Vol. 5, Issue 4 Happy Easter April 2017 Stars & Shamrocks

Ancient Order Of Hibernians , Michael F. Hogan Division 15 — 85 Hibernian Way (Grand Ave), Massapequa, N.Y.

MEN’S BOARD President’s Message

Chaplain: Deacon Frank Flood My first 100 days in sic when we finally did return to our Hall. President: William Scharen office…. Seems so long Once again our chaplain Frank Flood served V. Pres: Daniel Roarty ago that I officially be- as deacon at our Mass celebrated by Fr. Rec. Sec: Matthew Dernaud came the Division’s O’Brien – thanks to both men. Thanks too to Treas.: James Wall President as it’s been a Brian Farrell for handling the bus reservations Fin. Sec.: Joe Campbell whirlwind of events of all the riders. Maybe next year we can fill Std Comm.: Padraic Nugent since mid-December to this bus? Marshal: Ronald Ade now [3 ½ months], but I \We had our annual St Patrick’s Day dinner Sentinel: Jeff Stark would not have traded it away for anything. dance on March 11th at the American Legion As all my predecessors know, nothing can be and much thanks must go to John Nolan and accomplished without the willingness of those Joe Campbell who co-chaired the event as Newsletter Editor: Ed McGlade brothers who bring their talents to the fore- well as Ed McGlade who ordered the food

front and do all the little and big things that which I think was spectacular. The music pro- Ladies’ Board make our organization work so smoothly. To vided by Gabe Hickey, Pat Jordan and Mike Chaplain: Rev. Daniel O’Brien S.J. all of you I give my thanks and rather than Ornsby was great too and I want to thank President: Joanne Brennan trying to name each one of you, I would not them for allowing Joe Saladino to sit in on a V. Pres: Mary O’Brien want to omit anyone and think they are being few songs whose arm I didn’t need to twist Rec. Sec.: Mary Skinnon overlooked. too much to show his stuff. Again congratula- Treas.: Elaine Galbo The month of March could be called the tions to our Man of the Year, Pat Nugent and Fin. Sec.: Margo Moore month of marching as that seems truer for a to the Lady of the Year, Kathleen Murphy who Irish Hist.: Helen Buckley lot of us whether you are in the Tara Pipe not only received division plaques but cita- Missions: Joanne Kranz Band either as a musician or one of our color tions from Joe Saladino. I also would be re- Catholic Action: Patricia Bishop guard or participated in one of the parades to miss if I didn’t thank Frank Ryan for all the Mistress at Arms: Lilly Giannelli support our division. There were two parades work he did in overseeing the Journal that we we as a division were to march in. The first received. Sentinel: Grace Doherty parade was in Bethpage and I have to tell you Our annual Lenten fish dinner was very well Grievance: Eleanor Ryan it was very disappointing to only have 4 mem- attended as I counted about 45 people at the Maureen Murphy-Ade bers join me for one of the closest and short- Hall on March 24th. Thanks to this success

est parades around. Then we had the NYC must go to Ken Ferguson, Bob Brennan and 2016 AOH Division 15: parade and there were around 20 guys who Ed McGlade who made the miracle of the Man of the Year: Padraic Nugent lined up behind me as we marched up 5th loaves and fishes work again but this time in Lady of the Year: Kathleen Murphy Avenue although a few guys were not from Massapequa. our division. It was with great pride that I Hope to see you all at our No Talent Night, walked up “the Avenue” with the shillelagh April 1st, and then at our men’s monthly meet- given to me by our Tara Pipe Band and the ing on April 12th. weather was near perfect! The bus ride to and from NYC is another story but is being ad- Yours in our motto, dressed. Thanks to all who either planned and prepared our breakfast and those who Bill Scharen welcomed us back with sandwiches and mu- Kindly Remember Division 15 in Support Our Troops your Will www.aohdiv15.com P a g e 2 Stars & Shamrocks

Mike’s Tidbits Men's Dues Please send 2017 annual The season is over . We forgot to the corned beef sandwiches. As usual dues: $45 ($40 if paid by 3/1) pray to St. Tommy for the first few pa- the ladies did a great job. Joe Campbell rades. But we got wiser and he took care 85 Grand Ave Again Thank you .. of us for the Big one. Yes, Fifth Ave. was Massapequa, NY 11758 great as usual. Sad to say we did not make TV again, maybe next year. As of today I have not heard any news to The Division and I would like to thank report. Any News please send to: Joanne Krantz and her elves for making [email protected] Green Beret Trustees Chair: Ed McGlade Treas. Bob Brennan Rec. Sec. Ken Fergson Green Beret Club News House/Bar: Jim McCann Entertainment: Jim Wall The hall is open Fridays at 8pm come on Call Ed McGlade at 516 815-7269 for rent- down to meet with old and new friends. al information. To Rent the Hall please call:

