Checklist of the Cerambycidae, Or Longhorned Beetles (Coleoptera) of the Western Hemisphere 2009 Version (Updated Through 31 December 2008) Miguel A

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Checklist of the Cerambycidae, Or Longhorned Beetles (Coleoptera) of the Western Hemisphere 2009 Version (Updated Through 31 December 2008) Miguel A 1 Checklist of the Cerambycidae, or longhorned beetles (Coleoptera) of the Western Hemisphere 2009 Version (updated through 31 December 2008) Miguel A. Monné, and Larry G. Bezark, Compilers Introduction The Cerambycidae, commonly known as longhorned beetles, longicorns, capricorns, round-headed borers, timber beetles, goat beetles (bock-käfern), or sawyer beetles, comprise one of the largest and most varied families of Coleoptera, with body length alone varying from ± 2.5 mm (Cyrtinus sp.) to slightly over 17 cm (Titanus giganteus). Distributed world- wide from sea level to montane sites as high as 4,200 m elevation wherever their host plants are found, cerambycids have long been a favorite with collectors. Taxonomic interest in the family has been fairly consistent for the past century, but the description of new taxa has accelerated in recent decades thanks to the efforts of Chemsak, Linsley, Giesbert, Martins, Monné, Galileo, Napp, and other workers. This checklist builds upon the efforts of Blackwelder (1946), Chemsak & Linsley (1982), Chemsak, Linsley & Noguera (1992), and Monné & Giesbert (1994), and presently includes nearly 9,000 described species and subspecies, covering the terrestrial hemisphere from Canada and Alaska to Argentina and Chile, and including the Caribbean arc. Adult Cerambycidae, upon which most taxonomic studies in the family have been based, vary widely in their habits. Some species are nocturnal, many are attracted to artificial light, and they also may be found at night on the trunks and branches of their host plants, or on foliage. Diurnal species also may be found on or near their host plants, but many species are attracted to blossoms of shrubs and trees, where they may serve as pollinators. Most adult Cerambycidae are capable of strong flight, but there are a number of flightless genera and species. Adult feeding requirements are variable, with some species taking nourishment from sap, leaves, blossoms, fruit, bark, and fungi, often not associated with a larval host, while others take little or no nourishment beyond water. The well- developed antennae which are one of the defining characteristics of the family serve as primary olfactory organs, and are remarkably sensitive in locating suitable host plants for oviposition, often at great distances. Male cerambycid antennae usually are longer than those of the females, and may be used to find reproductive partners by tracking the pheromones produced by the females. Chemical communication plays an important role in mate location and recognition in many cerambycid species. Short-range mate recognition is mediated by contact pheromones in most species studied to date. Males recognize conspecific females by contacting them with their antennae and the selective advantage to males conferred by antennae of increased length is a possible reason for the long “horns” of many cerambycid species. There appears to be variation in whether cerambycids use volatile pheromones or not, as well as variation in which sex produces the pheromone. For example, there is evidence that females of many prionine species produce pheromones from eversible glands on the ovipositor. Females of the anoplodermatine, Migdolus fryanus Westwood, produce a volatile pheromone from glands on the prothorax. Volatile pheromones are produced by males of 2 several species in the subfamily Aseminae, although the site of pheromone release remains unknown. Males of many cerambycine species produce pheromones from glands associated with pits in the surface of prothorax. These pits account for the sexually dimorphic punctation of many cerambycines and may provide a convenient morphological indication that a species uses a volatile pheromone. To date, there is little or no evidence of communication by volatile pheromones in species of the subfamilies Disteniinae, Lamiinae, Lepturinae, Parandrinae, or Spondylidinae. Methods used to collect adult Cerambycidae include: sweeping or beating branches and foliage; attracting them to UV and MV lights, and to various types of chemical baits; and hand-picking specimens from host plants or from blossoms. More recently, fumigation (“fogging”) methods have been employed to survey canopy insect faunas, often yielding astounding numbers of longhorned beetles. Passive traps such as malaise, flight intercept, and even pitfalls also may be used, and are particularly effective over longer periods of time. Rearing adults from infested wood can be productive of series of both sexes of otherwise rarely encountered species. Larval Cerambycidae also display a variety of habits. Most species feed within