Aaiun Basin 317, 319, 336, 349 Jurassic 346 Abidjan Basin 347, 350
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INDEX A Aquitaine Aaiun basin 317, 319, 336, 349 basin 263, 274, 276 Jurassic 346 continental slope 279 Abidjan basin 347, 350, 351 Jurassic shelf 293 Abisko Nappe 175 Arcachon basin 277, 282 Acadian Archaeocyathid reef-limestones 88, 328 deformation 89, 91, 96 Ardagh coalfields 237 orogeny 511~512 Ardnamurchan 416 structures 97 Arenig 174, 180, 214, 215, 217,218,227 Adoudounian 326, 327 Argana basin 3 Albian 23, 27, 152 Argo Salt 51, 63 Algoman orogeny 493 Armorican Allegheny disturbance 512~514 fosse 256 An t-Sron Formation 210-211 front 235, 238, 239 Ancennis syncline 254 massif 253, 274, 275 Andros Island well 23, 24 unit 277-279 Anorthosite event 500, 503, 504 Arnold River Group 116 Antillean Arran ring complex 417 mobile belt 16, 19, 20 Arvonian region geology 19, 20 Series 217, 218 Anti-Atlas volcanics 11 7 sediments 325 Asturian-Cantabrian unit 281-282 uplift 315, 323 Atlantis fracture zone 448, 542 Antrim plateau basalts 415, 416 Atlas Range, formation of 351 Appalachian Attapulgite 304 belt 508-513 Aultbea Formation 210 geosyncline 69,70 Austell Spur 262 metamorphism 108-111 Avalon zone (H) 83, 85, 102-104, 113, 115 orogen northwest termina tion 79-8 2 Avalonian orogeny 509 Plateau 81 Azores structural trends 85 Gibraltar fracture 7 tectonic stratigraphic zones 80 gravity 461-468, 476 zonal subdivisions 82-105 heat flow 471,477 Aptian 27, 152 leaky transform fault 471 589 590 Index Azores (cant'd) Bay of Biscay (cant'd) marine magnetic survey 456 -461, 474 pre-Quaternary stratigraphy 290- 293 modeI474-477 sedimentation history 290-304 origin 471-477 seismic reflection results 283-287 paleomagnetism 456 seismic refraction results 287 petrochemistry 453-456, 476 shelf 297 platform, 459, 463 Bay of Fundy 65 regional setting 446, 448 Bear Cove 94 seismology 468-471, 474 Beerenberg surface geology 449-452 lavas 429 volcano 428 Beiarn Nappe 192 B Benton Fault 241 Bafata basin 328, 332 Bergen arcs 181-182 Baffin Bay 70 Bergsdalen nappes I 73 Baffin Island Bett's Cove Ophiolite Complex 95, 11 4 faulting 504 Birrimian post-tectonic dikes 500 flysch 320 volcanism 394 geosyncline 324 Bahama-Blake plateau 16, 20, 29 Biscay seamounts 281, 285, 300 basement 34-37 Blake Cenozoic sediments 29-30 escarpment 46 deep sea east of 21-22 outer ridge 21, 31 depth to mantle 31-33 plateau 24, 48, 60 Bahamas Blake Nose 28, 29 escarpment 32, 35, 34 Blue Ridge province 81 fracture zone 65 Bogo Shale 180 geology 23-25 Borrowdale Volcanic Series 216 platform 59 Boston-Ottawa seismic zone 69 Baie Verte 91 Botwood zone (F) 82, 83, 86, 89, 98-100, ultra basic rocks 11 4 107,109 Bakel Series 329 Bove basin 315, 330, 332, 340, 345 Bala Fault 218, 245 Bray Series 216 Ballantrae complex 213, 223 Brioverian Baltic rocks 255, 259 basement 163 sequence 221 shield 489 tillites 264 Bannow Group 216 Bristol Channel 252, 253, 268 Barracuda fracture zone 541,542 British Isles Basistoppen Sheet 409 age of volcanism 420 Basque Arc 275 plutonic and volcanic rocks 414 -419 Bathonian 149, 151 Svecofennian 496-498 Bay of Biscay 279, 524 Tertiary activity 521-522 abyssal plains profiles 282 Variscan orogeny 