Nation Celebrates Long Weekend Maoaema Rtiuout Lectien Remagsn Heroes Gather in Hartford

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Nation Celebrates Long Weekend Maoaema Rtiuout Lectien Remagsn Heroes Gather in Hartford MiMm i W<w m V wooof wwry i/CfMwi/Coatf IT. mOD. Caff ff«r fom, I mA«M»w 71. 4 > cMMe fAdi. irrfM*/ rtwM l i £ f S L _ E ^ i c Pwf ffiP/ pvWVr m/ftn th r0 o . OOdtf COfMff- of bMf off«r. Mmdmtn) V,anchPSlf;r A City of ViHoqo Hrrali) r"T357TJv- lAvrlMfl •to' Ml. OCOd MU' MO or lM*t Saturday, May 23,1907 aOCanfa M oftor tom. to TW rT o o i 1 c«rtM<rofor< I. Nootf*«om« rk. 01100. 040- M lf famiueS flee gas leak Plant emits ammonia but m no one hurt U7477 •v Aftorow Yurkovaky Horold aooorfor NOW About 00 people were eyocuetod from tbelr bomee late rrMay tdjto m town flreflgbter* worfeetf early tna momtog 14,995 to eeatahi an ammoBla leak In tbe ■'V baaement of Maaebeater lee k ruel on HMOM MaaeU Street. 04 < By mMMgbt. about 10 people were atajdflg'at Natban Hale School, wfiere tbe Afnetican Red Croaa aet up a temporary abelter. No one waa leported injured aa a reauH of tbe leak. Shortly before mldnlgtit, fireflgbtera entered tbe baaement of the builiiiii at 81 Biaaell St. and attempted to contain tbe leaking gaa by reducing it tua Ilould. Deputy Police Chief Henry *‘B ^ '’ Minor, on the acene with May or Barbara Weinberg, Town Manager Robert B. Welaa and other offldala, aald the eiaet location and extent of the leak waa not known. The leak waa reported at f:SS p.m.. Minor aald. Police blocked off Buaell Street from Main to toruce atreeta and evacuated area realdenta aoon after­ ward aa a precaution. “ Better aafe than aorry,” aald Wein­ berg, who waa watching the acene on Biaaell Street. For Biaaell Street realdent Suaar Anderaon, Friday waa not an auaplcloua M0W beginning for the Memorial Day weekend. May. Anderaon waa ataying at Nathan Hale School along with her two In-lawa, who were vtaitlng Mancheater tor the Mth weekend. She aald at fit st ahe Ignored the police cara outaide her home. AP photo A TIME OF SORROW •— Mrs. Qlorla Qoodwin Is comforted by “ I thought they were Juat going after aomebody or whatever.” President Reagan during memorial services In Mayport, Fla., Friday for She aald ahe amelled the atrong odor of those killed on the U 88 8tark. Mrs. Qoodwin Is the sister of Jeffrey ammonia through the window. “ We were auppoaed to have a nice 8lbley. 21, who was killed In the Iraqi attack. 