THE SEAT of Dalian Ia Burepe Suggests That Petroleum Shall Be Pon «C Our Nadtrt Vriu Understand That V« Do Hot Hold Oanelvss Locusts
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THE TEESDALE "MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1370. and the Prussians are not, as in 1815, smarting under THE SIEGE OF STRASBURG. BURNING OF A PASSENGER SHIP. CONTINENTAL ON b±IS. O VV i\ A L t r 1 K. the spoliation of the series of invasions by which the Berthola Auerback, who has been summoned to the The following account of a fire on board an Italian BY OCR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. head-quarters of the Grand Dnke of Baden, gives the passenger ship has appeared in an Adelaide paper. soldiers of the first Napoleon devoured Germans like A WWBTETT representative of the most civilised following graphio account of the siege of Straaburg i— The details eeem to have been furnished by Captain THE SEAT OF Dalian ia Burepe suggests that petroleum shall be pon «c Our nadtrt vriU understand that v« do Hot hold oanelvss locusts. But it is curious to note that even in 1815 " Before Strasburg, morning.—Slrasburg barns I Inthis Begg, of the ship Murray, who took an energetic r nopontibU for our aiiU CorrtsjKmdmti opuyuna, upon the thousands of dead bodies supposed, by ib» Sir Walter Scott says, "The needless wreck and word are crowded all the horrors, terrors, an gai sh of heart part in the attempt to rescue the passengers and PREPARATIONS FOR Pf we experienced in the past night My ejyes yet smart French, to be Btill in the quarries of Jaoraont in order ruin they make adds mnoh to the inconvenience of crew :— PARIS, from the fire flashes, my hand trembles still. 8» to prevent all unpleasant effluvium ! Os t'v» Monday that Paris, horrified, was learning their presence." But the Prussians are not blood " The destruction of a ship by fire is at all times a was it to be 1 Again ia there a sight of St. Bartho . BRUSSELS ia now full of fugitives from France sr.d it. i-^.** whioh ware t the part'oiUrs of the oapitulation of MacMahon's most appalling spectacle, bnt when it is known that among the wealthier classes »oai« qui peai i «.»i j Since th« ov«toa armistice . thirsty, and their utmost violenoe seldom exceeds lomew—for suoh was the one just passed—with de a a c army and the surrender of the Emperor, the a number of fellow-creatures have also perished it be to obtain from P™«"» understood a blow or two with the flat of a sabre; testation to be graven in history, bnt not through have become the order of tbe day. A letter from Etnperor'B horse Gladiateur, the winner of the Two comes doubly BO ; and in one of thoae terrible dramas Brussels states that the Imperial Court jeweler hsi of territorial inWgrity^it is fault of ours. On those who must needs deck their r they are also very civil to the women: in both the Murray (just arrived in our waters) played an i„ offered her services to the i '". Thousand, the Derby, and the St. Leger—three of arrived there from Paris with thirty large cases c' respects behaving muoh better than the French did in heads with glory, on their heads alone lies the blame. important part, although she was powerless to J3 present she is taking" **f — The worst injury an enemy can inflict upon a man, valuables. the greatest rices in England was pat np for sale, rescue many from the devastating elements. Captain interests of peaoe- ... , their country. A correspondent of the Echo complains upon a people, is to force them to acta from which A NEW volunteer oorps ia ia course of formation with the rest of Count Lagrange's stad, for it was in Begg gives a graphic description of the occurrence, The Government expect to have by I of the recent insolence and arrogance of Prussian they recoil with aversion. We are in the position of to be called the Paris Gnerillas. The dress is a light' the Count's name that the Emperor's horses ran. from which it appears that on the night of May 26, in clnding troops of the line, National i officers. The fact is, they have always been insolent a man who declines a duel and yet is compelled to fitting light blue woollen garment, black trousers wi-;, lat. 23. 40 S., long. 37.50 VY., one of the hands at the Mobile of the Seine and of the provino Never was snoh a mob before assembled at Tatter- shoot down bis adversary. Unhappily it must be a red band, and a felt hat with a feather. and arrogant to civilians, and especially to English masthead reported a singular illumination astern, force of 300.000. Troops and arti Ball's new or old establishment. Men of rank, done. But yesterday we made offers to the COUNT BEANICKI, Mayor of Montreeor (Indre-et. men. They are all gentlemen by birth, highly and on oloee inspection the reflection became more yesterday from Mezi.'