i ~

Buford R. Ooutherland, 20876 i ~ -, 11 011 y woo d. Harper Woods, i ~ judged guilty of violating the i ~ JacobsoIis.' ordinance regarding preserva-' ~ '- .. tion of public peace (drunk and ~ disorderly), received a $20 fine. ' ~ Judge Pat e r son ordered the ! ~ charge of r e c k 1e s s driving. ~ causing an accident a g a ins t ~ Billie Lemon Ross. 4182 Ath-':= acobSOl1'S ens. Detroit, dismissed, as there - \vere no eyc\vitnesses, and rc-'- duced the charge of reckless Distinctive bath preparations lavish driving against George Gale _ Glidden. 22()56 Melrose rourt,' ~ .... tip-to-toe loveliness .•• for home, East Detroit, to the lesser of- j ~ travel and special gift giving. [ense of driving without due: ~ 1: care and caution. . ~ friction pour Ie bain (ofter bath

,..... lotion), 8 0%. 1.50; 16 oz. 2.75; . "'V ~ .~'"~", ._,. .~, Treat Postman ~, ' .. 32 oz. 5.00 bath ~owder, 11 oz. 2.00 For Dog Bite bath bubbles, 6 Oz. 1.75; 16 oz. 3.75

l~ A dog owned by Walter Ford. ~ Prices plus tall. of 248 Provencal Road issued a , g fridian nasty bite tu the postman on: ~ June lB. The postman. Clarencp ~ \! POUr It bdin t :. E. Joslin. of 2646 Gladwin, De- ' ~ '''t l'E:R BATH lOfl~ \ 'Sf troit, was bitten on tht' l~ft ea 1r ' ~ .. \ while on the Ford propel'ty. and ; ~ ;: .. '-. was taken to Cottage Hospital I ~ , \ for treatment, by Farms poliee- : ~ men, l ~ PLAY SHOES ,= l"ord was warned to keep hi~ ' ~ \ dog confined for 10 days. aod: ~ thl.' Board of Health was noti- i ~ ) 55 fied of the incident. I ~ MARJA'S INDISPENSAILES r )riCJ. 7.98. 10.50 PARTY CRASHERS NABBED : ~ •••the two most important l~

Six Pointe teen-agel's. three J ~ boys and three girls. wcre af-' ~ bras in every wardrl)be r~sted on June ~9 for posses- I ~ Slon of alcohohe beverages." ~ The back-swooping strapless rds, American Junior after police answered a call ~ , brushed leather and from Mrs. Leslie McDougal at ~~ for low-backed sun dresses, ; 1 Rathbone place. She report-' ~ ./ ;lip-ons~ Kot all styles ed that a group of teens Was; ~ and the bandeau with floating l~ attempti;:!g to crash a party she : ~ 2. Misses sizes: 12n to was holding for her daughte~. j ~ wire under the bust for perfect fit. ~>1"i~ All were released to their par-: ~ 3. ents. ; ~ Cusmetics-First Floor A. Nylon lace bosque with shell j-- \ ( ------~--- ~---_._-.-- ~~ lined cups, back-dipped to waist. ~~. 1'"""'"'''"'''"'''"'''''''''''""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ""''''''''''''111 C White, black. Sizes 34-38; A,B,C. 10.95 B. Cotton bandeau with nylon ,Jatobsons'. marquisette and lace inserts. White, . . .~ Sizes 32 to 42; C, D and DD cups. 6.00 lir.ger;e Salon what First Floor put the " '~~backbone,; In ~ES her hair?

.' SALE: . '. BONEDIUM*! '. - BERMUDA SETS new HIDDEN POWER, IN A VARIETY OF STYLES new SECRET STRENGTH for soft, limp, lazy hair 590 Regularly 7.98

~,!~t'ce Re~~ BODY TREAT .AND HO~D WAVE Collect I,] summer wardrobe of cool shorts-with-shirf The only wave +ha+ puts "backbone" in side the hair to strengthen and support ensembles at a substantial the curl ... and make every kind or ha ir style HOLD! savings! Sleeveless or roll For the first time, a permanent wave to make soft, weak, listless hair POSI- sleeve print shirts with tively stronger with a fantastic hidden power. motching print or soiid The secret is wonder-working BONED IUM! * color bermudas ...cottons and, daeron polyester and Now! Really get added BODY ... a n ultra treatment ... new super h,?ld- cotton blends, in pastel ing power, and wear hair fashions you've never dared wear before! or dorktones. Sizes 8~16.


For your most important beauty Jacobsans/ .' ..J(lcohson-~'~ appointment, c~1ITU 2-2160 i. . .: • BEAUTY SALON .,"l.r ,\-.'~~i', '-~.\.->;;~'~~~ Second Floor

r-Se::cnd Floor • Miracl. (inorganic) minerol compound

TWO HOURS FREE PARKING-Tickets Validated When You Make a Purchase

t _« t r • d • drrt r crrdd •• sr •• 5 .ss.«sr rt.« •••• r 7 'sr 71 «.m._ F. ". t "10 "" ~ •• ., ',.. \'..,' 4

Peg8 Six • GROSSE POINTE NEWS Holds Open House for Realtors Thursday, June 27, 1963 Thursdt! IOBITUARIES 'IILi::;~~~:;~~~:;~;d;:~:t~;~g~~;':w:;IJ~~e~;~~:~~;:'~;;;Ir~;~~;~~0~~~:f1~ ERWIN B. DIXON their MW officers for the 1963- Merit citing him as Grosse Grosse Pointe City Juslice I attend two sess 64 fiscal year. Pointe Woods Lion M the Year. I Court last weck. All were court. . 'nndE:;::..:',Ernst a ~~~~~~~eD~~oir~:i John. H'le. N'lion'l. Coun. On S.turd.y evening. June' chorgcd with po.,e"'on ot beer I. Cobb, fined $lrO~.;as :oO:bl~l~ ccounting firm died selor, mducted mto offIce the 22 a capacity crowd of Lions lin a car I oen pleasur~ 0. f ! gt t d a.on Wednesday June 19 in'f his 0II OWIng. In. d'IVid ua 1s: pres!'de n,t and' their friends gathered to I The three young men Kerry I d"1J} Ii and dIrected .0 a ten I,home at 135 Lewiston' Road.,.. W'll'I !am Tho- m pso n,. . 1st vice - pay. tribute to the new officers I' S~haeffnf'I', 91;:;. . Lakeland;, Roger two traffic• court seSSlOns. Mr. Dixon was born in Bay p~esIden~, Robert FIsher; 2nd at a dinner dance, which was DaJe BO\!l('r, 414 Belanger; and I The ',wo other persons. t~ I City and w" gr.duated trom e.ce.p""dent, Mnrley D.y; 3rd held .t the Ameriean Legion toseph ('ohb 1008 Devo",hlre. .ppear hefore the Judge. tw, the 'UnlversUy ot Mlehigan In vi,e.pr"idenl , Delmor Bu~trey; H.lI on M.ek Avenue. i;'o-o to"nd' .ulIty. Sch.e"ner i tee.n••ge girl'. were touud .not 1915. He was a member of Psi tall twister, Edward ~ones, sec- George R. Grove is the imme-,' paid' a ~25 fin,!; Bowler ~as 'I gUIlty, ttnd the. cases against Upsilon Iraterolly. the Cnuntry retary, Thomas Clork, tr~,u~er, diat. pa,t pre,idenf ot the duh. tined $25 .od forbidden t<> drIVe fhem we" df,mlS,e~. _ Club of Detroit. the Detroit Laurel E. Burroughs! LIOn ------~ J_ .• , .. _' .. , _ __ '. ~ __, .__ .. . Club and the University Club. tamer, !o~n Sekol; directors, I He is survived by his wife, John DIeSIng, Donald Scherf, Eleanor. Donald Coats and Dr. Wells E. Memorial sel'vices, followed Mahar. . . by cremation, were held Friday, The folIowmg chaner mem- .J~ne 21, at the William R. bers were .awarded. perf.ect .at- Hamilton Funeral Home. tendance pIns covermg a pe~lOd '" '" '" of nine years: John Dlesmg, The Pointe's Oldest Market PHiLUP W. KRIDLER Walter Weidenbach, Rob e r t 898 St. Cla;r Ave., near Mack TU 5-1565 TU 5-1566 Phillip W. Kridler, 57, of 87 Grieser,Ham Daly,Thomas Clark and WH- BalfOl~r Road, died Tuesda::, I For outstanding work in .Junc lB, in Bon Secours HOSP!-I ~_~ _ Strictly F.. tal. He was vice-president and ------Grosse Pointe Office of First ~.ed.ral to I'ight) realtor JOHN C. STAUDT sale, m... ger tor a Milwaukee Club Boat Helps U.S.D.A. PRIME AND CHOICE-Genuine Spring O K h 1 Savings and Loan. 1715 ere eva - .JR., and JOSEPH Y. RODGERS, new- autoBornpartsin Cleveland.manufactUrer.Mr..Krid. S.In kino!!: C.rnlser Bee inh ldthe Village,FI during its open house Iy appointed manager of the eom- ler bad lived in fhe DetrOItorea u Specially 'day June 21 Shown above pany's local Mortgage Department, b f L.EG .~OF",LAMS' " e on "', . ,inee 1913.He w" a mem er 0 A ,inking 20.toot cruIser. Fresh let are HAROLD G. PHELPS, assistant and FLORENCE ENGEL, president th. Golt Assocl.lion of Mlehi. whose ,kipper was .ltemplfng i' viee.president and 0hraneh manager, of the Alger F. Quast Company of •• n. Ihe Detroit Golt Cluh, .. d to he"b his boat, ,true. the (IhirJ from left) sh win g some of the Mack A ven Ue. fbe Hiawallul Sportsmen', Cluh. bre.kwal1 .t Creseent S.il e_o~f>~~Y's~_~:_~gag: records; and _(l.<~~t .-~ ~ . ~ Ni~ ':w~ur:~~~~ ~ac~:~w~~~ y~~~;~~~~.o;'I::,e;; Georgej Gro L d p. k d Phlllip; a brother and six sis- .Joseph Cassel Of 23003 Joy 69f For Workshop Held. By SCh00I Heads ea ers lC e ters. . .. enue. St. Ciatr Shore,. h.d I , Homemade .1. Harold Husband,-A~~i~tant !.-Twt'nt~-membel.s of the plant. I For Toreh DrIve· I JuneService~21, Inwerethe heldVerh~ydenon Friday.F~- resultingcollided within aangashunlightedin its buoybow. I ant SUP"-infend.nl'Adminl,tro.: pe",onn.i ,I.ff t!'Om fhe ,.hool, n.r.' Home... d bunot w"' at C'''ef tried to moke it to! Ring Bologna tl\'~ SE'tvice.s ~f the Grosse I systf'In attended. the sessions on I Edwin P. O'Leary. 97 Tour- WoodlC1wn Sem;te~y, I ~hore before water s~amped I'omt. I'uhhe &'hool Sy't.m.1 the East l... "ng ",mp," " .me road. Torch Drive eo- • the hoat. hut dashed h" bo.t I Plein or Gerrie 49C lb. 1"i1s a orogram participant in a , part or the Grosse POInte sys- II h . C t T _ d r GEORGE SCHMID1 I on the rocks at Crescent, ap- ' - . .. it' . " t' airman for orpora e .....:a e _ '" tb,ee.day long work.,ho. tor i tom s m.mv" ra.~mg pw., . Servi'e, tor George Sehm,df. porenlly hop,"" fo fmd ,haI. 'ehool piant personnel heid at I gram relafed to fhe m.mte .. nce ',h,l'. h" named Thorn" J. 69 ot t833 Rosl,-n road. were low water in Iront 01 the w.il I '1iehig.. State Univer,ity. : ot the huildlng, .. d grounds. Aull. 318 Touroinc road. to M~nday, June 24.• t the A. H. on whieh to heaeh his boat. • Mr. Hush.. d ronduered tour Aeeording 10 Mr. lIushand. head the Corporote Glvfug Pro- Pete" Fune",1 Home. Mae. The Crescent Ciuh Iaoneh, Hellmann's '."'0", on "Sefting Up a.:,um. more tMn 50 pere.~nt ot the grom and MaJoolm L. nenI,e,. and Vernier. Inferment was in driv~n hy Ja?,e, Bme.. the mer Work ~:c h e d u I e on plant pl'rsonnel of I he Grosse I ] 54"9 E halrman of the I' Forest Lawn Cemetery. (']ub s boatswalO, came to the .Iune 19.20. 21... hi, eonlrihu. Pointe Puhh. Sehool Sy,tem , L ."ex. as e Mr. Schmidt. a reUred De. immediate .id ot the three REAL MAYONNIAISE iCED Hon to lb•. "o~leren.. 011 the h?ve heen awarded ecr(ft;'.'I"! Cl~~Pte~PI.an Progrom. .. . . h'oif ;;di,on Co. employe. died p'''engers. Two ~.d jumped I Large 1 Quart Jar . s~lbjl'et of blllldlOg m~lnteTlancl". I of achJe\'~'me~t by Mlrhlt?an I .1he <:1\1" Once for All carn I Friday, June 21, at IllS res 1- from the boat m~o the water'i -,,,i'lin. him Irom fhe locai.' Stale Umv""",- Ior h~V1ng p.. gn WIll be heid O,fober 15. de"e. Born In Minne,ota. he The duh bo.t p,eked. up alII sehool ,,'stem w",'e Edword i eomplel'd 300 .'us hou," fn Nove.. be,' 7. The go.1 ha, not w" a World War 1 veteran. tru-ee. No one was IOJored. Sand W Brand-Jumbo Pitted Sndl .• urehasing .gent: John I ,pcel,",ed frain'ng oou"e,. --No yet been ,et.. I Surviving ore hi, wite, Mary; Bruee then fowed fhe sinking ftJRE Elder. head engineer Central i other school s~stem in th~ state O'Le~r~' and D~nlse ar~ Ford II a d a ugh t e r Mrs. Margaret boat to shallow water betwe:n I OOSTO. Libror,., R•.v Long. night tore. I hos such • high proporhon o.~I Motm:Comp?ny vlee pre"dent,. Sk'nuer: and two ,isters, Mr;. Cres"n' and the Harhor Hdll lIIan High School: Mike Sat- j men wlth t .h I S certifl~ate, I Aul~ IS p~-~sl.dent of the ~uto- Emil Goetsehel and Mrs. Ann PIC!". . . m,,, .. he.d en g' nee r High i store, the AssIStant Super"t.n. mot'*4 Services were Tuesday eve- SUGAR a nin.~, .June 25,' at the verheY-I EVERYBODY den Funeral Home. Interment 14 OZ. was in Manistee. Mich. I . "":.:)?:::!: . '.:"; ;' .. '" '" '" I ICE TEA ':"'.) ~:.,.. /,".' , .. MRS. MILDRED LLOYD I ",{ (.;.}:.. :.;, ; ;. .... : . .::: ~-::.,," <.):; .. LOVES Electric ::'. Former Pointer Mildred Lloyd I' ':::,.:;;:;: •.... died' Thursday morning, June 25, in Wilmington, N.C. Serv- BROILER ices will be today, Thursday, I .Tune 27, in Suffolk, Va., with I US burial in Suffolk's Cedar Hill j Cemetery. Mrs, Lloyd and her I late husband were both natives!

. ' .... :::,'. ,.".' ',,':1:, I of Suffolk. . " I :;.':'; ..... :><:, She is survived by two sons,

... ::'i:t;i;~::...:,:;,:..:.,;~,f.:i~.;,:!,..:,.':::.: I! ~:t':r~~~r:.~.~~~~am6a~~~ ~~~ I .:;.1:+1;.•..~; ! ondA:;~:;;~.~:::~~R I .:) ...~;:t?ii.:;!\: . ;;~',i!::;{ i Si~gee~ v~~rees t~~~ ~1~b:~s7 n ~: ,:. ii:R," -"""".' " ."¥ , ~:rlo~~'; ------.- .": "'\~I;3i;i ~~.;;~.;~~:::.~~~.::, ~.."..

:.1. ~;:i~:~~~';';':~ta~.~t i:'~;~ ...... ;...... ;:'~... '.1.,...... "...... ::' '... ,", ... " ,.,::, ".:,'

,.' .... "ll~,;li . Ef~~;f~~9i1~I~~However~ .:;;..... :.,;;.•.. :::;;,;.:ib::.;.~~c:i:;,:.??i;\i:~if,Y:{ ~~~tt:~c~~~e~.~:ri ;~;ce~or the 9t.3 PERCENT OF '63 CHRYSLER OWNERS INTERVIEWED BY A NATIONAL MABAlINEt SAID THEY WOULD BUY He W:lS a member of the I Augustinian Seminary Club, the CHRYSLERAGAIN. IT'S BEEN EIGHT Y!ARS SINCEANY CAR WAS SOWELL LIKED BY THE PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT IT. I Jesuit Family Club '!md the I THE HOTTER THE WATER. I Holy Name Society of St. Paul's • • Church. 1003 Chrysier owners spoke their piece in the May Survivors include his wife, issue of a national magazine. The group of pwners The 5-year/50,OOO.mile warrantY.-America's THE FURTHER IT GOES Ruth; a daughter, Sister Judith surveyed had rolled up a combined mileage of best and longest new-car warranty-was cited as a Mary, O.P.; three sons, Rev. 1,297,466 miles on their '63 Chryslers. major factor in selecting d '63 Chrysler over com- petitive cars in its class. All ELECTRICWater Heater delivers 1600 hot water! Father John, S,J .• Rev. Father They specifically named riding comfort of a '63 .Jerome, and Rev, Mr. James, Chrysler as the outstanding feature. Handling ease, Take an hour with your Chrysler dealer today, or REALLY HOT WATER for lots oiwarm showers ..• O.S.A.; two bra the r s, Rev. power, performance, and clean, crisp styling were tomorrow. G!ve a '63 Chrysler a full opportunity to Father Clement, S.J., and Lam- the next most important reasons for liking their show you what luxury, power and performance REALLY HOT WATER for maximum dishwasher efficiency.,. bert; and two sisters, Sister I Ch'rys/er, really mean, Make this your year to fall in love i .John Therese, O.P., and Sister with Chrysler, tName on request. REALLY HOT WATER to help a clothes washer do its best. 'Biblana, a.p. ! .Your authorized 'Chrysler Dealer's Warranty against dafects in material ar:d workmanship on 1963 cars has been expanded to include parts replacement or repair. without charae for requited parts or labor. tor 5 yellrs or 50,000 ITIli8S, whichever c~mes firs', on the enema blOCk, head and internal parts; trans- WHY? Because an electric water heater operates regularly at I m;$slon case and intornal Pllrts (excluding manual clt!tch); torque conver1er, drive shaft, un,versal jC'lnts (eXClUding dust COliers), rear axle and differential, 0 PROBLEM SOL VEil 160 without enrl.angering heater life. and rear wheel bearings, provided the vehicle has been serviced at reasonable intervalS according to the Chrysler Certif!Eld Car Care Schedules. A Larc Mrs. Robert E. Mozena sum- More exclusive advantages, moned Farms police to her home at 274 Lewistin Road s too! Install anywh~re, needs r .;.;o n mmmmnmmm:...".;;."., nUn 1 on June 19 to handle a domes- no Hue ••. Edison repairs or tic problem. Officer Fowler ar- CHRYSLER / AMERICA1J NEWEST PACE-SB1ERS U SATISFACTION rived, and rescued a struggling Buy Your Ca replaces electrical parts free cat and bird irem a window ... Money-back guarantee of GUARANTEED ~ well. CHAYBlERDM.'ON ~ CHRYSLER ._-_._--~._---,-.~-~-- ~ MOTORS CORPORAnON satisfaction by Edison, regard- less of where you buy your ~(. DE1RO.rED;~I _iiliIWIIIWttli'ftttWhYNttlttttl~ heater. Look for this sign! mm un m11lun mnnm SEE IT TODAY AT YOUR CHRYSLER DEALER 15839 ) C BUSl. lu ------. ------...... ------....- ..,"'!.----.....,...... --.,...... :.....- •.-.,-- ••• $••••••••• : 1•• '.1.&•• &.&.£.5•••• &••• 5.1 •••• &••• &••• &•• 5•• £ •••••• 5•• '£1' .a.a.,.1

Thursday, June 27, 1963 Thursday, June 27, 1963 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven I For Having Beer Issue Last Call Wayne Women Elect Pointe Theater Great Success BOOMERS Il071~ to the ~xrJloded theory I before for pIrasure for 30 days .• Judge Mrs. Wescott Prexy Scientists who make the most class. .rsOiI in I Patrrson also ordered him to For Cho~isters The Gros!le Pointe Commu- were more than 80 people in noise in the world usually be- .~ ---- ..-- ~._-~~--~-- JustiL't' : attend two sessions of traffiL' Women of Wayne - Harper nity Theater closed its 15th the cast and crew and they felt ------..-----~-~--- i were ~cour1. Tonight is the last oppor- WOllds, Grosse Pdnte, Area season with the gay musical they played to the warmest. ful Fries Theatre of the Grosse Quick. Dependable LANG~Stunity to join the many en- elected new officers at their c()medy by Cole Porler, "Kiss W?r of b('('r Cobb. finrd S I O. was forbid- most delightful audiences ever. I Pointe 1\.1erllCJria1.Seatinii ,lic'n pleasure driving for 30 thusiastic participants tn the Ma~' luncheon meeting held in Me Kate." Rave reviews of the Next season's productions will preference will be t(iven to sea- V. RADIO Kern' : days and directed to attend Grosse Pointe Summer Chorus. the Anchor Room at Hudson's show ran from "I enjoyed the be "Teahouse of the August son ticket holders Jnformation Village Meats G.P.C. Theater's production of j; Roge'r ,two traffie court sessions. The group is made up of a wide Eastland. Moon" by John Patrick No- about tickets and t~~ shows SERVICE age range including elementary Mrs. Alexander Wescott is "Kate" more than the Broad- I ;er: and. The two other persons to ' may be had by wrltm,g tl1£o school. high school and college president; Mrs. Charles Huber, way show with A]fr~d Drake vember 8, 9, 15, 16-"Detectlve Grosse POlflte C () m m u' nit y L. L. DACKEN onshire .. appear bdore the .Judge. two 17045 Kercheval I students 8S well as adults. Sev- vice. president; Mrs. Pet e r and Pat r i cia Morrison." to 2043' Meck TU 1..2791 1aeffner tccn-;jge girls. were found not Story," by Sidney Kingsley. Theatre. 32 Lake Shore road eral family groups are also Youngers, recording secretary; "Fabulous pr(lduciion; better leI' was guilty. and the cases against In the YillaCJe January 24, 25, 31, Feb. 1- Grosse Pointe, 36. ' : participating. Mrs. William Balser, corres- than shows that have played ------.. ~-. . ------._--~--_ .. to drive: them wrre dismissed. "Come Blow Your Horn" by - - - - The Chorus is sponsored by ponding secretary; and Mrs. Ed- the Fisher." 1 . . Watch For Our the Grosse Pointe War Me- ward Szymanski, treasurer. The total audience figul'e ran Neil Simon, March 13, 14, 20, NOW YOU CAN OWN THE MDST BEAUTIFUL The newly appointed chair- 21-A hit Broadway musical, morial Association. Registra- men to the various c()mmittees to over 2000 people in the six May 15, 16, 22, 23. AU the Weekly Specials! tions will be accepted Thurs- n~.&hts the show ran. There s how s will at the beauti~ day, June 27, at 7:30 in the are Mrs. Lee Allen, scholarship; EARLY AMERICAN PIANO Fries Auditorium. The fee f01 Mrs. Walter Kujawski, publicity; a single registration is $5' Mrs. ,Joseph Gregory, represen. CERTAINLY YOU CAN KILL RODENTS AND PESTS THIS WAY EVER MAOE •• ,WITH A BIG SPECIAL BONUS RKE-lJNC. . . '. ,J. . '. ALL OUR STEAKS Aft.. CHOICE AGED AND couple registration is $9 anci tative to Wo~en of Wayne; Mrs. ~lIrket th f f '1 l t Alexander Pletra, membership; CUT AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT! e en Ire ami y may reg.s er Mrs. Harold Jenks, refresh- Blow 'em to kingdllm come ... and your TU 5-1565 TU 5-1566 I for $12. Rehearsals are held t M HI' Chilt hl's home, too. But there's an easier way to I h T d' d Tl d men s; rs. ar an on," stop pests. Simply call Vogl.'l-Ritt. Our Strictly Fresh Whole eae ues ay an 1urs ay t . .. d M 'l Robert Jones I from 8 until 10 p.m. orl~n, an . r,. , highly skilled operators will handle your I • I parhamentanan. I Rehearsals h a v e becn In On June 8 all of the tcn problems efficiently and economically. :- Genuine Spring 15 1b p.rogress for a week in preparl:l- b h 'I b ttended the 4th We offer a complete horne pest control Beef Tenderloins 1 twn f a 011 e t Th d ranc c usa Of c c r on, urs ay. Ann u a I Conference Day at service .•• guaranteed results ..• safest Speciall,! Nice for Outdoor Grilling July 25. The mu.sic is sure to Alumni House on campus at 'methods ..• free estimates •.. permanent Fresh Lean appeal to ~n siDgers. It in- which time the past president peace of mind. No obligation. of ~ourse. clu~es a bberal amounlt .of of the Grosse Pointe, Harper We'll save you money ... and bombs. musIc fl'?,m Broadway Sh~WSm.: Wood:; Chapter, Mrs. Robert Ibs.1 00 elud.ing The Sound of •.1:usic Jones became third vicc*presi- Ground Beef 3 and "The Music Man." Bill dent of th~ national organiza- Gard has a!so prepared an ar- tion rangement of "Dancing on the . For Delivery Call TU 2.5778 - TU 2..5777 *Fine furniture ltyling 69~ Ceilinp," especially for the TE 4-6900 adda deoorative charm group. Sacred music by Handel, Fire Damages "Daily Ser1.'tce in Pointe Area" to any room , - --~------~---- Homemade _. --- ..._---_._--~ -- ..- ---~---~ Randall Thompson, Mar tin ------~------~~--~-,--~- ---- Shaw and Orland'o Gibbons pro- Woods Home Hidden storage *shelves (or Ring Bologna vldes a musical challenge to the CUSTOM BUILT .heet mush: participants. Fire of unknown origin dam- C I Plain or Garlic 49 lb. York Jewelers I Donald Simmons is the con- aged the home of the H. E. porch I ductor of the Chorus and Jerry Hutch hangs or, I Blacks, 1150 North Renaud. *waU ... doea not. I I Hughes serves as accompanist. Monday morning, June 24. It touch piano Further information concern- enclosures or affect tone • started in an upstairs bedroom . ing the Grosse Pointe Summer At 11:25 a.m., a neighbor Chorus may be had by calling noticed smoke pouring from 1} Piano movetl TU 4-5964. freely for easy the bedroom win d 0 wand . turned in the alarm. All fire- houae cleaning ICED fighting equipment was sent to Serves Edison the scene. I Firemen had the fire under I For 37 Years control in about 10 minutes and extinguished in about 20 THE DECORATOR DESIGNED mFFEE'~ ... , , ~... .~....". ."...... _... ~ .-""~ ..:',~."- br ","". COSTUME JEWELRY V2 OFF Edward L. Nugent, director minutes, according to Capt. of Detroit Edison's engineering Donald Coats. He said the fire < ":~-\""'likea....-.~eze design and services depart- was confined to the bedroom. A matchJeta vaJue ..• •., ~-.'"-:J ,....,.;~...... (';.J There was extensive damage to you pay only for Piano ••• ~~v ~+/.... .,., ment, retires July 1 after 37 --~ -.::...,.,...... , ... ~~... COSTUME JEWELRY 250/0 OFF years of service with the com- the room and heavy smoke JUST S1095 Put heapin~ teaspoon ne .... pany. damage to the second floor. he comlllet.l price! Inst.nt Hills Bros. Coff •• Mr. Nugent. a native of added. SlOsll down paymellt,,~ eaaiest I,udaet ~rma in tall glass. Fill half full Ionia, N.Y., attended the Uni. While at the fire. the Public Safety Department received a with cold wat~r. Stir. Add ice. FIGURINES ...... 500/0 OFF versity of Michigan where he AUTREN'ClCALLY STYLED IN earned his mechanical engi- call that Henry Czuoby of 1300 . .. 9ives your home that "Custom-Built Look"-Featurin9 GENv,~NE AMERICAN CHERRY 'neering degree in 1919. He Brys drive, suffered a heart an all new window that fits any enclosure. BIG SAVINGS ON worked for the U.S. Rubber attack. An instrument of supreme quality THESE NEW. USED Makes Any Enclosure a Delightful Year-Round Patio! PIANO SPECIALS TRI!! 6-oz. jar WATCH BANDS Company before joining Edi..<;on The officer at the des k with such exclu.sive Kimball features values to 14_95 . _. , . radioed the Shores Police De- WEEK,TOOI in 1925. "" Check list For Your "Fix up" Projects as the Pipe Organ Tone Chamber On his first assignment for partment for assistance, and for acoustical richness ... Life- from NotioMlly Advertised I Detroit Edison he worked as Shores pol~ce took the heart • Horizontal-Sliding Windows • Sliding Door Wall Crowned Toneboa,d for lasting tonal a designer in the company's attack ',ictim to Cottage Hospi- • Custom Aluminum Screen Enclosure life and brillianct' ... Unilock Back WATCHES drafting and surveying bureau tal in their ambulance. • Sunshade Screen * Combination Windows & Doors Construction for perfect tuning ... SAVINGS UP TO 1I and later rose through a series full 88-note keyboard ... easy-touch Bench and D~li"ery 500/0 Incl"d",d of staff and supervisory posts Pointers Earn Call TU 2-0892 For An Estimate Now! direct. blow action. Matching bench Silverploted to become dire<:tor of engineer- with padded cushion. FREE c ing design and services in 1962. WSU Degrees fOODS at Verbr:Igge's DELIVERY PASTRY SERVER ...... 69 Besides his engineering design Squier Company . assignments he served from THE MUSIC CENTER S;lverpiated 1952 to 1953 as assistant co- Wayne S tat e University 19678 Harper Avenue 19854 MACK AVE., Grosse Pointe Woods c ordinator of nuclear power d'e- awarded degrees to 1.817 per- JEUY SERVER ...... 39 velopment for Edison. sons at commencement exer- "Service That Satisfies" 22933 Grafiot Ave. - PR 5-800 I During World War II he was cises held last Thursday. June o Stoinless loaned to Cornen to instruct 20. in Detroit's Cobo Hall. c Navy personnel in steam engi- Pointers included in the list neering and in 1948 he served of degree winners were.: ICE TEA SPOONS ...... 2 9 as a consultant to the General Helene Schneider BaIley, 251 Electric Company on power Lincoln road, B.S.; E1i~abeth 88 and water problems at the Roberts Bacon, 976 Barnngton sEFiye °Foilr.lis . Startime Pattern 14 Hanford, Wash~ngton, atomic I road,. M.Ed.; Sa~~ Barnes. 43~ Buying a New Car? lOE energy installatIon. McKmley, M.Ed ... Gerald Bod A Registered Professional endistel, 1022 :Vayburn, ~.S.; C,)':;tal c Engineer. Mr. Nugent is active Raymond Cousmo, Jr., 435 Youlll SAVE with a in Atomic Industrial It'orum. Madison, B.A.; Carol Degen, SUGAR and DREAMER ...... 29 the American Society of Me- 482 Allard, B.S.; Anthony Del-I chanical Engineers. the Engi- Vecchio. 1740. Broadston~ roa~. I 14 Oz. 665 BANK of the COMMONWEALTH c neering Society of Detroit and M.B.A.; JUdIth. Ewald, 1 the Greater Detroit Board of Shoreham, B.A.; and Margal'~t I ICE TEA GLASSES ...... 11 Commerce. Jensen Graham, 1952 Beaufalt. Mr. Nugent and his wife, M.Ed. Sophia, live at 866 Washington Others were: - ,John Gra~'. 88 road. 262 Cloverly. B.A.; DaVId BROILER ...... 5 ____ , Hakim, 1162 DevonshIre, B.A.; Susann Hanson, 17431 Maumee, a------..neywell B.S.; Irene Ohman Hedeen, 970 Ho . Anita, B.S.; Geraldine Scheer enklers Holden. 706 Anita, B.S.; Dennis OPEN THURS. EVE. 'TIL 9 Lawn Sprl Jerome. 1798 Kenmore, B.S.; let us finance your next cor I 16835 Kercheval Allan Keir. 359 Kerby, B.S.; Linn Messner, 611 Rivard, B.S.; in the Villoge • Repair I SEE YOUR DEALER. • Service i George Mikhail. 924 Beacons" I • Installation field, M.S.; Thomas NeIder. You can select your car-determine trade-ir: Grosse 1360 Seward, M.A.; Raymond- Manual and Automatic Newak, 2001 Hawthorne, Ph.B.; I Pointe allowance arid sign our papers at your dealer's flService the rest, install and Linda Nolting, 19964 I the best" Emory court. west, B.S. I office. Your insurance can be carried with your Still others were: - J e a n PR 9-0577 I Pcchert, 1018 Lakepointe, B.S.; I own agent. ______• Audrey Keithly Pot.ter, 11930 I ... ------~ -- - -.------.--~----- .-.. - Doyle place, east. B.A.; Richard I ANOTHER WAY Reichard, 15306 Mack avenue. I B.A.; Peter Roenc. 442 Roland, VAN LOKEREN CARPET CO. B.S_: Evelyn Albert Sanom, Stop in at any of our 28 convenient offices. 1937 Severn, B.S.; Eleanor An expe:-ienced loco executive will assist you S c h a e del. 1550 Fairholme, M.Ed.; Marilyn Schwarz, 473 . in arranging your cor-flnanc.ing. now showing the ne'Lvest... Calvin. B.S.; Paul Stubbs, 299 Rivard, M.S.; Carol Sutter, 325 For any desired information Stephens. M.S.W.; Her b e r t , 'raube, Jr., 19943 Wedgewood iAZIJlE t SAID THEY WOULD BUY drive, B.S.; Ethel Vandeusen, Phone 963-1700 957 Harcourt, B.A.; Helen Kirk IY THE PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT IT. Walsh. 744 Harcourt. M.S.W.; (all offices) Burt Weyhing, III, 629 Univer- sity place, B.S.; and Robert )()-mile warranfy"-America's Zade, 1923 Broadstone, B.A. 'w-car warranty-was cited as a !cting a '03 Chrysler over com- JEWELRY ----I lass. BANK lftlze COMMa ALTH ) your Chrysler dealer today, or REMODELING I • Old Jewelry • 3 Chrysler a full opportunity to Bought and FOR SUMMER! Redesigned r 'xury, power and performance • Rings Sized this Y00r year to fall in love Some Day • Diamonds Checked Free Serving the GROSSE POINTE Area: tNarJI8 on reQuest all name brands • Hlghllrade Watch Repoiring .- een E"xoand~dto if'd'~de Darts reolacement '--A Large Selecion of Our St-ock Now On-- Alfred E, Zier 'no,ne o:or.k. head and ,rternal parts: tran5- -in Alger Theater Bldg. d.r.~ d~s: .co'/ars;. rear axle and d,f!erentJal Harper-Grayton Office Mack-Newport OHice .'sier Cert,; led Car C"T6 scr,edules. ' SPECIAL JEWELER & GOLDSMITH 1£437 E. Warren TU 1-4980 16850 Harper, at Grayton 14143Mack at Newport SALE REDUCED PRICES Before You Close On '.Herson-Lakewood OHice rrPACE-SEUERS Buy Your Carpet From Detroit's Carpet Specialists , ~FORD5 14301I. '.ffer ••• at Lakewo.d 1'V SEE R VAN LOKEREN 1.6022 ON Dick Warner CARPET CO. liT op Hatter" OPEN UNTIL 5 O'CLO~K 15839 E. WARREN, at Buckingham Simms-Dawson DAilY-MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY; ~LER DEALER Ford, Inc. AND UNTIL 6 P. M. FRIDAY Call For A Sample Showing of Carpet 15401 East Jefferson In Your Home ••• There's No Obligation! G,ass. Pointe Busy? VA 1.1000 Res. TU 1..5251 M.mber F.d."111Relerve SYltem and 'eel.r.I D.po.l. fR.urance Corporation