dead, dying or even decaying wood, but some taxa are able to utilize living plant tissue. Girdlers (adults of the Onciderini, larvae of genera in the tribes Methiini, Hesperophanini and Elaphidiini) sever living branches or twigs, with the larvae developing within the nutrient- rich distal portion. The larvae of a few species move freely through the soil, feeding externally upon roots or tunneling up under the root crown. Digestion of cellulose appears to be aided primarily by the presence of enzymes rather than symbiotic microorganisms. In many cases, Cerambycidae are primary borers in woody plants, providing a vital "first step" in the biological recycling of these materials. Larval feeding habits typically result in frass- filled galleries or tunnels under the bark or within the sapwood of the host plant, terminating in a pupal chamber, wherein the metamorphosis from last-instar larva to pupa to adult takes place. The life spans of most species in temperate regions typically range from one to three years, but many variations exist, and cycles of from two or three months to several decades have been documented. Tropical species may be less constrained seasonally, and some populations of smaller genera literally may breed continuously, with all stages being found on and in the same pieces of wood. Most of the overall lifetime is spent in the larval stage, with adult beetles usually emerging, dispersing, reproducing, and dying within a span of but a few days to a few months. Several species of cerambycid beetles are known to damage living trees, and may seriously affect orchards and ornamental trees; others may damage coniferous or hardwood lumber, and a few taxa can damage row crops. The majority of species, however occur within uncultivated or forested habitats, and while they are of great ecological importance within these natural ecosystems, they are of little human economic significance. Because of their close evolutionary linkage to their host plants, cerambycid beetles may be valuable bio- indicators of forest health and diversity, with differing suites of species found within primary forest habitats than those which occur within disturbed areas or secondary growth. Checklist order 3 Subfamilies are arranged in traditional checklist order, although Napp (1994) has provided a phylogenetic analysis which suggests the following sequence: Anoplodermatinae, Parandrinae, Prioninae, Spondylidinae, Lepturinae, Aseminae, Cerambycinae, Lamiinae. Tribal classifications within the subfamilies have not been evaluated phylogenetically, so their ordering is alphabetical. It is acknowledged that this results in the artificial separation of similar-appearing (and undoubtedly closely related) taxa (i.e., Anaglyptini – Clytini – Tillomorphini; Acanthocinini – Colobotheiini; Bothriospilini – Torneutini), and the breakup of the lamiine tribes with bifid tarsal claws. However, the functional value of a checklist is as an organizing reference tool, and for that reason-- and until such time as a tribal phylogeny has been determined-- the ordering is arranged for ease of use. Genera and species also are listed alphabetically. Citation of author, year and page number follows each taxon name, with synonymies cited in italics. Geographical distributions listed reflect the present knowledge of the authors and previous published data, and are subject to expansion as new information is contributed. An effort has been made to verify all contributed records, but the possibility exists that some erroneous identifications have led to incorrect distributional parameters for some species. These are corrected as we become aware of them. State or other provincial citations have been used where known for some larger countries to more accurately indicate known ranges. For more complete references by species, the authors refer the reader to Monné, 1993, et seq., Catalogue of the Cerambycidae of the Western Hemisphere (Parts 1 - 22), and Monné, 2005-6 (Part I, II, and III). A bibliography of systematic and distributional references is provided at the end of the checklist. The status of the disteniine longhorns has been the subject of considerable debate, and at various times they have been treated as a separate family, the Disteniidae. The issue remains open to debate, and for the purposes of this list we have employed the taxonomic placement of Lawrence & Newton, 1995, as a cerambycid subfamily, Disteniinae. Geographical abbreviations used in the list: Argentina BA = Buenos Aires; CA = Catamarca; CD = Córdoba; CH = Chaco; CO = Corrientes; CT = Chubut; ER = Entre Ríos; FO = Formosa; JU = Jujuy; LP = La Pampa; LR = La Rioja; ME = Mendoza; MI = Misiones; NE = Neuquén; RN = Río Negro; SA = Salta; SC = Santa Cruz; SE = Santiago del Estero; SF = Santa Fe; SJ = San Juan; SL = San Luis; TU = Tucumán. Bolivia BN = Beni; CO = Cochabamba; CQ = Chuquisaca; LP = La Paz; OR = Oruro; PN = Pando; PT = Potosi; SC
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