516-517 abyssal plains unit 281 Brittany clay minerals 295 geology 253-257 continental margins 274-277 Bude Sandstone Series 249 foramenifera 299 Builth inlier 219 geological framework 274-277 Bullom Series 352 geophysics 281-290 Burlington Granodiorite 106 gravimetric results 288-289 Bygden Conglomerate 192 magnetic lineations 9 magnetic measurements 289-290 opening 274, 524 C paleomagnetic results 286-288 Cabot fault 87, 90, 116 Index 591 Cadomian orogeny 255,514,515 Carolinidian Cailleach Head Formation 210 foreland 133 Caledonian orogeny 136 belt (Great Britain) 513 -51 7 Cat Island platform 31 complex (Greenland) 401 Cay Sal Bank 18, 20 orogeny (Greenland) 140-141 geology 22-23 southern termination 205-227 Cayman trough 20 Caledonide Celtic Scandinavian 161-199 event 225 Caledonides orogenic cycle 206, 221 European 207 Sea 235, 260, 268 Scottish 206 Sea - Bristol Channel geology 251-25 3 zones and elements 209-220 Cenomanian 152 zone A 209-211 Chain fracture zone 348 zone B 211-213 Channel Islands zone C 213-215 Phanerozoic orogeny 518 zone D 215 Charcot Land crystalline basement 133-134 zone E 215-217 Chateaulin syncline 254, 256 zone F 217-218 Central massif 276 zone G 218-219 Churchill zone H and 1219-220 mobile belt 493 zone J 220 Province 497 zone K 220 Clew Bay Fault 211, 213 Callovian 34, 151 Cloud River Granite 105 Campanian 24, 152, 251, 259 Coal Measures 246 Chalk 259 Coastal Plain Province 43 Canary Islands Comeraugh Group 217 basal complex 357-358 Conacian 396 basaltic rocks 358-359 Conception Bay 102 carbonatites 360 Continental margin magnetic anomaly deep structure 360-361 566-567 ocean crust 359 Corners seamount 5 volcanism 352 Cornouailles anticline 255 Cantabrian Crackington Measures 249 dome 287, 288, 300 Cretaceous fault 282 Florida 17 seamount 8 Greenland 151-153 Cap Ferret fault 282 North Atlantic basalts 392 Cape Cod 43 reef barrier 29 Cape Fear Scotian shelf 51-52 Arch 64, 69 Upper, strata 234 fracture zone 65 West Africa 356 Cape Hatteras 16,17,35,45,46,53,55,60 Cross Fell inlier 215 wells 48 Cullenstown Cape Verde Abyssal Plain 540 complex 217 Cape Verde Islands 362-364 Group 236 Jurassic formation of 362 Culm 247, 250, 267 volcanism 352 Cyrnrian orogenic episode 516 Capelinhos lavas 455 Caradoc 167, 214, 215, 219, 224 Carboniferous D West African basins 332-334 Dala porphyries 500 Carlingford complex 417 Dalslandian sediments 505 Carnsore Granite 236 Danian 397 Carolina Slate Belt 35, 36 Davis Strait 523 592 Index Davis Strait (cont'd) Eocambrian graben 431 glacial episodes 327,364 volcanism .394 tillites 164, 169, 326 Demerara Abyssal Plain 540 Eocene 25, 259 Derrylea Group 223 Faeroes 414 Devon High Atlas 350 Central Devon Synclinorium 248, 249, 250 regression 351 Devonian transgression 274 Dingle peninsula 236 Eriboll Formation 210 Greenland 141-142 Essaouira basin 317, 346, 349 Lome plateau volcanics 213 Jurassic beds 346 volcanism 100 Europe West African basin 331-332 Phanerozoic orogenies 517 -520 Dimetian intrusives 264 Exploits zone (E) 82, 83, 97-98,107,109, Dingle Group 214, 236 114 Dingle peninsula 236 Disko Island dikes 400 F granite intrusion 499 Faeroe Islands volcanism 397, 399 coal-bearing series 411-412 Disko-Svartenhuk region lower