f 3

WHIG STATE CONVENTION. Mr. Combs offered the following resolutions, viz: J R, . Wednesday Morning, Feb. 23, 1843. Resolved, That the thanks of this convention be General Advertisement. Louisville Advertisemenls. F A N K F O R T tendered to the members of the Presbyterian Church, The Convention was called to order by the Presi- of Frankfort, for the use of their house of worship, dent. MEDICAL NOTICE. THURSDAY. .FEBRUARY 24, 1S43. so kindly tendered to the convention, and to the Groceries Cheap for Cash! Mr. presented a from the Hon. Turner letter Rev. Mr. Robinson, for the use of his study. DIt. F. J. JSTIiATTON, Late of New York, eTtugii, Ileso'veJ, thanks of f. rent ;ovi:kok, , which was read as follows, That the this convention bo HAVING permanently established himself in the Town of Wholesale Grocer ami CommiHtion Merchant, Frankfort, will attend to in line of his profes tendered to the citizens of Frankfort, generally, for all calls the 440, .Vain, bet tth and &t h one above A. JOHN J. CRITTENDEN, of Franklin. 23d Feb., 1843. at presciit.be found at the Franklin Moose, Jo. tcren S'rrcts, ioor Frankfort, hospitality extended tjZih Ooirdij if Co., Louticilic, A'y. their kind to the members of FiioTt tet. lt, less a' FOJt LIEUTENANT CJOVEKNOII, Dear Sir: After sleeping a night on the subject, I this convention. - MERCHANTS, TRADERS and FARMERS, "who visit this L. HELM, of Hardin. am confirmed in my strong conviction, that my name GROCERIES FOR CASH, I would solicit JOHN Which resolutions were unanimously adopted. Copper Distilled wmskey, a call from such before they purchase elsewhere, as I flatter my- should be withdrawn from the convention as a nomi- Barrels Liet Urands Two Years Old on ham! and for self I can give better harsrains and bettei satisfaction than they nee for Lieut. Governor. I properly appreciate Mr. T. D. Bkowii offered the following resolu- sileby Feb. lij, lr4C TOM) vV CHITI ENPEN. can find at any otiier establishment. My stock of GROCERIES copies of the Daily Commonwealth are generally fresh, : m 07"Inle the high station, and under different circumstances, tion, which was unanimously adopted, and consist of the following assoitraeut neatly enveloped, can be had at the Counting Roum viz: 300 bas;s prime Rio Coffee, would not only desire it, but feel greatly honored to Hatchets! Hatchets!! of tins :icj tor tiro cents per copy. Single copies Resolved, That the thanks of this convention be CARPENTERS, Plasterers, and ( law Hatchets, Collins 30 " prime La'uara Corfee, rill it. Certainly I never will, I never can forget and fur sale hv "0 " prime Obi Java Coffee, of the Wr.EKLV Commonwealth, containing full tendered to the Hon. (leorge Robertson, 30 hhds. bright the circumstances under which my nomination was for the Feb. Itj, lsj. TOM) & CRITTENDEN. fair and New Orleans Sugar, of the Legislative proceeding, can be had for very able, dignified and prompt manner in which 100 barrels Plantation Molasses, made, and the generous enthusiasm with which it i Hariris Rectified WliisUc) , just received ami fur sale, very i!0 " best quality Sugar House Molasses, cents per copy. has discharged the duties 'JO four he of President of this low. for cash, by TOM) Ac CRITTENDEN. half barrels do do do, was received. Hut there are other soldiers in the - , convention, and to the Vice Presidents and Secre- Feb. 10. l.- IG. 23 barrels Loaf Su'.-ar- No. 11 to 7. Whig camp, older and better than myself, who de-ti- re 10 Sruxn, delivered before the taries of the same. half chests fine Gunpowder Tea, CTMcCu n's the position, whilst my present feeling is alto- 50 13 lb. boxes do do do, for the Rice! Rice!! 100 Stri ty, is now ready delivery at On motion of the Hon. Davis, the con- - 6 lb. do do do, gether against it. I say, let some one of them have it. Garrett POUNDS, New Crop, an extra article, just received 100 2 " Counting Rjom of the Commonwealth OlEce ' lb. do do do, I prefer at this conjuncture, any one of them to my- vention then aJjorned, sine die. IAflfl andforsate bv TODD fc CKlTl.fc.NDEN. 200 boxes Summer Mould Caudles, per hundred. Feb. 16, Price 83 self. were suddenly and enabled 30 star Candles, We unexpectedly GEORGE ROBERTSON, President. 