
Dynamics and function of DNA in

Huiming Zhang1,2*, Zhaobo Lang1,2 and Jian-​Kang Zhu 1,2,3* Abstract | DNA methylation is a conserved epigenetic modification that is important for regulation and stability. Aberrant patterns of DNA methylation can lead to developmental abnormalities. A specific DNA methylation state is an outcome of dynamic regulation by de novo methylation, maintenance of methylation and active demethylation, which are catalysed by various that are targeted by distinct regulatory pathways. In this Review, we discuss DNA methylation in plants, including methylating and demethylating enzymes and regulatory factors, and the coordination of methylation and demethylation activities by a so-called​ methylstat mechanism; the functions of DNA methylation in regulating transposon silencing, and chromosome interactions; the roles of DNA methylation in plant development; and the involvement of DNA methylation in plant responses to biotic and abiotic stress conditions.

DNA methylation at the 5ʹ position of contrib- and regulatory factors are generally not lethal. However, utes to the epigenetic regulation of nuclear gene expres- DNA methylation appears to be more crucial for devel- sion and to genome stability1,2. Epigenetic changes, opment and environmental-​stress responses in plants including DNA methylation, modifications and that have more complex . Recent findings histone variants and some non-​coding RNA (ncRNA) have uncovered important regulatory mechanisms of changes, influence chromatin structure and, in turn, the plant DNA methylation, such as the initial triggering accessibility of genetic information. As a result, DNA of de novo DNA methylation by ncRNA, the target- methylation is important to many biological processes, ing of active DNA demethylation by the novel and disruption of DNA methylation can lead to devel- complex IDM (increased DNA methylation) and the opmental abnormalities in plants and mammals, such balancing of DNA methylation and demethylation by as failure in tomato fruit ripening and embryo lethality a methylation-​sensing genetic element. We also dis- in mice1,3,4. cuss the important roles of DNA methylation dynamics DNA methylation is conserved in plants and mam- in regulating transposon silencing, in gene expression, in mals, and precise patterns of genomic DNA methylation chromosome interactions, in plant development and are crucial for development. In both plants and mam- in plant responses to biotic and abiotic environmental mals, DNA methylation is catalysed by conserved DNA stimuli, as well as in fruit ripening, root nodulation and using S-​adenosyl-l-​ as other developmental processes. the methyl donor, whereas active DNA demethylation 1Shanghai Center for Plant involves a pathway5–9. An RNA-​ DNA methylation dynamics Stress Biology, Chinese directed DNA methylation pathway is crucial for de novo A specific DNA methylation state reflects the outcome Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China. methylation in plants but is less important in mam- of the dynamic regulation of establishment, mainten­ 10,11 2CAS Center for Excellence in mals . In contrast to mammals, which initiate active ance and active-​removal activities. These activities are Molecular Plant Sciences, DNA demethylation with oxidation and/or catalysed by various enzymes that are targeted to spe- Chinese Academy of Sciences, of 5-methylcytosine (5-mC), plants directly excise the cific genomic regions by distinct pathways. Plant DNA Shanghai, China. 5-mC base utilizing 5-mC DNA glycosylases5,6,8. methylation occurs in all cytosine sequence contexts: 3Department of Horticulture In this Review, we discuss recent discoveries and CG, CHG and CHH (H represents A, T or C)12,13. In and Landscape Architecture, the current understanding of the regulation and func- A. thaliana, genome-​wide DNA methylation is charac- Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. tion of DNA methylation in plants. The mechanisms terized by heavy methylation in , which *e-mail:​ hmzhang@ underlying the generation of specific DNA methyla- is enriched with transposable elements (transposons) 12,14; [email protected] tion patterns are best understood in the model plant and other repetitive DNA sequences . Interspersed , in which mutations in components transposon-​associated DNA methylation also exists in s41580-018-0016-z of the DNA methylation and demethylation machineries euchromatic chromosome arms12.

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Establishment of DNA methylation by the RNA-​ According to the current understanding of canonical directed DNA methylation pathway. In plants, RdDM in A. thaliana7,11,15,16, the production of 24-nucle- de novo DNA methylation is mediated through the otide siRNAs is initiated through by RNA RNA-​directed DNA methylation (RdDM) pathway, IV (POL IV), which is followed by which involves small interfering (siRNAs) and RNA-​DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2 (RDRP2; ­scaffold RNAs in addition to an array of (Fig. 1). also known as RDR2)-dependent copying of the tran- script to generate a double-​stranded RNA (dsRNA) and by DICER-​LIKE PROTEIN 3 (DCL3)-dependent POL IV-dependent siRNA production POL II-dependent siRNA production cleavage of the dsRNA into siRNAs. The siRNAs are loaded onto ARGONAUTE (AGO) proteins, mainly CLSY1 AGO4 and AGO6, and pair with complementary scaf- POL IV SHH1 POL II fold RNAs, which are nascent transcripts produced by RDR2 POL V. AGO4 interacts with the DNA methyltrans- ferase DOMAINS REARRANGED METHYLASE 2 17 A(n) (DRM2) , which catalyses de novo DNA methylation in P4 RNA a sequence-​independent manner. This reaction may be DCL3 RDR6 assisted by RNA-DIRECTED​ DNA METHYLATION 1 A(n) (RDM1), which associates with both AGO4 and DRM2 DCL2, and may bind single-stranded​ methylated DNA18 (Fig. 1). DCL3, ?? DCL2, In addition to the sequence-​specific pairing DCL4 DCL4 between siRNAs and scaffold RNAs, protein interac- tions between AGO4 and the AGO hook-​containing proteins DNA-​DIRECTED POL V SUBUNIT 1 (also DCL-dependent DCL-independent 24 nt siRNAs 21–22 nt siRNAs siRNAs siRNAs known as NRPE1) and RDM3 are also important for RdDM. NRPE1 is the largest subunit of POL V, and AGO4, AGO4, AGO4, 4 AGO6 RDM3 is a POL V-​associated putative transcription 1 AGO6 2 AGO6 3 AGO6 elongation factor19,20. POL V-transcribed​ ncRNAs must remain on the chromatin to function as scaffold RNAs; IDN–IDP POL V this association seems to be facilitated by RRP6-LIKE 1 complex (or POL II) (RRP6L1), which is a homologue of the yeast and RDM3 AGO4, ribosomal RNA-​processing 6 AGO6 mammalian (RRP6) pro- m RRP6L1 teins that can function in RNA retention21. In addition, m the siRNA–scaffold RNA pairing may be stabilized DRM2 SWI/SNF mm SUVH2, complex m SUVH9 by the INVOLVED IN DE NOVO 2 (IDN2)–IDN2 DDR complex PARALOGUE (IDP) complex, which binds RNA and interacts with the SWI/SNF chromatin-​remodelling Fig. 1 | RNA-​directed DNA methylation pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the canonical RNA-directed​ DNA methylation (RdDM) pathway11 (step 1), RNA POLYMERASE complex that contains SWI/SNF COMPLEX SUBUNIT IV (POL IV) generates non-coding​ RNAs (P4 RNAs) that serve as templates for SWI3B and participates in POL V-​mediated transcrip- 22–28 RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2 (RDR2)-mediated production of double-stranded​ tional silencing by altering positioning . RNAs, which are cleaved by DICER-LIKE​ PROTEIN 3 (DCL3), DCL2 and DCL4 to yield The recruitment of POL IV and POL V to RdDM mainly 24- small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). Subsequently, siRNAs are bound by target loci can be facilitated by pre-​existing chroma- ARGONAUTE 4 (AGO4) or AGO6 and pair with POL V-transcribed​ scaffold RNAs to recruit tin modifications. POL IV is recruited by SAWADEE DOMAINS REARRANGED METHYLASE 2 (DRM2), which methylates (m) the DNA. POL IV HOMEODOMAIN HOMOLOGUE 1 (SHH1), which is recruited to RdDM loci by SAWADEE HOMEODOMAIN HOMOLOGUE 1 (SHH1), which binds dimethylated histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me2) 29,30 binds dimethylated histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me2) . The chromatin remodeller SNF2 through its Tudor domain29,30. SHH1 also interacts with DOMAIN-​CONTAINING PROTEIN CLASSY 1 (CLSY1) interacts with POL IV and is SNF2 DOMAIN-​CONTAINING PROTEIN CLASSY 1 required for POL IV-dependent​ siRNA production30,31. The majority of RdDM targets remain methylated in the dcl1–dcl2–dcl3–dcl4 quadruple , implying (CLSY1), which is a chromatin-remodelling​ protein asso- DCL-independent RdDM may be mediated by DCL-independent​ siRNAs or directly by P4 ciated with POL IV and is required for POL IV-dependent​ 30,31 RNAs43 (step 2). At some RdDM loci, POL II can produce 24-nucleotide siRNAs and siRNA production (Fig. 1). The association of POL V scaffold RNAs45 (step 3). At some activated transposons, POL II and RDR6 collaboratively with chromatin for scaffold-​RNA production requires produce precursors of 21-nucleotide or 22-nucleotide siRNAs that mediate DNA the chromatin-​remodelling DDR, which comprises the methylation similarly to 24-nucleotide siRNAs47–49 (step 4). AGO4 and/or AGO6 directly chromatin-​remodelling protein DEFECTIVE IN RNA-​ associate with POL V, and the association is enhanced by RNA-DIRECTED​ DNA DIRECTED DNA METHYLATION 1 (DRD1), the 19,20 METHYL ATION 3 (RDM3) . Production of scaffold RNAs by POL V requires the DDR putative structural maintenance of chromosomes pro- complex, consisting of the chromatin remodeller DEFECTIVE IN RNA-DIRECTED​ DNA tein DEFECTIVE IN MERISTEM SILENCING 3 and METHYL ATION 1, DEFECTIVE IN MERISTEM SILENCING 3 and RDM1, which associates RDM1 (refs18,32–35) (Fig. 1). The DDR complex physically with both AGO4 and DRM2 and may bind single-stranded​ methylated DNA18,32–36. The DDR complex interacts with SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION 3-9 HOMOLOGUE interacts with SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION 3-9 PROTEIN 2 (SUVH2) and SUVH9, which bind to pre-existing​ methylated and HOMOLOG PROTEIN 2 (SUVH2) and SUVH9, which can recruit POL V35,37. The retention of nascent POL V-transcribed​ RNA on the chromatin are SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION (SU(VAR)) 3-9 may be facilitated by the RNA-binding​ proteins RRP6-LIKE 1 (RRP6L1)21 and the histone family proteins but lack his- INVOLVED IN DE NOVO 2 (IDN2)–IDN2 PARALOGUE (IDP) complex, which interacts with tone methyltransferase activity36,37 (Fig. 1). SUVH2 and a SWITCH/SUCROSE NONFERMENTING (SWI/SNF) chromatin-remodelling​ complex22–28. SUVH9 recognize methylated cytosine through their

