• $ t..t:; .iJi., a .J! j2 4 @ ; k .41," J_ .., All the News of All the Pointes • Every Thursday Morning rosse ews ~._-~~-~--- ----------,-- Complete News Coverage of All tlJ,ePointes Home Of the News -- ---._~ __ r._~ _ . __ ~_ --- ~_._~-- --~-- ~_.- ---_.- - --._--~~~--~-----_.~---~~ ---------~------ ----_ .._--~ --- --~ _.- UEADLINI~S Rotary Club Names Citizen of Year of lh. iAll Residents ',' . ~ ';; , , ~:'~ 1.r? "<,:":;!, Scheduled March I WEEK i Requeste(1 to As Compited h}, tbe ;Calls for Revietv Grosse POInte News i Displa y Flags , .... ------ ~ I ~Many Factions Join in Ef. Thursday. June 20 I ..Of Recent Events : fort to Insure Peace When PRESIDENT KENNEDY ask-I , I ~,~_ eel Congress Wednesday to e:1- Negroes Visit Pointe a("1.nE'W civil rights legislation, , ; Scree~ing Under Poi~t Srstem. ~tarted Legal Battle' Saturday and appealed to the Negro ~~om- . I Which Brought Natlona PublicIty; Demonstration munity to halt right.s demon- A' d t H • P Five hundred demonstra- strations that might lead to .1 l;lle a 'OUSIn9 __~~~tices tor~ are expected in Grosse riolencE', In what Was regarded . A scheduled demonstration this Saturdny by an ex- POInte Saturda:v at noon to as the most sweeping civil rights proposal since the Civil I pected 500 marchers protesting alleged discrimination in ' conduct a parade and rally. War Reconstruetion, Kennedy housing in the Pointes, prompted the NEWS to revievv' sponsored by the De t r 0 i t asked that the Federal Govcni- some of the events in the short but eventful history of bra,nc~l of the National As~ l11l'nt be allowed to enforee the controversy over real estate policies in the Pointe, sOclatlOn for the Advance~ lolal desegregation in all levt'!s I It all began when John A, I . ment of Colored P~opl(', of Amcrican sotiety. The appeal I Maxwell, a former Algonac! Cl. Thl' !\AACP announced Tu"'s- met with immediate opposition manufacturer, started t~ (O~- i 0m mlttees .day afternoon thilt the parade f!"Om Southern Democrats and I str~ct a ~ous~ on Wmdmill I \\'ouJrl form at noon at Cadieux parI ial OPPOsition frem some I Pomte drIve !n ~959,. Wh~n : A · ted I'n and Kercheval road in the Vil- Republicans in Congre"s. l\:ax~e!l met with fl,nanclal dIf-1 PPOll1 lage. and the group would * .;c. "- fl.cultIes, he determmed to sell, 'march nor than Kercheval RUSSIANS CELEBRATED. hiS half-completed house. When: GP SI " 'through Grosse Point~ and into the slJ(TPssful landing Wednes. i he ~ound tha.t the value he was' 110reS tl,(' Farms as far as Muir road. da~' of their his and her space' ! askmg for Ius house could not F'ram thert' the\' would go back (":lpsules, and hailed the flight: . be m.et by bld~ers, he chal~ged OK Rd' B two block- to '~lJe playfield of of a woman eosmonette as a' \ c~l'taJn groups m Gr,o~se Pomte ecommen atJons y the High School, the spot they r('\'o!ution in "the role oC the; with. allegedly consplrlng to de- President Jack Williams ,have selected for a meeting, \H'ak£'r sex in modC'rn society." i . ,preclate property values and t M d M f Valentina Tereshkava, 26. carne: " . 'pointed his finger at the Grosse a on ay ee Ing S~hedl!led ,speakers f~r the down deep in Siberia anN tom- I ;t~~:~e ~w:e~~:~~~~i~ The Shores council on ~~~t~,~~~ t~~~Si~a~~ta~~ pleting 48 orbits and covering i ;':;C:~:E'::I; I~~f~~~~ 1l~C:l~I~~~;: more than 1.240,000 miles. Her: ; in hi>,charge was an indictment Monday, June 24, on recom- 11](, Detl'Oit '\AACP <:h'Jpter: counterpart. Lt. Co!. Valery By. : I of an alleged Point System used mendatior: of Pl'esid en t :\r~hur 1.. ,Johnson, the chap- kovsky. 28, landed a fEW hours; : to screen prospective buyers in Jack Williams. approved ler s exe('utlH' secretary: and I regard to racial traits and other appointments of a village' Abraha,m. Ulmer. chapter Hous. lat('l- in the Kazakhstan Repub- i JOHN E. FINCH, chairman of the Music Depart- -['Icture by Milton Volkens Iic, after 81 orbits, branch of the national service organization. DR. characteristics, preside,at pro t'~m and' mg Chall man, ment of GrossE' Pointe High School, receives the 1963 .. .. RALPH M. BURKE, club president, adds his con~ Adams Starts Probe members of various work-, Want Pasto~ to Talk TlH~ HAPLESS T I G E R S award from BRUCE K. BOCKSTANZ, left, chairman gratulations. , ,'. The gl"OUP saId thev were blew their sceond straight game: of the Citizen of the Year Committee of the Pointe S~ortly after Maxwell s swt mg commIttees, 'also making efforts Tuesda\" to lindeI' their new manager. Char- , agam~t .the Property Own,ers Namen president pro t('m, I:ave a membfT of the Gl:osse ASSOCiatIon and other part.les, was John Huetteman, Jr" who, Pointe derg\' speak at the gath- Jie Dressen, 9-2 to Boston Wed- :D.. .. PI nesda~' night. ThE' Tigers' llInth lSClI,SS the state Attorney G~n~ral, P?ul was re-elected village trustee I pring. and 'thl."