
E2216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 29, 1999 line railroads that serve so many smaller cities road of democratic rule elevated him to the and hard to make Armenia into the democratic and towns. That is because the Administration second highest political office in Armenia. The nation it is today. The Armenian government wants to fund the entire $17 million STB budg- former athletic instructor, who was elected to under the late Prime Minister Sargsian was et out of so-called ``user fees.'' The STB al- parliament and served as Defense Minister headed for even greater progress. The com- ready defrays $1.6 million of its costs through prior to assuming the Premiership, was a man mitment to peace and prosperity in their region filing fees, and we have received numerous who embraced the ideals of free-market de- was clear. complaints about those charges from shippers. mocracy. I am very saddened by the horrific events Now the Administration would impose more Along with several of my colleagues, I had and deeply concerned by the bloodshed and than 10 times that burden on ``users.'' We the honor of meeting Prime Minister Sargsian senseless loss of lives, but this only goes to don't Know who the users are, since the bill here in the U.S. Capitol just four weeks ago. show that democracy is not just an obscure doesn't even attempt to identify them. We discussed trade, commerce, and the es- ideal ensconced in an old written parchment We had some experience with such fees im- tablishment of closer relations. I shared with or in dusty history books sitting in the garage. posed on our small railroads several years him the great honor I have to represent one of Democracy is an ideal that government should ago by the Federal Railroad Administration. the oldest Armenian-American communities in be for the people. Democracy is an ideal that Our Committee found that these small compa- my Los Angeles County district. I related to many people have sacrificed their lives for, niesÐthe ones that literally are the only way him how earlier this year, I visited the Arme- and in some parts of the world, people con- to keep rail service in small communitiesÐ nian Mesrobian School, the Armenian Social tinue to sacrifice their lives for. were paying up to 17 percent of net income in Services Center, and the Holy Cross Cathe- so-called ``user fees''Ðon top of their state dral, and was tremendously impressed by the Mr. Speaker, my prayers are with the peo- and federal taxes. That's why we ended those efforts and resources that Armenian-Ameri- ple of Armenia and Armenian-Americans as FRA fees, and I see no reason to impose a cans dedicate to the betterment of the entire we all pray that this will be resolved peacefully similar burden on struggling small businesses community. without further bloodshed and the angel of jus- through STB fees, as the Administration now I stand with my Armenian-American con- tice exacts just payment from those mur- proposes. stituents who are undoubtedly in a state of derers. While I cannot endorse much of what the shock over yesterday's violent acts. My heart- f Administration has proposed in its STB bill, I felt sympathy and earnest prayers are with the Armenian-American community, the people of remain hopeful that a compromise can be HONORING JAN AND TIM JOHNSON Armenia and the families of the victims of this reached on the contentious issues that have ON THE OCCASION OF THE TEN senseless tragedy. prevented an STB reauthorization bill from YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF CIN- being enacted. f CINNATI HILLS CHRISTIAN f IN ARMENIA ACADEMY PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. WILLIAM O. LIPINSKI HON. ROB PORTMAN HON. DAVE CAMP OF ILLINOIS OF OHIO OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 28, 1999 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 28, 1999 Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, on October 27, Thursday, October 28, 1999 Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, due to the occa- 1999, a group of five or six assassins burst Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sion of the birth of my third child, I was unable into Armenia's parliament and gunned down honor my constituents, Jan and Tim Johnson, to record my votes on the following bills, Armenian Prime Minister Vazgen Sargsian. who will be recognized at a gala dinner and amendments and journal votes that were con- The gunmen also claimed the lives of Karen pageant on Saturday, October 30, 1999 for sidered here in the House of Representatives Demirchian, Speaker of the Armenian par- their many contributions to the prestigious Cin- the week of October 18, 1999. liament; Yuri Bakhshyan, Deputy Speaker; cinnati Hills Christian Academy (CHCA) lo- Had I been present I would have voted Minister Leonard Petrosian, and Michael cated in Mason, Ohio. ``yea'' on rollcall votes 505, 506, 507, 508, Kutanian, a senior economic official. Two 509, 510, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 520, other unidentified members of parliament were CHCA is one of the fastest-growing schools 521, 524, 526, 527, 528, 529, and 532. dead, too. in the country, and has earned a reputation for I would have voted ``no'' on rollcall votes Words cannot adequately describe the de- excellent academics, competitive sports and 511, 518, 519, 522, 523, 525, 530, and 531. plorable and disgusting acts of violence com- extracurricular activities. In 1997, I had the f mitted by those individuals. To indiscriminately privilege of presenting the U.S. Department of murder government officials in cold blood is Education's Blue Ribbon School Award to MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TO ARME- cowardly. CHCA Elementary. CHCA's goal is to nurture