490 | AUGUST 2018 | volume 19 © 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. Reviews

AGO hook SET and RING finger-​associated (SRA) domains and although it remains largely unclear how these splicing A protein motif containing Gly– are required for the proper genome-​wide chromatin factors affect siRNA levels. Similarly, mutations in two Trp or Try–Gly repeats, which occupancy of POL V, and were therefore proposed to splicing factors, STABILIZED 1 and RDM16, reduce the mediate protein interactions recruit POL V through pre-existing​ DNA methylation37. accumulation of POL V-​dependent scaffold RNAs53,54. with ARGONAUTE (AGO) proteins. However, the tethering of SUVH9 by a zinc-​finger to Presumably, some of the splicing factors that normally unmethylated DNA is sufficient to recruit POL V and bind pre-​mRNAs may interact with the non-​coding Ribosomal RNA-​processing 6 to establish DNA methylation and gene silencing37. transcripts generated by POL IV and POL V and affect (RRP6). A conserved single-​ Given that POL V can generate ncRNAs with dif- their processing or stability, thus influencing siRNA or stranded RNA with ferent 5 ends from the same locus, it seems to initiate scaffold RNA abundance. both negative and positive ʹ 38 functions in RNA accumulation. transcription independently of promoters . Genome-​ wide POL V or POL IV chromatin occupancy mapping Maintenance of DNA methylation. Maintenance Trans-acting​ siRNA did not reveal consensus motifs29,39. Some of plant DNA methylation depends on the cytosine Genes that transcripts POL V-​transcribed ncRNAs have 7-methylguanosine sequence context and is catalysed by DNA methyl- that are cleaved by , 38 synthesized into double-​ caps at the 5ʹ ends , indicating that POL V-​generated that are regulated by different mecha- stranded RNA and then transcripts can be subjected to certain RNA-processing​ nisms (Fig. 2). CG cytosine methylation is maintained cleaved again to produce activities that are known to modify POL II-​transcribed by METHYLTRANSFERASE 1 (MET1) (Fig. 2a). trans-acting​ small interfering mRNAs. Nevertheless, POL V-​generated transcripts MET1 is an orthologue of the mammalian DNA RNAs (siRNAs). are devoid of at their 3ʹ ends and thus (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1), which are different from mRNAs38. Unlike POL V transcripts, recognizes hemi-​methylated CG dinucleotides fol- which are long enough to be detected by regular PCR38, lowing DNA replication and methylates the unmodi­ POL IV-​transcribed ncRNAs (P4 RNAs) are mostly fied cytosine in the daughter strand9,56. Compared 26–50 nucleo­tides in length and were thus identified only with mouse and human DNMT1, A. thaliana MET1 recently by small-​RNA deep sequencing in A. thaliana lacks the cysteine-​rich CXXC domain that is thought with mutant dcl2, dcl3 and dcl4 (dcl triple mutant) and to help DNMT1 distinguish a hemi-​methylated CG in A. thaliana with mutant dcl1, dcl2, dcl3 and dcl4 from a non-methylated​ CG57,58. Similar to the model in (dcl quadruple mutant)40–44, in which the cleavage of which DNMT1 is recruited by the E3 ubiquitin-protein​ POL IV-​dependent and RDR2-dependent dsRNAs into ligase UHRF1 (refs59,60), MET1 has been proposed to be 24-nucleotide siRNAs is presumably blocked. P4 RNAs recruited to DNA by VARIANT IN METHYLATION accumulate in dcl triple and can be processed proteins, which are UHRF1 orthologues required to into 24-nucleotide siRNAs by exogenous DCL3. Because maintain CG methylation61,62. P4 RNAs are small, each 24-nucleotide siRNA could be Maintenance of CHG methylation in A. thaliana produced from one slicing of a precursor P4 RNA42. is catalysed by the DNA methyltransferase In addition to the canonical POL IV–RDR2–DCL3 CHROMOMETHYLASE 3 (CMT3) and to a much lesser pathway that generates 24-nucleotide siRNAs, para­ extent by CMT2 (refs63,64) (Fig. 2a). The protein structure logues of these proteins can also produce siRNAs that of the maize CMT3 homologue CHROMOMETHYL­ trigger non-​canonical RdDM (Fig. 1). POL II-​mediated ASE 1 (MET2A) demonstrated that its bromo-adjacent​ transcription can not only generate 24-nucleotide homology (BAH) and chromo domains bind to ­siRNAs and scaffold RNAs but also recruits POL IV and H3K9me2 (ref.65). Preventing the CMT3–H3K9me2 POL V to promote siRNA production at some RdDM interaction not only disrupts the binding of CMT3 to the target loci45. POL II also has spatially distinct associa- nucleosome but also leads to a complete loss of CMT3 tions with different AGO proteins when compared with activity65. Mutations in the A. thaliana H3K9-specific POL V46. At Trans-acting​ siRNA genes and at some regions methyltransferase SUVH4 and its paralogues SUVH5 of transcriptionally active transposons, RdDM depends and SUVH6 abolish H3K9me2 and substantially reduce on POL II and RDR6 rather than on POL IV and RDR2 CHG methylation66–71. Methylated CHG is bound by the (refs47–49). RDR6-dependent RdDM can be mediated SRA domain of SUVH4 and recruits it to carry out H3K9 either through 21-nucleotide or 22-nucleotide siRNAs, methylation72. Therefore, the methylated CHG and which are produced by DCL2 and DCL4, or through H3K9me2 modifications reinforce each other through 24-nucleotide siRNAs produced by DCL3 (refs49,50). regulatory loops (Fig. 2a). Genome wide, most siRNAs in A. thaliana are CHH methylation is maintained by DRM2 or CMT2, 24-nucleotide siRNAs, which disappear almost com- depending on the genomic region. Through RdDM, pletely in the dcl quadruple mutant; however, DNA DRM2 maintains CHH methylation at RdDM target methylation at approximately two-​thirds of RdDM regions, which are preferentially located at evolutionarily target regions still remains43,44, indicating the existence young transposons and short transposons and at other of DCL-​independent RdDM that may be mediated by repeat sequences in euchromatic chromosome arms as some DCL-independent​ siRNAs or directly by P4 RNAs well as at the edges of long transposons, which are usu- (Fig. 1). RNase III enzymes other than DCL proteins ally located in heterochromatin36,73,74. By contrast, CMT2 could dice dsRNAs51, and in wild-type​ plants, they may catalyses CHH methylation at histone H1-containing work with DCLs in processing POL II, POL IV or POL V heterochromatin, where RdDM is inhibited. Methylation transcripts into siRNAs. by CMT2 is impaired by mutations in DECRESED DNA Genetic screens have identified some pre-​mRNA METHYLATION 1 (DDM1), which is a chromatin-​ splicing factors whose mutations reduce the levels of remodelling protein that is also required for maintain- POL IV-​dependent siRNAs to varying degrees52–55, ing DNA methylation in symmetric cytosine sequence

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a De novo methylation

NH2 NH2 CH3 CH N N Maintenance 3 mCG MET1 SUVH4 5′ O N O 5′ O N O SUVH5 mCHG CHG CMT3 O P O O P O CMT3 SUVH6 O O mCHG CMT2 O O CMT2 O O H3K9 m DRM2 H3K9me2 – – CHH O P O O P O CMT2 CH3 O O 3′ 3′

