
February 2, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H919 year, the Bureau of Land Management and also our former colleague Chris fast and growing at rates that are not finalized its methane rule, which will Gibson, who was here for a while. in the anemic 1.5 to 1.8 percent level, reduce harmful emissions by curbing I think if there is anything that sums but up to 3, 3.5, and 4 percent if we are the wasteful venting, flaring, and leak- up what I have heard from JOHN’s going to produce enough wealth and ing of natural gas. heart, it is the economic condition that opportunity for our children and grand- Not only is methane a potent green- we are in and the fact that our debts children. Indeed, Mr. Speaker, we can- house gas, but every cubic foot of gas cannot continue to be sustained, and not allow this generation to leave to that is wasted cheats New Mexican tax- we have to put in good practices that the next generation a country that is payers out of precious royalty and tax not only take into account his dis- immeasurably poorer and less well off payments which go toward public edu- trict—which is a wonderful part of New than the country that we were given by cation, infrastructure, and community York State—and the growing applica- our parents and grandparents. development programs. Considering tion there, but how we can take that I am privileged to serve on three that the Governor of New Mexico has all over the country. committees here in Congress: the proposed cutting money from school So with great pride, it is my privilege Budget Committee; the Transportation districts to close an estimated $70 mil- to introduce the newest Congressman and Infrastructure Committee, where I lion deficit, we simply cannot afford to from ’s 19th Congressional am honored to serve as the vice chair- let money disappear into thin air. District, JOHN FASO, to tell us a little man of the Subcommittee on Rail- Unfortunately, the House of Rep- bit about why he is here and his vision roads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Mate- resentatives is considering legislation for what we have. rials; and also the Committee on Agri- that will not only rescind BLM’s meth- Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman culture. All three of these committees ane rule, but also prohibit the consid- from New York (Mr. FASO). are going to be vitally significant in eration of any similar rule to curb Mr. FASO. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate terms of my tenure here in these 2 methane emissions and protect tax- that, and I appreciate the gentleman years of Congress, but also for the peo- payer interests ever again. from Georgia’s hospitality in yielding ple of our district. I strongly support efforts to work the floor to me at this time. Agriculture, we have a robust and with all stakeholders, especially small, Mr. Speaker, indeed, I am privileged growing agricultural economy. It is independent producers who may, in to represent the 19th Congressional dairy, where a lot of dairy farmers are fact, have difficulties implementing District of New York State. This en- struggling with the low price of milk, BLM’s new standards, but taking a compasses a wide area of the mid-Hud- but also fruits and vegetables. We have sledgehammer to our Nation’s energy son Valley and the Catskill region. The got a remarkable number of new pro- policy is irresponsible and counter- district touches Vermont in the north- ducers—yogurt producers, cheese pro- productive. east corner and Pennsylvania in the ducers, and beef and pork producers— I urge my colleagues to oppose this southeast corner. We go out to Coop- because we live only 125 to 150 miles legislation and instead work to make erstown, and we have great local loca- away from the city of New York and this rule work for both producers and tions like Woodstock. Many people are the tremendous metropolitan area and taxpayers alike. familiar with Woodstock, where the the tremendous market that that en- f concert was supposed to be back in the tails. late 1960s, but also where the concert On the Agriculture Committee, I will NEW MEMBERS WORKING TOWARD occurred in Bethel, New York, in Sul- A COMMON GOAL be fighting hard to protect the inter- livan County. The district encompasses ests of our dairy community and small The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under all or part of 11 counties. farmers and to make sure that we en- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- The gentleman from Georgia ref- courage our young people to go into ag- uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Geor- erenced the fact that I have resided for riculture. I am pleased to soon support gia (Mr. COLLINS) is recognized for 60 the last 30, almost 34, years in a measure which will encourage young minutes as the designee of the major- Kinderhook, New York, the hometown people to go into agriculture. ity leader. of , our eighth Presi- On the Committee on Transportation Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- dent. Our district also has within it the and Infrastructure, I mentioned the er, it is good to be back on the floor. town of Hyde Park in Dutchess County, Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous We have had a productive week so far. which is the home of a President who Materials Subcommittee. Our district Things are moving along. We are doing was extraordinarily well-known and is blessed to have the beautiful Hudson exactly what we promised the Amer- recognized for his great contributions Valley. The Hudson Valley—the Em- ican people, and that is removing regu- to our country, Franklin D. Roosevelt. pire State corridor of —is one latory burden, that is beginning to I encourage people to come visit Hyde of the busiest in the Nation. It is also move toward an economy that looks Park and the Roosevelt home and man- one of the profit centers for Amtrak. after the needs of our communities— sion, and also Kinderhook. Many, many people ride the train be- our moms, dads, aunts, uncles, and I would be remiss if I did not also tween Albany and on a grandkids. They come together to mention that the 19th District has the daily basis, in fact. It is vitally impor- know we are working toward a com- Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, tant to our commerce and to our busi- mon goal, and that is