Liversidge Book List
THE JIM LIVERSIDGE COLLECTION REFERENCE BOOK LIST The following listing, of approximately 500 titles covers all areas of the performing arts (film, theatre, music, television, circus, vaudeville, burlesque, etc.) and popular culture. The collection consists of mostly hardback and paperback first editions (unless otherwise noted). The condition of the material ranges from good to excellent. Each title is followed by the Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts non-circulating (reference book) call number. Each book is followed by the following symbols to denote the reason for inclusion in this collection: * - Books collected to showcase the careers of performers represented in the AUTOGRAPH collections. ** - Books collected to showcase the careers and accomplishments of performers and technicians represented in the IT’S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD AUTOGRAPH and EPHEMERA collections. *** - Books collected to showcase the careers of the men behind the WIDESCREEN gimmicks and processes as well as the history of this era. Adams, Joey, HERE’S TO THE FRIARS, Crown, 1976 PN1572.F73 A3 1976 Adler, Larry, IT AIN’T NECESSARILY SO: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Grove Press, 1984 ML419.A3 A3 1987 Alba, Ben, INVENTING LATE NIGHT: STEVE ALLEN AND THE ORIGIANL TONIGHT SHOW, Prometheus Books, 2005* PN1992.4 .A4 A65 2005 Allen, Richard and Bruce Hershenson, MUSICAL MOVIE POSTERS, Published by Bruce Hershenson, 1999 PN1995.9.P5 M87 1999 Amazing Randi, The and Bert Randolph Sugar, HOUDINI: HIS LIFE AND ART, Grosset and Dunlap, 1977 GV1545.H8 R36 1976 Anderson, Christopher, BARBARA: THE WAY SHE IS, William Morrow, 2006 ML420.S915 A67 2006 Andrews, Bart, CHEERS: THE OFFICIAL SCRAPBOOK, New American Library, 1987 PN1992.77.C35 A5 1987 1 Andrews, Maxene, OVER HERE, OVER THERE, Zebra Books, 1993* ML421.A47 A5 1993 Arceri, Stan, ROCKING HORSE: A PERSONAL BIOGRAPHY OF BETTY HUTTON, Bear Manor Media, 2009* PN2287.H885 A732009 Arnaz, Desi, A BOOK, William Morrow and Co.
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