Demethylation Transcription b MEMS (methylstat) Transposon ROS1 m m mm


Genome-wide DNA methylation

Fig. 2 | Dynamic regulation of DNA methylation in plants. a | De novo DNA methylation can occur in all cytosine contexts. Following DNA replication, methylation in the symmetric CG context is maintained by METHYLTRANSFERASE 1 (MET1), whereas CHG (H represents A, T or C) methylation is maintained by CHROMOMETHYLASE 3 (CMT3) or CMT2 (refs63,64). Methylated CHG recruits the histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9)-specific methyltransferases SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION 3-9 HOMOLOGUE PROTEIN 4 (SUVH4), SUVH5 and SUVH6, and, in turn, dimethylated H3K9 (H3K9me2) facilitates CMT3 and CMT2 function, thereby forming a reinforcing loop between CHG methylation and H3K9 methylation65–72. Methylation in the asymmetric CHH context is maintained by DOMAINS REARRANGED METHYLASE 2 (DRM2) through RNA-directed​ DNA methylation (RdDM) or by CMT2 (refs74,75). DNA methylation can be removed by active demethylation that is initiated by DNA or by passive demethylation owing to failure in methylation maintenance following DNA replication77–82. b | The methylation (m) of DNA methylation monitoring sequence (MEMS) within the promoter region of OF SILENCING 1 (ROS1; a major DNA inArabidopsis thaliana) is required for ROS1 gene expression. DNA methylation at the MEMS is regulated by RdDM and MET1, and by ROS1 itself, and thus helps the plant to monitor cellular DNA methylation status to achieve a dynamic balance between DNA methylation and demethylation by fine-​tuning ROS1 transcription, and accordingly is termed a ‘methylstat’106–109.

contexts74,75. Maintenance of asymmetric methylation base excision repair pathway80–82 (Fig. 3a). Active DNA may also be affected by MET1 and CMT3 because demethylation in mammals also involves a DNA glyco- MET1-dependent methylation can be recognized by sylase and thus base excision repair. However, the plant SUVH2 and SUVH9 for recruitment of POL V at some DNA glycosylases can recognize and directly remove RdDM loci37 and because CMT3-dependent CHG the 5-mC base, whereas in mammals, the 5-mC must methylation increases H3K9me2 levels, which facili- be oxidized before the DNA glycosylase can catalyse tates CMT2-catalysed non-CG​ methylation64. Although base removal8,83. CHH cytosines can be methylated only by DRM2 and A. thaliana has a family of four bifunctional 5-mC CMT2, these two enzymes can also methylate cytosines DNA glycosylases, including REPRESSOR OF in other contexts. SILENCING 1 (ROS1), TRANSCRIPTIONAL DEMETER (DME), DEMETER-LIKE Active DNA demethylation. Lack of DNA methyltrans- PROTEIN 2 (DML2) and DML3 (refs80,82), which can ferase activity or shortage of a methyl donor following excise 5-mC from all cytosine sequence contexts81,84–87. DNA replication results in failure to maintain methyla- ROS1, DML2 and DML3 are expressed in all vegetative tion, which is known as passive DNA demethylation76–79. tissues, whereas DME is preferentially expressed in com- DNA methylation can also be erased enzymatically, panion cells of the female and male gametes, that is, in which is referred to as active DNA demethylation. In the central cell of the female gametophyte and in the contrast to the DNA methylation reaction, which is vegetative cell of the male gametophyte86,88. catalysed by a single DNA methyltransferase , During DNA demethylation, these bifunctional active DNA demethylation requires a team of enzymes, enzymes act first as DNA glycosylases to hydrolyse the with the enzyme initiating the process referred to glycosylic bond between the base and the deoxyribose as a DNA demethylase. In plants, a family of bifunc- and then as apurinic or apyrimidinic lyases to cut the DNA tional 5-mC DNA glycosylases–apurinic/apyrimidinic backbone and produce an abasic site (Fig. 3a). The lyases initiates active DNA demethylation through a excision of the 5-mC base is followed by β-​elimination

492 | AUGUST 2018 | volume 19 © 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. Reviews

ab Recruitment RdDM spreading IDM1 IDM3 HDP1 m m mm mm Non-RdDM IDM2 m m mm m m mm MBD7 HDP2 Transposon Gene m m mmm

H3K18Ac ROS1 ROS1 m m m m m mm m m mC mm m G Transposon Gene

NH2 Glycosylase CH3 N Fig. 3 | ROS1-mediated active DNA demethylation in Arabidopsis thaliana. a | REPRESSOR OF SILENCING 1 N O H (ROS1) is a 5-methylcytosine (m) DNA glycosylase and 80–82 G apurinic/apyrimidinic lyase that is recruited to a subset of demethylation target loci by the INCREASED DNA METHYL ATION (IDM) complex, in which IDM1 catalyses AP lyase -elimination , -elimination β β δ acetylation of histone H3 lysine 18 (H3K18Ac) to create a permissive chromatin environment for ROS1 function100. ROS1 After cleaving the glycosylic bond between the base and PUAP PP the deoxyribose, ROS1 cuts the DNA backbone at the 5′ 5′ abasic site by β-elimination​ or β,δ-elimination​ reactions, G G resulting in a gap with a 3′-phosphor-α​ ,β-unsaturated​ 5′ 5′ aldehyde (3′-PUA) terminus or with a 3′-phosphate (3′-P) APE1L ZDP terminus, respectively. The 3′ terminus is subsequently processed by DNA-(APURINIC OR APYRIMIDINIC SITE) LYASE (APE1L) or by the DNA phosphatase Base excision repair POLYNUCLEOTIDE 3′-PHOSPHATASE ZDP, and then an OH P unmethylated cytosine nucleotide is inserted at the gap by 5′ a yet unidentified DNA polymerase (POL?) and DNA LIGASE 1 89–93 G NH2 | 5′ (LIG1) . b ROS1-mediated demethylation helps to establish boundaries between transposons and genes, N POL ? thereby preventing the spreading of DNA methylation and N O transcriptional silencing from transposons to neighbouring H genes98. ROS1 mainly counteracts RNA-directed DNA LIG1 methylation (RdDM) but also prunes RdDM-independent​ DNA methylation18,19,80,98. HDP, HARBINGER TRANSPOSON-​ DERIVED PROTEIN; MBD7, METHYL-CPG-BINDING​ C G DOMAIN-​CONTAINING PROTEIN 7.

or β,δ-​elimination reactions, which result in a gap that to altered expression of nearby genes88,95–97. ROS1 also terminates with a 3ʹ-phosphor-α,β-​ unsaturated​ aldehyde targets transposons, which tend to be near genes98. This or with a 3ʹ phosphate, respectively. Subsequently, the suggests that ROS1-mediated demethylation helps to apurinic/apyrimidinic­ endonuclease DNA-(APURINIC establish boundaries between transposons and genes OR APYRIMIDINIC SITE) LYASE (APE1L) and and to prevent the spreading of DNA methylation and the DNA phosphatase POLYNUCLEOTIDE transcriptional silencing from transposons98. ROS1 is 3′-PHOSPHATASE ZDP function downstream of the particularly important for counteracting DNA meth- β-​elimination and β,δ-​elimination reactions, respec- ylation established by the RdDM pathway, although it tively, to generate a 3ʹ OH group so the gap can be filled also demethylates RdDM-​independent regions18,19,80,98 by DNA polymerase and ligase enzymes89–91 (Fig. 3a). (Fig. 3b). It remains unclear whether small RNAs, which A. thaliana DNA LIGASE 1 (LIG1) is probably the ligase determine target specificity in RdDM, also mediate in the active DNA demethylation pathway, as indicated the targeting of ROS1 to certain loci, even though the by its subcellular colocalization with ROS1, ZDP and RNA-​binding protein ROS3 is important for demeth- APE1L, and by the observation that LIG1 is essential ylation at several ROS1-dependent genomic regions99. for demethylation and activation of the maternally ROS1 targeted transposons and other genomic regions imprinted genes FLOWERING WAGENINGEN and are characterized by enrichment of acetylated H3K18 MEA (MEDEA) in the endosperm92,93. and of H3K27me3 and depletion of H3K27me and ROS1 was shown in vitro to randomly slide at a spe- H3K9me2 (ref.98). At a subset of ROS1 target loci, a cific target site94, but in cells on a global scale, DNA chromatin environment that is permissible for active demethylases exhibit target specificity, which depends demethylation is established by INCREASED DNA on distinct chromatin characteristics and on recruit- METHYLATION 1 (IDM1), which is a histone acetyl- ing proteins. Demethylation by DME favours small, that binds methylated DNA and acetylates AT-​rich transposons in euchromatic regions, leading histone H3 at chromatin sites lacking H3K4me2 and