looking ahead New York, where I know a number of ness interests in our district. and making sure that what we do is in Members will be coming up later this We also have a number of freight rail the best interests of our neighbors and year to play a game of baseball in a facilities. I will be working closely our communities. charitable fundraising event. with folks out in Otsego County and Today, I want to continue in what we Mr. Speaker, Mr. COLLINS had made Oneonta for the project that they are started, Mr. Speaker, just a week or so reference to the economic condition. looking at for their rail facility in that ago. We are introducing the folks that The economic condition in upstate New community. the country has sent from our side to York is extremely difficult. Of the 11 Lastly, as I mentioned, I serve on the be Members here, to join myself and counties in my district, for instance, Budget Committee. Just today, we others, to take this fight from the ma- all 11 have lost population in the last 5 heard a report from the Congressional jority not only from their streets in years. What has happened is that peo- Budget Office. The chief of the CBO the campaigns, but now onto the floor ple are leaving because of high local came before us. He indicated that of the House. taxes and burdensome rules. These today we have almost $20 trillion of na- So this afternoon, we are going to come not just from Albany, but also tional debt. start off with one of our new Members from Washington. This is one of the from New York’s 19th Congressional things that I think the people sent me b 1630 District, JOHN FASO. I found out as I here to Congress to work on. That is just the on-the-books govern- was looking through his background I ran on a platform of economic ment national debt. He also said to us that JOHN comes from the same home- growth. We must get our economy that within 10 years we are going to be town as President Martin Van Buren moving, and we must get it moving facing another $10 trillion on top of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Feb 03, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02FE7.067 H02FEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H920 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 2, 2017 that. And $30 trillion, my colleagues, is times is we come in here, and we are want to say thanks to my fellow fresh- not sustainable. It is, in essence, gener- grouped together as 435, but, the re- man class. I am so grateful to be part ational theft. It is saying we would ality is, we all come from our indi- of the freshman class of the 115th Con- spend today our children’s and grand- vidual districts. gress—a freshman class that includes children’s inheritance and that we are Listening to the gentleman’s story, 10 Members with military experience, a forcing, by borrowing way beyond our listening to why he came, that is what sheriff’s officer, an FBI agent, two phy- means, our children and grandchildren keeps us grounded. This is the wonder- sicians, a dentist, and the rest of the in the future to pay for our spending ful hallowed halls for us to remember class being mostly businessmen and today. all the history that has been here, but, businesswomen full of real-life experi- So this, indeed, is a crisis point. It is when we come here, you bring that per- ences, which helps us solve problems a crisis point for our country. It is a sonal story. And that is what the vot- with some little common sense. crisis point for every man, woman, and ers elected you to do. As my family and I traveled our dis- child in our Nation. Again, it is a pretty amazing district. trict of Kansas this last 2 years, trav- In fact, if you look at the data, right I am learning about a lot of districts. eling 30,000 miles, they constantly now our national debt is the equivalent When you have the area of Woodstock identified the three common problems. of about $60,000 for every man, woman, and Cooperstown in the same district, They were concerned about the econ- and child in America. We have to get that is pretty cool. omy, national security, and health this under control. The way to get it I appreciate the gentleman being care. under control is we have to deal with here, and I am looking forward to his The first 2 years of those travels, I growth. We have got to get economic service. listened a lot. The last 6 months, I fo- growth. Smart tax and regulatory Mr. FASO. Well, I look forward to cused on solutions. I thought I would changes can help us spur the private working with the gentleman from share today some of the common solu- Georgia, and I look forward to working sector economy to grow this economy, tions that my classmates and I have with all of my colleagues on both sides to create more opportunity, to create talked about, as well as my constitu- of the aisle to try to fix what is wrong more wealth and jobs for our families ents back home. with our country today, to improve on all across the Nation, but particularly, First of all, as far as the economy what we already have, and to create a from my vantage point, in upstate New goes, the number one problem with the sustainable future for all Americans. York. economy is government overregula- This is why I ran, and that is why I am But we also need to take a hard look tion. Overregulation creates uncer- at reforming entitlement programs. here. I thank the gentleman from Georgia tainty and consolidation. When there is There is precedent for doing this. for the opportunity to come before the uncertainty, businesses don’t grow; President , Tip O’Neill, House to speak with him today. they don’t invest. the great former Senator from New Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. We are very The overregulation creates consoli- York State Daniel Patrick Moynihan, glad to have the gentleman here. dations. So instead of having three or and others came together in the early Mr. Speaker, as we go along, you four community banks in town, con- eighties and fixed the Social Security have seen one great new Member from solidation forces there to be only one financing problem for over 40 years. New York’s 19th District, but then bank. Oftentimes, those single banks Well, the timeline for fixing that prob- there is also a new Member who comes no longer even make bank loans to peo- lem is running out. from the Big First out in Kansas. He