Lake-Level, Five-Year Plans for Achieving Sea Lamprey Control Targets in Each Great Lake

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Lake-Level, Five-Year Plans for Achieving Sea Lamprey Control Targets in Each Great Lake Lake-Level, Five-Year Plans for Achieving Sea Lamprey Control Targets in each Great Lake October 2012 The Great Lakes Fishery Commission was established by the Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries between Canada and the United States, which was ratified on October 11, 1955. It was organized in April 1956 and assumed its duties as set forth in the Convention on July 1, 1956. The Commission has two major responsibilities: first, develop coordinated programs of research in the Great Lakes, and, on the basis of the findings, recommend measures which will permit the maximum sustained productivity of stocks of fish of common concern; second, formulate and implement a program to eradicate or minimize sea lamprey populations in the Great Lakes. The Commission is also required to publish or authorize the publication of scientific or other information obtained in the performance of its duties. In fulfillment of this requirement the Commission publishes the Technical Report Series, intended for peer-reviewed scientific literature; Special Publications, designed primarily for dissemination of reports produced by working committees of the Commission; and other (non-serial) publications. Technical Reports are most suitable for either interdisciplinary review and synthesis papers of general interest to Great Lakes fisheries researchers, managers, and administrators, or more narrowly focused material with special relevance to a single but important aspect of the Commission's program. Special Publications, being working documents, may evolve with the findings of and charges to a particular committee. Both publications follow the style of the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Sponsorship of Technical Reports or Special Publications does not necessarily imply that the findings or conclusions contained therein are endorsed by the Commission. COMMISSIONERS Canada United States Robert G. Lambe, Vice-Chair Michael Hansen, Chair Robert Hecky David A. Ullrich Siddika Mithani William James David O’Toole, Designate William W. Taylor October 2012 Lake-Level, Five-Year Plans for Achieving Sea Lamprey Control Targets in each Great Lake Special Editors Mike Steeves1, Katherine Mullett, Jeff Slade, and Paul Sullivan Citation (entire volume): Steeves, M., Mullet, K., Slade, J, and Sullivan, P. [EDS.]. 2012. Lake- level, five-year plans for achieving sea lamprey control targets in each Great Lake [online]. Available from: [accessed 5 November 2012]. Citation (individual chapter): Mullett. K. 2012. Chapter 1: Sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes basin. In Lake-level, five-year plans for achieving sea lamprey control targets in each Great Lake. Edited by K. Mullett, J. Slade, P. Sullivan, and M. Steeves [online]. Available from: [accessed 5 November 2012]. Great Lakes Fishery Commission 2100 Commonwealth Blvd., Suite 100 Ann Arbor, MI 48105-1563 October 2012 M. Steeves1. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, 2100 Commonwealth Boulevard, Suite 100, Ann Arbor, MI, 48105, USA. K. Mullet. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Marquette Biological Station, 3090 Wright Street, Marquette, MI 49855-9649, USA. J. Slade. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ludington Biological Station, 229 South Jebavy Drive, Ludington, MI, 49431, USA. P. Sullivan. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Sea Lamprey Control Centre, 1219 Queen Street East, Sault Sainte Marie, P6A 2E5, Canada. 1Corresponding author e-mail: mike.steeves@dfo-mpo-qc-ca. Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... I CHAPTER 1: SEA LAMPREY CONTROL IN THE GREAT LAKES BASIN .................................. 1 Purpose and Vision .................................................................................................................................... 1 Authority and Program Delivery ............................................................................................................... 1 Issues Affecting Achievement of Targets ................................................................................................. 5 Target Setting ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Program Components ................................................................................................................................ 9 Measures of Success and Progress .......................................................................................................... 13 Research Needs ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Reporting and Updating .......................................................................................................................... 17 CHAPTER 2: FIVE-YEAR PLAN FOR LAKE SUPERIOR .............................................................. 18 Introduction and History ......................................................................................................................... 18 Features of the Lake ................................................................................................................................ 22 Unique Issues .......................................................................................................................................... 24 Special Concerns ..................................................................................................................................... 29 Fish-Community Objectives ................................................................................................................... 34 Objectives and Strategies within Program Components ......................................................................... 36 Recommended Strategies to Achieve Targets ......................................................................................... 54 Communication ....................................................................................................................................... 59 CHAPTER 3: FIVE-YEAR PLAN FOR LAKE MICHIGAN ............................................................. 60 Introduction and History ......................................................................................................................... 60 Features of the Lake ................................................................................................................................ 64 Unique Issues .......................................................................................................................................... 66 Special Concerns ..................................................................................................................................... 71 Fish-Community Objectives ................................................................................................................... 78 Objectives and Strategies within Program Elements ............................................................................... 81 Recommended Strategies to Achieve Targets ....................................................................................... 101 Maintaining Targets and the Judicious Use of Lampricides ................................................................. 104 Communication ..................................................................................................................................... 104 CHAPTER 4: FIVE-YEAR PLAN FOR LAKE HURON .................................................................. 105 Introduction and History ....................................................................................................................... 105 Features of the Lake .............................................................................................................................. 109 Unique Issues ........................................................................................................................................ 111 Special Concerns ................................................................................................................................... 117 Fish-Community Objectives ................................................................................................................. 124 Objectives and Strategies within Program Components ....................................................................... 127 Recommended Strategies to Achieve Targets ....................................................................................... 148 Research and Assessment Needs ........................................................................................................... 153 Communication ..................................................................................................................................... 153 CHAPTER 5: FIVE-YEAR PLAN FOR LAKE ERIE ....................................................................... 154 Introduction and History ....................................................................................................................... 154 Features of the Lake .............................................................................................................................. 157 Unique Issues .......................................................................................................................................
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