Minutes of the 14Ath General Synod REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Evangelical Synod
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Minutes of the 14ath General Synod REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Evangelical Synod Held at Covenant College Lookout Mountain, Georgia May 16-19, 1967 MINUTES of the 145th General Synod Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod Held at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, May 16·19, 1967 The 145th General Synod convened at 9:00 A.M. on May 16, 1967 in the chapel of Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia. Delegates and guests were led in the singing of a hymn of praise by Rev. Clarence Lutz, after which the sermon was preached by the retiring Moderator, Rev. Wil· liam B. Leonard, Jr. Using as his text Zechariah 2, Mr. Leonard stated that the church of today is being measured by God. He challenged us with the question: How do we measure up? The Lord's Supper was administered by the host pastor, Rev. Thomas Jones, assisted by six Ruling Elders. The Synod was called to order for business at 10:00 A. M. by the Moderator, who then constituted the court with prayer. The roll was called. ROLL CALL Ministers Present: Reverend Messrs. George Ackley, Richard A. Aeschli· man, David Alexander, Paul H. Alexander, William M. Alling, Charles W. An derson, Lawrence G. Andres, Willard O. Armes, Allan Baldwin, William S. Barker, Robert B. Brown, Max V. Belz, Bryant Black, Wilbur W. Blakely, Gustav Blomquist, George R. Bragdon, Ned Brande, Richard L. Brinkley, Ernest Breen, William J. Brooks, Malcolm D. Brown, J. Oliver Buswell Jr., F. Sanders Camp bell, R. Daniel Cannon, Raymond H. Dameron, Robert Dodds, Franklin S. Dyrness, Earl R. Eckerson, Homer P. Emerson, Daniel Fannon, Frank L. Fiol, Martin C. Freeland, Calvin H. Frett, Carl T. Grayson, Robert Hamilton, Darrell C. Harris, R. Laird Harris, Robert Hastings, Harold D. Hight, Charles B. Holliday, John P. Hoogstrate, Kenneth A. Horner Jr., Roger Hunt, Ellis C. H. Johnson, Thomas F. Jones, Arthur L. Kay, John M. Kay Jr., James S. Kiefer, R. Allan Killen, John A. Ledden, William B. Leonard Jr., Clarence A. Lutz, Donald J. MacNair, James H. McClintock, J. Norman McConnell, William E. McNutt, William A. Mahlow, W. Harold Mare, Nelson K. Malkus, Harry H. Meiners Jr., Albert F. Moginot Jr., Edward T. Noe, Dan Orme, John L. Palmer, Robert Palmer, James Perry, Leonard S. Pitcher, James L. Ransom, Richard Rowe, John Sanderson, Richard Schmoyer, Roger G. Shafer, Lester O. Sharp, Flournoy Shepperson, Samuel G. Shepperson, Elmer B. Smick, George W. Smith, James A. Smith, Addison P. Soltau, George C. Soltau, T. Stanley Soltau, Edward Steele III, Francis R. Steele, Carrol R. Stegall Jr., Carl A. Stewart, Lynden H. Stewart, Robert W. Stewart, Harold Stigers, Carl J. T. Straub, David Sutton, Robert Swayne, Gordon R. Taylor, Richard D. Tevebaugh, A. Dale Umbreit, Leonard T. Van Horn, Thomas Waldecker, Kenneth Wallace, Wilbur B. Wallis, Samuel S. Ward, Robert Wildeman, Kenneth Wolf, John M. L. Young. 2 Ruling Elders Present: Messrs. Marion Barnes, Bickett Bass, Bruce J. Beatty, Joseph C. Brown (Alt.), William J. Bowen, Floyd E. Butterfield, James A. Campbell (Alt.) Floyd Chapman, Norman S. Collins, Alt.) Henry Dameron, Fred R. Faull, Lester Fullerton, William D. Gibson, Eugene G. Gray (Alt.), Howard W. Grup, Harold C. Harris, William Henry, Ward S. Hildreth, John A. Hocanson (Alt.), Dalton H. Hylton, Hugh N. Johnson, F ran k W. Lesch, George Linder, David Mcintyre, Henry Mauldin, E. Wayne Melton, W. A. Mitchell, Albert F. Moginot Sr. (Alt.), Fred D. Peace, Vernon C. Pierce, David Robinson, Frank Rowley, Rudolph Schmidt (Alt.), McGregor Scott (Alt.), Edmund H. Simpson, John Stirneman, Alex Strango, Fred Stroup, Robert A. Titmus, Earl J. Tyson, Delmar M. Vollbracht, Noah C. Wagner, Walter A. Walstrom, Dick R. Weik, Joseph H. White (Alt.), Earl Witmer. Adoption of Docket-The following changes in the printed Docket were moved, seconded, and carried: Form of Government Committee be placed on the Docket at 4:45 P. M. Tuesday and immediately following the 10:15 A. M. recess on Wednesday; to place the report of the Magazine Committee on Wednesday at 3:30 P. M.; to exchange the places of World Presbyterian Missions and Covenant Theological Seminary. Upon motion, the Docket was adopted as amended. Election of Officers-The floor was opened for nominations for Moder ator. Rev. Richard W. Gray nominated Rev. Franklin S. Dyrness, D. D. Rev_ Ned Brande nominated Rev. Paul Alexander. Upon motion, the nominations were closed. Dr. Dyrness was elected by secret ballot. Dr. Gray escorted Dr. Dyrness to the chair. Mr. Leonard turned the gavel over to the new Moderator, who accepted it with words of thanks to the delegates for this honor and a re quest for their cooperation. It was moved, seconded, and carried that Rev. Paul Alexander be elected Vice Moderator by white ballot. It was moved, seconded, and carried that Rev. Robert Hastings be elected Assistant Clerk by white ballot. Synod recessed 11:00 to 11:30 A. M. and was reconvened with prayer by Rev_ Gustav