lava series 409 -411 pre-Cenozoic geology 395-397 middle lava series 412 Tertiary volcanic sequence 398-401 tuff-agglomerate series 412 Dneiper Konski protoplatform 489 upper lava series 413 Doldrum fracture zone 540 volcanics 427 Dorsale de Leo (see Leo uplift) Faeroe plateau 413 DSDP drilling 22, 24, 28, 34, 74, 544, 548 Faeroes 3 Dunamagon pluton 107 Faia1452, 455, 456, 458 Dunnage Melange 114 Bouguer anomaly 467 Durness FaIeme Series 329 Formation 211 Famennian 249, 256 Limestone 224, 266 Flandrian transgression 299 Fleming Fjord Formation 148 Flemish Cap 105 E Fleur de Lys East African rift zone 553 Supergroup 94, 107, 109, 113, 116 East Azores fracture zone 446, 448, 457, zone (C) 82, 85, 86, 92, 109, Ill, 114, 119 467-468 Flores 452, 455, 456, 458 East Greenland Bouguer anomaly 468 basalts 431 Florida Cenozoic volcanic province 401,427 geology 17 -1 9 fjord zone 401-406, 406-409 Panhandle 45 Fold Belt 521 Peninsular Arch 17, 30, 64 large sills 404 pre-Mesozoic basement 18-19 Tertiary age 420 Florida straits 18, 20 Eastern Senegal massif 320 Foldvik Creek Formation 144 Ebro ridge 276 Fortune Bay 103 Eddystone Rocks 258 Fosse Armoricaine 256 Edge of the continent Fouta Djallon Range 353 geology 260-263 Fuerteventava 357 Eifelian 249, 256 Eleonore Bay Group 133, 134, 135, 138, 139,154,504 G Elsonian orogeny 499 Gaaseland crystalline basement 133 English Channel 234, 258, 260 Gabon plate 330 Index 593 Galician Greenland (cont'd) basement rocks 282 Rinkian mobile belt 130 zone 281 structural provinces 127 -130 Gander Tertiary intrusives 523 Lake Group 101, 109, 111 Triassic 146-148 River 99 Upper Permian 144 -146 zone (F) 82,85, 86, 100-102, 105, 106, volcanic activity 127 109,113,116,119 Grenville Gasak ages in Europe 505-506 Nappe 182, 183, 192 front 10,501 thrust 184 orogeny 503 Gascony dome 280, 286, 288 period 501 Georges bank 47,54,55,56 Province 501 Gerda Guyot 25 Gres Armoricain 255, 266 Gibbs fracture zone 540 Gn;s de May 256 Gipsdalen Formation 146, 148 Grong culmination 182, 184 Givetian 256 Guinea Glensaul Group 223 abyssal plain 348 Gneiss de Brest 255 fracture zone 348 Goban Spur 261 Guineo-Liberian craton· 320 Gomera 357 Gulf of Gascony (see Bay of Biscay) Gouf de Cap Breton 277 Gulf Stream 44 Grampian Cycle 222 event 225 H Highland 211 Hadrynian orogenic episode 515 - 516 granite 106 Gramscatho Precambrian 106 Series 249 Hafjell syncline 190 unit 267 Hagen Fjord Group 138 Grand Banks 45, 47, 56, 64, 67, 102 Hampden zone (B) 82, 90-91,111 Tors Cove well 52 Harbour Maine volcanics 509 Gravity Harlech minimum Puerto Rico trench 568 dome 218 model 569-571 Series 218 northern mid-Atlantic ridge 569-571 Hatteras Abyssal Plain 16,46,71,540,541 results, North Atlantic 567 -572 Havhestberget Formation 429 Gray Basalt Formation 419 Heat flow Great Abaco Canyon 29 in margin provinces 560-561 Great Slave Province 490, 493 in mid-Atlantic ridge province 559-560 Greenland in North Atlantic 557 -561 Caledonian orogeny 140-141 in ocean basin 560-561 Carboniferous and Lower Permian 143- Hecla Hoek 504 144 Hercynian Churchill Province 498-500 chain 10,247,256,337 coastal fold belt 130-133 orogeny 238, 243 Cretaceous 151-153 Hesperic massif 519 early Precambrian gneisses 128-129 High