-res and camped id fashion, wealth, and notoriety connected with the tnrf Commandant of Strasburg to come out, or send a 1 apparent, ana after a short interval it was affirmed Lofrs), who had already su -scribed Bums of 10 00u[ de l'Imperatrioe. Thia morning they ad educated, and politically 'aristocrats. They despise trusty officer, to convince himself that resistance was were there, jostled cheek by jowl with a collection of to be a ship on fire. In order to dearly ascertain and 25,000f. to the relief fund for the wounded, has oamped in the Avenue de la Grande Arl us for our ignorance ; they hate us for our example of in vain, and that we oonld only with the utmost pain snoh ruffianism as could only be found at a prize the truth, the Murray's course was ohanged and all now increased his eontribntion to 500,000f. (or the front. It has been do" constitutional liberty, and for our success. bring ourselves to fire even a part of Strasbarg. He re THE orowda of English fleeing from Paris have fight, when prize fights were permitted ; at a trotting sail made. The distance was then computed at thirty burn the Bois de • Boulogne and the plied—aninspeotion of pur positions would be con str aed miles, and after sailing for an hour there was imme found considerable difficulty in getting away, and the match or hanging match, when criminals were hang Twenty years ago at Baden-Baden, Prussian Cloud and St. Germain as soon as the as a first probability 0f his surrendering the fortress. mails from London have been considerably delayed officers were as much noted for their arrogant diately eeen to be a vessel on fire, and in the exces in eight. It rainB in torrents. in public. Surely the modern tarf collects and He had, however, resolved to defend it to the last sive darkness of the night it was indeed a most threugh the same cause. incivility as Bavarians and Austrians for their attracts villauous countenances like wasps roand man and the last cartridge. It was said yesterday, appalling spectacle, as a nearer approach disclosed IT is believed that all the members of the Corps GERMAN ADVANCE. | charming manners. Alexander Dumas was not far and the broad pillars of Smoke testified, that Kehl peaohes. Of course, it was impossible to see the the form of,a large ship being devoured by the flames, Diplomatique have decided to remain in Paris, eTas PARIS, wrong when he said you oould know when yon passed waa again set on fire by the French. We kept qniet hich shot high aloft, lighting up for an immense in the event of a siege, nor will the Empress leavs horses or hear the auctioneer without superhuman until the break of evening, the columns of flame in Kehl The following official despatch has 'nto Prussia by the way they slammed the railway distanoe the surrounding gloom. At two a.m. the the city. r eiertiona. But in cases like these the bidders for the flared np wide, mounting heavenwards, and inces from the commander of the Forest distance was considerably lessened, and the Murray WHILS at breakfast at Dnrand'e, a correspondent important lots are fev, and able to command special doors. But we must lemember that the Scotoh and santly were fireballs hurled thither from the citadel'. FerU'sons-Jouarre:— closed with the burning wreck, having previously pre aaya, I heard two well-known deputies betting with English are not so agreeable as the Irish. Now began on our side the fire—flash for flash, blow " There have been from 500 to 60 places. I went to see Gladiateur on the Saturday pared her boats for lowering, with hands at the davit- eaoh other; and what do you think was the subject for blow, they were returned with interest. There, Chateau Thierry since yesterday mon without a orowd, and he was well worth seeing—a Perhaps success may give Prussian manners a falls, and every possible arrangement to meet the of their bet ? The one affirmed, the other denied, that the oitidal blazes ap; the fast falling night revealed received from Laon yesterday annonno perfect animal in blood, symmetry, and temper. emergencies of the case. Then a bitter ory came from Bazaine waa locked up in Met* ; and each anpporttd polish that literature has failed to effect. They are every fire-flame. Bombs soared aloft and descended. d'Hame surrendered tbe citadel in ord the watery darkness, and the boat was lowered, his own opinion by what we Englishmen are accus Last year this horse is said to hare earned as a now the greatest Continental nation.