50 " Brown Soap. to act, in making the nomination for the first place, 37 " best City A Guide Justices of Feace, Constables. Marshall Key, WARE-ROOM- made Starch, 07" to the and enthusiastic I FURNITURE ! 330 Reams best quality Wrapping Paper, Con- with perfect union, which believe ArrEKsox, Clerks, S!ieri,TV, &.C.; with forms for Deeds, Richard I.nrye HikI elegant asirtuu-n- t of 50 " tine quality Foolscap Paper, 1 will swell and spread from centre to confines, over ruruitnre for nnlcon To- tracts, cc. S:c.; hy Jems IIerxdox, Esq. This Geoet.e H. McKinxev, gool 60 boxes Musselmau's lvls. half pound and pound lump C the whole land, until John J. Crittenden sways the Secretaries. bacco. work is well o'ot up, in a volume of near GOO pages. Thomas I. Goddix, John LL Eoggs & Co. 23 - of the best Oronoko Tobacco, Government of his native State. And why should 3t!0 For tale at this office. Frice, 50 per copy; live Willis G. Hccjies, .Yi. J'.D. .Main S'rcet, LumsrUlr,, hfnturl.it, pounds liar lad, i my name remain to mar the auspicious harmony 230 hai;s Shot, No. 1 to 7, or mure conies n3 each. , Gaeriel J. Johnson, constantly on Imix! at their , it 30 at that reigned and ruled yesterday! I was prepared, HAVE slrmlid ' P.uck Shot. of well r.ia.l.! 1VKNITI KK, ( lllli;, dtp., I'M) boxes best fresh Raisins, under the instructions of my delegation, to cast the winc h they will sell on us teim-- as the same articles can 20 fresh Candy, assortment iu a box Mr. Ki.veall, the fine Daguerrcan operator, will vote of Howrhon for another. Their choice was he lunmlit in the West. They are exclusively in the 500 pounds Soft Shell Almonds, 8150 REWARD. inan'.i!acture or every tltnnr in their line, a.ict are ready to fill or-- 25.oiiO dozen Hope Factory Yarn, remain a short time longer in our town, in order to mine, as it was of them unanimously, and I respect- "T7TIEREAS, S lll'KI. J.KV1, whu M?mls iinlicte.l in lei s ouijit ly, ami at small prolits. Then ptesent Mock consists JU,C0O Maysville Yarn, con- Knox Circuit I , in r .Miinler, Iihs hronen Jail ol sanl in part, of 50 bales Cotton H tho.-- e wir-li- , fully and earnestly appeal to you, to ask of the ittini, give who an opportunity of supplying countr, ami is now coin:; at large a fugitive from justice, I will j Mnhotrany DresMii'; Bureaus of all sorts and sizes; 60 dozen Painted liuckets. vention to withdraw inv name, that I mav perform a apjirelien-lei- themselves with iii;e pictures. We can say, us we five 31(10 rewirJ if he is ami lml.pil in any Jail in Ktack Walnut IJiire.uis, of all sorts; 20 " Varnished P.uckets, grateful duty, and prove that the union and success the fiiited so lint can t him, or glo'J il he is ueliv- - Mahogany Chairs of all kinds; 30 nests Painted Tubs, have hc retolore said, that Mr. Kimball is one of the of ,y piirty r;se high above all considerations of treJ to me. Jailer uf Knox county, Ky. j French Sofas; 10 - White Tubs. j IliCSC'IMPTIOV. Tete a Tetes of the French style; 250 kegs Boston and Juniata Nails. V arti.-t-s in visited our town. Lest his line that ha? ever personal ambition. SAMUEL JARVfS is nl.out six feet one inch hhrh ahout Cane I'hairs of all descriptions; 40 barrels Carolina Tar, His rooms are on Main street, at Mr. Meriwether's. Accept assurances of the high regard of your years of a.'e samly or yellow hair thin on the top or the head, Bustle Hack Chairs, new stvle; 100 barrels best Superfine Flour, almost amount in:; t o l:il! tens hhie ejes f.ir slvin a bear over Fi.'Uied HitHi MalnLMiy Chairs; 100 boxes Iresh Western Reserve Cheese, We would advise the members of the Legislature, the risht eye. causc.l by the lueecli of a min's hurstim;; the scar ilneen Eli, ibeth Chaii s "and Tydies lor Chairs; 75 whole, half and puarler buls. Nos. 1,2 and 3 Mackerel, GARRETT DAVIS. ) is2or3 inches loiu' he i very pcrceptihly powder burnt umier Windsor Chairs of all descriptions; 35 boxes Codfish, life-lik- w e i i Looking (ilasses 2 and those ho wish to have pictures to take yi-yu- S. Turner. me rm eye aim uc " me iiuse in me it'll e e lie lias a si ai lit and .Matresses: drums do, the left ham! from the I'm jers up towards the wrist, making the 1 dozen of the the finest Plush Mahogany Chairs in ; 5 tierces new crop Rice, Tiome with them, to give him a call. 1 The name of Mr. Davis was then withdrawn, and tinkers somewhat crooked a thin, cvooked nose, tolerably Ion?, very fine MaiMwniiy iSetlFtead, at t;iO. 20 coils Paieut Cable Rope, with sort of teat lianiii'; below t lie nostrils he has a down 1 tine Pedestal .M .ho;any Wardrobe, at .140. 