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H3K4me3 (ref.100), that is, sites not yet associated with of ROS1-dependent DNA methylation levels in plant active transcription. cells106,107. For instance, in met1-3 plants, in which ROS1 Targeting ROS1 to some genomic regions is mediated expression is considerably decreased, CG hypomethyl- by an anti-​silencing protein complex, IDM, which con- ation at 5 S ribosomal DNA sequences is compensated sists of IDM1, IDM2, IDM3, METHYL-CPG-BINDING​ by a progressive increase in CHH methylation levels in DOMAIN-​CONTAINING PROTEIN 7 (MBD7), successive generations as a result of cumulative RdDM, HARBINGER TRANSPOSON-DERIVED​ PROTEIN 1 eventually resulting in re-establishment​ of transcription (HDP1) and HDP2 (refs100–103) (Fig. 3a). IDM2 is an silencing108. By contrast, decoupling ROS1 expression α-​crystallin domain-containing​ protein that interacts with from regulation by RdDM causes widespread methyl- IDM1 and is required for IDM1-dependent H3K18 ation loss and abnormal phenotypes that worsen pro- acetylation in planta101. MBD7 preferentially binds to gressively over generations109. Methylation-​sensitive highly methylated, CG-​dense regions and physically regulation of demethylase gene expression has also been interacts with IDM2, as well as with the IDM2 paralogue observed in rice, maize and A. lyrata107,110,111. Thus, this IDM3, which also interacts with IDM1 and is required to methylstat may be a conserved mechanism for regulat- prevent gene repression and DNA hypermethylation102,104. ing DNA methylation dynamics in plants. The methyl- Although the IDM complex is proposed to ensure IDM1 stat mechanism may also exist in non-​plant organisms targeting to methylated DNA loci, how IDM1-catalysed with DNA methylation, including in mammalian cells, histone acetylation helps to recruit ROS1 for active DNA where it could help explain the genome-wide​ hypometh- demethylation remains undetermined. ylation concurrent with locus-specific​ hypermethylation in cells and in humans112,113. Coordination between DNA methylation and demethyl­ation. ROS1 antagonizes RdDM to pre- Molecular functions of DNA methylation vent DNA hypermethylation at specific loci, and DNA methylation, in combination with histone modi- ROS1 gene expression is reduced in all known RdDM fications and non-​histone proteins, defines chromatin mutants17,72,105–107. These observations revealed that DNA structure and accessibility. DNA methylation therefore methylation and active demethylation activities are coor- helps to regulate gene expression, transposon silencing, dinated. A recent study of the A. thaliana DNA methy- chromosome interactions (Fig. 4) and trait inheritance lome showed that ROS1 activity counteracts RdDM at (Supplementary Box 1). over 2,000 genomic regions. These regions were hyper- methylated in ros1-4­ mutant plants but not in double Gene regulation. Gene-​associated DNA methylation mutant ros1-4 and nrpd1-3 plants, which have defective in plants can occur in the promoter or within the tran- functioning of both ROS1 and the largest subunit of POL scribed gene body. Promoter DNA methylation usually IV, DNA-​DIRECTED POL IV SUBUNIT 1 (NRPD1)98. inhibits gene transcription, although in some cases it The nrpd1-3 mutant displayed considerably lower levels promotes gene transcription, such as in the ROS1 gene of ROS1 gene expression and DNA hypermethylation in in A. thaliana and in hundreds of genes that inhibit fruit many genomic regions. Methylome analysis suggested ripening in tomato3,8,12,106,107. Promoter DNA methylation that genomic hypermethylation in the nrpd1-3 mutant is directly represses transcription by inhibiting the ­binding at least partly due to suppressed ROS1 expression. of transcription activators or promoting the binding of In addition to RdDM mutants, met1 mutants also transcription or indirectly represses tran- showed suppressed ROS1 gene expression108. The ROS1 scription by promoting repressive histone modifications gene promoter contains a 39 bp sequence in which such as H3K9me2 and inhibiting permissive is decreased in met1 and RdDM mutants. modifications such as histone acetylation114,115 (Fig. 4a). Because hypomethylation in this particular sequence is How promoter methylation activates gene transcription accompanied by ROS1 gene repression, it appears that is less understood. Presumably, DNA methylation may this sequence, termed the DNA methylation monitoring enhance the binding of some transcription activators or sequence (MEMS)106, may serve as a general indicator may inhibit the binding of some transcription repres- of RdDM and MET1 activities and may thus allow the sors. DNA methylation at promoters is often a result of coordination between DNA methylation and active DNA the spreading of methylation machineries from nearby demethylation through transcriptional regulation of ROS1 transposons and other repeats. The gene-adjacent​ trans- (Fig. 2b). Consistent with this model, DNA hypermethyla- posons and repeats are also targeted by active DNA tion of MEMS occurred in loss-​of-function ros1 mutants, demethylation machineries to protect the genes from showing that MEMS is also targeted by ROS1 (ref.106). The transcriptional silencing98. In the case of genes activated α-Crystallin​ domain hypermethylation of MEMS in ros1 mutants is accompa- by promoter DNA methylation, active demethylation A motif of approximately 100 nied by increased ROS1 expression106. Upstream of MEMS, causes transcriptional silencing of the genes3,106. amino acids that is helitron characteristic of evolutionarily the ROS1 gene promoter contains a transposon In A. thaliana, only approximately 5% of the genes conserved small heat that may help attract DNA methylation factors and render are methylated in promoter regions. As a result, DNA shock proteins. the promoter responsive to DNA methylation. The specific methylation does not regulate the transcription of many transcription factors that promote ROS1 transcription by genes, and most mutants with decreased or increased Helitron DNA methylation have not been identified. DNA methylation do not have severely impaired growth A major class of eukaryotic 11 transposons that transpose Like a thermostat that senses and maintains a or development . By contrast, crop plants with larger through rolling-circle​ stable temperature, MEMS can be considered as genomes can have a higher transposon content and more replication. a ‘methylstat’ sequence that maintains homeostasis transposons that are close to genes; consequently, there

494 | AUGUST 2018 | volume 19 © 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. Reviews

are more genes with promoter methylation3. Therefore, The gene bodies of over one-third​ of A. thaliana genes DNA methylation has more important roles in gene are methylated12. In contrast to transposons and repeats, regulation in several crop plants than in A. thaliana, which are usually heavily methylated in all three cyto- and DNA methylation mutants in these crop plants sine contexts, DNA methylation in gene bodies has very are generally either lethal or have severe growth and little non-​CG methylation12,13,120,121 (Fig. 4b). Gene body developmental­ defects3,116–119. methylation (gbM) preferentially occurs at exons and is absent from the transcription start and stop sites121. As a conserved feature in most angiosperms, genes with a Transcription repression or activation gbM tend to be longer than unmethylated genes and are Transcription Transcription Transcription Transcription generally constitutively expressed12,121,122. In two angio- repressor activator activator repressor sperms, Eutrema salsugineum and Conringia planisiliqua, Chromosome genome-​wide loss of gbM was attributed to the loss of 123,124 m mm m mm CMT3 (refs ). Levels of gbM decreased in A. thaliana or with reduced histone H3.3 levels, and this correlated with b Gene body methylation (function unclear) increased density of the linker histone H1, suggesting that m mm m mmm gbM is facilitated by histone H3.3, which inhibits histone CG CG CG CG CG CG CG H1-dependent chromatin folding and consequently increases chromatin accessibility to DNA methylases125. c Regulation of RNA processing Gene body CG methylation is almost completely H3K9me2 absent in the A. thaliana met1-3 mutant, in which EDM2 steady-​state mRNA levels of gbM genes do not appear m m Exon m m to be globally increased relative to unmethylated genes12. AIPP1 POL II Intron ASI1 Additionally, natural variation in gbM does not correlate with global gene expression levels in A. thaliana popu- 5′ lations126. On the other hand, a comparison between the d Silencing of transposons and other repeats grass Brachypodium distachyon and rice (Oryza sativa Japonica group) showed that gbM is strongly conserved among orthologues of the two species and affects a m m m mmm m m m m m m mmm m m biased subset of long, slowly evolving genes121. Thus, the biological importance of gbM in angiosperms seems to be species dependent. Considering that enrichment of the histone variant H2A.Z in gene bodies correlates with gene responsiveness to environmental and developmen- e Chromosome interactions tal stimuli and that the genomic distributions of H2A.Z H3K4me3 and DNA methylation in A. thaliana are anti-correlative,​ gbM was proposed to reduce gene expression variability 127 m by excluding H2A.Z from . In addition, m mm gbM in plants may prevent aberrant transcription from m m m m m m m m m internal cryptic promoters128. Indeed, in mouse cells, intragenic DNA methylation protects the gene body mm m m m m from spurious Pol II entry and cryptic transcription m m 129 m m initiation . It was also suggested that gbM increases pre-​mRNA splicing efficiency in plants127, which is con- sistent with the observation that a small portion of alter- native exon–intron junctions are affected by the global loss of CG methylation in the O. sativa met1-2 mutant130. Fig. 4 | Cellular functions of DNA methylation in plants. DNA methylation controls gene expression, transposon silencing and chromosome interactions. a | DNA methylation Some gene introns harbour transposons or other (m) in gene promoters usually represses transcription, but in some cases, it can increase repeats, which are heavily methylated in all cyto- transcription3,8,12,106,107. b | DNA methylation in gene bodies mainly exists in the CG sine sequences and regulate mRNA processing, for context12,13,120,121, and its function remains to be elucidated. c | DNA methylation in example, alternative polyadenylation. Loss of DNA some heterochromatin introns attracts the ANTI-SILENCING​ 1 (ASI1)–ASI1- methylation in a long interspersed nuclear element IMMUNOPRECIPITATED PROTEIN 1 (AIPP1)–ENHANCED DOWNY MILDEW 2 (EDM2) retrotransposon in the intron of the homeotic gene complex to promote the selection of alternative distal polyadenylation sites (red asterisks) DEFICIENS causes and premature 132–136 during mRNA processing . ASI1 associates with chromatin and binds RNA; EDM2 termination and consequently the generation of the recognizes dimethylated histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me2) in the intronic heterochromatin. unproductive mantled somaclonal variant of oil palm131. d | DNA methylation is also important for silencing transposons and other DNA repeats, An intron of the A. thaliana INCREASE IN BONSAI which are mainly located in pericentromeric heterochromatin12,120. e | DNA methylation is involved in chromosome interactions among pericentromeric regions and at some METHYLATION 1 (IBM1; also known as JMJ25) gene, interactive heterochromatin islands, which are repressive chromatin regions located on which encodes a histone H3K9 demethylase, contains a the otherwise euchromatic chromosome arms and are characterized by abundant heterochromatic repeat element that is recognized by a transposons and small RNAs145,146. In all panels, transposons and other repeats are in yellow newly discovered protein complex that promotes distal and genes are in blue. Black and yellow chromosomal regions represent centromeric and polyadenyl­ation of IBM1 transcripts132–136 (Fig. 4c). This pericentromeric regions, respectively. POL II, RNA POLYMERASE II. protein complex consists of ANTI-SILENCING​ 1 (ASI1),