NIAN PRIME MINISTER VAZGEN Recent reports describe the gunmen have and support each student toward individual SARGSIAN taken a number of hostages, and President growth. The school embraces students, par- Robert Kocharian is negotiating with the gun- ents and faculty within the care of a Christian HON. GRACE F. NAPOLITANO men. Kocharian agreed to allow the lead gun- community. OF CALIFORNIA man on national television to make a state- Jan and Tim Johnson were early supporters IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment in return for the release of some hos- of CHCA and tirelessly volunteer their time to tages. Thursday, October 28, 1999 the school and to the Cincinnati community in Unfortunately, the other details are still very general. They have four children, two of whom Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, I would sketchy. We do not know why they did what graduated from CHCA. like to express my deepest condolences to the they did although they proclaim their actions Tim, a professor of Finance at the University people of Armenia and their countrymen as a coup d'etat. All we know is that the of Cincinnati, has been an invaluable resource throughout the world, whose democratic strug- senseless slaughter of those government offi- and serves as the Finance Chair for the gle has been dealt a severe blow. We are cials strikes a blow to democracy in Armenia. CHCA Board of Trustees. greatly saddened at the untimely death of Ar- As some may know, Armenia, a democratic menian Prime Minister Vazgen Sargsian, who nation with a population of 3.5 million, people, Jan is also a member of the CHCA Board, was assassinated along with a number of cab- has made much progress since the Armenian served on early faculty search committees and inet officials and lawmakers yesterday in the genocide in 1915. The Ottoman Empire sub- was a member of the Education Committee for chambers of Parliament in Armenia. jected the Armenians to an eight-year long kill- four years. In addition to all this, she has The forty-year-old Premier was a young and ing spree that ultimately claimed the lives of served on numerous ad hoc and PTF commit- intelligent leader who had just been appointed over 1.5 million Armenians. Hundreds and tees. Prime Minister by President Robert Kocharian thousands more were forced from their home- Jan and Tim Johnson are to be commended last June. Though he clearly had many more land. We all know that rebuilding a ravaged for their tireless devotion to their community brilliant years ahead of him, his stellar accom- nation requires much blood, sweat, and tears, and I congratulate them on this well-deserved plishments in moving his country toward the but the Armenian people have worked long honor.

VerDate 2999 03:18 Oct 30, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28OC8.025 pfrm04 PsN: E29PT1 October 29, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2217 TRIBUTE TO ANDREA ALLEMON missed rollcall votes Nos. 533±536. Had my was completed with over four hundred beds vote been recorded, it would have been in the to increase the ability of the District to deal following manner: Rollcall vote No. 533 (on with immigration detainees. Furthermore, HON. SANDER M. LEVIN one immigration Judgeship was reestab- OF MICHIGAN approving the journal), ``aye''; rollcall vote No. lished and two more added to the Buffalo IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 534 (to suspend the rules and pass H.R. 754), District allowing it to be more efficient. ``aye''; rollcall vote No. 535 (to suspend the Thursday, October 28, 1999 Other noteworthy projects came to fruition rules and pass H.R. 2303), ``aye''; rollcall vote under Mr. Ingham’s direction, including re- Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor An- No. 536 (on motion to suspend the rules and modeled or newly constructed inspection fa- drea Allemon who will be named Troy's Distin- agree to H. Con. Res. 194), ``aye''. cilities at Niagara Falls, Toronto, Ottawa, guished Citizen of the Year by Leadership f and Montreal; and Troy at their annual community awards ban- Whereas, Under Mr. Ingham’s leadership quet on November 4, 1999. PERSONAL EXPLANATION the Buffalo District has become commonly Andrea Allemon's dedication to her commu- referred to as the ‘‘District that works.’’ INS Buffalo is noteworthy for the operational nity has been extraordinary. As a result of her HON. RAY LaHOOD achievements developed during Mr. Ingham’s leadership in the Boys and Girls Club's Taste OF ILLINOIS tenure. His employees will be his legacy as of Troy to the Troy Daze Festival, almost IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES they lead the Service into the next millen- every event I attend in Troy has Andrea's nium as intuitive, responsible, and produc- presence. Thursday, October 28, 1999 tive members of the U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Service. As a dedicated parent, Andrea founded the Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, on August 5, Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Parent Teacher Organization at Smith Middle 1999, I asked unanimous consent on the School and served as its president. She was Members of the 106th Congress of the United House floor to remove my name as a cospon- States of America on this the twenty-ninth also responsible for initiating the school clinics sor of H.R. 850, the Security and Freedom day of October in the year of nineteen hun- at Smith Middle and Athens High. The Athens through Encryption (SAFE) Act. However, as a dred and ninety-nine proclaim their grati- All-Night Party was another one of Andrea's result of House Report 106±117 being filed tude and admiration to John J. Ingham for start-up events which she supervised for five with the House Clerk, House rules prohibited his forty years of commitment and dedica- years. further action on the bill. Consequently, my tion to the of America. Pro- In her neighborhood, Andrea Allemon has name was not removed as a cosponsor. claimed by: Senator DANIEL PATRICK MOY- NIHAN; Senator CHARLES E. SCHUMER; Con- served as an officer, member of the Board of Please let the RECORD show that it was my in- Directors and New Members Chair for the Em- gressman ; Congressman AMO tent to no longer be listed as a cosponsor of HOUGHTON; Congressman JOHN J. LAFALCE; erald lakes Village Homeowners Association. H.R. 850. Congressman THOMAS REYNOLDS. She personally welcomes each new family to f the neighborhood. Serving as a ``foster mom'' f to an individual who lives in adult foster care, IN TRIBUTE TO JOHN J. INGHAM, RECOGNIZING THE she has opened her home sharing holiday DISTRICT DIRECTOR, BUFFALO CONTRIBUTIONS OF 4–H CLUBS feasts for the past 25 years. OFFICE, UNITED STATES IMMI- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me GRATION AND NATURALIZATION SPEECH OF in recognizing a remarkable woman for her SERVICE energy and enthusiasm during her 31 years of HON. HENRY BONILLA OF TEXAS dedication and devotion to the people of her HON. JACK QUINN community. Andrea Allemon is indeed a distin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF guished citizen. Monday, October 25, 1999 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Mr. BONILLA. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support Thursday, October 28, 1999 PERSONAL EXPLANATION of this legislation ``recognizing the contribu- Mr. QUINN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tions of 4±H clubs and their members to vol- submit for the RECORD a proclamation, which untary community service.'' HON. LUIS V. GUTIERREZ I offer with the distinguished members of the 4±H clubs serve as outstanding youth devel- OF ILLINOIS New York Congressional Delegation: Senator opment programs for the youngsters of rural IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DANIEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN; Senator CHARLES and urban America. They give our young peo- Thursday, October 28, 1999 E. SCHUMER; Congressman JOHN LAFALCE; ple great opportunities and skills. They provide Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, on Wednes- Congressman and Congress- a sense of accomplishment through a job well day, October 20, 1999 I was unavoidably ab- man THOMAS REYNOLDS on the occasion of done. 4±H provides career-oriented education sent from this Chamber and therefore missed the retirement of John J. Ingham from his nu- and after-school safe havens. rollcall vote 515 (a Journal vote) and rollcall merous years of government service with the But in a larger sense, participation in 4±H vote 519 (Mink amendment to H.R. 2). I want United States Immigration and Naturalization has effects far beyond the students partici- the record to show that had I been present in Service. pating. By instilling in the youth of today, val- this Chamber I would have voted ``yea'' on PROCLAMATION ues and morals which will give them the power to make ethical decisions. 4±H helps each of these recorded votes. Whereas, On November 2, 1999, John J. I also missed rollcall vote 516 (Motion to Ingham will complete 40 years and 9 months develop the leaders of this nation's tomorrow. order the previous question on H.R. 2670), of government service with the U.S. Immi- The ability to recognize and participate, volun- rollcall vote 517 (Adoption of the rule for H.R. gration & Naturalization Service, including tarily, in community service activities is per- 2670) and rollcall vote 518 (Conference Re- military time, with his last 10 years as Dis- haps one of the greatest ethics we can teach trict Director of Buffalo, New York; and port on H.R. 2670). our youth. Whereas, During Mr. Ingham’s government Volunteering to help others is a part of the I want the record to show that if I had been career he rose through the ranks at the INS able to be present in this Chamber when American culture. American history is full of Buffalo District as Immigration Inspector, people who not only recognized that the world these votes were cast, I would have voted Immigration Examiner, Supervisory Exam- ``no'' on rollcall vote 516, rollcall vote 517, and iner, Assistant District Director for Exami- is full of need, but also did something about it. rollcall vote 518. nations, Deputy District Director to his They decided to make their communities bet- f present position as District Director; and ter places. In today's seemingly self-oriented Whereas, No District Director has been society it is refreshing to see young people PERSONAL EXPLANATION more proactive and more vocal at promoting recognize the needs of others and volunteer his district’s agenda. Mr. Ingham ushered in their time to benefit those who need help. HON. JIM NUSSLE a golden age for the Buffalo District of the The young people of 4±H programs across INS during the 1990’s; and the nation have set an example of unwavering OF IOWA Whereas, Under Mr. Ingham’s guidance the cheerful service to benefitting the of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Buffalo District developed a national reputa- others. These youth are truly displaying lead- Thursday, October 28, 1999 tion for excellence. Through his direction the INS moved its local operations into a ership through service to their fellow man and Mr. NUSSLE. Mr. Speaker, on Monday, Oc- brand new state of the art facility in 1995. In I take great pride in recognizing their contribu- tober 25, I was unavoidably detained and 1998 the Batavia Federal Detention Facility tions to building better communities. We

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