•• __ d :CO ''- zrt .. zd t ~ _ t • ...... -....--...- ~ _ « ... =* ...... nO • zt..- _. Page Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 27, i963 Tom Villemure ------_._- ..... ~._._._-. __._... _---- for the Bosox, Mrowcznski and loser as he allowed .9 hits and IGolf Clubs Car Little League Results To Coach Friars Przemlomski each had 2 bits 6 walks whilE> strikIng, out 5. • , and scored once while Bill Ohrt The hig hitters in the game ,I Stolen at Club ----. Babe -Ruth League went 3-4 and scored once. wer(>: Tom S~hildhaJnmer of It has been announced by t.he ~ CITY I took the Yank.ees 2-0 with Tom Reverend John F. Galloway. WOODS. SHORES In Friday night's action we Shalla, who had 2 hits and By Dan Simmons Tompkins pitching a one hitter O.S.A., Principal of Austin By Dal'e MarstHler scored once, in their losing had a couple of .free-scoring scored once, and for Rousseau FlIrms pol ice are investi- The week's play started with as Dave Harris helped with a Pre par at 0 l' Y School, that ALL.AJ\tIERICAN LEAGUE cause. For the Cards the big affairs as the Indians downed "Mo" Parker had 3 hits and gating the theft of two sets of a game bl:'tween the Dod,llers double. This was one of those Thomas VilIemure, a former The second half of our season men with the bats were; Pitcher the Dobbie Lumber PhilHes scored once. golf dubs and an automobile ami Cubs. The Dodgers came games that really showed the University of Detroit basketball began Tuesday night with the Dale Dietrich who had 2 hits 18-10 with Steiner the winning In Thursday's action Wood fromtroit (,ntheJun{>Courrtry23. TheClubautoof wasDe- out on thf' long end of the followers of LL that the b6ys great, will succeed Ed Carroll C.incinnati Redlegs s e r v i n g and drove in 2, Terry M.cCarthy pit c her over Belanger. The Motors Volkswagen pulled the later found by Detroit police score with a 14 to 3 victory. are getting ahead in their learn- as head coach of basketball at notice that they had some who had three hits and 2 RBI, Indians' hitters were Kaspor, comeback of the year as they abandoned on the Edsel Ford The Dodgers took aovanta~e ing Of the game of baseball. the East side school. championship ide a s for this and Doug Daher who had 2 hits, 4-5 and 2 runs, and Deiour, came from a 9-4 deficit in their Expressway. but no trace of the of some sloppy pIny by th-e On Friday night it wast11e Mr. Villemure played his high part of the season as they stop- 2 runs batted in and scored 3-4 and 4 runs. The batting last turn at bat t.o come out, golf clubs was found. Cubs. four errors, and timely Giants 6, Pirates 5 in a close school basketball at Newberry ped the Dobbie Lumber Phillies twice. stars for the Phlllles were Rush . h 10 n' '}' WIt a ->:' '" In over am l'h If b . d I b hitting by Vince MacDoIl _C add to that record. We wish h I Cunningham pitched a gnod On Tuesday it was San Diego him well. a g a ins t the Mutual Trust In another tight one t e Con- the Yanks they were Ralvalege, seventh inning to take a 3-2 vie. game for the Cardinals striking 8 over Seattle 6 as Bucky WH- Yankees and .came out with an necticut Mutual Red Sox edged Franz and Westgarth, who ea"h tory ! R b t B--- d John out. 12 batters, but the two Iiams was named win n i n g 11-5 victory. This was another the Mutual Trust Yankee::. 9-8 h d t\\ h'ts . 0 e1' rown an home runs defeated him. pitcher in an extra inning game. Schnur had two doubles and a game where the pitchers led behind the pitching of Skip a '0 1: Rick Chouinard started for! Chown, Ferris Institute '5tu- The standmgs at the end of Causley and was followed by r dents from Grosse Pointe. have R H K Werner Schmitt started for home run for the Dodgers and the way as Al Hess of the Przemlomski as Elliot took the on~ ~eek ~l'e; Gary Pagoto and Denny Buck- been awarded varsity letters Cardinals 4 2 a San Diego and had 14 strike Jim Meyers also had a double. Yanks went 3-4, scored once loss for the Yanks. The hitters I Cmcmn~b RedI~gS 3 0 ler who got the win. Jim Shir- 'for outstanding performances Braves 5 7 3 lOUtS and a double to help the Reese Larson of the Giants and drove in 2. while his team- were Buddy Israel, Joe Formi- Connectlcut MULual illa went all of the '" ay for on 1963 Ferris spring sports On Wednesday. June 17. the cause .• Bill. Chosy of Seattle doubled to account for the mates, S t eve Elliot and Joe cola and Frantz of the Yanks, Red Sox. 2 1 Green to take the loss. The big squads. undefeated Dodgers tangled had 12 stnke outs before the Giants' two runs. Formicola had 3 hits apiece and who each had three hits, and with the Cardinals and won game was over. Our deepest In the Card game, Dave . ._~_ Cleveland IndIans 2 1 hitters for tausley Were .Toe " . . . Sf.. Louis Cardinals 2 1. I Bro\, n. a Ja\'elm thrower, another game by the score of symI?athy to you Bill, on the Schnur won his own game for Dobbie Lumber Verslcal, wh: h~d ~wo couble~ played an important role for 9 to 5. Joe Elwert coUected passmg away of yo.ur mother. the Dodgers by belting two g to lead the Sox sluggers. I loss record of 9-3 for the Reds; Phillies 1 2 anndennyscorBeduc ktlere wlnhmnw 0 aT un .a~t'111 Slogi ~he 11Bulldogr trackster~d f htin rack-d I three hits and Mike McMillin On We?nesday mght Holly. home runs to account for five h d 3 two lead the Dodgers in their woed agam came through. 7-2 runs. Jim .Meyers and Tom Hig- In the minor leagues North- Chris Malafouris with a big 5-1 Mutual Trust Yankees 0 3 an d' urove In. t'he \\lOmng..' rur., ,: meet p.a\\"1I1s.ceoI'one tIe.0 andClg a smgle. ua _ lei' ten-hit attack. The Cards only Over S~cromento as ~lan RIcca gins each doubled and 12 sin- western downed Minnesota 12-3 record and James Russman's AUTOMOTIVE LEAGUE and Ron Kef g en, who s e : de-feat. CHOCOC~. made three hits but took ad- a?-d !llll Wengel agam sha~ed gles helpe1 the Dodgers .win as Bill Fountain led the North- 5-3 standing head the Cubs Monday night the second half double drove in their first two: . . . \'anta"'e of walks and errors to pitchmg honors. Looks like over the Cards 10-1. Tim John- western attack with a homer. hurlers. while Michael Pastor's runs. For Green, Phil Morrison i . Brown. a JunIOr. IS enrolled VA NIL 2 I score "'their five runs. Mike Mc- B~uc~ Davenp?rt !tas found.a son came i,n to pitch in the Tom Bird was the Winning 5- ealiS'J,. tl1~ Braves pl't ch'mg 11..of the seasonV lk began withd WoodD' k had 3 hI't:s Al Charles and R,'ck ,In t,he school of Commerce motors 0 swagen an lC , . ' and IS the son of Mr. and .Mrs :\li1lin pitched the full six in. w1nnmg combmatlOn, In thlS fourth and allowed the two pitcher. Mjchigan State came staff. G r e e n Chrysler - Plymouth ~eyers. each had 2 .hlts and 1: William. BrO\l'n of 507 Lake~ . . game Bob Alexander and Ed Card hits. They scored on a back and edged Wisconsin 5-4:. American Association serving notice that they are oatted 10 to lead their team. i pointe avenue. HALF ntngs for the Dod~ers .whlle Hamilton had fine doubles for single by Chuck Crandall fol- Team Won Lost Pct. going to make a run for the On Diamond :it5 Roy O'Brien' for~lcL('odthe Cards.was the losmg pItcher HollYWOOd. lowed by two stolen bases and WOODS-SHORES GALLON . I 3 3 Thursday Portland 8, Denver a passed ball. By Mel Snyder Louisville 1(} 4 .714 championship. Ford dropped' Dick Shalla; Chown. a see-ond baseman 011 Minneapolis 10 4 .714 Wood Motors started this half Chevrolet 7-1 with Shakotko thl' baseball squad. played a Dodcar(llnagel's S 95 10 5 6.. withh Mike hSepic the winning The second pl'ace Red Legs In just a few weeks the 1963 Wichita 9 5 .642 against Tom Rousseau Buick getting the win in relief of: key role .in the "63" .Bulldog The last game of the week PItc er. Jo n Dykema ll~d wo~ both games strengthening Woods-Shores Little League Omaha 9 5 .642 and came away with a 9-7 vic- Corky Perkcwski, over Bruce; attack WhICh saw the dlamond- was be tween th e Braves ana. Bernard Allor.".. each drove In theIr position . Tom Baulch season will be coming to an Denver 8 6 .571 tory. Mike Martin was the win. Herber. Herbt>r allow("d 6 hits: men post an 8-7 record, closing j end and as yet t.here is no sure ell.~ bs. Th e Cubs umRe d 0ff t 0 double~"two runs WIth real boommg I pItched'.. the Red Legs to a 4-2 winner in most of the leagues Indianapolis 6 3 .423 ning pitcher with Ray Steffes in and 4 walks, while striking out: out the last half of the season an early 5 to 1 lead but I '.' . W10 O'Ver the PIrates. Gary St. Paul 2 12 ,144 relief, and taking the loss was 8. He was also his team's big hit-, by winning four of the last five ld 't h ld ff th B Sat. It was San Dle{W 13 over Hughes of the Pirates doubled and it looks as though the final C?U n 0 0 . e raves Portland 3. Bucky Williams and added a home run to lead champions might not be de- Charleston 2 12 .144 Marve Howle, although Ken ter as he doubled and sj~gled. ; contests on their southern tour. ~.h~ scored 9 runs In .t?e 4th was the winning pitcher though the Red Leg attack. The Red cided until the very last games Louisville took over sale pos- Czubay, Dick Reppenhagen, and O'Briens' pitchers allowed ~~: Chown. enrolled in the Gen- mn_ng to go on to WIn the Manager Albertson in the 6th Legs edged the Braves 4-3 in a are played. session of first place for one Brian Berlenbach also saw bits and 3 walks, while striking eral Education Division, is a game 1~ to 5. The Braves were called on Kurt Scharfenberg to hard fought 8 inning g,CollectIng 12 hItS. Dave Har- lion Scharfenberg had a fine in one run of a tie -and John in the National and American got a single for Minneapolis home two run:;;, and for Wood mege, who doubled and ~cored i .._~ .__ . _ rison collected a home run and ~ouble M'll ' d bl t' d th in the last inning and later they were Do u g . Dow who his team's first run. I ....--- _ . " . 1 er s ou e Ie e score Leagues so that the All-Star a slDgl~ and Tom Marcopulos In the other Saturday game at 3-3. Two walks in the eighth teams from each league can be scored on an errOr. Otto walked singled twice to drive home The standings at the end of: t~ree hlts to lead the Bravel!. it was Sacrem~nto 15. Denver and a single brougJ1t in Tom picked for the Little League five and struck vut eight. David four runs, and Bill Hahn and the first week find: ' SkIp ~outh. mad.~ two of the 7, with Ricky Thompson the Baulch with the winning run. Tournamt:nt and sectional play- Hosea pitched a good five- Ray Steffes, who each singled Roy O'Brien Ford 3 0 Cubs :hv~ hItS: .l'.~e Ware w~s winning pitcher. Mike Kolowich The Pi I' ate s defeated the offs. hitter for Minneapolis with in 2 runs. Dick Green the winmng pItcher and Kevm doubled and had a good aay, Giants 11-1 with Gary Hughes President Bill Meyers, Vice- only t~'o walks but the top of Dick Gre~n ChI' y s I e l' - Chrysler-Plymouth 2 Drean the loser. 2 for 2. pitching. Gary Richardson of President Werner Lueckhoff the batting order for Louisville Plymouth stopped Jim Causley Woods Motors 1 came through with five hits Braves R H E In the Class "C" League, it the Pirates hit a home run with and Treasurer Mike Pastor are for the difference in score. This Pontiac 8-6 as George Miles Volkswagen 2 1 Cubs 13 10 3 was Miami over Rochester 5 one on and Richardson, Bill working with Secretary Max was Jim Otto's third one.hitter. allowed 7 hits and 3 walks while Jim Causley Pontiac 1 2 5 5 4 to 1 as Manager Flom's boys I Battles and ChI' is Penoyer Crowder on all the playoff STANDINGS came through again. Kolowich, doubled to bring in seven runs games and details, and the He now has a win-loss record striking out 4. The losing Tom Rousseau Buick 1 2 Second Halt Moran and Imesh shared the in the third inning. Reese Lar- dates and locations of fields of 4-1. pitcher was Rick Chouinard Dick Shalla Chevrolet 0 3 I Dodgers. Won Lost pitching honors. Moran had a son of the Giants doubled and on which they are to be played . . • with Gary Pagoto i.n relief. Don't forget. that Saturday i __ ...... ,;,;;..;;~;.;;;;;::.=:.=::.=:=:... . LOuIs~llle. the~ fell .back They allowed 9 hits and 5 walks afternonn :.It GPUS .:;1 the i Braves 3 0 fine home run with two on. Bob scored the only run for the will be announced next week. \"3-02. VAC Cards 2 1 Thibodeau made the "play of Gi~nts. American League Into a tIe WIth Mmneapohs by while striking out 2. The hitters managers and coaches All-Stars; 1',N ...•... losing to Wichita 7-1. for Causley were Pagota and (?) game will be played a~ 12; Cubs 1 2 I the night." In the Braves-Cards game Team Won Lost Pct. I .First o 3 On 7uesday it was Columbus Buddy Grow of the Braves Athletics 12 3 .800 In other action Charleston Buckler, who each had two hits p.m. This will be the chance,; oUR LOW Hall champs 9,. B~ffalo 3, with Tom Donovan helped win his own game 13-6 Senators 12 3 .800 downed st. Paul in a thriller and scored on~e, a.nd for Green for the parents and players to i ~(}(}P ------hlttmg a home run and also by collecting four hits and driv- Tigers 11 4 .733 11-10 with Tom Schultz in re- they were RIck Meyers, who I h e c k I e their coaches. alld a '11/ lief pitching, putting out the showed the way with a nomer chance to see how good these FENESTRA FARMS being named winning pitcher. ing in four runs. Mike Reno, Orioles 9 6 .600 WINDOWS REPAIRED By Blli Stuck For Buffa:o Keith Edwards End Jim Colby. John Miller and Indians 6 9 .400 fire and also contributing two and a single and 3 RBI's, and Old Men really are. Everyone's HARDWARE Standings (6-22-63) Ralph Booth also had home Paul Spindler hit doubles and Red Sox 5 10 .333 big doubles to put the game on Phil Morrison, who had 2 hits invited so please come. 1t'~ aU REPLACEMENTS (End 2nd Round) runs but it just wasn't enough. pitcher Frank Peters slugged Yankees 3 12 .200 ice. and scored twice. in fun and the more the MAJORS W L Wednesday it was Syracuse two. Tom Stack and J.amie &1- White Sox 2 13 .133 Internatitmal League: In the 0 the r game Roy merrier. Reds 6 1 7. Rochester 2, with Jeff Moran mer doubled to lead the Card This past week saw the Sena- Team Won Lost Pct. O'Brien Ford came up with YankeE'S 5 2 winning pitcher. T hUT S day attack. The Braves outhit the tors, managed by Bernard Buffalo 13 1 .927 three runs in the bottom of Giants. 5 2 Richmond won in an upset over Cards 11-6. Uhalik, surge into a first place Toronto 10 4 .713 the seventh to edge Dick Shalla I' Pirate~ 4 3 Miami 13-7, with Dave New- The Yankees, led by Hum- tie with the Athletics. The big Havana 8 5 .616 Chevrolet 4-3. The winning Prescriptions Filled Phi1lies 2 5 house and Rene Kampfer shar. phrey Abrignani's three hit.s, game of the week was between Rochester 6 8 .428 pitcher was Corky Perkowski in Ray-Ban Sun Glasses also Ground to Your Indians 2 5 ing pitching honors. defeated the White Sox 11-2. these two teams, which saw Montreal 5 9 .::;57 relief of Paul Shakotko and the I Red Sox 2 5 In additiol1 they each helped Mike Adams and Kevin Bolton the Senators emerge victorious Columbus 4 9 .308 loser was Spike O'Brien in re- I Prescript'ion Mill of MAGI Tigers 2 5 the cause with Newhouse get- gave up two hits to 1'om Bailey by a score of 6-2, behind the Richmond 4 9 .308 lief eyf Jim Brigulio. The hitting *lst Round Champ ting a triple with the bases and Gary Verkeyn as the Yanks fine pitching and hitting of Miami 4 9 .208 l:tars for Shall.. were Bruce Super Discou • • • loaded and Kamfer getting a continued their winning ways. Jeff Matheus. Buffalo won two more games Herber, who singled, doubled TRIPLE A w L home run. In addition team- The Indians outgunned the The Tiger.> are still a threat running their winning streak and scored t "V ice, and Torn ION OPTICIANS (2nd Half) mate Rick Fernholz had a fine Athletics 13.7. Bob Tscholl, to the league leaders being to eleven straight games. They Schildhammer, whose 2 singles Hollywood 4 20 J 83 MACK AVENUE o double with the bases loaded Danny O'Keefe and Rick MaJhon only one game behind them. first defeated To!"'onto 8-4 in drove in 2 runs. For O'Brien San Diego 3 1 for Richmond. led the Indian attack with Dick Keller's Tigers gained a a well played game by both the hitters were Steve Daven- Between ',. and 8 Mile Roads Sdcremento 3 2 On Friday it was a makeup doubles. Andrew Loukas and 2-1 decision ov€r the Red Sox teams. John AlIen and Jeff port who had a double and 2 Portland. 2 3 with Buffalo over Rochester 18- Chuck Comly had doubles for with Hergeuroether pitching, Gem! pitched for Toronto singles to drive in 2 runs, and TUxedo 4-5770 Denver 1 3 12. prete Viger was Winning the A's. Robin Jacobs was the Seattle and then later in the - week while Mark Toolin won his Ron Frankland, who doubled o 4 pitcher thouf'h John Truba winning pitcher. ------~------..1st Half Champ bested the Indians 7-5 behind fifth game of the season for and singled an dscored once. ------~---~- '.48 SIZE came in and took only 3 pitches The Senators edged the Ori- Tommy Keller's pitching. Toronto while striking out 12 Wednesday night Don Ulmer • • • to stop the last batter. oles 10-7 as winning pitcher There is d lot of excitement batters. M a I' k Mackstaller of Dick Green C h r y s I e r _ CLASS "C" W L Tie On Satllrday again it was Rich Anderman led the victors' and interest in this league as played a fine defensive game Plymouth pitched a no-hitter to Everything for the Miami 11 1 Buffalo 24. Richmond 12, as attack with a home run and a anyone in the top half of the GEtUSIL Syracuse 7 5 1 Truba started pitching followed double. Don Bowerman cf the for Buffalo and Lewis Kalb win a 5.1 game from Wood I standings is in contention for Buffalo 6 6 by Ralph Booth and Edwards. Senators also hit a homer. For led the hitters with 3 key sin- Motors Volkswagen. Bill Hahn the pennant and the others are gles. Tod Nash also delivered LIQUID or TABL Richmond 6 7 Edwards also had a bases load- the Orioles Dave Kennel and two hits for Toronto. took the loss, although he>. FISHERMAN trying to better their positioIlS. Columbus 4 7 1 ed grand slam home run. Leon Nahat had doubles as the National League pitched a fine game, allowing I Super Discou Rochester 2 10 In the other game Mia tTI i Orioles came from behind to Later in the week they beat only 3 hits and 2 walks while I A good selection Team Won Lost Pet. In the Majors this was the, came back, 7-4, over Syracuse make the contest interesting Montreal 11-2 with Dennis striking out 8. Ulmer waiked 7 Red Legs 11 4 .733 • RODS • REELS • LURES fin'll week of the second round. as Jay Imesh and Ed Moran until the final out. Menzo winning his seventh and struck out 8 in his no.hit Cubs 10 5 .667 :\Ionday it was the Yanks 6 over again shared pitching honors. The Athletics e d g e d the game for Buffalo besides chip- effort. The hitters for Green • WADERS. JACKETS. VESTS Braves 9 6 .600 Giants 3 in a full nine inning Brad Kolowich doubled with Yank~ 4-2 in eight exciting inn- ping in with a triple and a were Rick Meyers and Ge~rge Giants 9 6 .600 1°9 game. Tim Bigham pitched the the bases loaded and again Bob ings. Dick Roth, the winning single. Lewis Kabl, Tim O'Brien Miles who each tripled. • WINCH-ESTER AND BROWNING SALES Clnd SERVICE • Cardinals 8 7 .533 and Brian Ferry also had two first six innings when the score Thibodeau made two excellent pitcher, slammed a homer for hits pach while Todd Kaufman Roy O'Brien Ford stopped was 3-3. with Curt Mumaw p-lays to stop the Syracuse the Athletics. The A's tied the Pirates 8 7 .533 h