20 " do Check Line, The Taylor The Taylor Mr. Turner nominated the Hon. John L. Helm, as look and bad at that; and weighs about 17. pounds, 1 tine French Mahogany Wardrobe, Loaning Glass Door; 10 " do Stern Line, State Convention. W.M WOO L. Jailer Knox co., Ky. 50 set of feet Oct. 20 " Bed Cord Rope, norni- - State Conve!.tion was fullv organized on Tuesday a candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and the i February Cie;.Q All Sorts Low Post liedsteads, 50 dozen Long and Short Eed Cords. ' adopted. The Louisville weekly Courier will insert to amount of $4 and A nd many other articles too tedious to men! ion. 25 boxes fresh Lemons, evening, by the appointment of the Hen. Richart nation of Mr. Helm was unanimously charge this ollice. JOHN M. BOuGS fc CO., 130 bushels Dried Peaches, .Vj. V.O. S'rii t. Louitrille, Kentucky. 100 " Dried Apples, II of R.'urbon, as President, and N. The Convention, then unanimously nominated the -. awes, Walter irtT Tli ISA AC SHKL'JtV, will February I I, lp'l.- 10 boxes Hoarhouud Candy, change Pepper, Indi-ro- Cop i HALiEMx,of Iniisvilie, and A. R. McIvee, of Gar--j Hon. Archibald Dixon and the Hon. William J. her next trii to Cincinnati, to Thursday Also Salaratus, Spice, Madder, Alum. f i morninc, at 111 o'tloi k. in order t accommodate peras, Epsom Salts, Brooms. Brandies. Wines, Whiskey, Rum, rard, Secretaries. Unon the call bein made, itwas Graves as Presidential Electors for the Stafe at hi those, members of I he Whiz Convention who JIEiMCAL JJUOKS. Gin, Sweet Wine, Carpet Chain, Candle Wick, Clacking, &c. may to home on day. Feb. 4.V31 All ol which be for by wish return that 22, HAVE on hand a will sold low Cash, found that delegates from ome thirty-fiv- e or forty large. T small, hut well selected lot of MEDICAL 1, E. PUGH. J. BOOKS, consisting of Louisville, Jan. F. the Hon. James counties were in attendance. The convention, John A. McClun. of Mason, and Notice. Cyclopiedia Practical Medicine. Condic on Diseases of Children, SNEAD, GARDNER fc CO., which was very respectably attended, was in session Campbell of McCracken, were appointed delegates THE Part ncrshipberetoroie existing under the firm of TOM) 4 vols., Woo l's Practice of Medicine, CRITTENDEN, was dissolved by mutual consent on the Duii','lius.ons Physiology, new work. 419, .Vain Strret, Louiitille, Kentucky, ' until a late hour, f;nd the- proceedings appeared to to the National Convention for the State at large. 1st instant. " Med. Dictionary. Dewees on Females. The business will hereafter be conducted under the firm of vv atson s rraclice, on Children, Wholesale Grocers, ad- Mr. Hughes, from the delegation of the first Con- be cxceedinsU harmonious. The convention &. Wilson's An itoiiiy, Churchill ou Diseases of Chil- OFFER FOR SALE: TocLd Crittenden, Smith and Horner's Anatomi- 400 Rio Coffee, w hen, gressional District, reported that the delegation from dren. bass journed to meet at the State House last night, Exclusively by the uniicrsined cal Atlas. l'aucost's Wistar, 50 hhds. New Orleans Sugar, we presume it concluded its business. We will lay that District had elected Livingston Lindsey, of HARRY I. TODD. Fergus . n's Practice Surgery, B;i tlett on Feveis, new edition, 130 bbls. Molasses, Feb. 13, l?4r. ROUERT H. CRITTENDEN. l.iston and Mutter's do., Ellis's Medical Formulary, 20d bags Cotton Yarn, the official proceedings before our readers as soon Calloway county, as Presidential Elector for that Clielius's System of do.. Ricord on Venereal, And a general assortment of GROCERIES. District: and James D. Husbands, Esq., as delegate All persons indebted to the old linn, are earnestly requested Carpenter's Pnvsiolosy, Biodie's Clinical Lectures. Louisville, January 1, 134.9. as they are furnished by the officers. to call and sett le their accounts, as it is important that the ac-- : Churchill's Mid wilery, Urodie o.i Diseases of L unary Dewees' Mid wilery. to the National Convention, and L. M. counts of the old firm sluuld he spot lily closed, Organs. E. T. BAtNBRIDOE. H. CARCTH. OKO. BA1LT. JB, Flournoy