is ple from their own community. Con- I encourage people at home and citi- a doctor. He has been married for 32 solidation has occurred in hospitals zens all across this country, pull out years and has four children. and with physician practices as well, your Social Security earnings state- I think the coolest thing about this all too often. ment. Pull out that statement that the is we talk about a culture of life. For I am so proud to stand up here today Social Security Administration sends me, it is not just a life issue of getting and hear that the Senate also approved to you each year. If you look at it up every day. I believe that you take one of the laws we have passed repeal- closely, it will say that, in 2034, just a every day as a gift that has been given ing regulations. We think, as we go mere 17 or 18 years from now, Social to you, and you grasp and you take down this path, repealing regulation Security can only pay approximately that joy. But life has to start. For a will be a continued path for small busi- 75 or 76 percent of the promised bene- doctor who delivers 5,000 babies, it is nesses to grow. That is where 80 per- fits. pretty cool to see that life, as a hus- cent of our future job growth is going We have it in our capacity to fix this band who has been there. to come from: small businesses. problem to assure that all the seniors He has talked about his greatest role It is hard to believe, when I talk are taken care of and that those close as a husband and father. That is mine about national security, that men and and near retirement will not be af- and, I think, Mr. Speaker, as most, as women who live 1,300 miles inland from fected. But we also have to reform the we look at this. Seeing my kids come the nearest ocean, separated by moun- system so that our children and grand- in was a special time. To know what tains and rivers, are concerned about children have the prospect of some- that means in the life of a family, Dr. their own safety. thing there for them in the future. We Marshall brings that personal touch to It is hard to imagine that before cannot, again, be the generation to the House. He brings that personal there was the Paris massacre or San leave our kids and our grandchildren touch from the Midwest. Bernardino or Orlando that my con- holding the bag with a country less Mr. Speaker, you do know I am in stituents in Kansas were concerned wealthy, with less opportunity than the Air Force Reserve. Mr. Speaker un- about national security. I stand beside the country that our parents and derstands that very well. Also, I will our President in making our border se- grandparents gave to us. say that he served as well in our once- cure and working through immigration So I am really pleased to have this parent operation, the Army Reserve. It and refugee issues to make our Nation opportunity to come before the House is good to have him here. That military more secure. We think that is vitally today. I am very happy that Mr. COL- background also gives us a new per- important, and that is one of the rea- LINS has, with his wisdom and experi- spective because our world is not a safe sons we elected this President and ence here in the House, afforded us this place, and we need to understand what many, many people from my class as opportunity to come here and describe we are going through. well. what is going on in our district, why Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman Lastly, I want to talk about health we came here, what we want to do, and from the Big First, the First District of care, something very near and dear to what we hope to accomplish over the Kansas, Dr. ROGER MARSHALL. my heart. next 2 years. Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, I For the past 6 years, I have lived the Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- thank the gentleman for Georgia for nightmare of ObamaCare. It has caused er, one of the reasons we do this—and I yielding. many, many physicians I know to quit, think Congressman FASO actually men- I am so proud to be here today. Be- to give it up. ObamaCare has reduced tioned this—is what we forget so many fore I talk about my district, I just us to data entry positions rather than

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Feb 03, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02FE7.069 H02FEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE February 2, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H921 physicians who can listen and develop one in the health field, knowing and tricts, saw promise. And we are looking their clinical skills as we try to work understanding that relationship be- forward to continuing with our new with patients to solve their healthcare tween the patient and the doctor and Members and continuing to introduce problems. finding the best way so that all can them over the next weeks. ObamaCare has led to consolidation have that access. I think that is what Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of physician practices. It has led to we see. of my time. high prices as well for insurance prod- He ended with something, and I will f ucts. It has led to $12,000 deductibles sort of end with that: the prayer break- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE for most families. It is no longer af- fast. From my background as not only fordable. It is like having no insurance an Air Force chaplain but also a pastor A message from the Senate by Ms. at all. for over 11 years, we can have disagree- Curtis, one of its clerks, announced Eighty percent of Americans are not ments. And we are going to have dis- that the Senate has agreed to without happy with the Affordable Care Act, agreements. But what I have found is, amendment a joint resolution of the but I want to assure the American pub- when you pray for each other, you can House of the following title: lic and my constituents that, for every have disagreements, but you can’t be H.J. Res. 38. Joint resolution disapproving 5 seconds I have spent thinking about mad. the rule submitted by the Department of In- repeal, I have spent 5 days thinking I think that is what we have got to terior known as the Stream Protection Rule. about replace. do as a country is we have our dis- The message also announced that Though quite often the press wants agreements and we move forward and pursuant to sections 