Thursday, June 27. '963 Thursday, June 27, '963 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P~ge Nine )w{'~ .9 hits (ln~ (;olf Clubs.. Car stnkm~ . out ;). Season Ending Butler 11ea.ding s . in the gamt'; Stolpn ,,/, Club Married i Robert Beebe 'hIldhammer of, .. For Dance Club Bride-Elect ad 2 hits and' Photographers IClaims Bride I Id for Rouss£"au Farm,.:; pol i c l' ar£" inv£"sti- The Saturday Night Dance I -- lad 3 hits and gatin,~ th£" thdt of two st'ts of Club for marrIed couples at the At the annual Detroit Profes- I Robert Alan Be(>be, !'ion of golf dubs and an automobile Grosse Pointe War Memorial sional Photographers Associa- Alan P. Beebe, of Merriweather : from the C'.matry Club of D£'- is holding its last pSlty of the tion Banquet on June 25 Presi- I roarl, and the late Mrs, Beebl', s action Wood. troit on June 23. The auto was season in the Center's air con- dent Terry Thurn handed the I claimp,d Rosalie Lake, dau~ht('r 19('n pUll£'d the. jatl'r found oy D£'troit police ditioned Crystal Ballroom, It gavel to Gene Butler who will , of the Rehert C. Lakes, of Lake Ie y~ar as th£,y I ab:mdolled on tlte Edsrl Ford will be given Saturday evening, fill the office for the year : An~elus, as his bride Saturday t deficit in their' Exprt'ssway, but no trace of the June 29 from 9 utiti! 12 o'clock. '63-'64. ,in her home with a reception It to com£, out I golf clubs was found, Assisting the np.w president : following. 16941 KERCHEVAL, Corner NOTRE DAME Known as the "Au Revoir" i will be: Leo Knight, vice-presi- . 'I'h£' bride WOl'P. an ivory silk .\"in o\-'£,r Torn' Thl' golf ba~s and clubs. Party it will be the last dance' dent; Paul Williams, secretary; linen .'town with a <: c en t s of ,k. Jim.. Alk~'., a III £'d at 5400 eadl. we~e before the group disbands for ood, bu~ M~rc: ownC'd b:,' Edmund P. Lunkm the summer vacations. A spe- Bruee Sieloff, treasurer; Flor- : Aleneon la(~e and carried i:l bou- ence LaZaro-fr, pl"ognm chair- 'quet of purple and w hit e ~ WIO m reller. ! of Cincinnati, and Mr. Beardt'n, cial band w hie h formerly" I WHO "QUALIFIES" FOR OUR man. f : flowers. ~au Ken Czubay ; Ulit of tOWlI gu£'sts at the club, I played on the west coast will,' " In the print competition last i I Catherine Lake and Barbara is follow£'d by, Thf'Y WNt' stolen at about 6:15 furnish the music and Mr. and .c,' {', ~ agen, G err y p.m: from the lobhy adjacent Mrs, Bill Wilson wiII 'be the spring at the Michigan Profes- I Beebe were a t ten d ant s in lrve Howle. \\ ho to the mC'n's locker room. host and hostess as usual. sional Photographers Conven- . dresses of turquoise linen arid The big hitt£,rs iLOWEST PRESCRIPTION PRICES? I tion Gene Butler had the high- : their bouquets were of purple ere Bob Lynch, I The car was owned by \:en- Featured during the evelling est nUIflher of points for Metro- , flowers. run homer and d£'!l Andprs(,n, .IL of 130 Ken- will be a demonstration and in- politan Detroit. At the D.P.P.A. Herbert M. Cole. of New York. l\1an'e Howle. wood, AndC'rson harl parked IYOU DO! Because ••• You're Cunningham's' Ii! struction in the latest ballroom .. '.' banquet Butler will receIve an 'was best ma!'J and the ushers ' I d The th£' ear then' at 1:15 p,m. and dance steps given by the Wi!- ',.' award for the highest number i "\ere David M. Pear. of Lake d SInge. d' dt t8 :: customer-No memberships-No special cards-iust the lowest price od were .Mark IS("0-.-el'(" I gonc a p,m, !i sons, Vernus L. Weot, of S1. Clair of points in the monthly compe-! . Angelus. and Richard W. JaCK- tition of the Detroit Associa-: Dr. and Mrs. W I I f red J, SOli, of ~(>w York, :l 2 hits and 2 PoliC'e from D"troit and the consistent with the highest professional quality Refreshments will be served I avenue, announces the mar- I the t\ ing run, Far m s inw'stigat('d the car al tables around the dance floor riage of his daughler, MARY tion. ! L'Heurelp:. of Cadieux road. an- After a camping trip West ,\'ho had'thrc(' wh('fC' it was found on the Ford ==- to everyone--ev.eryday! and the gardens will be lighted LOUISE, to Harley J, Flagler, Also Butler has at present a 1 nounce the I"nga~ement of their the newlyweds will make their .hc first hit of F:xrn'ssw,1Y A sea r (' h for for strolling at intermJh.'lsion son of the Roy }l~laglers, of print ~f the Ann Arbor Ballet. I daughter. SUZANNE ,JOSEPH-' home in Romeo. in the N at ion a I Travelin~: INE. to Lt. Richard Lee Has. _ Inin("f rrlIlv and fll1.~('rprints was ('on d u (' t e d E== - .... time, Manor road. , the on~ that :\Ionday, Two tires h.ld been a Exhibit. i sell, son. of the E. L. Hassells, 19 (' irl s Going Reservations are requested in I The couple exchanged vows ------'I of Detroit. ,T • ming run, ~tolpl1 from the a [) and 0 n e d advance at $3,50 per couple Saturday in St, Pilul's on the \'('hidt>, :>ntiae and i)l( k ~ (TV 1-7511) in order to enable lakeshore, A small family re- Woman Burned The .b~ide-elect is a se.nio.r at : To Camp Cavell ' 'I the Um\'erslly of MJchlgan: " . s I e r-P!ymouth tht" Center to plan properly. ception followed at the home I where shE' ili affIliated with AI- i Nmete~n ~lrls f:om Grosse I tIght on£' a;; of the bride's brother-in-law B FI . O., aln'tng 1 I pha Gamma Delta sorority. I Pomte \\'J]] gO to tnI' YWCA.s • with tht> \~in- "-in Sports I.etters and sister, the .Jerry Kirsches. y i Her fiance is an alumnus of' fCamtP Caf.vell on ~ake H~ron bottom of the At Ft'rris Institute Center Offers ..After a trip to New England Mrs. Rosemary Houck of 50 th "t h' or he Irst carnpmg seSSIon. ) take a 3-~ \"IC- '/ I e same UlIlVerSI y were he' Ju 30 J I 13 the . newlyweds will live on Oxford, suffered severe burns was a member of Theta D II: ,ne - u y ... Connor avenue. Hobl'rt Bro\1 n returned to t.he kitehen 422 Maison road. ,\'ho had 3 hit" H . 10": up a reeor'd of eight dual- HAIR TONIC i ~ winning run, High School. "rhe Puppeteers as the Neighborhood Club's to find the oil in flames. Shf': (Unng Party AIso:-E mil y Lindner, 712 llll"f'l 1\ illS. one tie and a single i will meet weekday afternoons annual S u rn mer Day Camp tried to put out the. flames with I __ ! Balfour; Lynd8 Ordon, 171 ~en. \1' h 0 S (' defe;l t. $ their first h\ a U from 3 - 4:30 p.m. beginning opened Monday morning. water: and the 011 e,xPloded.! Detroit Branen of Woman's; Lothrop: Dale Savory. 1060 Bro\I'n. a JunIor. is C'nrolled ;ftt ~ .July 8 and ending July 26. This season's Camp, with its spraymg her leg and sl~e. She' National Far m and Garden" Somerset; Sue Semmler, 307 Phil ~Iorris(>n in tl'" ."chool of Commerce I attractive Candy Land theme, ff d d d thl d de S b larles ann Rick In th~ puppet theater boys is being held at Pierce Junior su ereb secon an r - IAssociatiotl will have a most, Cloverly road: Linda ~ 0 er. I 2 hits and I and IS thi' son of :\11'. and :\Irs. and girls ages eight through 14 gree urns., ,.. glamorous part~' to benefit its: 1242 Hampton; Deborah Spitz- WIlliam Bnm'n of 50. Lake- High through the courtesy of Th fI Ii d t d their team. will learn to make, manipulate, the Board of Education of ~ ammg . qUI Igm e Scholarship Fund on Thursda)',: ley. 16829 Cranford lane; Julie POint(' a\'enllP. 74 aner characterize hand, rod and the kItchen curtains and walls, June 27. This will be a Bridae Tapert, 1128 Devonshire; Val- 5 Roy O'RI'ipn Grosse Pointe. E G S 65 ,., Dick Shalla ("l1o\\"n. a sC'('ond basf'man on shadow. puppets and perform The N e i g h b 0 rho od Clu,b ugene a r.g a l' 0, 1'.. i Luncheon. to be held in the' erie Veil, 243 Chalfonte; Kit I'ith Sl1akotko thC' bas('baH squad, played a on theIr own Punch and Judy ... . . Renaud, and .hls s~n, Eugene.! Fries Auditorium nf the Grosse: Wj('ke. 170 Lothrop; and Karen t l'h '11 k 'th . buIldmg IS closed temporarily whose home IS. behmd that of ~Pt:'inte Wa;' Memorial Buildin"'. i, Yost, 2017 Manchester. in n'llcf of key role in the "63" Bulldog sage, ey WI wor el er m, because walls of certain rooms d 1h " the Center's Te race Room or the Houck resl enee, saw e I 0- 't U h' f h , _ , over Bru(T attack \I'hich sa "1' thc' dlamond- . r , were considered unsafe. flames in the Houck kitchen. i ""rOl oran(' :s one 0 t e, lllowed 6 hits m('n post an 3-7 rcC'ord. c1osin~ on the sunny lakeSIde terrace. largest br' nehe!'; m Fa d ' K d L k U • , I This week bo~'s and girls, The elder Gargaro. ~rabbed i . ,('. rr:> an ! i 5 i e 5 Ie striking out out thc" last half of the sea!'on SCrIpts will. be w;ltten from ages six through 11, started a dry chem:cal extin~uisher he: Garden and for years It has eam's bi," hit- b) winning four of tht' Inst five well known chrl~en s. tales and their Monday _ Wedn~sday -Fri- kept in his house and ran to I prOVided il 'Sc~olarshl':' 10 a i and sin~It"(1. contests on their" south('rn tour. the boys and gIrls WIll be ~n- day s c h e d u 1e of activit'ies the Houck home. and doused i wortby student 10 HortIcultu~e. rs allowC'd 3 Cho\\'n. C'nrol\('d in thE' Gen- cau.raged to make up and wrIte which this year have been ex- the fire before it spread. The i FlOriculture, Home E~onomlcs, theIr own shows. d d t . 1 d h d ft bl fl d' t tIle kl't :or somp kmdl'ed 5 ubi e c t at while striking eral Edu('(Ition Division. i" a pan e 0 In( U I' an cra, aze was con ne 0 '-,' h' , .' . , Those wishing to join the' 1 t d t' . t "I ,Mlc I~an ~tate Umverslly. i hittC'r;; \1'Ne freshman and the son of :\lr. aI', rama les. mUSIC, na ure I clen. I M H d Phil' th ' ose t\\.o hits John Chown, 19.6 Fleetwood puppet theater are asked to I study, trampoline, track, tum- I When firemen arrived, Gar-, rs. o.war al:s a IS e I and Bill Del- driY(' sign up in advance. The fee 1.<;: bling. bas e ball and tennis I garo and his son alread:.' had: party chairman. ~nth M.rs. A. Mock at Somerset ed and scored - $12.50 plus a $2.50 charge for! clinic. the fire out, leavin~ the job of ,R. BlacklO':k as VIce l:halrman. run. materials. Call TV 1-7511. I in out the smoke to the: Mrs. Par:;hall entertamed her .------I ~ectlon~ . Two. for boys only, c. ea~ g, 'committee membe!.s at a lunc:h- Grand Opening at the end of ------Imeets on Tuesday and Thurs- flreft~hters. , .: eon at the Country Club of JUNE 26 & 27 I1d: Women's Advertising days. with the sa.me full sched- ChIef Fred Ruemhng pralse.d ; Detroit to complete ~he final ule. There are still a few avail- the father and son for theIr I 1 rd 3 o .~ Club Installs Officers able openings for this group, quick action. II P ~~ong the members \\'ork- , . according to Miss Pauline Ma- Mrs. Houck was taken to Bon . g 'th 1\' P' IJ ...... -' louth 2 1 ' -, In \\'1 .,rs. arSlla are Mrs, Marjorie A. Gibbs is the sak, Recreational Director. The II Secours ,HosPItal by Shores i Mrs, R.obert ArguE.', Mrs. Cal-I new president-elect of the hours for both Day Camp see- ambulance, and treated for the: J C 1 l\I G D ',~,I JUDE'S. 2 Women's Advertising Club of tlons are I) 30 a m to 3'30 pm burns II. .ar son. • rs. eorge e- tiac 1 2 . : .: ' .. . Land, Mrs, Amon ~li~ton. Mrs, ;uiek I 2 Detroit. She will be installed DIrectors for thIS season, be-/ • .Jos, Nagel, Mrs. WIlham Nigh, ,Plantat~nn \"rolet 0 3 and take office On July 2, Mrs. side Miss Mas a k, are Mrs. IJune I I Meeting Held Mrs, George PE'terson, Mrs. hat Saturday' ------__ • _ Gibbs, who is Detroit Marketing Ethel D,rake and ~d Kratt1i, By Pointe Organ Club l\o~ilton Se!limpke, Miss Jan~ i agent for Michigan State Vni- Club DIrector, Selllor Coun- The Grosse Pointe Lowrey SImpson, 1\[r1'. Cash W. Talbot, Floor. Shows & Dancing ~uS =1 the' Farms ~Iarkrt ve~ity. lives in Redford Town- selors includ~ Andrea Eg~, Organ Club resumed its meet- Iand Mrs, Russell Wood. Tuesday thru Sunday ehes All-Stars 2SS Fisher Rood ShIp. Chariene Schhtt, Fara Trovato ings Tuesday, June 1I. a1: the i .- HELD OVER played at 12 Grosse Pointe Three East siders will be in-! and Kathie Pendergast. They Music Center's East Detroit 10- I e the ehance ------stalled as officers with Mrs, will be assisted by Jane Koch, cation. HARVEY nd players to Gibbs: Frieda Barth. Grosse- Dick Lappin, Chari Strachan, Past president Jack B. Clark, laches. and a z FENESTRA dale avenue, St. Clair Shores, Tom Thomson. Sllsan Groehn, Stanhope, presided over the .\' good these WINDOWS REPAIRED will be recording secretary; Harry Warnken, Kay O'Grady meeting. Les Dewey of the FINE HARDWARE A. MC. lrnllressionist 'e. E\'cryonc's Carol Craig, Harvard road, and Dic~ Mette. Down RJver Organ Club spoke I Qnd Violinist come, It.s all REPLACEMENTS METRECAL Grosse Pointe, corresponding At the Neighborhood Club's to the group. explaining func-/ TU 5-255G Jana MacDonald more the '/1111 IE r.' '640 .E~~MILE .n LIQUID secretary; and Muriel Gillett~, courts the Tennis Clinic is in tions of various organ clubs, / Singer -ft.,". "" H""PAL PRODUCTS CO. .TW~.. 2-7800. ~ 63c-12-GZ. ~ East Jefferson, Grosse Pointe, its second week with a record The audience was encouraged LUXIJR1DUS 1-0GE SEATS I! vice-president. Members of the attendance, to step up and play their favor- I Now Thru Tuesday WALL Y SCHAEFER new board of directors are, The office of the Neighbor- ites. Dr. H. L. Kimball. Har-, AND HIS ORCHESTRA Ins f~illed Jean Hoxie, Detro-it; Louise hood Club is operating from vard road, played two se!ec-' George C. Scott - Dana Wvntf"r' • r PHilLIPS \ 6 Herald, Highland Park; Lee the Thrift Shop for the sum- tions as did Mrs. Jo Williams, ! "'The List Of' ! Treat the Family fo Our Speeial "SUNDAY DINNER" III Glasses (11sQGround to l'our PA K Murray, Birmingham, and Mae mer, same telephone number., of Lochmoor boulevard. Adrian Mess~nCJer" i f MILK of MAGNESiA a / Derdarian, Detroit. TV 5-4600, Other Pointers in attendance Sea Food a Specialty -~_.._~------_._-~------were Frank R. Weir, Char!e- Plu.~ Guest Stars I 'L'ony Ct..l'tlS -- Kirk Dougla~ I • I Super Discount voix; Mrs . .T, Meyn, Fisher road; Business Men's Luncheons Burt Lancaster - Frank Sinatl'a I We Like Mrs. H. C. Morden, Lothrop: M. I From 11 to 2 ~N OPTICIANS I Barbour. C raw ford; Mrs. ; Dinners from 5 to 12 C WE CARRY ALL YOUR Campbell McNeill, Lemmon;: Excellent Acco",modotion. W 183 MACK AVENUE STARrs WEDNESDAY Special Rote. Mrs. Arnold Hough and Mr.! Paul Newman. Mel\'YIl Douglas. NO COVER. NO MINiMUM CHARGE l.44==- FAVORITE BRANDS! HOUgh. Brys drive; Mrs. Jack; Brandon DeWIlde B. Clark. Stanhope. ' "HUD" . 24~09 East Jefferson TUxedo 4-5770 Ildw ....,ft 9 and l.i' /of ,I" ./lood. Mack at Som.ra.t i.49 SIZE Mack at SallMra.t R~servations 77'\..-21l0 Kids hing for the GEtUSIL LIQUOR NEW •.• and WONDERFUL LIQUID or TABLETS IIQuick Frozen Specialtiesll Super Discount Prepared by !ntertUltion.aily Famous IERMAN Mack at Sam.net I /}1111 ,od selectior, ------1 f /llario j RESTAURANT, 4222 Second, Det. • REELS. • LURES Our week end special CH~'AINESE.'AtNFOJNOOS II LOBSTER TH:ERMI~~~NE~ttb~~EN CACCIATORA t JACKETS • VESTS Fridoy, Saturday and Sunday Only BONEl.ESS BREAST OF CHICKEN POULETTE , I for t AND BROWNING SALES and SERVICE • Moy's Combination Plate Serving 2 J HONG KONG I AVAILABLE NOW AT GROCERS Egg Roll, Subgl.im Chow &8c-1 !;2-oz. '1 Op y ~~~F~a~'~~ln~f-_o-r_..,~a~t-ia-n-C-a-I-':-M-c1-n-e-tn-.-y_'S_.M_il_'~_r_B_ro_s_"_T_E_3_-_4..8_0_0...,, ~cDANIEL CO. bar Mein. Fried Rice, Sweet Me;! 95 Ch Sue Sour Pork including Soup, .Michigon - CAk.R1t OU'.l' 8IUtVIC£ ACCESSORIES Dessert and Beverage. :;~' (corner Maryland) VA 1-8200 r A and D Phone TU 2-0102 Trodin' Tom's E. Jefferson and Marter Road Mours Sun thru Fri .. FOR THE 12:30 Noon to 9 ~.JI;" 1= OINTMENT V2 Mile South of 9 Mile Rd •• St. CI.lr Sho ... »at. 12:30 Noon thru 11:00 p.rt\ Carry.Outs. PR 2.6662 Open Doily fro", 11 .,m. to 11 p,lft. 25th ANNIVERSARY SALE HOME PLAN A PARTY NOW! /6719 M.clc .• t YorkshIre Super DIscount 2 blk8 frum Outer Dr BARTENDER! 1963 BUICK C 2 DOOR '2325. ~ 49 "Located 10 Minutes from Any of the Pointes" • II~ announcing tIle return of ::::::11 TO~I TAYLOBBoi~k!lIn~. -'~}~~:=.:: 'Y 'Ij FREE- WHITEY THEADOR 111_r__;_03_~_n_G:A~~~ea/er011 fhe_Ea__s_t__S_ld_e_LA_f _:_~;_ct_dJ__ tlllMPH SPITFIRE tJong, speed over 90 m.p.h., Money Orders Wizard of the Organ t aying bi\1s ..... Th. safest way 0 P For your >, independent suspension, din') money. , Screen Porch and sen. hHe you. shop. InclQS"rel • Aluminum Screens jaws-now only 2199.00 convenience W , Jalousie and • Storm Windows Awning Window. • Combination Doors P.O.E, ::,;~ 18450 MACK AT MANOR ili ~ERVICE SPORTS CAR SALES w. Repair i!\{!ffi~"- &osse Po;nJ; Farms •• Ii',,",' StCY.'m Sasn- FREE• ~fed Car Sales (, Service Center • ft-'CHAIG'E .ACCOUNTS, IN VITED ESTIMATES -I • ScrN"1 tee VA 2ft0466. ., [~i.;~ii:iM~!lln~wt.¥J&jJ~if:~jQ@ili~MHtt.@iUti@~lMJ.mM~!@1fff:~tKM~M~:i!;:f,1!ii;yilj@jitIiM~!fJM@~~ijmHtt~¥.tif;; •

2 • • lit • to, ,a e a • e _$S4U".:P.' • $ ,4.0C 46 •.4 •. 4 a ... $$£#t_, C¥IPS;P SW',*<4.4 4' • WI P e , 4 .z. * 4 is • Q uc

Page Ten G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Thursday, June 27, 1963 -_.__ ._----~.------_. -----~-----_._------_._------~-----'---- . N 1-. . p~~::::E~~:.~~:URS::'::Y I Mem.onal Center Sche~ What Goes On What~ on ANTI':EBO PUBLISHERS, INC. , ~aUIe f a1 . new OF'FICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL JUNE 27 TO JULY 4 ." L-b a y GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36, MICHIGAN OPEN DAILV 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. • our ••r r Second Class Pustage Paid at Det.roit. Michigan SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 5 PM • - By Virginill. Leonard I '"ftt E I-tt1.l -----~~~-~------~------.--.------lj; ALL MEMORIAL. SPONSORED ACTIVITIES OPEN 1... ---' BV Roberta FULL Y PAID CIRCULATION TO THE GROSSE YOINTE PUBLIC What vacation books will you "Lord of the Flies." I now have Phone TU 2-0900 Notice:. Please call the office for lost articles. They will have in your baggage this sum- Miss Bawden's "Glass Slippe:rs Little girls are made of sugar and spice ... but sum- ---~---- __.. .~~.~ ~ ... ._____ be held for thirty days. mer'? Holiday readers tend to Always Pinch" at home on the mer is made up of long, lazy days and nights. We Member Michigan PI'C~~ ASSocli1t1on and NatlonllJ Er1ltorlal Association Hospital "quipment available for free loan - split into two groups: those who night-stand, and ~ope soon to believe jn not missing one ray of sunshine OR easy NATIONAL AOV~RTlSlNG RJ'lPRESENTATIVE crutches. wheelchairs, heatlamps and hospital beds, prefer material in a lighter dip into it. summer shopping. We've done some comparison \\'Pc!dy Nt'w,;p"plCr Hcprescntutlves, Inc. Blood will be loaned to Grosse Pointe residents in case vein, and those who grasp this One is reminded of another sl:topping and frankly, here on the Hill, we got our 401 ~'ltth A\cnu<" New York J9. New York. BYyant \).7300 of accident or emergency-free of charge. period to finish "The Decline of RIchard Hughes' works. "The money's worth. The service is incomparable. And, .,. N CHICAGOOFFICE GROSSE POINTE GARDEN. CENTE'R AND and Fall of the Roman Empire," Fox in the Attic," when read- •hl;] , ('It h Mlchlg,\Il Avenue Phone FInancIal 8.2214 n:.o there's always a happing ending . ~~--_.~_ . ~ . ~, . LIBRARY M LId G'I d t T' d take UP the works of Camus. ing Gabriel Fielding's "The - - rs. e an I mour on u y ues ay, re.read some of the dassics. or Birthday King." as both deal ~.O~,~,ln.~; EDG;\R. ,'" .EDITOR and I< * * plan to direct my vacation sug- earlier novels, such liS "In the the heat we discovered, at The Sign of the Mermaid JANET !\H;ELLEI\ , , .. , -, , , , NEWS i . hi I h ... one of the biggest collections of ice buckets in BILL I\IHl\\O , , , . , . , , ..•.. , .ADVEHTISINli THURSDAY JUNE 27 gest ons 10 t s co umn to t use Time of Greenbloom" l.lnd MARY LOHli\IFH ADVERllSINl' g ..OO to ]0")0 and 1.11'.00'to 12'30 pm -Ch'ldren's whoar.e~~okingfor. a fairly cur- "Thruugh Streets Broad and town fabric covered ones .. , artistically painted ' • ~ - ••• , •• , • , , , • , ••• , •• , , •• , , , • T .tJ a,m. . .. . 1 rent bIt of entertamment. JOHN l\1l"KE:"\Zl.1'; ,.,.,... BUSINE::3S SAt C M St 1 1.0 d Narrow?" Her'~ is another good ones and the tags read from eight dollars. .\LBEHTA WILKE., ,., . CLASSIFIED I.DVERTISiNG ummel' ramp - rs. er mg u, I I have had a rewarding time author to expl()re. I FEH;\j (;!:Elt; , . , . , , . , ...... , .. CLASSIFIED >1<. Instru~tor. , , ,. .. this spring trying out certain • .IOAN:"\\<: E:\SO~ ,., ... "., .. ,...... ACCOUNTS 10.00 a,m.-Amencan Red Cross BraIlle TranscnptIon new books, by authors either The announcement of Hor- Like a cool drink .FLOB.\ 1l:\1{D(NG " .',."',, CIRCULATION Class.-Ellen McLennan, Instructor, fairly well established or who tense Caiisher"s new novel. the choice of a soap is eminently a matter of per- - -._-. ------.--.- --.-..------. 12:00 Noon-Detroit Branch of National Farm and have more than one successful 'Textures of Life," led me to sonal taste and inclination. It's the kind you choose her "False Entry," published in Garden-Luncheon and Cards novel to their credit, and then 1961. In addition, to a good that make}; all the difference. We recommend you Club Closing Real Tragedy 7::30 p.m,-Grosse Pointe Numismatic Society-Meet- going back, buoyed by this wave story, I found an abundance of choose one of Mary Chesses remarkable hand and I'n:1 of enthusiasm for the current b '11' t h t' bath fragrancies in a variety of colors. It's on spe- . . g. U' f h G ' P . t S.,; , work, and reading the earlier rl Ian p rases, at Imes verg- Condel11nation of the Neighborhood Club building 8 .00 to 9.00 p.m.- mty 0 t e rosse om es- e. Vlce ff'" N HI' "BI king on overwriting, but certain- cial. A regular four dollar and twenty.five cent box . . . . Ch _ e orL"'. ancy. a e s ac I h constit utes a major lI'agccly for the entire Pointe C0m- * 8.00 to 10,00 p.m.-Grosse Pomte Summer orus Summer," a fme portrayal of y ere was an author worthy is just 2.75. You can't beat this value at Trail Apo- l11unit:,'. This IS all institution which has meant many Rehearsal. the incredible home-sickness of of discovery. thecary Shop. Ihin,L:s hI mall:" fwuple uf a number of generaLions, and 'it * * of a seven-year ..old boy, led m~ An unusual story~ and nlore • the curlallment of any of the activities there represents FRIDAY, JUNE 28 back to her "Dear Beast" and to a woman's taste, is Penelope Summer is a garden a grc.at loss 10 a considerable portion of the population, II< 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.-Children's Summer Art Camp- "The Empress's Ring." Mortimer's "The Pumpkin Eat. Surnmel' is luncheon or dinner on the terrace where Fortunat<'!:,' the City of Gross(' Pointe has taken over the Mrs, Sterling Loud, Instructor. Inspired by Iris Murdoch's er." Here are the trials and summer s('afood salads or desserts are: served on 12:00 Noon-Grosse Pointe Women Real Estate Coun- "The Unicorn," a haunting tale vicissitudes of 8 marriage. as 0pt"ration of thc' outOOOI' facilities and the play areas, ball I. gold leaf shell plates. Sets of six cost eighteen dol- h d M t. of a belle dame sans merci, I told from the viewpoint of a dIamonds aile! tennis ("ou.rts ~vil1 continue to bring plea. selors-Lunc eon an ee mg. tackled her "A Severed Head" woman undergoing psychoanaly- lars ai, the League Shop. ~:ur(' to ,~r('at numbers ot reSIdents. 2:00 p.m.-Senior Men's Garden Center-Meeting. and "An Unofficial Rose," sis. Inspired by this, I am now The dllb corporation carried insuran'ce on both 7:00 p.m,-Parents Without Partners-DinYler. half.way through an earlier col- • huiIc!in,L; ilnd Jiabilit.v for accioenls on the grounds, as a * * * In spirit and flavor, this latest lection of short stories, "Satur- Sometimes a guy. . ., or a song .is worth moonmg over. That mean s It s package deal. :IlId \\'ru'll l'ngineers decided the structure SATURDAY, JUNE 29 of Iris Murdoch recalls Shirley day Lunch With bhe Brownings" Jackson, especially "The Haunt- which I am thoroughly enjoying. worth it all. That's true here. We're completely was llt1Safe tl1(' insur collection of our gym instructor, Wc' played volleyball and basketball * * * ' and. "Pigeon Feathers." color~d caps wh.~ch have come I MONDAY, JULY 1 Nma Bawden has a new novel to hIm from fllends and ad- i and badminton and tussled with horizontal and parallel . "T t' B C dl I' ht" 'mirers in many different coun- ' bal's and weights and enjoyed a tremendous amount of * 9:30 a.m.~Landscape paiYltmg chss - Hughie Lee- or OI~e y an e Ig , an,' . I S . hIt engrossmg story of 14-year-old tnes. I good feli{)\\-'ship. * . mIt .' . nstruc ,or., ,Emmie and her struggle to keep For those who wou~d read I funn' and perceptive. Thl:", TV STARTS FIRE There were the Sunday morning softball games, 9.00 a.m.-ExhIbIt of Pa1l1tmgs of Francesco D Ascola' a precarious household going- about women once agam I ~an ) , . '.. I' with a citizens' team playing an aggregation of police- ]!;xhibit open to the Grosse Pointe public 9 one which incluues a younger enthusiasticaliy plug Betty Frie- o,.~~tehrCIshthel~~llbIClctJnghTrSatV~~! Farms firemen were sum- t 9 kd d 12 t 5 h d ' "F .' M t' ..01 are,,) 0 n em, men and ~il'emen, The losers paid [or the half barrel of a.m, 0 p.m. wee ays an noon 0 i brot er, an older sister, a grand- an s emmme Y; I,~ue. as beck. who gi~l's penetrating in. : moned to the home of Myron beeI' which was consumed after the cl)ntest in the cool .m. Sundays through July 30th. mother, a weak father and an well as Morton Hunt s Her In. . ht ' t th f A rI'h~ BI t 118 K b .... Tune 19 P , f" V. .. slg In 0 e more's () me Le. oy a . er y "D L' • I basenwnt o~ one or another of the players. There were 12:15 p.m.-Rotary <;lub of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon absent mother. The ,children !lute ar~ety. ! His poodle-companion, Charley, to extingujsh a fire started by the davs when the Detroit Lions took their workouts on and Meetmg. her~ are the protagonists, :md Two bouks of 1962 stand out: even becomes a small tail-wag- , .. ., .' remInd one someho\" f RI'ch- I'n ' dO' E B Wh't' , . 'a, defective teleVISion set. The th(' Neighborhood Club field. There were our own touch 12:30 p.m.-Memonal BrIdge Club-DuplIcate Bndge- ,~. .y. a . ~y nun. ne u; .. ~ e s I gmg part of our country! M A d WId D' t ard. H,~ghes H!g~ Wind l~ Ja. "Pomts of My Compass," a fIrst- I . blaze damaged rugs, drapes and loot.ball .~ames. when the Kennedy boys were hardly out rOs. n rBew. a ron ' t.IretC B°r.'d C malCa and WIlham Goldmg's I rate collection of pieces, wise, i Happy vacation to alJ of you: curtains of swaddling clotlws, 8:00 to 10:3 p,m.- egmners Con rac n ge ourse ----~-.-.-~--~--_.-.----~~-~--~~-~ - ..------and get some books read! I • We think of all tile City elections, (always held in Mrs. Carrie Kiley, Instructor. ------.------~; -.------the' .~Yl11nasium), tl1£' Rotary Club fe-ather parties at * * * Festival of Foreig'" Films ;--~~;-;;;V~TME~~T~~~~~~~~;O.~~-;i Thanksgi\'ing timC'. h(,<:tic ~~atherings with heated argu- TUESDAY, JULY 2 : CALL ; : FENESTRA mC'tIts 0\,('1' civic an'airs in the meeting hall upstairs, pool * 9:30 a.m. to 12 Noon-Landscaping painting class - Be:ng Offered at Center .i FIRST OF MICHIGAN ! games and checkers and ITIrllow conviviality when the Hughie Lee-Smith, Instructor.... ' . , TION' SCREENS ,: CORPORA : DATING IIACK TO 1924 senior citi~cns got tugether, the unbridled, spontaneous 10:00 a.m.-Service Guild lor Child.ren's Hospital------~~---- :: Members New York ~tock Exchange . ('XUbel'allcC' of tl1£' stimmel' day campers, handcraft Volunteer work. I Out5tanding motion p.icturcs Tickets will also be available I : : f E I d R ' , 17144 Kerche ..aJ 1:00 p.m.~Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe-Bridge rom n~ an, us s I a and at the Fries Auditoriunt on the: Grosse Puinle. Phone: 886-1200 da~;ses. C;l,lldcn C; loves boxing matches back in the d G' R France WIll be shown at the night of each performance. l ~ ~~_.------.--...-~.-. golc'/(>l1rla:,'~; of Jo(' Louis, an mummy. Fries Auditorium of the Grosse The op ening program . ~~ . ~ _ We think of the' personalit.ies involved in the long 6:30 p.m.-Exch~nge Club of Grosse Pointe-Bridge Pointe Wi>r Memorial in Ju~y "League of Gentlemen," since ('volution of Ihis Neighborhuod Club, The late Dexter M. and Gm Rummy. during the first Grosse Pointe it is a British film, will be in- F~rr\' . .Jr.. (pr()babl~' the' Pointe's greatest single bene- 6:30 p.m.-Exchange Club of Grosse Pointe--Dinner Foreign FIlm Festival. troduced t>y Sir James and fac1or), oOllated Ow land and was one of the club's most 6:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Kiwanis Club, Inc., Dinner The War Memorial has set Lady Easton. the British Consul ~rd('nt si.lp;)nrtel"s as IOll,t.:as hC' lived. Much later he gave and meeting. aside three successive Monday and his wife, who will be spew liS tile' ('('ntral Librar:,' building as a crowning manifes- 7:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Chess Club - Chess games nights starting July 15 for the cial guests for the occasion. tation of his lo\'e of th(' com:nunity. We rec::Il1 with deep 8:00 to 10:30 p.m.-Refresher Bridge Course - Mrs. film festival program. Objec- On July 22 when the Russian I gratitude tl1(' lone; list of de\.oted women who have given Carrie Kiley, Instructor. tivc of the activity, according I film, "Ballad of a Soldier," is I unst intingl,v of t!wir tirlle and energy through the years, 8:00 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Summer Chorus-Rehearsal. to the program committee. is I given Ralph Deal, Russian lan- I The\Vm.R.1Iamilfon C'o. serving on the board or the Neighborhood Club. We >I< >I< * to give Detroit area residents guage teacher at Grosse Pointe would be re!11iss not to men lion Mrs. Russell Alger. a WEDNESDAY , JULY 3 the opportunity to see the best High School. will Introduce the Oller a Celltury of Service '"10:00 to 11 a.m. and 11:00 to 12 :30 p.m.-Ballet Classes- motion pic t u res from other movie, al'companied by some of perren i:ll lC'ac!('r of this chstinguished group. And, of countries in a iocal facility, his stal' students. , ('ourse, special tribute must be paid La Miss Pauline Mrs. Ellen Cooper, Instructor. fUNERAL DIRECTOR~ Masak and to <..;eorge r~lworthy, who have given the- 12 Noon-Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe-Crib- Opening picture in the series Monsieur Alain Choilious and b G will he "League of Gentlemen," Madame Chaillous, the French, organization its working backbone over so many years. ' age ,ame~. G an English comedy based on Consul and his wife will be the 1'h('v havC' be('11 inspired leaders and formers of char- 6:~O p.m.-DetrOIt. Cnb~age roup. . . planning and executing the per. Memorial's guests Monday eve- actc'r for thollsClnds of Point(' voungsters and adults. * 7:30 p.m.-Memonal Bndge Club-Duphcat~ Bndge- . fest bank robbery. O:1e week ning, July 29. when the Fernan- I Serving W(' h"pC' tll(' C'11.tb will quirkly flnd a solution to this Mr: and Mrs. Andrew y.r alron.d, I?Irectors. later, July 22, the festival will del film, "Man in a Raincoat," I GROSSE POINTE DETROIT: di~;tressing problem. It it is determined that the present 8:00 p.m.-F~rst Church of C.hnst. ~cIentIst, Grosse p~esent "Ballad of a Soldier," is shown and they will usher I A.~D SUBURBS bu ildill~ cannot be repaired amI pronounced safe for Pomte Farms--Service-Fnes Ballroom. WInner of many prizes through- it onto the screen as well as contilll;pd liSP. \\'e trust the entire community will get out the world and considered greet the audience afterward. lwhind a dri\'P to srf" that a new structure is erected by critics to be the best Russian Following each s how in g, WILLIAM R. HAMILTON II DAVID M. ~TON immediatel:,', For the Neighborhood Club has rendered movie ever made. On July 29, there will be a coffee haul;' CLARENCE E. OrrEll Letters to the Editor the French film, "Man in a where patrons may visit, dis- incalculabl(' s{'l'\'ice to all of the Pointes and brought ------Raincoat," with the great co-cuss the films and view the valuabl€' tl'C1chings and great joy to the residents of each I Mr. Robert Edgar, editor I of the First National Bank. who median. Fernandel, as star. will work of Grosse Pointe artists CHAPELS of tl1(' five municipalities \vhich make up this much- Grosse Pointe News has carefully supervised our conclude the series. The pro- on display. favored l'('sitientiaJ area. investments as wen as the de- gram will start at 8 o'clock each Members of the committee DETROIT BIRMINCmM Dear Mr Edgar' , -----_._--~ . .' ,. velopment of our park and Ger- night. I arranging the Grosse Pointe 3975 CASS AVENUE 820 EAST MAPLB In your artIcle and edltonal I aId Schroeder who heads a Tickets ?re on sale at ~he I Foreign Film Festival are Mrs. TE 1.2712 MI4-6000 on the election in G l' 0 sse certified public accounting firm. Grosse Pomte War MemOrIal, Frank W y lie and Mrs. Paul NORTH~'ST III-Advised Decision Pointe S h 0 res, you quoted He has spent many hours study- priced for adults at $3.75 for the 1 Hykes, both of the War Me- S('\'('ra 1 pat rons of thE' Grosse Pointe Public Library I mostly fro~. a 6 r 0 up. ,:ho ing our bookkeeping and bud- entire series ~f three p.ic~ures morial"s Program Committee, 18900 JAMES COUZENS havE' dropped in during the past few weeks to request formed a CItizens .assoclab?n. get and has installed the most or $1.50 for smgle admISSIons. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cushing I DIl.13OO James Baldwin's new }~oo!;. "The Fire Next Time." Not There were .some I?BCCUracles modern methods. Also, we have Student series ad~ission is I and ,Tohn Lake. Director of the i ,. Nand assumptJOns wluch I could G'lb t J h d f ld $2 "'r: 9° f I h one copv 01 the book whIch ranks fourth on the ew . I er erome, ea 0 an 0 .. 4;) or "c or a SlOg e s ow. I W;'jr Memorial. I , kY' b -11' 1" h' k" 'lbl ha~ ~IT~~ ~ ili~ tim~, ci~~~M~ngf~~~ohu --~------~ )orJa~t2~~i:~~:t~~~~~n;~:~~r~~rwho ~v:t:~~~n~~: ~vtetn~e~y~h~shtimh~~ilifMe ~H-o-w--to--L-o-s-e-a-L-o-I-~I~.M.~~~~ . . ' I r t'h bl f h' '1 ma ers m \V IC IS pro es- IS an Impressl\,('. spo "es~an _or e pro ems 0 IS race Mr. Fuchs has been elected, sional knowledge makes him ::::: in our tlmp, HIS preVIOUS novel about young people which is what he evidently I valuable .• John Huetteman is of Weight Safely 111 a f coping with interracial tensions in New York's cultural wanted. He can b~ assured I a businessman and banker. His I ::ii , 1 1 . , . I By Fred Kopp. R. Ph. e'heHo. "Another Country" is now avai ab e in paper- will cooperate with hIm 10 ]~. J'udgment is respected by all :r:; . . NIt th 1 I Maybe you've been in our ~¥ back. It is not on the Grosse Pointe Library shelves, .0 proving our serv ce 0 e VI- the council. We recently ac. ~:'.:@ Jan)('s Baldwin book is. Both the Dearborn and DetrOIt lage. quired Benson Ford whose fam- pharmacy and notIced all the ;~ Public Libraries have copies of "The Fire Next Time." .In over a quarter :entury as ily has done so much for the ways there are to lose weight. :~ ThC' bt'ok sckction committeE' of the library ex- vI,llage clerk ! have worked Village. I am proud to have Pills, tablets, capsules - all '*" a wonderful faShion wig that will please and 'i~ hi n('d dw dE'cision not to bu" "The }<'ire Next Time" ~lth many preSIdents and CO~t~-been associated with these men kinds. Most are designed to i:1 d~light you? ~.j[.: P C '. ' .' • , h b k cllmen. They have been, WI - and I think the Village should reduce your appetite-and I' ''ill ' \~as well ('onsl~erf..'d. The committee felt t e 00 was out exception. men of outstand- be also proud that so many thus. you, All well dnd good, \:: Tbett stop ;n ph B d H - , r tUl '1i •. fl"mrrlat()l'\' . b'I't I Id I'k t n1en h d b I:~ . ol ' h' one ern4f at,. 51}' est a ,you :.}.: JJ1 n " . . . . IlIg a I I y. WOU 1 e 0 - distinguished citizens soul ut if you have a serious .:.~ "'141' Witt OIU: 0 f t e 3 (th ) F h' W' lit t b DO(,5 tile book sclectlOn commIttee ~'eal1y leel that.a Hon a few: Herbert Woodall, devote their time to this little weight problem, the I' e is l% . d fee as ton tgs 0 e ::1: book concNning the most prevalent SOCIal and economIC president of Woodall Indu'i- community. only one sensible thing to i 4 presettte at our salon Of" SaturdaJ .. August 3rd.:;;:

problem of thE' day. race, is too inflammatory for Grosse tries, Oscar Webber o~ J, L. There is one thing more, If do. See your physician, He II ~ °HltmOn Hair. c.ostume fitted [~t Pointe readers? Do they need to be protected by the Hudson C~mpany, StandIsh Bac- the residents and the Press do will prescribe a diet, tailored ~ Gr'QssePointe Salon only I librarv from reading material which will inform them cus, preSident of BurFoughs, not feel they are sufficiently in- to your condHion. with pro- ~ ~ of the' stri"in"s df'mands and frustrations of an increas- Ford Ballantyne who ser~ed formed about Village affairs, per drugs and nutritive sup- I~ ~ l inglv vocal g~~lP in our country, our city? the Vi k ~ g ~ r: ~v:r th~~~ I I, as clerk, will cooperate with plements to make it safe and ~ ~ • L 'This S3turday the Ne~r~es w~ll be ~arching in ~:~:~e ;r:~dle. ; h e ~: and I any suggest.;;ns :ror::s you, Mr. sure. We, as pharmacists, &. --- ~ 11 CrossE' Pointe to E'xpress then' ImpatIence WIth the treat- many others whose help has I ~d.gar, ur . r. ~c , or any dispense these more potent ~ . :~r n1T (;'llt accOI'OCCIJ t1lem. l'Y!~0 one d'emes th em thOIS ng. ht to been ~ougM 'in civic and char- cItIzen., for Improvmg our com- drugs only at his direction- I :.;.',~«,~:t:.:,:,:,< The Fine Art et~. . Jfair R;vl~ ::,',,~,';:".' , , '::~~'.,;::: .. .. • 4 _ - t I. $ $ $. $1 ; ; 5 II

Thursday, June 27, 1963 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven bArs. Frederic W. Parker Pauline Lord Bows at Dance Miss Wilson Says 'fhe lovely lighted gardens of the Herbert 1. Lords' Country (::Iub lane home were the set- Vows to Mr. Parker ~i::ce };:d:iC~v~~~~g p:~;en~~~ I Pair Wed Satur-d;y-I~-O~r~C~dyStarof the Sea ~heir debutante daughter, paul-I Church With Reception at War Memorial; me.Guests d a nee d "'under an Newlyweds Travel. to Cape_ Cod enormous white marquee which In Our Lady Star of the Sea Church Saturday LOUIse was decked with clusters of M. Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hazen P. Wilson, blue and whlte balloons and of North Oxford road, was married to Frederic W. lighted trees twinkled in the Parker, son of the F'l'ederic Parkers, of Lexington, Mass. gardens beyond. She wore a chalk white. -~-~----_._- Pauline and her parents re- organza over taffeta gown' b f ceived before the fireplace in. . town, Mass .. was est man or their formal F r e n c b living wIth re-embroldered Alen- his brothc:. Ushering we r e ....,...... Th d b f con lace and seed p""arls ac- James Wright and John E. . -", room. e e wore a gown 0 ...... WOMEN'S PAGES "".~«'t:,,;.. white gros de londre sashed I centing the portrait neck- KlOg, of Bost.on, Mass. :~n~1:~i,with Dlor blue and carried a line and i.ull skirt which i For her daughter's weddinsz. ---_._------"------_.------.')'$t. nosegay of gardenias. deepened mto a c hap e I. and the receptIOn at the War ,',:':\':%,. Mrs. Lord chose a gown of train. i Memorial Mrs. Wilson wore an .:t';-.',t~ rose pe~u de soie with a sleeve- A tiara or seed pearls and; aqua ~inen sheath with .a beaded '}"Y :.;::-::--~less bodice and modified belled orange blossoms caught her long i neckhne and a Inatchlng aq~a Short and ,.~~ skirt. illusion veil and she ca,ried' flower hal. .Mrs. Parker w~s m From Another Pointe ':';..,~".~~rJn~' ;;;(~;':.' One of Meyer Davis' orches- white carnations and mums. ; a .cream chl.ffon sheath pnnted ." ."; .. ,{",,' ...... ,.:.;.:,.~...,,::- tras under Billy M a I' s h a II 1 .Jcan Mannino was maid of: with deCI\ PdInkf10\\r'er s.Her hadt to the Pointe ';'" .. .., played for dancing and sup- honor and the bridesmaids were: was .a vel e cap 0 eavesl an of View :.~~':"",~''''''.''' .. ,<-..:: ". .... d t 't bl Mrs 0 D Herron and JoAnne' bernes. Both mothers chose MR. and MRS, THOMAS L...... ;-.:.. ). ~:;d w\~~t;e~:nc~ b~ueescl~~~; San~on~. 1~hey wore yellow Silk: cymbidium orchids, By Patricia Ta!ho! ORR, JR., and son, TIMMY. of Noroton. Conn., arrive July 1 ... 'l)i and centered with white geran- linen frocks wi.th matchmg hair: W!}en the newl?'weds left for to spend two weeks with Mrs. .. '.' ....;.,~.t..:... iums and candles. bows and carned yellow mums, Cape COd the llbnde) WaS wear- ,.. ..,.,';:-,- Peter Norton Lord the deb's. with ivy balls. i ing a pa ('l ye Ow inen dress. A .d d' h 1 . . Orr's parents, the RAYMOND WI e-eye , eIg t-year~o d mademOIselle WIll be '" LEO N A R D S f M '_ .'S\<'."... brother, and Charles' Newberry William S. Parker, of Water- They will live in Muir road. met at the Metropoli tan Airport this Friday by her ~~ather road. ,0 ern 'I grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Max Becherer, of Essex ... * * (\ I boulevard. I I , -. MR. and MRS. NELSON W. ;~}{jt(I[~i~;~~~;i~;:2~:gi;::;!~;! Ste phani e Sum ne r Manele C.hartIer ~ld goodbye.to her parents, M, and SCHLAFF, of Edgemont Park, Mme. Fredenc Chartler, of Pans, and flew off alone. are entertaining at a buffet din- -Photo by Eddie McGratn. Jr. B. Johnson III, Ford Ballantyne: W dR. h d K In Our Lady Star of the Sea Church Saturday, III, .John E van s, John Lam-I' across the Atlantic for her first exciting visit to the ner this Sunday eve n i n g a t LOUISE M. WILSON, daughter of the Hazen P. brecht, Daniel Marentette. Phi- I e 5 Ie r OS United States. in h 0 nor of MISS J-UDY Wilsons, of North Oxford road, was married to Mr. lip Angell and Joseph Jennings, . .._~ __~ She will be spending the summer with her grand- SCHOENHEHR~ who will mar?, Parker, son of the Frederic Parkers, of Lexington, Jr. In 51. Paul's on the lakeshore Satu.rday noon Stepha- parents and among the sights she must see are Indians. JOHN HUN '1 IN G TON In Mass. ----~-- nie Campbell Sumner, daughter 01 Mrs. Robert. W. So Mrs. Becherer has planned to intersperse daily Eng- August, --.-----~---~------~.---~ Mr. LoCicero Sumner, of Roosevell place, became the bride of Richard lish lessons for Mariele with a visit to Walpole Island to ... '" * see the nearest tribe. MRS. C. R. PELTON enter- Claims Bride P~~eK'.~~;esoan :;~fkth~~~~~la A.. Kosts, of Hillcr~s_t tained last week at her home Mrs. Richard P. Kost ~~~?~ Mr. and Mrs. Becherer have made frequent trips in Edgemere road. Among the In Our Lady Queen of Mar- i gown with an Alencon lace. Norman Kost was his bro- back to France in the ao years they have lived in the guests were MR. and MRS. 'I ty:s .Church, B i r m i n g ham. ! bolero. Her illusion veil was i ther's best man. The ushers Pointe. They were in Paris just a month ago to visit WILLIAM D£NLER, MR. and MIchIgan, Mary Alice Thurber. ! attached to a silver laurel i were Peter Girardin, Stewart relatives and friends. MRS. THOMAS PADDOCK, : da~ghter of Mrs .. Joh.n ,I~.T.hur- : wreath worn by her great- DOW.) "Nj~liam Herri~k. and While Mariele is flying to the United States another Mil. and MRS. BARTON F. : bel a~d !he late Ml. IhUl bel'. ; great-grandmother at her ~har_("s Klein. of Westport, young lady, Carine Algoet, is reversing the procedure. TRAIL. MR. and MRS. PHILIP I of. Blrmmgham, became. the i wedding. A matching silver Conn. . ',,',. ~ This nine-year ..old miss has left her Nottingham road VAN ZILE, MR. and MRS. i bnde of Thomas V. LoCIcero, I b t- h ld hI;] '1' . ;"'1rs. Sumner "',reeted "uests WILLIAM DAN'f, MR. and .. :':; 1 Jr .. son of the senior Thomas:, ougue. 0, er e a lIes ,.., '" home and is sailing to Belgium aboard the Nieuw Am- .'. V. LoCiceros of Three Mile! of L,e valle:'}. . at tJ1e' reception at the Grosse MRS. LEE McMONIGLE. MRS. sterdam to visit her grandmother. '. '.' •... drive. ' Mary Sumner was Iter SIS- Pointe Yacht Club in Anna~ohs. Md.; Richa,r,d De-: imported silk satin gOwn de- Thomas Muer was best man south of the border this summer. Beverly Beach, Carol School, LINDA EICHELBAR- . .:: I L ,a m I e.ll e u r e, and I homas : signed' \\.ith. ~ fitted bodire.' "nd the ushl'rs were .lohn Mit- ,.,'! ~: ...'. Groves and Sharon Walla'ce, all GPHS juniors, will be GER. freshman at Brownell I . ". D Agostmo. scoopt'd necKluw and belled: chell. Donald Dawes. Robert ',00 I A t' d d' I I in Mexico City. Junior High, CARMEL NEM- .,:..,,;}'>if i recep IOn all mner at t le I skirt with a detach:;!)I\? train Blssert and Alfred Sievers. The American Field Service Club at GPHS elected IETH. freshman at Brownell and ..,.-::..;,\~ I Detroit Yacht Club followed the: A soft cluster. of .1'Oses caught FoJlo~'in,: a recl'ptio!'! ~I thE' I' ~~~>~ .' . ~~I ceremony. her french 11IuslOn ~Iwuldel' ST. ClaIr ~hores CIVIC Center BRUCE TEAGUF, B own e I I (Continued on Page 12) ~ -\(~"r$ I Junior High, are attending the A I Th." young couple plan to livl;' !t>ngth \'C'il and she earr:eo ru/)- the n(:'wlyw(>ds left ior Las .:~./; •. j .' . ",t ill Ann Arbor for the summer. rum liJiE's. white mUlllS ,llld i\'~'_ \"eg;'ls. m======rn I second ann U a I high school i" ...... ".:hi,-l " ':~ .:) .._---~------~ ------~----_.------_.~---_ ... ------musle camp conducted by Cen- t;•...." ,..,.,f:t,:.:.•' .. .'.'.. ~;, ~:.

'I t1'al M i chi g a n 'University's ~Photo by Eddie McGrath. Jr. music department. I In St. Paul's on the lakeshore Saturday, STEPHA- NIE CAMPBELL SUMNER, daughter of Mrs. Robert I The camp gives high school "SERVICE BEYOND THE CONTRACT" instrumentalists and vocalists W, Sumner, of Roosevelt place, and the late Mr, Sum- an. opportunity to participate in ner, was married to Mr. Kost, son of the Paul A. Kosts, hand, c h 0 r u s, orchestra, sec- of Hillcrest road. tional r e he a r s a 1, swimming --- ~- -~~ ------~------_ ....------and other recreation. concerts, DONALD NIGRO, of McKinley i New Hampshire to ,;pend the recitals, and special camp pro- avenue, Kirk r e c e i ve d the I summer with his father and grams. The camp will close with bachelor o~ scienc~ d~gl'ee .at I family in Handy road'. a concerl June 29. Northern WIth a maJor m SOCial I Marshall ha . tIt d ARTHUR J. ROI-IDE '" '" * Studies. He was a member of. . s JUs comp e e .utD OOMPANY KIRK A. NIGRO, a June the Alpha 'I'au Omega social I ~'ll J UlllOl'd ~eal' al .Danlllu.u.JI . h' f t 't t Alb' C 11 a I 0 ege an IS pursumg a flve- graduate of Nort hern MlC 1- ra erIll y a IOn a eg~. Iyear Master's Degree course in INSURANCE gar. University, has accepted I * '" '" Business and Engineering. ,the position of teacher of 7th DONALD Eo McKNIGHT. * * '" : and 8th grade, Geogra~hy' and Ison of MR. and MRS. HORACE . ~ ~ ,: History at Gladstone MlCh ac- I E M KNIGH'T' f l' . MR. and MR,'S. J E F F R E Y I ' ., . c - a ouralne I KI~ONSNOBLE h cording '0 the NMU Placement, d h h d d ..\ I announce tel 2711 East Jefferson, Detroit 7, Mich. c , roa as een awar e a I _ I LO 7-6100 Office : '. '. .. ,lmth of a daughter. KRISTIN . MRS i l\:astdel of Busmesbs Admmt~tstra- I MARY, June 12. Mrs. Krons- The son of MR. and . tlOn egree by Ba son Ins 1 .ute, I noble is the former MARY LV ~------~-_.------~~------Wellesley, Mass. ~cKmght IBIEKE, daughter of the ALOIS gradua~ed from Deerflel~ Aca-I J. BIEKES, of Three Mile drive. demy m 1956 and obtamed. a Mr. Kronsnoble recently re- I B.S~ de.gree .from Ba~son In I ceived his master's degree, and 196 •.. HIS m:Jo~ w*as Fmance. Ipla:ls to teach next year at the 1 IUnive,sity of South Florida. I MISS MARGARET M. AN-I Currently. he and his wife and i GUS. of Bar:il~gton l~oad. was their new daughter (she is the Special Purchase 1 among 45 reCIpIents of doctor~II Kronsnobles' first child) are I degrees at Wayne State Um- I staying with the B i eke s in I v~rsit(s commencement exer-I Three Mile drive. They plan Teens' cofton poplin raincoat Clses lfi Cobo Hall June 20. to leave for Tampa, Fla" in late Miss Angus, a Denby High r August. School graduate, received a: '" ... * 10.90 I doctor of education (ED.DJ I DALE C. H. NEVISON. son degree. specializing in curricu- of the VERN C. NEVISONS. of usuaLLy 15.00 lum planning. She also tOOk.her Anita avenue. received his en- IM.A. fro:.1 WSU. She reccned gineering degree from the De- And it comes complete with its her undergraduate training at trait Institute of Technology at own. pleated plastic rainkerchief Hillsdale. Commencement exercises held * oj< '" at Ford Auditorium June 17. He in a tiny case! One of the nicest MARSHALL NOECKER has buys of the season ••• with arrived home from Hanover, (Continued on Page 19) raglan style sleeves, button placket front. All of it is washable if desired. Natural in sizes 7 to 15. Imagine scooping up a complete lipstick wardrobe (a 6.25 value!) at tlm "little nothing" price! Everything from naked pastels to Mail CJndphone orders fit/ed lazy, crazy corals 00 wicked, way-out pinks! Each 1ipsticlt in a eolorful "show-off case"-too Cnic to keep nnder cover! (Don't miss it-it's Summer's mmt bea;ut#ul bargain!)

16926 Kercheval .•. in the Village GROSSE POINTE-16828 Kercheval Ave.• TU,,"''"'o 2~3700 kEI\CHiVAI.AT $f, 'LAI~ GROm POIHTl Page Twelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 2 Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes Wo ------,------, ----_._----"----,------_ .._------Mrs. Rona'id T. Pascoe Mrs. Joseph S. Ohr Mary Rabaut Says Carol Ann Wallace Militello Vows to Mr. Pascoe fRites 0 ..._-- _.. ------,--, . I Marries Mr. Ohr Reception in the Three Mile Drive Home of the Bride's Bride Wears Beaded Parents Follows Ceremony Saturday in St. Clare Carol Ann WaLacf>. daughter of th('> Edward HHmll- French Net for h ! ton Wallaces, of Whittier road, spoke her marriage vows Lucy's Churc: of Montefalco Church; Pair Travel North ; Saturday in Bless(.d Sacrament Cathedral to Joseph l\Iarv Frances 'Rab~t~- ~~d-R~'~~ld Thoma~ Pascoe I i Simmons Ohr, SOT of the Milo Frederick Ohrs, of Angeline Olivia Trenton. Grippes. of Moorlan(. WE'I'l'ma'rried in a double-ring ceremony Saturday in St.j St. Lucy's Chuf(.h t Clare of Montefalco Church. Rev. l"rancis D. Rabaut'l She wore a Bianchi gown James Mllitellos. of 11 8.3 .. uncle of the bride. celebrated the nuptial High I of. peau de soie desig~ed be~~r.ma:i~l~~mth:.,~~:~~;~ w::: The bride wore a gc Mass. A garden reception at the home of the bride's .' i WIth a scooped n~cklme, Rjchard Schmidt.. Christopher beaded Alencon lace parents followed the ceremony. I ::-» : short sleeves and a bouffant I Brett and Usama Dajani. French net desIgned, The bride is the daughter, ------. --. ----~--,---~ !;. ski~'l sweep~ng into c. chapel' For her daughter's wedding of :VI r. and Mrs. Lou is Ra- wore pink linen shol.t gowns, I '. 'traIn. ApplIques of sat I nand re<>eptioT, at the Detn)Jt. scalloped nee k Ii n e sleeves and a \N at haut of Three Mile drive,' with bell silhouette, pink linen I •and AJencon lace a(ccented I Boat. Club. Mrs, Wallace Wore i1nd her husband is the son. pill box hats and carried pink the bodice and skirl. a ~h('ll pink peau d'an~(' gown chapel train. A seed with matching ma/jl.e hat. Her tS.ara caught her it of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pascoe. ,sweptheart roses and white .,' ", A matchinj:! lace no'vn caught ..... : veil and she carried of Hartwell avenue. , daisit's. I hpl' bouffant ven of imported flower's were cymbidium Of- roses and white orchi The bride's gown of peau de. Bill Pascoe was best man and I IJlu~:ion. She carried \\hite or-' chids. :\.", Joann Militello was m soil' featured II square neck.• ushers were Thomas Rabaut, ':'.' i ('hids. roses and stephanotis. ~frs, Ohr was in a hlup Silk . Ji'H'n jacket dresf; with Ii laCf~ honor and the bride; !1Ot'. lon~ slef'v{,s and a Wat-; and George Trudell. t: The bride's s is t e r. Mrs.' bodice embroidered in seed were Patricia ~10ran. INII! back, ending in a short For her daughter's wedding" : Chrt'it.opher Brett was rr.atron of pearls and a, matching beaded Loria. "lary Ann Grippe. Ir~ln. .. . Mrs. Rabatlt wore a flowel'ed '.'''' : honor and the brIdesma ds were, hat. She also wore orchids. line Poliuto and Cal. \-IN white IllUSion veil was blue silk shantung dress, and a ,. .... ,: ; i\lr:. ~illiam stetson, su~an Aftpr their wedding trip the Loria. "," ...... ,::.' ilttaetled to a small coronet of! h't t h t t 'mm d I'n ",oJ I. Burkhalt and Mrs. T ,1 () m it S 1 '11 I' . E t La . ,w I e s raw a rt e "';"-:: J I ('oup e WI Ive In as nsmg. The maid of honor oran~e ~lossom: and. pt'arls. blue. MI's. Pascoe wore a pink! .,~. ' , OlOson. They are both alumni of Michi- white Swiss embroider • She earned whIte orchids and, 'lk mbl \vith matching . . , 51 ense e. I . They wnre pink and while gan Sta(e Cniversity and (he daiSies. . ' hat of straw and tulle. ' !\Jrs. RI('hard Caldwdl was i ' "',' ; organd~' frocks wit.h mal<'11in?, brIdegroom will study there matmn of honor. Bride3maids: Fcr their wedding trip to!. picture hat, and carrkd pink next fall for a degree in land- wen' the bridegroom's sister.: Northern Michigan the new 'rosel:.:lds and ivy. 'scapI? architecture. -- --~-_._-~_._--_._--~---- Mr. and Mrs. William Sharon Pascot'o and Helen Rab-' Mrs. Pascoe c'langed to a green ... ~ ney Hooper. of Minne ilUt, si"ter of the bride. They, linen dress. --Photo b~' CIIJ1ednisl have announced .he €, MARY FRANCES RABAUT, daughter of Mr. and In Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Saturday, CAROL ment Of their daughter M L . R b ANN WALLACE, daughter of the Edward Hamilton Catherine to Donald EI L, rs. OUlS a aut, of Three Mile drive, became the 'I! Wallaces. of Whittier road, was married to Mr. Ohr, .thera.n., Club Has Big Plans bride of Mr. Pascoe on Saturday in St. Clare of Monte- Knight, son of Mr. am; Horace Ely !\1.cKnight of . ~-'~---. . i falco Churc.:h. Her husband is the son of the Leo Pas- 1 __ son~ ~f th~ Milo: Fred.e,rick O~rs, of ,Trenton. The nf'wly or~anlzed Lutheran speCIal events are bemg plan~, f D t 't aine rO.1d. Club formerlY the Detroit ned by the directors. The Youth: coes, 0 e 1'01 . : Mrs. Ferrari Entertains 45 at Garden Party Turn~rs. annou~ces plans for a 'Nite Dance. on Saturday nite, i - ,. - '------.---- ~ _ ~A:is.." Hoope!' graduated Bradford Junior ColJeg{ City-Wide Youth Night and a, June 29. WIll feature a name i FAt h p. t f V. Mrs. .At n gel 0 FeNari, of I dered white organdy table Family Open House for the' band, and refreshments will be: rom no er 01n e 0 lew Hollywood road, entertained 45 cloth and pink roses, and a July 4 weekend. served at a nominal charge. The I w(lmen guests at a t.ea and white figurine centerpiece, also Recently elected members of h~lida.y wee~~nd open ~o~se; (Continued from Page 11) garden party on .June 20. Pour- with pink roses. thl:' 15-man board of directors WIll give famlltes an oppor ..umty !" ers wl:'r£' Mrs. Lloyd Marks, _~~ __ from this area are: Paul Lewis, to inspect and enjoy the club /' new officers for the coming year before school disbanded Mrs. Marion Thompson, Mrs.

Vern Linsdeau and Rob e r't facilities at 8731 E. Jefferson. for vacation. Pam Snyder is the new chairman; Barbara Clarence Totte. and Mrs. Ed- i\Iost. people know when they I Grenet of St. Clair Shores; The dead'line for charter! 'Varmbold, co-chairman and Sherr~' Summers, secretary- ,ward Major. Each guest wa.~ have said enough. but only a, Rebert Mal'Owske of Harper' membership has been advanced i treasurer. : giv£'n an OI'''hid as a gift. Deco- few have t.he sen""e to put the: Woods; and Roland Blank,' to July 6 to give interested per-! ... * * ; rations included hand embroi- :ld on. i George Freeman and Al Jacoby sons time to see the club. ~ I (If Grosse Pointe. .Roland Blank oi TU 2-5244 will Fourth of July Plans J' Although the club is not yet: supply information about the open nn a regular schedule, : above events. Independence Day plans are well under way with all ; -~~------_._--,~~- --~._------.- the clubs planning special events and swimming races: ~e -t{- 1j£l..l/0 for the big holiday. t':;.:2;;::;.2".~;,.;%;::s2:b;~~;;;:ii'i~~,"';worJ:~1~~fa~al~~dt~o~~~~P~f~u~;j~~~ag~~et~eT;a~~t;:;:;. t?£eaAauee oj-:lJMJ4U : f ; at~:~:ra~~~~e,guestsatDr.andMrs.CliffordLoran-: Aj/4.. 5liT /4 R ~~f:r~~::~~~~s~~:~;~[":n~~\~:v~r~s~~n~~;~~es;a:c~iI

~:.:/':::{;::.' The Little Club, which always climaxes its spmk- '" ling efforts with an American flag, will have a huge audi- ':'?) ence which perches on the parking lot and hill behind r:::;;:::; Memorial Church. I

'. [;!:} Spending the Fourth of July week-end in Mackinaw: ;;:',:.::,~Island will be the Ted Sweeneys and nine year old I ...... ::;:::~ I Teddie. The Sweeneys entertained last Sunday at cock- ! , :;!:':f tails in their University road horne. : 2 Day. ir'(;:j Reunion in Vermont }(:::j Service }::".':~:~ 1(- :.: :.:;; I A house on Cape Cod for the month of July is the entire stock of sumlner shoes :; .~ : . . destination of Dr. and Mrs. James E. Coyle and their four o1Ispring. ~~;:.~~ formerly to ~;:::,'::: Planning a trip East are Mr. and Mrs. Perry TeWalt ::~:::::::~ with Ellen and Jessa, who have a house in Sutton,'N. H., 22.95 VALENTE ~\ ~(::.}..'. for several weeks. They hope for a reunion' with former ::r::...~~ , Gpef:ial£s': ~~:"':'.:~ Pointers, Mr. and Mrs. James Lee, who are running an f~/.;:::: inn in Vennont. :..•~::.:.~:. entire stock of play shoes Your editor wi)) also be away for July, in Naples, 16601 Fla., and her duties will be capably filled by Janet Muel- ler, regular News staff member. were to I * * * 14.95 Home For A Visit Here last week for a week's visit with her mother, SORRY NO C.O.D.'s -- NO PHONE CALLS Mrs. C. Henry Haberkorn, of Lakeshore road, was Mrs. ALL SALES FINAL William Nichols, of Kennett Square, Pa., and her four FRENCHand/ offspring. UNLIKE ANY ESCORT Mr. Nichols went on to Milwaukee and then returned .... j to pick up his family and they all drove to Traverse City, Join this small group vi' Mich., to attend the Quaker conclave there. WRlTon-PIERCE ranean." Fine hotels ~ Mrs. Nichols had a reunion with her Liggett class- KERCHEVAL AT ST. t;LAIR GROSSE POINTE I be no rush! Plenty of t. mates over luncheon at the Country Club on Friday. i and sightsee on your ow ~; ------,-~-~-:::-~-:'P-~-;;:;:;~...-"'~-;~-=-"'~O::-:::::~-;.:::::"'-=:::::.,.-;;.;~:::::-"'::::::;--:::::::::;-"'::::::::=:~-~~-~~-;;;:::-::-::;:::::"'-Ci-:::::"'-:.:::::-::-:"t:~--:::::--:::::--:::::-:::::---;;-~~;;;;;;-::::.-::::--::::-=-:::::::::;~~~:::::~:::::'~:::::--::::::.:::::'-::::-:::::~--::::::::::::.:.:::::~:::::~;:::::-.-. - - --- ~ ! .,f' beautiful scenery at thE: • 5~" featuring: ~ Today" busy bri_ * Majorca r.".:.~...... be like to rely on our special ';': .::~ system to record their preferences * Nice in sterling. china and g1~ ~i patterns. It helps family and friends * Rapalio in gifts %f"'- Back from selecting young home-makers • Pompeii ~ I want and need~voids duplications .:<~ , I and disappointments later on. o,me in * Naples . ,'. . . -register your pattern3~njoy weil c0- Positano (Amalfi DriVE ,. ," ..~;:.. * Paris, France : ~. . . . - . ordinated table appointments for a lifetime! ...~:.~i: ,;; • Capri

.. "<:, P(/ff~NtS show", top to bottom: R<>tUU/,j, * Sorrento ...;: .,' - Eioqllencl1, Mfla.rig.1., Alextmioftll, MigffOMl## . ~.. ; . :,', * Taormina (Sicily) >;:~\l L(A ~.'.' ...:-', .... 5r;:~ 'Schloss Re:nhortschous:n on ~:.~/~ 'J!(~t~~ .. Rhil"le ',;' ~.; . .<~:;.{Jt ANTOINE 22 Days - L.eove Return Frida: ....'.: '~''''.. I::.::~::.:::.::~ $940.00 per person (bas

,"; D'ANGELO cost from Detroit by Jet V .