as Cooper on f. Mr. Cl." y's We have seen a let- j Feb. Li, Wit. TODD & CRITTENDEN. Dislocations and C S. Dispensatory, new edition, withdrawal. his alternate. Fractures. Wilson's Dissector, Bainbridge, Caruth & Baily, ter of a very recent date, from a member of Congress, ! Hope on the Heart. Fowne'a Chemistiy, &c. Mr. from the second Congressional Dis- Prospectus of the Christian Mirror. Pi.mt on the Stoni tch. DIPORTF.US OF HARDWARE AND CtTLERY, Tritlett, IS paper be devoted the discovery, (not the member from this district.) that Mr. rpil will to illustration, and All which will be sold low, and respectfully invites the pro AND DEALERS IN trict, reported tiiat he delegation from JL defence of tiit-- ad vucacy of whals ever things are that District truth to fessjmi to tiive him a call. W. M. TODD. Castings, Iron, SrC. pure, lovely, of nood So far as may be deemed ex- - American Hardware, Clay would certainly withdraw from the canvass Da- and report. it January u. .W. Kotc. had elected James L. Johnson, of the county of pedient to jjive it a local character, it will aim more especially, I, i;rVfrC No. 468, Main Street, between Fifth and Bullitt Streets, for the Presidency, in two or three weeks. The to promote the interests of Apostolic Christianity in Kentucky. LOUISVILLE, KY. viess, as Presidential Elector for that District; and January gentleman did not state how he obtained his infor- li'.it a brief outline of its intended course, can he here sketched. LAW BOOKS. William R. Griffith as delegate to the National Con- J. A candid and thorou.li examination of the questions in- at-- attention or legal sentlemeii is called to the following mation, whether from Mr. Clay himself, or from volved in Church Orani.ati n and Cooperation, will be I rpiIE W. B. BELKXAP, vention, and Ben. Edwards Grey as his alternate. tempted. The Bible Society be liAW HOOKS, which will be sold at the lowest West- question will considered. Much ern prices, tome of his more confidential friends; but from the j investigation of these subjects is yet demanded. Let no one de-- j 533. MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, Mr. Rush, from third Congressional District, I the piecate discussion. n the midst of society in rapid progress, it Bacon's Abridgment. 10 vols. Story's Equity Jurisprudence, Wholesale Dealer in unqualified manner in which he makes the state- and be itj East's Reports, fi reported the election of Finis E. McLane, of the is unavoidable, is to invited, rather than repelled. It vols.. Equity Pleadings, every not is but Digest N. York Reports, 4 vis., on IRON of descriiUon, ment, and from some other circumstances taken in discussion that dreaded, those an,'ry nersonalities, into Partnership, NAILS do, county of Todd, as Presidential Elector for that Dis- which, even religious discussions too often descend. JVothintr U.S. Digest, 3 vols., on Prom. Notes, D STEEL do, connection w ith his statement, we 'are inclined to of thtxe lust, shall rrer hare a plare on the panes of the Jfirror. tniel's Chy. Practice, 3 vols., " On Sales, CASTINGS, trict; and George T. Wood, Esq., as delegate to nothing be otlensive Hilliard on Real Property, on HOLLOW WARE, &c. In general, that can personally to anyone, " Bills. Louisville, January 1, 1P43. the belief that he obtained his hiformation from Mr. will lie admitted, the defence of tiie Greenlcaf on Evidence, " on Agency, y the National Convention, and David King as his al- unless comniuuity agailist imposture, shall demand Fearneon Remainders, " on himself. is a it. Bailments, Clay This, however, surmize of our ternate. 11. To furnish entertaining and instructive readin? for the Phillips on Insurance, " Conflict of Laws, 1). .MARSHALL'S own. youtiL'er members of churches, being not the least important aim Pothieron Obligations, Roberts on Frauds, and Hoot aul Slaor 3Innufhctory, from fourth Congressional of our paper, we attempt, for starkly on Slander, B on Ladies' Mr. Sneed, the District, shall their advantage especially, illantine Limitations. A A a brief exposition of the elementarv nrinciules. and ultimate t lancy on Husband and Wife, Wheatou's Anier. Criminal Law .Vim, between At atd 5 Street i, Loisville,Kf. Mr. Moeehehead. Potomac, of the Baltimore reported that