NATuRe RevieWS | MOleCulAR Cell BiOlOgy volume 19 | AUGUST 2018 | 495 © 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. Reviews

Box 1 | DNA methylation in tissue culture RdDM-dependent​ CHH methylation islands, which are short regions with elevated CHH methylation. Loss of Tissue culture is important for clonal propagation and for CHH methylation islands frequently leads to transcrip- the genetic transformation of plants. Tissue culture tion activation accompanied by CG and CHG hypo- includes of explants to undifferentiated methylation in nearby transposons, suggesting that masses of cells, known as calli, and regeneration of new plants from the calli. Plant DNA methylation patterns RdDM in maize is required to prevent silenced trans- change substantially during tissue culturing138,235–242, posons from being activated by euchromatin of nearby 137 indicating that the cells undergo extensive epigenetic active genes . In sugar beets, asymmetric methylation . Arabidopsis thaliana shoot appears to be preferentially involved in silencing DNA regeneration requires auxin-​mediated induction of transposons, which show higher CHH methylation lev- the expression of the gene WUS, which encodes els than retrotransposons and genes138. Interestingly, the WUSCHEL and whose pericentromeric regions in A. thaliana and tomato dis- 239–241 promoter DNA is otherwise methylated . DNA play biased CHH methylation, with low levels of methyl- hypomethylation achieved by dysfunction of the DNA ated CCG and over-​representation of methylated CAA, methyltransferases CHROMOMETHYLASE 3 (CMT3) or CTA or CAT; by contrast, asymmetric methylation in METHYLTRANSFERASE 1 (MET1) leads to direct induction of WUS expression by a cytokinin-​rich shoot-​ euchromatin regions is context-​independent in the two 139 inducing medium without the need for pre-​incubation dicots . In the monocots maize and rice, the context-​ on auxin-rich​ callus-inducing​ medium, resulting in dependent bias in CHH methylation is dispersed accelerated de novo shoot regeneration241,242. DNA throughout the chromosomes139. methylation, therefore, may be manipulated to enable or Transposon is common in A. thaliana expedite the tissue culture process, which could be mutants defective in DNA methylation; however, trans- important for the many plants for which tissue culture position has been observed for only a few transposons, and regeneration are still very difficult. possibly owing to suppression by post-​transcriptional mechanisms. Dysfunction of MET1 or CMT3 infre- ENHANCED DOWNY MILDEW 2 (EDM2) and ASI1- quently caused transposon mobilization, whereas IMMUNOPRECIPITATED PROTEIN 1 (AIPP1). ASI1 double mutations of these two DNA methylases or is an RNA-​binding protein that contains a BAH domain dysfunction of DDM1 resulted in strong DNA hypo- that may mediate its chromatin association with the methylation in both CG and CHG contexts and was heterochromatin region within the IBM1 intron132,133. accompanied by elevated levels of transposition140–142. EDM2 contains a composite plant homeodomain Compared with wild-​type plants, the nrpd1 mutant (PHD) that recognizes both the transcription-repressing​ showed more frequent transposition of the retrotrans- H3K9me2 and transcription-activating​ H3K4me3 mod- poson ONSEN in response to heat stress143; however, ifications, which together characterize introns that con- transposition has not been reported in mutants defec- tain heterochromatin repeats134. AIPP1 interacts with tive in CMT2 or RdDM factors in non-​stressed con- both ASI1 and EDM2, thereby promoting the formation ditions, indicating that CHH methylation does not of the complex, which also promotes distal polyadenyla- function alone in suppressing transposon mobiliza- tion of many other genes that similarly harbour intronic tion in A. thaliana. In rice, the ROS1 homologue DNA heterochromatin135, although the mechanism by which GLYCOSYLASE/LYASE 701 influenced transposition of the complex promotes alternative polyadenylation is the retrotransposon Tos17, indicating that DNA hypo- unknown. Mutation of ASI1, EDM2 or AIPP1 indirectly methylation through active demethylation can also causes owing to the loss of full-​length, facilitate transposon mobilization144. functional transcripts of IBM1. ASI1 also associates with AIPP2, which has a PHD domain, AIPP3, which has a Chromosome interactions. DNA methylation influ- BAH domain, and the POL II carboxy-​terminal domain ences the epigenetic state of chromatin and thus can be phosphatase CARBOXY-TERMINAL​ PHOSPHATASE-​ involved in chromosome interactions. In the A. thaliana LIKE 2 (ref.135). Intriguingly, mutations in the three pro- nucleus, all five chromosomes interact in a structure teins had opposing effects on gene regulation compared termed KNOT145. Chromosomal regions that form with mutations in the ASI1–AIPP1–EDM2 complex135. the KNOT structure comprise interactive heterochro- matin islands (IHIs), which are repressive chromatin Transposon silencing. Transposons can threaten genome regions located in euchromatic chromosome arms and stability through the relocation of DNA transposons or are characterized by abundant transposons and robust the insertion of new copies of retrotransposons. enrichment of small RNAs145,146. IHI interactions are not In A. thaliana, pericentromeric heterochromatin affected in met1 and ddm1 mutants, both of which show and some transposon-​containing or repeat-​containing extensive DNA hypomethylation in all cytosine contexts,

Homeotic gene euchromatin regions are heavily methylated in all cyto- as well as in the suvh4–suvh5–suvh6 triple mutant, which 12,120 146 A gene that controls pattern sine contexts (Fig. 4d). RdDM maintains asymmetric is defective in H3K9 methylation . Thus, DNA meth- formation during development. (CHH) methylation in short transposons and along the ylation and H3K9me2 may be dispensable for chromo- edges of long transposons; asymmetric methylation in some interactions at IHIs. In addition, ectopic IHI loci Mantled the internal regions of heterochromatic, long transpo­ were observed in met1 and ddm1 mutants146. Therefore, A type of abnormality in oil palm male floral organs in sons is dependent on DDM1 and is catalysed by CMT2 it seems that potential chromosome interactions are 64,74 which they transform into (refs ). In the maize genome, active genes and inactive suppressed by DNA methylation, although the mecha- supernumerary carpels. transposons are interspersed and are often separated by nisms underlying the appearance of the new IHIs remain