CHARLES w. WA RREN & COMPANY JEWeLE~S AND SILVERSMITHS .:.... }: t~SSERS STEUBEN GLASS Please send me more detail I 1520 WASHINGTON 'BOULEVARD TUxedo 4-9393 b~;:W!!!9.~P!~~~;f, Detroit 26, Michigan-Phnno WO 2.S158-Store HOUB 9:30 to 5:00 ADDRESS: . - ...... -...... ~ ...... -..-- -~~ -_._."..------" • 24" U P to SqUe a a w IS ,t - $ 4 4* - • -,

Thursday. June 27. 1963 Thursday, June 27, 1963 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen

)ointes Woman's Page • • • by, of and. for Pointe Women ------_._---- In Wallace Militello-Grippe Mrs. Salvatore Militello Mrs. Harry F~Jacques Miss Armstrong \;\r. Ohr 'Rites Observed. iWeds Mr. Jacques , Bride Wears Beaded Alencon Lace Appliqued Over Od';:':'~:P;- oi :r.E' Edward HamIl- French Net for Her Wedding Saturday in St. :Trip Through Northern Ontario Follows Saturday Rites . :"OdQ ~L>C',ke!J€'r marriagc> VOW5 Lucy's Church; Pair Travel to Bermuda i in Barbour Chapel of Grosse Pointe Memorial ::.: ~2~£'"":'": Ca:h('dra! to Joseph -_.~ 4 _ I Church and Reception at War Memorial ::-~' :.:: ,:,. FredNlck Ohrs. of Angeline Olivia Grippe, daughter of the Robert J. I .n __ Grippes. of Moorland drive, was married Saturday in : A home in Chatham, Ont.. awaits newlyweds Mr. St. Lucy's Church to Salvatore Militello. son of ihe : and Mrs. Harry F]'anklin Jacque:-,. who were marri.ed ,- V•. ~.. r beaded Alencop. lac€' over i gandy ()~er yellow ~eau de ~OIe i The bride is the former: \11';; Arm ..;trong chose a pale :.. . ;:."'-':: 1": '_',~'T'6 !);;;Janl French net designed with a i ~nd carned cymbidIUm. orC~hl~s. i Suzanne Mar gar (~t Arm- : yellow ~ilk ('ostu~e suit with ... -c;' .:~~'::'-.'I:'~" '.q~rJdlnii: . , rhe attendants were In SWISS . strong. daughter of Mr. and. ::h>ncon lace. She wore a scalloped n e c k n e, long! embroidned organdy over aqua L-: '-:";(::':- a: ::-e 1)«lro". 11 ! M A . A t 1 of' l1owerc'd hat and yellow and 3-. -.}: ~- ~ ~ }.: -.. \1,' a :a('p \\'orp ;;lcevE's and a Wa t tea u! peau de soil'. : rs. nger rms rang, I.d h'd '1 . d b 1 . d}J h c_ green cym») Ium ore 1 s. .' rs. , R IVaI' au evar .Ler u., J - b' I . I :- -.t:. ;"t~~': r: an 5:f~ ~(Jwn chapel train. A seed pearl; P('tel' MOITi was best man '. ' at'qu~s was In Plg(' ace WIt J il, ~?':' :~ i. ""ljnp hrt! H('r tiara caught her illu-ion! and the ~Ishers werE' Joseph band IS the son of Mr. and rnalehing hat and accessories ~-"< '.. t":~ ~"mh,dlllrn oj!". ,Mrs. Wilfred Jarrles Jac-. HCI' flo~~'er'i wcre green and - ~: \'eil and she carried white \'Sgroi, .Joseph !,oliuto, Salvatore roses and white orchids. Lumetta, }<~rank Grippe, An- : gues, of Chatham. . brown cymbidium orchids. '.~'. Ohl ll?o, In a hill£' ~tlk Joann Militello was maid .of thollv Militello. Anthony D'Aleo She chose a gown of silk After a reception in the Fries ;.':-. ;"ck('t on',s '" Ith a lill'l' llonol' and the bridesmaids I, and 'Hobert Grippe .• Jr. linen designed with appliques: B{j;u' t'rnt.rOl(h'l'r'cl ill spp(j wer~ Patricia Moran. Olivia Marilvr. Loria was flower of Alencon lace on the bodice the couple left on a trip ;)f'a~':'. ami a m:tldlllll' h('iH!(,cl Loria. :Vlary Ann Grippe. Ange., girl and Salvatore John MllJ- : and dome skirt. MOI"e of the' through ~orthern Ontario. The hi! 1 S h(' ill '<' \\'11 J't' nr!' hicls. line Poliuto and Catherine I tello was ring bea,'er. ; lace trimmed a pd.m-I on the bride wor(' a yellow linen suit .\f','r tlll'll Ilc'ddlllt.: tnp thl' Loria. After a reception at Alclllno i baeK of ..he skirt. A matehing ;'vith mol'S green a('('es~ories. , pillbox caught her illusion veil _~ _ ('OllP:" .1 III ~I'" 11\ EH,t 1...\nstnR_ Th(' mairl of honor wore Hall. S1. Clair Shores. the COll- I 1'111'\ .1' " !',':!: :'!Ull\lll of \lichi- white 8wiss embroidered 01'- pie left for Bermuda. a"d she carried white roses, 'lltl' ':;1Il ~Ll,C t ;::. ,'; '11\ lind th(' . stephanotis ann ivy. , OAR Chapter Discusses I' II~' hr:jc:.:: ~,-..\". \':: :--~ud.\' there , Sally Gates, of Chaoham, wa<; Ellis Island Center 'ink 11l''\' ;~ ~ ,1"..:,<,,- 111 lanQ- 111r.Mt'Knigh.t To Clai1l1 Bride , maid of honor and tb" attend-' "', .~ 'O." c,' -; ..-". .:-. ~ ... T • (' ant was Sarah lA'\\ ellen, of The General .Josiah Harmar :'ok and 1\-:rs. William Stiek-: Wheaton College, class of 1961. • { Ple~santlkRidlg.eff.The~ \\t'ohret~ltll"-C hap t e r Daughters of the Hey Hooper. of Minneapolis,; Mr. MeKnight g r a d u ate d A .. j. qUOlse Sl . e 11 on s.,{'a S WI. 1 'American Revolution. fi1et last have announced the eng;>ge-: from Deerfield Academy. a~- ,matching veiled chiffon roses w('ek at the Lothrop road home ment Of their daught{'r Helen tend('d Yale, served two years I -,'hot<> by Lee Knight SUZANNE MARGARET ARMSTRONG, daugh- I for headdresses. TIH'y carried of ,\'[js~ Eunice Lamb and Mrs. CJtherine to Donald Ely Ml'- i with the Armed {o'orces in Ger- tel' of Mr. and Mrs. Anger Armstrong, of Rivard boule- ! white daisies and ivy • Edna Northrup. Knight, son of Mr and Mrs.: many. graduated from Bab~on In St. Lucy's Church Saturday, AN GEL I N E vard. was married' Saturday in Barbour Chapel of i Ted Willing, of Chatham was. The topic (If discussion wa" Horac(' Ely McKni~ht of Tour. I Institute and received his mas- OLIVIA GRIPPE, daughter of the Robert J. Grippes, Grosse Pointe Memorial Church to Mr. Jacques, son I best man and Ke\'in Reaume.: EJllS Island. immigration cen1.er aine roa(1. I ter's degree there this Junt:'. of Moorland drive, was married to Mr. Militello, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred James Jacques, of Chatham, I Hobert Routledge amj William: off New York. During the War \lis..; Hooper gracluated from i A NovembE'r wed din g is I of the James Militellos, of Detroit. Ont. I Everitt, all of Chatham, seated: the DAR C.h~Pt~r helped 3UP- BradfMd .Junior College and I planned. - - ---.------.------~---.-~------..~._~ --' the guests. ' p~rt a rehabllJtatJOn center there DAC Dinners Precede 'Cleo' Monday's Debs Have Tea, Dance For her daughter's wedding i for war veterans. Wright {oy-fme iewclers since 1861 July's first half will find the I the Theodore J. Sweeneys, Mrs. 'I At a pink and white tea Mon- wore a pink and white print. I Detroit 1, t hIe tic Club high. ! J .. G. Vincent, the George Mag- day, Carol Delbridge was intro- After the tea the debs went. jlighted by two big "Cleopatra" I hlelses. dl.1ced t.o !';ociety and. later the to the dinner where Mr. and: theater parties starting with I More than .200 DAC members I debutantes and' theIr escorts Mrs. Henry L. Newnan, Jr., I' -.,"" " I , " . Iwent on to the University Club were feting their niece, Ann '1 >' dmner at. the DAC. and by the I and guests who attended the I for a reception and dance for Wagers. of Dallas, Tex.) who: DAC Beavers' annual stag party i .rune 26 premiere, a benefit I Bambi Constantine. I bowed last week with Betsy: at the Old Club. i performance for the Det.roit I Carol, daughter of the wil-I Wunsch .. The dinn<:r was held! '~he Beavers' stag fete on Symphony Orchestra, had early, liam M. Delbridges, of Univer- I at the RIdge road home of Mrs.: I ,July 9 will feature all kinds of dinner at the downtown club, I sity place, bowed at a tea in i Newnan's father, Owen R. Skel- ~ I outdoor athletics culminating in among them the Ralph C. Wil- 'I the Tonnacour place home of I ton.' I .' , the DAC bowlers vs. the Beav- sons Sr. and their guests, the her aunt, Mrs. Thomas J. Litle I Then on to the UniwI'Sity: ers' baseball game and will be George Jurys; the R. Lester III. Club where B a l' bar a Boyd. {' Bring your old ,an all-day affair with luncheon I Spitzlcys and Mrs. -Gladys Sib- i The tea table, on the terrace, (Bambi) Constantine was pre- i ! and dinner at the Old Club. I ley; Dr. and Mrs. Karl Webber i was covered with a pink cloth sented by her uncle and aunt, i diamond treasures The trip across Lake St. Clair who were in a group with the I and centered with rubl'um Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Em- to the club on Harsen's Island Harold R. Marshes, Ll.oyd Law- lilies. pink delphinium and' pink mons. Jr. Bambi is t~e daugh-: up-to-date I will be aboaJ1i members' eruis- I sons and Stanley Seltzes; the I and white larkspur. More of tel' of former DetrOlters, .Dr.. ers. I Alfred J. Fishers Jr. in a two- I t.he same flowers were used and Mrs. Frank H. ConstantIne.' Don't let your lovely old . some' the Sidney S. Halls in a ,throughout the house. of Englewood, N.J .. where she. So great was the Interest I • b d t th l'h k g' ,. dIamonds languish in a I party . of 10' Mr. and Mrs. 1,ay- I Carol wore a pll1k gown ac- owe a e an S 1\ mg drawer . . . simply be- when the DAC announced a lor H. Seeber noted at a table I cented with Swiss embroidery. Cotillion. ;~e~ter :arty fO~ ~~IY ~Obcotn for two, and near by, the Wil-I Mrs. Delbridge was in water- Bambi wore a b~llgown of '"=' cause their settir,gs are d ==-~.?_~~ mlng. m~;r a e"c u an Ham J. Rewoldts. I melon pink ann Mrs. Litle white faille embroidered with out of style. Bring in att~ndJDg ?leopatra at t he __._. .______crystals and pearls and carried - your old jewelry. Let our Unt1.ed ArtIsts Theater, that pink sweetheali r 0 s e sand! experts suggE:st new set- the 500 places were reserved stephanotis in an antique silver i LIMITED TIME OFFER tings. NOW IS THE I in tht> twink~ing of an eye, so i holder used by her grand-: TIME TO DO IT! I to speak. WIth ever so many : mother, the former Elizabeth i .JJage,.I!l :Ja,.ni&h p,ecfl?nli{J/!

, , 2 Day' WITH SILVER FOAM INCLUDED ~ Service 5;:~:~~e~;;:e;.~;t;::;::~~~C~~0j"~;'n' I~:!ii::;~;;~~;~~~;Z~:;To acquaint yOU with the perfect silver care i~~'~~~~~ companionsh:p of these two fine Hagerty

productsr YOlJ wi" receive a jar of Silver Foam ~~~f~:~;:~i~I:::~t~~~::::1<~~;¥t~~r~~~r I::~O:~';~:::O:IU:O • LINENS Address ._ _.__ _._ City __ . QROOOOOQROOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOR0002h ~ to take members and their • PAPER GOODS D Charge 0 Check enefosed guests there. and back after the (Add 4')0 tax & 25c for shipping) This Fall performance of Twentieth-Cen- Delivered Silitled in Plastic Visit tbe tury-Fox' multi.million dollar within 50. Mile area picture presenting the hisforic t9ea FRENCHand ITALIAN RIVIERAJ and dramatic lovl.' s tor y of "Cleopatra" in' which Elizabeth I ?-~- Wi~ightI~ay UNLIKE ANY ESCORTED TOUR YOU'YE EYER TAKEN Taylor and Richard Burton star. I ;~ 17051 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe, 1500 Woodward and Northland (];~ Among Grosse Pointers with .Join this small 9rouP visiting the "Jewels of The Mediter- reservations for the July 10 ',' ranean." Fine hotels and meals throughout. There wilr fete are the Walt!:'r A. Crows, ; the Nathan B. Goodnows. Mr. be no rush! Plenty of time to relax-swim-sf.op-browse I and Mrs. Jack A. Tompkins, ~ and sightsee on your own. Three weeks of breath-takingly I Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Caulk- beautiful scenery at the best time of year-October. 'ins Jr .. the Joseph L. Cobanes, Salel I the H. Richard Fruehaufs Jr., ~ - r~' r ~''''''''''-'':~0.:".~~~,1f~''''''''.~r<~:::.'l'~t.:.'".~--:'~ thE' R. R. Genters. the E. D. i Young Cosmopolitan* featuring: r ...' Barl'etts, the .Jack W. Hoopers, Today'll hu~y hndelwto-- !.' '-+ * Majorca the W. Harold Lightbodys, the be li"e to rely on Om lIpt'cial Alexander LaPointes. floral print coHon separates .ystem to record their Tlrt'fen:'ncCA Nice * A few of those planning on i , in sterling, chin:t and ~Ia~ the July 15 theater "do" are SHIRT 3.90 usually 6.00 patterns. It heIrs famil\' and friends * Rapallo in gelocting glft~ young home,makers * Pompeii SHORTS 4.90 usually 8.00 ""ant and need-4lVOlds dupltClltlMIS * N"'ple~ and dl~a;,\f'()rntments hlter on. <..'1lme in The prettiest duet of the season -re~~ler your ratter;'" ~njoy Wl"1I co- .. Positano (Amalfi Drive) ••• our colorful flower :inate-{jtable appomtment! f(lf a lIfetime! >lC Capri . COMMENCING JULY 1st strewn pair in no~iron Everglaze@ BanCare cotton * Sorrento '''''' tr,p Jr, hr,rnm' llr,.",d":n. ~heers at savin~ that say 11"ii".f,~. A:~,",nb", M'XflofWIN * Taormina (Sicily) Janet Mueller stock up now for summer Gmsse Poi.nte News Staff July Clearance Sale!' weekends and vacCI.tions. Writer and World Tra1Jeler Beautifully tailored. and the 'Schloss Rl'lnnortsch"u'en on The Tour Escort Rh' ....e lined shorts have a side zipper, self belt. 22 Days - leave friday, Odober 11. 1963 Complete inventory of GIFTS - Multicolor print or Return Friday. November 1, J963. DECORATIVE ACCESSO.RIES - ANTIQUES predominantly pink or blue $940.00 per penon llVf,r,MITHS Pleo•• ,.nd m. more dltail. on Mlditarraneon Hoiiday In October. 8 r fl ('H A ~, '1GTON BOULEVARD ~------~------_ ..... _----_ ..---- DANTS • wo 2.'s 1~8-S'or. Hour, 9:30 to 5:00 98 Kercheval •• , on the Hill ""DRESS; ------.------.-.------hours: 9:30 to 5:30 daily Grosse Pointe GROSSEPOINTE-16828 Kerchevaf Ave. - TUxedo 2.3700 -~ ,- ._-- -- ,. _ ------_._------~ ~oooo~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOO~ ------.-

.. dr_ • r sr __ s •• .m. me =_«««. __ c •• ••• ••• .._ rt _~ •• « = __ ~ _ _ r« .. _ mrC'" __ ...... ~ _ ---. - - - -. ------...... -- --~---~ ~_ ..r-__ ...... -._ ...... _ ....Il"" "''''''''''_''_''' __ '' __ ''_'' __ ''-,...... -- .... :::;_._._%_4...._""4...._...... ""...__.... .•_* ...._,..._.. ._0 ------~_.-

Page Fourteen G R 0 SSE P 0.1 N TEN E W S Thursday, June 27, 1963 Thursday, June 27, 1963 )ointes Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes Mrs. Larry H. Culp Mrs. Ronald Wortman In Wallace Culp-Langston VOWS Wortman-Boyer \Ar. Ohr Ex~hanged Saturday I Nuptials Revealed Newlyweds Leave for Virginia Shore After Rites Couple Wed June-l5-i~1At. C~I~ary Lutheran Church iaughtpr of thO? Ed\vard Hamll- in Christ Church and Receptioll in Bride's Home; With Reception at War Memorial; Pair Travel road. spoke he!" marriage vows to Florida, Will Live in Ann Arbor This Fall icram('nt Cath€'dral to Joseph Will Both Study Medicine in Pennsylvania _.__ ~ ~_.A~ .._ ._~_. -- _._ ..- ~.._---~. ~~--~-_. the tio Frederick Ohrs, of ~J Mr. a,nd Mrs. Larry H. Culp will both be first year Linda Sue Boyer, daughter of the Robert Harry Boyers, of Fisher road, was married June 15 in Mt. medi<.'a 1 students in September at Jefferson Medical I Calvary Lutheran Church to Ronald Gilbert Wortman, ,\n CollegE:' in Philadelphia. They were married Saturday Dr. \\'iI1l"111 Schmidt was son of the Gilbert Edward Wortmans, of Harper Woods. in Christ Church and left for a wedding trip to the ed bl"~l man and Ihp u~ht'l's WE'rE' Virgmia shore. ' ---~-~------The bride were an empire: ------~-.- rle, Richard S(.hmicil. Christopher gown of peau de soie ac-: Dennis W. Wortma~ was his mt Brl"tt and l'sama Dajani. The bride is the former: and Carol Geisler, of Silver Claire Langston, daughter i Spl'in~s, Md. cented with Alencon lace brother's best man and the )e1 For' hN daughl('r's wedding i on the bodice and down the' ushers. \\:pre David R. Boyer, of Dr. and Mrs. John Don-! They wor;: short white eyelet inand H'{Tptlon at th(' D£'trolt , full skirt which fell into a. the bl1de s brother; John Leete, ed I Boat Cluh. \Irs. WaIla('p wore aId Langston, of Berkshire I embroidered batiste over yel- : . of Ann Arbor; William Gram- :l ..ht'li pmk p£,au (i'am:E' .l::own road. Mr. Culp is the son of' low taffeta frocks which were .~ 'chapel tram. An ~len~on. zon and Donald Vormelker. ' \\ Jlh matdling malinf' hat. H(>r the Howard lVI. Culps, of sashpd In yellow, and wreathes I ! la~e cap caught h~r 111usJOn, For her daughter's wedding gh! 110\\£'1''' \\f'rp ("ymhld1um Of- Canton, O. of daisies and ivy. Their bou. : veIl and she earned sweet- Mrs. Boyer chose a delphinium t('d ("hid" For the afternoon rites the quets were of daisies. heart roses, stephanotis and blrJe chiffon gown. Mrs. Wort- or. :'lit',. Ohr \\as In a hluf' silk bride WOle a while peau de soie I Thomas Culp was his bro- : ivy. i man was in aqua chiffon and 1:11'.'11 Jack€'! drc"s with a laef' ~o\vn deSigned with short cape: ther's best man and the ushers I Mrs. David R. Boyer. of M~. lace. In:. bodieI' t>mbroiclered in ~ppd sleeves with small bows at the i were John Buehler, of New : Clemens, was the honor at.. After a reception at t.he War I of r,parl, and a mat('hin~ b('adt'd shoulder and a chapel train. A: Hav('n. Conn.; John Peyton, of I i tendant in a pastel pink Alen- Memorial the couple left for £,rE' hat. Shl' also wpre' orchids. matchin~ pillbox caught her. Wooster, 0.. and Jack Glosser, ! con lace over taffeta tiered Ft. Lauderdale. Fla. They will san .\[1('1' Ihf'ir \\'eddin~ trip the illusion veil and she carried:

Winnptka. and her husband is a~d the usher~ wen! Charles A ~iant hanger al Selfridge ed three of their granddaugh- turquoise. I Polly Rebecca Walker. daugh. f 1A~...q;- Ihe son of Mrs. Frank A. Thorn, . 1 horn and WIllard Kerr, of '11 b t. d i t b 11 : tel'S Thursday evening at a gar- A pale yellow marquee cov-I ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil B. of :\It. Vernon Toad. and the Grosse Pointe: David Rodenkirk, ,WI . e urne n 0 a a room den dance in their home. ered the dance 0001' and break- i Walker, of Huntington boule- late Mr. Thorn. •of Milwaukee: Thomas Haider' holdIng thousands of danc~rs on LId h f M fast was served from a long vard. exchanged mar~'iage vo\\'s and Donald Haider Jr the W d d I J I 17 ynn Hol ey. aug ,tel' 0 r. Tr.e bride chose .a Victorian . ' .. ~ e nes ay even ng. u Y , and Mrs John Holley of Pro- buffet table covered with a pale and rings with Thomas Howard I 1 t I\'ory. .,atm gown and a tulle. brIde's brothers'I . andf JohnIf.Gal- for a dance k'IC k'mg.o ff th e vcncal road.. wore a white. sJ1k. yeIIow l:.O th an d sma II 8_hies. Bredt Saturday evening, in the \'E'I'1 caug ht by a crown 0 f see d Gvln, of PC.Heago,l ormer yo. base's thlr d annuCiI Carnival.. [ ba11gown WI'th an empire. wals. t \"l.th~ "'..ellow cloths cent"'red,. Sa1em M em 0 r I. a I I...uth erst: ~j pf'al'ls. She carried Amazon , r~~e om e. ti t tl S Ray McKinley and the original and sheath skirt. She carried with bouquets of tiny yellow Church. A reception at the lilies. ! set R~~g:~~~~t:;n C~ub,l~o~~=Glenn Miller Band will pl~y for pink g~raniums and i~. roseS and carnations, we r e W hit tie r Hotel followed the Mary ThGrn. the bridel'(room's. field. t}1e newlyweds left for the four hour dance, starting at I Sharmg h~nors With Lynn grouped around the room. ceremony. For HOlne Deliver~y Cl- tt£tl/i ,Ister. was maid of honor and Spain. They will retum in time, 9 p.m. was her cousm. Margaret Hol- The bride wore a gown of the bridesmaids werE' Mr-:s.Paul for Mr. Thorn to sail aboard: Planes wUl be moved from ley, daughter of George Holley. Maribeth Mason Plans cameo i VOl' Y peau de soie Donald Garvey. of Stamford, the Victory in the Mackinac: the hanger to make room for of'. Pr.ovencal road. and Mrs. trimmed with alencon lace and Phone LO 7-0178 Conn' Mrs Thomas F Haider: Race I th S If id t Ad . i ElliS Holley, of Shoreham road. To Marry Ens, Decker SCE'dpearls. A cap of seed pearls .,. . .., : " lee r ge gues s. miss on h" .. t 'lk b d ht h .11' .1 d h ~ rf :lJie.J4U of Chicag:>: Therese Tierney, of Thl'Y will make their home I will be $1 per person. The pub- w 0 1. ore a wnr.e Sl . ~oca e caug er 1 uSlOn vel. an s e Chicago and Judy Ker~er of in Chicago .. . d gown and carned mlmature Mr. and Mrs. Everett J. carried a Colonial bouquet of ____ .._... ' ~ :. he IS invite. I yellow roses and carnations. Mason, of S toe pel avenue white roses centtted with a .tt0untain Valley Water L 5ar/4 The dance and carnival are . The third bud was BarbMa announce the engagement of white glamellia. f- ~~ =:;-";';$..- - -..- --- sponsored by the Base Welfare Kuehn. who made her debut in thei~ daughter, Maribeth, to I Matron of honor. Mrs. George Hoz.~~s.. Not a laxative For your health's committee, and proceeds are her hometown of Milwaukee. EnSign Robert L. Decker son of Schwindelherst. and the brides .. or carbonated sake - Drink 6 to 3 -No chlorine-Low used for supportir.g Boy and earlier. The daughter of the Mr. and Mrs. Louis 0, Decker, maids, Mrs. John Leets and Mrs. glasses today. soIt-tosty-pure. Girl Scout acti-vities, Family Philip Kuehns wore a silk 01'- of Manor road. Clinton Gerhold. Were gowned S e r v ice s. augmenting Base ganza gown with spaghetti The bride-elect is an alumna alike in mInt green lace and AT TH ESE GROSSE POINTE STORES Chapel funds and other pro. straps and a floating skirt. She of Marygrove College and her peau-de-soie, and carried apri- jeets for which there are no wore 'white orchids in her hair. f I a n c e is a graduate of St. cot carnations. Farms Market, 355 Fisher Road ....•. , ..•• " • " •TU 2-5100 5-8400 funds. The senior Mrs. Holley wore Joseph's Colle?e, Rensselaer'l Mr. Bredt. son of the Howard ~ Hamlin', Market, 89 Kercheval Ave. ""." •••••.. TU Verbrugge, C. Market, 898 St. Clair. , •••.•••••. TU S-1565 The four-day Base Carnival a misty blue chiffon ball gown Ind. After a sprmg wedding the Bredts. of DevonshirE' r 0 a d RENT A BOOTH w~ll start Thursday, July 18 and white .orchids. Mrs. John couple will reside in Hawaii in Detroit, asked Terry Slonaker: I Ask for tree booklet-Mollnta;" Volley WC!ter--3343 Grotiot, Detroit7 and run through Sunday, July Holley. was In pale blue or?anza where Ensign De c k e r is of York. Pa., to be his bel>t 21. The Carnival will run from embrOIdered all over With a stationed. I man. Ushering were Richard. ~-.------.------.------.--~-- 4 to 11 p.m. Thurr:day and Fri. ----.--.- I Bredt. the bridegroom's brother; dar. and from noon to 11 p.m. Byron Walker. brother of the For Beach and Boating on Saturday and Sunday. Summer Tenn-Is I bride; and Clinton Gerhold. _. __ ~__ i Mrs. Walker chose a pink em- I broidered eyelet gown and a \VE HAVE Barton of the Pointe FULL TIME JOB at i corsage of pink tea roses for. 17008 Kerchel:al--in-the- Village ! her daughter's wedding and re- i The fellow who tends to his GROSSE POINTE 'II ception. Mrs. Bredt was in blue! own business has f 0 u n d a?: RAVES lace and crepe. Her flowers: TV 5-9181 effective way. to fight competi- UNIVERSITY SCHOOL the fashion slipper for pampered comfort i were blue and white daisies. tion. i 1045 Cook Road Quality styled ~Or hom€. office, shower or beacn ... ._--_._--~------_._------, The couple plan to live in! JUNE 17th Morristown, N.J. where the' the yeor round silwer ployshoe for oir-conditioned I walking comfort. Women's ond men's l>tyles. THRU AUGUST 30th : bridegroom is employed by the ' FOR YOUR PICNIC on the 1 Bell Laboratorips, and the bride 6 Teniflex Courts will be a Speech Therapist in Specialists I the MOf'ristown Schools. b.le ALL WELCOME HANDBAG ~ 4 I I Rates by the hOUr. month or season, Lessons REPAIRS ~a ". arranged. Operated by the school. For infor- SINCERITY Serving &osse Pointe SHOE AND mation. call court manager . The fellow who is honest in 1, of for 01)" 30 }'e~1'$ HANDBAG SER.VrCE 4th July his convIctions finds his prob. Ron Burns lems will take care of them. 16109 MACK AVE., at Cevonshire 885-6605 9 Courts 8._8_4_-_6_2._5_4_;__H_o_m._e__,_N_i _h._tS._8_8_2_-_2_0_6_1__ I ~el.ve._s_. ._~~__ ~ What'ls for the Fourth? r I ~Thatever your appetite desires.

Select from choicest of finest foods _ •• all. Illouth-watering ~ Today's busy brides-to- be like to rely on our special &nd right for your picnic! !t system to record their preferences Smart SUMMER Handbags r in sterling, china and glass patterns. It helps family al!d friends FOR SALE OR CHARTER • FOR BUSINESSOR SOCIAL ENTERTAINING in ,electing gifts young home.makers want and need-4lvoids duplications OCEAN GOING 7.90 tlStlalf, 12.08 ... 00 and disappointments later on. O>me in J05 Ft. Steel Diesel Yacht "Helene" -register your patterns~njoy wellco- For Particulars - Call R. L. Renolde TR 1-5600 nated table appointments for a lifetimeI F Some very satisfactory ~vings are yours now on this seas()n's handbags that will '11. lop 10 hottom: R01'I4e14"l, perk up any summer outfit. Included inthe Ildrigll1, Alexan4fll, MjlfJe-I/I It Makes"a Difference wide assortment are straws~ tapestries. patent plastics, noveltY fabrics and eva the cut, , , - some leather trimmed Belgian linens. the color , • . A wide selection of shapes and sbes, toof the bermanenf '. Price plus tas.