Blomquist. Seating of Corresponding Members and Visiting Brethren-Upon motion, the following were seated as Corresponding Members of Synod: Rev. Jack J. Peterson, Fraternal Delegate from the Orthodox Presby terian Church. Rev. Dr. Roy Blackwood, Fraternal Delegate from the Synod of the Re formed Presbyterian Church of North America. Rev. Dr. David Cho, Presbyterian minister from Seoul, Korea. Rev. Lawrence Veltkamp, Fraternal Delegate from the Christian Re formed Church. Rev. Dr. Paul Schrotenboer, General Secretary of the Reformed Ecumenical Synod. Elder Ralph Garlington, Shannon Forest Presbyterian Church, Green ville, South Carolina 3 Elder Charles Edgar and Elder James Kaufmann, Reformed Presbyterian Church. Huntsville, Alabama. Elder Allen Dubie, Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Chapel, Mendham, New Jersey. Elder Allen Dubie, Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Chapel, Mendham, Church, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania. Upon motion, the following were seated as visiting brethen: Mr. Robert Tarte, Reformed Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, Alabama. Deacon George Turner, Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Mr. Phil Gruner, Business Manager of Covenant Theological Seminary. Rev. Marion Bradwell, Lord's Day Alliance. Mr. James Cox, Mr. Conrad Sauer, Mr. David Fleece, Mr. Robert Sharpe, Mr. Dale Jackson, Mr. F. Seth Dyrness, Mr. Jerry Malkus, Rev. C. William Solomon, pastor of St. Elmo Presbyterian Church of Chattanooga. Synod recessed at 11:35 with prayer by Rev. Francis Steele. Mr. Francis Whiteman, of the Evangelical Teacher Training Association, addres· sed Synod. SECOND SEDERUNT, TUESDAY, 2:00 P. M. Synod was called to order and led in the constituting prayer by Dr. Wilbur Wallis. Minutes of the first sederunt were read and approved. Dr. Marion Barnes introduced Rev. George Long, pastor of the Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church, who brought greetings from his congregation and from the residents of Lookout Mountain. It was moved, seconded, and carried that the printed Minutes of the 144th General Synod be adopted, as the legal minutes. Rev. William Leonard presented the report of the Administrative Com· mittee. REPORT OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE Fathers and Brethren: The 144th General Synod meeting at Colorado Springs, Colorado, May 4·10, 1966, voted to continue the Administrative Committee as a temporary committee for the year 1966-67, with the new Moderator and retiring Co· Moderators given authority to appoint a total of eight members, including the Moderators, with the instruction that "the geographical concentration be considered a necessity so that this committee can function on a regular basis" (page 17, minutes 144th General Synod). Synod also provided that the committee be allowed to employ a part·time clerk, paid by the treasurer of Synod "as funds permit", and in the event the new moderator should be somewhat removed from the geographical concentration of the other com· mittee members, the committee would authorize the expenditure, from Synod funds, for at least two trips for the moderator to the committee's 4 meetings. In passing we would say that although several hundred dollars have been spent for these purposes, no Synod funds whatsoever were spent, or were they available. Synod also defined the duties of the Committee as follows: "that this Committee function between Synods, with the Moderator and the Stated Clerk, to assist in carrying out the actions of Synod, to assist in promoting the interests of the church as a whole by being an expediting body, a clearing house, and a guiding voice for all activities and programs of Synod, not specifically assigned to other agencies, committees and officers." COMMITTEE MEMBERS. In addition to Dr. H. S. Laird and The Rev. Frank Smick, Jr., co· Moderators of the 143d General Synod, and The Rev. W. B. Leonard, Jr., Moderator of the 144th General Synod, members chosen for this year were Dr. Marion Barnes and The Rev. Tom Jones of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee co· hosts for the 145th General Synod, Dr. Robert Rayburn and The Rev. Don MacNair of St. Louis, and The Rev. Harry Meiners, Jr., Stated Clerk of Synod. MEETINGS HELD DURING THE YEAR, Four meetings have been held, three in St. Louis, October 4, 1966, (all day), December 9 and 10 (two days), and January 26, 1967 (all day), and one at Lookout Mountain, May 15, 1967. ACTIVITIES. Throughout the year, in the above meetings and in vo· luminous correspondence, a great deal of work has been accomplished for the Synod, vital responsibilities which otherwise would not have been faced between Synods. The bulk of the Committee's work consisted of the im plementation of decisions of Synod not falling logically to a specific agency, helping to coordinate the work of Synod's agencies, the planning for this and future Synods, and a realistic and objective appraisal of our growing needs as a church family to have a regard for one another, to know why we exist as a Church, and to work better together to do the work of the Lord.