8tory on page 3. Memorial Day weekend,” ahe aald. Nation celebrates long weekend MAOAema rtiuouT lecTieN Remagsn heroes gather in Hartford... page 2 Need money? Herald columnist gives It away on Thursdayl rm on rvaiiy m im otkl O ay im Tornado hNi Texas town; at leaat 12 dead SAIMOOSA. fa u w (APy— A tonwMlir m ie^ mmsaimni m m vox. d A . a, A. d AA AA tower." e m femmy B m e iherRIf'e Moanwhlfo. heavy i m^m^Wwp WBMWnIVi WMAA np^ew nroagn fme tfay fowii nv a T m s vwiT la wim ooi pOweF y taw Foaea ddtdeernkintigPbMtniWetdCmitf. onmpen maroi^ am m l—,— __ ___ _ toM itbrato I Biiruie Mvn oi wsfi rexav ov FTKfay are nn^BvsaDie am wo BaTO lopona ot imi^w cimp^aaar wBneiaev amoi w J t a. A.AA AAA.A. AA MA.^Ag t f maiKy Hinnip ac leaw o peepiVy nigHniia peopio irappoci raaim TOfapom naii. jkeewemen et Reevee CemHy nmea wew^ M ^ A id oi umimcKyA iiocDep W|A M B a. a .a a . a a . a a -a M a. ____ a.m. vf leasi 4s am fravanH aonie am vie ni r--—a I® » a m o i ^e nmea awapy ail I ifd^ n mmAB AAfjy AfubiteA ^A wB m ■M yB a. ^ a ^aa a a eueiiii a oapooev aam. 7 . •an Rnow, amaiam aanuamraior ai ---- Ban oeeii wameci lo expoci A S V A A t d A ^ ^ M AA A. A, a A A A. affnnor niB|r vVBMi jiVFViooi w in ^ ^ fIM tawtt hafl, e f fic M M id. me sionn waa aineap a sonea ei ▼ IV W IIl ▼VWrVBv OTIHOrna PecM Memarlel ftoepNef. eeid e aftort c a e n e f^ . end the Ped C tm wen Icmg weekend m%K (wWo m v^Wy a il fiDNmlRfifeo imeaw unnmaraiomia QfomiBnB cm ■VIOfV lOT P W lime toter thet et feaet 4f pec^ bed preywtng neertiy echeide for peepto left amatonr raAto u p e ft U t t m M ahont tha nim h^m d end were en rente to the uviiiBieaa u j m e aiom i. weetorn heU &t the ienth Phdne, the cuiiiiiiuiiif OI lav faaNNWia awvii iw iMdgfidi. weamer sonico m m . J T i s . r aaBAiB^^^N ^ mw wiiemii nvrxfvfwr m llM 4faatef Rf Paae. The iterm wae moving northenet weamer amwera foponew a corBaao AaStoAk dj^A t^jijk ^dd B A ^to ^^B A I iw ~r eve I to t rno lOTBaov im aouW a aiw P ^ gtoektoot. end the Netlenni In Cochran CMM(y aiiig fenr #hl ita rt Meifday at if9 a.m. a t ____ Id there ar« at low lie mma from uruupiiOQf me area Weetoer gervice reportod that tunnel e&utheeet et ifhftofaee. hut t C4^ ^ tamUitfhem-i/m-di4 lll»tii<Apu .WVr^V JRW ^VPO W h^V xll ____ am afTerai mAtAAM..AAA^A.AAAAAAA were hAng eent tothe ecene. Cea eefd. cfendf had been A|A M wNhto t t mRee dlepntohor itovo iNoMr aald id 1 that heettm the V.S. CemfUtotlM fiMhUght a^adewftlhiilnifenday at lea.m. i/aparnneiR oi raimc II p fw B in j wiped oiR m e wnoie of the town. wae reportod. Mernorleif tr^ weekend that alfl alee he tn a n ie ^ ^ Bi ifvuvi ivon ovnuui on vroveoiroviaiici viiuvi inv M a rl «t radflg engtnee, the aweet annnd etf jnt< and m tewngaraie. dfiX^MA ^.dda^^Ai rM tIe ^ n d lH M ol heaeh Mankete on eeaalde Mnd. ^VWW^^OT flWV^WlH^IRV* TO^^rfi OiiiOW flOlO Onnd weather and anrini lerer hrenght nntde^ vcnooio cioieo jnoiNiVj. aethdtlee t« the fere,t, With e t d y r ^ i frnm Innar-tnhe ^WI^V MNf P^VRWWI deaernaeantat0 0 1 ________________ — ouumt muted Water fills ’^anheaand 1009J mtu mvOOmy, fiM tora. MnMVa viOeVa nPOV|r m o m o O Q m f. "AH MW'va had ihow un eo tar ..a ylanttinn m U m l UQaT |WI IflMIIIM/ VpOCIVl m o VjipPevf basement of are 370 mothe.