496 | AUGUST 2018 | volume 19 © 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. Reviews

unclear. Similarly, the frequency of chromosomal inter- produced from demethylated and de-​silenced trans- actions at some RdDM regions is increased in mutants posons and travel from the vegetative cell to the sperm defective in RdDM, indicating that RdDM prevents cells, where they reinforce RdDM97,150,151. A. thaliana certain genomic regions from forming chromosome POL V and DRM2, but not POL IV, which is necessary interactions in wild-​type plants147. Moreover, enhanced for siRNA production in the canonical RdDM path- chromosome interaction was observed between POL way, were also detected in egg cells152; thus, transposon V-​dependent DNA methylation sites and distal genes ­siRNAs that accumulate in the sperm cells may also rein- that are repressed by RdDM, indicating that chromo- force transposon silencing after fertilization of egg cells. some interactions may have a regulatory function in Later, during seed development, global levels of CHH gene expression147. methylation increase; subsequently, during germination, In addition to the KNOT, strong chromosome inter- they decrease owing to passive demethylation, indicat- actions occur among pericentromeric regions, including ing a potential role of DNA methylation in seed dor- the heterochromatin knob on the short arm of chromo- mancy153–156. Although CHH methylation levels in the some 4 (refs145,146) (Fig. 4e). Unlike IHIs, chromosome male sexual lineage are generally lower than in somatic interactions at pericentromeric regions are impaired cells, hundreds of RdDM-​dependent hypermethyl­ by the loss of DNA methylation in met1 and ddm1, as ation loci were identified; this sexual-​lineage-specific shown by the reduced interactions among pericentro- ­methylation was shown to be important for meiosis157. meric regions, the increased interactions between peri- The maternal genome in the endosperm is less centromeres and euchromatic chromosome arms and methyl­ated than the paternal genome, particularly a clear shift in the locations of the interactive portions in the CG context95,96,148,158,159. This parent-​of-origin-​ within pericentromeric regions in mutant compared with specific methylation strongly correlates with a corre- wild-type​ nuclei146. Pericentromeric interaction patterns sponding parent-​of-origin-​specific gene expression are similar in the suvh4–suvh5–suvh6 triple mutant and (gene imprinting) at many loci in the endosperm158–161. met1 or ddm1 mutants, except that no shift in pericentro­ A common feature of maternally expressed genes (MEGs) meric interaction regions was observed in the former. is that the maternal allele is hypomethylated, whereas Chromosome interaction patterns are not changed by the paternal allele is methylated and repressed (Fig. 5b). dysfunction of CMT3 (ref.146), indicating that the altered At certain MEGs, such as MEDEA in A. thaliana, the chromosome interaction patterns in suvh4–suvh5–suvh6 paternal allele is silenced by the repressive histone modi- mutant result from the loss of H3K9me2 rather than the fication H3K27me3 instead of by DNA methylation81,162. loss of CHG methylation, even though DNA methylation Dysfunction of either maternal DME or paternal is a major epigenetic determinant of plant chromosome MET1 disrupts the imprinting of MEGs, demonstrat- interactions at pericentromeric regions. ing that some MEGs can be attributed to allele-specific​ repression of DNA methylation163–166. DNA methylation in plant development The maternal alleles of paternally expressed genes DNA methylation levels in different tissues or cell types (PEGs) are typically marked by H3K27me3 (Fig. 5b). are tightly controlled during growth and development This histone modification is thought to underlie the and throughout a plant’s cycle, reflecting impor- silencing of maternal alleles that exhibit DNA hypo- tant roles of DNA methylation in plant ­ methylation158,163,167. As recently shown in maize (Box 1; Fig. 5). endosperms, PEGs are marked by H3K27me3 on the silenced, DNA-​hypomethylated maternal allele and by Imprinting and seed development. A. thaliana plants the active modification on the expressed, use a double-​fertilization strategy that depends on the DNA-​hypermethylated paternal allele. By contrast, multicellular nature of male and female gametophytes. endosperm-​specific MEGs are marked near the tran- Each of the two sperm cells in pollen fertilizes the egg scription start sites by DNA methylation in the paternal cell and the central cell in the female gametophyte, allele and by the active modification H3K4me3 in the thereby producing the embryo and the endosperm, maternal allele168. respectively. Rice and A. thaliana endosperms dis- play global DNA hypomethylation compared with the Vegetative growth and pattern formation. Plant meri­ embryos95–97,148. In A. thaliana, this is partially attributed stems harbour the stem cells that are the source of all to DME-​dependent active demethylation in the central tissues and organs. In A. thaliana, transcript levels of cell (the companion cell of the female gamete) before RdDM factors are higher in meristem tissues than in fertilization95,97,149 (Fig. 5a). Transcriptional repression of tissues that grow mostly by cell expansion, such as those MET1 also occurs during female gametogenesis but does in the hypocotyl or differentiated leaves169. Comparison not seem to contribute to the extensive demethylation, of various cell types in the root meristem revealed that as genome-wide​ CG hypomethylation was not observed DNA methylation levels are highest in columella cells, in the wild-​type endosperm, as would be expected with possibly because these cells have less condensed pericen- lower MET1 activity, and DNA methylation is almost tromeric chromatin, which allows greater accessibility to fully recovered in the dme mutant endosperm97,149. RdDM factors170. Although no obvious meristem defects DME-​mediated DNA demethylation also occurs in have been reported for A. thaliana RdDM mutants, rice Columella cells A layer of cells that form the the male gamete companion cell (the vegetative cell) and maize RdDM mutants display strong developmental 116–118,171 root cap and protect the and is concurrent with considerable downregulation abnormalities that likely reflect crucial roles for growing root tip. of DDM1 (refs97,150) (Fig. 5a). Consequently, siRNAs are these factors in meristem function.

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ab MEGs m DDM1 Vegetative m m cell nucleus DME m DME De-silencing m m m m Transcription Transposon m MEG siRNAs H3K4me3

MET1 Sperm cell Sperm cell m m m m m m m m m m m m MEG Transposon Transposon H3K27me3 Silenced Silenced

Egg cell Central cell nucleus mm DME m m PEGs POL V POL IV m

DRM2 Global demethylation PEG H3K27me3 Endosperm Global demethylation m with reinforced CHH Fertilization Transcription PEG H3K36me3 Fertilization Embryo

Reinforced mCHH d c DML2 expression ROS1 mC level m m m m EPF2 EPF2 CMT3 Stomata m m mm ERECTA formation Tomato fruit ripening ERECTA

H3K9me2 m mm IBM1 CNR SUVH4 Epimutation Fig. 5 | Roles of DNA methylation in plant growth and development. a | In the Arabidopsis thaliana male gamete companion cell (vegetative cell), transposons are derepressed by TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATOR DEMETER (DME)-mediated active DNA demethylation and by downregulation of the chromatin remodeller DECREASED DNA METHYL ATION 1 (DDM1)97,150. Transposon transcripts are processed into small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), which travel from the vegetative cell to the two sperm cells, where they reinforce transposon silencing through DNA methylation (m)97,150,151. One of the sperm cells fertilizes the female gamete companion cell (central cell), which undergoes DME-mediated​ global demethylation, and together, they yield the endosperm that also shows global demethylation but has reinforced CHH (where H represents A, T or C) methylation at transposons95,97. The other sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell, where RNA POLYMERASE V (POL V) and the DNA methyltransferase DOMAINS REARRANGED METHYLASE 2 (DRM2), but not POL IV, are detected152, and together, they produce the embryo, which shows reinforced CHH methylation. b | In the endosperm, gene imprinting occurs at maternally expressed genes (MEGs) or paternally expressed genes (PEGs). The maternal allele of MEGs is commonly characterized by DNA hypomethylation and trimethylation of histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4me3), whereas the paternal allele of MEGs is silenced by DNA hypermethylation or H3K27me3 (refs81,162). The paternal allele of PEGs is active and characterized by H3K36me3, whereas the maternal allele can be silenced by H3K27me3( ref.168). c | The DNA demethylase REPRESSOR OF SILENCING 1 (ROS1) prunes DNA methylation at the promoter of the gene that encodes EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 (EPF2), which is a ligand that represses stomata formation174. Three LRR RECEPTOR-​ LIKE SERINE/THREONINE-PROTEIN​ ERECTA genes that encode EPF2 receptors are negatively regulated by CHROMOMETHYL ASE 3 (CMT3)-catalysed CHG methylation and SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION 3-9 HOMOLOG PROTEIN 4 (SUVH4)-catalysed histone H3K9 dimethylation175. Mutations in ROS1 or the H3K9 demethylase INCREASE IN BONSAI METHYL ATION 1 (IBM1) cause the silencing of EPF2 or the ERECTA genes, respectively, resulting in over-​ production of stomatal lineage cells in A. thaliana. d | During tomato fruit ripening, expression of the DNA demethylase DME-​LIKE 2 (DML2) gradually increases, leading to progressive loss of 5-methylcytosine (mC) DNA methylation at hundreds of loci, including at many genes involved in ripening such asCNR , which encodes COLOURLESS NON-RIPENING​ and whose epimutation is known to inhibit ripening3,119. MET1, METHYLTRANSFERASE 1.

