4/17/2020 What victories did environmentalists of the Altai Territory win in 2019 in the fight for the environment?

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What victories did environmentalists of the Altai Territory win in 2019 in the ght for the environment?

 December 29, 2019, 16:19  602

Какие победы сумели одержать в 2019 году экологи Алтайского… 

•  Tatyana Dolgova  "" Vesti Altai "" Society 

In the past year, a lot of events related to environmental protection in the region.

It is enough to say that in response to numerous complaints, the environmental commission of the presidential Human Rights Council visited Altai.

Let's remember what victories the public managed to achieve in the struggle for the environment. And what questions still remain unresolved.

What should we do here to get it: we don’t play here, we live here?

- Dmitry Nikolaevich, do you want a revolution? Maybe come to your house? Will you feed us?

A year ago, Altayles employees addressed these words to Dmitry Kobylkin, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology, in protest against the allocation of unique ribbon burs to a separate forest growing area. The priority in them should not be economic activity, not logging, but the protection of forests. The main tenant, Altayles, did not like it. Nevertheless, our boers were given a special status, they talked about it at the federal level and ... things are still there.

Alexey Gribkov , ONF expert, ecologist:

- To my great regret, there is no real progress in this part, the status is assigned, ribbon burs are allocated to a separate forest growing area. But a change of sign is not a result. The result should be special conditions for the protection, conservation, reproduction of forests. So far, this has not been largely implemented.

In early summer, the environmental commission of the Human Rights Council arrived in the region - this is how the president’s administration reacted to numerous complaints from Altai that they illegally chop, saw, and level the ground.

The HRC commission also saw the tree felling shot in the district. In place of the forest - empty hectares. So in Altai, for many years, they allegedly fought with a pest beetle - the Ussuri polygraph. As the HRC commission found out, under the guise of sanitary felling, there is a usual logging.

https://vesti22.tv/news/kakie-pobedy-sumeli-oderzhat-v-2019-godu-ekologi-altayskogo-kraya-v-borbe-za-okruzhayushchuyu/ 1/4 4/17/2020 What victories did environmentalists of the Altai Territory win in 2019 in the fight for the environment? - Felling is taking place at such a speed, without days off, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. saws are screaming, all-day logging trucks are at the  Coronavirus Contact Us  base of the Urals, and round timber is being exported. Our park will be simply nowhere to do.

An inspection, already a prosecutor’s oce, showed that the felling of trees in the Zmeinogorsky district was carried out without permits and control from the forestry. The result is two criminal cases. Nothing is known about the punishment of those responsible.

During the year, residents of Soloneshensky district and environmentalists did not stop ghting with gold miners on the Anuy River.

Mikhail Khrushchev , head of the Topolinsky council:

- Look at what's happening now: sedimentation tanks in quarries, muddy, green water, ows along a ditch along the dam into a large quarry, from which a channel is dug directly into the Anui River.

The HRC commission also found many violations in the work of miners. Later, the court estimated the potential damage to nature from gold mining at 1 billion rubles.

Toward the close of the year, the regional court also conrmed: prospectors must stop work and restore the destroyed territories at their own expense.

During the year, urban areas were also defended by urban residents, protecting squares and parks from deforestation in the upland part of . So maybe hacking has become less?

Alexey Gribkov , ONF expert, ecologist:

- No, they didn’t cut less, and violations did not become less objective - these are ocial data. These are also those criminal cases that were led during the autumn on sanitary felling near the village of Cherepanovsky in the Zmeinogorsk district, on thinning in the natural park “Foothills of Altai”, forestry. Well, a number of violations, they are, have not gone away. But I don’t think there is any decline. On the contrary, it is precisely from the reaction of the business that it is clear that the business is very concerned about attempts at its prots, well-being and actively resists this. It includes its lobbying capabilities, and the dissemination of information, comments on social networks - this is directly obvious.

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Altai Best Ecologists Awarded Gubernatorial Prizes

 June 5, 2019, 18:52  893

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Лучшим экологам Алтая вручили губернаторские премии  Coronavirus Contact Us 

•  Dmitry Klishin  "" Vesti Altai "" Society

Today, a professional holiday is celebrated by Russian ecologists. For the third time on World Environment Day in , industry experts are awarded gubernatorial awards.

The amount of cash incentives is 125 thousand rubles. The names of the laureates were named by the expert council of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Territory. This time the award "For active practical activities in the eld of environmental protection" was presented to the huntsman of the Kisloukhinsky reserve Sergey Baidukov. Merits in engineering ecology of the associate professor of the Technical University Lyubov Beldeeva and many years of human work, which stood at the origins of the environmental system in the Altai Territory, Vladimir Gorbachev, are also noted. 

Vladimir Gorbachev , Senior Researcher, Research Institute of Regional Medical and Environmental Problems:

- Prize named after Vereshchagin Victor Ivanovich. This is a very respected person, and I am very pleased to receive this award, denitely. I did not expect when in 1988 I came to the Altai Territory nature protection committee that I would linger so long in this industry.

The governor’s prize is named after local historian and enlightener Viktor Vereshchagin. He was a teacher at the Barnaul Real College, and he conducted regular expeditions to Altai with the students. Samples of plants from the most remote corners of the region in the herbarium of the museum of local lore were collected by his hands. In the 30s, he suffered from repression, but even in exile did not leave the study of Altai nature, devoting more than 40 scientic works to this. In 1947, he was awarded the degree of candidate of biological sciences without defending a dissertation.

In addition to the governor’s prize, the street in Barnaul bears the name of Vereshchagin, it is assigned to seven types of plants and two types of insects.

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