^ ^thndaathaM itoma wm M dettoerad Memlay. Ollt«ea e h ^ . noifujip vciieoofvv m eiivci vioiNUip* w. ., _ . ^ __________ _ia naav a vaMvaa w«aaa OQ KI d O m J'« ,r- iVealdent Itoanan attended a aerrlea fYlday at Itoww atoTM) Oyen today nntlt I y.m. Cleaed MayfMrt Natafitatlnn^ 11a.. Inr the men whe died Cheney Hell OmMctlcet WeatlMr when an Irani Mane attacked the 1/M Mark. " " ' the Manchaatof landthl w ill ha WhMlMr hy land, aea er air. H waa a mra hal day and there w ill ha ne anrkalda ______ it weak'a aahednied ytaknpa w ill ha B y Andrew yurkavahy Im etora trenld net he tom^. WaMdngton atoto j d A d a j ^ Aa j ‘-“ a, M aaaa , i/emrfli# M V iera jBienerd BeOTVwWiere isiei^w i e i^ a la warned el eleiwad j^ e a and ereffl f W f 9 u v f r a v o v j . HerdM UdMdrfer ofltitfaejr f CfieiMijr VIM oocner wtui« peroem cneBoe 0 1 alreert yarklM| Into aM aakf atrerall wetdd _ i , ---------- — . Manchaatof. yettoa . ill. In Andeaar, p ^ . itt-im: lire, ih^era nr thunderatnrnie, lil|A arnniid W, wind ayeedera fer ahaMadnto iMto^ W^id^ Af^dlUh The hMement el Cheney B a ll wae becnnrinf eaat Ik to l i n # . taintda)^ tdilrt. ntotnto 'Inaeineeaaea.ilietraeMlneMaaaitvaanMtokMia t Ifl Ovtwat ponWi ....... i;llto.lyi^ . under I feet m wetor on Pndey eftor a witt rain flkelir, lew In ^ nild Na. tlianee M rain to yereent. with pAopit M a ^ lamdlea. ^a^aa< ^ ‘ If. yehM, f^ iw il] lire, water pipe hrehe eemetlme between flnndajr, a t^anee nil rain early InNnwad tw aeini kerne irem aekeel ever Ike w eek^ ." ^ ietynM iah thuredey end Pridey m em lni. ^ . ^ifghnaarff.nfMmnenfralne Ikmard dtatt el the Hew ia l^ r it i eM eia #M ha ciaiaed. Town llreflghtera apent meet of inrlalday. mnetly aunny wHh Betnan. the yeaka. he aald. iHU yrehat^ he lata Friday pumping the heecment, getting rridayandlatoMMiday. the water level down te about a Inchce late P rid m nfghl. Donald ft. ftuehl, vice preeldent of the T______ tfh ^MMiAl. SAY W iBBCNO wee the hfit .nW flUIQBn hW O M cheiiay Hall Peundaticn, laid the /*« helldey teat el a e new f f mtM afeed hmlt. end t/teh flooding wee amarentiy caueetf hy a y ^ w eirled metortoto w ead net nettoe ttw hM lt la loan j^MAJilAibOieift broken aprinhf*..' ihfcr yiy,,.pipe. He" laid ne au8 N M ini In ttfhnn Irena, f e r aelatMa anka. meny atructuraf damage li et\ aletoa were ayetuerleg the Oreat Affltrlean Btichle- mspi-tiijiw iimu The________________ water____________________________________________ pt^aui !Sd net eet back renovation work cn the hleteric flyalato faattoel t/.h.A. eyaned wlih n brlidtl MABtfNttD (At iwheatunnad hall on Hartford Head, ftuehl Mid. henner end hreea Innlnre fHdny el cherleaten.
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