the delegation from that District had j aims of the Reformation. Phillips on Evidence, 4 vols., Cooper's Justinian. ALSO. ' 111. The subject of Education in peneral and Ed- Toller's Law of Executors, Smith's Chancery PHILADELPHIA AND FUENCII CALF SKIN.S, Patriot. speaks in the follow ing complimentary terms elected Thomas W. Lisle, Esq., of the county of of Female Practice, ucation in particular, will receive such attention as jve may lie Holthouse's Law Dictionary, Tillinghast's Adams on Eject., Shoe Thread, Shoe Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trees, our Reprerentative in Congress: Green, as Presidential Elector for that District; and able to Hints, as to the best mode of instructing a family Stephen on Pleading, Walker's American Law. of in the Sacred Scriptures, will be offered. Mi t lord's Pleading, With a general assortment of SHOE FINDINGS for sale by "Mr. Moreheud is a tall, large, Littleton Beard, Esq., as delegate to the National IV. Condensed reports from Churches and Evangelists, ALSO, Louisville, Jan. 1,1.-4.- J. D. MARSHALL. - A complete set of alter- Slate, Annual, and meetings will be pub- KENTUCKY REPORTS, (except Hughes and fine looking man, with bland and courteous manners. Convention, and Jeremiah T. Boyle as his lished; ami any advertisement required by the common inter- Sneed, which are considered of little value.) If". W. C. FELLOWES & CO., He has t;iir hair, which is getting quite thin on the nate. ests of the churches. January l), 18 AV. M. TODD. top of his head, although he is a young man. He I V. We shall endeavor to record in a few lines, the principal Auction Commission Merchants, Mr. Thomas, from the fifth Congressional District, relk'iouseveiits of the times and y Juvenile Books. has, shown that he is worthy to be the suc- i VI. Hut especially, and above all things else, we invite AND DEALERS IN ' shall largest and best reported that the delegation from that District had our beloved biotherhood forward and upward to higher selected assortment ever oTered forsalu cessor of Garrett Davis, and the Representative of the THE tins place, at TODD'S BOOKSTORE. DRY GOODS, of Har- , grounds of godliness, brotherly kindness, and charily. It is January li. Henry ('lay's old district." elected Hon. Bryan II. Young, of the county mainly from a desire to accomplish something in this respect, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. In the debate on the loan bill, he made an able din, as Presidential Elector for that District; and that this prospectus is submitted tn the public. The field we CONSLI TED WITH purpose cultivating, is not occupied fuily l y our writeis, nor has Blue Lick "Water. FELLOWES, JOHNSON & CO., and impressive speech, in James W. Hays, as delegate to the National Con- it been. We shall, if possible, make the Mirror equal to our Ins just received several Barrels of Fresh opposition to the revenue ' HSAVI'El, times, both in its mechanical an I literary fentuies, and yet. we WATER. It is lor sale at his Tousorial Commission ami Forwarding Merchants, and financial schemes of Mr. Secretary Walker, and vention, and William Davidson as his alternate. shall aim to he useful rather than shilling." Gladly will we fore-- Institute, opposite the Mansion House. NEW ORLEANS. in reply to the speech of Mr. Mr. Woodson, from the sixth Congressional Dis- go the honor of being tiiou. ht a pldlcscq her an accomplished Fi an I. fort. January 2K, 1S4" tf Cash advances Iniade on shipmeuts to either house. Houston, of Alabama. essayist a profound expositor, if we in iy but successfully in-- j January 1, 1?48. trict, reported that the delegation from that District vile the thousands of jomig professors away from the vuuilie.s Law Notice. j of earth, to the tiijoynn nt of the grace of Christ, the love of JAJIES ?.IO.NKOK, Mf.. Clay Gen. Taylor. The former state- had elected William Chenault, of the county of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit. A nd whether we AttoiLcv nt Law, and FRANK FORT reason or discuss; reprove or rebuke; exhort or entreat; we in-- ' KENTUCKY, of the ia Madison, for ment Washington correspondent of the as Presidential Elector that District; tend that the paper shall, in some ''ood de ;ree, relied the excel IT'IIL practice in all the Courts