As always dates in May are booking up - if 516 795-9715 you need the hall call me as soon as pos- We are looking to replace our broken CD To be notified of wakes please sible. player, if you have one please stop down. email Ken Ferguson at [email protected]

Tara Pipes and Drums

The Band did the following events this past March: March 4 - King’s Park—very cold March 5 - Bethpage– cold March 11 - Bayshore– very cold March 11 - Marines St Patrick’s Day Party March 11 - St Killian’s St Patrick’s Day Party March 11 - AOH Div. 15 St. Patrick’s Day Party March 11 - Sister’s of Amityville St Patrick’s Day Party March 12 - Bayport/Blue Point—cold March 12 - Center Moriches– cold March 17 - St Patrick’s Day Parade NYC– beautiful March 18 - Hampton Bays– somewhat cold-no bar March 19 - Glen Cove– ok March 25 - Rockville Centre– dead last March 26 - Montauk– interesting

We are also selling 2017 tour shirts for $15 see Ed McGlade

Join the band—see the world—have fun Any Thursday evening at 7pm at the hall

More next month……. Stars & Shamrocks “In God We Trust” P a g e 3 Chaplain’s Corner

During my visit to Ireland in October 2015 there were three Each year the traditional three day pilgrimages begin at the end monastic sites that I thought would be of interest to Fr. Ken of May and end mid-August. Pilgrims must be at least fifteen Zach who was visiting Ireland for the first time. Unfortunately, years of age, in good health and able to walk and kneel unaid- we ran out of time but the three sites [ Glendalough, Scattery ed. Each pilgrimage is a three-day fast incorporating a 24-hour Island and Lough Derg] are still on my list and of continuing vigil. Pilgrims arrive n the island between 11:00 am and interest to me. 3:00pm, having fasted from the previous midnight. They have one simple meal of dry toast, oatcakes and black tea or coffee Let me tell you about Lough Derg, which is located in County on each of the three days The central prayer of the pilgrimage Donegal. is called a ‘station’. Each station involves the repeated praying This information was obtained from the web site of the Diocese of Clogher, of the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Apostles Creed, as Ireland. pilgrims walk, or kneel or stand, barefooted. Three such sta- tions are made on the first day. Four more stations are made in A Place of Pilgrimage common in the Basilica during the night vigil and one is made St. Patrick’s Purgatory, Lough Derg, is among the oldest centres on each of the second and third days. of Christian Pilgrimage in Western Europe, supposedly dating Walking barefoot serves to emphasize what all have in common back to the sixth century. Lough Derg lies about four miles and creates a greater awareness of community. north of the village of Pettigo. Station Island, the location of the Pilgrimage is often referred to as Saint Patrick’s Purgatory or After reading this call the booking office at Lough Derg 071 simply Lough Derg. 9861518 to make a reservation. This is a special place of peace and personal challenge. This PEACE TO ALL AS WE CELEBRATE EASTER 2017 small lake-island, renowned in Irish Christian tradition since the Deacon Frank time of St. Patrick, has been receiving pilgrims continuously for well over 1000 years. Right to Life

Thanks again to my brother and sister Hibernians who made 7:45 PM the annual trip to Washington. We didn't make our nation- Winners of the High School Oratory Contest will present their al digest, but we did make the cover of Life News for the March winning speeches. 2017 newsletter of the Long Island Coalition for Life.. Open to the Public. http://prolifeli.org/index.php/life-news-e-blast

Important Dates: Come out to support our righteous youth. Good Friday April 14, 2017

Face the Truth Silent Vigil Nassau University Medical Center 10:30AM - Noon. What else are you going to do on Good Friday? Can you spare 30 minutes on this day? THERE IS HELP: April 24, 2017 If you or someone you know is in need of help with a pregnancy call: Life Center: Long Island Coa- lition for Life 1-516-798-9100 (Massapequa) L.I. Birthright (Hot Line) -1-800-550-4900 General Meeting 1-516-408-6300 (Hempstead) Regina Residence -1-516-223-7888 KofC Barry Coun- 1-631-243-2373 (Deer Park) cil - Hicksville If you or someone you know is in need of healing from the effects of an abortion, recent or many years 45 Heitz Place, past call Rachel’s Vineyard 1-516-523-0586 Hicksville CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY IS RESPECTED FOR OTHER INFORMATION OR TO BECOME INVOLVED IN PRO-LIFE WORK CALL 516-454-0993 P a g e 4 Stars & Shamrocks