498 | AUGUST 2018 | volume 19 © 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. Reviews

Many developmental genes in rice are repressed by demethylase DME-​LIKE 2 (DML2), whose expression SET DOMAIN GROUP PROTEIN 711 (SDG711)- increases dramatically in ripening fruits, mediates the dependent H3K27me3 deposition after leaves develop progressive DNA demethylation that occurs during fruit from the shoot apical meristem172. Unlike endosperm ripening3,119 (Fig. 5d). S. lycopersicum DML2 targets not H3K27me3, which seems to antagonize DNA methyl- only ripening-induced​ genes but also ripening-repressed​ ation, SDG711-dependent H3K27me3 coexists with genes, indicating that active DNA demethylation is O. sativa DRM2-catalysed non-​CG DNA methylation required for both the activation of ripening-​induced in gene bodies. SDG711 physically interacts with DRM2, genes and the inhibition of ripening-​repressed genes3. whose mutation reduces SDG711 binding to chromatin The inhibition of hundreds of ripening-​repressed genes and H3K27me3 deposition at the repressed genes172. In by DML2-mediated demethylation suggests that the maize, maintenance DNA methyltransferases are differ- activation of gene transcription by promoter DNA entially regulated during leaf growth, resulting in distinct methylation is an important mechanism of gene regu- CG and CHG methylation patterns among the division lation in tomato fruits. In loss-of-function​ dml2 tomato zone, transition zone, elongation zone and mature zone, mutants, fruits cannot ripen3. DNA methylation changes which collectively represent the spatial gradient of cells may be involved in the growth and ripening of other in the leaf173. Differential DNA methylation in maize fruits. Skin anthocyanin accumulation in apple fruits leaves mainly occurs at or near gene bodies, including was negatively correlated with DNA methylation levels in some genes involved in chromatin remodelling, cell in the Malus domestica MYB10 gene promoter177,178. On a cycle progression and growth regulation. Although non-​ whole-genome​ level, developing apple fruits show CHH CG gbM positively correlates with SDG711-dependent hypermethylation compared with leaves, and compar- gene repression in rice172, maize genes with differential ison between isogenic fruits also suggested a linkage gbM do not have altered transcript levels. By contrast, between lower DNA methylation levels and smaller methylation in promoter regions is negatively correlated fruit size179. with gene expression173, indicating DNA methylation has an important role in leaf growth in maize. Epialleles and plant development. Isogenic plants may DNA methylation is important for pattern for- be distinguished by epialleles, which are alleles with mation of some leaf epidermal cells in A. thaliana. different epigenetic modifications that are heritable ROS1 dysfunction causes promoter hypermethylation through generations. Natural epialleles have been iso- and repression of the gene EPIDERMAL lated in various crop species, such as tomato, rice and PATTERNING FACTOR 2 (EPF2), which is a pep- cotton, and affect important traits180–182. In the tomato cnr tide ligand that represses stomata formation, result- epimutant, the CNR gene is transcriptionally repressed ing in over-​production of stomatal lineage cells in by DNA hypermethylation in the promoter, resulting in A. thaliana174. Similarly, dysfunction of the H3K9 colourless, non-ripening​ fruits180 (Fig. 5d). In rice with the demethylase IBM1 results in increased levels of rav6 epiallele, promoter DNA hypomethylation causes H3K9me2 and CHG DNA methylation and repression ectopic expression of RELATED TO ABSCISIC ACID of three LRR RECEPTOR-LIKE​ SERINE/THREONINE-​ INSENSITIVE3/VIVIPAROUS1 6, which alters leaf ERECTA family genes that encode angle by modulating brassinosteroid homeostasis181. In receptors of EPF2, leading to similar defects in stomatal domesticated allotetraploid cotton, CONSTANS-LIKE​ 2D pattern formation as those seen in ros1 plants175. The is hypomethylated compared with its epiallele in wild abnormal epigenetic regulation of stomatal pattern for- cotton, and flowering is consequently promoted182. mation can be rescued by mutations of RdDM factors in Spontaneous epialleles are rare in A. thaliana183. ros1 plants or by mutations in the H3K9 methyltrans- However, in the mutants met1 and ddm1, the mas- ferase SUVH4 or in CMT3 in ibm1 plants174,175, thereby sive loss of DNA methylation genome wide can only representing two DNA methylation-​mediated mech- be partially restored after re-​introduction of the cor- anisms for regulating leaf epidermal cell patterning in responding wild-​type genes, thereby disclosing epi- A. thaliana (Fig. 5c). alleles that can be induced and stably inherited184–186. Genetic crossing of isogenic plants with contrasting Fruit ripening. About 1% of the DNA methylome in generates epigenetic recombinant inbred the fruit pericarp is altered during tomato fruit devel- lines (epiRILs), which display both stable inheritance opment. Active DNA demethylation occurs at many of epialleles and interspersed nonparental methylation fruit-​ripening genes whose promoter regions con- polymorphisms in their progenies184,187. In addition to tain binding sites for RIPENING-​INHIBITOR (RIN), involvement in hybrid incompatibility and paramuta- which is a major ripening transcription factor3,176. The tion188,189, epialleles can also contribute to heterosis, as binding of RIN to target promoters was confirmed in shown in A. thaliana epiRILs190,191. Allotetraploid A polyploid with four sets of most of the known ripening genes whose expression chromosomes derived from negatively correlated with promoter DNA methylation Responses to environmental stimuli two or more diverged taxa. levels. Treatment with a chemical inhibitor of DNA DNA methylation functions in the response of plants methylation induced promoter hypomethylation and to various biotic and abiotic environmental stimuli. Heterosis expression of the gene encoding COLOURLESS NON-​ There is considerable interest in whether the physical The increase in characteristics, such as size and yield, of a RIPENING (CNR), which is a key RIN-​targeted gene environment may change DNA methylation, partly hybrid organism over those for fruit ripening, and also induced premature ripen- owing to a fascination about possible plant of of its parents. ing of tomato fruits176. The Solanum lycopersicum DNA past environments. Studies of A. thaliana population

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epigenomes have revealed not only methylation-​based Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis is increased in DNA quantitative epigenetic trait loci192 but also a correlation hypomethylation mutants such as nrpe1 and is decreased between DNA methylation and local adaptation, and in DNA hypermethylation mutants such as ros1 (ref.205). these are highlighted by the observation that geographic In addition to increasing resistance to biotrophic patho­ origin is linked with genome-​wide DNA methylation gens, POL V mutations also decrease resistance to levels and with differential gene expression caused by the fungal necrotrophic pathogens Botrytis cinerea and epialleles126,193. In addition, accumulating evidence Plectosphaerella cucumerina. Unlike POL V mutants, has demonstrated that plant DNA methylation can be an nrpd1 (POL IV) mutant does not have altered resist- altered at individual loci or across the entire genome ance to either Pst DC3000 or the fungal pathogens202, under environmental stress conditions, although it indicating that POL V can regulate plant immune remains unclear whether any of the changes in response responses independently of canonical RdDM. However, to abiotic stress are adaptive (Fig. 6a). increased susceptibility to Pst DC3000 was observed in plants with the AGO4 mutant alleles ago4-1 and ago4-2, Biotic stress. Plants display genome-wide​ DNA methyl- which suggests that AGO4 has a unique function in plant ation changes in response to infection by pathogens and disease resistance compared with other RdDM factors201,202. colonization by symbiotic microorganisms. Nodulation Comparison of the DNA demethylase triple mutant in Medicago truncatula requires the demethylase ros1–dml2–dml3 and wild-​type A. thaliana revealed DME194. During nodule development, several hundred that DNA hypermethylation in the mutant preferen- genomic regions are differentially methylated, including tially occurs at regions flanking gene bodies, including a small subset of nodule-​specific symbiosis genes194,195. upstream promoter regions and 3ʹ untranslated regions. Widespread DNA hypomethylation was observed in Over 200 genes are repressed in the ros1–dml2–dml3 soybean and A. thaliana roots infected by cyst nema- plants, a substantial portion of which have known or todes196,197. In A. thaliana leaves, exposure to the bac- putative functions in biotic stress response and are terial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. enriched with small transposons in their promot- DC3000 (Pst DC3000) causes mild but widespread dif- ers. Consistent with this, the ros1–dml2–dml3 mutant ferential DNA methylation; the differentially methylated exhibits increased susceptibility to the fungal pathogen cytosines are found mainly in CG and CHH contexts Fusarium oxysporum204 (Fig. 6b). It is therefore apparent in gene-​rich regions, especially at the 5ʹ and 3ʹ ends of that plants dynamically regulate DNA methylation to protein-coding​ genes. Moreover, Pst DC3000-responsive regulate the expression of defence genes. DNA methylation negatively correlates with the expres- sion levels of nearby genes across the genome198, indi- Abiotic stress. Researchers have intensively explored the cating that DNA methylation at gene boundaries is potential roles of DNA methylation in plant responses under dynamic regulation and possibly contributes to to a wide range of abiotic environmental stress condi- differential gene expression in response to pathogens. tions, including heat, cold, drought, high salinity, hyper- Viroids, which are plant pathogenic ncRNAs, induce osmotic stress, ultraviolet radiation stress, soil nutrient DNA demethylation in promoter regions and transcrip- deficiency, laser irradiation, anoxia and re-​oxygenation, tion activation of some ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes in pesticides and climate change. This research has involved cucumber leaves and pollen grains, resulting in accumu- a variety of plants including A. thaliana, maize, rice, win- lation of abundant small RNAs derived from rRNA199,200. ter wheat, Brassica rapa, Brassica napus, barley, Populus Exogenous application of salicylic acid, which is a phyto­ trichocarpa and Quercus lobata207–227. Similar to the stud- hormone crucial for plant resistance to pathogens, led ies on plant responses to biotic stress, many early studies to megabase-scale​ DNA hypomethylation in pericentro- of abiotic stress showed stress-​induced DNA methyla- meric regions in A. thaliana, which was accompanied tion and/or demethylation patterns either genome wide by increased levels of 21-nucleotide siRNAs derived or at specific loci. In some cases, these changes in DNA from hypomethylated transposons198. Genes encoding methylation may be associated with transcriptional regu- nucleotide-binding​ and oligomerization domain-like​ receptors lation of genes involved in plant stress responses210–212,228, are the major sites of methylation variation among over suggesting that DNA methylation is important in 1,000 worldwide A. thaliana accessions126, suggesting mediating plant responses to abiotic environmental that biotic environmental factors are the major force stimuli. Recent studies have highlighted the potential Nucleotide-binding​ and shaping plant epigenomes. importance of persistent stress for establishing DNA oligomerization domain-like​ 209,219,224 receptors Mutations in regulators of DNA methylation or methylation-dependent​ stress memory in plants . Receptors that mediate demethylation can alter plant susceptibility to certain Inorganic phosphate (Pi) starvation in rice plants recognition of pathogen pathogens201–206. Infiltration of A. thaliana leaves with generates over 100 differentially methylated regions avirulence effectors and the bacterial flagellin-​derived peptide flg22 triggers (DMRs), which are mostly CHH hypermethylated and activate immune responses. gene suppression of RdDM factors, which is concomi- almost exclusively overlap with transposons near stress-​ Biotrophic pathogen tant with DNA demethylation and transcription activa- responsive genes known as Pi-starvation-induced​ (PSI) A pathogen that feeds on only tion of some RdDM targets, including promoter regions genes207. Time course analyses revealed that PSI-​gene live host cells. of some immune-​responsive genes203. The ros1 mutant transcription occurred before the local DNA methyla- and the RdDM mutants display increased and reduced, tion change, indicating that these DMRs may be con- Necrotrophic pathogens Pathogens that feed on respectively, multiplication and vascular propagation of sequences of PSI-​gene activation and may not affect 203 nutrients released from Pst DC3000 in leaves compared with wild-​type plants . the stress responses. Consistent with this possibility, dead cells. Similarly, plant resistance to the biotrophic pathogen after the plants had been resupplied with inorganic