held in Frankfort and ad V North American, relative to the good un- and Josiah A.Jackson, Esq., as delegate to the Na- of the knowledge of Jesas Christ our Lord. Joining counties. Particular attention given to the collec ileriry to whom tins pospecu;s shall be sent, are respectfully tiou of claims in surround ing count ies. and the preparation of derstanding between Mr. ('lay and Gen. Taylor, tional Convention, and Horace Smith, Esq., as his to interest themselves in tehalf of oit project. Should the papers to insure Land Warrants or Treasury Scrip of the vol ?:! !lr::;,V' !:;!i i!;L:.'tei!!,; .f,.r!:.vf- it succeed, the proceeds will shortly be appropi iatcd tothe bene- - uuteers. Office on St. ITair stieet, near the Court House having been questioned by a northern print, the cor- alternate. til ol a charitable tliat every tuend ol the temale or- July ti, 147 7b!Mf. Dis- phan that every philanthropist must approve. If our proposi- Woodruif & McBride, respondent replies as follows: Mr. IIoebs, from the seventh Congressional tion is elliciently seconded, we shall he pleused.JJif not, we shall A Comfortable Dwelling for Sale. DEALERS IN trict, reported that t he delegation from that District neither be offended, mortified, or injured. "A few words will furnish my answer. So far as TERMS The Christian .Mirror will be a monthly pamphlet of The FRAME HOUSE, at present occupied by James HARDWARE AM) CUTLERY; Mr. Clay is referred to in my original statement, I had elected Martin D. McIIenry, of the county of twenty four large duodecimo pa.es, prinied with plain type on .'' T. Jude, situated ou Ann. between Mero and Clintou Aad Farmer' ami MechniiirN Tool of every Deserip-tio- u f..S. pood paper, in printed over the whole neatly stitched and . streets in this place; possession tivrn the first of April. Alio, derived the authority from his own lips. So far as Shelby, as Presidential Elector for and For particulars, enquire vV that District; trimmed. It will be issued about the first of each mouth, and of TODD CRITTENDEN. MANUFACTCItEUS OK PLAN ES, (which they wanrant,) Gen. Taylor is referred I be nj-- to, derived the authority Robert Mailory, as delegate to National Con- will mailed to subscribers at One Dnllji r per year, payable Frankfort, Ky.. Feb. 7, 1818 tf Which they offer lor W holesale anil Retail, at No. 53, the on the receipt of the liisi. number, or sle. from his oirn liar. I and s;al. There are Idlers not a One jDuilnr nr.il Fifty Third Street, near Main. YZf-Hia- of the Bif Plane. vention, and Nathaniel Woolfe as his alternate. Cents when payment is delayed mx mouths. The first number Louisville, January 1, 1848. letter, but Idtrs confirming every syllable 1 have will be in every respect a specimen of t lie work. Should any New Arrivals. disclosed and a ijnnt deal more. I am not at liberty Mr. Davis, from the eighth Congressional Dis- one therefoie subscribe, and upon the appenianc e of the work, RECEIVED per Steamer Isaac Shelby this morning, direct he t lie number, aad his name be Oi leans: 1 ! ! ! be- dislike it, can return shall taken Boy3 Clothing ! Boys Clothing to refer more specifically to the correspondence, trict, reported that the delegation from that District from the list. This is only fair ile.ilmg. We wish no one to read 11 Hhds. prime Sugar, cause confidence restrains me and enjoins the per- or pay for that be does ni t approve. !H li irrels Molasses, had elected Gen. Leslie Combs, of the county of (III do, subscriber respectfully informs those that are unacquaint- I All communications on the subject of the paper rjiust he ad- Half sons written to. see an effort on the part of the .3:1 ed, that he Keeps constantly on hand, the largest assortment for dressed, L. R. Pi n k Kit Mid way. Ky. do Sugar House Moksses, Fayette, as Presidential Elector that District; ton, of BOYS CLOTHING ; together with President's paper and its satellites, to produce a Those who may interest theinsi Ives in procuring subscribers, l(:t) Sacks Rio Coffee, false impression upon the public mind, concerning and James Harlan, as adelegate to the National Con- will please return their lists by ti e lost of December next, it be- ;HI do Java do. tJENTLE.lIEVS READY .HADE APPAREL, ing our purpose to issc the fust number about the