
December 15, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11841 did not begin. And yet with him gone, The author or editor of eighteen vive Pennsylvania Avenue and restore the bureaucratic imperative reappears. books, Senator MOYNIHAN has been at the . It was an ex- And so Mr. President, I conclude my the forefront of the national debate on traordinary stroke of fortune that PAT remarks, thanking all my fellow Sen- issues ranging from reform, to MOYNIHAN, a deputy to Labor Secretary ators present and past for untold cour- tax policy to international relations. Goldberg who played a primary role in tesies over these many years. His most recent book, written in 1998, the effort, had the responsibility to f ‘‘Secrecy: The American Experience’’ draft a report that contained core ideas expands on the report of the Commis- for redevelopment. The Federal Tri- RETIREMENT OF SENATOR DANIEL sion on Protecting and Reducing Gov- angle, including the PATRICK MOYNIHAN ernment Secrecy of which he was the Building, and the Judiciary Building— Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, it saddens Chairman. This is a fascinating and to mention just a few—are dramatic me to note that the Senate will soon provocative review of the history of the evidence of his contributions that will lose one of its most visionary and ac- development of secrecy in the govern- live for years to come in the founda- complished members, a great Amer- ment since World War I and argument tion of these magnificent buildings. ican, Senator DANIEL PATRICK MOY- for an ‘‘era of openness’’. I cannot resist the temptation to re- NIHAN. At home in , in a state call that Senator MOYNIHAN was fond of It boggles the mind just to think of which is known for its rough and tum- noting that it was Treasury Secretary all of the important positions that PAT ble politics, he has shown leadership Andrew Mellon who initially cham- MOYNIHAN has held, including cabinet again and again, demonstrating the pioned the idea of reviving the Federal or subcabinet posts under four presi- power of intellect and the ability to Triangle and establishing it as an dents: John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, rise above the fray. That has been a international trade and cultural cen- , and . He wonderful contribution not just to New ter. It took a man of PAT MOYNIHAN’s served as Ambassador to India in the York but to all of America. talent, character and foresight to pick 1970’s and then as U.S. Ambassador to As they leave the Senate family, up and finish that vision, started in the the . He came to the which will never forget their huge con- early 1930s, in such a grand manner. Senate in 1977 already a tribution, we salute PAT and Elizabeth I would be remiss were I not to take scholar, author and public official of MOYNIHAN. a minute to thank Senator MOYNIHAN great distinction and renown. In the 24 Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, in the for his leadership and the personal years he has spend here, he has only 211-year history of the United States courtesies he extended to me, as he greatly expanded his enormous reputa- Senate, the State of New York has one took the initiative to name the depart- tion and body of work. PAT MOYNIHAN of the richest and most storied leg- mental auditorium at the Commerce is a Senator’s Senator. Over the years, acies. Department building, the Andrew Mel- he has earned the respect of every Since 1789, New York has sent to the lon Auditorium. It truly is a remark- member of the Senate. Senate 63 Senators. I have had the dis- able structure and aptly named. PAT MOYNIHAN is a person who has tinct privilege of serving with four of Over 200 years ago, Pierre L’Enfant, shown tremendous vision throughout them, most memorably, Senator DAN- as he laid plans for the new United his life. He has shown foresight about IEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN. States capital, could only hope that a the importance of a strong family and When the people of New York elected man like Senator MOYNIHAN would one about the importance of strong com- PAT MOYNIHAN to represent them near- day work with such compassion and munities in America. He raised the ly 25 years ago, they sent to Wash- perseverance to keep alive the true ington a uniquely gifted and talented critical important of these basic values spirit and design envisioned in the man. Those are the reasons, Senator and concerns about the deterioration of original blueprints of George Washing- MOYNIHAN is one of only two, out of 63 these family values, long before others. ton’s federal city. Senators from New York, to have been He has shown great foresight about our One of the most rewarding assign- elected to four consecutive terms in ments in my own career in public serv- Constitution. One of the highlights for the . ice, has been the opportunity to serve me in my service in the Senate was Senator MOYNIHAN began his service with Senator MOYNIHAN as a member of joining Senator MOYNIHAN and Senator to this nation more than 50 years ago the Smithsonian’s Board of Regents. ROBERT BYRD in fighting against the when he served in the United States The talented men and women who have line item veto as a violation of our Navy from 1944–1947—and he never served on the Board are unquestionably Constitution. And, he has shown great stopped being ‘‘Mr. Public Servant.’’ committed to the arts and preserving foresight about the world and the role He served one governor, New York’s this nation’s cultural heritage. And I of the United States in international Averell Harriman, and four United am certain, that all of them who have affairs. His work at the United Nations States Presidents: two Democrats, served with him would agree that PAT and in the Senate, as a former Chair- Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, and MOYNIHAN’s leadership and guiding wis- man of the Senate Select Committee two Republicans, Presidents Nixon and dom have been indispensable. on Intelligence, and as Chairman of the Ford. Beyond the physical monuments to Finance Committee have been marked What a record. PAT MOYNIHAN has his achievements, I will always remem- by his perceptive, analytical, and given more than three quarters of his ber PAT MOYNIHAN for his humor, his worldly view on trade, foreign policy, life to his nation and his state. This intellect, his grace, his eloquence, and and intelligence matters. Long before country, the United States Senate, and his humility. others, Senator MOYNIHAN was speak- New York are joyously thankful. All of us here, before we cast the first ing of the economic and ultimately He has been a leader in so many vote, before we discharge the first re- military weaknesses of the Soviet areas that it challenges one to list sponsibility, take the oath of office. We Union and predicting its collapse. them all. But his impact on public ar- solemnly commit ‘‘to support and de- It is virtually impossible to list all of chitecture, monuments for future gen- fend the constitution. . . .’’ ‘‘Against PAT MOYNIHAN’s accomplishments in erations, are the hallmarks which this all enemies. . . .’’ we commit ‘‘to bear the U.S. Senate. Among the most last- quiet gentleman reveres. true faith and allegiance’’ and we un- ing, however, will be his efforts on be- For over fifteen years now, I have dertake ‘‘to faithfully discharge’’ our half of architectural excellence in the had the privilege of serving with PAT duty. Senator MOYNIHAN was a man of nation’s capital. He was a crucial force on the Senate’s Environment and Pub- his word and here in the Senate he has behind the return to greatness of the lic Works Committee. I have been for- always been true to his principles and Pennsylvania Avenue corridor between tunate to work closely with him and true to his oath. the U.S. Capital and the White House, observe his tireless effort and commit- PAT MOYNIHAN has been a giant in the restoration of Washington’s beau- ment to maintaining the architectural the Senate for some time. I only hope tiful, elegant, and historic Union Sta- integrity of our great public institu- that the years ahead give him the time tion, and the construction of the tions. he has always wanted to do those Thurgood Marshall Judiciary Building Some 40 years ago, the Kennedy Ad- things he has never quite had the time here on Capitol Hill. ministration made the decision to re- to do. S11842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 15, 2000 The Senate and the nation know Sen- ‘‘Everyone,’’ says Moynihan the social sci- what comes afterward is the true beginning ator MOYNIHAN as a true patriot, a gen- entist, ‘‘is entitled to his own opinion but of the legend. tlemen, and a statesman. His legacy is not his own facts.’’ When in 1993 the Clinton The president appoints Labor Secretary Arthur J. Goldberg to co-chair ‘‘something a remarkable gift we will benefit from administration’s Goals 2000 asserted that by 2000 America’s high school graduation rate with the unpromising title of Ad Hoc Com- for years to come. would be 90 percent and American students mittee on Federal Office Space.’’ To Moy- In closing, I would like to submit for would lead the world in mathematics and nihan, then Goldberg’s 34-year-old deputy, the RECORD two articles that appeared science achievements, Moynihan acidly com- falls the duty of finding out exactly how in —one, written pared these goals to the old Soviet grain pro- much space is needed, and writing the re- by and the other by Ben- duction quotas. Of the projected 2000 out- port. It is far-fetched to imagine a 15-page com- jamin Forgery. I ask to have printed in come, Moynihan said: ‘‘That will not hap- pen.’’ It didn’t. mittee report about government office space the RECORD these articles, so all citi- having much significance for even 38 min- zens can read of the enormous con- Moynihan has written much while occu- pying the dark and bloody ground where so- utes after being written. This one, completed in the spring of 1962, has had a far-reaching tributions Senator MOYNIHAN has made cial science and policymaking intersect. impact across 38 years, for it contained, im- to this institution, his home State of Knowing that the two institutions that most probably, the genesis of a plan to redevelop New York, and, indeed, this country. shape individuals are the family and the Pennsylvania Avenue. The Nation’s Capital—in the words state, he knows that when the former weak- The opportunistic idea was Goldberg’s—he that Navy men and women under- ens, the latter strengthens. And family had decided to try to do something about the stand—bids you a final ‘‘Well done, Sir. structure is ‘‘the principal conduit of class avenue when surveying its fragmented, de- We salute you as the L’Enfant of this structure.’’ Hence Moynihan’s interest in caying north side from a slow-moving lim- century.’’ government measures to strengthen fami- ousine during Kennedy’s inaugural parade. lies. But the brilliant words were Moynihan’s. There being no objection, the mate- Moynihan understands that incantations rial ordered to be printed in the He vividly sketched the ‘‘scene of desola- praising minimalist government are Amer- tion’’ on the northern side, opposite the im- RECORD, as follows: ica’s ‘‘civic religion, avowed but not con- pressive classic revival buildings of the 1930s [From the Washington Post, Sept. 17, 2000] straining.’’ Government grows because of the Federal Triangle. He sensitively summarized FAREWELL, MR. MOYNIHAN ineluctable bargaining process among inter- the avenue’s history, showing a rare under- (By George F. Will) est groups that favor government outlays standing of the crucial role assigned to it in that benefit them. And government grows Pierre Charles L’Enfant’s 1791 plan—‘‘sym- When this Congress ends, so will one of the because knowledge does, and knowledge bolizing,’’ Moynihan wrote, ‘‘at once the sep- broadest and deepest public careers in Amer- often grows because of government. aration of powers and the fundamental unity ican history. Daniel Patrick Moynihan—par- Knowledge, says Moynihan, is a form of in the American Government.’’ ticipant in John Kennedy’s New Frontier, capital, much of it formed by government in- Above all, Moynihan showed that he under- member of Lyndon Johnson’s White House vestment in education. And knowledge be- stood cities. The avenue’s poor state meant staff, Richard Nixon’s domestic policy ad- gets government. He says: Behold Califor- that private capital soon would begin the viser, Gerald Ford’s ambassador to India and nia’s Imperial Valley, unchanged since ‘‘the process of tearing down and building anew. the United Nations, four-term senator—will receding of the Ice Age.’’ Only God can make The opportunity had arisen, he wrote, ‘‘to walk from the Senate and political life, leav- an artichoke, but government—specifically, design and construct what would, in effect, ing both better for his having been in them, the Bureau of Reclamation—made the valley be a new avenue,’’ and the federal govern- and leaving all who observe them berefit of a cornucopia. Time was, hospitals’ biggest ment had a historic duty ‘‘to maintain the rare example of a public ’s expense was clean linen. Then came tech- standards of buildings and architecture in life lived well—adventurously, bravely and nologies—diagnostic, therapeutic, pharma- the nation’s capital.’’ leavened by wit. cological—that improved health, increased Moynihan’s vision was humane and, for its The intellectual polarities of his life have costs and expanded government. time, exceptionally urbane. ‘‘Care should be been belief in government’s ameliorative ‘‘Not long ago,’’ Moynihan has written, ‘‘it taken,’’ he admonished, ‘‘not to line the powers—and in William Butler Yeats’s defla- could be agreed that politics was the busi- north side with a solid phalanx of public and tion of expectations for politics: ness of who gets what, when, where, how. It private office buildings which close down Parnell came down the road, he said to a is now more than that. It has become a proc- completely at night and on weekends. . . . cheering man: ess that also deliberately seeks to effect such Pennsylvania Avenue should be lively, Ireland shall get her freedom and you will outcomes as who thinks what, who acts friendly, and inviting, as well as dignified still break stone. when, who lives where, who feels how,’’ Moy- and impressive.’’ Having served four presidents, Moynihan More than any other American politician nihan appreciates the pertinence of political wrote that he did not remember ever having of the second half of the 20th century, Moy- philosopher Michael Oakshott’s cautionary heard at a Cabinet meeting ‘‘a serious dis- nihan has engaged the issue of architecture, words: ‘‘To try to do something which is in- cussion of political ideas—one concerned urban design and infrastructure. He has used herently impossible is always a corrupting with how men, rather than markets, be- his intellectual prowess, political skills and enterprise.’’ sheer power to establish meaningful rules, to have.’’ Regarding the complexities of behav- The 14-year-old Moynihan was shining ior, Moynihan has stressed the importance of save historic buildings, to improve federal shoes on Central Park West when he heard architecture, to get buildings built. Wash- ethnicity—the Balkans, the Bronx, come to about Pearl Harbor. In the subsequent six that. Moynihan knew how wrong Marx was ington has been the great beneficiary of decades he has been more conversant with, these involvements—most dramatically on in asserting the lost saliency of pre-indus- and more involved in, more of the nation’s trial factors, such as ethnicity and religion, the section of the great boulevard linking transforming controversies than anyone else. the Capitol and the White House. in the modern age. Who will do what he has done for the intel- His gift for decorous disruptions was ap- There is a sense in which the rebuilding of lectual nutritiousness of public life? The na- parent early, when, during a 1965 audience Pennsylvania Avenue became Moynihan’s tion is not apt to see his like again, never with Pope Paul VI, at a time when the destiny. Partly by chance, partly by design, having seen it before him. Church was reconsidering its doctrine of the he has been around to persuade, push and prod a vision into reality. And, for the last 10 collective guilt of for Christ’s cru- [From the Washington Post, Oct. 7, 2000] years, he has been able to watch it happen cifixion, Moynihan, a Catholic, shattered with his wife, Elizabeth, from their apart- protocol by addressing the pope: ‘‘Holy Fa- MOYNIHAN’S LEGACY IS WRITTEN IN STONE ment above the Navy Memorial and Market ther, we hope you will not forget our friends (By Benjamin Forgey Square, on the avenue between Ninth and the Jews.’’ Later, an unsettled member of Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, on the edge Seventh Streets NW. the audience, the bishop of Chicago, said, of retirement as the 106th Congress argues Soon after the report was published, Gold- ‘‘We need a drink.’’ Moynihan said, ‘‘If its way to a finish, tells the story whenever berg was appointed to the Supreme Court. they’re going to behave like a Medieval he feels the audience is right. And why not? Moynihan thus inherited responsibility for court, they must expect us to take an oppor- It is a true-life Washington legend. shepherding the avenue dream in the Ken- tunity to petition him.’’ Time: Summer 1961. Place: The White nedy administration. He became great pals During his U.N. service he decided that House. Scene: A Cabinet meeting with Presi- with Nathaniel Owings, the celebrated archi- U.S. foreign policy elites were ‘‘decent peo- dent John F. Kennedy. The nation’s chief tect Kennedy chose to come up with a plan. ple, utterly unprepared for their work’’ be- policymakers are busily deliberating foreign The pair would walk the avenue in the eve- cause ‘‘they had only one idea, and that was affairs but pause, Moynihan says, ‘‘when the nings and talk excitedly of its past and fu- wrong.’’ It was that the bad behavior of next-most-important issue in government ture while sitting, recalls Moynihan, on other nations was usually a reaction to comes up—which, of course, is office space.’’ ‘‘those nice, strong benches next to the Na- America’s worse behavior. He has been a lib- That line always gets a laugh. Moynihan tional Archives.’’ eral traditionalist, keeper of Woodrow Wil- knows Washington and knows what people Then, after Kennedy was assassinated, son’s crusade for lawful rather than normless think about Washington—one-liners at the Moynihan helped keep the project alive dur- dealings among nations. expense of the bureaucracy never miss. But ing the Lyndon Johnson presidency—nothing December 15, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11843 had been built. He had the enthusiastic col- Just about single-handedly did Moynihan derstanding of history, and ability to laboration of Harry arrange for the construction of the distin- draw parallels between seemingly unre- McPherson Jr., and an invaluable plug from guished U.S. Judiciary Building next to lated topics to enlighten our under- Jacqueline Kennedy, who ‘‘saved the under- Union Station. He was a crucial negotiator standing of both. taking in a farewell call on President John- in the brilliant deal by which New York and son,’’ Moynihan recalls. Thereafter, he says, Washington each get a share of the National I have had the particular pleasure of Johnson ‘‘took Mrs. Kennedy’s wishes as Museum of the American Indian. Moynihan serving with Senator MOYNIHAN on the something of a command.’’ fought to get cars off Frederick Law Finance Committee for eight years. As Moynihan admits that, as much as he liked Olmsted’s Capitol grounds. He continues to Chairman and as ranking member of and admired Nat Owings, he did not care for wage an enlightened campaign for reason- the Finance Committee, Senator MOY- Owings’s formidable first plan. It was a ‘‘ter- ableness about security in federal buildings. NIHAN has been a true leader. Starting rible plan,’’ he now says, though he did not The list could go on. say so at the time. The young politician was in 1993, when I took Senator Bentsen’s Of course, it isn’t simply Washington that seat on the Committee and Senator perhaps a bit in awe of the elder Great Archi- has benefited. As might be expected, Moy- tect—lots of people were. The firm that nihan’s own state has profited immensely as MOYNIHAN claimed his chairmanship, Owings had started in the 1930s—Skidmore, well. Chairman MOYNIHAN successfully guid- Owings & Merrill—was by then world-re- The new Penn Station—a complex, ongoing ed the 1993 economic plan through the nowned. project involving federal, state and city bu- committee and the Senate. That budg- How flawed was that first plan? Well, typ- reaucracies and private enterprise—is just et, which I was proud to help shape and ical of its time, it called for massive the latest of dozens of important examples. demolitions—including the National Press support, laid the foundation for our There’s much talk of calling it ‘‘Moynihan current record economic expansion. Club building and the Willard and Wash- Station’’ because he was its ‘‘guiding light ington hotels. These were to be replaced by and soul,’’ says chief architect . That same year, we worked together to an impressively bloated National Square or Nor is it just Washington and New York. It expose the shortcomings of the North by massive buildings all in a row. is the nation. Two examples of many: The American Free Trade Agreement. Fortunately, time was not kind to this vi- Intermodal Surface Transportation and Effi- After Republicans took control of the sion. We can judge how lucky we are by pon- ciency Act of 1991 and its successor, the Senate in the 1994 election, Senator dering the one building that actually got Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Cen- MOYNIHAN was a fierce critic of their built: the FBI headquarters, that odd-look- tury (‘‘Ice Tea’’ and ‘‘Tea 21’’ for short), are ing, off-putting giant facing the avenue be- excessive budget proposals. We joined Moynihan bills through and through and in opposing shortsighted proposals to tween Ninth and 10th streets NW. through. By encouraging mass transit and It is possible that, even them, Moynihan loosening the highway lobby’s decades-old have Medicare ‘‘wither on the vine,’’ suspected he was in this for the long haul. As stranglehold on the nation’s transportation turn Medicaid into a block grant, and it happened, he left Washington in 1965 but policy, these laws do the country an esti- destroy welfare rather than reforming was backed by 1969—shockingly, to his lib- it. Senator MOYNIHAN was, as always, eral-Democrat colleagues—as top urban af- mable service. And then there are his ‘‘Guiding Principles fairs adviser to Republican President Rich- an especially passionate defender of of Federal Architecture.’’ They are straight- ard Nixon. teaching hospitals, warning that the Once again, Moynihan had lots to say forward and smart: There should be no offi- plan to slash spending for Medicare’s cial style; the architecture should embody about Pennsylvania Avenue. It is no coinci- graduate medical education would dence that during Nixon’s first term the ave- the ‘‘finest contemporary American archi- tectural thought.’’ Regional characteristics threaten medical research in this coun- nue plan was given real teeth in the 1972 leg- try—a fear that has proved well-found- islation creating the Pennsylvania Avenue should be kept in mind. Sites should be se- Development Corp. And it was a very dif- lected with care. Landscape architecture ed as teaching hospitals have struggled ferent, less destructive plan—much more in also is important. to survive the much smaller changes keeping with Moynihan’s original admonish- The principles take us back to that com- enacted as part of the compromise Bal- ment to be ‘‘lively, friendly and inviting.’’ mittee report of 38 years ago. Nobody asked anced Budget Act that emerged in 1997. Nothing much got build during the ’70s, for a Pennsylvania Avenue plan and no one The Finance Committee—and the but the PADC was quietly preparing the asked for architectural guidelines. Moynihan simply invented them and attached them to Senate—will not be the same without groundwork. By the time building got start- him. Who else will be able to gently ed in the early ’80s, Moynihan was back in the report, and they have functioned as a town, this time as a senator from New York. beacon for high-quality federal architecture tutor witnesses on the importance of Since then, he has been there tirelessly for ever since. the grain trade in upstate New York in the avenue—out front or behind the scenes, Moynihan’s act is almost impossible to fol- the early nineteenth century to a cur- in large matters or small. low. In the phrase of Rep. Earl Blumenauer rent debate about health care policy? How large? The Ronald Reagan Building (D–Oregon), another architecture fan, Moy- Who else will call for the Boskin and and International Trade Center—the big nihan possesses ‘‘a bundle of qualities’’ sel- Secrecy Commissions of the future? dom found in a single politician: a good eye, mixed-use federal building at Pennsylvania And who else will educate his col- and 13th Street NW—is one of his enthu- a first-rate mind, a passion for the subject, siasms. Back in the Kennedy years, Moy- lots of power, long experience, a certain leagues on the inequitable distribution nihan’s Labor Department office in the Fed- flamboyance, a canny sense of timing. of federal spending and taxation among eral Triangle had looked out on parking lot Nor is there likely to be another politician the various states? of ‘‘surpassing ugliness.’’ He never forgot, alive whose favorite quotation is Thomas Mr. President, I will miss PAT MOY- and that lot is where the Reagan Building Jefferson’s statement: ‘‘Design activity and NIHAN. But I have no doubt that he will stands. political thought are indivisible.’’ continue to be part of the debate. As How small? Moynihan never forgot, either, Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, today, I Senator MOYNIHAN retires to his be- that the Ariel Rios Building, at 13th Street, wish to pay tribute to the very distin- had been left incomplete when work on the loved farm in upstate New York, I join Federal Triangle ceased; its brick sidewall guished Senator from New York, who my colleagues in looking forward to was left exposed ‘‘just like an amputated will be retiring at the end of this Con- more and more insightful treaties on limb,’’ in the words of J. Carter Brown, gressional session. new and complicated policy issues. chairman of the federal Commission of Fine Senator MOYNIHAN, as his recent bi- f Arts. Moynihan, Brown believes, was the ography makes clear, has been an in- ‘‘eminence grise who was able to shake the tellectual giant in the Senate and RETIREMENT OF SENATOR J. General Services Administration by the la- throughout his service to our nation. ROBERT KERREY pels and get that thing finished.’’ But if in one way or another Moynihan had The breadth of his interests—and his Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, when the a hand in practically everything that was knowledge—is extraordinary. From Senate adjourns Senator BOB KERREY built—or saved—on this crucial stretch of questions about the architecture and will be retiring from the Senate. Pennsylvania Avenue, he also worked for urban development of Washington, D.C. BOB KERREY served his beloved state Washington in other ways. He helped might- to the problems created by single par- of Nebraska as a highly popular and ily to preserve and find new uses for three of ent families to the workings of the successful governor from 1982 to 1987. Washington’s most notable historic struc- International Labor Organization, Sen- As governor, he was widely credited for tures—the Old Patent Office (now housing ator MOYNIHAN has thought deeply and his efforts to balance the budget and two Smithsonian museums), the Old Post Of- fice (a mixed-use building because of a law designed policy answers. I don’t think for educational and . In Moynihan pushed through) and the Old Pen- there’s a Senator who hasn’t learned 1988, he was elected to the Senate. But, sion Building (now the National Building something from Senator MOYNIHAN’s BOB KERREY established himself as a Museum). vast stock of personal experience, un- man of great courage and intellect long