FRESH AND A CHANGE Sorry. no mallor phoneor'" filled • IS STiMULAliNG PORTERHOUSE or SIRLOIN STEAK. Cut from PRIME and CHOICE Aged Beef!! Deliveries to All Pointes Grosse Pointe Beauty Salon BEST e CO. ~RREN & COMPANY Where Knowledge and Skill Create Beauty "D SILVERSMITHS .EN GLASS J~ VA 2..3541 GIOSSE POINII-4a2e feldt.vat AYe•• TUxedo 2-3700 IGTON BOULEVARD 355 Fisher Road TU 2-5100 Open Monday through Saturday . WO 2-5158-Store Houn 9:30 to 5:00 C71'osse Pointe 15029 E. JEFFERSON AVE., at Maryland II = , t •

_ • 4 '. •• ~k" ... " •••• ~. •• _.,. "t '., ., - '.. I

« C b tee. _ ••• $ .... $ • rt • - t tts . - "_ rd •• $ • n e r 7 ••• s --- lay, June 27, 1963 _._---_._---_._._.-Thursday, June 27, 1963 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S A __ ~~ ~ - ._-. __ •• ~~- ~._-- - __ ~. __ • • • ~~ ~ --~--.~ w .~_~_~ ~ ~ __ w. __ ~_~ _ ...... ~ .~ _ Page Fifteen intes Woman's Page --_.~---~----.._-_._--- • • • by, of and for Pointe Women

--.---- ~- .--~~~ •• - _. ~-~------.---.----.---.-----~---.-~~_ • A • ._~.~_. .~ ~ __ ~ ~.~ • • ~_~ _ IShirlee Burr >yer Newlywed Peters .Mrs. Stephen J. Peter I Trio Presented ~leds in South 'At Garden Ball Boat Club to Honor tealed Shirlee Roberta Burr, daugh- Travel to Canada ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bliss C a u I kin s, Christine Burr, formerly of Grosse Pointe Gram and Theresa Hill bowed '(ary Lutheran Church together last Tuesday evening Sandra S!ankrauff S;t~~day-in Grosse Pointe Commodore at Ball norial; Pair Travel W~d" ~~:.d~l:.~~~~~~~~~~~a~~e:~ I at a garden dance in the Edward -.------.---. b . 't 125th MethodIst Church With Receptlon at Hillcrest 22, to David L. Overmoyer, son B. Caulkins home in Beverly The Detroit Boat Club, which is eele ratmg 1 S I Arbor This Fall Country Club; to Live In East lansing. of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Over- road. anniversary this year, will go all out at the Commodore's of the Robert Harry .---- moyer, of Fort Lauderdale, in I The house and garden were Ball this Saturday evening. rried j une 15 in 1\1t. On a wedding trip thr~l1gn -;;orthern Canada are a candlelight service at the transfor:1led into a New Orleans The party will follow the~~ --- . ------. - aId Gi bert Wortman. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jennings Peter who were married Community Church in Lauder- street scene for the debut sailing regatta, oIde:,t on: low t~e regatta and awards ,:"'111 anI'. of Harper v:oods. Saturday in Grosse Pointe Methodist Church 'th' dale by the Sea. dance, The llbrary became the the Detroit river and. fete I be gIven durIng the danclng reception following at Hillcrest Country Club. W1 d I For her marriage the bride I French Quarter w~th an out-of- C dB' J R later by the pool. On the com- chose a classic gown .of rose door art gallery, and a huge ommo ?re ~ce . e- mittel' an." Bill Brown, the Ro"s ,is W. Wortman was hi5' bride the former~----~--- point chantilly lace over coro- The is painting of the Mardi Gras city naud and Mrs ..... enaud. Eushes, the Don Galvins, the r'g best man and th!' Sandra Suzanne Stankrauff, I B nation taffeta. The bodice was was hung in the living roo:n. The Jack Harrisons ilre in Kenneth Lockes, the Ed Mei. \H-re David R Boyer. h d daughter of the Russell F.: etrot e fashioned with seed pearls and Christine is the daughter of charge of decorations for the vt'dts and the .James Strykers. de's brother: John Leete. Stankrauffs, of Hawthorne! paillettes and long. tapered day long events. In the lobby }<'lag officers with Mr. Re- I Arbor: WIlliam (;ram- road. Her husband is the I r sleeves. The bouffant skirt Mr. and Mrs. H. James Gram, will be a cire:ulating fountain naud are Mr \\iallace, who with Id Donaid Vormelk£'l' :son of the Francis Peters, f belled from a sh~nder princess 01 Moran road, and Theresa is with flowers and lights. Sail- his wife is in charge of the ball. her daughter's wedding t waistline and fell into a chapel th,e daughter of Ellw~Od H. boats of all sizes and shapes will I R. 1\1. Pa!m('r, B. C. Doetsch, oyer chose a delphinium of Kingston, Mich. I train. Her veil of silk illusion HIll, ~f Beverly road .. BlIss had. be used to decorate the club. ! R B. Deeker. R. C. Warmbold liffon gown. l\Irs Wort- She wore an ivory peau de i was secured by a crown of seed been mtroduced earlIer by her Cocktails and dinner will fol- : and V\'. ~. Brown. grandmother, Mrs. James Thay- ~ ~ ~ __ .__ ~ __ ._~ ...... ~__. . _ 'as in aqua chiffop and soie g 0 w n designed with a l' l1earls and paillettes and she rounded neckline and appliqu('s carried a cascade of white rose er Me-Millan at a tea for her . a r('('eption at the War of Alencon lace down the bo- buds.' friends. ial the couple left for dice and belled skirt. A crown Mrs. Hobert Hatmaker, of All three debs carried bou- COWBOYS - COWGIRLS quets of gardenias and ivy . Id"rdalp. Fla. Thp~' \\ ill of peau de soie caught her I Ferndale, the bride's sister, Ann Arbor thi", fall French illusion bouffant veil iI was matron of honor. She wore Bliss wore a white ballgown DUDE RANCH DAY CAMP Ie aUf-nd" the L:nI\'t~rslty and she carried orchids and , I a peach silk organza sheath embroidered with tiny white I flowers and green leaves. Mrs. ligan SehOul of Ar('hllt'C'- stephanotis. I over champagne taffeta with an. Pack Your Grub and Spend Every Doy ! Caulkins was in pale blue chif. d Design. Jeanne Bat tin, of Caro. I! i overskirt of the organza, and a I fon. Mich .. was maid of honor in an matching hat. She carded a • Doily Tronsportation Free un;\' folks expf'ct tn !::N ice blue tissue taffeta gown cascade of porn-poOlS and pink I Theresa's gown was of white • Trail Rides peau de soie with an empire nformation trom a mld- and a rose headdress. She car- ~ \ ; . rose buds. The bridesmaids, '1.'.' ../ .. ' ~ ..:~~,.. " . • Basic:: Training Instructions 1 waistline edged in braid. Tina • Adult Supervision WOre a white silk organza gown

edged with lace at the portrait I '1 \sts danced to Jack Qualey's For l~forll1otion oPlCl Reservations coil 749-5779 d I orchestra. tin: Dale N. Lanway, of Kings- nounced by her father at a er'Yhe bridegroom's best man I -----~-- __ ~ ~ .. ..~ . ~_~ __~ ~_ ton: Floyd Holland, of Orner, family party on Sunday after- was David Purinton of Fort ~1ich.. and Fred Peter, brother ,', I'. Lauderdale. Also on the esquire: of the bridegroom. noon. MISS BueL IS the daugh- side were Rudy Owens. brother- i GROSSE POINTE SHORES Lynne Bonsecour was her! te,r of Mr.dJ Lawrcdnce B Ut.'hl1in-law, of the bridegroom, Larry! ('ousin's flower girl She wore i JI.. of Yen orne rOil ,an dt e C k R b t H t k . f D ' • . 1 t M B 11 0,), 0 er a ma er, 0 e- , LAKE :FRONT HOME an ice blue organza gown with I a e rs. ue. troit David Butler Donald: a white bodice. ; Miss Buell is a graduate of Good. and David Hag'e of Fort:

For her daughter's wedding: the Grosse Pointe Country Day I Lauderdale. Junior ushers werc ; ;~ Mrs. Stankrauff chose a sheath '\~chool and Smith College. She I Ronald Burr, brother of the I of azure blue crepe and a blue IS a member of Tau Beta and bride and Robert Gunther, i 'ivery flowered hat a~d she wore I the .Junior League. S~e made I nephew of the bridegroom. ; white orchids, I her debut at a tea In June I A reception followed In the: Mrs. Peter cho~e a teal blue I of 1955. t ch,urch parlors.. . . : (~ 178 sheath of ChantIlly lace and: :\11". DrillKalls is the son of I rhe couple wJll reSide Ill: beige accessories. Her flowers i Dr. and Mrs. Harold 1. Drin-I Fort Lauderdale after a trip in were beige cymbidium orchids. ! kalls. of Yorkshire road. Fol- i Florida. , :rhe newlyweds will make I lowing graduation from Trinity I _ 'Water their home in East Lansing. I College, he spent a ye~r of I Mimi Amerson ; \ CAPREX FOR HAIR I graduate study at the uDivers-1 I !\;ot 0 laxati ....e Oh'lo State Women i ity of Geneva. Switzerland. He BOlVS Saturday ! l~ OR SCALP or carbonated i3 now in his final year at I .. I ~" --No chlorane-low ,theI Wayne State University Flowers from the Hawal.lan; Elect Pointe Officers \, solt-tasty-pure. --- I Medica! School. Ic;!ands s~t the theme fo~ Mimi! The Ohio State University. Amerson s Saturday evemng d'e- . STORES Women's Club of Detroit has 1------.------~------but ball at the E~st Jefferson: ...... TU 2-5100 elected Mrs. Evan Thompson, I tors were Pointers Mrs. John avenue home of tAle Frank W.: • • • • •. TU 5.8400 of Devons h'Ire roa d, preSI'd ent W. Paynt( rand Mrs. L , D !lIe Donovans.Mi' d ht f th R' h- . One of the fine';T iakefront homes avail~b!e anywhere. The !u.urious main ...... TU 5.1S6S fo,: the coming 1963-64 season. I Seif.. Mrs. James R. Lloyd, of d mKl, Aaug er G f e M IC i IfAIR-HORMONE res:dence features 4 master bedrooms with 3i baths, 17x30' I:ving room, forma; EI /? ected to th e boar d 0f d.Irec-, G.rosse P OInte.. IS. treasurer, I ar d . . mersons,d th 0 t doranI . -JJ4J GrGtiot, Detroit7 .------.------.------..-~.._..------.--~-Iofroatiny,receivewhite blo~ms.a ree-sfromran twoel i Preparation from England dining room. deiigHful kitchen, library, morning ~roo'n, cozy half.log pane'ed giHne..s r08m with bar and fireplace, and lT1::'lios quarters. classmates at MlChlgan State; CAPREX, a product that has kept English hair beautiful In adc!it;on. t-~eroe is a separate lodge house fer weekend guests, <'l 3 C~; 9<'l- i University, Carol Lum and and scalps healthy for years, has hopped the Atlantic and rage, and greenhouse. Formal land~cdpjng a"d ,Hl elaborate po;')d adorn +re ~ting Melanie McIntosh, both of made its debut here ... CAPREX is the discovery of E V. ADCO INSURANCE AGENCIES 118x57S' "lte. Honolulu. : Wells, one of the fou':lders of the British Society of Cos- With the necklace Mimi wore j metic Chemists. The formula containing hormones helps This is a hOI"e worthy of the mos1 quafity-m;na ~d purChaser. It ~as been !m- II a splash printed shirred Chiffon,' H. E. "Bud.' Adels~erCJer & Associates condition and protect healthy hair and scalp. Checks dry- gown in tones of pink, lavender macu;ate:y maintained ana because of i15 country (:IUO sized rOOrilS. it is su:tabie and blue on a white hackground'. , ness and attacks dandruff problems. Women users also TO( a large family and ideal for formal eT'tertaininq. It represents a ma~.terpjece have found CAPREX. good for hair that needs help be- 15228 MACK AVENLJ!: ADELSPERGER INS. AGENCY Mrs. Amerson received in a. of plannir'9 and perfection, and is priced far below original cOST. pink silk gown. I cause of excessive use of bleaches, permanent waves, 'ed comfort DETROIT 24, MICHIGAN ELLIOTT !NS. AGENCY Wearing straw ceolie hats: teasing and tight rolling. It was familiar to American Or beaer> . . . TEL. 881-6220 TURRELL INS.AGENCY I were the ushers Russell Dono-I travelers in England, but until now was Unobtainable here. :lir-condit,oned van, Andrew Amerson. Robert '"Ies. Beattie, Lance Gotfredson, Wil-I CAPREX ••• priced at $3.00 per bottl(! plus tax Ham Bailey, William Denes, I ----.-----.~----.---. ------~-- .JO~~P:;:~~da~~ &~:~~alvi::~e i .It • • L. TOR • pile with a menu of egg rolls, i PlJBLIC SALES chicken chow mein and fortune I TU 1-6300 I SHOE AND cookies. Japanese ash trays, I napkins and match books car- I NDBAG SERVICE Not An Auction - All Items Priced ried off the decor. 885.6605 Before the dance M:r. and Mrs. Charles R. Murphy gave a din- -~ ---- ~-~_._----,-- Household Furnishings ner for Mimi in their Bedford .; rond home. Mrs. R ic h a I'd :

'.: I Doughty, Mimi's aunt, enter- i 121 Kercheval on the hill :: tailled at the Little Club for I Deliveries, TU 1-5688 Mrs. Eva Dyer family guests. I 346 Shore View Drive ------~-~------) (Telegraph at Huron turn W. on Huron, ! ! 1 Blk. past Vorhees turn E.) ,j Pontiac i j Saturday, July 13, from 10 a.m. Mrs. Hazel MacGirr l 23 Boston Ave. (Tel. R. I Blk.N. of Huron, I Blk. E. of Tel. Rd) Pontiac I Saturday, July 13 from 11 :30 a.m. Mr. Kenneth Youel 345 Woodridge Road (at N. Woodward & Quarton Rd.• go W. on Quarto., to Cranbrook Rd., N. on Cranbrook I Rd., jog W. on Woodri~ge Rd.) Bloomfield Hills Touraine Road f Saturday, June 29, from 10 a.m. 1 Incomparable Location I Mr. & Mrs. John Ludwig I 850 Bedford Rd. 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, library, powder room, glass- (5. of E. Jefferson Ave.) enclosed porch, lovely landscaping ... all '~his in a choice Grosse Pointe Park Farms location close to Kerby and Brownell schools. Va- Saturday, July 20, from 10 a.n:. cant and ready fer immediate occupancy. Insped this fine SALES CONDUCTED BY offering today. H. O. Mclierney David D. Stalker, Inc. 10 Appraisers 424 Book Building ~rOLES REAL ESTA"rE WOodward 1-9085 74 Kercheval On-The-Hill TUxedo 5-4100 . I

...... , . . . . , . . ~ " ...... - -' ... . • ~ • ~ to' • • . " . ~ " .. ~ , ..

Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 27. 1963 '----_._------..~------~---.~-'--'-~---_.,------Thursday, June 27, ...

YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly


COMMERCIA,l OR OFFICE SPACE unique property offers acres of com:-.lercial land .. frontage, on main 4 lane way between Lake Orion Oxford. Ranch type bui. with large, exposed lower I Approximately 2,400 sq, f' lower floor, presently ( space. Also ideal for rest~, '1 Excellent view from both I,' of sl.'enic, rolling terrain small private lake. 1!),OOO sq. ft. of living space on floor. Write or phone for tails. Brochures available. C. A. \A/EBSTER, REALT 25 N. Washington, Oxfo' OA 8-2,515


12F-RESORT PROPERT FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE cottage ~t R deau Park, Canada. F nished, sleeps 10. ImmedJ ')ccupancy. VAlley 2-2222. NORTHPORT-Beautiful hel, summer or year round, 0\"( looking Grand Traver!:e B; 23 acres, 12 ',\'ooded, so shoreline. Some berries a fruit. 4 bedroo:ns, 2~.z batr natural stone fireplace, aur matic hot water furnace.F information. write Box 3[' Northport, Mid"..igan.

LUSH ACREAGE, 10 minu: drive from tunnel on Lf St. Clair. Will sell all or p." Beautiful spot for priV.I dub, marina or estate. Ella Ruth, Realtor T U 6-2050 TlJ 6.06

KINGSVILLE, Ontario, LJ den Beach. Landscaped; on hill o\'erlooking La. Erie, 70'xSOO'. TU 1-8305. HUNTING-FISHING CABIN. Tawas-Oscoda area - 3 roon' full basement. Sleeps 7. Cor pletely furnished. Good bur, ing, fishing. near skiing fad ties. PR 7.409i. WONDERFUL fi....e bedroc. summer home complete furnished incl uding two b03 r on beautiful St. Clair rive Onry 25 miles from dow 1 town Detroit. $10.000 \\';I handle. Call Ben H. Schenc. RIverside 8-3381. SU1\L.\1ER home on Lake Erk 45 minutes from tunne Would rent for SE'ason. W. 2-3400 or TUxedo 2-625 evenings. LODGE or year around ham. Tawas-Oscoda area in tb heart of Huron national fOI est. Year around recreatiOl Hunting, fishing, skiing. 17x2 living room with iarge C1.J stone fireplace, kitchen, :' bedrooms, bath. 21.~-car a1 tached garage, can be used f(;' sleeping, bunk house, oil fur nace, telt'phone, completeI'. furnshed. knotty pine in an(i out. PR 7.4097. 12G-Farms for Sal. ------~-- HUNT CLUB ARE...\ Attractive Michigan style hom~ with 55 acres. Beautiful view. House offers paneled living room with fireplace, 3 bed- rooms, 2lh baths. Basement, 2. car attached garage, summer house with fireplace. Medium sized barn. Less than 2 miles from Metamora Club. $49,~00. terms. Owner. Phone C. A. Webster, OAkland 8-2336 or OAkland 8-2515.

------~ .._---- 13-REAL ESTA11 FOR SALE 58 Putnam PI. (Off Lake Shore at 900, G.P.S,) Vacant. 4-bedro:lIr., carpets and drapes. $47,500. Open Mon.- Sat., 2-5 p.m. DAVID WILLISON TU 4-2106

ST. CLAIR SHORES - Price reduced" from $25,000 to $21,- 000, model 3 bedroom brick ranch attached 2-car garage. 1~ baths, landscaped, tiled , hasement, carpets, draperies. modern fixtures. Owner, PH • 2-4898. l

...... '-,' • , '."0 • ""/ • (:,.4' ". 1.\1,_ . rJ.'.'.J ....,'A~, ;" ',' "'~.~.~ ..,,~., r.".-._~. ',11'_ ••",_ .It. _ ..... ' ..... "t,'T _ ...~ ""-~ , ..... , . . ~ ~ .. Thursday, June 21, 1963 Thursday, June 27, 1963 -_. - ~ ---~ _._- --. ---_.------~------..' ------~----- . .__ G_R_O_S._S_E__ P _O__'_N_T__E_N __E _W_S ...... __ .._. .__ . P_a_9__S_ev_e_".t_e_e"_e

DEADLINE 12, NOON, TUESDAY YOURAD CA~ BE CHARGED Threw Trunk Lines To Serve You 9uickly .~--~---_._-_._-_._----- CALL TUxedo 2-6900 Three Trunk Lines To Serve You 9uickly DEADLINE 12, NOON, TUESDAY )R SALE ~9--ARTICLES WANTED 12E-COMMERCIAL I U-REAL ESTATE i3-REAL ESTATE ------_._----_._-_ •._----~ .."'"--._----~------._--_._------PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 113-REAL ESTATE II 13-REAL ESTATE :1 13-REAL ESTATE IY recognized! OLD GOLD WANTED! ---...----- _._-----_._- ----...... --_------FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE rk and Italy. Cash-in on your old gold piec£'!'. ------~------~._- --~------~---~~----~------I ~------.-~--.---.- .._------! .-.--~-~------.------COMMERCIAL OR OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5:30 REDUCED $2,000 ~:6.0_.. __ , Valente Jewelry, 16601 E. anne parker, .tu 5-4415. OFFICE SPACE NE WCASTLE, 1814, Near WINDMILL PTE. DR. I A WOMAN KNOWS ROSI ..YN ROAD ISH E LBO U RNE. 493--Well n golf shoes; Warren. RENAUD S, 1618 opens Sunday: Lnlque pwpcrty offers 13.8 I D I 3 b Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods. . , TOURAINE--Are you tired of C en t EO l' entr3Jlce COLON IAL I maint.ained ranc:t located near Walton line: --.- -- ...-- .... ---- You can be the third owner al'rcs of commercial land" 550' ll~rUarXyef 11edid~'0 0 m. paneled Face brick ranch. 3 bedrooms, ~agmficent Geo~g.lan Colonial your large rambling h~me? with solid oak pa.,eled living: s hop pin g and bus. Lawn In perfect condItIOn. 4 bed- PI •. L' r 1 • kl t I j 1 )rat?r. pur- Wl,NTED - SAIL FISH . . 4 1 10.,' • 1I mng room. Beau- 1II..! baths, pickled woodwork, of this colonial-stYled center- 31J.zb th' 'd'ti ease conSider 1IIIs .or .ux- room. 3 nice bedrooms, 21/2I sprm er sys em, arge a ou- ,son s: Leed:; lrontage, .on mam a~e :ugh- tiful g r 0 u n d s. Lot 90'x150' i entrance bungalow on 60'. I\"a~'bet\\ een Lake OrIon and Under $~5 000 . ledge rock fireplace. slate rooms. a s m aa 1 on to ury and chann. baths. 75' lot, atta('hed 2-c:lr sied porch. library or third i>ag. All A.1. 644-3447 Big house. details for your servants' quarters. Beautiful b d 2 h th Oxford. Ranch type building '.. vestibule, paneled recreation paneled library with fireplace. STEPHENS ~D. - Ranch, .for garage. Excelll'nt condition in e room, a. s. --~- -- --_._~-~-----~-- convenience and a "new" with large, f'xposcd lower level. Ella Ruth, Realtor i'oom with bar, gas heat, 2 car Architecturally outstanding and small famIly, Work-savmg. and out. OWljer transferred. ,JEFFERSON, 16555 at. Bishop- -. . ,WILL l':XCHANGE 2 Aber- garage. Per f e c t condition. dishwasher kitchen. I'.t sacri- ('handeli('l".' crombie & lo'itch 5 ft. alumi- Approximately 2,400 sq. ft. on TV 6-2050 TU 6-0615 beautifully landscaped, Has family room overlooki::g Priced to sell. TUxedo 1-6300. 40' swimming pool, family Washer. dryer. carpeting and fice with walk.to~market fa- )w rug. S50:. num folding tables plus cash lower floor, presently office draperies included. Price re- cilities at 806 Notre Dame. KARL DAVies secluded garden. room, paneled library or 5th 'te. 821.8499. tot" mod£'rn light-finish desk. "parr. AJso ideal for restaurant. duced $2,000 to $24,900. By Ext.t'llcnt view from both levels A big gang living or partyin~ TU 5..3220 c B~~~ms~~:~~~I:nt~h,\i~~~~ ..~~~~s~~.~~...~~..J~h:~~~ne.. 1 :~~~~,,~~c~ou~a~~.' ~:eed %t; s for sale-: Box :\'-15. Gro!:se Poi n t e a p p ti i n t 1:1 I' n t only. Mr, liture, noo;' l\"t'ws. of !:t'eniC".rolling terrain and Pte. Breigbt. -finds no booby trap here. ~_~ ~ room 21', fireplace. I below cost. ~mlll1 privat ... lake. 15,000 plus Grosse closets everywhere. 4 bed. G-E stove. 'rUxedo 4-3856 BROADSTONE 1665, Attrac- MUlR--Small, cozy 4 bedroom BY APPOINTMENT I FISHER, 587 - 4-bedroom, 2 i; 2 power' B 0 ::> K S. Bookcases, BriC-ll- ,q. ft. or hving space on 1st rooms. Terms to surprise - at 382 McKinley. tive 3 bedroom colonial, 11,-2 house, brick walled. $14,500. FIRST OFFERING. Cape Cod I bath. g"2 story, located near $25; large brae. Paintings. Bought. sold tloor. Write or phone for de- Farms CALVIN, 415, FARMS-Three- baths. beauti.ful family kitch- hIP I d d $30 000 OPEN 2:30-5 SUNDAY I I'n Grosse Pointe Far m s. sc oo~. l' ce un er . r rugs and. and Appralsc<1. Immediate tails. Brochures available. Ridge near Moross I four bedroom brick, 2-car ga- 1655 FAIRHOLME R d At en. separate laundry and rec- d II 11 f d ti air: beaver' <'aHh. 8.r 0 w s e r s Invited oa _. - rcation room, large screened LORAINE 760-First Showing. i Choice garden on beautiful an WI a ow or ecora ng. St. Paul's Parish; Kerby and rage, finished recreation. TU tractive grey brick colonial, I d d I Tw b dr nink jacket. Hours: 12 to 10 p.m. Open C. A. WEBSTER, REALTOR terrace. 2 car garage, nicely Attractive Dutch Colonial in l'eclu e m. 0 I' ooms COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, 208 Brownell schools; wn~ build 2-2622. newly decorated. 3 bedrooms. I 2 d fl d SU.:lday Closed Monday. 2:'i ~. Washington, Oxford 4.bedroom, 21h bath. Colonial landscaped. $27,900. 0 pen City. Near schools and shop-I and bath on n 001' an -From the magnificent en- 11;2 baths, family room, many t b d d b th activities room. fireplace, 2-ca; Sunday 2 to 6. TUxedo 4- ping. Priced to sell. wo p- rooms an a on trance hall to its spaciou::; B. C. CLAES BOOK SHOP OA 8-2515 extras. Immediate occupancy. 1 t fl $28500 t stole, worn 1670 Leven.tte. Detroit 16 garage; including lot $37.500. GROSSE POINTE WOODS By owner. Transferred. must 6179. BIRCH LANE. 664--White Co- S 001'. , ' bedrooms, this exceptional ~st offer. TC WO 3-4267 J 0 H N F.SCHERER - Bldr. sell. Asking $26,800. TUxedo --.-~-~~------..- Ionial. ~2 block from Barnes Colonial possesses an air of ).m. CUSTOM BUILT 3-bedroom Co- GROSSE POINTE WOODS 372-9013 1-4211. GROSSE POI N T E FARMS, School, 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, lonial in superb condition. i charm and luxury. Library, CHILD'S OUtdoor playhouse. NEW ------~- ----~-----~-- Elizabeth, 46l-A well locat- 3 fireplaces. . Won'\. last long. Don't de- I family ro')m, maid's quarters. ~ truck and CHOICE CUSTOM BUILT gage, excel- "lonkey bars. Outdoor foun- GROSSE POINTE WOODS ed semi"ranch. All large ESSEX, 15219 near Lakepointe. i lay. Undel' $30.000. 3l0! 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. CO~Ii\IKRCIAL PARCEL GROSSE POINTE SHORES Reasonable. tain. 821-8499. rooms. built-ins. natural fire. Windmill Pointe-3 bedrooms, : Merriweather. 'IiSTONEHURST 65 - Excep. L .__ _ __ 143xl50 Full sized 4 bedroom ranch, 20 I 14 FAIRWAY DRIVE place. beautiful special floor one bath, Watch your chil- i Ladies and ehildren's better modern kitchen and fi!atures to HOMES I tionally attr:Jctive Early :'vIACK &: VERN1ER 4 bedroom brick colonial. built in family room Near trl\ns- dren walk to schooL '88 CLOvERLY ROAD. Exeeu- i American ranch in the Deep- lator Frost- apparel and accessories wanted match. BY FRED MERELLI 1954. Modern kitchen, 3 natural I portation, shopping center. MORAN, 64 _ Original farm tives ,and doctors tak.e nO-I lands are:! of the Shores. with 6 on consignment. Must be clean l!E:\ VY T R A F FtC COUNT cu. ~.~. BOX 5201, DETROIT 361 fireplaces, family room 20'x16', I Open 4-6 daily except Sun. house on beautiful 100' lot. Uce. freat your family to! Love)y family rOOm with and pressed. 'Will pick up upon AREA. IDE A L SIT E FOR rs old, was Tremendous Values 2 car garage. Carpets. draperies, day, 1:3t)-6, ANN BEDFORD GOODMAN ttz f.i n e ~,t. T h i.s Early I beamed ceiling and fireplace, ilr old Tap- request. FIRST CLASS FAMILY RES- SEE DAILY I paneled recreation. 112 mile to TU. 5-6556 Amerlcan C 0 Ion 1 a 1 has II 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, 100' ht. ; range, like TAURANT (NO LIQUOR) OR ALLARD-Ranch 3 bedrooms Barnes and Star-of-Sea schools, Between 4-6 Call 881-7687 GOO DMA N many custom features and tble July 2. THE BARGAiN BOX DOCTOR'S CLINIC, O}o'FICE den, attached g~age, large lot: 771-2650 1044 MARIAN COURT-Center Gas heat. Price reduced. $37.900. PALAZZOLO is situated on a large se~ MIDDLESEX, 521- Chalming B U I L DIN G AND MANY, Near Queen of Peace Excel- entty ranch. 3 bedrooms. 21,2 TU 1-2773 _. TU 5-6063 LO 747GB eluded lot. Superior 10('3-. French Provincial decoratt>d WE BUY old g~ld~j~welrY-and OTHER DIVERSIFIED QUALI-I len'. condition, $22900: baths, spacious paneled family ._~~______137 G-R-O--S-S-E-P-T-E.BLVD. ..__ ~~___ tion. Near s~hools, churches.j in excellent taste. Family eat. mahog- TY USES. ' silver. Vogue Jewelers, 22377 room and dining area, Kitchen Comfortable, pleasact, conveni- transportation and Country 1 room. 4 bedrooms. 31J.zbaths, Twin bed- ,GROSSE POINTE CITY--1957 2008 LOCH MOOR l\loross Roatt. built-ins - dishwasher. Full ent, older 2-story, 3 bedrooms, 2 I CIub of Del roit. Stop in to. modern kitchen. oint washer MARV. BOUTiN ranch. Corner house. Grosse basement. 1.680 sq. ft. plus 2112- NEW HOMES . 3-bedroom Colonial, bath and day. $75,000. ~5. Hotpoint J :-AUTOS FOR SALE TU 4-7733 Pointe Court. 3 bedrooms. 2 car garage, patio, 85' lot, MerioI' I baths. Ope~ Thurs., Frl., P.M., . half. screened porch, 2-car ga- ! BELANC,ER. 416 - Unusually ------~- 'ite, $75. 2 :\ll'mber of E.D.R.A. Multi-LL"t ca~ garage. Close to transpor- blue sodded front yard. Immedi- IN FINAL STAGES I or_ by appomtme~t. TU 2-8661.! rage, plentiful storage area. I SHOWPLACE )n every detaiL attractIve c.e~ter hall ColoniaL 1948 ALLARD -L-4~Fine~t-i~ ~ . .. tahon and schools, 525 and S50. ate occupancy. Only $29,500. $22.500. Open Sunday 2-5 or I Center hall floor plan with Separate dmmg room, 2 bed. t'xi"tence. Sell or trade. Gary OF COMPLETION call owner, TU 4-6536. paneled library off the liV-, rooms, near schools. Wales. WOodward 2-9360. 12F-RESORT PROPERTY HAMPTON ROAD Cape Cod, 89 HANDY PLACE I 938 AVON COURT - Lovely 10 - fruit- FOR SALE MissIon brick. Ferry school. EXCLUSIVE IMMEDIATE OCCTJPANCY BROADSTONEJ.-989~c~-lonial. ing roo.m. ~oc~out kit- CLOVERLY. 177 - Attractive center hall Cape Cod, beauti- n 9x12 cot- 1962 BL"ICK Speeial DeLuxe 1~~ bath, 2 bedrooms. fire- BLOOMFIELD VILLAGE 3-4 bedroom, 2Y2 bath. con- 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, large chen ~th built-ms. Four French home with 5 bed- ATTRACTIVE cottage at Ron- !'llly situated at end of court, j chair with ccnvertible. Excellent condi- pia c e. low down FHA, honest-SIzed bed roo m s. . deau Park, Canada. Fur- designed for executive or pro- BIRMIr-.lonial residence with many TC 1-808~ pletely furnished. Good hunt- new inside and out. $1295. ing, fishing, near skiing faeili- and storage. floor completely I • . ~ ~ ~~ decorated. $19,000. OUR NEWEST REVELATION extras. in fine location near TL'xedo 1-9065. SALES BY UES a Po d _ ties. PR 7-4097. tiled Attached 2-car garage schools and stores, 3 bedrooms _. ~~ ~_ with electric door opener. You ------'~ I HANDY TO EVERYTHING AUDUBON - Four bedrooms., on Hillcrest. is ~his st?l'Y- plus guest apartment, Owner_ pie width. :\1E R C E DES BENZ 190 SL, WONDERFUL five bedroom must see this home to appre- CONTEMPORARY home, 3 19p.. Attractive 3 bedroom RANCH two baths on second floor. I and-a-half ~ensatlOn w 1 t h TUxedo 1.0696. Ie\\". PRes- 1956. TUxedo 5-7569. Marv. BOUTIN bedrooms, 2 full baths, 4 ~:Le- in excellent condition. Built Bed roo m and bath .abo ....e. bedrooms for a bcvy of __.....~ . ._ summp!, home completely date. Only $43,500 including OFFICE PHONE-8~4~7733 ~laces, Must. be seen. Pnced 1951. 60 ft. lot with lovely Library. Family room. Pan- little ones. Priced in the AtJSTIX-HEALEY. 1963 - Has furnished including two boats newly installed {!uallty carpet- MODEL PHONE-886-0525 m low thl':'1ICS. PRes('ott grounds 2 ca g r g A k '1'_ eled recreation room. 75 foot low twenties for the family New H 0me s speed, 16 eVt"rything PRescott 7-0151. on beautiful St. Clair river. ing and draperies. 7-0151 . l' a a e. noc \ frontage, plus extra 50 feet. co u n tin;: their pennies. I Call Onry 25 miles from dO'Nfl-\ -----~._ ..-- ~--~-~- out at this low price. TUxedo Landscaped lot. $37,500. Dead end street. I 7 WELLI:':GTON PLACE r 6 p.m. 1955 CADILLAC. CPl'. de Ville, lown Detroit. $10,000 \-vill R/\LPH B, EWING 193] NOR WOO D DRIVE. 1-6300. ._------e:;cellent condition. no rust. handle. Call Ben H. Schenck, BU ILD ER Grosse Pointe Woods. One Grosse Pointe Shores j A traditional 4 bedroom home Id electril: reasonable. 293-7717 or l,ake- RIverside 8-3381. floor, 3 bedrooms. finished 86 COLONIAL ROAD Johnstone & Johnstone MAXON BROTHERS Pur y ,.on a quiet street . Iment, $75. view 7-6700. ask for 'Peterson. . .------Pleiise call for appointm ent d basement, forced hot water (off Lakeshore Dr,) 563 SHELDEN ROA D SUl\lMER home on Lake Erie. to see inside heat, 2 car block garage, .----- ..-.~--- TIJ __. .. _ ,CADILLAC '58 coupe. beal1ti- 45 minutes from tunnel. VA 1-3806 uncferground sprinkler sys. New 4 bedroom, 21;2 bath Co. . 2 -60n() ~)( I Luxurious Georgian Colonial, D. Queen ful. S1800. 1955 £'Ieetwood. Would rent for season. WO. tern, Corner lot, immediate lonial. Family room. 1st floor One ~~~~~n~rai 2~ail Col- HA~PERWOODS. 20600 Beau. gar I! elegantly detailed. :ellent con- : $495. 882-0930. 2-34~O or TUxedo 2.6259 j ~ __ --- occupancy by owner. TUxedo laundry room. Completely car- Ed If new one. ~------~--~-.- 1-0149. peted and landscaped. $Sl,5oo. onial, living room 241J.zxI21J.z, fait. g-bedroom brick. Excel- WALTER H ., MAST CO pvenmgs. paneled library, modern kitch- 00 Grosse '59 FORD Galaxie 2-doo!', auto------IOpen Sunday 1-5 p.m. matic. excellent cOl"!::lition, ----- ~--~~--~~ HARPER WOODS en with eating area, cheerful lent draperies. car pet i n f!./IOO KERCHEVAL TU 4-2228 I BILDOR TU 2-1400 LODGE or year around home, FIRST OFFERING dining room facing garden, 1st Grosse Pointe schools. Re------'------$995 TL'xedo 4-2623. Tawas-Oscoda area in the MERRIWEATHER JOHN F. SCHERER, INC. - - - .. -- . I rURES heart of Huron national for- Grosse Pointe School District St. Paul Parish. Center 1'.all Co- floor lav., extra closets, 3 bed- duced. Immediate occuoancv'l GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE ~IERCEDES-BE~Z S. L. 190. 372-9013 'rooms _ master's has private ()Pen Sunday 2 to 5. TUxedo I ES T\\"o top». Beige and red in .. est. Year around recreation, 2238 HAWTHORNE--3 bedroc.:n lonial, Spacious and well-main. Hunting, fishing. skiing. l7x20 ranch fireplace, large kitchen tailled, Good floor plan. 4 nice ------Ibath - full bath from ball. 1-7072. 1- --- E:RY terior. A:\I-F::\l radio Magic 742 S. R E N A U D - Ranch, Plenty storage space. Basement M-.. living room with large cut table' space, good quality car- bedrooms, 3 of which will take Finder. Like new, private Barnes and Star of th~ Sea h t. .th f' S owner. Call \\eek day eve. stone fireplace, kitchen, 3 pets. Asking $16,500. twin beds. 21;2 baths. Bright, lit. IRe. • bedrooms. bath, 21J.!-car at- cheery kitchen with breakfast parish. 3 twin size bedrooms. p::c:,ef:~~d;; r~~: t~d fl::a~~ GROSSr:: PTF. HOMES I ec rica pair ) E, metal. nings. TL'xedo 1-8548. 1 tached gar ..ge, can be used for M,A,RV. BOUTIN space. Paneled library with fire- 2 :'2 baths. paneled library, Sprinkler system. new shrubs BERKSHIRE, 1343-2 year old 5. TUxedo I A I- nee C-reu.'s place and built-in desk, Large Thermopane windows, large and lawn. Qui c k occupancy. center hall colonial. 4 bed-I la I I . 12A-BOATS AND sleeping. bunk house, oil fur- TU 4-7733 fam, room facing landscaped Price reduced. liP_ nace. telephone, completely Member E.D.R.A. Multi.List r aneled recreation room with grounds. utility room, full rooms. 21J.zbaths, large fam- PROMPT SERVICE MOTORS furnshed. knotty pine in and ~ fireplace. September 1st posses- IPMENT- . - - basement, Gas heat, roof fan. i1v room. extra size garage. out. PR 7.4097 . sion allows time to sell your MARTHA BACHERS . 14 FT CRUISERS Incorporated ______.______GROSSE POINTE WOODS Full sprinkling system. By . Sharp, Liberal terms. Land- L Krausmann ElectriC. Co. Runabout. 35 horse, Buc- present home, ~---- owner. TUxedo 1-5960. VAlley 1-7710 scaped lot. d d I caneer electric <;tarting. mint 12G-Farms for Sale FOR THE EXECUTIVE OR ______Serving the Grosse Pointe area TU 2-5900 ------CADIEUX, 866-Corner Char- for over 36 years a nil, condition. $600. TUXE'do 1- ~------.-~-- PROFESSIONAL F AM I L Y RIVARD built. Rea-, 2068. HUNT CLUB AREA SEEKING DIVERSIFIE,o LIV- Sparkling New Colonial. Short levoix-. Attractive colonial. 2 ------ltionaJ Of.;._ . _ GROSS~ PTE, SHORES 1019 YORKSHIRE ABILITY, walk to city park and ne'v swim- Unusually flOe. thoroug~lv mod- BET. MAUMEE AND JEFF, car attached garage, paneled B33 Harper SAILFISH. good~ 0 n d i ti 0 n~ Attractive Michigan style home ming pool. 4 nice bedrooms, 2lh stom b It h m library, 3 twin sized ....-d. Serving tile Pointe AI-eo wI'th <;5 acres, Beautl'ful view. SHOR.EHAM RD.--Center entry ern cu ill 0 e map to N t b' g B kl gh Pal loR' 1-7130 $100. TUxedo 2-3133. v d 2 g g taths, family room. Very fine 0 as I as uc n am - ofi t fI 1 b -----~ ~~-~_.-._---~--~--- House offers paneled ~:ving ranch. attache -car ar~ e, and complete IXL kitchen, At- locatIOn. near the lake. Large I ae b t. t 1 F bi rooms,. rs oar av., reak- . f '1 d e u Jus as 1. ceo our g fast room. J>overed terrace. 16 FT. FIBERGLASS. Elec~ric room wI'th fireplace, 3 bed. In Lady Star of Sea parlsh, att rac t.lve amI y room, won e r- bedrooms, 2~ baths plus maid's '" o Barnes school tached garage. 1 40 H.P. Johnson. Also extras. rooms. 21f.l baths. Basement, 2- sorth wa,lk t . ful kItchen. 5 bedro~"!s, 3 ~ quarters 0 nth i r d f 100 r. gas AC, low taxes. 2'. Carved TL'xedo 5-5187. <,ar attached garage, summer 3 bedrooms, Hz baths. pan~led I BERKSHIRE baths, Excellent condItIon. Fully air-conditioned. un d e r - GRAYTON, 1176 - Roomy 5 , torian lon> --- .. - -. - -- - . fi 1 Medium den. full dining room. spacIOUS . FOR THE 1 h T, RAYMOND JEFFS ground sprinkling system on bedroom 2 bath plus maid's oocasion.1!1 15 2 FT. LAPS":..~RAKE. con- ouse With rep ace. . I k' h I g ll'ving room ledge Lovely stepdown livmg room. I HOME AND OFFICE p' d b L than 2 mIles lte en, ar e • p 1 d l'b .th f' 1 "Ize arn. ess k f' 1 cheerful sun. ane e 1 rary Wl lrep ace. TU 1-1100 RES. TU 2-0176 grand size lot with 2~ car ga- room and bath. Older home, li, walnut vertible top. new cover. .35 I 31/~ rage, By appointment. low taxes and upkeep. Ideal H.P. Evinrude, electric start. from Metamora Club. $49,500. roc Irep ace. . . t' 6 large bedrooms baths. New portable I\.rkway 2- Ph r' .. A -oom and large sereenea pa 10 • I k' h' . h 1 BRYS DRIVE-Brick bungalow. skis. trailer. TU 2-2460. terms. Owner. one ,.. .' . 11 f'lt d 24 28 ExceptIona Ite en WIt al h, j. for growing family. Near TYPEWRITERS Webster, OAkland 8-2336 or ov~rloo.kmg f~ - ~ e:e pane~ed built-ins. even refrigerator, 2- 2 bedrooms, oil heat, natural --- -- ~~. ,- ..------.._------~--- - QUINN schools. Reasonably priced. Grosse 'ointe Gab: I NTED CHRIS CRAl''T skiff. 22 ft .• OAklaJ!d 8-2515. sWmlm~ng poo. ~the 1 vatory car attached garage. A truly fir~place, garage. va can t. I $39.50 IrecreatIon room WI a , fine home. Price $10,000. Small down TU 2-8288 KENSINGTON, 1361-3 bed- _._ '1956, 95 h.p. Excellent ski. - .------.... -.-- .- ~-_ .._- professional type bar and ledge ) for cash ing and fishing. $1,750. TUx- payment. TUxedo 6-2200, room 2 bath bungalow. Com- TU 2-6300 13-REAL ESTATE rock fireplace. Sprinkler sys- LAKEPOINTE ADDING fine sIngle edo 2-4542. ANDREW F, HUGlIES pact. complete, convenient. Ik Service, .---.----.--- . --- -~--- .. FOR SALE tern. Priced well below duplica' Attractive larger 3 bedroom st. Clare Par ish. Under MACHINES ru 5-2450 14' WOLVERINE, 1960 Electric ------.- --- ~-- tion cost. Will consider land Colonial in excellent condition. Choice Build- $30,000. TYPEWRITERS .__.. ~___ Johnson 40 H.P. Excellent ccntrftct purchase $10000 down Custom built on 60' lot in 1950, 120 MEADOW LANE and lught iron' condition. TU 2.2622. lJtnam. ..FIRST OFFER;!'!G ' Lovely glass-enclosed terrace. 2 OPEN SUNDAY 3-5 • S. f LOTHROP ROAD-Exceptional ROAD SERVICE! S8 P PI home for a large family, 6 Sales '. for fam- ---.---~----.~------(Off Lake Shore at 900, G.P,SJ 1683 NEWCASTLE ROAD, near car garage. October 1st posses- Lovely 3 bedroom, with sep- In9 Ite S 0 r 1 i 15 FT. molded plywood sports sion allows ample time to sell arate entrance family room, On bedrooms, '31J.z baths, fiile -~ and runabout. 35 h.P., and trailer. Vacant. 4-bedroom, carpets and r.!ack, Spacious center hall Colo- your present home. family room. Near St. Paul, Service drapes. $47,5UO, Open Mon.~ nial. 3 bedrooms, 2lh baths, lam. dead-end street off Grosse' USto mHo me 5 TU 1..9813 Fully equipped, Like new. C Kerby, Brownell s c h 0 0 1s. ~~''-A' ;H Pointe Blvd. Most con venient TU4 .. Sat., 2-5 p.m. By room, quality carpets. For. 3988~1 $700. PR 6-3284. WHITTIER to all schools, Kercheval on Well landscaped grounds. WOLVERINE SUITS, ! ---~.-- ~ __ DA VID WILLISON mica counters in large, family 4 Bedrooms, 3~ baths, Colonial Hill shopping. For appointment, COLONIAL ROAD Typewriter Service ;HOES 24' EXPRESS cruiser, Chrysler TU 4-2106 sized kitchen with vinyl floors, near the lake. Has den and fine MANY OTHER HOMES Earl Richards Service ~ TUxedo 2-:i006, Off Lake Shl)re Drive 20397 Mllck Av&., III tbe Woods I bring us to 95 h.p., newly and fully ----~---~---- Formica vanity with twin lavs in G.E. kitchen, good sized break- BY APPOINTMENT Our New Locatio" ~ly. equipped. New (' 0 n d i t ion. main bath. Recreation room with Ideal 100' lots on one of PICTURES AND INFORMA- 13131 E. JEFFERSON AVE. ST. CLAIR SHORES - Pri::e fast nook, Nice knotty pine HAMPTON, GROSSE POINTE ~y 525;;0. T{Jxedo 2-8814. bar. Many extra built-ins in base- Grosse Pointe s Quaintest Next to the SovOrlr.e Hotel reduced from $25;000 to $21,- recreation room with fireplace. WDS.-eharming 3.bedroom TION ON MOST 000. modcl 3 bedroom brick ment. Oversized 2 car garage. 70' lot. streets; Star of the' Sea GROSSE POINTE HOMES GROSSE POINTE VA 2-3'560 717 19' CHRIS-CRAFT" C~p-ri run- Must see home. Colonial, under $16,000, Enjoy parish, Barnes and Brow- I about. beautiful condition. ranch attached 2-(~ar garage. park privileges now. Owner llh baths, landscaped, tiled ~~ell schools, i. ~--~---. ------12-strino; completely equipped. includ. MARV. BOUTIN transferred. Low down pay- Shoe Repair I Vega 5- basement. carpets, draperies, ing depth sounder and dock- TU 4-7733 Karl Davies ment. JOHN F. SCHERER BLDR. Sillo\tvay & Co. banjo. TC' age for Woods resid('nt. TV modNn fixtures. Owner, PR 379 Fish.r Rd.,0". Kigh i Dependable Services 4-3270. 2-4898. Member E,D,R.A. Multi-List TU 5-3220 IFAMOUS TU 6-2400 372-9013 884-7000 1_, -----'"