beginning of Country dealers nud Farmers would do well to call and ex- West of the Mountains, at strict uuiiorui prices. an alleged rivalry between the friends of Mr. Clay vention, and William Clark as his alternate. January. amine the above. W. SAMUEL'S and Gen. Taylor, and I felt it to be an imperative Mr. Atperson, from the ninth Congressional Dis- - A ny one wishing to subscribe, can send on bis name alone, N. II. CLOVER SEED always on hand. Mammoth Clothing Depot, V. E. Corner of .Market and 4tk, without seeing an "aent. I.. I.. PINKERTON. Feb. It, 1M8. LAZ. LINDSEY. January 1, Ic4d. LuitisviUe, A'y. duty to state the truth in the general terms which 7H-t- triclf reportej Uiat tie delegation from that District Midway, Ky., September S, 147 f. I used to correct that injurious misrepresentation. V7 had eiected Hon. Andrew 1 rmiibo, ot the county of anted to Hire, B. BART. E. X. (TONE. THOMAS SMITH, TjM)U therest of the year, two good able bodied NLIilU) SOL. HART & CO., : Batli, as Presidential for and I-- well acquainted with the usual I i m Elector that District; MllS, routine husiness of a mav not lie sui:Jerstoon. that (LilP of Lexington,) F'arm. None but gtod hands will he received and for such, a B- - Merchant Tailors Clothiers, Gen. Taylor..i.ihas written, saying that in the event of JoIlH Houston, Esq., as delegate to the National his services to his ti iends and the public, to trans liberal price will be paid. Application to hire must he made and TENDERS .Vo. 483, South East .Market and Third Mr. CIjv, or any other Whig, beinr selected as the Convention, and I nomas rorter, bsq., as his alter- ON C'OAI.IlsSION. speedily. JOHN S. II A K VIE. Corner of Streets, 3c Febuary 12,1848. tf LEWIS E. HA R VIE. LOUISVILLE, KY. candidate of the party, he would not permit his name nate. Forwarding, Storing Selling Bagging, Where can be found at all times a general assortment of to canvass. is plain and distinct, Hemp, MADE enter the This and Mr. Wall, from the tenth Congressional District, Rope and Plantation Molasses. READY CLOTIIIX4, admits of no subterfuge." PARTICULARLY ATTF.XltKI) TO. BBLS.. very clean and clear, iust received and for sale by Of every vnriety. 10. TODD reported that the delegation from that District, had THOMAS SMITH, Mai Strer . Feb. & CRITTENDEN. Country MAxhants and Retailors supplied ou advantageous Louisville, February 1, 1848. 4m terms. Louisville, January 1, l;Md. BY elected William C. Marshall, of the county of Brack- NAILS! NAILS!! TELEGRAPH. i Nails, en, Presidential Elector for that district; and Ben- KEGS assorted, just received and for sale hy OHIO TYPE FOUNDER Y. i Jan. 1. 1848 TODD & CRITTENDEN. Saddlery From Uic Louisville M m, in:: Courier, of February 23. subscribers have established a NEW TYPE FOUNDERY i New Warehouse. Bedinger, as delegate to the National Con THE - jamin F. Cincinnati, opposite the Mkr mvrs E hanok and Jlin- .j Washington, Feb. 22, 8 P. M. IbLEOKAKH.OIl a li I 3 ' (. I, a IIU 0lcptep:PtMl U.l IllUieil Timothy Seed. E. STOKES, vention, and that he have the power to appoint his nc.il. , the Printers of the Western Country, with every variety of Tvi-k- ' f BARRELS Timothv Seed, just received and for salebv A0. 415, Corner of .Main and Fifth Streets, Louisville, K The treaty of peace with the Government f Presses, of the J 1.1848 TODD iV CRITTENDEN. f. alternate and Printing Mvteriai.s latest fashions and IJau. or or E. V w. a. very best manufacture. " (formerly the firm stokes,) Mexico, and the United States, negotiated by Mr. j The committee appointed to wait upon the Hon. The Proprietors, fioi.i their long experience in the business, HOOTS, SHOLCrf AXDiPPKRs TJ ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and former customers Trist, and the Mexican Commissioners, was commu- - and the arrangements they have made with Eastern and other J.V generally, that he has recommenced the above business in JoHJI L M t0 arpri.se him of his nomination as additional supply of Hoots. Shoes and Slippers, of the verj He just received an Hei Founileries, will be able to supply every variety nsed iu the Uui- - AN all its varieties. has entire new and well y, best make. selected embracing a full of the mealed Dy t!.e 1'resident, to the Senate lor Governor,-reporte- d ted States, and the best quality. GUILFORD Ac JUNKS. stock, assortment various Hard- candidate for Lieut. that they of Also, Calf, Kipaud Coarse Brogans, received a few davs since a Cincinnati, February .". 