500 | AUGUST 2018 | volume 19 © 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. Reviews

abBiotic or abiotic stress Pathogen

Transcription m

Transposon Biotic stress-responsive gene Normal susceptibility


? m m m m m m m m Stress-responsive Changes in C and gene expression other epigenetic Increased modifications susceptibility

c Reprogrammed epigenetic landscape m m m mm Gene

Inherited changes in epigenetic modifications Stress (stress memory?) H3K9me2 Transcription m

DDM1 or MOM1 Dysfunction of DDM1 and MOM1 Reproduction No stress Repeated stress m

Fig. 6 | Stress-​responsive changes in epigenetic modifications and possible stress memory. a | Biotic or abiotic stress conditions can cause changes in 5-methylcytosine (mC) DNA methylation in plants, some of which are correlated with altered expression of stress-responsive​ genes. Conversely, stress-responsive​ gene expression may lead to changes in DNA methylation and other epigenetic modifications. In stressed plants with a reprogrammed epigenetic landscape, some changes in epigenetic modifications may be inherited. b | In Arabidopsis thaliana, the DNA demethylase REPRESSOR OF SILENCING 1 (ROS1) and its homologues TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATOR DEMETER (DME)-LIKE 2 (DML2) and DML3 collectively regulate many biotic stress-responsive​ genes by removing DNA methylation (m) in their vicinity. Plants defective in all three demethylases show increased susceptibility to the fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum204. c | A. thaliana DECREASED DNA METHYLATION 1 (DDM1) and MORPHEUS MOLECULE 1 (MOM1) redundantly mediate the erasure of stress-induced​ epigenetic memory during plant recovery from heat stress. DDM1 is a chromatin remodeller whose mutation alleviates transcriptional silencing, with a massive loss of DNA methylation. MOM1 mediates transcriptional silencing through an unclear mechanism without affecting DNA methylation. Inheritance of heat stress-induced gene de-silencing​ can be observed in plants exposed to repeated stress when DDM1 and MOM1 are simultaneously dysfunctional232. H3K9me2, demethylated histone H3 lysine 9.

phosphate, an action which would shut down PSI-​gene In A. thaliana stressed by high salinity, the induced expression, DNA methylation levels at most PSI DMRs changes in DNA methylation can be partially transmit- gradually returned towards inorganic-​phosphate-­ ted to the next generation, which preferentially occurs sufficient levels. Meiotic transmission of PSI DMRs was through the female germ line209,219; the inherited epi­ not observed, thus demonstrating the transient nature of genetic status is gradually reset, however, if the progeny are PSI DMRs in rice. Similarly, non-CG​ hypermethylation not continuously stressed219. The fact that the persistence in the wheat VERNALIZATION-A1​ gene can be induced of stress-​induced epigenetic memory in plants requires by cold treatment and is transmitted through mitosis but continuous stress was also observed in the SDC gene, not meiosis. In tomato fruits, cold treatment downreg- which encodes SUPPRESSOR OF DRM1 DRM2 CMT3 ulates the expression of the DNA demethylase DML2, and is silenced through promoter DNA methylation in thereby causing promoter hypermethylation and silenc- vegetative tissues224. Following heat-​induced activation ing of genes responsible for the biosynthesis of flavour of SDC, repeated heat treatments are required to prevent volatiles228. This explains why tomato fruits lose SDC re-silencing.​ Additionally, in A. thaliana exposed to flavour during cold storage. ultraviolet light and temperature stress, epigenetic-stress​

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memory characterized by reduced histone H3 occu- intronic heterochromatin and promotes mRNA dis- pancy and increased H3K9 or H3K14 acetylation rather tal polyadenylation, DNA methylome interactions in than by changes in DNA methylation can be transmitted genetic hybrids and the epigenomes and transcriptomes to non-stressed​ progeny but only for a few generations226, from the 1001 Genomes collection of natural accessions which is consistent with the inference that epigenetic of A. thaliana. These and other discoveries not only memory in plants does not last. expand our knowledge of DNA methylation dynamics A. thaliana DDM1 and MORPHEUS MOLECULE 1 in plants but may also illuminate how DNA methyla- (MOM1) are known to mediate the erasure of stress-​ tion patterns are generated in non-​plant ­organisms, induced epigenetic memory during plant recovery including­ mammals. from heat stress. Unlike DDM1, whose mutation alle- The recent discoveries have also produced many new viates transcriptional silencing through a massive loss questions. For instance, in DCL-​independent RdDM, of DNA methylation, MOM1 mediates transcriptional are the short P4 RNAs loaded onto AGOs to guide DNA silencing without affecting DNA methylation through methylation? The reciprocal enhancement of DNA meth- an unclear mechanism229–231. In the ddm1–mom1 dou- ylation between two alleles at many trans-​chromosomal ble mutant, heat stress-​induced release of epigenetic DNA methylation loci in A. thaliana hybrids sug- silencing is transmitted to the progeny, whereas in the gested that RdDM involves allelic interactions­ 234 ddm1 and mom1 single mutants, stress-​induced release (Supplementary Box 1). These allelic interactions can- of silencing cannot be inherited, indicating that DDM1 not be explained by existing models of RdDM, imply- and MOM1 function redundantly in preventing trans- ing that radical changes to these models may be needed. generational epigenetic inheritance of stress-​induced SHH1 recruits POL IV to only a subset of canonical de-​silencing232. On the other hand, DDM1 and MOM1 RdDM target loci; similarly, the IDM complex recruits would probably not prevent stress-​induced silencing, as ROS1 to only a subset of ROS1-dependent demethyl- they are positive regulators of epigenetic silencing. The ation target loci. It follows that the alternative mech- ddm1 mutation causes ectopic DNA hypermethylation anisms for the initial recruitment in both the RdDM that can be inherited in the presence of MOM1 (ref.233). pathway and ROS1-mediated demethylation remain to Thus, erasure of stress-​induced epigenetic memory in be determined. A. thaliana has served and continues the form of silencing would likely require mechanisms to serve as an excellent model system to study the basic independent of DDM1 and MOM1. Alternatively, the mechanisms of DNA methylation and demethylation, loss of stress-​induced epigenetic patterns may be a pas- partly because the role of DNA methylation is limited sive process resulting from the lack of a persistent stress in this plant and thus DNA methylation and demethyl- (Fig. 6c). ation mutants are generally not lethal. It is exciting that DNA methylation appears to regulate many more impor- Future perspective tant genes for growth and development and for stress Recent research on the regulation and function of plant responses in plants with more complex genomes than DNA methylation has led to a number of important A. thaliana. Future research will undoubtedly reveal new discoveries, such as the identity of the initial ncRNAs roles for DNA methylation in these plants, new mecha- that trigger de novo DNA methylation, the IDM protein nisms of targeting DNA methylases and demethylases and complex that guides the targeting of DNA demethylase, the mechanisms by which DNA methylation epialleles are the MEMS methylstat element that controls the balance generated, maintained, converted and erased. between DNA methylation and demethylation, the ASI1–AIPP1–EDM2 protein complex that recognizes Published online 21 May 2018

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