~' had extended an .Summer Sessions Include Adams, announced hIS mtentlOn on Mav 21 " ,t t' . t tI . f t.h straight [05S placrd them 13' ~ _ • I'Jolln Finclt to investigate the "s-::reel;ing" .. , I?_\1 a IOns ? 1f' ma~ ors () .... f Id b b .. Lt' Also reele(.ted tl'llstee was' (il~' and }<anlls to speak as ~,al1l;s from the league leading : To Beautlfy U H 1 'r anKees. ; °A ':"'loh ,- e d uyebs. ate 2 7 Gilbert, T, .Jerome, The new-' v:ell. The~' h30' no definite in- 606 Students Leal~ningto IPaid Tribute pri e Issue su poenas 0 ~ t' t" 'J' d t h Det1'01't an d P om, te res I'd en t fi t 0 ,('omerI rustee 11' \Ibert. T.l-, ~'orrnatlon ue~ a\"_ as 0 w at "rId:)', ~u:p 21 I Lake Sl1or~ Drive; 2,003 Are Enrolled appear to testify at a Detroit F~l' 1s, who defca~ed Donald R. r Oll1ters would take part, "~ICIITY ROl\IAN' (,ATIIO-. IB~Rotaria'1S hearing on May 2 over the aI, Flmtermann. an ll1cumbent. The Re\', En'ille B, ~1a~,-nard. LIC Cardinals succeeded early i _ ----:-- leged screening system, f. hear- The committees and ap- ~redor of C h r i s t Episcopal Friday morning in electing a, County Supermtendent of Brownell Junior High Picked for Driver Training Named Pointe Citizen of ing was held, at ~hich witnesses: pointees follow: ,Church said Tuesday ~ft~rn~on ncw Pope, Giovanni Battista, Parks Holds Meeting with testified for both sides. At the Assessors and '1'a', R('\'iew.' that he knew of no 1l1vltatIOn Program with High School Grounds Closed Year for Long Term of i Card~nal ,Montini, Archbishop: Garden Club Council conclusi{)n of the he a r in g. IFuchs. ehainnan, al:d Gerald that had 1Jcen extendcd to any oC Milan, rhe pope was elected: • for Construction of Library Service in Music and A dam s issued a statement j'sr:hroeder aud Alfred T, 'Wil-' Pointe minister to speak, He branding the practice "immor- son. Because the WOIk of both saId, howe\"cr. that if SUdI an nn th(' fifth ballot. after tour CommIttee A massive driver education program at Brownell Other Field un"ucce,~ful attempts Thurs-. Junior High School will teach 606 Pointe teen-agel's how ai," and ordered its abandon- i committees tie-in to~ether. it im-itation \~'t're extended he day The new Pope will be' Carroll L. Porter, Super- to drive this summer. I ~~ . , ment "within 30 days." Iwas deemed advisabl .. tll:..t the felt It woula be accepted_ named Paut VI. intendent of Parks'und I John E, Finch, chairma.n The ?roperty Owners group same membel"S be relail1Pd for 1'11(>Grosse Pointe cffort is ",' The driver training program are in English, mathematics, of the Grosse Pointe High responded with a demand to be. both, thc o;ccond of a series of dem- " ,'" • "'f' r! Forestry for vVayne ~ounty~ is just part of an ext\:'nsive sum-, reading improvement, science, School Music Department informed of any law which they Public' Work,;: .Jerome thail'- on,.;lrations by tht' XAACP I HE CUBAN' RE\ OLU • 10N- : met WIth a commIttee 01 mer school program that will Latin, French, and typing. I ::RY COUNCIL ,in Miami said' the Grosse Pointe Garden accomodate 2,003 students at , . , , was named Citizen of the had violated. "Unless this is; man, and Bemon Fon!. {"/l.:;Jtel' to prote,:t "discrimina- Year I'n Grosse POI'nte for done," the group said. "if will' R 't t' D "ff tion" in \"arious Detroit sub- I hl.lrsdav that It has lan(\('d, C b C 'I W fOUl' Pointe schools this sum- 1he HIgh School s program b t I . 'b'I't f egIs ra IOn: r, C.i ord b 'fl' I d 1 commando units in Cuba to: iu O'.lnCl at the ar h dl 903 11 t t h e an ac ua Impossi 1 1 Y or L "I I k h' ur s. 1C first was lei ast spearhead a new Cuban Revo-: ' M emona ' I F nay,'d J une 21 , mer. Some are re-taking courses I.
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