An bhfuil Fhios agat

The Dubliners: “Top of the Pops” in 1967. They were critized for perform- ing political songs (considered controversial) at the time What started out as a “session” in a small pub, half and Ireland’s national broadcaster RTÉ had placed an un- a “session” small Dublin pub half a century ago grew into official ban on their music from 1967–1971. During this one of the most influential and iconic music groups Ireland time the band's popularity began to spread across main- would ever produce. In 1937, Paddy & Maureen O’Dono- land Europe and in the USA where they appeared on The ghue opened the now famous Dublin pub in Merrion Row. Ed Sullivan Show. The group's success remained steady Little did they know that their quiet family pub would be by right through the 1980s. Members of the band over the the mid-1960s become one of the most popular gathering years are: Ronny Drew, Barney McKenna, Ciarán Bourke, places for Ireland’s traditional musicians and singers. In , , , Jim McCann, the early 60’s, and Barney McKenna was a , & Patsy Watchom. frequent visitors to O’Donoghue’s. story be- gan here one evening in 1963 when Ronnie asked if they They have influenced many generations of Irish bands, could play a few tunes. and their legacy can to this day be heard in the music of artists such as , Dropkick Murphys and Flog- Music has been played in O’Donoghue’s pub ever since. In ging Molly. just a few short years with the folk revival of the 1960’s happening, it was soon a hub Luke Kelly was diagnosed with a brain tu- for up and coming balladeers and instru- mor and he passes on January 30, 1984. mentalists. The Furey family, Johnny Ciarán Bourke collapsed on stage after Moynihan, and Shamus Ennis were just a suffering a brain hemorrhage and passes few of the musicians to play there. Ronnie away in 1988. & Barney were soon joined by Ciarán Bourke, Luke Kelly, John Sheahan and Ronny Drew passed away in August 16, introduced themselves as himself and be- 2008. came the fourth member of the band. Barney McKenna passed away on April 05, As they were all young local Dublin men 2012 they decided to call themselves The Dubliners. They went Ar dheis de go raibh a anam. on to receive extensive airplay and eventually appeared on

News About Town - The American Legion Auxilary Unit 1066 is looking for new members. Do you want to be involved in helping our Veterans? Do you want to support us in helping our Veterans? Do you want to share our spirit in helping our Veterans? If you answered YES to any of the above questions come ask me and I will be happy to discuss membership with you. Joyce B. Kelleher, Auxiliary President (516) 798-6174

AOH MEMBER CAR RENTAL DISCOUNTS: On average, the discounts will run between 10 to 20 percent, and will vary with location and season. For Avis use code # AWD = X265800 and for Budget use code # BCD = A766200. P a g e 5 Ladies Page

DATES TO REMEMBER: Stars & Shamrocks 4/1 – No Talent Night 4/16 - Easter 4/17 – Ladies Meeting LAOH 4/22 – AOS Nassau County Ball 5/12 – Roast Beef Dinner April 5/15 – Ladies May Meeting and Baby Shower

Presidents Message I hope you all had a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day. I had an amazing time marching in the City and seeing everyone at the hall that evening. Even the long wait for the bus at the end Annual Dues 2016 of the parade could not put a damper on the day J Thank you to Gail McGuirk and Joanne Krantz and all of the volunteers who worked so hard that day including baking Soda Bread and There is an Early Bird Special of $30.00. Please make your Scones and putting together and selling the Corned Beef sand- checks payable to LAOH, Inc. Division 15. You can give wiches. Days and events like this always go great because of your checks to Margo Moore at our March Meeting or mail all of your efforts. them to her at 309 Park Boulevard, Massapequa Park, NY The St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance was held on 11762. In an effort to save money for our Division, please March 11, 2017 at the American Legion. It was a fun filled even- make every effort to pay your dues early. Calling posts and ing with great food, music, step dancing and piping. Kathleen postage for follow up mailings can be expensive and we Murphy and Padraic Nugent were awarded members of the would appreciate everyone’s cooperation to pay on time. year. Congratulations to both recipients for this well deserved Thank you. honor. We had a wonderful day at the Irish Craft Fair run by Kim McGuinness on February 26th which we hope to make an annual event. Thank you to Kim, Lily and all of the volunteers Email Addresses that helped make the day a success! At the last meeting, a vote was held to possibly move If you have a change of e-mail address please notify Ed the meeting nights to the third Tuesday of the month. The vote McGlade at [email protected], Ken Ferguson at passed and the change will take place as of the September 2017 meeting. [email protected] and Joanne Brennan at jbren- I hope you all have a wonderful Easter with your fami- [email protected] You can also send changes of ad- lies. Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity, dress and phone numbers to Joanne Brennan at 2242 Wil- Joanne low Street, Wantagh, NY 11793 Roast Beef Dinner Meetings This event will be held on May 12, 2017 from 6:00 – 8:00pm and is $20.00 per ticker. Please call Joanne Brennan at (516) 785- The next LAOH meeting will be on Monday, April 17, 8479 if you would like to attend. Please bring in any items you can 2017. The meeting will begin promptly at 8:00pm and we donate to the April Meeting or any Friday night down at the hall, will be installing new members. Please make every effort thank you. to attend. CONGRATULATIONS, CONDOLENCES & PRAYERS Our annual Baby Shower will be held at our May 15, 2017 meeting. Please remember diapers and gift cards are greatly needed along with wipes, blankets, crib sheets, Please keep the following in your prayers: Emily Kolensky, bibs, socks and infant outfits. Gifts do not need to be Madeline O’Brien, Katie Hobi, Harold Lye, Sean Doherty, James Thompson, Richard Gautier, Joseph Bishop, Dotty wrapped. Duke, Joan Krunsky, Shawn Godfrey, Sean Murphy, Chris- tina DiStefano, Mateo DiStefano, Ava DiStefano, John Papciak, Baby Langdon Richardson, Joan Polcari and Cake Duty Paige Accardi. The ladies who volunteered are as follows: Sharon Tate, Please send any information for this section to our Sun- Nonie Ryan, Joyce Kelleher, Margaret Parisiau, Eileen shine Lady - Helen McHale, 516-477-1431. Bloniarz and Helen McHale. Thank you ladies! Stars & Shamrocks P a g e 6 Tentative List of Events Apr 1 – No Talent Night – potential event Dec 10 – children’s Christmas Party Apr 2 – Men’s Major Degree we are hosting @ St. Martin Anyone looking to host an event at the hall please see Ed of Tours, Bethpage McGlade to get onto the calendar.

