Addressing the Global Climate Crisis in Your Classroom



Short description:

IES ( is the secondary school where I teach. The students live in villages that are located in "La ", a natural space protected by the Natura 2000 in Zamora (Spain). This space was proposed as Community Interes Area in January 1998, including a territorial space of 61,305.2 ha. Also has been a national hunting reserve since 1973. It is also part of the "Plan for Protected Natural Spaces in Castilla y León". But, In this territory, occurs numerous forest fires, many of them shared with the border area with . At the other part of de border, The is a protected area located in the northeastern of Portugal. Our secondary school, shares projects with Portuguese school centers. Therefore, I propose a collaborative project between the two territories, in which the Spanish- Portuguese students carry out joint activities around the protection of forests, actions during the fire and reforestation of the lands affected by the fire. So, in this project are engaged the three pillars of education for sustainable development, the environment is protected and regenerated, are involved youth people from two neighbor territories. In this area, if we analyze the economy, there are many companies that take natural resources derived from the forest as a source of income, such as mushroom picking, honey processing, wood, hunting areas, rural tourism, livestock farming and gastronomy.

Table of summary

Subject Economy, Entrepreneurship, Geography, Language, Mathematics, Technology

1. Communication in the mother tongue: explain the other student, Curriculum adults and the community in general, the climate change, specific, integration problem about fire forest. 2. Communication in foreign languages: read specialized texts on the problems of forest fires in other languages and debate with our Portuguese neighbors about forest policy 3. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology: know the causes that cause fires, new technologies applied to prevention and extinction. Know how to treat the forest for its maintenance. 4. Digital competence: elaboration of infographics, consultation of geolocation apps, text edition, excel sheets to count burned hectares. Mail and Social Media. 5. Learning to learn: look for information related to the fires that occurred on both sides of the border, discriminate worthless information. 6. Social and civic competences: Learn about the problems caused by fires, loss of property, destruction of companies and jobs, or the destruction of the places where they have lived. Propose actions. 7. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship: know what types of companies have been created around the exploitation of natural resources. 8. Cultural awareness and expression: know the natural resources of the area, know the species of fauna, types of trees, flora of the area. Who knows, respects and cares. 9. Age of students Pupils from third year of secondary

Number of 12 Spanish pupils and 12 Portuguese pupils. students

Time One-week October 2020: first meeting between students. frame/duration Once a month, the 3rd ESO students spend an afternoon developing the project.

One-week April 2021: last meeting between students.

Fourth week of May: Conclusion and results.

May-June: dissemination of results.

Learning Know the natural environment. objectives Determine the origin of foreground fires.

Study what happens in other natural areas.

Share experiences among students.

Express feelings when fires occur.

Propose joint solutions between territories.

Delete borders.

Resources of each Educational Center: Resources and tools • Classrooms to work each group. • IT classrooms • Showroom. • Assembly Hall Public plants nursery to give the trees. Community: (both city council, educational community and society) support this project as a good initiative. Tools: to use graphic design apps, email, word processing, excel sheets, and pedagogical tools like telling the importance of this project for all of society

Expected results Final product:

Plant 100 trees of the characteristic species of the area.

Exhibition: elaboration of infographics on the regeneration process of the forest after a fire, through the planting of new trees.

Study of the type of companies that generate jobs in the area.


Work process

This project aims to be cross-border since the same problems occur on both sides of the border.

Two secondary schools centers will participate, one in Alcañices, Spain (IES ALISTE) and the other in Bragança (Portugal). The distance between these two towns is 44 kms, only 38 minutes.

It is iproposed for 3rd Curse of Secundary students, who have shown interest in environmental issues.

This Proposal could be present to an INTERREG POPTEP or ERASMUS call.


Within the RENEWING THE FOREST program, we are going to specify a series of activities, a short description and timing. Among the activities, we are going to develop an important section, the dissemination of the project.

“Centro para la defensa contra el Fuego”

Name of activity Procedure

First meeting between students in Bragança. KICKOFF meeting Octobre 2020 One-week October 12 Spanish students and 12 Portuguese students Visit “Aula del Fuego” meet for a week in Bragança.

A Portuguese coordinating teacher and another

Visit “Parque Spanish coordinating teacher are appointed.

Montesinho” Explain de project. The purpose of a project kickoff One-week October meeting is to introduce the teams, understand the project background, understand what success looks like, understand what needs to be done, and agree on how to work together effectively.

Talks with Bragança firefighters who have intervened in forest fires.

Visit “Aula del Fuego”: This Public Center “Centro para la Defensa Contra el Fuego” has forest fire training, environmental education and research functions.

Visit “Parque Montesinho”: Visit the “Centro de Interpretação do Parque Natural de Montesinho”.

It is the interpretation and study center of the Monteinho Natural Park, with temporary exhibitions that deep of knowledge of the area.

DEVELOP THE PROJECT Work to be carried out by each country:

(Ones a month) 12 students divided into 3 groups of 4.

They meet one afternoon a month to share the subjects that have been progressing and direct the search by the teacher.

Each of the groups focuses on different themes:

1st group: Study of the Natural Resources of each territory, where also include agricultural resources (crops and livestock), Tree species, animal species, Hunting resources. (3 infographics)

2nd group: Origin of forest fires, extinction operations, quantification of affected areas, loss of arboreal species and disappearance of wild fauna. (3 infographics).

3rd group: Study of the companies that obtain benefits from the natural resources of the area. Study of new business opportunities. (3 infographics).

Final meeting The Students meet for a week in Alcañices.

(One week in April) During this week in April, all the work that the students have been developing during these months of the project will be put in common in coordination with the teacher in charge of each country and therefore of each center.

Debating about the influence of fires in the Climate Changes

Talks with Zamora firefighters who have intervened in forest fires.

Conclusions are prepared on the different studies carried out by each team.

Visit “Casas del Parque Natural Lago de y sierras Segundera y de Porto”.

Visit “Centro del Lobo Ibérico de Castilla y León”.

EXHIBITION: As a result, each team must make 3 infographics, maximum 10 in total, which will be exhibited TURN OFF THE FIRE together at both educational centers. Each team (MAY 2021) expressed in their own language. In this way, each educational community will know what are the visions of the same topic in each territory.

DISSEMINATION and On the website of each education centers, a EXPLOITATION of specific section will be opened to publicize this RESULTS. project, with the final conclusions and the summary of the three working groups. (May-June 2021) Infographics will be uploaded in pdf so they can be consulted or printed.

Links will be posted on Social Media for direct access, with information of the activities that will be developed should be included.

TV programs and newspaper reports to explain the aims of the project and the results.

PLANT-A-CENT Look for a common area to both countries that has been burned to plant one hundred trees, (May-June 2021) which will be planted by the students participating in the project, who will be named and each one will be able to know which is theirs.


the assessment of the students will be carried out through rubrics. Where they will be taken into account • involvement in the project. • Deadlines • Participation in public exhibitions. • Initiative in activities