• -~~ •• ' .. .;. • ~- __ ~... I ..... U .~~, .. , • - "'.', ' •• - • ~ '. IV. 'r." :.." .' • ,I r • Page Eighteen G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Thursday, ,June 27, 1963 Thursday, .June 27, I ------'---_._-_._---_._------'------,------~-- --_._---_._------~------~--. Youth Hostel Trip Planned

A weekend of bikin~ at, canoeing has been planned 1 IJigh &chool students of I" Grosse Pointe area 'In .June .: and 30. The two days v,ill I YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Thrae Trunk Lines To Serve YOil Quickl~ filJ<:,d with activll ies so varil CALL TUxedo 2-6900 Three Trunk Lines To Serve Yo". 9uicldV DEADLINE 3 P.M. TUESDAY and complete thpy v,:ill appl' I ---. ---~ ------. - --.----~-~-- "~ ••• _ •• -- -~--~--~---.----~- _. ---~----~. ----.------.-, ---'------~-~_. • r •••• _ ~ __ '~' __ • • ~ •• __ ~ __ ~. _ to any individual R a l' i n biking, hiking. ~ailJni!,. swin' _13-_J~~~~~1~~~~._. 1 ~_3_-~~~~S~S~t_~~ 21 D_-__~EAL_;__~__1_:_~C_CA_E.~__ /____ _2_1I_-_:~:_C,_I~_T_~_~_~_I:_G_N_D_2_1_K_-_W~IN__D_O,_WW_A_S_H_IN_G_.-~:-:_--I-T-~O-:-:--P-E~A-T~-TR-E:-A~!O~~S! d'~Jt; ~~!~~~~:-~~J~-~ZER-S- ,~::-:~~~~~~~=I~~~'min~ and a sl}n~fest are il , unusual opportunity to pur- ACME WINDOW 11 ' d hild h j duded. NEW. TALL pillared. 4-bed. OUR SERVICE GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY ERNEST' A. BOCK "'am y rooms, porch enclosures, ' an c ren; ems. z ppers. rhase. AKC registered, 3L:l CLEANING CO ' I' d Bl k b room. 2-bath, 2-lavatory Cn- I - Painter lta Pi sorority. j, in Hot ~EWCASTLE 1653 - Price re- FARMS . . Tues .. Thurs .. Sat. 8 to 6 VA 2.731 R 59 GREENBRIAR WEST Highland white terriers cleaned and moth proofed, In anee. Kenneth Pygott, SLo- Springs. Ark .. attending a con- duced on this better than av- BAS E MEN T waterproofmg. PHONE 293-3300 ~ _ AKC. shots. wormed, 2 males. your home the modern way cum 8-1780, after 5:30 p.m. vention commemnrating 1 he erage coloniaL Surprise kitch- New Cape Cod. 4 bedrooms. 2, Phone 293-7011. Leaks stopped. Work guaran. I 21 Z-LANDSCAPING do\\n. 2 up, 31'2 baths, laundry, -- . , _ with the latest Rug Deteger, ------teed. TU 2-5735. 132585 Groesbeck Highway (M 97) ! J 12th anni\'f~rsary of the 'found- en with built-ins, recreation ing of the sorority. beamed ceiling, paneled family POODLES, TOY, 8 weeks old, dries overnight. Painting and Decorating room and first floor lav. 11 P-FURNITURE REf AIR CUSTOM MOD.ERNIZATIO~- i Co~plete lawn, garden and tree ---~----- Owner wants offer. room. one rare 'apricot, 2 cream, all Repairing, serge binding, throw Best of Grosse Pointe ------,~--- Add' . I' I malOtenance. females. AKC registered ex~ rugs and runners, picked up References CHAIRS RECANED, dolls reo . ItlOns." a terat~ons. recre;;- I Free estimate HURT AT PLAY H. J: KRIEGER BLDR. cellent blood lines, $100' and and delivered. • Interior • ExterIor i d WA 1-2710 tlo~ room", and kitchens. Free Fully insured Jeff Stieber. 7. of 573 Saddle - I RIDGE ROAD, 233-Unusually TUxedo 2-9113 up. 4510 W. Outer Drive. DI Free est i mat e, reasonable J.~ree Estimates pa 1'1.' • • estImates. I Monthly maintenance lane. suffered a cut on the head .J attractive and well located ---.~-----.~---- I-B617. on Saturday. Junl' 15. when' c CU~TOM up~olsterillg. A spl~n. THE BARLEC CO. I' CAL FLEMING one floor home. Well planned 13A-LOTS FOR SALE __ .__ . ~_,_~ _ _pr_ic_e_s._D_R_l_.3_1_33__._~~_ JOHN R. FORTIER aCCIdentally hit by a bat in the and beautifully decorated. 3 --- ,2 SAMOYED puppies. AKC. 15 dId. selectIon of decoratIve TUXEDO 2-2322 LANDSCAPING & TREE fACl".ED DOWN CARPETS fabrlc~. Exper~ l:eedlepomt -----~------~_ SERVICE hands of a playmate. bedrooms.' 2 baths, family I GROSSE POINTE ~OODS, River I weeks. PR 8-9513. PR 7-3551 RN mountmg. Estimates cheer- DOING all types of carpenter room. sup e ri 0 I' recreation R 0 a d near MarIan Court. 2 - ..----- . _ AND l"U ITU RE fully given. Ewald. 13929 Ker- work, remodeling attic l'ooms, TU 1-6950 nom. choice building sites. 90x126, GET YOUR poodle in porn-porn EXTERIOR HOUSE and garage painting. Excellent refer- cheval. VA 2-8993. I porches. Small I)r big jobs. COMPLF~TE"l-and~~a-p-in-g-s-er-v-- each. Will build to suit or sell shape for summer by experi~ CLEANED on ences, very reasonable, free ROSI,YN 54-If you would like outright for cash. enced operator. Complete 219-PLASTERING Estimates free. TUxedo 5-5892 ice. lawn cutting, cultivation estimates. 821-9684. a truly Early American 2 bed- trim with special cream rinse. and feI1iliL.ing, edging and room ranch with large rooms, MARV. BOUTIN LOCATION PATCH PLASTERING, expert !llIving II P $8. Call for appointment. clean-up work. Julius La Qui- LEO P. KISTNBR. workmanship. James Craw- 2-car garage, let u~ show you TV 4-7'133 PRescott 6-2650. RUGS PICKED UP Interior painters, exterior. Customcraft ere, PRescott 8.2709. Free es- this. -----_.~---~--~- ford, WA. 3-2122. AND DELIVERED Free estimates, \\'01'1- guar. timates. $2 per hOur. CONSTRUCTION at rorne . efficI! EXCLUSIVE lakefront lot, 1t1 MINIATURE S c h n au Z I.' r s 6 20 anteed. Hates rCdsonal>le. SPECIALIZING in r e p air s, SOMERSET 1437 -- Excellent ft. on the lake. weeks old. Male puppies. % Custom wor\{ ancl color. cracked ceilings made like I COMPANY 5-5 flat only 7 years old. 2 KARL DAVIES TU. 5-3220 A.K.C. Call after 1. TUxedo PRescott 7-5876. PRescott new. "The Prke is Right." Additions and Remodeling of gas furnaces, garage. ---.------5-8690. OFr~ CASH and CARRY 7 :;R53 VA 1-7051 VA 4-3022 all tyes expertly done. James Brolia vVe'/I SUp~ NORTH DEEPLANDS. Choice ---- Family Rooms • Kitchen~ 1 120' 150' A '1 bl f . p RID E OUTSIDE------PAINTING. Reason- • Complete Landscape BEDFORD 816--4-bedroom, 3 '2 d~' b V~Ia e or 1m. 20-PIANO SERVICE able. Fence and roof repair. 21 R-CEMJ:Nl WORk • Remodeled • Recreation bath English Colonial. Extra me late uil ing. Will con. --~------,_____ Rooms • Porches • Attics: Service large rooms, modern kitchen, sider terms. Owner. TUxedo' COMPLETE piano service. Tur.. CARPET AND FURNITURE TUxedo 5-3590. ALL KINDS CEMENT Conve'rted. Dormers • Ga.1 built-ins, Near Lake. 6-1444. ing, rebuilding, refinishing, AND BRICK WORK rages Remodeled Tree Service ------.- de-mothing. Member Piano CLEAN ERS ----.-~-.------20 years experience. All cracks . TO C PRescott ICE RR,EY 1120-Ar.chltecturally. Choice lotsCARMEL(100xI65')LANEI'n 10 1 TeehDlClans. . GUI.'ld R. Zec,h inside and outside fixed. All Basement Waterprdofing I SFreev' EstimatesFHA F' and . Planning 2-4279 deSIgned rambltng ran c h" I " vc . 731-7707 Y FRt:E ESTIMATES walls and ceilings sanded. Win- Insl'de _ Outsl'de er Ice. mancmg. -----~~----~._,---_.- l' T Libra 3 n~w subdIviSIOn off Lakeshor~ ------______10615 CAlHUX I dows and cracks caulked and GAR AGE FLOORS, DRIVE- DEAL DIRECT WITH CO~,[PLETE h (,)m I.' mainten- bndr roy.s aCnlvl Ibes room, t Road near Crescent Sail Club. TUXE-OO 5-5700 puttied. C 1I.' a n, guaranteed WAYS, CITY WALKS, RAT BUILDER ~ 0 m, 0 ase men. 21A-GENERAL SERVICES k ance. excellent lawn care. Owner must sell. KARL DAVIES TU 5-3220 ------_____ wor. WALLS, PRE-CAST STEPS., TU 1-1024 Seeding. sodding, and fertil- --~---.---.-- ...~._,--- S b b M BEST CARPET CLEANERS CALL GEORGE PORCHES izing. Reasonable. 821-4282. LOTHROP. 404-Charming 4- LOT. GROSSE PTE. SHORES U ur an aintenance VI 1-5961 FREE ESTIMATES I . ._.~_ FREE! bedroom, 1 1 /2 bath coloniaL 40 North Duval Road Associates CLEANING, DYEING ------) No Job Too Small-Just Call I H F. JENZEN BUILDING Beautiful condition. Under Just ca!l 88; .6500, $30,000. 120x9I. By owner "No .Tob Is Too SmalL" REPAIRING COMP~ET~ decorating. Paper- FRED NAVARRO 'Home and industrial repairs WE WANT TO BE TUxedo 1-00f:l) ene phone call for all home PROMPT HOME SERVICE hangmg, .lnsured, guaranteed. " Additionl', attics completed how much you neE ------.~------maintenance problems. FREE ESTIMATES Al SchneIder.~. TUxedo 1-0565./ ~ TUxedo 2-5735, PhIorc enc osures. recrea tlon YOUR WIND;\IILL POI N T E DR., 14-REAL ESTATE Kitchen Modernization INSURED GEORGE S DALLY ALL TYPE.S d cemen~ work. "ooms. gdrages r~paired. we'i1 have it ready 15315--Delightful Mt. Vernon WANTED Licensed Builders TU 2-6556 PA N"TII~IG IJI'CURA1'lNG I Step~, bnck work, chImneys. fU 1-9744 1t) 4-3011 colonial overlooking Lake St. DESIRE to purchase for cash, ~ 1 . .' , No Job too small. Call 837. ~ ~ you to pick up. Clair~. 4 twin size bed rooms, terrace unit in Grosse Point\:. TU 1-8444--~------PR 6-3038 211-PAINTIN"-j -- ..t) Prl)JelS h~ngmgth and WitIJ. twash.f 2486. _ I Call'. TED CORBETT family room. On~y fo~r years LO 8-3551. HANDY MAN S E R V ICE _ ~ I.ll> ernhg IS ('ummul!l y or PRINTER old. Owner Ieavmg Clty. -~.--,---_, __ . ,__.__ ._ . ,., . J over 2,) ye. rs L. VERBEKE ENTERPRISES _ For: E a c h lob receive.s our There's No Oblige Chimney, porch repair and -HlI .....HES BR()1'HERS, I t TU 1-7480 . /' +t t' Th ' odd jobs. PRescott 7-3452. ". pa n - CEMENT CONTRACTOR • Home Improvements s pee I a a, en !on . • • Nothing to Buy. 1IS02is0 IT!'YhiPerfecttt' $47family000 home. I WANTED ~.------~- ing h' and decorating, h wall PAINTING,------exterior and in- All types of cement work. _ A Room Addihon ass u r i n 9 you i'hot we b d 2ler. , .00. 4, $25-$27,000 4 Bedroom Colonial CARPt:T LA YING was mg. expert paper ang. Porches built or repaireCI. _ Kitchen Modernization f 1' b I I 93 terior. Wall washing. Grosse are working or YOU R I.' rooms,th /2 at h sand' in Grosse Pointe, plenty of I NEW AND OLD ng. free estimates. 52 Patios a specialty. Basement _ Attic Area Completion It's Our if'nyof every O mg you are looking eating are:. in kitchen. August Stair Carpet Shifted Yor ksIre.h' TU xed0 297r.:0.;) Pointe822-7348.references. Mr, Page, waterproofing. Bonded, _ A Recrtation Rsures. and children; hems, zippers. . Schools BOHrd of Eciucation, He Italy, France and Scotland. covered witJh pale blue cloths endless squabble, forcing her cldents. The marchers con. 1 the demonstration proved' "this t ~er, I clgare • fl ones an a r mvert- plam drapes. Blankl"ts bound 11 I" thl' .Tune H~Ily of the s('rverl his first term on the '" * * and centered with pink and red Into the divorce action. verged on Cobo,Hall in the late,' city has a highl~1 matured race I lave . TU 1-7455 \h't ropoltt/lfl D('trolt Council WCASB executive board last LINDA DUNN of Ridgemont roses. '" • ... afternoon. where Rev. Mal.tin I relation!'; attitude." Governor '- - . --- .. pf \mcr\(',w Youth Hostels with yeal'. and MARY CO EM A N of Twenty. members of the home Sunday, June 23 Luther King told them they Romney. who could not march I };.; UNG 'CUSTOM made drapE'ries. your I ,W matcrial or minE'. R£,)lsonllble, till' ('ooperal iOIl of the Neigh- I • ,.. ... Faircourt will he delegates at joined the trustees at luncheon. FEDERAL FUNDS will be are "standing on the thres?" beca~s~ his" .MormoJ! religion I Call Louise. TCxl"do 2-8883. horhltorl ('Iub, ' DEBRlI<; G!TRE. daughter of the 47th International Christian Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy, Jr., is withdrawn from any construc- hold of a great breakthrough 10 prohibIts publle :tppearances on I ~ ____ r ._" ••• ~ __ •• _ Tht, ~ r 0 up will m('t't on the STANLEY CITRES, of Hill- Endeavor Convention in Wash- presidenfof the board and other tion project in which Negro civil rights." Fi~st speaker at I l?e Sabba~h, sent his congratula- I. I EX C L US I V E alterations b~ . ~iltllrcta~ and bikl' to the Foote ('rest road. has been attending Ington, D.C., July 2.6. More members include Mrs. Martin S. w 0 r k e r s are discriminated rthoemeralpIY.,cDaveat~~lgt'hs.Msaaiydo..r ..JNe ' tjQn~ ~~. _'th~~e_~~~ _~_~~aniz~d ~~.:..... The Grosse Pointe O , :\Iarit' Stephens. Quick sen~- lIo<.le! nt'ar Kensington Park. M i chi g a n State University's than 3.000 youth from "1-1parts U d M W'lli K b g' t P 'd t K d i.... I MamonRal ." . .. C Q ''',ay en, rs. 1 am er er. a aInS. reSl en enne y s- longer can the court"" narry the OME Tht'Y WI I arrlv(' In tHTI(' for a :Jffimunil'ation Arts Institute. N h d M K Id B " ... r------_THE . iCt' on h('ms. (Furs'. TU of ort America are expecte rs. Mc ean, Mrs. Haro . sued an executive order Satur- brunt 0',' the burd,en. No l"nger I GROSSE POINTE ~I . ,hl"hkaboo sail to Canoe Island. \\!hi!c al MSU for the lwo- t d T M Will' G BId d h L ,"'. , 5-7610. o atten . yree. rs. lam. oa es, ay. exten jng t e C()ommittee can this nation tolerate icgisla.1 BAPTIST CHUI!!>CH '1:.4, Dhurch :\fler "ta,vin" th .., nic1ht at th~ ! \vl't'k sPs.."ion. shl' was el~cted ... '" • M W'lll' PH' J M E 1 E 1 t 0 11\ ~ .. ,.. ... " ' h ,rs. I am . arns. r., rs. on qua mp oymen ppor- f . d'ff t bl t t i JI 'ns ALTERA TlOXS ami sewing. III od!'!"n and heautiful Foote: ouse pl"('sident oI her resi- MR. and MRS. ARTHUR F. Ferdinand Cinelli and Mrs. Jo- tunity's authority, The Commit- Ive I~ ;1 erence 0 a an con. I 8 Mile at Mack. United Presbyterian Will pick up acd deliver. '11 ,dence hall N M D d 8t1tutlonal violations." G P . 'I 16 Lake Shore Rd. \I".;!".I tht'Y WI participatc in, - . EFF, or Fisher road. spent seph . 0 ge. tee now has jurisdiction over rosse omte Wood", I ,! TUx£'do 1-3669. I he 1 ~rh Annual Paddle push! 1\1i\f ... '" • last weekend in Wooster, 0., all Federally - aided construc- * ... • . I : I ' - I Bertram de H. ) , , th H' R-- > : 1, .IC[A FOX, daughter of whC're Mr. Neff's college class Others include Mrs. M. RI- tion contracts. Previously, the BYRON DE LA BECKWITH. InVItes you to wOI'shlP WIth U8- I . Alwood BERS 21U-PLUMBING ern\ on e ulan I\'el". ~ITn . n ~1RS 'I' vard Klippel Mrs Lynn Me- 42 I"" f ct'l' I 1000 AM 'HURCH / ~ Ben I Tallman II J. ' "1 d "1\, ,In ", HOMAS C ()[ In13 1 I I. d 't f'It' th I ,. Equal Employment Opport,un- -year-o~. e 1 Izer sa esman, ; ... {/ , 1-92~;) . -- . The.;!' SIX 011 es are esigned tn; FOX " , . . ~. ,. ce e Jra e I s I Ie NaU<1lhton, Mrs. Henry P. Wi!- - I SCHOOL. I J B S k LICENSED mas -i ~-r-' pll~~~:r~ hc1\'E'the bf'>;t team win for bv ; h '. of Radn~r ell'cle, has I reunion. It was a memorial to .. ity g I' 0 up was empowered has been charged with the am-I I ' J~man. ~oo ey R €' P a Irs. remodeling. etc. ')(lr'a"\m: tmd Pllddli;lg th'" }-[E'eln~Sl"alduatedfrom th(' Fert.y the distinguished member of ~ar~S' E~~~/~~~~~ ~r~l'>C~~f~ merely to guard against dis- bush slaying of Negro civil ~,h~~fii~LM:OR~ING ' ~ Rlcha~fin~s't~tchell , '" , " ~! a , lt" 1Col. LakE' Forest III the cl~ss the late Dr Al,thur crl'minatI'on l'n Federal J'obs or rights leader Medg'er Evers. ~ -~ S : . 8'30 d Guaranteed electric sewer c;;nOPlstS Will gt't plenty tired. 1 • ,.. '" ,. '" , • ' • liam Bruce Howard. Mrs. H. 6 00 PM EV N erVH:es an Ion H Compton emment scientist J'obs directly contracted by the Beckwith was arrested Sahli' : . 1. f; ING ~-- 10 . l' k cleaning. Cal Roemer. TU. \\'Iltle tl1('\' ar(' rclaxinR aftcr 1 DA.VII) , .'. > Lynn Pierson and Mrs. S. Wells ~ . d i h . G od M' WORSHIP ar.d Radio __ - 0 c oc 2-3150. . 'h' ,'11 b !. G, KIRSTEN, 20, son and Nobel Prize winner. Government. Henceforth, con- bay nghgttt ln rkeenwo .' 1S s.. Broadcast I <: Church School and lhf' rill£' t elf' \\1 . ,e a ('ook- of MH. and MRS. BRUCE M., '" ...... Utley. tractors on any Federally-as- rou 0 J ae son. MISS.. by I _ ---. Child Care at put ann awards WIt. be pre- KIRSTEN of Paget court. is i MICHAEL G, LANDERS. of ----,----.------sisted pro j e c t s (highways, I FBI agents early Sunday: and i DR. A. DALE IHRJE. Mlnlst~r ./1 10 o'c1ock only. ,cnIN\. und('rgoi?~ two weeks active Lincoln road, was recently at Earlham College. received a buildings, etc,) must grant s~ands accused Of murde.r 10 the 1_'__ _, .._,~ ,_ .. -----~--.~-.--.------)UR SPRENKLE Thp Xeighborhond Clue is! dut~. traIntng as a seaman re- awarded his Bachelor of Arts bachelor of arts degree in the equal employment opportuni- fIrst degr~e ~l~o; (."OnsPlrr~.gto! .------.... r------..... • PLl;:\IBIXG {,IIIIP('!'<.ting with the Metro-: (c':Ultt atG the L'Nkaval ITraining degree from Oberlin College. field of Political science. Com- ties to Nebroes, and must depri~e hlsdYlctlm of tt~; ffrh~e: 5-5791 The Grosse Pointe! GROSSE POINTE • HEATlXl; p,,!ilan Detroit Youth Hostels I pn cr, .r'eat a es, I 1...... notify labor unions of this fact. exerc!se an en~oymen 0 IS, • • SEWER CLEAXlXG ;1", making a\'ailable to high' >I< ...... ROBERT VlEWEG. son of mencement exerctses were held • ...... constitutional rIghts and priv-: Congregational METHODIST CHURCH )y ~1'i1<,illand l'oll."ge ag{;' youth.: PETER MONROE, son of the MR. and MRS. H. F. VlEWEG on the Richmond, Ind., camp4S, THE EAST GERMAN COM- ileges. A member of Missi,sip- ; Church 111 Moron Rood VA 2-1282 \ ;]Iwd ann exeit ing aeti\'ities. ~CALLISON MONROES, of! of Lincoln road. and a senior I Sunday. June Q. MUNIST regime has decla_'ed pi's segregationist. White Citi. i 240 Ch If Mn I h th ,:ens Council. Beckwith turned. a onte at Lothrop 'JY 13322 E. ,Jefferson .-\t\vonp wishing further in- ~ .r?ss p ace. as won 'e a llQ-yard wide "dead zone" . 9:30 Worship: Church Scho()l \I forrn;tior. on th{' .fun£' Rally: Dav.ld Taggart Clark prize In ..: on its side of the Berlin Wall. himself over to FBI agents in! "THE CASE of the 21V-SILVER PLATING for Nursery thru 6th [OX nr future ad/vitiE's of canoeing, ; L~ttn ana t~e ~hp,rwood O. : • All persons are banned within th~ office of his lawyer. Green- : RE.<';TLESS HEART" grade. hilon~. hIking and sailing.' D,lck,~rm,an, prIze In Gr,ee.k at • the area - including Western wood city at:or~ey ...Hardy Lott. i 1130 .Ull. SILVER &- GOLD PLATING Ch h N : 886.2363 ninum plt'il~i' eont.1ct the :'IIeighb;)r-, t\\..lIla~l~ .C o'~':tehg e. lWII1.lam~- : military men who heretofore PSi Th;~~~~h2r~c"3~~de Oxidi7.Jng and Repairing 110 d Cluh ~_ TUxedo ;;-4600 or' 0,\ n. ; ass. n eae 1 pl'lze 1S • urc ews,have : been allowed fre:e cireu- RE IDENT KENNEDY. be-! 'E'ation Brass P0ltshing & Lacquering o [In award of 550 for Peter who • •• I . ginning hi" 12 day tour of four' Ministers MinIsters : • '. : )rches. J~welry Repairmg. Engravina: REV, JAMES D_ NIXON ilt 171'21 Waterloo. . 11~,\().a member'. of the class o[ ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• I U.S .. British and French miii., European nations. landed In! .John William Estes .• Jr. :ured REV. ALFRED T. BAM~~Y . >J 5 tary commanders in Berlin im- West Germany Sunday. The: Arnold Dahlquist .Johnson LEEBERT ._--~------.. * • POINTE MEMORIAL Primary. 7:30 p.m .. MIRAJ RE. mediately protested terming U.S. Chief of State again prom- i .... -1 SILV~RSMITHS \tr:s, LOt"lS :\.lAH:CK of Among those admitted to UNITED PRESBYTERIAN PORT-Dr. Campbell White. the "dead zone" East Ger- ised his nation would never: ~---- -~~------.-- \lerri\\ t'dther road. RegIOnal 11embership in Sigma Pi Sigma, CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. '" '" * many's "most brutal action" desert its alIies~ reiterating his i 14508 CHARLEVOIX FIRST CHURCH l'ou are lunted to D..a tho 9 Blk_ f'ast of Chalmers \iurnnat' Dirl'l'!or of Alpha, national honorary socidy at the Ministers: Tuesday. July 2-8:30 p.m., since the building of the W)lI1 pledge to conSider any attack: ,6 Dp;la Pi sororit~'. IS in Hot, University oI De t r 0 i t, is The Reverend Bertram deH. A.A. Itself 'on August 13. 1961 and ort an ally an attack on the I OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST VA 2-7318 I Ohristian Science ~Pl"ll~S:" .. \rk,. attending il con- THOMAS F. SOULES. of Holly-. Atwood '" * >I' stating they do not Inte~d t1J United States itself. I Grasse Painte Farms ',I'!1tlnn commemorating the wood road. i The Reverend Den L. Tallman Friday. July 5--8:30 p.m., accept the Communists' "no- ... • • : ';\197) 21 Z-LANDSCAPING Sunday Servlc .. s~10'30 a.m, Reading Room 11:!,h anni',er.;ary of thE:' found- ... • * 'The Revt'rend Lyma'll B. A.A. entry" ultimatum,-an ultima- Tuesday, June 25 1 Sunday School one Infonts' Room i 19613 Mock Av!t. Complete lawn, garden and tree In.: of tl1(' sorority. '.~t'w freshmen at Wester'1 Stookey ------turn issued on the eve of Pres i- PRESIDENT KENNEDY and' 10:30 '1,m. 1'10:'\ maintf'nance. ------~- - . :\lit'higal1 lJniversity are get ling The Rever~nd Richard w. ST .. JAMES LUTHERAN dent Kennedy's ~heduled visit \'iest German Chancellor Kon-' Wednesday rest l'T\Cmy "",eetin\; Grosse Pointe Wcods ecred- 8:00 ~ no Open from 10 B-m to :> p.rn Fr('~' estimate HURT AT PLAY a pr('.tastE' of campus life in a MItchell McMillan at Kercheval to Berlin. " I rad Ad'enauer will "use their Free Williom Fries Audit9rium dally except Sunday~ and Holl. Fully insUf('d Jrff Stieber, 7. of 573 Sarldle' two.day exposure during late Sunday. ,June 30--8:30 and Rev. George E. Kurz. Pm:1tor ,.. * • best efforts" to work toward' jays Thursday and Friday J2 lakuhor. Rd. ;\Ionthly maintenance l,mt'. suffered a cut on tht' head June ann July as the special 10 a,m .. Morning Worship-Mr. Mr. Carl Munzel, Organist SIX - YEAR - OLD .JOSEPH creation of a seaborne allied' ~\'enmga 7 to 9 p.m. CAL FLE:\n~G on Saturday . .Iun(> 15. whE'n ori('ntation program is in full, Atwood preaching on "ASSUR- Thursday, June 27: 1 p.m. J 0 H N SON. of Minneapolis. nuclear force. under NATO. its, Ail Ar. W.lcome first Church of Christ, L ....~DSCAPI~G & TREE ~Icidcntally hit by a bilt in the swin;.:_ lANCES". 10 a.m" Church Georgian Court Nu~ing Hom(" Minn., died yesterday. victim surface sbips manned by inter- .Rad~o Program; 1 Scientist. SERVICE ;',:1nd,of a playmale. LAlJRANCf: K 0 R N A C K 1. School Crib Room through Service and Visitation, of a fractured windpipe suf- aUled crews and equipp~d with! "The B, ...I.. Spe~k~ to You" 'entt'r ' ----.----,---.--.-,-.-,- .. ------". ---- • • '" fered when he fell against a Polaris missiles. In a joint com-, CKL\'v(800kc)-9,-4Sa.m.Sundov Grosse Pointe Farms n; 1-6950 ooms. Sunday; 9;30 a.m. - Sunday b_e_~tea_d while pillow fighting 11 munique i,ssued Monday. near i '-.------...J jo~s_ . CO~IPLETE landscapi~g-~-~v: School anrl Divine Service. .. I------...---~ .-5892, ice, lawn cutting, cultivation and fertilizing. f'dging and r=-c~~\:~mi:if.oi;;{;;~::,:~::~o',:.:i:~~,::::~:"'L'~:n.d::.~3~n:~w.::::~y Bi:.o::;o~~::::::~:.::m ~~i~fi~ff.~~~;:~~:~~..Vacation Church School clean-up work, Julius La Qui- having a party? f're. PRescott 8-2709. Free es- t: iii:: .1' 9;30 a.m. Prayer groups in 19950 Mack Avenue te~Pt inc~eased internatiOn:l First English Evangelical Lutheran Churc:h ft time.tes. $2 per hour. :'} 'N ,lounge. at Torrey Road Ul~ erstanding as part of t e. ~ at home - office or club ;.;:.j 0FF' i!J ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL An~~:rl:~ :~U~~~~~;~ier ~;:~f~r.l~':eiisd~~rg~~~rr:~c~~, JUI::r~:e~I~:a:.a~:::~et:::dF~:i:;'9T~ :~I:~:7a.m. :;1': 20475 Sunning-dale Park Assistant Minister au e is S rong y oppose 0 ' ng of James Brolia We'll Supply the :::::: :,:::: the NATO force project, pre- Bible Sto:ril?s, handcraft. recreation Complete Landscape it • :(: (Near Mack and Vernier) Robert L. Lucero, ferring to develop his own in- All children ages 3-14 years are welcome :chens ij 'in: Reverend Edgar H. Yeoman, Assistant Minister dependent nuclear military arm. Registration now being taken in church office eatJon Service Attics with a I R.v.::~~j:! ..L~.~wni., ~i~;1i:'SS~~:'\::. ~ur:~;; but~ K.nn.dy.ndAd.nauee· :~n::~v~:;:~:::~:n~:O:rmore,bildren''2SO • Ga- Tree Serv;ce I ;:::: t:: E~~~~;~8~~~"June 27: 6:4fi a.m. ~~~~U:h,,~:~~o~b~ig~~ ~~~.~~ I first English nning. FRescott 2-4279 ICE CUBES i:l:: s:!. ... + Death." Reception of New Mem. I Ev. Lutheran j Saturday, June 29 (Feast of bers and Holy Communion. CO:\IPLETE h 0 m f' mainten. j:i City of ance. excE'llent lawn car~. it r ;?,i:i St. ~et~r the Apostle): 6:45 a.m. (Summer schedule - One Church Seeding. sodding. and fertil. izing_ Reasonable. 821-4282. FREE! ING. ;;::.~~;;~i:!f.:HRIST WE 'N ANT TO BE Just call 881-6500, tell us ~~is:.~::~~:i:::rI .:~:~~~~~::::.;~L pairs, ~;~:;~~f~:~~~:.~;~~:~~~ =:':": home or window unit ~~:: "Christian Science" will be 1 lete<1 ' how much you need, SUJJ\MARY OF MINUTES aUon YOUR :.i Ai. cond;tioning'i ..I.! i a.m. we'll hflve it ready for EU~~::~'~y,:UI~: 93) ~r~:!,~~~:f.;:~:~i~~u~~~s:~I c~~:~:::.:::" JUNE 17, 1963 -3011 I ..•.. " h 1 The Golden Test is from I --.--.~ ~ _ you to pick up. @:: prices start at il( EU~h~;~s~~y, .Iu y 4: 6:45 a.m. Isaiah (52:10): "The Lord hath ..------. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. T PRINTER Present 011 roll call: Mayor Pro Tern Willianl G. Butler, t~~ Bethany CouncilmE'n Hen)"y E. Bodman, II, Thomas K. Fisher, r' E a c ~ i 0::' receives our There's No Obligation ffi ), . . . . I ST,PAULp:;''::.~G,LUTH. ~:.~'O~a~fl~~s.h:~i.o=a~d $185 William G. Kirby, Ledyard Mitchell. Jr. and Benjamin S. s pee i d: c ~tention . 00 Nothing to Buy. , Wal'ren, .Jr. ass u r i :r 9 you t~~t we ~~:.,C~~~I~:r:d I C:E;~~~J:~;~~EtAbs('nt: Mayor William F. Connolly, Jr. are wor('l"lg for ~ I ~~'R= YOU R ::~~21~~~~:~~~:~6~~;~; It's Our W'(J)' of Saying :;:;! plus instoliotion and tax "j::: Thursday - I, Civic Conva. idea is sweeping down the cen- At '..inville ;\'1ayor Pro T~m William G. Butler. presided. best i ~~ere S 7 I:: ::": :.:ill; lescent Hom.e.... + turies. gathering beneath Its Serving Urosse Polntes +re Mayor Cnnno\ly was excused from attending the e'/d'u:'lJ.ic:" O' y:)~; ow;') Thallh- You For You.r Patronage ::):: wings the -sick and sinning" R~V KENNETH BRADY. meeting. n Call for a Free i:~: Saturday-10. Junior Choir ("Science and Health with Kev PASTOH l..D s ~ e c. : a: reau-rerr.er:ts. ::::i ... Picnic. 5. Senior Choir Picnic. to the ScriPtures" by Mary' 9:30 The minULes of the regular meetin.g of Jllne 3, 1963, were approved as submitted, ial • SALES 0 The minutes Of the speCial meeting of Jun(> 10. 1963, were approvf'o as corrected. KRAMER • SER"'ICE "N E~t~~:::ion"I ::~~~~H5j~;;?::!f,~I:~:I' ;::;dY~;5;isit j __ ig_;..;_~_~_W_~:_:;_S~_:_:_=_~_:_~_~_lh_iP_S_... DAH,T • INSTALLATION I Reports of the Police De-partment. Fire Department. PRINTERS. HEATING-REfRIGERATION-AIR CONDITIONING Building Department and Controller for the month of May. 001';'. :.r telephone ~~ ~~:.~~'ttTeOff~:a~~~r. v~:30Fa~~~I Three Islands 1 ..... --;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;---;;,-;;;,-;;.-.::.-=.;;;;;;,;;; urni. L'THOGR/WHERS 1963. and the Financial Report of the General Fund for jj: f: Heilman Field NO.6. 7, YACS. __ St. Paul Ev. the period ending May 31, 1963. were received and lairs. WO 1-3969 24-HOUR SERVICE • • :::,: 881.6500 ':', ... • · Three islands are included in L th Dh h ordered filed. 432 Mechanic Street 20366 HARPER AVE. :\: ::::: Monday - 8, Recovery. 8, the "Mediterranean Holiday" U Iran ure A resolUlion \\"ClS adoptE'd re tions and to I.ake bid!i for thE' asph(lJt recapping of various Hot Attics? tober. will be escorted by G.P. 9;45 o.m.-~unday SchOOl city streets. News staff writer Janet Muel- i 11 ~:~:=~~rJ~::'Schaol A general wage increase for city employees. effective leI'. I . I (AQes 1.8 .Jul~' 1. 1963. \\'as appro\'ed and the City Controller was Venti/ote NEED HELP TO BUY OR BUILD A HOME? FIrst stop is Palma. on the Rev Charles W Sandrock authorized to 1 ransfer the sum of $15.721.72 from the Con- island of Majorca off the coast I Pastor tingent Appropriation in the 1963-54 Budget to the various moth of Spain. The Romans were I Mr. J.rold Borgi. departmental appropriations for wages. cars' Now among the first to use Majorca Vicar A I'ontribution of $150.00 to the Grosse Pointe Fishing PR as a resort. and archaeologists ---. -..----.---.-.-.----.----""'" Rodeo to help defra.l: the E'xpenses of conducting the RodeQ 2 Large Aluminum $1800 are currently reconstructinf{ ,..------..... fol' GI'of;se Pointe boys and girls on August 31, 1963. was Roof Vents Installed their holiday villas. Later visi- St. James approved. S(".\ - RICHARD WILLERTZ ,tors. drawn by the lush climate , for It having been d~termined that no advantage to the City would r{'sult in taking bids, the City Manager was y 1- land magnificent scenery, io- Lutheran Church TU 1.8170 I clude Chopin and George Sand, authorized to purC'hase 14 fire hydrants at a cost of ap. as well as hundreds of knowl- proximately $2.800 and \'al\'es and other parts for the - ~----~ ~------edgeable Europeans In search Kercheval at McMilIari repair of hydrants at a cost of $1.60{l. of a "perfect" spot in which to TU 4-0511 Th(> City \1anager was authorized t{) prepare specifica- vacation. I tions and to take bids for the labor required for the repair Ci.l;priand Sicily are the oth£!r SUMMER SCHEDULE. and replacement of approximately 40 fire hydrants. two Island stops on this relaxed Sunday Serviee - 9:30 a.m. Approval was given to pay to the General Employees [)UNCE OF journey alon!l., the French and (Nursery durinJ>( sel'vice) R(>tirement .system the sum of $29.675.00 and to the Police- Italian Rivieras. The group will Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. spend several days in Rome men and Firemen Retirement System the sum of $56.736. A Peoples Federal Low-cost Mortgage Loan without the cost and inconvenience of obtain- \~ith plenty of time to shop: Rev. GeoroClE. Kurz, 'llsto, A resolution was adopted whereby a letter was ordered directed to the Council of the City of Detroit requesting VENTION ••• gives YOI) the added feature ot being "open ing a new mortgage. Simply add to the Sightsee, or just wander tJhrough the world's most fascinating ----- _v~. _ that in view of the fact. that the residents in the suburban around the house is end". If, at some future time, you wish to present one. Discuss your need for a mort- city. areas are contributing a considerable sum under the City of Detroit Income Tax, th~ Council of Detroit give considera- ih It pound of repairs add a room or make a repair, you .can gage at any office of P~ople$ Federal Sav- Last stop before returning to don't know how or where ings. Call or phone. Unify of Ih. tion to the waiving of the charges for standby services for fillance it by applying for additional money the States in Schloss Reinhart- the Fire and Wilte!' Departments. to look for signs of schausen, an historic castle on )uble - Simply haven't the Rhine recently converted Grosse Pointes The finn of Begrow & Brown. Architects, was re- the time, let us do into a luxury hotel. quested to submit final figures for the construction of the ~_._.- -,~- -- '_. -- - --_, 1 municipal building at the meeting of ,Tuly 1, 1963. it for you. PEOPLES FEDERAL SAVINGS WAR MEMORIAL On propel' motion m"de. !'upported and carrii!d, the and Loan A~ociation of Detroit 32 LAKESHORE I S\IlTH BLILJ)I~G CO. meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m. 'sse Pointe for 28 year- ~.~. Lesson: "ALL THE WAY" r ' "'n:,.t.; Detroit Detroit East Detroit Roy'al Oak Jnsured 'I. ~ 'l William G. Butler Dnwson F. Nacy Minister: John Tant TV 5-70!3 '--" 1201 Griswold 14729 Harper 21650 Gratiot 3100 N. Woodward Mayor Pro rem City Clerk WO 1.0170 LA 7.7210 PR 2.5500 LI 9-6600 Sund~y Service: 9 ~.m. ,I Published in the Grosse Pointe NewF;, issue of June 27, 1963 • J ..' > • a :u a 4 , " • •