Apr 6 – Juvenile Diabetes fundraiser May 12 – Roast Beef Dinner May 29 – Memorial Day Parade then bbq/stickball game @Marine’s Hall June 4 – 1916 Musical presentation on DVD June 24 -Irish Night @Brady Park July 4 – Parade through Massapequa Park July 22 or 29 – Pub night Aug 5 _ Picnic @ Brady Park Sept 17 – Feis @Nickerson Beach Sept 23 – Casino night –potential event Oct 22 – Communion Breakfast Nov 18 – FFAI night Dec 9 – Installation Christmas Dinner @ Am. Legion

1225 Montauk Hwy 200 East Main St 20 Hicksville Road West Islip, NY 11795 East Islip, NY 11730 Bethpage, NY 11714 631-661-5644 631-581-5600 516-731-5600

Stars & Shamrocks P a g e 7 Newsletter Sponsors

Tara Pipes & Drums LAWRENCE FOX Licensed Real Estate Broker 4711 Merrick Road Licensed Real Property Appraiser Massapequa, NY 11758 Licensed Insurance Broker Ed McGlade, Bandmaster (516) 815-7269 L.J. Fox Real Estate www.tarapipesanddrums.com P.O. Box 160 Massapequa, NY 11758 (516) 541-3700 Fax (516) 798-6413 John

ESPOSITO MEMORIALS Monuments-Lettering Bar & Grill 1250 N. Wellwood Ave. All Cemeteries W. Babylon, NY 3964 Hempstead Turnpike, Bethpage, NY Tel (516) 731-7544, Fax (516) 731-6250

631-249-2921 In Plainedge Plaza

AOH MEMBER Sean Harrington Sean Reilly DISCOUNT

Lic. & Insured (516) 520-7411 Maureen Hirten Agostinacchio, CBR, GRI Free Estimates Levittown, NY Licensed Real Estate Agent Fine Homes & Estates

Charles McGuinness AA Realty Seamless Gutters & Leaders 3900 Sunrise Highway Seaford, New York 11783 Business (516) 826-8100 ext 248 Installed Delivered Custom Made Cell (516) 524-8306 Cleaned Repaired At Your Home Fax (516) 826-3044 E-mail: [email protected]

Warren O’Brien

Massapequa Auto Repair, Inc.

Complete Auto & Truck Repairs 4191 Merrick Road Massapequa, NY 11758 Fax: (516) 795-9362 (516) 795-9360 Email: [email protected] 516) 541-2622 Michael F. Hogan Division 15 Ancient Order of Hibernians P.O. Box 15 Massapequa Park, NY 11762 “Friendship, Unity & Christian Charity”

EVENTS 3/05 - Bethpage Parade 3/8 - Men’s Meeting 3/11 - St Patrick’s Dance 3/17 - St Patrick’s Day 3/19 - Glen Cove Parade 3/20 - Ladies Meeting

In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity


A Michael F. Hogan Division 15, member & 2013 Hibernian Man of the Year 1 Jerusalem Avenue (corner Hicksville Rd.) Massapequa, NY 11758 516-541-8070 Fax 516-541-6186