Notes on Chatham Island Fungi and Some Plant Pests Ross E
Nearby was a schist headland with a more sheltered Gracilaria chilensis was frequent, but the dominating inlet, with a fine array of green, brown and red algae. growth was a mass of foetid blue-green algae The coarse southern form of Pachymenia lusoria was (Cyanobacteria). seen here, together with Cystophora scalaris, Splachnidium rugosum, Adenocystis utricularis, Waitangi Wharf reefs Colpomenia peregrina and Ulva species 1. The curious The substrate here is volcanic tuff, and the reefs are Gigartina lanceata, with leafy, papillate fronds, was sheltered. The water is clear though probably found on rocks adjoining sand. nutritionally-enriched by effluent from the fish factory. The dominant intertidal seaweed here is Hormosira Port Hutt banksii, and with it Gigartina decipiens, Champia Port Hutt (Whangaroa Harbour) is comparatively novae-zelandiae, Caulacanthus ustulatus, Ulva spp., sheltered, with abundant growth of intertidal Scytothamnus australis, Colpomenia peregrina, seaweeds on the schist reefs. Species recorded were Leathesia difformis, Corallina officinalis, Codium Hormosira banksii, Scytothamnus australis, Champia fragile, Myriogloea intestinalis and Splachnidium novae-zelandiae, Colpomenia peregrina, Gigartina rugosum. The sublittoral fringe was dominated by spp., Cystophora torulosa, Zonaria turneriana, and Carpophyllum maschalocarpum and C. plumosum. Ulva spp. Waitangi Beach Glory Bay and Flower Pot (Pitt Island) The beach drift gave a glimpse of the composition of The tide was well in at Glory during a brief visit. The the sub-tidal algal forest in deeper water (Schiel, et al. upper tidal rocks had a covering of the limp, brownish 1995). Waitangi Beach had a good haul of wash-up skins of Porphyra. There was opportunity for just a brown seaweeds, those identified being Durvillaea brief look here at seaweeds near Flower Pot wharf, but antarctica, D.
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