Page Twenty GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 27, 1963 * Feature Page .....;.rr.* * * * * * ---;J Pointer of Interest 'when the POINTE ,;:.~,.I Good Taste 'UJaS ~rowin9 up + + • . ~. Favorit~ Recipes . .. .. 'j, of .' -"'Q . I People in The KltoflJ J fJJ~7zte it . )"'------_ . ./ SUMMER F'RUIT SALAD •. WITH LIME DRESSING Counter Points By Patricia Talbot Cont'ributed boY Mrs. Glendon H. Roberts By Pat Rousseau Editorial notE': W(' arf.' indebted to Edgar Vall Olinda, watermelon music and drama ('ditol' of the Albany Times Union and un- N ice Surprise . . . found a beautiful Emi.lio Pucci cantaloupe official Albany historian. for the Information /About Sir Wil- shirt at tbe "Bargain Booth" located just inside the door honeydew liam Johnson. at Walton-Pierce. The price was just a fraction of what pineapple * * you'd expeC't to pay. There's always new bargains to be '.~.' Brazil nuts found there because it's constantly changing. Do make 1\vo hundrcd vears ago this summer Pontiac and .nd honeydew melon balls wIth . CJ Mix watermelon, cantaloupe it a habit to stop and fill in your wardrobe with fine his Indian warriors were camping in Grosse Pointe I cut pineapple llnd shaved Brazil fashions! while the~' laid seige to Detre,it. Possibly the great Huron 'nuts. Scoop meat out of end chid might have been successful in his conspiracy to. of watermelon df)wn to white * * * find take the fort and the surrounding territory if he could to form bowl. Fill with Gentlemen, Prefer Blondes ••. Qt. do they? One thing is Ila\"e persuaded the other Indian tribes of the Eastern I fruits. Mix with dressing. Pear cert~in, ther do notice beautifuJ hair ••• whatef..'er the shade states to ioin him. halves and watercress lfuly ... OR a b'e4Uti/ul wig for thai matter! Leon's, 17888 Masories.Terry hand towels bloom WIth roses or m'- pro-__ UCIng.__ . an e~...I e crop.__~_ I * * * . I b h F h t ' . ecome mvo ve In many com- 101'1 ';"dbcen :'lIITondol:ed reluctant Y j'.1 e ren.c 0 ing m"hine co~pany, bank munily oetivilie" He w"' on the DR'VER Al.RESTED I (';'0'" Pointe & &t Side the EnglIsh altl,t" the French-IndIan Wa1. PontJa\: and teller and productIon manager board of directors in Liltle rl. Spotlighted .. , in a Grand Rap!ds manner. but m~c~ hi;:-.tri.h(' oftCIl ('ctmpc . 111 ('lrosse. P om,'t e In. th.o~e su m of a frozen f ish company. League and Ba~e Ruth baseball 22907John HarperA. Goodman.Lake, St.36.Clairof 1-~--.---_._--.. __ -I I closer to you at Norman Furniture s new locatIOn. 2013, nt('fS tollo\',;II1,~ the trt'aty, on theIr way tc .F01t Malde':1 The War Years programs. He IS a member of "See Gray u.zd Play" Mack Avenue are fine contemporary. French. Italian in Or,tarin to T'f'cpi\'e. gift~ from t h.e B"hrItJsdh comm anId er. After a yea)' at the U of M Gr~sse:oint.e ~~tho~ist C~1U:ch Shores,police onwas arrestedFriday. byJuneShores14, • t Riviera and so many more furniture styles ... and you \Vhile .Johnson was m DetrOit e ro e eas a ~l1g he went off to World War II, an a I.ve, In e.. ommlSSIOll whilc driving on Lake Shore can browse lo your heart's content. the rin"r road to Grosse Pointe. He made the followmg served 30 months in Europe as for ~hnst1an. SOCIal Co?cerns. road. He is accused of driving {'ntrv in his diary: "Mondav, Sept. 14 ... I took a ride an infantry officer. There he ~~'I~sG a~~o mt~~~S!edb ~n the while under the influence of b{'fo~e dinner up' toward Lake St. Clair. The road runs was able to attend the Univpr- . I. d?1 t~nc~ . ~mc emg or- alcohol, disobeying a traffic '" * Something New ... itl the line of groomittg preparations '1lonO' the rivcr side which is all settled thickly nine sity of Paris. It was in Europe ganIlZe In. fe ~m e . ." h ha signal and ignoring a slop street ',., .• . b th th t h t h' If Beverly n ISh pro eSSlOnal llie e s. d . 1 made for the Notre Dame Pbannacy. It's sootbing, effective miles. A v("ry pleasant place in summer, ut at 0 er a e me IS '" I.e.. ' I been equally invclved as presi- sJ.gn, an 1mproper ane usage. Pre.siJatle. A/read" t'err much in detlUltuJ are their otber fine . .. d ,,1, ., i an Army nurse servIng m Nor- . I He is scheduled for court on seasons too Iml~ ~n n1t"a71.:'il~. th'R 1 i' as begin . mandy. The Kennedys have five \ de~t of lhe G:r~~se Pomdte Ed~. i Monday June 24 products ... Ha;uJ ati.d Body Lotioll. Refillable Hair Spra)', Johnson ( leCl 111 I;) as e. eyo u ~on w', - children. Larry and S'le at I catlOn ssocla IOn a~ ?reSI-, _~ :~ __._ . ~~_ ning and hi:; title and property were rnhented by hIS son, - ... _. '_ . . _I dent-elect ~f the ~i I chI g ~ n Roll-Of/. or Spnr.,r Deodm'a-nJ, Orgl Spray, Mouthwash., Sham- poo, Shat:e Crt'a111and Bat!J Oil ... u:bich is so popular that Sir .John .Johnson, who remained a Tory and fled to I ~chool ~ubhc RelatIOns Assocla. "r 1 '.' I J I . '. cphew Guv Johnson, had taken loon. a Job he abandoned when it is on re.ordcr and witt i,e if/. again this week. Yes, it's thai .~lon r PCl . • () 1nson ,:-' I1 . "'; .' •. he look on his new assignment, O\'('r his rolE' as Supenntendent of Jndlan AffaIrs In I /' R .t d It" good ... alzd u'e.f'e u'aitittg for it. ' .. d t ecrw s an n erVlews :'\orth America. but he too was a Tory and evacuate 0 I Recruiting and interviewing * '" * \lontrcal. All the Johnson land in the Mohawk valley, I'''' ~ ~ ' ...~ , $ Listening In ... as one young Pointer we know reoommend~ was c:onfiscClted by the Americans. Today both .Johnson _~__ __ I D-J Bea.ut~. Salon to her visiting roommate for their casual but. Hall and Gu~' Park. his nephew.'s home, have been re- "-ft-ft!rI----,~S-- e glamorous hair styl('s. The result was two pret(y debs at the dance stored and are op2n to the publIC. - ----.:..~ ... &-==..L~ a that night. The list is growing- and 405 Fisher Road il!> a busY place u f~~~:;:t?y'f these party days . .:,ha,ve..some . * * * ,,-ho~,,-here and whatnot I -if!or-ltelr ;t; ~ ;:;.... :...... ;',:::;;:i~ ..... , .. ';: A seafood pancake that captures the mysterious bv whoozil !/ .By£ine " ,i goodness of the seven seas are th?s~ tank '0 the sea clam One of the gayest of neighborhood groups, the Socia- I A NOTE OF ble Scoundrels. "athered again last Saturday night for Going Places? cocktails at the Robert W. Smiths' with Mrs. Carl Dirkes All the Famous ITHANKS TO If you Me take a travel tip as ('o-hostess and then a dinner at the GPYC, where . I ~~'~[~{:)h;.:fl~\L':~ I GROSSE POINTE from some of the smartest .~Jf~1;~:~ii~~~~2J~1~~~~;;f1t~[?E~ oow1in.2: trophies were awarded. Members of this I.o0se- LIQUORS In I ~::;}",:,*,:"."'1~:~:1'\l'i;:~,~~~.@""'~,.",~~~ ~ . knit prganization are nei.£:hbors in North and Sou~h I BUS DRIVERS gals town. They make our I SKEET GUS STOLEN REPORTS LOSS OF $'" and Salon at 117 Kercheval their "'''.,.JtI,k Ed~e\\'ood road. Ballantyne road and Blairmoor ~ourt In Swim Fin$ , 5.95-9.95 A Remington Skeet Modell ,!\Irs. Franklin Walker, of 541 first port of call ... knowing the Sh0l'f'S. This all began in 19:15 when the neIghbors fl al'e }'OU 1J.oticed how I Masks .. " 1.95-3.95-5.95 /12-gaUge stotgun was stolen ILmcoln road, reported to Farms banded together to encourage attractive landscaping in WINES pol i t e atld courteous that the Scissors Magic of Snorkles 1.95 from the ~ack trunk of a car i police on June 20 that she had I an Intra - Curl. Cut or a Eorplu!r~.;, 29, parked in the driveway 01 i cashed a c~eck for $100 that da. their m \'1 development. From this ;Irst meeting has come All acceptable and Grosse Poi n t e drivers y Jumbo-Curl Per man e n t Roland Grays Rac:qllllt and Sport Shop Byron Nichols at 537 Lakeland at the NatIOnal Ba~k of DetrOIt. R spate of football parties, picnics, bowling contests and I appreciated. are? n~e haz.'e and we dinners. makes any vacation ... at TU 1-2262 TU 1.5262 June 20. Nichols told police I branch on the Hm, and had s a I ute them for their * * * Imported and American home or abroad more fun! that his son, B)'uce, had used 1lost the money somewh(>.re be- HCI.bert V. Book has just published an exhaustive brands. good work. There is good news, too, for the gun skeet sbootin~ and left I tween there and her home. it in the trunk overmght. , hi~turv of his ancestors. "Family Record" which traces I "play-at-homes" ... we are I the Bf~uks from tiv(' generations and includes fascinating always open Mondays fo l£"lh'rs and memorabilia about the Campaus, DeQuindres Imported Crystal , 'Jet your' hair back in shape II th Year of Serving Grosse Pointe Clnd Palmscs. iSTUDIO CAMERA SHOP after a week-end of sun and i CARL JOYNER -- * * * Tankard I fun... the n u m b e r to Abo \\'()rkin~ on farnily records for a re~ort of the . %0229 MACK - in. the Woods remember is TUxedo 1-6833. Kercheval on the hill pionc£'r F'r£'nch settlers is Miss Estelle WInga~d,. of Makes Beer Beer! j OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS eHET SAMPSON Cadlellx road, wh\) can trace her own background. m the I ~ -:---- ._. -I invites you to pic~ up your POIn!£' to the iate 18th century and is related to countless Guom:; and Rivards. -'- ! ~~ ... 't\.9~ .. ~~~~~~ * * Dehutantes at the Wilhe.r Macks' dance for t!leir :Jlzi3 ;"~Jhal Jor pelj !~ Airline Tickets.~ daughter, Marcia MacDonald, last week a~ t.he ~Ittlc t••"".:-,_',",'...-...'...... '.'__ .~' ..._,' :-..,...... -...__.~. ~--- ...... -;,~':'!oo.~.A~.;.:.~~~ __ ~.-s.:.~ Club had to share the limelight with a very dlstmgUls~ed ~~<.. ~ -NW ~ .... guest, John Davis Lodge. Th~ brother of the former VIce Wi ~t his convenient. office Presidenth,l candidate and lnntself former ambassador to Even though you may ~ave made YO'lr reservations Spain, WHS in Dl,troit for several days on behalf of the directly with the airlines. Junior A("hit'vcmcllt program. A guest of th.e Lester All tickets ond t04lrs $old ot the published prices. Ruwcs who met him in Palm Beac:h last wmter, he attend~d the Ralph McElvennys' dinner before the Mack HAVE YOU TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF HIS dance. * * * OTHER SERVICES? Did vou know t hat Happy Rockefeller spent her honevmoon wtih her first husband, Dr. James S. Murphy, STEAMS.HIP TICKETS at th'~ Wendeli Andersons' estate in Bermuda? I I * * >I< So unique in des i 9 n ;j PILFERINGS compliments any bever- CRUISES In illY day we were called "sassy kids." Later the . all over the world same thi~g w~" known as "t~llung b~{'k." !'I?,w it's "hon. age. Ideally suited for I est discussion in a parent-chtld relatIOnshIp .. , Dayton gin and tonic, ice tea, ete, ~)~ i Journal Herald. HOTELS and RESORTS Invites I I * * * Set of 8 you to "OPEN HOUSE" both domestic and foreign Boris Pasternak, Russia's Nobel Prize-winning At our new location, novelist said out loud what many of his fellow country- /9443 Mack Ave. Grosse Pointe Woods men have doubtless thought secretly about the commu- TOURS nist bosses: "They don't ask much, of you. They only village wine shop Friday, June 28, 2 p.m. to , p.m. either packaged or tailored to want vou to hate the things you love and to love the V Telephone VA 1.1177 your own specifications things you despise."-Life Specializing in Poodles and Schnauze~s * * * 15228 E. Jefferson A British hookshop displays copies of Louisa May at Beaconsfield * Canine Boutique Chet Sampson Travel Service l\lcoti's "Little Women" under a poster proclaiming: * Unique Beauty Salon Grosse Pointe PI1:rk Tu. 1-9007 I'OUR YOUNG GIRLS TELL ALL. 100 Kerchevdl, on the Hill TUxedo 5-7510 " •