DIRECTORY © Lonelyplanetpublications 688
© Lonely Planet Publications 688 689 DIRECTORY Directory DIRECTORY double, midrange between $100 and $200, and CONTENTS top end rooms more than $200. If you’re travelling during peak tour- Accommodation 689 ist seasons, book your bed well in advance. Activities 693 Accommodation is most in demand (and at Business Hours 694 its priciest) during the summer holidays from Children 694 Christmas to late January; at Easter; and during Climate Charts 695 winter in snowy resort towns like Queenstown. Customs 695 At other times, weekday rates may be cheaper Dangers & Annoyances 696 than weekend rates (except in business-style Discount Cards 696 hotels in larger cities, where the reverse ap- Embassies & Consulates 697 plies), and you’ll certainly discover that low- Festivals & Events 697 season rates abound. When they’re not run Food 698 off their feet, accommodation operators often Gay & Lesbian Travellers 698 offer walk-in rates that are significantly below Holidays 699 advertised rates – ask late in the day. Also see Insurance 699 the big-name global accommodation websites Internet Access 700 (,, www Legal Matters 700 etc) for last-minute deals. Maps 701 Visitor information centres provide reams Money 701 of local accommodation information, often in Post 702 the form of folders detailing facilities and up- Shopping 703 to-date prices; many can also make bookings Telephone 704 on your behalf. Alternatively, flick through Time 705 one of NZ’s free, widely available accommo- Tourist Information 705 dation directories, including the annual New Travellers with Disabilities 706 Zealand Accommodation Guide published by Visas 706 the Automobile Association (AA;, as Women Travellers 707 well as the Holiday Parks & Campgrounds and Work 707 Motels, Motor Lodges & Apartments directo- ACCOMMODATION ries produced by Jasons (www.jaso
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