11 fi ware articles, and ereat variety of TRIMMINGS used by Us consideration. I he treaty proposes a cessation had discharged that duty whereupon Mr. Helm and Jor sale at W. M. TODD'S. , Saddlers, Harness Makers, Carriage and Trunk Manufacturers, January 6. first iloor btlotc the .M in sion House. to?ether with general assortment of Curriag and Rtdtnir of hostilities, and our Government to settle the in convention, when of JAMES S. GLASCOE, IC. BICKHAM HENRY, H'hips. then eppeared the President CI.NC OHIO, j I (;' KY. claims Of I!f NATI, Vl:l'.AlLLlS, Hemp Seed! Persons dealin? in the above articles will find it to of our citizens against Mexico. informed him of unanimous nom- their the convention the BARRELS HEMP SEED, just received and for sale by advantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing else- The Hon. John Quincy Adams is still living, but GLASCOE & HENRY, where. ination he had received, and in a neat and chaste tm February IT, 1348. TODD iV CRITTENDEN. No. 19, Hroiiuwny, CINCINNATI, OHIO, . All orders prompt If attended t at the shortest notire. is unable to speak. Louisville, January 1, lr'Jt'. manner congratulated him upon his nomination. (Sect kssors to Messrs. E. Wkbb & Wii.dkr,) EDWARD STOKES. Captain Darkly, of the New York Volunteers, and REMOVAL. Mr. Helm w as then invited into the stand by the Have this day formed a Maj. Webster are reported having died in Mexico. AS COTTON AM) TOKACCO FACTORS ANI Maison D'or, President, and addressed the convention in a most DOCTOK LLOYD'S 471, MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, KY., wommission and Forwarding Merchants. Dealers in Fanrr and Staple Dry eloquent and able speech. DRUC. AND CHEMICAL STORE 4oods, Carpeting, The Latest Development. The New York Sun, ifUR Warehouse is one of the largest and best constructed in lings aad Oil Cloths. follow resolution was adopted, hack January 1,1848. which seems to be in league with all the revolutions The ing viz: the City, frontiu ' ou Columbia Street, and exteudins Ml Is RgmOVCtt to the rear of our House on lirondway. We hope, from our Ions the. oc- - Hood-thirst- y opposite side of Street, the Corner House, lately and cnterprizes of the present day, has Resolved, That Robert P. Letcher, James Harlan, experience in business, and bv personal attention, to cive amide. , . i t. u..o imy,.. tuple y . - JOHN WATSON, the following: John W. Finnell, Edward D. Ilobbs, Thomas S. satisfaction to all who may fivor us with their patrouage. FehruJirv 14 Ijh iCJ'Liberal advances made ou Consignments. Leather Manufacturer, "The Calilornia Mormons, according to a start- Redd, Philip Swigert, Edmund II. Taylor, David GLASCOK & HENRY. And Dealer In Coach and Saddlery Hardware, ling communication to us from one of their number, Thornton, Stephen F. Gano and A. G. Hodges, be Cincinnati, January 25, 1848. TOO-t- f Kentucky Statutes. 404, .Vain FEW copies of the Kentucky Statutes, complete, can be Street, near 4th, Lutsrtl!e, k'f. who seceded and has returned a committee for Ken- Refkr to ANoy A recently to this city, appointed central the State of H. & Co. furnished, provided immediate application be made. general assortment of Saddles, Harness Messrs. Ja. C. H.ll & Co. Messrs. Geo. Bates A W. M. TODD. are in league and forming secret plans with differ- tucky, who shall have authority to fill any vacan- J & Co. Tyler, Davidson & Co. January tt. 184d. Trunks Ac. a. Johnston WHOLESALE RETAIL. ent tribes of Indian?, for a great and terrible des- cies which may occur, and attend to all other busi- Kkllooo & Kennktt. S. J. Wade, Esq. AD Yeoman, Reporter, Lexington, Danville Tribune, No. 1 Salmon. TTPAjent for the tale of GOODYEAR'S GUM ELASTIC cent upon Missouri, as soon as theyj are sufficient ness which may require the action of the Whig Observer and pauttoaDy 3 a nd Georgetown Herald, cony weekly, till forbid, and clurge this KITS, an extra article for family use, just received and for BELTING and HOSE. Orders solicited and fcad. sItqc; ia cumber." party. office. 10 aid by (Feb. 12 ) TODD & GSUTSEXDM. louUvlUt, January 1, lUi.