Calls for Revietv ..Of Recent Events
• $ t..t:; .iJi., a .J! j2 4 @ ; k .41," J_ .., All the News of All the Pointes • Every Thursday Morning rosse ews ~._-~~-~--- ----------,-- Complete News Coverage of All tlJ,ePointes Home Of the News -- ---._~ __ r._~ _ . __ ~_ --- ~_._~-- --~-- ~_.- ---_.- - --._--~~~--~-----_.~---~~ ---------~------ ----_ .._--~ --- --~ _.- UEADLINI~S Rotary Club Names Citizen of Year of lh. iAll Residents ',' . ~ ';; , , ~:'~ 1.r? "<,:":;!, Scheduled March I WEEK i Requeste(1 to As Compited h}, tbe ;Calls for Revietv Grosse POInte News i Displa y Flags , .... ------ ~ I ~Many Factions Join in Ef. Thursday. June 20 I ..Of Recent Events : fort to Insure Peace When PRESIDENT KENNEDY ask-I , I ~,~_ eel Congress Wednesday to e:1- Negroes Visit Pointe a("1.nE'W civil rights legislation, , ; Scree~ing Under Poi~t Srstem. ~tarted Legal Battle' Saturday and appealed to the Negro ~~om- . I Which Brought Natlona PublicIty; Demonstration munity to halt right.s demon- A' d t H • P Five hundred demonstra- strations that might lead to .1 l;lle a 'OUSIn9 __~~~tices tor~ are expected in Grosse riolencE', In what Was regarded . A scheduled demonstration this Saturdny by an ex- POInte Saturda:v at noon to as the most sweeping civil rights proposal since the Civil I pected 500 marchers protesting alleged discrimination in ' conduct a parade and rally. War Reconstruetion, Kennedy housing in the Pointes, prompted the NEWS to revievv' sponsored by the De t r 0 i t asked that the Federal Govcni- some of the events in the short but eventful history of bra,nc~l of the National As~ l11l'nt be allowed to enforee the controversy over real estate policies in the Pointe, sOclatlOn for the Advance~ lolal desegregation in all levt'!s I It all began when John A, I .
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