42 and 43 of title to talk about this as two separate we look for what is best for the individ- 20, Code, the Chair, on books, this is one book in my life—a uals and not best for what is this gov- behalf of the Vice President, re-ap- book of repealing and replacing as ernment. points the Senator from Vermont (Mr. quickly and efficiently as possible. I think that is what you brought to Leahy) as a member of the Board of Re- I want to assure all my constituents the table today and talked about, that gents of the Smithsonian Institution. back home that, if you are on an passion to get it back to the individual f ObamaCare product right now, we are who looks to Washington, knows it is RUSSIAN AGGRESSION AGAINST not pushing you off any cliff. We are there, and doing what the Constitution UKRAINE going to give you a period of transition said, but not overreaching into the where you can have a truly affordable areas of their life that take them away (Ms. KAPTUR asked and was given healthcare product that works for you from the things they want to do. permission to address the House for 1 without a $6,000 or $12,000 deductible. So I appreciate the gentleman’s serv- minute.) We are a party of solutions. If you ice. I appreciate him being here. It is Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, the day will look at Dr. PRICE’s bills he sub- going to be great as we go forward. after our new President spoke to the mitted the last 6 years, you will see Mr. Speaker, we have gotten a fast President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, great alternatives and solutions that start. There are some things going on we saw a surge in Russian aggression the party has presented. We do think where we are doing what we promised. and attacks in eastern Ukraine. Every there are good solutions out there. I had an interview just the other day, American must realize, Russia is test- Speaking of Dr. PRICE, I can’t help and the reporter asked me the ques- ing our new administration’s resolve to but just stop and say we need to ap- tion: Well, what do you think about X? stand up for liberty. prove him, confirm him as quickly as They named off like two or three Since Russia invaded Crimea in Feb- possible. Dr. PRICE is a physician, an things. I said: What is surprising right ruary 2014, 10,000 innocent Ukrainians orthopedic surgeon from Georgia, who now to many folks who have reported have been killed by Russian aggression, has served Congress in multiple ways, on this place for so long is the fact that and this has increased over the past including leading the Budget Com- things are getting done and being week. Dozens more have been dis- mittee. promised to get done, and they are hap- placed—17,000, in fact. I have not met a man I would rather pening. These actions violated the 1994 Buda- have serve as the Secretary of HHS Mr. Speaker, that is what we are sent pest Memorandum on Security Assur- than Dr. TOM PRICE, a mentor to me— here for. And as we see that through ances that stated: the Russian Federa- a mentor to many of us—a kind man, a the regulatory issues we have been tion would respect the independent Godly man, a person who cares about dealing with this week, we are going to sovereignty and existing borders of patients, who understands health care, deal with again next week, and as we Ukraine. but he also understands government. look ahead to the battles of repealing Russia’s new aggression is another Before we can take many more steps and putting together access to afford- step in its campaign to undermine the with health care, we need someone in able health care for all Americans and democratic order that has existed in that position. I believe with all my not doing the scare tactics and not our Transatlantic Alliance since the heart that Dr. PRICE will do a great doing the straw man and not trying to end of World War II and . job. push anybody off a cliff but saying: America must stand up for the people I look forward to continuing my next let’s talk about this together; let’s lis- of Ukraine and our European alliances several weeks here working with the ten and work together, as opposed to and denounce the actions of President freshmen, working with the rest of the way it was done. Putin. We have to stand up or we face— Congress. We are so optimistic. We Then, we look into tax reform. We Russia will face condemnation by the think that great days are ahead of us. look into energy development. It is a world community. Russia should with- I am going to close with a memory time in America to be smiling. It is a draw her heavy weapons from that re- today that I will have forever of going time when we can look around and the gion. They should stop financing sepa- to the National Prayer Breakfast. I rest of the world is saying: that is the ratists. They should allow repairs for have had the privilege of going to country that we know. That is the critical infrastructure and fulfill all of many, many events, but this may have shining light that we know. That is the their agreements under the Minsk ac- been the greatest event I ever attended place that the world looks to. Because cords. in my life to see men and women, lead- we are the freest country in the world, What is happening is a global shame. ers across the world, praying for our and we gave our spirit to others. f President, praying for our Vice Presi- dent. b 1645 THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHY I am just thrilled to be a part of this. So it is exciting for me, as part of my The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under I am proud to turn this country back in work for the Republican Conference, to the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- a positive direction. bring the freshman Members up here to uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Mary- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. It is good let them tell about their areas. And as land (Mr. RASKIN) is recognized for 60 to have Dr. MARSHALL here and be a we do so, it just shows you, I believe, minutes as the designee of the minor- part of bringing that vitality of some- that America, in many of these dis- ity leader.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:25 Feb 03, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02FE7.070 H02FEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE